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Hello Good People !

RAJ ACT, 1994
(Punish Act No. "If




SIiort title. extant: an$: cornmeric mint




Establishmfnt of Gram ~abll'i areas

4. Constitutiori


C;raln riahhas


Mrrtinp an<$quorum of Gram Sablia



B u i w t ailJ aiinual r ~ p o r tof Gram Sabha

KcsoIutlon bv rn.ij~>rit~
Puuctlnlis of !rram Nahh x

Coo~tttutionof Cram Panchayat

I<-szrvalion of th? scats for the offices of the Panches

Kcscrvatron 01 s- rls for tll. oftice of Sarpancl~

Oath 01 f'arlcl~cs ant1 Sarpan~flrs

Terirr ot otfic- of S.1~l1anci1
ailrl Panch
Tcrrn ol o t f ~ u l (;ran1 I'an~hay'it


uti, s ot S,lrpincl~

IIcsig iiat IO 11 oi Sat pa IIL!I

It, sigixitlon o t l'~iic!~z





fdo Collfidwce motion apafnst Sarpanch


Sl~spznsiotlan r i r-maval of Panch a n



21, C'essntiuLlfront uificr of Sarr aneh or I'an~li


F i l l l ~ l ?of I 1 cual vac tnci -s of S ~ r p a n c l i ~ans


n1"tliri.u of Gram E)an~.l~.iy,~t



24, i)jurum an(! Procee'ure

25. Staniing Cornmitt, es of Gram Pancliayats


Proviclent Fund ard gratuity tor c ~ ~ ~ p l o y e e s

Dissolution of Gram Panchayat


29-A. I)issolutioii of Granr Panchayat in txceptional circumslrnces



30. Functions 01 Gram Panchayats
31. Assignmrnt of fiilirtiol~st o Gram Pacchayats

32. Sp-cia1 functio,~ot Gram Patrchayst


33. D-lcgateii fu'ui~ciionsof Grain Panchayats



Power to requ~rcrejrioval uf encroachments and nuisaace

35. Power of Gram Panchayat to make general order

36. I'claalty for r;is-ube5ience uf special ur general order
Gram l'anchayat

d the

37. Appeal against orders of Gram Panchayat


Power i o einquire dull inake report about misconiuct of petty


39. S u p rvlsiun of Patwads

Pow r to I ilro IUL: prohibition

41. I'ower to wake I l y - 1 , ~ ~ s



Power ut ttltry and iilspection


45. Transfer ~ j f~ r n ~ - + ~ : f n ~ ~



~ e t - t i l l neases

47. Cn$nl,mll~- ni crlrnl'lai cases

48. 4ctinrr on c c m c p l a ~ . l r


1 ~ t 0 ~ ~ f:;r l~t ] ' f~z ni l ~ i r eof thc a c c ~ s l~v~2J"p'fal



C'o ivrctton by Gram Pd~c11ayat l o t prevlc71s c ~ n ~ l k f i o h

55. Sup-tv~qrunof Criminal prncerdln,s 1,s ( Y ~ l i tJ l j r ' ~ ~ i hlag19iratc


~ ' f v i l .revitkrie L i ~1 i~ ~ i powers

57. Grant fnncl~ayl t


Final ecralon


tr- :-

tncd t u be

, v l l r*x r m errus


Provirionc of the Gorip of Criminal Procc(3urf. 1973 and t h r

(Joilf.of ('ivil prcicedurr, IIJOX to apply only wherc provic'ed

72. Bar

10 ;,erirln*11


Compromise an" ~'ecicionon oath

14. Allr to I c ~ a rirdctitir?,ler~










d i

75. Appearance ot a?. nls

76. IIiff~a~lt~
i t 1- 5
rec,. c l of having no jur,s:icticlq

A ~ ~ C I I ~ ~of~ \vltllcsseS

78. Procesc;s

( 2 ) Re:judrcutn

83. (_'ns'ody ot money

84. Contempt of court



85. Property uf Gram Pal~chayat

87. CI .tocly
of Gram Panchayat records
an,: prcq>eFiteb


I'ower t,> ese~il;)t Irom t . l ~ e s:ind to write c ~ f f

Irl i o v ruble airio;~iits

I:xpcoscs oS I;r;ul~ I'oiichayats


fiecovery ol' :::!cs


i'u~wr ol' Cirn 11.1 Panchayat ti) burrc,\hr


arrears of' ~evenue




Spec'al Tax and C c m r n ~ n i t yService




Bu(it7et of <;ram I'a.~cl!ayat





oi n u ~ l ~ b eol
i . directly electet! members of Panctiayat
100. L>eterrr~~!.aljt)~l
satn 111s.



102. Rescrvatio~tc i f scats uf i'alicl!ayat Saniitis


104. Not~iicationof election anti Lath of allegia~lceby ti~ember, of

Pe~lchaynt S;imitis



97. ,\ui!lt of A c c o . ~ ~ ~o tf u(irarn Paichayats





for tho offjfic~s(,1' C!,,rillneli

Vi~e-Cllairrnent ) l '

I'anchayat Qasnltis

Kotatlou of rcsemd Sefits and cfllces after each C'elrsus

108, Allowai,ces to Chaicrneli, \ilce-Cl~alrrnei~

alltl other mfinbers ot




109, PouetS, functlon9 and iluties ut C1haitn;an of PanchaYat Samitis



hxtrat ~Cld!;r,y 6' w e i s o f Cliairarar~and bxicutive O f l i ~ c r01

Parci!ayat Sail!ll~S



1 !().


Fa ees


a;:,! renioval uf menrbels o f Panchayat S-rnltl-

I I 4.

~)issolntion( 1 t. 1~n1:oll:tyat 8 ~ m i t i

114-A I ) : ? ? o ~ I I , I ~ ~ ~ 0I 1 Sdrnitis




L>elect or r!,e : i l a ~lty


r to vltiare 11roceec.inp sf Panchayat

118. I3~ectitlve
i* \ ~ e r h ~ Fanchajat

1 2


~ t . 1i 1

I',tliih.~yat Samitl t ) cnake bye-ldns

i'crlalty f(bt i ~ ~iagenicl~l

ul' bye-laws


iidlty Por


o i otc'er, o f Palrchayat S a m ~ t i

~ c ~ l l 1 ~ l ~ l f
l <
~ ~>
l ~ l l

Pe11dlt11>,1 o b s i r ~ c t ~ o : ~ ~
f ~ t O ~ ~ LIt\ l t l ~


( > I corn pensa tinn

ncr to reCoMl Surns of rrlooey clarrnable by Pall~hayat

S,l IIcti

P ( ~ r + ~u ,t r 1' 11ch,iy;1t S:1111jtitu c.elcgatf

.lornt u oik ::n, ~i~~ciertnblnfs.
I I L:\l~tr .:ntl o t l ~ e rimniovable prupert)

I ~ I , C I I.~~qiiisitl(
11 1;y .%gi~trneirt
11ot ~ C S S I ~ I ~ S
SltLli,i l l


r ~ V,iot '

f 1':1~1<11ayat$11r1itc



115. t;ilIltl . t c'a~.,.~l

kacaircics vC rncmbe~,Cltairt;l,ii~~
C'har~tna;OF ! ' a l i ~ ! l d ) d t Sdtlliii
1 I,,,


C',,n~tniitcet, ot I',,n~ll;lyat S niiti

0 1 I'c,nch<v a t
b1111cii, ~s 111 C;e)!tr,il Stanc i ; ~ iC'i~nr~i~jttec

~ ' . o - t i,i~.
11 Stall ~i~~~~
C.~mniittccsof P ~ ~ ~ c h ~S<inlitis
i%,wci i !',tn~Ir,ty ~t S ,rniti to acq~firc,hold .~n,!bis)lose
o r ~J'"~'LL1Y










Pnnch? yat Sllnitr F~ind

\'esti.r?, ccst j d v ,114 Ir~vcsln~en'
of Pancii vat Samiti Fun,'
1 1 f P, ~lcf~,iy,:t
SC'miilFi ni'
h l i n i m u , ~b~.'i'lcc


Pdnc'l lya t 8,tmlti I.uilti

ALIi i ~ t l: ~tlmdtt, , , I I ~ ~ z c ~ i n11.'c L,l.s,)cc~c'ifurr,

1111 it

of Accounts of' Panc layat Sa~ir,iis

of Bu '::et

a2~cl, ' \ c ~ ~ u n or
t s I anchayat Sarn~tiq

I'ublicatlor~ o r ahst! act o l ~tcLourlts ol' P,i~rtI~:ty,ttSanrltr8

I he Lwal 12;rte


Liahilitv of 1l)cai rate

Attproprlation ol i lle p r o ~ e e d sof local rate
I'auatio~l n ~ e n s ~ ~by
r e sI'ancliayat Sa~nitis
: ~ o c c'l~relo1 i ~ n p o s ~ n g
t a w s under section 149

i+osver' of i'kalci,avat satrnti\ to

raise l o a ~ ~ s


Recoveiy e l r'itcs, t a w s c:c.





Emp!oyrnant of Staff' by I'ancliayat Satnitis



Rtnisl~mentanc tiis~niq'dlkol



Apl)oit:tment US E~ezutivcOfficer anci his functions

cnlployees ol L)ancl~ayatSamttis

State ~ic)vcr:nne~lten~ployccs to
of Pancl~ayatSanlitis


piaced at the





%.;nvernmzntcmployces conduct rules to apply to er11ployee8 of

Pancllayat Samitis


Ilmplovec!, of Paclciravat Sattiitiv llut tu l ~ e cuncrrtretl in

Lm1~loyccs.etc. to be public ret'vant.,


C'ONST(7'UTION O r 711,A YARIStiADb h h D C ( ~ ? ~ r ~ l i C ! 7

0 1 i f i E I ~U I J S I h L S S

Estabhshment of Lila Fari.hab u

of Territorial



7 .

<<,;ili.c t r i . , r ~? f cl; ctioli

,ii.: j);+iisj,;t

; 71.

\ ; I .w


oi :-'ii:t

7 .

. i(.:





~ ~ 1 1mi

t:iz \.l:;ririn:iti 'ini!



altel each ('cn~lrs




catii :,f allepinnce by Membcr


;t:t i

tics of TI?% Pari.;f-aft,

1 '

Vie.:-~i~airmarr at~tl Mrmberq




Chairmat1 arrc' Chief I?lcecutivc


i,<t!:t. i . i s 3 f y ?.OWIS

i I.?.

, % f f i ~~ ~j 2;ia
oi' L!I~dic~h~all
a1il: J1ica-(.:~~air~19a~i
: : i C l \ i s a., J



~ ~ P S I J Iby

189. Taxation

2 i l a Parishacis

100. f'iilanciLll'zr'Ltllpcinx'it by Lila P,~rishatis


Kle$*vrly1 1 1



Ari,n~:nt11 LtI,! I'.~risIicids



~t ~~ b tZtlL\

A -ou?rilt,



qtdtr of


L i b tllrisbaSs

ut:v 0117c.1

",'illc I d..


S. t.'XcS




Fu'rcr io:ls

t i

198. ~-ccrvcry 1

~ 1 1 11

i,lf,czrs nf I i l a Parihsads


('111el i".-cutrvc
ruorlc y

Officer of Xi1 1 Parishad

hy Cilii i Ox~~cutivcOfficcl of' %il,i Parishad



Pnwir to c !nci I ,>r Sosf)crlii rcsi~lutto:~

uf P,inchayat


~>:lmlt { ~i ! .i~ t t ? , . by tlu: lJ,i!~~li'~y~its


l's~w~:rt t j c.rll i v r ~~roc~cc!fn:s

of l'anck~ay,it

202. i:nrergcncy lroacr8 01 the State (iovei'unletkt

i)ow:r to issue dirrctiot~s

~tiglltof St it:

1tn:nt Ofl'l-rrs to sttetld meetlng of

~ i t r r . ~

j)i~v,?r,of Stat . ( 3 , v rtliltent arid (lomreis~icrr~crs

DtsqualificG~t.t)nfor Mcmhrrship

Ci,:d r,il

[ ; ~ , v ~ r t l m t ntt,

c~irictholdirtg of pc~lrral

c Icctlous

('o,iti~ru.:tiun of cxikting

Exisci:lg ibisiitirtiurls




corxtii~uctill jicw ii~stitntiunare



I ) i ~ p u t c sbctwcen P:~i~cliyats
.snd other hodics


l i.;bility of rnenlbcrs b f Poncl,ayats


Mirht of dppeal of Fi~nplioyees


Prt~tcctic'nof dcti


, j C P~inchny,it with police


I)c!;g,~tiot~ o I' pgwcrs


ln pouc! faith

222. Over-riding effect on other laws




iemovc ~ l i f f i ~ ~ ~ l t i c s





Power to tn'ik- :iuiLs




Rcpcal .inL Savings






(Punjab Act No. 9 of 1994;
[Kecdivcc! the assent o[ti:e
President of lni'ia on the 20th
April, 1004, aild was first publisheti for general information in tile

Pnnjab Government Ga,:tte (Extraotdii~aryj,l e~lslatlvcSupplement,

~,atet!the 21st Ayrtl, 1 , 04.1


The Purljab Panchayati

Raj Act, 1094

aAmended by
9 of 1998
"mended by
15 of 1408
"ment'cci by
24 of 1998
'An~endcd by
1 01 2000

Pulljab Act

Punjab Act
Punjab Act

BAnlended by I'rlrrjab Act

11 or 2002

'For Statement of Objects allc1 Reasons, .Tee Punjab Gu\ernment

Qarette (Extraortlinary), Gated the 29th March, 1934 page 670.
ant1 Reasons, see Pulljab Govcr~ltuent Gazette (hxtraordlnary), dated the 19tI1 Decembec, 1997,
page 2847.
$For Statement of Objects a n ~ Reasons,
scc Punjab Ciovernnient
Gazette (Extraorciinary), dateti the 23rd blarch, 1998, p y c
4For Stat meiit of Objects a 4 Peasmis, see Punjab Governlu.nt Gazette (kitraortifnary), <'at& thc 26111 June, I''S8, page
V o r Stattmel~tof Objects ar~tlR e a s o ~ s ,See Punjab C'oven~n~ent
f i a ~ c t t c(Extraordinary), dateci the 14th Marcb. 2060, pale

F o r Statement of Objects

f F ~ Statcni-'nl
~ f Objects
and Reanoils, sec 1'1.11j~bGovernment
Gamttc (Extraordinary,), dated the lZt11 June, 2002, pagc 907.
An A L to
~ repint c tile Punjiib iirrrr:r Pa?zr l:n?af A<t, 795?, r d n t m n
the Grn:n Prm, i , a ~ r ! tai:d
~ , tic, Pzlrfri:l' i'rrnt i :lrtrr Smni?i.\
urid xila ?~~cr,.f.\!~L;cls A( , /')dl, rc,!tr'r,l~~tg
to 'ic
Sri~nztr. (tnJ Llllr llivi \i,rulr
( I cwnPre!rcr~~~ir
r r ~ wt mi firrent,


Whcress i t is lxpcc'itl?t to r 1 1"G ti:c j kc:.t t Pa, lnle. i f

<,ea 11:tc t i i 3 i 1:
to er;ititfi\h u
t f .ce-IICI
Pant'>a)stl Raj ayilenr i l l tlie Staic I I'irr~jat' WII:' elct G bug lcri
n t (IIL v~II:tge, l+lo(li :1t11; l ) t 7 t r l t i L
oft .the ('oirstjtutio (St v i ty-t!>i A I * r'n r 11t. f i t I , l t ' V Z
lo, -rc,rtci
ol t
~ L I I ~ I .Ll i l t
, l l i t t i t r:%<:ritdtluI oi I ~ l i r i, i t ~ t l ~8:)'f t '( . x r i i l I'.itsf!:ay.itl f b l

z L


HI, rt cnac t c ~b> rhe frur;ol State I p~siaturer r i the Ibrtyfilii~year of tile i ~ ~ p u b l rol
c i i t S l aa%toile%% 1.

Rhui! 1 1 ' 1 ~ . txttnt

r u d ~oil~~~~rnre~nt~r~f



Act rrlay he

allao (tic i'itnjab ['ant i ~ a y a t ~itiai


( 2 ) It exlciids to the w?lnle of tile Statc nt Piinjab.

i.i) It shall co nc :,I o liprce: o,r vucri
8 1 ~ 1 ac thl
c ,oviBr,aineutmay, by ~ ~ o t ~ l i c a r i o . ~t1.e
, bfficIet) iiaaettz. appulnt.

2. In t h ~ sAct, ulllrss thc o ~ k ~ t ntt,crwit%e


(a) "Ar~oorrlVriluc'' luoans


~ : I Clan
rtvenue for the time baing rrsscssfkl
on auy lanrl* b~ilether 1 i 1 t ahsc-hrrir; i 1s 1.viatikoi ooi, or

(ir) wher~.the Lard &as been pet rnarrently ~%tisr%w

', t*t Iraz
been wlmlly ot lu part compun~L * ' Lor .)- cci'eeme~i.
~lo!rbre 1 ~ I L ,rmr.!til: w: ,sii, I,rrt t c l i sr:ci~ 1
asbi ssmcrrl, C O ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ I S ~ ~ . I , C 1 ~ / 4vt: Ir



:: h ~ came
hllo farce %,.I . ! 4
ui p i , 1' ~ 4 , vtdc,
<i0vernmenr of Pi;i?jao, ;, , ~ i ' i t ~ ai of I < ~ f u i3 >1 volopmri\r drr~'
Panchapt, Nollfica*!. ', kt). 6. .'C
! I F A. 9/94/S.l ;94, <!at+
l t c 21% April, I!YIS.


Wtjrrc no land fcvenue !.as been assesqed. 2o11hlc tljc

arnount w11iclt woult' ilo\'e heen assesseti II' the avcragr
viilagc I ate had been apf)lic(':
ProviJe,' that. in any tract ill wlilcli, ~mt'er tho settlel~~eut
ofr ~
t I, I I ~
for tllc tline bclllg in f o ~ c e ,tllc I ~ n f ~ r o v t ~ w
due 10 canCll 11 1 ti011 lhds heen cxcluc'e i from .rLcotr I I l~r t
,~ssessllIg the i,,nd rcve~lue nit .I
te 11.1s bee11 III::IC~SC(I
e n t , iatc \11.iII be .~c'clecl
In r~s{itict of suulr r i r ~ t ~ ~ o v c n ~thC
to tile i ~ r l ~ rc~.lluc
lo1 ~ i ~purpose
ctt cornprlti~tg tile
I ~ I I U ' LI value;

(P) "itacbw,irtr

C I I . I S ~ F \ ~ttle.ir19
'ILILII cl,13$e9of cltlzen~:is nriy
L l i 111 trrnc to ti~nc,
be tlntIt'ied

(L )

"I~Iock" 111eills \UCII

I i l l 11 I ~ : Ii ~ t l n , ~ yt>e ( l e ~ired
i,y thc St.lta (iover~~rnent,
by t t o t i f i c n t ~ ~to
) ~ ~bc
, :r l i l ~ > ~ k ;

('1) -ljit)ck I3cvelopnwlrt i

Officcr" means
t tic I
I)eveio pmcnt allti
yrit Officer nn~l
inclu12csany other oftiler ,ilyointt.d by the State (;oveini :my ot tllc functions of tile 6lock
ruent to perfr>rm ~ l or
velnpmerrl and P,l~~clmyci
t OlF~cctu n d e ~tills Act;
(e) ~ 4 W t ~ s ~ i ~illa[u~'es
e ~ 3 ' ' c8nytl:ic e, ~on~nlerce:
or 111 il~uf;?ctu~e
or ,111 ,i(!vertturc or concemiu tila rl:iturc of tr~tie,
comlni~cuor m ~ ~ n u l c le;

( j ) "l3uilc'lng,'' llleai~sflny shop, house, but, out-house, shed or

\t:tb)c, whutl~erused h)r tile puryc>sc of I I U ~ I . ~ I habitarion
or otherwise "nd wlictireC of m'i.;on,lry, bilcl\s, woot!, m u d ,
tlratch, metal or dlly 0 t h ~ nlatcri,~l wliatevcr, natl
imiucqes wall a n d 1' well;
(g) *"Byc-l;iws" mean> bye-l,twu ln'ic'e by .i Cirnul Paiicllayat,
or a Panchriyat Sdnitl or a L I ~ Pttri~lr~~ll
unc4er this Act;


(it) "Chairman or Vice-Chairun;in'* meirlis the Cllairmilll or t l ~

Vica Cirtirmiln of I".~nchayatSarniti or
L i k ~Pc~ri&ad,
a s the case may be;



'4Chi~kExcautive OI'~II;I>I
" PI, <tiis ('h let [ yc~utlve clfklcer
.I Z i h t',~r ishLrii <I ppointui~ ui~c'er this Act;


"Collector" menils tire Collector of .L ~ I S Iict

I .I11d ~ncluiica
L I L Y offlcct ]tot below t lie
ink of .L I),SLIIL~
and P a n c l ~ a y ~ Officer
specially l,pointec! by thc
Slate <;ovrrnrnent lo perform the fu~lctioli~
of a ~ o i l c c t ~ i
under this Act;

"Commis~9rner" me::ns tile Divisional rnmmksioner or

such o t l ~ e r officer a s may be apyojl tee ky t l e StPte
Govcrr~mrntto cxercisc the rowers of ,I C v n ? m i s ~ i y ~ ~ e r
uncicr tills Act;


(I) "Common lanc" mzans 1,:ntl w l ~ l c li%

~ nclr fn the cxrlusf~e
use of any InSivic'uai an(' 1 1 ~ ~hys usage, c.ust<,m or
prescril?tlo~~heen reselvcd for the cc>mn?c11 purpoats o1
village canltnu~iityor has been ,cquiicti I'OI such purt~oscs;
(nl) "cisu:il
vacancy" meails 'I v.icdncy occurrttig o t h e ~ ~ l r c
thrill by eirlux of' time;

"Deputy Chic1 bxecutive 0ffici.1" mc,ins a n c7fficer not

below the rank ot Llistrict Development nil6 Panch;cy..i
Officcr t o bc alq~ol:l[t'(:tincier t l ~ i sA L ,~I S s t ~ c i iSL)Iit C ~ l a
Par ishati;


"Deputy Commlssioner" mea 113 tht I'eputy C urnrn~~sioner

of ;i diatrtct i l i k i includes any office1 r r t l t below the lank
of a n Extra Assistant Commissi1,nel spc ci:)Ily ,ippn!~,tecl
by the Stirtc Gvvcrnnlcnt t o pelfc'lrn tlic lunction\ c ~ t a
Ijcl>uty Commlssione~uncier t i ~ r aAct;

(p) "Deputy i~iicctor" lncans ,in Olbicel' rippointed by the

oi ;i Deputy
State Govelu~nent to perio~lllthe hin~t~ons
Dlrcctor u11dc1 t l ~ cAct;

( q ) qDirector" means the Director ol IJancl-~ayatsapwlntetl

unc!cr this Act and iwludcs any officer not below the
lank of a 1)eyuty llirector al~pointetiby tlie State GovernInelit tu perform the functions of the Director ;
( r ) "District' tucalls a levelrue



tlto Slate;

"District Uevelopment ntlcl I'allcilayat Officer" means a

I)istrlct L)eveloyment m c : Pancllay,it Officer a ~ i d iraludes
an officer appointed by the State Governmelit t o perforrr~
the kunctions of ,I illstrict I?cveloiment d l l t l l),
Officer uncic~this Act ;

( t ) fitlec;tion Comlnission"

means the klectior~ C'ommj~sion

Loll~tituted uuder article 243-K ot the C ' o ~ l a ~ ~ t uuf
11id1d 102 the State ol'Punjdb ;

(u) "Erectioll or re-erection or ~~~liirgrsn~cnt"

of any br~ilding

( r ) ariv materral alteration or

enlargement of any
buib'ing ;
( i , ) thc cr~nverstoll,by strlictu~alnlteratioli, into a ylacc 1)f
hut1l,in h.'bitation of a n y bullding not o~igiri~lllyL( astructeti 10: liuntan 1 abitation ;
(iii) tile convcrsicrn of two 4 Y more piacea of' I I U I I ~ ~ ~ k~al~itdII
tion into u losser I~urrlbero l such places ;
( i v ) tlrc ~ ~ ) n v c r s f o0 1n (,lie Cr Inore piarcs of I~uman l~dbitation into i t klcater nu~nbzrol s u ~ l il)lr'(ieb ;

such alteration of .i building

wuult! .\lltct a clranpe
i n the ('rdi~l~igc
01 S~tnlt~try
r l l r a ~ ~ ~ e ~ x 01
i e ~rrldte~lally
:~tlectits securrty ;


the add~tionoi any rooms. huiltlir~ys, out-huuses or

their structure*, to any b u l C ~ n g;

( w i ) tile

ally struclural alteiatro~r, into

a p l a ~ eof religious wolship err i i ~ t od bull( iup usecl
fur a sacled )lurposc of any place or b~tildiny not
origitiully meant or constructcc: for such pulpose ;

( v i i i ) rooffi~gor covering a n open apace betneeir w a l j ~ or

t~uiltlirigs,in respect of the structure whlch 1s formec!

by roofing


covering such space ;

( i x ) co~lvcrslot~
into a stall, sl~op,warehouse or godow11 of
any buil(!ir~gtrot o~ipjll;tlly canstruc~ed For use a8
such or vi( c vcrrir ;
( x ) cmstructlon of it door ill a wall, ndjoining any
street o r land not vested in tile cjwner of ttre wall
and o ~ i e n i ron~ ~such street or lanc! ;

lneans an Execut@c Officer of

Parichayat Samfti constituted under this Act ;

( v ) "Exe~UtlVe Officer''

( w ) "existing law" means the Punjab Gram Patichayat Act,

1952 (Punjab Act 4 Of 1953) or t l l e p u n ~ a b I'anchayat

S,~rnittsa n a Zila Yarlshacl Act. 1961 (I'unjab Act 3 of
11)61), as the case may be ;
(u) "Factory" me'tns besi,ies a Ztctor'y
Factories Act. 1948 (Central Act
premises Including
ally premises
in lustrial manuracturing
or trade
01%with the aid
of stcam. water,

as tietine~i in thc
13 of 1948) any
where in any
process is carried
oil, pas, electrical
or any other firm of power 15hich
transmittcc! an~l 1s lirrt getletatc,:
anitnal .igerlcy ;

b y llun1arl or


Sab ha" means a i oily c o n \ { s t i t ~ ~of b,-r8ons

rcpijtereii ah v v t r r h In the elrctor:il roll.; ol tllc a r i a
of the Gram L)ai~cll~~yat,
const itufc i untle~.;ectio~l
3 of this Act ;


c ttaru Sd!)l~rl,
"Ciram I'anc11,~yat" rneani ,ri> ~ ~ ~ k t r,111
t u to f \clt-f( vtt,,n,rlil
lilr 3 Gr,irn Sabha ire^ cc r r b l r : ~ red utlr:<i kccti, r~ 10,
s to l c r t l ~ l rcvcr I:( :411(1 ,,I( I U J ~ ~
Idllti wllcreoi the I'illti leVcl~~ic
been wl,c,ily o r 4ri pait
S t , % , leilce~,ic.l or as\ipnctl,

( z ) "(;ran1 Sahfia area*' n u arls tc rrltc rial area c)t


( 2 )


"1~1icl-holtfer" mean\ ail) pcr5on rt~lions~tilcf t t tllc

l)aytncl:t of' the lallci rcvcnuc, it a;,), sj>cs.,rci( # , I larrcl atr~l
irzcluc'e~ thc proprtctc r of Ia~rc, thc l i i j t t i rtvtlltic 1 ~ 1wiiicl~
has heel1 wholly, or irt gait, i c l c , ~ ' ~ ~ c c>a,i i s t L T I L ' ~ . ~ ~ fill,
rctlcclnecl or .t\\igllec';

( z d ) "Ititri~l~"I11c1u:Ici a privy, w,rfer-closet irnti ~ c i i n a l ,

p , ig)oratirn,
Munlci(ze) "It cai ztuthorlfy" ir~cluilej,r M / ~ ~ i i ~ it'(
pal Conunittcc, Zile Ya~i.,lt.lti, Pit~~il:cyaiSam~tr,Crrtt';.rn
I'anchayat, Sanftnry Bo;r~ti, 'iiu.11 UoalJ, Notrfjed A ~ e a
l : I bi111 I ~ V: o{ j ~ i e ~ ~ f
Committee, Improverrier,t '1 r c
Autholity ii~id Planrhing Authority const~ruttt:L I I cr
Act or untler ally law for the tinic bcitlg in force;
(; "inarket" rnearls a fdaoe for the ale of guctds or nnrmals
l)uhl{cnlly exposed where ordinaiily or j~eriociicaliy ut least
foul shops, stall5 or s k e t l ~are sct 111) or wherc :st least ten
ilnunalb arc brought for ?ale;
(zg) "member" nleans a member of 21 Giarr~ Pai~cliayat,a
Ya~ichayatSarnitlor Zila Paiishatl alltl i!tcluczcaSarparich of
a Grarn Panchayat and Chairmnan aritl Vtce-Chairmat~of
L'ai~chayat S a o ~ i t 01
i Ll1i1 I',l~rshad;
( ~ l t ) "occupier" rnecilis ally par'..:i in . i ~ t ( a l[%ohcsuletk ot
any l,rnc! or bt~iitiingor p.itt tliereuf alrci ~ncluiJes:ill clw~,cr
I I I actual l)ossession ' nti tlic tellant or liceitsee whctlrcr \ u ~ I i
tollant or licensee Is liable to pay lent o r nct;
i,:i) "Panch" necins

a member of the Grit111 Pallcllayrt clccteal

u~lctcrthis Act and iricludcs a Sarpanch;

( 4 ) "Panchayat"

mcans a Gram

~ i i dPdii.had

Panchdyat, IJanchaqdl Samill

c ~ i i s t ~ t ~ ~uihar
t e r l this Act;

.'Fanchaydt ir~ea'*cnea'ls the tei r~turlaldrea of
I'daciidyat S~*coir~d r .Ldn P'irislrad ;



"Panchdyi~t Se~retdly" rneails the bacretary of the Gram

Panchayat aypolilteci ulluer this Act;

(m)"poyalation" n'ans I[the rliral p,)t)rllation d,] scerld~iledat

the last pra.-el 1ii.g &cusus~f w~:!LI? the relevaut ilgules have
bee11 pui~l~shccl,

'9re~crlbrii'" means pcscribcd

Act ;


r d e s tnade

wider tills

nuisance" includes driy act, omissiofi place or thlnp

whlch causes u r is likely 10 cause, injury, o a n g r , a,liloyancc
or offencr tci the solisc oi slptit. sulell U I hedrl~lg or
c1rsturli:tuce t o rest or alecp or which 1s or rnay be imgerous
to l ~ f eor in~uriousto the health or property cl tht public
or of the ycopie in general, who d w l l la tbc \ l o l ~ ~ t tur
y of
persons who allay b,lvc occdsion to cxclclse a p u b i l ~ rlgrbt;

(zP) "'Public

means anv place, building or structure

situated within a Pai~chayat area ti) which the public hzs
free access;

( z q ) "'public plaoe"

means .: pd-111~Servant as deflllec! I!;

sectiorl 21 of the il?dlau I'enal CoEe, 1860 ant! shall
include 1 Pi, atl, 2 I , < a Serrituch c r member ol a Panchay2t
Sdmiti OF a member u f a Lila Parishad;

( z r ) "public servant"

(zu) "pdbhc itrect" ole iris 1 p ~ t h w a y , road, atreel, briige,

land, s y l ~ i r e ,L Ci~rt, l i e v or p~issage in 2 village., whlc!,
t l ~ cpubic: II:LS
tit ts) use, an ! Inzludt s tlie drains or
gl8tleis ott citlicl slc~e d i i d thr 1, n( rip tcv thc rletintd
fbr thc wvrdb" the yopiiliilio~ias ' by!rAct
IS of 1998, Secttvi~.!.

( z t ) "S

~ ~ [ I ~ Jr,lc~.ns
I c ~ "S . ' i ~ v * . i h
1 1 t llie
r t ~ r i ifJ,'ti.




r:iitlcr secfic,li 10 1 ) : this Aci;


Iileiins c Sc!icJ~ilc, ~ ~ , t ~ e i ~ it o
! c ttitis
l Art;


"Scllrii!l;cii C::s!i." llicalls ~iii.

S~iiic.C~ir;ll1'..51!. s ~ l ~ ' c r ~ c c r i
rtsijtct 01 1l1c S t i i t ~ oi. IKL:I'.,L!I:
118 ~ I I CC < I ; ~ S { ~ ( ~ I ~ ~ ~
!Sciieiii~litlCaste) c.)riicr, 10>0 f(br the lirnc bejiip 111 !;tr~!-;


"bub-L)~~iiou.iIc , l I ~ ~ e *rric,q>~s
tir? ciHlct 1 iti-rii,,l?t r t ;I
S ~ b - U i v ~ s ~4 u1 n i J i * , l I ~ ~ tL L I : ~ S L I ~lor
geni r'rl p~rrll%
. s ~


a c.'xS, JrrtY, lei. I . l t , i t i l l o r O t l i t r ia~pQst

leviable uiioer ti118 Act;
( z I . ~ ) c'Vill'~g~"
medrib 'ioy
I I :irei. rtxortltr;
.i itvcliue
eatdtc ill ih rLvcliuta 1c:1,l~l. cli 111'2 i istrlt t Ill WIIIL~I
is, situated,

(72) *Lf,i~''


ftte:!lLS : i l t ? I : : ~ I . , I ~\ +I! Ii t cd t~ i s # I I ~ I ~ ~ I ( ~:!(~ ~
(Il,: c:,>\! d i;rtg;:(~,rs:!'I
\~..j:pii :i il,.th 7!v.~{csf r o ~ ~ ;k? I I ~
c:;~.~i;xl t,; 6vhic11 ~ j $ b , t : t L!IC P ? c . ~ t l ~ , . j : iiidi.*
Cdi~:;!g : i ~ - l
Ur:iin;tge Act. 1873 6,;. the Yuiiji'b hliilor C>ii:ili: iict, l?O5
i,r any irther ' k t , f : g i . tl;: time being 111 force applie:. ;:ri;l
a l l Subsl~Siaiy wcit k S c~,i,r.ectrc'with sucl, ch;;niicl
cxcept the sluice or outlet throu);:~svhicl~water is sup,oliici
i v such i:hauneI:

~ I L - ~ ~

Parish l i t " mews a Zj1.a 1'

c o ~ l s t i t u t e d un('cr this Act;


words .tn ! chf-itexilrrls 1~sft1hut

t ( cliile~i i o (Iris Act
shall IlCavr.t!ir m i,li!gr; S \ ~ & T J E ~t ( t l , f n ~ i ~ itbe law to^
t f ~ time
I cr i l l t c rtr 1 ~ 1 ~ i t j 1: I 1 ~thi C~1.1111 I'ii!~~J)i:y~ts,
h ? i~'cif>.t;it~cs,
L ) i i l i ~ c tBc3i11ib ,!iici R1 ~ k e C'c
t innIittcc\,


c r i


.;. ( 1) I i i Statc (;ovtrilrtierit I ) I , I ~by, ~ l o t ~ t ' l e n t i o ttlccla~e

vill,igc crr y i i up 0 1 cl'i~tigui~uhctffages wit11 a ~i.)j)~:I.ltioll
uf 110t
lcSs than two titr~icclccc to ~ l * j l s i i t u t cii G r r m Si~bhi)ateit:


t I
cnity Ijc coustituteti
f t r r aliy vi!l*pe or gdoup ( 4
contl::uk*ris vlilafcs in lcspect 6 f :i
s c p a ~ a t cdfslinct izb,2e'it i '',. t.1) of :it;, (31s hctvl~~:. p,)pululatlon of
ii.,t less rlkan two h,rndlec'
Ir:;cl constticr, tloli its pl~yaical
cjistak~sci , o m the nr,irll vl1L~pc t ) i villctpes, ,is tllc u s e m ~ ~

hr I


do(; Ot


i t l e v tiit

l u t r

( I >

t h t i b i ~ o l eu.,r

,:rty y ~ (11.~ . t

( a ) a N o i i l i i ~ : A ~ . c atriitle, s:'ciicrt; ?.I1 t!f r . l x t)i~t:,i;~bMilnicipal

Acr, i , o r i
i t
I ille :iut. 11~i;it:irl forcc; cpr

Estahlc Fhmcnt

of (r~altlSabhtn


:fluaic[pai Corprrra1io:i ;
shail be included ti: a Gram Sabha area unless the majority of
vntcl-a ill ajly Notif'ici; Aieil o r Munrcipdiity of the '1hirc; class
i1ejii.e Lltc est.xbljsilrriri~lo l ;I Gianl Sabhii i n wi~jch casc tJie assets
dncj. !iai)iii~ies,I f aliy, of
ti,r Notifleii A1r;i (,'i:mluiitcr: or t]le
M:inici3i,'i C;,iiimittee, as tile tiast: ~~i.!y
be, shall vest in the Gl;im
that i..ii.uin S i i b h : ~nnri lllc Nolll~ctl Area C:iirmni~t/~e
01. tile h.p,iiicipai C:ijmmi'te~shall ccau;. to exist,


i j f

( 2 ) The Sidle Guvein11lel:t utl, y, by n(ttiricdlton, Inciuut any

*:i eus1u;c ~ I i y C J froli~I ~ I . ~ ~ ~ . isli ll ~
l ik~

,ren i g :

(3) '11 W J L - I C

cxr I,icied tloln ally Gram Sabha area
c1 ' i i ' b - ~ t ~ l l ~( 1r l) 1.1 t t t l i ~IIILIII(B<;
111 ariy other Grdm
Sab'ia a l i a rii Is c Ii5tlirlten uito ; new C;r,,m Sabha area,
the Lis\ets drld l i ~ b ~ 01~ tt l it c ~ u~~ d~ t n P a n c i ~ a ~ a PI
t the
Lidin Sal-lha d i e ; I~orti v~I!~clishtl. drca 18 sc C X C I I I ~ eC1
S c
L X i h t l l ; (i1&1l1
tihalt b- <rppo$
t i ) i ! m bc t % e ~ ttLe s~,cics:.o~
6 1 a m Palichayafs
~ I Itli. nl~i~iner
sj)etiaf<1 heiei1idtit.i

(ii) Aii iniri

9 and
I1 sls~it-s,artgcles a i ~ drther goods belonping
tr, {he existing Gr,tm i'ai~~h:iyatqlrall, -

(a) if wlthtn tlv Gr'~nt Sdbha aiea c ~ f that Gram Paachayat

pass on t o ~ i i esl!~~-essi,i
Crran~Panehayat Iir whose Gram
Satha area t1-i-j al.. arttra[eii,
(b) it outside the ( i r a ~ nS d h l ~ ~ iarea c,f that Gram Panchayat
bo ,tppc"tlurit 1 betwell ine s~~ccessorGlam Panchayats
accor~iingto p!)pnlat&(>iiiatir~;

(ill) The <;lam kuilti. Badk Balaiiccs and grants rzceived from
t-r ,vclxirnenL i~oaitirlle t o tinre shall bz nppoclicmed between
tile S U C L L I S ~ ( ~Crran,
t4a,,chayars i,~ti0r~ij11g
to the g?opnlatic)n ratio
Pm,~ii!cc. t i ~ ~ ;ii t g1dilt b:v. 11 by t h ~ State b,,veiilm~nt lor the.
i dre,: v,hici~ 11 t i l r h part ol the Gram Sablia area
.level<-1)tuent c . 1 ar
r 1 f I
i c e s J I
1 9 1 t i ~ ~ l ~ a ys11alI
l t t ~ be trar~sfcrred to
tlmt bLi< b 5 s o A \ i, d I i l li'l~lcllaya1
cl: v b r ,1 re tr s -t .lily tax oil property shall
0. l , to tlii s i ~ ~ c ~ sC~ldiu
6 ~ 1 k"~~,cl~dyat
i , wltusr Grsrrl Sabha
i i i c a i ,e g), .lrcrt). i* >lLu.~tecidli:r tbc. rl-iit t o rec;uv:l ally ,~tlrc-r tax
sflail 1,cloiig ;I. t hi: s!1ceess"r
im!, >,* by t h e t:xrel[,rt: Gidm I>.~~.cI~ydt
iiic p i a c ~1 ~ ,~\Yessment
i $ ! r tl,l icii.,y,lt 111 wiiosi: Glam S a b h ~ale
. t i,,.!t t d r ~b sirualeci.



(v) i p h e ~ rbefore the date of exclusion ui Clam S ~ b h d area the

EXaS1IIlg ( j T d l 7 1 PCLnLlldiat hab ~ R J . ! dPY ~.<3llfldC.( 101 t11 I)UrJ)(>SCT ~f
that Grdlll I ' % I ~ L I Z ~ Y ~ L I .th.~tCO 11' rlbl 6llall he I
:u ildvc hcei~


ift!at ~7 11.1, ises o f the c.ant act ale oc~axil': fr u t r ~t i l ~ day

of eacl~,slc,~rl t h e Ciraitl Sabhd ared, c . x ~ualvei] purpoces
o: arry u.ic crl thc uice.-s,,r Cj~arn X ' U I I C ~ L ~ ~ ~ I S ,by that
Chant i ' , i i ~ ~ : ~ , t y ' t t:i11d

(b) if the p u r p o s ~ snt the c v ~ ~ t r aarc

~ ; un auo from that ciay
not e ~ c ~ u ~ ~pur~ ~us,s
d \ y cpl d r ~ y <one ot t h e 8u~ccSSa1
Cirarn f\incllayats, by ail the (horn Pan~bayats,

and the rrglltb ailti jldbllilltb W I ~ I Cliilve

I I rl~cruei! o r may accur:,
under any %C:I ~ o i i t l a c tbjialj to t~ G cxient to ~bbich the)
WO~li(llravr b - e i ~the tights ailti liab1'1ties 01 tile existing
Cjranr I'anct'uy,!t\, be ;ILL itglrts a n i ~ a i n ~ l t locfs tric sur~essor
Cifaur Patl~ila)ai,! t i , '1s 1l1G cd\t iii:ly LC, rhe si.cce:aur
C;lam i'a#ic~layatsa ~ c o r a ~ i ~lol gt h ~ d~ ) V ~ L : I ~ ~ratio.
(vi) where t h c oxiilln:" (;raltr Parrcilayclt is a party to an) legal
prwrediriga w ~ i hr c ~ : % ~tot any propelty, ri~.'it- or I~abilitlessub~cct
u ~ ~ t i ethis
r section, tile slccessc,r C r a i i r 1"111ciiayat
w111cil bucce~h'st o , ul acqrtlre a Y:rarc, in that property or tilose
rights o i liabilities, SiriiJ be cit.alell to Oc si~l*tttutct or aic'ci, a s
a party 10 t i ~ o ~procecdii~:.s,
all,, T ~ I L probeetilnps xtray contiuue

(vii) I he betiefit or burdc n oi any tisnts arrc: Itabilit,os of thc

Pa~tclzayat,not dealt with 111 tile fi~tcgon~gprov,sion s of this section, s t ~ , i l l , pass oil to the succcsbol Grarii Panchayats
in the n;lanller agree.:, u;)ou between tileru aucl in case r ~ o such
agrcetnettt it3 reaclle withjn a pgrloci ot orre year- from the date
of' cxclusioik of the Crralu Sablra area, the State (iovernllre~it shall he
competent to d e t c r m ~ n e tile slutbe at the request of eitbcr ot t h ~
Cirant f'anc haya t 3 .
(4) If whole of tlke <>rani Sablla alc i I S tr~~lu.le,iin an urban
estate to wilicir t i l e pruv~bionsol tlit: Potljdb Miolicipal Act, 191 1
nl t h e iLunjab Murir~p::ti Colpolatior~Act. 1076, drc ai~gl,cableor I B
a city, m u ~ z i c l ~ ~cdutonrnerlt,
or r~otrriccArea uri,'ci d : j law for
the ttmebetlli in torie, + it: ( rram Sabhii an i trle \ i ~ a n l I z a i ~ ~ i r d > ~ a t
f o ~that ar,a s i i ~ l ic ~ a s oto exist and tile iii%ts ' u 7~ l i a l > ~ , ~ ,,f
tilc ~ J L ~ I'anchayal
~ I I
shall I)J i;is~,oSe~lof rri tne t)icaci~b~itrlialllrel.
e x l c l t i ~',;rant



~ 8 ) %I, ,,I



4 ( i ) The Stdte Government may, b y notification estabhs!~a

G r n * . . %&!la h: name iqr cvti> arts I el 'd~(.* J S (;ram Sabl~aarea
# I ! I ~ ' C FW , ~ f . l ~ >~ ~ ~

. -.



l i ~ Lt ~


t ke








I . )

meetin! s in

l l , - ~ ~ r , ; ; ~ .~= r~ : the
e r :~arv~st~ii;
I:,(: li;a\vii~meetii12) ask;. tie
i,;iryestln:. of tbe Kaui crop
a ~ i c i , ~ : a la!.ma\l


c , n c ~ , l t01
i .Jli$ii:
r :ait~ ,
{,y r ' , r dar;:;:ncr-~~



Clr;1:1 ::;iblra s:-,al!i,oi.: iwo rencral

r t




the ciectoral
ior tile t m e
ah;,.^, hi a ( / be tl~emier
E L 011

SdS, 4

1 1 ~ ~I ~~ : ;I.:A$:


$ ; I F :..:aw.t.


fc? t' 6

.. :




uc xi
~ dlr:
I , t 3 ' t 1 le. tion e'c~nir~t'.s~o,


t : ~ O;re!il
of p i s

failin,. to 1,nl '\:o 'vklseclltive Petlercil

rarn >aiifa, , -e Sat ,*an< s, all automati~.i~
t 1 ~ 1 ' " 1 1 1 ~ ~ . ' 1 . 11 1
' 'act
c a; (11 11c 1 1 7 ~ 1 ,1 In \ \ i l i c h . the
J C W ~iI$-e,crp\+aL,
lu , f , t G drr t 1, k i r v ~ 4 , ;lire,,r an< I'ar~ct~a!


f t t.


V Z :'fjlier




; 0



i anr Ixdyat (,tie( t-s albr

' > ) i s r ~ l c " . ~ e v ~ ' i t ~ ~ ' ~ ~ani.

i i ' ~ \ t' w
: P ~ - , P : Inn


:b( i.4~ t




i'arl~lrayat Samit~,

8u1.11 d :jar{ m r c ! ~ .
iYireit~,r ,n,ty re811'r:nte(.ILL'*



.ii9mc , d l

f : , ~ ratr

* e etr,
in I



a ljalpanch


IIIS rhow-

S I ~ F ~ I L . - ,LII X~~ P S . , ~ 'tkb

t .le!aul? 1,) :lo[ t w o ~orlnetutive rneetlngs



i "r


t c

'ate i>f fhe ~itrt~ricatloll

~ 1 1 ~ ~ ~(2).
8 ~ - t ~ ~ ~ l ~

t13;rtv :Inq> i r $ , a ~t':e

a > 5 $1 \,it k d 3

i h e tdrpa.11

11 I



I %,


c~ul at nl?y t r ~ ~ ail

c , were a requlaltlon
01 01 :rut less t ha11 one-fifth

~ I l e . * . ~ i 3 ~ ~ 1 3 Sarilit
y.~1 I




ui gneniirer, nr

rim, \'\a's

,vrtii irl , u i y

tile {;ra11~ Sabiia ha., becn

ays irorlr tira I t ~ h t ~ ofbuch
t i I
tile Gram



1, d



1 ~ ~ 6 :



ci i


'?dl! '


e r d ! ,ne:ri8t
re'l,ti,e I I

,t. ?d




~ d y d tSdlil

$11 (tic

J L I C - I O ~ I ~ Idl,

. a\c

ktra %rItldry .clternl





i g r # t t ~A

tik& iJv:b:Oll,



01 l:it>


( ~ i )thte
, I,xe,utive

a rneeti:!:.

ore-tin:: the quorum

bl&<jll bhalf llOl

apply to any othzr meeting of th; Gram Sal~haheld

rllmcnt fol waut of llu@Pum.
Th: ';~crctdry o f tile Gram

due to adjou-

and t h e Gram
Sabha an('
111 ai 'gtmn c!aercti, 113
>rant Fanrhayat uiey call any v ~ l ~ d ' 'fun~
ctionary :rr.vlr~:. in tltc (~ranrSahf~dale3 t o atter~dsuch .i n~eetlng
a:, ten ec a vl,y in I:,, ect of R I J ~matter cc-ming up before it.


