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ieee ieee GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM ENERGY AND POWER DEPARTMENT Ba Development ate, Gost, ‘Stjet Glas fo Pub Sfety ot Me Power Pees “Ths st inom yu tha he Government fin has gubished a Gaze no: 235 eet 22.05.2015 regarding the “Guidlines fr Pbk set at Hyeko Power Pet Al the Power Deveanes ae acted to Kn foo the eines prescribed in snd those tng tf corto, operon and msintensce of Ho Foner les cay ofthe ame attached for your readers SIKKIM GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Sen Tiontay Pena une, 2018 CS GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIN HOME DEPARTMENT GANGTOK No:26/Home/2015 ated: 22/06/2015 NOTIFICATION ‘whereas, the State Government has doomed it exnediant ta mike the follwing uldetines to tectitate genoral puble awareness for safeguarding tne public sally and propery from potential Samapes, hazards and threats arising out cf consrution and maintenance of hysro projects ‘And whereas, the purpose of guidelines is to describe the types of hazards that can exist at hydro power tates and fw slety devices and chore measure hat are advisable tobe employed To enhance the protection ef the publi that uilze projects lanos and water. [Now therefore, the State Government, ith a view to achiave the above objectives, hereby pleased 1 proserbe the GUIDELINES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY AT HYDROPOWER PROJECTS 2s per Annexure ‘By Ordor and inthe name ofthe Governor. (R.Ongmu) 1S, CHIEF SECRETARY F.No. Home/Confdl 12/2015 ANNEXURE, GUIDELINES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY at HYDROPOWER PROJECTS 4. INTRODUCTION ‘The sataty of publo ie and properties are the prime responsibilty of the Government. The implementation ofthe lawbeing ine mandate othe Stato and Disset Adminisvation, these guidelines should be viewed in conjunction with any notiicatons issued by he Administration from time to time, whenever fek necessary in the interest ofthe salty of life and property. The Developer is fully responsible for safeguarding he puatcand property rom any pots damayes, hazards and vests ‘arising ut of eansttucion, operation and maintanance ol the Hyco power Projecs Consitions may exist a or near hysropowerfacitias that could be dangerous or conducive to ‘acedons that could causa injury or loss ol Me and properties, The potential for drowning, accidental ‘doatns and injuries near Project actos anc on other Project lands and waters has been of concern fora considerable ime. The Government is primafly cencered wth te hazards crested by Project struetures and operations ‘The purpose of his document i te describe the lypes of hazards that can exist at hycropower ‘acltes andthe safety deviees or other measures that are ased to be empioyed o enhance the protection ofthe publc that uliza Project lands ano waters. Project Developers ae solely responsible for providing any appropriate safely devioes ard other safety maasures at tele Projets, even i not specifically required bythe District Adminstration. However, tne Distt Administration n cooperation withthe implementing department and the Project Developers, are expected to assess the overall need for safety devieas or other salty measures a all Projectsin order to develop tne most effective solution to identily salty problems. Project Developers are expected to expeditiously install and properly mairtain any safely measures they determine are needed or are required, This cocument provides general quidelnes and criteria on safely devices because each Project is unique and will hecassarly require judgements and solutions that should 26 made in tne field, The District ‘Adiministraton shoul ave intructions requiring Developers o” hydra Projacts under its jrisdicion to operate and propery maintain such Projacs forthe protection of ie, health, and propery. To the satisfaction o, and within atime specified by he District Administration, the Developer ‘must instal, operate, and msinain al signs, igh, sirens, brats, or oer safety devices that may reasonably te necessary or desirable fo warn te public of fuctiations in outow ftom the Project or otherwise to protect the public in the use of the Project lands and waters. 2. HAZARDOUS FEATURES AT PROJECTS |. RESERVOIR AREAS Hi, SPILLWaYS Ii, POWERHOUSE INTAKES: IV, POWERHOUSE TAILRACE AREAS V._ SPILLWAY TAILRAGES AND TAILWATER AREAS. Vi. CANALS Vii, INTAKE AREAS vill BOAT RAMPS IX, SURGE SHAFT AREAS X. VICINITY OF SUBSTATIONS AND TRANSMISSION POWERLINES xi, BRIDGES: XIl, PROJECT STRUCTURES Xil, NATURAL AND OTHER HAZARDS. XIV. RECREATION AREAS XV. WINTER CONDITIONS XVI, HIGHLY POPULATED AREAS 3, OPERATIONS AND OTHER FACTORS AFFECTING PUBLIC SAFETY Many hazardous aspects of Projects are not present at all times and they may not be ready cbserved during a bie inspection ofthe Project. Therefore itis important to consider the full range {splay and plant operations hat could cause hazardous conltions. Peking operations are more hazardous than