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General configuration

(when you don't know what else to try): 3 treants and 2 sorceresses
some encounters are a mix of golems and steinlings. 5 squads of sorceresses II will do the job. As a
bonus, these guys cannot reach them during the 1st round, so you have first fire
Ring 11, squad size at end of fairies level: most encounters include a mix of orcs, steinlings and
golems. Sorceresses are required, but treants may help in, 1 to 3 squads to take the orcs down.
Unfortunately, steinlings and golems will take them down quickly, so make sure that orcs are taken
down as soon as possible so that your sorcs can take care of ranged units. There will be losses, but
it remains feasible.
One Treant, three Golems, one Sorceress (depending on the exact composition of the enemy squads
- e.g. sometimes the encounter is two enemy stacks of Treant II (or one T II + 1 Swamp Monster) then I use 4xGolem + 1 Sorceress)
Fight with a combination of Sorcerers (vs archers and cannons) and Golem (3?) against fighters.
One sorcerer will provide 100% protection from archer/cannon unit, but sword fighters will beat
sorcerers, so match with Golems, not Treants.
Use 4 squads of Golem II, 1 Sorceress. Usually the opposing archers advance, then your Golems
can take them out. Next priority is to get at least one Golem unit to attack the Cannoneers, using
the sorceress to limit the damage from the Knights. Once the opposing ranged units are all gone,
work on one squad of Knights at a time, rotating around the others with the sorceress.
5 squads of treants will do the job with minimal losses. [Note: If the terrain allows, you can
sometimes further reduce losses by adding a sorceress strategically (usually either position 1 or 4).
This is best done when the terrain would not allow all 5 treant squads to fight anyway.]
5 squads of treants if there is no more than 2 squads of crossbow/archers; otherwise bring the
sorceresses in. [Note: I've also had luck using sorceresses with the granite golems, but those
golems are expensive]
One or two Treants, two or three Golems, one Sorceress
If encounters are a mix of archers and cannoneers send in 5 squads of sorceresses and make sure
you stun the enemy squads in turn, so that the broken valor effect does not wear out minimal losses
- mostly because the enemy strikes first - big success (in silk provinces, it is generally 3 encounters
of this type per province :) at least it is the case in ring 11)
Fight with a combination of Sorcerers (vs archers and cannons) and Golem (3?) against fighters.
One sorcerer will provide 100% protection from archer/cannon unit, but sword fighters will beat
sorcerers, so match with Golems, not Treants.
Granite Golem FTW. But also consider trying 3 golem, 2 sorceress
I started having difficulties with elixir provinces (ring 10). 5 squads of granite golems do not
always make it, but 3 squads of golems and 2 squads of sorceresses may be luckier
Sorceress is always good against those 2 (steinling and golem combos) because their curse makes
them immune to both of them. Sword acrobats have a +30 attack bonus vs both, so i'd use 3 squads
of those and 2 squads of sorceresses, or 2 squads acrobats and 3 squads sorceresses depending on

how many squads of both the enemy has. If the enemy consists of only steinlings and golems, no
need for sword acrobats or anything else but sorceresses. They cannot hit in the first round no
matter of what kind of terrain we have, since their range is 3+3=6 hexes. And after we have our
turn, our units will be completely immune to enemy attacks, providing that the enemy doesn't have
more than 5 squads. Just make sure to hit each enemy stack at least once per round. The fight might
be a little bit long because sorceresses don't hit very hard. But eventually, you win with zero loss.
I usually only include one squad of Dancers, place them in the first slot where they draw fire from
the Necromancers (specifically for elixir provinces, but I have used it in many others), and then use
either two Treants and 2 Sorceresses for a mix of ranged and melee enemies, or one Treant and
three Sorceresses if there is a single melee unit in the enemy lineup.

Magic Dust
3 squads of treants and 2 of sorceresses or 3 treants and 2 golems
1-2 Treants to absorb the cerberus attack. Golem or Sorceress go after the archers. If you get those
out of the way take your time and reset your troops so that the knight has to come closer and you
can launch everyone in your counter attack instead of chasing him with one advance troop that he
picks away at. Note: I've also had luck putting a treant in front of the knight and letting him pick
away at the treant while the golems cut the knight down bit by bit.

If you are facing cannoneers and/or archers, the Sorceresses are the best to use against them. They will
hit you first, but do not fear. As long as you can swing over and hit each one of them each time with a
spell, they can't do any damage back to you again. You have to keep track of which enemy you hit each
round though, because that little symbol will stay up there even though the full spell wore off from the
last round. If you miss a round with a spell, they can do damage to you again. In this one case, it is best
to dole out your damage spread across the enemy as evenly as possible. You want widespread coverage
of those spells.
It also doesn't matter how many are left in your squad of sorceresses. One lone little sorc will make the
largest archer or cannoneer squad impotent. If you are facing more than 5 squads of these enemies, use
your smallest squads against their largest squads. The idea is to get their squads down in number as
fast as possible, because those squads that you don't put a spell on will do damage to you each time.