~ - w , j lc,h,l'!
a t 1 ~ 1 1c%,ry
P {,era1 illcetln- oi tlx Gram

F V Ly~ I I I C C ~ II
~ 't i: , ~C:r 1m Si bha sllaij be lXesi('ttl ( vet
by tkc S,~rrbtc i i c 2 i t i i t . (rr. m PC)
11c11,~ynt an< 111 h ~ s~'b\enceby
ally ir atrcli to be c!( ctc ,it t f ~ etimc g l f ' the illeetrn,r.


i rlia Cir,.n~V I . 1 ~ ~ I i b ~sil:!ii

y l ~ t peepdrc
before the (; S bh,*

Budger and anaaual

report of Glam


iLly for :1pprov.~1

Sabha .

,is S wilt rnc-trng $ 1 bu get rctlrnrtes cf ~ t sincome anu

:ili?'i of cev~iopment p r o ~ r ~ ~ r n rfor
expen 1~ur2 ,11111
fot!le ye .r commencing on the
Ilowi~ln; t





~ t sH , l r ~mtctrng ai* <in:lu I st~rt.ment of

ccount and
$1 C F I I I C I Lof~ proglt-~sc f precei'in; f~nancial ye,ir
a ns7 < :uIo;~ment programme yto~soscr; to be unbiertaken
bluiritg ilie curreui ye~lr :


a n ilnu

Provided t w t 1 1 GI Cir,*m Pi7rcllayijt fa11 to present Its budget or

pl,li~of dcvelo1~1~11t
prosr.rmn~t:bu the meetme to be held in Decem1,:t the P.mch.iyat S,,m~tr sit i l prepnre the buclget ail<' the s a d
plan I ~ r rsuch Gram P,l~~cl;dyat
au I preserrt the aame before an extr,>*ot.inctry getieral liivctlng o f thc C;r,irn S,lMa fipeel1lly ~allcrlfor, purpo\e
the b ~ ~ iSabl-la
i l ~ s b ~ l lct1n\me1 the budget and the
so prepare\! :~ri.i ptosrnt-a,
8. Any t c s o l u t ~ ~ ~relating
tu the mattcrs entrusttd to the
thi.s Act, .ilr.rll have to he passet1 by a majority
Cjr;:m S,!l,ha U I I
of votes of the members prewnt ; ~ r r ( l vatl~tg i n the meeting of the
C;r UL S.~l)lta.

i[ ~ Cirarn
SLtb!r sh $11 p e r f m

t h ~ . f )lhwiii:

f u i l ~ i ~ ~ Func.ioas

o n i plan of ikvelopmcnt ylo(u') t , L ~ j l D P ~ ~ Vf ie l l ~ a budpet
gr ,oilnc .~n;lr;vi.w d!lilur'l st.ltemenl l ~ f L I C C I - U I L ~ Sand
dllllur 1 I)T:rgr(r'sb rel~itrt;

( E l t , ) rc.wlLr d5si.t ,!lee in

Resolution by

th implernent,rtit~nol' dcveiuprnent bch3.1n-s p~rtai,iingto the village;

Gre m Sabha.


t o identify heneficiarles for the i m p ~ e m m t n t r oof~

lopment schemes pertaiding t o the vill,&ge .


Provtded that 111 w a e the Ciratu Sabh\i h ~ l st ) icientafy the

.i r@d~ulldble
tltue, thc Crrdni iJa8~cha
y.rt shall
identify the binificinries;


mvb~lrscvulantary lliboui d110 contributiolls In k ~ n dor

cash o r b ~ t hlor thc Lctrnuruiy welfare pxogramrnes,


( e ) to p10mc3te prugr~iamlev t adult eciucatioi~

well,~iewithin the vili,~pe,



( f ) to plumote unlty J I I ( L hdrmvny among ' 11 sectiolrs uf society III the village,

( g ) t o seek c l a r r f ~ ~ , i t ~ o aflonl
the Sarpanch dnu Panchcs of
the t i t am 1%nck<iy'tt %iboutarky ya~t~eicial
dcrrvtty, s i heme,
Incurnc dnt.1 cxyeric111u1~, dnd

Gram Panchavst.

to perfumn~~

U C ~utliet

;is may he yres~rrbed.

10. (1) hvery Gr,lrn sdblu oi1311 e l e ~ tirom anlongst i t s members a Gram P ~ ~ i d l ~ i yl udrt the C I I J ~ I Sabi~,~
died bedriiig the.

rlnlsle c:t 11s br,iui Sdbi1.t A I I ~ I ~oiks~sttilgcil n Yd~klaudt all<, such

pop~luumOer ol 1'd:lches ds l u d i ~ i l t cbelow
~ignildatc,ibtr sl,ib (,I


- --


i%r gopulatiol~cxceeiling 200 but

trut exccJi1:g 1,000
(2) l w r yo i,000
but not cxceeclitlg 2,000
(3) For populatlou cxcccillng, 2,000
but not execdirig 3.000
(4) kor 1 po))ul:ltion exceeding, 5,000
bu, not cxcecc~ing10,000
( 5 ) Iwr potulatiolr cx~ccding10,OUO

-- -- - - Nutnbel u i Fanchss

E lve


~oiistitutei'uncker tllrs section shall

( 3 ) & ~ c r yC J I ~ I I I I i'.iii~l~~~ya-t
bt t~olifta.:by its ilamc ~ I the
OLfici j l ti.ttettc ;old i t sllall by
ti.e nd:iltle So llotll~eucome iido office wit11 eirecl irorur the date
jtb llrst ~nectiuy,it witicl~qllotu~lrjb 1)sr'bc1lldrii: be .I btbciy corpo-

p ~
b.~ccsssinn an 1 arommsn seal, and subject to
rat6 h ~ v prep:tuti
dny rrstrictio~lby or under rhls Act or any other law, shall have
yrruer to ~icqnirc,nr lil, niimirlisier. anti transfer prupeity moveable
or i ~ a ~ ~ o v a bsitti
l ~ t, o erlttr illto soj,tracts and $bail by t11c aid
name sue and be Suzc~.

11, ( I ) The offices ot Pdnches sh611 he rtservec, for the Schtc'uled Cdbtes ila such a wdy Illat the ~ , u u ~ b vt
e r otfrces reserveti


bbr S ~ b eulec,
Ci s t i s


t e ; ~ , L S c c l~i y aa nuiy be, the Same

yrbportiun to ti<e t ~ t a lr,utuber of off!cts (to kc triiecl by cirrect
tle~tioir)in til'it G L ~ LP'IIIC~I~YJI,
d s the p v p t ~ l i i t ~of~ nthe ScheJultd Castes t11 t11c t u t ~ lyctpulat~ou111 tihat Gram Sabha , L I ~ . L .
biir 1 i

Reservation of

(2) Not less than one-third of tLe total number of ofricts

u~rtlers~b-sectloll\ I) silail be rese~vetlfor wornell belongiap to the Sclled~iledCastccr.

(5) Nut Izbs th%~n

one-third (Ir~cluding the number of offices
reserved tor wvlrien belunging to the Scbeauled Castes) of the
totrl number ofolliccs (to be tillaci Isy direct election) i.11 etery
tilam 1"anchdyat shdll be rcse~vedfor w ~ m e r i .
(4) Orrc office of Pal& shall be resexvcd for Backward
Classes iu a Cit arn Panchayat where puyuietioti vf Backward Classes
in the Grain Yabha area is inore than twenty percent of the total
populatioi~of t l ~ a tGritin Sabhti arca.
12. (1) Offices of Sarpanctes of Gram P;rochaynts in the djstricts &a1 I$ reselveu lo1 Scheduled Castes anci the number of such
otflces si~all,bear, a s rirarly a s m y , the same proportion tu the
total ~ u m b c of
r oflirc5 ul Serpriches ill tbe d;strlcl a s tho y o ~ u !ation ot'kheduled C ~ s t e Si ~tlic
l district b a u s t o the total populatiorb ot' toe tilstricl :

i[l'rovided that riot IGSJ

ti~aitone-third of the total number
L)F vl'ricd, 06' thi: S~rpdilul'les of Urnin Panchayats in the
Lfkstrict ieserved under sub sLctrun (I) shall he reserved
Ibr worrlali beiunging to tire Scileduletl Caste,.]
'Substituted by Pui~jabAct 9 of 1998, st;c[ioi~,2.


seats for the

office of Sarpanch.

(2) Not less than one-third of the total number of offices of

Sarpanches in tlie cistric~s llal i be rcstrvec: for women iucluciiug
such offices, reservec;for ttorner, beiun&llliv 1, S ~ h ~ C i ~ . l eCid s i t s
I l ~ e l eshag be
Tor ZlLici:w.~r,l




the ($ificesof Salpanc!fcs

ui~deithis sectlull shall he allattt.,: b~
(4) The o f t ~ e reserve:
ri~iarionro the clll telent 1[C;raril Pancilavais at the t i n ~ eof cveiy
g i r ~ e r d l21ccl1l :1j in such mdnnel as u i n b
01 I o u t r t b it
is he~ebydeclared that
$11, prruclple c i rotation 13, the P I I I ~ J U S C 01 le\eivaiion of ~ f f i s r s
u-ides bection i l an'l JL shall ~ ~ ~ r n r n z ?t rcne~ uthe firs! rlectlon 1~
be freftl a f t < ithe co1nme11cen1crl101 111~sAct,

t.rplplls:fcrtlon.- Pol the lernovc i

Oath of Panches
and Sarpanches.

! 3. After hav~ngbeen cieiteci and betore enterlug upon rhe

Jut~eSof his offl~e,a I'ancii C I S \cTll 8s a S a r p a i ~ ~shall
take an
oat11 as speciliedi In ?;cbet;uie 1 and ~ r tl,e
manr~er yrcscrlbeii.

Term of offlce of
Sarpanch and

14. Term of off~ces of Sarpancb anc Pan& of a Gram

Panchaya~shall, save as o ~ l ~ ~ r wproviaed
in this As-t, co-termma.te
with the term uf f l l c Grdm Pan~hayat.

Term of office of
Gram Panchgyat.

15, (I) Every Gaarri Panchayat unless dissolved eulier under

this AL~,s!~allcontinue lor a tetm ot fivc years f m m the date of i t s

f ~ r s tmeeting.
(2) Nu amendment of any law for the time being in force sha!]
have the effect of ~ a u g i n g(itssol~ltiou oi a Gram Panchayal which
is functionlug ln~rnecliat~ly
bi=fotesuch amendment, till the explaatlon
of ~ t siuratrun
sgtcltie IU ~41b-s'.~t1011
(3) An election to canstitirte a Cram Pancbayat shall be
con1plete;(a) before ills- explratlun o: t a r n of its ctaration bpecdru m

before the explry of period of six months from the date

o f its ~Jissoiutto.~:
-- - ISuhsiituateti for tL,c w~.,rJs ' G r a m P'lrlchnyar*' by f l i n ~ a bAct,
15 ot 1998, SLct~orr3.

provjc'.e.: that ivhere the remainder of the ~-f.rioc't:b1 &?i'!~h

~ 1 ;iissc!verl
~ 6
(;ram pang;hay
\\;oul<i!!at, c- coi!:~l;at: i s
. *.
less t h a n 5:s mc,aths, i t silaii no? Is: x!i~Li-SS<:r> I n ;;?!r'


PcLl1ci1ilya1JbS S+!


. -.


1.ItL lo::.

(4) A (;r.;tm J";ini;',at;;it L ~ : l g t j / ~ ! t < lupor! i!:. ;:'iss<-<!u!

!o?' uf
Gram FanGh;~.y,*:I!I): $ : : h t ) i s , ~ , i c j ~of
115 >~tka:ir~:i,
<!-1,!1 6 : f ~ ~ , i : ~ ~ w a
On!y for r e m a i ~ ~ ~c,f
i e l tiis pcrit,rl 1'0 i
,:isac>Ir.%:, ' ; r a m
JJalic?tayas,sol~ld have ~untr:~uec!under s~ib.s@:lic,t.i
i t i.9'
been SCJ tl jssol\ e' 1

lire Sarpancl~s1,dii



tke c .ram

be re8gonsible for conisnln~ the mrelln . s

Sabha art( prcs~ct ober 11smeet113' h ,

2 2-1 2 1 ,


(bj be rebponblble tot Lonv liin:. liae meet~n;, c t the si~,+m

Pnilc!~a).atat] s i ~ a ! l yrrsiraev s t r I!\ moerrnss.


be r e s p m ~ ~ b itot
Gram I'ar~cheyat;
have t h e

t!it n l d i




rec-nrda of f l i t

geaelnl respr~n-rhihl? for t 1 . t fflrancid

acln:lnistr, t,ot ci tk L (itant E ' a ~ i ~ h dry,


{a) eaelciqe a<.minisll1 live Sullttrrblnr: anci t oi r

rr- rr i r : e
work of the sialf of t'nc Gram I's1tc:ls)at ark? l i r e offic;r$
and empioyeeswl~o~i:
bervice mar, Isf: pla~ek at the 1
of' the Gram IJanc!layat by any ot!~er, t u t l ~ i t r , ~ ~ ,
(f) for rke tran3a;llon of busalit% ,sor*iiarte

t t t : L,rtsr, t i:e~ei:~
q i t h 1111sAct

for the Burpost: ut olahang a- y or, et

exelciSe BUC~J ~ o w upertarm
~ ~ ~ .Rllr i
u~saharr t
sttel: (7ut~es
a , rtr:tj. be XeRr~qol'.~jerfctrrrtat;i i r iq4"illlt:b
by tho Ciram Pzen~hllyotri:l 'cr t ikb 4~r(a i t ~ t r lule. rrr?

tbcreun.1 er:
Pronc'~li that tile Sarpanch nhd1 n,!t rlxerrlEe: Zrrr h jr.,w-ss+
pcrfntm swcl: iirnct'oat or cjisrhst:,e 'iuci~r ttrei* a! ma,


~ c c l ~ i i f c ~by:

ti?@ tdr S

perfusme. o r
at a nlceli~rg;

lrl,?~ P

c'!sclli t r z :


1- A L r


1 1 ~!I-- c . ~ ; i 't ~3 ~c a ~

( g ) exercise Su!:h other poxvers, pcrii;rn? s?rcir t J t ! ! e l . ' t ~ t ~ : sas

ih e Grrrri? Pa~~ohayat
nliij.., by ?enera! oi 5 pec.leJ r -joialtii-.ll,
ligrfict or as tl?e Yia!a Cio.,ctnnrenr mely
r.:aic.:; %;;! :"

in rt~isbDsif. piescribe.



(kr Every r a s ~ g n a t i oLuxc'

~ ~ er sbh-seitroll (i) shall taka effect on
tbe esplry *if frftett~("dyi I l o n ~ti& ate oi tts receipt ri~~lesswithin
this per.iir,l c,f liltecn cays lie w r t l ~ ~~ H ~ S I L G rcsi,natiur~
by wrltlng
nail,: adl'ressi .: to t l t t 1 restrllca. autLrucity.
IS. A I3alicl1 of a Cjrdlll i2'i;ilrciuydt ni'ry r ~ b r pI ills ,,fflce
wi1tiiI j rlni'es 111s:land at', rcsscd tu the I1il)uty 1)lle~:or concekaert
arlri ' I I ~orl~ccsllail becoine v d ~ a i - t011 tilo exptiy ol tiiteeii c a p [ruin
tke d+e eL Sueit rcSl&iistlolr ~ i ~ i i i W
s sI ~ ~ I I Ithe
bait: ~ C I I U L01
~ fifteen
iays, i ~ , w ~ i i l ~ " r Q~ w
s ~r ~~ b ~ ~ i ~ i l tiy

Rexi gna! ion of


(I) AIL ~ l ) p l l o < i t ~regarding

lntclit~onto move a n l o t i ~ n
ot n o - ~ o n l i i i ~ ~agalilst
l c ~ a Sail dirt i t bc ruade to tile Ulc~ckL3evelnl~nle~tt rrl i>i~;~ldynti)ilrcir ky t two-third ii~ajorjty ut the totnl
111unb r 01 ni.rnbcru oC thi: Cira~nS H ~ ~ Coticerllet~

f'rovidcii tiiet 1 1 0 suclr .:pl)l~catloi~slrali be rrade unless a

peric, ot t w o yi ars b a s elal:setl lion1 tile Jet<: 011 whicl~the
S a i p ' a ~ ~ as31rrrlec:
his ott'icc,
( 2 111. IJrock I)ejelot,naeni anc! Paacbalat Off~carshdl, w ~ t h
a peilc~c;ol I'iltcen c'aya ot tl-e r c r e i ~ iof a&yil,a~lrnw i e r Subsection ([), convene a meeting ot the Ciriim Sablla b y kivlog seven
clear i'.iyj rloticc, For
I S C U C I ~r~i lI~~c iJtaking
c'ecisiol~oil the 110~:OI fi 'cncc. lriotia~l( 3 ) If tllc no-confldenc.e motloll 1s carried ill the meeting
convellcc urv'cr sub-section (2) whkh s1.aI1 bc presitecl over b y the
Block I>t\e!ornlt tit a~ici Pancli:ljat Otticer 01 any uCficer 1101 helow
tllc rank oi Social Educacio!~d l i i i l';tya~Ofiiccr autlioriveil by
the Bk)ck Iltvc'opnreilt n~rc!f2ac:chayat Officer i l l this Eell,~lf, by a

rtl;j~>ll;yoi the 111 mbtrs of the (iram S b h l , , i yreseill arku votitlg

irilc, r11r11,tho Sarpar,ch sli;ill be c'ecmrtl ro lrave btell retnovetl [rorn
h i \ off'cc, < t ) ~ (ti' IICW S:iryarlch 8l1aIk be elected i l l 111spluce :

.ju,,,eils~oo 3?d
rzcuoval ol : ' ~ n c h
I ~ fI 3 a i > d , Z , ~ I

I ' P ~ v ~ s ' ic t:idt if t1:e no-corifi.'etlcc tnotioli i s !ust nrlcrttier such

> , I Y:I~JI
!tot hc nlirve E a;dillst t l m Sarl)aocll belbre t h e expiry
~ J L i i v t t years from t:i'- ('.itc of Its ,idvlitg btcn lost.
0 . 1 ) I;,; lltcl~c:or,rrt.ay, after sitch :~tqctirya s 11e nlay deem
rt.n~ove<illy S'~cl)n;il~ch
or l'a~:cl~:-ill,


o I j i ~ yOF tts druur~dsrneJrtiotietl in section 208; or

:v:lo refilsds to act OP &onleS lacayable of acting; or


b-lncr a Sarpatlch, w~tlrout reasonahlr cause. fails to

1 1,geLl I -9 OF the
Graln Pa-lch $ v a t as reau;r~i! u d e r
sub-sectlolr i l l of seitloi' 23 roc d p e r m ot two consecutive moiif11S. or


(2) who,

\$,1(1011( r r a ~ o i l d b l e
121s liim~elf for more
than two coi~Srcuti\'e rrorrtl,~ Ron? the r n e e t ~ ~ y fof
i the
<>ram Panchayat: or
(el who rirln: hts preser: term of o i f ~ i l or t h a t immic'idtel)
preLec?iny llas, i n tl,,. opri~ioir of t i l t Director, been
~ u ~o ll mls~taniluc\
t ~
111 thc t iscila~geDI trls ~ u i ~ e or

(f) whose iorrrjnuzrr~e111 o f t ~ c eis zrilrrcslrable In the

of the publib :


Provlc4itit11:rt bt'hre the Dlrfctol or<ers tl'e renio\al of any

Sarpauch or 13anch unier this S ~ d E - s e rtrcn, thc rrasonis for the
~"opoweiremnv: l a1 ,111 he cc~mtnui,~care~
: u i,lm a! d he shall be
given at1 trpportl i3ll). < ) I ttriical,r, al? t . c j ia~a.'tlr'rl 114 writLug,
i ,tpl~ztznt~or~.-I he exprcscinr~"'nrlssoi:r~li~I
' ~u ciause (e) tnciuJes
the failure of the Sarydttch or d'alirit wrcirou: s ~ f t ~ c ~ ecduseirt
(i) to suhrnlt t h - ju~lcralfile of a case with111 two weeks o f
the r e c ~ i p tof olcer nt ~ n Court
to c'o so;

(ii) lo produce the E'anclilayal racorbb on belilg requ~rtrlto

da so by an officer o f the bepdrtmeilt ol Rural Delelopment a l h 1"~rnchyyatb :rot helow the rank
Eat~catlullu l l ~I'alwhayat Otf iser;
(ill) t o carxy out tlie lawful orc'trs of any competent authority
or all offlctr anLirorlse~loy iile State Ciorelllruent
behalf; arl~l

to supply a cop) of the m'er of the Ciram Pancharat i n

an a d m ~ u t ~ t r a t l vore j ~ o ~ c i acase
( ecidec
by it,
two weeks from the recelpt of a velld applroatron therefor.

(2) A pcrsurlt WIIO bas been rrmoved unrler sub-section ( I ) , may

he dlsqual~fler'ic%r rt-eltcl~cr: Jol such tieria,! nut LxLcec 111g
years from the elate of
r ~ n i o ~ aasi t j i ~I i i r e ~ t e rlady ilx.
(3) I h c Ulrect~)lmay suspenr"1ry
Sarpanch 01 Pancb where a
case agdlnst liiw in r e s p e ~ : ot airy ~rlrninal oft'ercc. 15 uns'er
ot the D ~ r ~ c t o r ,
~nvesti:dl!c~n,c ~ ~ c l u ic,r
~ ytr,al, if, In the opl~~rort
tltr c l ~ a ~ ' nlacie
* ~ c r)r pro(. in: takerr a: a,llst Illm is ilkaly to
cmbrarrass ht111 tic the tir%ha~:e of iiii c , ~ ~ t i e or
s lrlvolves moral
tury~tu or 61efe1;1 of cjlaracter.

T heDIl)treotor a: aiip



nut. t h D
~ C ~ L ICornmlss1o;er

or thc 1)l~tricl LPeve!ol)melrr

i':~*lclliv:~tOltlc.:r ciul it:::
the course
tiild!ry, nl?) srtspe,l
S L ~ i p a ~ i iri ~i'sll:c~- 1 1 - i ,111y c I : ~ I C
Tt"i8 ' ' 3 I T W I ~ ~ L I I ,2 ( , C I I I ttt: Ic>ilrr\ed.

A ry persc n ,,r k v 1 I)\

r c.t!;el of rc mc,val or wsprxlsacnn
T' rse L Tiil,,t;l trll'i iecflr>li,mly. witljlre
~,errt6 ol tbrrty c'ays fr.,m
tile tJ.tte f c-ritntinlc,itlotr 1 t 11.. tiri:ur. prefc i I
i9py.c,1 i( the
Si ie t i ~ V ~ t + t i lkt*

C'rr\allon from

:iaii. 1 i : ~ l r

~ " I I i l1

or Y bil l s l l ! ~t o d e ~ ~ ) the
tq I3i ~ ' , : elr, 1: !itnl ur<cGr S C L : I ~
1'16 w~lhrn9
y i 1 ot ssxrl 1 y s fr 1.1 cl,e cc srii w?~;ci . ~ t13 kin, " ~ t i'eierniineci
( 1 ) Iri


S irp* rlr i t

, i c 5
hdt I 1 8 i.!llt. t
( i i t~ y
il W ~ I I C ~ tilt
VLLIOC ( ' f h t ~ t yc'cIYS
e x l ~ l ~ c all,,
' s on i r \ t 11 l:<rL tilij. I I s ~ ,,'Ik e y C u t ~IILR k ~ hDevelop-.
c LI ! isltini. I L i ; ' ~ '*.*lit I(' t i l ~ 1)i~tllct
rlient ~i l'rnch, y t I I ~ ~ ~ br'.
I ~ ~ r c l ~ -,
, ; ~8 m
. i~ ilcIi ~t Otl:\c, w1t0 b f i ' ~ I i t i i f i ) f l i i the 1' i ~ * < l ~ ~ l y ~ l t
S ~ r r ~ i t (?I ,
r' I
y.&t , i t t i ;, .t p i ~ rs w
~!sq v,
i oL1irq tlic clttrct
paiir,ic t , ~ & t11r: tl.ifi CL ISC L i lioig its ~ f t t ~t i *u111 itre : I * ) As:tr<



Fi!ling c!' cas~~al

vainnci?h i i

22. ( i ) iiihui~cvcr
semoi;;i or c)l.ilerwlse crl

b L,I~CI
,av; err
I!,!ri,w.*t ' .'i<




v:~c.:nuy iice~rrs by .'c.:th, rcsi,yn:itiorr,

$ 1 ~ 1 101 c)J' a V:'!u~l, lire va~-:'l$c)i

W;:y 01, clcctiorl :

tir, t

leldtes to t i l L Schcc'uluc! Cnst-8,

o ti, iVorne.11. tllc V < I C I I I I L ~~ l l ~ ibe
l l llile~'up out


pcr9ons belg)ii:r~r~jto the cdte&cily tr

persons t h i v i c ~ ~ n crv.lates.

nt t.le

w h ~ c h c ~ t . & o i y01

( 2 ) A person altcttr! to flil r c:~w,livoc:llicy unc;el sub-sect~ou

ior the ;enldlric'ti 01 h15 prcdccessol's term of
( 1 ) sf1'11 be tlct;tc

o i i l ~ c:
\<lvliledt h ~ whcie
ti;: remctrnc".~!ot lXX10c' fool which a P'lnc'rl
171 S ! I ~ ' I I c L ~
IS 11) he electel is lesk th-I six rnoilths, lt sh rii lot bc
nrcess ~ , ty ~ llolti
Ll uy
I I ~ ~ t ~ urriki
ti11s stctlq n lo St11 such a
v &c.lllLy.
31. ( I ) T h t ~ r ~ e ~ t l ot
n ) : tile Gram t?ar?cirayat 611:ill 1% public
an.: s h ~ l lf,c hell' .ii ILnst o ~ ~ ai cmniith .it thc off~ceof lric firam
p'x3~11t\, ! or ,I! some oi;ier :iuhjic P ~ ~ L C
wit11111 111e G ~ d mS&ha
:ire3 lor w1iic;k ii 1s est ibiiaiie: .1i111 a t SULII tjine and cl,tte a s the
S ~p Ld ' l ~ irndy
~ (let fxillir: and notify.

Meeting of Gram

llit S a l t r ~ l ~ c hwhen
In writinq by a mqorlty of
the !'a16 '1 s to call a syeciai m e d i , ~I, c,hall do so witl1i.1 three tiays
1 1 Patlc:hu s, b..a,i, wlth r t v ~ I L Y ~ O Uapproval
falllit., ~ ' ~ i c thew
t h - pr: a:rrhe : autholity, h~ ntitltl La call a r ~ i e e t iaft
~ ~i ~giv~nga
w?ch's notic t * ~ r o ~ r $t li ~
i cI',~~:ci~%~yar
to the &*rpanch and
tili oti~r;r Parlc~~uq

01 Sevzrl ci .t days notic. ol itn ortiindry meeting and three

d:+ys cleC!rnotice oi Spec1 11 mct tang spe~itli~lir.
tirr place. date ;in."
of n SLILII 111 till: ~ I L C tile
bublnes:, to br trausL!ctcd thereat,
sil.ill bc glv 1 by titi SYcretary to tbc I ' r * i l ~ l i ~d~~a i iSr~cllo f l i ~ ~ a8
l!le S t ~ t , . ! i o ~ ' r a ~ u c t t tm~ty pr's~rtb;, .in!
ti= notice
boa1 il of 111.. kitam B.lnclraq%:

24* (I) r h . rnaioclty o f Panches f m thc timc holdiug office

s(l;all form ~r cjuorurn .ill 1 if ~ r t h 7 time s~ppointeci tor thc mceting,
nt a quorum iW101 pr

ihc prcsliling Lruthafitysliall w.tit for thirty minutes, and if

perm t l t f l r Is u quorum, tla prcsidfng
anl hor it y sh i l l LI~JCXICZI
t i ~ c n1ri ling ti) srlc11 time o~rrt the
fr>l!owiny cldy 01 Sue11 futur, ( g :is IIL mz8y fix;



(i)) a~milarly, the *)rcsi(lrng %utllorit\iaft1 r -,v ;itin for thirty

rtlirurt ': 'k~ur~t
t!;e mr2e11ng i f , I
n y tlmc
fter it has
hr grill ,!tt , ~ i l o ' tIs ' l.!\vil t o thc bv:l~lt of d cluurum an( the
I m i i.YS w'iiill L ~ W I not b+ consib L.
at the mr>itlng
uni't r L!~:u~%
for wallr of LL C ~ U U T U ~ shull



Quolum and

brouzht before dni1 i f f ~ p o s ~of- ~ i t the m ~ e t f nso~ ffx:c1 or

~ t t:i:ly subs,qu, nt a6 ~ o l i t n - . ' mepiin:
at wliit h ,l eri is ,
( 2 ) Savr ,IS utndrnis- protide 3-jor uur'cl t h i s ~ c t 41
, tvrry
n ~e,+ m P of tli: Gran~?a l,,Jt~ydt, t h e Slrpancli An i in l?[s L~hsencc
I P,'nc!;
11ctt>i' out of t i l c 1 3 ? ~ i ~ I ~prt
~ 'sst P 1 s d 1 p 1
{cir tl e

(3) All r]u7st ions shall, unl ss otherw~st s p : c ~ f ~ c a lpro,

i ~ id. P ,
b d c ~ ~ c l eby .I l ~ l n j ~ j r l t ~ctf
vu~cs01 r l l C I I S S ~nnil
: ~ *vutir.: at><'
or 1 ) 1 pi,
~ bi'~ lilg,
~ ~ + s~ f l i ~a I I ~j hc. t ~ : ~ l e s sILe
T S i 1 ~ ll'crn
. l \ voliirg, FA ' 1 1 1v 0 1 ~~ ~ c ~ ~ t 1 fi ,(,1 1 t ~ I . L I , I ~ I I L t~ ~h ~I ~ L I J I I ~ L ~
c~t v u t ~ stor dlrti dgdanst .. (1LIebtlOlk rlui in ti,e c a s t ut ryu.lijty trf
Vot'S, hi. m d y givi ills c . S t l t i :
( 4 ) h o r u ~ ~ t l b eol
r a ( ~ r ~ r iPijlcL~ayat
~ i t ' l i ! V W L o ! , , 01 take
part ,re :iLc clrscu 9si4p11u i .I uy ijllibho~l 4 *1111i>kL I fui
~ ( 7rslrltratron
at * I I I , L ~ I U , 01 ,: G%,imC l L t ~ i ~ ~iit.
i d 1 ' iil ( . I U C S ~ I I ) I Il u L l 111
~ w
all &rt l t m l i t s geiiil 3 1 ,
tile j~r~hi~c
!I, !l,-s any
tr. l 11 r l ~ t , etso ple\1.'iIa- I I X ~ 5~1111 A I I jntrlrai,
k i ~ ~ ~ uI ~~i ile~r ~~a arl~E s i ill
~ rr ) L p S i , ~ b' oV' r 1\12 illtrllllL \ v i ? i l i s ~h ( I L ~ ~ \ ~ I o COXICS
u p f i i ~L O I L ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ U L I .

( 9 ) If the p:isi)tl 1 restc lll; 1s bells bed by any ln~ulbzrpresent

nt the nrc-rtiiit: It) hav JnY SSLII / I * L U I I ~ ~ ~ L YI L I ~~ e~b t111 l.llj mdttir
undt r c r~cussrr~i~.
nncd rl a m ~ ~ t i o 1n I
a r c . I
shill1 nt,t

,.rcsic e

sut ii d I c 11\5ioo t r vuft ou c~rt;lke

do-v in iirbe~ other tha11 t l ~ ~ meanbet
1hr i;:-n~ I''~ilcb~ipit rrrJY tr~ b:lcaSc.ll to I
,it the lik~etfng
durln&; the ~ o i x t i n u a ~ lcrt
~ es,ul;ti r i + r u s>ioii.

Standrng Commit tees

of Gram Panchairars




1 i

bvery r ~ r . * u P
l m ~ h , ~ ~$11 ;111
~ t ~ o r t s t l t u t rthe fcJIIowiup



I 1


c L-L~~oYI,

Socrnl Justic



L'*!ininitt~, 1


i i l d t l d L to.



,nz 711 I i
I i


c,1a;>tL, a,r

c lrrrntlon,


sri~kal,L U ~ ~ U ~and
~ L
Castes, a : i L 1 Hdckwaltl


u th
0Lhi.1 wtdhi'i a:ctlolri;

* ~ iO ~ ~ ~ S Slioln
C .
social iuji~stict
( h ) 1 ~ O L - L I L OI 01 SLLCII ~ d ~ t diui
d any Ct)r%$~
ui 6 x ~ I L ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~;& L ~ I I

qp,If~re of ~ n m - ean<
~ chIldrelt ;
t h e Arl~trritr-.;:C~mrnltte- to perform f ~ n c t l o n sIn respect
pflhlic+ health, yub!tc. works and ather
funct!on.i I$' r h t Gtam Pawhayat,


(2) (a) Eacl, Stari4r~gCommittrr ,ha!! consist of !lot less than

three eucf riot I G ~ J T C t!1a11f i ~ ernemhtr.5 i n r ludjng the Sarpa~iehatid
the Satpansk phall @ t l l ~ ~r o ~ ( J I c ,a~%rnh<
r and L'tlalrman uf 811
thzse S t a n d i ~ ~ gC'mmittcrs :
Provided that Social iusticc Comm~rtcesha!l ct~tlsistof at
least on8 momher who 1s s wotnan an11 one member hrlon~ingto
the Schedl~ledCa:t';s '28 Blckwsrd Classes,
( h ) Esch "c~mmil!e-, -hlli be cnmurts-F! t u co-op1 iz such

manner RS ma$ be pte,critjed, m*mber~ uf fdrmers a:lubs, mahila

manilais, yuvak manda!s and other simllar bfv.?res le~ognlsedby
the State Governaierlt and represrnkativt ot co-operatire snu&eties
in the Gram Panchayat arm shall albo h t co-opted to tba
I1ra.luutlon Committee,
(.id IClt Standing C ommittec?s aha!l perform the ~UEC!!QES
refered to t!r ;lib-section U ) to the extent the powers arc
delegated to tBem by the Gram Fanchayat.
26, ( I ) Notwithtandlilg aavthhg ccoqailned to this Act, the
$tat* C2mcn1rnsnt mar, hy nortficatron, cunstltrtti. in rhe prescribed
rnausrr. the Psaljab t'anohayat h s ~ t a r i e srrvtce
referred to a* the Servioe):


E'rovrtl~dthat the iervl.:c constitubed under srctlon 16 of the

Bspljeh I3ram tyancha:~ai,Act, 1752 shall be d s e m d (0 have been
constituted truties this Act :
Provided further that the rules tor: rrgu latirg the reclu jlment,
ealariss, aI!awancea aud other conditions of service of Wmbors of
ruatle uuiler tlte Punjah Gram Panehayat Act, 1952
ahall also he rleernerl t c ~I)e niads u~iltieithis Ai t till sricl! rules are
n~odifietl,alteled ctr ueulr tra~neJby the Statt ~4uvtairmeiltuiidel
this Act,
!be Secr~,tarvshall be iucharg- gf the cffict: at the Gram
parlchapat and shall perform all the dlities alld exercise all the
powers impareti or nlnferred tipoll him by crr under tixis Act U E
any ttiles or bye-la wr made thcreu nder.

Constitution of

(3) S~bjectto rrlles as may he prescribeti hv the State

i;overatn,,tt r.2 ma^,!^ ? % i
i I a i i t rb,!trrrl. f l ~ eSecrelary s!i,ill
c &,art93 ~ C ! It i i r ~ ~ u ; whon~
. t i I
~ L ~L' 1 ' 4 ! 1 b. L ~ S ~ I O ~ % 1
I 0O {~I lL
k <tlalll ~ ' c Z 3 l < ~ i ? > ; ' ~ +
.-,.lli!ecl lo A I I Ci;i~i l ~ ,as iliay bc

ill t h i 9 behalf
ylevlcjus ,'ppwv~E i f P,i~lcli.iy:tt ! , k i ~ ~ i i t lR, (rranl
1 m i y einploy
oll,il ii,i, tirycl, ,ts la, itrlSidcrcii
,Ire.! l,*p ioi iarrvi i - o u t t l ~ c : ilie, l r n p ~ s e ~oi 1t by i I i ~ %



C L ~

Frrtvc'lent i l m d

and gr;:(u'ty
for e L ~ ~ ' ~ - Y L ' C I '

-1 <;lam l ' d ~ l c j i ~4i tj


9 i

a( ~o16faiicE with r >!es ma&

t h ~ ?,411
((11 estai~ltsband ot,~~ntaili
a pr:~v~r'enlfi;11!1
employees, and


behalf of its

':ratit a grituity to arij scrva~rt s ~ ~ b j e c tto the

appr~lvaiof the Director.

283. (1,) I[


Qi*>verllme!lt,a Gram
Pa ~cll,ifat ill..!c . i t s l~owcrsor IS
~omyetclit t o perform or
rnaheh y x , , s t e . ~ ti.eiaut I 1 'hi: perfor~na\re of' its tilit~ec,uil 'el: this
\ylilully r i i s r e y a r ~ ~any il~structlons g1ve11 or (?~lectior~s
Sarniti or 2,ll.r Parishad o r :11rv iustructt~ns
3s U L ~by the P.>ncl~ayat
issuet1 b j tile Sf i * ~C i ~ ~ i . ! ~ ~ m edriSiufi
out 01 the audit of
,uilts 01' the c ; r d n ~ i'a~ichayat itr i~ispectic~~r
01 work, the State
i~.r\es.lmeiltmay, a f t ~ r;:IVLI$ :,lie tirain Patrcl~aydt:in 0pportunitY
to re,if%rcxp!aflatl<tlt,b y :!$Ivrt2crp u b i i ~ l ~
I . ea l o ~ g w i t hthe reaaolls
~ ~ I C I L # , IC i. the OlT~cf.~l
i i n t ~ t t e ,:;iswlve s ' i ~ l Grdin
/ i tynt.
(t) When a cit;inr ?,~iicili~ydt
Is tiisaolve~lutlcaei sub-sertiorl (I)(,)
S,irpnncii. and all P:ltrcl~es shall vacht6 their offrws
4 % .


tile ~~prnioii
r ~ the

Provided t b n t wheie the remlinder cf the pertot, for which t h

t!lssol~a4 Ciram I" iLh,Yat w o r ~ i h \ L btr~?ti~ri~rcJi s leis t l i m sra

m < i , ~ t hf~l , ~

' ~ - 1 110 1~ 67,

riec~t,halt ' c y ill.~JJally , Irctloii t , l ~ <~ l Ii ~
lix i~citr~~~tltuti~rg
ihc lirdln l'.r,~oii~!vatink ~ L In I

perlo ;

C+ratn I[*anchal~tret.uostltuteli t ~ p u ~trh e dtssolutia,n d f the

exiqtiui- Gritn I>+Lrtk cyai itelore tllr i-.ip$latiooi 1
i t s ''arati?i;.
b i r d i l c f r ~ t i n u ert l!y ft>r ti,;.
rmriinder i r f tire per lot: tor wf11c;l t i i j
dissolv~.d GrArn PCluoir;tyatw,)uiii hav, i * , u rubt
t d ri i ~ c e . troii
1: llad ~t nut beell s o i iswIvclt
1[29-A. ( I ) N o t w ~ t h ~ t a n i t iallyth&ilt:
C(J"llill iles. 11:
- & ~ t \ b I l l Lo.
LPis%ilr+lon c f Gram
r i i n ~ h d w ttn ~ X C ~ F wllere a. (jmm Pam:>.ry~t h i s c-olnpitt~ci
term as s p c ~ 1 f l . u 111 11otiaI
r111t l t t t i ~ a i ~ o ~ s
sect~on15 of this r l r or electlo the~efc* has Isce:i r k ~ ~ ~I a o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e
ths .irate .i ~ v i i ~ l i a - . G' i o l i l % i t . 1 >~t Il~CRY4113 111 p u h i i ~16lteIFit
g,, t o :I), it rnly .li.soiv- a Cildn k ' ~ ~ l c i ~ hy
i ~ a tnu orcirr {tuFIl<h~J
in ti]? C)fflclal (3axette.

(2) W e 1 1 4 t i r a n Panchayat rs dissolved mlJcr sub-~eartlo!l( I ) , ( i ) Sarpancll and dl Pd-l!rcbe., ihall

vaedt6 tlaelr ~ t f f ~ c e s

( i i ) all ~ U W ~ ~1111
duties of the i>ram Paneharat du;mg if;
. clissolutjnrr, ~irallbe exeiclsed a n d pt rftrarnei by s u ~ h
[wnou or j'ersolrf, as tl:e Slate Cio~re~~rrnerrt
Lnilq apprtinf
in thts b:hall; and
p O i * r S k O i l ~f tho Gi,im Fall~!rayat
shall be he!d by the State CiuVz~urue~~t,j

(iii) all property 18 tire


30, SuFrject to such c u l l i ~ i t i i ~ as
~ l smay be p t % c n t > e d h Y tiic
State Crovt: .n.nellt horn t~ n e t o rlrue, t l ~ aCirurn P,inclrxyat having
legar\i tc, the ,iv31Iability of luluts ;rl i t s cir~l)cl\,~l.
I<' r n thc
funcficbn. '.pec~ted,below
{ ) ~ t

( i ) p~&pas,itioil

panchayaf arc:.;

inull plans

~ Q I


i eveluprne:lt

of the

F ~ u ~ t i o nofe G r m

preparation of snnuaf budget;


mobill>iilg reliefs
tcb tile poor,

:ir r 1

nstural 1 calanlties ineladin G rrlief

cernc*\al rlf encroachments m puhlrc. propwtres,


r!@ ass~stauceand rmplemerltat!on of deve!aprnent

schemes pertarolug tr! the v~llaecthrougb its Gram SaMa,





promntlrra of uilrtt p n t l harrnctny among all tFc

of finctetfr $11 the v~llage.


lol ally publi~place incluci~ngrts Ean~tatlcr?ard d i a j n ~ ,

( h ) wells, water-pumps, baolias, sprrnps, pol?" and tanks fir

auppiy of watcr Inr drinking, waalttng and baah_tt?p,


fe) buildfngs for the a c o ~ m m d a t i ~of

n ttrwelle~%;

(J') pt>nc:r for animals, crcttle: and shed* for r;an, hkgc!a, ra:k@hew, and autn @tat1J:
(g, E ) u ~ ! ~gatden*,
ylaygrounde, e%tablikhmr~t
end msi~tananm
or r t - ~ r e a t ~ ~parb,
argenlwtiorr sl games as<\ swdf3,
~ u a y l yof syorte niateriatrr and holdfig of t r n t u m r ~ a t ~ ,

(i) the aac? ruainteilanc, sf y b ! ~ pleres

and buildings of public ulllity lratles its own contml or
tralrafcrrzd tcr it by the Stale Grnremmmt oS s8y other
z ntf-ltrrity;
I r)

t 'z)

allotmac~tof piaces for prepstgtiun and cqnsgrvatron ok

aiailrrre , atrtl sbriftlng then1 b\! far away placer,
construc;tion anxi rnainterraure


c utverts and brir2ges, ard



the laying out of new asads and pathways amS maintenance 01' existrtrg ones,

supply of wlt-rr for cqomsstlc use anti for cattle;

(n) comrnuni t y listening,


prever?tie~B ~ ( 1c ~ n t r o lCIIpollution:

( p ) ma~t~te,r,:nre
of' hosts, ferries and all water ways;
(q) promot~onof famrly weIrare a11d po.~.ulatlonco~~irol;
( r ) cleaning nl
public. t o a ( ~ b , dmlns, tanks, wclls and other
(s) ~ons11ucti0nand maintenawe of public latrines;

( t ) ci1~posalof unc~dimtc8GUbpQSes anct CLrcaSseS;

(u) runilagemcat an11 ~ontrolot washing and bathing ghats,

(111) Agrrcu ltusc 4ir~luill~g

A g t r ~ ~ l t uExtcnslon-rt
( a ) promot~oaa i ~ ucr~velopmentni agrruuitlare and horticulrure;
(0) development QE wastc IanjR;

~ ~ ~ v e l o p m ancf
e u t marntarldnce of grazlny lanus anu paeven
ting their nnautliorl st r, a i:enaUon ,tna use;

( d ) Jestructrou ot weeiia ancr pets;


training anu carryrug out schemes for the ~mpr-ed methods

of ~ulrlvatlonanti nlau.%gPmmt of laricie to increase yrobllltruli,

Farmers Clubs;
ig) Promotion of apri~uituralcredit al;d of measurer including

(f) t h e organisation ot Young

eStabLl~ilmeu(ot yror~rionand impleaelit stclres anci credit

centres :u relieve rumi indebtedness a n d poverty;

Animal Husbandry, Uairying and Poultry--


(41 jl~lpravement01 breed at cattle, poultry alld other Z6vostodr;


g r a s ~ l a ~ development,
p r e p r a t i o l ~ and distribution ot
improver! variety of reeds of fodder slid grasn;

Jd) tbe voli~lltaryreglstratloli ol sales of cattle, camels and

(e) collectinn a 1 4 rlcstructian of stray animals ;

CI) first-a~clcentres, disptnsi~rles ant;

hospitals for

inclu,ii 18 t ilelr hcalih-cale;


Fisheries -Prornotio~ianti

u evelopmen t

of fisherleu in the village;


Social and F d r a Forestry, Minor F o r s t Ploluce, h e 1 and

f orl,'er.!(I)

pli itill :Inp prtservatirt,. of tiecs on the sjc'es ot lrrais

other p~bhlir ldll' s ~ W C I its c ~ nItO ) ;


lev I-p~i~ent
of sc):1511 f n i t s t ~ y ,
h h a 'i, L I I I ~ . ,in
; ~ ; Cottage [fldustries--

(. 1

ui,, I:<atlorr uf awrrl, nesc ~ d n l p s , senr~n.irs anc

p o b l lllures, d&ricu!:u;ai ang l l i , ~ l h i ( l d l~ X ~ I I ~ I
be'iellt ol the rural nrrah.

~ ~OX
I O the
L ~ S

(VPII) K!~ial liousing(a) ~ - ~ s t l i b u t ~oto nhuxrs*- sites within its jurisdiction;

(b) maintetlnrl~eol ~ e c o r d s1 6 ,,itlug t t ~:he irouse sites and
niilel [rllvnte rgi 1 p,zblli [rrtrpertlc;.

{ l X ) Kirr.!t Ei t t r ~ i l ~ a I t ~ri~clu(
o ~ n , ti.istr~hittorr i d Flectllcltyyio-ctc,~i~g
fur aiici marntetr:iiicc 01 I ~ & i ~ l of
l ~ ruh!lc
'iud ~ t i ~ epr ( a ~ ~ s ,
(a) promotlala and ~ieveloyiuent o t nun-mnventimal


( ! I ) mairitei~aneeof rorurnunlty no~~-eonvautbr~aI

enetgy devices,
i~lcluliingbio-gas pl*+nts;

6, ) p ~ o p a g " LI~ ~01 ~u~yroveJ

chulhas and o t h e r efft~lelrtenergy

(1$ 1

Poverty All, vjatioo Programme--

yramotjou of j)oblir awilfeocss and particip:ition in poverty

cilevlntio~l prqrammes Ig>r fuller c m ~ l o y n ~ e n t and
Lie Itlo11 ctt pro 'uc.tivr <tss t s t t~ ;
- ~ t l a nnt be tic i a ~ l e s~ms'erv n t l o ~ sprogiamnits tlrrt~ugh
Gram Sabl~as:
(0 ~jcit~cipatiuain ett-ct~ve implernrnttit~ol~
anri man~toring;


th) e n , u ~ i l ; iu11 :,~rulment and a t t e n d a n c ~111 prlmarq Sc'hools

and its mat~apernent;
provturi,p such e<rr~ntloual facili~tes as may be d e m e d
~Litessarydncl ti. sirabie:

iXI11) Adult aoc? inn-iormal E~;ucatlo:~-Promot~w of

LI tetaLy;


(XIV) Cultural ,4ctivitleS( n ) promotton of %la1 an<l culrural actrvitles;


the organlsdtlon ol Mahlln Mandais, ur.ganisation of Youth

i'lubs fox plonlottrip gan.its atld spotis ailci exetutlon of
social anl, ~ l i l t u f a l a ~ r l i i t l c sIn the Gram
S a b h ~dreas;

(c) Prumotion of moral, social and material well being;


Fairs and fislivals01~~~11lsat1nn

an, ~eleblatlonof p~iblic festivals and fairs
othcr tjlall t'eli8loub, fest:tals:

( b ) t o organss~,regulate anc' co..trol local markets for sale

ant! purchilse of any ysootiuct.
( g ~ 1 ) I'uclic tfcalth allrl Family Welfart-

implcrnentation of family welthrr and ~/ofblationconlrol

progi atmnrs:
jb) Prcventinn and rr:meLlial measures aga111st epidemic$;
(c) regulation ol salt of m a t , fish and othcr parishable fowl
($9 partici~ation in prngrammrs of hornan and animal
(e) licrnsiug of eating and entertainment. establishments;
( t ) destruction of stray dogs;


regulatdoa of cutl~ly,t a m i n g and dyeing o f s k ~ n sand hidts;

( h ) re~rrlationof ol'f- nsrve a i ~ ddanlerons tra~les;
(xvII) Worn~~ti
nrrd C'hilti I?cveioprnent
(u) p +rticipatio~lin the im~)~emrlrt,~tion
af women aa8 child
welfare pto~ranmles;
( b ) p ~ o t i i o t ~ofo s~c~l ~ ~ oIlea11
i h atid iliit rition programmes;

( c ) estnhl~sh;rrcot. ~nnlutolances a ud mat7a&cr1lentuf niaterility

and c l l ~ l dwuifarz culltrc a nil thc conslructlc>n arlti tcpdir
ut ,111 b~ildlLipswimecp ir therewith;


Walfar: i n c l o l i i i ~welfare of the hanJicapy1ci and

n, &tally r,.tarr't dmQ30111

( b ) rno~~~toriilg
the paial~i t istrit-rulia)n hysrlni.
1 1 ) FItc Srati Ciov-trim- ut m y , by rtotlhcatiorr and subject
to Syr,:! conc?li~u:isas miiy he .pec.if~c~'~ i ~ e runcist.
css~hv to the
t ;ram I<, rlci~.ry,it such o t h i r funct~nis which may be urrmed fit
,III.' Itrctpcr for projlcr c u ~ r t ~ n l ,n':~lt>r~crr~cilt
o n < ac'n~lnrsttcitinl,01
iI C ; t ;lrn Panrltuyats.

