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Code created by Pete Hahn, Phoneix Arizona, USA Updated 7/5/09

Notice: The contents of this code are intended to be purely
educational in nature. Trade at your own risk. Nothing in this
code is intended to guarantee profits or losses of any size.
Past results are not indicative of future performance. Consult
your registered financial planner before applying any of these
techniques to your live trading account. Errors may be present
in the code of which the author is not aware.
Inquiries may be sent to:
Version Notes:
v1.3 adds rounding feature with adjustable parameters to work
with stocks, futures and forex. Also added to V1.3 is an exploration
with two modes. One for quick scans run just after the market opens
and can be run multiple securities with an output of the basic levels.
The other is a more thorough exploration intended to be used with one
security at a time, and then output to a spread sheet for further analysis.
Search in this docutment for the word 'Exploration' as the instructions
or it's use are contained within that section.
## Added user selectable stop amount. Stop amount is selected in the
parameters dialog and is used as a multiplier to position the stop loss
in between the breakout and the open. Lower values move the stop loss
closer to the brekout, higher values move the stop loss closer to the
open. Greater than 1 places the stop on the opposite side of the open.
## Fixed a bug in the FirstBOL and First BOL statements which prevented
an entry Signal from being recorded on the opening bar.
##Modified start and end time for market hours so the user can select whether
to adjust for daylight savings. User may chage the date ranges used for the
daylight savings adjustment in the Parameters as well. Your data may not
need to be adjusted for daylight savings so you should check your database
to determine if this parameter should be on or off.
## Cleaned up the code to reduce processor usage.
## Fixed some problems with the way the exploration was calculating the
various levels AND recording entries/exits.
## Modified various price patterns so they can adjust for shortened
holiday trading days, (mostly used for futures and forex). User can select
whether to filter out holidays or not. Your data may not contain data from
shortened holiday market hours. This is mainly found in Futures and Forex data.
You should examine your data to determine the best seeting to use.
## Added parameter to allow adjustment of the profit target line
## IMPORTANT NOTICE: I used a section of VBScript in order to calculate some
of the time values related to the market open and close times. VBScript host
is required in order to run this AFL, and it is included in Windows 2000 and XP.
I don't know if this is compatible with Windows Vista. More information is
available in the AB help files. Search "AFL Scripting Host" to locate the
Amibroker support information.
//required settings:
Tools --> Preferences | go to Intraday tab and select "START tim
e of interval"
View --> Intraday --> "Show 24 Hours Trading"
View --> Intraday --> "Filter Weekends"
// Rounding the Study line values
StopLst = ParamList("Select Stop", ".25|.33|.50|.66|.75|1.0|1.5", 6);

