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19 Annual KSF Meeting 2011

18th- 23rd October 2011
Bled, Slovenia

KSF 2011 selected problems PreEcolier

3 points
# 1. How many animals are in the picture?

(A) 3

(B) 4

(C) 5

(D) 6

(E) 7



(D) 14

(E) 20

# 2. Which piece fits in the empty place?




# 3. How many legs do they have altogether?

(A) 5

(B) 10

(C) 12

# 4. Helena has written down a word KANGAROO two times. How many times did she write the
letter A?
(A) 1

(B) 2

(D) 4

(C) 3

(E) 6

KSF 2011 selected problems PreEcolier

# 5. Luke repeats the same four stickers on a strip.

Which is the tenth sticker put by Luke?






# 6. On Friday Dan starts to paint the word BANANA. Each day he paints one letter. On what
day will he paint the last letter?
(A) Monday

(B) Tuesday

(C) Wednesday

(D) Thursday

(E) Friday

(D) D

(E) E

# 7. Which of the following lines is the longest?

(A) A

(B) B

(C) C

# 8. Michael is standing at the lake. Which of the pictures does he see in the lake?






4 points
# 9. 13 kids are playing hide and seek. One of them is seeking. After a while 9 kids are found. How
many kids are still hiding?
(A) 3

(B) 4

(C) 5

(D) 9

(E) 22

KSF 2011 selected problems PreEcolier

# 10. Father hangs the laundry outside on a clothesline. He wants to use as less pins as possible.
For 3 towels he needs 4 pins. How many pins does he need for 9 towels?

(A) 9

(B) 10

(C) 12

(D) 16

(E) 18

# 11. Today Betty added her age and her sisters age and obtained 10 as the sum. What will the
sum of their ages be after one year?
(A) 5

(B) 10

(C) 11

(D) 12

(E) 20

# 12. The clock shows the time when Stephen leaves his school. School lunch starts 3 hours before
school ends. At what time does lunch start?

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 5

(D) 11

(E) 12

# 13. A dragon has 3 heads. Every time a hero cuts off 1 head, 3 new heads emerge. The hero cuts
1 head off and then he cuts 1 off head again. How many heads does the dragon have now?
(A) 4

(B) 5

(C) 6

(D) 7

(E) 8

# 14. Stars, clovers, gifts and trees repeated regularly on a game board. Some juice was spilt on it.
As a result some pictures cant be seen. How many stars were on the board before the juice was spilt?

(A) 3

(B) 6

(C) 8

(D) 9

(E) 20

KSF 2011 selected problems PreEcolier

# 15. Eve brings 12 candies, Alice 9 candies and Irene doesnt bring any candy. They put all the
candies together on a table and divide them equally for themselves. How many candies does each of
the girls get?
(A) 3

(B) 7

(C) 8

(D) 9

(E) 12

# 16. Tim is looking at seven silk paintings on a wall. At the left he sees the dragon and on the
right the butterfly.

Which animal is on the left of the tiger and the lion, and on the right of the apricot?






5 points
# 17. Winnie the Poe bought 4 apple pies and Eeyore bought 6 cheese cakes. They paid the same
and together they paid 24 euros. How many euros does 1 cheese cake cost?
(A) 2

(B) 4

(C) 6

(D) 10

(E) 12

# 18. Sparrow Jack jumps on a fence from one picket to another. Each jump takes him 1 second.
He makes 4 jumps ahead, then 1 jump back and again 4 jumps ahead and 1 back etc. In how many
seconds does Jack get from START to FINISH?

(A) 10

(B) 11

(C) 12

(D) 13

(E) 14

# 19. Grandmother made 11 cookies. She decorated 5 cookies with raisins and then 7 cookies with
nuts. At least how many cookies were decorated with both raisins and nuts?
(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 5

(D) 7

(E) 12

KSF 2011 selected problems PreEcolier

# 20. At a schools party Dan, Jack and Ben each received a bag with 10 candies. Each of the boys
ate just 1 candy and gave 1 candy to the teacher. How many candies did they have left altogether?

(A) 8

(B) 10

(C) 24

(D) 27

(E) 30

(D) 4

(E) 5

# 21. What number is covered by the flower?

(A) 1

(B) 2

# 22. Ann has a lot of these tiles:

glueing together two of these tiles?

(A) 0

(B) 1

(C) 3

. How many of the following shapes can Ann make by

(C) 2

(D) 3

(E) 4

# 23. In a box there are three boxes, each one of which contains three smaller boxes. How many
boxes are there in total?
(A) 9

(B) 10

(D) 13

(C) 12

(E) 15

# 24. There are coins on the board. We want to have 2 coins in each coloumn and in each row. How
many coins need to be removed?

(A) 0

(B) 1

(C) 2

(D) 3

(E) 4

KSF 2011 selected problems Ecolier

3 points
# 1. Basil writes the word MATHEMATICS on a sheet of paper. He wants the different letters to be
coloured differently, and the same letters to be coloured identically. How many colours will he need?
(A) 7

(B) 8

(C) 9

(D) 10

(E) 13

# 2. In four of the five pictures the white area is equal to the gray area. In which picture the white
area and the grey area are different?






# 3. Father hangs the laundry outside on a clothesline. He wants to use as less pins as possible.
With 3 towels he needs to use 4 pins. How many pins does he need to hang 9 towels?

(A) 8

(B) 10

(C) 12

(D) 14

(E) 16

# 4. Iljo is coloring the squares A2, B1, B2, B3, B4, C3, D3 and D4.

Which coloring does he get?






# 5. 13 kids were playing hide and seek. One of them was seeking. After a while 9 kids were found.
How many kids were still hiding?
(A) 3

(B) 4

(C) 5

(D) 9

(E) 22

# 6. Mike and Jake were playing darts. Each one threw three darts (see the picture). Who won and
how many more points did he score?