A s s i ~ ~ ~ n i e nnf




11) 11%:$tat(, <ravt.rxunrnt shall t rnn; ttrnt- to tlmr allot to

(#ram f'e ilcheyat sul h Iunc s or pldse at the r ielwssl of the Gram
Pailoh:ry,it such sf~urcc,sof i r ~ c n m:is
~ 1% n~ctgr Jcem proper dud
suffictt7ut lor ptop,r r~~sch:+ric
oi turrctict~lr he cntruste~.'untlcr
sub-? ction ( I ) ,

Special function' ot
Grd nr Panchayef

;i i t shall he the duty of tht. <;rarrr P:iwhayat within the

(;m~n 3. bit:r .ireu to pcrfornt


ol ti1 p.\nrlxayrt utlder thr P~lnjab Villagt
s111:111I"owr~l':itt(li ALI. 1%18 OX M I I Y other law f i r
1 1 1 ~ tru11 h r i q lgi ?arc .; a l i l b


( j , ~ s ~ ~ ~
l i



vill lpr

.audt~ttni,,n.ds I:\


Sr:iti CJOV rr:Par:

coaiki-ction with

nlrry yrrscrib~

t)y 1 ~ 18% uli<,el ;I :lto\1 3(i-A 01 1111' PUn3:lb i . a ~ b&t,

161,' or ,lily o t ~ i .i.iw
~ tor tfkc tinr. b~irlg'In forb:,

33. ( I ) N o t w i t h s t a n d ~ n ~rir~ythinr: to the ccantrarq In tbls

h c t or any 0 t h ~I ~ W
for R
the t j n ~ r h:.ins ill fr r c t , 11 Pg I>, h,
Satniti nr 7 i f a Pari~liacl r n ~ as
~ .t h e casr m z \ bc, .lnt .!?.H tf so
rcynircd tly thr Statc Ciovi r r i u w t I;(i t !:;i!f., (71 tr,insf I arty ( ui).

1 ) ~ l e s d t ~ filnctio~s


f ~ i n c t i o ~orl p~olselty fur ptcycr :I nc' effic l.l?t c011tr01, rlial~apell,~lit

a l i ~ ladnrltiirtrat?an to the <"lam P ~ ~ L~y,*t;
(2) Ill': P4ricl1ry?t SLlmctr 0 1 /ila J J n l i i ~ l l l J ,,ZS t[ll case m a y
~ufficlei>t t u l ~ l s a t the - i ~ s ~ o s ac~f
i ~ U L Grarrl
I'auckay,it for pLrform,ln~r ~t t h c c'lltle~ st, dtit gat, ,: aitl lor
prup-r contiul a n ~ i a,i;tiiui .tl aiion of the ~ T O ~ , F L L SO
I ~ St r , l n f i f ~rri CI
to the Gram Paurilaycrt atid in cane ol ~ ' c t a u l t , the StattCinver~~tnsnt
may by order In wrrliug iilli ct the pirsurr Iiaving :he
cnutn3y ctf F'a~lchavat Samit~Puuc; allti Ail:, IJa11cha~1
Fund to l d a c t
fu?dS a t the cl~sposal14the G~acnPancD,l)nt.
n. sh+ll pidce

34. (1) A Gram P~uchdyntrlillct 31cu naoto ru on receirlng

Ieport or crther ~ ~ ~ l o r ~ ~n i~~auon
t ~ toalka~ n g S ~ t~ltlencc,
11 any,
aq i t tiunkra f r t ,
ruay make 3 i o i ~ d ~ t i o n aolder
L ~ ~ I J I T I I I ;W
, I I ~ L I UA
tame fo be fjxe~llu tire orciet,(a)


the cwner or the occupier of any builtiing or l a ~ ~ c '

( i ) to


remove ally ell~rod&m%ntnn R publi~stretji, place

drain ;

to cbse, remove, alter, sepair, cleanse, d l s r i i f e ~ t or

put it1 gmd order any latrine, uranal, watsr-clostt.
drain cessyooi or othcr I eceptdrle tor filth, sull,.i$ewdter, I I I ~ I Sor~ ~ t e f k e a t t o ri mnvc or alter anp
door ot trap 01 ~nnstrustauy d ~ , ~ rfor
n aiiy such
latri~zr,uriual or water- lo set w h i ~ h crye11s cnl to
any strret Jlain, or lo 'but ut 1 such Idirtue. llrirl~l
or watcr-closet by a 8uflicitllt root and w , i l ~ or
fence from tht visw af person passing by or ~ . D N C I I I U ~
in the neighhaurh~<)d,

( j i i ) to clran'lr. repail, c'nver, fill up, drain of Jorpcn nr

tn rcmuve wdter from d p11v'te w a i l tank. IsSfrvulr,
pool, ytt, Jitcli, ( ( S ~ T C L ~ I Q (11I I c ~ ~ t v . ~ t ~therrllr
which rnay apy.-,-r to t l k ~ h r d l u L'dr~ch~~~,it
tu h,
~njuciouevi offeuslvt. ((1 thr a c r g ~ ~ b n u l i l o,~ ~ c ~


to remove any J I E ~ ,1 , III,;I~-S~)~!,

tiny ~~oxious,
or otkuslve rn rttJr t~~cirfcorn,+tltl t n
cleanse the hinu or Bu~ldarg;




( f



(b) the owner of any wall or building, which is deemed by

the Gram Pdnchayat to be rn any way c:angetous, t o
tcrrluvr or rep,~irsuch w 111 or huildltrg ;
(&.) tbc ojvnct or occupier of any hull!*liig or property t o
keep his R i ~ l l ~ i nor
g propert> 111 o sarliiar\ slate '

((2) the owner of any Jop or othcr a ~ i f m ~soffcciup

rtasor~ablysuspi~ttc'to t)' ~ 1 1 1 f ~ ~fronl
i n g r d [ ~ i ~otS whlclr
is t!nugcron& to iiestroy ol coilfinr or cause to bt
uonfirted sucii Jog or animal. ,

t l ~ cowner or occupie~of al:y agricultii~allend to drslroy

pnhli crr any other sucll harmful weed from such land ;


the ow/j;et rcr occupiet cuilcerncc; to reclaim

placc ;



Duildiug or land to
rnatriiafn in proper repair t h e Ievrl and aaf any
rust! or str LI t passj~ig111 Irc,rlt c?t t i l t ~ I I ~ ~Q, ~ or
L ItbrO~~gll
his land ;
( h ) thr orvncc or personbiik-cbargc, vt a pi vat^ "Khal" to
kcep It In a statt of reasonable repatr ,
or if 115 objects so to r:cr, t o appear bcfotc it. at a time and
plact to b r .fixed by the orCcc, and to move to have the a d e r
set asiJe or rnutiified 111 thc: manner hereiudter provided,
(g) l l ~ eo w ~ ~ eorr occupier of arry

( 2 ) If the owner or c ~ c ~ u p i eofr any huila~ngot land does not

pertorm such act or appear anti show taus?, t h e orcer shall be
mark absolutr and If be appears ancl show callst. apdi~iatthe order
the (;r,~rn P,lnclrayat silall take cvlrleocc allti if it i s %tistled
that thc ortier i q nor rcasondblc aud proper no further procerclings
sh~1Lb: tahca i o the casc .in<! il it Is not so satisfied the order
shall h: matle ahsulutt,
( i) If

such a i l act 1s not performed wrthin t h e mimt. fixrcl,

the tiram P a ~ i ~ h a y amay
Faus it to be performe< ant. may
r:covcr thr cocts of ptrforming i t frolll huch pcxson.
Vmcr of Gram
rk~icl~ayatt f 111a ke
genc~ali t r d ~ r

A Grrirn Panchayat may by general orrkr to b: published

i,, rllr nranitcr pre~cribcti35.

of water of a weal, panu or other

~xcavatiop sus1)tlted to hc dal~gtrous t o the public
hcalth ;

(4 prlihtbit tbr usc

(6) regulate or prohibit t h watering

ot cattle or bathtllg or
.ivn~ht:rgat or neat ~ s l l s , pancis. or othtr excavations,
reserv~cifor drrnkfilp water ,

regul'ite or yroliibii t i l t stfeylnb of hemp 01 any orhtr

plant in OF I I L : ~ I pollob 01 other cxcawtions within two
~ ? . ~ of a
huno'red ,in< twenty y m s of t h e C C S I ~ ' L ~ ~ L area
village ;

( d ) regulate or ylofllbit tbe dyein& o r titni-ing of skins

within four hu~ldrcdand f o ~ tqards
~ of the residentla1
area of a vjllage ;
regulate ur prohibit the excavation of earth ;
(f) legalate or pkolrib~tthe estabtisbrnent of brick-k~lns.~nd
charcoal kiins withill ejght huntlreci a , ~ ueighty yaras
and pottery kilns within two buudrec anu twenty yards
of the resldeutia) c c : ~of the vlilbge ;


(g) direct that t h e carbasses et ali kyiiqg within the village,

except animals slahgliterrt' for consuniytlon sllall not

be Gkspjsed elf within a rac.luS of four hundred and
forty yards t-rf the resic:eratini area of the village ;

Provided that u ~ t l i i u g &hill! bi done under thjs clause to

interfere witi~the lagal rights or . m y per8on ;

(b) regulate lhc conslrMctlon ul new buildings or the

extension or aklerakibri of any es,stm& buildings o r the
ubacii ;
( f ) regulate with the

previous yermlsslol: of the State

G o , emmcnt the parking of yubiic vehi~les;

(j) regulate such rnattels as cnay he necessary for the general

protedio11 uT standing crops ano' trees on common laad
and thc plant~ixgof such trees ;

(k) regulate the observance of sanitation and taking curative

and re vent ivc nit: surts to remove and prevent tile
spread of epidemics ;

(I) regulate the maintenance o f water courses meant for

inlgatlon purposes ;
(~n) regulate the killink of stray Cops ;
(n) regulattt the slmghter of animals ;

prohibit beggary ;

( p ) direct the taking of

waterloggillg ;

measures for the prevention of

(ql regulate the flaying ~ n r lC'tip(,fi?l~f read anim~lp:

( t j prohibit tllr sale nf 11?rrnPul catiihles withiti tlre Gram
Sabh? arzn : and
hgulrlte o ' i f ~ ~ ~ and
s ~ v edanperoub trades or practices.
36. Arry perqon at13 c;isnhey~a n of the G a n l Panchagiaa
mad< t i ~ l r l f rsecti~rns34 ant1 35 sball be liahlc 11. a penalty which
mdt extend
tifly tupfesalh.1 if t l ~hrrach i 9 a ont tit ruing
breach, wit11 a 'iurthea pei~aiiyvhtrh nray extenc-l t r j five tubbers for
Every day after the filrt clay llurll~g which the hfeat 11 continues :

penalty for disobedience .if qi~eclal nr

as~leralv r d e t nf the
<;rain t'anchaya t .

Prov~tled t h ~ the
t recul.rlug penalty
of rupees flve hundred,
Appeal against
f f r d & ~ sof Gram

Power to enquire
and make repert
about rniscnrrduct
of pcttv aR1clal6.

shall not exceed tile 8uln

Arly person aggrieved by an order of the Cram Fanchagat

made under Rectlon 3b m;iy, withila a p e ~ l u t iof thirty d a y s ( t f the
such order. prefer at1 a)>p~..lti, thp I9ist1ict L)evelopmet~t
slid pf,nchayat officer whose dectslon slrall he final and s l ~ a l lout
be liahlc tu be cluestiuned 111 any court c l law.

38 ( I ) On a untoplaiilt b e ~ n gmade to the Gram Pawhayat

by any p e ~ s u tthat
~ a p e o ~ i , bailif[, ~~lnstclble,~ h a ~ i k l d a r patrol
o f the C)cyattment of Irrigation. Forest guard, Patwart, o r
varclildtor, canal overecei, hcao constable, gottlr w a t ~ h c r01 any
othe! class nf public uervanta t o which the Rntc Ciovemment may,
by ntltlf"icatlo!l, extend the provisions o f tllis
scctlon ha6
himqelf' ]ti hls vlficial capacity, the Gram pauchayat
nlay enyiiirc Into the mattcr a l l c l sahmit a repnrt alvngwitir the
prlrrirl /'la@ eviilci~cct o the superlor ufffcer whom it may wncertl,
or to the Deputy C~ln~ll~issioncr.
(2) Thr al~tl~olityrcferred to ln ~ U ~ R C B ~ ~fJ)
C I &alI,
such iurthcr rnquiry a s may be required, take suitable a c t t m nud
lnloym $ 1 1 ~ Cirdnl i'd~lchaydt ok tllc rcsult :

Prov~dccit11dt slotllint;: In t l ~ i s se~tin11 shall be constri~ecla s

ernyowering the Ciranl I'aucha yat to qummatr any Such nffislal or
to cxerclsc control cilsciplla~aryor otherwise, o ~ c rthen^.
Qupervision of

39. ()n tllc report heilly al.~tfeby any person that a

or Ct1aukid,tr Iias Idilcc~ t o p;rfurm any c:uty


Idw, tile Gram P ; u ~ c b y a tmay by

imposed upon him by

truticc f i x i ~ s a rcaoonable

pariol reciuir: him to p-rform the said Suty and on his hilurc
t o c'o so &all rrport t h r matter to the suprrior officcr whom it
ntny cononra, or to t h e Deputy Commissioner and rte result of
t l i e *ictiat~taken thcrron s h ~ i l he comrnunic~t t d to the Glam
40. (I) A Grzm Panch,tyat, may by a ri-~~olution
suppotteu by
at ledst twodhrrc's of paucheb h o l c i ~ office
for thc time being
p2asd ".t
.ri)y t i m ~on or & f i t r t h , f ~ S t r'ny of April. and o : ~
or h3inr-: 3 0 t h Idy ot S-.l)tl'n~b-P~u a n y year, :+irt'ct t b t intoxiadtiug ! I ~ Uhc
ucrt srrlld i! arly lit-cns~d shop w~thin t h e Gram
L ~ r e t~ot:v~thqt*cll
l a y rcmlutinn
passed by an
empowered local body !anc!eP sectroll 5 of the P ~ n j d b Local
Optlou, Ast. 1 9 i j , c)r ally other law for t h e time k ~ n gin force,
such rienluiiou siriiil be cfftctive Fmm tli;: f ~ r s t day of April,
of t l yedr
followini-. the ( k i t whrit it I S $0 pas,ed ,?ad %hall
Imm."iiliately b.. oortlnltrnicate i ta t h t Exclst and Taxation Cornmirsin~tet,Punjab,

(2) ~otwirhstandlng anything ~ o n t a i n c din the Puujab E x c ; ~

Act, 1914, and tbc f l ~ l c s maclc thcrcunirr, or any other law for
tho time being lu forcr, with regard to the I.OWEIP, and functions
of tho C'ollestor under the said Act, such a resolution will
hlatii~igrlpo~tthe E?xci% and Taxation Comm~rsioner,Pul-?jab.
Provided that i f the Excise anti I'axatian Commissioner.
rcasor~s l o be rccorded In writing that
within such local area illicit ciist~llatiolr of smuggling of'alcohol
h,ls been carried csn or connived at. within. twn, y e a s p r w d i n g
tho date of' the pissirlg of such resolution. in uuch h l area,
such remlutian shdl not bc blading upon him, unlrse the State
(iovet'amont orders tbat it ahdl bc %) hindin g.

Pury'ab is of opin~onfor

41. (1) A Clrdrn Panchayat may, from time to time, make

hyr-laws consistent with this Act and with rules m ~ thereunder
d ~
g ~ n e r a l l y for carrying out all ur cury of t f l ~pt1rpos.s of thrs


(2) .(n making a bye-law under sub-section ( 1 ) the Gram

pdrlcjlayat may ,?ire& that a brehck ot l i sl~nllh - punishable with
f i ~ i c ,which miry rnton~i to f~ftyrup 'a awl if bredch is isnnttnuous
with a further firrc of two rupees for every I ~ i yaftrr first c'nrin,q
whlcl~thc breach contitiues.


( 3 ) The power conferreca u n t rr this srctiol~ t o m a k ~bye-laws

z u b ~ e ~tot t h e LO I 'ltio of p . e ~ i c u s l j ~ b l ~ ~ : ifor
t ~ suth
~ n tim:
in buch ~ I ~ , ! I , I I - I
, ~ ) L T . ( (11 ~ / l yt i ~ . I I T I ~ L I ~a,l l ' G O by'-




come lntrj




i t l ~ i b iv -11 LC)lfgr~neciby



Th. Sarpnls~h of the C+r~:mE3aii~hayatni1J,ifauthori*t.c'


1'1 wrltt~i,

rani I

ttlls h hdli by t h e C r ! rn i'dnchay i t , 'i~ryc~thcl

,ir.iy r:rttr ~ n t o <)r upon ally hull sllld or, W I I ii ~ l r

risSibti:ljt 01 W O I ~ (1,
~ I
ol c I I(* make : il ~!hprctionot
to L X . L U L < I WOLL wh>cIr .I (ir,tr,) t'nw ~iayat15 ;lutIiorlscd
oj riiisAtt 01 tul *, , r b y -l<,ws m ~ tirii,url<~cr
c ~
t o mahr 01
xicut. , or W ' I I L ~ i., I c., ~ a r y to1 d t ? r c ~ i t ~
P g i n c 1 ~y'11
. ~ ILW 'illy
t r f th- 11 I K ~ K 01
) ~ rn
~ U I ~ L I ~ ~otI L ,111y
01 tlic
1>i0~16i0llbot t h i ~
Act UI of rules or byr-rCiws, t o mak,. ur i A, cuir .
, < , I v y 01

I'rc.vlieti that --

(a) cxccyt wheu, it is uliicr this Act o t h e r w i s ~ expressly

provrrled no such cntly shall be ma(': h t t n r r l ~suti:,et a~tils u n - n s ~ ;

shall lu ev. ry inslanec be given evcn

A i ~ l b e~b~ 1 10th
1 TWIS. b: ciltel-tl withoul
n ,tic; io
L I ~ ~ Ir Gh ~ irlrndtcs 01 ' I L I a t ~ ~ i ~ t nOCCIIPI&
by wamcu I T ) rerllov- themscivcs to soxnc part ot
the prem~sra whels their prlvncy shall n(,t be c;is3turbed, and

:,ufflciitnt notic\

: I


(0 due regard shall always be bad t u thr social and

rrligi~jus usages of the occupants of thc pf,misrs
Pnrwt reg

43, ( 1 ) A (;lam I'nnchayat may-


nanl, 4 -: F'l":iS
,411nk rtv:



udme l o t r - give11 t o

a street by affixing it to
t,r palilt 1ir.r ~t 1.11 a n y building of otherwise ti such
! ? H . I ~ ~ O ~01 I U l B l l l l i l
, I niay t h l i l h tit,


ih) ~ d u s z a 1111r11hclt u he altrx~$1 to or painted on any

bu,liilng 131 sucii a p t ~ S i t l u ~ c>r
i ni-:1-?rr as it may th~nE;


(2) Til- Gr .m IY,lncI i y a t rniy I equire the ownel ot or,cr~pigr

bull.ililo t f r print tlieieiin
sluanber or itself ca:a.lse such
i ~ l {U
~ be
i ~t Y ~
U : I~
I ~ C \* ~
' i i ar~ybulltiir~:?.




(3) Any pcrR,,>ndestroyjijg, pulling ~ I o ~ I Iitf>!cins

:~riy!lame plate of :L srr;:et or :-iurnl>cl affjred t o or paintcti on
u r*!-r . , ~ b - ~ ~ c t i (oIn) s;I?,' ( ? ) o r ,;(i:xiri:: to or rai:ltjn::
0.1 a bujldin~: ;i :i;il.r,r~! ik:l'll.
:l;l-n:bcr f,oin rT,.il a6ix;i or
v.iiuieii 1,y o r u 1 i.rr tii: i j r :i:,oi' [!I-. ,;i<,;ill !';~l.;~~ayat,
. < l ~ i l l ,an
conviction, b.: linid, t~ ;I l"i re wflicil rn :y .xten f io f i f t y r.lp:'es.


44. (1) G r x n ?',l,:ch.~yat sh'iii cxcri
tion '-15 anT! ,,hall h l v e
:rr it] Sc'iedul- I I .
over rriati !s I :id
(2) For t'le puiy>,c ot ',g -vhc,iicr an n f f e n ~ ftlls
within the ju*isilicti,i.i ok L (;ran] P<
t!;? pruvis~oi~s
~r cde of C"i~niiii;ii i'~oce<!~~re,
sections 178 to 181 of t h C'
197.4 shall
0 1 . 4


(3) A Gram Panchlyat shall be deemed

t i yiilg criminal cases.

CJ b i

criminal court


Any h~agi.lmt-bef )re whom s c,implaint or r i . p , ~ thy

th* Pol:cc of any off I C - ti i a b k by ~i C i i c ~ r n Pnnchaydi is brourht
or wh.1 tdkcs ~ . ~ ; ~ n i t a n coft any such ,)ff n c - upad 111s <>w,l
bilowle igr or :usplc~oii shall tr<i,lsf~it i ~ rprnceed~ugsto :I <;ram
P,tlidrd yat of c i r n l ~ t e n tjurss?iction

I'rcrvided that a Chief Ju.itcidl MnpisirJr' may fibr rcasons to

bc record-d in ~ v r ~ t i n g tr~ilsf'er
any c r ~ m i ~ i acl +Sz !ram Ciram
panchayat t o anothcr Cirdm I>hi~lnchayntof c o m p r t ~ u t juris Vcticm
or to another court subo~~Yilrate
to him.
46. (1) Subject t o the provisiirns o i sub-secticrr (3), no
Gram Panchayat shall take cognlzanc.~ oi' siiy off::~ce u n d - i th:
illifran P-ilal C'ode, 18& ili which -1thei c o i ~ i p i ~ ~ l u aor
n t th:
accuse-1 1s a pl~hlisservdiit.
(1) Whet1 ~nforrnntion relqiiaq to the commission 06 a
~ogniz,rlrl[. ctffejict t k i . ~ h lby
. a (rrarn P,iilc iayal ha\ I. - n give11
he si~~rll
ti? 111v~iths - id
to an r,fhcer itlch't~ e ot n )i alicc htat~c~ir,
,c ,py uf th- Igirst Isdormaticir X >(,c(, t o th C;i,ccii Pdir'l~dyat
cumpetent to try such .air offcnc. ..A'
sue11 Ir,tin I'duchayat
shall nil1 ~)rocrcc;1,) try lily cornp!:aiat rel.'t.
tcr Llte .iita~ct tcts
o r h
it 8
$1 t'v: ~ i ~ l t t - rLI, $ t i [ tlrc ,)if,cei
brs rni,rn,~tsd 1 I wr11211: thdt thc inVs;llg<tti ~i 11 I I; c i c i~cluucd :

Exclusio~i of
cert aiu cases.

Provided that such an officer shall send the inforrnatlon to

the Gram Pafrchay~t after the concluslnu of the rnvestlpation,
No crimtnal cdse\ shall I e hear11 by anv Gram Pancf!cvat
crlminal cnpe on substcrr~~r:ll!y the sarn? facto a,?:~lnat [he
snme par;cril l l a ~h:wl heard sod finally deci lati by tila crmpetent court 01 Gram Pailch8yat o r i6 prnc'ing thcrcin, or
br t r l i r it.


Cognizance I t

c r ~ r n ~ l , -ca%r

(1) A criruinal case before a Gram Panchayat zh:~ll be.

irrstia~itcd oil a compldii~t ,rl writing and no payn~ent of fe.:
prr-crib* 1 i : ~Schc t f u i e111 I>\? preseniiilg i t irr percolt to the Sarjlanch,
and In llie itlvieu~e, t ( ~~ r l y I\~ilcti or h~ 9*ndlng ~t h v reg~stFrci
post to (he <irela t%nchtly:lt

Provlded that If tire court Let stamp 1s nnt available at the

place where the C i i am Parirt~ayat otdtna~ify s ts or at the place
finm ~ b e r t . t i ) - sou~plalntis writ i.1) r q ~ ~ ~ v c ,imonnt
l ~ n t may he paid
in cash or s e i ~ t to the Gralrr Panche yal hy money orclar
(2) T h e particulars of the w m p l a ~ n t shall tip r ~ n t i e dby
the Secretary of the Gram Rochiyat In the reg~ster prewribd
for the purpose,
(3) Not\v~thetandlng allything containec! lo ~ub.eection (I), u
Gram Pancl~ayat sltall be competent to take congizance F I ~ Onzom
nf cases falling U I L ~ ' F ~8ect1onir 160, 228. W , 277, 269, 290,
294, j 10 of the In~iral)Pcual Cod?, 1860 ant1 unc'er soctioos 3
linl 4 of tile E'unjab Juvenile Srnokrng Act, 1918,
A C ~ JI,?

on complaint.

48. (1) I h e Gram IJanchayat raa y, after exir~ninir~g

the complainant aud tha wltrlesses, if any, and after such rurihor enquiry,
as it [nay leern necewry, e ~ t h c rd\aroiss the cnrupld~nr or summnus
the accused.

(2) Tha Gram PanchaYat may

dlsmiss the case if the

is absent on any day fixer1 for hearing of the case of
for want of yro~,acutinr~acid suet, order shall, subject to the
prt>\,\io)rs of sub-sectlrn~(i),
an acquittal.
tf'tllr con~plaricdrltsatisfies the Gram Pant bajat thet hli
absance or for &ant of prosecutloo of' the caqe o n his pnrt wa3
tiue tc, R \t~fflcI~titC ~ U S C
the, Gram Pal~chnyat may sat asic'e the
or,oer of , and revive the llrrn-el irlgs .

ori'cr of clism1esal \iiall he set aside unle+rt,vitle*itl,al

(i) all applicatlor~for tfie purpose is 111adeby tbc cornplaiwjnt
wittlin IlrirtY a y ~of the pahsirrg of such orL1cr;and

(ii) a notice o f the applkation has been ~ e r v e d r~lron thr

e c a ~ r ~if the tlistnissdl w a s macir nfter npprarc>T,'i
of thr :rccxricnii hcfnrc tllc Cir~mI':lac),ay::t.
49. If ; ~ -nY
tim- it :ipp%als to t l r , (:r<lrn ii.!r~chnyattlr;it
t h g - offencc I5 rtnr f o r wl~icil t h . sc i~tcirce wlrjc i t th: (irsrn
t21nr.'t ~y lt j'. c >!ripetent t', p r S 6 biiultl bc ir~.l':qu,itc, i t
9 . 1 1 th- I ~ ~ O
i oI f t h t c w - I>Y order i l l writlug 111 t h c CIlj-f
.ludioial R f agrstratt.
50 (1) I f t b c accusrr! fails to nppesr or cannot be tuund,
the Cirilm PancJlay;lt s11;rli report thc facts to thp Mapibtrntr
tiavin: juristlietrorr ovrr the ar%,:r.

(2) Ihe M<~glstr,ttr: s',ill ~ssuc thc snmntolrs o r warrant

; c lsc { i f
Inr tflc @ t rrest i.1 tit. ccube, . ~ I L ~ill
w,zrlnnt, sl-~,'li llect
y t i r
e or1 t i l l . w.iir, rat t11;lt ~t such i~cistrr~
LA cuteb .I
cr I
n ~ ~ i u n \tv ' t 1 2 8,r wiill,rut s u ~ tt i 4 5 I v r h , i .jtti>n, I ~ I C b to11 11~r1iselI
111 tlv I I I C I I ~ ~1 ~ prt!\ic!(
1x1 5~ L~IOII I $ t 7 i t l ~ c
o l ( ' T I I I I ~ I'foc.c~l&~c,
I ! .
lli shrll be r-l~;~setr

FVhr11 the .~ccusi~d
appeals brtore thc hlaglst~ntc 11e
c'frect him t o i x cuti i t b ~ t ~ cwith
c~rwrrlrout ~ u r v t i t111
~ th,
,truoullt t u L)i n~iiui. to lpp~-.~rbcfore tlri t i r , ~ ~ nMiilc:t.~y,it,tt
its ~lpxtmcetiag aictl it s i ~ 11
be (ti : i'ilty v i s~icli .!ccu;r tl l o
enquire the date . l i A ~ i triue i11 tllc ucxt lllcct~~lpt ) f the (ildm
?',tnchoyat .

(4) On Ilis fuillurrto cnecutc hwi~ ir hot~rl it 1equrrt.d t i ) d o

unnlcr rub-srctio~~(3). thc M n g i s t ~ , ~ t .slr,~lli,r~lcr titat thr
~ccuseditlay h pfu,'ucct: i o crust oily h o i o i ~ t JIG (;r;i~u Piilwl~,r
:,t its next meeimp.


(5) lf tnc amusc~lf,ttls to pppe,tr before the iiranr Pailchajdt

after c~ccu2ing.i hoild u n d ~ r sub-sectiofl (3). tile Gram Piri~ch:iy~ii
s ~ ~ a lrepjrt
the E ~ c t t o tbr Masiqtrate beforc whom the boiltl
~,i\ccutl,: ail I ~ucir M<.iglstr,t i s t j l i o ~ . . a < ' P ~ Igir sub
.i ctiull ( 2 ) t o c i ~ l n ! ) 1 tile .ltt ?ld.k>lce o t
tire .ic: list t i . , I I 1 i ! l ~ ~ ,
t o ri~,rlls- the ,imoLmt of b i l l l undc1 ('htcptir XXXIII clf'tbe
Pt' ) G < ( ~ u C , l'>/.?.
t.J>zic 01' cri$ni!~z~!


i'he ( > r i m i ' > , r t . i ~ t yk t \111li, t t po.,sih~,-, t l y ,r ~rlrnlnil

pius or !< rs orn tile I ay an whiz 1 the tccu~eJ

<>CS ,i112.
i i it1.1t i%
not possible m y , if ZI-is not .~fro:ciyoil b i l l . q q ~ i r c ! l ~ m



D~ocnpt disposal
of cr i r n ~t 1 ~ Cabcs

to execute a bond with or without sr~retlesfor a sum not 'xceeding

five liu~('re<?r u p e s t o a r p e r bkFor( ti~i.C-r,+n? Pnncil:iy, t or1 r t ~ ~ y
usy or .?ys t o wilic': the tri $ i m y b- ., jjocrfi .
(2) I'rir j:~ount o: bond t.1 b- execute ' ur# er s~h-sectJon(I)
~ t ,for felt , sh. II bi r cover; bi.. by tji, C>rLLulI', I ell: y,il CIS l f t t
w P e ~ ~ i ~ il nil ) ~o ~by
'( 11,

ritenci t h .icbuset7to ! tri~criot er.c.r. irlp two bun&

OF 1 0 ~ 8
r e rupees or L'oubie tile v s l u I t
cciusiI by ills L : L ~ , whlrfr \ e l i, :In t r .
Provk et tint no t i c r SJI1 exLee the mnL~xtrnuol
fi ie ~ I ~ C S crib hy ~ i 1i l~w tor t i , I
inc- .


(0 r

quire him to c xbcutc wit11111Such tlme as the Gr,zm

P < i ~ ~ c i ~m
~ l py! tP:h, .I boiii vrith OI.without s ~ r e t 01
l ~r l r~t
, mount not e x ~ e c d i ~ollc
: ~ ilutl. re ' mpees, blrtdfng
i,lnself l;! rt hc wd! i'ot bi a@ln gujltj uk ..11 oficiice
tri.,blc by the ticam IJSrilch~ynt~ Q I any perlo~i tiot
cxcecdirrg t w ~ l v cmonths ; os

( d ) ~ h t r c131 :h oplnron of Gr:im Panchay,tt he 1s ulldcr

el$,te n ytprs ot c, : > I , rfqUJZC f:iS lather or his gUi!rc'lan
t o ixecut~ ~ i t i , ~ a>UCJl
tlmr RS thr C ; r m P:iucllay;,z
m , ~ ykix, '. bani w i l l ; vt witl.0ut sureties of :11? ,mount
not cxct e. zXT,' oa iiu :ire* tupcis, bin 'in:: l~imselfto
prevcnt such offtni'cr fronl ~ ~ I m i t t i c.ny
j ~ gof$ nc. tri:~bl.
by (lie Gr, IV P.ncb.t Y,( t For arty period not e c - c 'in,.
t w lv n~onths.

r : ~,~mourits b f

ny brw ' t ' k

u r ~' r cl usc,s ( ~ ntv'
~ i !r.iovbr, hlr 114
of ti! lore. oi t: sub-stctlon r l lor lcitici, ~ k l ~ h<
h i r , n i L'd~kcii~iydta s if i t W ~ F L ~ I I A ' inlrob
by ~ i s - l f
!i the
us I or
f ~ l l l e r01 hjb P U Z ~ ~ C41,I . :s tbc W S ~ :may bs, fcils to
extcutc such a bo1.c within tlln time fix^ 1 the dccusec. shall b~ pu~ilbhabie with tlnc which may extenrQto one hundred rcnpers.



(3) Where R Grrm Paiichnyat imposes a fmt nnc er t h yrovlsions of this s ctinti~. * i t , such Tin. 1s 0; 1'. i ' o s lequlrl r r t shall
recor ail or,' r g ' ~ ~ i1:.; ~the
t . ~amount of fine 1c1pos.. anli thdt i t
h s 1.1ot b .n p,i~d,.in s!~lll foruarc the smt. to ;lie neii~cst
Ju 'icidl Mlgistr'itc W h o 51,. ii yrc,ietc to e x r ~ L t~t
~ i.t, ii x i w c ~ can
order passt d by IirmsL1 1 , .inti such Jueicicii Mnplstrc3ti mcy
tllz :zccuYet to ioiprisorunent in fcidult 06 pilytriclrl,

53. ( 1 ) If a itiic I \ ~.npo"

uulllcl this Act, thc Gram
P,~ncl-tdyatmay oi ?r t h d w h d c or any part of iilc fins recovcilc
to IJC . ~ p p l l ~ i - (u) ilk defraying expenses properIy

complbinant ;


incurs% in the case by the


I i~ colnpetis~ittonfor

ally material itamage or loss caused

by the o i l z n c ~cornmitte~.

(2) IL the cil.6111 r,lncilayL~t

ciinsitiers that a case is iaise or
frivolous or vex. tloua it m y call upoil tb complainant to show
c;duS. why ht: shouici 1101 p i y compeas,~ilan to tlicl LCLUSL~.
( 3 ) 'Ltie C i r ~ mPa~~clr~iyat
shitii recur(: allti 1-0usl.icr any cause
w h ~ c lthe
~ cotnpiarnar~tnlay show uilLer bub-Scrl~!n (i)anc4 11 it is
satisfied that tit, i ~ i s twas hise, frivolou. or vexatious, insy for
reasoi1,to be retorclLc, t ! I r i ~ I ihdt compelisittic 11 ~ i o texceeding rvptcs
~ the a~.cuseJ.
tifty ah;tLl be peri: by the c o m l ~ l a m a nto
54, No convlctioxi under this Act sh:tli be G t ~ n ~ e to
l : be previ011s cc~nvictronfor the puCpoSt of h r c l i o r i '75 ot the Intiian Penal
C ~ i r I86O
o r sectioii 350 a r section 360 of the CoLe of Cklminal
Procedure, 1973.

Comiction by Gram

55. (1) The Chiel Judicial Magistrate, ~f sattsf~edthat a

fdilure of just%e has occurtel', nlay, of his own motlou or on an
a p p l i c ~ t i o nof t h r pstty aggrieve; by order in writirib after notice
to t h i c ~ i 1 l, ~or~the compI''i \ant, ,,s the c:ise m y br', s.~ncelo r
modffy any order ill judicial proc ep'l8rg ma(:( by ti Gr,im I'ilncti iynt or dir.rt t h ' $*trial of
any crimin 11 caw by the s,lme or
'any other Gram Pawhayat of compclent juris3 ictioli ruboidinate to

Criminal procaedings
by Chief Jud,cjel


(2) A fec ~f one rupee sh:ill be pal i oil evi-ry applicatiol~,to

he fileti uri Jer sub-section ( I ) .


Civil, reventle and

Judicial powers.

55, (I) Notw~fhg[andinggnythin* contninpr' In anv other law for

t h e time hefne 3 iulilest to the v i h ~ r ~ T ~ ~ ' s I ( P , c I this
Act, the ~urisci c f i ~ ~ton Irv : l r \ i r i t ' the suits r l l i nticrre:' lictc-c~r~t'er
~ h ~vest
l i 1x1 .I ( i r tin k'c~~cb,cyn:,
(a') h t l i t s ibr ~ I i er rover! of nlclueblhle propertv I I th: v-,li-t
#k 4uci1 i t r t * p r t y ,
t h ) s tits f o r

trr meI> or



tm cn ltt acts trr prIcP:

t her(-ol :

( 2 ) 7 he prcutu,ir !inlit) L I Jtirjs, lrtir 1 1 t f

s!: 111 ? l e five li i c i z iupecs i.1 respect ni' '11i
\ ~ l b - ~ , e (~1t) ~ o ~ ~

Gram P 1 t ~ c l i > ~ y ~ t

C11ll 1.

1.1li;cx P ~ t i c h - v :v]l~n twin:? 5111ts r~!r"rr"<t t t r jn

5 ~ t j o l t50 . , I !! be c f - c m ' t o he ,! civtl rotsrt or r,verru
court, ?s
the ccl, rnly it:, ~ 1 1 1 %s re~rttqtdshe! m njrt. t . 1 ~ a.,its sli r l l f.~clur',
th w:iole c)t :iiz ci im ,tril 110 s ibticq, I I ~snits P ~ I ~ I J I iie briore thc
( j r i m PbCitihtty'tt
or i . 1 , ~ .tth.r tiuitrt ful , i i ~ y cj.,lrn or u p i i t
r, Ifaqbtlshe ur o:nf lte b.




I tt

No suit nlrili !ir b-for; rr P<:rlchayrt unless thc liefru ' r n a - ~ ront of the ,!;I' r! ants, 5011: ht to b- rn,lLqe iiLlblrfor thc
c-i,l~n,wll r'e ih 1 % ,.re !narc i h .n , r u G at 111. time of ti,*- rnstitutlon
ot thc suit rcs, ''b C ~ Ic l l i e s oii buirr. st, or !if~\011.1llyworks for ; . i ~ n ,
or h::s wit:rizl onL y
rbt tbc isxr;ttrutfo~aol ti-tL hurt rL.sfded or
'1 * r l o r ~ i l i v,,orkc ; for :
.\ i i r , wlthrn thz limits
c lir:, ' u I :1ti3(:) \b
01. i l 1
or tire c'ii,s: of .xctbn h.rS .ii,lsetl c-holky or ill
p,~ctw~i;hiu, thcae I l r l ~ ~ r s ,

9 s

\, ;



Art< olli
v t 5 I

cwirt hef,,rt whom

~ t r i t tri-hie hv a
a:] t1ark.d c th suit to t;,e ( $ 1 rrt hittiha-

f 1 t i b ~i ~ t l 0 l . l .

60, N o suit ahali lie In a Gram Panchnyat--(0)

on a

l)nlanct. of a 1x11ttlership rrccount ;

E~clrisionof Gram
Pancheyat jurisdtetion.

(6) b r a sizare or a palt ol share utldcr an lntestacy or for

a. legacy o r part of Icgncy unc!er. a Wii1 ;

by or against thc C'c"l1tral (iovernnlcnt ur a State <;overI ~ I T I - - + or loci1 authority or 3 public servant 01 s (isam
Panc' y:ct ol Mdlket Comniittee c o r ~ s t i t u t ~under
Punjab Agrlcultur~il P r u u u r c Malketa Act, 11.61 c r
any othtr law for the time b e i ~ ~~ntorce,
or when any
~ l the bra111 Patichayat
sucli party is, I n the o p i n ~ o of
n nrcessary patty ;

( d ) by or dgcilnst a minor or a person of unsound tllind or

when d v sucti prrson is 1x1 ihc uprriion nt the Gram
Panchayat .I neccssiirv party ;

agajnst iul inbolvent fix a cl?irn pektalnrng to the time

prior to the admlssrorr of his insolvency petition ;

(1) on acconllt of 'my dispute or rn,~ttel Pcp,irding which any

~ u l tor i~ppltcationmay ba mado I n ,I revenue court as
del'incd tn tile I'unjab Tcnnllcy Act, 1881 exccpt 6s
pmv~deuby cl,iusc ( d ) of sub-scctloli (I) of section
6 ;

In issue i s
prnrling for decislon or ],as been beard anti cfinallj decjdetl by a Court o f ' e o ~ ~ ~ p e t cju~isdlctlon
111 a tormer
suit between the same p ~ r t i e c or thase under whom
they claiar.

( g ) In which the matter directly aucl substantially

61. (1) The provlslons o f any law fixing. a perlad of Itmftatian

for civil or revenue proceedings shall be cieemed t o be arnenricti to
t h e extent that the period of l~mltation of any suit triable by a
Gram Panchayat shall not exceed three years.


(1) Any tirnr qpcnt on proceedin&s heforc a Gram P~nchayat

to whicll t h e provls!ons of' tliix stetion ,rrc apl>lic.alrle fihilil he excludcd from any pcliod of limitation r ~ r s c c ~ b cby
d iaw i\:l' suits
ill other courts.
(1) A11y Jwson, \tho w l s h c ~t o institute z suit bafure a
Gram Pc\ncl~:Ly~t,
illall pr-sent
petition i n writing to the
Sarp'inch, or I n hl.; absence, to any Pnnch and shall at the tlnic pay
the fies prL-scribc(iIn Schedule 111'


h r t i t u t l o n of s o ~ t s .
Provided that if the court fec stamp is not avirjlnbe at the place
wher- the Gr,~mC'a~lchay,il ordltiarily sits, ,u tqulvalent arnofint 111
cash shall be pniti.
(2) An] petrtioil presented under sub-srction (1) sh,:[l br. entered In a r-ptster of' iuits, t o be rn,intitlned lu such torm ,~r~ci
su,h person a s thc S t ~ t i G
' o v ~ r n n i t n tm'iy prcscrib~.
Wrong ~ns:itution
of suits..

63. I i at any time, it appears l o the Gram PC,nch,~y,tt that

it has no juristi;ction t o try :I stilt, t shnll dtrcct tht pit~tioner,try
order in writing to f ~ l chis sull ia the proper court.


64. If lipun the lace of the petition, or o n examining the

petitloiicr, ,i Grjm Panehayat is o f opinion that the ~ ~ t i r i o li ls


vex:itioirs o r irivuious or barreci by limit.:tiou or discloses no c a w

of :~ction.~t shnll dismiss toe petition by oich-r in writing.
Necessary Parties

in suits.

(1) Subject t o thc provisions of cl,?l,ses (c)

section 56 the Gram Panehay-t shall add ks parties

:inti (d) of
to s ~ i t any
ptrson whose Pi3csence ds patiles it consi,,e~sntces\ary for R proper
decision thcrc of and sha!l ontet7tn: i i ~ ~ m of
e s siici~ picties !n thc
reglster of suits, anii suit shall bc tr~cci as bet~veei~ the parties
whose llarnes ape entered in the said register .

Provided that when any party is added notice shall be given to

him arid he shall be given a n o p p o r t u ~ ~ i tofy aypenring before the
trial of thc sutt Is proceeded with.
(2) In all cases where new p,irty appcars under the proviso t o
sub-section (I) durlr~gthc trial of a civil suit, he may require that
the tricil shall begin Je novo.

(3) If th:: plaintiff or defendant in any suit dies before a case

h8s bee11 finzAllyclecidc~iand the right to Bue still survives the suit
shall subject to the provision of clause (d) of section 56 be proceeded with at the i ~ ~ t a n cof,e or, against thc legal represeatatives of
the dzccasetl plailltlff ot the kiece'l5ed ciefenda;it, as the case may
hi' :
I'rovi('ec~ that a p p l f ~ ~ ~ tIni o ntills brhalf bas beill yresenlrd
to ti,: GrLtmP:,nchapit withili thirty d'tys of the d,--th or
suc!~fu~th.c period ,IS thc Grtin P.~*lcilay,:t sn~ly, for Sufficient
L 1uSc allow.

If suit is not di~misscduiiicr srction 64 the Gram Pxncha-

y:it slinll by summons requirc +hc defeniant t o appear beforc it and

answer thc petition.

67. (1) If the petitioner faits to ap)rror ou the c'iitc fix, ! ' f i ~ i
henring o r if ill tnc opinion of t b r Cir,$m Pancile y:,t lie
nrf.l~gct ~ c CIn prosecutltlp his s ~ i t . II ( $ran I'knci :ri ~ t i ~('ibj
tniss t lit suit uilless the c'cft n tip nt $7, ~ 3 1 s1 , s l i < % r, ~ I I Y ~t
oldim. whell ~t sllall bt decrt*c(iauordlngly.

J l i q ~ n i g a ~r rI,
hf'-lat aftb1


(2) A Gram Patlciicry~tahall r~stcrrr '1 suit (1 srn&%s+

t 101 I . L ~ lure to oyprar, if. wltliin fiftetii ('by6 from the c , > t ~01 ~,uchd j b m:ssbl, or Such further pcliot: %hick6 fo1 b u t t j c t i i ~ i (.,usr riic (it,a,r
k',l~zcllnyat ntdy allow, thi 1)iaintif satistics thi GI:IJ~ii..titclrdy,rt tlrt\t
lic w..s prevented by any sufficient causc trom .:JlpC.irjllg; but I l r t
ordcr of dlsmiss,il shall bc set nqiue without notrcc. to tiic : i i ~ c i i tiant, if i t has bcrn psscci after h ~ iipl1e.Ir,rlrL~
bcloic tlrc tir%iri-i
(i)A fee of one ropce shall be pli o I every applrcatlvu fnr
restor<itlon under sub-scctioil (2).

68 ( I ! If tilc
~ - a r ' n ~ rt.ltls
to ayprai , ~ n t itit? <,ram P . > : ? .
ch.!y,rt is sL~tisfie.itlmt I,( hns t'. C L ~ V L nottcc
ot t l ~ i:, r i i x t <
for thi h.:rring or tir<'t hc is Ill1 nt~cll~,illy
Lv:rr tg.g si5rv:c ii~,.< r i , i r n
Panchayat m.iy pCoc@! ex-pdrtr.