TargetLst = ParamList("Adjust Target", "0.50|0.66|0.75|1.00|1.10|1.20|1.25|1.30|

1.35", 0);
Instrument = ParamList("Instrument", "Stocks|Forex|Futures");
length = ParamList("Digits to R of Decimal","0|2|4",1);
// Numbe
r or numbers to the right of the decimal
rounding = ParamList("Rounding (for pts.)", "Truncate|NearestQuarter");
// don't round, round to nearest 1, round to nearest .25
ExpFilter = ParamList("Exploration", "ORB|STATS|OHLC", 1);
FltrHolidays = ParamToggle("Filter Holidays", "YES|NO", 0);
UseDaySave = ParamToggle("Daylight Savings", "YES|NO", 0);
UserSpringFoward = ParamDate("SpringForward", "3/8/2009");
UserFallBehind = ParamDate("FallBehind", "11/2/2008");
UserOpen = ParamTime("Market Open", "09:30");
UserClose = ParamTime("Market Close", "16:00");
_SECTION_BEGIN("Plot lines");
//Set parameter default to YES for displaying the final
//results of the break out calculations.
PlotBreak = ParamToggle("Plot Breakout", "YES|NO", 0);
//set parameter default to YES for displaying PP, S1 and R1
PPSR1 = ParamToggle("PP,S1/R1", "YES|NO", 0);
//set paramter default to NO for displaying S2 and R2
S2R2 = ParamToggle("S2,R2", "YES|NO", 1);
//set parameter default to NO for dsiplaying S3 and R3
S3R3 = ParamToggle("S3,R3", "YES|NO", 1);
//set paramter default to NO for diplaying S4 and R4
S4R4 = ParamToggle("S4,R4", "YES|NO", 1);
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("S
tyle") | GetPriceStyle() );
SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Panel color ",colorLightBlue));
_SECTION_BEGIN("Speed Lines");
P20 = 20;
Plot( EMA( C, P20 ), "Spd20" ,colorBlack, styleLine | styleThick );
P18 = 18;
Plot( EMA( C, P18 ), "Spd18" ,colorCustom9, styleLine | styleThick );
P50 = 50;
Plot( MA( C, P50 ), "Spd 50" , colorBlue,styleDashed | styleThick);
P200 = 200;
Plot( MA( C, P200 ), "Spd 200" , colorRed, ParamStyle("Style") );
Prd3HLC = Param("HLC 3 Prds", 3, 3, 10, 1);
Plot(MA((H + L + C)/3, Prd3HLC), "HLC 3MA", colorBlue, styleLine | styleThick);
Prd5HLC = Param("HLC 5 Prds", 5, 3, 10, 1);
Plot(MA((H + L + C)/3, Prd5HLC), "HLC 5MA", colorCustom12, styleLine | styleThic
_SECTION_BEGIN("Open Range Break Out");
CurBarTime = TimeNum();

//Need to use VBscript here to take the user selected date

//and covert it to the DateNum() format for use by AFL
dim VarPart
varPartSpring = Split(AFL("UserSpringFoward"), "/", 3)
AFL("Spring") = varPartSpring(0)
VarPartFall = Split(AFL("UserFallBehind"), "/", 3)
AFL("Fall") = VarPartFall(0)
//convert VBscript output to number format and assign to
//AFL variables
SpringForward = StrToNum(Spring);
FallBehind = StrToNum(Fall);
//based on user selection in parameters dialog for daylight savings and
// market open and close times, adjust the Open/Close for the market accordingly
if(UseDaySave == 0)
//if user selects daylight savings then test to see if each bar is within the da
//savings time window. For each bar that lies within the window, shift the time
one hour
TimeOpen = IIf(DateTimeConvert( 0, DateTime() ) >= FallBehind AND DateTimeConver
t( 0, DateTime() ) <= SpringForward,
UserOpen + 10000, UserOpen ) ;
CalcClose = IIf(DateTimeConvert( 0, DateTime() ) >= FallBehind AND DateTimeConve
rt( 0, DateTime() ) <= SpringForward,
UserClose + 10000, UserClose ) ;
if(UseDaySave == 1)
//if user selects no for daylight savings then use the values as the are
TimeOpen = UserOpen ;
CalcClose = UserClose;
//Here is the $64,000.00 code. How to convert the TimeNum() output into
//a form which allows one to subtract the number of minutes based on
//the time frame selected. You have no idea how much brain mojo this took
//to put together. I could NOT have done it without an Excel spread sheet
TimeClose = IIf(StrMid(NumToStr(CalcClose ,1,False),2,2)=="00",
//Determine the value of the market open. Initial setting is for
//9:30 AM to match US Market Open. Adjust as need for your market
MrktOpen = ValueWhen(CurBarTime == TimeOpen , Open);
DlyOpen =ValueWhen(CurBarTime == TimeClose, MrktOpen);
//Determine the highest high for each day's trading.
//Adjust time as needed for your market.
DlyHigh = HighestSince(CurBarTime == TimeOpen , High);
//Take a snapshot value of the day's high at the time of market
//close. Intial stting is 4:00 pm to match US Market Close.
//Adjust as needed for your market.
DlyHighest = ValueWhen(CurBarTime == TimeClose , DlyHigh);
//Do the same for the lowest value of the trading day.

//Adjust time as needed for your market.

