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opyright, 1945



Pitman Publishing C


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ll rights reserved. No part of this book

may be reproduced in any form without

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the written permission of the publisher.





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dedicate this book

whose co-operation I

to my wife A

on the musical side of my subj

mable value in all my work

tanley to

ect has been of inesti-

and in all my writings.


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Public Domain, Google-digitized /

Douglas S

lma S

owe so much. H er collaboration

*d* T%  W A

  1  $  $ ^ 

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*k` `k


tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

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Di iiXU S


This book

is the result of years of research, years of practical

teaching, and the priceless co-operation of many scientists and hun-

dreds of pupils.

The thousands of readers who so cordially received my former


s will find here a further development of those pioneer state-

ments of scientific principles upon which our k


nowledge of vocal

technic is based.

H erein are the most modern developments in vocal training care-

fully tested and scientifically proven. The latest teaching procedures

are combined with a clear statement of the fundamental principles

of registration, resonance adj

ustment, vibrato, and so on, on the basis

of immutable, scientific laws.

The two book

The S

cience of V

The V



ts Production and R

eproduction and

contain a detailed discussion of the scientific

principles upon which the training of the voice is based. R


little was said about the application of these principles to the actual


of the vocal teacher. Now

with the vitally important new

discoveries and procedures which have been made during the inter-

vening years

this matter has been tak

en up in considerable detail.

The practical application of the fundamental scientific findings has

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improved immeasurably as they have been applied to the training

of many hundreds of voices.

The need for a statement of these applications, together with a

description of the latest methods and devices which can be em-

ployed, renders the publication of the book

imperative at this time,

for the benefit of not only those teachers and singers who are follow-

ing the teachings laid down in the earlier book

new readers who may wish to follow them. E

made to render the entire subj

possible. A

ect as clear, definite and concrete as

ll figurative or imaginative language has been avoided.

t is desirable, even essential, for anyone who wishes to follow the

teachings laid down in the earlier book

s, but also for those

very effort has been

s to read this book

omplete understanding of the scientific principles involved and

the proper application of the devices and procedures employed are

essential in order that the pupil'


s voice may be radically improved.

%2 1         


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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

5]Pr{P \P K{r}PPt PEK\P r Ek{ ~{P E ~PKaEll

EatPN PEEt PE KE~EHkP {S NPPKatZ ratP Eka EbEa{t

urthermore, the competent teacher must also possess a specially

trained ear

an ear capable of detecting minute q

and of translating them into the physical adj

uality variations

ustments of which they

are the aural manifestations. This is imperative to ultimate success.

urthermore, the teacher must ex

ercise j

udgment constantly. Per-

functory or casual teaching may be disastrous. I


n any field whatever,

little learning is a dangerous thing."

Naturally, it is to be ex

even organized

opposition from those incapable of

scientific, well-ordered and disciplined procedures. I

of such opposition, this book

n anticipation

moves carefully along paths which

have been thoroughly defined and charted by painstak

ing, precise,

scientific investigation.

To mak

e the material herein most widely effective, both teacher

and pupil are addressed. The technical points involved and the

procedures applicable in each step are stated from the teacher'

point of view. These are followed by clarifying statements to the

student which reveal the part each student must play, the errors to

avoid and the end to be achieved by each step.

lways, both student and teacher must realize that their personal

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

integrity has a large part in any permanent success. F



rise and fall with the seasons, but a voice carefully, properly and

conscientiously trained and used will remain a rich asset until the

general health fails permanently because of old age.

tatements herein are proven and conservative. The procedures

outlined are applicable to adults and children of both sex

es. C


application will bring results which are often startling and always

both satisfying and beneficial.

ncluded in this book

appeared in The V


is a considerable portion of the tex

ts Production and R

t which

eproduction. This ma-

terial is printed in smaller type in order to distinguish it from the

more recent subj


ect matter.

5\Pr{P \P PEK\P r PPKaP hNZrPt K{tEtk$ ?P

StK{ { KEEkPEK]buZsEHPNaE{% 9t Et UPkN ]EPP
2 LB__L9k kPEtatZ a E NEtZP{ \atZ$

& >EEkk a Fk { HP P~PKPN \E Et K{tKaPta{ PT{ {

HatZ {NP { K\ E K\E{aK UPlN E {KEk PEK\atZ akk rPP a

pected that any conscientious effort to

bring order to such a chaotic field as vocal teaching will meet with


EtN {S EtkEatZ \Pr at{ \P ~\aKEk ENhrPt {S \aK\ \P

EP \P EEk rEtaSPEa{t" B\a a BOX9[0_Bf9k { karEP KKP#

NPPratPNPPt {ZEtaPN{~~{aa{t S{r \{P auKE~EHkP {S

KaPtaUK Pkk{NPPN EtN NaKa~katPN ~{KPNP" :t EtaKa~Ea{t
{S K/ {~~{aa{t \a H{{j r{P KEPSkk Ek{tZ ~E\ \aK\
]EP HPPt \{{Z\k NPUtPN EtN K\EPN H ~EatEjatZ ~PKaP
KaPtaUK auPaZEa{t"
B{ rEjP \P rEPaEk \PPat r{ aNPk PTPKaP H{\ PEK\P
EtN ~~ak EP ENNPPN" B\P PK]taKEk ~{at at{kPN EtN P
~{KPNP E~~kaKEHkP at PEK\ P~ EP EPN S{s ]P PEK\P
~{at {S aP# B]PP EP S{kk{PN H KkEaYatZ EPrPt { \P
NPt \aK\ PPEk \P ~E PEK\ NPt r ~kE \P P{' {
E{aN EtN \P PtN { HP EK\aPPN H PEK\ P~"
2kE H{\ NPt EtN PEK\P r PEkaP \E \Pa ~P{tEk
atPZa \E E kEZP ~E at Et X9[O0P9P_k KKP# 5PEj atZP
aP EtN SEkk a\ \P PE{t H E {aKP KEPSkk ~{~Pk EtN
K{tKaPta{k EatPN EtN PN akk PrEat E aK\ EP tak \P
ZPtPEk \PEk\ SEak ~PrEtPtk HPKEP {S {kN EZP#
@EPrPt \PPat EP ~{Pt EtN K{tPEaP# B\P ~{KPNP
{katPN EP E~~kaKEHkP { ENk EtN K]akNPt {S H{\ PP# 4EPSk
E~~kaKEa{t akk HatZ Pk \aK\ EP {SPt EkatZ EtN EkE
H{\ EaSatZ EtN HPtPVKaEk(
9tKkNPN at \a H{{j a E K{taNPEHkP ~{a{t {S \P P \aK\
E~~PEPN at *?9k-W49$_]k(ZT6b4_BTPk 0P6k )9XZT6b4_BTPk B\a rE
PbEk b ~atPN at rEkkP ~P bt {NP { NabtZa\ a S{r \P
r{P PKPt HiPK rEP#


















1. GE













Longer Necessary (6



esonator (6





uilibrium (78)

nstrument (85).

3. DE



tion, Development of Lower R

Thyroid Manipulation (100)

egisters (100)

Balancing of R

4. DE

venly R

udden "


Tone (74)

Tongue Posi-


llegitimate and "

ising S


cale of I

O penings"

Meeting the "



Loud S




alue of





inging (108)

artilage (111) Manipulations for Displaced Larynx







I* Z? f :  =0 ( :  o+ H

 H + =0 0    } ] 0  ?


and Psy-




>, WGR?Rn %KG %KlW=% e %KG %WRnmG f

oices (112)



egistration (114).






7 =0,   I/  &  UJ   4  

 <  ( c8 =,  :m
 =#       , \+ P
: % G+[ ,  \+ P I* ,4
:* a %  <   ,(  ?

eparation of H yoid Bone and Thyroid

ed-register V

nGRGl=i lGZ=l^


and Q uality C

O pening"

egistration (110)

ing W ith Mix

mhnZGR% W] W?TG %GTKR?mG =Rh

Gl]WlZ?R %=iGR%

Tones (101)

O pening"

O penings"





Teaching Methods and Muscular Development (109)

elationship Between

ntensity (103)

O pening"

chological Problems (107)

W ork


egisters (102).



Thyroid Manipula-

egister Muscles (97)

O ctave R

=TWm^%?T=i niW^^=l

H yoid Bone,

ntensity) (86

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Public Domain, Google-digitized /

ontrol of I



(82) H yoid Bone Manipulation (84)

Proper Use of Tongue I

egistration (C





The Tongue and Thoatiness (81)

ar (6


Tongue Muscles (73)

Poor Tone Q uality No

The Teacher'

tion (79)



nstrument (75) E


Tongue I

Position of Larynx






Manipulations vs. O ld Process (6

2. O PE



GGiWZGR%] %KG i=lRnG=i Zm^TiG


7 =5 % <+  ,0  + I*$

h UZ*  % G6 7 9  =#  C %
 + I* = BB  f Z 7 * P6
7 =BB <   K)cJL  B
P/ % 7 = B  ?

F) hGGiW?Rn%KGW?TG e Z=R?mi=%?WR^ f


]Z+ 7 )  % <+ B& K*L  B4

) Kf*L   B4  K*L  o 5 
 B( 9   Kf*L B0 Kf*L  :+m
/   :8  = B G$ ) B, <  
  I   I  UZ*  B# I[
7  B  )* % \+ P   +
5 Pi33 I* % U*  G Pi33
W W I[R C/    8 
`  [[


tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh



' 'j )"'#"'#"j





5. TH E

Laryngeal Pharynx

tion before A

ment and A

ture, to E




O N 115


(117) Pre-tension (118)


Muscles and A

(Throat) (115) A




Tongue-tie (118)

(119) I

stablish I


Tongue I




nspiration (122) "

nspiratory Tension (122)

O ut"


Tension on

Laryngeal and Pharyngeal Muscles in A


nance of "

on the Breathing Muscles


H old"

(124) "

Pre-tension and I





nterference (125) W ork

Production of Tone (125)

Muscles (126

allacies in Tensing E


of Tension (127)

Done in




hanges of Tension (Pitch) (128) Throaty Technic and

lurring (128) E

uilibrium (Larynx

Balanced Development and E

of Balance (130) Pure R

lute C





ssential (131)


Tension and Neck

ontrol (135)




aving of V

inging (137)

H ead, C

Muscles (137)

H ead and S

pine A

Muscles E

ssential (139).

7. TH E




Muscles (140) Tongue and J

aw Lock

(142) J

ping the J

aw (145)

Technic, Neck



Muscles (136

hest and Neck




O N 140

(Middle Position)


aw Lock


o-ordination (150) Throaty

W histling (150).




onscious C






ontrol of Muscles Used in Phonation I




actor (153) F

aulty E

' &' &"j '" j !$%#+!"'&j

$&-# # j '#%&j


ar and Bad Technic (153)

hibition and Bad Technic (154) S

elf-listening (154)

elf-listening (155)

terno-mastoid Muscles and S

Practising O utside S

oice W ithout I

9. PR


nterpretive A



Going Through the F

dition of Lower R

tudio H armful (155)

alsetto (157)

egister (158) No I


bility (155).



ntensity R


O N 157

ises with A


.hgoLXhyo .hgwh^ hP :yoL_No CoNM Yg >VhgFvhg 4djhooYJ^N

"&#9YdXr rh CoN hP :FgXjy^FrYhgo "&$>oLVh_hUX
LF_ 1FLrhl "&$1Fy^s 0Fl FgM -FM ANLVgXL "&$4g
VXJXvhg FgM -FM ANLVgXL "&%@NaP_XorNgXgU "&%
@rNnhdForhXM :yoL^No FgM @N^P^XorNgYgU "&&ANLVgXLFb
>lFLrXoXgU =ysoXMN @ryMXh 3FlfPy^ "&&1ysX^Xs hP 1XgN
DhXLN EXrWhyr 4grNljlNrY{N ,JX^Xr "&&



utility of F


ntensity O verlap of

egisters (159) Thyroid Manipulation in Going Through

alsetto (159)



) 152

(152) Limit to Use of Manipulations (153) Psychologi-

cal F

'j,j!"$* '#"j
/lhjjXgU rWN 7F| "%!:YMM^N hl 9hL] >hoXrXhg FgM ;NL]
:yoL^No "%!AhgUy FgM 7F| 9hL] :XMM^N >hoXrXhg
"%#8F| AlNdh^h "%#7F| FgM 9Xjo "%$/lhj
jYgU rVN 7F| "%&>FooXgU AVlhyUV 7F| 9hL] "%(
7F} :FgXjy^FrXhg "%(.hhlMXgFrXhg "&!AVlhFs
BNLWgYL <NL] EVXor^XgU "&!

Position and Neck

aw and Lips (143)

Passing Through J

aw Manipulation (147)

8. E


aw (140) Middle or Lock

aw Tremolo (142)

and Neck

lignment (138) R

tion of Neck


cessively Dropped Larynx

(137) Throaty S

auses Nod-

terno-mastoid Tension by Manipulation

Thyroid Manipulation and E


;NL] :zL^No "$#ANgoXhg FgM ;NL] :yoL^No .FyoNo ;hM

y_No "$%.ylN hQ ;hMyaNo "$&1hlLXgU hP DhXLN FgM
;NL] .hgslh_ "$&@F{XgU hP DhYLN CggNLNooFl |XrW .hl
lNLr ANLVgXL "$&@rNehdForhXM :yoL^No FgM AVlhFrXgNoo
"$'?NMyLrXhg hP @rNnhdForhXM ANgoXhg J :FgXjy^FrXhg
"$'0~LNooX{N^ /lhjjNM 9Flg~ FgM ;NL] :yoL^No "$'
AVlhYM :FgYjy^FrYhg FgM 0~LNooY{N_ /lhjjNM 9Flg~
"$(AVlhFr @XgUXgU "$(3NFM
.VNor FgM ;NL]
:yoL_No "$(3NFM FgM @jXgN ,_XUgdNgr "$)?N^F~F
rYhg hP <NL] :yoL^No 0ooNgvF_ "$*

oice and

oice Unnecessary with C

cessively Dropped Larynx

Dropping the J

' '%#'"&&j

terno-mastoid Muscles and Throatiness

eduction of S

Muscles C

orcing of V

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /



ure of Nodules (135) F

rect Technic (135)

) (129)

tage of Perfection (131).



inal S

Muscles (132)

ules (134)

, Tongue, Thorax

nergy (130)

egistration E

o-ordination, F

. TH R

9FlgUNF_ >VFlg~ AVlhFr ""&,rrFL] ""(?N^IF

rYhg JNPhlN ,rrFL] ""(>lNrNgoXhg "")AhgUyN 4gowy
dNgr FgM ,rrFL] "")AhgUyNrXN "")-lNFrVXgU
:yoL_No FgM ,rsFL] ""*4gojXlFvhg "## yr 2No
rylN rh 0orFJaYoV 4gojYlFrhl ANgoYhg "##ANgoXhg hg
9FlgUNF_ FgM >VFlgUNF_ :yoL_No Yg ,rrFL] " #%:FXgrN
gFgLN hP 3h`M "#%2Y{N hg rVN -lNFrVXgU :yoL^No
"#&>mNrNgoYhg FgM 5grNlPNlNgLN "#&Ehl] /hgN Yg
>lhMyLrYhg hP AhgN "#&1F^^FLYNo Yg ANgoXgU 0~wFgNhyo
:yoL_No "#'AXdXgU hP ANgoXhg "#(AYdYgU FgM
.VFgUNo hP ANgoXhg >XrLV "#)AVlhFx ANLVgXL FgM
@^yllYgU "#)0kyX^XJlXyd 9Flg~ AhgUyN
AVhlF~ "#*
-F^FgLNM /N{N^hjdNgr FgM 0gNlU "$!/N{N^hjdNgr
hP -F^FgLN "$!>ylN ?NUYowFrXhg 0ooNgrXF^ "$",J6h
_yrN .hhlMXgFvhg
1XgF_ @rFUN hP >NlPNLrXhg "$"



owel Must Be H eld C


H yoid Bone Manipulation and Going Through F

alsetto (16

0) Balancing R

egisters in W omen'


oices (16


$%# !&j#j%&'%'#"j


2hXgU AVlhyUV rVN 1F^oNrrh "&(4grNgoYr ?YoNo |XrV ,M

onstant (159)

MXrXhg hP 9h|Nl ?NUYorNl "&);h 4grNgoYr ={Nl^Fj hP

?NUXorNlo "&*AVlhXM :FgXjy^FrXhg Xg 2hXgU AVlhyUV
1F_oNrrh "&*Dh|N^ :yor -N 3NaM .hgorFgr "&*
3hXM -hgN :FgXjy^FrXhg FgM 2hXgU AVlhyUV 1F^oNrrh "'!
-F^FgLXgU ?NUXorNlo Xg EhdNgo DhXLNo "'!?N_Fv{N^








%M 'M



5  $M o

9. PR






W eak

Middle Tones Unavoidable at F

Lower R

egister More Dangerous than None (16

egister Must Be C

nent Mix

ed R




Use of F

arly S

10. V

ibrato (16


Tremolos (176


simo S

inging (179) C

Great V

and V







z FdR-b Raq -dQwbb


oice Movement and R

oices R

PbQ @v]]b Jb LQw]QWb Q 7w &  / >wb

>b Fbkwb @b 4Rkb rQ Bb &" >c
Fbkwb @ 1b 3Qwb^ L Db DwZr &# DbS
b @xb^ FbkwQw &# KbQw ;^[b^ Ayb_
FbkwQw &# 6wwQw e @wb] @w]^b Fbkwb
&$ Mb e 8Qb e @w^^b Jb &$ ZQb Gb
jbZw y DbeQZb &$ Lb Ik e >wwb^ FQkb
w 6Q IQkb && @QwQw BQ KbwT &'


O ctave R

ongs of Limited R

ibrato from Tremolo (177) V

oloratura Technic-V



limination of Tremolo (175)

eproduction (177) Great V

nduced Mix


teady (178)

ibrato and Tremolo (178) Pianis-

onstriction Particularly Destructive to

oices (180)

ontrol of I

ibrato (Male) (181)

ntensity (180)

alsetto and V


ibrato (F




11. MI



Length and Tension of V

ocal C

Muscles (184) Mix

Muscles (184)

of V

ed R

Muscular E

uilibrium of Laryngeal

planation of O ctave R



dom A

egistration (194)

oice (194)

Pure "

Good Q uality (195) E

structive (195) R

tilage (196


imilarity of Mix

omplete C

ttained (194) Premature E

nates V

olume of Mix

ed and C

o-ordination S

limination of Break

O pen"

limination of E

ither R


egister is De-

elationship of H yoid Bone and Thyroid C

) Mix

ed R




egistration E

egistration and Pitch A



ustment (196

Proper Technic More Difficult Than Thoaty Technic (197)

Pure F


alsetto and Mix

ed-register C

Both R


Proper S

tringing (200) Unbalanced R

ed R

egistration (200) O pening the V

tages (201) I

ound of a Mix

and Mix

ed R

ing the R

12. C

ibrato R

(208) R




O pening"


ery Pronounced (201)

ed-register Tone (202) O ne-register S

egistration (204) "


Middle R


ibility and Legato S

Tune (207)

nitial "




and Blend-

egisters (204).



egistration (Male) (198)

oloraturas (198) Balanced Development of

tration Leads to Mix

in S

ed R


inging (206

onnecting Tones (207)

un (208) I

ntensity R




) 206

haracteristics of a

Portamento and the

ise with A

scending Pitch

!z xaaQ-[a -baQ  wQbq[ [aQ z

hythmic Pattern (209) Moving from Tone to Tone




and J

or Triad (212) "



and S





s (211)

O pening"

lurring (213)

and Maj

or Triad (210)

alue of Tongue I

oice S


?bkr Q^ Kby e O[Q 3` 3 DwZs  *"

JrQbw^ AZb *" 6w|Ww e >TlbQ
@Zb +# @vb] FbkwQw Q] JrQbx^
@Zb +# @ZQ 6QQw e CZQb Fbjb[w
*% 6gbZ f ?bbkwb 6wwQw , >bks
e NZQ 3] Q] EQv , Nb e @yb^blw
b NwZb ," 1bR /b B BbZbRw 1Q^ ,"
;Rz Q] EQw -" IwwRw f @wb^ Q] 3
]wRb^ FbkwQw -# 3bb 3^wQw Ib
^ /Qwb^ ,# DbQb 6xwRw e 1bQ /LC
Qb NwZb -# Db Cb FbkwRw 6QWwrb
9^ EQw ,% 6wwQw e 6wrb Fbkwb { 5b
Zwb ,$ FbQwrw e :w] 1b Q^ Jrw^ 3Q
wQkb -& @wb^ FbkwQw Q^ DwZr 0]Yb ,&
Db KbZrwZ @b 4whZ JrQ JrQ JbZrwZ ,(
Db 7Qb Q^ @wb^ FbkwRw @Qb ,*
@wb]bkwb 3QQ -* 1QQZb] 4bbb e
1r Fbkwb Db Iwkvk   LWQQZb^ Fbkw
Qw ?bQ] @wb^ FbkwRw   Cbwk rb NxZb
x IQkb   ;wxQ Cbwk Nb D[b^  
I] e Q @wb^blwb Kb    bbkwb Iwkxk
Q^ @|b^ FbkwQx  # @w^^b Fblwb T^ 2b^
xl rb Gblwb  #

re Not Necessarily Bad (193)

ntonation and Q uality (193)

ordinated R

   z FQ QFD-R-[xa


limination (190) Length

ords and Q uality (192)

oices (193) "

O N 183

ontrols Pitch (183)

egistration and Thyro-arytenoid

ffect of Lower-register E

ocal C

ter V


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Thyro-arytenoid Muscles (183) E


ords C


NwWT &( 6wwTx e Jb ($ Oxb

Jb (& EQ|
NwZb @bb Q^ Fb^[x
(& 4wgbbZb e NxWQ e Kb )( NwXQ
x Fb]Z| (( 9bQ Nw[b GbQ|b IbQ^ (*
3QQ JbZrw[NwWQ Q^ Jb (* DwTw
w Iwkwk (, 3wZw DQ|ZQ 5bZb
9bQ NwZb * 3 e ;bw * 8Qb
Q] NwWQ AQb * 8Qb T] NxXQ 8bQb


elatively S

2z dbQw bS dQ[ydy[ba 9jhtchwYV


4) Perma-

Maintain Normal Tessitura (16


Q uality, V

) Difference of V

in R

5) Use S



ed "

alsetto for Middle Tones (16

tages (16


2) A


3) Lower

4) Temporarily I

limination of Mix

flection in Performance (16

in E

O N (C

arried Up to Proper Pitch (16

egistration (16

egistration (16

irst (16


nstrument for

lowly (212)

ccuracy of I


7bwXwx Q^ ?bkQ Ixkwl  & 3rQQZbwwZ e Q

Jb  ( 3bZwl Kb  ( DQb T^ b
NxWQ F  * ;bw Hxb wr /Zbal Dw[t
!* Ftrx[ DTb  , @l e Kb Kb
 , Kxwk  , Jxwl Q^ @Q KwU^  
9wb V^ =b   NTb e Klb <b e
@Q JwQ]    bwk NwZb I   
9xl Q^ Im !" /[ZT[ e <T  "

ntonation (213)


: a\bsbyzRz

zob\bz3g =VNg

12. C








) (C




Lower-register Triads for W omen'

owels in Maj

(214) F

alsetto Triads for F

Used (216


or Triad (214)

) Maj

aw, Tongue I


O pening"

at R

pecial Q uality C

ntonation (228)

Use of Lower R

oice (228) "



imilar (233)

alsetto-derived and Lower-register-derived Tones (234)

W hite"

Low Tones S

13. I


W hat the S

arrying Q uality and S

inger S



ong (242)

of F

mportance (248)

irst I

tructure V

geal R

and C

ontrasts (256

hould Not S

Be Used for I


Throaty S

rtistic I

inging R

H igh Tones S





re I

Traditional A


4) C

5) Lower R

egister (F


H um-



spects of S

uires No Talent (26




ecordings (26




uires Proper Technic (26

truggle (26



ffect (259)

ingers (26


motion (254)


H amming"

ecital S

ibrato and E

motion (258)

hould Be No S



inging (258)

onveys No E

olor, V


s (257) Tremolo C


nterpretation R



ingers Lack

olor (257)

peech for S


oft E

owels (253)

ustment and Thoatiness (26

the Musical Line (26

Many S

lurring I

and Musical Distortion (26


Mouth V

limactic Point Destroys E

onsonants and S

ccents and Beats (254) Diction (254) C

annot C

nterpretation (257)

hifting of C

ccuracy (249)

owels and Pharyn-

e a W oman'

ubstitution of S

ring Destroys Music (26


inger C

ound Lik

uire A

adence (255) Musical F

Decrescendo of H eld Tones C

ming C

ustment (252)

panding C

Throaty S


ntensity (251)

t (252)

owels (253)

olor C


omplete Understanding of Musi-

ecitatives R

olor and the Tex


tudy and I

The Music I

tress and Melodic Line (250)

s Basic (250)

esonance A

situra (255) E


now (238) H ow to S

ital (249)

Defining Pitch and V


ustaining Tone (237).

nterpretation (248)

ree Passages (250) S

Melodic Line I


oice Never

O N 238

hould K

terpret a S

cal S

voided (235)

Middle Tones (235) W ell-produced V

Noisy (236


hould Be A







of "

allacy of

onsciousness (229)

tart with F

Going Through the F



mportance of C

hange and Pitch Transition S


Personal Q uality"

oices, Lessons Generally S

egister C

annot Be Divorced from A

stablishment of Pitch C

W hen to Use "

hange (224)

hange (224)

alsetto Tones (225)

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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egister in

egister C

egister C

hythm and Pitch Definition (229) I

(230) Male V

aw and

egister Transition Point (226


egister at Lower Pitch (224)

hord in R

Q uality C

or Triads and

haracteristics (227) True Pitch C

istic of W ell-produced V

Technic (228)


ustment and R

en Tonic C

tensity of Middle and H igh F

of "

or Triad (221) J

emale) (222)

hanging R

onstant Throat A


ustment (218) Maj

or Triad (221)

hange (F


Manipulations (219)

nstrument and Maj

Performance (223) C

Use of R


aw Manipulation (218)

egister C

oice (215)

or Triad and O pening the Mouth (216

Manipulations for Maj

G6  % W } C   4  a %

C6  9Q   4  7   \ WJ
 4  O  % O  C   (  C6
a  0  9Q   f* .  9  0  
*   9.   >Q  , IQ
  6 9*  ,  9*  #  
6h  < .  9Q    6 
9*. % 9Q    9Q   
7 5   O    a q G6 7 
:q    & 5  7 . G6 :.  4 
5.   >Q .  7 5  = 4 
a % PJ  5   7 5   4 <m
.+ % 9  \ O   ( < *.  
% Kf*L  7  :  0 O + %
)*  o+ 5       : 5  .m
 % WR*  C   ,  K: o+L 
   , o+ 5 P UZ  % > 
<  , ]8  q :. 5  = #
7 +  : Uz  # < *  q 5
= &B 9 C h G v ). 6 O
 &  W   a K   .  OL = & 
7 5   :  )  = && 
OZ  G6RZ  = &4 
K L G6  )  P >Z  &(  ] 
% KH+L 9{  = &( WR*  C  HZ
H+  &0 5+ o{+  )  = &  ?

eal Teaching H ard W ork

emale V

O pening the Mouth and Tongue A

Triad and J

oices (214) Use of


ustaining of

hanges of A

TWRRyT%Rn %WRy^ ZyiWhT iRG f YT



emale) and





W    ) )  6  &,  \6  )+  <m

*.  )  _  <*  4,    9 <
% O < *   _,  5 * a. % 9$R
 )  C  4# 7 Z 7c >  +  4# 
O :  (B  )  9 G  (B  
9 G < P  (B  <+  (  )%. ] 
 (   5  .  [.  (  C6  : +R
 7  >Q .  (  9 C6  (& 
Uz :  C6 = (& >   P  (4 
U  = (4  5{h C8  ]   (4  R
  (( ][* 5   (( 9  O$
 5 5  (0 9+ ) G J 9  *
= (0  + ) 5 5  ( > 9} C 
) { H. ) G  W }  (    5
P a % <*  (  J > <
= (, )8. % )* % )  (, 9
U   q \  5Z+ H ]   (, 
) q % 5{   :. Ud ] .  ( \$ R
 5   < K
L  0B )R
 Ud 9 = 0B 7  )  0
 9  U  0   >*  % )
 0& >. <* 7c :*    0& 
 .+ ) 7c H   04  ) %
\  )  P H )  04  5  % >m
      0(  G6 7 =O   
.  I  G  00 7   00  ?

tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

14. TH E

15. UNS






ound (291)



ocal Teaching I






Loud S

ue (280) S

oice (297)

oice (297)

are (299) C



6F* -@+ E+_mg o>


6I+ AEA-> -+_>@mg +-@obE




G J p :63 :3
F-! 3 F. M ;;D   
.  : F  n :$!- 
. y ! M  D O Y$
H Y  #D )

 y $ M ,1 ) b 3 2
M #1 n) 
z + a$
2. M'#1 X F `
 )$! '#n ~~G$! )

 M'# D 322!
G +   #  5    Y  3  #& D
O  + M #& O $+ y. ! 7$b. 
] b+
 p C  M #4 n H $3 b C  S 
 M @ D 
  :3  HF X y.! M #@ D 2$bX

! .  )2 J
 C   #   6h  . 
! )2 J C  M # D >Y2bz .
\  \ ! 

 M'#, D b-2!$ ! C  `23!$  . M ## D
~ F > >3  M'## n   X  3 M&11 D
~WJ  .  `v b ` ! . ! 


acts R

aulty Methods R

oice vs. Technic (296

W ell-produced V

re R


Teachers of



inging (292) Dropped

allacy (293)

ing V

s the "

oaches W ho Become Teachers (293)

s a Process Not a Method (296

ing V

rtists A

W ork

oncepts (290) F

Natural V


Technic (298)

Great A

oice (294)

tions and the S

and S


inging in the Masq

W rong (292)

Loss of V


haracteristic (277)

cientifically Unsound C

garding S


Pseudo-scientific Methods (277) F

Names (279)

of Power, Present-day C

the Past (277)


oyal R

esult in E


aw, Breathing Muscles

mplification H as H armed V

oice R



eproduces Best (299)

hoosing a Teacher (300)


to Good S

inging (301).


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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

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: a\bsbyzRz






This section of the glossary has been arranged in alphabetical order.

planations are brief and concise, and technical terms are avoided

wherever possible. W here physiological matters have been discussed, the

language employed has been designed with a view to mak

ing the subj

matter as clearly understandable to the layman as possible. These ex



  5 5

tions are not set down for the physiologist, who will understand all that

hasi been written in this book


without the necessity of reading these


ntagonistic Tension

cles. W hen we mak

W henever we mak

e a movement we tense mus-


B v    / 

k%T )Q M      % F


! "  % !  2 " O 

     0 ] Q 4 7Z
!       $ ! !  

  !    2 !   D  
/B ;

e the reverse movement another group of muscles

comes into tension. Thus, if one moves his arm outward, the muscles

which accomplish this gesture come into tension and the muscles which

move it inward are relax


ed. I

f the arm is then moved back


the muscles which accomplish this gesture come into tension

and the muscles which moved it outward are relax

two groups of muscles

ed. H ence, these

the muscles which move the arm inwards and

those which move it outwards

are in antagonism, i.e., they are antago-

nistic muscles.

imilarly, the inspiratory muscles are antagonistic to the ex

muscles. A



gain, the thyro-arytenoid muscles are antagonistic to the

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crico-thyroid muscles and the arytenoid muscles. E

uilibrium is estab-

%,&%!+.!4 %+!&%GM/% ! 2  %/ !  m

lished when both sets of muscles are in the proper balance of tension.

The same thing applies to the muscles of the tongue.

n incorrect technic the antagonistic muscles come into tension and

the muscles which should be in tension relax

. Thus, for ex

ample, when

the muscles of the chest come into tension, the muscles of the dia-

phragm and the back

ribs relax

, i.e., inspiratory tension is lost. E


sive tension on the thyro-arytenoid muscles is associated with relative


ation of the crico-thyroid and the arytenoid muscles. Tension on

the neck

muscles is associated with relax

ation of the genio-hyo-glossus

muscles. The antagonistic muscles which change the physiological

pattern of phonation should be relax


tmospheric Pressure is the pressure of the air particles which sur-

round the individual. I

ed. The muscles which should

e part in phonation must be developed in their proper co-ordination.

t varies with the temperature, elevation, etc.

ound is transmitted through the air by means of periodic variations

of pressure brought about by the movements in space of the vibrator.

The voice is actuated by means of the breath pressure, i.e., the breath

/3 M ! 2  %0 %      

   3 4+ Gg  %    *
   ! #
% *
; s     %
G    !    )       

    !  %/
 / 7
;  $ /
k     G    ! " %   !

 !  %  !

G  f$ B<g "Ha e  Z
)  ;
X) $       e     7 
 cQ \$  =
 ; }>    m

! "       "      3
8     )    /0   Q
J      )      


     Q 4$  7$ !"
ag         $  c   

"T g
  2 T 7$ B<g       3 }7 
 %    =
!  T %
7    = 

 3 4 
!  7   ="=
 Q 8    !  "  "  
 T 7
; 4   ! " cN
2  v     
v ;

,$&+( )!4 )++/)4         !   n

; s % !"  $ %$  3
  "  ]  %      %3
4" %    e @ F    F " C0$ B<g " FT #


: a\bsbyzRz

zob\bz3g =VNg

VV o jpfjV j= =kVoM VV =P jV =o >HW jV

= q ? =jVqM XVkV ^ VV oV jY
VVf krNj =M?V lV qNV!

pressure is higher than atmospheric pressure and the air above the


is at atmospheric pressure

the loss of pressure supplies the

energy which actuates the voice.



means the inception, or start, of the tone. W hen the attack

tt>C] V= jV oMVq = ^ lV V! <jX jV =?M o

VXMVP V jV MV VQ o l?q M9 kV MV


ecuted properly, all the muscles used in phonation, i.e., the muscles

of the larynx

, pharynx

and thorax

(inspiratory and ex


Proper attack

implies instantaneous (actually in the time interval of

one six

tension as a single unit at j

piratory), come

into properly "

th of a second) establishment of the center of pitch of the tone

to be sung. This pitch should be attack

ed in the center of loudness

with a definite and clearly defined vowel, or q



_ lV = k> =P l= os? =Q Vq? MV

oX rVPXq ? = qgV o = | kV V V!
5V =?N oqV o??X =M? o jV qV oV= ^
V {j ^ = XNQ X?IqlX ^ kV NXX ^ qNj ^ jV V
HV g! 8lo oNl lQ IX ??NXQ o lX NXX ^ QX
ol = QXdqX ?P MX? QXdXQ X ?q!

ust the proper moment.

panding the Diaphragm Through the A

The tension on the

laryngeal muscles must occur a split fraction of a second before the

establishment of the tension on the muscles of the thorax

matic and back

rib muscles must come into tension

while the attack

: Diaphrag-

j>eEXeN tQF X>jQn>Na 8QngxNQ tSF tt>C] 8lX Xq lV

move out

=fV? NV NN = q ^?Nq ^ = VNQ IV^V jV

V=IqjX ^ jV Xq lX NX ^ kV k=& +o=l=f
=qM @P H?N oI NX NX o XqV
jqV jV >=M o MMqf =P ko gVV IV MoVP ^
= j pV= ^ uV ? ^?Mp ^ = XMQ &>9v jV P
j= FVR"

is occurring, and this gesture must be continued for

a short interval of time (a fraction of a second), after the sound

has started.



The term "



is not a good one to use. I

the tone should be started with a blow or sudden j

accomplished attack



t implies that

n properly

the singer goes smoothly from relative relax


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tion (optimum tonus) into opening tension. This opening tension

must be initiated with the proper timing and must be established

3 F/]FE 9jV V >=M 1 = fP V V! / ooV j?

jV V kP HV =VP oj = .Ym PQV |V! 0 V
=MMqjVP ==M jV yfV fV j ^ V=oV V?=
q q  o Vyf Vo! 8ko Vof Vo
HV opo=VP oj jV V pof =P HV V=IojVP
=P jVR"
/ jV |VVP ==M jV yfV fV pj = |V ^ Vp
VVq jqMk j= HVV V=IqjVQ .9>mv9E&c5
Po }99v~9
9c~Mmc 8j N jV |X jV ==M jV o V=Hoj MoM V
q! 8jV j=PV jV |V lV V MVP jo f Vp
o HV!
) |VVP ==M =V ?Nq=VP oj = qMj ! 9kp =
HV =oP H jV NN' jVV^V jV =P|V t oNVM
^ jV ?fV? = V ? ^ jV j=fV= u ` oV!

and held.

n the j


ed attack

the singer goes with a j

pre-tension, which has been established beforehand


from tension

into reverse

tension. Thus, if he j


s the attack

he will establish constrictor ten-

sion. The harder he j


s, the more pronounced this wrong tension

will be.

ll j


ed attack

s are associated with a pitch slur. This slur may

be rapid, but the slur occurs;

therefore, the adj

ustment is incorrect

from the laryngeal as well as from the pharyngeal point of view.

Leading with the Throat

t is true that all the muscles used in

phonation should come into tension simultaneously at the moment

of attack

, but the tension at the larynx

should occur a split fraction

of a second before the establishment of tension on the muscles of

the thorax

, i.e., before the "


gesture of the diaphragm and the

lower ribs has been completed. Thus, the singer should "



start the tension, with the throat. H e should not establish the breath-

ing tension first and then endeavor to close the glottis. I

f he does he

will inevitably blow breath, because the glottis has not been closed

for the attack



s a result of this, he will go into constriction. "

indicates that tension on the larynx

starts the attack

(F>EXeN }XtQ sQF 5Qng>t

$v o V j= = jV MV XP o


j=q jR MV o Vq p=V = jV V
^ ==M H jV Vo = kV = kP MM = o a=Mp
^ = VMP .9>mv9 jV V=HqjV ^ Vq jV MV ^
jV j= -- HV^V jV  fVV ^ jV Pq=j=f =R jV
V oH j= HVV MVVP! 9j jV ufV jP V=P --
= jV Vq ok jV k=! -V jP V=Hoj jV HV=j
oh Xq e =P jV VPX= MV jV go! /^ jV PV jV
q oVo=J I IX?j IVN?V jV fp j= KVV MXS
^ jV ==M! ) = X ^ lq lV o f o NqMp! 4X?Q
of pPoM=V j= Vq jV ? ? lV =?M VX
jfj lV pV pV= p X qfj vPVVQ!

, even

though the time interval is very slight indeed.


There are two or even three types of slurred attack

generally occur simultaneously. Pitch may be slurred;

. They

intensity may

9jVV =V VV jVV V ^ VP ==M! :jV

fVV= MM q=V! 6oMk = HV VP' pVp =



tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

HW VP H9 jV qfV = = ^ =P HoP jW P

V ^ jV V( jV V = HV VP H9 jW V=MW >P|
X = Mj=fV Pqf jV ==M =P =^V jV W j= HVV
*VM=V V MPo=q ^ jW =fV= MV PVVP
qNj &c3 Hc9k jq =P|V o pMVM N VpjV V
o VT# /^ jV V P q V=HojVP = jV V ^
@?N lV X=MV N=rqV =X V j=VP ^ jV foV
X =P lV V=MV =P}X o q=NM=V!
5qNl X =P qXo jP HV V=HojVP =P =HV
TVdVP = lX X ^ ==M lVqV jV V N= HV

be slurred, i.e., the singer may start softly and build up the loud-

ness of the tone;

the vowel may be slurred, i.e., the resonance adj

ment may change during the attack


and after the tone has been


Because proper co-ordination of the laryngeal muscles depends

upon pitch and intensity, this adj

is slurred. I


ustment is incorrect if either one

f the vowel sound is not established at the moment of

, the resonance cavities are not properly shaped for the given

vowel and the resonance adj

ustment is inaccurate.

Pitch, vowel and intensity should be established, and absolutely

defined at the moment of attack

, otherwise the tone cannot be pro-

duced properly.

Balanced Tension

W hen two groups of muscles which function an-

tagonistically in phonation come into eq

ualized tension, they are

balanced. W hen balanced tension occurs, the system is in eq

Thus, when the "


out and back

ualled by the "


tension on the back

out and forward"


rib muscles is

tension on the diaphragm, these

two groups of muscles are balanced. W hen the thyroid pull is eq

ized by the arytenoid pull, i.e., the registers are eq

the larynx

is in balanced tension, etc. I


ually developed,

n correct technic, the tensions


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are balanced.

uilibrium of the Breathing Muscles

duced properly, the breathing muscles are in eq

tension is balanced by inspiratory tension;

W hen the voice is pro-

uilibrium: E

also the "

pull of the diaphragmatic muscle is balanced by the "




nF=tQ lwV_V@nVwa gL tQF nF?tQVeO l w3A_F 5<jV jV pMV p

, it must be retained during phonation. The

must not be lost. The diaphragm and ribs must not move

up, down or out. A


ny movement whatever of these members indicates

ation of the inspiratory muscles.

Thus, the singer who produces his voice properly "

holds his breath"

while he is singing and increases the tension of this "


in order

to sing more vigorously, i.e., raise the pitch or lessen the intensity.

Breath ex

pulsion is, then, only the ex

haust. The air which escapes has

lost its pressure above atmospheric pressure. I

t escapes because the

vocal cords (valve) have opened slighdy in the opening phase of their


ocalized Breath

ome vocal teachers have propounded a fantastic

theory. They state that breath is blown out by means of the ex


tory muscles and that after it has passed through the glottis (vocal

cords), it becomes "

vocalized breath."

They think

carries sound, but sound travels at 1100 feet a second;

that the breath

for the

breath to travel at this speed (750 miles an hour), the singer would

have to blow more than ten times as hard as the worst hurricane:

to blow the audience out of the hall

into bits.

=foqN= y j=q MV r V=qVP Vo jV =V

.&Y&c/93 <jV H==MVP Xq MM lX V p q VroHo!
8j jV jV  =P I=M Vq jV H=M oJ MV w
X=XT I lV  =T ^=T Vq lV Pq=j=f jVV
f ^ MV =V H==MVP# <jV jV jqP o V=
qVP H jV =VoP  H9 jV VfqV =V V= PVVVP
jV = q y H==MVP Vq VM# 1 NVM VMjoM jV Vq
=V H==MVP!

ward and

uilibrium of the breathing muscles has been established,

at the moment of attack

a relax


pull of the muscles of the lower ribs.

W hen eq


forward and out"

?_?eAFD 5F .Vge<jV f ^ MV joMj ^Mq =

PMVP V jV HV=jqf NV =V o VqoIo& ,o=

Xq o H==MVP H po= Vq' = jV ^=P =P 
^ jV Pq=j=f=qM MV q H==MVP H jV H=M=P =P
 ^ jV NX ^ jV V qI!
<jV VqqIo ^ jV HV=jqf MV j= HVV V=HojVP
= jV V ^ ==M o HV V=yVP Pof j=p! 8jV
mP HV ! 8jV Pq=j=f =P oH ]p
 P # ) VV j=VV ^ jVV VHV pPoM=V
= V==o ^ jV qq= MV!
9j jV qfV j PMV jq qMV V mP jo HV=j
jpV jV o qfqf =P qMV=V jV Vp ^ jo jP p PV
qf V pf H9 =qV jV qMj VV jV oVo!
*V=j Vo q jV jV Vj=! 9jV =q joNj VM=V jG
q VV =IV =jVpN VV! / VN=V IVM=V jV
N= NT =Z j=V XVP qfj q jV Xof j=V ^ jVq

to blow the auditorium itself

9gA=_VFD nF?tQA V M= V=MjV j=V PVP > ^==pM

jV! 8jV =V j= HV=j p H H V= ^ jV Vo=
NX =T l? =bX o l= p-93 FvlAF lX fq N=
NP o HVNV M=qXP HV=j! 8jV jq j= jV HV=j
M=oV P H P =V = [[ ^ZV = VMP' ^ jV
IX?l =X ? lq XVT ~[ qX = j lV ofV P
j=V H Z j= V oV = jFP = jV jpM=V&
J jV =PoVMV ^ jV j= H jV =Pop pV^
p Ho!


tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

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  'k  <

rom this ridiculous notion, they tell pupils to direct this stream

of "

vocalized breath"

etc. Theories of "

the masq



hard palate,"

into, or against, some part of the mouth, head,

voice placement,"



Breath C

nasal resonance,"


placing the voice forward,"

based upon this fallacy. V

or "


focussing the voice,"


singing in

placing the voice against the

etc., are all, more or less,

oice is in the throat

it cannot be "


nG?uQ geung_  7 !       

  k "<    " !   /    
   / D
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:  ;:D V/ 2    ; 
,: h  7    

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Q     @    ; D


ontrol is employed by teachers who believe that the voice

should be "


or actuated, by means of a blast of air, which is

controlled by means of the breathing muscles.

W hen the inspiratory muscles are tensed and the ex

piratory muscles

are relax

ly and the breath

ed, and vice versa, the glottis opens reflex

can then be check

ed only by means of constriction (i.e., tension on the

muscles of the neck

). W hen this neck

tension has been established,

sound can be produced by blowing the breath through this constriction.

Under these circumstances the intensity of the tone is proportional to

the speed of the breath ex


W hen the voice is produced properly, intensity is not dependent

upon the breath ex


pulsion. I

n fact, the amount of breath ex

pelled (the

haust) becomes less as the intensity increases from pp to /, provided

the throat is opened and the neck

muscles are relax


pulsion is the rate at which the breath is ex

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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Breath E

pelled, or ex


during phonation.

W hen technic is correct, and the muscular system of the voice is

highly developed and properly co-ordinated, breath ex

low. I

t is a function of the laryngeal muscles. A


;+ "  ;

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 > / "
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pulsion is very

singer whose voice is

really well produced can hold almost any tone in his voice, at normal

intensity, for about 26

-30 seconds. I

n correct technic breath ex


increases as intensity drops, so that one cannot hold as long at lower

intensities. H owever, one can sustain a tone long enough to sing easily

any musical phrase that has ever been written. A

ten-second phrase

is actually a long one in music.

Breath ex


pulsion is apt to rise when the voice is in the process of

opening up."

W hen a sudden "


occurs it is apt to rise sud-

denly to a distressing degree, because the control of the constriction

has been lost and the arytenoid muscles have not developed sufficient

strength to close the glottis at this stage of laryngeal development.

urther development


alleviates this condition.

W hen the voice is throaty the breath ex


pulsion may be very low

in fact, in certain cases, the throatier the voice, the lower

the breath ex

pulsion. A

t an ex

treme stage of constriction a singer may

be able to produce a most unpleasant little noise for as long as 50-6


t is good when breath ex

t is bad when the throat is closed.

Breath Pressure

pulsion is low provided the throat is open.

The air above the larynx

is at atmospheric pressure.

ir in the lungs is above atmospheric pressure (compressed) because

the glottis is closed and the breathing muscles are in tension. The

nG?uQ .nGqqwnJ * 


  7   h  

     Q     D *


tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

pressure of the breath below the larynx

closure of the glottis

qvCzzvC nI |UC 7vC.|U 7C_n |RC `.vi @CqCi@z

qni |RC
<`nzvC nI |RC P`n||Xz|UC zq.<C 7C|CCi |RC n<._ <nv@z %I |RC P_n||Xz
Xz <_nzC@
|UC 7vC.|R qvCzzvC <.i 7C v.XzC@ 8 cC.iz nI |CizXni ni |RC
ZizqZv.|nv .i@ |RC CqXv.|nv cz<_Cz ,RC P_n||Xz @nCz in| <_nzC
|SC ZizqZv/|nv dz=_Cz /vC vC_.C@ C<Cq| |n |RC @CPvCC |n RX<R X|
Xz ztCCC@ |nPC|RCv 7C<.{C nI |CizXni ni |RC cz<_Cz nI |RC iC<^
,RC Inv<C RX<R .<|.|Cz |RC oX<C Xz |RC qvCzzvC nI |RC 8vC.|U
in| |RC 7vC.|R X|zCaI in| . T&C.|R 7`.z| qvnX@C@ |RC nX=C Xz qvn
@<C@ qvnqCv_ %| Xz |UC _nzz nI qvCzzvC |U.| Xz <R.iPC@ Xi|n zni@
CiCvP ,RXz Xz zXcX_.v |n . z|C.c CiPXiC @vXCi 7 cC.iz nI |RC qvCz
zvC nI |RC z|C.cin| 7 cC.iz nI . 8_.z| nI z|C.c

depends, primarily, upon the

the space between the vocal cords. I

f the glottis

is closed, the breath pressure can be raised by means of tension on the

inspiratory and the ex

piratory muscles. The glottis does not close, if

the inspiratory muscles are relax

is sq

ed, ex

cept to the degree to which it

ueezed together because of tension on the muscles of the neck

The force which actuates the voice is the pressure of the breath

not the breath itself (not a breath blast)

duced properly. I

provided the voice is pro-

t is the loss of pressure that is changed into sound

energy. This is similar to a steam engine driven by means of the pres-

sure of the steam

not by means of a blast of steam.

Breathing is the inspiration (tak

of air. I

t is not phonation. I

ing in), and ex

piration (letting out)

n the breathing act the glottis (the space,

be drawn into and ex

pelled from the lungs only when it is opened.

The individual would die of suffocation if the glottis were to close

during the breathing act. The glottis must be closed for phonation.

W hen the breath is inspired the inspiratory muscles become tense

and the lungs ex

pand. A

W hen the breath is ex

t the same time the ex

pired the ex

piratory muscles relax

piratory muscles become tense and

the lungs contract as the inspiratory muscles relax

. Because this act

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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continues all during life, the co-ordination of muscles which occurs

for it, has become reflex

. W hen part of the reflex

initiated, the other part occurs reflex

and ex

co-ordination is

ly. This is why both inspiratory

piratory muscles must be in tension for phonation. I

f only one

set of these muscles becomes tense, the breathing act is initiated, the

glottis opens and the production of sound, without ex

ternal interfer-

ence, is impossible.

Balanced Tension of the breathing muscles occurs when the ex

tory tension is eq

and forward"


ualed by the inspiratory tension. A

out and back



lso, the "

pull of the diaphragmatic muscle is eq

n .i@ CqXv.|Xni _C||ZiP n|

nI .Zv $| Xz in| qRni.|Xni $i |RC 8vC.|RXiP .<| |RC P`n||Xz |RD zq.<C

nv nqCiXiP
7C|CCi |RC n<._ <nv@z Xz nqCiC@ ,RC 7vC.|R <3
7C @v. Xi|n .i@ CqC__C@ Ivnc |RC _iPz ni` RCi X| Xz nqCiC@
,RC Xi@XX@.` n_@ @XC nI zMn</|Xni ZI |RC P_n||Xz CvC |n <`nzC
@vZiP |RC 7vC.|RXiP .<| ,RC P_n||Xz ez| 7C <_nzC@ Inv qRni.|Xni
-RCi |RC 7vC.|R Xz XizqXvC@ |RC ZizqXv.|nv dz<_Cz 8C<ncC |CizC
.iA |RC `iPz Cq.i@ !| |RC z.cC XdC |RC CqXv.|nv cz<_Cz vC`.
-RCi |RC 7vC.|U Xz CqXvC@ RC CqZv.|nv cz<`Cz 7C<nc |CizC .i@
RC `iPz <ni|v.<| .z |RC ZizqZv.|nv cz<`Cz vC`6 "C<.zC |RXz .<|
<ni|ZiCz .`_ @vZiP `ZIC
|RC <nnv@Zi.|Zni nI cz<_Cz RX<R n<<vz
Inv X|
R.z 7C<ncC vCOC -RCi q.v| nI |RC vCOC <nnv@Xi.|Xni Xz
|RC n|RCw q.v| n<<vz vCOC` ,RXz Xz R 8n|R XkzqXv.|nv
%Fe CqYv.|nv cz<`Ez cz| 7C Xi |CizXni Inv qRni.|Xni %I ni` niC
zC| nI |RCzC cz<_Cz 7C<ncCz |CizC
|RC 7vC.|RXiP .<| Xz XiX|X0|C@
P`n|Xz nqCiz .i@ |RC qvn@<|Xni nI zni@
Z|Rn| C|Cy.` Xi|CvICv

Y7/`CGRAo Xz |UC XizqZv.|Zni |.^XiP

or opening, between the vocal cords) is opened. The breath can


ualed by the

pull of the muscles of the lower ribs, i.e., the

torso does not move.

/O/R475o ,7R\GURo nI |RC 8vC.|RZiP cz?_Cz n<<vz RCi |RC CqXv.

Blowing Breath through a constriction occurs when the technic is

throaty. This constriction is established by drawing the tongue back

into the throat against the posterior wall of the laryngeal pharynx

and tensing the neck

muscles, which are so tense that they actually


. This constriction enables the throaty singer to

ueeze the larynx

produce sound by blowing breath.

n correct technic the breath is "


H olding the Breath"

and the ex


not blown.

or inspiration, the inspiratory muscles tense

piratory muscles relax

the inspiratory muscles relax

. The ex

piratory muscles tense and

, when the breath is ex

n phonation neither of these two conditions occur. I


f they did,

the glottis would open and phonation would be impossible without

the application of ex

ternal pressure on the larynx

phonation both the inspiratory and the ex

. Therefore, in

piratory muscles must be

|nv |CizXni Xz Ct._C@ 7 |RC XizrZv.|nv |CizXni !`zn

|RC n|
.i@ Inv.v@ q_` nI |RC @X.qRv.Pc.|X< cz<`C Xz Ct.`C@ 8 |UC
n| .i@ 7.<^.v@ q`` nI |RC cz<_Cz nI |RC `nCv vZ8z
;1 e |RC
|nvzn @nCz in| cnC

OUjGR@o Y7/`Co |RvnPR . <nizX<|Zni n<<vz RCi |RC |C<RiY< w

|Rvn.| ,RZz <nizX<|Zni Xz Cz|.7_XzRC@ 7 @v.ZiP |UC |niPC 7.<^

Yi|n C |Rvn.| .P.Xiz| |RC qnz|CvXnv .__ nI |VC `.viPC._

/i@ |CizZiP |UC iC<^ cz<`Cz

RX<R .vC zn }CizC |R.| |RC .<|.``
ztCCF |RC `.vi ,RXz <nizX>|\ni Ci.8_Cz |RC |Rvn.| zZiPCv |n
qvn@<C zni@ 7 7_nZiP 7vC.|U
$i <nvvC<||C<RiX<|RC 8vC.|R Xz RC_@
in| 7`n

UO5GR@o `C7o Y7/`Cn V[o XizqXv.|Xni

|RC XizqXv.|nv cz<_Cz |CizC

.i@ |UC CqZv.|nv cz<_Cz vC_. ,RC CqXv.|nv cz<_Cz |CizC .i@
|RC YizqZv.|nv cz<_Cz vC_.
RCi |RC 7vC.|R Xz CqXvC@
$i qRni.|Xni D1<W81Pe nI |RCzC |n <ni@X|Xniz n<<v $I |RC @X@

|UC P`n|Xz n`@ nqCi .i@ qRni.|Xni n_@ 7C XcqnzzX7`C Z|Rn|

|RC .qq`Z<.ni nI C|Cy.` qvCzzvC ni |UC `.vi ,RCvCInvC
qSpj1~[pj 9p~S ~SC Zjzq[v/|pv /jB |SC Cq[v/|pv dz<_Cz fz| 7C


tensed. W hen the singer phonates, he does not breathe

he "

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his breath."


H olding the breath"


uires tension on the inspiratory muscles

for legitimate phonation, during which the inspiratory and ex

tory tensions must be in eq



hest and S



houlder Muscles tak

e part in respiration when it is

,K] QFps =cD 4Qgw^DFm )wpA^Fp 3   * 5*  &

 * *

accomplished improperly. These members are not involved in phona-

!  * *
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tion or respiration, when the technic is correct.

The lower part of the lungs is far larger than the upper. Thus, it is


pansion of the lower part of the lungs that is essential. I

chest and shoulders tak

f the neck

e part in phonation, the voice is throaty.

Plenty of breath can be inspired if the lower part of the lungs is

filled. W hen only the upper part is filled, relatively little breath is

actually inspired.

W hen the upper part of the lungs

the small part

is not involved

in the breathing act, the loss in vital capacity is insignificant. W hen

it is involved, the singer will inevitably produce throaty (bad) tones.

The important factor in breathing is the establishment of eq

and the "


on the breathing muscles


the actual amount of

breath tak

en is relatively unimportant.


Gesture in breathing occurs when the breath is drawn into the

O ut"

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

lungs by means of the inspiratory muscles. W hen the breath is in-

spired properly, this "


gesture occurs with the diaphragm and

lower rib muscles. The chest and shoulders should not be involved

in this gesture nor in respiration or phonation. The attack

always be made on the "

the attack



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0 ;;

onstriction refers to throaty (incorrect) singing.

tone is constricted when the base of the tongue drops back


that it virtually touches the posterior wall of the laryngeal pharynx

-ws FpswmF 5 ! 

*   &
* & K 

gesture, which should continue through

t the same time the muscles of the neck

is "


are in tension and the j

generally in the middle position


while the muscles of the

chest and shoulders are tensed. The breath is blown through the con-

striction thus formed. The mouth acts as the resonator of the vowel.

W hen the singer produces his voice under such conditions, the

registration is mix

ed, provided that he endeavors to sing loudly. C

trol of intensity is a function of the degree of constriction




gcpsmTAsTgd $   
 *  *''H

the throat. W hen constriction occurs, the proper function of the voice

[ 0 *  * &

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is completely altered, and is incorrect in every particular.

inging on C


n incorrectly trained singer deliberately con-

stricts his throat in order to control tone. S

upon such notions as "


head voice,"



chools of technic based

singing in the masq

covered tones,"




building on the soft,"

breath control,"

etc., intentionally

this end.

The singer who produces his voice "

on constriction,"

starts the

c   *' *^ "J

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* ^

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thcu[nqcr j\ fcX_c^Wh

V ^ fVV= HV jV oMj =P V z t$ ;j nW

VHojX =IV MoMo$ .W P jo jW=P$ -W =tV jo
jPV =P HV=jV tj jo MjV jpMj jW > >pV! .V
jo Po=j=f pj of jV jP jV HV=jti MV$
.V = VX V jo fV =f=t jt W VVj j ^Mof
o H=V H=M =f=o jV Vp = a jV =fW= j=$ 0
V M=V jV PVoHV=X P jo =jtP L]= a=
P jv j= = oHV! .V jV MVVP WVV jo tMW
PVfVV ^ MoMo a jo j=!

tone softly, generally below the pitch, and swells into it. Thus, he

establishes absolute constriction. H e drops his head. H e raises his

shoulders and breathes with his chest, which he also raises. H e pulls

his diaphragm in

thus losing the hold on the breathing muscles.

H e may even press his tongue against his lower teeth, thus forcing

its base back

against the posterior wall of the laryngeal pharynx

some cases he deliberately drops his larynx

hyoid bone

down his throat as possible. H e then proceeds to sq


as far

ueeze his voice

in and out (crescendo and decrescendo) by actually regulating the

degree of constriction of his throat.

oon S

houting, Blues S

nated, or mix

inging, Torch S

inging come from an uncoordi-

ed, lower register and a mouth resonance adj

ustment. I

the cases where the pure lower register is used, the vocal apparatus

may remain healthy, provided that the voice is not "

held back

sounds emitted are unpleasant, but they are not nearly so inj

nor, in the opinion of the author, so unpleasant as the throaty "


or mix





ed falsetto screaming of some more serious singers. The use

of the uncoordinated lower register is not actually as harmful as the

use of the falsetto (posterior and lateral crico-arytenoid muscles)


oup De Glotte employed by certain singing teachers some years ago,

supposedly caused by the vocal cords

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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is still used to describe a click

=XP oVP V VfpV =P = j V=MW =P~V! 0
jV M=V jVV jV V V VfoV o VP jV M= ===
= V=o jV=j oPVP j= jV oMV t jVP H=M! 9jV
P VoVP =V V=D H jV =V V= o~o
 p jV xo ^ jV =j V== = jZ j= M
oVP ^=V MX=of ^ V V Vp xfV$ 9jV V
^ jV MPy=VP V XfoV o =M= = j=^ = jV
V ^ jV ^=V Vo EP =V= MoM=VtP MW

ggc 4QgwsVcN ^wFp 4VcNVcN 5gmBQ 4VcNVdN MW c

coming together (the glottis closing) which occurs when the tone is


ed under certain conditions. The click

tongue strik


occurs only when the tone is attack

t is, therefore, very inj

to click

is actually caused by the

ing against the posterior wall of the laryngeal pharynx


undoubtedly be inj

an ex

urious. I

f it were possible for the vocal cords

tremely unlik

ely assumption

urious, because it would j

cause the development of nodules. A

gxj F ^gssF VVP H MV=o ofoi V=OjV V VF =f

. The

ed in absolute constriction.

this action would

ar them, and probably

ctually, this form of attack


cause the development of nodules, not because the vocal cords


e together, but because it engenders active throatiness.


overed Tones"

H ead R

are much the same as "

head tones"

(see R



The singer "


the tone, when he sings the middle tones with

a white, shouty technic and then goes deliberately dark

(drops the tongue by relax


ing the genio-hyo-glossus muscles) for the

upper tones.

ome teachers tell their pupils to "

to "

cover the tone"

tongue, hyoid bone and larynx


place the tone in the head"

through the entire range. This means: "

and mak


Drop the

e every tone in the voice dark

W hen the throat is closed (constricted) the singer has the

impression of "

something happening in the head."

This sensation is

merely a manifestation of constriction and mouth resonance adj

q o XP PVMoIV = MoM VP M=VP H jV M= MP

Mqf fVjV jV fo Myf joMj MM jV jV V t
==MVP PV MV?o MPoo! 8jV MoM p =M= M=VP H jV
fVqof=f=o jVVo= ^ jV =fV= j=! 9jV
MqM MM jX jV V o ==MVP p =HV MoMo!
1 p jVV^V V oo! 1^ o VV oHV ^ jV M= MP
MoM fVjX= VVV oV =ojq =Mo P
PHVP HV oo HVM=V p P ~= jV =P H=H
M=V jV PXVV ^ PV! )M= jo ^ ^ ==M =
qV hXlX H IXM?V o XfVPX =MqV j=oX!


g|FmFD 5gcFp =V Mj jV =V = jV=P V VV 1FNWpsm=sVgc

F=D 1FNVpsFm
9jV qfV MV jV V jV jV of jV oPPV V oj
= joV j VMjoM =P jV fV PVoHV=V P=j=
P jV fV H V=qf jV fVp jf MV a jV
X V!
7V X?MjV X jVo q =MV jV V p jV jV=P
jfj jV VoV =fV! 9jo VD& + jV
fV joP HV =P = =P =V VV W o jV oMW P=
j?! <jV jV j= p MVP MoMVP jV ofV j= jV
oVo ^ Vjvf j=Vof o jV jV=P$ 9jo V=o t
XX = ?o^V=p ^ MoMo =P j V=MV =P~V!


tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

67o w O rw rx_ x_Ywl _ YrOOY_xxY c s_ r x_^

dge is a shrill, white, piercing tone characteristic of the throaty, mix

_lx_ O _ Orlr r_ xY_ _x_ ^Y_

Yr_( A _^q_wx_^ x O l_O_ __ ^_l__( H_
x_ x w x_^ _ _lx_ O^ _x_ w_^ cO_(
EO OYw_ rO wl_ OY_^ r_ YO_  _^l_ U
^Ywl _ rxYs O_ l_x_ sw__^ w_^ O^ rx_^(
L^_ Yr YxYOY_ r_ xYs x YsOl_^ U rO_x^
_x w_^ _lxOx( Hxl_ r_ xY_ O_ rx_ O^
rO O xY_O_ r_ x_x c O _ U _O c _^l_ ;1e
U rxwl O^ xxl x O s_ _( Jr_ _Q ^ O U_
_Ox_ ^ c r_ _ _ U x x ___ rO
_OO _ _ e_ c_ rO O^ r_ wOw w
O O_)


register soprano or tenor, although other voices sometimes produce

such tones. A


times it is mix


tone is mix

ed in a greater or lesser degree. S

ed lower register and sometimes mix

Many actively throaty singers ascend the scale "

on edge"

ducing tones which are progressively whitened, mix


ed falsetto.

(by pro-

ed and shrilled).

Under such circumstances, the pitch is changed by thyro-arytenoid

tension (mix

ed registration). S

ingers whose voices are white and

throaty also increase the intensity of a tone by means of "

by shrilling and mix



ing it as they swell. The resultant sound may be

relatively loud for the upper tones, but it is ex

unpleasant, more or less off-k

tremely throaty, most

ey (often sharp) and the intonation is

apt to waver.


W hen two or more forces pulling against each other are

balanced so that the system is stabilized (does not move), these forces

are in eq


ample: I

or ex

when the "

n phonation, the breathing muscles are in eq

forward and out"

balances with, and is eq

tension on the muscle of the diaphragm

ual to, the "

muscles of the lower, back



ward and out"

tension on the

ribs, i.e., when the breathing muscles do

not move.

gain: E

uilibrium in the larynx

is established when the tension on

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

the crico-thyroid muscles is balanced by, and eq

ualized with, the ten-

sion on the arytenoid muscles. This means that the registration action

must be balanced if true, constant pitch is to be maintained.

urthermore, the tension on the diverse muscles of the tongue and

hyoid bone must balance and hold the shaping of the pharyngeal

resonance cavity constant for the resonation of the tone.

Thus, each of the three areas of tension of the vocal apparatus


breathing muscles (actuator), the laryngeal muscles (vibrator) and

the muscles of the tongue and hyoid bone (resonator)


must be in

uilibrium during phonation and they must also be in eq


with each other. Therefore, when the vocal apparatus is functioning

properly, it is a static or stationary machine. E

cessive development

of any one part of the vocal apparatus (breathing muscles, laryngeal

muscles or tongue muscles) destroys the eq

uilibrium of the entire sys-

tem and the efficiency of the vocal organs is impaired or destroyed.


ibility is important but not as an end in itself. I

t depends upon the

action of the true vibrato, which does not appear until the technical

development is advanced. A

ll voice movements are made on the

vibrato. They cannot be accomplished legitimately before the appear-

AyxVyMr_ _ cY_ wl OlOw _OYs r_ O_

UOOY_^ rO r_ _ x OUxx_^ ^_ _ r__ cY_
O_ w 1N\;=;(P;\Be
B _O_: DrOx s_ U_Oswl Z_ O_ x _xwUx
r_ r_ cO^ O^  _x r_ Y_ c r_ ^xOsOl
UOOY_ xr O^ x _O  r_ UOYO^ O^  _x r_
Y_ c r_ _ UOY wU ;1e s_ r_ U_Orwl Y_ ^
?lOx; @xxWx w r_ O x_OUxr_^ r_ r_ _x
r_ YxYrx^ Y_ x UOOY_^ U O^ _Ow_^ wr r_ _
x r_ O_x^ Y*_( Jrx _O rO r_ _lwOx OYx
U_ UOOY_^ o _ YO xYr x U_ OwOx_^(
Br__ r_ _x r_ ^x__ Y_ c r_ l_ O^
rx^ U_ UOOY_ O^ r^ r_ rOxl c r_ rOl_O
_OY_ YOx YO c r_ _Ox c r_ _+
Jr _OYr c r_ r__ O_O c _x c r_ YO OOOr_
U_Orxl Y_ OYO r_ Ol_O Y_ xUO O^
r_ Y_ c r_ l_ O^ rx^ U_ _O U_ w
_xxUx ^xl rOx &D-e r_ O U_ w _xxUx
xr _OYr r_, Jr__c_ r_ r_ YO OOO w cYxxl
_ x x O VW%W;*e OxO OYrw_( @Y_x_ ^___
c O z_ O c r_ YO OOO U_Orxl Y_ Ol_O
Y_ l_ Y_ ^_ s_ _xxUx c r_ __
_ O^ r_ _fYx_Y c r_ YO lO x xOx_^ ^__^(

ance of the vibrato. They are easy to accomplish, when the proper

vibrato has been established. Practising for flex

ibility, before the true

vibrato has been established, only leads to ill-defined fluttering up and

L7kF2FMF_lo x xO U O O _^ x x_c( D ^__^ r_

OY c r_ _ xWO rxYr ^_ O_S x r_ _YrxYO

^___ x O^OY_^, ? xY_ __ O_ O^_ r_
xUO( Jr_ YO U_ OYYxr_^ _lxxO_ U_c_ r_ O_O
OY_ c r_ xUO( Jr_ O_ _O OYYxr r_ r_ _

xUO rO U__ _OUxr_^( GOYxxl c j_xUxx U_c_ s_ _

xUO rO U__ _OUxr_^ _O^ x ^_g_^ j_xl O^


Jjai6x [}

^ H ;c P R 8 

< =


^ s_ YO_ s_ _ O^ s{ { _ sOd s_ {Y_

U_YO_ { _m_^_ sO{_-

down the scale on the tremolo, and this is very harmful to the voice

because it engenders throatiness.

ocussing the V


Light can be focussed and sound can be focussed

U3e\\GR@o cC7o -UG37!JBEdo YQ U_ dY_^ O^ ^ YO U_ dY_^

if suitable sound reflectors are used, i.e., suitably designed, properly

n {OU_ ^ _k_Y O_ _^ ;1 e {OU ^_{m_^ _

arranged hard, reflecting surfaces. That no such reflectors form part

of the vocal apparatus, or indeed any part of the human body, is

OOm_^ sO^ _j_Y|m dOY_- KsO Ys _j_Y d O

d s_ YO OOO {^__^ O O d s_ sO U^ {
O_ OO_- C__ o s_ {^{{^O WO_ s{ Y[_{ d
{Y_ s_ { d YO{_^ U_Os __ Y7/cC-U3/P75o
Y7/cC o s_ { d dY|m s{ _O^{O s__ {ms
Ks_ _ {{YO_ s{m Y{_{gYO-

patently apparent. H owever, if the individual bases his conceptions of

voice upon the notion of "

vocalized breath"

Breath), the notion of focussing this ex

(see Breath


traordinary phenomenon might


The term indicates nothing scientifically.

orcing or Pushing the V


ome people believe that the voice is

forced when the singer produces full, powerful tones. This is abso-

lutely untrue. A

ctually, most forcing occurs during soft, constricted

UY3GR@o UYo (e\CGR@o cC7o -UG37H_ __ U_{__ sO s_ {Y_ {


The voice is forced when it is throaty. I

f the breath is forced or

pushed out in a blast against a constriction, the voice is forced and

the more vigorous the blasting of the breath becomes, the more

viciously is the voice forced and strained.

The well-produced tone cannot be forced. The first req

forcing is throatiness, or constriction. A

uirement for

ny loud tone produced under

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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conditions of constriction (mouth resonance adj

ustment) is badly

forced. The tone cannot be forced when the breath is held. I

n train-

ing the voice, when the tone is established softly at first and then



the singer forces his voice, because the initial, soft tone is

completely throaty, and the building process is merely progressive


ll women who use only the falsetto force their voices. A

ll men

who have no falsetto co-ordination force their upper tones. A






or "


employ a radio technic and those who sing what is k



nown as "


ll singers who


force their voices if they swell even to the slightest degree

and they are lik

ll "

tones are forced. A

orward V

ely to do this sometimes.

oice Production


orward voice production"

or "

voice forward"

might mean dissecting the larynx

mouth or head

however this factual interpretation of a meaningless

placing the

and grafting it in the

notion of "


forward voice production,"

or "


placing the voice forward"

ustment. The

getting the voice out of the

can only result in deliberately

UYj/Y5o -UG37o (Y~e3cGURBO^ {Y_ ^Y{ OY{m s_

throaty singing.



conveys the idea of a muscle which should be in tension, relax

or a member which should be holding in eq

or ex

uilibrium, moving.

ample: W hen the inspiratory muscles relax

the diaphragm is said to "


==e aIB1De a8Ie \S1e ID=ce X81e 4&@1ZXIe 4IP+1e X81;Pe _I;+1Se $e B1De
a:e 8&_1e GM 4&=S1XXIe +IIP-;EX;IDe 4IP+1e X81;Pe \KK1Pe XID1Se ==e 81&- e
+I_1P1-e B&SN\1e IPe K?+1'e YID1Se &P1e 4IP+1-e <= {m_ s

_ O O^{ _Ys{Y O^ s_ s {m sO { O _O

Y_ dY_ s_{ {Y_ o s_ _ __ s_ {ms_ ^_m__
O^ s_ O_ |_ ^ s{ _{_-

phrase can hardly be accepted. The most probable, intelligent, inter-

pretation would be for it to mean a mouth resonance adj

dY_^ s_ s_ {n_ ^Y_ d _d _- Ks{ { OU

_ _- ?YO dY}m YY ^|m d.Y{Y_^
Ks_ {Y_ { dY_^ s_ { { sO- Dd s_ U_Os { dY_^
s_^ { O UO OmO{ O Y{Y{ s_ {Y_ { dY_^ O^
s_ _ {o s_ UT}m d s_ U_Os/ U_Y_ s_ _
{Y{ { s_ {Y_ dY_^ O^ O{_^-
Ks_ _!^Y_^ _ YO U_ dY_^- Ks_ g _{__ d
dY{m { sO{_ Y{Y{- ? ^ _ ^Y_^ ^_
Y^{{ d Y{Y{ s _OY_ O^_ { UO^
dY_^- Ks_ _ YO U_ dY_^ s_ s_ U_Os { 81=-e D O{
{m s_ {Y_ s_ s_ _ { _OU{s_^ d O h O^ t_
X{ s_ |m_ dY_ s{ {Y_ U`YO_ s_ {{{O d _ {
Y__ sO O^ s_ )^;=-;D7e Y_ { __ m_{_

during phonation,

and the diaphragmatic muscle is


{Y_ dO^ {ms _O ^{_Y|m s_ O O^ mOd{m { { u_

s s_O^s__ s{ dOYO {__O{ d O _O{m_
0 sO_ YO sO^ U_ OYY__^- Ks_ WOU_ {_{m_ {_
_O{ ^ U_ d { _O O s _O_ O^_- Ks_
{ d dO^ {Y_ ^Y{ m_{n1 s_ {Y_ d s_
sO OY|m s_ {Y_ dO^ YO _ { ^_{U_O_
sO {m|m-

Gg7o \_ s_ {^_O d O Y_ s{Ys s^ U_ { _{= O|m

O _U_ s{Ys s^ U_ s^{m { _{{U{ {m-

B _O_< Ms_ s_ {{O Y_ _O ^{m sO{
s_ ^{OsOm {0 O{^ m{_ O^ s_ ^{OsOmO{Y Y_ {

said to have "


are said to have "

W hen the registration mix


the tongue moves back

W hen the muscles of the tongue relax

into the throat, it is said to have "

muscles used in phonation must not "


H  B T
 (<   Q       

 (< *

es, the laryngeal muscles






H am"


The "


actor is not so prevalent as he was in the V

torian era but, unfortunately, his place has been tak

en by the "





haracteristics of the "







and "

!=a Atgm * T<  

Q  +    

  '2   !2 
 +   ' @ '!  <


  T<     A  C]  
5 K 
T2< T 2< 
T (< K    +    
  K (   :  %:

#  G
  !   (   %
 @    !  !  
 ! +
    K s V  :d


  @     K


actor are: 1. H e hums the consonants

2. H e moves the pitch on one vowel (slurs). 3. H e

enunciates one word or syllable at a time and does not weld the sen-

tence together as a single unit. 4. H e over-articulates and over-enun-

ciates. 5. H e over-eq

to mak

ualizes the syllables and words. 6

. H e endeavors

e each and every word and syllable clear and distinct and thus

destroys the pertinence and meaning of the sentence. 7. I

n over-articu-

lating he adds vowel sounds to final consonants which should be elided

and not brok


H am"

en off from the word.

singers do all of these things and thus destroy the import of

the music and the emotional meaning of the tex

H ead R


esonance seems to indicate resonance tak

ing place in the brain

cavity. This phenomenon could only occur if this cavity were to be


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emptied of its contents (the brains) and if its walls (the very hard

ull) could be moved into different postures, or shapes.

H ead V


oice means much the same thing as "

H ead R

The feeling of "

head register"

(see R



the voice being in the head"

is ex

perienced when

!G=D 1Gqgc=cAG  


!D *
 +   !  N B


@ h  '  Hn    2  +D

the technic is deliberately throaty and the throat is closed. Many singers

who employ this technic imagine that they "

feel the voice in the head."

f sufficient constriction is set up, some such sensation can be ex

perienced, because the sound is transmitted more effectively through

highly tensed muscles (see S

H eld Back

inging in the Masq

striction. The throaty singer can "

on the neck


indicates the process of controlling the tone by means of con-


the posterior wall of the laryngeal pharynx

always apt to "

hold back


!G=D 9gTAG    B   

<  1GNVq
tm=tTgc !F=D 1FNTqsGm  
* .  T 

 B < n ;+

'!! H  
  (  !

 + !B



  +2 Q       ' ;
 H2 '   

!     4VcNTcN Tc tQG )=qlwG 

the tone by means of tension

muscles, when the tongue has been drawn back


. The inhibited student is

because he is afraid to allow his voice to

ring out freely, and because he loses the abortive sense of "


which is provided by constriction.

H old conveys the idea of muscles "

sion in balanced eq

when the "




forward and out"

ward and out"






pull of the diaphragm balances with the

pull of the back

rib muscles to establish eq

brium, and inhibit any movement of the thorax


or maintaining, their ten-

uilibrium. Thus, the muscles of the thorax


. The muscles of the

G_D =A\

    !   d

( *  ! 
  T  <    !     

  Q 2     '  ' @ 

    !  +! ;K *


! +    @<   

  !2  '     
   T  u<



when the tension on the arytenoid muscles and the thyroid

g^D  ! 

    T 2<  

% d

'  G

K *:2  Q    ; T <
  T  <   
T @  < + /   @


 !  /  ;( *    
! ;  <  




thcu[nqcr j\ fcX_c^Wh

muscles retain their balanced tension and maintain a defined pitch.

The muscles of the tongue "




when the resonance adj


constant, i.e., the resonance cavities assume their proper pos-

ture and retain this posture while the tone is being sung.

The term "


also refers to the "


of tension on all the

muscles used in phonation during the singing of any group of tones.

H umming C


The consonants "




and T'

are hummed

when the hum vowel associated with them is oversustained. The hum

must be present, but it should never be prolonged. A



great many

actors and singers deliberately hum these consonants to a

ridiculous degree and seem to glory in this unpleasant form of bad

diction. I

t inevitably mak

es the voice throaty, and shuts it off, because

the intensity level of humming is far below that of normal singing, and

the musical line is uneven unless the tones sung with the mouth open

are "

held back


constricted and produced at the low level of intensity

established by the intensity of the hum.

nterfering Tension

associated. C

nterfering and antagonistic tension are very closely

ertain muscles which do not tak

into tension during phonation. S

rect technical adj


 I >  
C  > H +
*  I      I><     > S
T I><  2 --     

 + + + d
 > +  .I  
*  I>< I    I>
<    4II 
 I >
+  >   
    !     D

e part in phonation come

!ybVcN gcpgc=ctr6RH    2y 2y  H  >

    I  > 
  n . >D * 
  I>   + I >D ^   !
<     >   >I
> I  >  >   I !
Sn  I S    l
>  D V  I! @ S    !2  >  n 2  
! II 

I   I  
 I>  @2y u
>  >  > H I II 
 !    !   D

uch tensions co-ordinate with incor-

ustments. W hen such interfering tensions have become

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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associated with phonation for a prolonged period, they become reflex

Then, tension on these muscles reflex

ly brings into tension the an-

tagonistic muscles and changes the pattern for the proper technic to

an incorrect pattern, i.e., throaty singing. F

urthermore, such interfering

tensions may mechanically hinder the proper production of the tone.

nterfering tension must be eliminated.

ntonation designates the pitch definition of a tone. This q

uestion is

complicated because of the vibrato, or tremolo, pitch variation. H ow-

ever, it is the center pitch point of the vibrato that we perceive as



This middle pitch point of the vibrato should remain

constant during the entire duration of the tone. The ability to establish

and maintain true intonation is primarily technical

the proper "


provided that the ear is not faulty. I


it depends upon

of the vocal cords (proper registration action)

t also depends upon resonance

ustment, because if the resonance cavities are not properly coupled

acoustically with the vocal cords, the intonation is lik

ely to be inac-


bsolutely true intonation is rare. W hen a tone has vibrato, or for

that matter, tremolo, the accuracy of the intonation becomes some-

what obscured, because the pitch range covered by the movement

may pass through the tone which is supposed to be phonated. This

may give to the uninitiated a false impression of true intonation.

W hen the singer slurs he is virtually never really in tune, because the

pitch memory pictures become blurred. A

ccurate intonation is possible

only when these pitch memory pictures are absolutely defined



! I I!

>D   I   >  @     


I> Dw  

 +     + I > +
H2 !   ;D
* 2  
  I ;I!  

 I  >        +   0

 S+2 .-  !  
D  2  

   !    II!  >   +  >     (


#ctgc=sVgc >
   ( *

 2  u I 2   

  Dy *
 >   D * 4
!  I0


I!    In > > 
  + u
 <    I >  4
  ID V  I > >    
> 2   N     
   + I! I>
   I >2 
  n I

^ II! 
   D w     
 2  I 2    !       d
4  >2        > !    
! + 0     0 
  >   + >( *
7j   >  /c | /   (
w  I%
+  !    I>D ^   
I!   +
   II! > >


tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

the pitch impressions in the mind are lik

e the k

eys of the piano k



Pleasing q

{OC oS{<O VeosCxxSmhx Vh C eSh@ 4sC _V]C {OC ]Cx mF {OC oS4hm ]C
/_C4xShL r4_S| @CoCh@y osSe4sS_ omh 4<<t4{C Sh{mh4{Smh

uality depends primarily upon accurate intonation.




inging in the Masq

ue is actually a grandiloq

uent name for a

throaty, nasal technic. W hen the voice is really well-produced no

tangible sensation is ex

perienced, because it is perfectly "


W hen

the voice is impaired, because of technical faults, sensations arise, and

as the voice deteriorates, these sensations become progressively more

clearly defined. S

or "

in the masq

ensation can be "


if the j


in the nose, between the eyes

aw is set and tensed in the middle position.

This tension is directed to the front of the face during phonation. This

sensation is greatly abetted when the neck

muscles are in a high degree

of tension, and this can be engendered by dropping the head and by

developing tension on the muscles of the chest and shoulders.

The sensation of something happening "

in the masq


with the transmission of sound through constrictor tension. I

only to destroy the q

voice. I

is associated

t serves

uality and power of the tone and eliminate the

t has nothing to do with resonance.

Mellow Tone is a tone of very fine q

uality. I

t can be produced only when

the technic has reached a high stage of development and it is the

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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result of a very highly developed resonance system. Thus, the genio-

"/\Xe7 +FR@FR@o GRo `C7o "/\Xe7o Sx 4=|4_` 4 Ls4h@S_mrCh{ h4eC Fms 4

{Ptm4| h4x4_ {C<OhS< 3OCh {OC mS<C Sx sC4`` C`_osm@<C@ hm

{4hLS9`C xChx4{Smh Sx CoCsSCh<C@ 9C<4xC S{ Sx oCsFC<{_ FsCC 3OCh
{OC mS<C Sx Seo4SsC@
9C<4xC mF {C<OhS<4` F4`{x xChx4|Smhx 4sSxC 4h@
4x {OC mS<C @C|CsSms4{Cy {OCxC xChx4|Smhx 9C<meC osmLsCxxSC_ emsC
<_C4s` @CJhC@ 0Chx4|Smh <4h :C FC_| Sh {OC hmxC 9C{CCh |OC CCx
ms Sh {OC e4xrC o {OC [4 Sx xC| 7@ |ChxC@ Sh |OC eS@@`C omxS|Smh
1OSx {ChxSmh w @SsC<|C@ |m }OC Fsmh{ mF |OC F4<C @sShL oOmh4|Smh 1OSx
xChx4|Smh Sx LsC4|` 49C{{C@ OCh|OChC<^ey<_Cx4sCSh 4 OSLO @CNsCC
mF |ChxSmh 7@ Sx <4h 9C ChLCh@CsC@ 9 @smooShL {OC OC4@ 4h@ 9
@CC`moShL |ChxSmh mh {OC ex<_Cx mF {OC <OCx| 4h@ xOm_@Csx
1OC xChx4|Smh mFxmeC|OShL O4ooChVhL Sh {OC e4xrC Sx 4yxm<S4{C@
S{O {OC 4hxeSxxSmh mF xmh@ {OsmLO <mhx{sS<{ms |ChxSmh +{ xCwCx
mh_ {m @Cx{sm {OC r4`S{ 4h@ omCs mF {OC {mhC 4h@ C`SeUh4{C {OC
mS<C +{O4x hm{OShL |m @mS|OsCxmh4h<C

hyo-glossus muscles must be developed very highly and the registers

developed and co-ordinated completely, or almost so. The tone is not

white, but it is not overly dark


and tends to be whitish. The resonance

ustment involves the use of a large, widely opened laryngeal


. Before the stage of development has been reached at which

legitimate, mellow tones can be produced, the pupil has to sing with

a somewhat overly dark

range. The late E

nrico C

uality, especially in the middle part of his

aruso was the perfect ex

ample of mellow


ny attempt to produce mellow tones at too early a stage in the

technical development leads to a dropped tongue, hyoid bone and


and to throatiness

even active throatiness. Therefore, it is dan-


Nasal R


esonance is patently absurd because the nasal cavity is a non-

ustable, highly damped cavity which could not, under any circum-

stances, function as a resonator.

The nasal pharynx

does form part of the pharyngeal resonance

system, but this is not the nose

it is behind the nose.

The feeling of something happening in the nose is ex

the j

aw is lock

"7MMUio ,UR7o Sx 4|mhCmFCsJhC r4_S| +{<4h9C osm@<C@mh`OCh

{OC {C<PhS< O4y sC4<OC@ 4 OSLO x{4LC mF @CC_moeCh{ 4h@ S{ Sx {OC

sCx`| mF 4 Cs OTLO` @CC`moC@ sCxmh4h<C xx{Ce 1Ox |OC LChSm
OmM_mxxx ex<_Cx ex{ 9C @CC_moC@ Cs OSLO` 7@ |OC sCLSx|Csx
@CC`moC@ 4h@ <mms@Sh4|C@ <meo_C|C_
ms 4`emx| xm 1OC {mhC Sx hm{
OS|C 9| S| Sy hm|mCs` @4s^ 4h@ {Ch@x |m 9C OS{SxO 1OC sCxmh4h<C
4@[x|eCh{ Shm`Cx {OC xC mF 4 _4sLC S@C` moChC@ _4shLC4`
oO4sh %CFmsC |OC x|4LC mF @CC`moeCh| O4x 9CCh sC4<OC@ 4| OS<O
_CLS|Se4|C eC``m |mhCx <4h 9C osm@<C@ {OC poS_ O4x |m xShL S{O
4 xmeCO4{ mCs` @4s] r4`S{ CxoC<S4`` Sh C eS@A_C o4s| mF OSx
s4hLC 1OC `4|C 'hsS<m &4sxm 4x |OC oCsFC<| C4eo_C mF eC``m
#h 4{|Ceo{ |m osm@<C eC_`m |mhCx 4{ {mm C4s` 4 y{4LC Sh ~OC
|C<OhS<4` @CC_moeCh{ _C4Ax {m 4 @smpoC@ |mhLC OmS@ 9mhC 4h@
_4si 4h@ {m |Osm4|UhCxxCh 4<{SC |Osm4|ShCxx 2OCsCFmsC S{ Sx @4h

perienced when

ed in the middle position and this lock


ing tension is

directed into the front of the face (the nose), and when the neck

muscles plus the muscles of the chest and shoulders are in a high degree

of tension.


$/\/Mo )7\UR/R37o Sx o4{Ch|_ 49xs@ 9C<4xC |OC h4x4` <4S| Sx 4 hmh

4@[x|49`C OSLO` @4eoC@ <4S{ OS<O <m_@ hm{ h@Cs 4h <Ss<e

Gh<|Smh 4x 4 sCxmh4|ms
1OC h4x4_ oO4sh @mCx Fmte o4s| mF {OC oO4shLC4` sCxmh7<C
9| |OSx Sx hm| {OC hmxCS{ Sx )18;D-e {OC hmxC
1OC FCC`ShL mFxmeC|OSiLO4ooChShL Sh |OC hmxC Sx CoCsSCh<C@ OCh
{OC [4 Sx _m<^C@ Sh {OC eS@B_C omxS|Smh 4h@ |OSx `m<^VhL {ChxSmh Sx
@VsC<|C@ Sh|m |OC Fsmh{ mF |OC F4<C |OC hmxC 
4h@ OCh |OC hC<^
ex<_Cxo_x{OC ex<_CxmF{OC >OCx|4h@xOm_@Csy4sCVh 4OSLO @CLsCC


%/\/MG_mo Sx Sh@<C@ osSe4sS_ 9 eC4hx mF 4 \4 _m<^ 1OC \4 Sx _m<^C@

Nasality is induced primarily by means of a j

aw lock

. The j

aw is lock


nose (front of the face) from this tension.

nasal tone is always a badly-produced tone, despite the fact that

it is apt to sound ringing and pleasant to the singer himself. Many

singers who produce nasal tones actually dilate their nostrils in order

to help along this most unpleasant technical fault.

Nasality is not resonance. I

t is merely the effect of an undue trans-

mission of sound waves through the nose induced by tension on the

aw, neck

Natural V

, chest and shoulders.

oice is a voice which is "

peculiar physical phenomenon. A


well produced. I

t is not a

$/_eY/Mo -UG37o Sx 4 mS<C OS<O Sx h4|s4__ C__ osm@<C@ +| Sx hm| 4

fine voice, even a great voice, can

be made if any given voice is trained properly and the technical con-

ditions (muscular developments and co-ordinations), which pertain to

a great natural voice are induced.

Thus, any voice can, theoretically, be made into what has hereto-

fore been designated as a great natural voice, provided that the pupil

is able to learn

ing, talent

this proviso is, however, a big one. Generally speak

not "

natural voice"

of a high order is a necessary con-

comitant of being able to learn the technic.

O f course, there is also the actual, physical structure of the voice.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

The type of voice is determined by the size and structure of the

vocal organs. A

soprano voice is of different structure from a con-

tralto whose larynx

, for ex

ample, is larger, and whose cavities (the

structure of the head and neck


and face and a big larynx

) are different. A


bass usually has a long

tenor generally has a short neck

broad, narrow face and a relatively small larynx

, etc. H owever, the

natural sound of the voice is not revealed until a certain stage of tech-

nical proficiency has been attained. I

baritone or even a bass, may sound lik

is mix

a thick

f the technic is bad enough, a

e a tenor, i.e., if the registration

ed and the technic throaty. Many a so-called contralto is merely

ened soprano and many a contralto sings soprano because her

lower register is undeveloped and her voice is shrilled and throaty.

Proper training reveals the natural voice, in this sense of the word. I

borderline cases (dramatic sopranos and heroic tenors), the natural

voice is not revealed until a high stage of technical proficiency has

been reached. A


ctually, a well-trained voice may be preferable to a

natural voice,"

far less lik

cords. I

because the individual who possesses the former is

ely to lose it.