(2) Any ilcfet~r~'tatug,ih~Stwhom w Suit has bee~rJeoQlr+i cr

may wtthh! thirty days liottx the * d t c of c xtcutiilg .iny ))roc% a x
for enforccme~~t
of the Gcclsion nl witltln s u ~ 1 1iulthrr pi rtou .is t l ~ i
Gram Pnnch~iyatmay for sufficit,ut ~ n u s callow, ,~l)y!yor, l l y OJ
irz writtug to the Grnm Pairckyat, t o bet askic t ' l c or: 1 % ~ ; :arli
the Gram P a i ~ c h a y ~ tif
, satfsfici' rhat rhc dcfc~tci:{nt cllrl 11ut aeivc due notice o f the hearing or wcisp r t v r u t ~ , lhorn irpliiarrng
by ally sufficient cdwe o r w,rs not inttntloneily evadir~p hervia.
,,f summons. shall set astdc thc rlroisiun j i i c i shtill spyo{rrt rr
day for p c e e d l n g with the suit. but no such orilcr a11.1llbx
p . ~ ~ ~without
notice to the oy@rsltc trirty.
(3) A fee of irnc r u p x shall be pabi V I I rvcry dppl(r.itb 11
u l l d ~ rsub-section (2) for setting a d d ( , i r k e x - j w t e is*elsicr~~

69. (1) At thi: c O I I ~ I U ~( ~f ~til~ ~ tIl ial, t h ( S ~ ~ . I I II X r i ~ r c I ~ a y ~c t- , ~ ! ~ !

shall pass a clrcrcc in wrltgllg wit11 (11 wit!;(ut o ) b t , or the sitita
in such form :is the S t , t c Govcmnti t r t rnny by iill*.a ~ Xwril,,
shall enter lmrticulars of the declsio~ti i i n'gist-r i,f suits.

(2) If any raoiiey is pc4iti O V C ~(:r If iilly ~ C I X ~ iLs Lt r~. ~~n s Ifr~
presence of G&tm P'lichayat P I s,irisfLjitl ~f
e cr
it shall enter the p:tyment c.r the tran~fei in tiiv rcgiytir of aulla.
111 the

(3) A decree passed by Grlin Panchayat shall be executed by
it In sue11 mariner a s may b: prescribed a n d if the Gram Panchnyat find dtty difficulty in cx cuting :t decrec, it may forward
the tEccrce to thc civll or rmcnu- court hnvjng jurlsdictioil and
su& court shall thcrc upon proccrtl to cxecutt t h e drcrc. a s If it
werr ,l c'ecr c passe 1 by itself.
Ihe I>tstrtct Judgc in restect of clvll suits or the Collector
In r-spcct or rcvcnue suits may of his own tnotlnn o r on n n
aypllcall~nof t l ~ cparty aggriev.d set asidr ormoldfy any g:.~rcc
or c~rc!er mad? by a Cirdnl P,lnch;~yat in a civil or rcvcnuc suit
or tlirect thc retrial trf (lie s ~ l t tby the same or i111y other (;rant
panehayat o f c:mp?taut jur(sJict1on or by any o t l ~r't c>url subordinatr to lrini i f he is sitisflccl tli::t thcrc h:ib bceii a ft~llurcof
justice whctht r OII n point of f a ~ t o t point of law.

provisions of the
Code of Criminal
Procedure 1973.
and ths Code of
Civil Procedure
1908 to apply
only where

71. ( I ) Thr provisiolls c t f the C'o lo of ('cirnl~~al

1973, the Co:lc of Civil Proc~r'ure, 1'108, an4 of t t ~ c Indian
Evidence Act, 1872, shall not apply t o proc:cdlnp ktor: Grarn
P,tnchayats save to thc tutrnt rrlentjo,~~-tl
i:l this Act, but the
Gram Pancllayat ma'! r.,certlin the facts of any crln~inzlcase or
civil or rt.T-r:ic sul: by all legtimate means In its power and
t11creaft:r pass sucfi order, serltence or tlccree a s rnsy h In accor1'att.c with justice, cquftv ,1nc1good coascltnce.
(2) Every Cirorn i"1nchay:it sli:tll rnaintaili a brief rnemo~andum
of ploceedillgs of cacti case trier! by it.
(-3) A11 ortlers, sentences and tiecrees 'iall be passed In accordance with tfre dcclsion of the majority of the m.: hers present
and voting :

P~ovtdcdthat i i t tlre case of equality of votes, person, presiding

at such meeting slinli In addltiom to hls ow11 vote ns ,l member,
have zr second or castlrlg vote.
( 4 ) Ail ardcrs, \c,ltciice\ aalLl rieciees packeci under -uh-section

( I ) shdll bc :ulnou~~ce,ir n ' i l r ope11 rncetir~pof tile Grarn PaclchayCit by tllc persull presldinp at \uch meeting krric' tlccls~or~
be rec(3rdcrl arvi It shctll bc ticily \ i g 9 ~ c dby all t h ~ cncinbel~of
t l ~ cGi'lrn I3ar~cliaydt attcric'l~igtlrc mceting.
l'rovided that any rnctnbei not concurrinpin the declrfon may
dis\ci~tingnotc which will form part. of the decision.

I C C O L . ~the

N o S-lipawh or P a ~ c hof a <;rzr:l Pe+~?ch.~yl>t

take 348.1 I I
i t , :)ro:~rdin~sto which he or his
c,nployC.: c i i par1nt.r iri brisicles~or *,car relntiv~ 1. ;t
]).iitY or I r l whlcll <lily of tlterig n l ~ ybt. pcrson:!lly I 71etc,te:.



Bat to pel r 1na1


( 2 , IT by zoaqon ol' t ii: 11~11tbh

c of PLrr~ci~cl
. t,qualili~{ ut~cler
(I) t l i e ~ trcnldiili 110 ~ L O ~ L Iille
I I Gia111I'aittlhhayat blrall
str~rlthe case o r the i l i ~ tto tlic ('!r~ciJutliciai Mcgistiaic: or i h c
Divtrict Jufieo o r the Collector bavrrlp jlirladlrtlor~, as ihc cd*o
may be, for t l ~ s j ~ o ~I I nI sccorciance
with I'iw.
7.3. (1) ~ o t w i t t i ~ r n ~ ~ cany
i l i ltiring
c o ~ ~ t a i n c1 1d1 t h i s Act or
auy other law l'oi t be t ~ m et!ctug ill il~icc, i t \hail be Iawf:~lfor
a l to b e con~pounrieci
the Cira~nlJallchiryat to allow any c r ~ l l l u ~ enso r to ticcidc ally s i l t within i t s i u ~ ~ ~ l ~ ci11t t ~oC C~Ul' ~ U I I \ : : wit[,
ag~ectliri1ou bciwcen the patties,
any lawfdl an,l vair L cojnplo~ni~.e

~ s rof th; ) d t i l i Act, 1'16) ,hall r~;q?lyt o

( 2 ) l'ile ~ t c ~ vr)ns
c ~ , t lp~ocecclr~igshetole a Ciiem L'aclcl~ayat,

C'im p r o n ~se
and t l e c i s i o ~u,,


74. Notwitl~>t.inci~ngauytl~i~r:,~ontainecli n the Lepdl Priictit ~ o n e r sAct. 1879, 110 I z t ~ dpractrt.oner \hall be permitted t o appear,
plead or act bclorc: n Gram I'anchayat l o r 2llly p l ty in ally jlndi

Bar to legal
pravf itiooers.

cia1 proceetl~ilgs under this Act.

75, (1) A woman or any ot11e1 person specially permitted by
a Ciri~mI'anctiayat, lacing a r a r t y t o any ~ ~ d l c i apl ~ o ~ c c c " ~ nbet\
fore i t may appcat ilirouph a n agent authorl\cti 111 thi., behalf.

Appearance of

the piilposcs of this <ection 'agcnt' shdll not illclrrde
any legal practi tloner or any rcrson eniploy~t.a3 a clerk to any
It:;al ,>cnzt itioner or any petition writer or tout tlcclarcd a s srtch
untPsr section 36 oY the Lcgaf Practitionc~sAct, 1879.

76. If a t any tlmc, i t appears t o a Grain Pancbayat,-that i t 1x13 no jurisdiction t o t r y a case or a suit;
( h ) that 21 case or a suit i s of such a nature or of SIICII
ditTieriltics that i t 5frouid be tcietl hy another court;
i t ?ha!!, fly o r ~ ' e r~n wrr~i~fii-,
st.itin@, tlleic~n.the dates 01'
prwentation :mcl return ot :Ill; yetition, direct thc cornpldltlat~t or
tlrc petitioner, a? tlic c:nc nz'iy bz, to present thc compldillt or
petition to tho prol)t'r court.

77, ( I ) A Gram I'rmchayat may by srilnnrolt, sel~c?for. HI,?

persoil to appear aui! give c v i r l z t ~ ~o er carlrc t11b ]lrotltictio~lof
any ~fncumet>t



perion #Ilo Is t'xemnl f i o n perconal appeiirance in co?rt

pin-ler i,il--wckion (I) o f section 1'31 of thc Codc (>f ('ivil
Proce Irirc, 1(:()8 ',hall he rlql~itutlto a:'pc'i r in ~ c I ~ . < ) I1I ~ fole s (;tan1 17,~ncJ\a)'att n a civil suit:

(b; A (iri~i)]/ ' . ~ I I L I I ~ L Y R ~t 1 1 . t ~ lefu\e t o %:,rnuuxr a witne5s or t o

ei~f,)lcca a .lnmolls alte~rtylhali (I ngaiu'd zt ~c~txresr,
\vlicn in
~ t 0p111.011
the aitcnc!aii,c o j 111c!h1i:ncrhescallnot he 1'10S L ' I C L I \ r ) t l ~,t
o GIII a111u11nt~t oc Id)', exilcnrc or incclrl~cnicirce \ + l i ~ c111
i ~ 1111 ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ t i i s \vo?if(f
t a ~ l c 1)c

,L <;t.t.n Pnnchaynt 5ltnll rlol rcquiic ii11Y petson flvlng he~ o r ~ citsi j~risc!iciiolit o give evt<lencco r to prodllce a c!~cviiiet.rt unlcss.;rrci~ x
of lnoney be paid t o h t m as
ttc* the G r a n I'.incbays( to he ~ ~ ~ S f i c ~
11)e i("fray
Ir;r rraion'+hlc expenses;

(ti) no \vol~i~tt~
.>bi~ilbe avnpeller! +o appear


a witatss in

IlcrSOrl heJa)rc a G 1 R m J ' a i ~ t i l a \ n t , she rriay hawever, be

cx;illlinctl on coti~r~iissi
( 7 1 111 t lr~cmanncl i'liMT~l>Cc:;

if a
1, ~~roiiucctl
irr obed~cncet o a sulnmans
issr cd 1~11c'cr1111shc~iion t h e <;ram Pa~lcha\at shall c,tuse

the cac)c.,lli;nt t o be copied, mark rite copy afier ccrrnparlng

niih the oriyin~%l
t o be a ti Ue eol3y and return t h c original
docurnent to the person protlucrnp the sainc.
(2) If ally person, \vlvrn the Ciratn Pandrayat Eu~nmansby
writ ten ortlcr to appcsr or gwe evidence or t o proilace any document belorc it, wilfully jails t o Obey Such aummons, t l i ~
(;ran, Ib11cliayi~trnay take cogrllrancc of s11ch disobedicnc~ant1 after ziving
such pcrson, au opporturiity to ~xpiainnlay, on conviction, serllcllce
hiin to fine not cxceetling twenty Fivc rupees.

(1) Every silmmons ~ssucilby a Gram lJanchayat shall be

u i I
t i I
or tcdlctf i n such
iiini~lrcias 111clybc p i e ~ c i i h ~ i f .

Wllct~t h e petson o n whom the stainmods 1% to he re1ve13
iec~,lccw i l h ~ n i t s jariidtct~oll suc11 mmons sliall otdrilal:Iy, be
served by one trf the C h a u k i c ~ a ~ofs ibc ; o d xiea but the G ~ a i n
hdvc ~t served hy any other pelson
t'anchay,~t may in ~ t sc!~s~retton
wi!ling t o d o so.

(3) I f the accllsed or t!le defendant resiJes at the time of the

lrsue uf tile si:~nrn-n~.:jutslde the local area of its j ~ t i ~ d i c t i othe
(:ram Pinchay;lf inay forwa~ot l ~ caulnn~onst o the (;ram Pnrichayat
sithi11 the local arc:: of wh(~scjirlatiict 011 the,'or tile i ~ f e n darrt resi:les : I : I ~ S L I C C~ i [ an? P,iil~hiryat s h a l l cause i t t o be served
cts if it werr ,L sumrn*~!~s
I ,\ r:d by itself.
(4 lf the a-cusrtl Ir the ,lcfc r l , ~ ~ prcsides
:lt the time of the
issue o f the surnmor~so t s i ( c t11,: ~i
liz Jlet1i of a Gram Par11llalat
the Gram fia~lcJi:113~t+t
Inky, wberc it
not 13ossihle t t , herve the
., .niu)ons thrltugt~d tiolI1-r (~ra111Paric hayat tot wart1 Ihc ci*lnmons t o
the neaiest Judicial Megistrate who sh. II cailse ~t t ~ be
, sei-ve~r as 1E
1: were a sumrnoiia i\s!iecT by tilmsclf.
7'1, ( I ) J f 111
criminal cc15e or civil o i reveriur suit before
a Gram Panchayat on)' p~zrty int~tnatesa t any slape before the
announcenrcilt of the fi~ialolder o r decree that he iitteirds t ( , make
an application r~lldcr tl:ib section to the Chief Jui;icidl hIeplatrate
or thc Ilistrict lucige t r the Collector, as the case may he, 1c.r the
transfer of the L;iri 01 Stlit, the ( ~ l a nI'anchayat,
shall upon his
exectitin& ~f w requileti, a b o d Willlo~tsulcties of on ar~iount :lot
excec,)jng terl rupees tfiat he will make siicli appiication \+~itl~jli
~eascinabie time to be irxed by the Gram Pauchayat v~hicli ahall
not be less than fifteen days, atljourn the case or s u ~ for
a period 'rb wrll a f f t ~ r bullictent
tirrlc for the apyl~callo~lto be
made and an order t.) be obtatneti thereon .


Yrovit[ed that nothing herein aultained shall require the (;ram

panchayat to acijounr the case or suit Upon a second (,r subsequen$
j~ltimationfrom the same party.
(2) If' trie application is not made within the time allowed, the
amount of such bond shall be forfeited a:ld rnsy be recoverable by
the Gram Panchaynt as if i t were a fine imposed by itself.
SO. 'i'be ChfefJi~d~cial
Megistrate or the Uistrlct Judge or the Collector, a s the case rnay he, r h l ah al)plicatioii fbr trart\ler, or~tera (.;ram
l\,lrlch:ty~tt.) rt:iy ~ h : pr~)ccet'itlpsp~n,irngbel;i,c it am'
of sucll o ~ , l ethe
~ C;r.~rn P t ~ n c l i l y lsfr
t i l l stay t1.1~~rcrccerlirjg~.


A G r a n Ptlnch<~yat
may, wlie~ti1111~os~ng f ~ n eol orde~ing

thc p.xy111e11t of a hum of money

ploparty direct t h i t the moaey be

bc delivered by instalments.


the c:elivc.ry of ;111y mov,ible

id or thc ~nov,,blc pro1)City



Payment b~

(2) Tilt ~ I O V ~ \ ~ O ~oI iSs ~ c t i o i l s 299, -1.53 i l ~ l l l 450 of t l ~ ~

c'odc <>I't ' r i ~ n l ; ~ ~Proccc:ure,
1973. bli.rll
1:. 1 0 ciin1lrl:l1 l ~ o c e c c i l ~ r - ~ berole
;I Glnm P'i~lchay:>t
o ~ t dif any t~ic'cirirac'e liy &I G I : ~
h ' ~1cil.y ~t f r l :GI iticvx to scctloii '$52 ' 1 1 ~ 1Sectf011 4j6 O F S B Code
~ ~ Is
8 t t i..~iiit)lleJ
w i t l ~ , t : ~ , CIranl P,~r~cB,ty~
t shdll forw't~tl !lit Sanx to
tilo ~ ~ c , n cJu.
? t 'iclal Mnqistrote viho s11,tll pfr~cccdto execute It
i t wcl'c ,111 onlc,. plsseii by Iljrllsclf.

nfepzrti ~f
icllnl l ' ~ i t l b i ~ ij fy.

i'ROI'LlK I'Y, 6;UNI)S, l:IN/\N(;R
85 ( I ) .\ Or i m P r t ~ ; l ~l ~t ~; Iyi x i ~ lIr >ve ))g)wer t o ~cYulre,
12.1 1 ,i.i 1 ~ ' i q p1.c ,t' p;,!p,<rty .!n4 L C ) e l t .I
illto c . ~ : ~ t . i ' . ! ~ t :

ment or the State :Guvernment or a local authority or any other

shall vest i n and belong to thc Gtam
Gram Patich'zyzt.
i ~ n dshall, with all othci. property of wl~atsocvc~nsturc
or kind which may become vested in the Gram Panchayat. bc under
i t s d~iection,nldnagernenc alld contlol. thdt is to say(b) nll public strceta, includinps the soil.

$tones and
other mate~ials theleof and all drains. bridges,
culverts, stleets, erections, mateilsls, implements
and other t h ~ n p sp~ovtdedfor Such st~ccts;


public chdllncl, wathl ct u l a c b , bprlngs, tanks,

ghats, ~escrvoirs, cisterns, wells, dqudducts, ~olltiuits
t u n ~ ~ e lyil?eq,
p u m p ant1 othcr water wotks whethe1
made, 1-iici o r erected at the cost of thc Gram
Pdnchayat or othe~nlise,a n d all bridges, b~ildings.
engines, works, mate~ials and things cotlr~ccted
therewith o r agyertallllng thereto and also any
adjacent land (not being p~lvdte property) apycrtaining to any public tank:

Provided that water pipes ail~iwateiwo~ks,connected tl~ertwith

or appertalnkng thereto which wrth the conselit of the Gram
Panehayat are laid or set u p in ally street by the owners of any
zll, factory, work-shop or the likc yrltnarily f o ~the use 01 their
employees shall not be deen~cdt o be public wdtcrworks by reason
of their use by the public;

(d) all public sewers alld drains, and all works materials
and things appcrtaintng thereto and other conservancy works :

Provided that for the purpose of enlarging, deepening or

othtrwisc repairing or lllaintainlng any such sewer or drain the
sub-soil appertainitlg thereto shall also be deemed t o vest in the
Gram Panchayat.
(e) all sewage, rubbish and offellslve lnattcr deposherj
on streets or collected by the Gram Panchayat from
Streets, latrines, urlllalq, sewers, cesspools and other
( f ) all public larnpq. lamp posts and apparatus connected

therewith or apport? in hg thergto; and
( g ) all building. crecte.!

by the Gram Patehayat an?

?I1 l a * ~ d anfi
i>nilfiiags o r ihe p ol:,;iy tl.ansf?rrerl

t o thc G1'1111 Paach v a t by the Central

o r t h e State Govtrllmerlt o; acquired 1-y gift,
purcha\e c-r otherwise tor loccl liuhlic pul-l7i.s~\.

!7Liy, by n ~ l i f i i :tion excli~c'e any

(3) 'iile St t e Cic~vcs~iment
of this Act or of any
s t ~ c e t ,biic'ge or tlr,.in f10m the Opelt+tio~
spe~iricdsectioi; of this Act:
provj.icJ that if t l ~ cc[,st of t!re cimstr~rctionof the w%jrkh4.d
b , w ~paj,i fr:1111 tlte C;r.lm Panchayat I'utic!, such work qhall ihrt be
exciui'ei' 1 0111 the c,pcratjon of t h i s Act ol any specifisti section
of this Act, exccpt ; ~ f t c l~ o n ~ ~ ~ ; c ~of: ithf'
t i ~views
~ n of the G ~ a n l
Pancllayar ;ii a mcctitiy.
T;I- State Guver::ment may allacnte lo a Gram Panchayat
and 1)ublic pr ,pelty slft~atetlwithin its ioial jui is:iictio~?anc thcicupoti suclr pri7pcity sh~11v,st 111 t311d come uildel the c o n t ~ o lof

t!lc Cira111 Pancliayat.

Gram Panchayal
1 und.

86. (1) Foi. cvcly G ~ a mPaaclinyat there shall be constituted

a Gram PClnchay,it P U I I bealinp
the 1t:tme of thc d r a m Pa!1chCiyat
dncl t h e ~ eshall bo pl.tced t o tho credit tilere of(u)


grants from Governnlent or ot!icr !ocal authorities;

e any) standing : ~ ttile c:e(;it o f the Gram

(h) the b a ! a ~ ~ c(if
Panchayat at the colunlenccment of this Act;
(c) the bal.iriccs an(? proceeds of all furicis wl~icli, in the
opiriio!~of the Collector, wete or are being collected

for cunlnlwr secular purposes of the village or vtlla~es

comprised in the Gram Sabhd area;

(d) all doaations;

(e) :all taxes, duties, cesses, tolls and fees f m ~ w s e d and

re:;llsctl under this Act;
( j ) the bale ~')TI,CCLL~S of ill1 &st, dirt, dung or refuge
iollccte 1 l ~ ytl12
c~vasltso f tlir Cir,irn Panshayat ae;tl
de, -1 boc'ies of nl~irn-ls not cl,limetl by ol~y pclson in
.tccoit'ailce with tiny custom .ir risage aliJ the tiers and
0 t h ~ :produce of thc Ian!: vcste? In the Gr,,m Panchayat;

illco~ne derived from the vt!i&ge fisheries which are

tizider the management of thc Gram 'Panchayats;


ir>corne derived from common lands vested In the

Gram Panchayat unc'er a n y l a w T,,r the time hrinp
i n force:

( i ) any

othr: smount tn be received by the Gram

I"-i~whay:4tf ~m( any c~ther s o n ~ c eor assfgr'c.l by the
P a n c h ~ yt~ l Samlti o~ tfl? Zila

(2) ?he State Government shall every year csslgn t o eve'y

Panchlyat a poctlu:~ of the land iever,ue not beiiip less than forty
j3eicellt-rm oi the totdl ancluai land rrvcnur re,giizabie with111 the
limits o f thd Grant Sabha alea w11ieh shall be ciecitctI to the Gn,m
Panchayat Fund.

(3) Every Gram Paachayat shall set apart and appiy annually such aum as may be rcquired to meet(u)

the cost of its own a d m i n i s t r a t i ! ~ ~fltcludicg

yayme:lt uf salary, al:owai~ccs, plovidcnt fund and
gratuity to thc officcrs anti employees ai:d to the

Provided that Lie total expendirui~on establishment shall

11ot exceed onc-third of thi: total expenliituie of the Cr,im P,inchayat
in any year;
(b) every Cram Panchayat shall have the power to
~ y e n dsuch sums a s it thiilks fit for e a ~ l y j n gotit
the purposes of this Act;

(c) the Gram Pai~chayat Fulid shall be vested in the

Gram Paiichayat and the balance t o the credit of
the F u n d shall be kept deposited with a Scheduled
87. (1) The Sarpanch and In his absence the Pal~chauthorlsed by the Gram Panchayat o r bY the Block Developnie~lt and
Panchaynt Officer in this behalf shall be responsible for the safe
ccstody of thv moveab!~property of thr G r ~ mPalicfiLLYataud such
of its records a s may be p~escriberl'and t~tlmoveable propcity
bciongirlg t o or vekted in the Glam Partchayat shall also remain
lil his chargc.
(2) The Palchayat Spcretary shall be responsiblr t o maintain up-to-datc all tht iecord of the Gram Paichayat i n the
rnsto;y of the Sarpanc11 or the Panch as u d z r sub-section (I).


tnalnlenance of
Gram Panehayat


( 3 ) The S a r p d ~ c hor I'a;lch, as the care may be, shall befote
Iyal)els for eicrgtion or on vnlntion ol' his
filing of hi$ non~inatlo~i
office d7rc to ally c<i:r'ic what,rte\ai shall h.?llC'-ov~r cdmplete
charge ol' s i ~ c h~cci,rd ,lilcl propci tY t o the Block Uevclol>mctit
.ltriI I'dr~cliayat OCficel.

I f t l ~ c~ ~ i r p r l ~ to~r l i the P a s ~ l 1falls to hnttd over such

piupo~tyn s spectfled 111 sub-sectfon (1) with111the p e r ~ o d
a-. 1iln)r bc procrjbed, t hc Block U c v e l o p ~ e n talltl PailchaY~it Officer
innv apply t o all bxecutivc Mngistrate withrc~ whose jurlsoictioii
t l ~ : <ii<.rn Snblln d ~ ~ isi ia l t ~ ~ i t c fti bl 1 .+ecuring f;om such Sall~aclcl~
b u l l 1 r c ~ o ; J c ,), l),opelty, a5 the case iuay be.
u Pcr~rc;ll


6 1

(5) 0 1 1 rccclpt ol' air application ur~der sub-sectton (4), tlle

EXCCU(IVC.Mdgisttate may, by ari ordcr, auihorise any police otficcr
i i o t bc,ow the rd~rkof a
Sub-in spec to^ t o ctlter and search any
p l a ~ cw h c ~ csuch ~cc;ordsor prapeity arc kept o r are believed to
PC hcpt, ttld ti) scidc them atxd the records atid propcrty so seized
stlnli bc hnndcd over a\ sooir as posv~blrt u the Block Develoment
,r ltf [ ' ~ r ~ c l i a yOtficcr
(6) Notwiti~stalidiltg a~~ytlulrgcontained in this
w horver, ill contt avctition o l the provisions of tills sectior~wilfully
cv,itlcb the ilni~ding over of sucll rccord o r propcrty si~all, on
co~\victiollby a Judicidi Mdgirtrtlte of the fiist class be punishable
\vit[l imprisonrnei~tof e:ther d e s c r i g t i o ~ ~wllich may extend to
thtcc ycara or wtth flnc or with both.

Taxat13n ineasurer

t y c i r n ' n J'ancl'aya'.



88. (1) Subject to arzy rules e s inay be 111nde uttder thls Act
other olcler met&?by the State <;overnment ill this behalf, the
arrl P,rtrchaya t slin 11 Impose--

tax oil f;it~ds and builtllilgs wlthlll the local limits;

(h) o n l)ioK~ssions,ttacics, citlllnps and emplc~ymentsother
tll'in Llgrrcultu~e carried 011 or held within the local
IfmIts of Its jiirlsdictfon, :l t a x oil the basis of the

tot:il ~ ~ I I I I I L , I income
. ~ c ~ r u c d from 3uclr l)rofrsslons,
tctdcs, c'11lIngs aind employrnclrts.

( 2 ) Sul,jcct tt, such ~ u l c s , I \ may bc made In thls behalt,

a < i i . , i n 13.iiic11,~~'~t
1I1:ilI levy .i i l t ~ t j111 t110 Sh:11>e01 all addltic)t~al
,t.ralp tluty 911 ,111 ynymcllts for adrnissiol~ to ally clltertaillincllt.
(3) 'I'hc
tl,~ost'cls of

State C3ovcrnnleut tnay Impose a duty or1

property 111 the form of surcharge o n the duty

imposed by dr under the Indian Stamp Act, 1899, on instiurntn~..

t , f s ~ l c gift
.=TI,' nlo:*gagt
with PSSS ssiou of jnt~novabltpr~)perty
biiu ttctr i n the Or q~n Sabhn die.! a t such late as may bt; ilrec!
by the State C;,iv-tlirneizt
nut cxccsiirr~ two yereeaturn o n the
.,lnount of co':si ier,itioii. tlle vnlue c t rllc pri%pctt y or the mount
sectire,i by thi. rno~tg,.:;ee. c ~ Ss:t f>ltil in tllc instruglc~lt and
the anluul~t so col~acrcd shill be
p a s s r d on to tlis Cird.ial
(4) Sub~ectto such rnaxrmulu rates a s thc Stdle Govttnmtut
may prescribe, .I G r i m P'inchayat may levy the l~1Iowtng fees
all,; latrs, namely . -(u) f e e ~on tllc :~.i'i~tr~t1i-7n
of vehicies ;

( b ) a fec fur p,o\i. irtg sanit,iry ar,angcrnents s t such places

of worshrp or pilgrimd!:~, fd:rs and melas within Its
isdlctioil '16 tndy bc spcclficti by the State Governmeitt
by notiftcatron ;

a watcl r,ltr. where zilrdlgerneat f o ~ the s~lpply of

water f u ~il:inking. ~rrigdiion or any other purpose is
made by thc Gxa~nI'ailcl~~lydt within its jurisdiction ;

( d ) a ljglrtiod rkrtc, whzre dii'dl&~rPzeiu ful Iightiag of public

streets and places i i made by the Grain Panchaqdt within
its julisdictirrn ;

a conservancy rate, wher e arl dngement for clearing pi ware

latrines, urinals ~ n dcrh~Spooisis made by the Gram
Panchaydt within its jurisdictiol~.

W. Every Grarrl Panehaydts shnll vn the recdmmendation

of the State Finnnce Commission cc'nstitu~ec! uilc'er Article 243-1
of the Constitution of India or otherwise, sh,ill bc entitled t o
r e n & e grant-in-aid flom thc Conso1tc;tated Fund of the State as
soon a s re-epproprfatiun is made by law in this behall:
90. SuSjc~t to such restrict:< 11s atli c o r r d i t ~ v ~a~ssmay
prescribe~i, .I C;lL1m P..~~chiy'it m ~ i y write .>ti airy t ' x , f - r
otlltl an~oullt wil itso. vcr, due tt) i t , wl~ctherun. er ,r contr ct
otherwlst or :lily T t l m payable in c )ilni-ctiod thercwitll, if I n
opinio~lsuch tax, fee. amount or sun1 is iir~cu\cr,,ble.



91. All expenses of the Gi'inl P'~slchay:lt shull be charzcil lo

the Glam Fund.

Power to exempt
fi om taxes and
I U w ~ i t coff
rrrecoverab lo
Recovery o f ducr
arrear uC


92. The Collector shall recover any s11.n due under thfr
Act, other th,in sums due u n d e r decrec p a ~ s e d by ,he Panchdyat
in exercise of its Civil jul-isdiction or as ffne impc3sed In tile
exercisc of I ~ S crim nal juristliction, ;I$ if they were :irrears ol
Land rcvcnuc.

Power o f Gram
Panchnyat to
Lu3r row.

of thr State Governmellt, ,111ct ~ubject

ti, s.urll condrtions . I S rnny he p~e\cr~llctl,a Gram Panch.iywt may
borrow nloncY for cnrrylng out of .illy of the ~ ) I I I I ) O ~ C S~ j thjs

Special tax and


94 A Gr,i~nPauch iynt rn 'y, with t l ~ cprcvlous lwrrnission

of the D l ~ e ~ r , ) rtmpos:
specla1 t a x o ~ i the adult ~ n a l c
n~elnbers of the (jr'lrn Sahhn ~ t r c ~ tTor the concttuction i ) f ally
pubJic work of gcncral utilitb for the inhabitants 01' the said
:11c: :


93. With tlli wnction

Pruvidrd t h a t It nl.iy cxernpt any member rrom the paymrnt

of thls tax in Ticu uf tiniue villuntnty 1aba)ur 01 havtng it dune
by an,)thcr person on his behalf .
I'rovidrd fu~thcr, that in the casr of emelgency manual
labour raciy be c )mpulsorily ~rnporcci without payment and if
.in) p c ~ s o n doc5 not pe,form such I~tbour without ~ufftcicnt
cause he \JI,LIJ bz Iinble to be punirhed with fine wfilsh may
%tend to fifty rupee>.

Budgot of Gram

d5. (I) Every Gram fanch.iyat shall, at such time and In

such n1a1111c.r may bc prescribed, prepare in each year a budgct
of its cstirnatcd receipts and disbursements So1 the fallowing
year and shall submit thc budget t o the Panchayat Samiti having
jurisdiction over the area of the Gram Panchayat.
(2) The Paacliayat Sarniti may, with111 ~ c tilnc
h as may be
l>rescribcd, eithe~approve the budget or return it to the Gram
panchayat f.)r such mod~ficatfon as it may direct and on such
being n~ac'ethe budget shall be resubmitted within
such ti~llca s may be preacrihecl for a p p ~ o v a l 01 the Pal~chayat
(3) No cxl>c~itllturc\hall be l~icur~"etlunlcss the budget is
approvcd by the Panc11a)at Samiti and rf the Panchayat Samiti
fails t o convey its approval within the ti111c pr%scribetf for thc
purpose, the budget will be deemed t o have been approved by
the Pahwhayat Samtti.

96. Acc7ults of the fncnme and crnenPiture of every Gram

Panchayat \hall he kept in such form and manner as may be

Gram Panehayat.

97. (1) The at{ l ~ t of the accounts OF a G r a a Panchayat

shall be carr;ed out by the authority a s may be prescribed by thc
State Government and a copy of the audit rcpor t shall be folwarded t o the Gram P~ilchayat wrtbin uilc month ol' tile
completic)n of the au,iit.

(2) On receipt of the audit report refelred to In subsection (I), the Gram Panzhayat shall etther remcdy the defects
or ~ r ~ c g u l a r l t i e swh;ch have been pointed o u t I n the audit attd
send to the Panchayat Samlti within three months a n i n t i ~ n a t ~ o a
of its having tlonc So or shall, within tlle said pc~ioc, supply
any further e x p l n ~ l u t ~t oo ~ ~
the prescribed autkorlty in lcyarc t o
such defects or i n c g u l a l i t ~ r scs it may wish to give.




98. (1) ?'he State Govcrlment, shall, by notlficatlon, dlrcct
that with e f i c t from such date as naay be syeclfiedin the
nc~tjficatjon thele shall be col?atituteri a Panchayat Samltj for
every Block in a Drstrlct.

(2) The Panchayat Samiti constituted undcr sub-sectiort ( 1 )

shall save as othcnvisc provided in thfs Act have jurisclict~o~l
ovcr the entire Biock ~ t r c a cx~ludlng such portion oC thc Block
area as is included In a Municipality o i is u n d c ~ tlte a u t l ~ o r i t ~
a Municipal Coipo~ation,a Cantollmcnt Board o r a Notifiect
Area ~ommitteeconstitutcti unlier any law f i r the time being in
Providctl that a Panchayat Samiti may have its office in any
area comprised within the excluJecl portion of the Block ant3 ill
such area may cxercisc its Powers llld function OVCT the property
dnd institutiolls ulldcr its ownelship, control or managenlent .
Provided further that the I'anchayat Smitib alreacly c o ~ ~ s t i t u ted under the Purljab P,lnchaYat S+mitis and Z ~ l aP,irishdds ~ c t ,
1961 shall be deemed to havu been constlti<ted under this Act.

af Pawbayat


(3) Every I1,nchnyat Samiti shail, by tht mmc of thi Block

f ~ t l ~ ~ c1~h IS constrrutcd, be ~t b ~ yd c-,,p o ~ ~ r tII,LVILI::
aiLc-.,brOjl dnJ c,~mliloilbtal .i,111 ,uh~:ct to s tcir c>r,iclIi)l5 ':s
are imposi,d by or L, idir thlb A L o,
~ ally 0tb.i tdw, shall be
~ ( S L C C ;W1lll the powel
01 s c i i l ~01 Rei!kg t u c d i l l its crlll~orat~
ilnmc, or; dcyul,in:, iiultirng land, t1.t tlsl;>riing pi(~:-eitI,~novcablr
or ~ m r n ~ v ~ d, bwll-tht,~
witllvi~tol wjrh~I t h c !i!nttb of L ~ L ' ~ I ' . L
over rvf1:ch rl ~I'I, ~ u t l ~ o , l t y o, I ellterlli:3 illto ~ r n t l eta
allti uf
(,oidg '111 t1llng,, I ~ ~ C C S S A T Yp, i ~ p atid
~ r c s p ~ d ~ c i &.)r
i r rile pu~pci+c,
loL W ~ ~ C
~tII IS collbt~tutcd.

( 4 ) When P,i~~cbnydtS.tmit; is

cqrr~stiruted tc7i a Block ~ n d e r

Block I S re-ocl~m~ted,tile St,te C o ~ e r n r n l ~ l r sh.111 ~ccot~atitute'4
P,inc;h'iy,it S'~rnltt foi the ie-ucl*m,tcd
JAl~ck,u ~ i ~ i ct!
s b-se~tion ( I ) , ' i t ~ i l tiie

Composj t Ion


Paoc:?aydt Samitt.


(I) t v c ~ yl',i!lchaynt Ssmiti .;ha11 ci)~~slsr


"J[(a)rfittec~l to twcnty f~vcj c'irectly e!ecteri rnembels from

ter:'ltuiial cor~stit~encies111 tlic 1"inehaynt Sn~nitiarea os
may be cleterillir~e~
under sectiori 100 of thl:, Act ;irTdnotificL
hy the St<te Govrr*?n~c~it
6 0 fdr as practicdbk , izaving rsjard
to tllc ul~iforlnltyo f popul,itic)n of cacb :l10nst1tuency;j

(i) Members of the Legislative Assembly of the State of

Punjab majur portio~zof' wi~oso cvl~stituencyfalls in the
Panchayat Samitt area ;

(it) Membeis of ttic Leg~slatlve C o u ~ ~ c i of

the State of
I'u~ij.~hif any, who are tcgrsterct: a s electors within the
Pancheyat Sdmiti area.
(2) The tnernbers of the Panchayat Samlti whether or not
chubell by ctirtct eitctlor~ from te?rito~Ial~ o o s t t t ~ ~ e ~ ~ c c t s

~ o i d a 'f rlteen to , w ~ n l yElre"

1998, ,ectlon 4(1),

c l ~ i u ~( ac) ~,LIXI (b) f o i LI r u

a u b ~ i t t u t e d for .air l u tcn" by

I Q J I J . ~Act
15 of

L (a) IIY 13uujdbAct 15 of 1000,

3Subsl1tutc<l ciause (a) fot cllusca (a) aud (b) by I'oujab Act 11 of' 2032.
acctton 2.
by Punldb A L I~5 uf 1998, s e c l ~ o4(11).

I n the Panchayat Samiti shall have the right to t o t e


t h e meetir&gs of th( Psrcl hqar Szrnlt~.

100. Subject to the p~ovlsions c i s ~ c t ~ o :5 5 , the i~umbcr of

directly electccl ~nembeis of' a PI ochayat Samiti shall collsist of
persow ch~rctly elccte 1 f r o m the t e r r i t o ~ i a l co istitueilcies iii
the Pa:lch,jy*l Sdmiti 4,ea as nk~ybe ~ ~ o t l f r e t tlom
t i n s to
time t ~ ythe S h t e Govet ,llne~lta t the l a t ~ ot on,: memhcr for

Determination of
number Of directly
elected ~nembcrs of
Panchayat Samiti s.

f'rovl&ed that in a Panchnyat Samitl haviqg a popult!tiorl

of not exccetljn:: ~ i i - ~ e t yt l ~ o u ~ a n , there
shall be a minimum of
4[S[S[K1fteen]]J di~ectlyuiecter! mrmbi-rs all(+in a I'aiichayat S;imitl
havilla a ~)opulationol rnole than o w lakh and fifty thousands
the ~iuniberof suc11 tnen~beibshall not exceed 4[SlR[tewenty S~veJj]
llfovi c ~ i furtli*:r that the 1) 1i)ulation ol each t c ~ ~ i t o r i a l
coilatituency shall, io 1.1i as practicable. be the salric tli~oughout
tile Panchayat Salnilr are*.
101. (1) Subject t o tile


of sub-~ectton (2). the

S.imfii area for the purpose

of e l e c i ~ o i ~to such Panehayat Samltl jnto as many
siriglc member telntoriai constituer~cies a s the number

(a) divtde evcry Panc1k:yat

(b) iletcrlnille the extent of each territorial constitue~~cy

--" b e words "'ever
fifteen thousaud pupu1;rtion" by Punjab Act IS of 1998, bcciion 5(i).
T11c wur~ls"cvcry thirw thuus:!nd populairou" subs!ituicd fur "evcry
six thousands yupuiaiiou" by Puujab Act 15 of 2000, sectioo 3(i).
The words, "<Very six thousaud population" substituted for "every
thirty ~!~i,u.aail
p.:pulatioo" by Funjab Act I 1 of 2002, section 3(i).
"The worils "fiftcen" and "twenty five" substi~ulcdreapcclivcly for "six"
aod '"tcn" by Punjah Act 15 of 1998, scction 5(ii).
The words " t ! ~ r i e " and "five" substiluted respectively fur "fifteen" and
"twenty five" by P ~ ! ~ i j aAct
b 15 of 2000, section 3(ii).
crhe words "fiflccn" and "tweoty five'' substitu:cd rcspectivcly for
"three" a ~ l dfive" by Punjab .4Ct 11 of 2002, section 3(ii\.
VScction 100-A inserted by Puujab Act 15 of 2000, scction 4.
*Otnirted by Punjab Act 11 of 2002. section 4.

Delimi tation of
Territorial consti-

(0 Jeterminc the territorl71 constitren~yor c,nstituencies

in which se%t& are rcserv>d f.)r tfle Schrduled

C tstes. Hackwart1 Classes and Women.
(2) Each P.inchay,~tSamlti aren sl~all bc div~dec! 1 1 i l t 1 terrttorlal co>lbtltucilcjes i n such :i m,lnrlcr that the r i t w betwcctl
t l ~ cyL)l)ulation of thesc constitiie11cie5 and 1111' ~rurnber('1 >cats
cillotted t,) i t shctll, s o Sdr ,rs pr,ictic,iblL, be tile ,111c t h r o u ~ h o u t
tllc l' S'lmiti ,)rc.l.

%eat, of

Samilr n.



Durst ton of
Panchayat \ p l n ~ t l .

102. ( 1 ) Seat, sll,ill bc rc\crve(l for

( f a ) thc S~f~c-iuli'd
Castes ; arrtl
( h ) the Backwa~i l Cinsses ;
lrl every Princl~iy.&tS'tcrjitj ; t i ~ ~lhe
l nutnhcr of seats so teselved
f \ ~ r S~heiiiled Cn5tes s l ~ ~ i l bc,cl,
as tltct1ly cs m~iy b e , t h c
s r ~ ~ t pi('portfo11
t o t1.1~ total nu~llberof aedts to be filler1 by
L $ lhc
l ) c ) p ~ I ~ t l of
c!ircct cleciitn ill th,it P ~ I I C I I I YS,iulitl
thc Schec!ctlcd
C.iates ill that
: Snmrti ~irc.i hedrs
to the t )tal population of I'anchCry.~t Samit~ ared and
s u c l ~Seats may be Lillotled by the r,)t !tioil to ~llrfcrcnt cui~rlituen~y~~t
clcs in J P a n ~ h ~ Samitl.
(2) N jt less tn one-l11ir~lo f L ~ I G t i ) t l i l liumbcr of se<lts res~ sub-aectlo~l(I) allall be: icbcrvcrl for womca belonging
c,vcd u , iei
to the Schetiuled Castes.
(3) Not lesb t b ~ none-tlliid (tnclutit,tgr the llulnbe~of seats
lzservcf fop women bclo~lglugto the Sciledulcti Cnstes) ol the total
number of seats to be filled by direct elCcti011 i n every P'tnchayat
Samitl shall bc reserved for w,,men and such sedts mdy be alloted
by the ~otattoiito diffeient conbtitue~~cics
iir the l'xnch;! y;rt Samiti
(4) One sl~,:ll be ~cserveti ~ ( J I b , ~ c k w ~ r t C'
l 1,csbes in a
Parlchaydt S'irniti In which the popul:!tic,n uf Becka:4rc1 Ciasat: IS
not less thdn tweilty percent of thc total popul:~tiono f the P'inci~:~y~ht .
103. (I) Every Pdnch,lyLrtSanlltl, a.lve CIS ot hcrwise pruvlcletl fu
illis Act, s l t ~ l lcc~ntlilucf i r term of five yedrs from tllr ii,qe
.!p])c ioteti fol its first n~icrillprtfci~cc!t ( in sccliolr 105 d t ~ i : n o
Ion &I.
(2) N o .~me~tdmcnt
of .iny 1 . i ~ I'oi t h ~
time belng I I I foicc
slldil llnvc thc effcct of' ciU\~IlgcdiSboll'tl011 of Pdi~ch~iy~it
wlzich i s functioning immcclidtcly before such amcnamcnt, till tile
expiratim of duration spec~ficclin sub-sectinn (I).
--- -'Secl~orl 101-A ~nscrtcd by Punjab Act 15 of 2000, section 5.

a O ~ ~ i i t t cby
d Punjab Act 11 of 2002, scction 5 .

(3) 'I'hc

e l e c t h ~ to


a Pnnchayat Snmfti &all be

before thc cvpfry nf kt; ifomtion specified i n sub-ssctic.n

(1) ;

( b ) ill c'isc 01


5 i x 111~)itlis

jlution, befoie tlle eq~il~.liiull

of a 11er10cl of
f1o111 tiic dL.te of' i f ? d r ' s i r ~ l ~ t i o e :

XJrovided thcit wilerr. the rcnlar~i~,ci

ot tile pe,it)ti tor wl~ichthe
dissolved f"a'lchcty,it S ~ l n i t lwould h.ive c o i ~ t i ~ i u i1s
i i less ih;n six
In, 111 hs, it s i ~ ~11.)1
i l I)c Ileccbs 1 1 y 1 0 1,oI~i'11 y C ~ C C I ~ O I I I ~ I ~ L ,t l i i ~
sub-sectivll fol collstitutin&! llrc PdTl~lir'yitSamili 101 b u d 1 pcllt,a.
(4) Pan IILlyat S,,u!rt~ cunatltuted u y : , ~ tlic
c ~ ~ s c r l u t l o~i~ i
o Panehayat Samrtl before the exprr.~tion ol ttb tiulattrin silall
contfnue only frir the ~emainderot the yeliou lor which the ulsaolvea

]'anch.iy.*t S ~ u ~ lWOUILI
it uot ~ L C I Ldjbsr~ked.


e o i l t j t ~ u eul~dei
~ U b - b ~ ~ t (/J
i ~ l lhad

104. (1) kvery elcctior~of a n~elnberot ti P'tnchayat Samiti

shdll be irotttlea by the State Covel~uuelitl u the officlai Gazette
11" iueulbcr sir;iii L'IILCI up011 hlh L I U L I C ~ until 1115 e l e c t l ~ , hdS
beell so notltieu :1Ilc1 notwrthbti.llu~nl: d1lylhin;: Lollta1neu in the
O ~ t h bAd, 1,469 ulltri hc has t ~ k c r to l m'iclc dl1 Oath or ai'f~llnatioll of his .ii~egrarlceIn the iorm syec~fieain Schec ule 1.

Not if ication of
clcitisn and Oath
of allcg~anceby
~nemhcrsof Panct~ayats a m ~ t ~ s .

(2) if ctny such perm1 refuses to toke tjr ru&e sucil Oath or
s,ffirmation, a s ihc cnse limy be, hss eicctiotl shall be deemed to be
ilzvalid and a Iresh election sirail take pi;~ce.

(3) No person whose electiou has bee11 deemed to be inv;.lid

unuer sub-sectloll (2) shall be eligible i u l eiectioll to any Parlchdyat
Samltl for a per~odot twt' Years irom the adte o n whlcn he ought
to have taken 01.made sudl oath of aftlrmatiun.

105. l'he Deputy Commissioner concerned, or any ofricer ayyoi1ited by idrn in this benalf, not below the rank of a n Extra
Assist,i,lt C,~~nl~lissi:,rler,
shill1 cdil tile first nleetillg of thc Panchayat Samiti i n the maU1ler pr~scribcd,;!s boon as the eiectjoa (,[
all meatbers of thc Yailchaynt Sanitti 15 uotified, t o clcct die
cJlairnl;i~l:*nci Vice-Cl~airIuaiil'i()ni amol~gstthe ciec~cdmctubers,

Elections of Chairmn
and V~ce-Chairlllan

and term



106. There s h ~ l lbe reseiwtlun l ~ rtile oilices o r Ch;ll~n~eil Reservatiol~for the

offices of Chairrrlct~
slid bite-Chdirmeil, 1 6 1 the m~lnnci plzscribcd by lhc Stdtr: Gaveand Vice-Chairmenn~ment-of Pauchayat Samitis.

(a) such nurnhci of o f f i ~ e sof Chalmlan !rid vice-Chairman

caf P a n ~ h ~ i y dSamftiu
ill the 'istrict 1 )i the persovs
belo112inp to t h ~Scheduled C a s r ~ salii tlit: nuluber of
such offices bca in- as i2eaiiy as may be ti1 s:~ilc
plopolt~o~;tu t!ie tcital numbel of oificeb in thc
irstllct a s tile populatio~trtf the Schcdul. C'ait~s 111
thc dlstlict bc<lls tn the total popuiati( n of t i e cllatllct
an(: such offices ahall be ;ll(1ttetl by ~ o t ' ~ t i O l l .
(b) not Icss :ha!; oni-tllirti 01 ti12 total nu~llbcrol rbffl~esuf

Ch i,men ,in ' Vice-( h.'irmcn of thc P n l l ~ l i d yt ~Sanrllrs

in the ~ ! r , t i l ~ t~h,ili
bc. ieservc:: f ( > t womcil and O L ( , ~
olfices shall be ,tllotteci by ~ ,t l t i ~ l l l .

