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Chapter I

1.1. Background
Along with the times, especially with the development of
globalization, not only a positive impact on our lives, but
also will give a negative impact, one example is the
increasing among drug users. As we know that the drug is a
substance that can threaten our lives anyway even the
people around us. Various kinds of things could be the
reason for a person to use drugs ranging from curiosity that
usually arises in the teenage years, the rebound in the face
of problems, look for things that are considered extreme in
However, the drugs arent always have a negative impact
for us, there are also some benefits from using drugs in
accordance with the rules of origin. Prevention and control
of the drug users had been widely disseminated in various
places with various people, therefore we strongly hope that
this paper can add to our collective knowledge to
understand what and how the drugs.

1.2. Formulation of The Problem

What is a drugs?
What are the reasons people using drugs?
What is the impact of using drugs?
How to handle against drug users?
How is the prevention of using drugs?


1.3. Purposes
To find out what and how exactly the drug.
To determine the causes of people taking drugs.
To understand the impact of drug use.
To know how to handle against drug users.
To find out the ways in which the prevention of drug use.

Chapter II
Object of Discussion
2.1. Understanding of Drugs
Drugs is the abbreviation of narcotics and dangerous
drugs. In addition to "drugs", another term that was
introduced in particular by the Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia is a drug which is an abbreviation of
All these terms, both "drugs" or "drug" refers to a group

of compounds generally have a risk of addiction for its

users. According to health experts, the actual drugs are
psychotropic substances commonly used to anesthetize the
patient when to surgery or drugs for certain diseases. But
now the perception were misinterpreted due to outdoor use
designation and proper dosage. If it's too long and it is drug
addiction then gradually organs in the body are damaged
and if it exceeds the user's dose will ultimately result in
Narcotics are substances or drugs derived from plants or
no plants, either synthetic or semi-synthetic that can cause
degradation or alteration of consciousness, loss of pain and
can lead to dependence (Law. 35th in 2009). Narcotics are
classified into two groups as described in Annex 1 of the
law. Its the kind of narcotics are:
Papaver plants, raw opium, opium cooking (opium, opium
dust, Jicingko), opium drug, morfina, cocaine, ekgonina,
cannabis plants and cannabis resin.
Salts and derivatives of morfina and cocaine, as well as
mixtures and preparations containing the above ingredients.
Until now, the spread of drug abuse is almost
unavoidable. Given almost the entire population of the world
could easily get drugs from the individuals who are not
responsible. Of course this could make parents, community
organizations, and governments concerned. Any drug
eradication efforts are often made, but still less likely to
avoid drugs than among adolescents and adults, and even
children of primary and junior high school too much to fall
into drug abuse, therefore the most effective efforts to
prevent drug abuse in education of children is a family.
Based on the effects on the wearer, drugs are grouped as
Hallucinogens, the effects of the drug can cause a person to
hallucinate to see something that does not exist or is not so
apparent when taken in certain doses. For example, cocaine
and LSD.
Stimulants, namely the effect of the drug could lead to job
organs like the heart and brain more quickly than usual,
resulting in more powerful and users tend to make more
happy and excited for a while.
Depressants, the effects of drugs that can suppress the
central nervous system and reduces the body's functional
activity, so that users feel at ease even asleep and
unconscious. For example heroin.
Addictive, namely the effects of addictive drugs. Someone
who has been taking drugs usually will want and want again
because of certain substances in the drug resulted in a
person tends to be passive, because the drug indirectly

decide the nerves in the brain. For example, marijuana,

heroin, and heroin.
2.2. The Reasons People of Using Drugs
1) Want to Look Style
Certain types of prohibited substances can make user
become more daring, cool, confident, creative, relaxed, and
so forth. Cool effect seen by other people can be a trend in
certain circles so that people who use illicit substances will
be called trendy, sociable, fashionable, and so on. Obviously
for people who want to be called hanging by a class / group,
he had to wear the devil substance.
2) Solidarity Group
A group of people who have a high level of kinship
between members usually have a high value of solidarity. If
the chairman or some members of the group affect the
group using the drug, it is usually the other members either
forced or not forced to use drugs that will come to feel like
family kinship.
3) Eliminate Pain
A person who has a disease or disorder that can cause
unbearable pain that can make people so interested in a
shortcut to treat the pain by using drugs and controlled
4) Try (Curiosity)
With the feel interested in seeing the effects of a banned
substance, one can have a strong curiosity to taste the
pleasure of the forbidden substance. If faith is not strong
and defeated by lust, then one can try to determine the
effects of the substance. Without realizing it, and want
people who have been exposed to illicit substances will be
hooked and will do it again over and over again without
being able to stop.
5) Come-Followup
People who have become victims of drugs may be trying
to persuade others that have not been contaminated drugs
that other people join together to feel the pain she felt.
Dealers and users will probably divide the free drug as an
introduction and will charge after the victim was hooked.
People who see others absorbed prohibited substance use
may be will try to follow the style of the user included
abusing public places.
6) As Impingement Problems For Forgetting
People who have many problems and wanted to run away
from problems can fall into the lap of narcotics, drugs or
addictive substances in order to sleep soundly, drunk, or so
7) Highlighting Side Rebellion
Someone who is naughty, mischievous or malicious
generally want to be seen by others as a figure to be feared