Nodules are comlik

e growths which appear at the edges of the vocal

n severe cases it may be impossible for the student to sustain

a tone, because this growth stops vibration of the vocal cords. E

the speak

Sh |OC fS@@_C omxS|Smh ms hC4s_ xO| 4h@ |ChxSmh Sx sCKC<|C@ |m |OC

hmxC  Fsmh| mF|OC F4<C Fsme |OSx |ChxSmh
$ h4x4_ |mhC Sx 4_4x 4 94@_osm@<C@ |mhC @CxoS|C |OC F4<| |O4|
S| Sx 4o| |m xmh@ sShLShL 4h@ o_C4x4h| |m |OC xShLCs OSexC_F ,4h
xShLCsx Qm osm@<C h4x4_ |mhCx 4?|4__ @V_4|C |OCSs hmxV_x Sh ms@Cs
|m OC_o 4_mhL |OSx emx|ho_C4x4h| |C<OhS<4_ F4_|
-4x4_S Yx hm| sCxmh7<C +| Sx eCsC_ |OC CIC<| mF 4h h@C 4hx
eSxxSmh mF xmh@ 4Cx |OsmLO |OC hmxC Sh@<C@ 9 |ChxSmh mh |OC
\4 hC<^ <OCx| 4h@ xOm_@Csx

in the middle position, or nearly shut, and tension is reflected to the


ing voice may be affected. Nodules can be removed by


oC<_S4s oOxS<4_ oOChmeChmh $ JhC mS<C CCh 4 LsC4| mS<C <4h

9C { o 4h LSCh mS<C Sx 4ShC@ osmoCs_ 4h@ |OC |C<OhS<4_ <mh
@S|Smhx  ex<_4s @CC_moeCh|x 4h@ <ms@Sh4|Smhx  OS<O oCs|4Sh |m
4 LsC4| h4s4_ mS<C 4sC Sh@<C@
1Ox 4h mS<C <4h |OCmsC|S<4__ ;C e4@C Sh|m O4| O4x OCsC|m
FmsC 9CCh @CxSLh4|C@ 4x 4 LsC4| h4s4_ mS<C osmS@C@ |O4| |OC ooS_
Sx 49_C |m _C4sh|OSx osmSxm Sx OmCCs 4 9SL mhC )ChCs4__ xoC4^
ShL 5bEjhm| h4|s4_ mS<CF 4 OSLO ms@Cs Sx 4 hC<Cxx4s <mh
<meS|4h| mF 9CShL 49_C |m _C4v |OC |C<OhS<
.H <msxC |OCsC Sx 4_xm |OC 4<|4_ oOxS<4_ xd<|sC mF |OC mS<C
1OC oC mF mS<C Sz @C|CseShC@ 9 |OC xSC 4h@ x|s<|sC mF |OC
m<4_ msL4hx $ xmos4hm mS<C Sx mF @SICsCh| x|s<|sC Fsme 4 <nh
4_|m OmxC _8h Fms C4eo_C Sx _4sLCs 4h@ OmxD <4S|SCx  |OC
x|s<|sC mF|OC OC4@ 4h@ hC<^  4sC @VICsCh| $ 94xx x4__ O4x 4 _mhL
hC<^ 4h@ F4<C 4h@ 4 9SL _4sh $ |Chms LChCs4__ O4x 4 xOms| kC<^ 4
9sm4@ h4ssm F4<C 7@ 4 sC_4|SC_ xe4c_ _4sh C|< *mCCs |OC
h4|s4_ xmh@ mF |OC mS<C Sx hm| sCC4_C@ h|S_ 4 <Cs|4Sh x|4LC mF |C<O
hS<4_ osmJ<SCh< O4x 9CCh 4||4ShC@ +F |OC |C<OhS< Yx 94@ ChmLO 4
94sS|mhC ms CCh 4 94xx e4 xmh@ _S^C 4 |Chms ;1e o |OC sCLWx|s4|Smh
Sx eSC@ 4h@ |OC |C<OhS< |Osm4 ,4h 4 xm<4__C@ <mh4_|m Sx eCsC_
4 |OS<^ChC@ xmos4hm 4h@ e4h 4 <mh|s4_|m xShLx xmos4hm 9C<4xC OCs
_mCs sCLSx|Cs Sx h@CC_moC@ 4h@ OCs mS<C Sx xOsSc_C@ 7@ |Osm4|
/smoCs 4ShShL sCC4_x |OC h4|s4_ mS<C Sh |OSx xChxC mF |OC ms@ +h
9ms@Cs_ShC <4xCx  @s4e4|S< xmqs4hmx 7@ OCsmS< |Chmsx  |OC h4|s4_
mS<C Xx hm| sCC4_C@ h|V_ 4 RVLO x|4LC mF |C<OhS<4_ osmJ<SCh< O4x
9CCh sC4<OC@ $<|4__ 4 C__|s4ShC@ mS<C e4 ;C osCFCs49_C |m 4
h4s4_ mS<C  9C<4xC |OC Sh@SS@4_ Om omxxCxxCx |OC FmseCs Sx
F4s _Cxx _Y^C_ |m _mxC S|

means of surgery, but this operation is apt to be dangerous, because

if even a small portion of the cord itself is removed, the individual will

never sing acceptably again.

Proper training is an almost sure cure, because nodules are caused

by the rubbing together of the edges of the vocal cords as a result of

constriction. I


f the voice is properly "

opened up"

and registered,

%U5eM7\o 4uC <mg_S^C Lsm|Ox OS<O 4ooC4s 4| |OC C@LCx mF |OC m<4_

<ms@x +h xCCsC !<4xCx S| e4 9C SeomxxS9_C Fms |OC x|@Ch| |m zx|4Sh

4 |mhC 9C<4xC |OSx Lsm|O x|mox S9s6|Ymh mF |OC m<4_ <ms@x 'Ch
|OC xoC4^ShL mS<C e4 9C 4IC<|C@ -m@_Cx <4h 9C sCemC@ 9
eC4hx mF xsLCs 9| |OYx moCs4|Smh Sx 4o| |m 9C @4hLCsmx 9C<4xC
m CCh /o xe4__ oms|Smh mF|OC <ms@ S|xC_F Sx sCemC@ |OC Xh@SS@4_ S__
hCCs xShL 4<<Co|49_ 4L4Sh"
/smoCs 4ShShL Sx 4h 4_emx| xsC <sC 9C<4xC hm@_Cx 4sC <4xC@
9 |OC s9;ShL |mLC|OCs mF |OC C@LCx mF |OC m<4_ <ms@x 4x 4 sCx_| mF
<mhx|sZ<|Sml +F |OC mS<C Yx osmoCsa moChC@ o 4h@ sCLYx|CsC@


nodules can never form. I

f they have formed they disappear in a

relatively short time.

The formation of nodules is always associated with constriction and

generally with mix

ed registration. The victim of the radio technic

teacher and of the "

singing in the masq


teacher, etc., especially

if he insists upon the practice of pianissimo and "

is lik

ely to develop this ailment. S

mezza voce"


urgery affords only a temporary cure,

moKeL} GBm mLLv Povj 8P YL YBL PovjLK YL K\}BqqLBv \m B

vLeB\Le }Yov jL

?YL PowjB\om oP moKeL} \} BeB} B}}oG\BLK \Y Gom}\G\om BmK
WLmLvBee \Y j^LK vLW\}B\om ?YL \G\j oP !YL vBK\o LGYm\G
LBGYLv BmK oP YL }\mW^mW \m YL jB~sL LBGYLv LG" L}qLG\Bee
m YL \m}\}} qom YL qvBG\GL oP q\Bm\}}\jo BmK jLB oGL }\mW\mW
\}e]cLe oKLLeoq Y\} B\fjLm# >xWLx BSovK} ome B LjqovBv GxL
meL}} YL LGYm\G \} vBK\GBfe GYBmWLK ELGB}L l YL GB}L \} mo
vLjoLK vLGxxLmGL \~ Bejo} ^nL\BEeL

unless the technic is radically changed, because if the cause is not

$UF\7o \mK\GBL} Bm BG_Le mqeLB}Bm omLL}qLG\Bfe foK }omK}

removed, recurrence is almost inevitable.

Noise indicates any actively unpleasant tone

which are shrill, screamy, throaty, thick

, mix

especially loud sounds

ed register, etc. A

ll such

sounds are produced under conditions which render it impossible for

the singer to really maintain the center of pitch while he is sustaining

the tone. Thus, a loud, noisy tone is always associated with a "



Many singers, especially women, swell the tone by going "

and shrilling or "



ascends the scale by shrilling


this is merely noise. W hen the singer

a very common fault

she is merely


Y\GY BvL }Yv\ee }GvLBj YvoB Y\Gc j\LK vLW\}Lv LG >? }GY
}omK BvL qvoKGLK mKLv GonK\\om} Y\GY vLmKLv \ \jqo}}\EeL Pov
YL }\mWLv o vLBei jB\mB]m YL GLmLv oP q\GY Y\fL YL \} }}B]m]mW
YL omL" ?Y} B eoK Gce omL \} BeB~ B}}oG\BLK \Y B Kx\P\mW
;Bm }^mWLv} L}qLG\Bfe ojLm }Lef YL omL E Wo\mW Y\L
BmK }Yv\ef^mW ov LKW\mW \Y\} \} jLvLe mo\}L @YLm YL }\mWLv
B}GLmK} YL }GBeL E }Yv\ff\mWB Lx Gojjom PBe~YL @o jLvLf

Phonation means the act of producing tone with the human voice. Legiti-

mate phonation means singing with a proper technic. I

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Public Domain, Google-digitized /



ndeed, when the technic is really throaty, this process of

producing sound is more nearly ak

in to whistling than it is to legitimate


Pre-tension indicates tension on muscles ahead of time (incorrectly




for ex

tion before the moment of attack

ample, the tensing of muscles used in phona-

, or premature changes of tension,

which should occur at the proper moment for the changes of pitch,

before these changes tak

up tension throughout the muscular system of his body, consciously or

unconsciously (tonus), before he starts to phonate.

Pull indicates the muscular tension which brings any part of the vocal

apparatus into action. A

ntagonistic muscles which act in opposing

directions, are said to "


muscles "



ribs "



against each other. Thus, the muscles of

against the muscle of the diaphragm. The arytenoid

against the thyroid muscles. The thyro-arytenoid muscles

against both the crico-thyroid muscles and the arytenoid muscles.

The chest muscles "


not "



balance each

uilibrium is established and the muscles used in phonation do



jBL qYomB\om jLBm} }^mW\mW \Y B qvoqLv LGYm\G 7m GomwB} o

wL qZomB\om L UmK YxoB }\mW\mW Y\GY YB} ELLm LvjLK mLGc
Y\}e^mW% 8mKLLK YLm YL LGYm\G \} vLBee YxoB qvoGL}} oP
qvoKG\mW }omK \~ jovL mLBve Bc^m o Y\}e\mW YBm \ @o o fLW\\jBL

(Z7 a7R]HURo \mK\GBL} Lm}\om om j}GeL} BYLBK oP \jL


\jLK Lm}\om 3 Pov LBjqeL YL Lm}\mW oP j}GeL} }LK \m qYomB

\om ELPovL YL jojLm oP BBGc ov qvLjBxL GYBmWL} oP Lm}\om
Y\GY }YoeK oGGv B YL qvoqLv jojLm Pov YL GYBmWL} oP q\GY
(15IR1e YL}L GYBmWL} BcL qeBGL
?Y\} Lxj \} Be}o ~LK o GomL YL \KLB YB YL }\mWLv YB} E\g
q Lm}\om YxoWYo YL j}GeD }}Lj oP Y\} EoK Gom}G\o}e ov
om} ELPovL YL }Bx} o qYomBL&

against the diaphragmatic muscle, etc.

W hen the voice is produced properly, all the "

other, eq

(DUR/_HURo jLBm}YL BG oPqvoKH]mWomL\YYLYkBmo\IL" 9LW\\

e place.

This term is also used to convey the idea that the singer has built

the back


n contrast to

true phonation, we find throaty singing which has been termed "

=hh \mK\GBL} YL j}GeBv Lm}\om Y\GY Ev]mW} C qBv oP YL oGBe

BqqBvB} ]mo BG]om" 5mBWom\~\G j}GeL} Y\GY BG ]m oqqo}\mW
K\wLG\om} BvL }B\K o qee BWB\m} LBGY oYLv" ?Y} YL j}GeL} oQ
YLEBGcv\E} qee BWB\m}YLj}GeL oP YL K\BqYxBWj" ?[L BwLmo\K
j}GeL} qee BWB\m} YL Yvo\Kj}GeL}' ?YL YvoBxLmo\K j}GeL}
qeeBWB\m}EoYYLGv\GoYwo\Kj}GeL} BmKYLBxLmo\Kj}GeL}"
?YL GYL} j}GeL} qef BWB]m} YL K\BqYvBWjB\G j}GeL LG"
@YLm YL o\GL \} qvoKGLK rvorLve Bee YL ree} EBeBmGL LBGY
oYLv Ls\e\Ev\j \} L}BEe\}YLK BmK YL j}GeL} }LK \m qYomB\omAKo



) N S 6X 











)7&o7ko 3`FUR ,RGxG.xG |n c.Xi |sGz nI cz<_ 4 |GizXni <niz<Xnz`

action occurs without the conscious

direction of the mind.

Breathing is a conscious act which has become reflex

. W e can breathe

at will, i.e., when and how we desire to do so. The digestive process

is altogether reflex

W hen the singer attack

technic becomes second nature (reflex

have become reflex

. The correct

). W here incorrect adj

, these undesirable reflex


es must be brok

en down

if the singer is ever to produce his voice properly.

egistration denotes the arrangement, or co-ordination, of the muscles

of the larynx

<nin``G@ .i@ xGOG $ xGOG .<|Xni n<<z X|Rn| |RG <niz<Xnz

@XxG<|Xni nI |RG cXi@
"xG.|RXiPJz . <niz<Xnz .<|RX<R R.z 7G<ncGxGOG -G<.i 7xG.|RG
.| ;1 e RGi .i@ Rn G @GzXvG |n @n zn ,RG @XPGz|XG sxn<Gzz
Xz ._|nPG|RGx xGOG
-RGi |RG zXiPGx .||.<^z .i@ sxn@<Gz |RG |niG <nxxG<|` . <G'.Zi
ic7Gx nI |XcGz RXz |G<RiX< 7G<ncGz cnxG nx `Gzz xGOG ,RG <nxxG<|
|G<RiX< 7G<ncGz zG<ni@ i.|xG xGOG  -RGxG Xi<nxxG<| .@]zGi|z
R.G 7G<ncG xGOG |RGzG i@GzXx.7bG xGOGGz cz| 7G 7xn^Gi @ni
o |RG zXiPGx Xz GGx |n sxn@<G RXz nX<G sxnsGx`

s and produces the tone correctly a certain

number of times, his technic becomes more or less reflex


There are two main types of muscular tension: consciously

controlled and reflex

which stretch the vocal cords and hold them in tension

against the pressure of the breath. There are two sets of muscles which

stretch the vocal cords. There are, therefore, two, and only two, regis-


the F

alsetto R

cles) and the Lower R

egister (posterior and lateral crico-arytenoid mus-

egister (crico-thyroid and thyro-arytenoid

muscles). The registration action is primarily the mechanism for regu-

lating the intensity of the tone when the technic is correct.

egistration does not primarily control pitch ranges but rather inten-

sity. I

t is true that the falsetto register becomes progressively weak


Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

as the pitch descends and does not go as far down as the lower register.

t is also true that the falsetto register can be carried an octave higher

than the lower register. Nevertheless, the two registers overlap through-

out the main body of the voice and the function of the registration

action pertains, primarily, to the control of intensity. The falsetto

register is responsible, in a large measure, for the range, q

uality, and

soft effects of the voice. The lower register gives strength, power and

health to the vocal apparatus.


n work

ing out the voice both registers must be isolated

and balanced (opened together). The falsetto must not be carried

up more than an octave above the highest tone which can be pro-

duced in the lower register. F

urthermore, a proper intensity balance

must be established and maintained between the two registers in

all stages of the development. W hen one register is definitely

stronger than the other, the eq

uilibrium of the larynx

0L0R375 So nx^XiP n| |RG nX<G 7n|R xGPXz|Gxz cz| 7G Xzn_.|G@

The registration action may be paralleled to the stringing of a

piano. The piano string is attached, at the back

, to a little metal peg

and, at the front, to the pin. The string is tightened, and the pitch

wise direction, and vice versa.

This tightening action corresponds to the crico-thyroid tension. The

firmness of the little peg at the back

tension. I



corresponds to the arytenoid


(move), or if the pin block

ed, the piano cannot hold its tuning. A

ed the piano will not hold its pitch

the back


f the peg were to "

nI |RG `.vi RX<R zuG|<R |RG n<.` <nx@z .i@ Rn_@ |RGg Xi |GizXni
.P.Xiz| |RGsxGzzxG nI |RG 7xG.|R ,RGxG .vG |n zG|z nI cz<`Gz RX<R
z|xG|<R |RG n<.` <nx@z ,RGxG .xG |RGxGInxG |n .i@ ni_ |n xGPXz
|Gxz|RG #._zG||n +GPXz|Gx snz|GxXnx .i@ `.|Gx.` <xX<n.x|GinX@ cz
<_Gz .i@ |RG (nGx +GPXz|Gx <xX<n|RxnX@ .i@ |Rxn.x|GinX@
cz<`Gz  ,RG xGPXz|x.|Xni .<|Zni Xz sxXc.xX_ |RG cG<R.iXzc Inx xGP
`.|XiP|RG ;DW1DS;Wce nI|RG|niGRGi |RG |G<RiX< Xz <nxxG<|
+GPXz|x.|Xni @nGz in|sxXc.xX` <ni|xn` sX|<R x.iPGz 7| x.|RGx Xi|Gi
zX| $| Xz G |R.| |RG I._zG||n xGPXz|Gx 7G<ncGz sxnPxGzzXG` G.^Gx
.z |RGsX|<R @Gz<Hi@z .i@ @nGz in| Pn .zI.x @ni .z |RG _nGx xGPXz|Gx
%| Xz .`zn |xG |R.| |RG K.`zG||n xGPXz|Gx <.i 7G <.xxXG@ .i n<|.G RXPRGx
|R.i |RG `nGx xGPXz|Gx )GGx|RG_Gzz |RG |n xGPXz|Gxz nGv_.s |RxnPR
n| |RG c.Xi 7n@ nI |RG nX<G .i@ |RG Ii<|Xni nI |RG xGPXz.|Xni
.<|Xni sGx|.Xiz sxXc.xX` |n |RG <ni|xn` nI Xi|GizX| ,RG I.`zG||n
xGPXz|Gx Xz xGzsnizX:`G Xi . `.xPG cG.zxG Inx |RG x.iPG t.`X| .i@
znI| GMG<|z nI |RG nX<G ,RG `nGx xGPXz|Gx PXGz zGiP|R snGx .i@
RG.`|R |n |RG n<.` .ss5.|z

is destroyed

and the voice will deteriorate.

raised, when the pin is turned in a clock

)7@F\`Y0`FURo @Gin|Gz |RG .vx.iPGcGi| nx <nnx@Xi.|Xni nI |RG cz<`Gz


lso, if the bridge is

the bridge also constitutes

attachment of the string. The back

and front attachments

.i@ 7.`.i<G@ nsGiG@ |nPG|RGx  ,RG I._zG||n cz| in| 7G <.xxXG@

s cnxG |R.i .i n<|.G .7nG |RG RXPRGz| |niG RX<R <.i 7G sxn
@<G@ Zi |RG _nGx xGPXz|Gx #x|RGxcnxG . sxnsGx Zi|GizX| 7.`.i<G
cz| 7G Gz|.7_XzRG@ .i@ c.Xi|.XiG@ 7G|GGi |RG |n xGPXz|Gxz Xm
.`_ z|.PGz nI |RG @GG`nscGi| -RGi niG xGPXz|Gx Xz @GNiX|G_
z|xniPGx |R.i |RG n|RGx |RG GtX_X7xXc nI |RG `.xi Xz @GznG@
.i@ |RG nX<G @G|GxXnx.|G
,RG xGPXz.|Xni .<|Xni c. 7G s.x.``G`G@ |n |RG z|xXiPZiP nI . ,RG zXiP Xz .||.<RG@ .| |RG 7.<^ |n . `X||_G cG|.` sGP
.i@ .| |RG Ixni| |n |RG sXi ,RG zXiP Xz |XPR|GiG@ .i@ |RG sX|<R
x.XzG@ RGi |RGsXi XzG@Xi . <`n<^XzG@XxG<|Xni .i@ X<G Gxz.
,RXz |XPR|GiZiP .<|Xni <nvxGzsni@z |n |RG <xX<n|RxnX@ |GizXni ,RG
NxciGzz nI |RG `X||`G sGP .| |RG 7.<^ <nvvGzsni@z |n |RG .v|GinX@
|GizXni %I |RG sGP GxG |n PXG cnG nx l |RG sXi 7_n<^ Xz
<x.<^G@ |RG <.iin| Rn`@ X|z |iXiP !`zn o G 7xX@PG Xz
<x.<^G@ |RG X`` in| Rn`@ X|z sX|<R|RG 7xX@PG ._zn <niz|X||Gz
cV 7.<^ .||.<WhCl| |Z dW zXiQ ,RG ;.<^ .i@ Lxni| .||2<RcGi|z

    2 N 
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of the string must be firm and hold, if the piano is to retain its tuning.

Both arytenoid and thyroid muscles must be strong if the larynx

is to hold its tuning. F


urthermore, the strength at both front and

ends must hold and, if either one outpulls the other, the string-


ing is destroyed and the pitch will waver and become untrue.


There is a "



or "


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between the two registers until

a very high stage of development has been attained. The break

O ccurs because the loudest tone which can be produced in the

falsetto, at any given pitch, is not strong enough to meet the softest

tone which can be produced, without constriction, in the lower

register, at the same pitch. The break

is more noticeable in a woman'

voice because she uses both registers in performance. H owever, when

she can use the lower register up to about middle A

or B flat, it is

hardly apparent, provided that the registers are matched properly

and the resonance adj

ustment is pharyngeal. This is because the

intensity of this B flat, sung in the pure falsetto, does not drop so

much as to destroy the intensity line at M.F

W hen pure, open, fully developed registration has been estab-

lished, the register change occurs at E



top space on the treble

when the intensity is forte. Thus, in singing up a scale, at full

voice, starting in the lower register, the change into the falsetto

flat, if a normal intensity line is to be maintained:

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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occurs at this E

flat, sung in the falsetto, is slightly louder than the D natural

below it, sung in the lower register. A

t a lower intensity level the

change occurs lower, and at higher intensities the lower register may

be employed up to almost any pitch.

t is absolutely destructive for the singer to endeavor to "

the registers, or eliminate the break


, at too early a stage of the

technical development, because this attempt inevitably leads to


ed registration, ex

The break


treme throatiness and ultimate loss of voice.

need not be a technical bugbear. I

n fact, little trouble is

perienced with it, if the training process is carried out properly.

This problem of the change of register and the break

become so poignant with men'

about an octave lower than women'

is the same for both sex

s. The transition tone

hest V


es, and this tone is of higher pitch than any

tone written in the literature for men'

does not

s voices, because they are pitched

s voices.

oice describes the sensation which some people feel, or imagine

they feel, for the lower tones of the voice. The trachea and bronchi

are, indeed, added to the resonance system for low tones. This does

not mean that the "


felt in the chest"

voice is in the chest."

H owever, vibration can be

because these cavities are resonating. This has

nothing to do with registration.

Many women with big voices use an ill-defined lower register


on the lower register is avoided.

This gives the impression of the low tones being "

ever, the adj

chest tones."

ustment changes and some teachers mistak

a register change. S


QFps 9gUAF  .   . 

     2  .

  2      P    
(  u     

 2 . 2              ( 
. .   (y   2
    y  4   

( *

u. (

    P . 
 bQ     .     "        

 2   b            
@   Q
    (     y 4   4

ustment for their lowest tones, even when not told to do so and

when all properly conducted work

uch "

chest tones"

H ow-

enly call this

are always somewhat mix




tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

and for this reason they are dangerous, because if a mix

@ b: ' :  : @$   Fg  '7@ !:
' :  '
$  (  '0

ed lower

register is carried up, the voice is destroyed.

o-ordination of the R


The registers are co-ordinated when

##&!*#!/ #/ */ '*&)4 :'  : 


 '  !    b  b    ! ' 

!   >' '   2$ 
(  (:; =
(  3 J ' '
  @  $  7
   ' 0 
3 \  $ =
    -    -' R 

3 R  [
R  E
    '   3 J   !  2 '  - N
   ' 0 
3 s 
  7 -  $ '7

     ( 3

the singer can swell smoothly from the falsetto to the lower register

without any q

uality transition or break

occurs only at an ex

tremely high stage of development. I

attempted too soon, mix

ruined. A

, and vice versa. C


f it is

ed registration ensues and the voice is

ctually, co-ordination occurs more or less automatically

when both registers are fully developed and balanced, and when

complete opening has been established. Premature co-ordination of

the registers is most harmful. I

t occurs when the break

is eliminated

before complete opening and pure, balanced registration has been

established. I

t leads to ex

treme throatiness, mix

ed registration and

complete loss of voice.

alsetto R



scientifically preferable term would be "


because the tension on the vocal cords is held, as the tone

'**#/ '*&/  ' P      !

 K  N

is swelled in this register (through its intensity range), against the

  :$I        (  

' 0! 
' ' '  q  '  ''  d $ ' 


 ; 4            ! '  ' 

'        '   3 0  >  +  A

 '     '  
@ @(    E     3 4      
 K   I   (  
   :  :':    ;
4  0  ' :    !$    b
( - $

    ! :'         $
f@ !  '  - 7
4     Ye[<g       '  '  

>' $ ! 
3  '      ' 0  ' Z
'    R   ' 3
M ' '  ' 
$  '  : 
 !   :3

pressure of the breath by means of additional tension on the aryte-

noid muscles. This register is in action at the lower intensities and

it becomes more prominent as the pitch rises. Pleasing q

uality, high

tones and soft singing depend primarily upon the proper isolation

the "

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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and development of the falsetto register. The falsetto tension "



of the vocal cords at their posterior attachment.

The falsetto register is pure when, at any stage of development,

no added tension on the lower register muscles has come into action,

and when there is no mix

ed registration.

The possession of a pure falsetto register is essential to good

uality, power and range. No legitimate control of intensity is pos-

sible unless the falsetto is pure.

W hen this register is undeveloped, there is a pronounced break

between it and the lower register.

H ead R

egister indicates the adj

the upper tones. I


ustment employed by some pupils for

t refers to a pitch range and not to a muscular

ustment in the larynx

The middle tones are often designated "


tones, not because

the throat is open, but because they are white and shouty. This

relatively loud type of singing gives an impression of "

/ '*&/ '



 : 3 s    '   @      

@O    :;

KI 0$   
  ' $      !'  @  3 4 
  (  @       (  '' b K3I
4  $ !'   !   $  
 :  - Z
 b  @      
  : 7R  E
  ==   3 4
    A$ ! 
' $ 2  
23 8Z
$      K
I  K %
3I 8

0` '

 (  '-   -
4 ' !  V
I  K %N I  '
O  3 4    
 0'  '

These shouty, white tones will not go up, so a deliberate augmenta-

tion of the degree of throatiness must be induced by a relax

ation of

the genio-hyo-glossus muscles. The dropping of the tongue, which

accompanies this induced constriction, mak

fore, they call such tones "


head tones"

es the tone dark

or "

. There-

covered tones."


ness and constriction do indeed give the impression of some-

thing happening "

in the head."

The singer who uses "

head tones"

or "

covered tones"

cannot sing

a legato passage and he cannot connect tones, because he has to be

constantly changing the adj

ustment. Therefore, he is forced to break

the musical line.



: a\bsbyzRz

zob\bz 3g =VNg



H ead"

or "


tones shut off the voice, mak

k <  <   

" @

7cc /  

e it ever increas-

ingly throaty, and render it impossible for the singer to interpret the

%2 D!%  cc        


music artistically.

solated R

human voice. I


  K V/ 
;  Q   
   K Vc d
%     c

egistration is essential to the procedure used in training a

f this isolation is not established in the early stages,

ed registration ensues and the voice is destroyed. I

solated regis-

tration has been engendered only when a pure falsetto register and a

pure lower register have been established.

Lower R



scientifically preferable term would be the "

 D!%  Y  /%    k




  K *  
     /  nd

  /    K *  /   

    Y  /  /Q"  
 K ^
  c    7


        K ^  
/ "/ Q



 /cK ^    @
  " /  Q;"

    c /  " /  

*             <

   K ^ / 
" a
 " Q  
   " /   
< K V/  

; ; 

7  K


    / K ^
  "     ; 


   / 7"      
c   Q %"
/G  GK

because the tension on the vocal cords is held against the

pressure of the breath as the tone is swelled in this register (through

its intensity range (loud)) by means of additional tension on the

thyroid muscles. The lower register is in action for the higher inten-

sities and for the lower pitches. The purity of the lower register is

dependent upon the purification of the falsetto, and vice versa. A

normal loudness the lower and middle tones of a woman'

s voice

should be sung in this register, and it should be employed at and

above normal intensity, throughout the entire range, in men'

which are pitched about an octave lower than women'

s. A

stage of development, even the high tones of a woman'

s voice should

be sung in this register, when the intensity is fortissimo. F

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

s voices,

t a high

or pianis-

simo effects on very high tones, a man may legitimately employ the

pure falsetto. A

well-produced speak

ing voice, of both sex

es, is

dependent upon the establishment of a pure, fully developed lower

register (crico-thyroid and thyro-arytenoid muscles).

The lower register tension stretches the vocal cords and "

their stringing at their anterior attachment. A


ll falsetto tension, for

any given tone, must be present in the lower register, if the vocal

cords are to hold their "




es, the lower register mix

properly. I

es and ex

f the arytenoid tension

cessive thyro-arytenoid tension

ed registration) comes into play.

The lower register is pure when the added tension on the thyroid

muscles comes into play in co-ordination with all the arytenoid ten-

sion which can be maintained at the given stage of development. A

the same time, there must be no ex

cessive thyro-arytenoid tension.

The pure lower register may be somewhat crude or noisy in

the early stages of development, but when it has been developed

sufficiently and resonated properly, it matches the falsetto and it is

then of eq

ually pleasing q

Matched R

egistration must be undertak


en as soon as pure, "


isolated registration has been established. The registers are matched

when the resonance adj

ustment, i.e., the position of the tongue,

remains constant for both registers sung at the same pitch, with the

same vowel and vowel color. Thus, when a tone can be sung in the

falsetto (posterior and lateral crico-arytenoid muscles) at a given

intensity and also sung in the lower register at, of course, a higher

intensity, the registration is matched when the resonance adj

lG~y D!%    @    " "



Q K *    
  c   b:c7" M9   
 /  "
  /  c%c c:    
c7   K *:c"     
Q |%  %  

c       %

 " a "  

c 7       o


is the same for both registers.




tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

/ (*&/
        1   !1<1
Middle R

1  1 ] 

  0 25 X < H  
C :   

  C  1    CC   C a
jH C ! :5 41$  

  %  m

< 1 2 
5 41  <
$ 1<2$ 7
1 C

 5  !     

=0        !  
! 7
5 4     D  5 !%$ 


6 4 ^    1 n
  1  =  
   /  7
  ! $   7

 %        5 
 1 <<0g 
1      !    
 %  >   

^r  r
 <$  7



0   1!  C
     %  C 5

egister does not refer to registration in the sense in which

the term has been used in this book


ome teachers never establish

pure registration and do not permit their female pupils to employ

the pure lower register. Therefore, the middle tones inevitably be-

come thick

and mix

ed. This forced, thick

then employed for the middle tones. V

sort of mix

, mix

ed falsetto technic is

ery low tones are sung in a

ed lower register and upper tones in a relatively pure


this falsetto is actually always throaty and it is also some-

what mix

ed. The high tones are generally shrill. H owever, the

middle tones are very pronouncedly mix

ed. The effect of such train-

ing is that three so-called registers appear: A

for the low tones, a mix


ed lower register

ed falsetto for the middle tones, and a rela-

tively pure falsetto for the upper tones. Under these circumstances

there are three pitch ranges which are characterized by three differ-

ent voice q

ualities and three different

O f course, this mix




ed middle register for the middle tones must

be eliminated, and pure registration must be established if the pupil

is to learn how to produce his or her voice properly.


ed F

alsetto R



ed falsetto registration occurs when both

the lower register and falsetto are undeveloped. This lack

of develop-

0    < !1 
% C
5 41 <2 
q !   d 
$ A;g
1H <<=1
<  : :  %  !2  1  

 5 4    %  

  7  %

! 1 : 

5 4
:   %  
    41 1 
$   % 

%a  { 1 


!    ! % !2 

15 41 
: j :
$  !   7 
1  C   1 > 
 jH 5 /  % !
 1 7

$  " 1    V>2 <x : <5

-/ (**#/ (*&

ment is more pronounced at the thyroid (lower register) end, i.e.,

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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the crico-thyroid muscles are relatively weak

muscles. The length of the vocal cords is look

er than the arytenoid

ed after by ex


thyro-arytenoid tension.


ed falsetto registration is engendered when the falsetto register

is sung with pronounced constriction and pushed

forced. The

resultant tone is very throaty and generally shrill. The higher tones

may be loud, sometimes very loud and very shrill;

lower tones are always very weak

is sung, the worse the mix

of the tone. A

ture and the more unpleasant is the q

relatively wide range may be covered in the mix

falsetto, but the higher tones are mere "


the middle and

and thin. The louder this register

ed Lower R


egister is similar to the mix



ed falsetto ex



or screams.

cept inasmuch

as the falsetto muscles (posterior and lateral crico-arytenoid muscles)

are more undeveloped than the lower register muscles (crico-thyroid

and thyro-arytenoid muscles). Thus, the mix

ed lower register is

derived from the lower register rather than from the falsetto.

The thyro-arytenoid muscles are in ex

after the pitch adj

-/ #,&/ (*&/      7

 7<C  "

cessive tension and look

ustment to a greater ex


  !     <<=1

 0 d5 4$ H  7
!: : 

 1 !      1  5
41 1=
<    7  %  
:  C <1 
S    7 1 1a 1
1 ! <  1 CC <5
41 >     7
!  %  11  C 
 1   7
  5 41 


$    2+ 
 !5 4H 1   !# 


 5 4 


$   !   !$

 1      25

tent than they should if

they were acting in their proper function.

The q

uality of a mix

than that of the mix

ed lower is even more harsh and unpleasant

ed falsetto register. The middle tones are very

throaty, generally thick

, and often white. The highest tones which

can be reached are very throaty indeed and absolutely white and

shrill. The middle tones may be loud, but the low tones are weak

and the high tones are generally lack


ed R




ed registration occurs when both the falsetto

and the lower register are undeveloped and the establishment of the


./  +.& . #%r 7

  < ! 1   




: a\bsbyzRz

zob\bz3g =VNg

pitch becomes primarily a function of the thyro-arytenoid muscles

(shortening of the vocal cords). Mix

panied by ex

ed registration is always accom-

treme throatiness and unpleasant q

condition is pronounced, there is no break


uality. W hen this

between the registers and,

in many cases, a rather wide range of most unpleasant noises can be

produced in constriction. C

omplete mix

ed registration is the worst

"Fk85o *8@F\_Y/_FURo NR5e485<o = |Q i |e i| QQzQ G|iG

  i| i| QigQ QfiQ
gQ zGt= G|Nii| [ zkQN Qei=i|
eQ|Q=tt GG . iGQ giGg g= | BQGzQ Qz=|Q|u ziQO
zGt=t G=| NGQ |Q giGg QgiBi Q =zQ giG=u Gg=
=GQiiG NQiQ gQ [=G g= gQ =GQ BQQQ| gQ giN B|Q
=|N gQ giN G=it=eQ g= | BQQ| Qz=|Q|t JtQN :gi
=GQ G=| GtQ [ =| QQzQt B=NuNGQN |Q
Qz?Q| G|Nii| g= BQQ| Q=BtigQN 5[ GQ
QiQ|GQ i
Gg j|ei|e itt Qt i| Qz=|Q| zGu= ziQN Qei=i|

of all technical faults.


ed R

egistration (I


f a tone is sung in ex

tion in either register, the muscular condition of mix

generally occurs. A

treme constric-

ed registration

voice which has not become permanently mix

muscularly can produce tones which ex


hibit the same physical char-

acteristics despite the fact that the space between the hyoid bone

and the thyroid cartilage has not been permanently closed. This

space can close for an ex

tremely badly-produced tone, before the

permanent condition has been established. O f course, persistence in

such singing will result in permanent muscular mix

ed registration.


n cases of permanent

ed R

egistration (Permanent Muscular)

muscular mix

"Fk85o *8@F\_Y/_FURo (8YQ/R8R_o "e\4eM/Y So H=Q [ Qz=|Q|

ed registration the thyroid cartilage is rotated upward

zGt= ziQN Qei=i| gQ giN G=iu=eQ i =QN =O

zQQ gQ giN B|Q
g= gQ =GQ BQQQ| gQ giN G=
it=eQ =|N gQ giN B|Q i |Q=t GztQQt GtQN :gi G|
Nii| z= BQ [Qt B iQj|e gQ i|NQ a|eQ BQQQ| gQ giO
B|Q =|N gQ giN G=it=eQ 3 i|NiG=Q =| QQzQt B=N QGg|iG
=|N = =ti iGQ
:gQ i|NiiN=t g* NQ | i|e
B g Qzt = zlQO
QeiQ QGg|iG [ gi Q=ri|e iGQ
i [Q| [|N QgiBi gi
giG=t z=|i[Q=i| [ zjQN Qei=i| . Q=ri|e iGQ \
giQ i[ =z uQ==|
g= =ui =|Ni [=ieQ

to meet the hyoid bone, so that the space between the thyroid car-

tilage and the hyoid bone is nearly or completely closed. This con-

dition may be felt by inserting the index

fingers between the hyoid

t indicates an ex

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

bone and the thyroid cartilage. I

and a poor q

tremely bad technic

uality voice.

The individual who does not sing, but who employs a mix


register technic for his speak

ing voice, is often found to ex

physical manifestation of mix

ed registration. A


this type is of a most unpleasant, harsh, throaty q

hibit this

ing voice of

uality and it fatigues


O ctave R

eflection Between the R

established, there is an ex


W hen registration has been

act octave reflection between the falsetto

and the lower register. This is true of both "

and throaty tones. A



s the lower register is carried up and opened,

the falsetto must also be similarly carried up and opened. I

carried up to a pitch ex

'4_/g8o *8?84_FURo 9_i88Ro _C8o 8ZiS<gQ| Qei=i| g= BQQ|

t can be

gQQ i =| Q=G G=Q QdQGi| BQQQ| gQ [=tQ
=|N gQ uQ QeiQ :gi i Q [ Bg Q|QutNGQN
=|N g= |Q . gQ tQ QeiQ i G=iQN =|N Q|QN
gQ [=tQ z =u BQ iziu=t G@iQN =|N Q|QN 3 G=| BQ
G=iQN = iGg Q=Gt |Q G=Q giegQ g=| gQ giegQ
|Q giGg G=| BQQ=IgQN k| gQ tQ QeiQ e ig gQ g=
Q|QN! 1 Q=ztQ+ 3[ ziNNuQ ( i gQ giegQ |Q g= G=| BQ
|e ig gQg= Q|QN i| gQuQ QeiQ
gQ ( |Q G=Q
giegQG=| BQ |e Q| i| gQ [=uQ :gQ ( g=
|Q Qzi|Q
G?| BQ |e ig G|iGi|"
5| gQ gQ g=|N
i[ gQ tQ QeiQ i G=iQN k| G|iG
= g= [=tQ QejQ G=| BQ NQiQ [z i |Q G=Q
giegQ :g
BQG=Q gQ uQ QeiQ G=| BQ G=iQN QQzQu
gieg l i i e k| G|iGi|
i|GQNiCu gieg Q=r |Q i
gQ [=tQ QeiQ G=| Q=it BQ [|N 0BtQgieg /
gQ ' d= =BQ
G=| Q=it BQ Q=GgQN] W81e _I<*1e v W8PI%Wde
1DI]78e :gi GQNQ i QiBu g=z[t
Qt [jtQBQG=Q
Gg Q>r N | G|iQ j|ei|e=|N i z BQ =iNQN! .uu
i| Bg QeiQ
=|N |t Q|QN |Q

actly one octave higher than the highest

tone which can be reached in the lower register sung with the throat

opened. F

or ex

ample: I

f middle G is the highest tone that can be

sung with the throat opened in the lower register, the G, one octave

higher can be sung "


in the falsetto. The G sharp, one semitone

higher, cannot be sung without constriction.

O n the other hand, if the lower register is carried up in constric-

tion, a throaty falsetto register can be derived from it one octave

higher. Thus, because the lower register can be carried up ex

high if it is sung in constriction, incredibly high "



the falsetto register can easily be found. Double-high C

the E

flat above, can easily be reached


s do not constitute singing




, or even

if the voice is throaty

enough. This procedure is terribly harmful, utterly futile

such sq


and it must be avoided. A


tones, in both registers, must be opened, and only opened tones


iGg BQGzQ iz=it = [|Gi| [ yQ g=Q|iN zGtQ

 gQ|j|e [ gQ G=t GO   4jQN Qei=i} i =t= =GGz
=|iQN B QQzQ g=i|Q ?N |uQ==| =ui <gQ| gi
G|Nii|i ||GQN
gQQ i | BQ=r BQQQ| gQQeiQ =|N

i| z=| G=Q
= =gQ kNQ =~eQ [ z |u==| |iQ G=| BQ
NGQN i| G|iGi| /zuQQ ziQN Qei=i| i gQ
[ QR QGg|iG=t[=t


  ' #&'

! !2   

K "    
 S2 S  2
!   2  

  +!S   F
2  S!
 S          S  S

!2 "
  W S ;D

sung. Both registers should be carried up relatively slowly, one semi-

tone at the time. H owever, the octave reflection must, at all stages,

be meticulously adhered to, or mix

ed registration and throatiness

will result with the accompanying loss of voice.

The octave reflection does not apply to men'

s voices, because they

cannot put forth sufficient energy to produce loud enough tones at

such high pitches. Physiologically, however, it is true for both sex




    + u 
S  D V


!K       S  

 + S  S S

Q K *

 D V


 + 2

egistration is unbalanced when both registers have

been isolated and established, with one more developed

than the other. I


t is absolutely essential that this condition be cor-

rected immediately. No further development of the stronger register

should be permitted, until eq

ualized development between the two

registers has been established. This is not co-ordination. I

t is a con-

dition which must persist through all stages of the training process,

once it has been established.


ing the Throat

not produce sound. S

ee F

f the throat were really relax

orward V


f proponents of this notion mean "

ed, a singer could

oice Production and F


ocussing the

the muscles of the neck

5Qng=s $M     ; "  

 +     .ngDwAsTgc  gAwppTcN

V ++    
  k;  Q     y


       2 .. 
 !K * 


  ! hD


it would be much better to say so, because these muscles come into a

high degree of tension when the muscles of the throat, i.e., genio-hyo-

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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glossus muscles, relax

W hen the tongue is relax

ed the tone is throaty. The throat is the

resonator of the tone in good technic. I

t is only out of action in phona-

tion, when the technic is bad (throaty).

esonance A

for the pick


ustment indicates the shaping of the resonance cavities

ing out, or resonation, of the bands of freq

determine the vowel. R

esonance adj

uencies which

ustment is possible only when the

cavities can assume a wide variety of shapes and sizes.

or the human voice, resonance adj

ustment is made with the pharyn-

geal cavities when the technic is correct and with the mouth when it

is throaty


esonance adj


ustment implies the "


of cavities

for the resonation of the vowel bands of freq


uencies of the

particular fundamental and its overtones which are generated at the


O pen


or O pening

Most voices are constricted, or throaty, at the

start of the training process. A

first maj

or change from constrictor

to opening tension must, then, be engendered. The tongue muscles

(genio-hyo-glossus muscles) must be brought into tension, and

when this action is established for the first time, the voice suddenly


opens up"

to a very mark

ed degree. The increase in power, which

results when a constricted voice opens up, may be very startling.

This opening often occurs suddenly. I



t may be termed a "


and it must be met with a very pronounced increase in




 S +
 "     W G

  !  S


"   b 



Q    b 


+! ; 
! ;D


)=[gm S 
S "  SS!" S S
S W  

 + D      W  S

 S" "   D*S   

!   h   S

 <!@ K *


   +" !   
     K V     kb
y 5 5 | |5 5 Jd  +  



tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

the energy or "


  !  n< n B  

  +   L  d


which the singer must put into the produc-

C N t        + !    + d

tion of tone.

O pen Tone occurs when the tongue has pulled away from the pos-

terior wall of the laryngeal pharynx

    ! L    L 

 v M9  L    b   d

/ !v   LL  L   L  
K  L v< 
! v
  /     !/%  
L   /   LK
 L   L L!  

! 6vT9v    K v     
     v     /  bv

and has thus opened the

throat, i.e., when pharyngeal resonance adj

ustment has been estab-


Unfortunately, some people believe open tones are produced

only in the middle range of the voice. By "

open tones,"


people mean relatively loud, white, shouty, throaty tones

and not

tones produced with the base of the tongue drawn away from the

posterior wall of the laryngeal pharynx

W hen the voice is produced properly the middle tones are

slightly dark

er than the high tones. H owever, the scale can be

ascended without any transition, or sudden change of adj


and with an evenly-rising intensity.

O pened Up



O pened up"

indicates a tone sung with the throat

when the base of the tongue is held forward, away from

the posterior wall of the laryngeal pharynx

on the genio-glossus muscle;

, because of tension

C N y TL L<


and the hyoid bone is held in posi-


     L!v   / Q


!   K w 

 L Lv   b 
 L  K

tion because of tension on the genio-hyoid muscle. W hen the

tone is opened up, the resonance adj

ustment is pharyngeal and the

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

mouth cavity is out of action in phonation.

O pening occurs when the genio-hyo-glossus muscles develop and

the tongue is pulled away from the posterior wall of the laryngeal


. The strengthening of these muscles occurs in stages and

should be synchronized with the laryngeal development. Thus,

periodic "



e place. E

ach time an opening occurs a

larger resonance cavity is employed. The first "


early stage of the training, is very pronounced and maj

changes occur. S

CN  !    

!   L 

in the

or vocal

Q L !    +    /  
L;K *  /        
  ! %
    L K *v
L  T L
<  L K   
 L! K * Y L

  /  v
  L   b  
Q K   L  
     L       L/  n 
! LL; K
  L  v  L  


L   K ^Y+

  L  v       Q  
  LK  L
!v M9
  /  v    n   + 

/ L

uch openings virtually never cease, but they

become less and less pronounced as technical perfection is more

nearly approx


very time an opening occurs, the power of the voice increases

and the q

uality is improved to a mark

ed degree. A

t first the power

increase is most pronounced, but this effect becomes less as the

voice progresses. Later openings serve to improve the q

uality, i.e.,

the mellowness of the tone, rather than to increase the power

which only augments slightly after real opening has been attained.

Pharyngeal resonance adj

ustment is employed when the technic is

good. The pharyngeal cavities

shaped, or "


laryngeal, oral and nasal


to resonate the tone. The positioning, or

shaping, of these cavities alters with each change of pitch, vowel

or vowel color. F

or the lowest tones, the trachea and bronchi tak

part in the resonance adj


The shaping of the pharyngeal resonance cavities depends pri-

marily upon the position of the base of the tongue which is held

away from the posterior wall of the laryngeal pharynx



p~ !2    b


 K * L 

L v   v<    K * L

v /    
` K    v   

* L
 /  L%   

 L  L
!L   L /  Q    

!   L     !  +!  


tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

E     [=     5 4     

  u    / 
S 5 M  Y
(    /  o /
? E  /  E  $
  0  Y    F*/  (  


of tension on the genio-hyo-glossus muscles. The position of the

soft palate and the opening between the tongue and the uvula

also influence the resonance adj

cavities are properly "

ustment. W hen the pharyngeal


for the resonation of the tone,

acoustic coupling occurs between the vocal cords and the


Positioning of the R

esonance C

cavities have been shaped or "

i.e., that they have tak

avities indicates that the resonance


&+!.!&%!%4 '4 . 4 +&%%4 0!.!+4 


for the resonation of the tone,

(  ( F 

?     E  $
B<g   ( 2    $  $    

  (*  F /

en on the posture, or shape, necessary in order

that the vowel may be resonated.



of the R

esonance C

avities indicates the positioning or "


of the resonance cavities for the resonation of the tone. W hen the

technic is correct, the pharyngeal cavities are "

incorrect (throaty), the mouth cavity is "

haping the R

esonance C


and when it is

    (        5 M 

   / $   (   L0 I 
   q  y $    (   V5I

avities indicates that the resonance cavities

have assumed a certain posture for the resonation of the tone. I

correct technic the pharyngeal cavities are "

technic the mouth is "

.4 &4 . 4 +&%%4 0!.!+4 

       L ?



and in throaty


 (!%4 . 4 +&%%4 0!.!+4 



ctive Throatiness designates any very intense form of throatiness.

t sounds throaty and actively unpleasant.

ctive throatiness may be "


or "

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Public Domain, Google-digitized /



     E      5 2Qg
  /    (    o

but in each case

the degree of constriction is very great. The genio-hyo-glossus

muscles are relax

tension. A

ed and their antagonists are in a high state of

t the same time, the muscles of the neck

very strongly tensed and mouth resonance adj

and j


aw are

ustment is much in

.!04  )&.!%++4
   (/     5

evidence. Generally, the chest and shoulders are tensed and the

J ]UdR6^g  
  (  Y5
|  (   R F o
2?  * ? F     

 E     ( 5 8  [[  
  Y/ /  B/

/)      A  E
/ 5 |  -  -$    / E   2 

 5 // $   

/  /

     / q       
(  *  / 
 y 5
4 F $   $ FY?      *    
 5 8 F/ B    / Y  * F  
E     5 8    E  R  Bn
* F 2    
/ E

head is forced into an unnatural posture (the nature of the posture

varies with the individual).

The breath is, of course, "


throatiness. The breath ex

pulsion is generally rather low because

out as it is with all forms of

of the intense constriction. The constriction of the throat is ex

tremely great, and the tongue is drawn back

in a high degree of


onstricted Tone is a throaty tone. C

onstricted refers to the tension

which occurs during the production of a throaty tone on the

muscles of the neck

, chest, shoulders, j

aw and those tongue

muscles which are antagonistic to the genio-hyo-glossus muscles.

constricted tone is produced under conditions of strain and


Diction S

inger is one who concentrates on the words with complete

disregard for the music or import of the composition. E

ach and

every syllable is carefully and deliberately articulated and one

syllable is sung at a time. The consonants are over-articulated, and


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$ S* 
 0  *   R U    [[Y    5
|  /

  E   N

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(  F   E   


 F        -5 4   (=   


: a\bsbyzRz

zob\bz3g =VNg

the "






and "



 Tzy T y  _y  4

  P4   " l
 0   `"  0" `
0 `
0! P 


 ( *0 `  0
P `
 /  ; 0 & 
 ! 0/  0"  
` 4 / !     0( *0  0


are sustained and over-accentuated, be-

cause the added vowel, or hum, with which they are associated is

over-sustained to a ridiculous degree. The vowels are mouth

resonated with careful and ex

aggerated mouth and lip gesturing.

The intensity level employed is generally that of speech, and even

below that of properly produced speech. The technic is always


aw Lock

Most j

occurs when a mouth resonance adj

aw lock

s are established when the j

into the middle


position. This middle, lock

determined by the posture which the j

opened easily, in a relax

drops his j

'=} P `0  0     b

 ! (
 b`  @  
0 `0 0 b` 0  


( *0
"  @ 

 ! 0  `0
0 0 b` Q `

4 P; P" M9 `
0  "  

w0 0 0
   b`   ` 4 

   0    /0 `  F *0  @

0 `0 0 b`
  `  0
T/0P   F P     |
0 D
 Q0  P
.( *0 b`
0 !   !
 "  0  0

 P D

ed position is

aw assumes when it is

ed manner, i.e., without effort, as an idiot


W hen the mouth is opened, the j

aw drops down a certain dis-

tance and then can be pulled further down and back

position is established when the j


ustment is employed.

aw has been dropped

further down and back


gesture has not been accomplished.

No tone should ever be sung with the j

position. The j

. The lock

aw is dropped down and the

aw in the middle


aw is always either nearly closed or completely

opened, when the technic is correct.

Lip Position

No matter which vowel is being sung (there are

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

about 83), the lips should be opened slightly, raised off the teeth

and neither spread nor pouted when the technic is correct. W hen

it is faulty (throaty) a mouth resonance adj

The lips tak

e part in this adj

ustment is employed.

for the diverse vowels as essential factors in "

for the mouth resonance adj

be brok

ustment. A


the mouth

ll such lip positions must

en down and eliminated if the technic is to be corrected

and a pharyngeal ("


X .gpXtXge +i  `0
0 `
 h = 0
  0 0
0P  P  `0 0  0

  ( w0

/! 0! h   0    b
 !6 (
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/  0
y 0 0
/ P 0 0    bD `  0 

l  @ `  

 K 0  0
 0! _ y h P  b


ustment, and assume definite postures


) resonance adj

ustment is to be attained.

W hen the throat is closed (constricted) the vowel must

perforce be mouth resonated. Under these conditions the shaping

of the mouth cavity is brought about by means of the position of

the j

aw, lips, cheek

s, the front of the tongue and, possibly, the

soft palate. W henever mouth resonance adj

tone is throaty and the j

Mouth resonance adj

aw is lock

ustment occurs the


ustment must be brok

en down and elimi-

)gwtS w0 0 0

 h 0 ` 
/   0  (  P 0 

 0 0

/  0 
 0  !  / 0 

0 b" 
" 0@" 0 / / 0   
!" 0
 / ( w0P  P   b  Q 0

 P ! 0b`
 @ (
 P    b    @ `  


 +  / P

nated in the process of training the voice.

Mouth Position indicates the shaping, or positioning, of the cheek

and lips plus the j



aw lock

for a mouth vowel, resonance adj

Mouthing applies to singers and speak

ers whose voices are throaty

and who, therefore, employ a mouth resonance adj

Diction S

ustment. (S



Pouted Lips

W hen the tone is mouth resonated and the technic is

throaty, the vowel is resonated by means of a mouth position


)gwsS .gpXsTgc

 0 0
" P 

" / 0 0@
 + 0 b`  @ /P   `" P   bd
 `0" 0/" !  0 P   bD 
TAsXge 4XeNFm 
.gwtFD w0 0  
Q 0 P  0  0

P !" 0  `
 P 4 l!   / 4  +



tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

which involves the shaping of the lips. I

f the vowel is dark

*" " ( ( " "   " ; J " %i*  @ "

  " (* 
@ "   
  $ B<g Lii? 

2 V;I M" "
* G"@ "  
6 8 O*     
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 " *$   "  @  2 
    "     "  " 

 2G  6 8"  "
(  @ "{ " v%
 *" "  "   6

, the

lips are pouted and certain mouth vowels demand the setting of

the lips in a pouted position, i.e., "


and dark


lips are pouted the corners are drawn in


and the lips

are narrowed. The j


W hen the

aw may be partially dropped or closed. I

never be opened all the way, because the forced pout mak

t can

es it

impossible for the singer to open his mouth beyond the middle


position. The lips should never be pouted thus;

they never

are when the technic is correct.

adio Technic

ingers who employ a "

radio technic"


!&4 GX 0 *"    V

  " ? 

their voices at so low an intensity level that they are hardly

audible across a room. They are also often "

"  (    *  9  ( " "  "

     6 8"   0  p
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6 8" 
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 * "$  "$ *
  "   % 
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   B  0" *  * "  %    ;
8     B
  $ *" " (   *=  "
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  " I   O 
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    "  9

 9   (  
 " ^  "
9A  06 X  ( (+ (

" " ( @(
 w   (    9A  9 99   ( " 
 9 " "    ; 8"     " 
"- + 9U  
 ; J    A' 

\  9A/ *" (   w
   0' ( "

_ 9
"_ w        ^  ( " "

diction singers."

The voice is always in constriction and all the conditions of

absolute throatiness are maintained. The sound is only of pleasant

uality because the intensity is too low for it to become unpleasant.

f such a singer were to endeavor to produce a tone of even

moderate power he, or she, would emit a sound of such actively


ectionable q

uality that no one would want to listen to it. A

the low intensity level employed, the registration may not mix


the case of a woman. Thus, she uses an absolutely constricted

tone, or a "



The men use a mix

a mix


in the pure falsetto. The registration

if she were to swell the tone even a little.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

would immediately mix

ed falsetto or, when the voice is low-pitched,

ed lower register. The "

radio technic"

is most inj


physically. Many singers trained to sing in this manner develop

nodules on their vocal cords, and many others suffer from chronic

laryngitis. S

ome may survive, provided that they never endeavor

to push their voices or sing at an intensity level above the mere

thread of tone they habitually employ. This form of technic is

harmful, inartistic and altogether distressing. I

t is not singing and

it is not art.

singer whose voice is produced properly can sing over the

radio and his performance is actually far more effective than that

of the typical radio singer.

creaming indicates a tone, or noise, of unpleasant, shrill, white


generally of high pitch.

Technically a scream is a tone produced in constriction with

the base of the tongue pressed back

and up, or down, and grooved,

and nearly touching the posterior wall of the laryngeal pharynx

The genio-hyo-glossus muscles are relax


in active tension. The registration is mix


falsetto. The neck

)$!%4 9
  9$   +  9 9+ " + *" 

their antagonists are

generally mix

>  GA9   " A"   "6

8 "        9 
 `   *'"
"    A
   " A  w    "  "B6
8 A9 [=A  - 0    B
{ "  fA  
_9   (/ 9 6 8" A     B
GA   B

 6 8"  2      " A

   " " 
6 8" O*   2
 " -

 0_ 6 8"   



muscles are in a high degree of tension, as

are those of the chest and shoulders. The j

aw is lock



in the middle position. The lips are spread.

etting the J

aw indicates the positioning of the j

tion of the tone when the technic is throaty. The j

aw for the resona-

aw is out of

action when the technic is correct, and assumes a definite posture

for the resonation of the tone in incorrect technic. This "



..!%4 14 
 "   9   " O*  " 

     *"   "  "; 8" O*   

   * "     $ 
 "    "       " ; 8"  V ?


: a\bsbyzRz

zob\bz3g =VNg

of the j

oP YL bB \ \m jo GBL KLLyj\mLK E YL LBEe]YjLm oP

YL j\KKeLeoGcqo\\om( 7 \ BGGojqBm\LK E e]q BmK GYLLc
qo\\om) @YLm YL bB L YL mLGc jGeL ByL EyoWY ]mo

aw is, in most cases, determined by the establishment of

the middle


position. I

positions. W hen the j

aw "

t is accompanied by lip and cheek


the neck

muscles are brought into

+DUe`HT@o Bqqe\LK o \mW\mW KLGy\EL B omL qyoKGLK \Y B Y\L


houting applied to singing, describes a tone produced with a white

uality, in the lower or the mix

resonance adj

sBe\ \m YL eoLy oz YL j]LK eoLy yLW\Ly ]Y B joY

yLomBmGL BKbjLm ;1 e B Y\L YyoB omL' 7 \ BeB B
yLeB\Le eoK YyoB GyKL omK BmK \ LjqeoLK E jLm
YoBm o \mW eoKe BmKYoYBLe\eLoymo PBeLo KLLetq
jLm oy E ojLm Yo PoyGL B eoK GyKL mo\L \m YL eoLy
yLW\Ly oy YL j]LK eoLy yLW\Ly(

ed lower register, with a mouth

ustment, i.e., a white throaty tone. I

t is always a

relatively loud, throaty, crude sound and is employed by men

who want to sing loudly and who have little or no falsetto develop-

ment, or by women who force a loud crude noise in the lower

register or the mix

ed lower register.

hut-off Tone occurs when the tongue has been drawn back


or nearly touching, the posterior wall of the laryngeal pharynx

The throat is, therefore, closed or "

shut off,"

+Dea U>o ,UT8o oGGy YLm YL omWL YB ELLm K{Bm EBHc BWB\m

i.e., the technic is

oy mLBye oGY\mW YL qoLy\oy Bee oP YL eBymWLBe qYBym(

?YL YyoB \ YLyLPoyL GeoLK oy Y oT ;1 e YL LGYm\G \


pread Lips

The lips are spread, when the technic is throaty, for

the resonation of certain vowels and for a white q

uality. W hen

the lips are spread, the corners are separated in a sort of forced

grin. The j

HW^?YL e\q ByL qyL*BK YLm YL LGYm\G \ YyoB Poy

YL yLomB\om oP GLyB\m oLe BmK Poy B Y\L sBe]+ @YLm
YL e\q ByL qyLBK YL GolLy ByL LqByBLK ]m B oy oP PoyGLK
Wy\m( ?YL bB GBmmo EL oqLmLK Bee YL B) ?Y YL joY \
L\YLy mLBye GeoLK oy \m YL eoGcj\KKeLqo\\om(
5ee ]mWLy Yo GyLBj oy Yo YL`y qqLy omL LmK o
qyLBK YL e\q( ?Y\ \ B L{ Gojjom WLyL oP YL YyoB
GyLBj\mW oqyBmo oy Lmoy BmK oP YL sLBc o\GL \mWLy) ?YL
bB \ eoGcLK YLm YL e\q ByL oLyqoLK oy qyLBK BmK YL
LGYm\G \ \mGoyyLGYyoB, ?YL e\q ByL mLLy qyLBK YLm YL
LGYm\G \ GoyyLG+


aw cannot be opened all the way. Thus, the mouth is

either nearly closed or in the lock



ll singers who scream or shout their upper tones tend to

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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spread the lips. This is a very common gesture of the throaty,

screaming soprano or tenor and of the "

aw is lock




singer. The

ed when the lips are over-pouted, or spread, and the

technic is incorrect

throaty. The lips are never spread when the

technic is correct.





is a very light, soft tone sung in the falsetto or the

ed falsetto register under conditions of ex

treme constriction.

t is generally very soft, but when it is forced, a most unpleasant,

shrill q



becomes badly mix

e a steam whistle

is heard and the registration

ed. This type of technic sounds lik

e a whistle.

Many light sopranos use this technic for their upper tones when

+Xe80Ko ,UT8o \ B Ly e\WY oP omL mW ]m YL PBeLo oy YL

they have been incorrectly trained and the lower register is

absent. I

j\LK PBeLo yLW\Ly mKLy GomK\\om oP LLjL Gom\G\om)

7 \ WLmLyBee Ly oP F YLm \ \ PoyGLK B jo mqeLBm
Yy\ee sBe`e\cL B LBj Y\eL\ YLByK BmK YL yLW\{B\om
ELGojL-EBKe j\LK( ?Y\ qL oP LJYm\G omK e\cL B Y\eL(
<Bm e\WY oq{Bmo L Y` LGYm\G Poy YL`y qqLy omL YLm
YL YBL ELLm \mGoyyLGe yB`mLK BmK YL eoLy yLW\Ly \
BELm( 7 jB Beo oGGy ]Y \mWLy Yo YBL KLy\LK \ Pyoj B
Y\WYe Gom\GLK eoLy yLW\Ly Y\GY YL YBL GByy\LK q)
6yLjLe Y\WY omL jB EL yLBGYLK \m YL sLBc o\GL E
YLL omL Ko mo Gom\L \mW]mW ByL BEoeLe \eeLW\\jBL
BmK YoeK mLLy EL LjqeoLK( ?YL L oP YL sLBc o\GL
Y\GY \ BEoeLe YyoB BmK \m BLy Y\WY BL oP Gomy\G\om
`KBmWLyo BmKYByjPeo YL oGBe BqqByB)

t may also occur with singers who have derived it from a

highly constricted lower register which they have carried up.

tremely high tones may be reached in the "





these tones do not constitute singing, are absolutely illegitimate

and should never be employed. The use of the "




which is absolutely throaty and in a very high state of constriction,

is dangerous and harmful to the vocal apparatus.


wallowed Tongue"

The tongue is "

dropped down the laryngeal pharynx

glossus muscles have relax

and the q

uality is thick


when its base is

ed. The tone thus produced is throaty

. W hen this technical fault is pronounced,

the registration action is generally mix



because the genio-hyo-


+i0LLUi85o ,UTb8 ?YL omWL \ BeeoLK YLm \ EBL \

KyoqqLK Kom YL eBymWLBe qYB{m ELGBL YL WLm\oY4

Weo jGeL YBL yLeBLK( ?YL omL Y qyoKGLK \ YyoB
BmK YL sBe\ \ Y\Gc( @YLm Y\ LGYm\GBe PBe \ qyomomGLK
YL yLX\yB\om BG`om \ WLmLyBee j\LK(


Ei ki

!"4 )&,2GL8#,2 #?    #  






with the tongue dropped or "

muscles are relax



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 K! !
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tone is a throaty tone produced

The genio-hyo-glossus

ed and the tongue is drawn down the throat

and tensed in a dropped posture, down and back

the posterior wall of the laryngeal pharynx

, nearly touching

. The q

uality of such a

tone is heavy and it has a sort of rich, mellow throatiness which

is often mistak

en for legitimate "



t is very throaty when

the muscles which co-ordinate for its production are in a high

degree of tension, and it is often associated with "


active throati-

t is an unfortunate fact that such a tone sounds grand,

rich, full and mellow to the singer himself. Therefore, it is a most

pernicious form of throatiness. The lips are generally pouted and

the j


aw is lock


ed in the middle position.


is often characteristic of the contralto,

especially the contralto whose lower register is undeveloped and

who uses falsetto or mix

ed falsetto only, and of baritones and

basses who are endeavoring to mak

virile and "


t is ex

e their voices sound rich,

tremely prevalent with the tenor who

sings baritone, and with the dramatic soprano who sings contralto.

Throaty Tone

The tone is throaty when the mouth acts as the

resonator of the tone and the laryngeal pharynx


not "


Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

therefore "

is constricted and

for the resonance adj

 *&,24 &%8#  . # !  # ,  #


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+ !#    , (
+ # 0`  B

W hen the tone is throaty, the genio-glossus and the genio-hyoid

muscles are relax

ed and their antagonists are in tension so that the

base of the tongue is held back

wall of the laryngeal pharynx

and nearly touches the posterior

, and is at the same time either

dropped or raised too much.

W hen the tone is throaty the breath is "


and the neck

muscles are in tension. The laryngeal action is also always more

or less out of proper adj

ustment and, when the tone is actively

throaty, the registration is mix


W hite Throaty"



white throaty"

the base of the tongue drawn back

tone is a tone produced with

and either down and heavily

grooved or up, thus nearly closing the laryngeal pharynx

genio-hyo-glossus muscles are relax

tongue which draw its base back

. The

ed, and the muscles of the

and either up or down, are in

 !,4  )&,24 L!# #?     


tension. The tip of the tongue is often seen to be pushed forward

and it sometimes presses against the lower teeth. S


oft "

#   # 

 + #    , 9 #  #76 4
=#   , .   7
# ,  #
!   ,2 
.6 8#   #  .     
 0.    ! #6 X L!"Z
!#   # 

+   ( $ .,   
.+  . 
.  # #
 #. ,,,+ # ( 
#    ( ,
/ L!#U U?   "  + ,  .# 6 ~ 
#   #.  
 #  !. (,  
 +  + # .  !#  ,
  k  L#  >  6? 4#  . # + N
0 )  
+   ( 
+ !#    
#   ,  # ## . y6 J . #,,  #
K. >  )6? M# # ,


tones may be produced with the base of the tongue drawn

up, but very often, especially for loud tones, its base is dropped

as is the hyoid bone. Under these circumstances, the groove in

the tongue is very pronounced.


white throaty"

tone is either shouty, screamy or shrill. I

t is

the form of throatiness employed by the tenor whose voice is in

constriction, and it is, unfortunately, the basis of what has come

to be k

nown as "

the tenor q


The tone is either soft, and

sounds silly and effeminate, or relatively loud, when it is a mere

shout or scream (for the higher tones). I

so-called "


soprano q


t is characteristic of the

W hen this condition is pronounced,


: a\bsbyzRz

zob\bz3g =VNg

the registration is mix


ra al{O{ { {a^ O^ l r{ aYr{Y { a~a^ { ra

a {YaOa ra {Ya { a{Oa^2
Hla ra {Ya Oa r{a rO 77 OO Y ra{ O
"laaO { ra {^^a {O^ aO^ ra{ { { O
dYa^ l'da {r ra Ya a a ^O ^2


ed, and if this technic is persisted in, the

ture increases until the voice is eliminated.

ingers whose voices are "

white throaty"

generally in the middle position

forced grin

Tuned R

their j


,fR:5o *:\UR1R4:o 1hFbm o a^78 aOYa YO{ ~ O YO~

often with the corners more or less drawn down.

esonance C




which has been shaped in order to pick


always lock

and spread their lips in a

uency or freq

Tuning the R

r{Yr rO Uaa rOa^ { ^a {Y  aOa d O l{a

daaY daaY{a(

resonance cavity is any cavity

out, or resonate, for a given


esonance C

,fRGR@o bD8o *8\UR1R48o 1gGbG;o ^YOa ra OY > rO{l ra YO

avities indicates the act of shaping the vocal

aOYa YO{{a { ^a rO ra O aOa d ra a

daaY{a3 D ra ^ { rO{ ra aOYa YO{wa
rOa Uaa rOa^ rO ra Oa Ya^ OY{YO r ra
YO Y^ ra ra rOa Uaa a^(

resonance cavities in order that they may resonate for the vowel


uencies. I

n other words, in phonation, the resonance cavities

have been so shaped that they are coupled acoustically with the

vocal cords, when they have been "


venly-rising S



To interpret a musical phrase properly, it is es-

sential for a singer to be able to sing an evenly-rising scale. This

means that when he starts to sing at the bottom of his range and

ascends the scale smoothly

with a musical line


each succeeding

(higher) tone is slightly louder than the tone immediately below it.

g8RLmYG\FR@o I]Pa%K aa O {YO rOa a { { a

f he sings up the scale, employing a full, free tone, and the intensity

of each tone is measured by means of a high speed level recorder, a

a{O d O {la Ua OUa {l O aa#{l YOa+ Kr{

aOp rO ra ra O {l O ra U d r{ Ola O^
OYa^ ra YOa r{r O {YO {bOYr YYaa^l
 r{lra a { {lr ^a rO ra a {a^{Oa Ua {(
Dd ra l ra YOa al O d daa a O^ ra a{
d aOYr a { aOa^ U aO d O r{lr aa^ aa aY^a O
K;W*8;DW1DS;Wce Ya YO Ua a^2 Kr{ {Yr$a{ Ya
r^ {a r O^ aa m ra aYr{Y { l^( Dd r{ Ya
{ r ra {YO {a { aa%dOO^ ra la
{ OUa {aa ra {Y aeaY{a {r ra a rO ra
O{ O^ {Y{Or{ d r{ adOYa Oa {Oa^ ^a
? a&UOOYa^ aa{l YOa { {Ua ra ra
Ua d al{O{ R^ aOYa O^a rOa Uaa
a^ YaY(

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

pitch-intensity curve can be plotted. This pitch-intensity curve

should rise smoothly and evenly if the technic is good. I

is not smooth, the musical line is uneven


f this curve

and the singer

is unable to interpret the music effectively, with the result that the

artistry and musicianship of his performance are impaired or de-


properly-balanced, evenly-rising scale is only possible when the

problems of registration and resonance adj


ustment have been

ed out correctly.

ntensity S


the scale of loudness

is determined by the loudness

at which each tone in the voice, at any given stage of development,

can be sung. The full volume of each tone in the voice, at any given

stage, is rather definitely fix

ed. Normally, the intensity rises with

the pitch, but when the technic is faulty, this rise is uneven and,

generally, too rapid. The pitch scale is, then, associated with a

corresponding intensity scale. The latter, when it has been work


out properly, determines the type of voice the singer possesses. I

the rise is slow, the voice is bass or contralto. I

Rb8R\Gbmo +64M8"ra YOa d ^a{ ^aaa^ U ra ^a

f it is rapid, the voice

O 9r{Yr aOYr a ~ ra {Ya O O l{a Ola d ^aaa

YO Ua l( Kra d a d aOYr a { ra {Ya O O l{a
Ola { Ora ^ag{a ia^4 FO ra ~a{ {a ~v
ra {Yr U ra ra aYr{Y { dO r{ {a { aa O^
laaO O{^5 Kra {Yr YOa { ra OY{Oa^ {r O
Ya^l a{ YOa5 Kra Oa ra { rO Uaa a^
a ^aa{a ra a d {Ya ra la aa( Dd
ra {a { ra {Ya { UO YO 6 Dd { { O{^ ra {Ya
{ a O O^ aa^{Oa { { UO{a a
Caada { rO Uaa rlr rO ra YrOOYa{{Y O{ d
ra {Ya ^aa{a { a5 Kr{ { "{ dOY ra YrOOY
a{Y O{ { d^OaO ra a d ra aY{O aO
dO( ?YO ra a d {Ya { ^aa{a^ U ra a d ra

is tenor or soprano, and intermediately, it is baritone or mezzo-


H eretofore it has been thought that the characteristic q

the voice determines its type. This is not so

uality of

in fact the charac-

teristic q

uality is fundamentally the result of the peculiar personal

faults. A

ctually, the type of voice is determined by the slope of the




C g_hg



\ C 7` ) O T X J-> 7 $ 

pitch intensity curve, when the technic has been work

  #! F"  # # 

ed out


lurring occurs when the characteristics of the tone are not established,

i.e., are changing.

The principal form of slurring is, of course, pitch slurring. A


slur is a noise. The pitch should never be slurred. W hen a slur is

indicated in the music, this effect should be accomplished by means

of a run on the vibrato.

lurring eliminates the possibility of the singer interpreting the music,

because if he slurs, he cannot start a tone at a given instant, with the

result that the time spot is destroyed. A

slurring singer cannot start

or finish a tone. Therefore, the duration of the tone is not established

and the time form is destroyed. The slurrer cannot accent. Therefore,

the rhythmic pattern is destroyed. F

urthermore, he is "

much of the time, even if he finally arrives at the pitch


out of tune"

a rather un-

ely contingency.

W hile the singer whose technic is correct must be able to swell and

decrescendo the tone, the pitch slurrer often slurs the intensity also.

This is almost as bad as pitch slurring. E

ach time he sq

ueezes up into

a tone, or fades it out as he holds it, he goes into active constriction.

This is indeed the mechanism that he employs in order to slur.

resonance adj


is also often slurred. This im-

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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The vowel

pairs the q

uality, because the resonance cavities never tak

position. S

lurring always leads to throatiness and mix

e on a defined

ed registration.

tance or Posture is the position of the body which the singer assumes

during phonation. I

f his posture is bad the technic is impaired. The

stance refers in particular to the position of the legs and feet. I

f the

body is badly balanced on the feet and legs, the technical efficiency

is interfered with. O ne of the req

the relax

uirements of a proper posture lies in

ation and dropping of the chest and shoulders. A

nother lies

in the relative straightening of the spine. The small of the back

not be "



in a pronounced curve. I

ribs are more or less lik

ely to give


f it is, the muscles of the


raised and held in such a position that the neck

. The head must be

is long, so that the neck

muscles, which interfere with the act of phonation, are relax


Posture is important. The teacher must correct faults of posture and

stance if he hopes to mak

e the pupil sing properly.

Timing indicates the application of muscle tension (or the sending of

the nerve impulses which actuate the muscles) at the proper instant.

The inspiratory and ex

piratory tension must be established at the

moment of attack

f it occurs too soon or too late it cannot tak

in phonation. I


e part

n moving from one tone to another the degree of tension

must change (augment) if the pitch rises, and vice versa. The changes

in tension must be "


so that they occur at the ex

act moment

s2 }   #  #  /       # "

G 9   D
* + + / /  " / Q"   A  pG/C
Wv   clG9 * +  H c99v  HD    

# Q " 
  # H   +H ! 
/ ]d F
# D
#! /
+#n "
  N  "  # x  # #  
# SB
 #  Ga pl
 Hu ! D  
Q   A */ " #   /     # #

H   /  H! D *     #D */ 
#  H# ! D "   k  <
    " F
/Y! F   +   d



7/v9/9d1l  "  +#   /   Q! D
* n   H    D   
  G + n#
  "  /H #    H #"   

H   +!
 H  A
* F    o##  /# HD * nd
G!" Q  F#F HY
+#D  !   # # H ;H 

s G  p%   #

 / #  ! 

H + #g V/  +#


 HD *B
#  /
 #   # #
 /   H /D V/ S
  !  H  # /# H Q"       !

#D  / # G# /  +  

# ;#  H
 /    Hg ^ 

 # ## / # D *  /   #

  :  Fg V/
# "   Q / 
      ! # ;D *   

  # # " ### @
# # #  # / #
"  ; g
 +#g * # Q  /# / # 
# /  +!D

at which the pitch change occurs. The tongue must come into tension

t }   #   # /   #  #    /

+    ##   h # +
#! H ;!  #  H  
 # / # @D V/    # Q   #   @ +#
g V
/ # H /

#   h N #  
" HF FD * 

    T <   !    ;  #

# B
#   D *    # #



tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

for the resonation of the tone at the moment of attack

, and if the

muscles of the tongue become tense too soon or too late they do not

function properly, and the tone will be throaty.

ll changes of adj

ustment occur because of changes in muscular

co-ordinations and tensions. Therefore, they must always be "

properly. The singer'


s sk


ill lies very largely in his ability to "



ustments properly.

Tonus designates the residual, reflex

muscular tension, or "



which maintains the body in its given posture reflex

ly (unconsciously).

The muscular system of the body can be in a low state of tone,

when it is too relax

ed to respond to a stimulus rapidly;

it may be

in too high a state of tone, or tonus (too tense), to respond effi-


or it may be in that ideal state of tonus wherein all the slack

is out of the muscles and the response to the nerve impulses for the

accomplishment of a consciously controlled act (i.e., phonation) is at


imum efficiency and the optimum accuracy of adj

ustment can be


The attainment of the proper state of tonus in the pupil is one of the

goals of the teacher.

Tremolo, which is a voice flutter in absolute constriction, occurs only

t consists of a fluttering of the constricted

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

when the voice is throaty. I

walls of the throat

o giGg i = iGQ dQ i| =BtQ G|iGi|
GG |t

resonance cavities.

Mild tremolos involve merely a movement of the tongue which

flutters in and out. This type of tremolo is employed by the radio

singer, or crooner, and by the "




coloratura soprano, etc.

The tremolo should never occur, because it is always a concomitant of

intense constriction at any intensity.

W hen a voice with a tremolo is pushed, or forced, the flutter of the

tongue may spread to the j

the flutter of the tremolo;

aw, which then moves up and down with

this is k

nown as a "

aw tremolo."

even spread to the chest, which then becomes involved in this tetanic


The worst form of tremolo occurs when the larynx

becomes involved.

This type of tremolo, which is always associated with mix

ed registra-

tion, may have a pitch movement of over a fifth.

The muscles of the thorax

breathing muscles

are not involved

in the tremolo, which is actually a mere, localized flutter on constric-

tion. A

,URe\o NQie|=Q gQ QiN=t

QdQ zGt@ Q|i|

i =tmQN gQ zGv= Qz ^ gQ BN :| i gQ Q|i|

giGg z=i|=i| gQ BN i| i eiQ| Q QdQv  |G|Kiv #
:gQ zGv= Qz ^ gQ BN G=| BQ i| = t =Q ^ |Q

gQ| i i Qt=QN Q|N = izt =iNt- i z= BQ

i| gieg = =Q ^ |Q
% |  Q|Q
Q|N Q`
GiQ|v- i z= BQ i| g= iNQ=t =Q ^ | gQQi| =tv gQ v=Gr
i ^ gQ zGvQ =|N gQ Q|Q gQ |QQ iztQ ^ gQ
=GGztigzQ| ^ = G|Giv G|ttQN =G  ;1
e g|=i| w =
z=izz Q`GiQ|G =|N gQ izz =GG=G ^ =NpzQ| G=| BQ
:gQ ==i|zQ|^ gQ Q =Q ^ | i| gQ iv @o |Q ^ gQ
e=v ^ gQ Q=GgQ

is applied to the muscular system of the body. Tonus is the tension

^ gQ Q|=i| ^ gQ |Q = gQ zzQ| ^ ==Gr

=|N i^ gQ
zGtQ ^ gQ |eQ BQGzQ Q|Q | v=Q gQ N
^|Gi| Qt
=|N gQ |Q ivt BQ g=#
.vt Gg=|eQ ^ NozQ| GG BQG=Q ^ Gg=|eQ i| zGt=
GNi|=i| =|N Q|i|$ :gQT^Q
gQ z =t= BQ izQN
Qv# :gQ i|eQ ritv tiQ Q t=eQt i| gi =Bivi izQ gi
=NpzQ| Qv#

ll tremolos must be absolutely eliminated.

bsolute Tremolo occurs only in cases of complete constriction. Thus,

the tongue, which actuates this form of tremolo, is maintained in a

posture which virtually closes the throat. The intensity is very

soft, and the tone is not forced, or pushed. The absolute tremolo is

very regular and much too rapid. I

t may

t may go from 7 to 11, or more,

movements a second. H owever, some pushed, forced tremolos may

become slow wobbles with a freq

gQ| gQ iGQ i g=# 3 G|i ^ = dUi|e ^ gQ G|iGQN

=vt ^ gQ g=Q|=|GQ G=iiQ!
4itN Qzv i|tQ zQQv = zQzQ| ^ gQ |eQ giGg
dQ i| =|N $ :gi Q ^ Qzv i QzvQN B gQ =Ni
=|N B gQ Q=r iGQ
 Gt== =|
:gQ Qzt gtN |QQ GG
BQG=Q i i =v= = G|Gzi=| ^
i|Q|Q G|iGi| = =| i|Q|i$
<gQ| = iGQ ig = Qzv i gQN
gQ dQ ^ gQ
|eQ z= Q=N gQ p=
giGg gQ| zQ =|N N| ig
gQ dQ ^ gQ Qzv- gi i r|| = = o= Qzt 3 z=
QQ| Q=N gQ GgQ
giGg gQ| BQGzQ i|vQN i| gi Q=|iG
:gQ ^z ^ Qzt GG gQ| gQ t=| BQGzQ i|vQN#
:gi Q ^ Qzt
giGg i =t= =Gi=QN ig ziQN Qei=
z= g=Q = iGg zQzQ| ^ Q = b^g#
:gQ zGtQ ^ gQ gABQ=gi|e zGtQ=Q | i|tQN
i| gQ Qzv
giGg i =G=tv = zQQ
tG=viQN dQ | G|iG
i| <= Qzt z BQ =BvQv Qvizi|=QN#
2\ULea7o ,Y7QULUo GG |v i| G=Q ^ GztQQ H|iGi| :g

gQ |eQ
giGg =G=Q gi ^z ^ Qzv
i z=i|=i|QN i| =
Q giGg i=tt GvQ gQ g=# :gQ i|Q|i i Q
=|N gQ |Q i | ^GQN
gQN! :gQ =BvQ Qzv i
Q Qet= =|N zGg =iN 3 z= e ^z 0 %% zQ

zQzQ| = QG|N# 2QQ

zQ gQN
^GQN Qzv z=
BQGzQ t BBtQ ig = ^QQ|G ^ ^ QQ| gQQ =
QG|N ;|NQgQQ G|Nii|
gQ iGg=i=i|
giGg @o |=
ig gQ =iN dQ
z= BQGzQ QQzQt iNQ :gi NGQ
= z |vQ==| =vi#

uency of four, or even three, a

second. Under these conditions, the pitch variation, which is narrow

with the rapid flutter, may become ex

a most unpleasant q


tremely wide. This produces




Most beginners ex

hibit some form of tremolo. A

&   l  & H  &3 \e& &
& & %  '  &  


ll absolute tremolos

must be completely eliminated at the very inception of the pupil'


Tremolo V

&##/ & *#/   * &H & ' 


ibrato occurs when the tone is produced in constriction,

H  '   %
 H  & 
%&3 4+  & %0     

   + *     H  &     

& 3 4 &  %       > 3 JE
 &  +  D  % 
$ *  & 
&   &3 4   &    &     $
* & &  
3   & >  0  
* & &  T  % 
& %& D &2 &
   *$  &+ *3 4  &    
%D *
+   D * & %&   *$ 

+     u    %    

4   %  &  
&  & % z 
&      - 

but some degree of opening is in evidence in the loud phase of the

movement. Thus, the tongue moves from complete closure to some

degree of opening, with the balance of tension to the constrictor

tension. The tremolo vibrato may be of almost any freq

uency. I

the tone is soft, it may be very rapid, when the resultant sound is a

sort of bleat. This bleat can also occur at rather high intensity,

when the tone is badly forced. V

ery often the freq

uency is slow

when the tone is relatively loud, and the movement may tak

e the

form of a slow, most unpleasant, wobble. The pitch change may be

very wide, especially when the movement is slow, and in some bad

cases, a pitch fluctuation of several tones can be heard.

The tremolo vibrato cannot be changed into a true vibrato


must be completely eliminated.

ibrato Tremolo is the least pernicious form of incorrect voice move-

ment. I

t flutters from opening to closing tension with the balance of

tension to the opening side. The freq

uency of this movement is

!)-&4 )$&#&4   /       & %  %

often too slow, although it may be too fast, or even of the proper


about six

&3 J& u     0  &/  *  &H    

&  &    
3 4 > D    % 
   *$   &   & &+  %  & /
% & d > z& _l   
3 M &  &  *+ &
   %& $  + & *

 D >/ D3 4 %& 0 &   2 &   
% z'&    * S2D 3
J D   %  -    
  % $ *  %      D //

& '   - P D  

  & %-  -
l  '% %
  u  3
\ %  &  D 
   % t 
  &     &
/   / /   D '% %
 & %-/3 4 
 + % */ />/ D  t  l   
3 4  *
 %  - + /
  % T+  2 P 

P & 3

a second. W hen it is too slow, the

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

(vibrato) freq

pitch movement is, of course, too wide, and it is usually too wide

at any freq


uency. The movement is not smooth lik

it is of a somewhat j


e that of the true

y nature.

n many cases the vibrato tremolo can be changed over into a

true vibrato, when the voice has been completely opened up and

the opening has become firmly established. Under such circum-

stances the movement is smoothed out, and the muscles of the


become involved in the fluctuation.

vibrato tremolo may be distinguished from a true vibrato by

reason of the fact that the tongue does not hold firm and the

breathing muscles are not properly involved in the movement. This

is so, even when the freq

uency is about six

a second. The tone which

has vibrato tremolo, instead of true vibrato, lack

s firmness and real

pitch definition.

ibrato is an essential concomitant of good q


s vibrato is of definitely unpleasant q

uality. A

ny tone which

uality, and lack

dramatic force, pulse and accurate intonation. F

s life, vibrancy,

urthermore, the vibrato

action is the medium by which the tone is swelled legitimately, and

by which the voice is moved from tone to tone, and also by which

the rhythmic pulse and accent is accomplished in the singing of musical

phrases. Thus, musical interpretation is impossible without a legitimate


no form of tremolo tak

The vibrato consists of an "


and "


impulse applied periodically

to all the muscles used in phonation, i.e., the muscles of the thorax



es the place of the true vibrato.

&*#/       &  

> D3 \  * 

 20 %  
P    > + 
 2 '$ % t D$

&'  $  

 & ' 3 + & % t
 D *  & &H  * 
  - D$ 

 *  & %   %
 &H & &$ 
  D * 
&H    g
3 4$ 0  &&      * &   '&/
% ]&    &2 &/       % &3
4 %      Vx 
     @ @Pg  + ! D &    &H l$


: a\bsbyzRz

zob\bz  3g =VNg



and tongue. I

t should be regular. I

of the tone is seriously impaired. I

a second

f it is irregular, the q

t should have a freq

if it is too rapid or too slow, the q

 4  '/  
" ! '" / $  d  ' , 
0 Q

  $ Q $ K
  w$       "&,
Q"   / D
 !    &

 /  ' $
 [ !"  $ / D
 5 "  &

   ' $  "   

"$ / [ 5k

 5 d    
! D
 Q" $ 
  5 5 $ 

     z   " $ 

0 , "

    !" $  U/ D
, $   Q
  " !   ! " ,  $ 
 U  4" &  ! , $ 
 d $ 
, " /
[""       Y 
 ! H t
  ,   "5
 !  $  !  / D

 d"$ &H
  !    " &
 " '
 H D
' "   "" "F D
" $
' " 4 "","'
 ' "    /
 " ' "  "" "'


uency of 6



uality is poor. The ampli-

tude of the vibrato varies with the intensity of the tone. I

t goes from

zero at pianissimo to as much as 10 decibels at fortissimo. The pitch

variation also varies with the intensity and goes from almost zero at

pianissimo to as much as a whole tone at fortissimo. A

t normal intensity

the pitch variation is a semitone and the intensity variation about 3

decibels. The q

uality of the tone is impaired if the amplitude or pitch

variation is not adj

usted properly for the intensity, although some

variation is permissible for emotional effects. Thus, for a very q


mood a narrower than normal vibrato can be employed, and for very

dramatic effects an ex

cessively wide vibrato, for the intensity of the

tone, is employed.

ll voice movements are made "

on the vibrato."

W hen a slur is

indicated, it is accomplished by means of a vibrato run. This run is

chromatic if the interval is short, and on the diatonic scale if it is wide.

The true vibrato can occur only when complete opening has been

established. The diaphragmatic muscles are completely involved. The

muscles of the tongue and larynx

are also involved, but only the degree

of tension on the tongue muscles varies

constriction never occurs.


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The laryngeal involvement is relatively slight.

oice Placement"

ized breath"

is probably based upon the fantastic notion of "

(see Breath

which voice could be "



ocalized Breath). The only manner in

would be to graft the larynx

location in which the voice is to be "


in the

9gTAF /^=AFaFcs   !!" !  

 $ $Y"J
5 ! 
 nF=sQ 9gA=^VFD nF=sQ   D

ctually, the sensation

of the voice being placed somewhere is the result of some form of

pronounced constriction.


5 " ! Y" &" !  '$ 
 " 4  

0    ! Y" H ["", 
  !' " &
 " $  $  $

W histling occurs when air, or breath, is blown through a constriction.

f the lips are pursed up and tensed and the breath is blown through

this constriction, lip whisding occurs.

nother form




when a constriction is formed at the larynx

pressure of the neck

or '

laryngeal whistling"

, by means of the ex

muscles, and the breath is blown through this

constriction. Thus, all throaty singing is really a form of '


This is most inj

intense ex

ternal pressure.




urious to the larynx


, which is subj

;QTqs^VcN  &

 ,  ! 
,  !"& 

ected to


  5,  L
"'  /
 $ wY3 &
"',   ' L
  5  $   
 " 4, ! d $ 
 3 ",  

 / D
, "" 
 ''  "  $  $  "
"' D
5   z d  
  4, &

5 !z 
 4   0/



tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh




This glossary has been written to help the reader get the most out

of this book


of the book

ll ex

ead the glossary carefully before studying the main portion

planations are in the simplest language. They have been written

for the benefit of the layman, i.e., the reader who is not a physicist or

physiologist. I

t is q

 5 5

uite unnecessary for the physicist to read the acoustical

section of this glossary, or for the physiologist to read the physiological


The acoustical section has not been set down in alphabetical order,

because a proper understanding of what has been written depends upon

the seq


uence of the topics discussed. O ne who wishes to understand the

fully and who is unacq

principles of physics

uainted with the elementary fundamental

especially of acoustics

should read this section


planations of the technical terms pertaining to vocal technic should

be studied by all readers because they are, in many instances, specially

coined terms. Their meaning is definite and precise, but this meaning

must be defined and the reader must k

now ex

actly what is conveyed when

these terms and phrases are employed.

ound is a perception of the mind received through the ear and produced

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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by vibrations of the air particles, or of any other medium with which

the ear is in contact.

ound is transmitted through the air by means of pressure pulses

alternate compressions and rarefactions of the air particles

these pres-

sure pulses being transmitted in all directions from one layer of air to

the nex


Note: W hile the air particles are being rapidly crowded together

and separated in a given layer, the air itself does not travel or move

in a draft, or blast, of air. I

t is the pressure pulse which carries the

sound from its source to the ear. The air acts only as a transmitter of

the alternate compressions and rarefactions of the air particles, j

as the water in a pipe transmits the pressure ex

the other end

8     !)     

       h)  -) )
,-g B 0  )  )-   W 8 ( ] !
  P   -+ ?:g  
 ! )   ) ) 
) ; J >      ) )  
 )  )  +    ) )  
8      )  /:D  

)  !   !)