Rotation of reserved
seals and offices
'[ . . . . . . . . . . . - . .I

107, Upon tlie p u b l ] c c L t i ~ it ~i tllc Fr&uic$ol Cetlsus thc

rlumbel of drlcctly elected membe~s,Ch. rtm'irl tld L ice-Chairma rl
ot & Panehayat Sanriir %[for iebeivatior~ 01 se.~la d ~ t v oif~ces
fo, c-~fferent c'rtcgcli.les bhall be acterrnillei On the basis of
Pdnclidyat S;miti
G Iic.1
at tlrdt
rotatioil ol seais L~3itioffices awl1 be rn'iiic a t the time
of C ~ LyI gclieriil eicctio~?)

Plovldcd that tllc dctei~ntnatlon of number of seats and

offices shall not affect t l i ~~ x ~ b t i cotnpos~1i01~
of the I'~!nclldyut
Sdlniti until the cxpi'y <,f tllc LGhirl of o f f ~ c co l the iiectccl meinbcir t h c ~ iIn utficc.
the removal of doubts ft is heieby declased
that the p r , n ~ i p i e of rotalit)rl for the putpose of reaeiva~lonuf
offices unc'er sections 102 nn\l 106 s h ~ l csmineacc
from the fiist
election t o be held after t h ~conunencemcnt of this Act.

lThe word.;

aftcr tach cc~lsus" omittcti by Purij'~b Act 15 of'

1998, seetior) b(i).


words substiuted by Punj,~bAct 15 of 1998, sectio,~

108. ( 1 ) 'I'he Cha~i.mnnand Vice-Chzirman of a Panchayat

Samiti shall be c1lt1tlc.I to sac11 al!ow.jncc\ a s may be prescribed.

(2) Evcry member of a P,lflchay'~t Slrniti (other than the Chaillnan and Vice-Chct~rman) ahail bcs entitled to receive :>ucll
sitting fee a I I ~other
allon at~ccs,:IS rociy bc prcscrfbetl.

?'he C l ~ ~ r i r n of
~ ~ +P n Pi~~clidy'tt

(a) Co11vclle


ptebide *)vet r:il<i con,luct rn+*ctjikgs o r tire

I'snchayat Sarniti ;

Allowances to Chair-

man, V ~ c c - C h a r man anii other

n~vmbers uf Pdnch,at


Powers, functions
and J u l ~ c sot

('hairman of

I'anchayat Yamrtis.

(6) rllscharge all c!utics imposctl d r ~ d ex el cis^ all thc powels

conferred on him ulldcr this Act and the rules n ~ t t l c theceunclcr
anti perform bucb functlo~isa s may be rntrubic~! to liim I,y the
State Ciovcr~~rnel~t
from trmc to time ;

(0 cxercise suflervision ilrltl control over the Executive Otiicer

of the Paliehayat Sdmiti for \ecurinq implemrntatioi~c ~ fresolutions
rrr decrslolb 01- the Panchajat Sarnjti u r ol the Stallding Con~cnit(ccs
with the P I ~ V ~ ~ I Oof'thl\
I ~ S
Abt 0 1 ally
which arc ~ i o tir~co~~ristant
getlelal 01 spccific iilrcctioils issuetl by tile Statc Goveinmc~lt
untler this Act;
( d ) exercise overall supervtsloil over the tlnanclal arttl cxec i l t l v ~n<:mjnistratlon of the Panchayat Samlti i11kCl place befo~cthe
Panchayat Samiti all questlona connected thesewith which appear
to him to require it\ or,lcrs and for this purpose may w l i lor
rcmrds of tlle Pallellayat Samiti; a11d

( e ) have powers t o accord 5anctiou upto a total sum of

twenty-five thousand rupees in a year tor the purpose of providing
immediate relief to those who are affected by rraturdl calamitim, it1
thc Paochuyat Samiti m a :
Provided that the Ch'~irman shall place at the ~ r f x meeting
tllc Pa~ichayat Samitl fbr i t s mtificat 1011, the detcrils of such

110. (1) lo caw ol'cincrgeney, the Cfkairman or, fn the a C

sellcc of tile Chafrn~an,the Vice-Chairmtl~l and i ! ~the ab5etrcc o t
both, the Chairmail and J7icc-Cll.rirmarr, the Exccutivc Off~ccr nldy
direct the cxecutlon of any w o ~ kor the tloillg of aily act whicli a
Pancllayat Samiti is cn~powe~eci
t o execute or tio alil3 the immeiiiate crcutioil or doill;: of which is, in his oplilioo, necessary fo; tlle
wrvicz or saf-ty of t h c public d z d mJy rJir:ct thc expenses o f
be p ~ r d fram the
executing such work or d o ~ n gsuch ~ c shall
Panchayat Samiti Fund :

I'owers O f ('haliman
and Executive

officer of I'a~~chSamlti\.


Provided that every such rlllectlon shall be reported in the

next follow in^, meetine of the Pallchayat Samfti for confirmatton.
(2) The Chairnliln o r \'lce-Chairma~~
or tlre E ~ c i l i t i vOff:ccr
sllali not act ulic!c~ s u b - ~ c c t i , (I)
~ ~ iin contravciition of ally ordcr of
the Patlckaycit Samiti.
t t t c : ~ h s c n ~b c> f thr C h a i ~ r n ~ r V~ce~~,
( 3 ) Tile Chlirman, or, i ( ~

Chalrma~io r i l l thc '~baencc of both the Cliairnrarl arid Vice-Chairn1;1i1, the Excutive Officer may prolilbit u n t ~ lthe matte1 has 1,een
consrtl~retl by the I'a11,hayat Samltl, the doing c'f ally act wilrcll 15,
111 his opiniol~,lii~ticsirablciri tile public
ih~terest :
P~ovidetlthat tllc dct
power t o pioftibit.

I S 011-

the l'atlc1,ayat Samiti has

No direction givcl~untier t 111s \ e tlor1

hha!l be questfoned
111 any court or tllc ground that the caac was ilot of cmerhencq.

Powers, Function

of Vice-Chairmen
Paucnayat Sdm-




The Vlcc-Chairman of a IJalrcl~<~yat

Sdmfti sixlll--

tile a b a i - ~ ~of~ tel ~ cC!hai~rna~~,

~ T C S I ~over
the meetings
of the IJdnchayat Sanlitl;


(1)) exrcisc such ~ x ) w e r o l ~perform

such duties of the ChaIrlrrali of tho Pancilaynt Stllniti :IS thc Chaiiniao from time t o time.
subject to the rules made by tlie Statc G o v c r ~ i m e ~ill~ t that behalf,
dclcgatc to him by an order i n w i i t i ~ ~ ganti

pellding the election oC the Chairmall, o r dirrflrg the abscI I G ~of tlrc Chairmall kom the Pallcirayat S ~ m i t l:ilea, o r by reasorb
o f leave, for ,I pcrrlorl exceeding thirty days, cxcrcise tlia powers
alld perform the duties of the Chairnxln.

Resignation or
removal of Cha~rman and ViccChairman o f Panchayat Samiti.

112. (1) The Chairman 01 Vice-C'halrman uf' the Panchayot

Sarnit~snay resign his office at any time by writing u n d e ~his hand
i~dclressedto the State Govcn~ment and hls office shall become
on the expiry of fifteen days froin the date of such resignation within t [ ~ csaid p c ~ i o dof liftten days hc withdrdws such
rcsipnat~on by writing, under his hantl atldrcsseti t o the S t , ~ t e

(2) Every C l ~ ~ l i r m auri ~\flce-Cl~,urm~in

of a P'incl~ayat S a t n l t ~
shall be deemed to have vacated his office forthwith if a resolutiol~
exprcssit~gw m t of confidence in him is passed by a two third
mejority of the total number of elected members of the Panehayat
Samlti a t ameeting spccldl!y convened for the purpose.

(3) Tlie requfstllon for n special meetfnp under sub-section (2)

shall he s i p e r 4 by not 1 e q ~tf1~111
of the tt tal numbcr of
clccte(i members o f the Panchay, t Simitl allti shall be de1,vc:etl to
the Deputy Coriirn1szio1l.~rdntl the 1>eptlty C?rnmissic,~icr shall within
seven days from tlie tiat? of reccipt of t!ic requisitiotl h~mbcif
coirverle a special mec tiiu f t lit: I ' . L ~ ~ c hta yS ~rnitior an tho^ ise a11
officer not below tl:t rank (1 l' Extla A ~ s i s t a l ~ tC'. nlnllssioner to
convene n special Jncct irig.

(4) l'hc s p c c ~ ~nicetine

under t h ~ sseLtloll shall b~ heid

a day not late1 thdu fiftecn tlnys frorn the tlatc o t isauc ol the
llvtlce o f tile rneetin~ al~tls l ~ d l lbe presided ovel by the L)el,~ty
O~mmissloncror ail oiflcel akthurrsecr by hirn uiic'er &lib-sccttcbn(4
a11d if the motioii 1s c a ~ r i e do u t dg'tli\at tllc C h a ~ r i n a n o r ViceCl~airnlait, 11c shall cease to holti o t r t r : ol l l i t Ch.tllniu~i ariti
Vie-Chairman C I S the cdse tilay bc :
Provideci that no such recluisltion under this seclion Shall be
made unless a pcclod ol' two years irLis clapseri Iron1 the Gate
which C'halrn~~in
or Vlce-Ch~iI'rn,~il,du the case inay bc, lcauincs
his officc:
L'rovli?eil further that if the m o t ~ o no f no-confidence against the
Cha$rnlan anif the Vicc-Chairman is rejectct" no fresh i ~ i o t i o r ~of
non-confiuance against tkic Chairnjan or Vice-Chairman or both, :+Y
thc case may bc, sh.ill be broupltt before the P a n ~ h a ~ , ,Samltl
with in a porioti of two years troll1 the uatc of rcjcction ol' such
113. ( I ) l h c State Government may, during the course of an

jnqulty, susycnd a member of a P~inchayatSamlti f o ~any of the

rcasons for which hc can b d removed and uebar Ium frvm taking
part in ally act or proccclllngs of the sail1 body during tllc
(2) 711e Stdtc (hvernmellt lllay by notific<?tion remove any
incmhcr a110 III tlic ol.'lul(m of t b ~Stdtc C;overi,rnel~t 11~3sb c ~ r l
gu1lt.y oC mrscoiiduct rii thc d i s c h a r g ~of 111s d u t ~ e ;s

'rovideii tli.~t beforc tlrc SLlti' G ~ ) v e ~ n r n t unotifl,s

removal of a membcr, the leasc,iiS for his proposed icnidval shall
be cl)-unicate~! tc, him, and he shall be give11 a:? o p p o l t u n ~ ~op
teiidering an explanatioil irl writing.

bets of Panchayut

(3) A person who has beer) removed under sub-section ( 2 )

may be disqualified for re-clcctfo~lfor such pcrlod not excecdlng
flvc yeals a s the Statc Goverr~mer~t
may fix.

Pdnchapal Snmih.

114. (1) If, in r11c opinion of the State C;overnnleflt, a

lQ11chayat S a d t i abuses its powers or i s not competcilt t o ~lerforlu
or makes pcrsist:nt defaults in the performance of its duties, uilticr
this Act or wilfully disregards any ir~structiollS givcll or ciircctiolls
issued by the %ila Parishad or any instructloils issued by the State
Ciover~riruentarising uut of the audit of accoutlts of the I'ai~chayat
Samili or inspection of the work, thc Statc Goveri~nielrt may,
after giving the I'anchayat Sainiti a n opportunity to rciltler
explanation, by a1 order published, alongwith t h c reasons tllcreof,
i.11t11c Official Gazette, dissolvc such Palzchayat Samtti ;
( 2 ) Wfie~la l'ailchayat
scctio11 (I)--(I)

Sartiiti is dissolved under

all m-mbers oi the Parwhayat

their officea forthwith ;


S a n ~ ~ tshall

(ii) all powers and duticr of the Par~chayatSamiti during

ita dissolut~or~,shall be excicisecl and performed

by such yerso~lor persons as the Statc Gower~inient
may appoint in this behalf ; and

all p ~ o p e ~ t yill the possession of the Pdnchayat

%arni(j shall be held by the State Government.

(3) Upon diasolt,tioli of Pa~ichayat Samitl under subscctiori ( I ) , thc Stiltc Govzrnmcnt shall reconstitute :i Pancliay,~t
to reconstitute
Sarnitj as specified nndci scctiolr 99 and elcctio~~
such Panchayat Saruiti shall be completed before the expiration of
a period of six mo~lthsfrom the date of dissolution :

I'rovided that where thc remirrtidcr of the pcriocl for whicl~

the dlssolvcd Panchayat Samiti would have contiriueti j s lcss than
.;ix ~no~iths.
it shall not bc nccessdry t o hold ;my election urlder
thi, \ub-scctjon f i ~ r 1 c ~ o i 1 s t f f u t i nt~h c I'.tnchayat Samiti fi]r
pei iod.

(4) Tllc l'.~i~chaYatSamiti rccollbtituted upon t l ~ cdissolution

01' the existing L3a~lc1i;~yatSamiti beforc the exyi~atioll of i t s
dur,itio.i, shall continue only for the rem,~indcrof the period for
wnicli the dissolved Panchayat Samiti would have continued ulltJer
sectto~l103 had It not beer1 so dissolved.

tun of Pan-

'[114-A ( I ) NotwLth'itan,'[ ig .l ~ v t h r.r

i ~ o ~ i t a i n e (t l1 ~ s:ctiotr
114, w17crc a I'drichay,~i Sarnitt ha- completc~i 115 reii71 a,
spccifre~ 14 section 103 ol till\ Act
~ l c t t t ~ r l lt h e l e t < ~
h i s bcon alinouaccc; .ti:(, tlic S1.ltr <;ovcrnmeili co ~ s ~ t l c i,ts r.ecLhr.iry
i 1 public tt~trrestso to tlo it nl ~y ci\sdvc. ,L !'.nchdyat S,~rnitl by
.,11 order publrshcd i t 1 t 1.: 0iCic1.1 ( i a ~ r t t c .
(2) Wtlc#l a


~'rssolved under sub-

n~etnhersof the Pauchayat

ban~ltj sitat1 vat i t c

S C C $ ~ (!)
~ I



['a-kcixayat Sdnliti

c hnysr



their otf~ccst'o\tllwltli :

a 11 p o w z ~ s and duties of the P.inchdyat b ~ u i l t ~

i t s til$so1utlrn, airkill bt cxtlclact~ L~llci
p ~ r f i11nc~lby Suclr pcrso~i, (11 I)i"lhr~i)s
a5 t l i t StcltC
(;ovcr~imei~l111.1> { i p l k tilt 1'1 t h l ) btIi,,ll , all<!

115. (I) Wl~cizcvcr <i vacaiicy occuis by ,ieatlr, ~ C ~ I ~ I I ~ ~

removdl or otherwise of a inc~nbcr or ol ,('h.~lrrnvll or VlccCnairrnzii oC t!li: P i GII ly i t S a i u ! ~ ~ ,E I ~ V\/LC I I I C Y \ i i ~ 1 Ijy
1 t~llcd
up by way oi c lect~oll :

Provided tl1.11 if the vacrklcy relatta to tile SchetiuletZ Cabtea.

Backward Cl,isscs oi to woman, tlie v~v,xtlcy sliiall be tillctr up
out of t h e persorts belonging to t i ~ c wtsgol y t o wllrclr tlic
vacai~cy relates.

(2) A persou elected to fjll a casual vacaricy ahall

elected for the remainder of his predecessor'& term ol f,Clicc .


Yrovidctl that where ttw remainder ot the period foc which

a member, C h a i r n m ~ ~or Vice-Chairman is i o bc clcctcd is less
t o Iiol,i .irly electtoil
than six montlls ~t 211 I1 not hc nc.~esa~lry
unocr tlrEs xctlon t a i l i i suci: <I tac,iirt,y.
1 . I ) A 1:cayt S i r I
Iloltl ,
nlcctrckg (11elc
inafter 111 this ~cctioir callcll tiie orciirl~:~.yniceti- F ) fob rlic
fransaction of busiiiess at leas1 orice ill t w o n~onlltsaiitl shall


llnscrtcd by Punjab Act 24 of 1998, section 3.

-- - -



e,kcc;i.l?tional ~i

~ I [ ~ I I ,

subject to t h ~ 13 ovisio 1s of th: fo'l )wiqg su5-sectlols mskc

re~~riatlollrnot ~ l ~ c o ~ s l s t ewith
this Act, or with any rules
made thcrc unr'er :vith respcct t o tlie & ~ y , hour, noticc, minapeof its rnxtlni: an! gcncrali) with rcspcct
lnent a n ' .~djou!-,~mznt
to the translction of busine5s theriin.
(2) The Cllairnlan may, wllcn-vcr 11e thf lk. fit, an! shall,
upon thc w irtzo rzquest of not icsa than one-ihirc' of t!ic total
number of mcmbcrb specifyins the ot~jectf o . which the mccting
is suyposc~lt,) be called , 11 l on '1 riate with;n f i f t c c ~ ~ay5 from
the receipt of such request call ayccial n ~ ~ c t i ~ ~ p .

( 3 ) If the Ch~irrnau falls t o c l i l a special mccting unier

sub-section (2) the Vice-Cha~rn~,
11 or onc-thirc of fhc total numbcr
of in:mbers may cScii thc s p ~ c i a l meetin2 for d Jay not m j r e than
fifteen days afier presentation of such icquest and require the
hecutivc Offlccr to give notice t o the n~embersall:: t o takc auch
actlon as may bz ::cccssary to convene tile n~cctin.;.

(4) Tcn clc,ir dnys iioticc of <In ordinary n~eetingan4 seven

clenr cl,iys b ~ ~ oft ai special
~ ~
nleetiikg specify~~lg
the time at
which such rneet~rii,1s t o bc held aoL the buslncss to be traosacted
thereal, shail be bent t o tile members and paste($ at the oif~ce
of the Panchayat S s m i t ~an1 such nolice sliall include in the case
of a bpccial mzeting any motloll or protioailiun 111 the written
request made for such meetin:.
(5) Majority of tile total nutuber of membeis in office of
the I'anchayat Srmiti shall form quorum for transacting business
at a meeting of the Pniichaydt S i m i t ~and if a( thc ~ i m : appointed
for the meeting a quorum is not ptese~lt, the pcison presldlng
shall, w,iit for thirty minutes and if with111 such pcrlo-i there is
quorum he shall, proceeci with the meeting but i f wititla such
perloft t h e ~ ei s no quorum the person presiding sflaif adjourn the
meeting t o such hour on somd future clay as he may fla. He
sllall birnilnrly a ,jour.r the rnie(11-t:. at :lny trme 'tfter 11 tias begur~
1 1 his attent1011 15 d r a w ~ l t o thc Walt of quorum At such
ac'jour~led nleei~tlgsat which thcrr: 15 quorum the busi leas which
would hive beel bi-ougl~t b:fore the original rneetjng sh'ill be


(6j 1,vei~rncetllg shall be prc\lc!eii

, f hi: j, .ibsc kt, by the t ice-Chalrman
or ,f the Cnalrt~lar~
is :ib ent and Lilcrc


over by the Chdlrrnln

anif it both are abacat
1s no Vice-Chairman,

members prsqelt shdl


elect o l e from arnoqg themselves to

(7) All quertions ?hall, u ~ l e s sotherwlre speci~llyprovl 'ed

be decl 'ed h y a rn~iorityo l voids of the rn-mhers prese ~t ,111d
v o t i ~ g . The prcslililg inzmbcr, ulles\ he r e r r d ~ ~ fro:,]
shall give vote before c'cclarir~r the numbii o f s o t c , for ' I I I L ~
againyt a questio'l ail ' i I ca%cof cquality ol votes for anti eF,lrnst
a quist~on,ile mxy 2ivc hrs c , ~ i t l ? gvote,

(8) N o m:sber of rr Pdochayil S11niti shlll vote 0 1 . or

take part i n the rijscu~slirl 01 ady questiol~ conl~npu p for
cousi3eratlo'1 k i l a mectl!is of thc J'ailcllay~~~Sirnit1 ol :illy
Cornculttee, jl' tlre qucatiol 15 0 ie ; I I whrch a1 urt frorc I ~ S
general applicC~t[oil
to t l ~ c public hC has dny I'i~cct 1 scii! 1;a y
(9) Jf the person p r ~ s j 6 i i 1is~ believe~lby any ~l~crnber
piesent at tiic lncctiilg t o have oliy xuci~ peculiiary j:~tcrc-,ti l i
aily matter unc'er tliscuisio;~,a:xl if it motio:~ tr) tllat effect i ;
carried, he shall iiot preside a1 the niceting ciuriiig such discussion
or vote on, or take part in it ;in.i in tliat casc any nrelnber of
the Panchayat Samiti may be chosen to preside at the rnecting
cluling the cunilnuance of such discussion.

(10) No matter shall be di'jcussed at any ordinary nlecting

unless it has been specified in Ilie [lotice ccinvenin~:>uclr ntcctjng
or in the case of bpec~al meeting, in the writfen rcquesl fbr such
meeting :

Provided that a member may piopose any reso lutlon

conntcted with or incldentnl to the subject includetl In the
business iind the Cha,rm~n may popose any bibcnt subject of
routine n ~ t u r enot incluieu In the list of bus~nessif no member
objects lo 11 :
Ylovijetl fulther that n o perrn~sslon shall be glveu In the
case 01 nlotlon or proposltlol! to modli). or carldtl dny le,olutic,ll
withlt~thtee uuonths altei tile p,lsln: thcreoi.

U I ) Any o t r lnaiq meetlllg !nay, wltl: t l ~ cconsent 06 a

majorlty o f the ~ ~ i e i n b eplcsent,
be adjourned I ~ o n ,tlme t o time.
bllt no business shdli be tiansacie. .it any aijoutr~c,l rneetllig
otlle, t h a n that left undisrosed dt the meelin2 froin which the
aujournment took place.

(12) No resu!utjon of PI^: ;:!y+t Stmiti shall he m~:?[fiei?

or cnncelle:i within six !;lolltits ::l tcr t llc p.:>iII:
by a resolutioli pasrcd by I I . , ~ !ess than iwo-thir-ii of ilic total
number. of lricn~bersat ;in oriiillaiy O F srecial rncetin.i:,> a 1101 ice
w1ie:eof shall be givcn iulfillji~g he iequitemcnts of' sub-section ( 4 )
an,! s c t t i n ~ CorthPdi!y the T C S O ~ U ~ ~ Owhich
is j?iopo~c<1CI) be
ruotiifieci or cancelleci at such rrreeting.
(13) The [~rocccdi~ys

eve: y meeting shall be recoi~ied

in the minutes book ilnsncii.~teiy :ilbei. the delibeiatiocis t j 1 ' ll,c
i ~ ~ e c ;;ind
i ~ ~sii:ill
~ ~ , ;~Cterbeinl: .:cati ovei by tile lrietnbei p r e s i ~ ! i ~ ~ p
over t l ~ cmeeting, be sigi~ciiby hiin. T11e actioll taken o n the
clecisiol~of tile 1'ancIi:iy:it Sanliti shall be rerurtcd a t thc i ~ c x t
~ i ~ c e ~ jof
n f :thc L'anchayat Samiti. 7'11e n ~ l i ~ u t cbook
sll;ill always
be kept in thc office of the I:;+nchtyat Sa!iiitl and shall not be
taken outside the I'anchilyat Sarnit,, Office un..ic! ;i ny cij cum\tantics.
The Executive Officcr shall be t11c custod jan of the n.\i.kutes book,
(14) A copy of everf t.esolutio11 passe:; a t any meeting of
the Patichayat Saiiliti s;i:lii withi 1 tbrcc c';~ys from the ,late of
meeting be foiwatdeii to the Director.

sf1:ill appexr t o a t'acicllayat Salniti that tile

of acly officer of the State (iovernnlent, having
jurisdic~ion over an area of a c'isl~ict01, less than a district and
not working u~ltiertllc Panchayat S~j;,miti,Is: tiesirable at a meeting
o f tile Panchayclt Sarniti, the bx:cutivc Officer shall by a letter
add,-esscd t o such officer not icss t h a n fiftect~days bel'ore tile
intended meetiiip, request that officer t o be p i s s e i ~ tw t the meeting
and the oi'fieer shall unless prevented by sjckikiless or otllcr
reasonable cause, atteild the mectiiig.
(15) If it

(16) ([I) Subject t o any clirections issued by the State

C;ove:-iiinent i n this behaif, u P.uxchayat Samiti may recluire any
officei of the State Government servi~lgin the Pauchayar Samiti
arcti ; ~ i i c ! with tile previous pemnissio:~of the D'p~ty Co~nmissioiier
in the ease of an officer serving in the coficernetl rdiatrlct to
attenti aiiy such nieetiug and tender advice on :iny mattei whjcl~
coilccrns the aep:~rto:ent lo which such ot'l'icec belongs.
(i;) Where a Panchayct Samlt: requires an officer specified
i n sub-section (15) to perform any other duty 01. execute any wo,.k
such officer shall, subject t o any general or special order of the
State Gove~nmentperform such duties or execute ~ c works.

117. (1) No act done or proceedings taken by a Panchayat

Slmiti 0; St:ln>.iiny committee 0:. any other corninittee appointed
ullder this Act shall be questioneri on account of any vacancy in
membership or : I ~ Y defect in the election or qualification of the
Chairman, Vice-Chtcirma~i, pr~siding :iuthoriiy or melnber or any
defect or irregularity of' such act or proceeciitzg 1101 .~ffecting
the merits of the c~tse.

Defect or irregularity not to vitiate

proceedings vf
Panchayat Samiti.

(2) Until the colltrary Is pioved every meeting of t h e

Panchayat Sanllti or S l a n d ~ n g Committee 01 any othel Co~n~nittee
shall be deemed to ndve been duly convenetl and held and all
membels attencl~ngt h e meeting shall be deemeo t o have been
duly qual~fied, when the m ~ n u t e sof the meetmg have beeir duly
slgned in accorlrance with the plov~slonsof this Act.
118. (I) The executive power of a Yanchayat Samitl shall
vest ~n thz Chairinan of the PCinclliydt Samltl c i d the Executive
Officer thereot ill the mannel latd down in this Act.

Executive p m r s of
Panchayat Samitlr.

(2) 'The Chairman a n d the Executive Officer shall perform

all the duties and exercise all the powers specifically imposed
or conferred on them by or under this Act and siibject, wherwer
it is expressly pi-ovided, to the sanciion of the Panchayat Samiti
and to all other restrictionr, limitations and conditio,is imposed,
exercise the executjve powers lor the purpose of carrying out
the provisions of this Act aud be tiirectly responsible for the due
fulfilment of the purposes o f this Act :

Provided that the Vice-Cha~rman, ~f the Chairman is absent,

and the Executive Offrcer, if both the Chairman and ViceChairman are absent, may perform the duties or exercise the
p w e r s of the Chairman.

119. Subject to such exceptions aud coilditlons as the State

Government may by gcueral or specid1 older impose ~t
the duty of a Panchayat Samiti to prov~de for and make
arrangeme i t 5 fdr carryl:lg out the r:qutreme,~ts of the ~ile,iunder
~ t jurisdlct~
)n, i n rcsllect of the followlug matters, namely :--

The doi~lg of everything necessary to step up agricultural

production and in prticular( i ) multiplication a n d distribution of improved seeds;

of Panebyat Samit~.


d ~ s t r i b x t ~ oo?f fertilizers;
p,pul,~risati~nof imp;oved techniqurs, methods and practices a [nd improved implements:

(iv) aclr:evin? sol f-suffjcie ncy in preen rnanure and cornpositing

of farm y ~ r dma nurc;
(v) cacoura!:in~ fruit ant1 vepetabie cultivation;

(vr) reclamation of land and swampa and co~~servatio~l

o f soil;
crcdlt for a,-ricultur,~lpurposes;
( v i i ) p~'ov~ding
( v i i : ) propagatin::

arid ahhisting

In p!ant protection method*;

( ~ x )1a)lnp out

clcmonstr;~tion plots and working

methods of farm management ;

out better

(x) U ~ ~ I ~ L I Inore
I I ~ pi)wir I J I agricultural purposes;


tree planting;
growlilg of village forests.

(2) Land improvement and Soil Conservation.-A~slstIn,o thestate

Govern~nentaacl the Zila I'arisha:! i n the implcnentat~onof land
improvement anti soil conservatiol? proglammes of the State

(3) Minor



Management and Watershed

and the Zila Parlshad

and maintenance of minor irrigation

( i ) aasjsting the State Government

ill the construction

works; a n ~ i

(ii) jmpl~mcntation of comrnunlty ant1 indiv~dual irrigation

(4) Poverty Alleviation Programme,--

Planning and implcmcntation of poverty alleviation Programmes and achemes.

(5) Aninnal

klttsbaodry, Daj tying

~ i Po11
~ dltry,-

(ij maintenance of veterinary and animal husbandry servlcer;

(ii) irnpruveme~itoS thc breed of cattle. poultry arltl other
(iii) promotion of d~irying,fdrrnlng, poultry and pigger~;and

(iv) prevcntlon of epidemics and

colltagious dlseascs.

(6) Fisheries.Promotion o f fisheries dcvelopmcnt.

(7) Khadi Vil1a:re and C ~ t t a g zIn,lilstri~s.--


p r o r n o t l o ~of
~ rural and industries; and

of conferences, seminars and training programmes, agricultural and industrial exhib~tions.

( i i ) organisatioii

(8) Rural Housing.--

fmplernentation or Housing Schemes and distribution of house

sites i i ~villages.

(9) Drinking Water-.

(i) establisemcnt, repairs and maintenance
suppiy schemes;

of rural


(ti) preventio~land cont1.01 of water pollution;

( i z i ) in~~lem'iilatio~l
of ~ u r a lsauitatio~l schemes.

(10) Social and Farm Polestly, Millor Forest Produce, Fuel and
Fodder,( i ) planting anct preservatio~iof tlees on the sides of roads and

other pubiic lands under its cootrol;

( i i ) fuel piantation and fodder


development; and

promotioll of farm forestry

(11) Roads, Buildings,

nlcam of c0lllrnuiireatlon.-

aod development of nurseries;


Waterways and


c o ~ ~ s t ~ u c t and
P n maintenanc-, of public roads, drains,
culverts and other means of con~muuicakionwhich alc 11ot
under the control of ally other loedi authority or the State
( i i ) maintenance of any buildings or othcr propelty vested in
the Panchayat Sarniti;

(iii) maintenance of boats. ferries and wate~ways including

mana$emeilt of Such public fcrlles a s may be cntiubted t o
tlie charge of a I'anchdyat SLmiti under sectton 7.A of
t h e N o ~ t h c r nIndian Ferrles Act. 1878;

(12) ~o!l-Conventional Energy Sources,-Promotion and develoment of non-conventional energy sources.

(13) Etiucation including Primary and Seco~idarySchools,(1)

p r o l ~ o t i o ~ofi P~imnryand Secondary Education;

(ii) construction, repair and majnteance of primary



(iii) promotion of social e.:ucation through youth c!ubs and

rnahila maiidals ;
(14) Tech~licalTraining and Vocational Education,-promotion of rural :irtisan and vocational training;
implementat ion of adult Ilteracy;
(16) Cul~uralActivites,-promotion

of aoclal and cultural activities;

(17) Markets a n d Fairs,-reguldtton o f fairs and festivals including cattle faus;

(18) Health and Faaily Welfare. (i) Plomot~onof health and famtly welf,~reprogramme;
(ii) promotion of immunisatioll and vaccillation programme;
(iii) health and sanitalion at fairs and festivals;

~'egistratiollof births, deaths aud 111,irriages;

(v) disposal of unclaimed dead bodies.

(19) Women and Child Development,-( I ) piornotion

GI' proglammea lelatkng to development of

women and children;


promotion of school he'ilth and nutrit~on programmes;


of part~cipallon of voluntary orgn~sationb in

women and c h ~ l ddevelopment plogrammes.

(20) Social welfare includ~ng Nrelfdie of the handicapped


mentally retarded,(I)

Socidl We1fa.c programmes including welfare of handicapped, mentally retarded antj dest~tutes;

iii) rnonltoring the old age w~dow's ptrislons and vnsions

for the handicapped;
(111) regulation of offe11~1veand da~igeroustrddes and prdctlce;
(iv) prevention of dowry and oliiei social evils.
(21) Welfare

of the weaker sections and in particular

Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes,(j)

of the

p~omotionof welfare o f Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes

and other weaker sections of society;


Protecting Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes ant1 other

unjusticc and csl~l:,it:~ti~~i;
\wakei- sectiorts ~ I . , ; I ~socici!

(22) Maintenallce $11'C c ~ i i ~ mty

~ i tAssets,~i
rn<,ii!,ii ,111:b dl1
d ~ c t h vcitei 111 , > I under the
i e , ~the Stcite G ~ v!I-L ~
Iriariavetrtc~ri <,, c~ i t ( - l t , , ~ ~ ~ s i e rby
merit .,r a f q r I . c c ~ iIl t ~ t i t o ~ l tui
y O T Z d ~ih~l~lo'l;
( 1 1 ) preiervatlt~nand
liaal.iaw <>i
otlicr coilununily assets.

(23) 13ubIic 1)rbtiibutio i Syste~rla,

L i s t r ~ b u t i t )of~ ~c$b, ltn ~l commo 'lttes.
(24) Rui al Electi iffeatiiiir.
p~omotio,iof ~urdi eie~:tr:flcatic~nincluca~~,;d ~ \ t r ~ b u t l o, 1~ ~
alcarrcit y;
(25) C o - u p e r a t ~ o i ~
yiomotlo'l 01 ca-nperat~veactivities.
(26) I.lbrarle$,
cstabl~s!lment, Inarllten,lnce at! E promotion o l Itbrarres.
(27) Such $,tiPr f u n c t ~ o ~as~ s I
Gove nimeut.

~ I ~ Y

~rltiustei! b y



120 (1) rhe State Qiovernmei~tn ~ n yeatr ust, colrailt~oneily or

u r r c o l ~ i ~ t i o r ~to
a l ld~ Pancildyat S a , l ~ ~ t iuilctlon>
111 ela at for, t o any
Inntier, to w111ch the executive . r u t ~ ~ o l ~oft ythe S t ~ t e i~ov-.riiine:it
cxto:ds oi in respect (11 ii~lictioltsahlch have beeu entiusted to tiic
State Goverm~ent by tile C c ~ t ~L;ove~llment
aiiii t11c Pawhayat
Sum,ti shall be bduud to perfi)rc11 such ttIi16t101~b.

(2) Where Suactioris are c ~ ~ i t u s ~to

c i ia 19aikciinyat Samiti lindcr
J!: ciischarge
of sucli
fui~ctlonsact as ~ r uogc11t of the State Goveri~tncnt.

su b-section ( I ) , the Pauci~ayatSamiti shrrl!,

(3) Where by viriuc oi' this section powers and duties have
been coiCerreci 01. imyusec; as agency functiuiis up.11 ;i I%~icliaycit
Samitl the Paucheyat Samltl shall be g2iki by the State Government
such sum as may be cleierrnii~edby the Statc Governn?ent fn respect
,,f ;: ay extrii tiost of ~~~~1ni:lisiration
incurre.! bq tho Lanuhayat
S a n ~ t t in
i co~~nection
with the exeicise r t' these ~?owcrsanci c'uties.
. Ya m
~ I~~t iis requir~iiL O :ILL tilidel
(4) Iu so fh d\ ~ E I C P ~ I I C ! I ~ S
this scctfon 11 sh
be unc'er the xeitcrdl c o n t ~ o ! oi, and conlp:y
with such pdrttcu:'u c?irrcti,~ns,if ul~y,4 s may tram trlue t o time
e ~n~
J yt other authoiity appobegiven to i t by the St L ~ CL o v e ~ n n ~ or
inted by the Stale Gnverrlnlent i n this behalf.



Ralntionshiy OF

Panchayat Samiti


121. (I) A Pailch .y,t Sllnlli s!lall, 111 tile n i ~ i ~ n - pre-sctlbed,

~verclsesuch sapervlsion an(' c c n t i u i tver the perforrnacce of all
or any ,f ths idmtqistr~thre functfons of the Or, m Pa:?chay'lts
wlt!~ltlits rca or m y part tlieccof a s m.iy be spcclfie'i by the
State Government by ,111 crccr Issuei; in this behalf <in' also relacier
such tecil~lical<'n~ff h a nclal nssiqtance as m-iy be rt quired by the
Giam PLiilchoydt foi the implemeiitation of c'evelopment s~licnies
which are beyono the powers of s ~ c hGram P,ilichayat to c .recute.

( 2 ) Subject to s'rch terms


mny b. ,!g~icti ul~t'ii, Panch.+qat

Snmiti m t y dclog,irc ~ n of
y Lhc following d u t ~ e s to a Gi'trn




(c) a<\ymatlsr ullc'or llic direct a lmlntstrat~ve cuntrol of the


Power of Panchayat
Sanliti to make

P a ~ l c h a y Samit
the coi~struct~oll,n~ainte~iuncet i t irnp~cvement of any
pl'opetty urlder the control or mttnagcme~~t
of tile f'anchayat Samiri.

122. A Pancliayat Samitl may, 3nd If lequired by the State

i;ovcalment ohdll, fr0n1 time to time, make by ~iotifbationi l l the
official Cr.!zette bye-laws co~lslsteiita l i h the prcvisiolia of thjs Act
and the rules made thereunder, f o ~c'irrying out all or any of the
purpose of thk Act, anii, \vithout prejudice to the gener:iiity of the
ti,iego!ng power such bye-laws may make piovlsion for all or any
of the followi!~p~natters,i~ainely (i) the time anif place of thc mccttngs of the Pdnchayat
Samltl and lts Con~mittees;
ill whlch the notice of the meetings a ~ i d adjuurncc' meetiilgs shall be given;

( ~ i the
) manner

(iii) co11~'i:ctof proceedi 118s ;it

the me, tings ant1 adjourn-

ment of mcctinps;
(iv) c ~ s t o c ' yot comtnoll seal anti the yurposts
sl!all be i , d ;


lor which It

pcrsotis by \\Jiom ieccipts s1r;ill be ~ r : ~ r i r e con

~ hehalt' o f
tire Panchayat Samlll l'or n~olieyrcceiveci uiicler this Act;
the conditions oil wl~lchleglstels, documents, rcsolutto~~s,
maps and plans of the Pdnch~iyatSnmitl mny be tnspectetl
by the plibltc ai?i3 copies theteof Suppi cd, an.' fees payablc for stlch inspection or for supply of such col>les;

( v i i ) qut\rum necessary f ~ the

r trarsoct on of bliainess

a t the
n ~ e e t l n ?of
~ nny Comnilttae;
(viri) nlty otFe1 W a l t e r rcl: ting
t l t: p-cciet i~g g of tbe I'anch,;y:lt Sdtilitl s i r StdndEno Committees, excfuston cf x
n~cmberof thc 1'1 I(-hayat %:mitt f ~ u m n~eetl'!p #II wIItcl~
any contr, ct in which hc hCssa pcuunl, i y interest is u.ic*er
c o n ~ l ~ ' e r ~n,~ tih:
l * hob! lnf nc' kpt.lai ion of nleellnps ancP
a l l 1 'uct of debcste, the u l s p e c t i ~ n of Minute Book :~nd
Supply of topics o f tnillutcs to the nisrrlbel S o r other persons
.rnc! [Ile fees pay.l kle tflerefol ;



tlreeweicisr: by any tlnployee ( ~ f the P a n ~ h a y , ~ Samltt

except the Exec:!tive Officer of tlowers conferrec: upon the
Act lor the tinte
Pitnchay~t::[lnllti by tlils o r Q I I ~other
i eing in fi>rcc, an4 the ct ildltio~lsanv ifmitations subject
to nlrbh buch po>bci$ nldy be excrcisetl;
the re,ul,ltlng o f the ipyoii~trucnt, powers dntP proceeciii~gs
of sta~ldlngcommittees u. ally con311ltativc committee set
up by the 13.1nchnyat Samitr;

( x i ) iiie detinir:p of the limits cf .ini teg~~latirigthe use anti

mCin:tgcmnent of, and for the malntai~rlng 111 a sanitaly
cond~tfori,;1 Liir, agrl~ukluralshow, oi all rt~dustrialcxhlbitton;

(xir) nsWisnieilt and collectiorl of fees, taxes a d cesses bnposed

u11det titis Act;
this Act anti
he granted a ~ l d

(.uiii) Ilcens~ttgariti fixation of tees levtable under

the colrcltions 011 which licences a r e to

may be revokec;

( r i v ) m a i ~ t t ~ ~ l ~ l rlln
n c clagcment
adlti coiltrol of ail lna ttere defined
and dut,cs of the Panchayat S a n ~ i t li r ~ sections 119, 120
dnci 1211


protucti(~11from Injuiy a1.d i i l t e r l r ~ t n r e of the piorelty

of' tile Yancl~ayat Samiti o r of tho State Governmeat
vtsier; ru tile Pnnclidjat Samitl;
of peisoi,s to 1cgistc1 &dies ~ t t 'animals In a
public msrkct or la11 ail</ tile flxatioij ( ~ 1I.e, leviable by

thi: sale f a:tlclcJ ti1 iood a~itidrink;

( X V I Z Z ) the 1~:istrdtion and Iicelibiiis of vchiclc., otlle.
t h a ~mbtor
vehlclt s 01 bl-[lock c a ~ t , , .ir', the cc i 'itioiis C ~ I~I i ~s.lch
i ~ h

licer~sesare t : ) be granted and t h e rep:rlatiorr of traffic of

such veliicle;

the proti:ctio!i of ro:acls

strccts troni ~!airlage aiid
c;icroctchlncnts, rhc p:.otcctic>il o l ybblir frool c:aiger all(!
ii-icoiivenieiicc aris1i.g I'koni dangero-is structi.rc;s, ~i;fiiic;ti,
coi~cealcdil!lil iia-uscti wells. ik'ailen tr-ces and unpiped

(r.\zt) clcdnbiilg alld proti*clio~l oJ a p r i u p ,


p t k r l a ant2 the

(ruizi) p1okrhio11 d l i ~ ibupcrvis~O~l
of burla1 atid burning places;
(xxiv) L ' U L J ~ 01
I ~ velr~clca

destiuctioll of mobquitois


o ~ h e lr;iiti-tnnlat.ia measures;

( t x v i ) destr~ictioiiul ),its, locusts

an,{ other pests slid other

.inti-plague meabuccs; d ~ \ t ~ ~ r c t l ooli x(iogs i i ~ i ~ ot!lcr
ailtira1.i~ iliea\iil es;

(axviii,) provisiol~of' piny iieids allti rccreatio~i grou~ids art1 pr&

lnotio~iof physical culture;

(.xxrx) seizurc dnd uispo&dl of owlrerlebs ai~mlals stray1i)g

the l ~ m i t so i the Pdr~c~iaytlt
Sa~,,tti alea;


1' lllspection dnd proper regulation 01 eiicalupitig ~rouods,
ponds, serdis, bakeries, (:baba\, tandurb, smoheleaa chullat~s,
aerated water factories, flour mllla, t'ooc~grdii~got owns,
slaug'nter-houses, dl10 brphats. rna~kt t s iinci stalls;
and ptopei rcg;ulatioh o i the premises used aa
c;o~.-Boiise:,or uouaca or C : I L ~ O % U I L ,lor \t~ccp,goats

( ~ x + I ) jrl\PCCtlOll


~ W I I I L ;dnd

( i . ~ . x i i ) t ~ ~ \ l ) ~ c t ian,!
o n proper repulalio~i o f b u ~ l d l ~ ~ort:irl,irily

u t ~ l l i c cfor the reaf(iw~ce01 treeitrlloilt of person\ s u l l ~ ~igr

from mftclious ctiaed is.

(2) iire bye-laws snack untier titis w t i o u shall be subject to

previous publicatio~l.

123. In makiag any bye-laus a Panchayat Sarniti may direct

that a bwach of the s'imc shal! bc punhhabie with fine which may
cxtcntl to rupecsfive hundred anit in the cdse of a continuing breach,
c n extend tc frve rupees f o r every day
w ~ t ha fu-ther fioc ~ h ~ may
tjur~rigwhich tlic biedch 1\ continued after co~lvrction for the flrst
such breach so, h u ~ c v e i that
~t uoeb not exceed in the aggregate
f,ve huridred rupees.

Penalty f o r

infringement of


Pena.ty for dxrobegB.en

121. Whoever d'so beys ally lawful dl. ectic3n 01 proh~blt~on
dlerice of 0rd~r6of
by a Pnnchdyat Ssm'ti by written :lotice issued by the Cxec~tive Panch~yatSam~ti.
Officer under any power cinferred by this Act 01. r d s s made thereunder, d r fails ttj comply with the co~liiltioassubjcct to which any
perrni*sion war givcil by the Panchayat Salfliti or the Chairman o r
the Executive 01F,ccr on its behdlf under any power so conferred,
shall, if the disobetilence or ocnission IS not ail (lffence punisitable
under any other provision uf this Act, be piln:,hable wit11 fine
which may extend t o ropees five hu~ldred 'ind, in case of c ~ ~ n t i n u ing breach, wit11 a further fine which may extend to five rupees
for every day during which the breach is continued after conviction
for the first such breach, so, how eve^, that it does not exceed t o
the aggregate five hulldred rupees.

125. Every person convicted of an offence under this Act on

account of any act or omission, shall, rlotw(thsianding ; ~ n ypunishment to which he niay have been sentenced for sucil offence, pay
compensation, the am>>untof whlch shall be determined by the
Magistrate before whom he was so convicted, to the Panchayat
Samiti for arly damage that may have occurrecl to any property of
the Pa~lchayatSamitl in consequence of such act or omission.


126. Any person willfully obstructing a Panchayat Sarniti or

any employee of the P'inchayat Samiti or any person authortsed by
the Panchayat Samiti. i n exercise of the puacrs conferred by this
Act, shall be punishdble with fine wnich may extend t o fifty
127. Unless, otherwise expressly providecj, no court shall take
cognizance of any offence punishable 11nier ti116 Act or any rule
or bye-law rndde thereunder, except on the comnpla~ntof or upon
in for ma ti^?^^ received from the Pazchdyat Samltl or some persoil
authori8eti by the Panchayat Sdmrtl or by the Executlve Officer in
this behalf.

Penalty for

128. A P'lnchayat Samiti may pay compensation out 0 1 the

Paiichayat Samiti Funtj to any perboll sustdining damage or injury

Payment of
LomFensat Ion.

t o perTon ~n ihe euzrsl c of ~ n y o f the powrrc veste* in the

Pancl~ayatSnmiti or it\ employee un?er t l i i ~ A L ~ , wllen quch 01 injury i i cdil\c,i by the negligence of tllc Panch.*)at
Sdniit! or i t 5 ern,plcyec\ :,lid tbe perion <ustalning tllc tianiage or
injr~ry1s i ~ I~~macii~ t in ~ ! e f ~ t l In
~ l (the matter In respect of which
tlie power is cxerctiecl.
rawer to recover
sums of' money
Panchayat Sam111.

829. ( I ) Sdvc us p r o v ~'ed In scctlon 153 all sunby of money

by '1 P,iuchayat S,irn~t~
undci t!,~sAct may be rccuvered,
o n app lcatrun to <I Mngistmtc ib,~vlng
In lhc cllstr~ct
or .my other p!,,cc &here the pelboll from wh, in the money is ci:ilinabic 111dy for the t i ~ n ibeldg be resident, by ti13treia or Stile of
.illy i:iliit,~ubje Fropert4 w r ~ b i nilmitb of its juris~lrctlo~ibcl,~nging
su~11person and the cost of \uch proceec'inga b l l s l l be recaverable in the s,:mc rn'111ner ,la t11c sail1 sl,ms o f rnolley
( 2 ) AIL r ~ , ~ i i c r t l , nmatte ur!'er sub-section ( 1 ) shall he in
wlitlrlg dl>.( b i l r i ~bc~ 7 i j 3 2 t i by t h txccutlve
Otfiuer of tile Sicrnl~lbut ~t ~ i i a l l1101 be neLe\s,iry to present ~t in person.

Powrr of Panchayat

Saiuitt t o delegale.