DlyLow = LowestSince(CurBarTime == TimeOpen , Low);
DlyLowest = ValueWhen(CurBarTime == TimeClose , DlyLow);
//determine the market closing price
DlyClose = ValueWhen(CurBarTime == TimeClose , C);
//Now calculate the min range value using Open, Low and High
//variables calculated above
RngMin = Min(DlyHighest - MrktOpen, MrktOpen - DlyLowest);
//Compres this to a daily time frame in order to capture
//the final value of the Range Min for each trading day
DlyRngMin = TimeFrameCompress(RngMin, inDaily, compressLast);
//Use the compressed variable to calculate a 10 day average\
RngMinAvg = MA(DlyRngMin , 10);
//uncompress the daily variable so that it can be used in
//calcuating the long and short break out levels for each day
RngMinAvg = TimeFrameExpand(RngMinAvg, inDaily);
//caclculate the max range value using the opn, low and high
RngMax = Max(DlyHighest - MrktOpen, MrktOpen - DlyLowest);
//compress this to a daily time frame in order to capture
//the final value of the range max for each trading day
DlyRngMax = TimeFrameCompress(RngMax, inDaily, compressLast);
//use the compressed variable to calculate a 10 day average
RngMaxAvg = MA(DlyRngMax, 10);
//uncompress the daily variable so that it can be used in
//calculating the profit target for opening range breakouts
RngMaxAvg = TimeFrameExpand(RngMaxAvg, inDaily);
//Use the values calculated above to determine the opening
//range break outs. Notice the Range Min has been shifted so
//that is reads the previous day's value and this is used against
//the current day's open to determine the break out levels
BreakOutLong = MrktOpen + Ref(RngMinAvg, -1);
BreakOutShort = MrktOpen - Ref(RngMinAvg, -1);
//round the breakout levels based on user selection in parameters
if(Length == "0")
breakOutLong = int(breakOutLong );
breakOutShort = int(breakOutShort );
else if(Length == "2")
if(rounding == "NearestQuarter" AND Instrument == "Futures")
breakOutLong = 0.25 * ceil( 0.5 + BreakOutLong * 4 );
breakOutShort = 0.25 * floor( 0.5 + BreakOutShort * 4 );
breakOutLong = 0.01 * round(0.5 + BreakOutLong * 100);
breakOutShort = 0.01 * round(0.5 + BreakOutShort * 100);
test = 0;
else if(Length == "4")

breakOutLong = Prec(breakOutLong , 4);

breakOutShort = Prec(breakOutShort , 4);
//now use the average max range to calculate a profit target
//for each day's opening range break out
UserTarget = StrToNum(TargetLst);
//allow user to modify the profit target from selection made in
//the parameters.
ProfitLong = MrktOpen + (Ref(RngMaxAvg, -1))*UserTarget ;
ProfitShort = MrktOpen - (Ref(RngMaxAvg, -1))*UserTarget ;
UserStop = StrToNum(StopLst);
//Allow user to modify the stop loss values from selection made
//in the parameters.
StopAmtLong = Prec((breakOutLong - MrktOpen)*UserStop ,2);
StopAmtShort = Prec((MrktOpen - breakOutShort)*UserStop ,2);
//round the stop and profit target levels based on user selection in parameter
if(Length == "0")
StopAmtShort = int(StopAmtShort);
StopAmtLong = int(StopAmtLong);
ProfitShort = int(ProfitShort) ;
ProfitLong = int(ProfitLong);
else if(Length == "2")
if(rounding == "NearestQuarter" AND Instrument == "Futures")
StopAmtShort = 0.25 * ceil( 0.5 + StopAmtShort * 4 )+0.25;
StopAmtLong = 0.25 * floor( 0.5 + StopAmtLong * 4 );
ProfitShort = 0.25 * ceil( 0.5 + ProfitShort * 4 ) ;
ProfitLong = 0.25 * floor( 0.5 + ProfitLong * 4 ) - 0.25;
StopAmtShort = 0.01 * floor(0.5 + StopAmtShort * 100);
StopAmtLong = 0.01 * round(0.5 + StopAmtLong * 100)+0.01;
ProfitShort = Prec(ProfitShort , 2) ;
ProfitLong = Prec(ProfitLong , 2);
else if(Length == "4")
StopAmtShort = Prec(StopAmtShort , 4);
StopAmtLong = Prec(StopAmtLong , 4);
ProfitShort = Prec(ProfitShort , 4) ;
ProfitLong = Prec(ProfitLong , 4);