0 h  ! !  

!   > )
!)   -  
     G )     ) G

}B     )  - /)  (     N
0     + ) -  +  ) 
-; 8 -) 
 +    -)

 -  2! B   ! ) (


erted at one end to

$+" /    )   -)


 (   )  $     -

) - !) !) 
 )   ) ) G 
)  -     
 B ;
0: D M   ) )    

  ( +  )  
0  (  -(
 $  ] +  W J )    X cM:g !  ) 
       W 8 )       -)  


    )  + O 
  !    ) -    B

G!)  -(W
 -   (
!  ()   ! 
>      !g  !  g     
W 8 )-) (
-! !)  )h)()h  W

without moving.

ound is normally perceived when the vibrations occur between the


uencies of about 20 to 20,000 cycles a second. These limits vary

somewhat with the individual ear.

mplitude denotes the q

uantity, or amount, of the alternate compres-

sions and rarefactions of the air particles in. the production of sound.

The loudness of the tone depends upon the amplitude of the sound



%*+ /
   > +  - +    U -
 )    )  ) 

   - )


: a\bsbyzRz

zob\bz3g =VNg

$UF]7o NQ|Q = |P eQ|Q=QN D zQ=| ^ kQev= kD=k|'

3Qev= =|Nz kD=k| L=Q = |N gkLg v=Lr kLg =|N

kzDQ=|N hQQ_Q L=Q =| |vQ==|Q|=k| m| hQ Q=

Noise denotes a sound generated by means of irregular vibrations.

rregular, or random, vibrations cause a sound which lack

s pitch and

#e]F3/Mo ,UT7o k = |Q ^ = LQ=m| ^QQ|L  LQ=k| |zDQ ^ nD=

timbre and, therefore, cause an unpleasant sensation in the ear.

Musical Tone is a tone of a certain freq

tions a second) in even

The tone Middle C


regular or periodic cadence. F

has a freq

uency of 256

or ex


vibrations per second.

uency denotes the number of times any periodic phenomenon occurs

in a given time. Thus, musical tone is said to have a certain freq

when the vibrations which produce it are periodic


k| = QL|N k| QQ|Qev= QkNkL L=NQ|LQ 1 Q=zvQ ,

:hQ |Q 4kNNvQ / g= = _QQ|L _ "%' kD=k| Q QM|N&

uency (certain number of vibra-

e the swing of a pendulum



Z7Xe7T3lo NQ|Q gQ |zDQ _ kzQ =| QkNkL gQ|zQ|| LL

m| = ekQ| kzQ :g zkL=v |Q k =kN g=Q = LQ=k| _QQ|L

EQ| gQ kD=k| gkLg NLQ k =Q QkNkLdQ Qev=x
xmrQ hQ k|e ^ = Q|Nvz=|N LL z=| kzQ Q QL|N

flutter regularly

and occur so many times per second.

sound wave is periodic, when it consists of even, regular


Pressure Pulse

W hen any membrane, string, vocal cord or other source

(7ZFU5F3 o |N =Q k QkNkL hQ| k L|k _ QQ| Qev=


of sound is brought into vibration, it alternately compresses and rarefies

the air particles around it. O ne vibration, i.e., compression and rarefac-

tion of the air particles, is k

nown as a pressure pulse. S

Z7]]eZ7o 7wS<hQ| =| zQzD=|Q k|e H=v LN gQ LQ

ound is trans-

mitted through the air by means of pressure pulses.

ound W ave is a wave generated when the source of the sound

vibrating membrane, vocal cord, etc.


comes into vibration. The single

wave consists of one compression and one rarefaction of the air par-

ticles. The compression starts from zero (atmospheric pressure), rises

imum and then goes back

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progressively to a max

to zero again. This

+UeT5o ./g7o k = =Q eQ|Q=QN gQ| hQ LQ ^ gQ |Nm|e

is succeeded by a rarefaction which starts from zero, augments pro-

gressively to a max

imum and then goes back

to zero. A

sound wave is

represented graphically by means of a sine wave for a pure tone, and

by a combination of sine waves when overtones are present.

Pure Tone consists of one speed of vibration only and has no overtones

or harmonics. I

t is represented by a simple sine wave.

ine W ave represents the simplest form of sound

a symmetrical curve, lik

e an S

the pure tone. I

t is

on its side (en), rising above and drop-

ping below the center line.

ibration indicates the periodic movement in space of any_ membrane,

string, vocal cord or other obj

oscillates per second. Thus, middle C

when die freq

kD=k|e zQzD=|Q L=v LN QLzQ k| kD=| :hQ k|evQ

=Q L|k _ |Q LzQk| =|N |Q =Q^=Lk| _ hQ =m @
kLvQ :gQ LzQk| = _z Q =zgQkL QQ  kQ
eXkQv = z=kzz =|N gQ| eQ D=Lr Q =e=k| :hk
k LLQQNQN D = =Q_=Lk| gkLh = ^z Q =ezQ| 
eQkQv = z=kzz =|N gQ| eQ D=Lr Q $ |N=Q k
QQQ|QN e=hkL=vv D zQ=| _ = k|Q =Q _ = Q |Q =|N
D = LzDm|=| ^ m|Q =Q gQ| Q|Q =Q QQ|

ect which acts as a source of sound.

(eZ7o ,UT7o L|k ^ |Q QQN _ kD=k| |v =|N h= | Q|Q

Pitch is determined by the number of times the source of vibration

moves periodically 256

_ |N k Deg k| kD=k| k =vQ=Qv LzQQ =|N =QaQ

hQ P =kLvQ =|N k( 6|V kD=k| ;1
e LzQk| =|N =Q_=L
k| ^ hQ =n =kLvQ k s| = = QQ vQ 9|N k =|
zkQN heh gQ =m D zQ=| _ WQ vQ

is generated when any obj


times per second. The pitch is raised an octave

h=z|kL 3 k QQQ|QN D = mzvQ m|Q =Q

uency (number of vibrations per second) is doubled.

Thus, the octave above middle C

per second, and the nex

has a freq

t octave above this C

uency of 512 vibrations

has a freq

uency of 1024

per second. W hen a string vibrates, it generates a pitch which is deter-

+FT7o ./g7o QQQ| gQ kzvQ _z ^ |NgQ Q |Q 3 k

= zzQkL=v LQ vmrQ =| 9 | k kNQ

m|e DQv gQ LQ|Q xm|Q

'  kk|e =DQ =|N N

mined by its length and tension. The pitch rises an octave if the length

is halved or if the tension is doubled. Thus, the pitch is directly pro-


-F2Z/_FUTo k|NkL=Q gQ QkNkL zQzQ| k| =LQ ^ ?)zQzD=|Q

n|e L=x LN gQ DoQL hkLg =L = = LQ _ |N

(F_3Co k NQQzk|QN D gQ |zDQ _ kzQ gQ LQ ^ kF=k|

Lkvv=Q Q QL|N :g zkNNvQ / k eQ|Q=QN gQ| =| DoQL

zQ QkNkL=vv "%' kzQ Q QL|N :gQ kLg k =kQN =| L=Q
hQ| gQ ^QQ|L |zDQ ^ kD=k| Q QL|N k NDvQN
:h gQ L=Q =DQ zkNNvQ / g= = ^QQ|L ^ %" kD=k|
Q QL|N =|N gQ |Q L=Q =DQ gk / g= = ^QQ|L ^ "#
QQL|N <gQ| = ke kF=Q k eQ|Q=Q = kLg gkLg k NQQ
zm|QN D k vQ|eg =|N Q|k| :gQ kLg kQ =| L=Q k^gQ vQ|eg
@o h=xQN l hQ Q|k| k NDvQN :g gQ kLg k NmQLv 


4    Q
! + + 
 '    D

portional to the tension and inversely proportional to the length of

the vibrating membrane or string.

ntensity of a tone is determined by the amplitude of vibration. W hen

only the intensity rises, the freq

uency, or pitch, remains unchanged

and the degree to which the air particles are rarefied and compressed


O vertones

W hen a string, vocal cord or any other movable membrane

is brought into vibration, it vibrates at its full length to produce the

fundamental. I

t also segments: into halves, thereby producing the first

overtone which has twice the freq

uency of the fundamental;

producing the second overtone which has a freq

into thirds

uency of three times

the fundamental (i.e., a fifth above the octave above the fundamental);

into q

uarters producing the third overtone two octaves above the


and into fifths, six

a series of higher overtones. A

ths, sevenths, eighths, etc., producing

ll of the overtones have freq

are an even number times the freq




uencies which

uency of the fundamental. These

of two, three, four, five, six

, etc., times the

fundamental, which are generated by means of the segmentation of

the vibrating membrane or string, are k

nown as the overtones. A

ll the

overtones are always present whenever the vocal cords are brought

into vibration. O nly a specially constructed tuning fork

or an elec-

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trically produced source of sound can generate a pure tone, i.e., a tone

without any harmonics or overtones.

egmentation means the formation of nodes and loops in a vibrating

string, membrane, vocal cord, etc. W hen such a vibrator is brought

into oscillation, it divides into halves. These halves vibrate at twice

the freq

% euGeqVu    
 '!  4+   
 D w

2  G !2  +
 4 Y  


uency of the full length of the string, thus producing the first

2      !   


 4 4A V 4  
 2 !  

G ! 
 4 4 G !   

W 4 4  G 9 4Y/4' 4'  h

 G +     

  4 4
 Y2 2 2 
2  " +  
  K^ /G

4 4  ' 
  G !    A *
  2 2 2 Y2 2  K2 
   4 '!      
2  @  4   A ^ 
  4 ! +         

 D ! 4 +
! Q  

4!+            2 G 9   


overtone, which has a pitch one octave higher than the fundamental.

t also divides, or segments, into thirds producing the second overtone,

which has a freq

uency three times that of the fundamental, and into

fourths, fifths and six

ths, etc., thus producing all the overtones which

are always present when such a vibrator is brought into vibration.

H armonics means the same thing as overtones (see O vertones).

undamental is the lowest freq

source of sound. I

uency, or pitch, generated by a given

t is the speed of vibration which emanates from the

vibration of the full length of a vibrating membrane, string, vocal cord,


Q uality depends upon the arrangement of the fundamental and its over-

tones. Thus, when a tone is generated, there is a certain amount of



u2 ' 2  4_  2  A w    
Q '


 2 n

 A *  

 G ! W       
  4 +
     .    K

2  9Aad

   G !  
      2 4

;2  K"   

4 44! +      


the fundamental, plus a certain amount of the first overtones, plus a

certain amount of the second overtone, the third, the fourth, the fifth,

"=magcVAp    4 

 4      hA

etc. This composite sound produces a certain effect on the ear which

we perceive as the q

uality of the tone. Thus, the ear is able to detect

the difference between the sound of a piano, a violin, a human voice,

etc., because of this distribution of sound energy between the funda-

mental and its overtones.


   G !2  +
 2  4 '!  

    Q  D V

'4 2 
2    "
0w=^Vu    +          
 D *2  4 
   2 +  %     Y  "  
4       % 2  
 "  2  "
 A *

!   D *"  
  '     "  
2 4   2
 A2 ' 4  B

 /   ! '  / d
 44 HnS  A


tgbu[nobr j\ dbX_b^Wg

2 q q= V q kq MVMq k= V =V MqPVof
V P =V% 8kq PV PVVqV fP H=P =q jqMk
q = aMq a kV Mk=fV a qMk VV =P PV
Pof kV qV = P q =qVP%

t is important to note in this connection that we are considering

one sound wave. This does not determine good or bad q

uality, which

is mostly a function of the changes of pitch, overtones and loudness

during the time a sound is sustained.

ound S

pectrum determines the q

uality of the tone. I

4gwcD 4kGAtmwa PVVoV kV =q a kV V% / q =jV [

t is another term

VP PVV kV ==fVV a kV aP=V= =P q VV

G 9  k Mk aP=V= =P k Mj a V=Mj a kV VV
=V VV y kV V% 8j kV P VM PVVqV kV Pq
qHq a VVf q kV V%

used to denote the arrangement of the fundamental and its overtones,

i.e., how much fundamental and how much of each of the overtones

are present in the tone. Thus, the sound spectrum determines the dis-

tribution of energy in the tone.

nergy Distribution in the Tone is determined by the distribution of

energy between the fundamental and each of its overtones. Thus, the

cGmP VptmV@wtVgc Yc tQG 5gcG q PVVtVP H kV PsqHq a

sound spectrum shows the energy distribution in the tone. This energy

VVf HVVV kV aP=V= =P V=Mj a q VV% 8j kV

P VM k kV VVf PqqIq q kV V% 8kq VVf
PqqIq q =fV PVVqVP H kV V =P kV V M%
)M= V k=V aP k= kV aP=V= q f jV q
aVVM a= o V= kV V V H=P% 8kV VVf PqqJ
q q kV V q PVVqVP kV = Mqf= q ==VP kV
= PqVM ==q q =PV H V= a = M= ==V% 8jVV
VkP a P ==q HV= = V q q aP=VC =P
VV =P V=V kV PVV =qQV a V=Mk% 8kV Qq
qIqa PV PVVqV kV VVf PqqHq q kV V%

distribution is largely determined by the vowel and the vowel color.

ctually we have found that the fundamental is strong only when its


uency falls in or near the lower vowel band. The energy distribu-

tion in the tone is determined when an oscillogram is analyzed or when

a direct analysis is made by means of a crystal analyzer. These two

methods of sound analysis break

up a tone into its fundamental and

overtones and measure the loudnesses or amplitudes of each. The dis-

tribution of loudness determines the energy distribution in the tone.

owels and C


owel sounds are determined by the distribu-

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tion of energy in the tone, i.e., the sound spectrum. A

vowel is

perceived when the overtones in two areas are accentuated. This accen-

tuation is accomplished by means of resonance adj

two bands of freq

table gives the vowel freq

Table I

haracteristic F









ustment. There are

uencies which determine each vowel. The following

:g~G_p =cD gcpgc=ct4V P =V PVVqVP H jV PqqH

q a VVf y kV V G 9  kV P VM% ) V q


uencies of the V

owel S

ounds for S


VMVqVP kV kV VV q =V= =V =MMV=VQ% 8kt =MMV

=q q =MMqkVP H V= a V=MV =P|V% 8kVV =V
I=P a aVVMqV kqMk PVVqV V=Mj V% 8kV aqf
=IV fqV kV V aVVMqV&9



(low band)

#&.W9 $

(high band)
















C&v&/9vGG/ v9 u 9c/G9 l= C9 $l9W !lc8 =lv !p99/C

r= rB?

d V
*9 =
= bAlV
Id A
V \
V \
= AV
q x
V \= 












B equ,=


hf equ,=
hf a,? 


II .L I.L 3T+ O 3 C

!i H6 3J?



tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

Thus, the vowel sound is merely a form of q

uality, and the q


of a phonated tone may be said to be the vowel. True, there are other

non-vowel determining freq

uencies present, but the sound spectrum

depends primarily upon the vowel sound.

onsonants are noises produced by the tongue and lips with the


out of action. The vocal cords are not in vibration during the

sounding of the consonants. True, certain consonants (i.e., "



) req




uire the association of a phonated sound with the articulated

sound, but this sound, however short it may be, can be considered as

an added vowel.

olor designates the q



of freq

uality of the vowel. A

s stated under the heading

the vowel sound is determined by the resonation of two bands

uencies in two parts of the spectrum. The higher or the lower

band may be predominantly strong. C

olor is "

band is strong in regard to the higher, and "




upper band is strong in regard to the lower. A

when the lower

when the

change in color shifts

the energy content of the tone far more than does a mere change

of vowel. Thus, there is considerably more q

between a "



and a "


uality difference

than there is between any two

vowels of similar color, irrespective of the locations of their bands of

vowel determining overtones. E

motion in singing is ex

pressed by

or vowel modification, which is the same

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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means of color modification

thing. There is another means by which the emotional import of the

sound may be varied, and that is by the medium of vibrato modification.

The fact remains, however, that the principal means of emotional


pression with the human voice depends upon color or vowel modifi-


*B3"  F 3

3 !    G
!"   G.
    ! 3
  B F( *" B  B

 G 3 3 "  B 3 3 

    3 (
33    '    .3 
 ( *B F   3   . F

  B  3  3( *" 
 3  3  G9 T"< T "<
a  G
 B 33
.    3 
B B 

3 "  B3 3 " BF 3B . ! '"   3  3
 +,1 F(

W ave Length of any pure tone is determined by its freq

uency. Thus,

sound travels 1100 feet per second, in air, at normal temperature and

pressure. W hen this figure is divided by the freq

uency of the tone, we

nave the wave length. Thus, a tone of 100 cycles

vibrations per second

g^gm >3.Q B G.  B F( ^3 3   B B

m9V F3 .3 .  !B3 
G 3
 3  B 3 ( * B  B 
      3 ( 
3 T @< B B 
3 3   B B.B"  B
< B B
3 3
  B ( ^ B 
B      B    B 3   Bm
 F( *3" 
3 3
  @<   T
F3  3
 " .3 
3  B
. F3( 

3 ;33 '
 " B
B .3 B 3
(  .3  B  3  B
3 !F
 "  .3!B

*   .3" F" B  


B  B F   3    F 

. (

will have a hundred waves in a second. These waves will then be

11 feet in length. I

f the freq

uency is a thousand, the wave length will

be 1.1 feet, etc.

Musical I


The relation between the freq

uencies of the con-

sonant musical intervals is as follows:

O ctave 1:2

Perfect F

ifth 2:3

Perfect F

ourth 3:4


or Third 4:5

;=|F (FeNtQ     .3 

 '! .3 G ( *B3
3 F3 nn  3  " . 
|33( w 
   G    " 
FF (*3"  [[  3F.33 
 F  B  3
 3  *B3 F3 
 B '

 B(  G  .3  B3 " BFB .
 s "  (

Minor Third 5:6

Damping Material (S

ound A


ny material which has the

property of absorbing, i.e., deadening, sound waves is k

ent material. Generally speak

possess highly absorbent q


nown as absorb-

ing, soft materials such as hair felt,

ualities. R

ugs, draperies, wall hangings,

, etc., are efficient damping materials.

ound is either reflected from hard surfaces or absorbed


by soft ones. The reverberation characteristics of any room, hall or


*wpTC=^ &etFm|=^p 7RI   B G

3 3

3 33

b *B

=ajTcN )=sFmT=^ 4gweD @pgmjsTgc
 . B. B B3 B
!3. " G9  
" 3 F3 .3 3 3'
(   3@
" 3 .3 3 B 3 B "
3333 B.B 3 G

3( 3" 
3" I B 
"  "  
B  > B 3 3 3 
' 3 F
 B .3
3  !  " B 




thcu[nqcr j\ fcX_c^Wh

!b,=[KQ>bGo ,/N/I,o bOIo [;/o ,=V`='b_KIo K4o !'ZQ'/J\o !J,o Q/83I9o

o QMGo ef KQo !b,=[KQ=bGo @o <=9<Cio ,!GN/,o f;/Io =\o =Vo ;bI9o f=[;o
!o 9Q/![o ,/!Co K4o !'ZQ'/I[o G![/Q=!Co ;bYo f</Io \;/o !I,o 8MQo !Q/o
)Ke/Q/,o f=[;o VK4[o !'VKQ'/I[o G!]/Q?!C o [;/oQMGo =Yo e/Qio ,/!,o !I,o =[Vo
Q/e/Q'/Q![>KIo )<"Q!)[/Q?V_)Vo "Q/o Vb)<o [<!\o [;/o VKbJ,o Q/82[?KIo =Vo Q/j
,b)/,o [Ko !o CKfo C/e/Co 4o [</o QKKGVo )/>C>I9o =Vo !CVKo +e/Q/,o f=[<o ;=9;Cio
!'VKQ'/I[o G![/Q=!Co [;/o QMGo @o e/Sio ,/!,o >I,//,o
;/Io [;/o GKV\o
)KGNC/[/o ,"GN=J9o NKVV='C1e/Qo )% Q/Pb=Q/,o QR Q/82_I9o VcQk
4!)/Vo !Q/o +e/Q/,o f>[<o !C[/U!]/o C!i/QVo K4o !'VKQ'/I[o !I,o Q/82[=I9o
G![/Q>!Co VKo [;![o [</o VKbI,o f!e/Vo !Q/o Q/82[/,o '!)Bf$,Vo !I,o 4KQl
f!Q.Yo [<QKb9;o [</o !'VKQ'/I[o G![/Q?!Co !I,o [;bVo !FGKV[o +GNC/[/Cio
/C=G?I![/,o ;/o eK=)/o VKd.Vo !'VKCb[/Cio ,/!,o !I,o VK4[o f</Io NQK,b)/,o
>Io Vb);o !o QKKGo
)[c!CDio [;/Q/o ?Vo !Ino KN_GbGo ,/9Q//o K4o D>4/o Q/e/Q'/Q!_KI >Io
!Iio QKKGo <!CCo KQo !b,=[KQ=bGo !))KQ,>I9o [Ko [</o NcQNKV/o 4KQo f;=);o =[o =Vo
[Ko '/o bV/,o @ !b,=[KQ=bGo V<KbC,o IK[o '/o [KKo ,/!,o !I,o V;KbD,o IK[o <!e/o
o'b\o =[o V;KbC,o IK[o '/o [Mo C=e/o !I,o =[oV;KcD,oIK[o <!e/o
!Io /);Ko

auditorium depend upon the distribution of absorbent and reflecting


room, hall or auditorium is highly damped when it is hung with

a great deal of absorbent material. Thus, when the walls and floor are

covered with soft absorbent material, the room is very "


and its

reverberation characteristics are such that the sound reflection is re-

duced to a low level. I

f the room'

s ceiling is also covered with highly

absorbent material, the room is very dead indeed. W hen the most

complete damping possible

over 95%

is req

uired, all reflecting sur-

faces are covered with alternate layers of absorbent and reflecting

material so that the sound waves are reflected back

wards and for-

wards through the absorbent material and, thus, almost completely

eliminated. The voice sounds absolutely dead and soft when produced

in such a room.

ctually, there is an optimum degree of "




any room, hall or auditorium according to the purpose for which it is

to be used. A

any "

n auditorium should not be too dead and should not have

dead spots,"

but it should not be too "


and it should not have

an echo.

eflection of S

ound arises from any hard surface in a manner similar to

the one in which light is reflected from a white surface or mirror. The

more or le"

)773_IUTo U=o +UeT5o !Q=V/Vo 4QKGo !Iio ;!Q,o VbQ4!)/o r !o G!IJ/Qo V>G=D!Qo [Ko

[;/o KI/o =Io f;=)<o C>9<[o =Vo Q/8/)[/,o4QKGo !o f<=[/o VcQ4!)/o KQo G>QRKQo ;/o
/VVbS/o NbCV/Vo V`>B/o [;/o ;!Q,o VbQ5!)/o !I,o !Q/o Q/82[/,o 5RKGo =\ o f>[;o
GKQ/o KQo D0VVo /6)=/I)io !))KQ,>I9o [Ko [</o Q/8/)_I9o );$!)[/Q?V_)Vo K4o
[</o VbQ4!)/o f;=)<o );!Q!)[/Q?V_)Vo ,/N/I,o C!Q9/Cio bNKIo =[Vo ;!R,I/VVo
;/o Q/e/Q'/Q![=KIo );"Q!)[/Q?V[=)Vo K4o !Iio QMGo <!CCo KQo !b,=[KR?bGo
,/N/I,o bNKIo [</o ,=Va'b[>KIo K4o [</o Q/8/)[>I9o !I,o !'VKQ'/I[o G![/Q>!Co
f<=)<o =[o )KI[#IVo

e the hard surface and are reflected from it, with

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

pressure pulses strik

ss efficiency, according to the reflecting characteristics of

the surface, which characteristics depend largely upon its hardness.

The reverberation characteristics of any room, hall or auditorium

depend upon the distribution of the reflecting and absorbent material

which it contains.

everberation occurs whenever sound is reflected from hard reflecting

surfaces. W hen sound is initiated from any source

instrument, etc.

singer, speak


on the stage of an auditorium, it is transmitted in all

)7g7Y27Y/aIUTo K))bQVo f</I/e/Qo VKbI,o =Vo Q/8/*[/,o 4QKGo ;!Q,o Q/8/)[=I9o

directions. The sound waves travel at a speed of 1100 feet a second

and impinge upon the ceiling, floor and walls of the auditorium. They


are then absorbed, in a greater or lesser degree, by the absorbent sur-


this includes the members of the audience

the reflecting surfaces. A

and reflected from

s the sound waves are reflected back


and forwards between the reflecting surfaces, a sound pattern is built

up. This pattern is completely built up and established if the source

of sound is regular and persists long enough. The sound is completely

perceived by the ear only when this sound pattern has been established.

The establishment of the sound pattern depends upon the reverberation

time, or period, of the auditorium. W hen the sound pattern wavers,

because the pitch establishment is not well defined

this occurs when

the laryngeal adj

ustment is inaccurate and, in particular, when the

registration is mix


to build up to its max


carrying q

onductor of S

the full intensity of the tone never has the chance

imum. Under such circumstances the voice lack


ny gas, liq

waves is a conductor of sound. A



uid, or solid which can transmit sound

ll gasses are conductors. H ard solids

</Io VKbI,o =Vo >I=[=![/,o 4QKGo !Iio VKbQ)/ V>I9/Qo VN/!B/Qo
=IV[QcG/I[o /[)Io [</o V[!9/o K4o !Io !b,=[KQ=bGo =[o =Vo [Q!IVG=[[/,o =Io !CEo
,=Q/)[=KIVo </o VKcI,o f!e/Vo [S!e/Co ![o !o VN//,o K4o $ $!! 4//[o !o V/)KI,o
!I,o =GN>I9/o bNKIo [</o )/=C=I9o 8KKQo !I,o f!CCVo K4o [;/o !b,=[KQ=cHo </io
!Q/o [</Io !'VKQ'/,o =Io !o 9Q/![/Qo KQo C/VV/Qo ,/9Q//o 'io [;/o !'VKQ'/I[o VcQm
4!)/V [<=Vo =I)Cb,/Vo [;/o G/G'/QVo K4o [</o !b,>/I)/ !I,o Q/8/)[/,o 4QKGo
[;/o Q/8/)[=I9o VbQ4!)/Vo Vo [;/o VKcI,o f!e/Vo !Q/o Q/8/)[/,o '!)Bf"Q,Vo
!I,o 4KQg"Q,Vo '/[g//Io [;/o R/8/)[>I9o VcQ4!)/Vo !o SJ\Fe M[1OCe =Vo 'b=C[o
bNo <=Vo N![[/To =Vo )KGNC/[/Cio 'b=C[o bNo !I,o /V[!(C=V;/,o o [;/o VKbQ)/o
K4o VKbI,o =Vo Q/:bC$o !I,o N/QV=V[Vo CKI9o /IKb9<o </o VKcI,o =Vo )KGNC/[/Cio
N/Q)/=e/,o'io [;/o /"QoKIFio f;/Io [;=Vo VKbI,o N![^/Uo ;!Vo '//Io /V[!'C=V</,o
</o /V[!'C=V<G/I[o K4o [;/o VKbI,o N![[/Uo ,/N/I,VobNKIo [</o Q/e/Q'/Q![=KIo
[>G/o KQo N/Q=K,o K4o [;/o !b,=[KQ=bGo
</Io [;/o VKbI,o N![[/Uo f!e/QVo
'/)!bV/o [</o N=[)<o /V[!'C=V<G/I[o =Vo IK[o f/CCo ,/7I/,[;=Vo K))bQVo f</Io
[</o C!QiI9/!Co !,AbV[G/I[o =Vo =I!))bQ![/o !I,o =Io N!Q[>)cF!Qo f</Io [</o
Q/9=V[Q![=KIo =Vo G=h/, [;/o ]^ >I[/IV=^io K4o[;/o [KI/o I/e/Qo <!Vo [;/o )<"I)/o
[Ko 'b=C,o bNo [Ko =[Vo G"h>GbGo I,/Qo Vb)<o )=Q)bGV[!I)/Vo [</o eK=)/o C!)BVo

)%&9o Pb!F>[io

UT5e3aUYo U=o LbI- Iio 9!Vo C=Pb=,o KQo VKC=,o f<=);o )!Io ^Q!IVG=[o VKbI,o

f!e/Vo =Vo !o )KI,b)[KQo K4o VKbI,o <= 9!VV/Wo !Q/o )KI,b)[KQVo !Q,o VKC=,Xo


are efficient conductors of sound, but soft, absorbent materials absorb,

and do not conduct sound. S

different conductors. I

ound travels at different speeds through

t travels faster through solids than through

gasses. The efficiency with which diverse conductors of sound act

differs very widely. Gasses, such as air, are relatively efficient. S


 # H #    Hz '#  z ' ' # # ' '"
H H  #   #  A  # 
 #   0
H  A V#   #  
H # # 
A * 

!A "     

 #  H   # 

solids are efficient and others act as insulators.

ympathetic V


W hen any two obj

ects which can be brought

into vibration are of such a size, shape and character that they have

the same natural speed of vibration, either one will come into sympa-

thetic vibration, if the other one is brought into vibration and placed

near it. Thus, if two strings, tuned to the same pitch, are placed in


imity to one another and one of them is pluck

will also commence to vibrate in sympathy with it. A

ed, the other string

string of half

the length will also come into sympathetic vibration, because the

vibrating string has segmented and produced the first overtone, which

has the same freq

uency as that of the string of half the length. The

same thing applies to a string a third, a fourth, a fifth, a six

th, etc., the

length. Thus, if any source of sound is started in vibration, and this

source of sound consists of a fundamental and a series of overtones,

any obj

ect which is tuned to the speed of vibration of the fundamental,


out the particular freq

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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or of any of its overtones, will come into sympathetic vibration

esonance C

avity (R

it will

uency to which it is tuned.

esonator) consists of a cavity filled with air. The

resonance cavities of the voice are the pharyngeal cavities plus the

trachea and the bronchi, and when the technic is incorrect, the mouth


resonance cavity is a cavity filled with air or gas which has rela-

tively hard, non-absorbent walls, and which does not contain soft

absorbent material which would dampen the cavity and thus destroy

its resonating effect. S

uch a cavity is the nasal cavity which contains

soft folds of moist flesh

tor. I

this cavity could not act as an efficient resona-

n addition to these characteristics, a vocal resonance cavity must

be adj

ustable. The resonance cavities of the voice must be adj

in order to "



for the resonation of the fundamental and the over-

tones, generated by the vocal cords, which are accentuated for the

vowel. Thus, the resonance cavities must be "


for the resonation

of the tone being sung. O nly a tuned cavity will act as a resonator of

the voice;

a non-adj

ustable cavity cannot act as a resonator. E

change of pitch, vowel or vowel color demands a special adj

of the resonance cavities. The accuracy of resonance adj

mines, in a large measure, the efficiency and q

resonance cavity "

ustment deter-

uality of the tone. The


s out"

and resonates the freq

it is tuned and does not "



uencies to which

uencies to which it is not tuned.

Thus, a resonance cavity is selective and pick

tones generated at the larynx



s out from all the over-

the ones to which it is tuned. Thus, in

the final analysis, the resonance adj

ustment, i.e., the shaping of the

resonance cavities, determines the q

uality of the tone. The non-


ustable cavities (i.e., the sinuses and the nasal cavity) cannot

act as selective resonators of the voice.


4aj>tSFtZA 9Z@m>tZgc
<RHf  !        ' 

z     ## #! B
#   H  '
# !

 # # 


A *z N # 
z  # #  

!    #    #
  @ "  # 



A ^   

" '  6

        Y " 
   G  #   
    A *

 "  "  Y  
;"  A" #
 A *z K !      

z  #
 ! ' 


#  "
  ! # # z 


G !  

2Fqgc>cAF >|Zu 3Fqgc>ugm 
! Y 
A *
  # ! 

   H# '  
z  H  # # 

  z # 0

! YH 

! Hz   # z 
' '# 
 H H # 
!   #


 # H 
!   # 

#A V H


' &1R&.W9 *   

 :   b

H T<  

 z  # '!     " 
 A " #    

  k <    

 # #  '
  A !  c91 
!  #  #   A !

A *   !  v9lc(c09 &1S]9c 

 !  G
! /  A *
@ #<    G

 # H   # < G

#   H #  !   # 

  #  A *z

z B    z L9  # 
z H#
!    A * 
  -/ # 
  H # _ 
#! h  
 # #n #  #


tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

esonance and sympathetic vibration are similar phenomena. I

n singing,

we are dealing with the resonance characteristics of cavities filled

with air.

f a tuning fork

, which produces a pure tone, is designed to vibrate

100 times a second it will bring a resonator, which consists of a tube

closed at one end and 2.75 feet long, into vibration. I

f the fork

11 times a second the tube would have to be 25 feet long. F

middle C


vibrations per second

have to be 1.07 feet long. F

have to be 6

the length of the tube would

or the octave above

512 cycles

it would

.44 inches. The air in the tube resonates because the pres-

sure pulse will travel down the tube and back

and down and back



or the tone

for the compression,

again for the rarefaction of the air particles in

actly the right space of time, in order to correspond with the swing

of the fork


n other words, the fork

and the air in the tube will swing,

or vibrate, together, and the small impulses generated by the fork

will correspond ex

actly with the swing of the air in the tube. I

f the

tube were to be of any other length, the impulses would not cor-

respond and resonance would not occur. The phenomenon is similar

to the action employed in swinging a child in a swing. The pushes

delivered in order to actuate the swing must be made at the correct

moment, i.e., when the swing has reached the limit of its movement.

f the push is delivered too soon, it will tend to slow down the move-

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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ment of the swing. I

f it is too late, it will be ineffective, and increas-

ingly so as the timing becomes worse, i.e., further away from the top

of the swing. The little pulses initiated by the fork

pushes delivered to the swing. I

cavity must be "


are similar to the

t will then be seen that any resonance

to the vibrator if it is to act as a resonator.

avities of other shapes act in a similar manner despite the fact

that the mathematical work

ing out of their resonance characteristics

is a highly complicated matter.

coustic C


resonator and a source of vibration are acoustically

coupled when the resonator is so shaped, or "

speed of vibration corresponds with the freq


that its natural

uency of the source of

sound. Thus, when the resonance cavities of the voice are so shaped

that they will resonate with the vocal cords, they are acoustically

coupled with the vocal cords in the most efficient manner. W hen the

resonance adj

ustment is correct, the greatest amount of energy is car-

ried, for the pitch and vowel being produced, through the acoustic

coupling between the pharyngeal cavities and the vocal cords.

ounding Board

W hen a string or vibrating membrane is rigidly at-

tached to a board, or other hard, flat piece of material, it forces this

board into vibration with it when it is struck

or pluck

ed. A

lso, the

resultant sound is considerably louder when the sounding board is

6Ri;iDL ;jH{gq;~ZM~[E [@v;~_nj ;vM {[g[b;w qZMjngMj; 3j {[jX[jX

M ;vM HM;b[jX ^~Z ~ZM vM{nj;jEM EZ;v;E~Mv[{~[E{ nS E;[M{ WbbMH
[~Z O
3S;~j[jXSnva Z[EZ qvnHEM{ ;qvM ~njM [{ HM{[XjMH ~n [@v;~M
 ~[gM{ ; {MEnjH [~ @v[jX ; vM{nj;~nv Z[EZ Enj|[{~{ nS ; ~AM
Ebn{MH;~ njMMjH;jH "(%SMM~cnjX [j~n [@v;~[nj 4S~ZMSnva[Av;~M{
!~^gM{;{MEnjH~ZM@MnbHZ;M~n T "%SMM~bnjX 1nvZM ~njM
g[HHbM ."%' [@v;~[nj{ qMv {MEnjH~ZM cMjX~Z nS ZM ~AM nbH
Z;M ~n@M (SMM~cnjX 1nv ZM nE~;M ;@nM%"EEbM{[~nbH
Z;M ~n AM '$[jEZM{ 9ZM ;^v[j ~ZM ~@MvM{nj;~M{ @Q;{M ~ZMqvM{
{wM qb{M ;Mb Hn ~ZM ~@M ;jH @;Ea Snv ~ZM EngqvM{{[nj
;jH Hnj ;jH @;Ea ;X;[j Snv ~ZM v;vMS;Enj nS ~ZM P q;x~[EbM{ ^k
M;E~c ~ZM v[XZ~ {q;EM nS ~[gM [j nvHMv ~n EnvvM{qnjH [~Z ~ZM {[jX
nS~ZMSnva 4j n~ZMv nvH{ ~ZMSnva;jH~ZM P [j~ZM~@M {[jX 
nv [Av;~M ~nXM~ZMv >H ZM {g;bb [gqb{M{ XMjMv;~MH A ~ZM Snva
[bb EnvM{qnjH M;E~c [~Z ~ZM {^jX nS ~ZM ;[v [j ~ZM ~@M 4S ~ZM
~@M MvM ~n AM nS ;j n~ZMv bMjX~Z ~ZN [gqb{M{ nbH jn~ Enw
vM{qnjH ;jH vM{nj;jEM ncH jn~ nEEv 9ZM qZMjngMjnj [{ {[g[b;y
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HMc[MvMH [j nvHMv ~n ;E~;~M ~ZM {[jX g{~ @M g;HM ;~ ~ZM EnvvME~
gngMj~ <1e ZMj ~ZM {^jX Z;{ vM;EZMH ~ZM b[g[~ nS [~{ gnMgMj~
5S~ZMq{Z w HMb[MvMH ~nn {nnj [~ ~MjH~n{cnHnjZMgnM
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[jXb {n 5> ~ZM ~[g[jX@MEngM{ nv{M <1e Sv~ZMv ;;Svng ~ZM ~nq
nS ~ZM {[jX 9ZM b[~~cM qc{M{ ^j[~[;~MH @ ~ZM Snva ;xM {[g[b;v ~n ~ZO
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EnqbMH ZMj ~ZM vM{nj;~nv\{ {n {Z;qMH nv ~jMH  ~Z;~ [~{ j;~v;c
{qMMH nS [@v;~^nj EnvvM{snjH{ [~Z ~ZM SvMtMjE nS ~ZM {nvEM nS
{njH 9Z{ ZMj ~ZM vM{nj;jEM E;[~[M{ nS ~ZM n[EM ;vM {n {Z;qMH
~Z;~ ~ZP vM{nj;~M ^~Z ~ZM nE;c EnvH{ ~ZM ;vM ;En{~[E;bc
EnqbMH ^~Z ~ZM nE= EnvH{ ^j ~ZM gn{~ MVE[Mj~ g;jjMv :ZMj ~ZM
vM{nj;jEM ;H`{~gMj~ [{ EnvvME~ ~ZM XvM;~M{~ ;gnj~ nS MjMvX]{ E;v
x[MH Snv ~ZM q[~EZ ;jH nMc AM[jX qvnHEMH ~ZvnXZ ~ZM ;En{~[E
nqb^jX@M~MMj~ZM qZ;vjXM;b E;[~[M{ ;jH ~ZM nE;b EnvH{

present than when the string vibrates alone, because the surface of the

sounding board is in contact with a far larger volume of air than the


The piano uses this principle. The strings of the piano are rigidly

attached to the sounding board through the bridge and, whenever the


ey is struck

and the string is brought into vibration, the sounding

8oiI[iY -o;xI:ZMj ; {~v[jX nv [@v;~[jX gMg@v>M [{ O;7;/ce ;~

~;EZMH ~n ; @n;vH nv u~ZMv Z;vH 2;~ q[MEM nS g;~Mv[;b [~ SnvEM{ Z[{
@n?H [j~n [@v;~[nj ^~b [~ ZMj [~ [{ {Ea nv qbEaMH ,c{n ~ZM
vM{c~;j~ {njH [{ Enj{[HMv;@c cnHMv ZMj ~ZM {njH[jX An;vH w
qvM{Mj~ ~Z;j ZMj ~ZM{[jX[Bv;~M{ ;bnjM @ME;{M~ZM{vS;EMnS~ZM
{njH^jX @n;vJ [{ [j Enj~;E~ [~Z ; S;v c;vXMv nbgM nS ;[v ~Z;j ~ZM
9ZM q[;jn {M{ ~Z[{ qv[jE[qcM 9ZM {[jX{ nS ~ZM s[;jn ;vM v[X[Hc
;~~;EZMH ~n ~ZM {njH[jX @n<vH ~ZynXZ ~ZM Av[HXM ;jH ZMjMMv ~ZM
aM [{ {~vEa ;jH ~ZM {~v[jX [{ AvnXZ~ [jn [Av;~[nj ~ZM {njH[jX

]D` )  S6X

5  $M



board amplifies and enriches the sound produced. This effect occurs

also with the body of a violin, cello, etc., to which the strings are

rigidly attached. This is not a resonance effect but is merely one of

forced vibration.

similar effect occurs when a tuning fork

is struck

and pressed

down on any hard surface. The essential condition, however, is rigid

contact. The sounding board effect does not occur because of prox


as does the resonance effect. Thus, there is no sounding board in the

human voice. The vibrator is the larynx


bone which is attached to the tongue. I

t is not rigidly attached to the

t is suspended from the hyoid

bones of the body, neither is it attached to the hard palate nor to the



the "



the front of the face. Thus, the notion that the hard palate,


the "

bones of the body"

or any other part of the human

body acts as a sounding board is utterly absurd. The voice is a reso-

nance instrument

Decibel is the ex

it is not lik

e the piano.

pression for the magnitude of the pressure change above

       ( *
   ! /  

=  =  (=  

!   ( *

 cl        n 7!  /



  !  / ( * 

=  =

        / ;

       ( *= 
( *
!;( V
   / 7 !


      ( V

  /  != 

k7&G</  // ( *= 
0 k7G=<  T  /  !<  !  / 7
 !  ( * 



and below normal atmospheric pressure. The magnitude or the value

of intensity may be ex

pressed in decibels above an arbitrarily chosen

threshold intensity. The decibel, lik

e the octave, is a logarithmic unit.

Thus, ten decibels represent a power or energy ratio of'

ten to one.

The decibel is the unit in which relative intensities are ex


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Thus, while ten decibels represent a power ratio of ten to one, three

decibels represent a power ratio of two to one. A

n increase of three

decibels doubles the power ratio irrespective of the initial power. I

other words, three decibels may be a very small q

uantity if a very

soft sound is raised three d.b., and it may be a very large one, when

a loud sound is increased three d.b. A

t normal intensities a rise of

three d.b. doubles the amount of sound energy and represents an in-

crease in intensity eq

ual to the intensity of the initial sound.

Loudness is a psycho-physiological response to sound intensity. I

depends upon several factors such as ear sensitivity, pitch, sound spec-

trum, etc. I

n the range of intensities encountered in music, nine deci-

bels, or an eight fold increase in intensity, is conceived by the ear as

being twice as loud.


/  7

    7 7 

( * 7

! 7!  ;
 19/G.9\   Kd 


!( * 
=   =
/  (



  ; (
/   = SB

/   ( ^



  ( V
 7!   ! 7 G
 7!   !  = 

   (    n

 ((    /   !    .

! G  

! / 

  .  ! !
j( V

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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh










The many diverse angles from which the singer'

be j



s techniq

ue may

udged are of a perfectly definite nature and many phases of

this j


udgment can be based upon scientific readings and recordings

en by means of acoustical apparatus. S

cussed in The S



cience of V

oice, The V

  #  # " #

uch tests have been dis-


ts Production and

in reporting researches carried out in the medical laboratories of

New Y


University and in acoustical laboratories j

esearch Products I

nc. (S

of E

ubsidiary of the W estern E


lectric C

The two papers which had the most direct bearing upon this q

tion were read before The A

lished in the J

coustical S

ournal of The A

coustical S

No. 4, A

pril 1935, and before the F

in the J

ournal of the F


ociety of A

lin I




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merica and pub-

ociety of A

lin I


ol. I

nstitute and published

ol. 211, No. 4, A



The chief interest of this approach lies in the fact that the j

ments arrived at are concrete and definite;


they are not couched

in imaginative terms nor based upon figurative phrases and un-

scientific theories.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

The teacher conducting an audition should first hear the pros-

pective pupil sing an aria or a song and then ask

single tones and maj

or triads in both registers

him to sing some

if possible. This will

afford a basis of criticism and discussion of the pupil'

s technical,

musical and interpretative talent according to the general outline

which follows.

physical ex

of the head, neck


amination is also advisable: The general contour

and chest indicate the probable caliber of the

whether it be bass, baritone, tenor, contralto, dramatic

soprano or light (lyric) soprano. V

ery often it will be found that


the voice is so badly produced (so throaty), that its natural caliber

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is entirely obscured. Under such circumstances the physical con-

tours of the face, head, neck

, etc., may give a better indication of

what the voice really is than will the actual sound of the voice.

Much may be learned by ex


amining the larynx

   ! #  #

# #

eproduction, and in papers read before various scientific societies

and the muscles


tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

of the neck

. W hen the larynx

is supple and easily movable and the

space between the hyoid bone and the thyroid cartilage is opened

up, the voice is in good condition. W hen the neck

highly developed and the larynx

muscles are

is relatively rigid, the condition

is bad, and when the space between the hyoid bone and the thyroid

cartilage is closed, or almost closed, the registration is badly (mus-

cularly) mix

ed and the condition is very bad. W hen the hyoid bone

is dropped permanently and the larynx

voice is throaty and thick

throaty and white. I

is too low in the throat, the

. W hen it is fix

ed too high, the voice is

nordinate development of the neck

muscles is

an indication of pronounced throatiness, and this is especially serious

when the development is uneven. The type of throatiness can often

be deduced by observing which muscles are overdeveloped.

The opening of the j

aw should also be ex

pronounced, the techniq

should note whether there is any click

f the lock


when the singer opens the

aw all the way, if he is able to do so. I


amined. I

ue is undoubtedly throaty. The teacher

f he is unable to do so, the

is bad and the condition rather unsatisfactory, although most

singers are apt to lock

their j

aws and the release of the j

not be difficult to accomplish. The articulation of the j

also be ex

aw may

aw should


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The position of the tongue during phonation should be noted,

and if there is any tongue-tie, this fact should be tak

en into account.

The contour of the lips should also be considered, because many

badly-trained singers have used a mouth and lip resonance adj


ment for so long, and set it so badly, that the general contour of the

mouth and lips has become permanently distorted.

ll personal gestures and peculiar movements co-ordinated with

phonation should be noted. S

pecial attention should be given to

the posture of the body, the curve of the spine and the back


egistration in W omen'

. Does she use both registers?



B. F

alsetto R

1. I

s the falsetto pure?

2. I

s it "

3. I

s it balanced with the lower register?

4. I

s it developed?

5. A

re the upper tones shrill or "


7. I


of the

and the method of breathing.



, pushed or "

and full or constricted and small?


shut off'

and are the middle tones

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. W hat is the range?

s only the falsetto register used?

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. Lower R

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1. I

s it pure?

2. I

s it "

3. I

s it developed?

4. I

s it balanced with the falsetto?


and full, constricted and white, or thick

and throaty?

5. W hat is the range?

. H ow high is it used in performance?

D. Mix

ed R


1. I

s the registration absolutely mix

2. I

s the falsetto mix

3. I

s the lower register mix

4. A

re two mix

5. A

re the middle and high tones mix



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ed registers used?

s the mix


ture temporarily induced or is there evidence of per-

manent muscular mix

7. I

ed and is the break


ed registration?

s the intonation affected by the mix

ture of registration and, if so,

is it sharp or flat?

. The Break

1. C

an the registers be changed sk


2. W here are the registers changed when singing loudly and where

when singing softly?

s the swell from falsetto to lower register without a break

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3. I

there mix

4. I

or is

ed registration when attempting to do so?

s the break

dodged by mix

c :

ing registers or by employing only one

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egistration in Men'




re the two registers isolated?

B. F

alsetto R

1. I

s the falsetto dark


and pure?

2. H ow developed is it?

3. W hat is its range?

4. I

s it full and "

5. I

s it balanced with the lower register?


or is it constricted?

. Does he use it in performance?

. Lower R


1. I

s it pure?

2. I

s it "


(<CJ`d5aJYVo JVo "<V`o 1YJ7<`o

and full or small and constricted?

3. W hat is its range?

4. I

s it balanced with the falsetto?

5. A

re the lower and middle tones full?


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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

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D. Mix

ed R

1. I

s the falsetto mix

2. I

s the lower register mix

3. I

s mix

4. I

s a mix

5. I

s the mix


ed registration?


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ed falsetto used in performance for high and piano tones?

ed lower register used for the upper tones?

s mix

ture temporarily induced or is there evidence of muscular

ed lower register used for the middle tones and mix

ed fal-

setto for the upper tones?

. The Break

1. I

s the swell from falsetto to lower register without a break

without mix


c : l 


2. I

s the swell possible in spite of a break

without mix

3. I

s the falsetto characteristic present in the voice throughout the

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4. I

s a mix

ed lower register derived from the falsetto because of

dodging the break

esonance A


. Pharyngeal R


esonance A



1. I

s the tone pharyngeally resonated over the entire range?

2. A

re the muscles of the tongue developed properly?

4. I


in position?

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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3. Does the hyoid bone "

s the q

uality mellow and beautiful, and is the pitch well defined?

5. Does the resonance adj



an the pitch change precisely, without slurring, check

ing or


7. Does the intensity mount in an even scale as the pitch rises?

8. I

s there constriction and loss of pharyngeal resonance adj


for the middle, upper, or soft tones or the pitch changes?

9. I

s the "

10. I


s the "

sufficient to reveal the full power of the voice?


balanced with the laryngeal development and

with the development of the breathing muscles?

11. I

s the control over the shaping of the pharyngeal cavities suffi-

ciently accurate to enable production of well-defined vowels and

vowel colors?

B. Mouth R

1. I

esonance A



s the tone mouth resonated?

2. H ow badly lock

ed is the j

aw and does he sing with it in the middle


3. H ow developed and tensed are the neck

4. A

re the lips shaped for the vowel?


7. I


. Does the tongue or larynx

re they overpouted or spread?

5. Does the head pull in, down, out, sideways or back


ustment for pitch and vowel establish

accurately at the moment of attack

rise or drop ex



s the voice loud and characterized by a shrill, shouty, thick


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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

screamy q

uality or is it "

shut off"

and produced at low (crooning)



8. A

re the vowels distorted or is the singer a "

diction singer"

9. Does the intensity drop at a given tone in the scale because of con-

striction when going into the "

10. Does the singer "

employ a techniq

11. I

head voice"

go for the nose"

or "

covered tone"

(sing "

ue which deliberately mak

in the masq



) or


es the voice throaty?

s the tongue pulled forward and over the teeth or pressed against


the lower teeth and grooved?

12. I

s the tone ex

cessively "


or "



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The Breath

. Breath "

1. A

H eld"

re the inspiratory muscles in tension?

2. Do the diaphragmatic and lower rib muscles "

3. I


in eq

Y} @


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s the breath inspired without involvement of the chest and


4. Does the diaphragm move out through the attack

5. A

re the chest and shoulders relax


falsetto without "

7. I

ed during phonation?

an the pitch be moved and can the singer "


s the tension "

go through"



for the attack

and are the changes of tension

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

for the movement of the voice up or down the scale accomplished



8. I

s the development of the breathing muscles balanced with the

development of the muscles of the larynx

9. Do the muscles of the thorax

10. Does the breath ex


and tongue?


for the high or soft tones?

pulsion drop as the intensity rises from pianis-

simo to mezzo forte?

B. Breath "

1. I


s the voice loud because it is blasted "


or is it "

held back


and produced at low (crooning) intensity?

2. I

s the ex

piratory blast propelled by means of tension on the chest

or shoulder muscles or do the diaphragmatic or lower back


muscles collapse?

3. I

s the chest raised or forced down?

4. I

s the tension on the arms, hands or legs very pronounced?

5. I

s the head forced down, in, out or back



7. I

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and how much pre-tension is engendered?

s the breath ex

pulsion high because the voice is forced and the

singer pushes for power, or is it low because of ex

on the neck

treme tension


8. Does the breath ex


lZ l

because of the breath

s the breath inspired and held in tension before the moment of


,F<o ^<5cFo

pulsion rise with the intensity?



tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh




s the voice dead steady or is the movement true vibrato, absolute

B. True V


1. I

s the movement true vibrato at all times?

2. I

s the vibrato even (periodic) or irregular?

3. I

s the vibrato of the proper freq

uency '

lZ : 0G 
(about 6

a second) or is it

too fast or too slow?

4. I

s the amplitude of the vibrato correct, ex

cessive or too low at any

given intensity?

5. I

s the pitch variation about a semitone at M.F

. or is it too wide

or too narrow at any given intensity?

. Does the vibrato start virtually at zero at pianissimo and augment

as the intensity increases?

7. C

an the singer control the amplitude of the vibrato at any given

intensity in order to convey various emotional effects?

8. Does the vibrato control the rhythmic effects: time spot, accents,


9. C

an the singer run on the vibrato and ex

ecute runs, cadenzas,

trills, etc.?

10. Does the voice move and swell on the vibrato?


bsolute Tremolo

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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1. Does the singer employ an absolute tremolo?

2. I

 . 6  1      6 % %   po  ,  V

% < , !  % < ,   < p!  S

tremolo, vibrato tremolo, or tremolo vibrato?

s it a rapid flutter (7-11 a second) associated with a crooning

type of singing or is it a pronounced bleat or wobble, associated

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with a relatively loud tone?

3. I

TZ [< : %V

s the tremolo wide or narrow?

4. H ow great is the pitch variation?

5. I

s it a tongue tremolo?

. H as it spread to the j

aw and does the j

aw flutter in tetanic tension?

7. I

s the larynx

8. I

s the chest involved?

involved (very wide pitch flutter)?

9. I

s the tremolo associated with mix

D. V

ibrato Tremolo or Tremolo V

1. I

s the movement primarily vibrato (opening tension) or tremolo

ed registration?


(closing tension)?

2. To what ex

tent is the thorax


3. I

s the freq

uency correct, too fast or too slow?

4. I

s the amplitude correct, too wide or too narrow?

5. I

s it enough lik

e a vibrato for it to be possible for the teacher to

change it to a true vibrato?


s the tremolo characteristic most prominent at the low, middle

or high pitches?


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1. I

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s the diction good or does the singer mouth the vowels, hum the

consonants and over-pronounce the syllables lik

2. Does the singer break

by check

3. A




the melodic line by mispronunciation and

ing the flow of the voice in order to form the consonants?

re the words clearly intelligible?

4. Does the singer use his lips for forming the vowels?

5. I

s the singer a "

diction singer"

clearly at low intensity at the ex

who pronounces the words very

pense of the tone?


1. Does the singer ex

does he merely "

2. I

press himself through the language of music or


of the words"

s the tone sustained in the center of pitch, intensity and q



when a legato melodic line is being sung?


3. Does the voice connect tones together in an evenly rising intensity

scale with precision as to intonation, time and rhythm?

4. A


re the interpretative devices employed legitimate or does the

singer resort to slurring, sobbing, humming consonants, musical

distortions and other cheap effects?

5. Does the singer possess a nice feeling for the emotional and

dramatic import of the words he is singing and does he ex



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them with artistry and finesse without distorting the music?

. Does the singer breathe in the proper places or does he break

musical figures with ex

tra breaths?

7. H ow good a musician is the singer?

8. C


an he analyze the compositions he sings?

9. Does he group the tones properly and is he conscious of the musi-

cal figures, cadences, phrases, rhythmic configurations, etc.?



1. I

s the singer'

s posture correct in repose, without redundant and

interfering tensions or awk


ward with distressing movements and


2. A

re there peculiar personal gestures with head, lips, j

arms, chest, back

aw, shoulders,


, legs, feet, hands, eyes, nose, etc.?

3. Does the singer release all the tension between breaths?

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1. I

s the singer a "

2. I

s he inhibited and to what ex

3. I

s he inhibited against singing full tones and high tones?

4. I

s he alert and full of energy and ex

or does he become "





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pressiveness while he is singing

and unemotional?

5. Does he retain the energy and activity for the middle and lower




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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

tones, or does he "

save his voice"

and only "

go for"

the upper


. Does he "


7. I

hold back


his, voice in performance and sing "


most of the time?

f the singer goes off pitch, is it because he has a bad ear or be-

cause of technical faults?

8. Does he go "


when he sings pianissimo or during the inter-


9. Does he slur into the attack

and between tones and vary the loud-

ness of single tones in a melodic line in order to mak


e cheap,

ish, emotional effects?

10. I

s the singer trying to "




or "



his voice?

11. H as the singer sufficient power of concentration to hold the mood

and changing moods, throughout the rendition of the entire com-




ing V


1. I

s the registration pure?

2. I

s the lower register absolutely established and employed for all

*\<5LJVCo 1YJ7<o

normal speech?

3. I

s the falsetto isolated and can it be used for comedy effects,

screams, etc.?

s the normal pitch of the voice at the proper pitch for the given

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4. I

voice (low) or is it too high?

5. I

s pharyngeal resonance adj

ustment employed or is the voice

mouth resonated?


s the q

uality pleasing because of pharyngeal resonance adj

ment and pure registration, or is it unpleasant because of mix

registration and mouth resonance adj

7. I

without break




s the tone (vowel) sustained and does the speak

er move his voice,

ing off and without gaps, in a musical, rhythmic flow

of tone in the same manner as a singer should phonate?

8. Does each vowel center in pitch or does the pitch move on a single

tone (vowel)?

9. A

re consonants sufficiently vigorous and vowels so defined as to

be clearly intelligible?

10. A

re consonants too weak

or too loud for the intensity of the

phonated sound (vowel)?

11. A

re vowel sounds associated with the consonants "




oversustained and are the sibilants overdone?

12. A

re the important syllables of the important words stressed

properly by means of pitch rises and inflection in the melodic flow

of the "

13. A


re unimportant words (i.e., and, the, etc.) and syllables over-


14. I

s a wide melodic line used when it is demanded by the import

of the words?

15. Does the intensity of the voice rise in an even scale with the pitch?




s the q

uality pleasant at all pitches?

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tgbu[nobr j\ dbX_b^Wg

#0 1l nME CbZbg Cb_qbZ l:nPlG:Cnbgz ;_D DbEl On CbuEg : wODE g:_KE b

17. I


s the color control satisfactory and does it cover a wide range of

different vowel colors over a wide pitch range?

18. H ow wide are the pitch and color ranges?

19. I

s the general sound of the voice "

does it become "



and does the speak

and unaffected, or


er employ provincial,

pedantic and unnatural pronunciations?

20. I

s the voice sustained properly and does it "

up and lack

21. I


or is it brok



ing in carrying power?

s the voice vital and interesting or does it lack


poignancy and

energy and become uninteresting?

22. I

s the facial ex

words or is it "

23. A



pression co-ordinated with the meaning of the

and lack

ing in animation?

re the very low pitches established and employed properly for


uiet and deep, emotional effects?

24. Does the voice tire when used at high intensity for a considerable


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Public Domain, Google-digitized /


! "# $ >



DOIEgE_nubwEY CbZbgl buEg 3> wODE dOnCM g:_KE(

0bwwQDE:gE nMEdOnCM:_D CbY\% g:`KEl(9
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sd :`D Z:CWO_K O` C:ggyP_K dbwEg(
2l nME ubOCE uOn:Z >D O_nEgElnO`K bg DbEl On Z:CW dbOK`:`Cy :_D
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*E nME uEgy Zbw dOnCMEl Eln:AYOlMED :`D E[dZbyED dgbdEgZy Gbg
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Because a concrete, usable idea is essential to effective reading,

a very brief outline of the fundamental laws governing vocal technic

is presented in this chapter. S


tatements made are discussed in

detail in the main body of this book

The voice, properly produced, is a musical instrument. There is

only one legitimate reason for learning how to sing: To enable the

singer to use his vocal apparatus as a musical instrument which is

able to interpret the musical content of a composition and the emo-

tional and dramatic import of its tex

t. S

ened and intensified means of vocal ex

inging is a magnified, broad-

pression. E

very voice can,

and must be able to produce musical tones, the intonation of which

is absolutely accurate and the color and intensity of which can be


ected to a wide variety of modifications, if the aspiring student

is to become an artist. I

t must be sufficiently powerful to be audible

throughout its entire singing range in a large auditorium. E

properly-trained, "



voice is capable of transmitting suffi-

cient power to accomplish this end.

The casual student who merely wishes to sound "




etc., will find the author of this book


impatient with

such trivialities. But, attentive reading should establish the error

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of any negative ambition and probably reveal the real possibilities

(both cultural and financial) of a fine voice.

The q

uality of the tone, i.e., the q

uality which renders it pleasant

or unpleasant to the discriminating ear, depends upon three main


1. A

ccurate intonation, which implies the proper centering of

the middle pitch point of the vibrato.

2. The vibrato (which must be regular) of the proper freq


a second), a'

tone the singer is producing. I

f the movement partak

nature of a tremolo, or if the voice is "

at pianissimo) the q

3. A

dead steady"


ustment. The pitch and

uality from the acoustical standpoint) must be

resonated with absolute precision. The adj

ustment, or shaping,

of the resonance cavities determines the wave form.


es of the


uality is unpleasant.

ccurate pharyngeal resonance adj

vowel (q


nd proper amplitude for the intensity of the

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W hen these factors are satisfactory, the power output must per-

force be considerable because the voice has then been "

opened up."

lthough each individual vocal organ is potentially capable of pro-

ducing a certain max

imum q

uantity of sound energy according to

its size, structure and stage of muscular development, any voice

which is produced properly and developed muscularly is far more

powerful than an infinitely larger "

natural voice"

before "



ll these factors can be trained. This is, indeed, what the train-

ing process is!

so-called "

natural voice"

is not the result of some

peculiar structural formation of the vocal organs

it can be "


n fact, every healthy vocal apparatus can, theoretically, be trained

to produce tones which have formerly been thought to be the special

characteristic of only "

great natural voices."

n practice, of course, only a few ex

ceptionally talented pupils

can reach the heights, because the ability for learning how to sing

must be tak

en into account. A

fine ear, concentration, energy, drama-

tic ability and musical feeling, plus physical muscular sk

ill are

essential components of this capacity. Nevertheless, some pupils who

start without any notable voice may become very fine singers, if

they possess these capacities.

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Under a properly-conducted course of training every voice should

improve progressively according to the pupil'

s talent, and certain

really talented pupils should become great singers.

The general fundamental principles involved are concrete, definite,

relatively simple and absolutely straightforward. I

with technical faults that the subj

t is in dealing

ect becomes complex

. H owever,

bad technic can generally be classified under certain definite head-

ings. This entire q

uestion of "


ing out"

the diverse vocal prob-

lems encountered is discussed in considerable detail in this book

The human voice might be termed a "


machine. The muscles

actuating the parts involved are brought into tension. These tensions

must at all times be "


and maintained in eq

uilibrium. The

reader must banish from his mind any concepts based upon the

notion that the voice is something which can be "






or "





in some part of the anatomy.

The voice which is produced properly is not driven by means of a

breath blast. The breath should not be "

blown out"

in a "


or controlled.

t is the pressure of the breath which actuates the voice when

it is produced properly


not a stream of breath or "


Thus, all concepts based upon such fallacious theories must

be abandoned if the following is to be comprehended properly.



4q]`TGO`gyRggRGq OGq ]Gy g TgGqq OGGLqT X
ROgy] G OTGgy vGgvv Gyg X yR TyT]GOORgy]
g gT OT GyR G]T X vOqG RTTqvTy Gy gOT
`gO` u ROTR Tt GyR RTTqTR vOqGq u XG vT
TXq `Gy Gy gy\ygTq qG^T yGGq gOT :TXT Tygy^
:; `TTXGO OGy LT GgyTR& ?`g u gyRTTR `G ` Ggy
gy] OT g 4  OGqqTR yGGq gOT g y `T Tq Y vT
9y GOgOT X OT yq G XT TOTgyGqq GqTyTR gq
OGy TGO` `T `Tg]`LTOGT `T HLgqg X qTGygy] `  gy]
gO GLgqg GyR Oe40Lk XTTqgy] q `gOGq vOqG pgtt GT
TTygGqOvyTyX`gOGGOg' ;TT`TqTvTgq`
G g` Gy yGLqT gOT vI LTOvT T \yT gy]T gX
gvT ]TgTq GOORgy]  `T gq GqTy GyR OTGgy
TGqtGqTyTRgq `qR LTOvT ]TGgy]T&
TqGTq gvqT GyR GLqTq Gg]`XGR& 9 g gy RTGqgy]
g` TO`ygOGq XGq `G `T LmTO LTOvT OvqT& 8TT
gy]( ?`g TygT Tgy X pgy]  `T RgTTOGq L
qTv TyOyTTRg RgOTRgy OygRTGLqTRTGgqgy`gLp*
GOGy]`TG gyqTRGTL^`gyTygy&@`TTTyg~
v G GqqgvT LT `TqR GyR vGgyGgyTR gy TgqgLgv' ?`T
TGRT v LGyg` Xv `g vgyR Gy OyOT LGTR y `T
ygy `G T gOT g vT`gy] `gO` OGy LT qGOTR 
?`T gOT `gO` g ROTR Tq g y RgTy L vTG~ X G
LTG` LqG& ?`T LTG` `qR y LT Mqy  gy G TGv
9 g bT XZ9]]bZ9k X `T LTGb `gO` GOGT `T gOT `Ty
g u ROTR Tq"y G TGv X LTG`  OGqgTR
LTG`& ?` GqqOyOT LGTRyO` XGsqGOg `TgT v
LT GLGyRyTR gX`T Xqqgy] Fk  LT OvT`TyRTR Tt&







-  !!    2O E&IZ @*Z N&>1@= Z

The vocal apparatus consists of three areas of tension:


the pressure of the breath

is governed

by tension on the breathing muscles (inspiratory and ex

of the diaphragm and the lower back

B. V

ribs. (S

ee F


ig. 1.)


The vibrator of the voice is the larynx

of sound and might be termed "

there is no singing voice. (S

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2  !  + 
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The actuator of the voice



t is, indeed, the source

the voice,"

ee F

because without a larynx

-   2 
   8EW<VZ [ " &&"   
2 &&&W " B 05
 8 K D
S8  z

ig. 2.)


The resonator of the voice is the pharyngeal cavities and, for some

of the lowest tones, the trachea and bronchi. The shaping of the

resonance cavities determines the vowel and the resonation of the


the pitch of the tone. (S

. Breathing Muscles (A

ee F

ig. 3.)

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2 &C !* 2  
8 K D
 S8 % z


The breathing muscles hold the pressure of the breath against

the closure of the glottis

the slit between the vocal cords which

closes in correct technic, because of tension on the arytenoid

muscle, and which opens for the act of respiration. (S

ee F

ig. 2 F


The breathing muscles involved in proper technic are:

1. Diaphragm

ib (lower, back

rib) muscles. (S

ee F

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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2. R

These two groups are, in a sense, antagonistic

ig. 1.)

function oppositely.

5 /"1&',$5 30!+05 !131-/5

That is, the diaphragm distends outward and forward when in ten-

sion. The lower, back

ribs move outward and back

when the muscles

   B -@8#Z  !


"  ++ 
8 K D

T8 z S8 P

governing them are in tension.

These two groups of muscles, pulling in opposite directions, must

be held in balanced eq

uilibrium during phonation and should not

move. This condition is only possible when tension is established

and maintained on both the inspiratory and ex

piratory muscles.

This tension must be initiated at the moment of attack

and main-

tained during phonation.

The "



in singing depends upon the degree of balanced

tension on these two groups of muscles which are held in eq


brium. I

n essential


t varies with the pitch and intensity of the tone. A

uisite for a proper technic lies in the ability to control and time

these tensions with consummate sk


z d K 
" 7  P  
8 K D
 T3  z

ill. This is not "

breath control"

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Breathing muscles "



, when the technic is faulty. Under

such circumstances, the inspiratory tension is lost and the singer

5TG`gy]vPqT]gT!TqG `Ty`TTP`ygPgXGq& CyRT

P` PgPvGyPT `T gygG Tygy g q GyR `T gy]T
 G  3LUgk `T LTG` B;k gyggGT `T LTG`gy] GP g` `T

starts to blow the breath, i.e., initiate the breathing act, with the

ig. 1

Breathing A


The lungs are filled with air when the thorax

is ex

on the inspiratory muscles, and are emptied of air (ex

breath) when the thorax

panded because of tension

cept for the residual

is contracted, because of tension on the ex



n phonation both the inspiratory and ex

piratory muscles are in tension

and the breath is, therefore, virtually held.

W hen the technic is correct, the upper breathing muscles (those of the

upper ribs

chest) and shoulders are relax

ed and the work

is done by means

of tension on the muscles of the lower ribs, especially the lower back


and the diaphragm.

result that the antagonistic, interfering muscles come into tension

and the tone becomes throaty. W hen this occurs, either the diaphrag-

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1 " 3M 54M 7:M


"B> M\;0_ABP>kXX0\0_dk
BVN ^ygUp FlN T^^NM |ZrV <M |VNg rVN rVhlF~ Zp N~jFgMNM KNLFypN hR rNgpZhg
hg rVN [gpjZlFrhl dypL^Np FgM FlN NdjrZNM hS FZl NLNjr Rhl rVN lNpZMyF^
KlNFrV  |VNg rVN rVhlF~ Zp LhgwFLrNM KNLFypN hR rNgpZig hg rVN N~j[lFrhl
4g jVhgFrZhg KhrV rVN ZgpjZlFrhl FgM N~jZlFrhl dypL^Np FlN [g rNgpZhg
FgM rVN KlNFu Zp
rVNlNRhlN {ZlryF^^ VN^M
EVNg rVN rNLVgZL Zq LhllNLr rVN yjjNl KlNFrV[gU dypL^ rVhpN hR tVN
y jOl lZKpLVNpr  FgMpVhy^MNlp FlN lN^F~NM FgM rVN +hl] Zp MhgN K dNFgp
h rNgpZhg hg rVN dypL^Np hR rVN  ^h|Nl lZKp
NpjNLZG^c rVN ^h|Nl KFL] l\Kp





q `G T GyG]ygP gyTXTgy] wPqT PvT gy Tygy

G}RTyTLTPvVcG&EcTz|lx QP2hT`T RgG`G]#




 !  ' \z

q F 9a * Q U 9Y K.? 9 % 2: 0" G 

matic muscle, the back

rib muscles or both "


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5 C

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and the chest

and shoulder muscles come into tension. These muscles should

always be relax

ed during phonation. I

f the tension spreads down

into the muscles of the abdomen, the technic is not interfered with,

but if it spreads up into the chest, shoulders and neck

, the tone

becomes throaty.

W e have, then, the first area of tension

lower part of the back



the diaphragm and the

and a corresponding area which should be

the chest, shoulders and neck

B. Laryngeal Muscles (V

The larynx


consists of a cartilaginous structure situated at the top

of the trachea

the windpipe. The vocal cords are two bands of

5 /4,$")5 30!*#05 ' /1./5

flesh which, when tensed and brought together, close the opening

of the trachea and stop the air from entering or leaving the lungs.

Thus, the larynx

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is primarily a sort of valve which, when opened,

permits the individual to inspire the air into the lungs and to ex


it from the lungs. The space between the vocal cords, which is

nown as the glottis, is closed when they approx

imate (come to-

gether). This closure of the glottis should be accomplished by

means of tension on the arytenoid muscle. (S

ee F

ig. 2 F

.) During

phonation, the vocal cords are brought together and stretched to

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a certain length and tension to determine the pitch of the tone.

The vocal cords are stretched by means of two groups of muscles

the arytenoid and crico-thyroid muscles

spectively at the back

which are situated re-

and front of the larynx

. (S

ee F

ig. 2 A


They are shortened by means of tension on the thyro-arytenoid

muscles which are situated in the vocal cords themselves. (S

ig. 2 D and F


.) The combined, co-ordinated action of all these

muscles determines the pitch, which rises as the tension increases

and as the length decreases. I

n good technic the max

imum length

for the given pitch to be produced is employed, while in faulty

technic, the vocal cords are unduly shortened. This condition is

nown as "

The larynx


ed registration"

the worst of all technical faults.

is the vibrator of the voice. W hen the glottis

space between the vocal cords


is closed and the pressure of the

breath is applied, the vocal cords come into vibration and sound

is initiated. The pitch of the sound depends upon the length of

and tension on the vocal cords. The muscles of the larynx

the vocal cords and turn the larynx




into a sound producing instru-

: a\bsbyzRz

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,5 2*M

The larynx

is suspended from the hyoid bone which is attached

to the tongue. I

- n5  

< F        v

t consists of four cartilages:

1. The thyroid cartilage (A



  z - $   K R  R!!

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%z -$ '  K D
 S Z  z


2. The cricoid cartilage

3. The arytenoid cartilages (S

ee F

ig. 2.)

The arytenoid cartilages, which are more or less triangular in

shape, are attached to the posterior, or back

, of the cricoid cartilage.

The crico-arytenoid muscles hold the arytenoid cartilages firmly

to the cricoid cartilage when they are in proper tension for phona-


The muscles of the larynx


1. The crico-thyroid muscles

2. The thyro-arytenoid muscles

3. The posterior crico-arytenoid muscles

4. The lateral crico-arytenoid muscles

5. The arytenoid muscle (S

ee F

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ig. 2.)

The vocal cords are attached to the arytenoid cartilages at their

posterior end, and to the inner surface of the thyroid cartilage at

their anterior end. They are approx

imated (brought together) when

the muscle which is attached to the two arytenoid cartilages

arytenoid muscle


is tensed. This action closes the glottis

and mak

es possible the production of

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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between the vocal cords

sound without the aid of ex


the space


and tongue


The vocal cords are stretched by means of tension on the crico-

thyroid muscles (see F

ig. 2). These muscles are attached to the

thyroid and the cricoid cartilages, and when in tension, bring these

two cartilages nearer together thus stretching the vocal cords, pro-

vided that the arytenoid muscles also are in tension so that the

arytenoid cartilages do not "


The tension on the arytenoid

muscles should balance with the tension on the thyroid muscles.

The thyro-arytenoid muscles lie in the vocal cords themselves

and, when they are tensed, they shorten the cords, thereby raising

the pitch. The crico-thyroid muscles raise the pitch by stretching

the cords, but at the same time they lengthen them. The stretching

action raises the pitch and the lengthening action drops the pitch.

The pitch is thus determined by the combined action of the crico-

thyroid and thyro-arytenoid muscles, which action is balanced

because of tension on the arytenoid muscles. A


must be in tension during phonation. I

are in balanced eq

ll the muscles of the

n proper technic they


The posterior crico-arytenoid muscles draw the outer angles of



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: a\bsbyzRz

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the arytenoid cartilages back

FPt|arLmP NF \P FPt|aNLFamFZP S|FN FtN N|t

FN# B\PP | Z|~ |S rLmP P atF PtP FtFZ|taaL FtN
\Pt H|\ FP at Pta|t \P v|mN \P FPt|aN LFamFZP Vrm

wards and inwards. The lateral crico-

arytenoid muscles draw the arytenoid cartilages forwards and down-

| \P LaL|aN LFamFZP \ rFjatZ ~|aHmP \P +,atZatZ |S \P

wards. These two groups of muscles are, in a sense, antagonistic and

when both are in tension they "


to the cricoid cartilage thus mak

the arytenoid cartilages firmly

ing possible the "


of the

vocal cords. Tension on both posterior and lateral crico-arytenoid

muscles establishes a condition of eq

FtN ]P FPt|aN LFamFZP)

B\P \|FPt|aN rLmP FP at F PtP FtFZ|taaL | H|\

uilibrium between the cricoid

and the arytenoid cartilages.

\P LaL|\|aN rLmP FtN \P FPt|aN rLmP FZFat \aL\

\P ~mm* B\P PtaP LP |S \P mFt r \|mN Vrm at

The thyro-arytenoid muscles are, in a sense, antagonistic to both

the crico-thyroid muscles and the arytenoid muscles, against which

they pull. The entire structure of the larynx


must hold firmly in

PamaHar aS \P mPtZ\ FtN Pta|t |S \P |LFm L|N a | IP

rFatFatPN L|tFt B9k S| NPVtPN aw|tFa|t"

uilibrium if the length and tension of the vocal cords is to be

maintained constant, i.e., for defined intonation.

Because there are two groups of muscles which stretch the vocal

cords, there are two, and only two, registers. V

3PLFP \PP FP | Z|~ |S rLmP \aL\ PL\ ]P |LFm

L|N \PP FP | FtN |tm | PZaP) C|LFm NPPm|~rPt

ocal development

and improvement are possible only when these two groups of

laryngeal muscles are trained, developed, balanced and co-ordi-

nated properly. I

t is essential to isolate and purify the registers. I

one register overbalances


the other, the eq

uilibrium of

the laryngeal system is destroyed and the voice deteriorates rapidly.

bsolute co-ordination between the two registers is a goal which is

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seldom reached, because it should only be attempted at an ex

tremely advanced stage in the technical development. A

ny prema-

ture attempt at co-ordination is altogether destructive, because it

leads to the worst of all vocal ills


ed registration (ex


thyro-arytenoid tension).

. Muscles of the Tongue (R

n proper technic the resonator of the tone is the pharyngeal



the laryngeal, oral and nasal pharynx

bronchi for the lowest tones. (S

ee F

ig. 3.) I

, plus the trachea and

n incorrect technic the

mouth is used.

resonator must consist of a relatively undamped, adj

cavity which is filled with air (or gas). I

it is "


|LFm L|N) BPta|t |t H|\ ~|Pa| FtN mFPFm LaL|FPt|aN

rLmP PFHma\P F L|tNaa|t |S PakaHar HPPPt ]P LaL|cN

FtN ar~|PrPt FP ~|aHmP |tm \Pt \PP | Z|~ |S

tFPN ~|~Pm( ; a PPtaFm | a|mFP FtN ~aS ]P PZgP# <S
|tP PZaP |PHFmFtLP|~mm\P |\P \P PamaHar |S
]P mFtZPFm Pr a NP|PN FtN \P |aLP NPPa|FP F~aNm#
2H|mP L||NatFa|t HPPPt ^P | PZaP a F Z|Fm \aL\ a
PmN|r FL\PN HPLFP a \|mN |tm HP FPr~PN F Ft P
PrPm FNFtLPN FZP at \P PL\taLFm NPPm|~rPt$ 2x ~PrF
P FPr~ F L||NatFa|t a Fm|ZP\P NPLaP HPLFP a
mPFN | \P | |S Fmm |LFm ammraPN PZaFa|t
\|FPt|aN Pta|t $


t acts as a resonator when

5 2.&.5 * 5 /"5 *(!25 .*(/*,5

or shaped, for the pitch and vowel which are to be


W hen the pharyngeal cavities are employed, the laryngeal pharynx

the throat

is held in tension in an open posture. The size and

shape of the cavity changes with each alteration of the pitch, the

vowel and the vowel color. This opening and shaping of the throat

is accomplished by means of the proper tension on the muscles

which "


the base of the tongue. Thus, the muscles which

;t ~|~P PL\taL ]P P|tF| |S \P |tP a \P ~\FtZPFm

LFaaP\P mFtZPFm |Fm FtN tEFm ~\Ft ~m \P FL\PF FtN
H|tL\a S| ]P m|P |tP) APP 5aZ#  ' :t atL|PL PL\taL P
r|] a PN#
2 P|tF| r L|ta |S F PmFaPm tNFr~PN 07Gda02Nk
LFa \aL\ a VmmPN a\ Fa
| ZF # ; FL F F P|tF| \Pt
a a ,-tPN | \F~PN S| \P ~aL\ FtN |Pm \aL\ FP | JP
D\Pt\P ~\FtZPFmLFaaP FPPr~m|PN\PmFtZPFm~\Ft
\P a?ZT0a Fk \PmN at Pta|t at Ft |~Pt ~|P) B\P aP FtN
\F~P |S \P LFa L\FtZP a\ PFL\ FmPFa|t |S ]P ~aL\ ]P
|Pm FtN \P |Pm L|m|# B\a |~PyatZ FtN \F~atZ |S \P \|F
a FLL|r~ma\PN H rPFt |S \P ~|~P Pta|t |t \P rLmP
\aL\ ,,~|aa|t \P HFP |S ]P |tZP# B\ ]P rLmP \aL\





ig. 3


esonance C


The resonance cavities of the voice, when it is properly produced, are:

. The laryngeal pharynx

B. The oral pharynx


. The nasal pharynx

. D. The trachea and bronchi.

The first three cavities named are adj

ustable cavities which are relatively

undamped and which can be shaped for the resonation of the tone.

The trachea and bronchi are added to the resonance system for the resona-

tion of the lowest tones which demand a larger



cavity than can be

usted by means of the pharyngeal cavities alone. These cavities then become

part of the resonance system, and the adj


ustment for the pitch and vowel is .

ed after by means of the shaping of the upper part of the compound


the pharyngeal cavities.

The nasal cavity is highly damped with loose folds of flesh and it is not


ustable. Therefore, it cannot be employed as part of the resonance system.

The sinuses are non-adj

2 &4= / < d

ustable small cavities and cannot function as part of

the tuned resonance system.

The position of the base of the tongue determines the shaping of the pharyn-

geal cavities. I

n this illustration, the tongue is in a normal, relax


ed position

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and is not functioning in phonation.

2&4= 0 < d


B< | 6hYU#U,6| #sEoE6h|


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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

determine the proper resonance adj

& ! ! &f  + U!  0

B & +
+   +&   + 
 . +0 &  3 D V,0" 1 + !  !  ,  

ustment of the tone are primarily

the tongue muscles and the muscle which is attached from the chin

to the hyoid bone. S








O -H Y



ig. 4







pecifically, then, the principal muscles which





Muscles of the Tongue and H yoid Bone

W hen the base of the tongue is drawn forward, it opens the throat and

shapes the pharyngeal resonance cavities for the resonation of the tone.

Many muscles of the tongue tak

e some part in this shaping process, but

the most important muscle is the one which pulls the base of the tongue

forward and thus establishes the opening

the genio-glossus muscle. O f eq


importance is the muscle which is attached from the hyoid bone to the chin

the genio-hyoid muscle. The fibers of these two muscles, which insert into

the chin and into the tongue and hyoid bone, are more or less parallel and

both muscles come into tension for phonation when the technic is correct.

The muscles used to push out the tongue are antagonistic to the genio-hyo-

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glossus muscles. Thus when the tongue comes forward, the genio-hyo-glossus

muscles relax

and the throat closes;

therefore, constriction is established.

should come into tension for the resonation of the tone, and which

must, therefore, be developed and trained are the genio-glossus

and the genio-hyoid muscles. (S

ee F

ig. 4.) These muscles not only

shape the resonance cavities, but they also determine the position

1, Z QJ":&JZ @(Z N-&Z @<,Q&Z <#Z W@1#Z @<&Z

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: a\bsbyzRz

zob\bz3g =VNg

of the larynx

, which must, at all times, be held in its proper position

not too low and not too high. (S

muscles are relax

ee F

ig. 12 A


.) W hen these

ed, their antagonists (opposing complementary

muscles) come into tension and the base of the tongue is dropped

or, sometimes, raised and held back

the laryngeal pharynx

Tension on the neck

against the posterior wall of

, thus closing and constricting the throat.

muscles (see F

ig. 26

this condition, which determines the technic k

) always accompanies

nown as "



The proper training of the voice depends, primarily, upon the

correct development, balancing and co-ordination of these three

groups of muscles. This development tak

es place in stages. A

groups must be developed simultaneously and in balance. I

balance is lost, eq

ll three

f this

uilibrium between the parts is destroyed and the

voice deteriorates.

ocal development depends also upon the progressive relax

of the interfering muscles

throaty technic. These interfering muscles are the neck

the muscles which lock


muscles which come into tension for

the j


aw for a mouth-vowel production, the

lip muscles, which function for the same purpose, the tongue mus-

cles, which are antagonistic to the genio-glossus and the genio-hyoid

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muscles, the chest muscles, the shoulder muscles, ex

on the ex

piratory muscles and ex

cessive tension

cessive tension on the thyroaryte-

noid muscles. i

There is, then, an area which should be relatively relax

ed and

which should, under no circumstances, function during phonation,

i.e., the chest, shoulders, neck

and j

aw. (S

ee F

ig. 24A


.) O ther

areas of the body which do not function during phonation should

not be tensed, despite the fact that a proper state of muscle tone

must be maintained during phonation. No part of the body should

be over-relax

ed, i.e., soft and flabby.

The diverse procedures, which may be employed to develop

the muscles which should be used during phonation, and put out

of action those which should not be used, are described in detail

in this book

These procedures include various physical manipulations of the


, tongue, j

a remark

Table I

aw, etc., which accelerate the training process to

able degree.

indicates what has been stated in this chapter.

The vocal apparatus is a single co-ordinated sound producing

unit, each part of which is dependent upon the other parts. I

one part break

s down, the other parts break

to an electrical circuit connected in series (lik

f any

down also. I

e the lights on a

t is similar

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oRoMy {Ry] ]V pRrMy q]e]ng{Ry^


'l:c:Y}:lC }CzL
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3YL |EwM >:YiiE
3c>LiH |CxM cM YLiYw :H N
YLldlH |ExM
(CLlL d:MiHMi

R dO

of the


Diaphragmatic muscle

Lower, back


rib muscles

hest muscles

houlder muscles

nspiratory. plus

piratory tension

cessive ex




piratory tension in

unction with relax

d KhV

ation of


inspiratory tension



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rytenoid muscles

rico-thyroid muscles

*LlYw |CxM
*L~ldlH |CwL

,? |CxL
-l |CwL
.LCu |CwL
3Ll dL |CxM ::Y
llC dL YLiYx :H
cL YLldiH |CwL

Thyro-arytenoid muscles


   7 T O     .  "     

 ! -c  %P1   !ld  ) $
 -1 %& '  ^c &E 5
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    P ' a 1P& RV  5 8 
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'O '%    P%O  1    
"  7 T  1c ' -  c9  1 !  ^ +
 & &E O d   1O ^PL . V% &5


Tongue muscles antagonistic to

the genio-glossus and the

genio-hyoid muscles

cessive thyro-arytenoid tension




Genio-glossus muscle

Genio-hyoid muscle

aw muscles

Lip muscles



Tension on the muscles antagon-

istic to the genio-glossus and

the genio-hyoid muscles

hristmas tree). Thus, all the muscles which function in phonation

must be developed simultaneously and in balance

in every stage of the "





W hen the voice is produced properly, the breath pressure is





the laryngeal muscles "

in their resonance adj


and the pharyngeal cavities

ustment. These "


occur when

the muscles involved are developed, balanced and co-ordinated

properly, and not otherwise.

W hen the technic is incorrect, eq

uilibrium is destroyed and the

breath is blown out through a constriction which is established by

means of tension on the muscles of the neck

and tongue. The proper

balance and co-ordination of the laryngeal muscles is lost. The

mouth, instead of the throat, which is constricted (closed) and,

therefore, out of action as a resonator, is employed as the resonator

of the tone. This type of voice production may be termed "


or, q

uite literally, "




< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

hapter 1





ince the publication of The V

oice, I

ts Production and R


duction, in 1933, investigations have advanced constantly to a

point at which it becomes incumbent to issue an account of the



great many important problems regarding the proper function-

ing of the vocal apparatus are now solved. The nature of the

muscular actions which occur when the voice is incorrectly pro-

 ': ''*:

duced is also clear. But, most important of all are the tremendous

advances in the training of the voice and the procedures which can

be employed.

s a result of these advances, the process of training the voice

has been appreciably speeded up. Many of the rather unpleasant,

intermediate processes have been eliminated and it is possible to


e the pupil produce relatively good q

uality tones at an early

stage in the training.

ertain manipulations which may be performed by the teacher

have been developed. H appily, these manipulations eliminate the

necessity for the ex

treme "

carrying up"

of the lower register and

the use of high, shut-off tones in the falsetto.

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Manipulations vs. O ld Process

Before the evolution of these manipulations, the only available

method for developing the laryngeal muscles was that of first isolat-

ing the registers and then work

ing on the laryngeal muscles, at

high tension, by carrying each register up very high. This had to be

done even when such upper tones in both registers were sung with

the throat more or less constricted. Because the laryngeal muscles

can be developed only under high tension, this procedure was

absolutely necessary. I

t involved the production of q

uite ugly

tones during the early stages of training. Nevertheless, the process

was, indeed, effective in mak

ing many really fine voices, and in

improving every voice with which it was used. H owever, if it was

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 d + ?   $ 

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halted before a certain stage was reached, the pupil was in the

unfortunate position of having relatively good high and low tones

with a gap, or poor q

uality area, in the middle of the voice. F


thermore, the scale was uneven, both from the intensity and the

uality standpoints. The subseq

uite a long drawn out affair. I

uent opening-up process was then

f this opening-up process was not

carried through completely, the pupil was left with what the unin-

formed teacher would have called "


a fine, untrained, crude, natural

O nly too often the pupil who reached such an intermediate

stage became conceited and thought that he could really sing when

he was, in fact, merely a beginner.

Poor Tone Q uality No Longer Necessary

There is also another point of view

that of the teachers who

endeavor to teach according to these established principles. During

the training process, the pupil, in carrying up the lower register and

0kkq 8kgG 2~>_Vy ,k 'kgQGq ,GCGuu>q

establishing the very high falsetto tones in the early stages of train-

ing, was unavoidably forced to produce tones of unpleasant q


Before the introduction of the manipulations, these rather unpleasant



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 !    5  
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     ! , 5 "

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 ! +5 8 ?
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   $ ! $ 

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    d   5 8 

 " $

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+ ! ? +,?     
+ $ S+ %      5

tones were necessary to bring the laryngeal muscles into a high

degree of tension and thus develop them. No other means of accom-

plishing this end had been devised. Unfortunately, certain teachers

this statement to mean that the q

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /


uality should be as nasty as

possible in the early stages. This, of course, is contrary to fact.

urthermore, while these very high, lower-register tones were used

to develop the laryngeal muscles, pupils could not use such tones

in performance. Thus, despite the fact that often the lower register

can be carried up to high B flat or even C

in technic, this register

in performance should go only up to D (fourth line on the treble -

clef) even with the advanced pupils, and the average, q

uite ad-

vanced pupil should use it up to only about B flat. No pupil should

be allowed to employ bad q

uality tones in performance, The height

to which one should carry the lower register must be determined

by the point to which one can carry it open with a pleasing q

Now things are q


uite different. The process is now far more

direct, and although a very ex

tended range is not attained at so

early a stage, when it is attained, the voice holds up permanently.

Legitimate, free, open, high tones are established very much sooner,

and when they are established, they are never lost, unless the pupil

deliberately destroys them by adopting a wrong technic.


< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

8SG8G>CSGqu >q
The Teacher'



W ith the latest developments in the procedures which can be

applied, the possibility of these errors is greatly lessened. This does

not mean that a teacher can be trained in a few lessons. The process

is still a difficult and complex


The competent teacher must, more than ever, have a sensitive

and trained ear, if he is to interpret the virtues and faults of each

particular tone the pupil is producing. H e must be able to interpret

the particular sound from the physical point of view;

physiological adj

to sense the

ustments of which the sound being produced is

the auditory manifestation

he must be able to hear the physical

faults as well as see those which are visible. I

n utilizing the manipu-

lations which follow, the teacher must be able to use, and to be

guided by, his ear. I

f his ear is not specially trained, he cannot teach.

O f course, he must k

now the sound of a great voice

the sound he is aiming to mak

he must k


e the fully-trained pupil produce.