L30. (I) Notwlt!lstc!ll lit~g anytiri~lgc\).lt.~inc i.1 this Act, a

1' iflch ! S a m ~ t imay by resolutt(t~~dclcgdte io the Chsirmnn
Vicc-cl1 irn~,in,t h ~ Ex-cutivc Offlcer or any other employee of
tire Pi11chdylit Sanlit~ or o f tlli. St ~ t c Grivcinrnent, <:I1 or any
of the puwcrs conferrci! upon the P<.nch,,y t S a m f t ~ under t h s
Act rxcept tlie power to m:rkc bye-laws.
(2) The Ci1,lirm~tn mly.

by n n ors!rr iii wr~tlng, rieleg~te

nny uf ilts p )wers at111 functfoi~salso to ti)* Vce-Cha~irn~in:

Provi~ledthdt lte sh.111 not ~ielep.~tc

.my powers o r furictit,ns
hrln t o delegate.
w l ~ i c ithz
~ i%inchny,lt S ~ m i et x~p i ~ s ~ lforbids
(3) Every o~:'e~ midc uildcr this a ~ c t i o nahrill be communiciltcti to the Pdmllayat S&imlti.
(4) Tl~eCh,jiirndil sllnll l~cve power to modify o r w~thdraw
;iJ) powcis ai
futictfth~sdclcg,,t<d to the Vice-Cl~iirrnz~n

sub-scct~c\n( I ) .
Joint work

and under t ak111g5.

131. A P~nclriy ~t Stmiti m,ly coiltilbutc tuwa~rls~ t n y woik,

measure tnstitutton or scrvic. fiom which the die? unJcr
j~lsr'lction u f the P,tnch.iy,:t %mitt benefits .ilthouph such WOI k,
institutiun c,r service i s unc'ert,tken or m.ilntained outside such
;II,:', such sums a s mLiy dppear lo the Panch,tyat Samitt reasona b k hdvlng regard to the extent of ben~fit9 de~tvedtherefi om.

132. Wilenever ~t Is necelisarv or eupe:'lent f gr any trf the

p"rpos:s of this Act to ~cCIuire any !:mi or avy cithcr jmmotahl:
f)r I p x t y ,
S 4nrit1 01. t il- Executive Otficer, l g ~ l
beh rlf o f tljc P , ~ ~ c h ~ , yS,imlti,
sh,ill .~cquiit such I
or property by u.grc~'r~ienton s n ~ l l term5 :I,I(! n t $LLJ- r.itt5 or ~ ) I I L L :IS
shill bc ,ipprovei! b y tilc \':iirh l y r t s r n ~ i t lcltbcr &:Ln c i . i l l v (rr
specially in LILY~ I I I I I C U [ : I I (I'A~C.

4cqulsit ion of
fond anrl nther

~ r l k i

Procedure %hen
133. Wh-ri*ver .I Y , ~ u c l l ~ yS, ~a tm ~ t oi l ti16 kxcsuttve office^ 1s
urliblc un1i.i azztioll 132 t.1 .rcdui~i, by : ~?rc~n-tint
, 1 1 1 ~I . i ~ l i r or
agreclncnt nisi
1 oariblc.
.r+ry othrr ~mrnovable ~'rc~l)ei
t j , the St ' t i . u c > v rnm-nt m~iy,
cTiscg.et1un, upon lhc .ipalicdtlc1n vf tlic Exccuttvc OSflcc1. nl,rc,c
with tile :myprovalof the l',!~lch.~y:~tSsruitr, o i l 1 ( ~lroccc.!~ ~ i pLL, i
br. taken for ,tcclull~~~t:
tlrc s-me on btll;~li t 1 tiic P,ilr~li.i~at
Samili, as if such. prop( lty or idn(1 wtic nee~iccllui .I public p u l p ose with^? tlic n>edn\ng ul tho L<itrii AcYuis~tio~rAct, 1894, .r113
on p.iy1nent by tlre Vd~lChdyit Simtu 01 ths coniptris (tluri , ~ * , i i t , t 1
urlnel t h ~raiu Act and all i harges rncurreci by tire St,,tc (ro~\iijlimrnt 111 connec~iollwlth the ~)I'i,cccdl~l&b,
s u ~ h i ~ c r i c ~Oi pr,.yclty
shall vast in the Iaanaheydt Sau~rir.

134. (1) Evcry P~utihnyatSasltti shall ayyolrlt u r ~ tof irs o w r ~

St:inaiug Cou1uiittees, mrncly :body the I'oll~~wiup

(b) ltnancc, Audit and Plauninp Coml&tce;


Social Justice Cunmlit tes.

(2) Each Standing Com~njttea?shall consist of rsuch number of

members not exceeding SIX including tile Chairman as ypeciticti by
the Pancl~ayat Samlti, elected by tilt: menlbcrs of I'anchayat
Samiti from among the elected mcrnbera.
(3) The Chairmail oll'ill be tlre ex-offir l o inernber aod also
C h a i r m ~i 01' tlie iic~ltirdl Ytxnltilg Committee and the Finance,
Audit anti Plarmiug; C o t i i m ~ t t ean
~ ~ the \. fcc-C'ilairmcin
en-oificio member ailti Clzai~manol thc Social Justice Cummittc~.
(4) No ~lectcii inembcr of the I'nmuhayat
Saruitj c x ~ c p t
Chdtrrn~llsiiall be clleible to bervc or1 more t11ar1ollc Stanc.lng

The Exccutiv- Ofticel

wary Standing Commitlee.


b: thc o x - o f j r ~ t u Sccret dry of

Functlans of
Genqr ill Standing
Commit tee of
i'drlchaj 3 i


135. (1) The Oxera1 Standiag Cornmitt' ,shall perform

functions r ~ l a t i n gt o the ?stabllr hmcnt mdtters, commul~~ca~lo!~s,
buircling, rural houslaz, village citenslon, relief agalnst liatural
calamrtics, w'lter supply ail~uall misce!ldncous residua~ymatters.
(2) Tile Flna Ice, L4~~dit
d:\J Pldnnlng Ct~mmittecailall perform the Funct~o,lsrelatliig
to the ftnansi o f the P a n ~ h a y a t
S a a i r l fiam1.1;: of budget, scrutlii~s~ngploposals fin l n ~ r e a r c 01
e v e cuarnklidtLoi~s of leceipts d11,:' btatencnt,
consii;cration uf al. proposals aitcclitlg tlrc: tl,tdncea uf tix Parleilayat Sacnit1 dqci gea-ral supervlslon of thi. 1ev:nue all(: x1xnn"lturc
of the Pancbay,~
t Salnitl and co ~ p r c a t t o n small savina a schi.rne
nltd any other ftinctloll reiatlng to tlie dev2lupmcnt ol ths Panchayit Sa,nitt area.
(3) Tlic Svcldl Justice Committee shall pcrform functic~ns
relating to,-(a) promution of educat~on e~or?orltic, ~ o c i a l ,culturdl and
other i u t e r d s of the Scbe~uieu C,is:eb ar:tf BGckwdrd
ClCisscscind other weaker s-ctions (if tilt. S O G I C ~ J . ;
(b) protecting t h m fro111 socl'il
of exploit2 tion;

illjustice and ,111 other forms

(C j nmclioration of' the

society; .

lot of the Scheduled Castes and

of the
Clisscs anti otilcr w ~ ~ i k c r

(d) securing social justice to the Scheduled Castcs, Bnckwdrd Chsscs. women dnrt other weaker scctions of the
(4) The Standing Comlnittees sllall perform the functions referred to in sub-sections ( I ) to (3) to the extent, the powtrs are
delegated to them by the ranchtiyat Samui.
Procedure of

Panchayi t

136. (1) ' h e Pa~lch~lyat

S m i t i may frame repu1;ltions relating
to electfon of rnembcrs ol tllc Statidrllg Committes, contiuct of
bUStGesb t h ~ r e l n~ ~ nall
i , ollicr Indt tcrs rilailr,i. to them.
(2) Thi. Chalr,u'iil oi' ; v ~ l y St<~~lc'lng
Gomtntr lee shall in respect of the w o ~ k of the Stanc4iug C' lmrnitte-' be i.11tltlet.r t o cill
for any informallon, return, st ,tez1121u, account dr riLyort from
the offlee of the Pdilshay t: S ~ i l l l l ~an4 to ci1ti.r on .~ncl ~nspect
,my irnmov,tble property of ti:e Parrchayat S l n ~ i t ior work In
pogr:ss con~lccted with the work of the Stmdmg Commlttec.

(3) Each Stallping Committee shall b: erititle~ to r ~ c j u i r ~ .

attrn.'nnic . ~ tit> rnccti*,_8s01 a ij. oiii jeer 1 4 I h% PLi~xLi,
~ y h~ t tt ~ l ~ (
who is Loniiectr c ' wit11 the walk 01 the S f a u , ~ ~ r Cornnl~ticc.

(4) 'Thc E;cc,-utive Ofrice1 a:l,ill

url,'er ~~~atructiujts
of tlic
Staiu?lng Commlllte, Issue nottct's sat, s c ~ u t i i l ~ t i~trin,ancc ul.
tlic. Par~chayntS.wnitl

L37. (I) A P;t~~chay.~t

Sdrnlti ~11a11 h-ive the power
hold dlsyosc oC property nrld

ill L ~ L I1:tio


!''.-be: of Panct~atat

Provl.?-~ith;t I U
tiasis 01 dcYuis~tio~~
i;ist1o5,01ol l n ~ m ovable property tile k'L:nct~ayaiSntillti S ~ L I ~ ut>t*ilr
the j)rcv[otis
apploral of rile State Ciovir~lmt'~t.
(2) All rod~is, butltililgs oruthcr ~ y o r k r conattuctcl; by
PallcbdYdt S<irnitl wit11 its ow11 Funds sh,,ll v ~ s ti l l 11.



I: I,: .,n,i d l ? p < .,e

.)I ,Tri,p<
1 1)

(3) The Stdtc (;overIIllleikt rlirr) I~IJL.,~,,

to a ['anchayLLt?;d*nit1 m y put)llc p r o y ~ r t y sttudte : N I I ~ I I . its . i u r ~ s d i ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ , ,
thcreupo'l such i.roperlq shall v ~ s t 111 ,,iltl cotnt urac:cr t l , ~
trol of tllc Paxiclayat Samlti.

13%. ?'tlcrc shail be fi,riued

,i P:~t~ci,ay,ctSarniti 'i
t o bc ~nlletltllc 'Panahi~ydt Sanlit~t f u ~ ~ a and
tlrck~sh:t[l he
placed to thc crcdit there of--

s~il'lJ''~ ~ l l 1 1 1

(u) all proceeds of local rate L I I I O L L ~ Ctcl~ the I'tli~ci~ayat

S a u ~ ~by
t i thc State C;over~~rn~i~t;
(b) the prucccds of all tdxes, crs',es, J u t ~ ~and
s fees
imposed by the Panchaqat S a m i t ~ul,c~crthis A L ~ ;

(0 all funds

aliocatcJ t o tltc Pai\cI~ay,ctSaruiti a n i inconli

arising from all sources 01 i~lconrc.placetl at its

( d ) all lents allti profits accruing licirn p r o l ~ r ~ tvesttsc?

or man::ged by ttic I'anchaq,ii Scirnitl;
(e) all sums co:~tl,buted to t l ~ iI u l r s l ~ y t i t ( c ~ ~ t ~ a i
<;ovcrl~!~li.r:t 1.1 ally S t ~ t e (;ovcr~:rucr:t 01 by ally
local ~iulhoi'lty i!lcl~i:ii~ip( i ~ a l n !'t11 ~ I l d y i l t 0 1 ,z i t
priv.itc person;

all sums by the I'aiich:~y;~t Sauiiai 1x1 t l ~ c%:iscbarzc or fu:~ctions cxercisctl by i t uiiciei this Act;

pdt 8 by the Stat? Government or Central
Govcrnmeilt for ihc inlplemriitatlo~~
of' Commurlty
I)cveloi?o~znt Programlnes;
all sums pditl by thc State Goverir~nent t o tlie Panchayat Samiti lo meet cxpcnscs for the peiform:i ice of
'19 c~?cYfunctions;


( i ) tlie !~ioccciisof all

sourcc: o f incornc which tlie Slate

Ciuvernrner~t rnay older to b:: placed a t the authoiity of thc Parch:~Yat S:imiti:

thc State G o v c i n m ~ : ~ tmay revoke ally order

11i;ide unt!er this clocse.
( I ) The P<in~hdyntSdtniti Rilld \ball be veatetl it\
IJlt l c : ~ y ~
~ t nllcl the bal.ince stai~dinga t the credit o f

bc3t1n :, ~ u . t o d ~
and +nve.t*,~-nro f

t d nit1 btzo~i.


tile l',~rwh.~yatSnrniti Fund shall be kept in Govermnent treasury

i . ~\ ,b-trc,is-~lyor In the bank to which the State Government
busine,s h:rs beer^ ~ n a d c over urileas thc State Govertilt I (1 any case otl~er
wise Pem~it\.
Subject to such rules ,is the State Goveri~n~erit
rnay make
I thi, belt:ilf. .I PCc:lchaYat S:im~ti,may from tilile t o time wit11
rile ;~'~.vious~,111<tjoi1
Of the Director, illvest any portion of the
S,i!llitj F U ~1 I in seciiritic? of the Central Government
or j~lvcst it i!l S U C ~uther securities or pitice i t jn such 0 t h ~ ~
,ltloer as the State Government may approve in this behalf
wit11 tile previous sanction o f the Director may vary such
::*vestment or placemeilt for another or otl~ersof like 11ut11i-c
. ci' t t e Incotnc resulting h o ~ nsuch sccurlties 01. placements and
ti,^ rrocaeds of the sale of the same sllali bc credited to the
iJ;liichayat Satliiti Fund.

Ap 'IIL at~tvtof
t'ail'hxvat S a m ~ t i


id(). The Panchayat Samiti Fund shall be applicable t o the

f,:tyirlcllt iii whole o r in pait, of the chatges and experlscs ir~cid<ntal to the several matters specified in sections I19 and 155 arid
cur,cti wltiliii the are'% subject to the authority of the Pnllcliayat
Seiic~tl aiid :11so to the following purposes, il,r~llely:-('I)

performa~:ce of agency furction5 e ~ i t ~ u s t e dto the P a r ~ ~ l r a y,it Sagnit1 undcr section 120;


expenses required for the :ludit

PanchaYat Sa111iti;


cost of the acqr~isitfonOF land;


~ C C O I I P I ~ So f


(d) expense.: i'r respect of such po:tic)n of tke cost of the

P!.ljIic tfealth, Agriclilt~i~e,
Depattrne:ite of E:lii~dtit~
Public Works and ally other tlepartmei.ts es may be Ilild
by the State Government t o be ccll:itably rlebitabfc t o
the Pancflayat Ssn~itiin lcturfl for thc se7viles rendcretl t o tllc P,~r-ch:lY~lt
Sanliti by those Dcpd: tnialrtr;

(e) grairts-in-aid t o t l i ~C;r<~'ll~ ? L I I C I I ;ant1

L J ~to
~ educati ciLzl
plibllc health or any otllcr i~ubiicr :l\tit~:tho11 within tlie
are;$ subject to thp: autlro~ltyof' t n c Panchayat Sanliti,

(f) charges and expensss illcurred or~thic!r: t l ~ c Panclrayat

of kinds 1s rn tlie
Samiti area when ,uch ap,?l,cZr!~o~i
o p ~ i ~ t oof
o the l'nt~crayat Ssmr t i for tllc henrSlt ol' t f ~ a t
cxpeti\es atitl chargcs fur the iniylemeiltatior: of C('n:mu!~ity
Develupmeo: Programme subject to the ge >era1
ai~tlc!lrectto:l :#stjle State Ciover~~n;e~lt
or any otll;-r
authctrlty appokirtcii by the State <;river~imerrt ill this
behalf, may from tlt~iet o time issu,: t o thc I-'a~icI~:t)at
Samlti wit11 respect to tke pattern anti piiclity 01 tlrc
schenie under the aforesaid pro~rcimnle; aild
(h) any other oxprnditure which tho State Governme~~r
oil a recommentlation of t l ~ rPanchayat, SarnitI o r otherwise tle~larcto be a flt and proper churpc o : thc
~ Sarniti
141. Except wlth the previous sanctioll of the State Ciltvrl nmerit the actual cash balance of the 17ancfrayat Sarnitf Fulic!, exeluding investme~its, the unspellt balance of loans a11d grants o f all
kinds and receipts froin the sale of land a[(.! builtijt~gs, shall rot
be per~nitteda t any time t o fall below an ,!mountequal t o ten yercent of the I'sncliayat SamitE's iiicome 01' the previous flnaricial year
excludtng sales or maturity o f illvestment a ~ i Jtlic amou~ttsill suspe11se accounts :

Minimum balance
~ , I , i t ~ , ~ ~ : ~

Providc~!that the %cctualcost prlcd uf such Poat O t f ~ c e Cash

certificates held by the P!nchayat Sarniti all<! sucf~au~usplacc~r by
the Paiicahyat Samiti fn fixed c'eposit wtth any bank as arc n ~ t
carilldrked for specific purposes, may be ~eckuiieiiab forming part
of the actual cash balance.
142. (1) Every Panchayat Samlti s h d l otr or "eiore a prescribod ciay in each year hold a mectillg at which tile St,tndlr~gCommi-

Ann~lal P.:.tin~,~!eb
of Iucome and

t.tee for Finance, A d i t alld Pia?ni11q ,>$::ll submit to the Panchayat

Samiti a? cstlnl~ateof inc 11uc ailu cxrcl18 Iiiire hereinalter refcrri.c'
to a s t!:c btl,!qtt" of tlle I'aJ~chayatS a m i t ~lor the i~extlinai~clal
y,-ar HI such f o ~ mas may bc prcscribeil.
(2) ?Ihe Pa lc,lay r t S',rnx~r bu<!get siiall c r , ~ ~ s l ~oft s two parts
that is part (I) shall c )irt'lin the buiiget c,t the G ) m m u n i t y ilevelup~ n c ~ Riochs
art 1 p ilk (2) h h 111coilt.,rjt the f u i ~ c ht , a lblerrc 8 11, 111
ot:, :)zpartmL nts aii< i:tcolne ciclhv*("31
the Pa rzir'lyat Sdirlili
rlolil drbir sources and t!~c P ~ ~ l c h d y a tSdlilitl ~ilallc S ~ i , b ,cr
parts ol tllr Ilu,lgct auk! !nay .!pprove of them wltii oi without
mudl1 tcatlo~i.
(JI) l h c Samitl Huclgct shall hen be placed
Farlstlad for i t b approval.

before tne Liia

Lire Ziia f'arisilad will tile31 cr>nsider the b ~ ~ t i p eand

if i t
hab abLy r e c o m m , , ~ ~ t , i t t~oo Inc
~ ~ke,
~ ~t will l i t u r ~ itfteae rstirnatcb to
r nit1 wit11 such r e ~ d i i ~ ~I ;atton:,
a ~ t~h d'
til. t'd~cilccydt S
Saunlti sb:~l! thereupon citilel(4)


a c c ~ p t u d e~ilo'olce the ie~ommendatious ot the Z ~ l a



it ~.!OCS clot accept the re~orn~neltdations,

or a part thereol, repass the l i u r i ~ ~oxt the ~ c i e v e , , j)dl
~ t thereof, by ,i
t w o - t h ~ ~ dmc*jor~ty
of the total ~uimbci of memi,els of
the Pauchayat Samm 'ibiJtheleafter, the budget, wgth
such commcnts of the I'anchay'it Samiti shall be netu~ned
t o tile Lila Parishati and theceuporl, the L11d l'driuhad,
alter coi~bicieringthe a f o l c s i ~ ~ comments,
pass order in
regdid tlie~ctowhtch shall b- fini~i.

~ u d i tof accounts
of :'a ncbaya t

11113. Accouilts of the receipts a d expeadltuie of every Parchslyat Sainiti ,hall be kept and n~atieu p Iu such for111w d inanner
as m,ly be rjtraci ,bcJ '!r:ct the Pancilaya~S a r n ~ ca~l ~ < l lti n d e ,ii,eiIgeuie,tts foi the cx,:~nination .!xic# audit ol' the accodnts by \uch persoils as t11c St.tte Governmer~ta p l ~ o l ~ i tIIb; the bcha!l.

Budger a n d . 4 ~ counts of I'anchayat

141. Every iJd:lchayat Sarniti \ha!. cause a copy of it\ budget

5a:wtioiied under sectio:~142 a1121of d c c ~ i i ~ t lllalle
up ui:de; sectlo i
143 t o be kept at its office; and any member of the Panci~aqat
S a ~ n i tmay,
at all leasonnblz times, Inspect any such budget or
8320Lillt without gayme& of any fee.

Sarniii s.


645. A statem-11 af rile of thb I"nnch,~yatSamit~for

each filiancial year, ',tlC)wjll&the 11:cofne t.r tlie F n ~ t ~ h a y aSa~nltt
~ I f ~ ci ~ ~ ~ I ) I ~ \ ~ Ithe
c I Ik ~\ ,
ulider c'rch hcaa of' I ccc~pt,t i ~ cC I I ~g%
undertakctr, tlle \urtlb c~pe~idccl
oil c,iulr w o ~ hnii~i tlic I > , L I ~ I1~1 L c
ally, of thc Eurrtl rem,tliLlJi;: u~~\pi.rrt
at tllc ~ i t i l111 tllc Jc,ii, \ilali
be piep,ircd by tile t!xe~utlvc C)fliccr 111 i u c l ~iorsit ,IS J I I , I Y IIL
crlbed, ;tlrd a ~ alt,tl<iut
ol the ialnc ahall hc pul~l~~itctr
Official Gaxtte .iull 1x1 such 0ti1u1 um~tnci,rs t lic I"iitul1.1yat hdnlltl
may d~rcct.


146. (1) Except as heleilaafter provided, .I[[ lnr~lt S & ~ J I Ire

subject to pdyoie~lt 01 ,I idle t o be c n l r ~ J'kite l c ~ c ~ i iinti.' $11 tile
rate of twcr~ty-five))nisc pi., 1 UpGe 01 i t \ dlllliirll \ I ~ I ~ ~ I L .






(2) The State Govern~neutmay, b y nutiticatir'tl,"-( ~ jexellrt~tany Innd or




laliii ttonl the levy

t ~ t

tile local rate; ol

(b) in ieq'ect ut tbc wl~uleor any pdr; ~t the area sutgert

to the authority of iz Panchay;*t Sat~titr, eboir\h U I
reduce 01 on the 1 ccor~~ntct~tfntiOii
01 tlic
Samiti ir~crease tltc local 1 itc
147. The land-hultlcr sirall be ltablc t c ~ r tlic


l',i;o i t





if'#a i


' ProvMed tlr& where thc I ~ I I , ~iroltler

pjys tlte laird ~cve~ilrtin kind to ttnY assignee of lcve31uc (11 vill-i i'e ftearlrn~rl.
ahall be liable for tile p,tyineirt 01 local ratr iclxtt:i(l
of the land-holder, and 110 i i c ~ n a r ~\llall
Ije ltratle i l y R I I ~
such a~signee,or village he,idmail c # i i tlrc ialttl IIC,I~II.S
respect o f the paymeut O f the rate.

148. The p m e c d s of local c ~ i t e lw#t-d 111 the ar 4 nt ;l

af the J I ~ O C W , ~ ~
Panchayat Samlyi Shall be allotted to that Pallclrayat S:uniti .111$1
t\tral ( d i e
Zila Parkhad in such ratio a4 the Statc Cro\.err~nreat ntay citlr.c.f~lei.
Pro~i*'cdthat the State <;ove~nneot may d l ~ e c tthat the ivlic~lt
or any portion of the rtet p~oceeil>ol the locnl late leb:ed wkicj~i
the knits of ally Muilicipdltty or Cantonmc~lt, ilter dcductjnp ttlexpenses of collection, shnll be carried i o the cictlit ot'tilc E ? u I I ~ imp; rvlcipal Fund or made available foi the yurl~osco l i
ment in the Cantonment.
Taxation measures
b y Panchayat

149. (1) Subject t o the zeneral direction and control of the

State Govcrnlnent and with tl:c previous wtnction of :he Zila Paris!lad, the Panchayat 'Samitis may levy taxes, duties, cess and fees
a s un.ler in accordance with the procedure specified in section 150,((I)

levy toll\ on person?, vehicles or aninials or any clas5 of

them at any toll-bdr establisheil by it on any ro,id other
than a kutcha ;oad or. any bridge vested in or under
its management;

(b) levy tolls ill respect of any f e ~ r yestablished by it

under its mana:ement;


(c) levy the foll~willgfees all1 13tes, namely :-(i) fees on the registlation of vehicles other than those regis-

tered under the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988;

(ii) a fee for p ~ o v i d i nsanitary

arsailgement? a t such places
of wo,shjp or pilgrimage, fairs and melas within itLs
jurlsdctio~las may be specified by the State Government
by notification;
( i i i ) a fee for licence for a market;


a fee for any other licence;

a w'iter rate, where arrangement for the supply of water
for drinking, irrigation or any other purpose 1s made by
the Panchayat Samiti withill its ju~ist~ictioil;

(vi) a lighting rate, where arrangelne~lt for lightiilg of public

sheets anti places i s made by the Panchayat Samiti within it7 jurisdiction.
(2) The Panchayat Sarniti shall not undertake registration of
a vehicle or levy fee therefor and shall not provide sanitary arrangamenta a t places of worship or pilgrimage, fairs and melas within
its jrlrisdiction or levy fee therefor i f any, such vehicle has already
been rexisteretl by any other authority un8er any law for the time
bt,ing inforce or if such proviqioils for sanitary arrangement has
already beell m,tde by any other local authority.
(3) The scales of tolls, fees or rates dnd the terms and condttloi~sfor the ~;npo\itloiithereof shall be such d c may be provided
by [)Ye-laws.

(4) Bye-law8 t o be made undeil sub-section (3) inay provide for

exemption from all or any of the tolls, fees o r rates o r In any
class of cases.

150. ( I ) A P a n c h a ~ a tSamitl may at a special meeting pass a

r e ~ o l u t i ot ~o ~propox the imposition of ally tax, duty, cess oi fee
uncier section 149, hereinafter, in this :;cction leferred t o as tax.
(?) When a ~c.wluti?rlreferled t o in sub-section (1) ha? been
passed by the Patichayat Samiti, it shall yublish a notice defining the c!:iss o f pelsons or descliption of propel ty proposed t o be
taxed, the amount or late of' the tax to he irnposcd and the manner
of assemment to be a.lopted.

(3) Any person likely t o be affected by the proposed tax and

objecting to the iaine tnay withi11 thlrty day? fiom the publication OF the notice, send his objection in writing to the Panchayat
Sarniti and P'tnchayat Sainiti slldll a t a apecial meeting, take his
objection into coiislderatioo.
(4) [If no objection is received within the said period of thirty
days, or the ohjectjo~lieccived 1s consideled t o be Unacceptdble,
the Panchayat Samiti shall(d)

where the proposed tax is a tax in respect of which the

State Government has eilipowered the Panchayat Samiti
t o imp,~seit without the perrnis6io:l of the Zjla Parishad,
submlt its proposal t o the State Government; arid

(b) in any othei case, subinit its proposal t o theZila Partshad,

concerned, w ~ t hthe objections, if any, which llave been
received alongw~thits decisior~thereon.

(5) Wherc a proposal for the irnpositio~: of a tax has been

received by the State Government under clausc (a) of sub-section (4)
the State Government may notify the imposition of the tax in
accordance with proposal a d shell, ia the notification, specify a
date, not less than t h ~ r t ydays from the date of its publicatiol:, on
which the tax shall come iuto force.

(6) On receiving the p r o p o s ~ luuder clause (h) of sub-sectiun

(41, the Zila Parishad rnay withltc. the prescribed perioJ sanctioil
or refuse t o sanction i t or retuln it t o the Pamchayat Sainiti for
further co~~sideration.
of the proposed
(7) ~f the Z i l ~Parishad pelmiti the impositio~~
tax, it allall f o ~ w a r dthe proposal t o the State Government ibr
taking action in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (5).

PtoC4dure taxes
under aectlon 149.

(8) If the Zila Paii~hdd rcfilsei pemlss!on to impole the procwlsiposed tax 01. ieturtis i l to tile I'dnchayat S a l ~ l l tf~ ~ fulthci
l pioposal of tiic Palldcrdtion, ti12 %tla r',tiishad shall i o r ~ a r ~
ch,iyat S a m ~ t i111 its orig~nalf o j ~ nor as furtliet considcrcti by it t o
the Statc Ciovc~,ilme*lt
acid the Stnte crovcrnmerlt may the11 d ~ c ~ d e
wjletl~cja t,ix i b O I i b ilot to bc in~pobcdin accUi(iailc~ with t l ~
plopobal as f u ~ t h c rco~~sldcletl
by the 1)anchayat Saln~tl.
(9) After a

decision has been taken by the State Goverllcuent

under sub-section (8) that tile proposeci tax l a to be imposed as

orlgina{iy, ;)rop~se.i dftci f u r t l l ~ c011~1dc1.dtion
the State C;overnmeut shall tdke actioll iri accotdance with the plovisiol~i,of subsectiull (5).
(10) A notification for the imposition o f o tax under this Act

shall be con~lusiveevlderlce that the tax has bcen imposed in accurdance with law.

Po'ver ofto'axhayat

151. (I) The Panchayat Samltt may subject t o

provisions of t h ~ s Act or any other law for the time being
~ n f o r ~ u r, a l s from lime t o time. w ~ t h the approval of

the Stare Gove~nmc~lt,loam for the purpo\e\ oE tlus A6t

and create a s~nktng fund for the repaymeut of buch loans,
(2) A Paucha yat Sarnttl itlay burrow moncy i i o n ~ the State
Cioverilnleut or, with the yrrvlous sallctlon of the St,itc (~overamt-nt,
from banks or other flilallcial institutions, for fuctf~crance of its
objcctivc~on tile b d s of bpecific schemes a s may bc drawn u p by
the Validlayat S a m i t ~fur khc gurposc.
P,xpenses of
Pancharat Samiti.

152, The expeuses of the Panehayat Sarniti shall be charged t o

the p-nchaya t Samiti f.uiiti.

R e c o v e ~of rates

15.3. Aii allears o f rates, taxes, fies. !eviss, tolls, and cesses
imposctl uncier Illis Act and all arlears uf sums due to from ally
contractor o : ~account of the collection of such rates, taxes, tolls,
fees, lebics allti cesses Icascd u~idelthib Act may be iecovered a s
alrearb of land revenue.

taxes, etc.

Execrjtlve Off~cer
and his functions.

154. (1) ' f i e Block Devclopmellt and ['a~lchayat Office18 shall

be Ithe Exccuiive Officer of thc corice~nedPanchayat Sam~ti.

(2) Save as otherwise expressly piovided hy oi under this Act,

the Executive Officci s'hali

(a) exercise all tile powcis specifically imposed 01 c'~r1ferreti

uporr Xtim is^ or under this Act 01 ulr~!er any ortier law
for the time bcitzg 111 force,;

lay down the tiutics of and supervise an,l collttoi olf j ~ e r s

and officriils of or hold~k~goffice ui;+er tile Pant hajat
Samiti in accoLtiance wrtl~ttie rule5 nlatiz by the Statc

(c) supervise a n d control the execution of all

Pan~Iiayat Samiti;

works c>f the

( d ) take riecessaty measurer to1 the syee~lvexecution r ~ f all

works allti c'evrlopn~cnt sclien~csof tlrc I'ancJ~ayatSan~rtl:

(e) hav, custtdy of all p a p i t s alld tiocumcltts C O I I I I T L ~ ~ C I wit11

the ptocecciings of the niectiirgs of tlte Panchayat Sarnltr
ant1 of itb Co~ninittces.
( f ) draw allti disbuise rnonaqe "ut of the
Fund; alitl



such other powers auil ~lischarge s u ~ l:>thei

fimctions as may be prescribed,

(g) exercise

(3) The Executive Officer shall attend every mfrtiup of t b c

Panchayat Samiti allti bhall ham the right to attertd the h ~ e ~ t i t ~ p s
of all the Standing Committees thercof aud sllall takc palt 111
the tliscussion hut shall not have the light to rn,ive any le.1~1
utioll or t o Vote :

Provided that if in tlie n@ion of the Executive Officer any

proposal before the Panchayat Sandti is violative of o r iuci~nslqtcnt
wish t l ~ epruvimiorls of thls Act, or any other law, lule or circler
made thereundei, it shall be his duty to I V ~ I I R t / l ~same t o the
notice of the IJanchayat Samiti.
( 4 ) The Executive Offjeer shall also have the fi)lloWi'lg powers,
namely :--

(a) to lsaue ~ioticenntit.r ~ t ~ ~ . t , ' ~ c t Ifrnni

o n s the ('hdi1111a11trf
the Panchayat Samlti anti L hiarmtali ol' the Sta~tdtr~q
Committee, for m e e t l n ~ aof the Panchayat Sarniti a ~ i dtile
Stand111p Columitteez theicof;
(b) to exercise ajmllliciiative control over employees of the
Pancha) at Samit i cnga zed on the Community Develolment
Pro giarllnie '



to Sizll applrcatlon to the Magistlate of competent

jur~sdiction for recovery of money clai~nable by the
Panchayat Samiti;
to acquire land or other immovable property by agreement:
prepalation of the budget for the ~ [ ~ n s i t l e i ant ~oft the
Standing Committee fol Fillance and Taxation;

to make contract on behalf of the Pancl~ayatSdmiti subject
to such terms, ~ a t c s01 rnaximuo~p r i ~ % as the Panchayat
Samiti may fix ~n any case or class of cases;
(g) t o

make contracts l~lvolving such sum as the Panchayat

Samiti may be author~sedin this behalf;

~ and to use it.

(h) to keep custody of the c o n ~ m o rseal
Employment of
staff by Panchayat

153. (1) Subject t o rules made by the State G~vernment, the

Panchayat Samitl may employ sucll employees as it may consider
necessary for the effrclent perfolmance of the duties and functions
imposed upon it by this Act or rules or bye-laws made thereunder
or any other law for the time being ~n force and may,(a) fix for them such pay and leave allowance, subject t o
the prescribed limit, in proportion t o the income of the
Panchayat Samiti. as it may think fit :
Provided that any excess jn expenditure over the
establ~shment o i the Panchayat Samiti shall requile the
prior approval of the State Government;
(b) establish and maintain a more Providelit Fund or Annuity
Fund on behaIf of such employees and may compel any
or every such employee to contribute thereto and may supplement ~ u c hcontribution out of the Panchayat Sarnit~Fund;
(c)grant them pellsio~l01 subscrtbe u o thclr behalf f u r
pension o r gratuity '

Provided that(,) the conditions of grant of leave atlowarace, more provident

fund, pension, gratuity and annuity shall not be
favourable than those prescribed for persons in the service
of the State Government;

(if) no leave allowance, provident fun?, pens~on, pratuity or

arlnuity .EraUte ' t o a emdopee shall exceet! the sum which,
under :irly oeneral or 5pecia1 order for the time beiay in
force: such employee would be entitled to if his servlce
hod bee? unde7 the State Govel nment.
(2) Notwithstan.'ing
anything contained in sub-section (I), in
respect of reservation of :~ppoirttmznts:!nti posts in favour of the
member.; of Scher'ulei! Cnites arv? Backward Classes a Panchayat
Sanliti shall comply with such directions a3 lniiy be issued by the
State Go~ernment fmrn time t o time for ensirring adequate
rcpresentaiion to such members in services under the I'anchayat

156. (1) Subject to the right of appeal and levision under

secstion 217, a Panchayat Samiti may suspend, dismiss or otheiuise
punish its employees.

Punishment and
clismissal of
employees of
Panchayat Samitis.

(2) N o employee of a Panchayat Samiti sha:l be dtsmissed or

removec! or reduced in lank until he has been glven a leasonable
opportu~~:tyof show~ily cause akainst the action pioposecc to be
taken ill regard t o him :

P~ovidedthat this sub-section shall not apply --

(a) where a person is disrnrssed or lemoved or reduced

rank on the ground of conduct which
conviction o n a crrminal chargc: or

has led t o his

(6) where the Panchayat Samiti or any other authority

empowered i n this behalf by or under this Act is satisfied
that for some reason, t o be ~ecordec:by Panchayat Samitl
or the said authority i n wr-iting, it is not reasonably
practicabie t o give t o that person a n opportunity of
showing cause.
157. (1) The State Gove~nmentmay by

notification place at
the disp:,sal of a Panchayat S a m i t ~such of its cmployees as are
requireti ibr implen~ent;:lion of the schemes colir~ectecithenwith
alld for such
duties an(] functions as may be assigned t o
them by the Panchayat Samiti from time to time.
(2) 'The State Government employees refelled to In subsection (1) shall be under the adm~lli,irative control of the
Eexcutive Officer of the Panchayat Samltr

State Government
enlployoes to be
placed at the
disposal of
Panchayat Sami t i s.

(3) The condrtions o f selvice of the State Goveinment

empioyees ieferied to rn sbb-section ( I ) shall be the condrtions of
servr~edppl~cableto the class of the State Government employees
to whrcli they belong and the p~orisronsof section I j o shall not be
applicable t o them
Provided that the Panchayat Sam~tlshall, In Ieapect of those
employees exerctse such atlminr~trative . ~ n dtlrsc~plinaiypowcrs as
may be delegated to it by the Statc Goveri~mentand shall also
have the power> to trander thcrn witlkln thr aled of ~ t jui~sdrction
in the mannel piescribed.
Government emyloyees :onduct rules
tc apply to employc:er; of Panchayat

158. The Government Employees Conduct Rules, 1966 (01 any

other ~ u l e sfor the time bein. in fo~ce), as amended fiom time to
time shall apply t o the emploYees of a I'anchayat damit1 in so far
as they :ne not iilconsistent with thc p r o v ~ s ~ o ~ofl s this Act ant1 the
lules made thereunder :
Provided that foi the word "Government" and the words
"Governmcnt employee" wherever they occur in the aforesaid
rules, the words "Panchayat Samiti" and the words
+'Panehayat Samiti employee", respectively, shall be deemed
to have been substituted.

Employees of
Panchayat Samiti 5
not to be co~lcerneQ
111 contracts.

159. (1) No employee of a k'anchayat Sarniti or a State Gwernmerit employee whosc serv~ccsarc placed a t its diaposal under scction

157 shall, 111 ally way, be concerned or inlersted 111 any bargain or
contract made with the Panchayat Samiti Tor any of the purposes of
this Act.

(2) If any such ernployee I s so concerned or' interested o r under

colour of his office 01 employment, accepts any fee or reward
whatsoever other than his proper salary and allowance.i, and is
re~~lovedor dlsmls~e~f
from selvtcc On that account, be bhall be
debaricl froilz future ernploylnclit uiltici t h ~ Act.
Iimployees etc.
be public
servant 5.

160. Every elllployee of a Pailchaydt Sam1tl, 01 o f t he State

Goveiilincllt placetl a t it? ~iisnoaalunticr \cctlori 157, every mernber
and every contract01 or agent appointed for the collection o f t 011 .i
and fees shall bc deemed t o be a pnblic \ervant WEthrn the mcan,ilg
of section 21 of the Indian Panal Code. 1860.




151. ( 1 ) I'he Stat\: Ciove.nnc lt s l i ~ l l ,1 ) ~notificatio~~,

that from the tiale wlilclr tilay he specificct in the i ~ o t i f ~ c a l ~ there
shall bi: conrlltuteJ a Lila Partshad havirg ~ui~sillctlon,
save as
o t h e w ~ s e prcwi~ed 111 t h ~ sAct, over thc entlrc d ~ , t ~ ~excluding
such portjon, of the iiirtr~c: as drc inclutieu ,[I a ~nunicrpal~ty
cantonment area o r arz uncler th? author~ty of a milnicrpal corpora
any law for
t ~ o nor a 11otlfleJ area conmittec c d i ~ u t ~ t u t eunrlcr
the time beltis i11 Iorce :

&tablishmeat of

Provided that a Zila ParLbad may have i t s o f f ~ c ei n any area

cornpiised withi11 thc excludcd p0;tiol of the clj~ttictand ln such
area may cxerclse iti poweis a n l ful~clionsober thc property and
institution> undcr it, owd control o r mana:cment :

Provided fur~her that Zila Parlshdds already constituted under

the Funjab Pancl.iaYat Samitis atid Zila Par,shads Act, 1961 shall be
deemed to have bee11 constituted u,ldcr this Act.

(2) Every ZjIa Par,shatI shall by the rlalne o f Z ~ l at3arishad,he a body

corporate by having perpetual succession and a common seal and
~"bjcct to SUCIIrestriction as arz imposed by or under this Act or any
oth:r law for the time baing in force, shall he vevtcd with the capacity
of 5uj1ig or being Sued in Its corporate n:tm-, o r acquiring, holding
cllld trallsferrlng property nlovsble o r immovable, whether witllout 02
withill the limits of th.: area ovel which it hns authority, or entering
illto contsdcts a n 1 of doing all things, necessary, ptopcr or e x p d i ent for the purpose Cod which it is constitutcd.
(3) Wherc a dlstrict is re-delimited, the State Government sI1aI1
reconstitute the Zila Yarishatl for the re-delimited district under and
in accordance with proviaions of thls Act.

(I) Every Zlla i'clrishnci slzall consisr of-

(a) tile membors cjilectly elected f ~ ~ rter~,lt,?rial

t i

In the c:iStrict, each c ~ ~ l ~ t i t u c aeiecling

one member;

011 Cllairnlen of Panchayat Samltis;

(c) the members of the House ~ r f People iintl members of the

State Legislative Assembly rcprescnting n pdrt or wholc

Composition of
Zlla Parishad.

Cif t+c d~strl:?whele majol p trt of thefl- Lok Sabha Co?stitucney or, as tlic c ~ I Sm'ly
be, Assembly col?tsif~ei~cy

tile n ~ c m b c ~ofs the Council of St, tes .1nc3 the rn~nlbrisof

i l : ~ Slate Lepi\ldtivr Cc~lnc~l,
if any, whs) .:lc
clcctori within ~ h cd ~ s t r ~ c t .

(2) Ai l mcrilbsrs of
Lila P,i-isll, ti wlicil~cl clectc 7 or nc,t
P (iishnri .i~c; ali I1 J l ~ v c
f ~ o t ntc~iit~)rtdl
c ~ ~ ~ ~ ? l i t u eInl ~tl:c
c ~ eZi1.r
:t t ~ lv\,tc 111 the 111cctin_5of the l l l a IJ.~ils!~,l~f.

mrmber of directly

elected nreruhfrs ,?f

Zi la Parishads,

103. Subj::ct to thi' pri?visioiis c,f section 162, tlvt

r;umhcr rgf'

cilri:i:iiy i.i!:ctc,, 1nembei.s of ;I Zii', l':!risllaci sii;!li consis1 of perSc:ns

dirccily c!icte;: lion1 t h ~ . r::iritori<.l constilucncjcs i n the are;! oC
Ilr: %11:: i';~sis;l:td a s may be notificd fr.on~ time i o timc by tlle
St tt <i,)vi~liment>it tlic I&L of O ~ mrmbci
I )r every 11fty lilousanti
or p~irtthcriof <IF the ~ I L :ofI 11:' l i l a Pdiishs' :

I'rovl~',. that in :iZil,: Purislla(' h,ivl~i; a p, pul, ti011 C I ~I I C , ~

excee liLg five I ~ c stllcic sh,iii be .L lnini~lrbmef ti11 ~ i ~ e c t clect<d
nlcmhers <in1 IIL , Zild I'aitsl~o(i h lving .I pl)puldtlon ut lui~leilia11
tweiv: Inds, th numb.i< of such mtlnbcrs shall not excccri twc~~t~-fiv[:
c>E i:lclt tCrrtt(~rl.clconstltuP,o~iticdt i ~ r t ~,rt h the popul~ti(~ln
c bz, 211. same througl~ciut thr d~stfict.
ency .,llCt11,so f t ~as p , < c t ~1b1




Consli tuencles of
Ztla pali shad*.


S ~ b j e c ito thc provi~iol~s

of sub-section (2). tlic State
~ l ~ d lby
l , not'fication -

ilividc Lv:Cy ZiIa P.~sishad arc,^ for the purpose of els%tiox~

t v such Zila Parishad into us ma!ry single member
tcrrltoriol const~tuencics.!s the i,umbcr oC mcrnbcfs to Re
directly elcctetl ~cndersection 163;
(b) i i c tcrmlne the extent of cacli territorial constituellcy; ani;
(c) dcterlnine the teiritorial constituency or constituencies i i ~
which seats are reselved for the Schcdulecl Cdstes,
Backward Ciasses and Women.

(2) Each Zila Parishar! area shall bc divided if110 territorial

coiistrtucncies ill srich a olaiincr that the ratio betweell Llre
popvIatioa of these co,latit~e~~cies
oil(! the number Of' scats
,llioted to il si~,tll, so far as pr.~cticablc, be the saok
tll~oaghoat ~ ! I L
Liia Poii~11.i~'

ReservatlOLI uf reals
OP Llia ~arl,

165. ( I ) Szats i:rall br: ,~bcivccifoi

(a) the Scheduled Cast5s; and

(b) the Backwaro' Classes;

in everv 7
an$ the rllir~~f-ero j ' s ~ a t sso r e ~ c i ~ e c ' f f IFe
S c ~ i e d ~ : l e ~ T a u shall
t e \ he*)r,as nctrlly ntay as h i , tlic same propclrtioil
to tile total n:.mlier of :e:xts lo kc flllccl b y i i l C ~ te!ectiol~ !ri tl,af
P,l~lsh:tc' :)a the ~ - o t ~ u J a t jof
o ~the
, Sclicdl ied Castfs in that Lila
Paris1,ad alca b a r s to t h ~tr.lal i.0~3 * i a t * ol
~ ~that
~ ~ area
seais m,&y be all('t131 b y iotatic,), t o clit~t?tc"t coirbtitur.:cic:, i 1 :I
2113 Pctrt$l~lc?.

(2) Not Ice t l t : c l l one-t!!iicj ('1 tllc tot.!i r~a~mberof \cats

rc.,drvcd !b~tile m o t n b c ~ sof t l ~ eSihe~lulc,I(',~\tcsu n d c ~ b ~ t b - h ~ c t i o i i
: I ) shall hc r~sr*,vctifix womi.rl R~lo!1:~!1lr.
t,i t f i ~Scitctiuleti C'itstes.

I I i
I I U ~ U ~ Cof
I berlts
reseive(l f$.1 ~ o n l c l lbclo :itis t o t i l ~ScT1L3liicit (',~sicsio i tlie total
number ol seals to bc 1illc.i by (tiCct G l i . C l i 0 ~ 1 cvciy Lila j'drishnri
sllall b . Icbervelj ioi worrkcn d1:6i sbdl b e d t h mdy b~ allottd k~y~ o t a tior1 to iilllrCrc!it cu ~ \ t i t l i ~ ) ~f~i i t c bLII'I I',iri~lix.I( I ) c) le acdt s!~,tll bc . c , c ~ v ci Ior U.tchwar~J Cldsses r i i 4 , lid
l'aristtacl in whicli ti,e !inpuldtio~i oi Bdckwartl Classes rs ~ i u tless
t{,a!L twcsity of t l l ~iota! yopbldtlon id tile Visiiict.
i h l

166. (11 Bvery L t i ~

l'caris!iatl, txcipt as ia otiicrwiae i'iovic:cd
in tills Act, shall colillllue l o r ilve yC,lis krom tilc <!ate dp,>oi~jtcd
ior tJle first lileetllig rCieIici! ill scc!rVll 168 drit. 1 1 0 io:lgor.
(2) N o nmerltiulerlt of any law tor the tiruc h i r i g 1 1 1 i ~ , i c eshall
llavc the effect of c.rUblug d i b ~ o f i ~ i i oOil l is Zijil I'a~iskdcj, which i s
formtiontiy inmediately bcfotc w c l ~amcritime~!t, till the e,xprt:itlou
of its d ~ r ~ t i sop~c ili l e d in sub-section (1).

tlic expinitron o l a period o:
(b) it1 case of d l s s ~ l u t i ~belore
mortths from ahc date of slrch ciissolutloii :
p~ovldedthat where the rern~iiudcryclrob loi wl~ich
tiissolvet1 Lila I'd~rsllatl w0:lId i14-r~ ~Olltiuucc! ia ic>s tiiaL, s l n ruo~itllart
sllaII not b~ xccssa:y to i~olddrly icet troll ui,cicl thl3 clause 101
t h &id
P'ii (shad ioi such per:TIoa
( 4 ) A Zila Parishati con.;:itutcci

djssoliitiou of a Zjla
l'ari~!lad bcfoi-e tile expir.:: tioil of its i!Ul-aiioll slisll contij,uc
fox the remaindei. of' the period fi?r which the tiirso1ve;i Ziia
Parishad would have contiaiied u!itier si<.b-sectiori (1) hati I t iiot
bee11 so dlssolvecl.
U ~ I tbc

Notification of election and oath of

alle~idnceby member
of Ltl i I'ac~nhxd.