//create the title layout for the various levels

TitleBreakOuts = EncodeColor(colorCustom11) +"Today's Breakout Levels:" +"\n"
+"Long Target: " +ProfitLong + "\n"
+"Breakout Long: " +breakOutLong +"\n"
+"Long Stop: " +(BreakOutLong - StopAmtL
ong) +"\n"
+"Today's Open: " +MrktOpen +"\n"
+"Breakout Short: " +breakOutShort +"\n"
+"Short Target: " +ProfitShort +"\n"
+"Short Stop: " + (BreakOutShort + StopA
_SECTION_BEGIN("Toby Crabel Patterns");
TitleHeader = EncodeColor(colorYellow) +"Yesterday's Price Patterns" +"\n";
TitleSwing = EncodeColor(colorLavender) +"1 Day Swing Trend" + "\n";
//compress daily high and low for use in calculations
DlyC = TimeFrameCompress(DlyClose , inDaily, compressLast);
DlyH = TimeFrameCompress(DlyHighest, inDaily, compressLast);
DlyL = TimeFrameCompress(DlyLowest, inDaily, compressLast);
DlyO = TimeFrameCompress(MrktOpen, inDaily, compressLast);
DlyRng = DlyH-DlyL;
//use compressed daily high and low to expand day's 2-5
PrevO = TimeFrameExpand(DlyO, inDaily);//day 2 open
//PrevO2 = TimeFrameExpand(Ref(DlyO, -1), inDaily);//day 3 open
CurH = TimeFrameExpand(DlyH, inDaily);//day 2 high
PrevH = TimeFrameExpand(Ref(DlyH,-1), inDaily);//day 3 high
PrevH2 = TimeFrameExpand(Ref(DlyH,-2), inDaily);//day 4 high
//PrevH3 = TimeFrameExpand(Ref(DlyH,-3), inDaily);//day 5 high
CurL = TimeFrameExpand(DlyL, inDaily);//day 2 low
PrevL = TimeFrameExpand(Ref(DlyL,-1), inDaily);//day 3 low
PrevL2 = TimeFrameExpand(Ref(DlyL,-2), inDaily);//day 4 low
//PrevL3 = TimeFrameExpand(Ref(DlyL,-3), inDaily);//day 5 low
PrevC = TimeFrameExpand(DlyC, inDaily);//day 2 close
PrevC2 = TimeFrameExpand(Ref(DlyC,-1), inDaily);//day 3 close
PrevC3 = TimeFrameExpand(Ref(DlyC,-2), inDaily);//day 4 close
//code and plot the Doji
//abs(O-C)/(H-L) < .11 AND (O+C)/2 < H-((H-L)*.33) AND (O+C)/2 > L+((H-L)*.33)
DlyDoji = (abs(DlyO-DlyC)/(DlyRng)) < 0.11 AND
((DlyO+DlyC)/2) < (DlyH-((DlyRng)*0.33)) AND
((DlyO+DlyC)/2) > (DlyL+((DlyRng)*0.33));
doji = TimeFrameExpand(DlyDoji, inDaily);
Cntr = 0;
Holiday = 0;
if(CurBarTime[i] >= TimeOpen[i] AND CurBarTime[i] <= TimeClose[i])
Cntr = 1;
if(Cntr[i] >= 1 AND CurBarTime[i] == TimeClose[i])
Cntr = 2;
if(Cntr[i] < 2 AND CurBarTime[i] > TimeClose[i])
Holiday[i] = 1;