W ith these most modern procedures, the process of training is

clarified, simplified and speeded up gready. H owever, the training

of the voice is still a personalized process and not a "

There never can be a "

patent method"

is a problem which must be work

process. E

ll that

e clear the goal at which the teacher is aiming,

and to give him procedures and "


with which to work

The procedures which were established earlier work


patent method."


ed out on its own merits. A

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

can be done is to mak

or a "

ed, and

ed well. These newly evolved procedures, however, work


better and more efficiently. The fundamental (principles are, of

course, unchanged. They are true, and truth never changes. I

t is

only the procedures which can be adopted in order to reach the

goal that are modified, changed and improved. A

s one work

s along

the lines indicated by the fundamental principles established, new

devices and improved procedures will evolve continually. The

process of training the voice is always being simplified and speeded

up. This process of development must continue and progress,

as does all scientific research. To do otherwise is to die.

ach case

X % %  %% -P% P %  R .   )

 @%   !  %1 >%   &%1V5 8  
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.L .5 8  .1 ,-  @ .-@ .I "
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RV@ RP P&7 T 1  %@ P %% P-  P7 % 
P1 %   .  P ! % ~  %  % 
 % 0t@  P& P -5 Z  .L &
e  P ~ % )1 %  >PP%  P  %!  @ .
-0 P -  .  -- %~P5 8 
>%  P&% -   .1 ! P&  P 
R5 8 V  > -P% % P%0P P &@
    P% t  7 T  % .   %  5

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

hapter 2









t this point a few statements regarding the nature of sound are in

order, because of the confusion of ideas which seems to ex

teachers and singers on this subj

ist among vocal


ound is transmitted through the air, or any other medium

gaseous or liq




which can transmit it, by means of alternate com-

pressions and rarefactions of the medium. Thus, when sound is trans-

$%! !: ,: , )$.: 7.  : ,$ !  / :

mitted through the air, the air particles are alternately grouped more,

and less closely, thereby generatmg alternate compressions and rarefac-


ound travels from its source at a velocity of about 12 miles a minute


(1100 feet per second) in free air. This rate of travel has nothing to do

with the rate of emission of the breath which only travels with a velocity

of about a few inches a second. S

ound is not a stream of vocalized breath

w w>Ft liFdw  0. tww.a.dwt q.:q'Fd: w>. dwq. i0 tid' q. Ff

iq(.q ".&t. i2 w>. &id2tEjd i1 F'.t >G&A wi .Ftw aid: i&
w.&A.qt d) tFd:.qt idw@Et t#S.&w
id'  {qduaEww.' w>qi:C w>. Hq iq d iw>.q a.'Fa
:u.jt iq WEoE' >E&? &e duaHw Fw " a.dt i0 Ww.qdw. &ia
mq.utEjdt d* qq.0&wHjdt i0 w>. a.'Ha V @t >.d tid' Ft zqdt
aFww.' w?qi;? z?. W w>. Hq mqwF&W.t q. Ww.qdw.X :qkn.' aiq.
!( &Xjt.Y w>.q." :.d.qwc: Zw.qdw. &ialq.ttIjdt d( qq.2&
i' wq.Xt 0qia Fwt ti&. w  .Xj&F i0 "iw  aQ.t  aNdw.
   2..w l.q t.&id' Od 0q.. Hq Orv \g l \g{ n rvp f
wrrg\g l g}vvlrg _g\r >N&> idW wq.Wt Hw?  .Xj&F
i2 "iw  2. Fd&>.t  t.&id' jd' Fu  twq.a i2 j&WF.' $q.|
d' )j.t diw wq.W iw 2qia Fwt tiq&. Ed  twq.a i0 W
>. gg i2 w>. "q.w> Fd w>. Xd:u mqiE'.t w>. aiwF. 0iq&. $
>E&A }. i&X &iq(t q. E"qw.' d( w  wA. ti&. i0 z>. mq.ttq.
m_u.t AE&> q.uZw 4qia w>. Ww.qdw. im.dNd; d) &WitHd: i0 wD. i&]

A. q.tidviqt i0 w>. iF&. &jduHuw i0 'Stw$W. Nq 7WW.' &FwJ.t
?Ed: .E%[. (HttFmwE. [Wu >F&> auw ". wd.' wi w?. d.&.ttq
2q.o.d&F.t x wA. q. wi &w .6&F.dwW
8 Eq &jWad w>. dwqX m.qEi' i0 ?H&? Ft  ?d+q.' &&W.t FXX
q.tidw. wi  >d'r.' &&W. wdHd; 2jrT "w FWW djw q.tidw. wi  0iqU
BN&? H"qw.u t wj >d'r.+ d' 9w uR wHa/t  t.&jd+ >.d 
wdMd; 1iqT Ft "ri;Bw Hdxi w?. d.H;?"jr?jj' i1  mqjm.r\ wd.' &Fw
 &Kw Bju. dwrW um..' i3 H#qwFjd Ht w?. ua. t w?w i0 w?.
wdHd; 2jqT w>. Eq Od wBL &Fw FWW &ia. Odwi tamw>.wH& H"qwFif
d' Nd w?Ft add.q mqj+&. d .djrajt amWH8&wKjd i0 w>. FdFzFX
0  t.qH.t j0 .p\W Xj+ weMd< 0jrTu XW Hw? 'H5.r.dw tm..'t i0
H"qwHjd r. "rj;Bw Fdwj wB/ g/F=C"jrBjj+ j1 g Hq &jWad BH&? Ft
wd.' wj w?. 1r.p/g& j1 je/ j1 yD/a wB/ wjd. ujh+/' " wBHu wePd<
1jrT M^W $. mH&T.' jw r.ujdy/+ g+ B/q' "j. \W wB/ jwB.r 0jrTt
.w t &jeuH+/q  uwrMg< jr Hs/ uyq/w&B.+ wj  <F/d \/e;w? d' w.d
tHjd  H"qwMd< w Hwu 1WW W.d<wB wBHu uwrHg< H\\ <H. jw  ,/7dFw. mHw&?
?N&? Ft '/tH<dw.' wB. 1d-b.dyW wjd/ 9 .&yW tHaH\q twqFd; iq
Pq. w w?. ta. w.duHjd "w j1 ?W1 wB. W.d;w? FWW mqi'&.  0d'

and does not travel out from its source in a stream of air.

rlhe pressure of the breath in the lungs provides the motive force by

which the vocal cords are vibrated and it is the source of the pressure

pulses which result from the alternate opening and closing of the vocal


having flex


ustable, air-filled cavities,

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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The resonators of the voice consist of adj

ible, dissipative walls, which must be "


to the necessary

uencies if they are to act efficiently.

n air column, the natural period of which is a hundred cycles, will

resonate to a hundred cycle timing fork

which V

, but will not resonate to a fork

ibrates, say, two hundred and fifty-six

tuning fork

times a second. W hen a

is brought into the neighborhood of a properly tuned cavity

a cavity whose natural speed of vibration is the same as that of the

tuning fork

the air in this cavity will come into sympathetic vibration

and, in this manner, produce an enormous amplification of the initial


f a series of eq

ually loud tuning fork

s, all with different speeds of

vibration, are brought into the neighborhood of an air column which is

tuned to the freq


will be pick

uency of one of them, the tone sounded by this tuning

ed out, resonated and heard above all the other fork


Let us consider a string or wire stretched to a given length and ten-

sion: V

ibrating at its full length, this string will give out a definite pitch

which is designated "

the fundamental tone."

n ex

actly similar string or

wire at the same tension, but of half the length, will produce a funda-

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

mental of twice the freq


an octave higher. A

string one third the

length will produce the fifth above this octave, and a string a q


the length, two octaves above the fundamental of the first string, etc.

uppose that one goes to the piano and holds down the k

tone middle C


ey for the

cycles) without sounding it. H e will, in this manner,

have raised the damper from the strings and thereby made it possible for

them to vibrate freely. I

cycles) by strik

f he then sounds the C

ing the k

an octave below (128

ey and then letting it come up, thereby allowing

the damper to come down on the string and damp this tone out, middle C


cycles) will be heard to ring out. This string can only have been

brought into vibration in sympathy with a sound source which produced

its own natural freq

uency. H ence, when strik

duced a tone of freq


ing the k

ey which pro-

uency 128 vibrations per second, the freq

uency of

vibrations per second must have been generated. But this freq


is that of a string of half the length of the one whose fundamental is 128.

Therefore the lower C

string must have segmented in halves. A

phenomenon occurs when the G k

Thus the low C

ey, a fifth above middle C


, is held down.

string must have trisected, etc.

ctually when a string, or practically any other source of sound, with

the ex

ception of a specially designed tuning fork

or electric oscillator, is

brought into vibration, it vibrates at its full length to produce the funda-

uency which it can produce, and also segments

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

mental, or the lowest freq

into halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, six

harmonic overtones. E

ths, etc., thus producing a series of

ach of these overtones, or harmonics, has a fre-

uency which is a whole number times that of the fundamental. Thus, a

string with fundamental 16

will have overtones of 32, 48, 6

4, 80, 96

, 112,

128, etc.

ny phonated sound can have not only a definite pitch, but also a

definite q

uality. The q

uality depends upon the overtones present, the

intensity of each overtone and the intensity of the fundamental (the

sound spectrum).

emember, each fundamental is associated with a series of overtones.

t is the accentuation of certain bands of these overtones which produces

what is called the "

case of "

vowel sound."


or "

The term "



is, then, a special

in which certain groups of harmonics are

either accentuated or suppressed by means of the shaping of the adj


able cavities. The accentuation or suppression of harmonics by the fix


cavities (these cavities will be discussed later) contributes to that part

of q

uality or timbre which is generally so called. This characteristic of

the q

uality of the tone varies in the individual according to the sizes and

shapes of his fix

ed cavities. Most of the energy in the tone, however, is

concentrated in the fundamental and the vowel areas. The variable factors

lie only in the proportion of vowel freq

uencies to fundamental, and in the

possibilities of vowel differences and modifications. Thus, from the


s point of view, q


is much the same as vowel. I

especially if we consider variable q

to conceive the vowel sound merely as the q

The principal means of ex

the "


great ex

tent, tak

n writing the E


t is a very good plan, then, for the singer

uality of the tone.

pression in singing lies in what is termed

olor changes are actually variations of timbre and, to a

e the form of vowel modification.

nglish language we utilize the five vowel symbols

  H' 2  ' 

'     G6       
'  f 
 '   /  6(   G   ' >
   '         B 6 
   _ (+   X  ' > x     ( 
    ( 6    '    (    6
(     6  > M6  

  X   BL' B  ' (     L'
 (       '        _
(+   X      ' > 3  '     

 '             J  

      f> x   '  B   [
   6 6 C 0        f
(+        ' Z   6 C

  6   '   6  ' 6    6  0
3 6    _  '   '   > Q  
    B  G6    _   >
3   _  '     >
Q     '         6   
 1"b 6  "  ' ' 6 B        
 '  /   /    6 '  "   6
(     6 C J    !    '
L     6  G6 1  >   " '    6
  g  6         6 [
f    mg _g pg  6  6 > 3 
 '  6 +     6 # %0 +% 0 1+  
0 >
Q     %    G      
G C > 3 C  "!       
& 6       6   l 
 "  X>
(     !     6  >
M         6     " 
     U W 3   U  #  "
 6 UC W  U W     ' "    
 !  "" !     "'   
   > 3 b  ""  6      G1
 l          " 
6 C       ' ,  ,,!> 3     
 C & 6       ;   S      
 6  G1 b> z 6         
       > 3    6 
         6  6 C
  6  R   G Z 3 6  
L'  " 6  C v"  w J 
v  (  (   > `     '  
    (     C   >
3 " " ( 6 1    ''   J   (
 U  >t _  '       
'  1 B      G>
'  '  ''     G  ( v

6 tntth`

G tnt x = k

Q D >W 7 I L >P F 8 C > 5 < > :3 E

:ERb :aD s #8;Se,1SeDIWeA1%DeW8%WeW81P1e %Q1e ID=ce6_2e `Ia1=eSI\D-See

*W\%$ce I_1Pe 1;78Wce 8%_1e (11De ;SI=%W1-e .:CM bG nMEmE m{[AbYm C:a
gEegEmEan : KgE:n [=a{ DRIEgEan vbwEY mbsaDm ,bamRDEg nME YEnnEg :
Gbg Ex:[eYE# 7ME vbwEY mbsaD RaDRC:nED Ra nME wbgD [<a Rm G:g DRG~
GEgEan Ggb[ nM:n R` nME wbgD G<nMEg
7MEgE :gE [:a{ [bgE Ex:[eYEm Asn
nME ebRan Rm :ee?Ean 5bn baY{ Db E:CM bG nME vbwEY YEnnEgm gEegEmEan
mEvEg:Y DRIEgEan vbwEY mbsaDm Asn :Ymb nME YEonEgm : R :aD b :gE
bGnEa DbsAYE vbwEYm DRenMbaKm
7ME vbwEY mbsaD Rm DEnEg[RaED B{ nME AgRaKRaK bsn bG CEgn:Ra A:aDm
bH bvEgobaEmKEaEg=YZ{ nwb A:aDm :aD mb[EnR[Em nMgEF:aD wMRYE nME
e=gnRCsY=i bvEgnbaEm wMRCM :gE :CCEans:nED v:g{ wUnM nME GsaD:[Ean:Y
nMEmE (%D0e M:vE : JxED HgEfsEaC{ g:aKE Hbg E:CM vbwEY RggEmeECnUvE bG
nME HsaD:[Ean:Y  6EE 7:AYE :CbsmnRC:Y KYbmm:g{ 
7ME Gs`D:[Ean:Y :aD :ZZ bG Rnm :CCb[e:a{RaK bvEgnbaEm :gE KEaEg:nED
:n nMEY:g{axnME[b[EannMEvbC:ZCbgDm Cb[ERanbvUAg:nRba * egbAYE[
Rm nb JaD : [E:am bH eRCWRaK bsn :aD :[eYRG|RaK nME HsaD:[Ean:Y :aD nME
A:aDm bH vbwEY GgEfsEaCREm #8;Se ;Se %**AK=;T81-e (ce A1%DSe I4e %De 1b%*We

a, e, i, o and u. This does not mean that there are only five vowel sounds.

ctually over eighty have been isolated. E

ach of these symbols can

represent a great many different vowel sounds. C

for ex

onsider the letter "

ample: The vowel sound indicated in the word "

ferent from that in the word "




is far dif-

There are many more ex

amples, but

the point is apparent. Not only do each of the vowel letters represent

several different vowel sounds, but also the letters "




and "



often double vowels (dipthongs).

The vowel sound is determined by the bringing out of certain bands

of overtones

generally two bands and sometimes three

and while the

particular overtones which are accentuated vary with the fundamental,

these bands have a fix

the fundamental. (S

ed freq

ee Table I

uency range for each vowel, irrespective of

acoustical glossary.)

The fundamental and all of its accompanying overtones are generated

at the larynx

the moment the vocal cords come into vibration. O ur problem

is to find a means of pick

bands of vowel freq


7GKLHFIL I4e W81e Q1SID%D*1e *%_;W;1Te

ing out and amplifying the fundamental and the

uencies. This is accomplished by means of an ex


8E wRYY abw CbamRDEg wMRCM C:vRnREm C:a AE smED :m vbC:Y gEmba:aCE

C:vRnREm  6EE /RKm ) :aD & 7ME{ SgE $

ustment of the resonance cavities.

W e will now consider which cavities can be used as vocal resonance

cavities. (S

a. A


ee F

igs. 3 and 5.) They are:

%e )DVsmn:AYE C:vRnREm #

ustable cavities:

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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1. The mouth.

2. The laryngeal pharynx

3. The oral pharynx

4. The nasal pharynx

b. Non-adj

! 7ME [bsnM

( 7ME Y:kaKE:Y eM:g{axnME nbebG oME nMgb:n
) 7ME bg:Y eM:g{`xoME C:vRn{ AEMRaD nME [bsnM
+ 7ME a:m:Y eM:g{axnME C:vRo{ AEMRaD nME mbHne:Y:nE

the top of the throat.

the cavity behind the mouth.

the cavity behind the soft palate.


ustable cavities:

1. The post-nasal cavities

2. The trachea and bronchi

the cavities of the nose.

the air passages below the larynx

(e 5ba:DVsmn:AYE C:vRnREm #

 7ME ebmna:m:Y C:vRnREmnME C:vRnREm bG nME abmE

( 7ME ng:CME: :aD AgbaCMRnME :Rge:mm:KEmAEYbwnMEY:g{ax
) 7ME mRasmEm bGnMEME:D

3. The sinuses of the head.

t has been pointed out that the problem is one of adj

usting the

resonance system with great precision (for a physiological process) for

the vowel and fundamental which are being phonated. H ence, while

the fix

ed cavities must have some effect upon this system, and therefore

contribute something to the timbre or q

the singer'

3n M:m AEEa ebRanED bsn nM:n nME egbBYE[ Rm baE bG :DVsmnRaK nME
gEmba:aCE m{mnE[ wRoM KgE:n egECRmRba  Gbg : eM{mRbYbKRC:Y egbCEmm  Gbg
nME vbwEY :aD GsaD:[Ean:Y wMRCM :gE AERaK eMba:nED 0EaCE wMRYE
nME JxED C:vRnREm [smn M:vE mb[E EIECn seba nMRm m{mnE[ :aD nMEgEGbgE
CbangUAsnE mb[EnMRaK nb nME nR[AgE bg fs:YRn{ nME{ Db abn EanEg Ranb
nME mRaKEg m egbAYE[
7ME vbwEY mbsaD C:a AE gEmba:nED ERnMEg A{ nME mM:eRaK bG nME [bsnM
C:vRr bg bG nME A:CW  eM:g{aKE:Y  C:vRnREm  4G nME [bsnM Rm mb mM:eED
:YY Rnm AbsaD:gREm [smn AE Ra : JxED bg DEJaRnE ebmRnRba& :aD nMEmE
AbsaD:gREm RaCYsDE nME mbGn e:Y:nE W81e WID7\1e :aD nME EeRKYbnnRm +sn
nMEmE [E[AEgm :gE :Ymb nME AbsaD:gREm bG nME eM:g{aKE:Y C:vRnREm :aD
DEnEg[RaE A{ nMERg ebmRnRba nME mEn bH nMbmE C:vRpEm 7MEgEGbgE o nME
]bsnMRm mEn' nMEebmRnRba bGnMEA:CW C:vRnREm Rm DEnEg[RaED A{ nMRm mEn
:`DgEmba:aCE :DVsmn[EanA{ [E:am bG nME eM:g{aLE:Y C:vRnREm Rm R^ebmmR
AYE& nME{ C:aabn AE mM:eED Gbg gEmba:nRba bG nME nbjTE
8MEa nME A:CW C:vRnREm  nME eM:g{aKE:Y C:vRnREm  :gE smED :m nME
mEYECpvE gEmba:nbgm bG nME vbRCE RanEg:DVsmn[Ean AEnwEEa nME Y:g{aKE:Y
bg:Y :aD a:m:Y eM:g{aKEm :aD v:gR:nRbam Ra nME mR}E bG nME beEaR`K nb
nME [bsnM AEnwEEa nMEsvsY: :aD nME EeRKYbnnRm bg nME A:mE bHnME nbaKsE

uality, they do not enter into

s problem.

The vowel sound can be resonated either by the shaping of the mouth

cavity or of the back

(pharyngeal) cavities. I

all its boundaries must be in a fix

f the mouth is so shaped,

ed or definite position;

and these

boundaries include the soft palate, the tongue and the epiglottis. But

these members are also the boundaries of the pharyngeal cavities, and

determine, by their position, the "

mouth is "


and resonance adj



of those cavities. Therefore, if the

the position of the back

cavities is determined by this "


ustment by means of the pharyngeal cavities is impossi-

they cannot be shaped for resonation of the tone.

W hen the back

cavities (the pharyngeal cavities) are used as the

selective resonators of the voice, interadj

ustment between the laryngeal,

oral and nasal pharynges, and variations in the size of the opening to

the mouth, between the uvula and the epiglottis or the base of the tongue




(see F

ig. 5), mak

e it possible for the singer to "


system with great precision and sensitivity for all the freq

the resonance

uencies which

should be resonated. The mouth, which is a single cavity, cannot inter-




















ig. 5





 U11m <8m  X I(C1m <Zm NKUU<+E1m 2KRm [91m U<J81Rm ZKm U1Zm Z91m 1UKJ(J.1m
UfUZ1Im d<Z9m 8R1(Zm NR1.<U<KJm (J0m U1JU<Z<c<_m 3KRm %&> Z91m 71P`1J.<1Um d9<.9m
U:K`E0m +1m R1UKJ(Z10m &91m IK`[9 m d9<.9m <Um (m U=J8E1m .(c<_m .(JJKZm >JZ1Ri





ross S







ection of a H uman H ead

The above shows the vocal apparatus and should be referred to many times

in the study of this book

The pharyngeal resonance cavities and the highly damped, fix

ed nasal cavity

are clearly shown, as is the trachea, which for the low tones becomes involved

in the resonation of the tone.

W hen the technic is good, the mouth and lips may be held in constant

position, and the vowel, the fundamental, or both can be varied. I


the mouth and lips can be moved while the pitch, the vowel, or both,


Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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are held constant. These operations would be impossible if the mouth

G 0' #G '(G

(KGj  &ZV]]j 1D<_KVSj VFj6j *dR6Sj *D6?j

:^I >AI ^ ^I C>t >>> >E ^tE AI IQIIE {> e{I
e ^I E Q ^e Ao&
:^I ^>\I>t I>CI C>eeI >E ^I ^e\^t E>{IE WIE >$>t C>e
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k ^I I>e Q ^I I%

'91Jm [91m Z1.9J<.m <Um 8KK0

m [91m IK`Z9m (J0m F<OUm I(gm +1m 91F0m >Jm .KJUZ(JZm
OKU<\<KJ m (J0mZ;1mcKd1E
m Z91m 3`J0(I1JZ(E
m KRm +K\9m .(Jm +1mc(R<10m Jc1RU1Fgm
[91m IK`[9m (J0m F<NUm .)m +1m IKc10m d9<E1m Z91m N<Z.9m [91m cKd1F m KRm +KZ9m
(R1m 91E0m .KJUZ(JZm &91U1m KO1R(Z<KJUm dK`F0m +1m <INKUU<,E1m ,> Z91m IK`[9m


 ;7;Q; V3X '8>


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were being used as an adj

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ustable resonator. This is, then, a further proof

of the fact that the pharyngeal cavities can and should be employed as

the principal resonators of the voice.

W hen the technic is faulty, the mouth is set, and set rigidly, in a

definite position for the vowel, and any movement of the lips or j

modifies the q

unpleasant, throaty q


uality. This state of affairs is always associated with an


rom the physiological standpoint, the setting of the j

sion to the muscles of the neck

aw reflects ten-

. This interferes directly with the proper

functioning of the laryngeal muscles. Therefore, when the mouth is used

as the vowel resonator, serious muscular interference with phonation is

bound to occur.

The use of the mouth as the vowel resonator presupposes the collapse

of the laryngeal pharynx

. This collapse is associated with tension on the

constrictor muscles of the laryngeal pharynx

which directly interferes,

mechanically, with the laryngeal action.

H ere, then, is a vital law of good technic: The pharyngeal, or back

cavities should be used as the resonators of the tone. The mouth cavity

should be completely out of action (i.e., resonance adj


n view of the fact that the sound is communicated to the outer air

through the open mouth, this cavity must have some effect upon the

uality. The vital point, however, is that, in good technic, the mouth is

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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never used as a selective resonator

is never "


ny vowel sound must always be associated with a fundamental, the

pitch of which can be varied. I

n a man'

s voice, practically all the vowel

sounds can be formed over the entire range of the voice. This, however,

is not true of the woman'

higher than a man'

s voice, because it is pitched about an octave


Because the fundamental is the lowest pitch present, it is impossible

for the singer to produce the same vowel sound for a vowel whose fre-

uency characteristic is considerably lower than the fundamental, as he

would produce were the fundamental at a lower pitch. W hen, in vocal

music, a vowel, whose lower freq

uency is considerably below the funda-

mental, is called for, the vowel sound must, perforce, be modified, since

any attempt to perform the impossible, i.e., to sing a vowel in conj

with a fundamental whose freq

lower freq


uency is several tones above that of the

uency of this vowel, is abortive, and must effect a general

disruption of the resonance system, with the resultant production of an


tremely unpleasant sound. I

the vowel "


(as in "

f a woman, for ex


emitting an unpleasant scream or sq

) on a high C


ample, endeavors to sing

, she will merely succeed in

and she will not produce the




rom the point of view of diction, this forced modification of vowels

for the upper tones is not as serious as one would at first suppose. The

reason for this statement lies in the fact that it is the consonants, far more

than the vowels, which mak

This brings us to the q

e for intelligibility.

uestion: W hat is a consonant?

consonant is a sound of definite, and usually transient, q

uality char-

acteristics, which cannot be associated with a variable fundamental.

Thus, during the production of the consonant sound, the vocal cords are

separated, and are not in vibration. I


n other words, the consonant is an in-

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

terruption of the phonated tone. I

t cannot be phonated. F

urthermore, any

attempt to sing through the consonant is utterly destructive from the point

of view of resonance adj

ustment, as well as from that of clarity of diction.

W hile this definition is not in accordance with the generally accepted

theory of phonetics, it is valuable for the purposes of our present dis-

cussion. F

rom the viewpoint of the singer, he is either phonating or

interrupting phonation. I

t is far better for him to consider the interrup-

tion factor as the consonant, because the problem with which he has to

deal, in this connection, is one of clarity of diction. This depends upon

vigorous, rapid movements of the articulating members. These rapid

movements of the tongue, lips, etc., interrupt phonation and form the


Yi| ^gY g|=YN|Y! 3G=|| BY g|=YN! 1gYzY =|

=Yz i|e geg gY G||=| i Yu NYGiY ^z gY i|
^ iY ^ Y|=|GY =NqzY| = Yuu = ^z g= ^ Gu=i ^ NiGi|
<giuY gi NYc|ii| i | i| =GGN=|GY ig gY eY|Y=uu =GGYYN
gY ^ g|YiG i i =u=BuY ^ gY Y ^ YY| Ni
Gi| 1z gY iYi| ^ gY i|eY gY a YigY g|=i|e
i|Yi|e g|=i|! 3 i ^= BYY ^ giz G|iNY gY i|Y
i| ^=G = gY G||=| BYG=Y gY BuYz ig giGg gY g=
NY=u i| gi G||YGi| i |Y ^ Gu=i ^ NiGi| :gi NYY|N |
ie =iN zYzY| ^ gY =iGu=i|e zYzBY :gYY =iN
{YzY| ^ gY |eY ui YG! i|Y g|=i| =|N ^z gY

The base of the tongue constitutes the front wall of the laryngeal


(see F

ig. 5) and this wall may virtually assume any posi-

tion according to the distribution of tension among the muscles of

the tongue. I

n other words, the opening and "

holding open"

of the

throat depend upon the tension on, and the position of, the base

\P |tZP* =t |\P |N \P |~PtatZ EtN _|oNatZ |~Pt |S \P

of the tongue.

Tongue Muscles

No detailed discussion of the tongue muscles is necessary;

may be look

ed up in any reliable tex

t book


on anatomy. H owever,

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

the substance of the tongue consists principally of muscle fibers

trinsic and the intrinsic. The ex

trinsic muscles of the tongue

>| NPEaoPN NaKa|t |S \P |tZP rKoP a tPKPE1 \PP

are: Genio-glossus, hyo-glossus, stylo-glossus, chondro-glossus, pal-

ato-glossus. (S

ee F

rE HP o||jPN ~ at Et PoaEHoP P H||j |t EtE|r" 8|PP

ig. 4.)

\P HEtKP |S \P |tZP K|ta ~atKa~Eoo |S rKoP WHP

The vitally important one of these muscles, which should come

into tension in singing, is the genio-glossus muscle, which muscle,

ttatZ at Eoo NaPKa|t" B\PP rKoP K|rP tNP | Z|~atZ0

B\P 9h_[CP]B4k EtN \P BP_[BQ^B4k B\P PataK rKoP |S \P |tZP

acting with the genio-hyoid muscle, holds the base of the tongue in

tension away from the posterior wall of the laryngeal pharynx

igs. 4 &


EP0 7Pta|Zo| \|Zo| o|Zo| K\|tN|Zo| ~Eo

@PP 6aZ"  

5) and thus opens the throat.

These muscles, acting in co-ordination with the intrinsic muscles

of the tongue, open the throat, "


the laryngeal pharynx


B\P aEoo ar~|Et |tP |S \PP rKoP \aK\ \|oN K|rP

dt| Pta|t at atZatZ a P =9PBT=JT]]b]k rKoP \aM\ rKoP

the resonation of the tone and hold it in position.

W hen the genio-hyoid muscle is tensed in co-ordination with the

genio-glossus muscle, it holds the hyoid bone firmly in position

and stops it from rising or descending. (S

ee F

EKatZ a\ \P ZPta| \|aN rKoP \|oN \P HEP |S \P |tZP at

Pta|t EE S|r P ~|Pa| Eoo |S P oEtZPEo ~\Et

ig. 4.)

n view of the fact that the hyoid bone is held firmly in position

5aZ%  K  K EtN \ |~Pt \P \|E%

by means of tension on the genio-hyoid muscle when the technic

is correct, and that the base of the tongue is held forward, but not

B\PP rKoP EKatZ at K||NatEa|t a\ \P atataK rKoP

dropped, because of tension on the genio-glossus muscle, the shap-

ing of the pharyngeal cavities tak

The base of the tongue "



\|E NP~PtN ~|t \P Pta|t |t EtN \P ~|aa|t |S \P HEP

|S \P |tZP"

)(!25 2.&.5

running in all directions. These muscles come under two groupings:

The ex

B\P HEP|S \P |tZP K|taP \P S|t Eoo |S \P oEtZPEo

~\Et PP 6aZ" %
EtN \a Eoo rE aEoo ErP Et ~|a
a|t EKK|NatZ | \P NaaHa|t |S Pta|t Er|tZ \P rKoP |S

|S \P |tZP |~Pt \P \|E \E~P \P oEtZPEo ~\Et S|

es place above the hyoid bone.

and the pharynx

is "



\P P|tEa|t |S \P |tP EtN \|oN a at ~|aa|t"

D\Pt \P ZPta|\|aN rKoP a PtPN at K|!|NatEa|t a\ \P
ZPta|Zo| rKoP a \|oN \P \|aN H|tP Wro at ~|aa|t

EXN |~ a S|r aatZ | NPKPtNatZ"

@PP 6aZ"  
=t aP |S \P SEK \E \P \|aN H|tP a \PoN Wro at |aa|t
H rPEt |S Pta|t |t \P ZPta| \|aN rKoP \Pt P PK\taK
a K|PK EtN \E \P HEP |S \P |tZP a \PoN S|EN H PT_k

6[TXX96k HPKEP |S Pta|t |t \P ZPta|Zo| rKoP \P \E~

atZ |S qP ~\EtZPEo KEaaP EjP ~oGKP 02Tf9k \P \|aN H|tP"
B\P HEP |S \P |t[P `|oN EzN \P ~\Et a \E~PN HPKEP


of the posture the tongue assumes. I

are relax

ed, the tongue and hyoid bone will drop, and the resonance

chamber will be formed lower than it should be

by dropping the

tongue. Thus, when the technic is correct, the vowel "

with the tongue relatively flattened;

resonated with the tongue arched. A




but the vowel dark

is resonated




n elongated cavity is thus formed

which will resonate for the strong, lower vowel freq

the dark

 $7 \'  

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f the genio-hyo-glossus muscles

W hen the singer mak

uency band of

es a throaty tone, he drops the

base of his tongue in order to form this vowel. W hen he does so,

the hyoid bone and the larynx



also drop

this can be felt. The dark

vowel thus produced is not really "

Thus, for proper

open, pharyngeal


it is thick

resonance adj


ustment the

and throaty.

base of the tongue pivots at the hyoid bone which is held up, in

its proper position, and the adj

ustments are made above this pivoting

point. The base of the tongue and the hyoid bone should never

move down in order to shape the pharyngeal resonance cavities.

W hile it is true that in most cases where the singer drops his

tongue and hyoid bone he is endeavoring




or "


tone. S


to produce

ome white, throaty tones are also pro-

duced with the tongue and hyoid bone depressed. I

t is, therefore,

the tongue which articulates the consonants and the base of the

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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tongue which resonates the vowels, because it "


. (S

ee F

igs. 3 &


the laryngeal


O ur problem, then, is to bring these muscles into tension during

phonation and to strengthen them, so that they will hold their

tension in co-ordination with the tension on the breathing muscles

and on the laryngeal muscles. This demands a high degree of devel-

opment and accurate adj


ustment and co-ordination.


n the early stages of the "

duce a "




process, the pupil must pro-

tone, especially in the falsetto register. I

every case of faulty technic, especially in the early stages, a "

n practically


tone consists of the fundamental (the pitch of the tone being sung) and

all the overtones (harmonics).

The overtones are accentuated by means of resonance adj

ustment, in two

areas, or bands.

The spectrum (distribution of the fundamental and its overtones) thus

determined gives rise to the vowel sound.

W hen the lower band of overtones is strong with regard to the upper, the

tone (or vowel) is dark

. W hen the upper band is strong with regard to the

>r] 6kgG

lower, the vowel is white.

The sound spectrum can be photographed and the vowel and vowel q



or white) can be definitely "

ee The S

cience of V



4 ?    $

4 FIE 
?4  %'
 5 \4% 4
''4 4?4   D  E

from the photograph.

oice (third edition) page 372.

5 M Cl Q cL Q~H:|L:w cL lCc Q cM M BLlY ~Y :~H

:ww cM LM c:|lC 7
7M ML :L :CCL~:LH B |L:~ Q L~:CL :HsL l~
:M: B:H
3cM MC| HllBl Q cL Q~G:|L:w :H l L~L c
HML|lLH YlL lM cL ez ~H
9cL cL wL B:~H Q L~L l Y lc LY:H cL L cL
~L Lw l c[y 9cL~ cL L B:~H l ~Y lc LY:H cL
wM cM Lw m qsf
3cM ~H ea| C: BL cY:cLG :~H cL Lw :~H Lw :wl
H:u clL C: BL HLU~lLw L:G P| cL cY:c
2LM Nqf Kasebe k Vsbe clH LHll~ :YM &-!

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

tone is throaty and, therefore, leads only to shouting, sq


screaming. I

n the past, the only method of engendering this essen-

tial, "



tone was by imitation. I

zjhG [vzXoj=z=hC zXGoGMjoG bG=Cv jhbzj vXjz[hW vnG=`[hW jp

vAoG=f[hW 6hzXG l=vz zXGjhb fGzXjC jM GhWGhCGo[hW[v GvvGh  
z[=c C=o` zjhG =v @ [f[z=z[jh 6h Go @=C A=vGv GGh zX[v
zGC[jv =hC C\SAbz lojAGCoG jbC vjfGz[fGv M=\b zj Gb[f[h=zG
zXG zXqj=z[hGvv
 #  #

ing or

n very bad cases, even this

tedious and difficult procedure would sometimes fail to eliminate

the throatiness.

Tongue I

igure 6


shows a very effective, specially designed, small instru-

4[WoG 5 vXjv = Go GQGAz[G vlGA[=bc CGv\WhGC vf=bb [hv

fGhz X[AX Tzv hCGo zXG zjhWG =hC X[AX A=h @G vGC zj loGvv
zXG zjhWG @=A` [hzj [zv lojlGo ljv[z[jh 68 v[hW zX[v [hvzofGhz
zXG zjhWG [v o=[vGC =hC lj[hzGC l=oC =hC zXGh loGvvGC vzo=[WXz
SV`j ?VhSj 9GG 4[Wv 0   5

ment which fits under the tongue and which can be used to press

the tongue back

into its proper position. I

n using this instrument,

the tongue is raised and pointed upward and then pressed straight


not down. (S

ig. 6

Tongue I

ee F

igs. 7 &



This instrument was designed for the purpose of developing the muscles

of the tongue

especially the genio-glossus muscle. I

ts value to the vocal

teacher is inestimable, because its use speeds up the process of training the

voice to an ex

traordinary degree. Nevertheless, its employment must be subj

to all the conditions outlined in the tex

t. I


f it is used incorrectly it can become

most harmful or even dangerous.

The width of the end which presses against the tongue is about 3.25 cen-

timeters and its height about 2.25 centimeters. The over-all length of the

instrument is about 23 centimeters'

. Part of the lower surface is cut away

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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so that it will not touch, and hurt, the little cord under the tongue. These

general dimensions seem to be best, because if it were any larger it would

press against the gums and hurt the pupil. The two top views in this illus-

tration are actual size.

The instrument should be made of stainless steel or of copper heavily plated

with chromium. S



tainless steel is best.

t is, of course, essential that this instrument be sterilized each time it is

(KGj 2VSGdDj,S]`ZdRDSaj
)BEs E]s~Z6]w ,s 46sE>]64 8am wB6 dmdas6 a8 466Tae E]> wB6 Zs0T6s
a8 xB6 wa]>6 6sd60E,TU wB6 >6]Ea >Tasss Zs0T6  "ws ,S6 wa wB6 a0,T
w6,0B6m Es E]6swFZ,.T6 .60,s6 Ews s6 sd664s d wB6 dma06ss a8 ~,E]E]> xB6
aF06 wa ,] 6wm,am4E],m 46>m66 &66mwB6T6ss Ews 6ZdTaZ6]w Zsw .6 s.O60w
wa ,TT wB6 0a]4EwEa]s awUE]64 E] wB6 w6w "8 Ew Es s64 E]0amm60wT Ew 0,] .60aZ6
Zasw B,mZ8T am 66] 4,]>6mas
)B6 E4wB a8 wB6 6]4 BE0B dm6ss6s ,>,E]sw wB6 wa]>6 Es ,.aw 
> 16]
}\6w6ms ,]4 Ews B6E>Bw ,.aw  > 06]wEZ6w6ms )B6 a6m,TT T6]>wB a8 xB6
F]swmZ6]w Fs ,.aw > 06]wE[6w6ms ',mw a8 wB6 Ta6m sm8,06 Es 0w ,,
sa wB,w Ew ETT ]aw wa0B ,]4 Bmw wB6 TEwwV6 0am4 ]46m wB6 wa]>6 )B6s6
>6]6m,T 4EZ6]sEa]s s66Z wa .6 .6sw .60,s6 E8 Ew 6m6 ,] T,m>6m Ew aT4
dm6ss ,>,F]sw wB6 >Zs ,]4 Bmw wB6 ddET )B6 xa wad E6s E^ wBEs ETTs
wm,wEa] ,m6 ,0w,T sE6
)B6 E]swm[7]w sBaT4 .6 Z,46 a8 sw,E]T6ss sw66T am a8 0add6m C6,FT dT,w64
EwB 0BmaZEZ (w,E]T6ts sw66T Es .6sw
"w Es a8 0ams6 6ss6]wE,T wB,w wBGs E]swmZ6]w .6 sw6mEVE64 6,0C wEZ6 Ew Es


 ;7;Q; V3X '8>


&  (  " # %X !  X       X

The instrument should first be placed lightly

:XG [hv{ofGh{ vXjbC Tov| @G lb=AGC b[WX{b[|Xj| loGvvoG

=W=[hv{ G hCGo v[CG jM {XG {jhWG X[AX vXjdC @G lvXGC
v=[WX{Xjo[jh|=dd@=Aa _v{ =h [hv{=h{ @GMjoG |XG ll[d [v |j
=|{=Aa G {jhG 3v XG f=aGw {XG =|{=Aa {XG |jhWG ZD6<_]j =W=[hv{
|XG [hw{ofGh{=hC{XG GDSKV HiV GOV]]d]j fvAdGv AjfG[h{j|Ghv[jh
oGUGb |XGoG@lbd[hW{XG @=vG jM|XG {jhWG FVZh6Z@j 9GH 4[W

5 :XG fvAdGv jM {XG {jhWG fv| hj{ @G {GhvGC @GMjoG {XG
fjfGh{jM={{=Aa :XG@GAjfG |GhvG oGUGb Mjo {XGoGvjh={[jh jM

without pressure

against the under side of the tongue which should be pushed




the tone. A


s he mak

ust an instant before the pupil is to

es the attack

the tongue reacts against

the instrument and the genio-hyo-glossus muscles come into tension


ly, thereby pulling the base of the tongue forward. (S

ee F


11.) The muscles of the tongue must not be tensed before the

moment of attack

. They become tense reflex

Using the Tongue I

ly for the resonation of

ig. 7


n using this instrument the pupil must point the tongue upward toward

the roof of the mouth, being careful not to bend it over back

it while it is being pressed back

wards or tense

. The end of the instrument is placed against

the under surface of the tongue with the opening facing downwards so as

not to press against the little cord under the tongue. W hen the tongue has

been relax

ed, it is carefully and deliberately pressed all the way back

that the instrument is pointing slightly upward

tongue is pressed back

not downward

. Notice

so that the

, not down. This is very important. Note that the rod

of the instrument rests in the curve between the thumb and first finger. This

inhibits perpendicular movement.

the tone and they set the pharyngeal cavities in the ex

act resonance

position (shape) for the resonation of the pitch and vowel, at the


f they become tense too soon or too

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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precise moment of attack

late the co-ordination is destroyed and the tone is throaty. I

t is the

reaction of the tongue against the instrument that brings the proper

muscles into reflex


f the tongue is relax



tension. W hen the tip of the tongue is pressed

, its base comes forward, thereby opening the throat.

ed, instead of tensed, after it has been pressed

, the teacher is liable to push it down the pupil'

s throat. (S


(KGj 3]LSGj _HDj 2VSGdDj -S]_ZdRDS_j

6 e\ `e e{I `I et { e `I [I >E >E
`I Q Q `I {` AIe[ C>IQt AIE e I A>Co>E II
e `etI e e AIeZ IIE A>Co& :`I IE Q `I e{I e t>CIE >[>e
`I EI Q>CI Q `I [I e` `I Ie[ Q>Ce[ E>E >
I >\>e `I tetI CE EI `I [I' =`I `I [I `>
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`> `I e{I e ee[ te[at >E E>E `> `I
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e`eAe IIEeCt> {I{I&

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ljv[jh wX=lG Mjo |XG oGvjh>{[jh jM |XG l[|AX =hC jGb ={ {XG
loGA[vG fjfGh{ jM =|{=Aa! 6M {XG @IAjfG {GhvG {jj vjjh jo {jj
b={G |XGAjjoC[h=|[jh[v CGv{ojGC=hC G |jhG [v {Xoj=| 6{[v |XG
ZD6<_KVSjjP{XG{jhWG=W=[hv||XG[hv|ofGh{|X=|@o[hWv |XGlojlGo
fvAdGv [h|j oGUG |Ghv[jh <XGh |XG |[l jM {XG {jhWG [v loGvvGC
:6<Nj [|v @=vG AjfGv FVZh6Z?j |XGoG@ jlGh[hW G {Xoj={
@=Aa |XJ {G=AXGo [v b[=@bG |j lwX [{ Cjh |XG ll[b
v oj={ 9GG


G ;7;Q; V'8>


&  (  " # %X !  X       X

ig. 8


The Tongue in Normal

ig. 9

orrectly by the Tongue


ig. 10.) This is harmful and produces the opposite result from

ed Position

The Tongue Pushed Back

the one desired, because, when the tongue drops down the throat

and the tongue muscles which are antagonistic to the action of the

genio-hyo-glossus muscles come into tension, a thick

, throaty tone

is produced.

The teacher, or the student himself, in using the instrument, must


e certain that he never pushes the tongue down. W hen the

tongue muscles are very weak

the instrument must be used ex


cautiously or not used at all.

The value of this instrument is tremendous, because it enables

the pupil to produce a "



tone immediately. I

t starts the proper

tongue muscles in action and is a potent instrument for developing

these muscles. I

t greatly speeds up the process of training the voice

and enables the teacher to work

on, and help, these vitally important

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /


"B=k *?9k *UP=b9k BPk 'UZO0Jk



"B=k *?9k *UP=b9k (b]?96k 05Hk

UZZ95_Kjk 2jk _?9k *UP=b9k

  B\e e \EsSm EtO ~{OKP \P {~~{eP Pm S{s

R {tQ OPePO HPKEP \Pt \P {tZP O{~ O{t \P \{E

EtO \P {tZP sKmP \eK\ EP EtEZ{teeK { \P EKe{t {S \P
=9PBU?jU =JU]]b]k sKpP K{sP et{ Pte{t E \eKj \{E {tP
f ~{OKPO"
B\PPEK\P { \P OPt\esPmS etetZ \P etsPt s
sEjP KPEet \E \P tPP ~\P \P {tZP 6UgPk D\Pt \P
{tZPsKpPEPPPEj\P etsPtsHP PO 9i_Z9O9Jjk
KEe{m { t{ PO E Emm"
B\P EpP {S \e etsPt e PsPtO{ HPKEP e PtEHmP
\P ~~ep { ~{OKP E OEj {tP essPOeEPm# : E \P ~{~P
{tZP sKpP et EKe{t EtO e E ~{Pt etsPt S{ OPPm{~etZ
\PP sKmP" : ZPEm ~PPO ~ \P ~{KP {S EetetZ \P {eKP
EtO PtEHmP \P PEK\P{ {j {t EtO\Pm~\PP eEmmes~{Et



 !  ' \z

q F 9a * Q U 9Y K.? 9 % 2: 0" G 

vOqT `gO` KT {T X `T X{RKvT{Kq XKO  `gO` K

muscles, which are one of the fundamental factors upon which a

proper technic depends.

ig. 10

ncorrect Use of Tongue I


The tongue being pushed down the pupil'

him to produce an ex

s throat thereby forcing

tremely throaty tone.

The tongue being pushed up instead of straight back

. This serves only

to bunch up the base of the tongue and does not bring the genio-glossus muscle

into tension.

The tongue not pushed back

the pupil has failed to relax

deavors to push it back

far enough. This condition occurs when

his tongue at the moment that the teacher en-

. The result of this misuse of the instrument is to bunch

up the base of the tongue and induce throatiness.


Nevertheless, work

on the tongue muscles is q

it is accompanied by the proper work

uite futile unless

on the registration action and

on the breathing muscles, because phonation is a single co-ordinated

act. E

ach of the three factors

the laryngeal muscles, the tongue

muscles and the breathing muscles

are of eq

ual importance. These



three groups of muscles used in phonation must be developed

simultaneously and balanced. O ver-development of any one group

is harmful

not beneficial

urthermore, the throat cavity cannot "

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

the system. F

because it destroys the eq

uilibrium of


its resonance position, unless the muscles of the vibrator

open, in

the larynx

are sufficiently developed for it to be possible for the vocal cords

to generate enough sound energy to actuate this open, "


The concept of eq


uilibrium is important. The three systems of

muscles used in phonation must balance and hold in eq


against each other. This means that the members employed in


%P5T[[95_k +]9 kT<k *TP=c9k %P]_[cO9P_k
 ."` J?=*Q"` "0=*` BQH."!` !?W=` J."` BQB18H` J.G?J` J."G"\` #?G0=+`
.2;` J?` BG?!Q"` =` "YN";"8\` K.G?K\` J?="`
."` J?=*Q"` "1=,` BQH."!` QB` 0=HJ"!` ?$` HN1+.J` 7` .1H` H"GU"H` ?=8\`
J?` Q=.` QB` J."` H"` ?$` J."` J?=,Q"` =!`!?"H` =?J` G1=+` J."` +"=1? ,8?HHQH` ;QH8"`
0=J?` J"=H1?=`

."` J?=+Q"` =?J` BQH."!` 7` $G` "=?Q+.` .1H` ?=!1J1?=` ?RGH` W."=`
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QB` K."` H"` ?#` K."` J?=,Q"` =!` 1=!Q"` J.G?J1="HH`

;TT`TqT p { `T {]T vOqT g gT XgqT {qT
ggKOOvK{gTRL`TTp{`TT]gKg{ KOg{ K{R
{`TLTK`g{]vOqT LTOKT`{Kg{i ;M ]BP=J9k5T T[6BP0_96k
05_k 6KO` X `T `TT XKO$`T qK{]TKq vOqT `T {]T
vOqT K{R`T LTK`g{] vOqT$KT X TKq gvK{OT, A`TT
fTT ] X vOqT TR g{ `{Kg{ v LT RTTqTR
gvqK{Tq K{R 20J0P596k <T RTTqvT{ X K{ {T ]
g `KvXq${ LT{T\OgKq$LTOKT g RT `T 9YcB,2[BcDRk X
`T Tv, 7`TvT `T `K OKg OK{{
dqR T{ g{
gT{K{OTgg{{qT`TvOqT X`TgLK$`T qK{
!KT [OgT{q RTTqTR X j  LT gLqT X `T OKq OR
 ]T{TKT T{]` {R T{T]  KOKT `g T{ {TR
.A`T O{OT X 9YcBJB2[CcOk g gvK{/ A`T `TT Tv X
vOqT TR g{ `{Kg{ v LKqK{OT K{R `qR g{ TgqgLgv
K]Ki{ TKO` `T' A`g vTK{ `K `T vTvLT TvqTR i{

: >



phonation must "


i.e., must not move. E

not only between the tongue, larynx

and thorax

uilibrium must occur

, but also in each

part of the system involved in phonation separately.

uilibrium must occur in the thorax

muscle and the muscles of the back

, between the diaphragmatic

ribs. Thus, the diaphragmatic

muscle is held out, while the lower, back

ribs are distended.

The diaphragm comes forward while the rib muscles ex


wards, and these antagonistic muscles must ex


ert an eq

ual pull

against each other, and balance, thus holding the pressure of the

breath against the closure of the glottis. I

the eq

uilibrium is destroyed, the weak



is lost. (S

ee F

ig. 24.)

uilibrium must occur in the larynx


f one outpulls the other,

er group collapses, and the

is maintained by the eq

. The eq

ualization of the "

uilibrium of the


of the thyroid

muscles against that of the arytenoid muscles. This antagonism

must be absolutely balanced at all times during phonation. The

co-ordination, i.e., the actual amount of arytenoid as against thyroid

tension, depends upon the pitch and loudness of the tone. This is

why the proper, and balanced, development of the laryngeal mus-

cles, i.e., the registration action, must be work

ed out. (S

ee F

ig. 36

uilibrium must occur in the muscles of the tongue. They must


Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

balance with each other, in order to hold the tongue firmly in

uilibrium in its ex


act position for the shaping of the laryngeal

, i.e., for the proper resonation of the tone. (S

ee F

ig. 4.)

Tongue Position

W hen using the tongue instrument, the tip of the tongue must be

pointed up toward the roof of the mouth. This enables the teacher

to utilize the instrument, because the reaction of the tongue against

it engenders tension in the genio-hyo-glossus muscles. H owever, the

tongue should never be pointed up when the instrument is not

being used, because then there is nothing for it to react against

and the tendency would be, therefore, to mak


!   /i 1&Z   8 H   ; >; ;:

( 40 c 9(  ;/ 4)5 ? .5/ ; 4 ( O
! \' )  g4?    '40Z
QH     5/ ? !
> 4 ? .     7 8 - / . ? 
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QH; 4  >;    4 . ' 3 -0;
   ./     4? ' '; V40 

H     5   ' ! \  40(4

$5/ > 8 g 2 .   'm 3 D S Z 3 P

e the pupil swallow

his tongue and thus produce a throaty tone.

.,%3"5 .0(2(.,5

W hen the instrument is not being used, the tip of the tongue

should point down and draw back

a short distance from the lower

teeth. This produces a sort of folding action of the tongue, whereby

its tip, which is pointing down, goes back

pulled forward. (S

ee F

a little, while its base is

ig. 11.) W hen too much of the floor of the

mouth is visible, the tongue has been dropped, or swallowed, and

the tone is throaty. O f course, the actual position of the tongue is

determined by the adj


ustment necessary to shape, or tune, the

z;  ; B # /     { ;RZ

! ! 9 '   .3 - 4s .'
 '  {  
?  (  ,&<1@-W@+8@JIQKZ >;43 g/ 
  ;?      m    
   /           B
   0 9  / /  >7   4 949
m         0 8
z   #     / . ! 2   
  !  9  9 7   ? \' 49
8 @   \';/ 0
  /     /  7  4/ 4 s  
!4 \ 3 K D S 8  z (  ; \    
;  g/      !?/  94 / ?
   08 x  
/   4       
 ? 0 m f  0  O!/  ;/ {

: a\bsbyzRz

zob\bz3g =VNg


`Gy]TGq TyGyOT OGggT X TGO` O`Gy]T X Tq Oq GyR

gO`& 9 g gxGy  TGugT `G `Ty gy]gy] `T g X `T
y]T `uR yTT gy Sgy] `T `yGgy X `T Tq
 yT  &

pharyngeal resonance cavities for each change of vowel, color and

pitch. I

t is important to realize that, when singing, the tip of the

tongue should never point up during the phonation of the vowel


ig. 11

Tongue in Position for R

esonation of W ell-produced Tone

The base of the tongue is drawn forward because the genio-glossus and the

genio-hyoid muscles are in proper tension. The throat is therefore opened.

Note that the tip of the tongue is pointed down, and drawn back


from the teeth. Note, also, the folded posture of the tongue. W ith the tongue

in this position, the vowel produced is probably a dark



vowel, because

the cavity is relatively long.

Pharyngeal resonance adj

the back

ustment occurs when the space behind

of the tongue has been shaped, or tuned, properly for

the resonation of the tone. True, the nasal pharynx

resonance adj


es part in the

ustment for a great many pitches and vowels, but it

is the section of the cavity (see glossary) which is shaped by means

of the back

of the tongue that is of first importance in singing.

W hen the hyoid bone, tongue and larynx

cavity is too low;

are dropped, the resonance

actually, in practice, when the singer endeavors

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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"B=k *TP=b:k BPk (T]B`BTPk <T[k ):]TP0`BTPk T<k .:JJ X[T7b5:7k *TP:k
."` H"` ?%` L."` J?=,Q"` _H` !GX=` %?GXG!` "QH"` J."` ,"=3? ,8~ HHQH` =!` L."`
,"=3?.\?3!` <QH8"H` G"` 3=` BG?B"G` J"=H3?=` ."` J.G?J` 3H` J."G"%?G"` ?B"="!`
?J"` J.J` J."` J3C` ?%` J."` J?=,Q"` 3H` B?3=J"!` !?W=` =!` !GW=` 7` I?<"W/J`
%G?<` J."` J""J. ` ?J"` 8H?` J."` %?8!"!` B?HJQG"` ?%` J."` J?=,Q" ` 3J.` J."` J?=,Q"`
3=` J.3H` C?H3J4?=` J."` V?X"8` BG?!Q"!` 3H` BG?8\` ` !G7` ""` T?X"8` "SH"`
J."` T3J\` 3H` G"9J3T"8\` 8?=,`


=`Gy]TGq TyGyOT GRoxTy OO `Ty `T GOT LT`gyS

`T LGOp X `T y]T `G LTTy `GTR  yTR Tq X
`TTyGgyX `T yT& ?T `T yGGu`GyGpT Ggy `T
TyGyOT GSmTy X G ]TG xGy gO`T GyR Tu L g
g `T TOgy X`T OGg  TT]qG  `gO` g `GTRLxTGy
X `T LGOp X `T y]T G g X \ gxGyOT gy gy]gy]&
OGg g  u3 GOGuu gy GOgOT `Ty `T gy]T TyRTG




 //  )Eg%0   /  %E %g%^

0 0   %  %  )"    
"  8
w0  %%  G%   

to use, or shape, the pharyngeal cavity too far down, he will inevit-

ably merely succeed in producing throaty, mouth resonated, tones.

Many pupils cling to this technic because they feel a double con-

ig. 12

Position of H yoid Bone and Larynx

orrect position of larynx

and hyoid bone during the production of a

technically correct tone. Note that the larynx

is neither dropped nor raised

and that the hyoid bone is held in position. These are conditions for an open

not throaty


Dropped larynx

and hyoid bone. Note that the larynx

has dropped a con-

siderable distance and that the hyoid bone has dropped also. This happens

when a "



or loud white, throaty tone is produced.

aised larynx

and hyoid bone. Note that the larynx

become elevated. This happens when a thin "



which pertains to the muscles of the neck

the tongue which draw it down and back

then produce ex

and hyoid bone have

throaty tone is produced.

and the muscles of

into the throat. They

tremely throaty tones which are actually mouth

resonated. W hen the tone is really pharyngeally resonated, the

only tension, or control, which holds the positioning, or shaping,

of the cavity pertains to the muscles of the tongue and the hyoid

bone, i.e., the genio-hyo-glossus muscles. The pharyngeal resonance

cavity is relatively high

it is not down the throat, or neck

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

The Tongue and Throatiness

There are several types of throatiness, caused initially by the

3+ Z

position of the tongue and tension on the tongue muscles which

are antagonistic to the genio-hyo-glossus muscles.

n the first, the tip of the tongue is pulled forward, and its base



and up. (S

ee F

ig. 12 C

.) This produces a "


ome misguided teachers tell their pupils to press the tongue against


 $((+7 '$*+%#7 $7 !(4#37 #7 4%7 $#7 .(#7 +7 &($.+$#7 %7 7
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: a\bsbyzRz

zob\bz3g =VNg

the lower teeth

this is a very efficient means of engendering this type

of tone. W hen this form of throatiness occurs, the upper surface of

the tongue will be seen to form a groove. A

then, a sign of throatiness. A

n ex

groove in the tongue is,

tremely throaty, white tone is also

produced when the base of the tongue is dropped and the body

of the tongue is very deeply grooved. A



uality. I

t occurs when the tongue relax

and is tensed in this position. (S

ig. 13

nother type of throatiness

is characterized by an apparently "

ee F




es, drops down the throat

ig. 12 B.)

Z {T+ E`T{`k Zv Z`Gk{T OO `T T ZGOTZ
`T{]WkqqLTTT{ZvG ]T(4 ]T p `T{]Tk
`T{ G k]{ Z `Gk{T+ 4{ TTvTq `G `kT{T s Gq
Z `T {]T k T RTTq ]TR'4{`T T Z `Gk{T
`kOp `Gk{T!k O`GGOTkTR L G{ GGT{q RGp `kOp
Gqk+ 9 OO `T{ `T {]T TqGT R R{ `T `G
G{R k T{TR k{ `k kk{1  >TT 7k]&  '  j

H yoid Bone Manipulation

The index

finger of each hand is placed rather far back

under the

hyoid bone, and the thumbs placed under the chin. The teacher should then

tell the pupil to relax

and, having lifted the hyoid bone up into its proper

position, he should hold it there while the pupil sings. I

n mild cases of throat-

iness the effort necessary to hold up the hyoid bone may be relatively slight,

but in bad cases the teacher may have to ex

accomplish his end. A

sure ex

ert a very considerable effort to

ny down movement of the hyoid bone, against the pres-

erted by the teacher, destroys the efficacy of this manipulation.

Thus, when the tongue is drawn up and back

, or down and back

thereby nearly touching the posterior wall of the laryngeal pharynx

the tone is throaty. The teacher must be able to distinguish between

, open tone and a dark

, thick

-throaty tone.

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a dark

H yoid Bone

Position of Larynx

The hyoid bone is situated directly behind the lower border of

the chin, in the ordinary attitude of the head. I

entirety through the sk


t may be felt in its

in. The base of the tongue and the genio-

"B=k #jTB6k TS9k &0SBXbJ0_BTSk


5>!"Z` )>-"G` A$` " .` .>!` 5H` D:"!` GK."G` $G` 7` Q>!"G` K."`
.\A1!` A>"` >!` K."` K.P>H` D8"!` Q>!"G` K."` .1>` ."` K"."G` H.AQ8!` K.">`
K"88` K."` EQD18` KA` G"8Z` >!` .T1>*` 86$K"!` K."` .\A1!` A>"` QD` 1>KA` 1KH` FGAD"G`
DAH1K1A>` ."` H.AQ8!` .A8!` 1K` K."G"` W.18"` K."` DQD18` H1>-H` >` <18!` H"H` A$` MGAK^
1>"HH` K."` "&AGK` =""HHG\` KA` .A8!` QD` K."` .\A1!` A>"` <\` "` G"8K1T"8\` H81-.K `
QK` 5>` !` H"H` K."` K"."G` <\` .T"` KA` "Z"GK` ` T"G\` A>H1!"G8"` "'AGK` KA`
A<D81H.` .1H` ">!` >\` !AW>` <AT"<">K` A$` K."` .\A1!` A>"` -1>HK` K."` DG"H
` HQG"` "["GK"!` \` K."` K"."G
` !"HOA\H` K."` "(\` A$` K.1H` <>1DQ8K1A>`

A` eT{ `T{]Tk RG{ bXk G{RLGOp 8gPk G{R LGOp

`TTL{TGqO`k{]`TTkGqq Z`TqG{]TGq`G|
G 60ZIk TX9Sk{T G{RG60ZIk_@B5I _@ZT0_jk{T0

4*#5 *(*.#1#*(5 * 5 ,4(35

BT `kR L{T k kGTR RkTOq LT`k{R `T qT LRT Z
`TO`k{ q `TRk{G GkRT Z`T`TGR' 9vGLT ZTq p l
T{lT ]` `T pk{& A`T LGT Z `T {]T G{R `T ]T{k%



Xj]C =hC fbjXj[C fxAbGx X[AX Njsf zYGVjjs jN zXG fjzX

=sG =zz=AXGC zj [zx llGr@jrCGr" :XG b=rh ]x xxlGhCGC Msjf [zx
bjGs @jsCGr @ zXG zXsjXj[C fKf@s=hG =hD zXG zXrjXj[D
b[W=fGhzx 9GG 4[Wx -  .

hyoid and mylohyoid muscles, which form the floor of the mouth,

are attached to its upper border. The larynx

is suspended from its

lower border by the thyro-hyoid membrane and the thyro-hyoid

ligaments. (S


ee F

igs. 2 &



(Press Up)



ig. 13


H yoid Bone Manipulation (concluded)

This figure indicates the point on the hyoid bone against which the


finger should press up and, in certain cases, forward when this manipu-

lation is being performed. I

t also shows the point in the front of the neck


which the thumbs should rest. The manipulation is performed with both hands,


W hen the base of the tongue is held forward, i.e., when the throat

is "


because of the tension on the genio-hyo-glossus muscles,

the curve at the base of the tongue is straightened out (see F




W hen the tongue drops because the genio-glossus and the

genio-hyoid muscles have relax

ed, and the antagonistic muscles of

the tongue have come into tension, the hyoid bone descends and

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Public Domain, Google-digitized /



(KGj  +iVL?j %VTDj /6TKXdO6_KVUj <VT<Od?D?j

 *BHu ;?n6 H]4H0-y6u yB6 faH]y a] yB6 BaH4 .a]6 -@-H]uy BH0B yB6
H]46 ;]?6m uBaW4 fm6uu f -]4 H] 06my-H] 0-u6u 9am-m4 B6] yBHu Z-]Hd
V-yHa] Hu .6H]? f6m9amZ64 #y -Vua uBau yB6 faH]y H] yB6 9ma]y a: yB6 ]60Q -y
BH0B yB6 yBZ.u uBaW4 m6uy *B6 Z-]HdW-yHa] Hu d6m9amZ64 HyB .ayB B-]4u

<XGhzXG@=xGjMzXGzjhWG]xXGcDMjr=sC KDjXGhzXGzXsj=z
/> VYDTD?j @GA=xGjMzXGzG#hx]jhjhzXGWGh]jXjWbjxxxfxAcGx
zXG ArG =z zXG @=xG jM |XG zjhWG ]x xzs=[WXzGhGC jz xGG 4]Wx
2  *+ 
<XGh zXG zjhWG Csjlx @GA=xG |ZG WGh]jWbjxxx =hD |XG
WGh[jXj[C fxAcGx X=G rGc=GD =hD zXG =hz=Wjh]xz]A fxAcGx jN
zXG zjhWG X=G AjfG [hzj zGhx[jh G Xj[C @jhG CGxAKhCx =hC


 ;7;Q; V3X '8>


&  (  " # %X !  X       X

the larynx

 C1; C 3   3 7  !  

 %  >93 !% % 3% O ! %  3 &
 %  % 37 Z ; -1 3 1; O  3>O 
 & > % 3% 7 { v &7 Z y]
T 3 O % O  33   > %  31;   1  !7
\> % 1   & O u| qq cq %    % 317 \ 3% O
 %&  1 !3>33> 3    
. % %    3%7T >3>% 3%  .1
  !1  &3 >  ; 3&%3% 97
X  %  & h&  ! O %  &  1 
    ! %O % 3!1  & %  1  !
 %    &%9  %%  ^.. &E >% %&7
T 339 % >% 31; ! %  % O
3% - > % -.7  1  !9     3 3
9 3   >37

also drops a considerable distance. This establishes the

conditions for absolute throatiness, because the dropped tongue

closes the throat. A

n ex

sign of throatiness. (S

cessively dropped larynx

ee F

igs. 10 A


There is, then, a correct position of the larynx

is, therefore, a

12 B.)

and hyoid bone.

f they are too high, or too low, the tone is throaty. I

n practice,

the tongue and hyoid bone are far more often dropped than raised

when the technic is throaty. This form of throatiness is always accom-

panied by some degree of mix

ed registration.

W hen the genio-glossus muscle becomes tense, the genio-hyoid

muscle should also become tense, thereby holding the hyoid bone

in position and helping to eliminate the "

The correct position of the larynx


of the tongue.

should be maintained at all times,

irrespective of pitch or vowel. The hyoid bone should neither drop

nor rise too far.

H yoid Bone Manipulation

W here the hyoid bone drops, it may be held up by the teacher

by inserting the index

finger of each hand under each side of the

hyoid bone, with the thumbs pressing up under the chin, and lifting

it up j

ust before the pupil attack

s the tone. (S

This manipulation must be made before

. The pupil must relax

ment. I

n many cases the I

igs. 13 A

so that the teacher can mak

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /


ee F

not after or during


e the adj

This manipulation is often very helpful in alleviating throatiness.

f there is any soreness of the glands, which often occurs in bad

cases of faulty technic, this manipulation may be somewhat painful.

Normally, however, it is not. E

ven when this soreness ex

ists, it

generally disappears in a few lessons. W here the dropping of the

hyoid bone is very pronounced, it is often inadvisable for the teacher

to use the tongue instrument until this condition has been alleviated.

n such cases, really dark

, lower-register tones should not be sung,

because such tones tend only to drop the hyoid bone still further.

treme whiteness, however, should not be employed.

The dropping of the hyoid bone is caused by the relax

ation of

the genio-glossus and genio-hyoid muscles and by the tensing of

the tongue muscles which are antagonistic to them. (S

This tension may be so great that it req

teacher can ex


ee F

ig. 4.)

uires all the effort that the

ert if he is to overcome this antagonistic tension and

succeed in holding up the hyoid bone. C

incredibly strong!

"kVF kgG )?gVn~_?xVkg


ryoid bone should be pressed forward as

well as up.



onstrictor tensions can be

X 3 %  19  ! 3O % 1 !   !1    

a 3 & %  ; t&3 >   3    " % 
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< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

R      #      9"  #)  ^

 #6 )M   @C&<5<+Z    L#6 )# 
 )   M F  9)     #  9 7
     # " 9 )"      
6 B    g 8

fter the tongue instrument is used for a while, it may be aban-

doned temporarily. W hen an opening occurs its re-employment is

usually indicated. I

n this way there is a direct means of work


on the tongue muscles, whenever necessary, throughout the entire

process of training the voice.

Proper Use of Tongue I


Teachers must be discriminating, correct, and careful in the use

of this tongue instrument. R

emember, it is only a tool

a tool for

helping the tongue action and developing the tongue muscles which

should be used in phonation. I

GmikWmz MpWz iZz Kig[uWz @ gpqmu fWgqz

t is neither a magic patent method,

nor a panacea for all vocal ills. I

@ #  #"  "      

      #8 ##"   )   C  2 
6        6    # 9
     6  8 F     # 6 # "
   6      M F   )   # 
# M@# 7     
 # M
       6  7"  #    M F 
  "   #6         7 ) 
       "  )       6 6 
 # 6 ) ) 8 F 6 
   9  6 6  "  #)    
BM F    #"     6      
 6 6 "        ~ # V#)  
 "       9  # 
 V V      #9  # #  
     M _  TM + 1 z @  66  
# #    #  6#    6 
  7   ~ _     #  )M
@   #   #   B # " #
    M 9"       ) 
 #6        # 9    M
F6 6     )MT # "  #
     6 6     C9 #   
  9     #6  )   )
9   M @| #    #   ) 7 9
   #  "  #  
)     )8 ) "  #"
)"    ) )8 @      ;^
#   "   )"     9   

f used incorrectly it does more

harm than good. The teacher must be sk

illed in its use or the results

are harmful.

W hile the tongue is being pushed back

, it must be relax

is tensed, it is impossible for the teacher to push it back

ed. I

f it

by force

if he endeavors to do so, he only succeeds in hurting the pupil and

in forcing him to produce a very throaty tone. I

the tongue down the pupil'

ness. I

f the teacher pushes

s throat, he merely engenders throati-

n using this instrument, it is best to put the left hand above

the pupil'

s chin, hold the handle of the instrument firmly in the

right hand, and let the rod rest in the arch between the thumb and

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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the first finger of the left hand in somewhat the same manner as a

billiard cue is used. (S

ee F

igs. 7-9.) This inhibits perpendicular

movement of the instrument and permits the teacher to press the

tongue back

in a straight (horizontal) line more efficiently.

The reader must not imagine that there is. some secret, magic

method involved in this. H owever, it is dangerous for anyone to

attempt to use this tongue instrument without careful direction.

ts proper use should be taught carefully. F

guide to its proper usage is the teacher'

s ear

urthermore, the ultimate

which must be able

to hear whether the tone is improved technically and in q


when he uses it. This means that the teacher must not only k


a good tone from a bad tone, but also that he must be able to detect

relatively slight variations of q

deliberately, at a throaty q

uality. Many teachers, alas!


uality. The incorrect use of this instru-

ment could, unfortunately, help such teachers towards their false




: a\bsbyzRz

zob\bz3g =VNg


hapter 3




ontrol of I








The vocal apparatus consists of three parts:

!9%LW3Qe k

1. The actuator

2. The vibrator

3. The resonator

ll other phases of technic rest upon the proper work

ing out of the


",K $K -K  (3" K


problems of registration.

The term "


Most people talk

has, in the past, been used with various meanings.

of three registers

upper, middle and lower, meaning

)(0-)&5 ) 5 (0(.#045

high, middle and low pitch ranges.

The entire q

uestion of registration rests with the proper co-ordination

of the muscles which stretch the vocal cords.

?YM oGBf BqqBxB} Gom}\}} oP YxMM qBx}0

There are two groups of muscles which stretch the vocal cords and

% ?YM BGBox
( ?YM \ExBox
) ?YM xM}omBox

hold them in tension against the pressure of the breath:

a. The thyroid muscles (crico-thyroid and thyro-arytenoid muscles)

b. The arytenoid muscles (posterior and lateral crico-arytenoid


The q

uestion of registration pertains to the co-ordination of these two

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groups of muscles.

ince there are two, and only two, groups of muscles in the larynx

there are only two registers. A

s will he shown later, the registration action

pertains to the control of intensity

not to pitch ranges.

W hen, for a soft tone which is being swelled, the tension on the vocal

cords is being held against the breath pressure by means of added tension

on the smaller muscles

the arytenoids

the falsetto register is in action.

W hen, at a certain degree of intensity, added tension comes into the

heavier group of muscles

the thyroids

the lower register has come

89 oYMx qYB}M} oP MGYm\G xM} qom YM qxoqMx oxd\mW o oP YM

?YM Mxj xMW\}Mx YB} \m YM qB} EMMm }MK \Y Bx\o} jMBmamW})
;o} qMoqfM Bed oP YxMM xMW\}MH}KK3Q B;-->3e %D.e >Ia3Qe jMBmamW
Y\WY j\KKfM BmK fo q\GY xBmWM}"
?YM Mm\xM uM}\om oP xMW\}xB\om xM}} \Y YM qxoqMx GooxK\mB\om
oP YM j}GeM} Y\GY }xMGY YM oGBf GoxK}"
?YMxM BxM o Wxoq} oP j}GfM} Y\GY }MGY YM oGBf GoxK} BmK
YofK YMj \m Mm}\om BWB\m} YM qxM}}xM oP YM ExMBY 1

into action.

Let us first consider how the registers work

W ith a perfect voice the adj

ture used in phonation is virtually reflex

about to produce, i.e., a concept of pitch, q

uality, intensity and vibrato.

s a result of this concept, nerve impulses travel along diverse nerve

fibers and bring into tension the muscles which should be in action in the



, and the singer has a perfectly

clear, clean-cut mental concept of all the characteristics of the tone he is

%e ?YM Yxo\K j}GfM}

Gx\GoYxo\K BmK YxoBxMmo\K j}GfM}
(e ?YM BxMmo\K j}GfM}
qo}Mx\ox BmK fBMxBf Gx\GoBxMmo\K

under ideal conditions:

ustment and co-ordination of the muscula-

?YM uM}\om oP xMW/}xBaom qMxB\m} o YM GooxK\mB\pm oP YM}M o

Wxoq} oP j}GeM}"

";D+3e W83Q3e %Q3e WaIe %Fe ID>ce WaI e 7QI\KSe I5e B\S+>3Se ;De W83e >%QcDb
W83Q3e %Q3e ID>ce WaIe Q37;SW3QSe By (3e S8IaDe=%W3Q
e W83eQ37;SWQ%W;IDe%+W;IDe
K3QW%;He WIe W83e +IDWQI>e I5e ;DW3DU;WcWeWIe K;W+8e Q%D73Se

@YMm Pox B }oPomM Y\GY \} EM\mW }MeeMK YM Mm}\om om YM oGBf

GoxK} \} EMamW YMfK BWB\m} YM ExMBY qxM}}xM E jMBm} oP %--3-e Mm}\om
om YM }jBffMx j}GeM}YM BxMmo\K}YM PBf}Mo xNW\}Mx \} \m BG\om"
@YMm B B GMxBam KMWxMM oR \mMm}\ %--3-e Mm}\om GojM} \mo YM
YMB\Mx Wxoq oP j}GfM}YM Yxo\K}YM foMx xMW\}Mx YB} GojM
\mo BG\om#
:M } Ux} Gom}\KMx Yo YM xMW\}Mx} oxd mKMx \KMBf GomK\\om} 2
@\Y B qMxPMG o\GM YM BKb}jMm BmK GooxKamB\om oP YM j}GfB
xM }MK \m qYomB\om \} axBff xMVM BmK YM }\mWMx YB} B qMxPMG
GfMBx GfMBmG jMmBf GomGMq oP Bff YM GYBxBGMx\}\G} oP YM.omM YM \}
BEo o qxoKGM ;3
e B GomGMq oP q\GY uBf\ \mMm}\ BmK \ExBo"
5} B xM}f oP Y\} GomGMq mMxM \jqf}M} xBMf BfomW K\Mx}M mMxM
UEMx} BmK Ex\mW \mo Om}\om YM j}GfM} Y\GY }YofK EO \m BG\om \m YM


correct balance, i.e., correct co-ordination ex

ists. F

EKK# Sh =A #h "

D EKK# Sh E EK!3AT2EAh #`2OSO h EKh V12Rh K#OEAh W#h
T# -#Kh ?ZOTh $KE?h S-#h \#Kah #*6AA3A*h Z3<!h ZGh T-#h EA #GSh S.Th G.EAd
S3EAh 2Oh h O3A*<#h =-":D E EK!2AS2EA h
EKh T-#h *3\#Ah G3T .h IZ<2Yh A!h 2AT#AO3Tah U-#K#h O.EZ<!h #h h #KS3Ah
!#(A2T#h <A #h #T]##Ah T-#h  T2EAh E$h U-#h U]Eh *KEZGOh E%h ?ZO <#Oh ].2 .h
 UZT#h T-#h \F <h EK!O h -#h KaT#AE3!h  T2EAh GK#!E?2DS#Oh %EKh T-#h -2*-h
G2T -#Oh A!h $FKh T.#h =E]h 2AT#AO3T2#O h
Sh 3Oh $FZA!h 7h GK S2 #h T.Th @4BD @0")&D 05D ,'D :A0D
-":D 4"8:47
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?[O <#Oh E
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.#h ?,B3TZ!#Oh F$h ?[P [<Kh T#BP3FBh K#h BT[N<<bh h @TT#Kh F$h :["*f
@#BTh # [O#h T.#K#h K#h BFh \3<<#h @#BOh $FKh  T[<<bh @#P[N3B*h T0#@h
.#K#$EK#h h O <#h O/F]3B*h h -B*#h 3Bh ?[P [<Kh T#BP3FBh ^.3 .h ]F[<!h
EKK#PGFA!h TFh h G3T .h KB*#h F&h U-K##h B!h h .<$h TFh $FZKh F T\#Oh Eg <<h F$h
T.#h T#AO2FAh ^#K#h #@H<Fb#!h $FKh K3P4B*h G3T .h EB<ah .Oh ##Bh .FO#B gh
Th2Oh AFTh ZBK#OFB<#h TFh OO[?#h T-6Oh KA*#h # ZO#h OF@#h E$h T.#h T#BO3FBh
3Oh [B!EZT#!<ah ZO#!h $FKh K 3B*h T0#h \F <h FK!Oh ^-4<#h OF@#h 2Oh [P#!h $FKh
T.#h 2B K#O#h 2Ah 3BT#BO3Ta h .#Q#h !3*KOh GKF<ah O.E^h 3Ah h KF[*.h ^bh
^/Th 4Oh .GG#B6A*h I[BT3TT2\#<bh B!h <@FPTh #KT4A<ah P/F]h U/#h FKK# Th
IZ<4TT4\#h G3 TZK# h
-#h U_Eh ZK\#Oh 2Ah /  3*ZK#h &z 4B!3 T#h U.#h ?BB#Kh 2Bh ^/2 .h T.#h
U#AO2FAh EAh )KOTh U-#h KaT#BF3!h *KE[Gh E$h ?ZO <#Oh B!h T.#Ah FBh T/#h T.aKE3!h
*KFZGh 3A K#O#Oh EKh 5Oh E EK!3AT#!h &FLh h =F]
G4T .h TFB#h  T-#h 2BT#AO2Tah
K2O#O h

or this reason, the

teacher must, from the very beginning, build up the concept that prona-

tion is a single, unit co-ordination.

or the given pitch, q

uality and intensity there should be a certain

definite balance between the action of the two groups of muscles which

actuate the vocal cords. The arytenoid action predominates for the high

pitches and for the low intensities.

t is found in practice that every voice

male or female

has two

definite registers. There is no functional difference between male and

female voices.

1. F


n its pure form the falsetto is very light in the middle of the range

and increases rapidly in power as the scale is ascended. This register has

definite limitations of power and will either crack

or "



if pushed

beyond a certain point of intensity. W hen the falsetto is pure it is of

more or less pleasing q

2. Lower R



The lower register is characterized by a far greater intensity at any

given pitch than is the falsetto. The q

uality of this register when unco-

ordinated is crude. The intensity can be increased to the max

ness for the given vocal organs without the voice crack

n some voices, where mix

ed registration occurs, these two registers

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

imum loud-


must first be isolated so that they may be properly developed and ulti-

mately co-ordinated in the proper balance. The important point to note

is that both registers are present in every human voice.

W hen both registers are fully developed and properly resonated, they

co-ordinate of their own accord, provided that the proper concepts, espe-

cially that of the voice mechanism as a single unit, have been engendered

in the pupil'

s mind. The teacher must not worry about co-ordinating the

registers. H is problem is one of purifying, developing, balancing and

resonating them properly, and engendering the proper concepts. W hen

this has been done co-ordination is automatic. The attempt must never

be made to co-ordinate the registers at too early a stage.

The following diagrams indicate the probable manner in which the

registers (laryngeal muscles) co-ordinate (F

igs. 14-17):

igure 14 represents the probable manner in which the laryngeal

muscles co-ordinate when the registration is correct.

The magnitudes of muscular tension are naturally a matter of j


ment, because there are no available means for actually measuring them.

Therefore, a scale showing a change in muscular tension, which would

correspond to a pitch range of three and a half to four octaves if all of

the tension were employed for raising pitch only, has been chosen.-

t is not unreasonable to assume this range, because some of the tension

is undoubtedly used for bracing the vocal cords, while some is used for

the increase in intensity. These diagrams probably show, in a rough way,

what is happening q

uantitatively, and almost certainly show the correct

ualitative picture.

The two curves in A


igure 14) indicate the manner in which the

tension on, first, the arytenoid group of muscles and then on the thyroid

group increases, or is co-ordinated, for a low-pitch tone, as the intensity




: a\bsbyzRz

zob\bz3g =VNg

!RZD.4q Z@'Zq 'Zq Z@4q TD'MDYYDLR FC Q Z@4q IRb4Y\q TRYYD-K4q DMZ4MYD\hq ^M14Vq
TVRT4Vq Z4.@MD.'Kq .RM1DZDRMYq Z@4q Z4MYDRMq RMq Z@4q KRb4Vq V4?DYZ4Vq ?VR^Tq R7q
L^Y.K4Yq DYq .RMYD14V'-Khq @D?@4Vq Z@'Mq Z@'Zq RMq Z@4q 7'KY4ZZRq ?VR^Tq Yq Z@4q
nEMZ4MYDZhq VDY4Yq \@4q Z4MYDRMq RMq Z@4q 'VhZ4MRD3q L^Y.K4Yq EM.V4'Y4Yq ^Tq ZRq 'q
Y\DIIq 'q `6Vhq YR7Zq ZRM4 q b@DI4q \@4q Z4MYDRMq RMq Z@4q Z@hVRD1q
L^Y.K4Yq V4L'EMYq TV'.\D.'KKhq .RMYZ'MZq -R`4q Z@DYq TRDMZq R7q DMZ4MYDZhq Z@4q
Z4MYDRMq RMq Z@4q Z@hVRD1q L^Y.K4Yq DM.V4'Y4Yq V4?^I'VIhq b@DK4q Z@'Zq RMq Z@4q

Notice that at the pianissimo, i.e., the lowest possible intensity under

proper technical conditions, the tension on the lower register group of

muscles is considerably higher than that on the falsetto group. A

s the

intensity rises the tension on the arytenoid muscles increases up to a

certain point (still a very soft tone) while the tension on the thyroid

muscles remains practically constant. A

bove this point of intensity the

tension on the thyroid muscles increases regularly, while that on the

arytenoids remains constant up to the point of max

100 .




@ 7?)8@ '.;<)9@
@ @ &0;)>7@
@ )=)8@ 77:(14*=274@ +78@ 07?@ =75)@
LY @
@ 3/((0)@ =76)@
@ ,/
-@ =75) @
@ @

imum intensity.











j  z



Lower R

s: R

egister C

B= "


= "



10 20 50 100 200

500 X













> 00

Diagrammatic R

of the R

B (F


epresentation of the Proper C



igure 14) shows the same phenomenon for a middle tone. Notice

is considerably greater than that of the low tone. Notice also that the

initial tension on the thyroid muscles is greater, and that on the arytenoid

ing on added

from this point on, the tension on the arytenoid muscles remains virtually

until the point of max















!#@  !!# @ "! "% " $@ #  "!@



e on additional tension

z Y@RbYq Z@4q Y'L4q T@4MRL4MRMq 7RVq 'q LD11K4q ZRM4q !RZD.4q
@4V4q@Rb4`4VqZ@'Zq Z@4q EMDZD'KqDMZ4MYDZhq FC QZ@4qDMZ4MYDZhq 'Zq Z@4q TD'MDYYDLRq
DYq .RMYD14V'-Ihq ?V4'Z4Vq Z@'Mq Z@'Zq R7q Z@4q KRcq ZRM4q !RZD.4q 'IYRq Z@'Zq \@4q
DMDZD'Iq Z4MYDRPq RMq Z@4q Z@hVRD1q L^Y.K4Yq DYq ?V4'Z4Vq 'M1q Z@'Zq RMq Z@4q 'VhZ4MRD1q
o L^Y.I4Yq 7'Vq ?V4'Z4Vq Z@'Mq DZq b'Yq 7RVq Z@4q KRbq ZRM4q Yq -47RV4q Z@4q VDYDM?q
DMZ4MYDZhq DYq =VYZq TVR`D141q 7RVq -hq 'Mq DM.V4'YEM?q Z4MYDRMq RMq Z@4q 'VhZ4MRD1q
L^Y.I4Yq -^Zq DMq Z@DYq .'Y4q Z@4q Z@hVRD1q L^Y.I4Yq 1Rq MRZq YZ'VZq Z'HDM?q RMq '1141q
 q DYq V4'.@41q !RZD.4q 'IYRq Z@'Zq
7VRLq Z@FYq TRDMZq RMq Z@4q Z4MYDRMq RMq Z@4q 'VhZ4MRD1q L^Y.K4Yq V4L'EMYq `DVZ^'KIhq
.RMYZ'MZq b@DK4q 'Yq -47RV4q Z@4q Z@hVRD1q L^Y.I4Yq Z'H4q RMq '11DZDRM'Kq Z4MYDRQq
^MZDKq Z@4q TRDMZq R7q L'eDL^Lq DMZ4MYDZhq @'Yq -44Mq V4'.@41q
C D?^V4q 
z DKK^YZV'Z4Yq Z@DYq L^Y.^I'Vq .RRV1DM'ZDRMq 7RVq 'q @D?@q ZRM4q
!RZD.4q Z@'Zq 'Zq Z@4q TD'MDYYDLRq b@D.@q DYq .RMYD14V'-Khq KR^14Vq Z@*q \@'Zq
DM1D.'Z41q RMq 4DZ@4Vq R7q Z@4q RZ@4Vq .^V`4Yq Z@4q Z4MYDRMq RMq Z@4q 'VhZ4MRD1q

imum intensity has been reached.

igure 14) illustrates this muscular co-ordination for a high tone.

Notice that at the pianissimo, which is considerably louder than that

indicated on either of the other curves, the tension on the arytenoid



! !

$D@l "D1@X1OO1bD4l .:VX:^:Sb1bDUSl U=l bB:l -XUV:Xl !U UX6DS1bDUSl

4bDUSlf^l -Db4Bl

.) is reached. Notice also that,

constant, while, as before, the thyroid muscles tak


s before, the rising

intensity is first provided for by an increasing tension on the arytenoid

tension until the normal intensity (M.F



here, however, that the initial intensity, i.e., the intensity at the pianissimo,

muscles, but in this case, the thyroid muscles do not start tak




ction vs. Pitch

muscles far greater, than it was for the low tone. A

! 4/z




! ;1z

high tone.




oordination for low tone.




middle tone.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /








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muscles is far greater than that on the thyroids. Notice also that the

arytenoid muscles continue to tak

e on tension while the tension on the

thyroids remains constant until a very high point of intensity has been



igure 14) represents a low tone, but not the bottom of the range

at which the lower register action would predominate in a far higher

degree. I

n this A

diagram the lower register action predominates over

the entire range of intensity ex

cept at the very lowest end.

Lower register or falsetto action means the rate of change in tension

on the group of muscles which characterizes the register, and not the

actual tension on the muscles. Thus the register action in one or the

other register is indicated by the slope, not height of the curve.

Notice that in B (F

igure 14) the action of the two registers, as already

defined, is evenly balanced, inasmuch as the falsetto action predominates

up to M.F

. for this particular pitch, while the lower register predominates

above this intensity. Let it be very clear that, while the tension on the

arytenoids is increasing, the singer is using the falsetto. A

t the moment

when the tension on the thyroid muscles starts to increase, he is using

the lower register.


igure 14) indicates a high tone, but not the ex

treme top of the

range, at which the falsetto action would predominate up to practically

imum point of intensity for this pitch. I

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

the max

n the diagram indicated,

the falsetto action predominates up to a very high point of intensity. Thus,

for the very high tones, the falsetto only is used, unless the intensity is

absolutely fortissimo.

t very high pitches the falsetto muscles can hold the tension of the

vocal cords against the pressure of the breath up to nearly the max


possible intensity, although the lower register muscles are always "


the falsetto. A

t the low pitches the falsetto only goes a very little way,

and actually, for such pitches, this register is such a light whisper as to

be practically toneless. I


n the middle of the range the balance is about

ual for normal intensities.


ig. 15 the proper balance of the registers, over the entire range

of the voice, is indicated in diagrammatic form.

n singing up the scale from the lowest pitch, the falsetto register is

added q

uite rapidly at first and slows down in the middle pitch region,

so that, in this middle region, there is approx

tion of the registers. A

imately an eq

ual co-ordina-

bove the middle region the falsetto action increases

rapidly up to the highest tone of the range which is pure falsetto.

These curves, and the two curves on mix


ed registration (F

igs. 16

17), are furnished to visualize the action of the registers, when

properly and when improperly co-ordinated. They are q

ualitative only

and are derived from observations made during the process of isolating

and co-ordinating the registers of a large number of pupils. They are

also based on a consideration of the physiological principles involved.


ig. 15 the intensity indicated is the normal intensity for the given

pitch. This intensity increases as the pitch rises. I

seen that the normal intensity for A


5 on the horizontal scale, whereas for B (F

for C


ig. 14) it is at about 250. E

scale correspond approx


imately to eq


ig. 14 it will be

ig. 14) occurs at the point mark


ig. 14) it is at about 25, and

ual distances along this horizontal

ual differences in loudness.











    0@   * 
 < m 
 0  X 
/   "% %

! @ 
\8 %
3  H   0!

  m % zZ\8 X   
 2 3 

:  m < B!  !) % # <.

\8 %
!  #  . ) ):  ) %$  4% 4   <. 

W hen the voice is used properly, its normal (or natural) intensity

increases as the pitch rises, in about the proportion indicated in F

This is why the loudness of normal intensity (or M.F

pitch. The intensities (mark

ig. 14.

.) varies with the

ed according to the musical notation) in

ig. 14 indicate the actual intensity range of the voice over its complete

pitch range.



















Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

cK x [



ig. I

of the R

Diagrammatic R

egisters as a F

epresentation of the Proper C

GI S ? L

M @ B E OP @ N



unction of Pitch

This figure illustrates the registration action at normal intensity for each

tone (shown along the horizontal ax

is) over the range of a well-produced voice

(three octaves).

The perpendicular ax

is shows the percentage of each register employed at

the pitches shown on the horizontal ax

is. Note that, at the ex

the range, pure lower register is employed, while at the ex

treme bottom of

pure falsetto.

W hen the technic is correct, both groups of muscles are fully developed

3cl U^L lwz:L cL LYl:l :Cl : }:w lLl Q M:Cc

d :wY cL cn:w :l L cL :YM Q : LwwHCLH nCM
 cLL C:L 
3cM LMHlCw: :l c cL LCL~:YL Q L:Cc LZlL L}wLH :
cL lCcL c cL cl:w :l .L c: : cL LL}M B| Q
cL :_L M wL L[lL l L}zLH clwL : cL LL}L M VH
M Q:wM

and properly co-ordinated.

The actual control of intensity, when the technic is correct, is accom-

plished directly by means of the mechanism of the vibrato. I

t also depends

upon the proper co-ordination of the laryngeal muscles, and upon the

degree of tension on the arytenoid muscle. The function of this muscle

is to bring together the arytenoid cartilages and thus approx

vocal cords. A

held in ex

imate the

t normal, or louder than normal, intensity the cords are

tremely close approx

imation. A

s the intensity drops below the

normal for a given voice, the arytenoid muscle tends to relax

, and the

5) # A#)  % 5A * /% #  %" % <I:.5:  5 Iaa& !4.%"!

@     @L
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vocal cords gradually separate until, at the lowest possible intensity (this

intensity varies according to the natural power of any given voice) they

are so far separated that the air rushes out and the tone becomes nearly

a pure whisper. F



%VO )3
$V5O|5ii5V; 1Av|AAj5Vqj qFQA 0|qvA| #q q|>Vj5Vqj
1ERA1AOVA| 5%j;VqjqF0V;R

treme top we find

or the absolute whisper the cords are so widely separated

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

that phonation ceases altogether. The characteristic of the absolute

whisper is that, while the vowels and consonants can be definitely dis-

tinguished, no variation of the fundamental or pitch is possible, because

the vocal cords are not in vibration.

W e will now consider what occurs when the perfectly-produced voice


s a tone. F

or a tone of definite pitch, q

uality and intensity there

is a certain optimum co-ordination of the laryngeal muscles. Let us con-

sider a middle tone which is attack

ed sofdy: Both sets of muscles come

into action in the correct balance and stretch the vocal cords to the

proper length and tension for the tone. A

action. S

t this intensity the falsetto is in

uppose that the tone is then swelled;

the tension on the arytenoid

muscles increases, until a point of intensity is reached at which they would

begin to strain, or overload, under the tension necessary for the holding

of the tension of the cords against the increasing pressure of the breath



vibrato impulse. A

t about this point the tension on the thyroid

muscles starts to increase while the tension on the arytenoids remains


imately constant for all further increase in intensity. W hen the

pitch is higher, the falsetto action goes further, and when the pitch is

lower this action does not go so far. Note: The falsetto does not go out

of action when the lower register co-ordinates with it.

