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Alec Clinton

English 110
Dear Professor Barnes,
Due to the just recent election, with new presidential elect Donald Trump, has
stirred up a lot of mixed emotions in people for better or worse, calling Trump a
racist, misogynistic, Islamophobic, queerphobic, and a rapist, because of all the
hate that has been occurring as a result , on campus, there was a female Muslim girl
who got harassed at the Zimmerman library, as a community UNM students, had a
rally to express their views and opinions to stop the hate, and rejecting their new
president elect Donald Trumps racist system, so they said were going to have to
stand together Hechmen said. To show that we as a student.
In relation to Judith Butlers argument of gender performativity, the image we
show to the outside world, the way we want to be seen, by other people, we put on
an act or performance, to show other people, that this is how you would like to be
seen. A way to construct yourself into an identity of what you think the perfect you,
would, walk, talk and act like, a construct of the ego, to act out of character and
show a the version of yourself that you made up in your mind that is without any
inherit flaws , but really this isnt your true nature, because in your true nature you
have flaws, and so your ego wants to defend against that of having those said flaws
and to the world an image of a person, that is without any, hiding their insecurities,
and instead of showing the world that those are your flaws and accepting them as
they are, people put on this front of arrogance, pride, greed, impatience, martyrdom
and stubbornness which denies them of our true nature which can lead to selfdestructive habits, and so when you see a flaw that you do not like in another
person. You say that you dont like and hate that person, because he or she did this
or that, you are not realizing that, this is also a flaw within yourself, that you are
hating and not accepting, saying oh I wouldnt act that way because your ego gives
you this mask that tells you that you are this perfect person without any flaws and
that is what they want show to this world.
Quite frankly we live in a dualistic reality, were people want change to
happen, but what a lot of people do not understand is that change takes time, to
many times, people are so lost in this 3D, technological world, that they forget, who
they really are, their values, their morals and virtues, they would rather spend all
their time and energy, in an egotistical point of view, because it is so easy to listen
to, that loud voice inside your head, that tells you to shout at that person that did
you wrong, instead of taking the time to listen to that calm, quiet inner voice that
tells you, not to do that, but rather, to have an understanding of your fellow
neighbors or brothers and sisters, and to talk to them with an open mind of
empathy, compassion, and love, no matter who they are or where they came from,
that includes their religious views, gender, race, age, sexuality, because it is the
ego where, judgement, hate, and criticism comes from, which does nothing, but
drain you of your energy, by thinking about such low level things, we should be

positive, help people and uplift those that have been put down, it is in those
negative perspectives that lies your, insecuritys that are driven by your ego. lets
say for example when a person, comes across a homosexual or transgender person,
they get this feeling inside themselves that they do not want to acknowledge, that
they might be gay too, so they repress that feeling in themselves, and act out of
hate and fear towards that person, when they are actually, hating an aspect of
themselves, which they have been rejecting, and have yet to incorporate within
them. Due to their insecurity of not wanting to self-identify as that, they hate that
part of themselves, another example would be, someone says a racist term against
a person of another culture or background, yet again they are hating another part of
themselves thinking that races are divided and their race is superior, when in reality
we are all one race, the human race, in order to truly love one another, and make
those changes that people so badly yearn for, you have to accept, fully every aspect
of yourself. In order to truly be compassionate you have to truly love and except
other people, not out of pity, but by putting yourself in their shoes, to have and
understanding of what your share thats in common, to suffer together, to stand
together, to create unity and hope for a better future, people should take the time
to reflect on themselves, and become self-aware of all those emotions and thoughts
that are within them, so that they can gain new perspectives, and approach things
with a new way of thinking, given a certain situation.
It is the shadow in ourselves that consists of all the repressed emotions and
thoughts that we perceive as socially inappropriate, jealousy, rage, those evil
sinister thoughts that you have of your boss being called on the carpet, that is all
but your ego or shadow at work, the more that is repressed the more of a hold the
ego has on us, so instead allow any and all those feelings to pass, good or bad, to
be felt completely and fully. Listen to what your shadow, has to say, just dont act
upon it, thats when you gain control over your ego, and can make decisions based
on, love, compassion that you truly want to see in this world. What your give is what
you get, by the law of attraction, when you give those positive vibes of love and
compassion to people that is what youre going to get back in return. Sigmund
Freud explains that by nature the shadow, everything that the subject refuses to
acknowledge about himself indirectly. Shame, sexuality, rage, fear, weakness,
jealousy, hurt, and resentment can be shoved down into our unconscious and
become shadow material.
Something that I have left out my SWA6 is that, when I was gendered I was
completely conscious and understood why they would act and think in that manor,
because they probably had an gendered experience that made them a little
confused as to how a man or women should act and also hanging around certain
people enough that, made them start to act in the same way as the people they
have been around the most, which will affect you, as the saying goes you are the
average of the five people you spend the most time with. Something I would change
about my feature given more time knowledge and resources is that I would have
made an argument with a lot of facts and quotes that added to the validity of what I
had to say, making into something that had a lot more truth added to it rather than
something that would be just considered an opinion. An SLO that I understand

better now would be writing as a process, putting all my thoughts on paper helped
me better restate how I approached writing the paper through various feedback and
proofreading, another SLO would be the reflection, reading over my writings has
helped me better in the approach of how I write my assignment.

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