Holiday = TimeFrameCompress(Holiday,inDaily);
//apply holiday filter if the user selects it in the parameters
if(FltrHolidays == 0)
//code and plot the NR4
DlyNR4 = IIf(Holiday OR (BarsSince(Holiday) >= 1 AND BarsSince(Holiday) <= 4),
(LLV(DlyRng,5) == (DlyRng)),
(LLV(DlyRng,4) == (DlyRng)));
//code and plot the WS4
DlyWS4 = IIf(Holiday OR (BarsSince(Holiday) >= 1 AND BarsSince(Holiday) <= 4),
(HHV(DlyRng,5) == (DlyRng)),
HHV(DlyRng,4) == (DlyRng));
//code and plot the NR7
DlyNR7 = IIf(Holiday OR (BarsSince(Holiday) >= 1 AND BarsSince(Holiday) <= 7),
(LLV(DlyRng,8) == (DlyRng)),
(LLV(DlyRng,7) == (DlyRng)));
//code and plot the WS7
DlyWS7 = IIf(Holiday OR (BarsSince(Holiday) >= 1 AND BarsSince(Holiday) <= 7),
(HHV(DlyRng,8) == (DlyRng)),
(HHV(DlyRng,7) == (DlyRng)));
//calculate the 2 day range
DlyTwoDayRng = IIf(Holiday OR (BarsSince(Holiday) == 1 ),
HHV(DlyH ,3) - LLV(DlyL ,3),
HHV(DlyH ,2) - LLV(DlyL ,2));
//calculate the 3 day range
DlyThreeDayRng = IIf(Holiday OR (BarsSince(Holiday) >= 1 AND BarsSince(Holiday)
<= 2),
HHV(DlyH ,4) - LLV(DlyL ,4),
HHV(DlyH ,3) - LLV(DlyL ,3));
TitleDoji = WriteIf(Holiday OR (BarsSince(Holiday) >= 1 AND BarsSince(Holiday) <
= 2),
EncodeColor(colorGold) +WriteIf(
Ref(doji,-2), " Doji Day" +"\n", ""),
EncodeColor(colorGold) +WriteIf(
Ref(doji,-1), " Doji Day" +"\n", ""));
//calculate the price patterns based on standard method if the user
//has selected NO in the filter holidays parameter.
if(FltrHolidays == 1)
//code and plot the NR4
DlyNR4 = (LLV(DlyRng,4) == (DlyRng));
//code and plot the WS4
DlyWS4 = (HHV(DlyRng,4) == (DlyRng));
//code and plot the NR7
DlyNR7 = (LLV(DlyRng,7) == (DlyRng));
//code and plot the WS7
DlyWS7 = (HHV(DlyRng,7) == (DlyRng));
//calculate the 2 day range
DlyTwoDayRng = HHV(DlyH ,2) - LLV(DlyL ,2);
//calculate the 3 day range
DlyThreeDayRng = HHV(DlyH ,3) - LLV(DlyL ,3);

TitleDoji = EncodeColor(colorGold) +WriteIf(Ref(doji,-1), " Doji Day" +"\n", "")

//code the NR
NR = (CurH - CurL) < (PrevH - PrevL);
NR4 = TimeFrameExpand(DlyNR4, inDaily);
TitleNR4 = EncodeColor(colorWhite) + WriteIf(Ref(NR4,0), " NR4 Day"+"\n", "");
WS4 = TimeFrameExpand(DlyWS4, inDaily);
TitleWS4 = EncodeColor(colorRed) +WriteIf(Ref(WS4,0), " WS4 Day"+"\n", "");
NR7 = TimeFrameExpand(DlyNR7, inDaily);
TitleNR7 = EncodeColor(colorWhite) + WriteIf(Ref(NR7,0), " NR7 Day"+"\n", "");
WS7 = TimeFrameExpand(DlyWS7, inDaily);
TitleWS7 = EncodeColor(colorRed) +WriteIf(Ref(WS7,0), " WS7 Day" +"\n", "");
TwoDayRng = TimeFrameExpand(DlyTwoDayRng, inDaily);
//determine lowest 2 day range in previous 20 days
DlyTwoBarNR = LLV(DlyTwoDayRng , 20) == DlyTwoDayRng ;
TwoBarNR = TimeFrameExpand(DlyTwoBarNR, inDaily);
TitleTwoBarNR = WriteIf(Ref(TwoBarNR, -1), " 2DayNR" +"\n", "");
ThreeDayRng = TimeFrameExpand(DlyThreeDayRng, inDaily);
//determine lowest 3 day range in previous 20 days
DlyThreeBarNR = LLV(DlyThreeDayRng , 20) == DlyThreeDayRng ;
ThreeBarNR = TimeFrameExpand(DlyThreeBarNR, inDaily);
TitleThreeBarNR = WriteIf(Ref(ThreeBarNR, -1), " 3DayNR" +"\n", "");
//code and plot the pivot top
PivotTop = CurL < PrevL AND CurH < PrevH AND PrevH > PrevH2;
//code and plot the pivot bottom
PivotBottom = CurH > PrevH AND CurL > PrevL