rur-obvivar operations, since ial watersare noma calm and low flows occur between periods of generation. When generation bagins especialy during peaking te tall waters rise reply f’nd become sivft and hazardous in a very shor time t's pariculary important to determine tet a Project desorbed as run-o-rver is actually operated coninuousy and tat it does not have Frequent ‘goneration/peaking eyes, Some plants witn small reservoirs that are located dowstream of larger peaking plants cannot store water and are consecod "ur-ofsvar plans. Taracs areas are particulary ‘angeraus when spillway gatos are opened quickly an without warning, discharging lows into dry oF calm areas below soilvays. ‘Low head and small diversion dams can be especially hazardous due tothe iifrence with vwbich the public viaws thar, Very dangerous reverse of "keeper" flows are often created on the ‘Sownstream side of small overiow dams, and even those with a litte as two feet ofhead can be very angerous. Therefore, most dams should have sore sor s'aly protection regartiss ofthe size bf re dam and reservoir tis possible tat, at times, several factors could simultaneously occur at a Project, making otherwise sale areas dangerous. Therefore, is necessary that consideration be ‘vento these and other factors when analyzing the hazardous aspects and determining the safety needs of a Project. 4, SAFETY DEVICES AND MEASURES ‘As a general rue, al Projecs wil require some ype of safely devices, warning systems oF ther measures. The amount of protection nevessary increases as public exposure to the hazarcs Safety devices and measures can be dvded int five basic catogorie: (1) Educating and informing the public (2) Visual and audible warnings of hazardous areas (0) Physica straining devices (4) Escape devices (6) Procedures for safer Project operations. 2 o EDUCATION AND INFORMATION - Developers are usually well aware ofthe hazercs that can enist near nyeropower Projects. Thereoc, the Devetover has a responsibility to take the Inative fo educate and inform the pubic othe spectic hazards near is hydro Projects and of he (general rues tat should be folwed to be safety conscious. Were appropriate information coud Be slsseminated in recreational brochures, company literature, video tapes, television or radio [rrouncements and in newepaper articles and advertsements. The Developer should make every flor to meet wit fw public at schools, cvic organizations ec, communicate withthe public trough {he moda, and distribute Iterature on water safety practices in he viiiy of the Hysio Project areas. ® WARNING DEVICES - Waming davies include such ltoms as danger and waring ions, canoefating potage signs, aucible warnng devices, ighs and blumination, peacdns and strobe lghis, buoys, and verbal warnings. These devicas aro coqured ‘where nacessary to wam of hazardous spilways, powerhouse intake areas, tailraces, ‘and other hazarGous areas and condone. (Danger and Warning Signs - Each dam should have adequate danger and warning signs. Property located and spaced signs can be an tfecive method Df preventing persone from entering haza'dous areas, is important 1 ocete ‘Sons so thal persons entering an area ton any cirecton can see one or more of he signs. Were fis not feasibe fo Intal boat restaning bars due to ‘he length of tha dam or spllway, or othr constrains, a system of warring buoys and signs should be Installed atleast 300 fest rom the structures or at 2 greater distance, depending on wore the hazardous current begin. I the Project reserveris smal, asa practical matrtrmay be necessary to pace the buoys and signs closer tothe dam, The se ofleterng and ins signs themselves should be of sufficient size that persons (even those with less than perfect fyesighi) would not have to enter the danger zone to read the signs. AS & (general ule, when a person's 300 feet from any dam, signs warring ofa dem ‘Should be legible anc easty lied, Proper worcing of signs is impocant ang ‘caniniproveelfoiiveness Sighs should wey amessage tha clearly advises {he reader ofthe real danger, In dation to “No Trespassing” or ‘Keep Out” Signs l wOUld be informative fo have signs that state: "Danger - Dam Ares Danger of Drowning’, or “Say Alive by Staying Out’. Signs shoul be kept in jgood condition and fading signe ehould 69 repainted. Plants, grasses, anc foes that obstruct shorelina wamning slgns shauld be removed. Contasting Colors Should be used orsign etasng ana backoround. Aregular sign inspection programme should be developed anc documentat to ensure that al signs are mnaintained in good candtion. iis parlcaarly important to inspect signs ater Severe weather a: lood condtons. (i) Power and Communication Lines - Power end communication ines require ‘Special signing 10 warn recreationiss of clearance heights. Minimum Fecommended vertical clesrances for cower and communicaton lines over eservois are found in the standard codes and requations. (ii) Audible Devices - Ausibie devices, such as sens, noms, or buzzers, are generally used to wam