KSF 2011 selected problems Ecolier

(A) Mike, he scored 3 points more.

(B) Jake, he scored 4 points more.

(C) Mike, he scored 2 points more.

(D) Jake, he scored 2 points more.

(E) Mike, he scored 4 points more.

# 7. A regular pattern on a wall was created with 2 kinds of tiles: grey and with stripes (see the
picture). Some tiles have fallen off the wall. How many grey tiles did fall off?

(A) 9

(B) 8

(C) 7

(D) 6

(E) 5

# 8. The year 2012 is a leap year, that means there are 29 days in February. Today, on the 15th
March 2012, the ducklings of my grandfather are 20 days old. When did they hatch from their eggs?
(A) on 19th of February

(B) on 21th of February

(D) on 24th of February

(E) on 26th of February

(C) on 23rd of February

4 points

# 9. You have L-shaped tiles, each consisting of 4 squares as shown.

following shapes can one get glueing together two of these tiles?

(A) 0

(B) 1

(C) 2

(D) 3

How many of the

(E) 4

KSF 2011 selected problems Ecolier

# 10. Three balloons cost 12 cents more than one balloon. How much does one balloon cost?
(A) 4

(B) 6

(C) 8

(D) 10

(E) 12

# 11. Grandmother made 20 gingerbread biscuits for her grandchildren. She decorated them with
raisins and nuts. First she decorated 15 cakes with raisins and then 15 cakes with nuts. At least how
many cakes were decorated both with raisins and nuts?
(A) 4

(B) 5

(C) 6

(D) 8

(E) 10

# 12. In a sudoku the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 can occur only once in each column and in each row. In the
mathematical sudoku below Patrick must first write the results and then he completes the sudoku.
Which number will Patrick put in the grey cell?

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

(E) 1 or 2

# 13. Among Nikolays classmates there are twice more girls than boys. Which of the following
numbers can be equal to the number of all children which study in this class?
(A) 30

(B) 20

(C) 24

(D) 25

(E) 29

# 14. In the animals school 3 kittens, 4 ducklings, 2 goslings and several lambs are taking lessons.
The teacher owl found out that all of her pupils have 44 legs altogether. How many lambs are among
(A) 6

(B) 5

(C) 4

(D) 3

(E) 2

# 15. A parallelepiped is made of three pieces (see the drawing). Each of the pieces consists of 4
cubes and is of one colour. How does the white piece look like?




KSF 2011 selected problems Ecolier



# 16. At a Christmas party there was one candlestick on every of the 15 tables. There were 6
five-branched candlesticks, the rest of them were three-branched ones. How many candles had to be
bought for all the candlesticks?
(A) 45

(B) 50

(C) 57

(D) 60

(E) 75

5 points
# 17. A flea wants to climb a staircase with many steps. She makes only two different jumps: 3
steps up or 4 steps down. Beginning at the ground level, at least how many jumps will she have to
make in order to take a rest on the 22th step?

(A) 7

(B) 9

(C) 10

(D) 12

(E) 15

# 18. Frank made a domino snake of seven tiles. He put the tiles next to each other so that the sides
with the same number of dots were touching. Originally the snake had 33 dots on its back. However,
his brother George took away two tiles from the snake (see the picture). How many dots were in the
place with the question mark?

(A) 2

(B) 3

(C) 4

(D) 5

(E) 6

# 19. Gregor forms two numbers with the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Both numbers have three digits,
each digit is used only once. He adds these two numbers. What is the greatest sum Gregor can get?
(A) 975

(B) 999

(C) 1083

(D) 1173

(E) 1221

# 20. Laura, Iggy, Val and Kate wanted to be in one photo together. Kate and Laura are best
friends and they wanted to stand next to each other. Iggy wanted to stand next to Laura because he

KSF 2011 selected problems Ecolier

likes her. In how many possible ways can they arrange for the photo?
(A) 3

(B) 4

(C) 5

(D) 6

(E) 7

# 21. A special clock has 3 hands of different length (for hours, for minutes, and for seconds). We
do not know what each of the hands shows but we know that the clock goes right. At 12:55:30 p.m.
the hands were in position depicted on the right. How will this clock look like at 8:11:00 p.m.?






# 22. Michael chose some number, multiplied it by itself, added 1, multiplied result by 10, added 3,
multiplied result by 4 and received 2012. What number did Michael choose?
(A) 11

(B) 9

(C) 8

(D) 7

(E) 5

# 23. A rectangular paper sheet is 192 84 mm. Cutting such a sheet along just one line you get a
square; then you do the same with the remaining part of the sheet and so on. What is the length of
the side of the smallest square one gets with this procedure?
(A) 1 mm

(B) 4 mm

(C) 6 mm

(D) 10 mm

(E) 12 mm

# 24. In a soccer game the winner gains 3 points, while the loser gains 0 points. If the game is a
draw, then the two teams gain 1 point each. A team has played 38 games gaining 80 points. Find the
greatest possible number of the losses of the team.
(A) 12

(B) 11

(C) 10

(D) 9

(E) 8

KSF 2011 selected problems Benjamin

3 points
# 1. Basil paints the slogan VIVAT KANGAROO on a wall. He wants the different letters to be
coloured differently, and the same letters to be coloured identically. How many colours will he need?
(A) 7

(B) 8

(C) 9

(D) 10

(E) 13

# 2. A blackboard is 6 m wide. The width of the middle part is 3 m. The two other parts have
equal width. How wide is the right part?