AND PrevL < PrevL2;

SwingUP = PrevC > ValueWhen(PivotTop, PrevH,1);

SwingDWN = PrevC < ValueWhen(PivotBottom, PrevL,1);
TitleSwingTrend = WriteIf(SwingUP, " Swing UP" +"\n",
WriteIf(SwingDWN, " Swing DWN" +
"\n", " Swing Flat" +"\n"));
ExpSwingTrend = IIf(SwingUP, 9,
IIf(SwingDWN, 0, 1));
//determine if previous day closed up or down
CloseUP = PrevO > PrevH;
//printf("Closed: " +WriteIf( Ref(DlyO,-1) < DlyC, "UP" +"\n", "DWN" +"\n"));
TitleUPDWN = WriteIf(PrevO > PrevH, " UP Day" +"\n", " DWN Day" +"\n");
GapDayUP = PrevO > PrevH2 ;
GapDayDWN = PrevO < PrevL2;
TitleGapDay = WriteIf(GapDayUP,
WriteIf(CloseUP, " Gap UP and closed UP" +"\n",
" Gap UP and closed DWN" +"\n"),
WriteIf(CloseUP, " Gap DWN and closed UP" +"\n",

" Gap DWN and closed DWN" +"\n"),""));

//the exploration is divided into two sections. each section is tied to the
//the value of the parameter toggle which is used to select from two choices
//of the

1 is ORB which is a simple scan showing the brekout, profit and stop
for each ticker. Run this scan within first minutes of market open to
the levels for each of the securities you are tracking. Set the range
analsys window to 'n last days' where n=1.

//Choice 2 is STATS wich is a more thorough scan that is intended to be used on

//a single security at a time. Results can then be exported into a spread sheet
//further analysis. While it is not perfect the intended goal is to output a set
//of data which can be used to measure the profitabilty of the system on a given
//security as well as determine the best way to filter out undesirable trades. S
//the range in the analysis window to include whatever range of days you want to

The two lines below display the output of the STATS exploration $$$$$$$
The top line contains the column headings and the bottom line


contains the data for each time stamp. Trend is measured as a 1 $$$$$$$
day swing pivot. U means the previous day closed above a recent $$$$$$$
pivot top. D mena the previous day closed below a recent


pivot bottom. F means the previous day closed between a


both the recent pivot top and pivot bottom. D3 and D2 are plus $$$$$$$
and minus symbols to show the close of each day relative to the $$$$$$$
previous. D1 is the current day's open relative to previous


day's close. D1 is trade day, D2 is the day before trade day


and D3 is the day before that. After this is a series of 5


price patterns taken from Toby Crabel's book. 1's and 0's show $$$$$$$
for each time stamp what the PREVIOUS day's price pattern


looked like. After the price patterns you find the 6 dollar


values for the breakout, stop and profit targets. The final 6


columns show what occured during each step and using 1's and


0's diplays when you enter long/short, stop out long/short or


hit the long/short target.


LngTarg LngStp
ShrtEnt StpOut
871.5 867.25

WS7 Doji
5/1/2009 9:37

Trend D3
ShrtStp LngEnt StpOut Targ



So the line above tells us these things:

(Trend) Yesterday closed above a recent pivot top. (D1)Today's open was above ye
sterday's close, (D2) yesterday
closed below the previous day's close and (D3) that day closed above it's prior
day. Yesterday was
also WS4 and WS7 day which means expansion. At 9:37 am pries broke below the sho
rt breakout level
and a short entry was indicated.
It is best to run the STATS exploration in a 1 minute time frame to prevent fals
e stops occurring when
a single 5 or 15 minute bar stretches across both the stop loss and breakout lev
intraHigh = HighestSince(CurBarTime == TimeOpen, H);
intraLow = LowestSince(CurBarTime == TimeOpen, L);
FirstBOL = Cross(H, breakOutLong) AND Ref(intraHigh,-1) < breakOutLong OR
H == breakOutLong AND Ref(intrahigh,-1) < breakO
utlong OR
Cross(H, breakOutLong) AND CurBarTime == TimeOpen OR
H == breakOutLong AND CurBarTime == TimeOpen;
LongStop = L <= (breakOutLong - StopAmtLong) AND intraHigh >= breakOutLong AND i
ntraHigh < ProfitLong;
FirstLongStop = LongStop AND Ref(LowestSince(Ref(FirstBOL,-1),L),-1) > (BreakOut
Long - StopAmtLong) OR
LongStop AND Ref(FirstBOL,-1);
StgProfitLong = Cross(H, ProfitLong) AND Ref(intraHigh,-1) <= ProfitLong;
FirstProfitLong = IIf(HighestSince(CurBarTime == TimeOpen, LongStop) < 1, StgPr
ofitLong, 0);
FirstBOS = Cross(BreakOutShort, L) AND Ref(intraLow,-1) > breakOutShort OR
L == breakOutShort AND Ref(intraLow,-1) > breakO
utShort OR
Cross(breakOutShort, L) AND CurBarTime == TimeOpen OR
L == breakOutShort AND CurBarTime == TimeOpen;
ShortStop = H >= (BreakOutShort + StopAmtShort) AND intraLow <= breakoutShort AN
D intraLow > ProfitShort;
FirstShortStop = ShortStop AND Ref(HighestSince(Ref(FirstBOS,-1),H),-1) < (Brea
kOutShort + StopAmtShort) OR
ShortStop AND Ref(FirstBOS,-1);
StgProfitShort = Cross(ProfitShort, L) AND Ref(intraLow,-1) >= ProfitShort;
FirstProfitShort = IIf(HighestSince(CurBarTime == TimeOpen, ShortStop) < 1, Stg
ProfitShort , 0);
MrktHours = CurBarTime >= TimeOpen AND CurBarTime <= TimeClose;
if(expFilter == "ORB")

Filter = TimeNum() == TimeOpen;
AddColumn(breakOutLong, "BOL", 1.2);
AddColumn(ProfitLong, "LngTarg", 1.2);
AddColumn(breakOutLong - StopAmtLong, "LngStp", 1.2);
AddColumn(breakOutShort, "BOS", 1.2);
AddColumn(ProfitShort, "ShrtTarg", 1.2);
AddColumn(breakOutShort + StopAmtShort, "ShrtStp", 1.2);
if(expFilter == "STATS")
Filter = MrktHours AND
( FirstBOS OR FirstShortStop OR FirstProfitShort OR Fir
stBOL OR FirstLongStop OR FirstProfitLong );
AddColumn(IIf( ExpSwingTrend == 9, 85,
IIf( ExpSwingTrend == 0, 68, 70 )), "Trend", formatChar
AddColumn(IIf(PrevC2 > PrevC3, 43, 45), "D3", formatChar);
AddColumn(IIf(PrevC > PrevC2, 43, 45), "D2", formatChar);
AddColumn(IIf(MrktOpen > PrevC, 43, 45), "D1", formatChar);
AddColumn(WS4, "WS4", 1);
AddColumn(WS7, "WS7", 1);
AddColumn(doji, "Doji", 1);
AddColumn(NR4, "NR4", 1);
AddColumn(NR7, "NR7", 1);
AddColumn(breakOutLong, "BOL", 1.2);
AddColumn(ProfitLong, "LngTarg", 1.2);
AddColumn(breakOutLong - StopAmtLong, "LngStp", 1.2);
AddColumn(breakOutShort, "BOS", 1.2);
AddColumn(ProfitShort, "ShrtTarg", 1.2);
AddColumn(breakOutShort + StopAmtShort, "ShrtStp", 1.2);
AddColumn(FirstBOL, "LngEnt", 1);
AddColumn(FirstLongStop, "StpOut", 1);
AddColumn(FirstProfitLong, "Targ", 1);
AddColumn(FirstBOS, "ShrtEnt", 1);
AddColumn(FirstShortStop, "StpOut", 1);
AddColumn(FirstProfitShort, "Targ", 1);
if(expFilter == "OHLC")
//When exploration filter is set to OHLC in parameters,
//this will output the O,H,L,C for each day/ticker selected in
//the analysis window.
Filter = CurBarTime == TimeClose ;
AddColumn(DlyOpen, "O", 1.2);
AddColumn(DlyHighest, "H", 1.2);
AddColumn(DlyLowest, "L", 1.2);
AddColumn(DlyClose, "C", 1.2);
_SECTION_BEGIN("Daily Pivots");
//Determine the value of the market close. Initial setting is for