Perfect co-ordination of the registers occurs only in the case of a

fect. I

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

really great voice. There is no singer of today whose registration is per-

n the past we have had such ex


by Lunn and S

amples as C

aruso, E

mmy Destinn,


O ne of the principal factors in vocal training lies in the endeavor to


imate more and more closely the conditions of perfect registration.

W ithout the proper work

ing out of the problem of registration, any radical

or permanent improvement in a pupil'

s voice is out of the q


emember that the entire vocal mechanism acts as one single co-ordi-

nated unit. H ence, if the registers are perfecdy co-ordinated, the resonance


ustment and the vibrato action must also be perfect. I

registration is faulty, the resonance adj

nversely, when the

ustment and vibrato must also suffer.

The properly used voice should have an effective range of at least

three octaves. The limited range, which is so common a result of faulty

registration, practically always is traceable to improper training. F

registration, with the accompanying incorrect resonance adj



may curtail the range by an octave or even more. The production of good

soft tones, and above all, of high tones which are free and vibrant is

impossible when the registration is faulty. The alternative is either to

shout, which is obviously obj

(constricted) tones


ectionable, or to produce deliberately throaty

head tones."

o far we have been considering ideal conditions. I

n practice we do

not encounter perfect voices. Let us therefore consider the phenomena

of faulty registration.

ither the arytenoids, the thyroids or both groups of laryngeal muscles

may lack


There is absolutely no difference in function between the male and

female vocal organs, despite the fact that we often find women using the

falsetto alone, or mix

ed falsetto, for speech as well as for singing, while

normal men always use either the lower register or mix

and the man'


s falsetto is usually undeveloped. I

ed lower register

t seems obvious that

vE vE~ U_E_ Ep_v_ @w_ UvEFU`~~U d v` FP`

w~_ ~ xE w_ w_ _ EY UE UE P` Z_k~` Y~
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_ _pv EY _~ e w_ ` * v~ ~_~ v` dE_ ~
EU~ >_ wG w` ` ~ w_ __[' v` _~ v` F_~Y
U_ ~U_N_ ~ F d~_~ ~ `FUv_Z Fw~Uv v_ Y
P_p E~ _EY Y_ v_ `~ _U_F d v_ vY~p
d w_ _ e v` UY EpE w_ ~U_E~p `` d v` P_Ew
 ~QE ~_ * EP v~ ~ v_ _~ v` v~Y
U_ E ~U_F` v~_ w_ _~ v_ E_~Z _E
F~E_ UG d F dw_ ~U_E_ ~ ~_~ Dv_ w_
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_ w~ EU~ Y_ q fE :a & < %244+< +2< *+5< +< +74<
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<_f_U UZ~E~ f w_ _q~_ UU ~ v_ UE_ f E
_E q_E ~U_ Av__ ~ ~q_ f YE z` _q~E~ ~ _
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;_ f w_ ~UE fEU ~ UE Ep ~_ ~ w` `[`E
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_E_ ~__ ~ E  ~U_ ~ e w_ _~
=__P_ wE w_ _~_ UE _UvE~ EU F _ ~p` UY~
E_Y~ 2_U_ ~ew__r~_ E__e_UU\E_[ v`_EU_
GY_ G]{_~RG EW~GQ__e_W 4__ w_ v_
_s~G~eGw__GU_ EY_ GY ~RGE j_
Av_ _ _Y ~U_ w[ wE_ E _j_U~_ Ep_ f E _E
w__ UE_ Aw_ ~~_Z Ep_ z~Uv ~ U F _ f fE
_q~E~ EU~UE EF ~ EU_EQ` ~_ E~~r 0E
`p~E~ ~v v_ EUUE~q ~U_U _EU` FY_
E UE~ w_ Ep_P E UE_ __ ` Aw_ [U~ f pY
f ` E[ EQ_ E f w~qv _ v~Uw E_ f_` E[ ~PF
~~P_ w_ v_ _q~E~ ~ fE Aw_ E_E~_ ~ _~|`
w v~Uv~ Q~ Q_U~EQ_ [U_ Y_~Q_E_ vE

U~U_\  _v_E[ _ 
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f fE _p~F~
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E EU Y___
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k9NWY97z ^9@F_d9^z -U;W^dhU0d9No z dCF_z I_z 0z ;05dz lCJ5Cz S0Uoz kW50Nz d905C9^_z
W;z dW70oz ;0FPz dWz ^95W@UFr9z ,C9oz 0^9z lWUdz dWz g0FU z W^z 9U790kW^z dWz d^0FU z
dC9zNWl9^z^9@I_d9^zWUNoz W;z dC9I^zS0N9 z 0U7z dC9z ;0N_9ddWzWUNoz W;zdC9F^z ;9S0N9z
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,C9z hUd^0IU97z ;0N_9ddWz W;z 0z S0Uz I_z =^_dz 7F_5Wk9^97z 0_z 0z NF@Cd z _FQNoz 0U7z
SW^9z W^z N9__z 9<9SFU0d9wz _WhU7z *^WY9^ z 40N0U597z 79k9NWYS9Udz W;z dC9z
N0^oU@90Nz Sh_5N9_z 0U7z 5W^^95dz ^9_WU0U59z 07Lh_dS9Udz 5WSYN9d9Noz g0U_u
;W^SzdC9_9z hUYN90_0Udz _WhU7_ z lFdCzdC9z ^9_hNdz dC0dzdC9z ^9@I_d9^_z hNdFS0d9Noz
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*^05dI50NNoz 0NNz49@FUU9^_z0^9z;WhU7zdWz _h<9^z;^WSz0zN05Mz W;z 79k9NWYS9Udz
W;zdC9zN0^oU@90NzSh_5N9_ z 0U7z0_z0z^9_hNdzW;zdCF_z 5WU7IdFWU z ;0hNdoz5WW^7FU0v
dIWUz W;z dC9_9z Sh_5N9_z W55h^_z '9dz h_z 5WU_F79^z _WS9z W;z dC9z 50_9_z W;z ;0hNdqz
6WW^7FU0dIWUz ;WhU7z FUz 05dh0Nz Y^05dF59 z

the problem of the vocal teacher should center largely around the unde-

veloped register. Unfortunately, this is a fact which many vocal teachers

of today fail to recognize. They are wont to train, or endeavor to train,

the lower register only of their male, and the falsetto only of their female


The untrained lower register of a woman starts, or is first discovered, as

a crude, loud, rather unpleasant sound such as is used by "

coon shouters."

The untrained falsetto of a man is first discovered as a light, silly and

more or less effeminate sound. Proper, balanced development of the

laryngeal muscles and correct resonance adj

ustment completely trans-

form these unpleasant sounds, with the result that the registers ultimately

co-ordinate. The male falsetto should never be used in performance.

Practically all beginners are found to suffer from a lack

of development

of the laryngeal muscles, and as a result of this condition, faulty co-ordina-

tion of these muscles occurs. Let us consider some of the cases of faulty

co-ordination found in actual practice:

1. The lower register only may he used.

ctually there is always some -mix


ed registration will be ex

range is ex

tremely limited and the upper tones are altogether lack

woman using this technic is generally termed a "

5dh0NNoz dC9^9z F_z 0Nl0o_z _\S9z TFmdh^9z W;z ^9@I_d^0dFWUz FUz dCF_z 50_9z
 (Fm97z ^9@F_d^0dFWUz lFNNz 49z 9mYN0JU97z N0d9^
z -U79^z dC9_9z 5WU7JdIWU_z dC9z
^0U@9z I_z 9md^9S9Noz NFSFd97z 0U7z dC9z hYY9^z dWU9_z 0^9z 0NdW@9dC9^z N05MFU@z z
lWS0Uz h_FU@z dCI_z d95CUF5z F_z @9U9^0NNozd9^S97z 0z 5WWUz _CWhd9^z/KdCzdC9z
S0N9z kWF59z dC9z [h0NFdoz F_z 0Nl0o_z dC^W0doz 0U7z dC9z CI@C9_dz dWU9_z lCF5Cz C9z
50Uz ^905Cz 05dh0NNoz SF77N9z dWU9_
z 0^9z 9md^9S9Noz dC^W0doz 0U7z _d^0FU97z

coon shouter."

ing. A

W ith the

uality is always throaty and the highest tones which he

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

male voice the q

!  !8 ',5/8 / $01/8 ,*'78 )78 8 30


ture of registration in this case.

plained later.) Under these conditions the

can reach (actually middle tones) are ex

tremely throaty and strained.

2. The falsetto only may be used.

H ere again mix

ed registration is bound to occur to some degree, be-

cause the lower tones of a woman'

s voice in this register are so weak

z !8 (11,8 ,*'78 )78 8 30 8

#9^9z 0@0FUz SFm97z ^9@F_d^0dFWUz I_z 4WhU7z dWz W55h^z dWz _WS9z 79@^99 z 49t
50h_9z dC9z NWl9^zdWU9_z W;z 0zlWS0U_z kWF59z IUz dCF_z ^9@F_d9^z0^9z _Wz l90Mz 0_z
dWz 49z Y^05dFR0NNoz h_9N9__ z 0U7 z CWl9k9^z 9<9SFU0d9z 0z S0Uz S0oz 49 z C9z I_z
C0^7Noz NFM9Noz dWz 0dd9SYdzdWz _FU@z 0NNz dC9z dFS9z FUz dC9z Yh^9z;0N_9ddWz^9@F_d9^z
.9^oz NF@Cdz 5WNW^0dh^0z _WY^0UW_z S0oz h_9z dCF_z 07Lh_dS9Udz FUz Fd_z SW^9z W^z
N9_bz Yh^9z ;W^Sz ,C9z 49_dz MUWlUz 9m0SYN9z W;z dCF_z d95CUI5z F_z dC9z ^07FWz
5WNW^0dh^0 z lCW_9z kWF59z I_z Y^05dF50NNoz IU0h7I4N9z hUdFNz _C9z ^905C9_z 0z CI@Cz
,C9z ^0U@9z W;z _h5Cz 0z _IU@9^_z kWF59z I_z UWdz U90^Noz 0_z QFSFd97z 0_z F_z dC0dz
W;zdC9z WU9z lCWz 5WS9_z hU79^z C907FU@z UhS49^z WU9 z lC9^9z NFddN9z SW^9z dC0Uz
0UzW5d0k9z 0U7z0zC0N;z50Uz49z5Wk9^97z.9^qzCF@CzdWU9_z FU7997z50Uz_WS9dFS9_z
49z Y^W7h597z lFdCz dC9z Yh^9z ;0N_9ddWz 07Lh_dS9Udz 0NWUyz +h5Cz dWU9_z 0^9 z
CWl9k9^ z S9^9z _[h90M_ z 0U7z W;z UWz ^90Nz k0Nh9z 0^dI_dF50NNoz "h^dC9^SW^9 z
dC9oz d9U7z dWz 7F_0YY90^z 0;d9^z QY ;9lz o90^_ z hUN9__z dC9z NWl9^z ^9@F_d9^z I_z
79k9NWY97z 0U7z dC9oz 0^9z ^9N0d97z dW z 0U7z 40N0U598z lFdC z Idz


to be practically useless, and, however effeminate a man may be, he is

hardly lik

ely to attempt to sing all the time in the pure falsetto register.

ery light coloratura sopranos may use this adj

less pure form. The best k

nown ex

ustment in its more or

ample of this technic is the radio

coloratura, whose voice is practically inaudible until she reaches a high


The range of such a singer'

s voice is not nearly as limited as is that

of the one who comes under heading number one, where little more than

an octave and a half can be covered. V

ery high tones indeed can sometimes

be produced with the pure falsetto adj

ustment alone. S

however, mere sq


uch tones are,

s, and of no real value artistically. F


they tend to disappear after a few years, unless the lower register is

developed and they are related to, and balanced with, it.

3. Both registers may be used unco-ordinated and with a break



This is far better than the conditions outlined under headings 1 and 2,

provided that she employs it up to at least middle A

or B'

, because the


mere fact that a woman is actually using her lower register, indicates

that relatively pure registration has been established.

,CF_z F_z;0^z49dd9^zdC0UzdC9z5WU7FdFWU_z WhdQIU97zhU79^zC907IU@_z z 0U7z z

Y^WkF797z dC0dz _C9z 9SYNWo_z Idz hYz dWz 0dz N90_dzSF77N9z z W^z >[
4950h_9z dC9z
S9^9z ;05dz dC0dz 0z lWS0Uz F_z 05dh0NNoz h_FU@z C9^z NWl9^z ^9@F_d9^ z FU7F50d9_z
dC0dz ^9N0dFk9Noz Yh^9z ^9@Icd^0dFWUz C0_z 499Uz 9_d04NF_C97z
%dz S0oz 49z 0_z l9NNz dWz S9UdFWUz C9^9z dC0dz dC9z YhYFNz lCWz _d0^d_z lFdCz 0z
79=UFd9z 4^90Mz 49dl99Uz dC9z ^9@F_d9^_z I_z ;0^z 90_I9^z dWz d^0FUz dC0Uz WU9z lCWz
h_9_z WU9z ^9EF_d9^z WUNoz W^ z lW^_9z _dINN z SIm97z^9@F_d^0dFWUz ,C9z >^_dz Y^W59__z
IUz g0FUFU@z 0z kWI59z I_z dWz >U7z 0U7z I_WN0d9z 4WdCz ^9@I_d9^_ z 0U7z49;W^9z I_z

t may be as well to mention here that the pupil who starts with a

definite break

between the registers is far easier to train than one who

uses one register only or, worse still, mix

ed registration. The first process

in training a voice is to find and isolate both registers, and before this is


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   E   / > 3c      

 G * A NiN     i  E A  '
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 N} "    #  c i'     1
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 /  . .&      > 3     G
 =  i  $ & A  $ AA  "E2
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 E1 $ V     >   V&   $  .N
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N      k    A2W 3    $ E $ E 1
   w z1 $.  E1VN  2 `   A 
/ V  # A <& / /        E& / A
"  #V <V. ".)   OA   $   A A>
#  O "V)   A $ < 1  w

done no vocal development is possible. Thus, the pupil who starts with

two definite, uncoordinated registers is in the same condition, or stage

of development, as the one who started with one register and has found

and developed the other;

or the one who, having started with mix


registration, has succeeded in separating the voice into two parts and

establishing relatively pure registration. The pupil with a definite break

starts in a fairly advanced stage of technical development.

The man who uses the pure falsetto for his soft tones will indeed be


ing illegitimate, foolish and effeminate sounds, but he is not straining

his voice in anything lik

e the same degree as the one who produces his

high, soft tones with an ex

and mix

treme constriction of the laryngeal pharynx

ed falsetto registration. Neither very high nor soft tones should

ever be sung by a man, in performance, before pure registration and

pharyngeal resonance adj


ustment have been established.

ed registration is the worst of all faults in singing or speak

The individual who uses a pronounced form of mix

designated as one with "

registration: Mix


no natural voice."

ed falsetto and mix

tremely unpleasant q

This is what happens in the case of mix





ee F

ig. 16

ed registration:


: 8: #22*:  :  :

b +J b6



10 20




ig. 16



alsetto (S

uite a wide range may be covered,


Lower R


ed F


n either case the

uality which results from this technic.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

a. Mix

There are two forms of mix

ed lower register. I

in the voice may be absent and q

despite the ex


ed registration is


Diagrammatic R



epresentation of Mix


ed F














} U Z Z l }Z} mJ O mJ ~ m


$V5M{5ii5V; 1Av~AEn5Vqn qI .VA> '7cAq

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

W hen the tone is attack

ed the balance or co-ordination between the

arytenoid and thyroid muscles is incorrect, both arytenoid and crico-

thyroid groups of muscles are undeveloped. The arytenoid muscles are

less undeveloped than the crico-thyroid muscles. W hen the intensity is

increased the added tension is tak

en up by both sets of muscles together,

so that the correct co-ordination never prevails.

igure 16

indicates, in diagrammatic form, mix

ed falsetto registration

for a middle tone.

Notice that, at the attack

(pianissimo), the tension on the arytenoid

muscles is far higher than that indicated in F

ig. 14 for a tone of similar

pitch. Notice also that, as the intensity increases, the tension is added

to both sets of muscles (the thyroids and arytenoids) uniformly and

simultaneously. F

or this reason the mix

ed falsetto characteristic or q


is maintained throughout the entire intensity range.

That this is true is indicated by the fact that, in actual practice, anyone

employing this type of technic retains the ex


ed falsetto q

The q

tremely throaty, unpleasant,

uality at all intensities.

uality of a woman'

n the case of a man'

s voice using this technic is thin and shrill.

s voice it is ex

tremely throaty and effeminate. No

part of the voice has any real power. The vibrato is absent and, in many

cases, a pronounced tremolo occurs.

igure 17 illustrates, in diagrammatic form, mix

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

ed lower registration

for a middle tone.

f high tones can be reached at all, and this may be possible, they

are thin and throaty.

b. Mix

ed Lower R

egistration (S

ee F

8 8 #68 -5/8  #02/1#-*8  8 # 8

ig. 17.)

This is the inverse of the case discussed above. W hen the singer


s the tone, the balance of tension is to the thyroid end. A

intensity is increased, both sets of muscles tak

and simultaneously as in the case of the mix

s the

e up the tension uniformly

ed falsetto.

Notice that, in this case, the tension on the thyroid muscles, at the


(pianissimo), is far higher, and that on the arytenoids is far lower

than indicated in F

ig. 14. Notice also that, as with F

tension for the increase in intensity is tak

ig. 16

, the added

en up by both groups of muscles

uniformly and simultaneously.

The q

uality produced by this type of technic is apt to be even more

unpleasant than that resulting from mix

ed falsetto. The power, however,

is considerably greater, while the range is more limited. A

tremolo often accompanies this type of mix


ed registration.

The reader should be very clear as to the difference between co-

ordinated registration and mix

ed registration. The one and only point

of similarity lies in the fact that there is no break

in the voice. W ith

co-ordinated registration the balance between the two groups of muscles

which actuate the vocal cords is correct at the inception of the tone and,

as it is swelled, the added tension is tak

en up first by the arytenoid

group, until the point is reached at which they are fully loaded. A

point the added tension is tak

t this

en up by the thyroids, but the tension on

the arytenoids is maintained. Thus, pure registration persists despite the

fact that co-ordination has been attained.


n the case of mix

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ed registration the co-ordination of muscles is incor-

)  Q

),>Q ,>Q @)!Q ,5J!=>!Q 9$Q @)!Q >!Q ,>F>>!Q 9J!Q )!5Q @)!Q >,7(!=Q
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rect at the start, and the added tension is tak

muscles uniformly and simultaneously. Pure registration is always lack

The proof of this statement lies in the fact that a mix

ed-register tone,

irrespective of whether it be mix

ed lower register,

ed falsetto or mix

retains its unpleasant, characteristic q


@ F !!@ 
0  F  0 
(0, 0
@ (0 
3F   $  (
 $ F  ( 1@u  

  $    ( 1@ ,   ( 1! ,   
 F   C,   ,

 2 30 $
  ,,!  F  ,


 0 F F   $ F ,  
 2 M
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 ( F
   $ 0$,   
,!> 3F0  ( 1!u 


 $,   , S:  
  , (
 F   ( $ F
@    [
)o :.= 
$ 7  S:    S  " : $   ,
)o! , 


en up by both groups of


uality at all intensities. Thus, if

such a tone is swelled to the greatest possible intensity, the lower register

never comes into action, because the characteristics of the lower register

do not appear. I

nversely, when such a tone is softened to pianissimo, the

characteristics of the pure falsetto are not revealed. Thus, a mix


tone cannot be changed into falsetto or lower register by any means

other than by the elimination of this form of technic and by the separa-

tion and isolation of the two registers through a process of properly

conducted vocal training.


Lower R


u ,J v E
a H a


2 5 10 20











ig. 17

Diagrammatic R

epresentation of Mix

ed Lower R


The regulation of intensity, under proper conditions of registration,

is a function of the vibrato and laryngeal muscles.

n mix

the constrictor muscles of the laryngeal pharynx


and of the breath blast.

s the intensity diminishes, the tension which is already on these con-

strictor muscles, increases, so that the softening of the tone is actually

accomplished by the progressive constriction of the throat. A

time the breath ex

to the rate of ex


ed registration this control of intensity becomes a function of

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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pulsion diminishes

t the same

thus, the intensity is proportional

pulsion of the breath. W hen the technic is correct, the










} U Z Z m }Z} mJ P mJ } m



%VM  $V5M{5ii5V;1Ay~AAj5^qjqF.VA>,qA{1AMV{5Vqj
3 0,

  )o " " 

! ,&)S, (,>
F  ) , $ 

:  (  $0
P  (, $  ,?&
S, "
! $   F ,2

  ! (
:  :
  , ! 
P  (0,

S $  
(, F@    S :4 
$   > Q  (
 ( F F 10, 

 F   10, 

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

breath ex

its max

pulsion drops as the intensity rises from P.P. to M.F

imum at P.P. and at its minimum at M.F

of a full free tone). (S

phenomena of mix


ig. 18



ee F

igs. 18 &

19.) F

ed registration, see C


+R1(\9m 1eN`GV<KJm 1JFIOX (Vm \91m <J\1JV<\gm R<V1Vm 3SKIm ##m \Km m \m <Vm (]m
<\Vm I(e<I`Im (\m ##m (J0m (\m <\Vm I<J<I`Im (\m !m \91m JKSI(Em GK`0J1VVm
K3m (m 3aEEm 3S11m \KJ1   m  $11m <8Vm X X  X KSm (m 3`S\91Tm 0<V/`VV<KJm K3m \91m
N91JKI1J(m K3m I=e10m S18<V\S(\<KJ m V11m 9(N\1Sm  X

t is at

. (the normal loudness

or a further discussion of the

hapter 11.



urves of a W ell-produced V

This figure shows a curve of the breath ex


pulsion plotted against intensity

for a middle tone sung by a well-produced voice.

Notice that the max

gressively until M.F

the max

imum loudness

P.P. and M.F

imum ex

pulsion is at pianissimo, and that it drops pro-

. (a full, free tone) is reached, when it starts to rise until


is reached. Notice also that the drop between

. is far greater than is the rise from M.F

. to F


n this case the breath output is a function of the laryngeal muscles and

of the vibrato

i.e., the singer is "


his breath and is not blowing it

out against a constriction.

W hen a tone is being swelled from P.P. to F


. it starts in the

falsetto, which register persists during the period of added tension

on the arytenoid muscles, and the lower-register action comes into

play when, this tension having reached its max

added to the thyroid muscles. I

imum, tension is

t should be clear that the proportion

of arytenoid to thyroid tension depends upon the pitch

thus, the

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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amount of falsetto tension rises with the pitch. The higher the pitch

the louder the intensity at which the lower register tension should

be added.


The development of the arytenoid muscles is essential, if a pure


falsetto is to be established. The arytenoid cartilages can be held

firmly in position during phonation, only when the arytenoid muscles

are fully developed. This means that they do not "


(KGj ! %ZD6_H KT_DT]K_ij &eZfD]j WFj 6j 5DPP XZWAe<DAj 4WK<Dj


:^d TXI ^ > CI O ^I AI>^ Iqd~ qIE >Y>d~ d~I~e
O > ydEEqI ~I X A > IqqECIE dCI
9dCI ^> ^I y>dyz Iqd~ d > d>~ddy >~E ^> d E
ZIdIq ~dq 8!3! > Orq OII ~I d I>C^JE ^I~ d > dI ~dq
^I y>dyy qE~IP!3!d I>C^IE! 9dCI >r ^> ^I E AIII~
'' >~E 8!3! d O> XI>I ^>~ d ^I dI Oy 8"3! 3"3!
5~ ^d C>I ^I AI>^ d > O~Cd~ O ^I q>~YI>q yCqI >~E
O ^I dA>f K! ^I d~XI d ^rEdX ^d AI>^ >~E d ~ Aqd~Y e
>Y>d~ > C~dCd~!

that the pitch is thus held constant and that the vibrator (vocal


"2+Be #e SIB+e 8Oe &+8B1e O\+==+)e -MI@e ##> SIe > 8Se OS#MSOe 8Be S2+e
-#=O+SSIe ]28(2e M+18OS+Me K+MO8OSOe )XM8B1e S2+e K+M8I)e I-e #))+)e S+BO8IBe
IBe S2+e #M_S+BI8)e @XO(=+O e #B)e S2+e =I\+M M+18OS+Me #(S8IBe (I@+Oe 8BSIe
K>#_e \2+Ce S28Oe S+BO8IBe 2#[8C1e M,#(2+)e 8SOe @#^8@Y@e S+BO8IBe 9Oe
#))+)e SIe S2+e S2_MI8)e @YO(>+Oe Se O2IY>)e &ce (>+#Me S2#Se S2+e KMIKIMS9ICe
I-e #N_S+BI8)e SIe S2_MI8)e S+BO8IBe )+K+B)Oe YKIBe S2+e K8S(2 S2YOe U2+e
#@IYCSed-e-#=O+SSIe S+BO8IBeM8O+Pe \8S2eS2+e K8S(2e 2+e 2815+Me S7+e K8S(2e
U2+e >IY)+Me U2+e 9BS+BO8S_e #Se ]28(2e U2+e >I]+Me M+18OS+Me S+CO8ICe O2IY>)e
'+e 6AADAj
!2+e )+[+>IK@+BSe I-e U2+e #M_S+BI8)e @YO(>+Oe 8Oe +OO+BS8#>e 8-e #e KYM+e
-#=O+SSIe 9Oe SIe '+e +OS#&>8O2+)e 2+e #M_S+BI8)e (#MS8>#1+Oe (#Be &+e 2+>)e
#M+e -Y>>_e )+[+=IK+)e !29Oe @+#DOe U2#Se S2+_e )Ie CISe 18[+e  @I[+   e
U6#Se U6+e L9S(2e 9Qe T3ZPe 4+?*e (IHS$ESe #C)e U6#Se S2+e [9'M#SIMe  [I(#>e


 ;7;Q; V3X


&  (  " # %X !  X       X

cords) is firmly strung, with the result that the tone produced,

under such conditions, is of pleasing q

uality. I

pupil to produce a powerful tone of good q

t is impossible for the

uality unless the lower

register has been isolated, purified and developed fully. The develop-

ment of each of these two groups of muscles depends upon the

isolation and separate development of the two registers. W ithout

such isolation and purification, no work

whatever can be done on

the laryngeal muscles. H ence, technical


improvement is im-

possible unless the problems of registration are work

ig. 19


Breath intensity"

ed out properly.

urve of a Throaty V

This figure shows a curve of the breath ex

for a middle tone sung by a badly produced


AjsCv ]v Tsfe vhW ^{X {XG tGve{ {X={ {XG }jiL lujEAGE
hCGsvAXAjhC]{]jhv ]vjMmeG=v]hWn=e]{6{]v ]fljvv]@eGMjs{XG
ll]e{j lsjCAG = ljGsMe {jhG jM WjjC n=e]{ heGvv {XG ejGs
fGh{ jM G=AX jM {XGwG {j Wsjlv jM fvAeGv CGlGhCv ljh {XG
K]VQ8`KVSj =hC vGl=s={G CGGejlfGh{ jM {XG {j sGW]v{Gsv" <]{Xj{
vAX ]vje={]jh =hC ls]TA={]jh hj jsa X={GGs A=h @G CjhG jh
{XGe=shWG=efvAeGv 5GhAG {GAXh]A=ejA=e]flsjGfGh{ ]v ]f
ljvv]@eGheGvv{XGlsj@eGfvjMsGW]v{s={]jh=sGksaGC j{lsjlGse"

pulsion plotted against intensity



Notice that the breath output rises evenly widi the intensity in a straight-

line curve.

n this case the singer is blowing his breath through a constriction. The

control of intensity is a function of the breath blast and of the degree of con-


i.e., tension on the muscles of the neck

hold the base of the tongue back


and on the muscles which

against the posterior wall of the laryngeal

Thyroid Manipulation

Development of Lower R




t is obvious that if the "


on the thyroid muscles determines

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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the lower register, this "


can be helped by pressing down the

thyroid cartilage. This manipulation is, then, immediately indicated.

t is of immense value. I

t enables the teacher to "

register, by direct manipulation, when it is weak


pull in"


the lower




and undeveloped,





(KGj # %[D8`Hj KS`DS]K`ij &d[fDj VFj 8j 2I[V8`ij 4VK<Dj

;^g TYL ^ ? DL O ^L AL?^ Ltd sLE ?Y?g gLg
O ? ygEEtL L [ A ? A?Et EDLE^?gDL#
9gDL ^? ^L AL?^ gL LLt g^ ^L hLg 7G ? ?gY^
tgL DL#
6 ^g D?L ^L g[L g Atg[ ^g AL?^ ^[^ ? DgDg# ;^L
Dt O gLg g ? ODg O ^L AL?^ At? ?E O ^L ELYLL O D
gDgf"K" Lg ^L yDtL O ^L LMo ?E ^L yDtL ^iD^
^uE ^L A?L O ^L YL A?Do ?Y?g _L Lg ?tt O ^L t?YL?t

" #     #  # ! #   #


6{]v j@]jv {X={ ]M {XG lee jh{XG{Xsj]F fvAeGv CG{Gsf]hGv

{XG ejGs sGW]v{Gs {X]v lee A=h @G XGelGC @ lsGvv]hW Cjh {XG
{Xsj]CA=s{]e=WG$ ;X]v f=h]le={]jh ]v {XGh ]ffGC]={Ge ]hC]A={GC%
6{ ]v jM ]ffGhvG =eG 7{ Gh=@eGv {XG {G=AXGs{j lee ]h {XG ejGs
sGW]v{Gs @C]sGA{ f=h]le={]jh XGh ]{ ]v G=a =hC hCGGejlGC



X M<7; E A X+40>
'  )  " # %X !  X       X

=hC~Xy ylGGCl G lrjBGyy jN[yjb=z[hW=hC CGGbjl[hW [z ~j ?h

Ghjrfjy CGWrGG& 4ozXGrfjoG zXG CGGbjlfGhz =hC [yjb=jh jO
zXG bjGs sGW]yzGs =zjf=z]A=dd @oG=ay jR zXG N=byGzzj oGW]yzGs'
5GhBG zXG zXsj[C g=h[lb?z[jh XGbly =byj j ls[M =hC CGGbjl
XG N=byG~j(

and thus speed up the process of isolating and developing it to an

enormous degree. F

urthermore, the development and isolation of

the lower register automatically break

s off the falsetto register.

H ence, the thyroid manipulation helps also to purify and develop

the falsetto.

ig. 20

Thyroid Manipulation

This is probably the most important of all the manipulations. I

ment speeds up the process of training the voice in a very mark

ts employ-

ed degree.

n certain cases, it enables the teacher to train and develop voices which

could not have been dealt with before it was discovered. I

t has for its pur-

pose the development of the crico-thyroid muscles (lower register). The in-


fingers of each hand are placed on the upper, posterior edges of the

thyroid cartilage, while the thumbs touch, but, in many cases, do not press

down, the center point of this cartilage. H owever, there are cases in which

the manipulation may be more effective when the thyroid cartilage is pressed

down from its middle point. The "


of the crico-thyroid muscles

brings the lower register into action and helps these muscles to "



such time as their use with the aid of the manipulation has so developed them

that they can hold by themselves. .

The down pressure ex

erted varies in different cases according to the state of

development of the laryngeal muscles and genio-hyoid and genio-glossus

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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ven in cases where the lower register is very weak

, or altogether absent,

it can, almost always, be pulled-in in a relatively few lessons. The j


use of this manipulation serves to maintain the relative balance in the state

of development of the crico-thyroid and arytenoid muscles;


i.e., of the two


(KGj 2HiZVK?j/6SKXdO6bKVSj

W hen the hyoid bone drops to a pronounced degree, this manipulation

cannot be employed until the hyoid bone manipulation has become effective.

:^e e A>At ^I { e{> Q >rt ^I {>et>e& 7 I{t

{I IIF ^I DI Q >ee[ ^I eDI e > I {>pIF FI[II)
7 DI>e D>I e I>AtI ^I I>D^I >e >F FIIv eDI ^eD^
DtF ^>I AII FI>t e^ AIQI e > FeDIIF* 7 ^> Q e
I I FIIt|I R cI DlD^eF |DtI
tI I[eI ) <cI l
FI U[I Q I>D^ ^>F >I t>DI G ^I I Ie IF[I Q ^I
ceF D@t>[I cltI ^I c{A D^ B e {> D>I F I
F ^I DII e R ^e D>et>[I# 4II ^II >I D>I l ^eD^
^I {>et>e {> AI {I ISIDeI ^I ^I ^eF D>et>[I e IIF
F Q{ e {eFFtI e, :^I tte[e Q ^I DeD^eF {DtI
Ae\ ^I tI I\eI e >De >F ^It ^II {DtI btF t
1^ {I > ^Ie I e^ ^I >eF R ^I {>et>e ^> FIItIF I|
c> cI D> ^tF A cI|ItI )
:^I F II IIIF >eI e FeSII D>I >DDFe[ cI >I R
FIIt{I R ^I t>[I>t {DtI >F [Ie^eF >F [Ie[t
2I l D>I ^II ^I tI I\eI e I I>p >t\I^I >BI
e D> >w| >t> AI xtIFl l > It>lIt RI tI) :^I nFeDe
I Q ^e {>et>e II {>e>e ^I It>eI A>t>DI e ^I >I
Q FIIt{I Q ^I DeDceF >F >IeF {DtI0 " R ^I
=^I ^I ^eF AI F > DIF FI[II ce {>et>e
D> AI I{tIF et ^I ^eF AI {>et>e ^> AID{I ISIDI+
4II B^ {>et>e D> AI IQIF > ^I >{I e{I)
:^I ^eF {>et>e e eteIF e^ >DeD>tt II AI[eI >F e
I{tIF l ^I t>I >[I R ID^eD>t FIIv{I I\IFI QI
Ie[ R I eDI)

H owever, both manipulations can be performed at the same time.

The thyroid manipulation is utilized with practically every beginner and is

employed in the later stages of technical development to engender further



of the voice.


 ;7;Q; V3X'8>


&  (  " # %X !  X       X



(Press Down)

TH UMB (Touch But

Do Not Presi Down)

ig. 20

Thyroid Manipulation (concluded)

This figure shows the point on the thyroid cartilage on which the index

finger should press when this manipulation is being performed. I

t also shows

the point in the front of the thyroid cartilage at which the thumbs should

touch. The thumbs, however, only touch and do not press at this point. The

manipulation is performed with both hands symmetrically.

This manipulation is perfectly simple and straightforward. I

t is

an obvious outcome of an established theory of registration, and

its effectiveness is a direct proof of the truth of this theory.

The procedure is as follows: The teacher merely places the index

finger of each hand on the upper, posterior edges of the thyroid

cartilage and pulls down with a gentle, firm pressure. (S


ee F


& B.)

W hen the lower-register muscles and the tongue muscles are


, this pressure cannot be ex

erted too forcibly, but it may be

increased little by little until an absolutely pure register is estab-

lished, or "

pulled in."


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W hen the establishment of a pure, fully-developed lower register


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for the given stage of development is complete, pressure on the

thyroid cartilage has little or no effect upon the sound produced.

H owever, in the early stages, the effect of this manipulation soon

becomes q

often be "

uite startling, and full, pure lower-register tones may

pulled in"

and established in a relatively few lessons.

alue of Thyroid Manipulation

This, and the other manipulations, materially modify and alter

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the entire process of developing the voice. They eliminate the long

drawn-out, round-about path which formerly had to be traversed.

The lower register now can be definitely "

tone by tone. O nly "

and sung. I


pulled in"

  )  ) * )
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B *- 

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and established

full tones need to be established

t is generally best to start at about low D (the D one

space below the treble clef) and proceed up the scale, one semitone

at a time, as far as the pupil can sing without closure. No closed,

throaty, "



, shrill or really ugly tones need be sung.

n fact, they should never be produced. I

the pupil, who has not been seriously inj

n a relatively few lessons

ured by bad teaching,

should be able to establish, under manipulation, pure lower-

register tones up to about middle B flat.

The procedure is similar for both sex

es, despite the fact that the

man is singing an octave lower than the woman. I

n the case of a

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man the purification of the lower register, and its development,

may be more difficult to accomplish than it would be for a woman,

because all his singing has probably been done in this register and

all his characteristic technical faults are, therefore, generally asso-

ciated with it. H owever, this manipulation is so effective that it has

been possible to tak

e men who sang entirely in the mix

ed falsetto

register, and establish a definite lower register which finally enabled

them to produce really fine, virile tones. O f course, in cases of this

sort, the unbalance is so ex

treme that the process is q

uite long and


O ctave R

elationship Between R


s soon as pure registration is established, the pupil can sing a

pure falsetto tone ex

actly one octave above the highest, pure lower-

register tone she can produce, but she is muscularly unable to go

any higher without closure. This applies only to women. I

n the

case of a man, a pure, wide-open, fully-developed, falsetto tone,

an octave above the highest lower register tone that he can produce,


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        *   .   

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   b *
  * B   

    b 3 *    

would be so powerful, and demand so much strength in the tongue

muscles and the muscles of the thorax

impossible for him to sing it. F

above high C

, that it would be physically

or this reason falsetto tones above F

should seldom be used even for the lightest possible

tenor and then only when his technical development is very


Generally the use of the falsetto should be limited to about

high C

and sometimes to B or B flat. The use of the tongue instru-

ment for obtaining the "



uality, which is essential for the

attainment of the pure falsetto, is very helpful. No pupil should be

allowed to sing throaty, or "

shut off,"

falsetto tones. This limits the

range which can be covered in the early stages of training, but the

full range is ultimately attained without the necessity for singing

poor q

uality, "


tones. W ith this new procedure, the q


is at all times as pleasing as possible, and a really fine voice is

developed much more q


ly because the round-about path is


llegitimate and "


The ability to produce high, "

woman, or "








tones in the case of a

ed-register tones in the case of a man,

does not mean that he or she actually has a wide range, because

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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such tones are illegitimate and do not really count.

Thus, if the woman'



tones in the falsetto an octave above. I


ible voice can mak

high C



e a sound (or noise) at F


, G, or even C


f men resort to

ed-register tones, they also may be able to reach

very high pitches. This case can be so ex

sound lik


n this manner almost any

and, in some cases, even higher than this. I


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s lower register is carried up very high, with

throaty technic, she can immediately establish "

treme that a bass may

e a light tenor. Despite the fact that these are not legitimate

tones and cannot be considered as singing, some singers who are

able to produce them become ex

tremely conceited. They may be-

lieve they are great singers because they can go very high. The

teacher then has the problem not only of eliminating these worthless

sounds, but of tak

ing the conceit out of the pupil and mak

or her, realize that such sq


ing him,

ing is not real singing.

n view of the fact that most radio singing is performed with j

such a technic, there are many individuals who think


they are great

singers, despite the fact that they have never produced a single

legitimate tone. O f course, the same thing also applies to singers

who perform for the "





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Balancing of R

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t has been shown how the lower register can be "

manipulation, and free, full tones produced at q

pulled in"


uite an early stage.

O nly such tones, and no others, should ever be produced. The pupil

should never be permitted to sing a falsetto tone higher than one

octave above the highest "

attained, they must be k



lower-register tone she can produce.

urthermore, the registers must be balanced. W hen this balance is


ept balanced in all subseq

uent stages of

cessive use of either register unbalances the system

and is harmful. E

ach "

manifest itself ex

actly one octave above each "


free, falsetto tone should immediately




f the balance is to the lower register, this register must not be

carried up until such time as the corresponding (octave above



) falsetto tone has been completely established. This pro-

cedure develops a good q

uality voice at the outset. True, it tak


some time before the pupil can produce very high tones, but this is

uite a secondary consideration in the long run.

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< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

hapter 4










O ne of the principal goals of the vocal student is the attainment

of an even scale, in order that he may be able to interpret with real

artistry and musicianship.

venly R

ising S

cale of I


#3;7E '

This implies a scale in which the intensity rises evenly with the

pitch (about 15 decibels rise to the octave). W hen both registers

1$&!: , : 1$  : 8! &0,$ !*:

are fully developed, and properly balanced, the singer can use

the falsetto at full voice for the tone E

treble clef. I

free, full, "

at this E

is j


on the top space of the

f he, or she, starts singing in the lower register with a


flat. Thus, this E

technic, the registration changes naturally


/ N*N 

* (G N  $%

G,G*@ NG
N G $N*NG/N5

flat in the falsetto, when fully developed,

ust a little louder than the properly produced D

a semitone

in the lower register. This is the same for both sex

es, irre-

spective of the octave difference between the male and female


H ence, the lowest tone sung falsetto at full voice by the male

voice is actually E

flat above high C

Hgc 3VuVgQ 5C>_H jL $gyHguVy

and, because this note is never

found in the vocal literature, he never actually sings falsetto at full

voice. A

t lower intensity, the register change is somewhat lower,

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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and vice versa.

or ex

ample, in the soprano aria R

ida) the first phrase, which goes to F

itorna V

incitor (from V


on the top line of the treble

clef, should all be sung lower register, because this is an intensely

dramatic phrase. O n the other hand, the q

at the 49th measure of this aria ("

uiet phrase which starts

e Tamor mio"

) and goes from A

natural to D on the treble clef should all be sung falsetto. A

falsetto descends below E

s the

flat, the intensity drops rapidly, although

there is a reasonable amount of tone at B on the third line of the

treble clef. I

t is apparent, then, that these lower, falsetto tones must

be fully developed and absolutely pure.

W hen an undeveloped voice is being work


ed out, the attainment

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of the proper balance between the two registers is not very difficult

to accomplish. The "

pulling in"

of the lower register allows the

development of a pure, full, falsetto tone one octave above. The

tongue instrument is of great value in establishing such "

pharyngeally resonated, falsetto tones. W ith each "

lower register, the corresponding falsetto tone

must also be "

opened up."

of the

an octave above

Therefore, we can develop the voice in

stages, maintaining at all times the balance, or eq

uilibrium, between

the two registers. The teacher must be careful to work

balance with absolute precision, or eq

The voice will then "



carry up"

out this

uilibrium will be destroyed.

one semitone at a time, as "


is attained, but at certain periods of the development, sudden




O pening"

may occur.



is the result of a muscular development which

occurs because of a release of muscular interference as well as being

the mere outcome of the muscular development itself. Thus, an



of the throat may occur in order to match a laryngeal


development, i.e., a purification of the registration action, which


es it possible for the singer to actuate a larger, better-"


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-O - 7

pharyngeal, resonance cavity. The actual opening of the throat

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occurs because of a development of the tongue muscles and this

development is accompanied by a release, or relax

of the neck


muscles and a reduction of j



aw interference. The actual

itself is, of course, a wider opening of the throat, i.e.,

laryngeal pharynx

a sudden "

ation, of tension




f this "


is attained suddenly, we have

f it occurs in slow stages, we have the slow

process, which is most often found with unharmed, but

undeveloped, voices.

udden "

O penings"

W hen the release of the neck

and j

aw muscles and the develop-

ment of the tongue muscles occur suddenly, the laryngeal muscles

may not be able to meet the "


because the arytenoid muscle

is not strong enough to hold the closure of the glottis completely,

without the help of the neck

the breath ex

pupil mak

muscles. Under these circumstances

pulsion may become very high. I

e no attempt to check

when such a.sudden "


the ex

t is vital that the

cessive breath ex


occurs, because at this stage, the

only means which he can use to bring about this reduction in the


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pulsion of the breath is by the re-establishment of the neck

aw control, by the elimination of the "



and by going back

again to where he started from. Thus, during the course of develop-

ment, the breath ex

pulsion is apt to increase when an "

occurs, and decrease, while the "



is being established,

through the development of the laryngeal muscles.

Note well, in this connection, that it is very harmful for a singer,

whose technic is throaty, to attempt to hold tones for a long time,

because he can do so only by bringing the neck


aw and antagonistic

tongue muscles into tension, and this procedure merely tends to

increase the throatiness of his voice.

sudden "


is generally accompanied by a potential

purification of the falsetto, despite the fact that the breath ex


for this purer and better falsetto, may be high and, at times, ex

tremely high. I

sion, the mix

f the pupil attempts to check

this high breath ex


ture of registration will be re-established and the

improvement lost. This does not mean that he should intentionally

blow out, or ex

pel, his breath on a forced ex

piration during phona-


The breath ex

pulsion may be so high that the falsetto may appar-

ently disappear for a short space of time, but before very long a

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far better, purer falsetto will manifest itself.

purified falsetto may often be considerably softer than the


ed falsetto, which is helped by the constrictor muscles and can,

therefore, be pushed to a far higher intensity than the purer, breathy

falsetto which appears in conj

unction with an "


nother point in this connection is of vital importance: The

muscles of the j

aw and neck

are large and powerful. The laryngeal

muscles are relatively small. They cannot function properly and,

at the same time, fight these powerful j

aw and neck

muscles. F


this reason laryngeal development is impossible if the tension on

the muscles of the neck

and j

aw is not reduced. The same thing

applies to the tongue muscles: A

ny development of these muscles

is impossible unless some release of the neck


O penings"

and Q uality C

ny permanent "


that each time it occurs the q

and j

aw muscles occurs.


changes the resonance adj

ustment, so

uality is modified.

The teacher must have the ingenuity to recognize the correct




sudden "




or "



which should be used to meet the

W hen the pupil is energetic and highly strung, these


are apt to occur. They are always accompanied


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by a very pronounced rise in intensity. I


2 4 
 F^} 1Ao;i} Ko}     T  c


T Q 

f he can be made to sing

at this suddenly increased intensity level, the augmentation of the

breath ex

pulsion is not distressing. I

f he "

holds back


and tries to

sing at the old intensity level, he may find himself in trouble. H e

must be forced to go after it as soon as the "




is not easy, because it implies a new and revised mental picture of

the intensity level and emotional "

Meeting the "




O pening"

f the pupil is able to meet each "

pronounced this "



11U:F7` U81`  K1F:F7`

as it occurs, however

may be, his problem is a simple one.

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The difficulty occurs when he is psychologically unable to cope with

his vocal development.

The temporary loss of the falsetto register during a sudden



must not be confused with the loss of this register when

the voice has been forced. I

n this latter case, the falsetto muscles have

been strained because a blast of breath is forced out against a con-

striction. S


erious forcing of the voice

especially the falsetto

is most


ny such loss of the falsetto in a sudden "

when the pupil fails to meet the "



occurs only

and, with the talented

pupil, it need never occur.

n the case of young, undeveloped, unharmed voices these sud-

den "

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stages. "

need not occur. They can be "

O penings"

opened up"

in slow

do occur, but each opening is relatively slight

and both registers can be k

ept balanced and intact. The sudden

and, in some cases, devastatingly great opening is only necessary

when the voice has become badly constricted. S

uch a condition is

seldom found with talented pupils who have not been subj

to inj


urious methods of training.

The sudden "

opening up"

of the voice should be avoided, if pos-

sible, unless it is absolutely necessary in order to break

constriction. The competent teacher must k

in easy stages and when to endeavor to "

down active

now when to proceed

open up"

the voice


n this discussion of "

opening up"

the reader should realize the ex

the voice and of "


traordinary degree to which voices

do develop or open up. W hen a big voice, which has been "

shut off,"

either by bad training or because of timidity or inhibition, is opened

up, the increase in power can be so great as to be almost unbeliev-

able. A


ctually it is often the biggest voices which are the most

shut off."


f the individual whose vocal apparatus is designed to



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produce a high power level is inhibited

and this often occurs


shut-off condition may be so great that the resulting power output

is far lower than that of a very small voice which is, even slightly,


opened up."


lectrical R

esearch Products, I

nc., we analyzed cases of power

increases in voices, undergoing the training process, of nearly

1000 times, i.e., 30 decibels. H owever, these pupils were not tested

at the start of the training process and their voices were not par-

ticularly powerful ones. I

t is fair to assume that the intensity of a

really powerful, shut-off voice could easily be raised about 40

decibels when fully opened up. This means a power increase of

about 10,000 times. S

uch figures stagger the imagination, but they

are confirmed by scientific tests and are by no means unusual.


O pening"

and Psychological Problems

Now, in realizing this fact, the teacher must also understand that

he has a very real problem to face in dealing with the psycholgical

side of his work

. The difficulty of persuading the pupil who has

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a powerful voice, which is shut off, to eliminate fear and go after

the tone is no simple matter. Nevertheless, this psychological devel-

. mGgVgQ  >gE 0uCSj_jQVC>_ 0qjA_Gdu

opment is absolutely essential if he is to learn to sing with freedom,

using his real (natural) voice. E

ach time an opening occurs, the

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psychological factor must be dealt with if the opening is to be

established. The mechanical process of "

opening up"

the voice is

now so efficient that this psychological problem looms far more

formidably than it did before.

t is interesting that, while the smallest voice which is "



produces far more power than the biggest one which is only

partially opened, there is another vital fact: A

small voice which

has been fully opened and which is used with energy and freedom,

sounds far bigger in an auditorium than even the most powerful,

opened-up voice which is "

held back


in performance. The drop

in power in an auditorium may, under such circumstances, be q


This is especially true of the singer who started with a "

voice and who has had it "

opened up."



H e must be made to develop

the vitality which is instinctive with the singer who possesses a

naturally "


voice. This is not easy to accomplish. Talented

pupils are apt to become emotionally ex

cited and energetic in front

of an audience and sing with greater freedom and power. Less

talented ones slack


off and sometimes drop to a lamentable degree.

great tenor submitted to a pitch intensity test at E

lectrical R


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{F>xCU 5xlEC{ 1eC <Ue UF {>eR UF C_Xa>CXC rUx>{F lM >e >xX>

search Products, I

nc. W hen he sang the climactic phrase of an aria,

he indicated a definitely higher intensity level on practically every

tone than on any corresponding tone he had produced in the

single tone test for the curve. The pupils either failed to rise or they

dropped when they sang a musical phrase. This is a most important

phase of the training process. I

t indicates one very good test of

{XeR_FleF F} Mlx UF CxF 8UF srX_{ FXUFx M>X_FE l xX{F lx UF

ExlrrFE UFe UF {>eR > a{YC>_ rUx>{F 8VX{ X{ > al{ Xarlx>e
rU>{F lM UF x>ZhXeR rxlCF{{ 1 XeEXC>F{ meF Fx RllE F{ lM


There is one point which comes up here: the q

uestion of singing

IU1\ %;F8:F8\

loudly. Those who unintentionally, or intentionally, misunderstand

this work

, are apt to say that these procedures mak

e pupils sing

every tone as loudly as possible. This statement is ridiculously

untrue. The intensity increases are due to technical improvements,

i.e., the strengthening of the laryngeal muscles and the opening of

the throat. S

creaming and shouting often mak

legitimate singing. A

e more noise than

shouted lower-register tone of both sex

es, and

especially of women, is far louder (noisier) over a certain (low)

range, than a properly-produced tone. This shouting is, of course,

harmful. Pupils should not, must not, scream!

singer may mak

The mix


e a lot of noise. This type of noise must be eliminated!

t is the power over a wide range that counts, and even then

uality, "


free tones can be tak

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

only good-q

en into account.

There are stages in the training process when the loudness may

actually drop. This generally occurs when work

ing with a man who

shouts, a woman who screams, and above all, with a mix

singer of either sex


. The pure falsetto is considerably softer for the

lower pitches than is the mix

ed falsetto. Thus, as this register is

purified, the intensity nearly always drops, and drops a great deal

for the lowest tones for which it can be employed. O f course, when

the falsetto has been finally purified and fully developed, it is very

powerful at the higher pitches. The lowest falsetto tones never

become powerful and should never be used in performance


lower register must be used at all times, even at pianissimo, below a

certain pitch

about middle A

b. The advanced pupil can sing this

tone softly enough in the lower register and the less advanced pupil

will either mix

the falsetto or it will be too soft to be heard.

Tone is what is desired

not noise. The teacher who think

s he is

teaching according to the principles here laid down and who merely


es his pupils shout or scream is actually work

ing in ex

actly the

opposite direction from the one which is indicated.

fter the first maj


XeFxrxF>XF >_Fe

interpretative talent.

Loud S

UF XfEXC>FE > EFOeXF_ UXRUFx XeFe{X _FF_ le rx>CXC>__ Fx

leF U>e le >e ClxxF|rleEXeR leF UF U?E rxlECFE Xe UF

or "


the opening process continues

8UFxF X{ leF rlXe UXCU ClaF{ r UFxF + UF tF{Xle lM {XeRXeS

_lE_ 8Ul{F Ul eXeeXle>__ lx XeFeXle>__ aX{eEFx{>eE
UX{ lx] >xF >r l {> U> UF{F rxlCFExF{ a>]F rrX_{ {XeR

FFx leF >{ _lE_ >{ rl{{XB_F 8UX{ {>FaFe  X{ xXEXC_l{_

ixF 8UF XeFe{X XeCxF>{F{ >xF EF l FCUeXC>_ XarxlFaFe{
D: l VF {xFeRUFeXeR lM UF _>xeRF>_ a{C_F{ >eE UF lrFeXeR lM
VF Uxl> 7CxF>aXeR >eE {UlXeR lMFe a>]F blxF elX{F U>e

_FRXXa>F {XeRXeR 8 ^Bndb:6l _lFxxFRX{Fx leF lM BlU {FF| >eE

F{rFCX>__ GM laFe X{ M>x _lEFx
elX{XFx lFx > CFx>Xe

x>eRF U>e > rxlrFx_rxlECFE leF 8UX{ {UlXeR X{ lM Clx{F

U>xaM_ 6rX_{ ^BUdM6l el Od^bl el {CxF>a 8UF aXFExFRX~Fx
{XeRFxa>a>]F>_llMelX{F 8UX|rFlMelX{Fa{BF F_XaXe>FE

1 X{ UF rlFx lFx > XEF x>eRF U> Cle{ >eE FFe UFe
le_!RllEu>_X lrFe  MxFF leF{ C>e BF >]Fe Xel >CCle

8UFxF >xF {>RF{ Xe UF x>XeXeR rxlCF{{ UFe UF _lEeF{{ c>

>C>__ Exlr 8UX{ RFeFx>__ lCCx{ UFe lx]XeR XU > a>e Ul
{Ul{ > la>e Ul {CxF>a{ >eE >BlF @__ XU > aXFEM>_{Fl

|XeRFx lM FXUFx {F 8UF rxF M>_{Hl X{ Cle{XEFx>B_ {lMFx Mlx UF

_lFx rXCUF{ U>e X{ UF aXFE M>_{Fl 8U{ A{ UX{ xFRX{Fx X{
rxXOFE UF XeFe{X eF>x_ >_>{ Exlr{ >eE Exlr{ > RxF> EF>_

Mlx UF _lF{ leF{ Mlx UXCU X C>e BF Far_lFE 4M Clx{F UFe

UF M>_{Fl U>{ BFFe Oe>__ rxXOFE >eE M__ EFF_lrFE X X{ Fx

rlFxM_ > UF UXRUFx rXCUF| 8UF _lF{ M>_{Fl leF{ eFFx
BFClaF rlFxM_ >eE {Ul_E eFFx BF {FE Xe rFxMlxa>eCFUF
_lFxxFRX{Fx a{ BF {FE > >__ XaF{ FFe > rX>eX{{Xal BF_l >
CFx>Xe rXCU>Bl aXEE_F :Z :UF >E>eCFE rrX_ C>e {XeR VX{
leF {lM_ FelRU Xe UF _lFx xFRX{Fx >eE UF _F{{ >E>eCFE rrX_
X__ FXUFx aX UF M>_{Fl lx X X__ BF ll {lM l BF UF>xE
9ngI X{ U> X{ EF|XxFEgn elX{F 8UF F>CUFx Ul UXe]{ UF X{
F>CUXeR >CClxEXeRlUFrxXeCXr_F{UFxF_>XEEle>eEUl aFxF_
a>]F{ UX{ rrX_{ {Ul lx {CxF>a X{ >C>__ lx]XeR Xe F>C_ UF
lrrl{XF EXxFCXle Mxla UF leF UXCU X{ XeEXC>FE

2Fx UF Ox{ a>[lx lrFeXeR  UF lrFeZeR rxlCF{{ CleYeF{



Uz W D z


Q Tz


indefinitely, but in the later stages it rather tak

es the form of q


improvement and mellowing of the voice than of increasing the

loudness. The well-produced voice continues to improve and each

development is accompanied by an improvement in q


 *(       'I


+ ,
     !    ! % 

!        !  I  +

ncorrect Teaching Methods and Muscular Development

H ow different is the effect of muscular development in the case

of the throaty singer taught under the "

building on the soft,"





singing in the masq

focussing the voice,"



head voice,"

breath control,"



etc., methods!

n the cases

of the victims of these schools of thought, each development of the

muscular system means an increase in the degree of constriction or,

in other words, vocal deterioration. E


ach tone the singer produces

es his voice more throaty and the voice never lasts very long.

ome voices can, indeed, tak

e a lot of punishment, but all badly-

trained voices deteriorate and, in the long run, they disappear.

s the constrictor muscles



B) the j

the muscles of the neck

, (see F


aw and the muscles which hold the tongue back

against the posterior wall of the laryngeal pharynx

(see F

ig. 4)

develop, the higher and lower tones start to degenerate and are

lost and the power of the entire voice decreases very greatly. There

is no such thing as "

building on the soft."

shutting off."

This process is merely

t is not the voice that is built up but rather

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

one of "

the constrictor muscles. O nly too often nodules form on the vocal

cords of victims of this sort of training and then even surgery only

furnishes temporary relief unless the technic is changed by proper

training, when they will disappear without the aid of a surgeon.

W hen a singer who uses a throaty technic loses his voice, his only


if he does not have it trained properly

and even talk

is to stop singing,

ing, altogether and let the muscles which he is using

the constrictor system


en from lack

of use. I

f he does this he

may sing again for a time, but the loss of voice will inevitably recur.

Muscular development improves a well-produced voice and plenty

of vigorous singing is good for it;

while muscular development

eliminates a throaty voice, and singing, especially vigorous singing,

is bad for it. I

t is, indeed, a sad thing when the method of producing

the voice is such that the mere use of the instrument is harmful.


#hCkrrGCx6G?CSVhR )GxSkFu?hF *~uC~_?rGG_kmdGgx


forward placement,"

 g  ? AH 6  !   \

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< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

<Z32\ $38:OPL-P:IF\

ed R

IV LmhiLS PLV ] V }SVVwVS mPV m VwLmVw

n{wV( Fnwi L m iL {mhi NV V{VS L } mPV
{L hV NVKV L}S ]LV iL} V i iLV iL {V
n}hm}h mi L iL VPi}mP L}S {mVS VhmLm}) JiV} V
VhmLm} m {mVS iV NwV{ m L {V SndPw }V* 8V]V
iV{L}mwLm} VV SVmVS iVV VV PVLm} PLV ] mw
iV VhmL} iS NVP{V {mVSiLm L LNwVwm{
iVn mPV P{wVVw VPuVS6 L iV PwS } NV Lhi
m}h* =VV N iV V ]iV {L}mwLm} PiNwV{ PL}
} NV SVLwni nV VdPnV}w+


The straightforward case of the undeveloped voice is relatively

simple. Pupils who start with what might be termed as "

no voice"

may progress better and faster than those who have what some

people would consider a "

good natural voice,"

singing with a throaty technic and mix

registration is mix

but who are actually

ed registration. W hen the

ed, the problem is a more difficult one. Before

the manipulations were devised, there were certain cases of pupils

whose registration had become so mix

possible to break

it down. A

their voices completely wreck

ed that it was absolutely im-

t that time it was necessary to consider


that they could not be taught to

sing. H owever, by the use of the manipulations, such problems can

now be dealt with q

ig. 21

uite efficiently.

The Larynx

and Mix

ed R


These illustrations indicate what happens in cases of muscular, permanent


ed registration. Note the space between the hyoid bone and thyroid carti-

lage in A

, and observe how this space has become closed in the case of mix


registration indicated in B.

This condition of mix

ed registration can be cured by manipulation. Until

such time, however, as the manipulation has become effective and permanently

changed the physical condition, it is impossible for the pupil to produce a

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

tone which is not completely throaty and mix

then, that the condition of mix

ed registration

can be felt by means of manual ex

ed. I

t is interesting to note,

the worst of all vocal ills-

amination and determined without hearing

the singer produce a tone.

O f course, the pulling down of the thyroid cartilage establishes

the lower register with remark

tion is unavailing in ex

able rapidity, but even this manipula-

treme cases.

W here the registration is badly mix

very weak


, with the result that the "

ed, the falsetto muscles are


on the arytenoid cartilages



$DAl 0B:l *1XiShl 1S6l+Dh:6l.:AD^bX1bDUSl

=.i. AMMtila$lDWRi AR+D)$l. y=$l =$XX.Ri AR )$i.i W4 Oti)sN$a X.`O$R.Rl
OA|.+ a.;Aila$lAWR Wl. k=. iX$). (.ly..R l=. =}WA+ (WR. $R+ l=}aWA+ dsv
M$;. AR Gz $R+ W(i.`x. =Wy k=Ai iX$). =$i (.)WO. )NWi.+ AS k=. )$i0 W4 OA|/+
a.<Aiq$lAWR AR+A)$l.+ AR Iz
=Ai )WR+AlAWR W4 OA|.+ a.;Aiq$lAWR )$R (. )ta.+ (} O$RAXtN$lAWR "RpM
it)= pO. =Wy.x.a $i k=. O$RAXtM$lAWR =$i (.)WO. .7.)lAx. $R+ X.g$R.RkM}
)=$R:.+ l=. X=}iA)$N )WR+AlAWR Al Ai AO]WiiA(N. 4Wa l=. XtXAM lW XaW+t). $
lWR. y=A)= Ci RWl )WOXM.l.N} l=`W$l} $R+ OA|.+ l Ci ARl.a.ikAR; lW RWl.
l=.R k=$l l=. )WR+AlCWR W4 OC|.+ a.;Aiq$kDWR l=. yWail W4 $NN xW)$M ANNi
)$R (. 4.Nl (} O.$Ri W4 O$Rt$M .|$OAR$lAWR $R+ +.l.aOAR.+ yAl=Wtl =.$`CR;
l=. iAR<.a XaW+t). $ lWR.

E] PV iV wwn}h S~ ] jV jmS PLmwLhV VLOwmiV

m} m}LLnwm}hm} VV{V PLV,
JiVV V VhmLm} n OLTw |nVS jV ]LwV |PwV LV
VVLu nijVVwiLjVhnV }iV LV}mS PLmwLhV

O & Y


Q Tz



%  " 

 N V\ e u
d eI

causes the thyroid cartilage to be rotated upward, so that its upper

posterior edges virtually touch the hyoid bone. (S

21 A


ee F

igs. 12 B &


eparation of H yoid Bone and Thyroid C


H ere is another manipulation which may be employed in pro-

nounced cases of mix

inserted, q

ed registration: The two index

uite far back

cartilage and then, j

!0K)N)S;IF` I3` ^I;.`

IF0` )F.` $9^NI;.` )NS:A)60`

fingers are

, between the hyoid bone and the thyroid

ust at the ex

f   "!      !

" { E  "
g t 

 Q   +%   "

% F   ,       !!
  %     " 
% :

: "
  ; "W 
 V \" e E "
    4   O    
"  "+

act moment at which the pupil

starts to phonate, the teacher presses in and forward, thereby

separating the hyoid bone and the thyroid cartilage and at the same

time pulling in some thyroid tension. (S

a potent weapon for break

lishing the lower register. I

nown device will work

ee F

ing down mix

ig. 22 A


B.) This is

ed registration and estab-

t is sometimes effective when no other

Manipulations for Displaced Larynx

n some cases the laryngeal manipulations are somewhat compli-

cated by the fact that the larynx

is tilted or out of proper, alignment.

violinist was found to have pushed his larynx

over to the right

a considerable distance. O ther cases have been found in which an

habitually tilted head position had displaced the larynx



cases have been observed in which an uneven development of the

muscles had definitely displaced the j

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /


psition of the larynx

 )F;KX@)S;IFQ` 3IN` ;QK@)-0.` )N^F\`

Many other cases were encountered in which the space between

the hyoid bone and the thyroid cartilage was wider on one side than

4  :    "   n@

d "   


 , V
!  :

  $  g
}  1    
"   :   


E  "    
"     % 
 d     #
 % "  
t "    


 !  @
"   "!#
9  " 

7     E  

on the other.

n all such distortions of the position of the larynx

ustment is indicated, and such adj

, manual ad-

ustments must be combined with

the thyroid, hyoid and separation manipulations.

Thus, the manipulations must be made with due consideration

for all the conditions encountered in each particular case, and the

necessary adj

ustments should be made. A

bsolute symmetry, as well

as proper muscular development, is essential.

Diverse modifications of the manipulations described must be

resorted to in order to cope with the various conditions encountered

in practice. These modifications are so dependent upon the par-

ticular case that it is impossible to discuss them in detail. The teacher

must understand the conditions towards which he is aiming and

he must be able to devise the necessary manipulations which fit

the particular case. The manipulations described indicate what


 545?6B1C .C



* ! +  & ( )C %  C      ! C

r l E>F

must be done and are the principal ones which have been established

up to date.

W ork


ing with Mix

ed-register V

+IM>:H8\Y:P9\ :Z31 M38:OS3M\*I:03O\


ed-register voices must not be carried up too far, because it

3ZFExFRZ|Fx lZ.F{ a{ el BF D>xxZFE r ll M>x BFD>{F Z

Z UF UZRUFx M>_{Fl >eE UF UZRUFx _lFxxFRZ{Fx leF{ U> >xF
UF al{ aZ=FE! /F}rZF UF M>D U> Ze {DU D>{F{ UF _lFx

is the higher falsetto and the higher lower-register tones that are

the most mix

ed. Despite the fact that, in such cases, the lower

register can, at first, be sung only with q



with as "

should not be ex



uite a "


uality, this

cessive. The falsetto must be sung

not throaty


yFRZ{Fx D>e > Ox{ BF {eR le_ ZU tZF > UZF t>_Z UZ{
UZFeF{{ }Ul_E el BF FDF{{ZF! 8WF M>_{Fl a{ BF {eR

uality as possible and the tongue

instrument should nearly always be used.

ig. 22

Manipulation for Mix

The index

ed R

ZU >{ E>x^el Uxl>> t>_Z >{ rl{{ZB_F >eE UF leRF



finger of each hand is inserted rather far back

between the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage (see F

in the space

ig. 22B) and then pressed

forward to separate the bone and cartilage as much as possible.

This manipulation must be made at the moment at which the pupil is to


the tone. H e must be instructed to sing as soon as he has felt the

forward pull. I

f he hesitates, he is apt to ex

perience a chok

ing sensation. I

he responds promptly, no discomfort is felt.

W hile this manipulation does tend to pull in additional crico-thyroid ten-

sion, its fundamental purpose is to separate the hyoid bone and thyroid carti-

lage, which have become too closely approx

imated because of the mix


Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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register condition, rather than to augment the lower-register tension.

H owever, in certain cases, after the separation has been made, the lower

register may be pulled in by rotating the two index

fingers in a clock

wise direc-

tion and pulling down. This down pull must not depress the hyoid bone, and

the hyoid bone may often have to be raised while this manipulation is being


This manipulation is used only in cases of mix

ed registration, which technical

fault is manifested by a closure of the space which should be present between

the hyoid bone and the thyroid cartilage. This condition is k

manent, muscular mix

devised for break


ed registration,"

nown as "


and this manipulation is the best means


ing down this most pernicious of all technical faults.

+1SDVdM1bDUSl =UXl +Dh:6l .:@D^bX1bDUSl
G=. AR+.| 8R:.b W4 .$)= =$R+ Ai b$l=.b 4$b ($)H AR l=. iX$).
(.ly..R l=. =}WA+ (WR. $R+ l=}bWA+ )$blAN$:.  i.. A: &&=  $R+ l=.R Xb.ii.+
4Wby$b+ lW i.^$b$l. l=. (WR. $R+ )$blAN$:. $i Ps)= $i XWiiA(N.
=Ai P$RAXsN$lAWR Psil (. P$+. $l l=1 PWP.Rl $l y=A)= l=. XsXAN Ai lW
$ll$)H l=. lWR. . Psil (. ARilbs)l.+ lW iAR: $i iWWR $i =. =$i 4.Nl k=.
4Wby$b+ ^sNN 4 =. =.iAl$l.i =. Ai $Xl lW .|X.bA.R). $ )=WHAR: i.Ri$lAWR 4
=. b.iXWR+i XbWPXlN} RW +Ai)WP6Wbl Ai 4.Nl
#=AN. l=Ai P$RAXsN&lAWR +W.i l.R+ lW XsNN AR $++AmAWR$N )bA)W l=}bWA+ l.R
iAWeE Ali 4sR+$P2Rl$N XsbXWi. Ai lW i.X$b$l. l=. =}WA+ (WR. $R+ l=}bWA+ )$blA~
N$:. y=A)= =$x. (.)WP. lWW )NWi.N} $XXbW|AP$l.+ (.)$si. W4 l=. PA|.+~
b.:Ail.b )WR+AlAWR b$l=.b l=$R lW $s:P.Rl l=. NWy.b b.:Ail.b l.RiAWR
Wy.x.b AR ).bl$AR )$i.i $4l.b l=. i.X$b$lAWR =$i (..R P$+. l=. NWy.b
b3:Ail.b P$} (. XsNN.+ AR (}bWl$lAR: l=. lyW AR+.| AR $ )NW)HyAi. +Ad.)
mAWR $R+ XsNNAR: +WyR =Ai +WyR XsNN Pvl RWl +.Xb.ii l=. =}WA+ (WR. $R+
l=. >}WA+ (WR. P$} W4l.R =$x. lW (. b$Ai.+ y=AN. l=Ai P$RAXsN$lAWR Ai (.AR:
 =AiP$RAXsN$lAWR Ai ui.+ WRN} AR )$i.i W4 PA|.+ b.:Ailb$lAWR z=A)= l.)=RA)$N
4$sNl Ai P$ (} $ )NWisb. W4 l=. iX$). y=A)= i=WsN+ (. Xb.i.Rl (.ly..R
m=. =}WA+ (WR. $R+ m=. l=}bWA+ )$blAN$:. =Ai )WR+AlAWR Ai HRWyR $i X.b
P$R.Rl Psi)sN$b PA|.+ b.:Ailb$lAWR $R+ oAi P$RAXsN$lAWR Ai m=. (.ik P.'Ti
+xAi.+ 4Wc YcXtk -WyU n?Ai } d|n_n e Xx k.)=RA)$N fXw


$ %Y

Uz W D z


Q Tz


Ab oYY YY N N v ovTo oY bNY TY TV PY


f there were any way in which the falsetto muscles could be

helped by manipulation, this process would be considerably simpli-


PNT~ b oY N&  GYY <vl'  \ DYYoYY oY YNPvoY b
N Y Y YlvY VY NNvTN PYN f NV vb oY

fied, but they cannot be reached because they are situated at the


of the larynx

. (S

ee F

ig. 2.) Nevertheless, the establishment of

a pure lower register does automatically break


(Press F


off and purify the


ig. 22

Manipulation for Mix

ed R

egistration (concluded)

This illustration indicates the points between the hyoid bone and thyroid

cartilage at which the index

finger should press forward to separate them

during phonation and thereby alleviate and finally effect the cure for mix



falsetto. I


n cases of mix

ed registration, the falsetto is often very

when it finally appears in its pure form. A

nother reason why

the lower register must not be carried up too high (never above C

on the third space of the treble clef) and then developed, in cases

of mix

ed registration, is because this procedure would overdevelop

it and still further increase the lack

of balance between the weak

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Public Domain, Google-digitized /



I 6<\r =FFg\`Va<PKr <K$= _%\r `6%r SP=K`\r %_j%%Kr `6%r 6mP=$r PK%r K$r _6mVP=$r
V_=F4%r `r j6< 6r `6%r =K$%lr 1K3%Wr ]6PgE$r SV%]]r +PVjV$r _Pr ]%SV_%r _6%Ir
$gV<K4r T6PK`=Pr K$r `6%V%mr FF%i=_%r K$r 2KFGmr %0% _r _6%r gV%r +PVr I=l%$r

bNY& @ TNY b vYV YlvNv oY bNY v bY Y

YN~ oY v gN NYN v v Y b& 8oY YN o
oY Y YlvY PY TNvYV ovlo  YY NPY a




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falsetto and an overdeveloped lower register. The result of this would

be only to still further unbalance the eq

uilibrium of the laryngeal

muscles. O ur problem is to establish a pure falsetto and balance it

with the lower register, which generally tends to develop far more


ly than the falsetto.

Unbalanced R


There are many cases of students who start with fairly pure, but

9 gA>_>gDGE 3GQVuxq>yWji

unbalanced, registration. W here this balance is to the falsetto the

problem is a simple one, because the lower register can generally

be "

pulled in"

 $+ *

   " + (? )
M X   )*  

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@ )*(  
   * +
) } E   
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$,+ 5

in a short space of time, and the proper balance

established. W hen the balance is to the lower register, the problem

is a difficult one, because the building up of the falsetto, which

cannot be subj

cult. I

ected to a heavy breath pressure, is relatively diffi-

n such cases the use of the tongue instrument is most benefi-

cial. They are also helped by work

on the neck

muscles and on the

action of the breathing muscles which will be discussed later. H ow-

ever, the teacher must proceed carefully and slowly. H e must never


e the lower register up too high and he must be sure to establish

and retain a pure, "

proper balance, or eq

established, the work



(not throaty) falsetto. A

s soon as the

uilibrium, between the registers has been

can be speeded up and progress may then


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become very rapid.


< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

hapter 5






Laryngeal Pharynx


There are two types of muscular action in the human body:

a. C

onsciously controlled

b. R


!CVb:Xl l

, i.e., automatic, or not under conscious control

No muscle in the human body can be relax

ed while the individual is

still alive. Thus, from the brain center, which supplies the reflex

 !   !


impulses, a certain degree of tension is maintained throughout the entire

muscular system of the body. W hen one is seated in what we might term




comfortable position, this posture is not maintained by any

conscious effort or muscular control, but by reason of the reflex

on the muscles which determine the posture. S

as "


or "

muscle tone."

uch reflex


f the individual were to die suddenly, he

would collapse, by reason of the fact that this reflex

cease. A

,L[H83,B\ "9,L[HZ\


tension is k

&6C 6C9=4C 9@58C 4C 0;8;/6C 9(42C (2C9&C&;02C 4@ C

muscle tone would

n association of the concept of muscle tone with that of posture


428(4;8/@C 42964//C

8 $?C #8 ;9409(C 46C249C ;26C 428(4;8C 42964/C

should help the reader to understand this phenomenon.

n life we find every type of individual, from the ex

person who is over-relax

ed and relatively "


tremely placid

4C 0;8/C (2C 9&C &;02C 4@C C C 6/?C =&(/C 9&C (2)<);/C )8C
89(//C /*< C &;8C 64,3C 9&C 6*2C 296C =&(&C 8;55/(8C 9&C 6$?C 26<C
(05;/88C C 69(2C %6C 4C 928(42C (8C 0(29(2C 9&64;%&4;9C 9&C 29)6C
0;8;/6C 8@890C 4C 9&C 4@
C &2C 42C (8C 89C (2C =&9C =C 0(%&9C 961C
C 6/?C 40469/C 548(9(42C 9&(8C 5489;6C oz 249C 0(29(2C @C 2@C
428(4;8C !469C 46C 0;8;/6C 42964/C ;9C @C 6842C 4C 9&C 6$?C 928(42C
42C 9&C 0;8/8C =&(&C 960(2C 9&C 5489;6 C ;&C 6$?C 928)42C (8C .24>C
8C 942;8C 46C 0;8/C 942 C C 9&C (2)<(;/C =6C 94C )C 8;2/@C &C
=4;/C 4//58C @C 6842C 4C 9&C 9C 9&9C 9&)8C 6$?C 0;8/C 942C =4;/C
C ; 884)9(42C 4C 9&C 4259C 4C 0;8/C 942C =)9&C 9&9C 4C 5489;6C
8&4;/C &/5C 9&C 66C 94C ;26892C 9&(8C 5&240242
2C /*C =C #2C <6@C 9@5C 4C (2(<(;/C 640C 9&C ?960/@C 5/(C
56842C =&4C (8C 4<66/?C 2C 6/9(</@C C 94C 9&C &(%&/@8:;2%C
2;649(C 42C =&4C (8C /=@8C (2C C 56424;2C 899C 4C 928(42 C &@8(4/4%(A
//@C 9&C (!62C 9=2C 9&8C 9=4C 88C /(8C (2C 9&C %6C 4C 6$?C
0;8/C 942C 569(2(2%C94C &
C 9C )8C (29789(2%C 94C 249C (2C 4229)42C
2C 884(9(42C 9=2C 9&C 899C 4C 0;8/C 942C 2C 9&C 9056029C 4 C
9&C (2(<);/
;5548C C 56842C 8(99(2%C (2C C 6/9(</@C 6/?C 5489;6C 89698C 94C 04< C
C =(//C 82C 4;9C 640C &(8C 428)4;8C 6+2C 296C 26<C (05;/88C =&('C
6(2%C (294C 928(42C 9&C 0;8/8C =&(&C 0;89C C 05/4@C )2C 9&C 40B
5/)8&029C 4C 9&(8C 04<029
<6@C 0;8/C =&2C (2C C 899C 4C 6/9(</@C &(%&C 6/?9(42C 0;89C C
64;%&9C;5C94C C 69(2C %6C 4C928)42C46C (9C =(//C9;//@C 8&449C 4"C
46C 40C (294C 42:9(42 C &2C 9&C 899C 4C 0;8/C 942C (8C 944C /4=C % 8
9&C (2(<(;/C )8C 4<66/?C 9&C 0;8/8C =)//C &<C 94C C 64;%&9C ;5C
94C C 899C 4C 928)42C 9C =&(&C 9&@C =*//C 42969C 46C 04<029C )8C 548A
8*/ C &6C 9&C +2(<(;/C 0(29(28C 944C &(%&C C 899C 4C 942C 02@C
0;8/8C =(//C /6@C C mz C 899C 4C 42969(42C 2C 840C 4C 9&8C 0;89C
9&646C C 6/?C ;29(/C 9&@C &<C 66)<C 9C 9&C )/C 899C 4C 942C

8 9&9C 42(9)42C =&6C 9&C 8/.C &8C 2C 9.2C 4;9C 4C 9&0C 2C 9&@C
6C -;89C 9C 9&C 54(29C =&6C 9&C 55/)9(42C 4C 9&C 428+4;8C 26<C (05;/8C

to the highly-strung,

neurotic one, who is always in a pronounced state of tension. Physiologi-

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cally the difference between these two cases lies in the degree of reflex

muscle tone pertaining to each. I

t is interesting to note, in this connection,

an association between the state of muscle tone and the temperament of

the individual.

uppose a person sitting in a relatively relax

ed posture starts to move.

H e will send out, from his conscious brain center, nerve impulses which

bring into tension the muscles which must be employed in the accom-

plishment of this movement.

very muscle, when in a state of relatively high relax

ation, must be

brought up to a certain degree of tension before it will actually "

shoot off"

or come into contraction. W hen the state of muscle tone is too low, i.e.,

the individual is over-relax

ed, the muscles will have to be brought up

to a state of tension at which they will contract, before movement is pos-

sible. W here the individual maintains too high a state of tone, many

muscles will already be in a state of contraction, and some of these must,

therefore, be relax

ed until they have arrived at the ideal state of tone,

i.e., that condition where the slack

are j


has been tak

en out of them, and they

ust at the point where the application of the conscious nerve impulse



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will bring them into contraction, before the movement can be accom-


There is, then, an ideal state of tonus. V

irtually the entire muscular

system of the body should maintain this ideal condition normally. Under

these circumstances the "




has been tak

en out of all the muscles,

cept those which are in tension because they are maintaining the pos-

ture of the body, and those which are relax

ed because they are antagonis-

tic to these tensed muscles, i.e., those muscles whose function is to reverse

the movement for which the tensed muscles are responsible.

To mak

e matters a litde clearer, let us consider a weight tied to a

piece of elastic: I

f one commences to lift the weight by means of the

elastic, it will be found that the elastic will stretch until a certain point

of tension has been reached, and then, not until then, the weight will

start to move. I

has been tak

the slack

n other words, the weight will not move until the slack

en out of the elastic. This ex

has been tak

act point of tension, at which

en up, and the slightest degree of added tension

lifts the weight, corresponds to the optimum condition of muscle tone.

Too high or too low a state of tonus must lead to inefficiency of action,

slow response and inaccurate adj



ustment. W hen the condition is overly

ed, the conscious nerve impulses must first be applied to tak

e up the

before the muscles can come into contraction. W hen the state of

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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tone is too high, the muscles must be relax

ed before the application of

the conscious nerve impulses can be utilized in order to bring them into

action as part of the co-ordination of muscles which actuates the move-


The goal of the singer, or of the participant in any other field of activity

in which muscular action is involved, is generally the attainment of rapid

and accurate muscular response. S

uch response is, in a large degree,

dependent upon the attainment of an ideal condition of reflex


tone. This corresponds to the state of the muscular system of the athlete'

body when "


at the mark

, ready to spring at the pistol shot (every

muscle is in a state of active preparedness). This condition engenders a

sense of freedom which might, perhaps, be mistak

en for relax

ation by

anyone who is unversed in the fundamental principles of physiology,

despite the fact that it is not really a relax


ed state. I

t is not a state of


W hen teaching vocal technic or, for that matter, many other technics,

some unq

ualified teachers are wont to direct their pupils to relax



a direction is not only physiologically incorrect, because of the difference

between relax

ation (or "


) and muscle tone, but also because the

muscles which are used in phonation (or in the accomplishment of any

other physical action) must come into tension in order to accomplish

this action.

The creation of muscle tone is largely a q

emotion. V

uestion of controlled

oluntary muscle tone can be obtained only by a complete

IqY UYNv b UY Y v NlY N Yv b 4USbXUMM:6l


understanding and command of every thought and action during a

song or speech.

very time, before the singer starts to sing, he must first relax

much as possible



VYNVvl NV UNV b YY lp NV NUv Vvl N

especially the muscles used in phonation. H aving

l YYUp)

;YvY PYbY pY vlY N vl pY g YN N

Uq N vPY YYUvN pY UY YV v pNv( >Nvl


!; .5.9);


pressive without coming into tension. This will

automatically tend to set up the proper state of muscle tone. I

f he is

emotionally "

dead pan"


and if his face is ex


his muscular condition is either over-tensed or over-relax


ation resulting in inex

being over-ex


ed. O ver-

pressiveness can be overcome by his work

ing harder and becoming more ex


but not to the point of

cited (causing pre-tension) and losing self-control.

The singer must be able to relax

tion, because he must relax

musical phrase

VwLVS iV {PVLV V{m} x}Lnx NVP{m}h V{m}Lww

LPmV LwV L}S VVmV mi P{m}h m} V}m}, Gim mxx
L{LmPLxxV}SViVVLV^{PwV}V- ?^iVm
V{m}Lwx SVLS L}S p im ^LPV m VVm}xV#SVLS L}
im {PwL P}Smm} m VmiV V$V}VS V%VwLVS, EV
m}h iLSV L}S NVP{m}h {V VPmVS#N } iV m} ^
NVm}h V%VPmVS  PLm}h V%V}m}  L}S wm}h Vw^%P}w/
7x iV { VxL {{V}Lnx Sm}h L}mn} }V V{
m}+ Gim LNmxm VxL iV} P{V m} iV V LV ^
} L}S V} LLPu iV f }V ^ V iLV mi Vw
n{VSV}m} } iV{PwVVSm}i}Ln} { NV SVVxVS
L}S LPmPVS}mw m m VP}S%}LV, 7 iV mwxVL L
VLV^{PxV }V,

ed, he must create emotion voluntarily, becoming emotionally

active, alert and ex

rapidly all muscles used in phona-

them each time before he starts to sing a

each time he tak

lso, he must relax

es a breath.

momentarily during transitions to new emo-

tions. This ability to relax

tonus, and then attack

, then come in the proper state of

the first tone of the phrase with properly

timed tension on the muscles used in phonation, must be developed

and practiced until it is second-nature. A

s the pupil learns to asso-

ciate free phonation with emotion, he also learns how to come into a

proper state of muscle tone.


O ne of the most vital phases in the establishment of the falsetto

depends upon the pupil'

s ability to start, or attack

f he slurs or "

feels up"

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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center of pitch. I

is always more or less mix

, the tone in the

into a tone, the registration

ed, because there is no more arytenoid

tension than the amount which is determined by the production of

the initial sound he mak

must be mix

es. I


f there is an octave slur the registration

ed to a very high degree, because the amount of falsetto

E}V ^iV { mLw iLV m}VVLNwmi{V} ^V ^LwV

SVV}S }.V nw LNmwm L LLPu iV }V m}iV
PV}V ^mPi, ?^iV x ^VVx m} L}V iV VhmLm}
m LxL {V xV {mVS NVPLV iVV m } {V LV}mS
V}m}iL}iV L{} imPi m SVV{m}VS N iV SP} ^
Vm}mmMx }SiV{LuV, ?^iVVm L}PLV wiVVhmLm}
V}m} m }w ePmV}^ iV }V }V PLV NVx V }V
NV }h  iV f }S SPVS  ) ;V} L wmhi x V}S
V}hV}SV {mVS VhmLm},
GiV LLPu iLNVV} SmPVS m} Vm Nu6 iL SmPm}
mww NV L{xnfVS iVV/ 7LPu SVV}S m} iV f wLPV } L
4M:1Xl Q1Ml 4US4:Vbl ^ iV }V&mPi Vx L}S wS}V NV
}h) D Vx^ xmV}V PL} VV {LuV L V LLPu,

tension is only sufficient for the tone one octave below the tone to

be sung (the first sound produced). E

engender mix

The attack

ed registration.


clear mental concept of the tone

sung. No "



ven a slight slur tends to

has been discussed in previous book

will be amplified here. A

self listener"

ation before A


that discussion

depends, in the first place, upon a

pitch, vowel and loudness to be

can ever mak

e a proper attack


also depends upon the relative relax

ation of all muscles

used in phonation at the instant before the tone is initiated. Let

this point be very clear!

Muscles which have come into tension

before the inception of a given act cannot be used for that act,

unless they are first relax


ed and then re-tensed. O nly when the

$3D,Z,P:IH\ .37IM3\ PP,0?\

7LPu Lx SVV}S } iV VxLmV VxLLm} ^ Lxx {PwV
VS m} i}Lm} L iV m}L} NV^V iV }V m m}mmLWS) BV
im m} NV V PwVL CPxV imPi iLV P{V m} V}m}
NV^V iV n}PVm} ^ L hmV} LP PL}} NV VS ^ iL LP
}wV iV LV f VxLVS L}S iV} V%V}VS, E}w iV} iV


muscles used in phonation come into action at the ex

of the attack

) 4E ) > "0 #0"0  " "   T 
 Z 9 B0 * cF>"Z #F#@4* "0 
 0+ ] #@Z#@"0 F   "$ $   @T s
0$ 0   "; ] #@@    
0   0  7+ Y 
*     i
00"-" )   0  @  n

act moment

can they co-ordinate properly in the production of

the tone. The preparation for this act is, then, one of relax

ing ten-

sion, not of setting it. The proper tongue muscles must become

tense at the moment of attack


f they become tense too soon the

antagonistic muscles come into tension and constriction is estab-



ome pupils have been erroneously told to tense the tongue

before the attack

0qG xGguVjg

, hold the tension, and then sing. This procedure

will develop constriction and tongue tremolos. The tension on

the proper tongue muscles must occur at the ex


. The tongue should be drawn back

ust before the attack

for the attack

ed condition

, and should be ready to come into tension

. This procedure is, however, sometimes fraught with

danger because, if it is drawn back

the attack

d #)#" ! 0 @@*    i 

J@Z - -B9$ >  00$ % 
0 ; ,
m" >RZ4# 0@"0 0> ) F; ,

 @@  E  @  
9+ ] 0) %  @0 7 "0  @T 
p 9AJq|B  B-9D 0%   @*    
  9+ ] #@@ $
!@$ E @

>0F )$ v "  @ 7  x|A AjB> y  @
 B9 D i   !* 
@*+ ,
)>  !0 *  @"   


act moment of

in a relax

and pre-tensed (tensed before

), the tone will be very throaty. Therefore, this direction

should be given only in certain cases in which its application is


Tongue I

nstrument and A


W hen the tongue instrument is being used for the attack

ust a moment before the attack

muscles occurs reflex

, the

ed and then, gently but firmly, pushed back

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tongue must be relax

. The tension on the proper tongue

ly. This means that the pupil must not attempt

to tense his tongue volitionally. I

f he does so, he will inevita-

bly pre-tense it and then bring the antagonistic muscles into ten-

sion at the moment of attack

. The tongue instrument functions

beneficially only because of the reflex

it at the moment of the attack

6jgQ~H $guzq~dGgx >gE  >C\

reaction of the tongue against

w0  0Z "0-@0 " 0 ) @ 


0) )  @T 0% $ *  e@*$ #
p)   @  7; , 0 
) 4 )FT*+ ]"   # 
 0 LO )Z R4"0*+ Y  %  D  j" "!s
* #Fc0 "  0 @"  0"  " s
"0   0  7; ]
 0 @ 
0e*0* @T@0
"  0  \ 9+


nother handicap, which is sometimes encountered, comes to

mind: Bad tongue-tie. The little cord under the tongue is some-

times very short and thick


n some cases it may be as close as % "

from the tip.

ny such tongue-tie mak

es it impossible for the teacher to employ

the tongue instrument, because all he would succeed in doing, if

he were to attempt to use it, would be to bunch up the base of the

tongue in the throat. F

urthermore, it is impossible for a tongue-tied

individual to assume the proper position of, or tension on, the


0F 0%"# $ 
0% > 0)c"; ]  @% @    
7; Y   " *     
F \\"#+
0* )0)c7 @i
 0) "@)0$  
    $ O
LZ mFZ  # ) "$    9j;Rx    b
0 O0 F; `Fi@$ O ""#@ )h
"f>OR"%)4  B )  q@#@ q""  F 0" 0 d

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

tongue for phonation. I

   4 %   %       

          \ #    
        4     J
h  ## 

   =     @
3  0   +   

O '# N V \ d e Y

t is, therefore, physically impossible for him

to produce a tone which is not throaty. F

ortunately such a condi-

tion can be cured very easily by surgery. I

n this case a surgeon

may sever the little cord under the tongue. This very minor opera-

tion will release it and mak

effectively. (S

ee F


ig. 23


e it possible to work

ig. 23 A


with the student


and Normal Tongue

B shows the normal tongue with the relatively long cord underneath it. The

tip of the tongue must, of course, be elevated to show this cord. I


, an abnor-

mally short cord is indicated. Note that in this case the tip of the tongue

cannot be pointed but is actually pulled down, when the tongue is pointed

upward, with the result that a small in-curve is formed at the tip of the

tongue. I

n such bad cases of tongue-tie, it is physically impossible for the

pupil to assume the proper position of the base of the tongue for the pharyn-

geal resonation of the tone. A

bad tongue-tie renders it impossible for the

singer to produce a tone which is not throaty. I

f the tongue instrument is used

in such cases, the only effect is to bunch up the base of the tongue against

the posterior wall of the laryngeal pharynx

, thereby engendering ex



ortunately this condition can be cured by means of a very simple surgical



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Breathing Muscles and A

The third phase of the attack

moment at which the singer attack

after. F


depends upon the breathing mecha-

nism. The muscles of the thorax

must come into tension at the ex

NF} ,_]Gv>qN>}1]7}&_gX1U} ,_]Fv>}

s the tone, and not before or

D ^?Rq^{ eA1{ NR[M(K{ dRN8j1{ qBd?{ d?1{ [1K(dBo1Kw{ KRN9{ -R[.{ jN.1\/'d={ B`{ #=/{
fBV{ R3{ `=/{ `RN7j/{ Lj^` { R3{ -RjY^1 { +/{ 1K/m'`/.{ `S{ ^=Sr{ `=B^{ ,SY.{ P{ D &P{ &*PSYz
L(KKw{ ^?R[`{ -R[.{ B^{ BN.B-(d1.{
Rd1{ d='`{ BN{ d=B^{ -(^/{ `=/{ `BV{ S3{ f=/{ `SP7j/{
-'NNR`{ +1{ URBNd1.{ +j`{ B^{ (-dj(KKw{ UjKK1.{ .RqP { r=1N{ `=/{ `RP9j/{ B^{ VSBP`/.{
{ qB`@{ d=1{ Y1^jKd{ `@(d{ '{ ^M(KK{ BN -jYm/{ B^{ 3R[L1.{ '`{ `=/{ `BV{ R3{ `=/{
dRN9j1{ N{ ^j-={ +(.{ -(^/^{ S3{ `RN9j1 `B/ { B`{ B^{ V=w^B-(KKw{ BLVR^^B+J/{ 3RY{ `=/{
UjUBK{ `R{ (^^jL/{ d=/{ U[RU1[{ VR^BdBRN{ R3{ `?/{ +'^/{ S3{ h/{ dRN9j/{ 3RY{ `@/{ V=']Py
:/(J{ Y/^RN(dBRN{ R3{ d@/{ `RN1{ D +(.{ `RN9j/ `B/{ Y/N.1[^{ B`{ BLVR^^B+K/{ 3RY{ f=/{
^BN:/Y{ `R{ U[R.j-/{ ({ dRN1{ q?B-={ B^{ NR`{ `=[R(`w{ 3{ `=/{ `RN9j/{ BN^ijL/P`{ B^{ l^/.{
BN{ ^j-?{ -(^1^
{ f?1{ RNKw{ 151-d{ B^{ `R{ +jN-={ jV{ f=/{ +(^/{ R3{ d@/{ `RP7j/{ &7'BP^`{
d@/{ UR^d1[BR[{ q(KK{ R3{ d@/{ J([wN91(K{ V@'[wNu { f=1[1+w{ /P7/P./[BN7{ /ui/L/{
RYdjN(d1Kw{ f=B^{ -RP.B`BRN{ -(N{ +/{ ,j[/.{ +w{ L/'N^{ R3{ '{ m/Yx{ ^BLVK/{ ^lY7B,'H{

urthermore, the inspiratory muscles must be in the process

of tensing through, and a little after, the moment of the inception

of the tone.