Maybe something like 1-2 treant placed where dogs CAN reach
2-3 golum - finish dogs if needed then or straight at canon
1-2 sorceress straight at canon to weaken attack while waiting for golum
I tried to find a territory with that combo to try it out but no luck. However I did find some one with
canon and another with dogs.
I brought some troop lvl 32 golum 2 against a canon 108. First hit from canon took off 21 points then
golum wiped him out pretty quickly. Against some dogs 235 the golum 32 lost about 13 points For
your fight it's going to depend on how many of each at what level. If you manage setup so that treant
absorb dog charge you can then damage/kill the dogs while moving as far forward as possible but still
striking dogs as needed.

Good deal. Anyone found a solid method for beating the Golem II's without loosing most of your
squads? I haven't found an effective fighter or fighter combo for those.
Sorc IIIs are pretty good. Once you hit them they become ineffective at hitting you back.
Actually, that works even with Sorceress II's! You hit them halfway through ch. V. Until then, you
mostly die.
sunt elf si folosesc cu succes:
- vrajitoarele si golemii contra celor cu atac la distanta: arcasi, golemi, grenadieri si bolovani...(nu mai
stiu exact cum le zice) daca dati pe fiecare arcas cu cate o vraja nu mai au putere imp vrajitoarelor dar
daca aveti si treanti in combinatie pe aia ii ataca arcasii
- treanti contra orci, caini si cavaleri
- golemi vrajitoare si treanti impotriva cavalerilor care mi se par greu de batut ca s mai rezistenti
- dansatoarele contra vrajitoarelor pt ca merg mai mult si lovesc bine dar sunt mai bune in comb cu
- golemii contra treantilor si parca mai sunt unii verzi care se misca greu...
si cand sunt prea slaba impotriva inamicului (rarissim) sau mi e lene sa ma bat platesc...

If you are facing cannoneers and/or archers, the Sorceresses are the best to use against them. They will
hit you first, but do not fear. As long as you can swing over and hit each one of them each time with a
spell, they can't do any damage back to you again. You have to keep track of which enemy you hit each
round though, because that little symbol will stay up there even though the full spell wore off from the
last round. If you miss a round with a spell, they can do damage to you again. In this one case, it is best
to dole out your damage spread across the enemy as evenly as possible. You want widespread coverage
of those spells.
It also doesn't matter how many are left in your squad of sorceresses. One lone little sorc will make the
largest archer or cannoneer squad impotent. If you are facing more than 5 squads of these enemies, use
your smallest squads against their largest squads. The idea is to get their squads down in number as
fast as possible, because those squads that you don't put a spell on will do damage to you each time.
(The mortar is now called a cannoneer)
Sorceress against Golum is fun bcs the Golum are instantly useless at which point you must auto fight
or spend the next 147 rounds dinking the Golum to death.

Humans in gems are simpler you attack first with cerberus to take out the archers. They will
kill/damage severely two archers and the remaining archers will fire first on them followed by the
Knights. If one cerberus survives taking out the archers push him off out of the fight but still within
Paladin will absorb a war dog attack well but are so-so in killing them. If you can eliminate the dogs
and get down to the knights with an archer still intact you have a really fun fight using the Paladin as a
rolling blockade cutting off the knights routes to your archer. At this point if one of your cerberus did
survive you can put them to good use as a third blocker. A weakened cerberus won't do any damage but
a knight will have to waste a turn clearing him from the path while you get a few more shots in.
Elixer is harder bcs you face all three ranges of attack so counter attacking is costly. My elven army on
the US server now has the Granite Golum unlocked and stocked up and that's my answer for nearly
everything right now. I'll share the advice I was given by Avatrix on fighting in elixer with human
A lot of players discounts the first two units after unlocking paladins and priests. A viable tactic would
be 3 squads axe barbarians and 2 squads crossbowmen. 1 squad priests or cerberus in place of a squad
of axe barbarians depending on terrain and enemy squads. Position the axemen and cerberus so that the
necro and golem must come in range. then use all units to take them out while ignoring the treants. You
will most likely lose all the axe and cerberus squads to the treants but will be left with 1 or two squads
of crossbow to slowly kill the treant while using a terrain obstacle to stay out the way. The storm
barbarian is AWESOME in those situations.

Summer Solstice Quest List



Gain 2000 supplies - 10 moon splinters


Produce Advanced Tools 3 times - 11 moon splinters


Solve 20 encounters (or have 200 provinces) - 12 moon splinters


Gain 9 relics - 14 moon splinters


Produce Spell "Power of Provision 1 time" (Any spell is counting,

glitch) - 15 moon splinters


Spend 15 knowledge points - 17 moon splinters


Complete 3 building upgrades to level 4 or higher - 19 moon splinters


Scout 1 province - 21 moon splinters


Spend 20 knowledge points - 23 moon splinters


Gain 12 relics - 26 moon splinters


Produce Basket of Groceries 10 times - 29 moon splinters


Produce Power of Provision 2 times - 32 moon splinters


Train 400 units - 37 moon splinters


Produce (9 hr production cycle of tier 1 boosted good) 3 times - 39

moon splinters

Produce Simple Tools 50 times - 44 moon splinters


Scout 3 provinces or produce power of provision 3x - 49 moon


Gain 15 relics - 54 moon splinters


Spend 25 Knowledge Points - 60 moon splinters


Complete 5 building upgrades to level 6 or higher - 67 moon splinters


Finish 3 provinces or produce basket of groceries 3 times - 74 moon



Produce Beverages 50 times - 83 moon splinters

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