(A) 1 m

(B) 1,25 m

(C) 1,5 m

(D) 1,75 m

(E) 2 m

# 3. Sally can put 4 coins in a square built with 4 matches (see picture). At least how many matches
will she need in order to build a square containing 16 coins that should not overlap?

(A) 8

(B) 10

(C) 12

(D) 15

(E) 16

# 4. In a plane, the rows are numbered from 1 to 25, but there is no row number 13. Row number
15 has only 4 passenger seats, all the rest have 6 passenger seats. How many seats for passengers are
there in that plane?
(A) 120

(B) 138

(C) 142

(D) 144

(E) 150

# 5. When it is 4 oclock in the afternoon in London, it is 5 oclock in the afternoon in Madrid and
it is 8 oclock in the morning on the same day in San Francisco. Ann went to bed in San Francisco at
9 oclock yesterday evening. What was the time in Madrid at that moment?
(A) 6 oclock yesterday morning

(B) 6 oclock yesterday evening

(C) 12 oclock yesterday afternoon

(D) 12 oclock midnight

(E) 6 oclock this morning


KSF 2011 selected problems Benjamin

# 6. In the picture we draw a new pattern by connecting all the midpoints of any neighbouring

What pattern do we get?






# 7. To the number 6 we add 3. Then we multiply the result by 2 and then we add 1. Then the
final result will be the same as the result of the computation
(A) (6 + 3 2) + 1

(B) 6 + 3 2 + 1

(D) (6 + 3) 2 + 1

(E) 6 + 3 (2 + 1)

(C) (6 + 3) (2 + 1)

# 8. The upper coin is rotated without sliding around the fixed lower coin to a position shown on
the picture. Which is the resulting relative position of kangaroos?





(E) depends on the rotation speed

# 9. One balloon can lift a basket containing items of weight at most 80 kg. Two such balloons can
lift the same basket containing items of weight at most 180 kg. What is the weight of the basket?

KSF 2011 selected problems Benjamin

(A) 10 kg

(B) 20 kg

(C) 30 kg

(D) 40 kg

(E) 50 kg

# 10. Vivien and Mike got apples and pears from their grandmother. They had 25 pieces of fruit
in their basket altogether. On the way home Vivien ate one apple and three pears, Mike ate 3 apples
and 2 pears. At home they found out that they brought home the same number of pears as apples.
How many pears did they get from their grandmother?
(A) 12

(B) 13

(C) 16

(D) 20

(E) 21

4 points
# 11. Which three of the numbered puzzle pieces should you add to the picture to complete the

(A) 1, 3, 4

(B) 1, 3, 6

(C) 2, 3, 5

(D) 2, 3, 6

(E) 2, 5, 6

# 12. Lisa has 8 dice with the letters A, B, C and D, the same letter on all sides of each die. She
builds a block with them.

Two adjacent dice have always different letters. What letter is on the die that cannot be seen on the
(A) A

(B) B

(C) C

(D) D

(E) Impossible to say

# 13. There are five cities in Wonderland. Any two cities are connected by one road, either visible
or invisible. On the map of Wonderland, there are only seven visible roads. Alice has magical glasses:

KSF 2011 selected problems Benjamin

when she sees the map through these glasses she can only see the roads that are invisible otherwise.
How many invisible roads can she see?

(A) 9

(B) 8

(C) 7

(D) 3

(E) 2

# 14. The natural numbers are coloured red, blue or green: 1 is red, 2 is blue, 3 is green, 4 is red, 5
is blue, 6 is green, and so on. What colour can be the number of the sum of a red number and a blue
(A) impossible to say

(B) red or blue

(D) only red

(E) only blue

(C) only green

# 15. The perimeter of the figure below, built up of identical squares, is equal to 42 cm. What is
the area of the figure?

(A) 8 cm2

(B) 9 cm2

(C) 24 cm2

(D) 72 cm2

(E) 128 cm2

# 16. Look at the pictures. Both figures are formed from the same five pieces. The rectangle is
5 10 (in centimeters) and the other parts are quarters of two different circles. The difference between
their perimeters is

(A) 2.5 cm

(B) 5 cm

(C) 10 cm

(D) 20 cm

(E) 30 cm

# 17. Place the numbers from 1 to 7 in the circles, so that the sum of the numbers on each line is
the same. What is the number at the top of the triangle?

(A) 1

(B) 3

(C) 4

(D) 5

(E) 6

KSF 2011 selected problems Benjamin

# 18. A rubber ball falls from the roof of a house of height 10 meters. After each impact on the
ground it bounces back up to 45 of the previous height. How many times will the ball appear in front
of a window whose bottom edge has a height of 5 meters and whose top edge has a height of 6 meters?
(A) 3

(B) 4

(C) 5

(D) 6

(E) 8

# 19. There are 4 gearwheels next to each other. The first one has 30 gears, the second one 15, the
third one 60 and the last one 10. How many rounds does the last gearwheel roll, when the first one
rolls one round?

(A) 3

(B) 4

(C) 6

(D) 8

(E) 9

# 20. A regular octagon is folded in half exactly three times until a triangle is obtained.

Then the apex is cut off in a right angle as shown in the picture. If the paper is unfolded what
will it look like?






5 points
# 21. In Winnies vinegar-wine-water marinade there are vinegar and wine at a ratio of 1 to 2. Wine
and water are at a ratio of 3 to 1. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) There is more vinegar than wine.
(B) There is more wine than vinegar and water together.
(C) There is more vinegar than wine and water together.
(D) There is more water than vinegar and wine together.
(E) Vinegar is contained least.