//4:00 PM to match US Market Open. Adjust as need for your market

MrktClose = ValueWhen(CurBarTime == TimeClose , Close);
Range = DlyHighest - DlyLowest;
PP = (DlyHighest + DlyLowest + MrktClose)/3;
PP = round(PP * 4) / 4;
R1 = (2 * PP) - DlyLowest;
S1 = (2 * PP) - DlyHighest;
R2 = PP + Range;
S2 = PP - Range;
R3 = R2 + Range;
S3 = S2 - Range;
R4 = R3 + Range;
S4 = S3 - Range;
TitlePivots = EncodeColor(colorBlack) +"Today's Daily Pivots" +"\n"
+"R1: " +R1 +"\n" +"PP: " +PP +"\n" +"S1: " +S1
if(PPSR1 == 0)
Plot(R1, "Dly R1", colorBlue, styleLine | styleThick | styleNoRescale);
Plot(PP, "Dly Pivot", colorCustom12, styleLine | styleThick | styleNoRescale);
Plot(S1, "Dly S1", colorBlue, styleLine | styleThick | styleNoRescale);
if(S2R2 == 0)
Plot(R2, "Dly R2", colorBlue, styleLine | styleNoRescale);
Plot(S2, "Dly S2", colorBlue, styleLine | styleNoRescale);
if(S3R3 == 0)
Plot(R3, "Dly R3", colorBlue, styleDashed | styleThick | styleNoRescale);
Plot(S3, "Dly S3", colorBlue, styleDashed | styleThick | styleNoRescale);
if(S4R4 == 0)
Plot(R4, "Dly R4", colorBlue, styleDashed | styleNoRescale);
Plot(S4, "Dly S4", colorBlue, styleDashed | styleNoRescale);
if(PlotBreak == 0)
Plot(MrktOpen, "Daily Open", colorBlack, styleLine | styleNoRescale);
Plot(BreakOutLong , "Break Out Long", colorGreen, styleLine | styleNoRescale);
Plot(BreakOutShort , "Break Out Short", colorRed, styleLine | styleNoRescale);
Plot(ProfitLong, "Long Target", colorGold, styleDots | styleThick | styleNoResca
Plot(ProfitShort, "Short Target", colorGold, styleDots | styleThick | styleNoRes
PlotOHLC(MrktOpen, breakOutLong, MrktOpen, MrktOpen, "", colorPaleGreen, styleCl
oud | styleNoRescale | styleNoLabel);
PlotOHLC(MrktOpen, MrktOpen, BreakOutShort , MrktOpen, "", colorRose, styleCloud
| styleNoRescale | styleNoLabel);
RibbonColor = IIf(MrktHours , colorGreen, colorRed);
Plot( 2, "ribbon",RibbonColor,styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -1, 100 );

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Cl

ose %g (%.1f%%) ", O, H, L, C,
SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) )+"\n" +TitleBreakOuts +TitlePivots +TitleSwing +T
itleSwingTrend +TitleHeader
+TitleNR4 +TitleNR7 +TitleTwoBarNR +TitleThreeBarNR +TitleWS4
+TitleWS7 +TitleDoji
+EncodeColor(colorWhite) +WriteIf(TitleGapDay == "", TitleUPDWN, "") +TitleGapDa
y );

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