that all desires can be fulfilled. With prohibited substances

will help shape the attitudes and behaviors that are not
public, rebellious of the existing order. Users who want to be
great by his comrades were able to fall on the prohibited
8) Eliminate Bored
Boredom, discomfort, etc. for those in part is something
fun and want to immediately disappear from the realm of
the mind. Substance can help someone who is much mind to
forget the boredom that hit. One can pursue pleasure with
the used drug that causes hallucinations / delusions are fun.
9) Looking Challenge (Event Risk)
For people who are happy with the activities that have a
high risk in running the action was taking drugs in order to
become the greatest, full of energy and confidence.
10) Feeling Adults
Substance users are young adults sometimes like to be
considered by others to be able to live freely, so do illicit
substance misuse. By becoming mature as if people were
able to act without restraint themselves, feels ripe, free of
parents, teachers free, and others.
2.3. The Impact of Using Drugs
2.3.1. Negative Impact of Using Drugs
The negative impact for yourself:
a) The impact of drug abuse on physical
Disorders of the nervous system (neurological) such as
seizures, hallucinations, disturbances of consciousness,
neurological damage edge.
Disorders of the heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular)
such as: acute infection of the heart muscle, circulatory
Skin disorders (dermatologist) as: abscess, allergies,
Disorders of the lung (pulmonary) such as: suppression of
respiratory function, breathing difficulties, hardening of the
lung tissue.
Frequent headaches, nausea and vomiting, diarrheadiarrhea,
sleeplessness diminution.
The impact of drug abuse on reproductive health is
padaendokrin disorders, such as: decreased function of
testosterone), and sexual dysfunction.
The impact of drug abuse on adolescent reproductive
health in women include changes in menstrual periods,
menstrual irregularities, and amenorhoe (not menstruating).
For drug users through syringe, in particular the use of
needles in turn, is the risk of contracting diseases such as
hepatitis B, C, and HIV, which until now there is no cure.


Drug abuse can be fatal when it occurs over dose of drug

consumption exceeds the body's ability to receive it.
Overdose can cause death.

b) The impact of drug abuse on psychological

1. Slow work, sloppy work, often tense and restless
2. Loss of self-confidence, apathy, dreamer, full of
3. Agitative, became violent and brutal behavior
Difficulty concentrating, feeling dejected and
5. Tend to hurt themselves, insecurity, and even

c) The impact of drug abuse on the social environment

1. Mental disorders, anti-social and immoral, ostracized by the
2. Nuisance and a burden on the family
3. Education was disrupted, bleak future

The negative impact on the family:

a) Parents are being embarrassed, sad, guilty, angry and
b) The hospitality uncontrolled change because of frequent
c) Money and property sold, and the child's future is unclear
because of dropping out of school and unemployed.
Negative impacts on the surrounding community:
a) Environment are vulnerable to abuse and illicit drugs.
sehingga dengan penggunaan narkoba akan membuat
lingkungan menjadi tidak sehat dan membuat pengguna
narkoba semakin bertambah
jadi kamu semua jangan menyentuh itu
so that using drug will making the environment become unhealthy and
make the drug users is increasing
so you all do not touch it
b) Crime and violence increased.
dengan menggunakan narkoba akan banyak sekali
kejahatan yang akan terjadi seperti mencuri, kekerasan
seksual, fisik dll
using drugs will be a lot of crimes that will occur such as stealing,