N1)S8:F6` XQ-A1Q` )F.` SU)-?`


6=W   , , 
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 545?6B1C .C

c>635C: 9 C2=;C

* ! +  & ( )C %  C      ! C

ig. 24


The assumption of a proper posture is ex

tremely important because it has

a large influence on the ability of the singer to hold the breath with the lower


rib and diaphragmatic muscles, and also because it influences the tension

on the neck

muscles. A

but neither stuck

and B indicate the proper posture. The head is raised

out nor held back

too far. The shoulders and chest are

of the neck

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dropped. The body is erect. The back

and the small of the back


%D@l -U^beX:l


@. $jjtOXlAWR W4 $ X`WX.` XWjlt`. Aj .|r.O.N} AOXW`l$Rl (.)$tj. Al @$j

$ M$`:. AR9t.R). WR l=. $(ANAl} W4 l=. jAR:.` lW =WN+ l=. (`.$l= yAl= l=. MWy.`
($)I `A( $R+ +A$X=`$;O$lA) Otj)M.j $R+ $NjW (.)$tj. Al AVt.R).j l=. l.RjAWR
WR l=. R.)J Otj)N.j Gz $R+ Iz AR+F)$l. l=. X`WX.` XWjlt`. =. =.$+ nz `$Aj.+
(tl R.Al=.` jlt)J Wtl RW` =.N+ ($)I lWW 4$` =. j=WtN+.`j $R+ *=.jl $f.
+`WXX.+ !. (W+} Aj .`.)l =. ($)I W4 l=. R.)I $R+ l=. jO$NM W4 l=. ($)K


! 0 ; .509); &;


? 9 QA . Q <Q


Q Tz


ig. 24

Posture (concluded)

are as slightly curved as possible, i.e., the spine is as straight as possible.

The upper part of the legs is relatively horizontal. The k

nees are slightly

bent. The feet are slightly pointed out, separated a short distance and one

foot is placed a short distance in front of the other. The body is firmly and

freely balanced on both feet, which are sq

is neither tilted back

chest and shoulders are relax

uarely set upon the floor. The body

wards nor forwards and the muscles of the arms, neck

ncorrect posture;


the shoulders and chest are raised and the head is

dropped and pulled in.

ncorrect posture;

the chest is forced down and the back

curved badly. The head is pulled back

ncorrect posture;

and neck


and in.

the upper part of the legs are bent back

wards from

the hips, thus throwing the spine out of alignment and forcing two curves

of the spine in the small of the back

and at the neck

. The head is stuck


The weight of the body is on the heels.

There are, of course, innumerable wrong postures which can be assumed.

n some cases the entire body is too tense. I

ll cases of wrong posture serve to engender tension of the neck

shoulder muscles, and to destroy the proper eq

n other cases it is too relax

uilibrium, or "


, chest and


of the

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breathing muscles.


,m6 ,s sWE>BwW 0m64 ,s dassEgW6 " wB6 sdE]6 Es ,s swm,E>Bw ,s dassE/W6
 )B6 dd6m d,mw a8 wB6 W6>s Es m6W,wE6W BamJa]w,T )B6 R66s ,m6 sWE>BwW
/6]w )B6 866w ,m6 sWE>BwW daE]w64 aw s6d,m,w64 , sBamw 4Esw,]06 ,]4 a]6
8aaw :G dW,064 , sBamw 4Isw,]06 E] 8ma]w a8 xB6 bwB6m )B6 /a4 :G <mZW ,]4
8m66W /,W,]064 a] /awB 866w BE0B ,m6 sk,m6W s6w da] wB6 =aam )B6 /a4
Es ]6EwB6m wEWw64 /,0Q,m4s ]am 8am,m4s ,]4 wB6 Zs0W6s a8 wB6 ,mZs ]60Q

0B6sw ,]4 sBaW46ms ,m6 m6W,64

$]0amm60w daswm6 wB6 sBaW46ms ,]4 0B6sw ,m6 m,Es64 ,]4 xB6 B6,4 Is
4madd64 ,]4 dTT64 E]
$]0amm60w daswm6 wB6 0B6sw Es 8am064 4a] ,]4 wB6 /,0Q ,]4 _60Q ,m6
0r64 /,4W )B6 B6,4 Es dWW64 /,0Q ,]4 E]
!$]0amm60w daswm6 wB6 dd6m d,mw a8 wB6 W6>s ,m6 /6]w /,0Q,m4s 8maZ
wB6 BEds wBs wBmaE]> wB6 sdE]6 aw a8 ,WE>]Z6]w ,]4 8am0E]> xa 0m6s
a8 wB6 sdE]6 E] wB6 sZ,WW a8 wB6 /,0Q ,]4 ,w wB6 ]62Q )B6 B6,4 Es sw0Q aw
)B6 6E>Bw a8 wB6 /a4 Es a] wB6 B66Ws
)B6m6 ,m6 a8 0ams6 J]]Z6m,/W6 ma]> daswm6s BE0B 0,] /6 ,ssZ64
%] saZ6 0,s6s wB6 6]wJm6 /a4 Es waa w6]s6 %] awB6m 0,s6s Ew Es waa m6W,64
> 0,s6s a8 ma]A daswo6 s6m6 wa 6]>6]46m w6]sEa] a8 wB6 ]60Q 0B6sw ,]4
sBaT46m Zs0W6s ,]4 wa 46swma wB6 dmad6m 6lEWE/mEZ  am BaW4 2*> wB6
/m6,wBI]> Zs0W6s

 ;7=Q;V3X '8>


&  (  " # %X !  X       X



n inspiring the breath, the chest must never be involved in the

slightest degree and the shoulders must be relax

the posture of the body is most important. (S


pansion tak

and back

ee F


  ! J !! 

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b  ; U 
 P # !  

b  ( 

P  I ;

or this reason

ig. 24.) The

es place between the lower back

ribs which move out

, and the diaphragm, which moves out and forward. F

the singer'


s standpoint it is the forward, or out, movement of the

diaphragm and the back

be considered. A


ed. F

uilibrium. E

, or out, movement of the ribs which must

nd here again we come to the vital q

uestion of

uilibrium implies a series of forces which pull in

different directions and are completely eq

ualized so that the system

is static and cannot move. Movement is concomitant with a break

down of eq

uilibrium. The reader must associate in his mind balanced

tensions, which inhibit movement of the members involved, and

their eq

uilibrium. The eq

fundamental importance

in tension. (S

ee F

uilibrium of the breathing system is of

it implies holding the breathing muscles

ig. 25 A

both the inspiratory and ex


B.) This balanced tension, in which

piratory muscles tak

e part, co-ordinates

with the closure of the glottis. I

t is this co-ordination which mak

legitimate phonation possible. S

uch holding of the breathing muscles

is ex

actly the reverse from the idea of "

breath control"


which is

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based upon the concept of a controlled stream of air which is blown

out through the glottis. "

Breath control"

implies movement of the

breathing muscles, while properly-produced tones can occur^

when these muscles "



O ut"

to E

ust before the pupil attack


in eq

stablish I

nspiratory Tension

s a tone he must ex

and lower ribs. Before the inspiration is q



muscles do not "

pand his diaphragm

uite complete he must

start to sing, and go on out with the diaphragm, mak

certain that the back




ing absolutely


or move. This

or inspiratory, gesture must be made smoothly, and rela-

tively slowly, and must continue through, and a little after, the mo-

ment of attack

. The breath must be inspired as easily as possible and

the necessary degree of tension, which depends upon the pitch and

loudness of the tone to be sung, must be applied for the attack

tone. A

of the

fter the breath has been inspired, the continuation of the "

gesture occurs, through the attack

breathing muscles which is necessary in order to attack

erly. The final ex

.~x Gux~qKxj vx>A`VuS #gvmVq>xkq 6GgvVkg

the tone prop-

pansion is caused by tension on the breathing

muscles. The inspiration of the breath ceases at the moment of attack



, because of the tension on the

## 9

    I # 
   (  Oq qjq 

( 75  
 J 9  E   U!P =  !; ,

U (P  #   (       (   s
!  (  

(      ( 





x    (




 ; ,
 l =       5


< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

ig. 25

H olding the Breath

This illustration shows the manner in which the breath is "


for phona-

tion. Note that both the back

and front of the torso, at the lower back

and at the diaphragm, are ex

panded and, as indicated by the arrows on the


drawing at the left, the pull is forward and out at the diaphragm, and back

ward and out at the lower back

ribs. The singer is holding the ex

and pressing out against the in-pull. There must be no "

which hold this out-pull during the entire ex

figure. These two pulls, out and back

the front, must ex




  ! KNOQ


on the muscles

ecution of a musical phrase or

at the back

actly balance and hold in eq

, and forward and out at

uilibrium. A

s the tension in-

creases for a rise in pitch or a decrease in intensity, the posture and eq


rium, i.e., the balance between the two groups of muscles, must at all times

be maintained. Note that the chest and shoulders should not interfere with

this "


of the diaphragmatic against the back

This condition of balanced "

ment of attack



rib muscles.

pansion must be established at the mo-

The tension may spread down to the abdomen but it should never spread

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up into the chest and shoulders.

&TM6DR@lcB:l X:1cBl
6>]r >FFg]bVb>PKr ]6Pj]r b6&r IKK&Vr >Kr j6> 6r b6&r V&b6r >]r 6&F$r +PVr S6PKn
b>PKr Pb&r b6br Pb6r b6&r  Dr K$r +VPKbr P+r b6&r bPV]Pr br b6&r FPj&Vr  Dr X>]r
K$r br b6&r $>S6V3Ir V&r &lSK$&$r K$r ]r >K$> b&$r mr b6&r VVPj]r PKr b6&r
$Vj>K3r br b6&r F&+br b6&r SgFFr >]r +PVjV$r K$r Pgbr br b6&r $>S6V3Ir K$r  Dn
jV$r K$r Pgbr br b6&r FPj&Vr  Dr V>]r 6&r ]>K3&Vr >]r 6PF$<K3r b6&r &lSK]>PKr
K$r SV&]]>K3r Pgbr 3>M]br b6&r >K SgFFr 6&V&r Ig]br &r KPr 3>i&r PKr b6&r Ig] F&]r
j6> 6r 6PF$r b6>]r Pgb SgFFr $gV>K3r b6&r &Kb>V&r &l& gb>PKr P+r r Ig]> Fr S6V]&r PVr
23gV&r 6&]&r bjPr SgFF]r Pgbr K$r  Dr br b6&r  Dr K$r +PVjV$r K$r Pgbr br
e&r +VPKbr Ig]br &l bFmr FK &r K$r 6PF$r >Kr &Ug>F>V>gJr ]r b6&r b&K]>PKr ?Ko
!V&]&]r +PVr r V>]&r >Kr S>b 6r PVr r $& V&]&r >Kr >Kb&K]>bmr b6&r SP]bgV&r K$r &Ug>F>n
V>gIr hez b6&r GK &r &bj&&Kr b6&r bjPr 3VPgS]r P+r Ig] F&]r Ig]br br FFr b>I&]r
&r I>Kb>K&$r Pb&r b6br b6&r 6&]br K$r ]6PgF$&V]r ]6PgF$r LPbr >Kb&V+'V&r j>b6r
b6>]r 7PF$r P+r b6&r $>S6V3Ib> r 3>K]br b6&r  Dr V>r Ig] G&]r
6>]r PK$>b>PKr P+r FK &$r 6&F$r &lSK]>PKr Ig]br &r &]bF>]6&$r br b6&r IPp
I&Kbr P+r bb Dr
6&r b&L]>PKr Imr ]SV&$r $PjKr bPr b6&r $PI&Kr gbr >br ]6PgF$r qeuerz ]SV&$r
gSr >KbPr b6&r 6&]br K$r ]6PgF$&V]r

! 1-.71:+;(;

# 41-. 3% 2; i{

> 8 4A . ; < 4=Q : / Q7 5 - 1 5 0, 8 Q

Tension on Laryngeal and Pharyngeal Muscles in A

Note in this connection that the tension for the attack

the larynx

EY w ow TYTw oN oY Yw c Y NNT~ N N

starts at


oY Yw owToTY w TYYV w NcY oY wwwN

and tongue and goes on down into the breathing muscles,

the tension on which muscles is not completed until after the initia-

tion of the tone. I

n this way the closure of the glottis is established

w c oY Y* A w N oY TY c oY mw w YNPwoYV

a split fraction of a second before the breath pressure is completely

applied. This closes the valve and stops all forced ex

breath. I

after the tension

the valve does not close, and

the singer is only able to produce tone by means of a forced ex

tion which must then be check

N w cNTy c N YTV Q[d[ oY PYN YY w TYY

NwYV) Iow TY oY O[ NV N cTYV Yw c Y
PYNo) Ac Y TY coY mw TT NY NcY Y Yw
w NwYV oY PYNowm TY oY O[ VY TY NV

pulsion of the

f the closure of the glottis occurs too late

is applied to the breathing muscles

ed by means of the neck


muscles, i.e.,

oY wmY w NPY VTY Y


throaty technic. O f course, the closure of the glottis is intimately

w owTo oY PY ToYT~YV P YN coY YT~TY x&[&

associated with the definition of the pitch and loudness concepts

and with the tensing of the tongue muscles for the shaping of the

pharyngeal cavities for the pitch and vowel concepts. I

oN YTowT+ Fc TY oY TY c oY mw w wwNY

NTwNYV wo oY VYgww c oY wTo NV VY TTY
NV wo oY Ywm c oY mY TY c oY oNwm c oY

n other

words, if the mental picture of the tone is not absolutely and clearly

defined, the laryngeal and pharyngeal adj

ustments are incorrect and

uncertain, the glottis does not close properly, and any accuracy of


ustment is impossible. The vocal apparatus does not work

out a reason

without a mental picture!

oNmYN TNwwY c oY wTo NV Y TTY* A oY


V p oY YN wTY c oY Y w NPY NVTYN

O f course the self-listener



always has a blurred tone concept and is, therefore, never able to

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close the glottis without the use of his neck

Thus, for the attack

, the throat



and tongue

leads. The

NV}Y w wwPY) IoY TN NNN VY ~ w

N YN!wo N YN wTY Fc TY oY Yc"wYY

tension in the breathing muscles is not completed until a fraction

of a second after the throat tension has been established. I


leads and the larynx

f the


TY oY my wo oY Y c ow YT~ TY,

and tongue lag, the glottis does not

close because of tension on its own intrinsic muscles and the breath

is, perforce, blown out.

Despite the fact that the throat "


the attack

Io c oY NNT~ oY oN N NV mY [OW) IoY

should actually

Yw w oY PYNwm TY w TYYV w N cNTw

c N YTV NcY oY oN Yw oN PYY YNPwoYV* Ac Y
oN [OX NV oY N NV mY Nm oY mw VY

be one single, properly-timed, co-ordinated act.

Maintenance of "

H old"

H aving once established this "

any time, let go (relax

this "



) until he tak

the singer must never, at

es a new breath. F



must always persist, even through the production of

w YcTY P ,

consonants and changes of pitch, throughout the singing of a musi-

cal phrase. I

'3FO:IF\ IF\,M[F83,B\ ,F1\



:YwY oY cNT oN oY oN 5YNV oY NNT~ oV NTN


t is imperative for it to be maintained while the pitch

is being changed, despite the fact that the degree of tension in-

creases as the pitch rises and lessens as it descends. Thus, the eq


brium of the breathing muscles must be maintained, in spite of the

changes in the degrees of tension, until a new breath is inspired.


,:FP3F,F/3\ I7\ IB1\

>Nwm TY YNPwoYV ow oV oY wmY YY N

N wY [ @Tl  YN  w oY N~Y N Y PYNo) <oYY

ow oV NN Yw YY omo oY VTw c

TN NV ToNmY c wTo omo Y wmwm c N w

TN oNY' A w wYNwY c w PY NwNwYV owY oY wTo

w PYwm ToNmYV VYwY Y cNT oN oY VYmYY c Yw w


Pw c oY PYNowm TY PY NwNwYV w wY c o\

ToNmY w oY VYmYY c Yw w N Y PYNo y wwYV)


! 0 ; .509); &;

?9 A.Q

:Z0   ` IF` U90` N0)U9:F6`  XQ-A0Q`



on the Breathing Muscles

There are a great many ways in which the pupil may "



E     ""  " -c..%

 g    I E   "    

I E 
  7 "  -"7   W     +I E
o "%   
. d   o   h

  Q "    

"  ". N VL
\"I C


the breathing muscles. The most prevalent is by means of a

movement, up or down, of the chest and shoulders. These gestures

translate into a "


of the muscles of the back

may move in, out, up or down. A

destroy the eq

. The diaphragm

ny such movements automatically

uilibrium of the system, and the singer commences

to blow breath, thereby destroying legitimate phonation. (S


ig. 24.)

Pre-tension and I


The tension on the muscles used in phonation must occur for this

act. I

f any muscle becomes tense before the moment of attack

muscle cannot come into tension for this act. S

such muscle may be called "


N0V0FQ:IF`)F.`  FS1O30N1F-0`

, this

uch tension on any

Pre-tension on any group

E" L
"   A^i}
 I 4       )   + 
o    "  A^i}   . V    h
-.    !
"       )
"  %       .

of muscles used in phonation constitutes the most pernicious form

of interference, or antagonistic muscular action. .

W ork

Done in Production of Tone

certain amount of work

or energy must be ex

pended to produce

any given tone. This varies to an enormous degree, according to the

state of technical proficiency of the singer. Under ideal conditions

the effort which must be ex

pended is determined by the amount


necessary to tense the muscles which are, and should be,

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

of work

used in phonation. I

n practice other muscles come into tension.

(IN?` JF1` :F` OJ. X-S:IF` I3` #IF0`

These muscles come under two headings:

1. The interfering muscles which co-ordinate

phonation. "




d "+g

". =  

     B     "I 
 O     ,!

 +    L       

" "I 4 !      o " .

" {

comes under this heading.

2. Muscles which come into tension but which do not co-ordinate

with phonation.

Both these groups of muscles should, of course, be relax

ed and,

during the process of training the voice, the tension on them should

always be lessening. I

n bad cases, however, the tension on these

two groups of muscles is ex

the work

tremely high, under which circumstances

which must be done in order to sing is enormously aug-


W e could state this in the form of an eq


E "   "  

c"   c
"I -UT o 
 }   o" 
" I

Thus, if:

W = Total muscular tension (i.e., total work

done by singer when

he produces a given tone)


e W     

%  %   g

"  %

   I 4 
% %    
 ,o %

 "   Q"I
% V'c
X E   " N .. +

 545?6B1C .C

c>635C: 9 C2=;C

* ! +  & ( )C %  C      ! C

= Tension on muscles which should be used in phonation

= Tension on interfering muscles

= Tension on muscles not co-ordinated with phonation

Then: W = X

+ 2Y

This means that the "

+ Z

 '')  L L L')4%J ) %qL' '

,'    ) 

, ' ' )  ' c' %  




order to sing a given tone is eq

(muscular tension) req

ual to the "



 L bU' 'K ) )   I % 
'  '   ! ' I)4 '
 U' 9 %'K  ' % \'
 ) x 

')4% J )   q
' '( xc

N' 9 'K '     

    ( xc 
 N' 9 K    ' '! 
 '( xc
 U 9 K ' ) 4 

J '

' +
 ! '
  J    )%(


J  %  '  ( ' 
' ) x
 !'   (   % '
9  %       g' +       ')  
' !  '   % \' J  '  
) %  '  
  ' q '%)     4+ ,
 ' %
 '!    I  
 x  ' q '%)  )%
  + ,
     ')   ' 9( V A  9 
 g' ( %  )   '  9  4 (  q 
  ') '' +
v  '  
 '  '(
(  O J 
   ' '

   + w

 ' q '' n
       )  (  

uired in

in order to

tense the muscles which should be used in phonation, plus the




on interfering muscles which co-ordinate with phona-

tion, but should not do so, plus the "


come this tension, plus the "




in order to over-

on muscles which become

tense but do not co-ordinate with phonation.

n view of the fact that both Y

and Z

can be of any magnitude,

the reader will readily understand why it is that the singer who has

been trained incorrecdy, or who uses his voice badly, is forced to


e so distressingly great an effort. I

conceivable for the tensions Y

and Z

n ex

treme cases it would be

to become so great that it

would be impossible for the singer to produce tone at all. The ten-

sion Z

does not count in producing the tone and the tension Y

be overcome by an eq


ual tension if the singer is to produce sound

at all. Thus, he can do an enormous amount of work

tremendous effort, and actually be doing no work

, i.e., mak


at all, as applied

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

to the production of tone.

part from any other consideration, then, it will be seen how

important a part of the teacher'

s work

lies in the elimination of

interfering and incorrect tension when the pupil is singing. W hen

he has succeeded in reducing both Y

tions, the work

no means great;


and Z

to minimum propor-

done by the pupil in order to produce tone, is by

in fact he is then able to sing with consummate

allacies in Tensing E

traneous Muscles

The idea that certain muscles, not used in phonation, should be

tensed to "



the voice is entirely fallacious. There is a

school of thought"

which believes that the legs and buttock

be tensed to "

support the tone."

s should

The idea must be that tension on

muscles not used in phonation helps those muscles which are used.

This is an absolute fallacy. W hile the muscles used in phonation

must be tensed for that act, all the other muscles in the body should

be in a condition of optimum tonus. This means that the singer

should be in a state of freedom and alertness, but that the muscles

not used in phonation should be relatively relax



    (  )  q
')4% J
  ' N K 
 !         + ,
' '



  ) 9 
   ' Nq 
 \+K ,
 ' '
)   ) 


,   J )    + a
   )%  q
) J 
 )x 4 
') %
     qxVii qj ,


')4%     '  %    ()

 ) 4
' ) %q
'  4 !4 4%+

< slssi b

J slt  m

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

O ne teacher pointed out that he believed in the "

which he associated with tension on the buttock

U        /    7  F
            #= U  
          * (  V     
#           = >  
       "    #      
 #    <         
[\       #     :   
    r    " # * ( 
 '      =
> 7s H           
  f               5
a 73 F          

breath clutch"

s. O ne need hardly

discuss the absurdity of such notions. The only effect of tension on

the muscles not used in phonation is to increase the effort the singer

is mak

ing and to radically impair his muscular efficiency. I

player were to tense his left arm, while strik


et held in his right hand, this tension would probably so impair

his ability to mak

e accurate muscular adj

miss the ball altogether, or at any rate, strok

thing ex

ustments that he would

e badly. The same

actly applies to the singer.

f the "

it is q

f a tennis

ing the ball with the


on the muscles used in phonation is too great

uite impossible for the singer to produce a legitimate tone.

omplete "


on this group of muscles would render the

production of tone impossible.



of Tension

The pupil who tenses his entire body and then tries to attack

tone becomes virtually paralyzed. H e is mak

but he is doing no work

at all

he is only fighting himself. The

proper preparation for the attack


toning up,"


ing a tremendous effort,

':E;H8\ I7\ '3HO:IH\

depends upon the release, the

of the entire muscular system of the body, but it is

(               # 

   p* T  #   V<
      #  Y   d   * (
      #    < 
7  <F          "   
      '"      <   
         = (    B
( _     '  < "
    7 q           
7(  F         x D 
 * T'8 (< ' 
 y#  <     '   
 * (           
'<   '* ( <  :<  
   "          <   
           = ( 
   7 F            
     * >        "  
  7  F       * D  #  
7  F       "

, as much as possible, the muscles

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

most important for him to relax

which are about to be used in phonation. The throaty singer pre-

pares himself by tensing and then throwing this tension into reverse.

The properly-trained singer prepares himself by relax

he is able to "


action at the moment of attack



ing and, then,

the tension and bring the proper muscles into

is of fundamental importance in singing. W hen the

singer is performing he must graduate the degrees of tension for the

pitches and loudnesses of the tones he has to sing with great preci-

sion. H e must never relax

when he tak

between tones. Thus, he should relax

es a breath, and then he must relax


as completely as

possible. These changes of tension apply to the muscles of the


, tongue and thorax

. They depend, for adj

ustment, on the

pitch changes, during the performance of a melodic line, in which

the loudness should not be varied on any single tone. They must

be perfectly "


and must co-ordinate with each pitch change

with absolute precision. I

accurate "




f the pitch is not centered properly, such

is impossible to accomplish. W hen the sk

ill in

and the pitch precision are not of a high degree of accuracy,

it is impossible for the singer to interpret a melodic line with a

really "






7 VdVgQ >gES>gQGu jL7GguWjg0V{CT



and C

hanges of Tension (Pitch)

f the tone is produced properly the adj

 W [ [

<  A<   
  B<  m

 <2 w
   A< <   


  ^    $ 

< < A (   
 84  B < 
k|   A^     = 8  <  
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  8 UA 4K  

A <  ! 
[ 8
 x ; ,

     h   8
[ 4 < A < 8 

    [ 2 ,

 < <  <


<  [<=  4 j Bb O  2
<  4 % # %

 8   <  
 = 2 ,

 h  f 8
 < [4  
  8 %p f %D 8  B 4!4
8 $
 : D 
     m  #K [
m<< U  )K $   $  [ <Z    :o
: Z 8 9 Of fK

[ x  
 !DK 8
Z mB
  < <o  W  

! 4< [ 8 2 : U 9[K  R  < D J
<  % !K  [  m  8< D 8 
 8 4 2
[ ! [ <|h   !  8  
2 ,
 <     #  < % )# 

A 8    4
 ) %  

A 8  ^$ 

< 8
[  4
 ^$ <



ustment between the

laryngeal muscles (arytenoid and thyroid) alters with each change

of pitch and loudness. W hen singing a melodic line it is pitch


which need be tak


en into account, when considering the

laryngeal muscles, because any change of loudness on a single tone

swelling or mak

ing a decrescendo (ex

cept for special effects)

destroys the flow of the melody. This type of "


effect is

cheap, unmusical and offensive to the ear of the musician. Thus, it

is the accurate co-ordinations of the laryngeal muscles for pitch

with which we are most concerned. The degree of tension and the

co-ordination of the laryngeal muscles change with the pitch, but

the tension should not relax

W hen the tension relax

until a new breath is inspired.

es, the pitch will probably drop and the

singer is then forced to slur into the nex

t tone. This is disastrous

because, with each slur, the co-ordination of the laryngeal muscles

goes further and further out of adj

ustment and, after a relatively

few tones, the singer, who is trying to sing with an "

will "

tie up"

Thus, the singer must develop a high degree of sk

the tensions and in holding tension without "

n conj

must be virtually perfect. S


inging "

off k

ill in "


unction with this sk

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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to sing legitimately. I

slurring and "



and, in bad cases, may be unable to go on singing.



if he wants

ill, his intonation

is very unpleasant, but

are much worse faults, from the technical

standpoint, because they eliminate the possibility of any real singing.

No singer whose voice is really well-produced deviates from the

pitch. The ability to sing a melody properly depends upon the

establishment of tension on all the muscles used in phonation at

the moment of attack

breath is tak

without "

, and the holding of the tension until the nex

en, plus the ability to vary the degree of tension


with the rise and fall of the pitch.

Throaty Technic and S


The throaty singer has no such problem, because he is only blow-

ing air through a constriction, and no changes in the co-ordination

of the laryngeal muscles, nor "


of the pharyngeal resonance

cavities for the pitch and vowel, occur. Because the registration is


ed, the laryngeal co-ordination for pitch does not change and

he can, therefore, slur, "





the tone and destroy the

melodic line, with cheap unmusical whines and wails, as much as

he lik


es, and he can go on wailing at will. The constriction is always

6Srj>x7GCSgVC>gE 5_~rqVgQ
 <[$ x

 c f
 < :4 < $  U :K  
 4  ff
 R<D  2    
 : f O
 < :< c f  8 
  $ < D U:!DK U
  % % 
4 <$ 


[49$ %
:|: |2 ,
  r <jB

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

there and as long as he holds on to it he can go on mak

and calling it singing. H is "



ing a noise

uires no technical sk

performance demands only the interpretive ability of the "


o long as he is satisfied with mak

ill and his


ing his emotional effects

merely by slurring into and out of the tone and by fading the loud-

ness in and out he has nothing to worry about.



The establishment of eq

the eq

, Tongue, Thorax

uilibrium in the larynx

depends upon

ualized development of the arytenoid and thyroid muscles.

The establishment of eq

thermore, this eq

uilibrium must be established not only j

part involved in phonation, i.e., thorax

between these parts individually. (S

of the breath should not ex

, larynx

ee F

ceed that req


n each

and tongue, but also

ig. 1.) Thus, the pressure

uired by the given state of

development of the laryngeal muscles. Breathing ex

develop ex

p~V_VAqV~d '>qg 7jgQ~G 7Sjq>

uilibrium in the throat depends upon the

development and proper co-ordination of the tongue muscles. F

ercises which

cessive strength in the breathing muscles, before the

laryngeal and tongue muscles have been developed, are harmful.

ctually, this muscular development occurs j

W hile it is the ex

cess of ex

ust through singing.

piratory over inspiratory tension that

builds up the pressure of the breath against the closure of the

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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glottis, the problem, from the standpoint of the singer, rests pri-

marily with the q

uestion of holding the proper degree of inspiratory

tension. This balance of ex

piratory with inspiratory tension for

phonation does not occur for any other act. Thus, the proper func-

tion of the breathing muscles for singing can only be ex


and attained by singing. No other act co-ordinates the breathing

muscles in a similar function

cise helps the singer'

therefore, no form of breathing ex

tension of the ex


s control of the breath pressure which is the

motive force used in phonation. S

inging develops the co-ordinate

piratory and inspiratory muscles and develops

these muscles, in co-ordination, when phonation is performed prop-

erly. Breathing ex

ercises, performed without singing, develop these

muscles out of co-ordination and are bound to interfere with the

proper balance between them, thereby only doing the singer'

technical harm.


-L  Bf> B 4: B L L4> f - O- L Bf :  9: B O 

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# B >.  -
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: +K d :
  - e> j L 9:
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  . -

B  L:-j B-+

s voice

  }  O -
  = . 

 } . .!#- 
 B -> B> -
 >   2

- . 

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 h . 
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  O #  .  #n
 2  L: =   D #   j
 ::( .! 
  -  h .  .   .      

#  j (

 5  !

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J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

)@)G-0.` 0Z0@IKD0FU` )G.` G0N7^`
Balanced Development and E

5     *  )  ) )    

   )  4        ) 
  *, N 
 ) ) 
          Y    , 

 *  ) , 2  5        , 

    )  : 
 - C 4  

   *  ) )   )  
   )   - C   ,  *  b

)     *
     *   ) 
N Y    ) 
  N}\ Y   / ,   

        ) )  *    




    )  b  
O)  *


The strength of the laryngeal muscles must match the strength

of the tongue muscles. I


f the opening action of the tongue muscles

ceeds the strength developed in the larynx

(and this sometimes

occurs in the process of training the voice) the breath ex

will suddenly become ex


cessive. This occurs also when an ex


breath pressure is built up. Under such circumstances the pupil

must be forced to produce a tone which is loud enough to meet

the "


f he can do this, the progress will be very rapid,

because the pharyngeal improvement is met and established. I

fails to meet the "


with the ex

tra energy req

lost, and progress will cease until he can be persuaded to ex

himself to the necessary degree. A

f he

uired, it is


s the intensity rises from soft

(P.P.) up to the normal loudness (M.F

.) the breath ex

pulsion goes

down, because the glottis closes more completely when the technic

is correct. I

t is far easier for the pupil to sing a full than a soft tone,

provided that his throat is not constricted. Thus, the louder tone

which must be produced, under such circumstances, req

uires less

effort, but more energy, than does an overly soft one.

Development of Balance

t will be seen then that the teacher must work


, larynx

and pharynx

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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of the technic

and endeavor, to the best of his ability, to k

of these three phases in line. I

on all three phases



eep the development

n accomplishing this end his work


simplified and immeasurably abetted by the use of the physical

0Z0@IKD0GU` I4`

manipulations which have been described. Thus, when development

of the laryngeal muscles is indicated, he should use the manipula-

tions described for work

4        )3   2

   c, *,
*,N  Y c)   *

        *  3  
        4  )   
) B

))  *  
*     * 
  *  )   
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) 5      *
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  )   )  
  3 *

ing on these muscles. W hen the tongue

muscles need development, he should use the tongue instrument.

W hen it is the breathing muscles which should be work

ed on, he

can help this phase of the technic by doing everything in his power

to stop the particular movement, or "


of "


pupil with whom he is work

uires work

which indicates the

ing. H e has to turn from one phase to

the other as the pupil progresses. F



by these muscles and which is characteristic of the

irst it may be the larynx


, then the tongue, then the breathing, and these three

phases may occur in any order and k

eep changing in their req


ments.. The process is now very direct and far more efficient than

it has ever been in the past, but it is not easy, and the teacher must

not only understand how to handle the problem, but he must also

be willing to work


very hard.


 545?6B1C .C



$ >635C
* ! +  & ( )C %  C      ! C

1qG 3GQVuyq>yVjg uuGgxV>a

Pure R

egistration E


t is absolutely impossible for the teacher to mak

provement whatever in the pupil'

e any real im-

s voice, unless he thoroughly

understands the process of purifying and developing the registers.

No opening of the throat is possible if the laryngeal muscles have

not been developed, and this cannot be accomplished without the

proper work

on registration. W ork

on the registers alone does little

or no good if it is not accompanied by work

laryngeal pharynx

on the opening of the

(the tongue), and both are unavailing if the

singer is not taught to establish the "


on his breathing muscles

instead of blowing air through a constriction.

bsolute C

n the final analysis, when the technic is perfect, the registers are

o-ordination F

inal S

tage of Perfection

absolutely balanced and the lower register can be carried up over

almost the entire range

even a high C

simo. A

Y3 x  3  A    Q  3 A  OA

 !A- Q3!     ! $    3  
          !  - 3 2
   3 3 -      Q  A  !
- 0 !    Q3   A  33 3
 Fm F 32 a  3 3 E    3 
F   3  3 A   3
  Q T y 
  z Q    Q!Q|  3
  33   3     Q A 
     3  2

thus, a great woman singer can produce

in the lower register when she wants to sing fortis-

Buj_~xIj jrF Xh?xVkg Vh?_ 5x>QGjM 0IrMGCyVjg

t the same time the registration is completely co-ordinated

and the throat is held open at all intensities over the entire range,

which covers at least three octaves. O f course, the entire system

of muscles used in phonation is completely balanced and in eq

librium, and all interfering and constrictor muscles are relax


ed and

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out of action. This is an ideal condition which is found only in the

case of a supremely great singer. C

aruso and Destinn are two of

the few singers who even approached this state of perfection. I

training the pupil'

goal. The pupil who attains a reasonable degree of technical pro-

ficiency can become a very fine artist.


s voice the teacher must remember that this is the

Yl Q        3 3    

 3   Q   
     Q   !
 A3 3 3  k   3 A  0   
!          3  8 3
A2 v3  QA 3A 3  Q0  A 3  h 
Q 3 Q3     Q3 Q 3 !F 3 3O  0
  !  Q3 Q3 3   !E2       3A
    "3  A 3      { }
 ")  3   0 3     F F  
3 Q 2 ,  Q  3  8   
    A     2    3 Q   
 8  E  !  Q  3 3    32 Y0
3 Q03   ! 33  A3 AA 3
 o ,   3  QQ     
l     A  ! e0 F-3

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

hapter 6








W hen the voice is produced properly the muscles of the neck

are relax

ed. The glottis is closed by its own intrinsic muscle

arytenoid (the muscle which approx

and thus closes the glottis

see F

. '"+ **:


imates the arytenoid cartilages

ig. 2 F

and the throat is held


open by means of the tongue muscles.

W hen the voice is throaty, the arytenoid muscle does not come

into proper tension;

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therefore, the glottis does not close by itself.

To produce sound, this closure is brought about by means of tension

on the muscles of the neck

and j


The principal muscles of the neck

which come into action in

throaty singing are:

1. S


2. S


3. S


4. Thyro-hyoid

5. O mo-byoid (S

ig. 26

ee F

ig. 26


Muscles of the Neck

The illustration on the opposite page shows the principal muscles of the neck

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:58 GMT /
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which come into tension when the technic is throaty.

Note the fact that the sterno-mastoid muscles are attached to the mastoid

bone and, when in tension, press against the larynx

, thereby providing a most

efficient conduction of sound to the inner ear. The greater the tension on


these muscles, the more efficiendy they will act as conductors of the sound

directly to the ear and also the throatier the tone will become.

W hile this is the most prominent of the neck

other neck

muscles enumerated in the tex

the establishment of constriction and for sq

muscles, the function of the

t is probably j

ust as important for

ueezing the larynx

very large number of combinations of tensions on the neck

. There are a

muscles which

are found to occur in practice.

The muscles of the neck

are brought into tension because of movements of

the head, which shorten the neck

, and because of tension on the chest, which

&XN -;eB sH SB /B;b

has been raised, and has, therefore, served the same purpose. They can also

be brought into tension through tension on the j

has been "


aw, especially when this member

in the middle position. O ne, or more, of these actions always

occurs in co-ordination with the production of a throaty tone, and very often

they all occur simultaneously.

Because of the attachments of these muscles, it will readily be seen that

they can be brought into tension from above (head and j

(chest and shoulders), or both.


3 h
3 h* >
'cLO> Z O  

aw), from below

3cM i{{:i cM iM :YM c cM iCi:{ |C{M Q cM MCv

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+ Q
' Q

igure 27 shows the neck

9 + \    O     +  +  
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  z U +        e 

muscles of a young singer who had

studied for several years with a typical "

radio technic"

teacher. This

teacher has been responsible for numerous cases of nodules on the

vocal cords. O ne glance at the illustration should indicate j

ig. 27

O ver-developed Neck

ust why!

Muscles of a Badly Trained S


Note the prominence of the sterno-mastoid muscles. Note, also, the head,

which has been pulled in and back

tensed. The j

aw is lock

set for the mouth resonance adj

Tension on Neck

, and the chest, which has been raised and

ed in the middle position, and the mouth and lips are

Muscles C

These highly developed neck


auses Nodules

muscles perform the function which

should belong to the arytenoid muscle. (S

ee F

ig. 2 F

.) The glottis

is not closed by means of this muscle, because the singer is .blowing

air, and the arytenoid muscle reflex

ly relax

es when the breathing

act is initiated. The closure is then brought about primarily by

means of tension on the neck

muscles. A

ny such ex

ternal closure

brings the vocal cords together unevenly, so that they are more

tightly pressed together at one point of their length than at another,

because of this ex

ternal pressure. Therefore, they are more or less

bound to rub together at one or more points. This friction of the

unevenly approx

imated vocal cords often brings about the forma-

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

tion of nodules which are actually corn-lik

the development of the neck

e growths. The greater

muscles, the greater the danger of the

formation of nodules becomes.


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ure of Nodules

Nodules can be cured very easily

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simply by training the voice

properly. The purification of the lower register, the opening of

the throat and the releasing of the neck

muscles, plus some steps

towards the development of pure, balanced registration, will soon

alleviate, and ultimately cure, this condition. W ithout proper train-

ing nodules may disappear, if the singer goes through a period of

absolute silence, but they soon recur if the technic is not changed.

orcing of V

oice and Neck


W hen the breath is blown through a constriction brought about

by tension on developed neck

muscles, the singer is "

voice. The harder he blows the air, the more he "

production of loud tones sung with the neck


technic is always inj

produced in this manner is "

urious. A




-controlled, "


Thus, the

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s a matter of fact, any tone

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no matter how soft it may be.

orcing is not a matter of intensity, but of blowing air against a


which is being sq

ueezed by the neck

muscles. W hen the

voice is produced properly it is beneficial for the singer to produce

full, free tones. O nly throaty, constricted singing is "



when the throaty singer swells the tone he forces his voice more

and more with each increase in loudness. "

O pen,"

free, full-throated

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singing, on the other hand, benefits and develops the voice.

t is most important for the singer to realize what "

is. C


onstricted singing is generally, basically, very soft. "




singers are barely audible, but they are forcing their voices

with every tone they produce. C


s voice improved every year

he sang out loud practically all the time, and he was always singing.

aving of V

oice Unnecessary with C

orrect Technic

There is a very foolish notion current to the effect that the voice

must be "


so many high C


t has even been said that the tenor can sing j

s and that when he has ex

through. This is only too true

when the voice is throaty!

produced properly, he can sing as many as he lik

good to sing them. S


hausted the supply he is

f it is

es and it does him

inging is a natural function, if it is performed

in a technically correct manner, and the voice does not, under such

circumstances, "

very q



wear out."

f the voice is abused, it "

wears out"


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terno-mastoid Muscles and Throatiness

eturning to F

ig. 27: Notice the ex

traordinary development of

the sterno-mastoid muscles. These muscles are always in tension

when the technic is throaty and they are the most prominent of the

interfering neck

muscles. The tone was "


thin, shrill, throaty

and pinched. There was also a pronounced, rapid tongue tremolo.

Under normal singing conditions the head was pulled down and in,

and these muscles came into a high state of tension, which tension

increased as the pitch ascended. This girl was a "



coloratura. The very high tones were sung in an absolute "


with the max




imum possible constriction and sometimes they

even shut off altogether. I

n this sort of technic the larynx

and sq

ueezed together by these muscles in conj

rigid j

aw lock

is raised

unction with a

. They develop enormous strength and in time become

so enlarged as to be noticeably prominent even when the singer

is not phonating. I

t is interesting to note that practically any voice

even the deepest contralto


can be made to sound lik




coloratura, if sufficient constriction of this type can be estab-

lished. This is, unfortunately, not very difficult to accomplish.

eduction of S

terno-mastoid Tension by Manipulation

The first procedure in dealing with this voice was to try to release


the ex

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the control of these sterno-mastoid muscles by holding up the

s head. The effort req

uired to accomplish this end, against

tremely strong pull of these muscles, was almost incredible

but, when it could finally be done, a vastly improved, far less throaty,

pinched tone immediately resulted. F

or a long time it was im-

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possible for this unfortunate girl to hold up her own head, however

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hard she might try to do so.

H er lower register was completely absent. H owever, with the

aid of the thyroid manipulation, the "

pulling in"

of this register was

not difficult to accomplish, although it was a long time before she

could produce anything other than a very "

registration was not mix


thin tone. The

ed because she had always sung very softly.

cessively Dropped Larynx

and Neck


W here the teacher insists upon a dropped larynx

, the sq


action is brought about by means of the development of the other


muscles more than by the sterno-mastoids. There are cases

where the muscular development in the lower part of the front of

the singer'


s neck

is so pronounced that it look

s lik

e a bad goiter.

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Thyroid Manipulation and E

The entire larynx

is pulled down. I


cessively Dropped Larynx

should not descend when the thyroid cartilage

n fact, when the muscles are so relax

ed that the

does drop when this manipulation is applied, work


the genio-hyoid muscle and tongue muscles is indicated before the

thyroid manipulation can be employed. Thus, the hyoid bone must

be held up, as described, and the tongue instrument used, until

the tongue and hyoid bone assume their proper position. E

ven then,

the thyroid manipulation must be employed cautiously, and the

pressure ex


erted must never be great enough to pull down the entire

to any mark

ed degree.

The sole purpose of the thyroid manipulation is to "

pull in"


thyroid tension, i.e., to help the intrinsic, laryngeal muscles, not to



the larynx

itself. This is accomplished by means of work

on the muscles of the tongue and hyoid bone from which the larynx

is suspended.

Throaty S


Two forms of throaty technic manifest themselves in somewhat

different developments of neck






muscles. The first is based upon

or shrill, "


ed-register singing with the larynx

tongue dropped down and back

n both forms the j

, and tensed. The

, or very throaty, loud, white

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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second is based upon rather loud, thick


relatively soft singing with the

raised and the tongue drawn up and back

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dropped too far and the

, and tensed. (S

ee F

aw is practically always lock

ig. 12 B &


ed in the middle

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position. O f course, when the technic is correct, the muscles of the


are relax

ed and are not brought into tension in co-ordination

with phonation. The better the technic, the less prominent the neck

muscles become.

H ead, C

hest and Neck

The neck

muscles come into tension when the chest is raised and

the head is dropped, stuck


out, pulled in or inclined back

W hen in tension they actually sq

close the glottis by ex

ueeze the larynx

too far.

, and mechanically

ternal pressure in varying degrees of tension,

according to the amount of throatiness (antagonistic tension)

present. The problem is then to relax

these muscles, while the genio-

glossus muscle holds the tongue firmly in position, and the genio-

hyoid muscle holds the hyoid bone in position. The elimination of

this tension on the neck


muscles is a straightforward matter, but

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by no n^ eans an easy one. Because the sterno-mastoid, sterno-hyoid

and the sterno-thyroid muscles are attached to the chest (see

ig. 26

), any raising of this member tends to shorten the neck


throw them into action. This provides as vital a reason for the non-

involvement of the chest in phonation as the one mentioned in the

discussion of the proper action of the breathing muscles. F

more, any downward or back

also tends to shorten the neck


ward movement of the head, which

, brings these muscles into action.

ctually, both movements

those of the chest and head

occur with

throaty singing. The chest must not be raised and the head must

be held up, so that the neck

traction of the neck

is as long as possible, because the con-

muscles shortens the neck

. Neither the head

nor the chest should ever be moved during phonation. W hen these

muscles contract (come into tension) the head is pulled down, or

the chest is pulled up, or both movements occur. I

t is important to

note that, if the head is raised, these muscles relax

but, if it is held


too far or stuck

H ead and S

pine A

out, they are thrown into tension.


W hen the head is tilted too far back

ward it forms a curvature

at the top of the spine. This curvature is generally balanced with

another curvature in the small of the back

. (S

ee F

ig. 24.) I

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seen then that there is a physiological association between a "

t will be


of the back

muscles and a tilting back

of the back

(breathing) muscles is associated with a movement of

the chest, which tends to bring the neck

ward of the head. The "

3,1\ ,H1\ %J:H3\B:8HE3HP\


muscles into action. This

gesture is then associated with the head movement which serves

the same end. Thus, the double curvature of the spine, at the back

of the neck

and in the small of the back

, will throw the neck


into tension from their upper and lower attachments and at the same

time initiate the breathing act

blowing. This often occurs with the

throaty singer, and the teacher must do everything in his power

to inhibit both movements, or "


t is interesting to note the

co-ordination of the head movement with the breathing action, and

to observe the fact that, because phonation is a single, co-ordinated

act, such co-ordinations are always apt to occur.

ome singers (especially coloraturas), whose technic is ex


throaty, not only pull their heads down but also pull them in and

to one side. A

ny such movement is ex

tremely harmful;

it not only

brings the neck

muscles into a high degree of tension, but it also

pulls the larynx

out of position and tilts it sideways. The controlling



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muscles are then used unevenly, and the intrinsic laryngeal

muscles are employed in a distressingly distorted manner.

The head must be held erect, perfectly centered and absolutely

still during phonation.


ation of Neck

Muscles E






H ere then, is one of the fundamental phases in the attainment of

a proper technic. The muscles of the neck


ed. This relax

must be put out of action

ed condition of the neck

unction with

an absolute inhibition of any movement whatever of the head, and

also upon the dropping (not forcing down) of the chest and

shoulders, in conj

unction with the inhibition of any tension on, or

movement of, these members during phonation. I

with a release of the muscles of the j

aw. A

degree of tension on the muscles of the neck


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Public Domain, Google-digitized /


1B)])T;JF` J3` 1->` YQ-B1Q` QQ1FT:)C`

muscles depends largely

upon the assumption of a proper head position in conj

t is also associated

aw lock

and a high

nearly always occur

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hapter 7





Not only does the setting of the j

a mouth resonance adj


O N)

aw help in the formation of

ustment and thereby reflex

throat, but also tension on the j

ly close the

aw tends to bring the neck


into action.

Dropping the J


t is important to note that the j

opening is then attained by moving it down and back

of the j

aw occurs then in two phases. F

econd: Down and back

The neck

. The opening

+ : 3: 9  %0 ,$ :

irst: down to a certain point.

e the complete opening, if he is to put the

aw out of function in phonation. (S

Middle or Lock


. The pupil must be able to go through this

middle position and mak

"R5vB| ,

aw swings down more or less

perpendicularly until a certain point of opening is reached. F

Position and Neck

ee F

  "  b    

 W       7  
"   "{

ig. 28.)


muscles can be brought into tension very easily, by

means of tension on the j

aw, when it is in the middle, or lock


position. W hen it is completely opened, it is almost impossible for

the singer to tense his neck

muscles of the j

aw. I

muscles by means of tension on the

muscles in this manner when the j

ee F

aw is nearly closed, as when it is

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   ! "   95;a ,

{ `"  =qm  ~ "" {
d  $qm5j=95;a ,"     

iX=>cBvq[Xqm 7
    $ "

W    " " 
 + d `"{ 

ig. 29.)

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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in the middle position. (S

rkmmVgQ xSG &>

t is not nearly as easy to tense the neck

t is important to observe the physiological relationship between

the tensing of the j

muscles. I

aw and the bringing into tension of the neck

t will be seen that the setting of the j

of the vowel (i.e., mouth resonance adj

logically with the neck

aw for the formation

ustment) associates physio-

tension employed in throaty singing and

vice versa.

nother important point arises when we realize that it is from

the middle position of the j

aw that the neck

tension can most readily

be developed and it is also from this position of the j

aw that most

of the mouth vowels are formed.


)VEE_G kq (kC\ 0kuVxVkg >gE ,GC\ )~uC_Gu

"  " !   G$ 
 " " "
  $   7$
E "{ w
 " "   | $ " "     

  7      " 

 W Y "       

 p   $ 
 " "E
 "  + d`{+
Y  "    !  
" "  ~  "

 W    " "  "    7
  ! y {{$
~  W  z   E G

!"  ! 
v  "  "  " 


 7   " 
    " "        

! ~  +

6 tntth`

G tnt x = k

Q D >W 7 I L >P F 8 C > 5 < > :3 E

ig. 28

The Properly O pened J


This illustration indicates the proper position of the j

aw and lips when

complete opening has been attained. The singer should always either sing

with his mouth almost closed or with it wide open in this position.

Note that the corners of the lips are drawn tight and that the mouth is

more or less rectangular. S


. This final down and

gesture is essential. The head is raised and is not stuck

dropped or thrown back

ome of the teeth, upper and lower, are showing. The

aw has been pulled down and then down and back

out, pulled in,

. There is no pursing or spreading of the lips.

t is impossible for the singer to produce free, open tones until the j

aw has

been completely released in this manner.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /


Amj $,Ulb Rbv Pbba )1gl

6=\r =FFh\bV`=PNr =L$< `%\r d;%r SVPS%Yr SP\<`<PNr P.r `:%r Bjr N$r E<S\r j6%Lr
"PISF%`%r PS%L<N5r 6\r %%Nr ``<L%$r :%r \=N3%Vr \:PhF$r Fjm\r %=`:%Vr \=L3r
j=b6r 6=\r IPh`6r FIP\`r EP\%$r PVr j=`6r =`r j<$%r PS%Lr =Nr `:<\r SP\<`=PNr
P`%r b:`r b6%r P[%V\r P/r `:%r F<S\r Y%r $WjLr `=36`r L$r `6`r `:%r IPh`6r =\r
IPV%r PVr F%\\r W%#`N3hFVr PI%r P.r `:%r `%%`6r hSS%Vr L$r EPj%Vr V%r \:Pj=L3r 6%r
Cjr 6\r %%Nr ShEE%$r $PjNr N$r `:%Nr $PjLr O$r #Dr 6=\r 2LFr $PjNr L$r
"Dr 4%\`hV%r =\r %\\(N`=Er :%r :%$r =^r V<\)$r L$r =\r NP`r \`h#Dr Ph`r ShFF%$r @Nr
$WPSS%$r PVr b6VPjNr #Dr 6%V%r =\r NPr ShV\=N3r PVr \SW%$<N4r P.r `6%r F=S\r
k =\r =ISP\\=F%r /PVr b:%r \=N3%Vr `Pr SVP$h#%r /V%% r PS%Nr `PN%\r hN`<Er `:%r Bjr 6\r
**Nr "PISF%`%Fmr W%F%\%$r =Nr `6<\r ILN%Vr


" 4/,/ 2; hy

@ 8 6A . ; <6=Q: D Q7 4 - 2 4 0,8Q

ig. 29

Middle or "

This shows the worst j



Position of the J


aw position which the singer can assume. H ere the

aw has been dropped into the middle position and not pulled down and


The j

. Notice that it is somewhat stuck

out and is in a high state of tension.

aw drops easily into this position and does not "

tension until phonation has been initiated. I


t is from this j


or come into


that all the

worst forms of constricted technic emanate.

rom this j


into tension. J

, the muscles of the neck

position of the j

aw. The neck

Tongue and J

aw Lock



muscles cannot be actuated from the j

it is fully opened in the manner shown in F


can most efficiently be brought

aw tremolos, etc., emanate primarily from this "


aw when

ig. 28.

(Middle Position)

till one other point becomes apparent in this connection: R



tion of the tongue muscles is associated with this middle position

into which the j

to draw back

aw drops when it is relax

sets in the middle, or lock

NG} %N77U>} _h} $_5R>7} (_mMqM_]} _@} qI>} "1y}

ed. H ence, the tongue tends

(up or down), and close the throat, when the j

position. Thus, when the j

$?B^{ ^?Rs^{ `?/{ sR[^d{ E's{ UR^BdBRN{ s?B-={ d?/{ ^BN9/[{ -'N{ '^^jL/{ /[/{ `?/{
E'r{ ?'^{ +//N{ .[RUU/.{ BNdR{ g?/{ MB..K/{ UR^BdBRN{ 'N.{ NRd{ UjKK/.{ .RrQ{ 'N.{
+'-F{ !RdB-/{ d='d{ B`{ B^{ ^RM/s?'d{ ^dj-F{ Rjd{ 'N.{ B^{ BQ{ '{ ?B;?{ ^d'd/{ R2{ `/N^BRN{
#?/{ E'r{ .[RU^{ /'^BKw{ BNdR{ d=B^{ UR^BdBRN{ 'N.{ .R/^{ NR`{ JR-G{ RY{ -RL/{ BNdR{
d/N^BRN{ jNdBK{ W?RN'dBRN{ ?'^{ +//N{ BNBdB'd/.{ d{ B^{ 2[RM{ `=B^{ E'rJR-F{ `?'`{ 'KK{ f?/{
rR[^d{ 2R[M^{ R3{ -RN^d[B-d/.{ `/-=NB-{ /M'N'd/{
YRL{ `?B^{ E'sKR-F { `?/{ Lj^-K/^{ R2{ d?/{ N/-F{ -'N{ MR^`{ /6-B/NdJw{ +/{ +YRk<?d{
DN`R{ d/N^BRN{ 's{ d[/MRJR^ { /d-  { /M'N'd/{ U[BM'[BKw{ 2[RM{ d?B^{ JR-F/. { LB..K/{
UR^BdBRN{ R2{ `?/{ E's{ $?/{ Q/-F{ Lj^-K/^{ -'NNRd{ +/{ '-dj'd/.{ 4[RM{ d?/{ E'r{ r=/N{
Bd{ B^{ 2jKKw{ RU/N/.{ BN{ `?/{ L)NN/[{ ^=RsN{ BN{ B9{  D


aw is dropped

into the middle position the tongue is apt to recede into the throat

and the neck

muscles come into action, so that relax

tongue and j

aw at the moment of attack

ation of the

manifests itself in the

establishment of all the tensions necessary for absolute constriction

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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(throaty singing).

aw Tremolo

The complete opening of the j

aw is often difficult to accomplish.

W here the pupil has been subj

ing, his j

ected to a course of incorrect train-

aw may have become very rigidly lock

ed. This lock


always occurs in the middle position. To find this dangerous middle

position, the j

aw is merely relax

without any effort

ed dropping of the j

manifests itself in phonation as tension in its worst form


#IF6X0` )F/` )[` I->` ://A0` IQ;S;IF`

ed and dropped as far as it will go

hung. Thus, the relax


aw lock

V L!L )L!!L L  {  ,j

   R ) L   L

n F
!LL ,L
.  %LR

  + N ! 

   + !. =%   F n



 !  R n !  


  +   ) n      ,  :
F  L    + )   n :
W L      L    n 
N   I

)[` #O0DJAI`

= )! L !LR  L F L

~     )! .
L  !!  LL FL L
n%  F ) L ) R
. =  + h

 ! =B

!%   n L   ,

  OcR =%   ,

!!R  L F
nW n   !  L    )cF  +

 545?6B1C .C

c>635C: 9 C2=;C

* ! +  & ( )C %  C      ! C


t is from this middle position that all of the most pronounced and

harmful j

aw lock

s emanate. The most disagreeable j

(tetanic flutter of the j

aw tremolo

aw), a most pernicious fault, always occurs

from the middle, or lock

ed, position. I

t is often accompanied by a

tongue tremolo, because it usually starts as a tongue tremolo from

which the tetanic tension spreads to the j

to shak

e. S

uch tongue and j

aw which then also starts

aw tremolos, in a pronounced form, may

produce a pitch flutter of a fifth or even more. This flutter may

be as slow as three a second. I

and is very inj

t is most disagreeable to listen to,

urious to the vocal apparatus. I

throatiness accompanied by intense j

t indicates ex

aw and neck


tension as well

as tension on the tongue muscles which are antagonistic to the genio-

hyo-glossus muscles. I

and neck

t is always accompanied by ex

tension and often, but not always, by mix

aw and Lips

n all these cases, the j

treme throatiness

ed registration.

aw must be completely released

or the pupil can never learn to sing. W hen the j


aw is fully opened,

the corners of the lips are tight. This tightness is only indicative of

complete j

aw opening when the lips are slightly raised off the teeth

and not spread or over-pouted. (S

ee F

Ue 9Oe -NIAe U29Oe A8))>+e KIO8U8IBeU2#Ue #>>e I-e U2+e AIOUe KNIBIYB(+)e #B)e
2#NA-Y>e ;#\e >I(<Oe +A#B#U+e !2+e AIOUe ):O#1N++#&>+e ;#\e UN+AJ>Ie
 U+U#B9(e YUU+Ne I-e U2+e ;#\ 
e #e AIOUe K+NB8(9IYOe -#Y>U
e #>\#`Oe I((YNOe
-NIAe U2+e A8))>+
e INe >I(<+)
e KIO8U8IBe Ue 9Oe I-U+Be #((IAK#B8+)e &`e #e
e &+(#YO+e 9Ue YOY#>>`e OU#NUOe #Oe #e UIB1Y+e UN+AI>Ie -NIAe
\29(2e V+e U+U#B8(e U+GR9IBe OKN+#)Oe UIe U2+e ;#\e \29(2e U2+Be #>OIe OU#NUOe
UIe O2#<+e Y(2e UIB1Y+e #B)e ;#\e UN+AI>IO
e 9Be #e KNIBIYB(+)e -INA
e A#`e
KNI)Y(+e #e K8U(2e YUU+Ne I-e #e /-U2e INe +[+Be AIN+e !29Oe 0YUU+Ne A#`e
&+e #Oe O>I\e #Oe U2N++e #e R+(IB)e Ue 9Oe AIOUe )8O#1N++#&>+eUIe >9OU+Be UI
#B)e 8Oe [+N`e 9B;YN9IYOe UIe U2+e [I(#>e #KK#N#UYOe Ue 9B)8(#U+Oe +^UN+A+e
U2NI#U8B+OOe #((IAK#B9+)e &`e 9BU+GR+e ;#\e #B)e B+(<e U+BO9IBe %Oe \+>>e
#Oe U+BO8IBeIBeU2+e UIB1Y+e AYO(>+Oe \28(2e #N+e #BU#1IB8OU8(eUIeU2+e 1+B8Ia
2`I 1>IOOYOeAYO(>+Oe Ue9Oe #>\#`Oe#((IAK#B8+)e&`e+^W+A+eU2NI#U9B+OOe
#B)eB+(<eU+BO8IBe #B)eI-U+B

ig. 28.) They can be tightened

by mere spreading, but under these circumstances, the j

 !#  # #

aw is not

to lock

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fully opened. This gesture is generally harmful, because it tends

the j

aw and shape the mouth for a "

(throaty tone). (S


ee F


mouthed vowel

ig. 30.)

^ ^ W

ig. 30

ncorrect Mouth Positions

This shows the spread lips and lock

erally produces a "


ed j

aw of the throaty singer who gen-

or shrill, throaty tone. Note that the j

aw is more

or less in the middle position and the lips are spread and shaped for the

vowel. This position of the j



aw and lips never occurs when the technic is

Be #>>e V+O+e (#O+R

e V+e ;#\e AYOUe &+e (IAK>+U+>`e N+>+#O+) IK+B+)b
INeU2+e KYK8>e (#Be B+[+Ne >+#NBe UIe O9B1e "2+Be U2+e ;#\e 9Oe -Y>>`eIK+F+)
U2+e +NOe I-e U2+e >8KOe #N+e U812Ue !29Oe U812UB+OOe 9Oe IB>`e 9B)9(#U9[+e I-e
(IAK>+U+e;#\e IK+B9B1e\2+Be U2+e>8KOe #N+e O>812U>`e N#8O+)e I.eU2+e U++U2e
#B)eBIUeOKN+#)eINeI[+NKIYU+)e  ++e91e -1 !2+`e(#Be&+eU812U+B+)e
&`e A+N+e OKN+#)9B1
e &YUe YB)+Ne U2+O+e (9N(YAOU#B(+O
e U2+e ;#\e 9Oe BIUe
-Y>>`e IK+B+)e !29Oe 1+RUYN+e 9Oe 1+B+N#>>`e 2#NA-Y>
e &+(#YO+e 8Ue U+B)Oe
UIe >I(<eU2+e ;#\e #B)e O2#K+e U2+e AIYU2e -INe #e \29U+
e AIYU2+)e [I\+>e
 U2NI#U`e UIB+   e  ++e 91e  5

-T<VZZE<`j /Ve`Hj 0V]K`KVT]j

)DKs sDas wD6 sho6,4 XKhs ,]4 Xa0Q64 P, a8 wD6 zDoa,w sK]@6o Da >6]
6o,XX doa406s , DKw6  ao sDpKXY zDoa,w wa]6 &aw6 wD,w zD6 O, Ls Zap6
ap Y6ss K] wD6 ZK44X6 hasKwKa] ,]4 wD6 XKis ,o6 sdo6,4 ,]5 sD,d65 8ap |6
a6Y +DKs jcvM{Mc` a8 zD6 O, ,`5 YNds `66q c33ps D6] zD6 w63D`F3 9G
5BC64D G


 ;7;Q; V3X '8>


&  (  " # %X !  X       X

ig. 30

ncorrect Mouth Positions (continued)

This shows the pursed lips and lock

ed j

is throaty and who generally produces a thick

aw of the singer whose technic

, throaty tone. Note that the

lips are pursed and the corners drawn in, and that the teeth are, in this case,

completely covered. I

n some cases the upper lip can be drawn up by means

of the nose and some teeth may show. This pursed position of the lips pulls

in the cheek

tone. I

s and forms a mouth cavity for the production of a thick

ig. 30

ncorrect Mouth Positions (concluded)

H ere the j

aw is lock

position of the lips and j

ed and the corners of the lips are pulled down. This

aw is always associated with a horribly throaty tone.

s a result of this mouth position very great tension is induced in the muscles

of the neck

, throaty

t never occurs when the technic is correct.

large variety of wrong j

these four cases (the j

aw and lip positions could be illustrated, but

aw lock

ed in the middle position, the spread lips, the

pursed lips and the lips with the corners pulled down) indicate the four

most freq

uently encountered types of j



and mouth-vowel positions

-S>VZZD>_j /Vd_Jj0V]K_KVS]j>VScSdD?j

employed when the technic is throaty. O f course, many throaty singers em-

aw set and lips position and in virtually every case of

throaty singing the j

aw is found to be lock

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

ploy more than one j

 "3F 3,>3F 4F -903F &"-3F *F &,%F $>F ,F 4F 3"*0F >,3F 4*!F
"3F 40,4@F *F >,F *0&&@F -0,93F F 4"%F 40,4@F 4,*
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0F 5F $>F "3F &,%F *F 4F ,203F ,F 4F B-3F 0F -9&&F ,>*
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),34F 0/9*4&@F *,9*40F 4@-3F ,F $> &,%F *F ),94 <,>&F -,3"7,*3F
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-&,AF ),0F 4*F ,*F $>F 34F *F &"-3F -,3"4!,*F *F "*F <"049&&@F <0@F 3F ,F
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 ;7;Q; V3X '8>


&  (  " # %X !  X       X

Io]^ N^ b T^ N N ygy^ P^ b Vyf^^ }N

There are, of course, an almost infinite number of different j

NV y yy oyTo TT y T#VyNy yo o^ VTy

b N oN ^) Io^ V^gy^ ^NV NV o^ T^V
^V ^V y TT b^^) 9o^ y ^


and lip positions which occur in co-ordination with the production

of a throaty tone. The definitely spread and the pronouncedly

pursed, or pouted, lips occur most freq

uently. A

nother lip "


oyTo y b^ P^^V y NTyN^V yo N o ^ yy

yoyToo^T^ bo^ y N^ ^V V NVo^ ^^^o
N^ ^yo^ T^^ T^^V ^ y^ VyN^V&  G^^
<yl- ; ;
<R b o^ yVV^ ^ NV o^ o^ yT ^

which is often observed, is associated with a mouth, vowel position

in which the corners of the lips are pulled down and the lower teeth

are either completely covered or very prominently displayed. (S

ig. 30 C

or most of the middle tones, and when the music moves too



rapidly for the singer to be able to open his j

aw completely, a

relatively closed position should be maintained. I

aw is dropped slightly and the lips are held

away from the teeth

upper and lower

obtrusively stuck

ig. 31. I

NyV b o^ yl^ P^ NP^ ^ oy }N T^^ N

X:N1bDf:Nil 4NU^:6l yy oV P^ NyNy^V& A oy ^Ny^
T^V yy o^ }N y V^V ylo NV o^ y N^ o^V

n this relatively

closed position, the j

but they should not be too

out, pouted or spread. This position is shown in

NN b o^ ^^o ^ NV ^ P o^ oV P^
Py^ T~  ^V ^NV. Ioy yy y o y

n both the open and closed positions (the only two posi-

tions which the singer should assume during phonation) there

should never be the slightest sense of shaping the lips or cheek

or setting the j


<yl&  ; A Poo^ ^ NV T^V yy  o^ y

y oyTo o^ yl^ oV N^ Vyl oNy  o^^

aw for the resonation of the vowel.

f the voice is pharyngeally resonated, the tone need not become

throaty when the j

oV ^^ P^ o^ ylo^ ^^ b oNyl o^ y To^^~

^yl o^ }N b o^ ^Ny b r^ ^0

aw stops in the middle position. H owever, this

position is always dangerous. This is an advanced stage of develop-

at any earlier stage, the middle position is most harmful.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /


Abo^ yT^ y oNl^N ^N^V o^ ^ ^^V P^T^

oN o^ o^ }N y o^ yVV^ yy' >^^ oy

ctually, one never sees a really great singer assume the middle

position of the j

aw, or "


his lips for the resonation of the vowel

yy y NN VNl^) Ioy y N NVNT^V Nl^ b V^^

^6 N N ^Ny^ Nl^ o^ yVV^ yy y oNb.
9TN ^ ^^ ^^ N ^N l^N yl^ N^ o^ yVV^

during phonation.

The j

aw can be completely opened only when the lips are opened

and neither spread nor pouted. I

nversely, if the opening of the j


is absolutely complete, the lips must perforce assume a virtually

yy b o^ }N ^ oy y b o^ ^Ny b o^ ^

correct posture.

The lips and cheek

s control the distance to which the j

aw can

Vyl oNy)
Io^ }NTN P^ T^^ ^^V o^ o^ y N^ ^^V
NV ^yo^ ^NV ^V) A^^ p o^ ^yn b o^ }N

be opened. W hen the lips are spread and the corners of the lips

are drawn, or pouted, together, the degree to which the j

aw can be

opened is definitely curtailed. Therefore, the position of the lips

is of maj

or importance in the "

Dropping the J

W hen the j

opening up"

r NP^ T^^ o^ y ^bT^ N4^ N yN

T^T ^(
Io^ y NV To^^~ T/o^ VyNT^ oyTo o^ }N TN
P^ ^^V& Lo^ o^ y N^ ^NV NV o^ T^ b o^ y



aw is being dropped, the opening gesture should

always be made in one movement, passing completely and rapidly

through the middle position. I

t should never, under any circum-

stances, stop or hesitate in this position. The opening movement

N^ VN ^Vl^o^ o^ V^l^^ oyTo o^ }N TN P^

^^V y V^gy^ TNy^V0 Io^^b^ o^ yy b o^ y

should be made definitely, as a single, unhurried gesture, without



ing or "



on the way down. I

f the singer fails to go right

y bN} yNT^ y o^ ^yl  T^(

Lo^ o^ }N y P^yl V^V o^ ^yl l^^ oV
NN P^ NV^ y ^ ^^ Nyl T^^ NV NyV

bBXUdABl o^ yVV^ yy0 A oV R:f:Xl V^ N TyT

NT^ o^yN^ y oy yy( Io^ ^yl ^^

oV P^ NV^ V^gy^ N N yl^ oy^V l^^ yo

}^~yl yT~yl o^ N V. Abo^ yl^ bNy l ylo




ig. 31

orrect, R

elatively C

The singer should either have his j

losed Position of the J


aw completely opened, as in F

sing with it relatively closed, as indicated in this illustration. I

ig. 28, or

t is, of course,

impossible for him to open his mouth all the way and articulate when the

notes are of short duration. Under such circumstances the j

dropped, but should remain in the position indicated above. A

aw should not be

ctually, the

singer should seldom, if ever, open his mouth for the production of middle





Note that the lips are neither spread nor pursed and that the teeth are

showing, but that only a small amount of both the lower and upper teeth is

uncovered. The lips are held away from the teeth but not unduly stuck

The j








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Public Domain, Google-digitized /



aw is opened slightly but not far enough to come into the middle,

%XN "q{|B; 1Bd5\Bd "dqB? 0qVVtj qF QB *5

6cL h~`L cwG LhcL c:L cg s: D}wLLw L~LG : h )hY !0
g~Y hc h Lz:gLw DzLG : g~GhD:LG g cg hww:h + o Q EM
g}hAwL Q cl} L~ ch }c :ww cL : :~G :hCw:L cM L
L :M Q c H:g~! 8~HL Dc DgD}:~DL cL s: cwH BM
HLH B cwH L}:h h cL gg~ h~HgD:LH :BM #D:ww L
g~[L cwH LwG} gQ LL L cg }c Q cM HDl Q |lHHwM
.L c: cM wh :M LgcL L:H ~ LH :~H : M MMc >L
cga B : w : }:ww :} Q Ac cL wL :~H L MMe p
~DLLH 3cL wh :M cLwH :: Q} cL LLc B Hw Cu 
3cL s: g LLH wg[cw B Q: L~Yc D}L g cM |lHHwM
wDuLH li

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D


 6   ;      

F  3666 =
  W      X  F  

%  =      ,

 % 6   % 

through the middle position, he is generally unable to complete

the opening gesture and his j

aw lock

s in this position. The tone will

then almost inevitably become throaty. W hen the j

aw is being

closed, the closing gesture also must be made in a single, relatively


ed, movement. The opening tension must be relax

Passing Through J

aw Lock

ometimes the j

bad training. I


ed and the

aw allowed to close, practically the whole way, with a single gesture.



aw is badly articulated naturally, or because of

n such a case it is very apt to catch or "


)QQ:F6` #8OIX68` )[` I->`

in the

position, until the pupil stretches the ligaments and learns

V)   F  0

; 6  
 4             -  
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  4      R R  W 
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R  6

 6 4 ; 3   p   

 R   p) ) '  N> } !p

to pass through this position into complete opening with a single


ed gesture. I

n such cases, the closing gesture must be

made with the greatest possible degree of relax

the j

ation especially while

aw is passing through the middle position.

W hen pharyngeal resonance adj

lished, the j

ustment is completely estab-

aw is out of action, under which circumstances the

singer can produce a free, "


including the middle position. I

tone with his j

t lock

aw in any position,

s when there is a tendency

for the singer to form mouth vowels, i.e., produce throaty tones.

aw Manipulation

The teacher can force a complete opening of the j

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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the thumb of his right hand on the pupil'

and fifth fingers behind his neck

the middle position, back

aw by placing

s chin and the third, fourth

and pulling down and then, through

and down, while he holds up his head

with the thumb and middle finger of the left hand. The teacher

should hold the pupil'


s face j

ust below the cheek

bones. (S

ee F


& B.)

)[`  )F:KYA)S:IF`

The head must not, under any circumstances, be allowed to move

in any direction while this manipulation is being made. I

t must be

held absolutely still, otherwise, when the teacher pulls the j

down and back


, he may push the head back

s head go back

to bring the neck

muscles into tension j

the "

, and thereby not only

e off the tone, but also actually hurt the pupil'

may let the pupil'


=    p  )!;  ! 6R F ; 

6 x 




; 66 0 3 


6  )0 


; BR     

 6 x   F 0 ;   30 N V  \6
 6 )   

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 p6   3  ;    6 F 

  = V>D} 


 0  ;
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   60  4  6 ;;

p!  R 0 3
%  "

 3 W  


s larynx

or he

too far and this movement serves

ust as definitely as would

movement. The left hand must hold the head in position

firmly and inhibit any movement whatever of the head.

The head must be held up in the position in which the neck

as long as possible. I

f it is allowed to drop, or go back

shortened and the neck



ward, it is

muscles tend to come into tension.


 545?6B1C .C

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 4 ? 

 8 A4 4 4 

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4  444 
    4  * D   4   
4      4  ? 4   4 0 2 0 

ed muscles are long. Tense muscles are contracted, or

shortened. Thus, holding the head up with his left hand, the teacher

can pull the j

aw down with his right hand, by pulling down and

then down and back

swing of the j

firmly, through the "



position. The down

aw should be started rather slowly and accelerated

as it passes through the middle position. W hile this manipulation

is being made the pupil'

ig. 32

s lips must be held slightly out, away from

aw Manipulation

The thumb and third finger of the left hand are placed j

two cheek

ust below the

bones and the head is raised into the proper position and held

absolutely still. The thumb of the right hand is placed in the center of the

chin and the third, fourth and fifth fingers behind the neck

. The j

aw is then

pulled down all the way through the middle position with a firm, well-defined

gesture. The head must not be allowed to move in the slightest degree or

the manipulation may become dangerous. The opening of the j

aw must be

absolutely complete so that the corners of the lips are tight. The lips must

be slightly raised from the teeth and neither spread nor over-pouted.

This manipulation may be somewhat uncomfortable or even painful when the

ligaments req

uire stretching and the j

aw is badly lock

ed. I

t is generally

absolutely essential, because it is impossible for anyone to learn to sing cor-

rectly until the j

aw has been completely freed.

fter the stiffness and lock

have been work

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little or no discomfort is ex

ed out of the student'



perienced when the manipulation is made.

W hen complete opening has been established by means of manipulation, the

pupil must be forced to mak

e this gesture, whenever necessary, without as-




(1gl +1RDVdM1bDTRl
G=. k=sP( $R+ k=A`+ 8R:.` W4 k=. L.4k =$R+ $`. XL$).+ Gsik (.LWy k=.
kyW )=..H(WR.i $R+ k=. =.$+ Ai `$Ai.+ ARkW k=. X`WX.` XWiAkAWR $R+ =.L+
$(iWLsk.L} ikALL =. k=sP( W4 k=. `A:=k =$R+ Ai XL$).+ AR k=. ).Rk.` W4 k=.
)=AR $R+ k=. k=B`+ 4Ws`k= %R+ 84k= 8R:.`i (.=AR+ k=. R.)H =. G$y Ai k=.R
XsLM.+ +WyR $MM k=. y$} k=`Ws;= k=. OA++L. XWiAkAWR yAk= $ g y.LL
<.iks`. =. =.$+ Osik RWk (. $LLWy.+ kW OWw. CR k=. iLA;=k.ik +.:`.. W`
k=. P$RAXsL$kCWR P$} (.)WP. +$R:.`Wsi =. WX.RAR; W4 k=. G$y Osik ]
$(iWLsk.L} )WPXL.k. iW k=$k k=. )WQ.`i W4 k=. MAYi $`. kA;=k =. MCXi Osik
(. iLA<=kL} `$Ai.+4`WP k=. k..k= $R+ R.Ak=.` iZ`.$, RW` Ww.` XWsk.+
=AiO$RAXsL$kAWR P$}(.iWO.y=$ksR)WO5W`k$(L. W` .w.R X$AR4sM y=.R k=.
MA<$P.Rki `._sA`. ik`.k)=BR< $R+ k=. G$y Ai ($+L} LW)H.+ k Ai :.R.`$LL}
$(iWLsk.L} .ii.RkA$L (.)$si. Ak Ai APXWiiA(L. 4W` $R}WR. kW L.$h kW iAR: )W`~
`.)kL} sRpL k=. G$y =$i (..R )WPXL.k.L} 4`..+
4k.` k=. ikA7R.ii $R+ LW)H =$w. (..R yW`H.+ Wsk W4 k=. iks+.Rki G$y
MAkkM. W` RW +Ai)WP4W`k Ai .{[.`A.R).+ y=.R k=. O$RAXsL$kBWR Ai P$+.
#=.R )WPXL.k.W\.RAR: =$i (..R.ik$(LAi=.+ (} P.$Ri W4 P$RAXsL$kAWR k=.
XsXAM Osik (. 4W`).+ kW P$H. k=Ai <.iks`. y=.R.w.` R.).ii$`} yAk=Wsk $i


his teeth, neither spread nor over-pouted. W hen the j


, or crack

, at the lock

$ "L #>  ! #) %+ w
 L p > 
9$   9$ 
 49 #" $ b 
 )  = 4
 )4   44    > > q   

 49 #" $ 
  >" 4 " +  )
#   L "#)4 " e 4$ 
4 > >e"4$ >
 ">>4$  49$ #"1$

"  9 )    )44 > #4 4 N 9>P ) + 
#   "    $ ) "   4 4    >+

aw tends to

point, the teacher must be ex


careful not to allow it to come down and out too far when he is

pulling through the lock

point, or he may dislocate it. H e must

perform this manipulation firmly, smoothly and definitely, and


W here there is a crack

this crack

of the j

aw at the middle, or lock

must be carefully and completely "


, point,


out. The

process is not an easy one, but it can nearly always be mastered.





ig. 32





aw Manipulation (concluded)

The thumb of the left hand is placed under the right cheek

the third finger of the left hand under the left cheek

right hand is placed on the chin. The little finger of the right hand is placed

at the back

of the neck

chin to the back

. H owever, if the distance between the point of the

of the neck

is short enough, the third, fourth and fifth fingers

of the right hand should be placed at the back

of the neck

The head is raised and held up by the left hand and the j


as shown in A

aw is pulled

all the way by the right hand.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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down and back

h z N
sW_ i I | S

bone and

bone. The thumb of the



  " F 



t k sX ` k | f Y 
kfj jI|T

+5 .5jVvc5Vqj ;qj;c>A>
: 3cL c}A P cL wLP c:~H n w:CLH ~HL cL nYc CcLLuB~L :H

dM ciH U~bL P cL wLP c:~H ~HL cL wLP CcLLuA~L 3cL c|B Q cL

nYc d:~H n w:CLH ~ cL Cch~ 3cL wnzL U~YL P cL nYc c:~H n w:CLH
: L B:Cu Q cL ~LCu ;ee nP cL Hn:~CL ALLL~ cL n~ Q cL
Edn cL B:Cu P cL ~LCu n c L~Yc cL cnH Pc :~H UQ U~YL
Q cL n_c c:~H cwH AL w:CLH : cL A:Cu Q cL LFu : c z 3
3cL dM:H i :iLH :~H cLwH A cL wLP c:~H :H cL s: n wwLK
H :~H B:Cu :ww cL : B cL n_c c:~H

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

The complete opening of the j

aw by the teacher may, at first, be

somewhat painful to the pupil, but as soon as the j

aw has been

released, no distress whatever is felt. W hen the release has been

established, the manipulation can be abandoned. H owever difficult

the releasing of the j

the technic is shirk

aw may be, it must be done. I

ed, the pupil'

f this phase of

s voice will, inevitably, always be

throaty. The teacher may have to ex

ert a considerable effort in

order to accomplish this manipulation.


n dealing with head and chest movements and with the j



,   5   W *  

 *$  e  $ 
     $      W
 $    !   + a     
 $     + !  
  5   W *     + Y   
     7$    !   $ ! *  * 

 *+ ,
F * !  T      g 

, etc., it is important to remember that phonation is a single

co-ordinated act. Thus, if a certain group of muscles has been used

j jrFVg>xVjg

in co-ordination for a certain act, when any part of this co-ordination

occurs, the entire co-ordination will come into effect reflex

ly. Thus,

a movement of the chest will start the co-ordinate cycle which

results in the production of a throaty tone and, as soon as this ges-

ture occurs, the tongue will relax

and move back

the muscles of the thorax

will "


resonation of the vowel. S

imilarly, the lock

, the glottis open,

and the j

aw will set for the

ing of the j

aw will bring

about the muscular co-ordination which determines a throaty tone.

ven a lip gesture for the resonation of the vowel may start this

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co-ordinate cycle and set in action the entire co-ordination for

throatiness. I

t will be seen then how alert the teacher must be, if

he is to inhibit all the gestures which may start off the cycle which

throws the voice into the co-ordination for throatiness. S

is highly personal, and the teacher must k

uch work

now and understand

every peculiar and characteristic gesture, which brings this throaty

cycle into action, in the case of each individual pupil. There are too

many different phases of this sort of thing to discuss it ex


W hen the technic is good, the breathing muscles "



the base

of the tongue is held firmly in position, the glottis closes and the

pressure of the breath is, therefore, held against this closure of the

glottis. The system must be k

Throaty Technic


ept in a state of eq

W hat happens in throaty singing?

then drawn back


W histling

The tongue is relax

to the posterior wall of the pharynx

tion it is held in a high degree of tension

ed and

in which posi-

it may be raised or

dropped. The glottis is not closed by means of the arytenoid muscle,


Y  5    H   

 7  +$           5
  + ,     5   
 u    $*    
  $    u     g  T *+ ,$
      u   *   
        *  $     5
      5  T  !  7$  5  $
      T  N5!   W   

 ! + d  *$   75   W  5
* +
!   5    E   ! *   
  *          u  
 + Y             $ 
     5    *   g

  b !  '  u  \

+ d
 5 *   $      7    
! *         5E $    5   *
*       !  + ,   
* g   M   5   H  T
! *
M o
    5$   5  N $  
  l  *  H  5  E 

         $ RAc> 5    

5 +,
 *  7  I  +

6Srj>x6ICSgVC ,IC\=SVux_VgQ
a    * 55 ,
 5  F T 
0  7E    *T  
    5 5   k *   
 q+,:  *
 * $

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

but this closure is attained because the vocal cords are sq

together by means of tension on the neck

the neck

muscles. I

muscles hold a constriction at the larynx


n other words,

, and breath

is blown through this constriction. W hen it is blown hard, a rela-

tively loud noise occurs. W hen it is blown more gently, the intensity

is reduced. But, actually, what is this form of sound production?

urely it is merely a form of laryngeal whistling!

singing at all!

t is not really

n the old days of vaudeville we heard many pharyn-

geal whistlers, who blew through a constriction of the pharynx

and could even produce a tremolo with the tongue. This form of

whistling was q

uite powerful and rather agreeable to listen to.

Going one stage further: Throaty singing is ex


actly the same thing,

cept inasmuch as the constriction is moved down a stage further

to the larynx

and, under these circumstances, vowels can be reso-

nated by the mouth. Pharyngeal whistling, however, does not inj

the larynx


laryngeal whistling does!

H ere, then, we have a very significant viewpoint. There are funda-

mentally two forms of voice production. O ne form is legitimate

singing, which follows the laws presented in this book

and which

was brought to a high state of perfection by such artists as C

Destinn, Melba, K

such as "



by Lunn, S


singing in the masq

voice placement,"


t may be called by complimentary terms,


diction singing"

or "


producing head or covered tones,"

forward voice production,"

terms, when performed softly, such as "



ammarco, etc. The other form is

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merely "


mezza voce,"

radio technic."

etc., or by other



Nevertheless, this type of sing-

ing, which is almost universal today, may well be designated as





 !      I

 * H   
  *( % J 


C H  a
 (  F 
!*    a
f *(
   (   *( 
    )% #  
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  *H !!
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  #   * H
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* N 9 
CH Y*    * #  * - (

I(N#  C RA5=  ;qA{D= (
N!  #  (K N  !  #  (  (  * 

 #   E *( 
 N ! (K N (
N CC5    C !
C *#  C
( C   H C!H *( *   HC5 H
N 9 

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

hapter 8















The previous chapters have dealt with the various manipulations

which may be used to obtain improved adj

voice. I

ustments of the student'

t should be clearly understood that such manipulations con-

#4;8E .

stitute only a means of speeding up the process of training the voice.

They are of little value in themselves, unless the student is taught

to establish the developed muscular condition and the improved

*,  *    : +
:   % '"1  +*:
+" '*:

co-ordination of the muscles, used in phonation, without manual


onscious C

ontrol of Muscles Used in Phonation I


Direct conscious control of the muscles used in phonation is im-

possible to accomplish, and all directions of a physical nature are

primarily inhibitory. A

,# ! M# ! M! S#

 S A !WA 8 
! + Y      M)  S#  
S8###  E8 R"+
,   8   !   MA !$      
   M !# S      "A# !
  8   $   #$  S

t first, it would seem that the employment of

certain of these manipulations nullifies this statement. S

uch, how-

ever, is not the case, because the manipulations are made by the

teacher and, even if made by the pupil himself, are only effective

in aiding the improved phonation of the tone, which is initially the

outcome of a mental concept. I

f we consider the use of the tongue

instrument, all that really happens is that this instrument puts the

ed condition, and the tongue mus-

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tongue in position, in a relax

cles come into tension reflex

ly for phonation. The tongue reacts

against the instrument at the moment the tone is attack

ed. The

instrument helps the tongue muscles to come into tension, but the


emanates from the mental concept of the tone. The nerve

impulses which actually bring the muscles into tension emanate from

the brain, not from the instrument. I

n fact, ex

cessive pressure on the

jguCVj~u jgxrj_ jM )~uC_Iu :uIF Vg 0Sjg>xVjg #d njuuVB_G

tongue, before phonation is initiated, only tends to interfere with the

proper action of the tongue muscles.

       8 M A   #  

#    # $      8  #     
# S   + v e $   S  S# S8
  8 M A#   e  + d $ 
! $   M $    S#    S  
  $ ! 8 A   ## A 8$     g !
  S# ! #M 8M  M    
 S 8 S  + Y8     8M )
 $    #   M  S#E 
) " #$ "  = $  M  S
 S   8A*BE 8 #M+ ,   
   A  M SA     7+ ,
 A  #   S   S  $  M
 7 A 8 A M S   8 M + ,  !
# M M   MA6  S8 
 $8 M S+ Y8 $= ! #   
)$8 #M$  8 iM
# #   8 S +
aM    M | A# $ S    "
M #$  M  S

W ith regard to the laryngeal manipulations, the muscles are in-

deed helped, but here also they only come into tension as the singer


< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D


1+ ^  

%     # ^#
E " "   F% 
% 1     ^8"


, "
4 "    #   "#"% :   
8#" Vc  8#

 8: &D 
 8% " "

s the tone, and are not tensed, but are merely helped, by the


The manipulations of the j

aw, head, etc., are of an inhibitory

nature and do not demand ex


n spite of the great value of these manipulations, they are un-

availing if the pupil does not ultimately learn to produce as good

a tone without, as he does with, their aid.

Limit to Use of Manipulations

Therefore, after having made the manipulations which are indi-

cated, and after having helped the pupil produce a definitely im-

proved tone, the teacher must proceed to work

:D:U` UI` %Q1` I3` )F: KX@)S:IFQ`

with him, without

the aid of the manipulations, until such time as he is able to establish

the new adj

ustments. F

E   8 

 "! 8 ^" ^   "

t"# "y
  + 8 " "
)"! 8%  "" #8
F \ :8     "    
 "" "

 8   8! 8   

# 8   8

8 "       8#


"## W#8^ ^"1
^ #

or this reason there are, in the course of

training, periods during which the manipulations are made and,

following these, other periods during which they are temporarily

discarded, when the pupil learns to establish the improvement which

has resulted from their use.

Psychological F


This brings out a q

uestion already mentioned: The psychological

factor. The importance of building up the proper mental concepts,

and of break

ing down the various inhibitions to which the vocal

ect has been stressed already. W hen manipulations

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student is subj

are used this problem becomes harder, not easier, because the


opening up"

process is so greatly accelerated that it is only too

often difficult for the teacher to break

down the inhibitions which

Q^-8I@I6:-)@` )-SIN`

interfere with the production of the greatly increased volume of

tone and to build up the memory pictures for the greatly improved

uality of tone which is produced. This work

any increased, new "


E"8  Q" # 

{ E #8 
   E "!1 "#
8 !  !  # 11

   8 8"8"  "   1

 8 F    
 X " "
 !# 1 
%  "  1 
-! ![ !  "       
 " " # 

"~     1  +
  "8"" ^"1^
"   "  
 8   #h " 
 ) !8     h 8 

Q 88  "  

 E8  + 

  -"[ "  %  ^ "# 8
h    h   
"    %  1"1  Q"@
E   !8 !#  h   " 
 8  h           

must be done before

is brought about, or the pupil will

lag psychologically so far behind his muscular, or technical, eq


ment as to flounder helplessly when he attempts to sing.