KSF 2011 selected problems Benjamin

# 22. Kangaroos Hip and Hop play jumping by hopping over a stone, then landing across so that
the stone is in the middle of the segment traveled during each jump. Picture 1 shows how Hop jumped
three times hopping over stones marked 1, 2 and 3. Hip has the configuration of stones marked 1, 2
and 3 (to jump over in this order), but starts in a different place as shown on Picture 2. Which of the
points A, B, C, D or E is his landing point?

(A) A

(B) B

(C) C

(D) D

(E) E

# 23. There were 12 children in a birthday party. The children were aged 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 years.
Four of them were 6 years old. In the group the most common age is 8 years old. What was the
average age of the 12 children?
(A) 6

(B) 6.5

(D) 7.5

(C) 7

(E) 8

# 24. Rectangle ABCD was cut on 4 smaller rectangles in a way shown on the figure. The perimeters
of three of them are 11, 16 and 19. The perimeter of the fourth rectangle is neither the biggest nor
the smallest. Find the perimeter of the original rectangle ABCD.

(A) 28

(B) 30

(C) 32

(D) 38

(E) 40

# 25. We arrange the twelve numbers from 1 to 12 in a circle such that any neighbouring numbers
always differ by either 1 or 2. Which of the following numbers have to be neighbours?

(A) 5 and 6

(B) 10 and 9

(C) 6 and 7

(D) 8 and 10

(E) 4 and 3

KSF 2011 selected problems Benjamin

# 26. Peter wants to cut a rectangle of size 67 into squares with integer sides. What is the minimal
number of squares he can get?
(A) 4

(B) 5

(C) 7

(D) 9

(E) 42

# 27. Some cells of the square table of size 4 4 were colored red. The number of red cells in each
row was indicated at the end of it, and the number of red cells in each column was indicated at the
bottom of it. Then the red colour was eliminated. Which of the following tables can be the result?






# 28. A square-shaped piece of paper was folded twice as shown in the picture. Find the sum of the
areas of the shaded rectangles, knowing that the area of the original square is 64 cm2 .

(A) 10 cm2

(B) 14 cm2

(C) 15 cm2

(D) 16 cm2

(E) 24 cm2

# 29. The numbers of the three houses my friends and I live in are formed with the same digits: abc,
bc, c. Knowing that their sum equals 912, find the value of b.
(A) 3

(B) 4

(C) 5

(D) 6

(E) 0

# 30. I give Ann and Bill two consecutive positive integers (for instance Ann 7 and Bill 6). They
know their numbers are consecutive, they know their own number, but they do not know the number
I gave to the other one. Then I heard the following discussion: Ann said to Bill: I dont know your
number. Bill said to Ann: I dont know your number. Then Ann said to Bill: Now I know your
number!. What is Anns number?
(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

(E) 5

KSF 2011 selected problems Cadet

3 points
# 1. Four chocolate bars cost 6 EUR more than one chocolate bar. What is the cost of one chocolate
(A) 1 EUR

(B) 2 EUR

(C) 3 EUR

(D) 4 EUR

(E) 5 EUR

(C) 9.99

(D) 9.999

(E) 10

# 2. 11.11 1.111 =
(A) 9.009

(B) 9.0909

# 3. A watch is placed face up on a table in such a way that its minute hand points to the north-east.
How many minutes pass before this hand points to the north-west for the first time?
(A) 45

(B) 40

(C) 30

(D) 20

(E) 15

# 4. Mary has a pair of scissors and five cardboard letters. She cuts every letter only once (along a
straight line) so that it falls apart in as many pieces as possible. Which letter yields most pieces?






# 5. A dragon has 5 heads. Every time a head is chopped off, five new heads grow. If we chop off
six heads of the dragon one by one, how many heads will the dragon have?
(A) 25

(B) 28

(C) 29

(D) 30

(E) 35

# 6. In which of the following expressions can we replace each occurrence of the number 8 by the
same positive number (other than 8) and obtain the same result?
(A) (8 + 8) : 8 + 8

(B) 8 (8 + 8) : 8

(D) (8 + 8 8) 8

(E) (8 + 8 8) : 8

(C) 8 + 8 8 + 8

# 7. Each of 9 paths in the park is 100 m long. Ann wants to go from A to B without taking any
path more than once. What is the length of the longest way she can choose?

(A) 900 m

(B) 800 m

(C) 700 m

# 8. Here are two triangles.

(D) 600 m

(E) 400 m

KSF 2011 selected problems Cadet

In how many ways can you choose two vertices, one in each triangle, such that the straight line through
the vertices does not cross any of the triangles.
(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

(E) more than 4

# 9. Werner folds a sheet of paper as shown in the figure and makes two straight cuts with a pair of
scissors. He then opens up the paper again. Which of the following shapes cannot be the result?






# 10. A cuboid is made of three parts (see the drawing). Each of the parts consists of 4 cubes and
is of one colour. What does the white part look like?






4 points
# 11. Using each of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 exactly once, we form two 4-digit natural numbers
such that their sum is as small as possible. What is the value of this smallest possible sum?
(A) 2468

(B) 3333

(C) 3825

(D) 4734

(E) 6912

# 12. Mrs. Gardner grows peas and strawberries. This year she has changed the rectangular pea
bed to a square by lengthening one of its sides by 3 metres. Consequently, the area of the strawberry
bed became smaller by 15 m2 . What was the area of the pea bed previously?

KSF 2011 selected problems Cadet

(A) 5 m2

(B) 9 m2

(C) 10 m2

(D) 15 m2

(E) 18 m2

# 13. Barbara wants to complete the following diagram by inserting three numbers, one in each
empty cell. She wants the sum of the first three numbers to be 100, the sum of the three in the middle
to be 200 and the sum of the last three numbers to be 300. What number should Barbara insert in
the centre of the diagram?