167. (1) Every electi0iI of a rnembe~of Zila Parishad &all be

notifr:d by the State Govcrulnent ii the Official Gazette artd
member shall enter bpon his dutlei until his etectiorl has beell $0
notified .III~',, notwlthsta~~dinh:
aoqthr ng contalnec: in the Oaths Act,
1069, uiltil he has taken or made, at a rneetrirg of the ZIla P,,rishad,
411 oat11 or ~fflrmatlonof his allcgian~ein tho t ~ r i ra>
~ specified in
Schedule 1.
(2) It ally p e r s ~ nr e f ~ s e sto tdke or rnakc art oatlt o r affiimation In terms of sub-szcttoo (I), 1115 election shall be deerneJ t o be
invali 1 an ! d &cSh electjon sh'iil tdhe place.
(3) No pcraoll who\e ele;troll ha, been deemed to be invalid
under sub-sect~on (2) ahall be elrgr blo Sol ele~lion to any %ila
Palishad lor a period of two years lrorn thc ddte on whrch he ought
to have taken or mdtlc such aath 01'afi lr~natron.

ElectiTn of Chairman
and V~ca-Chairman
o f Z ~ l aParishad.

Reservation of
offices of Chairman
an3 Vice-Chairman
of Zita Parishads.

Rotation of reseived
seats and offrces. '[***I

168. The O~plityCoinlnrsaroncr co~lccrnedctc any officer appoi nted by him in this behalf. not below this rank of Extra Assistant
Colnmlssioner shall call the flrst mcetiug of the directly elected
mclnberi oi the Ztla Parishati 11lclud1llg t h ~Chairmau ot the
pancharat Samitis of the d~strictin the maliner pi e,crIbed, as sooll
as the elzction of all members of the Z ~ l aParishad IS notttied, to
elect the Chairman a n ~ iV~ce-Ch'dirmdn of the Zilil Parishad froin
amongst the elected members.

169. There shali be rzucrvatiun lor the ofl'lccs of Chairmal~and

~ i ~ ~ . . C h a i r miannthe manner prescribed by the Statc Government-such numbcr of offlczs of Chairrnen and Vice-Chairmen
ofzrla Parishads for the persons belonging to the Schedcilc~t
castes and the number of such offices bedring as nearly
as may be the same proportion t o the total number OF
offices i n the State of Punjab as th; population of the
Scheduled Castes in the State of Punjab bears t o the total
population of the State of Punjab;
number of offices of
less than one-third of t h total
tile Chdilinau a n ~ the
i Vtce-Chairmall 01 the Zrla I'arishads
t n the State of Punjab shall be reserved for women.

170. 'I'hc ])rovisr ons ot aection 107 In relation to the rotation

of iese~vcd\eats and offrccs '[ * * * J shall mut~ztzs muicmdrc apply
for reserved \eats and offices of the Z ~ l aPdr~shads.
----lwords "after each census" omitted by Punjab Act 15 of 1998,
section 7.

171 (1) The Cltalrman and Vme-Chairman of a Zila Parishad

shall be en:~tle: t o such aliswances, if any, as inay be ~lrescrrbed.

Alluwances to the
Clldlrrnan and V ~ c e Cha1rrn.m and
Members of 21la

(2) Every me.~ibcrof the %11a l'arishad other than the C h a ~ r m a n

and the Vice-Cbailrrlau &all be entitled to receive :uch sitting fee
and 0th-r allowances as may be yrescr~bed.

( I

Powers. functions

The Cild~rindnshall---

(a) conven.3 and p r e s ~ d cover and coniuct meetings of the Z ~ l a

Varishaci ;

(b) pcr'fi,rm all the dutjei i~nposetlan1 ex-rcise all the powers
confer red on :he Chal rma:]
niadc thereurl k r ;

u1lclci this Act and rules

(c) exercjie administrat~vesupervi\~on and control over the

Chi cj Execut~veOff~ctrand thi ou&h him, ali offlceis and
other emp!oyces of the Zila Parishati an the officers
and employees whose services may be place at the d ~ s posal of ;he Zlla P a r ~ s h a! bY the State Govermeut;
(d) e,xarcl$e such other yowrs, perforln such other functions
an! d ~ s c h a r g esuch other dutles as the Z ~ l aParishad may
by general rzsolutr on direct o r as the Slate Govtlnment
may bv iules made in this bef~crlfprrscrihc,

(e) exercise all supervisron over the Ernancial and execotjve

a j m i n ~ s t r a t r o nof thc Zlla Par~shaciand place before the
Zlla parishad all cluestions connected tllertwith which
shall appeal to hrln to r e q ~ i r e iLs oidcrs and for this
pripose nray call for rzcor rs of the Zila Par~shad;and
(f) have power t o accord sanction up t o a total sum of
rupees one lakh i n a year for t h e purpose of providing
immediate relief t o those who are affected by natural
calamities in the district :
Provlde~lthat the C h a i r m a silall place a t the next meetmz of
the Z ~ l aParishad for its raLtflcation, t h e details of sic11 sanctions.
(2) The Vice-Chairman shall

(a) in the absence of the Chairinan, prcsj .'e 0v3r the nleelrnjs
of the Zila Parisha 1;

a n l dtlt ies of the

Chairman arid Vlce
Chairman of Z ~ l a
Par i shad.

tli . ~ e . f 1
~1r such d-tie? ,%f the
Chair31an a ? the Chairman fro211 time l o trliic Inay s1:bject
t o the rulcs as tnay be made by the Stat: (iovt:nmcnt in
this behalf, t'elegat~t o hjm by orklcr in writing; an({

fh) exercise

(c) penJing the elcctio:l of n C11~11rnla~1

or ch!ri ny tkrc abscilce
o r the Chairman from th.: ,'ist I I C : csr b y l r ason of leave

fo; 3 per~o:l ~xceedingi h ~ r l j l clays, exeiclse the p o w c ~ s

anr] pcifolm the dutie., of the Chatrman.
Extraordinary powers
06' Chairman and
Chief Execiitive
Oft'rcer of Zila

173. (1) In c'isu) of cuiergcn,y, tllc (:hai~man 01, in the abenec

of the C h a l ~ r n a t ~tllc
, irlcd-Char ,nan ant1 In the dhence of both
thc C h ~ r ~ m aand
n Vlee-Clhairmao, the Chief-Exccutivc Ofiicci nlay
of ally work or the doing of any act which a
:irrect i h ~xccx:tion
Zlki Par~shnJ is empoweretl to cxccutc or r'o, dnd the immediate
execution 01 c!orni? of which 8s. in his opinion, neczssary f o ~the
\ervice or safety of the public and nlay d ~ r e c tthat the expenses of
excciling ~1c1i mo,h or CIolng S:'CII act shail be pard t'>om thc
Zila ParishaJ Fun:':

Provitki that every such directfo:~shall be reported to the

next followli~gmeeting of the Lila Parjsliad for confirmation.

(2) The Chairmall or Vice-Chairman or the Chief Executive

Officer sl,a!l 11ot act uader sub-sectioti (1) ill conttavcntiori of
a:ly order of th: Zila Parishad.
(3) The Chairmail, or, in th; absence of the Chsirmar~,ViceChairman or i n tile absencc oC both the Chairrrian and ViceChairman, the Cliidf Executive Officer may prohibit, uritil the
matter has been considered by the Zila Parishad, the doing of
any act which is, i n his opi~lionundesirable in the public interest;
providetl that the act Is o11e which the Zila Parlshad has power
t o prohibit.


Resignation of
(:hairman and
Vice-Chairman of
Zila Parishads.

ur~dsrthis section shall be questlonec?
(4) No. d f r ~ c t i o iglvell
ail). court oil tlle grount* that the CJSe wasilot one of em~rglncy.

174, (1) 1'113 C'hatrn~ac~

alld VlcL-Chafrmat~rnay r~slgil his
office by writing under his hand ac?dressed to the State Govcrnmeilt.

(2) Every reslgnatlo!~ u ~ ~ t l sub-sc-ction

( I ) >!la11 take effcct on
tile cxpiry of fifteen <Jaysf ~ o mthe date of Its r;cefPt by tile

State Gover7rnzzt and his offlce shall become vacant on the explry
flftzen "ayq u.11ess within thls pxrlo o f ffftcen clays he wlth?raws
such r e s i p a t i o n bv writlng unikr Jiis hone' addrzssed t o the State


175. ( 1 ) Every Chairman anflfce-Chafrmar~ shall be deemed

his office f ~ ) ~ f h ~if i ta l ~resolution cxpr~ssing
w m t of c , ~ f f d - ~ l ci Ie hi:n i? ~ a s s e i iby a two-thlrrl majoiity of
fncludthe total 11~l5:lbcr:)f electe! members of the Zila L'arlshac
the C!lairrna,i of the Pasichayat Samitis o f thc dhtrict at a
mectjn:: spcciully cooveilecl for the purpose.

i l l +

(2) Thc rcquisitloo K,r a special mretii~greferred t o in subsection (3) al~alihi. signcd by iiot less thall one firth of the total
of ei~cte,i men?[iers of the Ztla Palisha-: and siiall be
c?eliverc~lto the Deputy Commiss!oJici and the Deputy Commissiolier
011 the rcceiyt of such requtsitioli shall witl~ill seven ciaya from
the date of r e c ~ i p tof f l i ~reqbi!itioll liiniself convelle a s p c ~ i a l
meeting GF the Zila Pailshad or authorise an oifi.cer not below
the rank of Extra Assistant Colllmissloner to convene such a

(3) The special meeting under this section shall be held on a

day not later tha'l firtee11 daya from the date of issr e of the notice of
the meeting ~ u shall
bz presided over by the Daputy Comrniss~oner
o r an Ofricer authorised by hi 11 undei sub-sectton (2) ailti if
tile motion Is cdt'licd out ritc Cbainncin or Vice-Chairman,
Ile shall cease t o hold office of the Chairman aria Vice-Chairn~au,
a s the case may be :
Provided that 110 requisiiion for no-confidalce shall be made
under this section u;lless a peiiod of two years has ulapsed tronl
thc date on which the Cnalrmau, or Vice-Chair~nan, or both, ab
the caae :nay I)e, assumed ofricc.
(4) Jf the nlotioll ok 110-ci~nfidenc~
agai,~stthe Chairman and
the Vice-Chairman or both is once rejicted, i ~ o frcsll rnotfoll of
no-confliecce against the ChaiiTnan or tlle Vicc-Cilairman or bollr,
as the case may be, shall be brought before the Zila Parishad
within a period of two years from the date of such reji-c(ioll of
thc n1otion.


of Zila Partshad.

A a1embi.r of a Zi!a Parju'iad

may resi2n his m?mbership in wri:lnz under his iia I ? a!':r-ssed lo the lijrcc!c;r. arlti i;is
s?at s21:~ll bccome vaca91t oai ih: expiry of fifteen ciear (jays from
thC ilatc- c?f such rssi:nailon,
ui~l?ss \siihi,l t h e sa]:i a?cridd cjf
tifieeil days, ilc wlliiiirawj suoh re.;ig~~:iriot~
by writi,lg Lcllrier his
lia I a ,4irL;.. .LC
. ..-. to the ljircctor.

177. (1, Waeaev%ra vazalcy o a r s by dcatb, ~esigltatian,

kcmi~ia'( I T o+h:rwi,c oi a mernba vf or a fllair,r~ari 01 \f:>chajrnldn of tile Lila i'arij'vd i, j i: Vd:d ICY s!idil b: il lc i I,I, by
way o i LI clion:
j"rd\i e l : i ~ a ,i l tlz. vacaizy r:ictes t o th:
Ba&fiar. C'ldsats 01 to w ,in 11, th- vacalcy s:lal! b~ f.itIcd u p out
of the pe,soua belu.~zl:1 to itlc Cdtcgc~ry 10 wilici~ the vacancy
(2) p, per5o.l elected to ill1 rr caa~laivaca icy shall bc riectc-d
fJr t n. rjmdi i lcr o f ills prc-tcsessor'b t~.rrnof o f f ~ c. ~

y.oviLe t l ~ a twhtrc th;i remaincaer 01 th' perio 1 for whit:, a

membtr, Q',hairlIlan or Vise-Chatrrila~i is to b: c.lcctcir is less than
six Ill ,,ltIls it
no[ be n c2sSary Lo Ir,liti ally el,ctlon htlder
this s\criod t o fit1 s b c l ~a vasa~lcy.
178. (1) if, i I thc opi 1i.m of rile Stat? Govcrnmer~t, a Ziia
Pa,is2aj abuses its paw-" or is liot comp:t::i1
to perf urn or makes
i n t h c i,erforaiancc bf its <&ti-sunder this Act
p:rslsteLlt def<iul&S
or w i : f ~ ~ l disregards
ail) ~nstructiollsf ivell or lfirectiolis or any
i n s t r ~ c c i o ~ issueci
by tlre Stat6 Government ailslrig olrt of ihe au :it
of ai-wmts oftile Zlla Parisha 1 or idspection of the work, thestate
<jov:rilm-lit may, after givluj tile Lila Pariahad a? opportbnily to
rellier explaaatio 1, by a u order yublishcd, alunpwith t h i reasons
0fficia1 Gaz:tte, dissolve s~lcfiZila Parishal,
,h;reof, f i ti,,:

Whel a Zita Parisha3 is dissoive2 under Sub-sectio~l(I)-(j) 311 members of the Zlla Parishad shall vacate their
otflcc s fdr~i:aitli;

powers and I:i:ti.:s of the Zila Parisha!

i!urfng its
<iiss,.,i~i;i.i,l,;:iatl bc e r r c i s . J ailti perfornied by
suc11 penoi: :ir perso% as ~ h cStatc tiuv:mment may
appoint in this behalf; olld

(iii) a\! p . ~ y e r t i e si l th: pdss:ssiol o f the Zi:a Parishad

rl:all b-: IiclJ by the Stdtc Gov.'imeat.

sub-section ( I ) ,
the State Government shall cotlstitutc a Zila Pdrishad as specified
such Zila Parishad
under section 162 and electron t o ~zc,)t~situtc
shall be completed before the explrdtlun of a yerltrd of slx moilths
fio n the date of iilssolotto~l:
(3) Upon dissolutjon of Zila Parishad undcr

Provided that where the remainciel of the pa1lc.d for which

the dissolved Zila Parishad waul($ Ilavc coiltj~~ucd
1s less that1 six
months, f t shall not be ilcccssaly to hold nriy c,sction uriclcr this
t l g Zlla l'alishnc! 1, I s1r~11pcilcd.
sub-sectfon for r e c ~ l ~ s t ~ t u t ithe
(4) The Z11a Parishad reconstituteci upon the Oissolutioa of
the cxistlng Zila Parisha(: bcfvre the ear,iratioii uf ~ t s d u ~ aloll,
shall continue only for tllc remkirldcl of the pcrio~i for which
the dissolved Zlla Parisha4 would have contiuucd untle~ section
166 had It not been so dissolved.
1[178-A. (I) Notwithstandit~g dnything contained in sectioi~
178, where a Zi1.i
Parisiiad hns completed its tciin ,is hpecif~cd
in scct~ou166 of tiris Act or eleclion thereto has been anaiou.:ced
and the State Govornme.~t c o i i s ~ d e ~ sit necessaiy 111 yubllc
interest so t o do, it may dlssolve the Lila Pakishad by ~ 1 order
published f o the Official Gazette.

D1s6clutron of Ztla



(2) Wheu a ZJla Panshad is dissolved under sub-section (I),-

(i) all members of the Ziia Parishad shall vacate their

afflees forthwith ;
(li) all powers and dutfcs of the Lila Parishad during
its dissolution, shall be exercised and performed by
such person or persons, as the State Government
may appoint in this behalf; and
( i i i ) all properties in the possession of the Zila Parishad

shall be held by the Statc Government.]

179. (1) Every Zila Piirisl~adshrill hold ineetings at least once

in every thrce months, at such tune and at the office of the L ~ l a

'Inserted by Punjab Act 24 of 1998. Section 4.


Parishad 0: such place which i s a public place within local Ilrnitq

of :he district co1Iccrncd :IS the C'hairman of the Ziln Parirhad
n1ay fix.
(2) Tire prov~slons of sectlor1 116 of this Act relatlnp to
tltc j ~ o c c d u l e f f r i.oldinp nlectinp of the I':mchayat Salllltis
apply in ~cl,ttlo~lt o t h e meeting of the
5hall n r : ~ t c ~ I i?fzutiiilrlr\
Zi!a !',iilahatl,.
Functloac of
Zila I'ar~bhads.

190. (1) Subject t o such conrl~tions:is may be specifled by the

State Government i'rom time t o :line, the Lila I'ar ~slr;:d hhall
perform tile followillg fui~ctio~ia,
namcly : --

(I) A g r i c ~ i l t u ~:-e (I)

p~ojnotlonof measures t o Increase agricultural production\ nrrd t o yopularlqc thc use ofimproved
apticultu~al improvement., I
the adoption of
ilnp~ovcda g ~ i c u l t u ~ cp~r al ~ t i c c s;


opening and rnaititcnai~ccof ag19tcu i t u ~ a l seed farms

and comr~~crclal
f a ~ m s;

( i i i ) establiahrna~~t
and maintenance of godowns ;

conti ucti!~gagricultural fails ;ind exhibitions :


marlagement of ag~rcolturaland horticultural extension

of training centles ;


(si) training of farmers ;

( v i i ) larid ialprovement and soil conservation.

(2) Irllgation
ground water
Development :-(1)




construction, rellovati on tirid maii,;enance of minor

iriigation works and lift ~ r r ~ g a t i o;n

( E I ) j ~ l o v ~ d for
i ~ ~the

trn~ely ancl equitable tiist~rbution

dial i'ull use of water ulidcr i r rgnt~on
tile coiztt.01 of the ~ i l aPalishad ;


dcvclopment of glound water resou Ices ;

( i v ) irltallation of

Colnll~ur~ityPump Sets

(v) walcrshcd dcvclopment programmes.

and water

(3) Horticulture :-(i) rural parks and gardens ;

promotioo o f cultivation of fruits and vegetables ;

(iii) tieve!opment of Farms.


Statictics : ( L ) I ~ ~ b l i c a t i oofstdtistical
and other information relating
to activittes of Panchayat S a m ~ t iaqd Zi la Parishad;

and uae of \tati\tica

and other
information lequired for the activities oF the Panchayat Samiti and the Zila Parishad ;

( i , ) co-oltlination

evaluation of project and

progranlme entrusted t o the I'anchayat Samiti and
the Xila Parishad ;

( i i i ) periodical supervision and

( 5 ) Rural electrification including ciistrbution of' electricity.

(6) Distribution of Essential Comiiodities ;

(7) Soil Conservation :--

(a) soil co~kservationmeasures ;

(b) land reclamatloll and land development works.

(8) Marketing :-(a) development of regulated markets and marketing
Yards ;
(b) grading and quality control of agricultural projects.
(9) Wjai Forestry :
(u) organising campalgn for tree planting ;

(bg planting r u ~ d maintenace of trees.

(10) Animal Husbat~dryand Dajrying :establi~hrnmtof Veteiinary Hospitals and Dispensaries ;
(6) setting u p of mobile diagnostic and clinical laboratories;


(c) breeding farms for cows and pi&\ ;

(d) poultry farms, Juck farms anti goat farms ;

common cold s t o ~ a g e facility for ciairy, poultry

fishery proriucts ;

(,j)foddc r cievelopmelit


ogrammev ;

(g) prenlotion of tiairy farinins. poultvv and piggery ;

(IJ) prevention of epidemja and conra~iotisdiseases ;


(11) Mlnor Forest Produce and Fuel and Fodder

(a) promotion of social arid farm forestry,
aild foLde~development;


fuel plantation

(b) ~nanagernc~lt
of millor forest produce ol the
in community lands;

folestf raised

development of wasteland.


(a) fish seed productton and djstllbution;

(b) developrnellt of piaiculture


in private and


(c) develop~nent of Inland fisheries;

(d) fish cilri~igand drying;

(e) ass1st;irlce t o traditional fishing;

(f) organising fish marketing co-operatives , and
(g) welfare schemes tor the
(13) Household

and Srnall





Industrie~ tncluding

processing :(a) ~cientification of trad~tienal kills

developing household industries;

in the


locality and

(b) assessment of raw material requirements SO as t o ensure

t~rnely supply;
(c) design and yroduct~on to suft the cl~anging consumer
demand ;
(d) organisation of training programme for craftsman and
artisans ;

(e) liaison t o t a p bank credit for this porgrammc;


popularlsing ant1 marketing of finished products ;

(k) promotion and Develo~rnentof Industrial estates ;

(h) organisfng khadl, handloom, handicraft m r i vlllage and
cottage industries ;

supply of improved tool kits to r ~ r a lartisans and imparting of training rn their use :

( j ) aettiilg u p of rural centres for repair

and m+~ir.tenanceof
tractors, d i e s ~ l engines, electric motorti and other
agricultural imphments and electric and cIcctric articles.

(14) Rnral Roadc :(a)

L: 1 ~ t r ~ c t i 0 :. i1t ~ ~ r! n a i r ~ t ~ ~ i aof
l ~ croaJs
other than National
aui Stage W r! hways ;

(b) bridge 3 i ~ i cLiiverts ~ o l i l l l ~ gukldcr

Natro12al a i i d State Higliways ;
(c) coiist?uctiohb allu
2iI.i i)'!rishac ;

i-~acis other than

jnaiatcna~r~eof of'fjcc bulldings


((1) i.i"e~~!if~cat~oit
V C major 111lk r o d s co-lnecting markets,
ctiriclitiorlal fi7sti!ctionS, health centre& anti llnk roat's ;
( e ) orgaiiisiilp voluritary mrrci,. el of lands for ilew roads
a d for widcni~lgof exlstiirg loads.

Health aod Hygiene--cstab!ishbe:~t ailri niai~~tet~ance

or htibpitals, primary health
rnc~lical college
cCt111Cb ail0 (, ibj?ensarle., (exc
1 . B . Sa~iltorium\, leyros\ hospitals and
mont<lI hospitals) ;

(b) implemcniatioll
progratnllie ;





(c) hea!th cciucation activities;

( d ) ln'ltcrnity a1111child health activities ;

(e) fatniiy well;irc activities ;

(j) orgallising

health camps wi(h Panchayat

<;lain Panchayat ;

Samiti aud

( g ) mearurcs againt environment pnliution.

(16) Rural Ilorrsilig -(4)

of houseless families ;

(b) linplelneiitatior~ of' house


ouilding progrrrmn~es in the

(c) pop t l ~ r i s t n glow cost h u t ~ s i ~ ~ g .



of educatjo~lalactivities includinp the establish(a) t~rojnotio:~

anhiit :
inai~~teiidiiccof prllnaly alld

schools ;
(5) plciil5iiil: ot piocr,iinme

for ailult

an<! Hblnry

(c) extenslo31 7vo1k for propo:at;on


science and tecfinolnry

t o rural area?;
( d ) survey awl ev:~lu,itionof eductttio~ial.cctivities;

and ma~fii;enciriceof gctleral ilo\tels, ashram
schools and orph:lnages.
(18) St cia1 Wclfare and We1Tal.e of Weakci Sectio,is-(F)

extension of e !uc,itional
f+icilitier to the Scheduled
Castes, .iitd Back~\lar,fClasse5 by giving scholarships,
stipcncls, boardin:, gr,int\ and the gra~ltafor tile purchnsc of books a r ~ dother .tccessories ;
(b) maitaging hostels for fllc bci~ef'ltsof Scheduled C a ~ t e s
dnd Backwarrl Cl,,saeb;


orgdnislng nursery schools, balwadi?, night school.; and

libraliail to eratllcate illrteracy dnd irapait general

(d) coduct o f Model Welfare Clent~er and Clafts Ce~rtrest o

tralii Sclieduled Caste5 anti Sachwalcl Classes in
cotraze and rural indubti lea;

n~anagirlgrcmidential basic schouls fdr Scheciuled Castes

and Backward Classes;

(f) providing facilltjcs t;ir markellrig o i goods produced by

rnelilbcls of the Scbduled Casteb allti the Backward
( g ) otganisiirg co-operative societies of Scheduled Castes and
Backward Claases ;

(h) other welfare schemes for the uplift and cieveiopment 01

Scheduled Castes and Backwarti C l a ~ c s .
(19) Poverty Allevjatio~~Programmes-

supervisiorr, monitoring ~ l l d implementation of
poverty alleviatio~rprogrammes.

(a) worneti's Organi\aiio,i and Welfare ;

(b) cl11l~iren's01ganis.1tioilkind Welfare ;

(c) local vagrancy relief ;
(1) maintenance o f Social Weifare Institutrons such as Poor
Home Orpheuares, iteicue Shelters an'! the iike ;


and d!stribution ( ~l-r-n\ion
for ~ . d ( ~ o l r 1s1,14
and physically tff.ab7c c;eqt$t~rtc\ an,! allo~1~3tlce5
and co~~:)'esor intci-ctistc rnalria:c- in
llrhtcil .,no party 15 a lncll~bciof a Sclie~'u1eii ( ' a s t ~ : 01'
a Rnd\4.,irti Class;


cotitrol ol' fire outl)ieaLb :

campaign .as,tinit \icpet strtiotl, c.i$tisin, untvunchahllity,
ext)enblvc nlai r l a ~ e h and cocr,tl I ' i i i ~ ~ t ~ v ~ ~ s
.ino d o w ~ y(:mJ coniplcuous ~ o i ~ ~ n ; : y ~ o i.i b )


(h) enn)u~aytng colnlnliiirtv

ma11i.lgca :

~ n ~ ~ ~ t i a g~ci ist i


( 2 ) vigiln~~ce
apainst e ~ v i ~ o n i i coftt'll~esa i i ~ has smuggling tax
evabioi~,I'ood adulteraticrn ;

assritdlice lor dwelvping

Idhourers ;



(k) identjfy, free and rehabilitate hotiatd labuur



(m) encouragerncut of spoila an(! garnet, arid cunstructlou of

rural stadium ;

(n) give new form and sclcial cciuteut t o t~atlitionnlfestivals.

Verdicatioll of wci$hts :ind lned\uIca i.4 sl~oppi~ig

(22) I'rornotloi~ of thrift and saviups tI1rough.- -

(i) Small savings connpaign ; and

(ii) fight against spbric?ub molleley lending practices anti lural
Indebtciinas ;
(2) 111 addition t o t Ile functions s1)eciI'ied ulrder a u b-sel;tlon
(1) the Zila Puiislted may-


manage or malutaln a11y work of' publl~ utility or any

Institutloir vested in it o r under fts control and mdnagcmerit;
acquire aud maintain villare Iirils :ant1 rnalkcts ;
grants to Piillchayxt Sarnitis




atlopt rneaslles for the relief ot



rstresr ;

(e) co-vitliniite an,l lritepiate the c:cvclopment plans and

schemes picp:t~eciby pd~lchayatSarnltls 111 tllc tlistrict;

(f) examine dnd tanction the bT*b e t c?tim,ites of t h ~Prtnchayat

Sdmit:~111 thc :.rstrrLt ;


dr1 !crtrtkr:



GXC:L,IC 3.1).

~c!~o'illcC ~ L C j~rib
~ I
10 rrloit tiidn


take ov;:. the mxin tt11;ini:e2nd < ; O ! I ~I ~cif

. U any rirral bi.idpu,
tiliik, gliat, well ciiaittiel oi. d ~ : r i ~ lbc!i.,tri:jn~
tc, .I ltriv'i~e
owlscr o i any O l i c L ' ~ .:i!lthaiity 07:
~ ' i ~icrliit,
its nr:iy


J,i.i l),ii.sha,! may be vestt by the Stdte Govelntnenr

(:I l ! ! ~
with s ,ch poc\.trs r i l l ~ c idiiy o1I;e
]AM. as i h ~Stntt: C;, vernrreilt
may doern tit.

P,~ri>ha.fof twin or m o i e a 'jacent distilcts rnay
jointly 1,nrlcl i,ibe
c x ~ ii t c asy 1
0 ~,ci~cnle11 , t ~ c l ~
tcrrns .rnct c .,\rLtions as may bc i ~ r ~ t i i u . i 2y % tccl upc~rl.

Dutres and
powers of
ZJfa Par1 shad%

18i (1) A ,7ria I ' L r i b i ~ L :i \ilall <I vi,c v t p c 3 v ~ \an,!

the Y~i~~ctfolla
(,1 t h c ljd!lciidyat S<;ulbl>111 t t t b ( isilict.


( 2 ) Wit:,oui ~)fcjuIL- to the. :~ucra!icyo f tlic ~~kovrSiol,sol

s u b - s c ~ t ~ o n(l), a 211,~
I'.,~lshdiibli,,ii :t.ivc pciwcr to-

( 1 ~ssu; . r r s ~ t l \ c sto P<~,iohayatSanlitls wltit respect to the

cllicicut ~x1ft.lman;c oi

shall hc bindlirs

Such tl1Tt~k":nci~ay,itSCsmitis

'Cli~lr i l ~ : i c s

vxi LL.L


I'rovlr ed that 1: any P a n ~ n ~ i y aSCAniitl

c ocS i i s ~ t .ILCCDI any
buch irectlvc, 1s n l < ~ y~ b l i ~ nthe
i aaruz w~iliirs coalnrcr'ts l o the Li1,l Par~rj/lzt?with , ~ C S O J L I I I . 11 p.iJscd
by ~i two-iliir,!s m'ijority 01 ,ts niembcrs, tnc Lba fldrlsli,! i bk1,11I ri;ire~;lirinco:ls~c'ertUc dforea,iic! cc)mmerlts
y'tt S'>,III~L
. l l p d s o r h : ~ r b 211 rcgc*rG t ~ ~ e r . . \+It ~ )! L ~ I s i ct !l bL ~ I I I &
i b t

3 > . 2 b ' ~


secult tile execution. of plans, prc~jects, schemes or

othe: work,, coinmuti t o two o: inole P'ilici'uyat Salnlt t a I n thc tl!\trlcI ,

(jl exciLlct .,11c1 pcifolm

powers ditd funct~onstn

r ~ l d t l oI to diay cleveloprn~iltyiogldrllme d~ tl:e State
mny, by nutlllcdtlon, confcr on vr en~iuat
to It ;


S U L ~ Iathe1

advise the State Ciovein~neniun all matteis relating to

a ~ t ~ v l t l eand
s maintendlice of seivlcea IJI
the tijsrrt~t,w i ~ c t l ~undeitnker~
by local akthorit~esor
the Srdtc (sovenlnlerkt ;

( h ) a d v ~ s c he Stdte Gove~nmc~:t
on matters cvncerillItg the
oto nany hiatutoly 01 executive order
sptclalij leleired by the St<tle Govc~nmclttto the
Ail;l Pail\ila<i*
(3) The Lll,i ! ' r ~ ~ ~ \ l ~may,
n d wlrh the prior approval of the
State GovGrniirerlt, levy contrihut~ontrorr~ the kl~iucflayat Saiult,s
huntls 111 thc illstrict.

(4) A Ziia I'arishaii shall have the authority t o call for any
inforn1atiot1, statcwent or record from a Pat~l..l~ayat
San~iti which
shall ~ o m y l ywith any such requisitiou withit) a reasonable time.


(5) Notwithstanding any rhing to the coiltrary co~ltaiaedio this

Act,Zila Parishad sllail, when required by the State Ciover~ilnent
to do so, by 311 o:des writiug, exercise such supervisiou and
c o ~ ~ t r oover
l the perforrniil~ceof all or ally of the administrative
furlctions of rho Gram Paachayats within the district or any park
thereof, as may be specified in the siiici order.
Subiect to the general or special orders of the State
Gover I I L ) ~~ t the
L1l I Pd,i\ha(l may

( h ) provide toi c'ilrylng out a n y wu,k or lne'isules likely to

piomotc heaitl~, rdfety, educattori, conltul t, convenience

or soct 11 or, econornic or c * l l r u ~ a lwell-being of t h c
inhabitant* of the d l s t ~ i c t;


cotltr~bueto tlic a . ; ~ o c : l t r n x a tN t t i o ~ a l or St2te or

inter-state level coslc,eiz,jrr t!~e prornoticln of local
po\.eiiimClit an,: t o cxlllb;tron, seminar i ,;nil con fei ences within the .iicr#.ict rel.rte6 to the abt~vkie\of
Paiwhay,:t Sdm~t!s:tilt' Zila Palis: ~ i !;

( d ) rcnt'ei fiii>.~~~i::l
o: other a!,!jirtance to :r;iy perscl,i for
is riil:ited
c;nr~.yl:~yon' i:i t11c dtctrict : ; . i j t :ic:ivity wi~i~clt
to any of the f:~:tciio:~
of i::e St;ife.

The Ziia Z'n,isi~adsii::ll hove itlowe;; to t i o al! :~ctsnecessary for o r iiici~lerital t o l!:e c a ~ - . y i ; ~opd i (if the I;!iistioir~c-itiusted
or dclcgaicil t o it ci~rc!,ii! pic'.iicu!a~.anti without prcj11dice t o tile
ii>icgc;~.i:; powers to cxeicisi; all powers spccifjeil u,iJcr this Act.

Assignmeat of
Zila Parishad.

182. (1) rile State Govzr;?ine,~tinay assigii to u Zila Parishad,

fu:icdo:ls ill rei:ition to 3:ly matters t o whicli t!:c excculive ;i:itb.ority of the S ~ . i t eBjovai'il1nc:lt cxti:iltI:; or 1 . 1 ,Cipect of fulictioiir;
t~hichhave been assigned to the State loueri~metitby t i ~ c Centr;l]

Power of Zila
Panshad to

may W Jt l l d r 3 ~oi- auliify the furlct( 2 ) The Statt (~o~C:ni11C~lt

assrg'ied , ~ n d e rsub-bcctloil (1).

183. ( I ) Notwitiistaniliiig a8lytf:i~rg co:rt,~lile~i

111 tills Act. a
%,Is F.riisha*tmay by iesolutkon cl elezatc to the Cilaii mai~, ViceChalimail, the Chkef Executive Office1 or auy 0 t h cmployee of
the Zila Par,shad or of the St<tto Goverlmm~nt,<11i or any of the
pOweib ('onfezred XDOni the Z i h 1''irl~Iiad uirder t l r ~Act except the
power t o make by laws.

(2) The Chaijrnail may, by ;ill oider in writing, deicg:ite any of

his pOwzia and functio!,a also t o tire Vice-dlairm~n :
Plovided that he shari o t delegate arky pnwecs or furlctiorrs
whjch the Zila Paqshad explcssly foth;.!s him t o delebate,

(3) Every ordei malie under thlb section shall be conimunicaZlla Pai:,tlad.
(4) 'The Cf~airanal~
,hcill I: lve Flower t o mc,"lfy or \rcthutaw
any poweir or run,t~uris tiele:,ited to tile Vi~e-Ch,iir~~ian
uli2ei; b~ b\ectitm (1).
184. ( 1 ) Tile Z i l ! !'dilbhilti b:l:~ii /lave tile lollow~n:: Stanling
C o n ~ m i t t e e ~llalnel:~
-(a) General Comlnittee ;


Zila Parishads


(b) Finance Audit ail? Planning Corornittee ;


Socizl Jr!stfce Committee ;

EJrlc :tioa and I-lealth Committee ;

( e ) Agl iculture and Industry Committee.

( 2 ) Each C'clmi~iittee shall c onrist of such
nnmber of
membcrs no: cxceccl ins five inclut'iny! tlic Chai.rmau as specified by
t l ~ c%ild Parislrad all-: clecteti by lncmbers crf Zila Pasishaci
fiorn anlongst the e1ecte.l lnelnbcrs.
(.{) I h e Ci~allinansirnll be the ex offzcio weinbet and also
chairman Of the Genela1 Stan2inp Comm~ttec,the i Inance A~;dit
anti l'iannini. Conllyilttee anti Soci;~lWeifsire Committee anti cveiy
other Stanci~n:: Comn~jttcc..shall elect 11s Challm;~n S~oin among
Its members.
(4) No member of the Zil:~Parishad except the Chairman
&all be eligible to scivc on mole tllan two Standing Committees.
(5) The ('!lief Executive O t f ~ c c\I~all
~ be the e,t o@i,ro Secletary of the Generd{Stantiin; Comqlrttec and the Finance Audit
an4 Planning Commtt~eedn;l he 5ilali nn!l?lrrate the Deputy Chief
Executive Office1 UP any other Ofiicei of the Z ~ l d Parishati as
.r; off~ci~
Sec~ctiiiyf i r e<!ch of thc ~ema~nin:: Standing C'ommittees.

(6) The Chief Executive Office1 sliail be entitled to attend

the meetings of ti11 the Standing Committee.;.

185. (1) The C;enej3al Committee shall perform functions relatinr t o the estdblt blllnent matters end f~inctions]elating t o cummunicatiotls, buildings, rural housing, village extensions, relief
against the natural col;~mitiesand allied matteis and ($11 miscellaneous residtialy matter?.
(2) The Finance Audit and Planning Conim~tteeshall perfiyrm
the functions ieI>~ting

the fill:irlces ol' the Zila Parisllar!, f'r:lming of budgets,

pro)~osalufor increase of leveuue, examination of receipts and expenditure statements, consideration of all pi.oposals affecting t h e finances of
the Zila P:~;-ish;id zind general st;pelvision of the
rcvcnue and expendititre of the Zila Parishad ;

Fumfions of the
Standing Gomtaitteesof Zfla Parlslmd.

(b) the plan priorities, aliocation of outlays to c!eveloprnents,

hurizorital anu veitical iinkagec, irnpien~ei?i:~iio:~
guide- lini: issued by t1:e Stati: Ciove:iin~oi~t, iegi:Ii~r
levicw u i pianniiig pprogritmnles, evalu:!tion of' inlpoltu:il piugi.anlmeS 8lld ~ l i l d i !%avi11gs scirerries.
The Social Justice Coinlilittcc :;iiaIi pi;i.lo,~m i'ki~zct~uns
rclstifiX tc;..~.



01' education, econunllc. s u c ~ a l ,cu!tura] a11d
othcr iarcrcat of' the Sc!~edule~iC':!ates :!11(1 B.?ckw,lrG
Classez ;

( b ) protecting r he Sche~lale(! Castes and Backward (:lasses

~ s exploitafroin socici! ii~j,i.;til;c;inJ ail other i i > r ~ l of
tioil ;

amelic)r.ation o f t h e lot of' tllc

H;!ckward Classes;





silci'~l jlrstlce to the Scl~eciulec! Caste< and the

weLiki;i \ L C ~ I O J I \
Bdckward Cla$ss, wumccl n ~ otl~cr
of the society ,

( 4 ) The Edu~dtioiianti Health Comrnlitee sllnll

i o l l o w ~ ~ iiunc:lon\,
1t;:nlely .-(d)


proulotiolr uf educatioxlal aclivitieh

area ;


periu~nl the

tlie Zila Parishad

( h ) tinderlake tlrc pianning 01' educarlon Irl the district

witllir~ tile f'r;lmework of the iiatioliai policy and the
2nd st:lte l)l;?nS ;
Survey and evaluate the cducatiorlal activities of' the Zila
Parishtad ;

(r/) yerfui~nsad? (illlei uuties pel taintr~gt o education, atlult

literacy nnd cultural activ~tie, a s tht 2 ila Palibhad may
assign to it;

apiicuitural ploiicctior~, animal inlsbailtiry. co-opc?acontour bunding an(! irci:im:itioi~;


ic) plomotion of industrial development of the uistrict,

(6) I h c Standiag Committees shall perfo~ruthe iunctious specified ill sub-sections (1) to (5) t o the extcnt the l~owers ale t elegated to them by thc Zila Parishad.
(7) The Stallding Committees sh:lll pel form in iespect of
matters aasig~iec! t o tiicnl such itii:,~tior1al ~ ~ u t j e as b nlay be
cisrigned t o them by the Zila Palishac:.

186. ( 1 ) Tile Lild Parishad may flame ~ e p ~ i l a t i o ~relating

t o election of iucolbcia of the Staxidit:& ('omrniitec5, condbct of bubiness therein, a n i a11 oilier matters rcl,tling t o them

lErocadurE of
s l ~ i i ~ d i uwiriniittcc3
ul' Zila I'arisllaii~.

(2) The Chairman of evcry S t ~ ~ ~ i ( i i !Committee

shdll in
respect of the work o f that Comm~tteu be erirltcti to call f o ~any
inormatiorl, Icturlr, statement of report fiom tlrc office ol Lila
l'arishad and t o enter upoc: and 11l\pect ally 1n1niov:lbIe p ~ o i ~ c l t y
o f t h e Zila Pa~a?lahad or any work i i l progr~bb Lollcerlllllg tile
Standing Committee.
(3) Each Stanriing Committee shall be entitled t o requrie
attendance a t it? ~ncctillpbof aily officer of the Lila Pa~isbiic:who
1s connected wlth the work of the Stallding Comtnrttec arrci tllc
Chief Executive OEfIcel shall, under i:~strUctio~lof thc Stalldlng
Committee, issue notices ant1 secure thc attentlancc cl' rlrc officer.

187. (1) A Zila Parishad sball have the power t o acquire,

hold and dispose of property a ~ to
~ denter i l ~ t o contracts:

.Provided that

all cases o f acquiaitinn or disposal o f

immovable property the Zila l'arishad shall obtain tile prior
approval of the State Govennnent.

(2) All roads, buildings aad other work coiiatructed

Zfla Parishad shall vest in it.

by a

(3) The State Government may allocate t o a L i l : ~ Pnrlrhnii

any public property 4,itu'iied withrn it\ ,juiisdtctio;i, ~ i r w i t h e r c u p o ~ ~ ,
such propcity shall vest in anti come ml;icr thc ~ o r ~ t ~ofo l tlic:
Zi la Parishad.

(4) Where a Zila Parishad. reyulies land t o carry out any

o f t h e purposes of this Act, it n1,ly negotldte with tltr: t>clso)i
or persons having interest in the sa:d land, and i l it hi15 to l ~ , l c h
an agreement, it may make a11 app1,cation t o the Deputy Cornmi-

Powel of Zlla

P a ~ ~ s h a dtos
acquire, hold
anti dispoie of

sqione, p !;po,e an i !lie Dzpllly Cornn1iss~one7. may if he

is q.~tisfiedillat the 1,ind 8s requlrej for ,I pilblic i)ui pose, tsLe
steps t o get the 1,1nC accl~il,edunl'ei ;he provisions of the Land
Acquisition Aci, 1893 nil6 s ~ c hland shdli, on acqulsiiion, vest in
the Z ~ l aParishad.
Zila Pnrirhad

188. (I) Foi evely Ziln P a r ~ ~ l l athere

sh:ill be constituted
a Zli'c Palishad bltn,1 bPa:ing ttte name of the Zlla I'ailshad and
thele sl~allbe placed to the c~eciitt h c ~ c o f contribi.tionb and dlants, if any, made by the C e n t ~ a l
Government or trle Stnie Governi~lent ~ncll.diny such part
of land revenue colie~ted in thc State ab my be determined by
the Strite Govelnment;

( b ) co~ltributionsand g ~ m t s ,if any, made by a

~ a r n i t ior
' ally other local t:uthority;


(r) loaui, if ally, granted by the 71la Pa: i+h 1 on s z ~ u r l t y

o f its assets;

(d) the proceeds of rold cess aud public w o ~ k s cws, levled

In the district ;

( e ) all ~ecelptson &count of taxes, tolls, Iates, cess, f ~ r s

local rater and fees levied by the Zila Pali~had;
Cf) all receipts m respect of ally schools, k:ospitals tlispcnsarles, buildings, institt~tiousor works, vested 111, constructed by
or placed under the coniiol and rnlnagemellt of the Zila I-'arish,ids;
o n all uicome
( g ) all sums ieccived as rift oi c o n ~ i ~ b u t ~an(!
i r of Zi!<i Par~shad;
from any tlust 01 endowlnent iuade in f<~vo
(h) sqch fines or pe~laltlesimpwed and realised un8:er the
providons of this Act or of the bye-laws made tl~ereullde~
(i) all other

srims received

by or



of the Zila

'(2) Evci-y Zila 1';);lrish;iti shall set apttj.1 : ~ n dsupply nnn::aiiy

such s i i m as may be required t o meet the cost of its ow11 i!ciministriltioll inclutiing the p;lymenl of s;i1a!y, illlow::11c~i, provicie~rt
fund and g ~ n t u i t yt o the officers z i n i l employees.
(3) Eve; y Zila Parichad sh;tll h a ~ ethi: Fewer t o spe!ld
such sums ar, it thinks fit foi carrying out the puipose of this Act.

(4) T1le 711a "a-i1'la,l rilnd cball be veste.1 ~n t'le Zila

parishod a n 4 the ,.meant ',t?nc1,nq3 t o the ~ t e d i tof thic Fin<
shdil be kept in ixiciz c.si0.1~ o! ~nvestei'in ',cch matlner ,,s thc
State Government m.y, f r o a t o ttme, diL~ct.

(5) Ail oilers or cheque. acalrrst tlic Lila Parishad

~ 1 ~ 4 1bc
1 11:1121 by ~..c C31izf EX% .ii\c.


180. (I) I'lie State Governmelt; on the recommentqation of

corictituted i n 'er , rti ~ l c243-1
the St .te F ~ I I ~ ~Cotan~iss~oll

measwe by
l i l a Parishads.

of the Coilstlt tioil of' 111ltil.1 o, o t i ~ e ~ w i riiilow

a i %lid Pdii\!.ati t o
levy any tax, ci t v , f'c, t o 1 a'id ccs, wil~clr :I. riot been l e v ~ c
by any Glum I nnchay t oi PCacnayai,t~dt16, :~leti'ul-o~l
tile Zl!a
Parisb:~d sh,ll have t r e powers to itn,,osc, coi~ect 'L appiopl~ate
to its Pand \rlclr t. X, toll, duty, cesa or fee.

(2) TThe scales of tolls, fees o r rates and the terms ,.nd
coniitions for t h e imposition tbercof slrall be such ;is may be
provided by bye-1:~~s
and the bye-laws so made lniry pzovicic for
exemption fiorn dl1 or ::ny of the tojls, fees or rates in any class
o r category of case!,.

(3) The Ziia Parishad wliiie levyin? any tax, <:ity, See, toll
and cess under sub-section (ij shal! be governed by the same
provisions of this Act bY which thc; Gr,;nl Pitnch,:yat or the
pa,~ciiayat Samiti, cis the case may bc, is govci~iled.
190. (I) A Zild Piiiisil~d nay, s u b j ~ ~L Ot the p i o v i ~ i o ~of~ , Financial
dny law relating t o the raising of loans by i o c ~ l ~ i u t r ~ o r ~for
t l e ~ arrangement
by Zi la Parisbads.
the time being in fo.ce, rai;e from time to lirne, with t h ~~ ~ J ) I o ~ B ~
of the Side Govcrnluent, l o a , ~ ifor the repdjment of siich lo.in3
::nd n~aYutiifse such lodn for the purpose fol which it is taken.

(2) N o t w f t h ~ t ~ ~ ~ l <anything
contz~ined in tlris Act,
a 2112 Parishad nldY borrow money from the S i d t 2 Crovernl~en~
or, with the previo:ls sanction of tho St,.te <;overnment, frol-,,
b.lnks oi olhci fhauciai in~tltutioud, f i r f % i i r i ~ cllLe of irs ob~ectivc
on the hc,ai\ of specific scheme as rndy bt (11, wn )!,t by ti,c xi]^
Parishad for the purpose.
191. All .lire irs of r:.tcs, taxes, daties. tol:, ceisec onai i'ces
iinpo~ed under Illis Act and dll ,irlc 11s of ', .ms due f:om a
contractor on account of the collection o f fec snrl tolls lc;.sed
may be iecovereti as a : ? e ~ l sof land reven;e.

Recovery of tales.
taxes etc.

Badget of Zila

192. The Chief Executive Officer o f a Zila P,irishad shall,

in each year, frame and place before the Zila Parisiiad, on or
before the prescribed date, a bucipet showing the p ~ o b a t l creceipts
and cxpnditure during the next finuncial year. A Zila Parishad
inay prepare and approve each year a supplerneniary budget.

Account of
Zila Parishads.

193. Accoiir,ts of ~ z c e l p t sa d cxpenditule of evely Ziia

Parishad shall be kept and made in sucll foim and lnauncr as may
be prcsclibcd.


194. ( I ) The a u d ~ tof accour~ts of the Zlla Palishail shail

be cariied out by a ~ c h:*uthority as may be piescribed by the
n t a copy of the audlt note shall be folwarded
State G b ~ e ~ n m e and
to the Zila Parishad within one 111onth of the completion
of the audit.