There are two principal reasons why the human voice does not

function naturally in a technically correct manner.

aulty E

ar and Bad Technic

The first is because the ear is faulty or undeveloped. W hen the

individual is actually tone deaf he cannot learn to sing. F


where the ear is really poor, the process of training this pupil is so


*YAS^` *O` )F.`

).` #1-8F:-`

E t 8    "    

#"  h
 #  " \  
    8          "" " 8# 8 

 545?6B1C .C

c>635C: 9 C2=;C

* ! +  & ( )C %  C      ! C


   O E 
Vc  !

difficult and arduous that it is hardly worth the effort. The unde-

veloped ear can be trained, and it must be trained if the pupil is

to learn how to sing.

nhibition and Bad Technic

H8;,;S;JF` )H.`
).` #1-8F<-`

The second reason is primarily psychological or inhibitory. Most

people are more or less inhibited, and this inhibition is very apt

to tak

e the form of "

holding back


   !  !      }
! !      
 +C   E !!  U!


  :     g 


w OC N 
  Y  f    M
!!     + 
           N      +%


    !!E   !!   

!  !     

 +C         !    

        E -  +       

F +    
E      + 
 %   !   !!  4   
+  4
   !     +
 !! x   


  !  f    

   ,   ~   h 
 !!  ;  F

the voice. The properly-produced

voice is always powerful and even the smallest, human larynx


produce sufficient tone to be clearly heard over an orchestra in a

large auditorium. I

nhibition will cut down the intensity of the voice

to the merest fraction of the power it should produce. There is only

one means by which the inhibited individual can bring about this

reduction in intensity, and that is by "


ing off"

his voice (throaty

technic). H ence, the inhibited pupil will instinctively mak

e the

gestures which bring the constrictor muscles (muscles of the neck

tongue, j

aw, chest and shoulders) into action and destroy the proper

function of the vocal apparatus. Therefore, most pupils automatically

tend to raise their chests and drop, or pull in, their heads in order

to "

hold back


the tone;

these gestures are apt to become more

pronounced as the pitch, and therefore the intensity, rises.


ing and slurring are also an outcome of inhibition, because

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the inhibited pupil instinctively tends to check

down the intensity of the tone. This "



himself and cut


gives rise to either a

or a slur.

The teacher must work

hard to overcome this instinctive fear,

or inhibition, on the part of the pupil. I

f he fails to do so, he will

never succeed in mak

t is hard work

ing him sing. I

because the psychological break

down of the pupil'

and rather cruel,

s fear and inhibi-

tion, which are seated in the very roots of his nature, is a very

radical process. H owever, it can be done, provided that the teacher

is willing to tax

himself sufficiently, and the pupil is able to subj

himself, and surrender to the teacher'





Much has been said about self-listening. I

t is not an overstatement

to say that an absolute self-listener is unteachable: F

irst, because

he is unable to change his mental concepts of tone q

uality. S


because he cannot learn to define his pitch concepts. Third, because

he hears the tone q

uality completely inverted, i.e., the throatier the

tone becomes, the better it sounds to him.



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terno-mastoid Muscles and S


There seems to be a very direct physical reason for this apparent

improvement of tone q

technic is throaty. I

uality to the singer'

n throaty technic, the neck

tension and do the work

cles. R


s own ear, when the

eference to F

muscles come into

that should be done by the laryngeal mus-

igs. 26


27 will show that the most prominent

muscles used in throaty singing are the sterno-mastoids. W hen

these muscles are in a high state of tension, they mak

direct conductor of sound from the larynx

e a hard, firm,

to the ear, by means of

these rigid muscles. Under such circumstances it would appear to

be obvious that the singer must perceive a vastly greater richness

and volume of tone than he is actually producing. W hen these

muscles are relax

ed, the conduction is lost. Therefore, as soon as

the throatiness is relieved, the singer will hear a tone which is con-

siderably reduced in power and "


to his own ear, despite the

fact that it is actually far fuller, freer, and of better q

ear of the listener. S

uality to the

o true is this that the teacher is forced to work

or shall we say fight, dreadfully hard to stop the pupil from pro-

ducing tones which are throaty, shut off and unpleasant to the ear

of anyone other than himself. I

n fact, unless the pupil can be forced

to stop listening to his own voice, it is impossible for the teacher to

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stop him from deliberately producing the throatiest possible tones.

Technical Practising O utside S

tudio H armful

Technical practice by the pupil outside the studio is harmful at

all times and at all stages of development. W hen practising alone

he will inevitably listen to his own voice rather than concentrate

on the teacher'

s directions. S

ince he is then guided by his own ear,

which hears an improvement in power and q

uality when the tone

has merely become throatier, such practice will serve only to

engender throatiness. The pupil who insists on practising technic

alone never learns to sing well

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his voice is always throaty!

utility of F

oice without I

n some cases, individuals who start with "

nterpretive A


no natural voice,"

who have considerable talent for learning the req


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uired technic, may

have no capacity for learning repertoire and no talent for interpre-

tation and performance. Therefore, occasionally there is developed

a beautiful voice, through the sheer efficiency of the process. But

the satisfaction of such achievement is converted into unmitigated


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chagrin when the pupil is found to be the possessor of a grand organ

which he is unable to use in performance. I

t is also true that the

highly talented performer may sometimes be so neurotic that he is

unable to concentrate satisfactorily on the work

nical problems;

ing out of his tech-

he cannot learn to produce his voice really well.

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< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

hapter 9






n training the man'





s voice, and in a lesser degree the woman'

one of the most important ex


ercises is the one in which he starts

a tone in the falsetto register and adds the lower register. This


ercise, which may be termed "

been described in the author'

going through the falsetto,"

s previous book

!B1Vc:Yl .


s, but with the use of

!  ! 

laryngeal controls and the tongue instrument, the procedure has

been considerably modified.

Going Through the F


The effectiveness of this ex

of a pure falsetto tone. I

ercise depends upon the production

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t should not be used before the falsetto has

been completely purified, or an increase in the degree of mix

ed regis-

tration and throatiness will result. I


n other words, if this ex

is used before the pure falsetto has been established, the result will

be harmful, because it W ill merely serve to engender an increase in

the mix

The "

ture of the lower register.





vowel is nearly always employed for this ex


cise. H owever, because the tongue instrument is generally used at

the outset, this vowel is often ill-defined, because the tongue position

determines the vowel and the instrument determines the position

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of the tongue. The pupil should not resist the tongue position which

I:F8\'9LIU89\P93\ ,BO3PPI\

the teacher has brought about by the use of the instrument. H e must,

therefore, sing the vowel which results from this position. I

f he

forces the vowel himself, he will move his tongue and thus mak

impossible for the teacher to use the instrument effectively. F

more, very few pupils have a clear concept of this "



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e it


vowel at the

outset of their studies and they must, therefore, sing the vowel which

the instrument-controlled tongue position determines. The teacher

can force the pupil to produce something lik







by means of the tongue instrument, if the pupil does not resist the


ustment, before he is able to conceive it himself.

The pupil'



aw should be completely opened and his lips un-



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spread, unpouted and, at the same time, held slightly away from

the teeth. Under these circumstances he cannot form a mouth

vowel, and the tongue action will be definitely brought into play,

i.e., pharyngeal resonance adj

ustment will be established.

W hen the pure falsetto has been established in this way, the

pupil may be directed to "

go through"

add the lower register to the falsetto. A

to the lower register, i.e., to

t the moment of transition

the tension on all the muscles used in phonation must be suddenly

increased and the intensity must instantaneously rise considerably.

t this vital moment of transition the pupil must not be allowed

to mak

e any movement whatever of his tongue, j

shoulders, diaphragm, back

aw, lips, chest,

muscles, head, etc. The vowel must

not be modified in the slightest degree. The impulse which brings

the lower register into action must merely tak

tension and eq

stances may the pupil be allowed to relax

loudness of the tone or j

the ex

e the form of added

uilibrium must be maintained. Under no circum-


, break

off, decrease the

at the moment of transition. I

f he does so,

ercise is completely nullified, because the falsetto tension is

not retained.

ntensity R

t is also essential that the rise in intensity, at the moment of

ises with A

ddition of Lower R


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transition, is sufficiently great or the lower register will not be com-

pletely established and mix

must be forced to ex

ed registration will result. The pupil

ert sufficient effort to establish the pure lower

register, at the proper intensity, rapidly and sk

illfully. I

f he fails

to add sufficient tension at the moment of transition, the ex

is not only futile but harmful, because mix


$gxGguVx 4VuGu VxS EEVxVkg kL (kGr 4GRVuxGr

ed registration results.

f he feels slowly into the lower register, throatiness and mix


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registration occur. O f course, the falsetto must be sung as loudly as

possible without mix

ture. This intensity is, however, q

the lower tones. Nevertheless, if the max

uite soft for

imum tension on the fal-

setto muscles, which can be attained at any given stage of develop-

ment, is not brought into play, the ex

ercise is of little value. The

lower-register tension is only added, in proper technic, at an inten-

sity which is greater than the loudest possible intensity which can

be produced in the falsetto.


< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

No I

ntensity O verlap of R

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t no time should the registers overlap from the intensity stand-

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point. The pure falsetto can never be sung as loudly as the softest

lower-register tone at the same pitch, and vice versa, the softest

lower-register tone which can be sung at any given pitch must

always be louder than the loudest possible pure falsetto. I

n work


out the problems of registration, it is vital for the reader to bear in

mind the fact that the registers should be matched in q

in intensity. W henever this rule is brok

en mix



ed registration and

vocal deterioration result.

Thyroid Manipulation in Going Through F


The thyroid manipulation may be employed in the "

the falsetto"


ercise. E

going through

ither the tongue instrument is not used, or

the pupil may use this manipulation himself while the teacher em-

ploys the tongue instrument, or vice versa. I

n the early stages, the

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training process is nearly always accelerated when the teacher uses

this manipulation. I

do this ex

t is most helpful because it enables the pupil to

ercise effectively very much sooner than would otherwise

be possible.

This ex

ercise should be used in practically all stages of the vocal

development. W hen pharyngeal resonance adj

ustment and pure

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registration have been definitely established, the manipulations

and the use of the tongue instrument become unnecessary and

should be abandoned. H owever, each time an opening occurs this


ercise becomes essential, because pharyngeal development must

be met with the necessary laryngeal work

owel Must Be H eld C


W hen the tongue instrument is not being used, the pupil must be

sure to hold the vowel absolutely constant for the two registers.

H e must not be allowed to "


goes through from the falsetto. I

the lower register when he

f he does so, some degree of mix


registration is apt to occur.

t is not utterly essential that the dark






vowel be used. A

vowel may serve much the same purpose. I

that is essential, because the pure falsetto is always associated with



t is the dark

ness, until a very high state of development has been attained,


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when the color range, concomitant with proper technic, becomes

very wide.


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H yoid Bone Manipulation and Going Through F



?} PLV iVViV }hV S NLSy iV ioS N}V |L NV

VV io o VyS| S}V NVPLV }SV Pi PoP|L}PV iV
VhoLo} o hV}VLyy |oVS]kV VVPoV NVNV}VfPoLy)
JioyV ho}hihiiV ]LyV o }V ] iV | o|L}
VVPoV]V|LyV oPVo o VSV VyS| ] iV|L}
oPV) Gio o NVPLV o} iV f yLPV }VLy Lyy |V} o}h
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o V L}S V}VS , JiV} o o VS iV P}Soo} ioPi
| NV NVVU LV VLPy iV L|V Loi L|L}0

n cases where the tongue drops badly, the hyoid bone may be

held up, as previously described, for this ex

ercise. I

n practice, how-

ever, this is seldom done, because, under such circumstances, the

registration is generally too mix

W hile "


ed for the ex

going through the falsetto"

ercise to be beneficial.

is one of the most important

ercises for the male voice, it is used very seldom for the woman'

voice. This is because, in the first place, nearly all women sing

falsetto only and, therefore, we find that most of their technical

faults are associated with this register. H ence, the use of this ex


cise would only tend to reflect these faults into the lower register.

n the second place, women sing about an octave higher than men,

so that they actually use the falsetto in performance and the influ-

ence of this register on the lower register is, therefore, more or less

automatic, when the other phases of the training are properly car-

ried out. Nevertheless, this ex

ercise can sometimes be used for

women pupils with beneficial results, provided that the falsetto

is pure and "

opened up."

must be observed are ex

Balancing R

W hen it is used, the conditions which

actly the same as with a man.

egisters in W omen'


Balancing the registration in a woman'


s voice, when the two

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registers have been isolated, purified and properly established, is

most important and must be dealt with at as early a stage as possible.

The ex

ercises used for balancing and relating the registers are

relatively simple. The first one to be employed is the octave j

This ex


ercise tends to balance the two registers in their octave rela-

tionship and it also helps to transfer the "



of the lower

register up into the falsetto.

n the performance of this ex

ercise, the j

8LyL}Po}h iV VhoLo} o} L |L} oP iV} iV

VhoV iLV NVV} pyLVS sVS L}S Vy VLNyoiVS o
GiV VVPoV VS ] NLyL}Po}h L}S VyLo}h iV VhoV LV
VyLoVy o|yV- GiV f }V NV V|yVS o iV PLV t|,
o}io L}S o Ly iVy L}]V iV V}o}h _ iV yV
VhoV o} iV ]LyV,
V}VS L}S iV }hV o}|V}|L NV VS, GiV yV%VhoV
}V iyS NV LLPuVS ySy oi iV oPi L LPPLVy PV}
L}oVS N L y  , GiV ioS P}y |L NV V|yVS iV}
o V o o}SoPLVS, E} L PV _| iV VLPiV iV o}hV iyS
VyVLV iV yV%VhoV }V L}S DPO:6Gb:Njl ouV V }V L}
PLV iohiV o} iV ]LyV, Gio }V Ly iyS NV }h L ]yy
oPV, DioPLy|V|V}iyS NV |LSV So}h iVL}oo}
L} tVu y) @ o Lyy NV _ iV oy o}h iV V}oX

aw should be completely

opened and the tongue instrument may be used. The lower-register

tone should be attack

ed loudly, with the pitch as accurately cen-

tered as possible. No slur should be passed (a j


is always accom-

panied by a slur). The thyroid control may be employed when

its use is indicated. O n a cue from the teacher the singer should

release the lower-register tone and immediately strik

e the tone an

octave higher in the falsetto. This tone also should be sung at full

voice. No physical movements?

should be made during the transition

between the two tones. The upper tone should be attack

any j


or slur. I

ed without

t is usually best for the pupil to sing the entire


ercise on one breath, because when she breathes, she must break



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off and the "


t is vital that she should mak

shoulders, j


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may not, then, be carried up into the falsetto.

e no movement of the head, chest,

aw, tongue or lips as she mak

es the transition. The

of the upper tone should be made, with great rapidity, imme-

diately the cue is heard. The octave j

about middle C

ump should be sung from

to as high as the lower register can be carried up

wide open at the given stage.

The term "


a violent j



is not a very good one, because it may imply

which is absolutely wrong. The attack

lower and the upper tone must be made on a smooth "

of both the


ment of the diaphragm. The muscles of the lower ribs (back

cles) must not "


or the "




on the diaphragm is nullified.

W hen the laryngeal control for the lower register is used, it must

be released for the falsetto tone.

The loudness of the falsetto tone should match that of the lower-

register tone with the necessary increase in loudness for the octave

rise in pitch (15 decibels rise in intensity).

W hile all the manual controls may be used for this ex

ercise, when

and how they should be employed most effectively depends upon

the ex

isting technical conditions. This, the teacher must be able to


fter the upper tone has been attack

onds, the pupil should "

ed and held for a few sec-

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carry down"

he should do so without break

lower-register tone. This "

to the lower register again.

ing off, and end with a full, pure,

carry down"

is important, because it

helps in the association of the registers and, at the same time, adds

falsetto tension to the lower-register tension, thereby accomplishing

much the same result as the "

going through the falsetto"



for men.

There must be a complete "

upper tone, but no "





between the lower and

should be made on the way down.

This is important because it is essential that all falsetto tension

possible is present in the lower register, while there should not be

any lower register tension in the falsetto. Thus, the "




the way up must be complete and the falsetto tone must not be


The "

ed with any slur at all or the registration will tend to mix

carry down"

must be complete, so that all falsetto tension

possible is added to the lower register. Under no circumstances

should the pupil slide below the lower tone after singing the upper

tone, since too little falsetto tension would then be added to the

lower register, and this would eliminate much of the beneficial

effect of the ex

The "



carry down"

should be accomplished on a narrow vibrato,


 545?6B1C .C

c>635C: 9 C2=;C

* ! +  & ( )C %  C      ! C

but even if the pupil does slur, the falsetto tension is added to the

lower-register tension, and some measure of the desired result

transpires. The ex

ercise is of little value if the pupil break

the way down or either slurs, or j

The vowel used for this ex


s off on

s into the upper (falsetto) tone.

ercise is generally a dark




other vowels may be employed according to the pupil'

s ability to

resonate any one vowel with pharyngeal resonance adj


better than other vowels. Thus, the dark



vowel is sometimes best.

The actual vowel employed does not matter very much, provided

that it is dark

and not throaty.

W hile the j


aw is generally opened all the way for the entire

ercise, it may, under certain conditions, be found beneficial for

the pupil to attack

the lower tone with the j

then open it for the upper tone. The j


aw nearly closed and

aw should never be allowed to

e a closing gesture when the pupil attack

O ther ex


s the upper tone.

ercises must also be used for relating the registers in

s voices. Thus, the interval should be reduced to a maj

fifth, a maj


or third, a whole tone and even a semitone. The register

change must always be accomplished with the minimum of q

transition and without "


slurring or j




W hen the registers have been so far developed and purified that

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the pupil can sing the tone D (on the fourth line of the treble clef)

wide open, with the proper resonance adj

the E

ustment (good q


flat, one semitone higher, can be sung in the falsetto at a

slightly louder intensity than the D is sung in the lower register.

W here the change has to be made lower, the falsetto is not in the

intensity line. I

f it is only a semitone to a tone and a half too low,

the intensity drop in the transition is not distressingly great.

elatively W eak

n even intensity scale is obviously of fundamental importance

Middle Tones Unavoidable at F


in the interpretation of a melodic line. H owever, an even scale is

not established until a relatively high stage of technical proficiency

has been reached. Before this stage has been attained, a few of the

lower, falsetto tones are unavoidably too weak

. This may be unfor-

    &  )       &&&  
3  ) &     & &  
 5 ( '        p   # [ 
& . ) :#  G   J *
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   &     :       5
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  K >           &     )
  W &   P     &    5

tunate, but it is an unavoidable concomitant of proper vocal training.

The singer, who can only use the lower register up to about F

$3B,P:V3B[\ +3,>\ :11B3\'IH3O\ (H,VI:1,.B3\,P\:MOP\

on the bottom space of the treble clef, has at least five semitones in

the falsetto register which are too weak

and A

are much too weak

. The F

especially the F

sharp, G, A


sharp and G. I

ever, any attempt is made to level up the intensity line, either by

softening the lower-register tones by means of constriction below


f, how-

L            &  

       & K T)      
  &         ?     E  
   &K C       &)    
)      &   #8 (    X
W)    &       P  5
(               9r
         )    E   
         #5 ( 9 ) B L N
& L     #    9  & B >" X
)    &      o )  W 


the intensity level at which they can be sung "

the low falsetto tones by means of thick


ness or "

 && #'#      -  

 # #      3  -
&  '# A&     2 &    & &
 :     # &  #
   & @

& 2 
# \          # 
&  &'&#        - #
 #   &  #    #  
'    5   # &    
#       &'#   

 &  &   & 
  5 O      y
  '&   -  ;    
 A  '  &   #&'# -

or by pushing


above the

intensity level at which they can be sung in the pure register with

the throat open, the result is entirely destructive. Under such cir-

cumstances, the registration becomes mix

riorates rapidly. F

ed and the voice dete-

urthermore, the constriction of the lower register,

which inevitably occurs when this register is "

held back


or sung

too softly, reflects up into the falsetto, which then also becomes

very throaty. This throaty falsetto in turn reflects down into the

lower register which becomes progressively throatier and more


ed. This reflection of throatiness and mix

ture between the two

registers, as the singer changes from one to the other incorrectly,

builds up to a most distressing degree. This effect can be so pro-

nounced that the voice may "

shut off"

altogether in the progress

of a song even when it has been relatively "

opened up"

in the


Little Lower R

egister More Dangerous than None

Many singers have been told by their teachers to use the lower

register ("

chest voice"

) up to E

flat, E

or, perhaps, F

(the first

space on the treble clef) but not to use it any higher. This pro-

` :SS@2` I[2N`

cedure is definitely worse than not using the lower register at all.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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W hen this register is employed for a few low tones only, the lower

were to be sung in the pure, unthick

they would be far too light and weak

ened, unforced falsetto register,

to be usable in conj


with the loud, lower-register tones in this low pitch range. The

singer who j

ust "

fades out"

in descending the scale may possibly

retain a relatively pure falsetto and may, therefore, be properly

trained q

uite easily, but the singer who has pushed the lower fal-

setto tones must inevitably have mix

throaty. A

at all. I

ed them and rendered them

litde lower register is not better than no lower register

t is disastrous!

The lower register must be developed, handled

and used properly, or it must not be used at all, under which cir-

cumstances the singer must resign herself to a sort of "

half bak


silly form of singing with her throat always in some degree of con-

striction. H alf measures are destructive.


27:QS0N` IN2` )F 60NJXQ` S8)F` IF2`

}   '  #

& N -   '& [ Y   .c  .c     \ N  B 
      # Y     &    5  

B&#       #    ##
X &  & #
   #  #h  #
#    &'# 

  &    + 
+   #  a 
  P &  &  #    =v
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&   #  0#h
&  #'#   # 
Q& #        #  #@
   &'# ' ,

  d #&# #       # 
& z5#  


      #   #+
&## & # 

falsetto tones are inevitably pushed and forced, because, if they


 545?6B1C .C

c>635C: 9 C2=;C

* ! +  & ( )C %  C      ! C

IX3L\ $38:OP3L\ UOP\3\,LL:31\ (J\ PI\ "LIJ3L\ ":P/9\

Lower R

egister Must Be C

arried Up to Proper Pitch

t any given stage in the training process, the lower register must

be used up to a certain point at normal loudness. I

used too high or too low;

t must not be

either fault is harmful. This point changes

as the technic develops. The voice is not really registered at all

until the lower register can be used consistently up to about B flat

on the treble clef. This means that the pupil can produce really



good q

Permanent Mix

uality, lower-register tones up to about C

ed R

or D flat.

v o^ ^ ^lv^ TN S^ ^V Tv^ NS C iN
o^ ^S^ T^b( Iov ^N oN o^ v TN VT^ ^N
^ lV Nv ^#^lv^ ^ NS ; : iN&


There are two types of mix

8Nlv^ Nl^vo^ NvvlT^ o^ ^^lv^

S^ ^V N T^Nv v N N V^) A S^
^Vovlo7 ^vo^ bNvoNb( Iov vToNl^
N o^ ^TsvT V^^* Io^ vT^ v ^N ^lv^^V N N

ed registration. I

n the first type we

have a permanent muscular condition which can be changed only

"3LE,F3FP\ :Z31\ $38:OPL,P:IF\

in the course of a somewhat prolonged period of training. This

condition is manifested physically by the tilting of the thyroid car-

tilage which approaches too closely to, or in ex

touches, the hyoid bone. (S

ee F

ig. 21.)

Temporarily I

ed R


nduced Mix

The other type of mix

a singer endeavors to "


even up"

ed registration occurs when

the intensity line before the pure,

lower register can be carried up high enough. W hen this

is done repeatedly, for any length of time, a condition of permanent,

ed registration results. The transient, or temporary, mix

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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tration leads only too often to permanent mix

Io^^ N^ M ^ b v^V ^lvNv* A o^ h ^ ^

oN^ N ^N^ TN TVvv ovTo TN S^ ToNl^V

ed registration is temporarily induced. The

most prevalent cause of this type of mix


treme cases, actually

v o^ T^ b N ^oN l^V ^vV b Nvvl) Iov

TVvv v Nvb^^V ovTN S o^ vvl b o^ ovV TN

vNl^ ovTo NNTo^ T^  v ^^^ TN^ NTN

To^ o^ ovV S^(  G^^ =vl,  \

ed regis-

ed registration


&3EJIL,L:A[\ F1U/31\ :Z31\ $38:OPL,P:IF\

plete vocal degeneration.

The pupil who can sing up to middle B flat with a pure, "


lower register, and up to the B flat an octave higher, with a

pure, good q


uality, free, "

good natural voice,"

are too weak

dition is not inj


tones need not be of poor q

uality q

uite satisfactorily. S

uality and can

uch a con-

urious or distressing, and it is soon overcome when

the voice is being trained properly. A

shutting off"

falsetto, has what might be termed, a

despite the fact that a few of the middle tones

. These weak

match the lower register in q



ny attempt to correct it by

the lower register or by mix

falsetto destroys the q

ing and pushing the

uality of both high and low tones. The singer

who has made this attempt finally finds herself with a few, poor

uality, throaty, middle tones and not even passably good upper

or lower tones. I

n her attempt to alleviate a relatively minor tech-

nical failing, she has succeeded only in eliminating her voice.


Io^ o^^ b v^V ^lvNv v ^Nv vVT^V, Io^

^N^ TN^ b ov ^ b v^V ^lvNv TT o^

N vl^ ^V^N ^^  o^ v^v v^ S^b^ ^ ^

^ ^ ^lv^ TN S^ TNv^V ovlt ^lo) Lo^ ov

v V^ ^^N^V b N ^lo b v^ N TVvv b ^N^
v^V ^lvNv ^( Io^ Nv^ ^N v^V ^lv

Nv ^NV b^ ^N^ v^V ^lvNv!T

^^ TN V^l^^Nv(
Jo^ v o TN vl vVV^ C ?N vo N ^ vV^
^ ^ ^lv^ NV o^ C iN N TN^ ulo^ vo N


lVNNvT^ V^v^ o^ bNToN Nb^ b o^vVV^^

N_^N~) Io^^^N~^ ^^VS^ b Nv NVTN

NTo o^ ^ ^lv^ v Nv v^ NvbNTv, GTo N T
Vvv v v}v Vv^vl NV v v ^T^ o^
o^ vT^ v S^vl Nv^V ^( 8 N^ T^T v S
ovl e o^ ^ ^lv^ S vvl NV ovl o^

bN^ V^ o^ Nv bSo ovlo NV ^, Io^ vl^

o oN NV^1 ov N^ hN hV o^^b vo N b^

Nv oN vVV^ ^ NV ^^ NNS lV ^

^ ^& A o^ N^ N^vN^ N ^Nv^ v ^To

vTN bNvvl o^ oN TT^^V^V v ^vvNvl o^ vT^(



Q Tz


ed "


A:E:F,P:IF\I7\ :Z32\ :22A3\ $38:OP3L\

limination of Mix

t is interesting to note that the process of training indicated has


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for its goal the absolute purification of the lower and falsetto regis-

ters, and the complete separation of these two registers. I

t aims to

open them up, relate them and finally co-ordinate them. I

n the

carrying out of this process the so-called "

is, in fact, only a mix


middle register,"


ed register, is eliminated. The pure falsetto

and the pure lower register are of good q

is throaty and of most unpleasant q

uality. The "

middle regis-

uality to the trained ear.

Unfortunately, today many teachers eliminate the lower register

and thereby inevitably eliminate also the pure, "


the result that, in the final analysis, they establish and "

the mix

ed "

middle register."

falsetto, with



They eliminate what should be trained,

and train what should be eliminated.

Use of F

alsetto for Middle Tones

The falsetto can be used in a song as low as about middle G for

a very soft passage, but for all normal singing the lower register

should be carried through B flat or B, and for loud singing through

D. A

t fortissimo the lower register, if pure, fully developed and

balanced with the falsetto, can be used for very high tones. I

be carried up very high, however, until the pupil'

tremely advanced stage of development. I

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t cannot

(O3\ I7\ ,AO3PPI\7IL\ :22A3\&IF3O\

s voice is in an

f it is carried too high

for the given stage of development, it becomes throaty and mix

( ,   $      $   B ,

 , % $ ,



 C N 
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:2 L ,

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and this condition will be reflected up into the falsetto in an even

more mark

ed degree. This is, of course, absolutely destructive to a

proper technic.

O ctave R

eflection in Performance

Because the lower register controls the falsetto one octave higher,

the singer who cannot use the lower register above middle G should

never sing above the G, one octave higher, in performance.

W hen she can use the A

high A

in the lower register, she can sing the

in the falsetto, etc. This rule should be strictly adhered to

or the voice will inevitably suffer.

Until D on the fourth line of the treble clef, sung in the lower

register, is "

in the voice,"

the intensity scale is somewhat out of

balance, because the lower falsetto tones are too weak

, and they

must not be pushed. Nevertheless, when middle B flat, sung in the

lower register, is "


in the voice,"

the line is relatively well balanced

!/P,V3\ $37A3/P:IF\ :F\ "3L7ILE,F/3\


n ,     

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for everything but forte singing. F

urthermore, the falsetto B flat,

an octave above, may be sung freely and with absolute safety.

Therefore, the singer who has reached this stage of development

can interpret, satisfactorily, most arias and songs for the soprano

voice and any composition for the contralto voice.

Use S

ongs of Limited R

Before the pure, fully "

ange in E


arly S

   =T]:l   * 9

%    C N%





lower register has been estab-

(O3\%IF8O\ I7\:E:P31\ $,F83\:F\ ,MB[\%Q,83O\

lished, the pupil must not sing songs which contain high tones,

although her voice may be a soprano

results will be technically harmful. F

even a high soprano

or the

or this reason most beginners

should start with compositions which have a limited range. Later,

as the lower register is opened up and balanced with the falsetto,

a more ex

tended range can be used. This should not tak

e very long,

because the unharmed, talented beginner is often able to sing in

the proper k

ey for her voice in a few months.

Maintain Normal Tessitura

W hen the proper tessitura has been established, it is most inad-

visable for her to sing at a lower or higher tessitura. I

f she does the

former, she will tend to push for more power output than her voice

can produce. I

f she does the latter she is apt to "

shut off,"


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she is unable to sustain the energy level which is necessary if she


at this tessitura. The voice is what it

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is to maintain the "

is naturally

by the size and structure of the vocal apparatus. I

t is true that any

properly-produced voice can cover a range of at least three octaves

of "


legitimate tones. Nevertheless, this does not mean that

the contralto who can produce a D above high C

can sing soprano

roles. The tessitura would be too high and she could not hold the



with the result that she would inevitably start to con-

strict, and her voice, which would become throaty, would ultimately

be ruined. S

imilarly, the soprano who tries to sing contralto roles

inevitably thick

her voice.


,:FP,:F\ IME,B\ '\3OO:PUM,\

when it is used correctly technically. This is determined

ens and mix

es her registration and thus destroys




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hapter 10






The absolute whisper is produced when the resonance cavities are

shaped for the vowel and the vocal cords are so far separated that they

do not come into vibration. There is, therefore, no variable fundamental

present, so that the pitch of the absolute whisper cannot be altered. The

air is ex


pelled from the lungs and, passing out in a stream, brings the air

in the shaped cavities into vibration, thereby producing the vowel sound.

s soon as the intensity rises above a whisper, phonation starts;

glottis begins to close. A


2 ',":  : +' "":

t very low intensities, under proper technical

conditions, the vocal cords are still relatively widely separated. Under

these circumstances the breath ex


pulsion is very high, and considerable

must be done by the singer to maintain the breath pressure and

phonate with the resonance cavities held in their proper "

of both the larynx

of the glottis. A

and the pharynx

, and narrows, and finally closes, the slit

t a certain point of intensity, muscular fatigue would result,

were this tension on the muscles of the pharynx

and larynx

to be held con-

stant and the breath pressure maintained. This intensity varies with differ-

ent voices. I

t might be termed the mezzo-piano of any given voice which

ustment. I

intensity is not so very soft

the F

t is important to note that even this

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is free and in correct adj


indeed it may be considerably louder than

. of the same singer were he to be using a throaty technic.

W hen this point at which the vocal muscular system (i.e., the muscles

of the thorax

, larynx

and pharynx

) would fatigue, if it were held in

constant tension, is reached, the vibrato action begins to come into play;

and this action increases in amplitude as the intensity rises. Under

proper conditions the vibrato swing can become very great, so that,

while the max

imum intensity of sound which can be produced by any

given vocal apparatus is fix

ed, a sense of increased loudness or emotion

may be conveyed by means of a greater swing of the vibrato.

Let it be perfectly clear, then, that the nature of the vibrato is an



and "

the voice. I


nerve impulse to the entire muscular system which actuates

n other words, the vibrato is, from the physiological stand-

point, a vibration on a tension. The nerve impulses should, under proper

conditions, be applied, at one and the same instant, to the muscles of

the larynx




further increase in intensity augments the tension on the muscles

, pharynx

and thorax

, released and reapplied, etc., very rapidly.

3      !-!   - -4  

! $   !  4-+ - !    $  ! + &
!  -  4 8 3   $  4+  $!+D
     - $     -   D !8 3
  1 ! $    ! +     D+    
  ! -4  ;   &  !  4O !8
Q    &  4  #   +  
     2 Q 4 &   !  D --+
!  4 - !   ; D +4D & ! &  D!8 !
 --h-   + 1   4 & # +! -!D  
O B   ! &    +   + gg +!
  - -4  !  ;  D U2W
Q $ -  
D&   ;   - 
$  &1 ! + &1 !   !{+ & -  D  ;
$ # a8 Q -D + $;D;& <-a+ $=I OIao DIa
    - $  &1 ! + &1   D ! -
!     ++!8 3 &4+  !D r
 4- M   !  + $ & ;4 4- O-#
 $  ! 
 - !Y8 M  < +   + 4 
&     $d!D!  +&  -!  & ! 
 \8\2 $          ;   & --2
  -  4- - + & m   g  J  - 
$  1 &1 ! &1 X O ! $ $     ! 
-   !  4 -   - H a+&
+!  - -    ! +  D&  8 !D
  !  4 + O; -+ D- 4 &  +  
   1 & $ ! - -   !-Do & +&
4 - +   {1!   $ - +D! !D  
&  -4D&! &  $   D+  $  4 +8
   $- & -       $  4+  +
@RW 4     &1/: - + &D -  
 -2 M  !  4  $   & - !r

 6-1*&: *&: : 1(*&
: 3 4    ! ! 
!   !   +! #D  H+   -  $
 &1  1 h!  +1  D! +!  ! D-8 4 & ! 2


6 totth^

G tnt U j

Q E ?W 7 I L ?P H9 C ? 5 < ? :3 E

There is, of course, a definite limit to the freq

uency of the vibrato and,

under normal conditions, there is a normal speed. A

n increased freq


of vibrato is used for the trill and for the high speed running of musical


scales, chromatic scales, cadenzas, etc.

The vibrato freq

uency, (i.e., the number of "


and "



per second) is probably never found to be too rapid in the case of a

true vibrato. I

vibrato freq

t is often too slow when the technic is faulty. A

uency is about 6


.2 per second. The freq

found for a high B flat, sung forte, on a record of C


uency of the vibrato should be the same at all pitches.

eadings of the vibrato freq

.2 was

s voice. The fre-

uency and, probably, the pitch variation

so found are reliable, but no other characteristic tak

any real value in obtaining q

n ideal

uency 6

en from records is of

uantitative data.

n the past a great many such readings have been tak

en despite the

fact that but few unaccompanied tones appeared on the records of the

great singers. I

t is impossible to obtain sufficient data from the records

of the voice of any given singer to mak

e such an investigation of real

value, even if the other factors which render such readings unreliable

were not present.

n an investigation of the vibrato it is necessary that the singer, in

person, should produce a series of tones of varying pitches and intensities,

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and that these tones should be sung under acoustical conditions which

can be definitely check

ed. F

urthermore, the apparatus used must be

highly sensitive.

The investigator must also realize that a successful singer does not

necessarily use his voice well

success may be due to other causes. A

even the greatest artists vary, to a mark


ed degree, with each tone they

sing, and the investigator must, therefore, be in a position to give a

definite criticism of each particular tone sung, from the standpoint of

registration and resonance adj

ustment as well as vibrato. F


he must be able to distinguish, definitely, between the true vibrato, the

vibrato which has some of the characteristics of the tremolo, and the

tremolo. A

s will be shown later, these phenomena can easily be confused.

O ne last point with regard to deductions drawn from records: The

intensity range recorded is so limited that the singer is most unlik

to produce his voice normally. I

f he is an ex

he will probably never sing very loud or very soft tones. F

it is unlik


perienced recording artist

or this reason,

ely that any tone which is so soft as to be without vibrato will

appear on the record, despite the fact that when the tone is pianissimo

the vibrato should be practically absent. A




s a result of the "


.2 times per second), and the degree of this intensity variation is

dependent upon the loudness of the tone being phonated. A

intensity this variation seems to be about 3-6

latest readings tak


vibrato impulse, the intensity of the tone varies periodically (about

nc. I

t normal

decibels, according to the

en in the laboratories of E

lectrical R

esearch Products,

t is evident that this intensity variation must be accompanied by a

fluctuation of pitch, because the "


and "


nerve impulses are applied

to the laryngeal and pharyngeal muscles as well as to the muscles of the


. This pitch change is far greater than one would imagine. F

instance, C



s vibrato shows a pitch variation of a semitone


in other

"6*H*\ 8K
\ E+\ (EQHK*
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$DW\ H*$?\ T$?Q*\ 9D\ E'L$8D9D5\ GQ$DL8L$L8T*\ )$L$\
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\ U8L7\ *$(7\ LED*\ L7*W\
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Z v_  __ p_E H Ep H d v~pv _ v_ E
ZUp E ~_EUwEp_ _G vE e H __
Av_ Uv UvEp_ e w_ PE UE w__ P_ p_E U_E_Z
vHv_UE_ e E ___ e G_Ee _ vE v__
__ vE P__ _UZ_Z w_ UpEv >__ 0p C

words, when this supremely great artist sang a full, high tone he was

producing an interval change eq

ual to that of a semitone trill.

The pitch change of the vibrato can, however, be so greatly increased

that, in the case of an ex

treme fortissimo, an interval of no less than three

semitones has been recorded on the oscillograph. (S


ig. 33

ig. 33.)

coustic S

W ell-produced V

ee F

H im-

pectrometer R

oice S

inging F

eading of the V

about six

uarter of a tone. Note that

dots are involved in the vibrato (the pitch variation is about one


      .   !! " ! ! ! ! # ! ! !       / $ " % & ! ! '      0 & ! () $ *  ! + , - 1  33

  2    03

&,={ .R`{  RY{ HCN/ { BN.B,'a/^{ &N{ BN`/Yn&H{ R2{ &{ Xj'Ya/Y{ R2{ &{ bRN/{ Ra0{ c=&c{
&*Sk`{ ^Dt{ .R`_{ 'Y/{ BNmRIm/.{ BN{ a=/{ mB*Y&aS{  b=0{ UBa,>{ m&YB&`BRN{ C_{ &*Sk`{ TO0{
&N.{ &{ ='H2{ p=RH0{ `RN/^{{

and a half whole tones).

The ex





4^uloK4} *`;4og^Y;o;g} );19[F} ^?} oH;} -K3g1o^} ^?} 0}
.=UU ag^6u4=6} -^K4=} *K[FK[F} ^goKmlKX^}


ach dot (or line) indicates an interval of a q


ibrato of a

traordinary feature of this phenomenon is that the ear hardly

seems to detect any definite pitch change at all.

O ne would imagine that an alternating pitch change of one to three

semitones would effect the ear unpleasantly, especially in view of the

A{_ _EZE e_E_ e w~ {__ wE w_ _E vEY

__ Z__U G Z_k~_ ~Uw UwEp_ E E
;_ Z ~Ep_ vE E E_E~p ~Uv UwEq_ e _ v__
_~_ Z _j_U w_ _E _EE __UE ~ _ e v_
eEU wE w__ vEU _H~v P___ w_ vpv EZ
e__U~_ e w_ PE , v__ _ U_ _ e w_ __p
Uwp~UE fEU ~w vUv _ E_ e_ fEU_Z ~ Z e
w_ wE U_ ! 90;< 04< 9+"< +< :"< :< 9< );< 0+0< Oc
< < 9"04+ < 5 eEU ~ ~ vH P_ f E p_
{Z {_ _ f w_ _ EY_ e v_ E vE EY
wE e E e e__ _ w { wUE __E_ e v_  EY
j EUE e w_ __ _! @w Tc w_ E_ zZ E f
_ { QE {_ __ _EU_ _ HUE UE_!
,_UG_ __ q_E Ub {E EH zEZ E PE w_ _E vE U_
EU~G_ w_ PE w E _YU_Z _ Aw__f_
EUU_ w Uv UvEq_ P __U {_ _ w~Uw _EZ P_UE_
Uw E _ EE EU~E_Z w E {E _UwU LZ v_U_ E
@w_ _ PE E~_ e _ E ~E EP 
c Z_U~P_
E h! + _h_ EQ c Y_UQ_! ?__ 1q! D  C
Aw_ wE ~U_ Zj_ f G _UwGUE ZZU~p EEE
EUw E w_ P_EZ e E _ E e w_ _ Pp
EP E UvEq_ v_ eU~p e w_ E e w_ EEE( ~v
w_ _UwEUE _ __ UE_ Z E UE_
Aw_ EUE _j_U e w_ ~PE e w_ EZ e v_ __
wE w_ __ {_E E _ U_E_Y _Gv e _ Aw
_j_U ~ _ ~p ~ L EY P_UE_ e w_ __UvEp~p
Y E_ _ P w_ _e__U_ e w_ _YUE UwEp~p
Y e E U_ wUv vG E PE
CwG w_ ~Y_E PE) 3  w_ m EU_ P_ EP_
_pH @w_ e__U wZ P_ EQ  D _ E _UZ Aw_ Uw
E~E~ wZ P_ EP H __ E E ~_~ Av ~Uw
UvEp_ E Ep_ E w_ ~_ U_E_ @w_ _ nUE~
H~_ ~v _EUv Z~ZE U_ EY p_ e EUUG _ E
G~ E __U_Y Gp_ G G e ! > __ 0p
D ,  Aw_ _ e__U wZ GE UU E_ v

fact that there is no harmonic relationship between the high and low


uencies of the vibrato. But here we come to one of those interesting

psychological factors with which we are so often faced in our study of

the human voice. E

very great voice of which we have any record has

always had a vibrato. I

n fact, it is not humanly possible for a singer to

hold the tension for the proper adj


ustments of the larynx

, pharynx

for a full, free tone without this physical release of the "

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /






application of the nerve impulse. Thus, if he attempts to hold a full

tone without vibrato, the entire resonance system will actually collapse.

Because every great voice has always had a vibrato, the ear has come

to associate the vibrato with a well-produced tone. Therefore it not only

accepts this pitch change, but rej

ects the tone which is steady, because

such a tone is always associated with a throaty technic and, hence, an

unpleasant q


The intensity vibrato varies from zero at pianissimo to about 10 decibels

at fortissimo. A

t mezzo-forte, it is about 5 decibels. (S

ee F

ig. 34 A


The human voice differs from a mechanical sound-producing apparatus

inasmuch as the break

-down of any one part of the system will bring

about a change in the functioning of other parts of the apparatus;


the mechanical instrument, it will merely cause distortion or total collapse.

The actual effect of the vibrato, from the standpoint of the listener,

is that he seems to hear an enormously increased wealth of tone. This

effect is very strik

ing in an auditorium, because of the ever-changing

sound pattern set up by the interferences of the periodically changing

sound of a voice which has a vibrato.

W hat is the ideal vibrato?

regular. The freq

t must, in the first place, be absolutely

uency should be about 6


.2 pulses a second. The pitch

variation should be about a semitone at normal intensity. This pitch

change may augment as the intensity increases. The intensity fluctuation

varies with each individual voice, and goes from practically zero at

pianissimo to an unex

pectedly large amount at fortissimo. (S

34 B.) The rise in freq

uency should always occur simultaneously with


ee F


 545?6B1C .C

c>635C: 9 C2=;C

* ! +  & ( )C %  C      ! C

the rise in intensity. I


f the nerve impulses to the larynx

are not in phase, the high freq

, pharynx


uency point of the vibrato may

occur at the point of low intensity. This is particularly true in the case

of a very loud tone. O ne would imagine that this phase relation would be

a vital factor in good q

uality, but, while further investigation is necessary

before any definite statement can be made, in actual practice this shifting

of the high freq

uency point does not seem to affect the q

uality of the tone

in any mark

/^ -^ --Y

ig. 34

ed degree.

/w^ ~ ^ ^

H igh S

peed Level-recordings of the V

   bb&8 `$   4 <". %   &1c  &

% 1   %  "c  ' ?C-& "%
%    % (&
%--  F "% % .%  8 3   " -. . 
%$  4 &.%! %8
 %.!<'e   " .%
 4.-%  '%%! C. &  . ? 4'%
 - &
$%  & !G < -  <!  -. " --    $ '
%$   C-& "%  !% % < % R-  C. & %$  %
 & ?B! !' 8


  T  U 2 0 B C J

This shows a reading of the intensity vibrato of a well-produced voice

singing forte. Note the evenness of the vibrato. The space between the hori-

zontal lines is 10 d.b. Note that the vibrato variation is about half this space,

i.e., 5 d.b.

This shows a reading of the crescendo on the vibrato of a well-produced


The accompanying tracing was registered on the high speed level-recorder

at the Bell Telephone Laboratories. The tone high F

f, sung by a baritone whose

technic was good, was started softly and swelled to fortissimo.

This piece of apparatus registers, with great accuracy and at high speed,

every intensity variation. The reader will notice the definite increase in the

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

intensity variation of the vibrato as the tone is swelled.

This increase in the amplitude of the vibrato produces the effect of a far

greater augmentation of the intensity than actually occurs. The rise in intensity

of this particular tone appeared to be very great, while the actual increase in


the mean between the high and low point of the vibrato at fortissimo

as compared with the more or less even intensity of the soft part of the tone

which was practically without vibrato

was relatively slight.

%XM (XMR 2vAA=,AAc {A;q{=XjM qG QC 4X9|5s

t has been believed by certain investigators that the vibrato is switched on


e an organ-stop and does not vary with intensity. R

eadings traced by the

3cg c : L:Gh~X P cL g~L~g iA: P : LwwHCMH iCM
i~Yg~Y QL .M dL LL~~L P dM iA: 3dM :CM BMML M ei
~:w wi~L i 1# HA .M c: dM gA: :g:i~ i :A d:wQ di :CM
qh ( HB
: 3di d : L:Gg~Z P dL CLCL~H ~ dM iB: Q : MwwICMH
7M :CC|:~i~Y :Ci~Y : MYiMMI  N ejYe NNI xMMxMCIM
: dM $Mww 3LwLd~L -:A:iM 3dM ~M diYd ) Y B 5J B:g~M eM
LCd~gC : YH : :LJ Pw :~H LwwMH Qii|
3dg gMCM Q ::: LYiL gd YL: :CC:C :~H : diYe MMH
LL i~L~g :g:g~ 3dM L:HL iww ~gDL dM HMU~iM i~CL:M i eM
g~L~g :g:g~ P dM iA: : dM ~M i MwwMH
4di i~CL:L i~ dM :|wiGL P dM iB: HCM eM MSLC Q : Q:
ZL:L :Y|L~:i~ P dL i~L~g d:~ :C:ww CC 5eM iM j i~M~i
P cg :gDw: ~L :L:LH AM M YL: diwM eM :C:w i~CL:M j~
i~L~gdM |L:~ ALLM~ dM dgYd :~H w g~ Q M iB: : Qii|
; C|:LG id dL |M wL LM~ i~M~g Q eM Q : Q eM ~M
diCd : :CiC:ww ic gA:: Lw:iLw wiYd
+ d: ALL~ ALwgLLG A CL<i~ g~LiY: d: dM gB: i iCdLI
wgtM :~ Z:~ :~H HL ~ = gd g~L~g 1L:Hi~Y :CLH B dM
fgZd LLHwLLwLDGL GLU~gLw L cLP:ww:C Q dg C~L~g~ :~G d
c: cL :}wiGL P dL gA: g dL |:g~ P:D i i~L~i LZw:i~

high speed level-recorder definitely prove the fallacy of this contention and show

that the amplitude of the vibrato is the main factor in intensity regulation.

f the vibrato is irregular, too slow, has too great a pitch change, or

too wide an intensity range for the intensity of the tone being sung, the

uality of the voice is greatly impaired. The most important factors,

however, seem to be regularity and freq



`$  4 %  ? .  %% .%  %% '   "- -'
b%% O!   &  $% # & %  %   
C.b& %$  4%A   .& <"?!Z 3 <% <"%  $-%?
#%O4 c  %  '. & ! $?CI-&Z

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

O f all the misconceptions about the human voice, even in the writings

of famous musical critics, and some scientists, the confusion between

vibrato and tremolo is one of the most strik

ing. The vibrato is a vital

concomitant of good singing. The tremolo is a lamentable fault.

W hat is the nature of the tremolo?

t consists primarily of a flutter on

constriction, i.e., a flutter of the tongue. O nly a throaty singer has a

tremolo. S

uch a singer, especially if he persists in doing a great deal of

soft singing, will progressively increase the tension on the constrictor

muscles. A

s he continues to abuse his voice, this tetanic fluttering may

spread from the tongue, which will be seen to move in and out with

the tremolo action, to the j

aw, which will also come into sympathetic

tetanic action.

This tetanic movement which causes the tremolo is generally of higher


uency than is the vibrato movement and, according to our more

recent work

, has a freq

uency of 7 to 11 flutters per second. The absolute

tremolo is without intensity variation. (S

ee F

ig. 35.)



ig. 35


H igh S

peed Level-recorder Tracing of an A

Badly Produced V

"3m (FFm \91m I<W.KJ.1N\<KJWm (+Kb\m \91m 9bI(Jm cK<.1 m 1c1Jm <Jm \91m dS<\<J8Wm
K3m 3(IKbWm IbW<.(Fm .S<\<.W m (J0m WKI1m W.<1J\<W\X m \91m .KJ3bW<KJm +1\d11Jm
c<+S(\Km (J0m \S1IKFKm <Wm KJ1m K3m \91m IKW\m W\S?D<J8m $92X S:.K*PFX .> *X S:P*>X
X $92XPL2BF>FX -> *X ?+B2CP*.>2X 5*R>PX
'9(\m <Wm \91m J(\bS1m K3m \91m \S1IKFKm \m .KJW<W\Wm NS<I(S<Fgm K3m (m 5b\\1Sm KJm
.KJW\S<.\<KJ m :2 X (m 5b\\1Sm K3m \91m \KJ8b1m "JFgm (m \9SK(\gm W<J81Sm 9(Wm (m
\S1IKFKm %b.9m (m W<J81S m 1WN1.<(FFgm ,> 91m N1SW<W\Wm <Jm 0K?J8m (m 8S1(\m 01(Fm K3m
YK3\m W<J8<J8 m d=FFm NSK8S1WW<c1Fgm <J.S1(W1m \91m \1JW<KJm KJm \91m .KJW^<.\KSm
IbW.F1Wm Wm 91m .KJ\<Jb1Wm \Km (+bW1m 9<Wm cK<.1 m \9<Wm \1\(J<.m 5b\\1S<J8m I(gm
WNS1(0m 3SKIm \91m \KJ8b1 m d9<.9m d=FFm +1m W11Jm \Km IKc1m <Jm (J0m Kb\m d<\9m
\91m ^1IKFKm (.\<KJ m \Km \91m B(d m d9<.9m d<FFm (FWKm .KI1m =J\Km WgIN(\91\<.m
\1\(J<.m (.\<KJm
&9<Wm \1\(J<.m IKc1I1J\m d9<.9m .(bW1Wm \91m ^1IKFKm <Wm 81J1S(FFgm K3m 9<891Sm \9(Jm <Wm \91m c<+S(\Qm IKc1I1J\m (J0 m (..KS0<J8m \Km K`Sm IKS1m
S1.1J\m dKSD m 9(Wm (m K3m > \Km   >6b\\1SWm N1Sm W1.KJ0m &91m (+WKFb\1m
^1IKFKm <Wm d<\9Kb\m <J\1JW<\gm c(S<(\?KJm  $11m <8m  X



Note that no intensity variation is indicated.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

The vibrato shows an intensity characteristic which is absent in the


nasmuch as the muscles of the thorax

action, one would ex

are not involved in the tremolo

pect the intensity variation to be absent, as indicated


in these oscillograms.

The tremolo is ex

tremely common, and is a most inj

fault. Teachers who "

build on the soft,"


urious technical


place the voice in the head,"

neglect the lower register with women and the falsetto with men, and

those who force their pupils to flatten and groove the tongue and hold it

pressed against the lower teeth, will (provided that the pupil is con-

scientious) very often induce this inj

epiglottis, tongue and finally the j

urious tetanic vibration of the

muscles used in phonation, while the tremolo is merely an inj

,6F 66F *,F "*6*3"6@F <0"6",*F "3F "*"6



tetanic fluttering of the walls of the resonance cavities. O f course, where

there is a tremolo, tension on the constrictor muscles of the throat always

occurs, so that the mouth becomes the resonator of the tone, and pharyn-

ustment is impossible. The tremolo occurs eq


with soft and loud tones, while the vibrato appears only at M.P. for the

given voice and then augments as the intensity increases.


(KGj "
$j *KGHj 1XDDCj .DgDO ZD<VZCDZj 2\6<LSGj VFj 6Sj $;]VOd`Dj


The vibrato consists of a periodically applied nerve impulse to all

geal resonance adj


&91m c<+S(\Km W9KdWm (Jm <J\1JW<\gm .9(S(.\1S<W\<.m d9<.9m <Wm (+W1J\m <Jm \91m
J(WIb.9m (Wm \91m IbW.F1Wm K3m \91m \9KS(em (S1m JK\m =JcKFc10m =Jm \91m ^1IKFKm
(.\<KJ m KJ1m dKbF0m 1eN1.\m \91m <J\1JW<\gmh(S<(\<KJm \Km +1m (+W1J\ m *m <J0<.(\10m
<Jm \91W1m KW.<FFK8S(IWm
&91m \S1IKFKm <Wm 1e\S1I1Fgm .KIIKJ m (J0m <Wm (m IKW\m <JBbS<KbWm \1.9J<.(Fm
3(bF\m &1(.91SWm d9Km -b<F0mKJm \91m WK3\ m NF(.1m \91m cK<.1m <Jm \91m 91(0 m
J18F1.\m \91m FKd1Sm S18<W\1Sm d<\9m dKI1Jm (J0m \91m 3(FW1\\Km d<\9m I1J m (J0m
\9KW1m d9Km 3KS.1m \91<SmNbN<FWm \Km 5(\\1Jm (J0m 8SKKc1m \91m \KJ8b1m (J0m 9KF0m <\m
NS1WW10m (8(<JW\m \91m FKd1Sm \11\9 m d<FFm  NSKc<010m \9(\m \91m NbN<Fm <Wm .KJj
W.<1J\<KbW m c1Sgm K3\1Jm <J0b.1m \9<Wm <JBbS<KbWm \1\(J<.m c<+S(\<KJm K3m \91m
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emember that when the vibrato is absent, the q

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uality of the tone

is always unpleasant. The training of the vibrato is, therefore, of the

utmost importance.

The tremolo action occurs only when the throat is closed, i.e., when

the technic is throaty. The true vibrato is in effect a fluctuation on open-

ing tension and occurs only when opening tension has been established.

This means that an advanced stage in the technical development has

been reached. A

t this stage the tremolo has necessarily been eliminated.

The teacher must not attempt to develop the vibrato before this stage

has been reached. I

f any attempt is made to develop a vibrato from an

absolute tremolo, the effect will be merely to engender an unpleasant

wobble in the voice.

There is, however, a type of vocal movement which is between the

vibrato and the tremolo, despite the fact that the true vibrato and the

absolute tremolo are entirely different phenomena. This "

tremolo vibrato"

movement is far more vigorous than the insipid tongue tremolo of the

typical radio singer."

or this reason it is often possible to change the

former into a true vibrato. This process is often q

soon as pharyngeal resonance adj

uite a simple one. A

ustment has been established, the

teacher should, in most cases, be able to co-ordinate, without much diffi-

culty, the muscular actions of the thorax

, larynx

and tongue in their

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

proper phase and amplitude relations for the true vibrato. The hundred

percent light, soft tremolo must always be entirely eliminated and the

tongue action reversed, before any serious attempt can be made to de-

velop a true vibrato.

W hen the voice is "


steady, the process of developing a vibrato

may or may not be a difficult one. I

n some cases, when the concept of

what constitutes a beautiful tone is lack

arduous. W hen the pupil has been subj

ing, the process is ex

ected to inj


urious teaching meth-

ods, he may have developed the habit of holding a steady tension on the

muscles of the thorax

(especially on the ex

piratory muscles) to such a

degree that he has become virtually muscle-bound. Under such circum-

stances, the process of engendering the concept of a free movement of

the muscles of the thorax

is indeed difficult. The very untalented beginner

is sometimes found in a muscle-bound condition. Under normal circum-

stances, however, where the pupil has a certain degree of talent for

singing, this vibrato concept is easily attained. A

ctually the movement

of the diaphragm which actuates the vibrato is of very small amplitude,

but it can be definitely sensed.

s soon as the necessary stage in the technical development has been

reached, it is absolutely essential that work


of the "

en. V


and "

proved helpful is to mak





on the vibrato should be

arious devices may be employed to engender the concept


impulse of the vibrato. O ne ex

ercise which has

e the pupil sing a vigorous but smooth, not j

accentuating the upper tone. W hen doing this ex



ercise he must

e sure that the diaphragm is in motion. The vibrato movement in-

The "

tremolo vibrato"

and "

vibrato tremolo"

a fluttering action of the tongue which goes from "

The true vibrato is a movement on "


are brought about by means of


to "



tension only, and the absolute

tremolo on constriction only.


 3dM M|y iA: :~I iA:L}w :L AZc :A A |L:~ P

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5dM M iA: i > |M|M~  L~i~Z L~i~ ~w :~I dL :AwM
M|y  CjC


< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

volves a vibration on a tension of the muscles of the thorax


though slight

, which move-

can actually be felt. W hen this shak

e can be

performed vigorously and smoothly, it is often possible for the singer to

speed it up and thus change it into the semi-reflex

ed vibrato action.

ometimes the vibrato may be developed from a slow wobble which is

actuated by the muscles of the thorax


f the wobble is slow, the pitch

change is very wide. W hen it is speeded up to the desired freq


tone) and the sensation of the vibrato movement should be ex


per second), the pitch change should become normal (about a semi-


aulty methods of inspiration inhibit the vibrato action. This is par-

ticularly true of the pupil who inflates his chest and brings tension to

bear on the muscles of the upper ribs. A

proper inspiration is accom-

plished primarily through the inflation of the lower part of the lungs,

which engenders tension on the muscles of the diaphragm and the lower

ribs. I

t is these muscles which move for the vibrato. F

or this reason

anyone who, through faulty teaching methods, or because of bad habit,

inflates and raises his chest, must be carefully instructed in the proper

method of inspiration. I

f the muscles of the thorax

before the tone is attack

are held in tension

ed, the vibrato action is inhibited. The vibrato

action must be initiated at the moment of attack

and must persist as long

as the singer continues to phonate.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

W hen a correct vibrato has been attained, the acq

to encompass all speed work

uisition of the ability

, legato singing, and even the trill, becomes

uite a simple matter, which, in the last analysis, is dependent solely

upon the singer'

s ear. By ear is meant the ability to conceive, as a single,

co-ordinated, muscle-controlling unit, groups of tones (musical phrases),

each tone with its own pitch, q

uality, intensity and duration.

O ne of the most vicious practices of the singer whose technic is faulty,

is slurring. The underlying principle of singing is the production of musi-

cal tones, and more than this, musical figures and phrases. A


figure is a small group of notes. O ne or more of these groups comprise a

melody. The musical phrase (the end of the phrase is always mark


with a cadence) generally consists of a far wider group of notes. W hether

it be the single note or the group of notes forming the musical figure

or the phrase, each note has in itself a definite pitch or freq

uency, ex

for the vibrato variation. W hen playing the piano, one can only strik

the k

eys, and although it is possible to strik

to play between the k


, a sound of fix

eys. I

e a wrong k

ey, it is not possible

n other words, each time a k

ed pitch or freq


ey on a piano is

uency is emitted, and this freq


cannot be progressively modified, i.e., either sharped or flatted.

The singer, in company with the violinist, etc., is, unhappily, not in

the same fortunate circumstances as the pianist or the performer on any

other k

eyed instrument. H e can slur. H e can at any moment, especially

when changing pitch, slide from one tone to the nex

the pitch without intermediate noises. I

t instead of changing

t is, of course, apparent, from

the aesthetic standpoint, that the singer should never, under any circum-

stances, slur. I

n fact, a really well-produced voice functions lik

instrument, and has definite and clearly defined adj


cept for vibrato variation), q

W hile the q



ustments of pitch

uality and intensity for each semitone.

uality and intensity may be varied, the pitch adj


should always occur in semitone steps with absolutely nothing in between.


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ll badly taught singers slur, as do practically all beginners. Badly trained

singers, however, are generally the worst offenders in this direction. I

the case of a singer whose high tones are incorrectly produced and out

of resonance adj

ustment, the struggle involved in the attempt to produce

these tones engenders, in his subconscious mind, a sense of fear, or

inhibition. S

uch inhibition inevitably results in slurring. There is only one

way in which slurring can be eliminated

by means of the vibrato. Lack

of vibrato always causes slurring.

The slur may be defined as a smooth slide in freq

uency, whereas, when

the technic is correct, changes of pitch are accomplished by means of the

vibrato mechanism which enables the singer to climb up or down the scale

in steps.

During phonation, whether on one tone or over a series of tones, the

beat of the vibrato should continue uninterrupted, unless a consonant

intervenes. I

t is this vibrato movement which allows the voice to move

from tone to tone without slurring, stopping or j

from one tone to another must tak

During the "


ing. The transition

phase of the vibrato, the laryngeal and pharyngeal mus-

cles are relatively relax

cords to tak


e place in the space of one vibrato.

e the ex

actuate the tongue tak



impulse allows the vocal

t tone while the muscles which

e on their tension, and "


t tone in all its characteristics. A

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

system for the nex

ed, and the nex

act tension for the nex

the resonance

s the singer moves up

a rising musical figure, the vibrato impulse which raises the pitch and

intensity must be augmented.

t is possible to obtain ex

act adj

ustments and avoid slurring only when

this movement on the vibrato is inculcated. The ex

act shaping of the

resonance cavities depends upon the mental concept of pitch, timbre

and intensity, and the muscles can only respond to this concept if they

are in what might be termed a "


all the muscles used in phonation in this "

condition. The vibrato maintains


or moving, condition.

O ne of the most vital phases of singing is perfection of time and

rhythm. W hen the voice is produced properly, the regularity of the vibrato

is nearly mechanically perfect. H ence, the singer with a proper vibrato

becomes a sort of human metronome. E

ach note in a musical phrase has

a certain time spot. The minimum length of time a well-produced tone

can be held is one vibrato

about a six

th of a second. I

t can also be

held any length of time which is a whole number times one vibrato. I

cannot be held for part of one vibrato. The time between tones is fix


irrespective of the tempo

it is one vibrato. Thus, in singing a musical

phrase, each note in the music, according to its value, is held for one,

two, three or more vibratos. W here a slur is indicated on the music the

singer should ex

ecute a definite diatonic or chromatic run on the vibrato.

n singing scales, or any other form of rapid phonation, the entire

run must be accomplished on the vibrato, and where ex


is called for, the vibrato can be q

especially when the voice is a light one. I

tremely rapid

uite appreciably speeded up,

n any case, very great speed

can be obtained when the singer has learned to run on the vibrato, and

in these circumstances, each and every tone will be perfectly clear and

distinct and there will be no slur between tones. This is how the "



effect is accomplished.

f a singer tries to move over a musical figure or phrase without vibrato,


< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

he has no time-gauge for the value of each tone, and he will, therefore,

inevitably slur, because he is uncertain as to the ex

act moment at which

he is to change the pitch.

t is transparent that, if a singer slurs from one tone to another, the

resonance adj

ustment must be faulty for one or both of the tones. I

were to hold the adj

should have a different adj


f he

ustment for the first tone, the second tone, which

ustment, would be out of adj

ustment. Generally

ing, however, the singer who slurs will not hold the adj

ustment of

the lower tone, but will actually go into constriction as he pushes or forces

his voice up the scale.

The trill also is dependent upon the vibrato action. I

speeded-up, ex

t is virtually a

aggerated vibrato, which has been reflex




because, while the speed of the vibrato can, within certain limits, be

regulated, the speed of the trill is fix

ed for a given voice. I

t is probable

that both the laryngeal and the pharyngeal movements are greater in

proportion to the movement of the thorax

for the trill than for the vibrato.

Unfortunately, imitations of vibrato runs and trills can be made with

the tremolo. The resultant effect is a sq


y, little run-up for the scale,

and a tremor for the trill.

O ne point regarding vibrato and tremolo must be emphasized.

irtually every pupil starts with either some form of tremolo, or with



tone. O nly a well-produced voice has a true vibrato.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

W hen the "


has been completely "

spontaneously. I

tone, which is always more or less throaty,

opened up,"

the vibrato nearly always appears

f it does not do so, it is a relatively simple matter

for the pupil to bring it into action. A

ctually there is seldom, if ever,

any difficulty with the vibrato with voices which have been really


opened up."

limination of Tremolo

The elimination of the tremolo is, then, one of the first problems

to be work

ed out in training the voice. The tremolo generally

emanates from a lack

and ex


of development of the genio-glossus muscle

cessive tension on the antagonistic tongue muscles, also from

ation of the genio-hyoid muscle, from a tetanic q

uiver of the

aw, or from a combination of these causes. The tongue instrument

and the lifting of the hyoid bone are of great value in check

tremolo, but where it is seated in the j


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r  F 

ing the


aw, the complete opening of

this member should eliminate it. Tremolo is nearly always associated

with the lock

when the j


, or middle, position of the j

aw is closed, or nearly closed.

aw, although it can occur

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< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D


iolent Tremolos

ometimes the tremolo action is so pronounced that it involves

the entire suspension of the larynx

GG   G$      9   D 

       , 9      
 G      9 9   
     :  3 %    
 ,  B 'G
5      G   9  
, 9      , '    @
H 9 G  5   :      $
G2  G,9   9  9    

. Under such circumstances all

the manipulations which can be employed should be brought to

bear on the elimination of this shock

a pitch ex

ing wobble, which may have

cursion of a fifth or even more.

There is also a violent tremolo which seems to be seated in the


and is probably a result of ex

cessive tension on the thyro-

arytenoid muscles. This tremolo is the result of a virulent form of

muscular mix

ed registration and is eliminated as soon as pure regis-

tration has been established.

Q uality, V

oice Movement and R


n regard to singing on the radio and for the records and movies,

there is not very much to be said here. Power is not a factor in

reproduction, because the amount of energy delivered to the am-

plifier depends upon the setting of the input control, which is

regulated according to the loudness of the singer'

X)@=U_` 'I=-0`  IZ0D0FU` )F.`

s voice. W e are,


therefore, only reproducing pitch, vowel, movement and, of course,

|  9$   J  9

:    G    9         
 9  %    G   
B 9 9    $   !  %   
9  9  $  9  $     X  %
 $ H  $9   ^$% X^x;X;[o} 9%   %
>D J:}       Q
 G &H $   G%      9 
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,   $ 9%  9  G&9    9
 G99   $ 7  $ D    K;}     @
 9 $ H :>HD J %     
G    H > 
% 99       

G99 ^G$G GH     5
& $$  $ 9:  % 

G  J $> $9 m  Vc ^
 J G  9 $ 9  9  
 9  Q 
 G 9B &H >  


Q uality, i.e., pleasant or unpleasant q

uality, does not depend

primarily upon the spectrum, but rather upon pitch and intensity

t is possible that changes of spectrum may occur

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

movements in time. I

during the vibrato cycle, but further research is necessary before

anything more can be said on this subj

ect. The fact remains, how-

ever, that if the movement is regular, of the proper freq


uency, i.e.,

a second, and of the proper amplitude for the intensity, and if

the middle pitch of the vibrato is constant (i.e., the pitch is cen-

tered properly) the q

uality is pleasing. Now, unfortunately, a gentle

tremolo is very regular and, provided that the voice is not pushed,

the middle pitch of this movement may be relatively constant. This

is why the radio crooner sounds rather nice, provided that he never

attempts to sing out loud. O f course, if he does try to do so, the

laryngeal muscles do not hold and the arytenoid cartilages "

with the result that the pitch starts to wander, and the q



becomes definitely unpleasant.



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Difference of V

ibrato from Tremolo

The singer whose voice is throaty and has a tremolo maintains

this flutter in his voice all the time he is singing. I

constant over his entire

very limited

t is more or less

intensity range. The singer

whose voice is produced properly, however, has virtually no move-

ment at pianissimo. A

appear. A

t M.F

s he swells the tone, the vibrato starts to

. it is about a semitone. A

much as a whole tone. F


cursion of the vibrato is almost ex

intensity ex

ig. 33.)

ibrato in R

actly a semitone, while the

cursion is from three to five decibels. F

effects the pitch ex

t fortissimo it may be as

or all normal, full, free singing the pitch

or ex

tremely loud

cursion may be as much as three semitones. (S



W ith the old acoustical method of recording, when there was no


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amplifier and no input control, the singer had to regulate the loud-

&;,P)SI` :F`

ness himself by moving into or away from the horn. Because the


intensity range which could be recorded was very limited, it was

necessary for him to become highly proficient in these movements.

Nevertheless, this procedure made it impossible for the vibrato to

be reproduced faithfully.

n order that the amplitude of the vibrato may be faithfully repro-

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

duced, it is essential that the intensity should not be monitored.

Thus, if the singer moved closer to the horn for a soft tone, the

reproduced sound was far louder in the intensity scale than he was

actually singing. H ence, every time he moved towards the horn,

the tone which was reproduced had too little vibrato for its in-

tensity. I

nversely, when he moved away from the horn, the intensity

was very much reduced. Therefore, the amplitude of the vibrato

was too wide for the loudness of the tone when it was reproduced.

t was, of course, impossible for him to avoid these movements,

towards and away from the horn, because if he had remained sta-

tionary, and far enough away from it not to overcut the groove for

his loudest tones, the soft tones would have been entirely submerged

by surface noise, and therefore inaudible.

The old records, therefore, do not show the proper amplitude

of the vibrato for the intensity being sung. This effect was aggra-

vated because of the ex

tremely high surface noise. F


the softer tones were then, inevitably far too loud in comparison

with the louder ones. F

or this reason, the records of the voices of

the great singers of the past often show what seems to be too little

movement for the relative intensity of the tone being sung. This


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is especially true of women and is strik

records of E

ingly ex

           7 T e  



emplified on the

mmy Destinn, probably the greatest woman singer ever



Great V

oices R

elatively S



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! 2   !   

        2 ,

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great voice is generally far steadier than a throaty one, and a

perceptible vibrato movement occurs only when the intensity rises

above pianissimo. V

irtually every singer today has much too much

movement, and this is especially true at low intensity. The basic

tone should not be a wobble. W hen the technic is good, it is firm and

the pitch is absolutely defined.

These facts must be borne in mind when listening to the record-

ings of the great singers of the past, because these records were all

made by the old acoustical method. Their voices are apt to sound

rather dead. This was most emphatically not true in life

vibrato control was ex

cellent. I


n listening to these records, the dis-

tortion of the vibrato, as well as the failure to reproduce the higher


uencies, and the irregular speed of the turntable in the record-

ing mechanism, must be tak

en into account. Nevertheless, the in-

telligent listener should be able to detect the incredible difference

between the voices of such singers as C

Lunn, S

aruso, Destinn, Melba, K



ammarco, etc., and those of the best singers of today.

ample, for the precision of intona-

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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The reader should listen, for ex

tion, the perfection of attack

, the continuity of the musical line, the

definition of intensity for each tone in a musical phrase, the vibrato-

regulated intensity control, the legitimate, open pianissimo, the

rhythmic phrasing and the flow and movement of the voice from tone

to tone. The most strik

ing difference lies perhaps in the lack

and in the fact that each tone in a melodic line is struck

of slur

in the

center of pitch and held at constant intensity, for its entire time

spot, without pitch or intensity variation. The singers of today slur

into, and out of, practically every tone, and they k

eep on changing

the loudness of each individual tone in a musical phrase. This is

not singing music at all. More of this later.

oloratura Technic

The constricted, "


ibrato and Tremolo



form of singing which emanates

from the so-called coloratura soprano moves on the tremolo. S

coloraturas run on the tremolo, tremolo their trills, and sq

staccati. F



luttering up and down is not running a scale. A





ecuted run moves on the vibrato. W hen the vibrato is in proper

j_jq>x~q>6GCSgVC ;VBq>xj>gE6qGdj_j

   $ NI7 !     t

 h        !  
  2 d

 $ t $ 7
5;;5V          2  # 
T   !  
 ! 2 a
 t !    # #

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

1 I
= M             


control, all runs can be made legitimately and without difficulty.

The singer who uses a throaty tremolo should not be allowed to

attempt runs until she has learned how to sing.

Pianissimo S


:)F:RR:DI` ":F7:F7`

There has been a great deal of discussion about pianissimo sing-

ing. No pupil should sing softly until pharyngeal resonance adj


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ment is completely established. There is nothing so technically

destructive as illegitimate, soft singing. The throaty singer can


ueeze off the tone with his neck

summate ease. I

and tongue muscles with con-

t is far easier for him to sing a soft than a loud tone.

The inverse is true when the voice is "

opened up"

not throaty.

This is not only because the control of intensity should be a function

of the laryngeal muscles, not of the neck

and tongue muscles, but

also because there is virtually no vibrato in a soft tone, and a tone

sung without the muscular release of the vibrato action demands a

definitely augmented muscular effort and control. I

n decreasing the

intensity the balance of arytenoid to thyroid tension becomes

greater and the glottis opens slightly, so that the breath ex

becomes higher.*


n order that the breath pressure may be main-

tained against a less closed valve (glottis), the tension on the breath-

ing muscles must be augmented. F

urthermore, because the


Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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balance of tension between the thyroid and arytenoid muscles in the

changes as the intensity decreases, and because this balance

is about the same for a pianissimo tone as it would be for a full

tone about four semitones higher, it is impossible for the singer

to produce a legitimate pianissimo tone at a pitch which is higher

than about four semitones lower than the highest tone he-can sing

forte with an "


technic. Moreover, it is impossible for him to

sing legitimate pianissimo tones at all until "

completely established. I


has been

f he attempts to do so before his technic

has reached the necessary stage of laryngeal and pharyngeal

(tongue) development, he will inevitably use the neck

and reversed

tongue control and produce absolutely throaty tones, thereby com-

pletely destroying his voice. O ne of the greatest baritones lost his

voice in a few months because he tried to give lieder recitals in which


he sang mezza voce most of the time. This mezza voce was produced

by means of constriction, with the result that his voice "

shut off"

completely and he never sang a free tone again.

properly produced, pianissimo tone is very beautiful, and con-


ee S

cience of V

oice, Douglas S

tanley, C

arl F

isher, I

nc., New Y



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c>635C: 9 C2=;C

* ! +  & ( )C %  C      ! C

veys many intensely poignant interpretive effects. I

something of a tour de force. The effort req

V {L~ q~V~Vw mh~L~ m~VVV Va[1 A r iV\

{Vim~h ] L bTeZl7:l>TZ5:l GiV Va VrVS q~h L~ V~V
~hW1RIJOTl r L wVL L hVL L m wS \ n~h m t
VS ] V{m~V) ;V~ iV hVLV m~hV r ~wnvVw
NVLNwV{Lm~Lm~ wVVw]V~m~lhiL[mLw)

t is, however,

uired to sing an entire

song pianissimo is at least as great as it would be to sing it trans-

posed up four semitones. E

ven the greatest singer is unlik

ely to

be able to maintain this level of tension throughout a recital.

onstriction Particularly Destructive to Great V

t is well to point out that the result is far more deadly when a

great, really "



voice than when a partly "


IGORL:/R:IG\ ",LR:/UB,LC[\ 3ORLU/R:W3\ RI\ L3,R\ )I:/3O\

voice goes

? r Vww m~ iLiV Vw r ]L {V SVLSw iV~ L

hVL VLzw V~ mPV iL~ iV~ L Lw V~
mR hV
m~ P~mPm~) =mhiw SVVwVS ~m~h {PwV LV NLwL~PVS
NSVVwVSL~Lh~rmP{PwV2< VL~iV~L~V~

mPV SPV L iL ~V m m VV{Vw iL) V r i

L hVL mPV r V LmSw SVVS N m~P{VV~VLPin~h)
GVLPiV ] SL i i c iVm nw mPV SVwmNVLVw
~v~m~hwPL~ SVhVL P~V{L ~LLw mPVNV]V
iViLV iLS m{V SVVw/ E~w {VSmPV mPV mV Pi
Lm~m~h2 ?] 9L mPV iLS h~V m~ P~mP~ mwSiLV

NVV~ P{wVVw Vwn{m~LVS/ ?] ;{{ :Vm~~ iLS ]LwwV~ n~ Y

iL~S]L VLPiV i Vwn{m~LVS iV wV VhmV L~S {LSViV
]PiVmPV m~iV {LV iV~VVwSiLV ~h LLww)

into constriction. H ighly developed, opening muscles are balanced

by developed antagonistic muscles. F

or this reason, when an "

voice produces a throaty tone, it is ex

tremely throaty. This is why


a great voice is so very rapidly destroyed by incompetent teaching.

Teachers of today who "


shut off"

their pupil'

s voices deliberately,

nowingly can destroy great, contemporary, natural voices before

they have had time to develop. O nly mediocre voices survive such

training. I



s voice had gone into constriction it would have

been completely eliminated. I


mmy Destinn had fallen into the

hands of a teacher who eliminated her lower register and made her



ontrol of I

her voice in the "



she never would have sung at all.


The fully-trained voice can sing at virtually any level of intensity,

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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and can gradually swell the tone from pianissimo to fortissimo and

then decresendo to pianissimo again on a perfectly even line with-

out any transition of q

uality, and without, at any time, going into con-

striction. The singers of today generally have a loud voice (not very

loud) and a mezza voce, which is merely a trick

absolute constriction, in a more or less mix

of sq


ing, in

ed register. These two


methods of production are unrelated and such singers are unable

to swell the tone without a pronounced q

uality transition. They

never sing a legitimate, pianissimo tone. They merely "

tone off"

with their tongues and neck


GiV]ww%Lm~VSmPVPL~m~hLmLww L~wVVw]m~V~m
L~S PL~hLSLwwVww iV ~V ]{ VD1RD_aOTl >TZbH`DOTl L~S
iV~ 7:5Z:_:R8l VGRD__DOTl LhLm~ ~ LV]VPw VV~ wm~V mi
L~L~mm~]LwmL~Smi LL~n{Vhm~hm~P~
mPm~,HiVm~hV]SLhV~VLwwiLVLwSmPV  ~V
wS  L~S L O:kk1l fT5:l imPi m {VVw L mPv ] VLvm~h m~
LNwV P~mPm~ m~ L {V wV {mVS VhmV) GiVV
{ViS ] SPm~ LV ~VwLVS L~S Pi m~hV LV ~LOwV
Vxw iV ~V mi L ~~PZS Lwm L~mm~, GiV
~VV m~h L wVhmm{LV! VD1RD_`DOTl ~V) GiV {VVw PivV iV
~V b mi iVm ~hV L~S ~VPv) Gim { V{iLmPLwx m
RTbl m~hm~hVD1RD__DOTl CL~]V{PPV_wm~hV]SL
h ihi V~mV VPmLw mi im ~VPv'P~wwVS O:kk1 fT5:l
VPi~mP,BVmNVV{iLmVSLhLm~5 ?mL]LPiLmmm|mNwV
_ L~~V m~h LwVhmm{LV VD1RD__DOTl ~V ~wV iV PL~ m~h
L~ LOwVw V~ =TZcD__DOTl ~V" L wVL _ V|m~V imhiV2
GiV P{|V~ ] L PmmP i LV iL L m~hV O:kk1l fT5:l m

e the

s. This, most emphatically, is

not singing pianissimo. Many of the most successful singers of today

go through entire recitals with this neck

technic. Let it be emphasized again: I

-controlled, mezza-voce

t is a fact that it is impossible

for anyone to sing a legitimate pianissimo tone unless he can sing

an absolutely open fortissimo tone, at least four semitones higher.

The comment of a critic who states that a singer'

s mezza voce is

beautiful, but that he forces his voice when he sings loudly is absurd.

H is mezza voce must be completely throaty. The loud tones, derived


.5/9); &;

from this technic, are obj

tion becomes very mix

ectionable to the ear because the registra-

ed and the throatiness becomes apparent,

even to the uninitiated, at the higher intensity level.

W hen the voice is "

opened up"

and registered properly, it is not

difficult for the pupil to produce pianissimo tones. A

learn to do is to stop the vibrato and "

creasing the work


ll he has to

or work

, harder, in-

by about the same amount that would be de-

manded for the production of a tone four semitones higher than

the one he is singing.

Legitimate control of intensity depends, then, upon pure, devel-

oped, balanced registration, ability to "



pharyngeal resonance

ustment at all intensities, and upon control over the amplitude

of the vibrato.

alsetto and V

ibrato (Male)

Because the falsetto, in the man'

s voice, is pianissimo, or softer,

over most of his singing range, the vibrato should always be vir-

tually absent from this register. I

t should always be sung without

any movement at all below about high B. Thus, in "

the falsetto,"

cept for the very high tones. Most beginners

sing their falsetto tones with a definite tremolo action. This tremolo

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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must be eliminated, or the lower-register tone, derived from such

a falsetto tone, will be throaty and will have a very pronounced

ll mix

ed-falsetto singers use a definite, and often a pro-

nounced, tremolo action at all times, or a "

tremolo mak

es a mix


steady tone. The

ed-falsetto tone sound more lik

especially in reproduction. A

high D does not sound lik

e a real tone,

properly-produced falsetto tone below

e real singing when it is unco-ordinated

with the lower register. W hen it does, it is throaty, has a tremolo

and is not legitimate singing at all. Under such conditions it is

always mix

ed and has an irritatingly effeminate sound.

alsetto and V

The woman'

ibrato (F


s falsetto should have no movement for the low

tones, but because she sings an octave higher than a man, she will

sing legitimately in the falsetto register at about middle B, at M.P.

Therefore, at this pitch, some vibrato is desirable. A

bove this pitch

a definite vibrato should be present and its amplitude should depend

upon the loudness of the tone. I

t should not be too pronounced,

unless a very full tone is sung, and such a tone would not be sung

in the falsetto below about F



going through

the falsetto tone should be sung firmly without any

movement whatever, ex

tremolo. A

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most voices have far too much movement. O ur principal

problem with regard to movement lies in the elimination of tremolo

and in the cutting down of ex

cessive vibrato. I

n most cases the

vibrato appears more or less automatically as soon as real "


tension has been established.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /



 545?6B1C .C

c>635C: 9 C2=;C

* ! +  & ( )C %  C      ! C

hapter 11


W hen mix






ed registration occurs, the tension is added to the aryte-

noid and the thyroid muscles simultaneously, during the swelling

of the tone, while, when the registration is pure, the added tension

is first tak


en up by the arytenoid muscles, thereby holding the

arytenoid cartilages firmly in position, and then, at a certain inten-

sity, depending upon the pitch, the added tension is tak

en up by

 4 : '*-(,#!:

an increase in tension on the thyroid muscles. The tension on the

arytenoid muscles must increase as the pitch rises, because the vocal

cords are stretched at higher tension for the higher pitches, and,

therefore, the "


on the arytenoid cartilages must be augmented.

This is why the falsetto action becomes more important, and more

prominent, as the pitch rises. This theory seems to be supported

strongly by the efficacy of the laryngeal manipulations.

H owever, this ex

planation of the phenomena of mix

ed registration

demands further elucidation.

Length and Tension of V

ocal C

ords C

ontrols Pitch

The fundamental pitch generated by the vocal cords depends

upon their length and tension. I

f the length is k

ept constant and

the tension is increased, the pitch rises: The pitch is proportional

f the length increases and the tension is k

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

to the tension. I

ept con-

stant, the pitch drops: The pitch is inversely proportional to the

length. H owever, when the tension increases, the cords would

lengthen, provided that some other mechanism did not come into

play for the purpose of shortening them. The problem is, therefore,

somewhat complex

Thyro-arytenoid Muscles

The vocal cords are controlled by muscles which can stretch

them, shorten them or stretch and shorten them at the same time.

The crico-thyroid muscles stretch them. The thyro-arytenoid mus-

cles shorten them. (S

ee F

igs. 2 &


.) These muscles, which are

X   ;   #   N 

       1     +#      
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      +    #   # 2 2  N 
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situated in the cords themselves, shorten them when they contract,


(GgQxS>gE7GguVjgjL;jC>a jqEujgxqj_u0VxCS
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! N#  "#

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8   h+     5 8  +m+  p
  5 { vN5 5 8  #   
  e  -#     + #

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D


i.e., come into tension. A

antagonistic to

t the same time, they pull against

1$G7 D$ 7D$ d /7 7 7% /H > i" 7

J$DD1 $c$  D $P $D

/7  H7$D
G 7
7 7% /% 7 /7   DJB   { m  $ > 7%
/D /  "/ /$ Di/7$  $
D1$$//7  $PH $

G /" /7 /
G NV77 sDi C
| /7 D7 D  /   $$3
  /7   /i  $ $
/7  $P/H $

  % / $
2 $

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D $ 
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/$  4 rr iH P "
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7    $
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a7 /$ $

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$D T/  

  "  $@

D$  H $ 3i > 


both the crico-thyroid and the arytenoid muscles.

H ere, then, we have a most significant fact: O ne set of muscles,

which can raise the pitch by shortening the vocal cords, is antagonis-

tic to both the crico-thyroid and the arytenoid muscles which stretch

them. (S

ee F

ig. 36


f the rise in pitch were look

ed after by the stretching action of

the crico-thyroid and arytenoid muscles alone, the cords would

merely lengthen as the pitch rose. X

-ray pictures of the vocal cords

in action indicate that this is not the case and that, actually, they

shorten. I

t is apparent, then, that strong thyro-arytenoid action must

occur. The problem is: H ow much thyro-arytenoid action should

occur when the technic is good, and how much occurs when it is



ed registration?

-ray pictures which have been tak

en up to date are of little or

no value in elucidating this problem, because they were tak

en indis-

criminately, without the recording of any data regarding the tech-

nical characteristics of the tones being produced. I

f this research

were to be carried out under proper conditions, much might be

learned, and would undoubtedly show that the vocal cords are longer


ed). To test this statement it would be necessary to find sub-

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when the technic (registration) is good than when it is faulty

ects who could produce both good and throaty


ditions necessary for the tak

preferably "



high tones and who could do this under the physical con-

ing of the pictures.

uilibrium of Laryngeal Muscles

This, then, is what probably occurs when the technic is good:

The laryngeal muscles are in eq


uilibrium. The arytenoid muscles are

strong enough to hold the arytenoid cartilages firmly in

position so that they never "


The crico-thyroid muscles stretch

the vocal cords for the given pitch to the max

imum possible degree.

The thyro-arytenoid action never outpulls the arytenoid tension

and at the same time balances the crico-thyroid pull. (S

B& C


ee F

ig. 36

MX;@;,O:XD` I4` +O^F61)@`  XQ-@1Q`


ed R

5"r r     H       / D i$

5 H   b  5 
 i2 i   
  B H D
  H q -iq[=  P "
  q  , 
5  P H$
 $ q     $

/7G7D7 /  $PH $
> N V77sJ d
e  C

egistration and Thyro-arytenoid Muscles

O n the other hand, it appears very probable that, when the technic

is faulty and the registration mix


ed, the thyro-arytenoid pull is

cessive, with the result that it "


the crico-thyroid tension,

and therefore over-shortens the cords, and at the same time over-

comes the arytenoid "



so that the arytenoid cartilages "


:\1.` 16;QVN)V:IF` )F.`#8^NI)O^S1FI:.`  XQ-@1R`

m$ /
%  H %/7 /D1
%  H $P H$D
> D
, 2%  - T  $PH $D

  7 7 $7 @
T $    H$D
 DJ7 -JD7T

 545?6B1C .C

c>635C: 9 C2=;C

* ! +  & ( )C %  C      ! C

This action could occur to any degree. Thus, any degree of mix

registration can be present. W hen mix


YlyNv UN PY YY, LoY yYV YlyNy y YY Y 3


ed registration is present, the

other laryngeal muscles (crico-thyroid and arytenoid) never have a


c NUy N YyY yUYNY' 8 oY NY yY oY Yy
oY YU~ UY yUYNY yo YNUo yUYNY y oY yY
c oY YlyNy  YUYyY o#NYyV NUy  PYUNY oYY
UY Yc oYcUyoyUo oVPYl oY NYyV
UY( IoYVYYyoYYlyN|yyYV yl Y

chance to develop and, in actual practice, are put more and more

out of action as the mix

on the neck

ture increases. A

t the same time the tension

muscles increases with each increase in the mix

of the registration (ex


cessive thyro-arytenoid action) because these

muscles perform the function which should belong to the arytenoid

muscles. The louder the pupil, whose registration is mix

ed, sings the

more pronounced does this condition become. Thus, as the ex

thyro-arytenoid action augments, the tension on the neck




#NYyV NUy NlY oY Yy oY YU~ UY 

also increases and the voice, which deteriorates very rapidly indeed,

is ultimately altogether ruined.

n view of the fact that ex


cessive thyro-arytenoid tension pulls

v yNY NlYoY yYV,

@ yY c oY cNU oN YUYyY o#NYyV Yy
NlNy Po oY YUoyl NUy c oY UyU$oyV UY NV

against both the stretching action of the crico-thyroid muscles and,

at the same time, against the "

cles, we would ex


action of the arytenoid mus-

pect to find that both registers partak

registration whenever one register is mix

the case. Mix

e of mix


ed. This is actually always

NoY NY yY NlNy oY oVyl NUy c oY NYyV

UY Y V YYU gV oN Po YlyY NN~Y c yYV
YlyNy oYYY Y YlyY y vYV' Ioy y NUN NN
Y UNY( CyY c Po YlyY UN lY y N y y
YNUoYV N oyUo oY YlyNy NUy YyY VyNYN) LoY

ture of both registers can progress until a point is

reached at which the registration action entirely disappears. W hen

this stage has been reached, the voice is virtually destroyed, be-

pleasant q

tremely distressing and, in many cases, physical

ury results. (S

Muscular E

of a most un-

uality. The physical distortions which accompany this

condition are ex



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cause the singer can only produce sounds

ee F

ig. 36


planation of O ctave R

This theory gives a possible ex


UNY oY ylY UN VUY V!yY c N

planation of the octave reflection

YNN Ny' IoY oyUN Vyv oyUo NUUN oy


between the two registers. Let us suppose that, when the pitch is

raised an octave, the length of the vocal cords is reduced to half.

Then the tension req

uired on the crico-thyroid and arytenoid mus-

y} Y(  HYY<yl( 34:, 

cles to hold the vocal cords in tension for this pitch, would be the

same as that req

uired to hold them in tension at double the length

for the octave below. The max

imum "


between these two


groups of muscles, which can be attained at any given stage of

development, is determined by the highest tone which can be sung

Ioy oY lyY N yPY YNNy c oY UNY YiYUy

in the lower register. This same stage of muscular development

SYYY Y YlyY' BY Y oN oY oY yUo z

NyYV N UNY oY Ylo c oY UN UV y YVUYV oNc)
IoY oY Yy YyYV oY UyU%oyV NV NYyV
UY oV oY UN UV y Yy c oy yUo V PY oY

would then, under these circumstances, allow the singer to produce

a tone in the falsetto ex

actly one octave higher, with the vocal cords

at half the length, and no more. I


t seems to be the first satisfactory

planation of the octave reflection between the registers;

and this

octave reflection is fact.