(A) 50

(B) 60

(C) 70

(D) 75

(E) 100

# 14. The figure shows a starry pentagon. What is the value of angle A?

(A) 35

(B) 42

(C) 51

(D) 65

(E) 109

# 15. The numbers 2, 5, 7 and 12 are written on one side of four cards (one number on one card),
and on the other side - the words divisible by 7, prime, odd, greater than 100 (each - on one
card). It is known that the number written on each card DOES NOT CORRESPOND TO the word
on the underside. What number is written on the card with the phrase greater than 100?
(A) 2

(B) 5

(C) 7

(E) impossible to determine


(D) 12

KSF 2011 selected problems Cadet

# 16. Three equilateral triangles of the same size are cut from the corners of a big equilateral triangle
with sides of 6 cm.

The three small triangles together have the same perimeter as the remaining grey hexagon. What is
the length of the sides of the small triangles?
(A) 1 cm

(B) 1.2 cm

(C) 1.25 cm

(D) 1.5 cm

(E) 2 cm

# 17. Cheese is sliced into pieces. The mice were stealing it all day. The lazy cat Ginger noticed
that each mouse stole a different number of pieces less than 10 and that no mouse stole exactly twice
as many pieces as another mouse. At most how many mice could have been noticed by Ginger?
(A) 4

(B) 5

(C) 6

(D) 7

(E) 8

# 18. At the airport there is a horizontal autowalk with length of 500 metres, which moves with
a speed of 4 km/hour. Ann and Bill step together on the autowalk. Ann walkes with a speed of 6
km/hour on the autowalk; Bill is standing still. How far is Ann ahead of Bill when she leaves the
(A) 100 m

(B) 160 m

(C) 200 m

(D) 250 m

(E) 300 m

# 19. The original side of the magical talking square was 8 cm. If he tells the truth, his side becomes
2 cm shorter. If he lies, his perimeter doubles. From the last four sentences, two were true and two
were false, but we dont know in which order. What is the maximum possible perimeter of the square
after the four sentences?
(A) 28

(B) 80

(C) 88

(D) 112

(E) 120

# 20. A cube is rolling on the plane, turning around its edges. Its bottom face passes through the
positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 (in that order). Which two of these positions were occupied by the
same face of the cube?

(A) 1 and 7

(B) 1 and 6

(C) 1 and 5

(D) 2 and 7

(E) 2 and 6

5 points
# 21. Rick has 5 cubes. When he arranges them from the smallest to the biggest, two neighbouring
cubes always differ in height by 2 cm. The biggest cube is as high as a tower built of the two smallest

KSF 2011 selected problems Cadet

cubes. How high is the tower built of all the 5 cubes?
(A) 6 cm

(B) 14 cm

(C) 22 cm

(D) 44 cm

(E) 50 cm

# 22. Find the ratio of the area of the grey region (triangle M N C) to the area of the square ABCD
if M is the midpoint of AD and M N is perpendicular to AC.

(A) 1:6

(B) 1:5

(C) 7:36

(D) 3:16

(E) 7:40

# 23. The tango is danced in pairs, one man and one woman. At a dance evening no more than 50
people are present. At one moment 3/4 of the men are dancing with 4/5 of the women. How many
people were dancing at that given moment?
(A) 20

(B) 24

(C) 30

(D) 32

(E) 46

# 24. David wants to arrange the twelve numbers from 1 to 12 in a circle such that any neighbouring
numbers always differ by either 2 or 3. Which of the following numbers have to be neighbours?
(A) 5 and 8

(B) 3 and 5

(C) 7 and 9

(D) 6 and 8

(E) 4 and 6

# 25. There are some three-digit numbers with the following property: if you remove the first digit,
you get a perfect square, and if you remove the last digit, you also get a perfect square. What is the
sum of all the numbers with this curious property?
(A) 1013

(B) 1177

(C) 1465

(D) 1993

(E) 2016

# 26. In a book there are 30 stories. The lengths of the stories are different: 1, 2, 3, ..., 30 pages.
Each story starts on a new page. The first story starts on the first page. At most how many of them
start on an odd page number?
(A) 15

(B) 18

(C) 20

(D) 21

(E) 23

# 27. An equilateral triangle is rotated about its center: first by 3 , then by 9 , then by 27 , and so
on (at the n-th step we rotate it by (3n ) ). How many different positions will the triangle occupy in
the course of such rotations (including the initial position)?
(A) 3

(B) 4

(C) 5

(D) 6

(E) 360

# 28. A rope is folded in half, then in half again, and then in half again. Finally the folded rope
is cut through, forming several strands. Two of the strands are 9 m and 4 m long. Which of the

KSF 2011 selected problems Cadet

following cannot be the length of the whole rope?
(A) 52

(B) 68

(C) 72

(D) 88

(E) all answers are possible

# 29. A big triangle is divided by three segments into four triangles and three quadrilaterals. The
sum of the perimeters of the quadrilaterals is equal to 25 cm. The sum of the perimeters of the four
triangles is equal to 20 cm. The perimeter of the big triangle is equal to 19 cm. What is the sum of
the lengths of the segments?

(A) 11

(B) 12

(C) 13

(D) 15

(E) 16

# 30. In a 3 3 square positive numbers are placed so that: the products of the numbers in each
of the rows and each of the columns are the same and are equal to 1; and in any 2 2 square the
product of the numbers is equal to 2. What is the number in the central cell?
(A) 16

(B) 8

(C) 4





KSF 2011 selected problems Junior

3 points
# 1. M and N are the midpoints of the equal sides of an isoceles triangle.

The area of the missing quadrilateral piece is:

(A) 3

(B) 4

(C) 5

(D) 6

(E) 7

(C) 9.99

(D) 9.999

(E) 10

# 2. 11.11 1.111 =
(A) 9.009

(B) 9.0909

# 3. A cuboid is made of three pieces (see the drawing). Each of the pieces consists of 4 cubes and
is of one colour. What does the white piece look like?