(2) On lecelpt of the audit repolt refclreci to in subs e ~ t i o n(I), the Zila l'arishad shall either remedy any defects or
irregularities which lave been pointed oht i l l the a u d ~ tand send
to the State Gov~rnment within tiiree montlis an ~ntitnatlon
of its having donc so or shall, within the s a ~ dp e ~ i o d ,supply ally
fuithcr explanation t o the plescribetl authority i a iegard to such
defects o~ ilieg.biarit~esas it nlay wiah t o give.
Chief Executive
Officer uld Officcls

of 2ila Parishads.

195. (1) The ~ l d d i t i o f l a l Deputy Commissioner (Develop.

rnent) i n every distrrct shall be the exoj$cio Chief Executive
Officer of the Zila Parishad of t h a t district and a n officer of the
Department of Rulal Development and Panchayats not below the
lank of District Development and Panchayat Officer shall be the
D e ~ u t yChief' Executive Officer of the Zila Parishad.
(2) The State Government may also appoint
Officer for each Zila Parishad.'

a n Accounts

(3) In addition to thb officers referred in sub-section (1)

and (2), the State Government may appoint from time to time in
eveiy Z ~ i aParrshad such ol'f~cers out of the officers of the Stale
Government including off:cers oi Indian Administrative Servlce
working under the colltiol of the State Government as the Statc
Government may consider neaessary.

(4) Notw~thstandrng anything contained In this Act or

any other law f o p the time being in force, the State Government
or any other officer or author~tyauthorised by the State Govern-

rnerlt in thiv behalf shall have the powers tv effect the tratr.
of orficcr:, app jinted under sub-sect~on(3) lkom one dtstllct t ,
allother district.

196. ( I ) S u b J c ~ lto i~iles rnadc by the State Government,

x i l a Parishati rii'ry enlploy such ernployces dr i t may ct>mldcr l'alls"h
necessary fo, thc ,il'lcre~llpcrforrnnr1ce c~tits duties and f~ncttoii\
inlposcd upcm i t by t h ~ \ Act ot lulc> or by?-lawb made ttrcrc,:rider 01 any othci law Ibr the t11no belug i l l t o ~ c c ,
(2) rllc Stcite C i o v c ~ ~ ~ n i emay
~ l t culrstltute rn the p~esarlbed
mdk1Iler such selv~ca*tor edch Lllii ~':tl~alratias ri~dybe c o i ~ s ~ d c r c d

(3) The provrsioris of sect~onr, 155, 156, 157, 158, 1.59 and
jf,() as f a r a s tnay be apply to the crnpluyees of the &la Pailshad
j,, s,atne maniter .rll\l to tile iatlla *xlc'it d i b they dpply t o tJle ctnployces of the l'atwhayat 8anllt1a.
197. ( 1 ) Save CIS ~ t i i c l w i ~ eexpressly piovlded
this Act, the Chlcf bx~cutiveOlllcer shall ((1)

by or uncle11

carry out the policie\ :1it(I allrecti~tisof' the Zila Pa~rfiliad

RIlU t;iL necessary meusnlcs for the $rcedy executrou o f
all W O ks
~ and cleveloptncrltdl bcl~enlcsof tllc Zil:~Parishad;

up011 I~iinby or under this

(b) disclzargc t l ~ cduties toll~os~ti
Act or tfte rules arid regulatioiih mncic thereuilder ;

C O I I ~ T Othe

officers il11d c n ~ p l o y c ~of

b t l ~ cZila Parlshad
subject to the genetal ~t~perintendance
and cot~trolof the
Chnirrnan alxl sul~jectto such rules :,a rndy be prescribed;

( d ) have custotly o f all the papers atrd docu~uentsrelating to

tho zi:ila Paristiad ; anti

draw a l ~ disburse
tnoncy out of the Zila Parishad Fund
and exercise such other powers and perform such other
iunctio~luit:, Iitay be ticlcpatcd t u IIIUI by the Zrlx ['allshad or by rti, C'iiairinun,

(2) The Chtet' Exec~trvcOffice1 shall attend every meeting uf

the Zila Parijftad ,ind nay take part 111 the (Iibciission hub shall
not ht~vetkrc crgl~tt o I I I ~ V Cdny rcsolutio~ior to volc and if 111 the
oprnioil o f the Chlcf Executlvc OL'flccr ally p~oposdl bcfoote the
~ , l Pj e ~ l ~ h aI Sd 111 vic)latiorl of or ~noonsistant with thc Plovl\rurls

Functions of Chief

Execrlttve Offleer
of Lila Pavlshad

or aqy other Ilw 31. lrle rules or orders made thereu~der,

i t shall be his d u t y t o biing the same to the noticc of the ZiJa

(3) The Deputy ChIcf Ewcculive Officer shall trasi\t the Chief
Executive Officer ill the pelfoimance of his duties and sllrall act as
Officer in matteis
a Planning Officer to advise to Chief Exec~~tive
of piail foimn~lation 2nd shall be respons~blefoi a i l rnattrr5 reof
latii~gt o pldnning of the Zila Parishad including tlle l~~cpalatioil
plans for cconomlc development a l ~ dsocial justice a ~ i d ai111u:~l
plan of the diqtrict.
(.') The Accounts Officer shall acivrse the Z I ? ~P a n ~ h c dIn
mattsrs of' financial policy and shall be lespolrsibie foi a!] mattels
relating t o tile accollnts of t h e Zila Parishad l~tciuding yreparatfon of allnuat accounts and the budget.
Recovery of m o n e y
by Ch~sfhxecutive

Offlcsr of Zlla


(1) Every person in possession

of moileys,


reco,ds or othei. propejty pertaining t o the Zila Paiis11:lcl or t o

the Pdachayat S a m i ~ iwith~i: the area of the Zila Parishad shall on
req~tisitionIn writing of Lhe Chief Executive Office; fnl t h k purpobe, foi.thwit!l hand ove: such moneys or deliver u p such accounts, iecolcli or other property t o the Chief Executive Officer or
the person authorised in the requistio~lt o receive the same,

(2) The Chief Executjvc Officcr may also take steps to r e c o v ~ r

any rnoney due from any pe2son as arrears of laud revelllie subject
t o the p.ovi8ions of the Punjab L a m Revencc Act, 1887 f01 the
c i s for the
recovely of the arears of land revenue from J e f ~ ~ ~ l tand
purpose of recovering, the dccoun:s, records or othcr property per
tajnins t o the Gram Panchayat o r Panchayat Samiti or Ziia Parishad may issue a search walrant and exercise such powera with
respect thereto a s may lawfully be exercised by a Magistrate under
the provisions of Chapter VII o f the Code of Crimlnal Procedure,
1973 (Centla1 Act 2 of 1974).
(3) Every person know,ng
where any moneys, accoants,
recoids or other p~opertypc: ti~ininpto a Gram Pancliayat or Panchay,lt S,lmlti 01 Zila P a ~ i s h a d are concealed shall be bound to
give information of the same t o the Chief Executive Officer.

(4) An appeal silal! lie from an order of the Chief Executive

Officer under this section t o the State Governmeixt.

199. (1) The Director may. by o r t l e ~ in

wtitins cnncel any

resolution passea by a Panchayat if, in his opinion, such lesolation(a) i s not ledally passed ; o r

to cancel


(N is in excet,s or abuse of the prawers coafencd by or

~pnderthls Act or any other law ; or


is conhary t o the :nterest~ of the public or, likely t o

cause wastc 00 i i a ~ n % ~ofg ethe Panehayat Samiti F w d or
ZiIa Partshad Fund or of pi operty of a Panci-ayat S a m i t ~
or Zila Parishad ; 01

(d) o I it. os~cutionis I~kely to cauce danger t o human Ilfe,

health or sal'ety or is Ilkely t o lead t o a loit @I affray.

(2) The Director shall. befo,e taking action under sub-hcctien

(I), give the Pdnchayat an opportunity for explanatiorl.
(3) Xf in the opinjcn of the Deputy Gommissioner, immediate
aetion is neceqsary to suspend a resoiuti.on on itny of the gr.onnos
referred to in sub-section (i), he may, by order 111 writing, sflspend
the resolution anif make a report to the Director.
The State Government may, either suo woro or o n a
rapi.esentotion made by the Pancl~aydtSnmiti or the Zila Pariskad
aggrieved by the older mac'e urcder sl!b-section (3) a l l far the
rword of the Ease in which such order was made and pass S U C ~ ~
order in relation the:eto as they may i ~ e o mf i l but the State Government shall not pass any order prejudicial t o the Pan~hagatunlas
it is ghen a n opportunity for explanation.

200. (1) Where a PhnchaYat makes a default rn the perforrnance of any duty other than judicial i'unctions imposed upon it
by o r under thls Act or undel: atty other law for the time being
in force,-( i ) in the case of a Bran] ['anchayat,
District Bevelopment
and Panchayat Officer ; an(?
( i i ) ~n the case of a Panchpyat Samiti or a Ziia Parishad, the

may by an order In writin2 fix the pcriod for the pe~formauceof the
duty and if it is not pe~formedwithin the period so fixed, he may

Befault of duties
by the Panchayats.


appoint ally other perlon 10 Perform tlx duty and d ~ r e c tthat the
~ u ~he
expellses ariblnj' froin, alld trlz~delrtai to i t 5 p e ~ i o ~ l n ~shall
patd by the P a ~ c h a y ~ ~ t .
(2) If, ill the opIlllo11 oi the I j l ~ e c t o ar

11ab L,uied or
yropci ty, ~ i ~ u hle
v a or
~ t l ~ c i'anchayat, rile I ) l r c ~ t ~ ~ ,
~rnmovable, 111 the best a n t c ~ c i t ot
after EiVli1g dn oPpoltunlty t o the collct;rne,t I3dncii,iydt of bc11t2
kiearcl may appo~llt peis(r11 to t~ttw~rl~atel
sucll p l o p c ~ t ylor ur
on beha1 I'ul i Ire c o r ~ ~ z r ~ lt'allci~aydt

8s othoi wlbe ~ncolnpetcnlto ddrnrn~btei Its

Provided toat tbe Dircctw liiay at *.ny tittle t e l r a i ~ ~ such

arlangernent dtld tl1"leuPuU tile ati~ll\ulbtratloflof the p ~ u p e r t ysliall
be pesulned by the collceiued Yal~chayat.
(J'J A pctso~iiiPl'olfited U~ir~ei
~ L b - ~ ~ c t i(4
o nshall exelclse all
s u ~ hpoketb 01 the c o ~ ~ c e ~ uPalrchayut
uniio~th15 Act, cttile~tkran
the jud1cl.ii powers coutencd upon it, or ulltiei ally o t l ~ c rjaw tor
the t l ~ n ebelng IIL fotcc. as may kc IlCcCbsaFy kul bile;igeinelit
of tile property a t i shall be entltlod t o rccclvc bucl~rcnluneratron
as m,iy bc ftxed by the Dtrtctor.

The 111come I'rom tlrc nlanagcmeut of tile proyexty referled

to ia sub-sectlo11 (2) shall bo credited i o tile tultd ot the co~lccrned
pancilayat and all cxpellses arisiap fiom ailti ~ucidentalt o the
adlnio jstratlon o r Suck1 plopcrty, ~ ~ c i u d i nt hgc rcliriineratloll payable
persol1 appointecl uolm. at>-sectloo (4, shall bo net out of
tile couceruecl Panchdyet funti,

(5) l f t l ~ eexpellaos referled t o



in sub-swt~ou (1) are not

in the case of a Grdm Panohayat. the D~strlct

Developiwnt ant1 Panehayat Officer ; allti
i n the case oT a Pat~anchay~~t
Samitl or a Ztla Parishad.
the Dlrector ;

may make ail older ~'ircctil~gt!la person havi~igcurtody of the

fut1(l o t tllc l'anclraydt coliccrncd, to rnakc the paynlertt in wi~ole
or in p r t fio111 sucli Ibnd t 111; il' sucl~a person &toesnor cnmply
witll tllc oldcr, ~ccoveitllc autoullt t o m thc fu~urid oi' thc L'dli~li'tyat
as d ~ l e a l sof ldnti Ievenuc.
Power to call for
proceed~ngs o f

201. T11e State (iovei~imelu inay call Tor ant1 exatnine wcoril
of proceedi~~gs
a i d the :ccord ot' any executive order of any

or any officer or authoirty of the Par~choydttot the

purpose: uf %atisfying itself a? t o the :e:nltty a n 1 proyxiety of

any executlrc ort:e~ passe i t hcleirl .b~rti may conri~rn,mod if)' ni
r c w l d the order.
202 If dt any time the State Goveinment i , satisfi~d that
s , t u , ~ t i ob~<~~~irlst'n
th,:~ pi11~ ( ' I C S of i h i ~ ACI cannot he cai i ied
out in accoidnnce will1 its piov151c~1\tile Statr. Ciovernmc~ztm y ,
by notiflcat~ou,--(tr)


dec1a.e that the functions (11;I P;incllaYat shall, t o such

extent a\ mriy be specifltd in thc notitic<.ii,,:l, be exercised
by such pei,on or authority at, tt may (irtc: ; or

(b) assulne t o it all or any o f the poweli vesleti ~n oi exclefsable hp ths IAanchr'yat; an(!
t ~ o nmap colltaitl sucii incic'ental and consequential
such a ~~otifjc,i
as m,cy appeal t o the State Governmel~t10 be ~lecessary
or desirable for givitli: effect to tile objects of the notificatlo!~.
Provicleti that such :r rlotificcition shall not remain
a period of more tt~ansix months.

1x1 force


203. A Paiichayat sllell p!:rmlt

officer 01. :!ny orher person
autl1orlse.i by thc Djrcctor i n this behalf to Ilavc ilccess to or
seize u r cause t o be protlucoc! before hiin all it:; books. !~roceeclingi
:lilc! records and to crltcr upon anti inspect any im~novablepr.c>perty
occupietE by, or any work in progiess tlndcr the c~rdersof; or ally
i n s t l t ~ t f o ncontrolled by tlie Ptu~chayat.
204, The Stale (iovernrnent rnay I?om time to tlme iwue
directions to the Pallchayats as it coll\ftlers ueceusaiy for carlyliig
out the purposes of thl\ Act.

205. (1) 'The Statc Governlilent may at ally time cause an

inquiry t o be made by any of its officer of a
Panchayat in regard t o any matter cnnce~.ningit or I n r:,n:~rd t o
a n y lnattcr wlth respect to whic!l s;~nctlon, appr<rvwl, consent (,I?
order o f tile State Governinenl is reyuircti by or ui~iic.i-this Act.

(2) 'Tile Offlccr holding inquiry ~ ~ n t j e sub-section

(I) shall
have the powers of a Civll Court u ~ ~ i i o rthe Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, t o take cvitPence and t o compel t h e a ttcndance of
wiinesses and production of docurnenis for the purpobcs of
inqui r ~ .

Acceqs to or seizure

of record of
Panchayat s.

Power to issue

into affairs
of Panci~ayats.

k :ght of State
Goverumenf Offi~ers
to atton 0 meetings
of Panchayats

286. Slch 0ffice:s of the S 4 a t e Government a5 the State

Governlhent may. by order, specify, \ha]! have the ripht to sreak
In awl otheiwise takc part in thc proceer"ingcJ of tlic meet in? of a
Panchayat oi any Stancilng COlll~nittee thc,cof, brit ~llnil llot be
entitled t o votc a t nny \u,:ii mzetrng.

~ e n e r a lpowers of
and Comm~ssioncrs.

207. In all ~natlela conncctt: with th15 A 4 , the State

tiovttximtnt \hall have and exerclb; over ('omn;r s s i o n ~ aati
~ i the
Comrnissrone,i shall have and exelclbc ove: the Deputy Con?mr \I.
oners, the satfie an~lhorrty and collrrol aa ihey rca]-eils\ely
have and exerclqc cont~o: ovei them in penc~al a n i icvc~luc



isqualification for

268. (1) A person shall be drsq!i~il~t~ed

for being chosen as
and Ibr being a member of a I'anchayat i t - (u) he is so tiisquatri r e ~ iby oi unc)er any law for the t ~ m e
her ng ~n Soice for the yrnrrol~b o f C I L L ~ IO I I ~to thc Leglalatule of the State:

~ r o v r t i e dthat no person shall be clrsqualrfred on the ground

that he 1 5 less than twc.~ty-!'~vz yeara of age, ~f he has
attained tht: age of twenty-one years ;
(b) has been found tuilty of. any corrupt practice in any
electtou of a Grain Pancl~ayat, Yari~hayat S a m ~ t or
t Zila
Parishad ;

) has been convicted of any offence ~nvolvingmoral turpitude or a n offence rmplyrnp of any defect rn the chaiacter
ot a Sarpanch 01 Pauch of tilam Panchayat o r membcr of
a Panchayat Samltl or &la Pdrishal, uilless a p e r ~ o d of

frve yeais has elapsed srnce hi conviction ; o r

( J ) I h$* bee', convicted of nu election orfence ; or


has been oillored to givc security f o r good behaviour

under sectrun 110 of the Cudc of C r j ~ n ~ n aI'roceclure
1973; or
ha\ been notrfr ed as tiisq~alif~etifor appo~ntuicnt as
pit blic selvant except on mnziirchl giormda ; oi

(c) is

P who!e-time salaried employee of any 1oc:il authoritv,

Stnl-itoiy Coipo:a!lon oi Ronrd or a Co-ope ative Society
~ c p i \ ed
t ~ c n t i ~ ithe P u n - b Co-ope~ativc Socictle!: Act.
1961, or of the State Government or the Czntral Guvern.
ment : or


i s r.c:ist~~i'i! ~7 a hahitu,,l otfetl'er une'er the Wibitual

Uffen,lers (Cont-6 1 - u Reforms) Act. 1952, o r a n y q h e r
I<.w foi thc i i i bting
~ ~ ~ in fort- ; o;

(i) lras riot p;lir"!hc

arrears ot tax ilnpcjseti by t r Ci~am
Pdi~chayat, I',r~lcli~tyatS a t ~ i r t01
~ L ~ l aPar~shad,as the case
m:iy he ; or.
(j) is a tena71t or k s e e o r contractor or share-holder in any
pl operly of the G Iam Palichiyat. Panchay'it Saniiti and
Zila Par1sh;ld ; or

( k ) 1s i n u:~aut!~oiise~!
c>ccup,ltlon of tcroperty beloi~&i,igt o
any local ~ u t h o r j t y; or

(I) being a S . I L ~ ? Ihas

I ~ ~c?ih iu hditd exceetling the amount

~ l l d the
~ i

rules rn:iitc ~ ~ n d this

e r Act;

( n ~ ) is Illember of

elther tlodse of Par:i-irncl~t or ol'the

Legislature of the Punjab State :

Provided that a metnber of either Hnusc o f t h e

parliamet~t or Leg1,latue of Punjab Stnte m~iybe elected
s s a Sarpancl~or member of c:r,im 13iincbaqat, rancbreyat
Samiti or Zlia Parishad ~ f , : i l o a ~with his noillination
paper gives undertaking t o thc effect that he shall
resign the rnembersl7ip of e ~ t h e rIiousc of Parlkanrent or
of the Legislature of the Punjab State, as the case may
be, ant1 so re\iglls before f-iklng the oath or making
affirmation for taking ovei the office of Sarp-nch of a
Gram Pancnayat or a member of a n y Grdm Paucllayat,
the Panctiayat Sarniti and Zila Pariskatl ;


ha\ been coi,vlcteci of n n ofl'ence under the Protection of

the C i v ~ i Rights Act, 1955 w ~ t h l n ,i pe,loil of f ~ v e
ye:lrs llruiiediately precedin; t::c I t\t I.its of tile
filing o i the I I O U I ~ ~ I ~ ~ I Opapers
; o.
being a S,llponcl~ 0 1 P,lncLi does not ~ l t a c lc~c tificate
w ~ t hhis nomination papcis t o the efre-t that 11e iias
Bdnded over t o the Block Dcveloptnznt and Paachdvat
Officer complete charge of the recoiti elf tlle
iJdnclidyat ,ind 01 the c'1st1, 11' *iuy, with 11iii1.
power of Stlte
CkrvernmcnL to

dlrect holrl111g
o f gcnerhi elec



289. ( 1 ) Notwith\totitilng dnYthlng ~ontairreti 111 t l ~ i \Act or

rule. In ,c'e t l ~ c i o u n ~the
l ~ ~State
Government may, by ~lotificdlion,
tiltect ~ i i a t gcnci,tl eicctjon of the metilbers of the Panci~agdts
shctll be held by soch dL:tc as tudy be specifled In tile notificat~on
a11c1 d~ffc.eilt tr'ttc\ 1n:ty be specitretl for electtoris for cilLlt., cnt
l'dnchdy,rts or prollp o r groups tlleleof

I'rovitled that the power of rssuing r:~~cclruiis

under :lib-\ectlon
( I ) may be exerciseti by the State Ciove~nnlent at any time
iod of five yeals has not yet expired h c e tile
ever, though :L p c ~
hording uf'the ld\t election.
(2) A , >eon a s a llottfi~atlon i s is~lled under sub-se'tiot~ (I),
the blectiorl C'urnrnlasion shdil take nccescary steps for holillng
~ c elect
h tort.

Elect~onCornrnlssion tc> con.Juct

Puncf~ayat clcctlun.

210. I h e r;up~r~nland.ince.d i r e c t arid contiol 01' the

of' clectolal loll\ for, an 1 conduct of, ,111 electfons to
the P~nchdyats,sh,rll be veste\l in thc E!cction Coinlnis$ion,

Colitinuation of
exjstrng Panchayats.

211. All the P,ti~ci~~tydts

existing immecliataly bei'o~c the
co~ilrncnceme;tt of t h ~ sAct s11~1ll continue till expiration <)f t l ~ e t r
tluialion sy)cclficd under the existing laws uulesa sootlei dissolver!
by 'I resolution pdssed to that effect by tlic I.eglslative Asicmbly
of the State of Punjab.

Existing institutrons to cnrltlnue

till new institutions
are eatablishcd

212. Notwithstanding, nuytlilng contained In this Act, the

existing Glum Sibhas, Blocks, Panchay'tt Sanritis and Zila Part6h.ld~ a6 estdblished tindell the exlsting laws shall be deemcri t o
have becn duly established under this Act. ullleas new Gram
Sahhas, Blocks, Panchayat Sarnitis ant1 i'licr Parishatis arc tstahlishe<! u n d e ~the provisionb of this Act.

Elesticn to he
held witiiin s i x

213. W I l c ~ t a P,inchaYat Is not f u i ~ c t ~ o n i nitt~mcz:iately

b t i o ~ c the colllmcnccment of this Act, :rn Qlcction t o cwlstitute
r~icha I'anch~iy,10 shall bu cc mpletcd before tllc expiiatjon of a
period of six months from the date of conlrnericerncr~t cif'this
Act and 411 the poweis and tlutic.; of the Panchaydt may, u ~ ~ t l l
Panchayat is so constituted be cxcrct5cd or perfo,med by ~ . c h
person o r a ~ t h o i i t y , as the State Govzrnmeilt may ;ippoint in
. behalf anti all piopcrty vested In thc Pdnchayal ahall until
~t 1s constituted vest ju th,: Statz Govc:~irncnt,

r r ~ o n i i ~ swhere
Pailai,oy:lt is
110t functioning.

I .

214. (1) The District Plannlng Cou~rnittee constituted In

tcrrnT of the p:ovj%ons of sitlclc 243 LD of the Con~titutiunO f
Iridl:~sltall coni,~lldate t h c plans p~eparrc: by the I'snchnyatb,
ill cveiy cIi\tirct, :ill(! hall also prepale draft dew-lolmwnt ylau
for t h e tiisti ict ds a vvllolc.

District Planniing C~mm~ttees.

(2) Every 1)l~trlctPlan~lingC'ornin~ttee, ~ e f e ~ r c dt o in hribsection (I) sllall i l l p ~ c p a r i ~ lthc

p draft de\clop,nent plan,-((I)

have regard to


mattel% of comtuon interest between the Panchayats

and the m u ~ ~ ~ c i p a l i t t eiticluding
special planning,
aitd sharing of water airrf other physical and n a t ~ ~ r a l
re\ourceq, Integrateti tlcvelopment of i ~ ~ f i a ructural
and cnviron ti~<lltalcollselvat ion ;
cxterit and type uf available lescluuces whether
f ~ n a : ~ c i aor
l otherwise ; anl!

( i i ) the

( h ) cotisult such in~trtution\ and orgatr~satlonsas the State

may, by order, specify.

215. If any dispute arises between two or more Panchayats

o r h e t ~ e e n a Panchayat oucl a M u l ~ l ~ i p a lC'o~poration or a
Muni~lpal Covn~nrtiee or a Notif~ctlArea Comrnrttec 1t shell be
referred t o tho plcscrlt)ed :iUtl~oilty w h ~ ~ sdccnion
shall he final
arrd shall n(1t
questionet! in any court of law.

Ihsputes between Pamhayats

and other

216. (I) F;vely member o f a Pancl~~cyatJrall be liable for

Liability of
the loss, waqte or mivtpplicatior~ o f any Irloney or ploperty
members d
belonging to the IJanchaYat, i f s:ich 104s. waste or luisappl~cat~on Pandhaysts.
i s a conqequence of his neglcct or misconduct wlille such member
ailtl shall al\o be 'i:iblc to pay intercst at the prescribed ?ate,
from the date of loss, waqe 01 misapplicatioa, on the ;,mount
~~~~~~~~d under sub-\cctlo~: (2) or cub-seo(.ion (.?), a s the case
may be.
(2) The R l ~ ~ cDevelopment
anc! Pancl~aYat OMice~ cclncel~~ed
may, on !!le . i p p l l c ~ i t i o~~ >at ( ~ ~ , t mPailchaynt or o t h e ~ i v ~ s e and
alter pivir~pthe member concclncd ~ 1 1 1 oppmtulilty t o explalu,
asqess, by order, in \viilt~ig t112 drnuunt duc f i o ~ nhr111on accJtrnt
o f such I o ~ ? , waatc 01 m ~ s i p j ~ l l o a t l o i ~
Provided that
(a) whete sdch riiembcr Ilappcric t o he the Chatlmarl or a
menibet 01 the Panch:iyat S l n ~ i t i , thqploceedtrlgs under

this sub-secti~n?!,all bc taken by tllc District n c v ~ l , p ment and Panchayat Ofrice1 ;


where su;h inc,nbcr hnppzn5 t o he t!le C!~ai;m:~n,ViceChairman 1.i- :I ~ n e n ~ b eof

r t!le Zila Ptir-isIinc', the proccedings nndai. this sub-section s!lall be taken !)y tbc Deputy

(3) Ally 2e.s.n r i g z I ~by~ilu~ eider

~ ~ rn?,'r II ilier c~t;i~-sec~jc~n
(2) Inly wlihln a p c i ~ o d or tllirty days 12011i the ('ate o r <uch
order, appeai to--

(u) tire Diitl icl Da~e!opment :11lcl Pdilchay'ct Offic,i, if

thc o.der iiar been madc by the Block i)evclopii~ent
ditd Pa~lchayat O i f ~ c e r;
( b ) the Dsputy Uliector, rf t i ~ cordei hds been made by
the District Dcvtlopmeiit a3id Paiichdydt C)iilcer ;

the Director, if the older has

Deputy Dii.ect<,r ;

beer] made by the

a ~ l d01 appeni beiolg file 1, the appcll.lte ,~uthorltymay suspend

t h e executlo-1 of the order ,,ooil such term5 as t c ~costs, paymci~ts
of the amount i :voIvdJ o ath:,~vlse ns he thi tks f.t and subject
t o the rcsults of appeal, if any, t h e older of Block Dtvelopmcirt
and Panchayat Officer, Disti icr Devzlopm.t~rt arid Panchdyat
Offic:l and the Deputy Di,cctoi, as thc cdse may be, siiall be

(4) Notwithstandtng anything contallreci I!] thi\ section no
pelsoil shall be c ~ l l s d upoil t o cxpiain why he should ilot be
required to make good any loss, after the expny of foui' years
from the occutrence of t h e loss, waste or mir'~pplicatio,l or after
the expiry of two y c a ~ sfrom hls ceasing t o bc a member, w111~hever is later.
(5) The State Goverilmer~t c i l l ,lad ax t111:ilt: t!~e rccord
of a l y order madc uncter t]lia bcciion foi the ]>~il:ose of
itselk as l o the legality arlJ p,opriety of such Ordcr
and nl ry confirm, nlodify
resciltl biict? order:

P,ovided that 110 otder piejudic,al t o any pe!\on shall be

inadc by the State Governmeilt, un]e,s that person has been
arfo;cicd a icwsonabie orportunity of 'howing muse alainst the
pi oposed oi der.

(6) The arnli~ntasqesssd as due from .I member may. In the

event of 'iis rieath, be ;lecove.c;i f ~ o m 16s legal h e i ! ~t o tile
extent of p l o p e ~ t yinherited by thcm frotn s ch member.

2h7. ( I ) Ail employce o f a P~nchayat aggrieved by a n order

d him by thc Panchayat may,
punrai;mc it 1 ~ 1 ~ ) o s eon
within the prescribcj pcrio3 ai'cli-: :a apl cal,

Right of
appeal of

in the casc of Glam 13ancRayat, t o the Block IlevcIolxncnt arid Panc!layat Of'ficc! ;

(b) in the czse of Panch,~yat Sdtntti, t o the Deputy

(:ummicijoncr ; and

i n tllc case of Ztla farjsllad, t o the Commissioner,

(2) any orde! ras\cd under sub-s~ction ( I ) shall be whject

to revision by,-(u) the Commissioner if the order has been passed by
the Deputy Commissioner ; and

( b ) the State Government, i f the

by the Commissionel.

brder has been passed

218. N o suit, prosecutio?l, or orhei legal ploceedjngs shall

Protection of
lie against a Panchayat oi any of its offtcers clr employees d ~ ~ l y action in geed
appoi7zted o r otherwise in IespLct of anything which is in good
faith doale or inte71rltJ t o bc doile oi purpolt,ii;z t : be
~ done
u n i e r this Act or any rule or. regulation o r bye-law made
219. All orders, decisions, notices and 0 t h documents of a
panchayat shall be authenticate<! under tlie signatures o f an officer
or an arltilority ~ u t h o r i s e lby /he t'auchayat in tuis behalf.

It shall be the duty of every police officer,-

(a) to communicate w i t h ~ u lJelay any information which he

receives of ;r design t o commit or of the commissjo~r of
any ~iffeienceagxinst its act o r any rills
bye-law made therenniicr;

c r regulatiiill or

(h) t o assist thk members uf the Panchayzit or any officer or

other employee of tlte Panchayat in the Iowfui exelcise of
ady powers vested in such member, officer e r othel employee uu.ler this Act or rule, regulation or by-law made

of orders et c.

Relation ~f
Panchayat with

Delegation of
pose1 5.

221. (1) The State C~)vernmcnt may, by notifjcdt~on,direct

t h a t any powel cxerclsdble by it idltler this Ac,, except the power
to inike rtile, ,~lsabe exercisdi)!e hg such officer as may be
therein, in a u ~ hc,~ses::IIII subject ti) stiell cc,nc'jtiona,
if C I I I ~ , as m'+y be s,?c,~licti t h ~ r e l n .
- r by n r ~ t t e norc'er, d i r e ~ tthat aqy rower
(1) I ite r > ~ r ~ ' c t <m'iy,
ewcrc::,hle by h ~ mu n d c ~this Act or rulcs, or repuiatloris clr b)cinus 7n 1). .,'so b.: crcrcisable by ~ w l iofficer .I\ may be rnerlttonc.1
t herein, iii suclt cases and Sllbje~ttr) s u ~ h conci~tions,~t ally, as
indy be spcctficf: ti~creiri.


o t i e ~ ton other


Power to

ernove drfflcullles.

2 2 2 ~ Sdve :IS otherwise plo\ic:cd ill this Act, the provislor~sof

this Acl or rules or r e g ~ l ~ ~nst i cor bye-laws rnntle thereljndcr have
eii.cct notwitlbct:lndfng anyLhlII2 i!l~ollsi~tenttlicrci~ith contained ici
any >)tl?c~
I.iw for tile time bcilig in force.
223. (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the proviqiuns o f ihis Act, or by redson ol ,cnytlring ~ c ~ l ~ t a iirn~tehj, ~Act
in lclatioll t r ! ,illy u t h c ~ellactment l o r the time bclng h~ force, the
Statc Governincn: mry, .ls occasion a r m s , by order, direct that
this Act shall duling such perii,d us mdy he spcclficJ in the orcier
bul not extenc<ingbeyond the expiry of two years from the date of
commenkerncnt of tltij Act have effect 9uhj:~t to such .idoptlo11
w h c t h c ~by way of ntu.iificatio~l, 2:::2it1on or ~jmission aa lt may
tPeem t o be necissary and cxpeciicnt.

(2) kvery oidcr under sub-~ectjon(I) shall, as soon as

may be, ,ificr it is made, be ]:lid before the State Legislature.
Paachayats to
be local authori t i e %

Power of Panchayats
to make regulat~ons.

224. I ' o r tile s ~ o l o v ~of~ doubts,

it is hcrcby 4eclored that a
locdl .~utlloritY for tile parposes
shill1 be c:ecn~cci t o be
of any law for the time bcing i l l force.
225. ( 1 ) A 1' m'ty, s u b ~ e c tto the provl'siotks of this
Act nnd the rules lnatie thereunder and with plebiou~ sanction of
tlic bt it^ < J O V rliiliLn(,
m. LC re> latlolrs t o cnrly out the I>utr)o\es
01 tPos Act 111 5 0 i;ir , I \ it T L I J ~ C I t o ~ t LI-IIC:~OI~S,
powers ail1 d u t l e ~ ~
( 2 ) ~ i r c~ - ~ ~ u l : r t i o~ n si i j c,,nd::r s ~ i b - s c c t f o( 1~) ~shall be subjrct

t l ~ ecu;li;it!o!~ of prcviolrs publicatioll whicl~shall be maile

manner as i l ~ i t ybe prescribe~i.


Power ,,f S a l e
.U@velnmcntto m a k c
model regulatio~ls.



226. (1) The State Governnlerlt may, Sc.biect io the prcvis~ons

thereunder and after previous pub-

o f this Act allii the rules made

lication, make


legd1at ions or ino Jel

bye-laws for the

(2) A I'dnchayat may by rei.olution adopt the enodel regular

(1) and regulations
tions or model bye-law, mtde i ~ l l i e wb-,ection
or bye-laws $0 adoptcd i h 111 come into force from r ~ ~ ctiate
thc Paniclidyet collcarncd niay ayccily 111 tile rcsoli;ti011.

227. (1) I'11c Statt Covcrnmullt may, by notlflcdtiou, in the

Officiai G a ~ c t t eand ~tii~jcct
t o tile col~dltionof prcvioi,\ pubiicdtlo11, i1:dk.e rblLb So? carlying o ~ , ttlic 11; rj:oaeb of illis Act.
(2) 111 part icul,ir and wrthou t pryucirce t o the generality of
foregoing pouers soch rules may p ~ o v , d cfor all or any ol' the
following matteih. ndlnely.


the nianner of d~sposalof' assets and lixbIlitie6 of a Glam

Panci~ayat under sub-5ection (4) of s e ~ t i o n3;

(b) the mdnner of rotati011 t o be prescribed under sub-section

(4) or sectiou 112,

the manner of taking oath under section 13;

( d ) o t h e ~powers t o be exercised and cluties to be perfo~med

by a Salpanch under sub-section (1) of section 16;

the authority t o be prescribed under

section 17;


(2) of

( f ) the ruanner of co-aption of members under clause (b!

sub-section (2) of section 25;
(g) thc indnrlzr of constituting l'unjab


Paachayat Secretaries

Selrice undcr beckion 26;

(k) the :iianner of employmotlt or employees by

chayat urtdc: scction 27;



(i) catablishl~ent of pluvitlent

fund and gratuity of tbc

en~;)loyec,of tile (ir'i111 t ) a a c h ~
yata undcr sccti on 28;

( i ) duties to he perfvrn~cdby vrlldge head-maa under clauqe

(b) of section 32;

conditjons \ub.lect t o w h i ~ hthe <;'am I'atlchayat

pzrform tho functions undcr soctlon 30;

is to

Powcr to make



l5llcition of gcnerll oh(1cts d e r cectiotr 35;

(m) thc :~~.%xi:il~trn
lates of't.lxs\ 1 1 i n n of levy iindep
section 88;

for w i l t ~ n gcff any amount

(n) tlie restric,lom anti ioll~iition~a
o r tax t ~ n ~ : , rectlon 90;

the col~ditiunsfor borAowiilg~nonevunder ,,cctic~~l


( q l t l ~ clo1111and mailncr of kebplng acco7.ntc of Cham Panchayat under section 95;

ir) thc al~t:~onty
( I ) of Lcctron r)?;

. ~ : i <~ttng

sccourrts under sib-section

the n~annerof lesc~vationof offices of' the C'bairman and

of' X'aucllaynt Sami~lsuntie' section 106;

( t ) thc allowance t o he paid to the Ch:~im:ill, Vice-Chafrrnan

; ~ r r i l inembers of Pandayat Sa~nltisundel sf c ~ i o n108;

poweyi t o bg. c;iccciyed a n ~ iduttcs to hc peiforuled by the

X'<~nchay,t Samitls t ncl er section 105;


tile clay for holr:inp ~neetinp;

(w) the form ail61 nlanncr in which accounts are to be kept;


the uunner of holtling office rcniler tile I'anchaqat Samitis;

kittfng fczs to be p a ~ d t o the Chairman,
Vice-Chahmar. ancl memheri of the Zlla Parfsl~au under
\ection 171;

( y ) allowanccs


( z ) !he ;>ow6rs, functions and duties to be

Ch:,irman of the Zt1:~Parlshad;

drsch::rgecl by the

(zit) thr m:cnner of keeping accomt of the Zila Parishads under

aectioll 193;

(z6) t ~ l c.tutitortty fbr

d ~ ( ' ~ t l 1 1; LgL C O . ~ L I ~ S01

the %ria I'.irishads

iinz:er s ,ct ion 134.

(zdi 'lnY other matter In ,elation to which

t o be or may b~ made.

.! rule




(3) Every rulc made under t!lis sccticln sliall be laid as soon
I):,, after it is m:ii!e, b'?f<>,-c
tl!c HoIisz of th? State 1,e:jis1aturet wiliic i t is in sewion for a ioi:!I pzrioii of tell days, w'tieh
ma'y bi: c o ! ~ p ~ j ~in
c doee s s i o n 01- in tv;o or more succ;sdivc
is So
stssions, and if, 13e:bi.e t h c expiry of the session iI1 wflfch i~
laic! or the s.icce$?ivc seS~ions ai'cres2ic4, 1bc i.!o!rse agrees in
lnakjnfi any modification in the rille or th:: FIoiisc agiezs, that the
rille sho:il~l not hc ma;:c-, tJ1.t ri:ls shall tbcrcalier I~civceffec: only
in such modifice form o: be of 110 tflcct, vs ;he case may be, so,
i ~ o w y e r ,illat any ssi:ir :.i~o~iiflcaiion
oi' anilr.irncnt sl~alibe withorit
prejildice t o tht: vdit!ity 01' nnything ;rcviotisly cluii< t!r omitted
t o be done under thijb riifc'.
as may

228, (1) 'Thc .following Acts are hereby rej?ealetl, namely : --



Rzpeal and Savii-!gs.

the Punjab <;ram Panehayat Act, 1952 (I'mijab Act No. 1V

of 1953j;
the. P!!qjdk L'anchayat Sarilitis and Zila Parishads Act, 196!
(Punjab Act No. 3 of 1961).
The repealing of Acts under sbb-section (1) shall tiot-

( i ) affect the previous operation of the Acts so repealed


anythjng there1:ntier 6:ily drrnc or sufa';

any right, privilege, obiigation or. liability occurred.
accrueti or inccrred under the Acts so i.epeaicd;

affect any penalty, Ibrhiture r

punishment iucmred
in respect o f any offence committcci against thc Acts so
repealed; and


effect any investigation, legal proceedinys or remedy in

respect of any Such right, privi Iege, obli~ation, liability,
penalty, forfeiture or punishment as aforesaid, and any
such investigation, legal proceedings or remedy may be
i n s t i t ~ t c dor continued i;r enforccd and any s ~ i c h penalty,
ferfeiture and pu~gishrnentmay he imposcd as if the aforesaid A q s have not been repealed.

(3) N:'twithstanding siich ?<peal,anything donc or any action

taken ;adel. the Acts So !-<:pealed(iuclilc!ing any ~iotific:llion, ctrtier.
notice jssicci, apjr;ica.,ion rnaiit. or: pcrniission granirr!), which i s not
iticonsi8r;nt with thc proviaiol?S ol' this Act shall be tlccsned to have
bee11 clone or takr.11 ::ntier the cOrrespcindin:; provis;~nsof this ,Ict
a s if this Acl Sc) snforce2 a t the rirni: st,& thing so doric t . r action
so take11 and shaii cnflill~ueto h c ia force :,nless an:i until siiperscdo.i oy anything done or any aciiorl eakcn : ~ n d z rthis Act.

[See Sections 13, 104 and 1671

F~lrnlof oath u r a i l l ~ r ntloi~
~ to bc m'dc bJ a ~ d r ~ a n c h l ~ a n c h
grid 112embcrsof' P.~ncil,?)fdtSdinlt:i d11:i Llfd PdI'i5:1.i<1

swe:;]. i n tiie il;tmc 01' God

. . -that 1 will bcat- true f d t h and
aile~iaiiccto the co.!atitiitiori of 111tliuas b j law establislieti, tii<;t
I till upklold the sovzielgnty a112 iittcgi.ity 01' I~:dia, tl121 l will
1;iitlli'uiiy air2 consqientio~isiyr?ibc.hnrgc
(Iuties ;'is ;L Sarpanch/
l'alicl? 01' <;ram Pancli;,y:lt or mcrlibcr of' the i'ar~chayiil Sumiti/Zila
I ) , ~ r l ~ <,a:!
i ~ ~ that
~ d I w l i l .ii, ~ig11t t o all n~di~rlei
of people i n acLori',,~~cc
w i t i ~tlie Co,istitulioi~o r illdi,r :uid thC 1 5 ~ w s , ~ i t h o uledr
or 1 ivour , dff'c~t1011
or 111-WIIJ.

I ,A. 1%

(See Section 44)

Offeeces Cognizable by a Gram Panehayat



(a) Un.ler I he India:~Penal Code, 1860(XLV of 1860)


. . 160

Cam,nitting affray
Absconding to a v o ~ dservice of a sulninons or other .. 172
Non-attendance in obed~encet o an rrticr from public .. 174
Lntentiond!ly olni tting t o produce a document



RefL~Stnsoath or affirm at to^ when d ~ I yrequired by

a publrc servant
Refusing t o answel a public aervant authorised t o



Refusing to sign statement




Disobedience to order duly promulgated by public

se ivan t
Intentional omlsslon to give ~ n f o r m a t ~ oofn an oifence
by a person legally bound to inform
Intentional insult of interruption to public servant
sitting in jud~cialproceediug
Offences relating to Weights and Measures mentjoned in Chapter XI11













Omitti11g t o guard against probable danger to

human life iiorn a bulldin$ over which a pelaun
has right to pull down or repalr



Negligent cond~ictwith respect to any ailimal



Cornitling a public nuisance

. . 290

Negligently doing an act known t o be likely to

spread infection of any disease dangerous to life
Defiling the water of a pubiic spring or reseivoir
Da~lgerof obstruction in p u b l ~ cway 01. lrne of
navigatr on

- --






Continuance of nuisance after irijiinction of

<ti scontinua:ice
Obscene s o n ~ s
Vc~lrintarilycausing h:lrt
Voluntarily causi!zg hurt on provocation

res~rainingany pcrson

criminal lor& otherwise than

oo grave provocation

A~sdisit or usc of

Assault or use of criminal farce on priive and

s u d l e l ~provocatioll
Theft or dishonestly receiving or retaining stolen
property where the value of'the property does nix
exceed ~ s 250
. ; provided that no Gram Panchayat
sha!l take cognizance of any such cornplainr if the
accused(i; has been pieviousiy convicted of an offcnce
under Chapter XI1 or XVIl of the Indian Penal
Code, 1860 punishable with imprisonrilent of
either descripri on for a term of three years or
upwards; or













& 411

( i i ) 11as previously been fined for theft or receiving

or retaining stolen propcrt9 by any Grain
Panchayat ; or

{iii) i s a registered habitual offender under any

law for the timc being in force; or

( i v ) Iras been bound over to be of good behaviour

i n proceedings instituted uniler secti on 109
0:. 110 of Code of Crirninal Procedure, 1973; or
has had a n order of rcstriction yassed irgainst
him iinder th.: Restriction of Habilual Offenders
(P:l~rjab)Act, 1918 (V of 1918) ; or
( v j ) has been previously convicted for gambling
Dishonest misapropriation
. . 403
Crl ninal Breach of trust
.. 406
C h c ~ ~ t i nand
g inducting delivery of property
.. 420
--.- - ----



- -


Mischief when the dam,ige o r loss caused does not

exceed fifty rupees in value

. . 426

Mischief and thereby causing damage t o p-operty

of value not exceeding Ra. 250

.. 427

Mischief by k ~ l l i n gor maiming animal of the value

of Rs. 10



Mischief bY killing or maiming cattle, etc., of any

value or any animal of the value of Rs. 50


Insillt intended to provoke a breach of the peace



~ u n i s t ~ m e nfor
; crilninal intimidation, etc.


part 1 only
Uttering any word or making any pevture intended
to insult the modesty of a women


~ l s c o n d ~ i~nc public
by drunken person





Forcibly opposing the seizer of cattle or lescuing

the same



Causingd anw ge to land or crops or public loads

by pig5



(Punjab Act 39 of 1960) Failure t o comply wit11 all atten'cnce order p:lssed . .


(b) Under the Pun jab Vacclnati on Act, 1953 (xLIX

of 1953)-Punishment of offences
(c) Undo1 the Cattle Tresspass Act, 1871 (I of 1871)--

(d) Under the Puajab Primary Educatl on Act, 1960

rindcr section 9
Penalty for contravening the provisions of section 10. ,


(e) Under the Northern Inrjia Canal and Drainage,

Act. 1873 (VIII of 1873)


Offences specified in sub-section (4) of sccthon 70



-- -----

- -.





- -- -

- --





(f) ::ndcr the I1unja!t We12111carid Measurt\ (Enforcement)

Act, I958 (Pulijab Act 22 or 1958)--

Penaliy for frauduloit use of weights or measures etc.

Penalty for making or s e i l i n fal:ic weigllts o f measures
( g ) l l ~ l d e rthe

Pulijab Juseniie Smokiz~gAct, 1918 (VIL of


Pcnalty for seiirng tobacco t o children

S e i ~ u t eof tobacco being ssnokcd by jirvenilc ln a public



Pcnd!i~for owning or kccp~ngot having charge o f a

ga,nbllng house


P c l l a l t ~for bein:: fouw: in gamblin; hogbe


Penalty on persons arrestel: for g ~ v i n pfalse mmes and



Penalty for killing with unnecesRary cruelty anywhere


Penally for b e ~ n gin po,session o f t he skin of a gokit

killed with unnecessary cruelty

.. 5-A

Presumptions a s t o possessionof the skin of a goat

. . 5-B

(i~) Undcr the Public Gambllns Act, 1867 (11 of 1867)-


tinder h e ?reveatio.l of Ciuelty to AnimaLs Act. L8W

(XIJ of 1890)-P ~ n a l t yfor cruelty t o animals In public places and for
sale in such places
Penalty for practjsi~lgPhuka

Perialty for employiilg anywhere animals unfit for l a b o ~ i r


Penalty for permitting diseased animals t c g o a t large

die in pubiic pjaces


01. to

~ l 1027 (XVI of 1927)( j ) trud-r t!~cL n > i , i~ l ~ o i e Act,

Acts prohlblted in iuch forests

.. 26&




(I<) Ui~derthis Act or ii~dcroily rulc or bye-law made


(I) Under the Punjab Land Prcservatioil (Chos) Act, 1900

(Punjab Act I1 of 1900)

- -

-- -


[See sectton 62(1)]


Vaine of ciaim

Court fee
to be levied

(in rupees)

(a) Rs. 5 0 or !ess

(b) From ~s 51 to Rs. 100

Frolil Rs. 101 to Rs. i50


From Ru. 151 to Rs. 200

(e) From Rs. 201 to Rs. 250

(f) above

Rs. 250

2. Fur a complaint before the Gram Tallchayat

3. For applici!tio~bL O the Chain i3d:,ckajiat for

executioil of a decree granted by it

4, For a revision application

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