sexual violence, physical, etc. So there will be a security disorder

and other venereal diseases caused by free sex.
C. The emergence of social unrest Timbulnya keresahan masyarakat
Sehingga akan ada gangguan keamanan dan penyakit kelamin lain yang
ditimbulkan oleh hubungan seks bebas.
because of security problems and other venereal diseases caused by
free sex.
c) Regional resistance decreases.
2.3.2. Positive Impact of Using Drugs
a. Opium,
used for centuries as a pain reliever and to prevent coughs and
a.) Opium,
digunakan selama berabad-abad sebagai pereda rasa sakit dan unt
uk mencegah batuk dan diare.
b. Cocaine,
coca leaves Erythroxylon plant is typically chewed for a
stimulant effect, such as to increase endurance and stamina
and reduce fatigue.
b. Kokain,
daun koka Erythroxylon tanaman biasanya dikunyah untuk efek sti
mulan, seperti untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh dan stamina
dan mengurangi kelelahan.
c. Marijuana, Initially cannabis plant material used for the bag,
because it produces a very strong fiber, hemp seed is also used as a
raw material for oil. in Aceh, marijuana serves as food vegetables.
awalnya bahan tanaman ganja digunakan untuk tas, karena menghasilkan
serat yang sangat kuat, benih ganja juga digunakan sebagai bahan baku
untuk minyak. di Aceh, ganja menjabat sebagai makanan sayuran.
d. Amphetamines,
currently widely used by the medical community to treat stroke
victims to recover more quickly.
d. Amfetamin, saat ini banyak digunakan oleh komunitas medis unt
uk mengobati korban stroke untuk pulih lebih cepat.
2.4. How to Handle Againts Drugs Users
Countermeasures against the drug users can be either
internal or external. The steps internally to overcome
substance abuse, among others:
1. Changing trends of life. With the changing trends in your
daily routine, you can find new things to adjust.
2. For the more cautious, you try to be selective in choosing
friends, If you have friends who do not abuse drugs, then
spend time with them, do as they do. By joining them you
are building common ground by itself can change who you
are. Opportunity does not appear to take drugs if you are
with them.






Out of a bad neighborhood. By starting a new chapter in

your social life, it can really help restore your addiction.
Change your appearance. Appearance is everything, people
see our personality by looking beyond our physical
appearance, just a haircut or dress a little more formal you
can change how others see you which in turn will help you
see yourself in a new way, as a cleaner.
Get constant reminders from friends and family. Note the
difference in yourself, ask someone else if they see a change
in you and what they think you are.
Instill confidence in myself to not use drugs. By changing
all the small things, you can defend yourself and can help
you eliminate the habit of taking drugs.
Meanwhile, the response to the drug users can also be
done externally, including in the following ways.
Try to create an atmosphere of harmony in families,
especially multiply support for a drug addict who was in a
period of rehabilitation.
Perform control and supervision by the various parties.
Perform medical treatment or commonly referred to as
detoxification, the treatment through psychotherapy in
order to strengthen the personality, confidence, self-esteem
and knowing the meaning of life that is meaningful to the
Treating drug addicts in rehabilitation places, but that is
more important is how the victim can survive the recovery,
no recurrence after treatment and rehabilitation of these
homes. It is in need of parental and community participation
to provide a boost, a chance to hang out, a new spirit and
new expectations given to him.
2.5. Prevention of Using Drugs
Do not even try, although for convenience or for any other
reason, unless the doctor / medical reasons.
Strengthen faith, personal solidified, use a ratio of
(thinking, judgment) more than on emotions.
Do not shy away from the problem, but the face and resolve
the issue through to the end, if they are not able to consult
the experts.
Choose a safe society not dangerous.
Choose activities that are healthy, do not harm yourself or
others, follow sports clubs, social organizations. Do a hobby
with friends and family.
Always try to be a good person, act positive, responsible,
be an exemplary figure.
Try to "hear each other," remind one another and forgiving
one another to be more mature private individual.
Make family a harmonious atmosphere, which could be the
most fun and most soothing making "at home" living


Always remind, that the threat of punishment for drug

abuse is even harder for drug dealers Penitentiary.
10. Always remind others that the drug will only bring bad
influence to the body if misused, can even lead to death.

Chapter III

3.1. Conclusion
Circulation of drugs is a result of the times that are
considered bad for human life, because the abuse of these
substances can be harmful to anyone.
Many of the factors that lead to people abusing drugs, both
internally and external factor.
Drug use certainly provide different impacts to human life,
either positive or negative.
Various methods have been developed by various parties to
address drug problems, both the circulation and its users.
Not just poverty, but preventive measures against drug also
has a lot to do various parties in order to reduce the level of
drug abuse.
3.2. Proposition
Along with the progress of human civilization, the drug is
not hard to come by at the present time. Its use can be
beneficial if used as directed, however if these types of
drugs abused would have an adverse impact many.
Therefore, the role of the various parties, both formal and
informal, ranging from family members, friends, schools,
until the community is expected to avoid this problem of
drug abuse. Strengthen your faith with close to God
Almighty, clear thinking to try things that would prejudice
the future, and fill free time with useful activities is a step
for us to stay away from drug abuse.

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