# 4. When Alice wants to send a message to Bob, she uses the following system, known to Bob.
A = 01, B = 02, C = 03, . . ., Z = 26. After transferring each letter to a number, she calculates 2
number +9. The message is now transferred in a number sequence that Alice sends to Bob. This
morning Bob has received 25 19 45 38 and enciphers this sequence. What is the original message
Bob must find?




(E) Alice has made a mistake.

# 5. The square ABCE has side length 4 cm and the same area as the triangle ECD. What is the
distance from the point D to the line g?

KSF 2011 selected problems Junior

(B) (4 + 2 3) cm

(A) 8 cm

(D) 10 2 cm

(C) 12 cm

(E) Depends on the location of D

# 6. If we sum up the digits of a seven-digit number, then we get 6. What is the product of these
(A) 0

(B) 6

(D) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(E) 5

(C) 7

# 7. ABC is a right-angled triangle whose legs are 6 cm and 8 cm long and the points K, L, M are
the centres of its sides. How long is the perimeter of the triangle KLM ?
(A) 10

(B) 12

(C) 15

(D) 20

(E) 24

# 8. In four of the following expressions we can replace each number 8 by another chosen positive
number (using always the same number for every replacement) and obtain the same result. Which
expression does not have this property?
(A) (8 + 8 8) : 8

(B) 8 + (8 : 8) 8

(D) 8 (8 : 8) + 8

(E) 8 (8 : 8) : 8

(C) 8 : (8 + 8 + 8)

# 9. Two sides of a quadrilateral are equal to 1 and 4. One of the diagonals, which is 2 in length,
divides it into two isosceles triangles. Then the perimeter of the quadrilateral is equal to:
(A) 8

(B) 9

(C) 10

(D) 11

(E) 12

# 10. The numbers 144 and 220 when divided by the positive integer number x both give a remainder
of 11. Find x.
(A) 7

(B) 11

(C) 15

(D) 19

(E) 38

KSF 2011 selected problems Junior

4 points
# 11. If Adam stands on the table and Mike stands on the floor, Adam is 80 cm taller than Mike. If
Mike stands on the same table and Adam is on the floor, Mike is one meter taller than Adam. How
high is the table?
(A) 20 cm

(B) 80 cm

(C) 90cm

(D) 100 cm

(E) 120 cm

# 12. Denis and Mary were tossing a coin: if the coin showed heads the winner was Mary and Denis
had to give her 2 candies. If the coin showed tails the winner was Denis and Mary had to give him
three candies. After 30 games each of them had as many candies as before the game. How many times
did Denis win?
(A) 6

(B) 12

(C) 18

(D) 24

(E) 30

# 13. In a rectangle of length 6 cm an equilateral triangle of touching circles is drawn. What is

the shortest distance between the two grey circles?

(A) 1


(C) 2 3 2


(E) 2

# 14. In Billys room there are clocks on each of the walls, all of them are either slow or fast. The
first clock is wrong by 2 minutes, the second clock by 3 minutes, the third by 4 minutes and the fourth
by 5 minutes. Once Billy wanted to know the exact time by his clocks and he saw the following: 6
minutes to 3, 3 minutes to 3, 2 minutes past 3 and 3 minutes past 3. The exact time is:
(A) 3:00

(B) 2:57

(C) 2:58

(D) 2:59

(E) 3:01

# 15. In the picture you can see a right triangle with sides 5, 12 and 13. What is the radius of the
inscribed semicircle?

(A) 7/3

(B) 10/3

(C) 12/3

(D) 13/3

(E) 17/3

KSF 2011 selected problems Junior

# 16. A four-digit number has a 3 in the hundred place, and the sum of the other three digits is also
3. How many such numbers are there?
(A) 2

(B) 3

(C) 4

(D) 5

(E) 6

# 17. Twelve numbers chosen from 1 to 9 must be written in the squares in such a way that the sum
of every row is the same and the sum of each column is the same. Some of the numbers are already
written. What number must be written in the shaded square?

(A) 1

(B) 4

(C) 6

(D) 8

(E) 9

# 18. Three sportsmen Kan, Ga and Roo took part in the Marathon race. Before the beginning of
the race four spectators from the audience had discussed the sportsmens chances for the victory. The
first: Either Kan or Ga will win. The second: If Ga is the second, Roo will win. The third: If
Ga is the third, Kan will not win. The fourth: Either Ga or Roo will be the second. After the
race it turned out that all the four statements were true. In what order did the sportsmen finish?
(A) Kan, Ga, Roo

(B) Kan, Roo, Ga

(D) Ga, Roo, Kan

(E) Ga, Kan, Roo

(C) Roo, Ga, Kan

# 19. The figure is formed with two squares with sides 4 and 5 cm, a triangle with 8 cm2 of area
and a shaded parallelogram. What is, in cm2 , the area of the parallelogram?

(A) 15

(B) 16

(C) 18

(D) 20

(E) 21

# 20. Ann has written 2012 = mm (mk k) for some positive integer values of m and k. What is
the value of k?
(A) 2

(B) 3

(C) 4

(D) 9

(E) 11

5 points
# 21. A jeweler has 12 pieces of chains of two links. He wants to make one big chain of them. To
do so he has to open some links (and close them afterwards). What is the smallest number of links
he has to open?

KSF 2011 selected problems Junior

(A) 8

(B) 9

(C) 10

(D) 11

(E) 12

# 22. A rectangular piece of paper ABCD 4 cm 16 cm is folded along the line M N such that
vertex C coincides with vertex A, as shown in the picture. What is the area of pentagon ABN M D0 ?

