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PILE FOUNDATIONS IN ENGINEERING PRACTICE Shamsher Prakash Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Missouri Hari D. Sharma Chief Geotechnical Engineer EMCON Associates, San Jose, California AWILEYINTERSCIENCE PUBLICATION John Wiley & Sons, Inc, NEW YORK / CHICHESTER / BRISBANE / TORONTO / SINGAPORE Nguyen Hieu Nghi - BKTXD 2008 ANOTE TO THE READER This book has been electronically reproduced from digital information stored at John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ‘We are pleased that the use of this new technology will enable us to keep works of enduring scholarly value in print as long as there isa reasonable demand for them. The content ofthis book is identical to previous printings. Copyright © 1990 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights eeserved. Published simultaneously in Canada, 'No par ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning for otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission ofthe Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee w the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 750-4470. Requests tothe Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748.6011, fax (201) 748-6008, E-Mail: PERMREQ@ WILEY.COM. ‘To order books or for customer service please, call 1(800)-CALL-WILEY (225-5945), Library of Congress Cataloging in Peblication Data: Prakash, Shamsber. Pile foundations in engineering practice/Shamsher Prakash, Hari D. Sharma. cm. A Wiley-Intescience publication.” Includes bibliographies. 1. Piling (Civil engineering) I. Sharma, Hari D. Ul, Tie. TAnOP?2 1989 s9.1977 2454 —ae 20 or. ISBN 0-471-61653-2 wos CONTENTS Preface xv List of Symbols xvii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Action of Soils Around a Driven Pile, 3 1.2 Displacements of Ground and Buildings Caused by Group Action in Piles, 10 ‘Negative Skin Friction, 14 Settlement of Pile Groups, 16 Load Test on Piles, 17 Behavior of Piles in Pullout, 18 Action of Piles Under Lateral Loads, 19 181 Single Pile Under Lateral Loads, 19 182 _ Pile Groups Under Lateral Loads, 23 1.9 Buckling of Piles, 27 1.10 Behavior of Piles Under Dynamic Loads, 28 1.11 Action of Soil Around a Bored Pile, 31 LLL Bored Piles in Clay, 32 1.11.2. Bored Piles in Sand, 32 References, 33 1 1 1 1 1 1 2. Types of Piles and Pile Materials 35 21 Classification Criteria, 35 22 Timber Piles, 37 viii CONTENTS 23 24 25 26 27 221 Use of Timber Piles, 38 222 Material Specifications, 39 223 Material Deterioration and Protection, 39 Concrete Piles, 40 23.1 Types and Use of Concrete Piles, 40 232 Material Specifications, 50 233 _ Material Deterioration and Protection, 51 Steel Piles, 52 Types and Use of Steel Piles, 52 Material Specifications, 55 Material Deterioration and Protection, 56 Piles, 59 5.1 Types and Use of Composite Piles, 59 25.2. Material Specifications, 59 Special Types of Piles, 59 26.1 Expanded Base Compacted Piles (Franki Piles), 60 262 Thermal Piles, 61 2.63 Other Pile Types, 64 Selection Criteria and Comparison of Pile Type, 65 27.1 Timber Piles, 65 272 Concrete Piles, 66 273 Steel Piles, 66 274 Composite Piles, 2.75 _ Special Types of References, 67 3 Piling Equipment and Installation 33 34 35 General Installation Criteria, 70 Equipment for Driven Piles, 72 321 Rigs, 74 322 Hammers, 74 323 Vibratory Pile Drivers, 77 3.24 Other Driving Accessories, 83 Equipment for Bored Piles, 84 33.1 Drilling Rigs, 84 332 Other Drilling (Boring) Accessories, 89 Procedure for Pile Installation, 90 3.4.1 Planning Prior to Installation, 90 3.42 Installation of Driven Piles, 92 343 Installation of Bored Piles, 103, 3.44 _ Installation of Special Types of Piles, 106 Installation Records, 109 35.1 Driving Records, 109 3.52. Drilling Records, 112 CONTENTS ix 383 Other Records, 112 References, 113 Soll Parameters for Pile Analysis and Design us 4.1 Soil Parameters for Static Design, 115 4.11 Scope of Foundation Investigation, 116 4.12 Soils Investigation and Testing Methods, 119 4.13 Design Parameters, 153 42. Soil Parameters for Dynamic Design, 159 421 Elastic Constants of Soils, 161 422 Factors Affecting Dynamic Modulus, 162 423 Laboratory Methods, 169 424 Field Methods, 176 425 Selection of Design Parameters, 179 43. Soil Parameters for Permafrost, 185 43.1 Northern Engineering Basic Consideration, 185 432 _ Properties of Frozen Soils, 188 44° Modulus of Horizontal Subgrade Reaction, 196 44. Validity of Subgrade Modulus Assumption and Size Effects, 198 442 Recommended Design Values of Soil Modulus, 200 45 Overview, 206 References, 209 ‘Analysis and Design of Pile Foundations for Vertical Static Loads 218 SL Piles Subjected to Axial Compression Loads, 218 5.11 Bearing Capacity of a Single Pile in Cohesionless Soils, 221 5.12 Wave Equation Analysis and Dynamic Pile Drivability, 235 5.13 Bearing Capacity of Pile Groups in Cohesionless Soils, 247 Settlement of a Single Pile in Cohesionless Soils, 249 Settlement of Pile Groups in Cohesionless Soils, 253 Design Procedure for Piles in Cohesionless Soils, 256 Bearing Capacity of a Single Pile in Cohesive Soils, 264 Bearing Capacity of Pile Groups in Cohesive Soils, 269 Settlement of a Single Pile in Cohesive Soils, 272 Settlement of Pile Groups in Cohesive Soils, 272 Design Procedure for Piles in Cohesive Soils, 277 Design for Negative Skin Friction, 284 s in Swelling and Shrinking Soils, 289 Piles in a Layered Soil System, 291

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