of sudden changes In the rate of flow, usually in tail ‘wate areas of slays 0” owernouses I also important to provide warings ‘Of sudden cnanges in operation, such as 2 gate opening to pass flows that hve been cutot cue io plant shutdewn. At Projects where dificu terrain 3 o prevents a quick ext from the var, advance warring of $0 to 45 minutes may Benecessary. Signs acvisng ofthe mearing of tne audible devices shoul be posted along all access points nea’ hazarious lal water and other areas. At feast one adequately big sien shouldbe installed at every 1-2 km along the tnt river bed within the Project area and the area downstream that comes vain the Project. All hese sirens shoud be opereted through GSM with {Sdequate power backun 89 that they couldbe blown from one central location ‘al! and aso in case of power failure. (iv) Lights - Lights should be used to ituminate signs, the dam fel, and otter hazardous areas. is Cesirable fat at east some ofthe warning signs around ams be luminated a right. Lighting should be considered at dams, tairace reas, substation, Specially designed signs, safety devices, inclvcing ighting nay often be necessary 90 that safely devices are effective under adverse ‘weather condtions. (¥) Beacons - Beacons and sabe lights car be utilized near spay gates and overiow sollvays and, paropriate, they should be activated to provide visual ‘waming when water is being cischarged. Flashing strobe lights can also ‘ectvaly complement audible waming davies. (v}) Buoys -indvdvaly anchored buoys basicaly serve as floating sigs. In general ‘buoys shouldbe installed in accordance with accepted rules and regulations in the State where the Project is located. Buoys may not be appropriate in ion Use areas in many cases or In areas where the pristine nature of the area Should be preserved, However, buoys shcud not be substituted fr restraining barrens where a positive retraning barr is feasible (ull) Verbal Announcements - Recorded or cirect varbl warnings canbe used at many salar Projects to warn the public ntairace areas that gates are going tobe opened ine Project alvaye manned However, this can ony be effective it dam tendars and ofr personne! working near dams are adequately tained to advise the public of 8 Prosets hazardous areas. RESTRAINING DEVICES - Rstaining devices include restraining bars, fences. fuarcals, natural Barer, wash racks, debris deflector booms, and other simiar devices (Boat Barriers - Goat resvaining barriorsas well as warming devices shouts be provided at those Projects where rals, boats and canoes are exposed 10 hazardaus sptways,taliace areas or ink areas, (i) Fencos- Fences and guardrails are requred at most Projects to prevent public, nase to hazardous areas such as dams, powerhouses, substations, niake reas wing walls, highly populated areas, tc. Fences together with signs and Tocked gates are probably the most elective meens of pronining lane based ‘aceass to hazardous Project features. (il) Trash racks - Trash racks are located upstream of most powerhouse intake _Eruelutes and occasionally i other areas, They are primarily installed for the 4 Oy © purpose of catching debi, Is not desirable forthe public to have access to frasnrack areas because they are dangerous, particularly where there i high Velocity flow. Trashracks do prevent Hose wiio have fallen in te water Irom being drawn into turbines, penstocks,sighons, or other enclosed water passages. Assuch, they serve asiast chancaeafety devices. However, adequate Safety devices and waming signs should bathe fst tne of protection because the probability of survival! someone is ca,ght by a trash rack is dovbtil. (iv) Guards - Uniformed guards and wetchmen should be employed and deployed in some heaviy used publec areas to enforce regulations and warning signs ang minimize trespassing and vanealism, ESCAPE DEVICES - Escape devices incude such items as lie preservers, safety rapes, escape nets, escape ladders and suspended cables. These items provide @ means of escape fr persons wo are otherwise unable io get outofhazarcous water. () Life Preservers- itis desiable that fe rings and safety ropes be provided heer dam, powerhouses, and canal, ec, where itis aly that someone ‘would be avalablo to use them to a a victim, These devices should be in readily accessible hoations and wel denied. (i) Escape Ladders - When Project wate's ow through open but confined Channels, such as lined canals and Coneete lined inlake end ialvace areas, sell escape devices such as ladders may be considered, (i) Safety Nets - When canals terminate at hazardous sttuctures such as siphon inlts, powerhouse and pensiock ints, orsplways, etc. safety cables, booms, Or salety nets are oten necessary fora veim to grab when caught midsteam. (iv) atuCanoelKayak Portages - Designated canoelkayak portages serve not only 23 recreational faites, but also as safety facies, Where necessary thete shouldbe landing and portage areas around dame or other structures. If ‘adequately signes portages are not lecated in safe