(A) 17

(B) 27

(C) 37

(D) 47

(E) 57

# 23. Train G passes a milestone in 8 seconds. It meets train H. They pass each other in 9 seconds.
Then train H pass the milestone in 12 seconds. What can you say about the length of the trains?
(A) G is twice as long as H.

(B) They are of equal length

(D) H is twice as long

(E) It is impossible to say

(C) H is 50 % longer

# 24. The last non-zero digit of the number K = 259 34 553 is

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 4

(D) 6

(E) 9

# 25. Peter creates a Kangaroo computer game. The picture represents the map of the game. At the
start, the Kangaroo is at the School (S). According to the rules of the game, from any place, except
the Home (H) the Kangaroo can jump at any of two neighboring places. However, when it reaches H,
the game is over. Find the number of ways the Kangaroo can jump from S to H in exactly 13 jumps.

(A) 12

(B) 32

(C) 64

(D) 144

(E) 1024

# 26. You are given 5 lamps: each of them can be switched to on or off. Each time you switch
any of them, you change its status; moreover, the status of a randomly chosen other one is changed

KSF 2011 selected problems Junior

too (for a same lamp, the choice can be different time by time). At the beginning, all the lamps are
off. Then you make 10 such switch operations. After that, we can say that
(A) its impossible that all the lamps are off.
(B) for sure all the lamps are on.
(C) its impossible that all the lamps are on.
(D) for sure all the lamps are off.
(E) none of the previous claims is correct.

# 27. Six different positive integers are given, the biggest of them being n. There exists exactly
one pair of these integers such that the smaller number does not divide the bigger one. What is the
smallest possible value of n?
(A) 18

(B) 20

(C) 24

(D) 36

(E) 45

# 28. Nick wrote out all three-digit numbers and for each of the numbers he found the product of
its digits. After that the boy found the sum of all the products obtained. What is the number the
boy obtained?
(A) 45

(B) 452

(C) 453

(D) 245

(E) 345

# 29. The numbers from 1 to 120 have been written into 15 rows as shown in the picture. In which
column (counting from the left) is the sum of the numbers the largest?

(A) 1

(B) 5

(C) 7

(D) 10

(E) 13

# 30. Let A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H the eight consecutive vertices of a convex octagon. Choose randomly
a vertex among C, D, E, F, G, H and draw the segment connecting it with vertex A; then again, among
the same six vertices, choose randomly a vertex and draw the segment connect it with vertex B. What
is the probability that the octagon is cut by these two segments in exactly three regions?
(A) 1/6

(B) 1/4

(C) 4/9

(D) 5/18

(E) 1/3

KSF 2011 selected problems Student

3 points
# 1. The water level in a port city rises and falls on a certain day as shown in the figure. How many
hours was the water level above 30 cm on that day?

(A) 5

# 2. The number
(A) 1

(B) 6

(C) 7

(D) 9

(E) 13


2 2 is equal to

(B) 2



(E) 2

# 3. In a list of five numbers, the first number is 2 and the last number is 12. The product of the
first three numbers is 30, the product of the three in the middle is 90 and the product of the last three
numbers is 360. Which number is in the center of the list?

(A) 3

(B) 4

(C) 5

(D) 6

(E) 10

# 4. A clock has 3 hands of different length (for hours, for minutes, and for seconds). We do not
know what each of the hands shows but we know that the clock goes right. At 12:55:30 the hands
were in the positions shown. Which of the pictures shows this clock at 8:10:00?






KSF 2011 selected problems Student

# 5. A rectangular piece of paper ABCD 4 cm 16 cm is folded along the line M N such that vertex
C coincides with vertex A, as shown in the picture. What is the area of quadrilateral AN M D0 ?

(A) 28 cm2

(B) 30 cm2

(C) 32 cm2

(D) 48 cm2

(E) 56 cm2

# 6. The sum of the digits of a nine-digit number is 8. What is the product of these digits?
(A) 0

(B) 1

(C) 8

(D) 9

(E) 9!

# 7. The maximum natural value n, for which n200 < 5300 , is equal to:
(A) 5

(B) 6

(C) 8

(D) 11

(E) 12

# 8. Which of the following functions satisfies the equation



(A) f (x) =


(B) f (x) =


f (x)

(C) f (x) = 1 +


(D) f (x) =


(E) f (x) = x +


# 9. A real number x satisfies x3 < 64 < x2 . Which statement is correct?

(A) 0 < x < 64

(B) 8 < x < 4

(C) x > 8

(D) 4 < x < 8

(E) x < 8

# 10. What is the size of the angle in the regular 5-point star?

(A) 24

(B) 30

(C) 36

(D) 45

(E) 72

4 points
# 11. My age is a two-digit number, which is a power of 5, and my cousins age is a two-digit number,
which is a power of 2. The sum of the digits of our ages is an odd number. What is the product of

KSF 2011 selected problems Student

the digits of our ages?
(A) 240

(B) 2010

(C) 60

(D) 50

(E) 300

# 12. A travel agency organized four optional tours of Sicily for a group of tourists. Each tour had
a participation rate of 80 %. What is the smallest possible percentage of tourists taking part in all
four tours?
(A) 80%

(B) 60%

(C) 40%

(D) 20%

(E) 16%

# 13. The set of solutions for the inequality |x| + |x 3| > 3 is:
(A) (, 0) (3, +)

(B) (3, 3)

(C) (, 3)

(D) (3, +)

(E) all real numbers

# 14. School marks in Slovakia are divided into five degrees, from 1 (the best) to 5. In one Slovak
school, a test didnt turn out very well in the 4th class. The average mark was 4. Boys did a little
better, their average mark was 3.6 while the average mark of the girls was 4.2. Which of the following
statements is correct?
(A) There are twice as many boys as girls.

(B) There are 4 times as many boys as girls.

(C) There are twice as many girls as boys.

(D) There are 4 times as many girls as boys.

(E) There are as many boys in the class as girls.

# 15. The picture shows a rose bed. White roses grow in the equal squares, red roses grow in the
third square. Yellow roses grow in the right-angled triangle. Both the length and height of the bed is
16 m. What is the area of the rose bed?

(A) 114 m2

(B) 130 m2

(C) 144 m2

(D) 160 m2

(E) 186 m2

# 16. All the tickets in the first row in a cinema were sold. The seats are numbered consecutively
starting with 1. An extra ticket was sold for one seat by mistake. The sum of the seat numbers on all
tickets sold for that row is equal to 857. What is the number of the seat for which two tickets were
(A) 4

(B) 16

(C) 25

(D) 37

(E) 42

KSF 2011 selected problems Student

# 17. We are given a right triangle with the sides a, b and c. What is the radius r of the inscribed
semicircle shown in the figure?











# 18. A square ABCD has sides of length 2. E and F are the midpoints of the sides AB and AD
respectively. G is a point on CF such that 3CG = 2GF . The area of triangle BEG is:










# 19. The clock in the picture is rectangular in shape. What is the distance x on the dial between
the numbers 1 and 2 if the distance between the numbers 8 and 10 is 12cm?

(A) 3 3

(B) 2 3

(C) 4 3

(D) 2 +

(E) 12 3 3

# 20. A kangaroo wants to build a row of standard dice (opposite faces add up 7 dots). He can glue
two faces together if they have the same number of dots. He would like the total number of dots on
the outer faces of the dice in the row to be 2012. How many dice does he need?

(A) 70

(B) 71

(C) 142

(D) 143

(E) It is impossible to see exactly 2012 dots.

5 points
# 21. What is the smallest possible size of an angle in an isosceles triangle ABC that has a median
that divides the triangle into two isosceles triangles?
(A) 15

(B) 22,5

(C) 30

(D) 36

(E) 45

# 22. Let a > b. If the ellipse shown in the picture is rotated around the x-axis one obtains the
ellipsoid Ex with the volume Vol(Ex ). If it is rotated around the y-axis one obtains Ey with the
volume Vol(Ey ). Which of the following statements is true?

KSF 2011 selected problems Student

(A) Ex = Ey and Vol(Ex ) = Vol(Ey )

(B) Ex = Ey but Vol(Ex ) 6= Vol(Ey )

(C) Ex 6= Ey and Vol(Ex ) > Vol(Ey )

(D) Ex 6= Ey and Vol(Ex ) < Vol(Ey )

(E) Ex 6= Ey but Vol(Ex ) = Vol(Ey )

# 23. Two operations can be performed with fractions: 1) to increase the numerator by 8; 2) to
increase the denominator by 7. Having performed a total number of n such operations in some order,
starting with the fraction 78 we obtain a fraction of equal value. What is the smallest possible value
of n?
(A) 56

(B) 81

(D) 113

(C) 109

(E) This is impossible.

# 24. An equilateral triangle rolls around a square with side length 1 (see picture).

What is the length of the path that the marked point covers until the triangle and the point reach
their starting positions the next time?
(A) 4



(C) 8





# 25. How many permutations (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) of the set of integers {1, 2, 3, 4} have the property that
the sum x1 x2 + x2 x3 + x3 x4 + x4 x1 is divisible by 3?
(A) 8

(B) 12

(C) 14

(D) 16

(E) 24

# 26. After an algebra lesson, the following was left on the blackboard: the graph of the function
y = x2 and 2012 lines parallel to the line y = x, each of which intersects the parabola in two points.
The sum of the x-coordinates of the points of intersection of the lines and the parabola is:
(A) 0

(B) 1

(C) 1006

(E) impossible to determine


(D) 2012

KSF 2011 selected problems Student

# 27. Three vertices of a cube (not all on the same face) are P (3; 4; 1), Q(5; 2; 9) and R(1; 6; 5).
Which point is the center of the cube?
(A) A(4; 3; 5)

(B) B(2; 5; 3)

(C) C(3; 4; 7)

(D) D(3; 4; 5)

(E) E(2; 3; 5)

# 28. In the sequence 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, . . . the first two elements a1 and a2 are 1. The third element is
the difference of the preceding two elements, a3 = a1 a2 . The fourth is the sum of the two preceding
elements, a4 = a2 + a3 . Then a5 = a3 a4 , a6 = a4 + a5 , and so on. What is the sum of the first 100
elements of this sequence?
(A) 0

(B) 3

(C) 21

(D) 100

(E) 1

# 29. Ioana picks out two numbers a and b from the set {1, 2, 3, . . . , 26}. The product ab is equal to
the sum of the remaining 24 numbers. What is the value of |a b|?
(A) 10

(B) 9

(C) 7

(D) 2

(E) 6

# 30. Every cat in Wonderland is either wise or mad. If a wise cat happens to be in one room with
3 mad ones it turns mad. If a mad cat happens to be in one room with 3 wise ones it is exposed by
them as mad. Three cats entered an empty room. Soon after the 4th cat entered, the 1st one went
out. After the 5th cat entered, the 2nd one went out, etc. After the 2012th cat entered, it happened
for the first time that one of the cats was exposed as mad. Which of these cats could both have been
mad after entering the room?
(A) The 1st one and the 2011th one

(B) The 2nd one and the 2010th one

(C) The 3rd one and the 2009th one

(D) The 4th one and the last one

(E) The 2nd one and the 2011th one

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