areas, boaters can Uunknowingly enor hazarcous areas and dangerous siuations. Portage signs: Tavge enough to crec them o safe ako-out sites are necessary a all Projects ‘hat nave even cocasional rafting, eanoaing or Kayaking use. As a general rule, ‘canoerkayak portages should not be within 300 feet of any dem, spillway, oF Powerhouse, PROJECT OPERATING PROCEDURES - In certain situations, changing Project ‘operating pracedures can improve saety conditions ata Projct. For instance, ating or imposing ramaing rates for generating uns can prevent sudéen increases in tail ‘wate feels. Modlying gate opening pracedures may reduce or eliminate sucden surges, in lows ormay be Used to diect lows to las hazartous areas. Each owner shove be encouraged 0 review operating procedures 2s thy affect public saely and to propose lany necassary Improverens, consistent wih good public safely pracices and the primary purposes ofthe Project, BASIC PUBLIC SAFETY MEASURES - Each Pioect snould be reviewed for pubic Eafely needs on a case specific bass tis extrermaly important to assess the number ‘and type of public safety measures al any Project oased onthe public use patterns at {Project Projects that co not have signticent and documented reoreational use may, {or instance, require only nominal publc safety measures such as proper signages. “The flowing ise paral ltin of puble atety measures that shoud be considered vinen undertaking case-by-case raviow of publ safety at a Project (1) Boat restraining barriers upstream of overlow, gated, flashboard (or rubber dam) apd needle beam spilways, powertouse and canal iniake areas, and Upstream of natural channels thal extend 0 Project structures, 2) Watoing signs in alrace areas. (8) Cleary visible and lagible warning signs zt an appropriate cstance upstream of and facing the raservorr of each dem and ill the hazardous stretch Sownstream. (@) Fences a substations and restricted access to hazardous areas around dams and other Project structures, Fencing or barricading should aso be provicedin heavily populated areas and hazardous srelches, (6) Audible warning davies, together with sins to explain heir meaning. Sirons ‘Should have a backup power in casa of regular power falure and should be Sounded wel in advance ard neard at regular intervals such tht it's clearly ‘uctble al slong the hazardous stretcn downstream (6) Restricted public access to powerhouses, intakes, and other operating structures (7) Necessary signs facing the reservoir on each dam with a hazardous splay, with ighting for night time vs, (@ Signs posted at surge chambers lo war of sudden discharges. (©) Waming signs posted o warn boaters thal may have o pass underlow bidoes. (10) Beacons at those Projacts wih heavy bostingiating actly when spillway {gales are open or bong opened. (11) Trashracks in the intake areas of powerhouses, (12) Where safe instalation can take place, escape devices installed at about 250, feet intervals In steep-sided or conerete ined canals (13) Signs that wamn of thn ea pasted where Project operations cause hazardous thin ioe condone. (14) Powerline clearances in accordance win appropiate cos. (15) Buoysto markspecial hazards forboatorsin Projects reservoirs suchas shallow areas, stumps, eck, eutroppings, etc. (16) Spilways, intake areas, and talrace areas should be suficiertlyitat night {fa. permet lighting) @ be recognizable tom the shoraline and ne reserva, appropriate, Because the operaton of Prcjects may change and because the [Dubls use af many Projets continues to inarease, the publi safely aspects of [Bach Project snouldbe perioccaly evaluated by the Developer. Ary changes Should be brought o he attention ofthe Dstrict Administration. (17) The high flood water level downstream should be clesrly marked and should be visible fo the public within the viii ofthe rer. (18) Emergency control room should be set up at each Project site and the emergency phone numbere should be properly advertised ail along the hazardous length (19) Trained search and rescue and madicl team shoul be avaiable inthe Project (@0) The Developer should submit to the District Administration and the Nodal Department ine detalls of he Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Emergeney action plan Iundation maps, eniifed sensiveldangerous zones, ‘aming and evacvation plans, Incident esponce, Eay warning systom. They have i olow all standard safety reguations as pa the relevant indian Stancarcs Code, regulations and lw (21) _Allother safety measures as felt necessary by he District Administration in the interest of public Me and salty of public propersas. (22) incase of damages totheliteand poparts of pubic caused ue carelessness segigence or insufficient precautions ot vltion of species guidelines by he Project during the constnucton, opereior and maintenance of the Projact he Project Developer shall ba lable Tor payment of compensation and criminal Faby, a “Baha. 256 / Comp 7/ Gazal 90 Nos! Dt= 72.08.2015 7

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