NY N oN YyYV oV oY y Yy N VPY oY Ylo

c o UNY PY( IoY Ny oV PYYY oYY

l c UY oyUo UN PY NNyYV N N lyY NlY c

VYYY y VYYyYV P oY oyloY Y oyUo UN PY l

y oY Y YlyY, Ioy NY NlY c UN VYYY

N Y yoY cNY YNU Y UNY oyloY yo oY UN UV

NoNc a Ylo NV Y' @ YY PY oY g NycNU

YNNy c oY UNY YjYUy PYYY oY YlyY6 NV o{
UNY YkYUy q >2l



O -A



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7+2+L 8>)-" L

T for

articulation with

the thyroid cart-

ilage. (S

ee F

ig. 2

for side view of


, showing

thyroid cartilage


partially covering

 3 $ 1
: ! @ 41# 
+ ;6(

4? 7-1$  .

7!>41$   . 

8,08 G < " .0( L



3 #1# 


38@- 8 < 4@Cc

cricoid cartilage).




KE}  #0ezZE<0T} +;ZkK^Zk} ?^e} 'Kq4H} 7LukqW;Zp} 0Z7} !Zq;ZkKqz}


Thyro-arytenoid tension






 :r{ r = {{i^M ^{G= G ^G{ e r^ = e r^ = ^M

g wGu >NV =N > u uV GuV>wL g VN w D 0 >N D V={
wVw >mV>w' <uV V >VwN VQ >Q u{N VN VgV rV
VM e rV G= GM G^N D rV GwG>^{M G^ =M rV G{G
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=mV =V > rw e=GV ) <rVVeV rV rV G{Gr{M G^ =^ ^^M
uV >w=V uV uwN G>w=mV >N rV GwGwM G={ >kV VM{k r^
rwN G>w=kV N =M =V r^ G{G{N G={=nV = rV e=G^ e ={G=
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r{ >Gw VGr^ rV G= GN)
:uVV >V  rV = V{M G={ =k^ r^ rV GwG=V{N G^
GV w Vw( :rV ^{ G{G=^{M GV M= rV ^ > k^ e
rV >V{N G={=m^ D=G=M =M {=M rwV rV =^= G wG=^{M
GV N= uV >VwN G>{=k^ e=M =N N=M)  !,D 3{k)
 D :r_
GDwVN =Gw e rVV ={ e G^ rN rV >^wM G={=m^ j
uV GwG{M G={=kV) <rV ^Gr {k =G{ e r^ G= GM Dmr =D D
Vw rV GwGrwN GV G= GG VhG{V {e rV Vw =R
>V> GwG=VwN G^ uN uV >V{N G>{=mV j rV GwGwM
- rV =V {V rV r=^{N G^ r{Gu {V w rV G= GN rV
VV u^ rV G= GM ( <rVVe^ r{ rV {m >G{ w =>mw{G
uV VGuwk >Gw , V >Gw  >m=w uV rV(

5 uV M uVV w rV VGuwk =G{  V ^ e=N   

^ {m e GwGrwN Yw > N uV uM{k =G{ D=G=M 
^ {k e G{G=^wM ^{  r{Gr rV =^{M G={=k^ e
wk e=N ( :rVV =V D==GVN D V= e uV G>Gwm
r^wk >Gw g rV u=^wN G^)





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ig. 36




Laryngeal Tensions for Pitch A


ustment and I


This shows a simplified vertical cross section of the parts of the larynx

for pitch adj

ustment and also shows the schematic form used in B, C

intensity augmentation. The terms "

arytenoid end"

and "


and D to ex

thyroid end"


refer to the

ends of the vocal cords controlled by the crico-arytenoid muscles and the crico-

thyroid muscles. A


lso arrows indicate forces or "


The rear and bottom part of the thyroid cartilage proj

lage at the facet for articulation, shown in A

. This j

not movement, during pho-

ects into the cricoid carti-

oining allows the cricoid carti-

lage to rotate at this facet. Therefore, when the crico-thyroid muscles are tensed,

they approx

imate the thyroid cartilage and the cricoid cartilage, tending to pull the

thyroid cartilage down and to rotate the cricoid cartilage at the facet for articula-

tion with the thyroid cartilage. This action causes the posterior part of the cricoid

cartilage to pull back

and its anterior part to move toward the thyroid cartilage;

this action stretches the vocal cords.

There are two "


on the arytenoid cartilages when the crico-arytenoid muscles

2@(/D . S`8wGu { M^V{ VN D rV Vku e =N ^{ uV G=

GN( <rV r=VwN GV uV >N ^V uV G= GM( <uV GwG
r{N GV bkr^ >N VV rV G= GM) :rV { =G{ e rV n
g GV NVVwV uV Vmu g >N Vw ua G> GN  wNVN r=
rV G{G=^{N GV uN rV =^{N G={=m^ j rV GwG{N G=
- uV wGu =VN rV V{ uV =mV= GV DVGV mV=V >M
rV G= GN rb ) <u^^eV rV k^=^ = e ^w V w =D^
rV =k^= G^ TVV{^ r^V{G= r^ rwkr^ wGu r= = w
M{|M= G= {k)
3 r^ {Gr^  k G= GM = ^={^ ^{ =V ^M) <u*
Vw rV Bn^= G^ M^G^=^ = rV {Gr MVG^M) - = rV wGr
MVGVN =N rV V{ uV =kV= G^ N^G^=V rV wGV  e=NV )

come into tension. The posterior crico-arytenoid muscles draw the outer angles of

the arytenoid cartilages back

ward and inward, while the lateral crico-arytenoid

muscles draw the arytenoid cartilages forward and downward. (S

ee F

ig. 2.) The

combined action of these two pairs of muscles holds the arytenoid cartilages firmly

to the cricoid cartilage. The stretching action of the vocal cords brought about by

tension on the crico-thyroid muscles can occur efficiently only if the posterior and

lateral crico-arytenoid muscles hold the arytenoid cartilages firmly to the cricoid


t the same time the thyro-arytenoid muscles, which lie in the vocal cords them-

selves, shorten the vocal cords. Therefore, this shortening action is antagonistic to

the stretching action;

one action "


against the other.

n other words, there is the stretching action, or more or less forward "

resulting from crico-thyroid tension, and the "


action, or back


ward pull,

resulting from crico-arytenoid tension (which stops the arytenoid cartilages from

moving forward). These two pulls are balanced by means of the contracting or

shortening action of the thyro-arytenoid muscles.

Pitch A



Pitch is determined by the length of and tension on the vocal

cords. The thyro-arytenoid muscles shorten and tense the vocal cords. The crico-

thyroid muscles lengthen and tense the vocal cords. The j

oint action of the two groups

of muscles determines the length of and tension on the vocal cords, provided that

the crico-arytenoid muscles hold the arytenoid cartilages firmly to the cricoid car-


s the pitch ascends, the tension on the laryngeal muscles becomes greater and

the vocal cords shorten. Therefore, the greatest amount of tension one is able to

put on the laryngeal muscles determines theoretically the highest pitch that an in-

dividual can sing.

or the low pitches, long vocal cords at relatively low tension are used. Thus,

 545?6B1C .C

c>635C: 9 C2=;C

* ! +  & ( )C %  C      ! C


E/ L@= (@LD-:=2+ 8IB)5-
\\ NX d\ d[ SNt$ SX






J>)(6 )?@ +


E\g \}Nh SN he

b\N\ uh

tenses and shortens the vocal cord.






O -

tense, thereby

) @ 2 )=
(@LH- ; = 2 +

holding arytenoid

8 I C)5-B

cartilage firmly to

\\ f\\R
dvXic N\hX
SN hvNc\ _j}w
SkShX SNgvOc]

cricoid cartilage.




Tension remains constant with

(@LE-<=2+ -<+

F/L@=3+ .<+

E\g gS\N\
h c\N\

E\h \}Nm
SN gd
c^N\ h\h

greater intensity.





) @ 2 * = E/L@=4+ 8 I C)5-
\\ d\\R \hc NX
v\cd \hc d\ SNx SX

Tension increases

with greater





Q E T ? D


Tension remains

greater intensity.





*KW3RSov eI;v e<WbKZWv ZWv eI;v jZ63Rv 6Z]7bv 7<6];3bBv eZv eI=v [ZKWev lI;];v eI;v jZ63Rv 6Z]7bv
5=6ZV;v bZv RZZc=Sov ce]hWGv eI3ev eI<]<v Kcv WZv 3h7K5S;v WZKb=v lI;Wv eI;ov jK5]3e;v

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tenses, thereby tensing and

lengthening the vocal cords*






ig. 36

ugmentation (continued)

inally the tension on the vocal cords decreases to the point where the vocal cords

Laryngeal Tensions for Pitch A


ustment and I


become so loosely strung that there is no audible noise when they vibrate.

ntensity A


fter the laryngeal muscles "


vocal cords are at a definite length and tensed a definite amount. S

for the pitch, the

ince more tension

can produce greater intensities and since tension on the vocal cords increases as the

pitch ascends, intensity augments as the pitch ascends. I

nversely, intensity diminishes

as the pitch descends.

fter the vocal cords have been strung (set) for the pitch, it is necessary to mak

laryngeal tension adj

ustments in order to augment the intensity at that pitch. That

is, as the breath pressure increases, causing the vocal cords to vibrate at an aug-

mented amplitude, the arytenoid-end and thyroid-end pulls must increase if the vocal

cords are to retain their stringing. Therefore, intensity augmentation depends not

only upon increased breath pressure, but also upon the amount of tension the end

pulls can ex

ert on the vocal cords. These end pulls k

holding at both ends as the breath pressure*

add tension or "

cords would "



eep the vocal cords strung by

increases. Therefore, the end pulls must

when intensity is augmented

otherwise both ends of the vocal

as the vocal-cord vibrations became greater.

This shows the pitch adj

ustment and intensity augmentation for one pitch in the

pure falsetto register.

Pitch A



F N T@ N S E T W

*1XiRA:1Nl 0:R^DTR^l =TXl -Db4Bl 6Ee^bO:Rbl 1R6l 'Rb:R^Dbil

constant with


The pitch in the falsetto register is adj

usted by the same groups

)%)./ ,) ) *#/ eI;v T3]oWG;3Rv Vhb6R<cv c;ev CZ]v eI=v [Ke6I v eI;v
jZ63Rv 6Z]7bv 3];v 3ev 3v 7;DWKe=v S=WGeIv 3W7v e=Wb;7v 3v 7<DXKe;v 3VZhWev 0KW6;v VZ];v e;WbKZWv
63Wv []Z7h6;v G];3e;]v KWe<WbKeK<bv 3W7v cKW6=v e<WbKZWv ZWv eI<v jZ63Rv 6Z]7bv KW6];3b;bv 3cv eI;v
[Ke6Iv 3b6;W7b v KWe;WcKeov 3hGV;Webv 3bv eI;v [Ke6Iv 3b6<W7bv ,Wj=]b=To
v KWe;WbKeov 7KVKWKbI;bv
3bv eI;v [Ke6Iv 7;b6<W7cv
%Ce;]v eI;v jZ63Tv 6Z]7bv I3j;v 5=<Wv be]hWGv b=ev CZ]v eI=v [Ke6I v Kev Kbv W<6<bb3]ov eZv V3P;v
R3]oWG;3Tv e;WcKZWv 37NhbeV;Webv KWv Z]7<]v eZv 3hGV=Wev eI;v KWe=WbKeov 3ev eI3ev [Ke6Iv 1I3ev
Kb v 3bv eI=v 5];3eIv [];bbh];v KW6]=3b;c v 63hbKWGv eI=v jZ63Tv 6Z]7bv eZv jK5]3e;v 3ev 3Wv 3hGtv
V<We;7v 3V[TKeh7; v eI<v 3]oe<WZK7<W7v 3W7v eIo]ZK7=W7v [hRTcv Vhbev KW6];3b;v KCv eI=v jZ63Uv
6Z]7cv 3]=v eZv ]=e3KWv eI<K]v ce]KWGKWGv 1I=]=CZ]= v KWe=WbKeov 3hGV<We3eKZWv 7=[;W7bv WZev
ZWSov h[ZWv KW6]<3c<7v 5]=3eIv [];bbh]; v 5hev 3TcZv h[ZWv eI=v 3VZhWev ZCv e;WbKZWv eI;v ;W7v
[hRRbv 63Wv =m=]ev ZWv eI=v jZ63Sv 6Z]7cv 1I=b=v =W7v [hRTcv P;<[v eI<v jZ63Rv 6Z]7cv be]hWGv 5ov
IZT7KWGv 3ev 5ZeIv <W7bv 3bv eI=v 5]=3eIv [];bbh]>v KW6];3b;bv 1I;];CZ]; v eI=v <W7v [hSRbv Vhbev
377v e;WbKZWv Z]v IZR7v lI;Wv KWe=WbKfov Kbv 3hGV<We=9/eI;]lKb=v 5ZeIv ;W7bv ZCv eI=v jZ63Rv
6Z]7cv lZhT7v GKj<v 3bv eI;v jZ63R6Z]7v jK5]3eKZWbv 5=63V;v G];3e;]v

&1IKbv cIZlcv eI=v [Ke6Iv 37OhbeV;Wev 3W7v KWe;WbKeov 3hGV;We3eKZWv CZ]v ZW=v [Ke6Iv KWv eI=v
[h]=v C3Rb=eeZv ]<GKbe=]v
/  ,%))1I=v [Ke6Iv KWv eI=v C3Rc=eeZv ]=GKbe;]v Kcv 37Ohbe=7v 5ov eI=v b3V=v G]Zh[bv
ZCv Vhc6S=bv 7;b6]K5;7v [];jKZhbTov +Zl<j;] v CZ]v 3v 7;EWKe;v [Ke6I v eI;v e;WbKZWv ZWv eI=b?v
Vhb6S;bv Kbv RZl=]v eI3Wv KWv eI=v RZl;]v ]<GKbe<]v -Wv ZeI=]v lZ]7b v KWv eI=v C3Rb=eeZv ];GKbe<]v
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';63hb=v eI=v C3Tc=eeZv ]=GKbe=]v hb=cv R<cbv R3]oWG<3Rv e<WcKZWv eI3Wv eI=v TZl<]v ];GKbe;]v
eI;v IKGI<bev [Ke6I;bv eI3ev 63Wv 5=v []Z7h6;7v 3]=v KWv eI;v C3Rb;eeZv ]<GKbe;]v
%bv [];jKZhbTov be3e;7v lI<Wv eI<v [Ke6Iv 7;c6<W7bv eI=v e;WbKZWv ZWv eI<v R3]oWG;3Rv Vhb6T;"v
7;6]<3b=beI=v jZ63Rv 6Z]7bv 5=6ZVKWGv VZ]=v RZZc=Rov ce]hWHv 1I;];CZ]; v bKW6;v eI<v C3Tb;eeZv
]<GKbe=]v hb<bv R<bbv e<WbKZWv CZ]v eI;v [Ke6Iv 3W7v cKWu;v T<bbv e;Wb;7v jZ63Rv 6Z]7bv []Z7h6=v eI<v
RZlv [Ke6I;b v eI<v C3Tb<eeZv ]<GKbe;]v 5;6ZV<cv KW3h7K5R<v 5;CZ];v eI;v TZl;]v ]<GKbe<]v 7Z<b #v
eI3ev Kb v eI=v TZl=]v ]@GKbe;]v ZWRov 63Wv []Z7h6=v RZlv [Ke6I=b v cKW6;v Kev Kbv 3ev IKGI=]v e;WbKZWv
eI3Wv eI;v C3Sb<eeZv ]=GKbe=]v

of muscles described previously. H owever, for a definite pitch, the tension on these

muscles is lower than in the lower register. I

n other words, in the falsetto register,

the thyro-arytenoid and crico-thyroid muscles are at minimum tension for a particular


Because the falsetto register uses less laryngeal tension than the lower register,

the highest pitches that can be produced are in the falsetto register.

s previously stated, when the pitch descends, the tension on the laryngeal muscles


the vocal cords becoming more loosely strung. Therefore, since the falsetto

register uses less tension for the pitch and since less tensed vocal cords produce the

low pitches, the falsetto register becomes inaudible before the lower register does;

that is, the lower register only can produce low pitches, since it is at higher tension

than the falsetto register.

ntensity A


s shown in B, for intensity augmentation, the posterior

and lateral crico-arytenoid muscles increase tension

holding the arytenoid carti-

lages firmly against the cricoid cartilage. This holding action at the arytenoid end

is the distinguishing action during falsetto-register intensity augmentation.

O f course, the crico-thyroid and thyro-arytenoid muscles are already tensed for

the pitch, and this tension is great enough also to support the thyroid cartilage

)%)./  -) ) &/ bIZlWv KWv &v CZ]v KWe<WbKeov 3hGV;We3eKZWv eI<v [Zce<]KZ]v
3W7v T3e;]3Tv 6]K6Z3]oe;WZK7v Vhb6T;bv KW6];3b<v e<WbKZWIZT7KWGv eI<v 3]oe;WZK7v 63]eKq
R3G=bv F]VTov 3G3KWbev eI<v 6^K6ZK7v 63]eKT3G;v 1IKbv IZS7KWGv 36eKZWv 3ev eI;v 3]oe;WZK7v ;W8v
Kbv eI<v 7KbeKWGhKbIKWHv 36eKZWv 7h]KWGv C3Rc=eeZ];GKbe;]v KWe;WbKeov 3hGV;We3eKZWv
.Cv 6Zh]b;v eI=v 6]K6ZeIo]ZK7v 3W7v eIo]Z3]oe;WZK7v Vhc6R=bv 3]=v 3T]=37ov e=Wb<7v CZ]v
eI;v [Ke6I v 3W7v eIKbv e;WbKZWv Kbv G_;3ev =WZhGIv 3SbZv eZv ch[[Z]ev eI=v eIo]ZK7v 63]eKT3G;v

7">313>7-1# +;5*
wNe O AfMbUiswOe |UN iGB` JqM

O -A




=1 * 13
7PfDZie ]eJtNj O ]yU TtPAxPt


Unses ond shortens.the vocal cord.



O -



tense, thereby

holding q

VpM[fS rtxKfoM
HCswY`A RZs ` xi
Is[Ji\M JBsw[`BSN


cartilage firmly

cricoid cartilage





temes. thereby tensing and

3>7-1#   - 

7">31#  -

7Nez^ie tNk Zf
Jnf~xmf m EZd

7PguZlg ZgGtPB N

lengthening the vocal cords.




 3 # 1 7">31# +<5*
aNf0' wUPsQ |Pf}[gS BfM
`PfwXfZh  iGB` LM 



Tension increases with greater

9 1 >) / c











rks rU e=WUlvW vWv =kU=v = r= vGr " :rU Vv >

rU =UvM UM  tMvk =Gv GvW vGU=U rkr rU f=U
UkvW ?lU e vWvv v v UGW= e tU GvGrvM >M r
>UvN GU wGU>U Uv w NV uN >N VV uV uvN H>w>mV
WM tW rW =vMU e rU vD=v f tU G= GM w >mVUN
EUN > HV>w w  rw UUmvU >Iw w NUIvDVN w 0 ' 7D uV
M tX GxG=WvM GW vGU=U Uv UU rU >VvN I>v
=kU v kvW U vk v UGUvU r=UvM @Gvr= v uVUM
G= GM >M GWU = vUM e=U UkvU"

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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Tension increases

with greater



ig. 36


ugmentation (continued)


Laryngeal Tensions for Pitch A


ustment and I


through the falsetto-register intensity augmentation at that pitch. The tension at

0:rv u rU vGr =N~U =M wUv =kU=v f U v Gr

v rU U U UkvU!

the arytenoid end (holding action) continues to increase throughout the falsetto-

register range of intensity

until it is necessary for the crico-thyroid and thyro-

arytenoid muscles to increase tension in order to "


and k

0>'.D  )5A<?6B>;rU YWkvU vGr v =M~UM D rU =U m f

GU WM e tU e=UUkvU vGr =M~U$ 4UU rU Uv uU
GvGrvM =O t?WvM
W v vG W=UM v tv UkvU" 1UW
rW G= GO =Z W rvnr k =M =U D=F kW" / UG=V rU r
=UvM JW W[ JW=G rU vGU?WM GvGtvM Uv  rUUvG>
rU G= GO DW kW rWvU rU vGr M =GUM = rU I= IM
DUG=W W WU ?M rvlt k #
2 rv W= =M DWJ=U vJtW e=MZ MU rW U=vU U=UM vm
vo e tW JA JP tU W UnvW G= MGU rW W vGrW"
:rv wGU=U f =kV= Uv f rV U UmwV > V >w u uV
dWkvW vGt G@ DU G=vUM = tvkr = rU f>U UkvU! 5 rU
M vGU U = kU= Uv v UUMUM e rU U UkvU r= f uU
e=U WnvW = U vGr =M vGU U =kW= Uv v UcUM > rU vGr
CGUO U G= vk = rvkr vGtU v tU U WkvW = v rV f>U

eep the thyroid cartilage

supported when the amplitude of the vibrations of the vocal cords is augmented

beyond a certain point (this lower-register action is described in C

). I

n other

words, the crico-arytenoid muscles must increase tension or else the arytenoid carti-

lages will "


resulting in ex

vocal cords and, conseq

cessive thyro-arytenoid action

uently, a mix

This shows the pitch adj

that is, shortened

ed falsetto register.

ustment and intensity augmentation for one pitch

in the pure lower register.

Pitch A



The lower-register pitch is adj

muscles used for the falsetto-register pitch adj

usted by the same groups of

ustment. H owever, the tension on the

crico-thyroid and thyro-arytenoid musales is increased in this register. C



the vocal cords are more highly strung and are probably longer. (Because the thyro-

8>*9<0>CD  A-6+:>">1;8=D MWGvDUM Uv  rU e=WUkvU wUw

=kW=v = ZvOWM GvW v v v UGU= f rW IvI
tvM @M t?UvM G\ vGW?W Wv v MU =v=v rU
vkyk e tU J? GO = tU rvM WN tvM G=v=kU " 4VU rU
v Wv v tW ] WkvW v =kWWO =M tU GvGtvM =M r=UvM
GW vG U?W Wv  v tU rvM G=v=kU UM frW E
= rU G= GM =U D=D WGrWM kW$
6e GW tW = e WWnvW vUv =kU=v vDU NUWN
tU =nU e MWWW e rU =lU= GW"
9vo tW tzM G=v=nW =M WptU vk =M v GU=vk rU Uv
tU G= GO ?K tZ Mvvnvtvl eGv e rU W UkvU Mvk vUv
=kW=v % 7e G W & tU rMvk e tU = UvM G=v?kU rU GvGvM I=v
=lU = UvMWM IvU ve rW U UkvU v DU V >N >
vUM U UqvU v DV =vMUM"

arytenoid muscles tense to counteract the increased crico-thyroid tension, theoretically

the vocal cords must be longer

otherwise the pitch would ascend as the vocal cords

became more tense and highly strung).

or this reason and because low pitches fade due to the relatively relax

ed string-

ing of the vocal cords, the lower register can produce the lowest pitches.

This increase of laryngeal tension for the lower register also ex

plains why the

lower-register pitch cannot be carried up as high as the falsetto register. I

n other

words, since more laryngeal tension is needed for the lower register than for the

falsetto register at one pitch and since more laryngeal tension is needed as the pitch

ascends, one cannot sing as high pitches in the lower register as in the falsetto


ntensity A


16?, 7 ; 1 ? B c

#/ezZE:/T} +:ZkK^Zk} ?^e} 'Jo4H} 6QtkoW:Zp} /Z6} !Zp:ZkKoz}
tEW:Zp/oK^Z} 4^ZoJZt:6}

Tension remains

constant (max


s described previously, the falsetto-register intensity

augmentation (arytenoid-end pull) continues until it is necessary for the crico-

thyroid and thyro-arytenoid muscles to increase tension in order to maintain the

stringing of the vocal cords at the thyroid end (thyroid cartilage). H owever, when

intensity in the lower register is augmented and the crico-thyroid and thyro-arytenoid

muscles increase tension, not only is the thyroid cartilage supported further, but

also the vocal cords are probably stretched longer.

O f course, the amount of lower-register intensity augmentation possible depends

on the stage of development of the laryngeal muscles.

upporting the thyroid cartilage, and lengthening and increasing the tension on

the vocal cords are the distinguishing functions of the lower register during intensity

augmentation. O f course, the holding of the arytenoid cartilages to the cricoid carti-

lage (arytenoid-end pull) must continue if the lower register is to be pure and a


ed lower register is to be avoided.

 545?6B/C .C

c>635C: 9 C2=;C

* ! +  & ( )C %  C      ! C


G0LA=(ALE-<=2, 8IB)7-

O -A





\\ PY d\ d\ SPy
TZ \T\n\v o\ !d%r!
UPy TY P \zPs\v \p

tenses and shortens the vocal

cord ex

cessively (i.e., shortens

vocal cord at relatively low tension).




K=)(5 )=A,
F\n pV\P\ WQp\{
pd "\N\ n\p


tenses insufficiently, transferring

pitch regulation primarily to






Tension increases ex



with greater intensity.





thyro-arytenoid muscles.



( ALF- < = 2 , -< ,

F1LA=2, - < ,

F\|n pT\P\

F\n nT\P9

nd "\\

nd "\\

Tension increases


with greater

) A 2 )=E0LA=2, IB)5-





nanTp\v P!`\n"
nTd \#vPp 'p}Pqy
dP\pY }Tv\


Tension increases


Q E T? D

with greater

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ig. 36

ugmentation (concluded)

This shows the pitch adj


Laryngeal Tensions for Pitch A


ustment and I



()1JLbv bJZlbv gJ;v [Lg6Jv 39OhbgV;Wgv 3W9v MWg;WbMgov 3hGV;Wg3gLZWv 9h]MWGv 35bZThg;v
VLn;9v ];GLbg]3gLZW!v

ustment and intensity augmentation during absolute

The adj

+ /  ,'++1J;v 39OibgV;Wgv ZCv [Mg6Jv Mbv V39;v 5ov gJ;v MV[]Z[;]Tov 6ZZ]9MW3g;9v
g;WbLZWbv ZWv T3]oWG;3Rv Vhb6T;bv 1J;v 6]M6ZgJo]ZM9v 3W9v 6]M6Z3]og;WZM9v Vhb6T;bv 3];v iW9;]r
g;Wb;9v 3W9 v gJ;];CZ]; v W;k;]v 9;k;TZ[v 3W9v gJ;v gJo]Z3]og;WZM9v Vhb6T;bv 3];v Zk;]s
g;Wb;9v bZZWv 5;6ZVMWGv Zk;]9;kARZ[;9 $ v 6ZWb;\h;WgTo v 5;63hb;v ZCv gJMbv hW9;]g;WbMWGv
];bhTgMWGv LWv hW9;]T;WGgJ;W;9v kZ63Tv 6Z]9bv 3W9v Zk;]g;WbMWGv ];bhTgMWGv MWv 5hW6J;9h[v
jZ63Rv 6Z`:d  v gJ;v [Lg6Jv Lbv W;j;av 366h]3g;Tpv b;g v Sgz gJLbv []36gL6;v Lbv 6ZWgLWh;:v gJ;v
jZ63Rv 6Z]9bv 5;6ZV;v []ZG];bbMk;Tov bJZ]g;W;9v 3W9v hTgMV3g;Tov 5;6ZV;v bZv bJZ]gv 3W9v dZv
5hW6J;9v i[v gJ3gv gJ;v kZL6;v Lbv 9;bg]Zo;9v

ustment of pitch is made by the improperly co-ordinated

tensions on laryngeal muscles. The crico-thyroid and crico-arytenoid muscles are under-

tensed (and, therefore, never develop) and the thyro-arytenoid muscles are over-

tensed (soon becoming over-developed);


uently, because of this under-tensing

(resulting in under-lengthened vocal cords) and over-tensing (resulting in bunched-up

vocal cords), the pitch is never accurately "



%F@l  *1[iR@:1Ml 0:R^FUR^l =U[l -Fb4Bl 6Kd^bO:Rbl 1R6l 'Rb:R^Fbil



ed registration.

Pitch A


f this practice is continued, the

vocal cords become progressively shortened and ultimately become so short and so

+(+./  ,+ +!"$/ LWg;WbMgov 3hGV;Wg3gMZWv MWv VMn;9v ];GMbg]3gMZWv gJ;v

T3]oWG;3Tv Vhb6T;bv MW6];3b;v g;WbMZWv 5ov gJ;v b3V;v MW6Z]];6gv 6ZZ]9MY3gMZWv ;bg35TMbJ;9v
CZ]v [Lg6Jv 39NhbgV;WggZZv Vh6Jv g;WbMZWv MW6];3b;v MWv gJ;v kZ63Tv 6Z]9bv gJo]Z3]og;WZL9v
Vhb6R;bv 3W9v WZgv ;WZhGJv g;WbLZWv MW6];3b;v 3gv ;MgJ;]v gJ;v 3]og;WZM9v Z]v gJo]ZM9v ;W9bv
2JLbv iW53R3W6;9v 6ZW9MgMZWv ];V3MWbv hW54T3W6;9v 3gv 3TRv MWg;WbMgM;bv
Spz Z]9;]v gZv Q;;[v gJ;v R3]oWnv J;3TgJov gJ;v 6Z]];6gv g;WbMZWbv CZ]v [Mg6Jv 3W9v LWg;WbMgo v
3bv b;gv CZ]gJv LWv gJMbv 5ZZQv Vhbgv 5;v ;bg35TMbJ;9v 3W9v ];g3MW;9v

bunched up that the voice is destroyed.

ntensity A


or intensity augmentation in mix

ed registration, the

laryngeal muscles increase tension by the same incorrect co-ordination established

for pitch adj


too much tension increase in the vocal cords (thyro-arytenoid

muscles) and not enough tension increase at either the arytenoid or thyroid ends.

This unbalanced condition remains unbalanced at all intensities.

n order to k

eep the larynx

as set forth in this book

healthy, the correct tensions for pitch and intensity,

must be established and retained.

50-U` I3` I[0NN06:QU0N` @:E:F)U:IF`


ffect of Lower-register E


n accordance with this theory, let us consider what would occur

 k  "      
   ' ` V  A '  
  Q  ` 5 t       
  J   @
   2` 5 
  ": U "
= '  
    k `  O    
 k!!  `  2 



   N    + 
!  Y 


,  + 

 `    -  
 N Q+ '  Y 
 ` V 
 '     k      - x   
  ` V  '   , ' - T    P 

'   -
-'`C e   - T
'   '    
'         U 


T    '     `



    k'    +   
QA  ,

  ' `
=      A
' p M`IDac  '      

Q  z 
  '   z
X  k     
         '      `
=    '    
tk A
   k  y
   ` 5  

if the lower register were to be eliminated from a great, co-ordi-

nated, female voice. S

uch a voice would have pure registration,

balanced, laryngeal development and the muscular tensions in the


would be in eq

uilibrium. The first result of the elimination

of the lower register would be that the stretching action of the crico-

thyroid muscles would commence to lessen. This would necessitate

an increase in the degree of tension on the thyro-arytenoid muscles.

The vocal cords would then assume a shortened length, at lower

tension, for all pitches. The effect of this would be most pro-

nounced for the upper tones. A

sion on the neck

s these conditions progressed the ten-

muscles would augment and the voice would

become increasingly throaty. A

the power and q

t this stage, the singer would lose

uality of all her lower and upper tones, the registers

would separate (a register break

would appear) and, at the same

time, the middle of the voice would mix

into a throaty, mix

register (sq

ed register. A


, thick

en and degenerate

t the same time, a "

voice) would appear. S

sing very high tones, apparently easily, with this "

technic. S

oon, however, the ex

cessive "


cles and the arytenoid cartilages would "



shut off"


on the thyro-arytenoid

action of the arytenoid mus-

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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muscles would overcome the "

shut off"

he could probably now


Because the "


on the thyro-arytenoid muscles would have to be very great to

overcome the originally strong crico-thyroid and arytenoid muscles,

when the proper lower register action was eliminated, these muscles

would overcome the arytenoid "


in a relatively short time.

stage would soon be reached when these constricted, high falsetto

tones would disappear. A

be the mix

ll that would ultimately be left would

ed-register, throaty, middle tones. S

to sing a relatively few, thick

, throaty, bad q

he would only be able

uality, mix


tones in the middle of her voice.

There is the picture, and how cruelly familiar it is!

every, great, woman'

has gone through these stages and ended up in j

Not one, but

s voice which has been heard in recent years

ust this condition.

very single one of them has eliminated her lower register!

them can sing a single, passably good q

None of

uality tone any more!

Not one

great voice is left!

W hen this elimination of the lower register is practised in the early

stages of training, the unfortunate pupil never really sings at all.

The better the voice, the more definite and prominent is the lower-

register action, and the more necessary does it become. This is the


$ c

 545?6B1C .C

c>635C: 9 C2=;C

* ! +  & ( )C %  C      ! C

S   '  S  

' !   '     
S  3?

! B  
  ? Y  ? 
      ?  ?    
  ,!   !   { 5   : A
      ? !. f '   P

??  S ?

   !?  P    ?

.f ??

.d  ,

' .C 4 & '  
z e?     S   
5       :    
  u? !
    ?      '   

. VS ?

S   S 3   : 
  B    '     ?  

=S ? ?    2  
  . 5 S  
     ? ! . s      
+e1wM1o1} lHur ^B}  ' . e '  


. d 





 Q?    3 

?! . 4  B   ' 


1gX;\} 3 ,
P   . V?

!    'S
5   B     
!? P

  . 5 ?

 !C  &  . V   
   4  S  

,?   . 4 
 S    ' ?A  w?  S  ? .C VS 2 
? S '    S    A
 w '.C
5  S!!
/   :7  

A     J  A  A S7 J  Y .

chief reason why no great voice has been heard for an entire genera-


very contemporary great voice has been eliminated because of

this lack

of understanding of the registration action, and specifically,

(more than from any other cause) because of the elimination of the

lower register, when it was naturally functioning properly.

Let us consider some ex

amples of this process: There is the case

of a great lyric, coloratura soprano. H er voice was co-ordinated

beautifully, she used all the pure, lower-register tension that could

be desired. This register was eliminated. H er beautiful high and low

tones have disappeared. A


t is very sad!

ll that is left is the throaty, mix

ed "

But she is now teaching technic


and that is


Then there is the case of the last, really great, dramatic soprano

who used to sing with C

aruso, producing a flood of gorgeous tone

which was not put to shame by the greatest voice the world has

ever heard. S

he studied with a man who k

new little or nothing of

the scientific theory of vocal technic, but she had, naturally, an

almost perfect technic, and this teacher did not interfere with it.

Then, unfortunately for her, she left him and started with another

teacher who eliminated her lower register. Then he tried to mak

or a little while, she sang

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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her sing the coloratura soprano roles. F

Traviata in a shut-off falsetto voice. By this time her voice had been

virtually destroyed. A

s it deteriorated she used less and less lower

register, and as the lower register degenerated, the falsetto became

more and more mix

ed, and the upper tones disappeared. The power

of her voice diminished rapidly and the q

unpleasant. I

sing C

uality became thick


n the final stages of vocal degeneration she tried to

armen with a thick

, throaty mix

ed-falsetto technic. S

he would

be in her prime today, had she been trained properly, or even if her

natural technic had not been tampered with.

There was a magnificent contralto who had a most remark


beautiful and powerful, co-ordinated lower register. The audience

often actually stood up and cheered when she held one of her

dramatic, "

wide open,"

teacher in I

taly who eliminated her lower register. E


lower register, low tones. S

she made only a few

shows less and less of this register

and more and more throatiness and mix

or three years she was virtually "

he went to a

ach of her

ture in the falsetto. I

out of the picture."

n two

he lost the

grandeur of her voice before she was thirty and never had time to

really "


The same thing happened with the voice of the second greatest

dramatic soprano of that generation (Destinn was the greatest).


 545?6B1C .C

c>635C: 9 C2=;C

* ! +  & ( )C %  C      ! C

" 7UF{>eS ,TXO1l > SxF> d>e XdF{# 0F{rXF UFM>C U> {UF >{

> {lrx>el UFx `lFx xFTX{Fx >{ M>x BXSSFx >eE BFLx >j >
lM >e `XXeS Clex>`l$ 7UF F`XdXe>FE XrxlB>B` BFC>{F {ldF
XSelx>e F>CUFx l`E UFx U> X XeFxMFxFE XU UF UXSU ljF{ >jE
XUUFPFXBX`X lMUFx lXCF% 8U> >{ UF FeE lMUFx xF>` C>xFFx&
7UF {>jS > `X`F >MFz>xE{ B UF lXCF >{ lM el xF>` dldFe

he sang Norma a great many times. Despite the fact that she was

a soprano, her lower register was far bigger and better than that

of any living contralto. S

he eliminated it

probably because some

ignorant teacher told her that it interfered with the high tones and

with the flex

ibility of her voice. That was the end of her real career.

he sang a little afterwards, but the voice was of no real moment,

and she passed out of the picture a few years later, j

might have been in her prime. S

>eE {UF r>{{FE l lM UF rXCxF > MF F>x{ `>Fx \{ UFj {UF

ust when she

dXSU U>F BFFe Xj UFx rxXdF 7UF ll X{ F>CUXeS lXCF

8UX{ X{ CFx>Xe, 8UF F`XdXj>Xle lM UF `lFx xFSX{Fx >`>{
EF{l{ UF lXCF' 8UF BFFx UF lXCF UF dlxF {xF` *lF{ UX{

he too is teaching voicel

This is certain: The elimination of the lower register always

destroys the voice. The better the voice, the more surely does this

destruction occur.

The muscular ex

EF{xCXle lCC x#
8UF d{C`>x Fr`>e>Xle SXFe {FFd{ l ClFx UF M>C{ dl{
{>X{M>ClxX`# 8UF `l{{ lM UF rxlrFx {xFCUXeS >CXlj lM F CxXCl
UxlXE d{C`F{ x>e{MFx{ ll dCU lM UF xFS`>Xle lM UF rXCU
l F Uxl>xFelXE d{C`F{( 8UX{ dXF{ UF xFSX{>Xle >eE

planation given seems to cover the facts most

satisfactorily. The loss of the proper stretching action of the crico-

thyroid muscles transfers too much of the regulation of the pitch

to the thyro-arytenoid muscles. This mix

destroys the voice. A

es the registration and

ll these singers, and many others who have

lost their voices because of the elimination of the lower register,

end up with ex

actly the same sort of technic

a thick

register, wobbling voice with a very limited range

, throaty, mix

EF{xl{ UF lXCF -`` UFF {XeSFx{ >eE d>e lUFx{ Ul U>F


`l{ UFXx lXCF{ BFC>{F lM UF F`XdXe>Xlj lM UF `lFx xFSX{Fx

xFSX{Fx lBB`XeS lXCF XU > Fx `XdXFE x>eSFel UXSU lx `l

no high or low


Length of V

ocal C

ords and Q uality

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W hen the laryngeal muscles are balanced properly and in eq



brium, the arytenoid muscles perform their function in holding the

stringing of the vocal cords at the arytenoid end, and the crico-

3F8R9\ I7\)I/,B\ IL1O\ ,F1\ #U,B:R[\

thyroid muscles perform theirs in stretching the vocal cords, while

the thyro-arytenoid muscles function in balancing the entire struc-

<UFe UF `>xeSF>` d{C`F{ >xF 31M1R4:6l rxlrFx` >eE Xe FvX`X

BxXd UF >xFelXE d{C`F{ rFxMlxd UFXx MeCXle Xe Ul`EXeS UF

ture and in shortening the vocal cords to the proper degree and

not too much. The relatively longer vocal cords would naturally tend

to produce a better q

uality of tone as well as a far fuller one. This

^bXDR@DR@l lM UF lC>` ClxE{ > UF >xFelXE FeE >jE F CxXCq

gives a further reason why the voice which is registered properly

UxlXE d{C`F{ rFxMlxd UFXx{ Xe {xFCUXeS UF lC>` ClxE{ UX`F

UF Uxl>xFelXE d{C`F{ MeCXle Xe B>`>eCXeS UF FeXxF {C
xF >eE Xe {UlxFeXeS UF lC>` ClxE{ l UF rxlrFx EFSxFF >eE

sounds so much better, and is so much more powerful than the

improperly registered, or the unregistered, voice. I

the fact that the mix

f we add to this

ed-register voice must be throaty and that

throatiness interferes with the free vibration of the vocal cords and

eliminates pharyngeal resonance adj

RTblbTTlOd4Bl 8UFxF`>XF``leSFx lC>` ClxE{ l`Ee>x>``FeE

l rxlECF > BFFx v>`X lM leF >{ F`` >{ > M>x Q``Fx leF# ;X{

ustment, it is not difficult to

understand why such incredible changes can be made in the power

and q

uality and most of its power when

it is incorrectly trained and the registration becomes mix


SXF{ > MxUFx xF>{le U UF lXCF UXCU X xFSX{FxFE rxlrFy`

{leE{ {l dCU BFFx >eE X{ {l dCU dlxF rlFxM` U>e UF

uality of the voice under proper training and, inversely, why

even the greatest voice loses its q


XdrxlrFx` xFSX{FxFE lx UF exFSX{FxFE lXCF% 1M F >EE l

UF M>C U> UF dXFExFSX{Fx lXCF d{ BF Uxl> >jE U>

Uxl>XeF{{ XeFxMFxF{ XU UF MxFF XBx>Xle lM UF lC>` ClxE{ >eE

F`XdXj>F{ rU>xeSF>` xF{le>eCF >E[{Fe X X{ ew EXNC` l
eEFx{>eEU {CU XeCxFEXB`F CU>eSF{ C>e BF d>EF Xe F rlFx
>eE v>`X lM UF lXCF eEFx rxlrFx x>XeXkS >jE XeFx{F` U
FFe UF SxF>F{ lXCF`p{F{ X{ v>`X >jE dl{ lM X{ rlFx UFe
X X{ XjClxxFC` >XeFE >eE UF xFSX{x>Xlj BFCldF{ dXFE)


'I@XD0` I3`  :\0.N06:QS0N` &I:-0Q`


olume of Mix

ed-register V

True, certain mix


ed-register voices can mak

these cases the neck

e a lot of noise. I

tension is very great and an ex

E    K,

 '   +  #   4
2   +  '   
 , #  
  #  #
    K # XK #  3
K #   ~@
  K#$ A 



Q# E A#
  K  ## #+ 
#      K
   !   K
'   K  
# #  ' $
   ##   K,

tremely strong

breath blast is forced through the glottis which is closed by tension

on the constrictor muscles. W hen tension on the muscles of the neck

and j

aw and the strength of the thyro-arytenoid muscles are suffi-

ciently developed, the singer may be able to force out a loud noise,

but this noise is not singing

it is most unpleasant to any ear which

can detect the difference between good and bad q

teacher who engenders mix

uality. The vocal

ed registration may actually lik

e the

unpleasant noises which are emitted by his own pupils. H e may

even prefer them to good q

uality tones, and deliberately strive to

teach his pupils to produce shrill, harsh, mix




ed-register sounds.

re Not Necessarily Bad

To many individuals the elimination of the break

registers becomes a sort of "

who has a break


in her voice is j

between the

They think

that the singer

ust no good. True, a perfectly-

produced voice is co-ordinated. Nevertheless, this is only true of

O1*>Q` N1` JS` 0-0QQ*O;A^`

a really perfect voice. Many very fine singers have had a definite,

and q

uite pronounced, break

. Their registers were well matched

and the intensity line was satisfactory

but, they had a break

.O n

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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the other hand, some of the most unpleasant and throatiest voices

have no break

The absolute mix

ed-register voice has no break

Thus, the singer whose voice is completely mix

ed can swell and

decrescendo the tone without a register transition, and in many

cases, can cover a relatively wide range and mak

W hy, then, is this not the perfect condition?

The mix

e a lot of noise.

The answer is simple!

ed-register voice is not only altogether throaty and of most

unpleasant q

uality to the discriminating ear, but also, it is never

really in tune. F

urthermore, this technic is physically harmful. I

actual fact it is not, in the true sense of the word, singing.

ntonation and Q uality

Unfortunately there are a great many persons who cannot dis-

tinguish between a noise and a good q

uality tone. F

urthermore, so

many of the singers of today base their interpretation upon slurred

effects, that the entire q

to the back

uestion of intonation has been consigned

ground. Because intonation should be the first considera-

tion in the determination of pleasing q

unfortunate state of affairs.


uality, this is indeed a most

E K 
#   KM    +  
   K     w0 [ E +   
   _+   '   a  
 =     #j
 ' #   #*   
 ##    '  } '  B   ' 


 0 + E  2   ## K 9

  #     * 
 K    # 
^A $  +z E # Kg
 '     +
E    '  2 K## K,
 # M

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  q  #'# 
K+  #  
 =   K 
 '    # # _ 
# *   s K_     *  * _K# 4
 FSIF*S:IF` *F.` X*A:S^`

        _ K _  M

 Z Q   s__K_ 
K* _ 
0 _!_ !M  __

O      Q     MM

  MM Z0B  M
_   Q#   


 545?6B1C .C

c>635C: 9 C2=;C

* ! +  & ( )C %  C      ! C

!:D:A) O:S^` J3` :\0/` )F/` JJO/:F)W0/`


imilarity of Mix

ed and C

o-ordinated R

f   & &   
 &&J (       0
0 & 
O  0   J    
U( & 
&  e  &  0 +. e  +  &
. e  
6;4f;l4;Z6^} : &
    J  !!    . e  '(
0   . '     ! 2    O
+ * * 
     !!c  ( &  
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' !


'&      *    *  1

  20  !  ,
( &(&.  * 
0 &     ,
 J &   * &  @
 0( + 0 &&
 *Q +;*

& *. f '  
       -& T &  

. !  U
&&   B J    

 ! 2 ( * 

H ence, it is to the undiscriminating ear that there seems to be

but little difference between a great voice and a mix

voice. Both are without a break

. Both can mak


e a considerable

amount of sound. Both can swell and decrescendo the tone, without

a register change which is apparent to the listener. Both can cover a

considerable range. Nevertheless, one is unpleasant to listen to, off

ey, throaty and harmful to the vocal apparatus

the other is great

singing. The teacher who cannot detect the difference is in a most

unfortunate position. H e should not be teaching!

ome teachers boast that they have developed perfectly-trained,

co-ordinated voices when all they have actually succeeded in doing

was to establish complete mix

ed registration. Unfortunately, the

establishment of complete mix

ed registration is a very simple mat-

ter and by this method the break

can be eliminated only too q

and easily. H owever, under such circumstances, the "

eliminated. C




is also

omplete co-ordination is the final stage of a long and

arduous process of properly conducted, vocal training.

o-ordination S

omplete C

omplete co-ordination is never attained by the average vocal

student. O nly the ex

eldom A


ceptionally talented pupil will ever reach this

stage of development and with such a student the problem is

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relatively straightforward. The most important problem for the

teacher is the establishment and maintenance of pure registration

JD KA0S0` JIO/:F)S:JF` !0@/JD` WS):F0/`

and the maintenance of a proper balance between the registers.

H e must not be obsessed by the idea of eliminating the break

in the

&&   '  

. m *  , !& ;*  
!! & ' ( (   &
' !  
  !0  &
  * &J
. =  &! 0  ( 
   ( &  0;  
   cf;} ( &

    !!  0  0    ( .
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 !! *  0 + &
&  * 0a 0 . =       (  *  ; 

 !     0 +
   &   &  !&  &

  !    !&&  &J2

voice, or he will inevitably do irreparable harm.

W hen the training process is carried out properly, the break

in no way obj


ectionable. The registers soon match really well, and

the presence of a break

does not interfere with the pupil'

s artistic


and musical performance of the compositions she sings.

Premature E

limination of Break

The elimination of the break

liminates V


, at too early a stage, is contingent

upon the elimination of the voice. The voice with a break

can be a

nearly great voice. O nly a few singers throughout the ages have

established a condition of complete co-ordination. O f the others, all

the finest voices have had a definite break

that it is ex


tremely unlik

. Thus, the fact remains

ely that the average pupil will establish

O0D)SXO0` A:D:F)S:JF` J3`

O0)>` A:D:F)S0Q` &J:-0`

=    0 +    *    &  k

!  &   & . = '   0 +  0
  *   ' . m *          '
0 &
k  !  P
&. m   
 B    ' 

B 0 + =     
 &  ,(  *  +    J !! & 0 

 545?6B1C .C

c>635C: 9 C2=;C

* ! +  & ( )C %  C      ! C


complete co-ordination of the registers, because there are only a

very few singers who could ever, even under the best possible train-

ing, attain this ideal condition. The teacher who has several so-called



in inducing mix

Pure "

voices among his pupils has really succeeded only

ed registration.

O pen"

The sound of a pure, "

egistration E




2      ` ( 
7 v

stablishes Good Q uality

falsetto, or lower-register, tone is

always beautiful. The sound of a mix

ed-register tone is unpleasant

"UL4\ !J4F\ $48:ORL,R:IF\ OR,.A:O94O\ II1\ #U,A:R[\


and it is always more or less out of tune.

ctually, the use of two, properly defined registers is desirable,

because the j

udicious employment of the registers gives rise to many

interesting, and artistic, interpretive and color effects. F


the fact that even the completely co-ordinated voice has pure,

defined registration must not be lost sight of. Pure registration is not

lost when co-ordination is attained and the interpretive effects

depending upon the register change are used by both the co-

ordinated voice and the properly registered voice which has a


To sum up: The presence of a break

fault. C

is not a serious technical

omplete co-ordination can occur only with a few phenome-

nally talented singers. Premature co-ordination merely means mix

treme throatiness, bad q

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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registration, which spells ex


uality and vocal

destruction. The teacher must be able to distinguish between good

and bad q

uality, which are synonymous with pure and mix

tration. H e must not worry about the presence of a break

ed regis-


can be satisfactorily dealt with without the necessity of destroying

the voice by mix

ing the registers, and eliminating it in this manner.

O nly the best and worst voices have no break

stages a break

the stage at which pure, "


n all the intermediate

co-ordinated registration would be

possible without a great deal of technical work

with a break


is present. There is no living singer who is nearly at

. Therefore, a singer

could, today, be the greatest singer in the world.

limination of E

ither R

egister I

s Destructive

W hile the elimination of the lower register is absolutely destruc-

tive technically, the elimination of the falsetto is eq

tunate. S

ome teachers work

of the falsetto. I

ually unfor-

on the lower register to the detriment

f the lower register tension is too great for the fal-

setto tension (thyroid development is not balanced with arytenoid

development), the arytenoid cartilages must inevitably "




2 7H  2 

    (     '3
L  2    2 



V 1 9

 P    5 |





(   ( 
 = a  3
8 |


 2     '
 2  \ o   

  1 (  
  \ 2   

 8 T   

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#1 A


#  2 "   

A:E:F,R:IF\ I7\ :R94L\ $48:OR4L\ O\ 4ORLU/R:V4\


     2           \  
* c  


   * > . 

  J "  
      7 2H 


the result that the cords shorten and the thyro-arytenoid action

becomes ex

cessive. This action, in turn, automatically mix

lower register. Thus, the end result


es the

ed registration

is the same

as that brought about by the teacher who trains the falsetto, or



ed register, only. I

t is, in fact, j

ust as unfortunate, because the

of falsetto action produces a very unpleasant q

and the complete lack

uality indeed,

of stabilization of tension on the vocal cords

causes the pitch to wander in a most distressing manner.

elationship of H yoid Bone and Thyroid C

This ex

planation of mix

register is mix

ed registration indicates why, when one

ed, the other must be mix

arytenoid cartilages ex


.         _    

  '  * (    "  "     ' 
  * ("   Y '   h   
           .  " 
 '  "  * > "   " e  "   
 #             f "
     #   p         
         P  *

ed also. The "


of the

$3B,R:IFO9:J\I7\[I:1\ IF3\ ,F1\'9[MI:1\,NR:B,83\

plains why the thyroid cartilage rotates and

closes the space between its upper, posterior edges and the hyoid

bone. (S

ee F

ig. 21.) I

t also serves as a further ex

planation of the

helpful effect of pulling down the thyroid cartilage and of the manip-

ulation which opens up the space between the hyoid bone and

thyroid cartilage.

The registers must be completely separated and balanced, and

this balance must be maintained at all stages of training. No vocal

improvement is possible without this work

on the laryngeal muscles.

O ne-register singing always leads to mix

ed registration

the worst

which spells vocal degeneration and ultimate

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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of all technical faults

vocal destruction.


ed R

egistration and Pitch A

The pitch change, in absolute mix



ed registration, is in all proba-

bility primarily a function of the thyro-arytenoid muscles. Under

such circumstances, changes in the balance of tension between the

thyroid and arytenoid groups of muscles, as the pitch changes, do

not occur. Thus, changes of pitch will, under these conditions,

depend more or less upon the shortening or lengthening of the

vocal cords through the action of the thyro-arytenoid muscles, while

  '     '      "  

    '"      '  = (  M  
K G c 9 * ;Q >       '    
  V       B
(            " 
                * b  
 r      #   *
Uw          '  Y 

the co-ordination of the crico-thyroid and the crico-arytenoid mus-

cles remains virtually constant. Therefore, it is not only possible for

the singer, whose registration is completely mix

as he lik


ed-register control.

t is impossible for the singer, whose voice is registered properly,

to slur beyond a certain degree, because when he starts a slur, he

establishes the co-ordination of the laryngeal muscles for the first


:Z31\ $38:ORM,R:IF\ ,F1\ ":R/9\ 1=UORE3FR\

ed, to slur as much

es, but such slurring actually helps him to establish his

(    "     '   "    B

           v   * k
        "      " 
RTbl  * ("       "     "
         3   "  
 3      3     3  B
      * ("         
  "          '"      
 's   *
>       "       "
       "        " 
   w          d




sound he emits. This sound is below, and often far below, the pitch

he intends ultimately to sing. Therefore, the balance of tension

between the crico-thyroid and crico-arytenoid muscles is entirely

out of adj

ustment. The amount of falsetto tension is then far less

than it should be. This maladj

ustment can be very great, because

some singers may slur at least an octave. Under such circumstances

the laryngeal adj

ustment is so far out of balance that a very great

strain is thrown on the vocal apparatus. F

who is registered and "

opened up,"

or this reason the singer

but who slurs badly, may be

unable to sustain the effort necessary to sing through a song.

lurring always throws the laryngeal balance out of adj


W hen the falsetto register is in action this effect is most pronounced.

n fact, if the slur is too great, the production of a pure falsetto

tone is impossible to accomplish. Thus, in the early stages of train-

ing, some men, who slur badly, may fail to establish a pure falsetto

until they have learned to overcome, or at any rate modify, this

fault. The falsetto is so weak

for the low tones that, if the slur starts

at about middle G, no pure falsetto establishment is possible. This

is another reason why the proper attack

of the tone is so vital a

phase of the technic.

The persistent slurrer always tends to mix


the registration be-

, the arytenoid cartilages

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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cause, if the falsetto action is very weak


and mix

ed registration results. S

uch mix

ture may be of the

temporary type, but if the slurring is persisted in too long, muscular,

permanent mix

ed registration will be established.

The slur is always accompanied by a completely wrong "

the resonance cavities. I

ment is "

out of tune"

to the ex


opened up,"

registered singer cannot go on singing if he slurs badly

uired to actuate a badly "


tent determined by the magnitude

of the slur. This is another reason why the "



f the throat is open, the resonance adj



the effort

resonance cavity is too great.

The effort necessary to sing will then be determined by the degree

of maladj

ustment of the laryngeal muscles and by the degree to

which the resonance cavities are "

out of tune."

This effort can build

up, in bad cases, until the slurring pupil is forced to stop singing

in the middle of a song.

Proper Technic More Difficult Than Throaty Technic

t is not as simple a matter for the properly-trained singer to go

through a song as it is for the throaty one. True, if the former has

learned to control his voice and to center the pitch consistently, the

effort (not energy) req


uired is very slight, and he can go on singing

    M 8    !#   " "!

       M 8 "#   ! 
!    4h     4h        
 > J M 8    " "       " 
     !M 8  J   ! , # !4
    4-M (  
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< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

   *  !   K    *  

   ! 6 g  ! !        

for hours without strain or fatigue. H is throat always feels comforta-


he does not tire. But

/O     "f       $   u6

 +  ,  ,   , ,   +  "/

he can never slur badly and he must be

absolutely sure of every phase O f the composition he is singing.

Pitch, time spot, accent, rhythm, tempo, changes of tempo, phras-

ing, dynamics, the words, etc., must be "


1!, Lf! ,  *,  6 ,   +X      "

!0 :! $  ! ![ k 6  " /
  !K 2 ,   b1!Mw fCU<1bw     " *A6 2
%     !+     / {      "/

as must be the register

changes and the color and emotional effects. Uncertainty leads

to slurring. Therefore, the real singer must be a hard work

er. The

structure of the composition, the musical figures and the phras-

ing must be work

this structure. I

ed out and the color effects made according to

    *A    $  k     

  D  K z   u ,  !!  * 

f this is not done, he cannot perform with command

and freedom. The student who wants to be a great singer must

realize that hard work

him. I

on all the phases of his art is demanded of

of sincere, artistic talent, to slur through a song and mak

sentimental, "




effects. These effects tak

   " *A ! !PMw $        

e cheap,

e the form of slurring,

6 z  f  , *  $   ! 

and of constantly changing the intensity of a single tone,

etc. They constitute a bag of trick

 K 2    *  *       

t is easy for anyone, who has the necessary nerve and lack

, X k  6 2  k  A   &   "BJ

uch a singer is, indeed, better off if his voice is throaty and his

registration mix

ed. H e can then, and only then, mak

effects which are his stock

e the cheap

=X    u      B &'J

in trade.

 6 2 f   

The properly-trained singer must not only sing technically well

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all the time, maintaining absolute precision of intonation, but he

alsetto and Mix

The chief cause of mix

ed R

/ ;6   $u+    + /A   '/

egistration (Male)

ed registration in men'

s voices is lack

noid "


k  *    fjX'Jw EUw j`!*1w

2      !      *'


falsetto development. W hen there is a lower register only, a man'

voice is inevitably mix

ed. Because he has not developed the aryte-

the arytenoid cartilages "

the registration becomes mix

falsetto tones are far too "


and when they "

   ,       !/+   

  [|  !  u    !K


ed. The man who apparently sings

falsetto, actually employs a mix

ed registration, because the lower


soft and unestablished to be sing-

able in the pure falsetto. H e must, therefore, "

lutely throaty and this inevitably mix

%!<w X6w j`C'Jfw  /  / / 6

p   , +  k  $ &   &/  

must also be an artist and a musician.

Pure F

U1`q1w   A

  ,  +          /A J

s and are artistically valueless.


es the falsetto. I

and go abso-

!^U2d ,HX2ZZRd ,N0d  Db20d #2<CXZU,ZCRNd  ,H1d

n fact, the

typical falsetto singer of today is unable to produce a pure falsetto

tone. I


n ex


The parallel to this sort of technic with the man'




2      ; ! ! !  '   A &N

: 6 o u $   *  f+  /

treme cases, the pure register is permanently lost.

ed-register C


s voice is the

   ! ;6      !    /'

!L ,X     =,X  *   f =B'

coloratura soprano. H er singing also is without any

legitimate message and she would be unable to perform her silly


  !   ;6 2   *  " B

[+   f &  ; B+  / ' ' &*"
 !    =+X   /    B
 !     6   + $+ * !X   /&
       ! e   6 j  J '
\ C 7!Q1jjXw fCU<1bw  /    "    " /
!6 z! ; ,       !! 6

2  \[        *$        
] A` X   ! 6  ! &  *   !f
  ! JB=L  D!    


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 


s if she were to be trained properly. The very high tones sung

in the "




are undoubtedly produced with a mix

register. The vocal cords are ex


tremely short and the control is

entirely on constriction. This technic depends primarily upon the

employment of the neck


very successful radio coloratura soprano by shutting off her

falsetto completely for all of her upper tones, brought her voice

down as far as B

two spaces above the treble clef. S

formerly been able to sq


he had

, or even G, above high C

dition of her voice was very bad. H er head was so lock

. The con-

ed down for

the upper tones that, at first, it could not be moved. By establishing

her lower register the vocal condition was immediately relieved.

The remark

able thing, however, was that she was able to carry her

lower register up to F

below this F

above high C

when she could only sing the D,

, in the falsetto, which register was at this stage too

constricted to go any higher because of her previous training. I

as ex

treme a case as this the octave reflection between the registers

does not hold, until such time as the constriction and the mix


of the falsetto have been abated, and this register can be sung with

an opening of the throat which corresponds with the opening for

the lower register. This process of carrying up the lower register

tremely rare instances, and

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very high should be employed only in ex

practically never now that the laryngeal controls can be used.*

this case, however, the voice was so balanced to falsetto that it

proved highly beneficial.

The very high, lower-register tones were ex

somewhat mix



ll very high tones, which are not produced properly, are apt to be


cessively "

are "




W hen they are derived from the falsetto, they

thin and sq


y. They are, then, actually sung in the

ed falsetto and controlled by means of the muscles of the neck

and j



tremely "

ed. They were used to develop the thyroid muscles.


ing this case into consideration, and also the fact that all




ciated with mix

tones are thin, "


and shrill and are, therefore, asso-

ed registration, which always has these characteris-

tics, and also bearing in mind the fact that pictures of the larynx

show that these tones are produced with very short vocal cords, we

The high, "


lower-register tones are still used very occasionally,

and the very high, falsetto tones occasionally in certain special cases in order

to pull on the laryngeal muscles, despite the fact that this "



is at the

pense of the throat muscles. These tones should never be sustained. W hen

this device is employed the pupil is told to run rapid arpeggios without holding

the upper tone.


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dM M M

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

seem to have an interesting corroboration of this theory of mix

     0     Y  ;




Balanced Development of Both R


Proper S


To sum up: The development of the lower register strengthens the

,H,N.20d 2_2HRSL2NZd R5d RZ?d #2<CXZ2UX!UR S2Ud $ZUCN<CN<d

thyroid muscles, especially the crico-thyroid muscles which stretch

the vocal cords, with the result that this development may be con-

2   2    *   

sidered as a process which lengthens the vocal cords, for any given

pitch, and at the same time holds them in greater tension.

   +     `     *   

The development of the falsetto strengthens the arytenoid muscles,

   + *    /      

which hold the arytenoid cartilages firm, and thus allows the thyroid

muscles to ex

     *  P1U<j?1Ufw    /  + &  

ert an augmented tension.

Both arytenoid and thyroid muscles must be developed simul-

 +      &   / .

2   +

taneously, because the stringing of the vocal cords depends upon

the "


be in eq

and "

uilibrium. I


at each end, and this "


and "

f one set of muscles is overdeveloped, eq



*  0 {+ / /*  

    ;    .


librium is destroyed, with the result that the thyro-arytenoid muscles

must come into ex

cessive tension (mix

ed registration), thereby


/ +     fjaCU<CU<w    /   &

shortening the cords and reducing their tension for the given pitch.

The more out of balance the system becomes, the greater becomes

the thyro-arytenoid tension necessary for the establishment of any

  X   X    +    &X   X  

  ] C . j        &+ ] 

given pitch. Thus, overdevelopment of either the falsetto or lower

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

register throws the system out of balance, and the further this un-

balanced development is carried, the worse (more mix

geal adj

ed) the laryn-

C +*  / /&  

    ;   ;  +  
f?Xaj1UCV<w            .

ustment becomes.

Unbalanced R

egistration Leads to Mix

ed R


Unbalance of the state of development of the two registers always

results in mix

ed registration. The further such unbalance is carried,

2      /      +     

  `       & /

the worse this condition becomes.

This provides another reason why the radio crooner, who uses

falsetto only, may sound q

uite pleasant, provided that she always

sings very sofdy, because this ex

  . 2 +      / & *

0 *  f    / +        
/    +  *  ;  
 c    K

tremely gentle form of phonation

develops the laryngeal muscles very slowly. Thus, she may be able

to sing in a relatively pure falsetto for several years and her voice

may continue to sound more or less pleasant when amplified. O f

course, as soon as the thyro-arytenoid muscles start to develop, even

slightly, mix

ed registration is initiated and this state of affairs is

often hastened because of the direct interference with the laryngeal

( N -,H,N.2/d #2<CXZU,ZCRNd 3,/Xd ZRd Cb20d #2<CXZU,ZCRNd

action which occurs because of the absolute constriction of the

throat, which is a necessary concomitant of radio technic. A


s soon

//    * *

   ; /. 2       /+
 *  &  .
2  &   / *    + *  
/ + /   ]       */
  +  /   ;  &  &
   CC     *. 2  +    C
    /     / /    
 &   &    C  / * {. 
 +   /   `f    / & &+ 
+ ; /&     /  k/ 
& /  /  &    "  *  /"/
/  *          &  "   
Y/+ *     f    /   . x 


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

 bbl    lD   ,b 

as deterioration


ed registration

commences, the voice degen-

erates rapidly.

O pening the V

oice in S



The proper development of the voice proceeds in stages. A

s the

strength of the lower-register muscles increases, the length of the

vocal cords for the given pitch augments. The additional tension

necessary for the longer cords, if they are to vibrate at the same


uency as the shorter cords, must be look

ed after by an eq


development of the falsetto register which holds the stringing of

the vocal cords at the arytenoid end against this increased tension.

W e have then, in effect, a larger vibrator. This larger vibrator must

then be acoustically coupled with a bigger resonator. Therefore, as

soon as an improvement in the registration action, i.e., a balanced

development of the laryngeal muscles, has been established, an



of the laryngeal pharynx

, i.e., development of the tongue

muscles, must be engendered.

This "


process occurs in stages. E

ach stage of develop-

ment proceeds in these two phases:

1. The development of the laryngeal muscles

2. F

urther opening of the throat

ach time this two-phase opening occurs, the q

uality and power

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

of the voice improve.

nitial "

O pening"

ery Pronounced

W hen the lower register is first brought into play, the increased

stretching action of the crico-thyroid muscles immediately, greatly

8   H- '   ,  H b 7 Z  

 & '   .m  4 VD     '  
- H ' A  -  4 Y 8  HH      
4 '     HD '     , !    
'j 4   H D !LH'! j H
H-  '   ' &  .  H      
 -44H      H  H    b H   7
X -  D sD  - !Y 8   - ! 
 ! 4 4 4H.   !  Y 'D 
   <-<         D XC  ! H
H-<  '    & 4D V ! !  HD 
F &E'    D XC - '   &
8  F &E 4 4  Y 4  ' H-
  4H  .  

augments the length of the vocal cords. This demands a definite,

rather sudden "


of the laryngeal pharynx

. Later "

8  H-< '  4

] v   '  


are far less pronounced, because the change from virtually no lower-

register action to definite lower-register development is far more

pronounced than the mere increases in the degree of crico-arytenoid

(balanced with crico-thyroid) tension. Thus, the initial "


which occurs when pure registration is first established, is ex

radical. The increase in power and the improvement in q

very mark


4   .m    D   j +  .

'   -  ,Y

uality are

ed. Later developments, while they improve the q


#gVxV>` .
mGgVgQ ;Gr 0qkgk~gCGE

and in a decreasing degree, augment the power, are far less radical

than this first big change-over from constriction to opening tension.

The later "


become less pronounced as the limits to possible

muscular development are approached. I


n the final stages, at which

X    b  [ !  b  D   b 

  4  '    4h  H  H  D 
<   & '   -4 4HY 8  H H  H[ D
 HH F &'   &   7  F E
'  HD!4 4  '-  .
     H[  .m  H, ~ ' 
 H    4  H' 4m  bH
! 4H .   h  H   7 8D     F D
. 4 4. &   [!  HD  ;1
H 4Y 8  4 .  H A <-<  j  
, LH7  H-< D .a    <- a j  D
 H  H  HD  .D  '   
    [ ! &   &h->< 4  4    &   Y
8 F &VE!4  4Ha   !
 H-<   7 f  [  D  . b

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

QrnulWW Qr1yRbpIbrp rQQy~ _W bnuyrWnWp~ ]WpWyIll IjW _W

Xryn rX I nWllrbp] rX W vIlb b_ N lblW bpQyWI~W bp _W

urWy ru*
complete co-ordination occurs, the improvements generally tak

form of a mellowing of the q

e the

"' - "-
 *#%&#- " -

uality, with but little increase in the

power output.

ound of a Mix

B_W yWIRWy _W_Wy _W NW I ~bp]Wy I rQIl ~RWp ry I WIQ_Wy

~_rlRNW INlW ryWQr]pbW _W ~rpR rX InfWRyW]b~Wy rpW _Wp

_W_WIy~ b+
2N~rlW nbWRyW]b~Wy ~bp]bp] b~ pr vbW _W ~InW Xry Nr_

ed-register Tone

The reader, whether he be a singer, a vocal student or a teacher,

should be able to recognize the sound of a mix

ed register tone when

he hears it.

bsolute mix


es. I

ed-register singing is not q

singing. The type of mix

as "


uite the same for both

n the case of a man it is based upon soft rather than loud

ed falsetto."

~WW~+ :p _W QI~W rX I nIp b b~ NI~WR urp ~rX yI_Wy _Ip lrR

ture engendered can usually be designated

This means that there is an absolute lack

~bp]bp]* B_W uW rX nbyW Wp]WpRWyWR QIp ~IllNW RW~b]pIWS

I~ nbWR XIl~Wr, B_b~ nWIp~ _I WyW b~ Ip IK~rlW lIQj rX


lower-register balance. But, because the falsetto does not come into

action at full voice until the tone E

resultant effect will be that a mix

flat above high C

is reached, the

lrWyyW]b~Wy NIlIpQW* 3 NWQI~W _W XIl~Wr RrW~ pr QrnW bpr

ed-falsetto technic is induced in

IQbrpI XllrbQWpbl_WrpW 6 \I INrW_b]_ 4 b~ yWIQ_WR _W

the area of the voice in which the lower register should be function-

ing. Thus, the intensity is relatively low, and for the lower pitches

it is very low. H ence, when the registration of a man'


ed, the lower tones are at all times ex

fades out almost completely at the bottom of the range. A

degree of mix

and the voice

ny definite

ed registration eliminates the lowest tones and renders

the lower tones which can be sung weak

b b~ Wy lr* 9WpQW _Wp _W yW]b~xIbrp rX I nIp ~ rbQW b~

nbWR_WlrWyrpW~IyW I IllnW~ WyWnWlWIjIpR_WrbQW
XIRW~ r Ilnr~ QrnulWWl I_WNrrn rX _W yIq]W, 2p RW[pbW

and inane.

s the pitch rises, the intensity augments rapidly and the highest

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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yW~lIp WZWQ bll NW _I I nbWRXIl~Wr WQ_pbQ b~ bpRQWR bp

_WIyWIrX_WrbQWbp_bQ__WlrWy yW]b~Wy ~_rlR NW XpQbrp
bp], B_~ _W epWp~b b~ yWlIbWl lr IpR Xry _W lrWy ubQ_W~

s voice is

tremely weak

tones which can be reached are relatively loud. The sound is always

thin, pinched, throaty and either "



W hen the tone is sung loudly the throatiness is ex

or "

white throaty."

RW]yWW rX nbWR yW]b~Ibrp WkbnbpIW~ _W lrW~ rpW~ IpR yWpRWy~

_WlrWy rpW~_bQ_QIpNW ~p]WIj IpR bpIpW*
2~ _WubQ_ yb~W~ _W bpWp~b I]nWp~ yIubRl IpR _W _b]_W~

tremely pro-

nounced and it is always accompanied by a high degree of



or nasal, shrillness. A

t fortissimo it is distressingly shrill

in fact, it is, actually, merely a blatant scream. A

screaming, shrill q

t low intensity this

uality is abated and an apparently "



rpW~ _bQ_ QIpNW yWIQ_WR IyW yWlIbWl lrR* B_W ~rpR b~ IlI~


can be employed, despite the fact that the throaty characteristic is

present at all intensities. Thus, the q

at low than at high intensity. F

_bp ubpQ_WR _yrI IpR Wb_Wy _bQj _yrI ry _bW yrI*

uality is apparently far better

F_Wp _W rpW b~ ~p] lrRl _W _yrIbpW~~ b WyWnWl uyr

or this reason the radio crooner (the

prpQWR IpR b b~ IlI~ IQQrnuIpbWR K I _b]_ RW]yWW rX

singer who employs a radio technic) always sings very softly, under

which circumstances the sound, when reproduced, can be appar-

ently pleasing to the uninitiated ear. This crooning, soft, mix


falsetto singing may sound pleasant to the individual who lik

es that

_bp_bWrypI~Il ~_ybmpW~~* 2Xryb~~fnr b b~ Rb~yW~~bp]l ~aybkk

bp XIQ b b~ IQIll nWyWl INlIIp ~QyWIn, 2 lr bpWp~bb~

~QyWInbp] ~_ybll vIlb b~ INIWR IpR Ip IuuIyWpl RIyj vIlb

sort of thing. Many hate it, however, because it is always charac-

terized by a pronouncedly effeminate q

male, mix

uality, with the result that the

ed-register singer always sounds j

singer, especially when he sings softly. E

ust lik

QIp NW WnulrWR RW~ubW _W XIQ _I _W _yrI Q_IyIQWyb~bQ b~

e a throaty, female

uyW~Wp I Ill bpWp~bbW~ B_~ _W vIlb b~ IuuIyWpl XIy NWWy

ffeminate singing does

not become a man!


I lr _Ip I_b]_ bpWp~b* 7ry _b~ yWI~rp _W yIRbr QyrrpWy _W

~bp]Wy_r Wnulr~ I yIRbr WQ_pbQ  IlI~ ~bp]~ Wy ~rXl pRWy

_bQ_ QbyQn~IpQW~ _W ~rwpR _Wp yWuyrRQWR QIp KW IuuIy

Wpl ulWI~bp] r _W pbpbbIWR WIy* B_b~ Qyrrpbp] ~rX nbWR

YIl~Wr ~bp]bp] nI ~rpR ulWI~Ip r _W bpRbbRIl _r lbjW~ _I

~ry rX _bp]+ =Ip _IW b _rWWy NWQI~W b b~ IlI~ Q_IyIQ

WybWRNIuyrprpQWRlWZWnbpIW vIlb b__W yW~l _I_W

oIlWnbWRyW]b~Wy ~bp]Wy IlI~ ~rpR~ h~ lbjW I _yrI XWnIlW
bp]Wy W~uWQbIll _Wp _W ~bp]~ ~rXl+ 6ZWnbpIW ~bp]bp] RrW~
pr NWQrnW InIp


Because all loud, mix

strained, there'

ed-register singing is very pushed and

is a pronounced tendency, on the part of the mix


register singer, to constantly swell slightly and then immediately

soften the tone. H e practically never holds any tone at constant

intensity. The thin, shrill, nasal q

uality, which is characteristic of

this type of singing, accentuates the higher harmonics in the tone

and, for this reason, the pitch which is being sung sounds higher,

and usually much higher, than it really is. The apparently "



uality, which can be employed at pianissimo, is not legitimately




because it is "

H owever, it is much "





primarily by means of constriction.

than the screamed fortissimo. Because

the voice sounds nicer at low intensity, the mix

is apt to sing pianissimo nearly all the time

ed-register singer

even when the intensity

should not be soft. H e is constantly chok

ing off his voice, singing

pianissimo and fading into and out of every held tone. H e is prone

to sing entire compositions in a pianissimo, mix


which sounds ex

ll male, mix

actly lik

ed falsetto "


e a throaty female voice.

ed-register voices sound more or less lik

e tenors,

although a legitimate tenor produces an entirely different sound.

This is why singers and teachers of the mix

apt to say that C

aruso had a baritone q

ed-falsetto school are

uality. H e did not!

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

the normal sound of a properly-produced, "


H is was

virile, dramatic

tenor voice. The singer whose registration is pure can always pro-

duce relatively full tones at the lower end of his range. The prop-

erly produced, light tenor voice has more power and virility at, say,

middle C


Thus, mix

(actually an octave lower) than the mix

ed registration in men'

throatiness, "

tones, lack


s voices is characterized by

shrillness, nasality, screamed high, loud

of low tones and an effeminate q

tenor of today employs some degree of mix

many of the baritones

The female, mix

ed-register bari-

uality. Practically every

ed registration, as do

the basses are apt to be less mix


ed-register singer does not necessarily sing softly.

s a matter of fact she usually sings rather loudly. S

he has no break

she may have a very wide range, she can swell and descrescendo

every tone in her voice without any register transition and she can

sing pianissimo very easily. This sounds lik

e an ideal technical con-

dition. The catch, however, lies in the fact that every tone she

produces is of actively unpleasant q

properly to q

uality to the ear which is tuned

uality and intonation. The reason why the intensity

of such a voice may be relatively high is because the mix

due primarily to a lack


ture is

of falsetto development and to an ex


y  #  ;mb     , (  

 # A       
  '  ;
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'' -      ; -

6 tntth`

G tnt x = k

Q D >W 7 I L >P F 8 C > 5 < > :3 E

*      *       

6 2       A
   6 2  *    *t   , *  

lower-register component in the range where the falsetto should

be prominent. This condition lends itself to the possibility of mak


a lot of noise. The power of a really well-produced voice, which is

registered properly, is far greater than that of the mix

" ",            e`"


     '  *"      " +

voice and this type of power manifests itself as tone and vibrancy,.

in combination with properly defined pitch, while the power of the


  * " V  , *    *"   

ed-register singer is merely noise and the intonation is never

e'`'   "       

really true. The high tones, when sung loudly, are very often sharp

 " '6 2   + *     +  '"   "

and at times very sharp indeed. This is a definite characteristic of


ed-register singing. The lower tones are weak


ed-register singer and the higher tones are merely screams. The

uality of the absolutely mix

throaty and usually very "

there is a type of mix

This type of q

ed, female voice is always ex


   "  " 6 2  I  V   

e"''" 6 2  *' '  *A  * Y +


shrill and often nasal, although

ed-register singing which is "

uality is characteristic of the mix

The high tones are always "

as with the male,



e"' '"        '  "'6 2 


]   ' m 'm e'+ ''    * e"

    m  =* +X  "   +   B

ed-register contralto.

and shrill.

onstant changing of intensity on held tones is characteristic of


ed-register singing with both sex

of defined intonation. I

      e`"  *   =  A Y6X

es, as is an almost complete lack

2    ]   " '"    e "6

ntensity changes are virtually always asso-

ciated with pronounced scooping which seems to be deliberate.

O ne-register S

ed R

2 '  ' " * =* X   6

   '  ' '  "  


ll one-register singing is somewhat mix

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

inging and Mix

ed, but when a woman

e`  *  e,       A

uses the falsetto only, and does not try to sing loudly, she may avoid

pronounced mix

ture, ex

they may not be very mix

cept for the very high tones, and even then

 V 6 j   "  * 

ed, if they are sung comparatively softly

 *   '   *  '   '"6

and never pushed too much. Thus the female, falsetto radio crooner

may retain a relatively high degree of pure registration for a few

years provided she always sings very softly. A

however, mix

ture is bound to occur. A

or less throaty and all mix


Middle R



fter a few years,

N2U2<CXZ2Ud $CN<CN<d ,N0d Cb20d #2<CXZU,ZCRNd

ll one-register singing is more

ed-register singing is absolutely throaty.

and Blending the R

x    *  e,   *   *


ed registration always occurs when the female singer tries to

develop her voice up and down from the so-called "

especially if she endeavors to "

build up"

    +       ,    

middle register,"

"   e , e '      +  '  

the power of her voice.

H owever, the chief cause of the establishment of absolute mix

 '     e,        


registration lies in the endeavor, on the part of an uninformed teacher,

to bridge over the gap, or blend, the registers;

 '   '   6 2    ', '  


he is apt, therefore,

to dodge the issue altogether either by eliminating the lower register

'" "'  *   6 x'  * "

and by only allowing his pupils to sing in the falsetto or by de-


*''+ e     6 x t   

' "   e'`"     "6

  C00H2d #2<CXZ2Ud ,N0d H2N0CN<d Z?2d #2<CXZ2UXd

e' "' m*  " * '    '" "' 
'' '"    *     =m ''"+
'' /   '"  =  X   *  "  '
''+ ' '  '        ' e
B"m' '''+ '" "' "+
  '  ' B/+ " m'+ ' "'B'"O   +  "'"+
  '   mB' '" ''"  '  ''"
   *         ' "  `


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

liberately mix




voice, and then carrying this mix

throughout the entire range. The "

the registers in the middle of the

ed registration up and down


teacher may retain

        . 2  =`X    

a more or less pure falsetto, provided that he never allows his

 "     +      * 

pupils to sing out loud, but under these circumstances, their voices

are apt to be so weak

that they are virtually inaudible in an audi-

 [      +        +    

torium. Therefore, when these pupils try to sing loudly enough to


be audible in an auditorium, they unavoidably force, or push, the

falsetto and, for this reason, they inevitably start to engender mix


registration. The result is that their voices deteriorate rapidly. This


plains why the "


of the break

has been responsible for the

destruction of so many naturally fine voices.

Good q

uality depends, primarily, upon pure, properly-balanced

registration and pharyngeal resonance adj

ustment, but it depends

upon pure registration more than upon any other single factor.


ed-register singing is always very throaty and of most unpleasant

uality. Mix

[ ;g[Xg    Y [   

 +       ;    *

ed registration is the most pernicious of all technical

  2 + *   '   " &      

       +   <& &" +   +  
 + &   +       ;
& 2         &  ""  2 
;*     &'A /O "& 
  &   V< & .
 ]  + +   + ` 


"&    "  c +    


  " &          .

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;""  * &   


Cs4*w `4<Cfj`!jCXUw 4C j?4w SXejw Z4`UC'CXoew X6w !PPw j4'?UC'!Mw


) 535=5A0B,>B


* <425 :+ 6B /;6C

  ) ) 

hapter 12





Discussions thus far have centered on ex




ercises in which only

single tones, or more or less disconnected tones, are used. Never-

theless the basis of singing lies in the ability of the singer to encom-

pass a melodic line, i.e., to sing a melody. To teach the pupil how

"R5vB} "

to sing a melody properly it is essential for him to do most of his


with a simple tune and not on single tones. F

melody, the maj

or triad (ascending and descending) should be

employed, most of the time. Problems involved are j


or this reason a

ed out with the maj

or triad, and ex


ust as well

, : ," *: 6" 
:   :

ercises which are difficult

to learn introduce unnecessary problems for the pupil, who should

    '     ;     :1

 &:  D    :     D  Y 
: !  'V & & :  ! :  '  &  
  :  : D X C   &  :1Y 8   ~: 
  &  :1 :1     : '  <    '  
L %   <:        &:  u v a   
:1D  J     &     & a: !
<:1D  '   Y !: :  J%  ::
L   % a J  D   ;   a   :%
% :   1 !: '   :O  :
!>::14  4   &  : 4%   a 4
%a %4 &   u :    1  'O %O  !
% a a  :  L &          7
a   '   %   :      
4% a  'm;   !u
a :1 %&  &:   : !   & : 
L & %  D1 &:  4J %OuO %
6%4 &  1 % !:u { &:   a: : ! 
>< %     & a     &  O  <L
4%  J% u y  J    !   
 ''4 :LY

be fully occupied in concentrating on the technical directions which

the teacher gives him. Melodic and rhythmic forms, etc., can be

studied when the pupil is work

ing on repertoire and musicianship.

n this phase of his studies he should transpose the music down an

octave and thus save his voice from over-tax

ation and abuse.

n the early stages single tones should be used a great deal to


on registration, pharyngeal resonance adj

introducing any other problems. S

ustment, etc., without

ingle tones should also be used

from time to time throughout the entire training period, to mak

ustments. But the maj

medium for most of the technical work


ibility and Legato S

or triad can be used as the

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certain new adj


Much has been said about flex

ibility in singing. F


ibility and

rapidity of muscular response are absolutely essential components

of a proper technic. H owever, the fact remains that both these

factors are j

ust as important for the proper ex

ecution of a slow

legato passage as for the rapid runs of the coloratura. The reason

why this is so is not far to seek

time req

, in view of the fact that the actual

uired to move the voice from the center of one tone to the

center of the nex

t is virtually a constant

one vibrato. I

lag occurs in a legato passage, the singer will either slur or j


f the slightest



_GVBV_Vx ?gE (GQ?xk 5VgQVgQ

  !   !% ; ! : 1  & &u v:;q! :  
  %1 ' <:    !::1   :   z
>   4 u iO  '    !% a
'4  J%  %  '   ;4%  '  :
:& &  '      '  :u 8a 
a     z' LD  ' '  o
q j      4 '    '    
 %' ;  ::    l  !u >a : &
:&  b  :&&D   &  ::   :  JL

6 uouui^

G tnu A = j

Q D ?W 7 J M >P F8 C > 5 < > :3 E

' ' " ' '    !'; !L   LS '  
he moves from one tone to the nex

t and the melodic line and the

' '+ S *   L  " S '   * '  ' '" 

legato are destroyed.

H ence, it will be found in practice that when the singer has

learned to connect his tones together properly in a legato passage,

it is easy for him to run scale passages and the constant practising of

scales and high speed runs is unnecessary. I

f he

or she


sing legato passages properly, it is impossible for him to run scale

passages and it is deleterious for him to endeavor to do so. W hen

he is technically eq

uipped to move his voice properly with the neces-

sary speed of muscular response, constant practising of scales, etc., is


f one triad were to be sung perfectly, the entire voice would be

perfect, because no one triad could be perfect unless all the technical

problems had been work

ed out completely. The ability to sing perfect

n actual practice, the learning of repertoire, and the attainment

of a high degree of artistry in the interpretation of the repertoire,

is a long and arduous task

which tak

es much more time, even with

the most talented pupil, than does the technical training of the voice.

precision, in any given time-form and tempo, without slurring,

haracteristics of a Tune

ing, "


uality but also a definite duration.

'S'  '] ''  ''*S ' ' 

"''  ''+ "  ['P  .+
"' .
'"' +'  ''L  '''  ' '' !S [
"'O ''*"A'  ''K 2 ' S ' 
 '"  *S' '   '!    '  S  ! "K

' '' +   ' ' S ! ' '.

''" ''+ ' S  !'  ' ' ' * O '

The series of tones comprising a melody must be sung at a given

' S+ ! !  '`  '+ *SY   S!+

c'"A+ SS+X ' .+ '   S!!K

tempo, in a given time form, and each tone must be held at its

proper pitch for its entire duration.

'    ''    'L'  L K '

    "   A *  A'  ' '+ '' *

tune consists of a series of tones, each tone having not only

a defined pitch, loudness and q

 ' ' "'+ S  '     ! O '

   '''  " S  ' '""S   ' ''"'+

etc., is the basis of singing.

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'     ''  ' " 

 '   ''     'K z  ' !

j    " S '+ ' '"  ''S'+   ' '

Nevertheless, the ability to connect tones together with absolute

'"'  '   !' '  ' S  [' O'+

j ' " *''  '   '"' f+  ' '' S  *  '

triads over a wide range does not mean that the pupil is an artist.

'"' '"'K

onnecting Tones

The most difficult phase in teaching singing is to teach the pupil

how to connect tones together in their proper form. There are very

?,U,.Z2UDXZD.Xd R6d ,d '^O2d

few, almost no, singers who can sing three connected tones properly

this applies to professional singers j

ust as much as to beginners.

The movement from tone to tone is accomplished by means of the

vibrato. Because the vibrato period is fix

between the tones is also fix

ed, the period of transition

ed at one vibrato cycle


th of a

second. The voice must move from one tone to another without

the production of any intermediate slurs or noises. This means that

all slurring must be absolutely eliminated. I


f the singer slurs'


x  ' !S   '  !'+    ! [

 '{'L S +  !' !L ]     L'{!S L .
2  O''  '        !   '!
'+   S'!  P  ' '    [  S
"'" S  S 'S' L !K

ROO2.ZDO < d'RO2Xd

2     '  '  S S   '  
*  '  ' '' S!  'S ' K 2 '  ~
'*+  + '" *    "'' ' '  '"
 S S 'S S'     !!K
' '' !  ! S 

SO 'L f!  

". '  '  ' S ' {;+   L !SS!

'*''!  ' '  [ {;'   

 [  #

' K   '    " !' !'  ! *SU
 ' " !   '''  "  !SK 2 S '  

 D%% D 7<L  D !LK z   S' D 


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

 #. r #       

.     ]z z~  ! 
r      r   z      --   (
  #  z    -:-   .  r  <7
{       r      .    . 
   -  5

into a tone, or down from a tone, he is producing intermediate noises

which are not musical tones at all. A

t the same time he is subtracting

from the time spot of the tones the time involved in slurring up

into them, plus the time involved in slurring down out of them.

uch slurring into and out of the tone is always associated with

intensity variation.

Portamento and the V

ibrato R


0kqx>dGgxk >gF xSG ;VAq>xk 4~g

W hen a portamento (portar la voce) is indicated on the printed

page, the singer should never mak

e a progressive change of pitch

i.e., a slur. To obviate the slur and, at the same time, obey the


uirements of the music, he should ex

X     wq{5{ c5q;A      e 

#      :H 6- L   -    r  
WA  ] 8 !-     6#    V  # !  
j <  r   #    ;      -!7
8  W9{5qA= 6   !. .  # .    
 !    L#  <         z#
 r !     6 r   :q   : .  
8 - !  6!. .      Hq 
 .    -  .   # .    .#   | 
     <  :7 T         r
6-: .     tr ] 8       - !  : !
:: t6] - #   s       o.
 6  !. .          %  6
  V    z]
{ - !     !.    - r  
  r   :   q    <
! H H#     ; .       |3 7

ecute a run on the vibrato.

This vibratoed connection between two tones, which are connected

together by articulation mark

s, is musical and pleasant to listen to,

instead of being unpleasant

instead of entailing a slur which is

actually a noise.

The vibrato connection between two tones is made on the diatonic

scale when the interval is wide and, when it is narrow, the run is

made on the chromatic scale. The chromatic scale is not used for

intervals wider than a fifth. These runs on the vibrato should be

clearly defined. Nevertheless, the effect produced is that of a slow

connection between two tones and the portamento indication on

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the music is adhered to.

uch vibrato connections between tones occur very often in the

interpretation of music

especially operatic music

be studied, practised and ex

ntensity R

ise with A

scending Pitch

The properly-produced voice has an evenly rising "


and they must

ecuted with precision and accuracy.


This applies to both registers. H owever, the rise in intensity

is far greater in the lower range of the falsetto register than it is

when both registers are used. Thus, when a female pupil sings the

triad A



b (above middle C

) in the falsetto, she is going from

pianissimo to forte, even when each falsetto tone is sung at full

voice, because the lower register goes to D (fourth line on the treble

clef) when the registration is work

ed out properly. A

the intensity rise in the falsetto is normal. S

bove this D

imilarly, when the lower

register is carried above this D, the intensity rise is more than

normal, because this register is used only above forte intensity

#gxGguVx 4VuG XxS uCGgFVgQ 0VxCS

for tones higher than this D.

n all work


on the triads this rise of intensity with pitch must be

T  : H -    -6:  6& ^q66 

:7T  :   !  7 i.-# %    66q
 >    .   r   r%    6  0
.  !    ] 8 # .   r<:  o  &  
  !-     r#   ~   r
     r# - .   r       r
- #! :.    r     z!:
:r .        .L z  7 !-  
         r:  7 { <  #.    .
  ~   !-   #           
# !   &     : !- GqA   
r       n
\ :.L          r    .    z!

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

predetermined and completely defined. H aving struck

tone of the triad, the loudness of each subseq

termined. E

at ex

the first

uent tone is prede-

ach tone of the triad must be held for its entire duration

actly this predetermined loudness.

hythmic Pattern

The rhythmic form of the maj

$+ [ M i,  I  [

"    #    
"  !j z 

"  $! "

;+ $ 

or triad must be set with absolute

precision. The top tone should be sustained, and this "


4S|SeVC 0?||Grg

has a

definite duration determined by a clearly defined rhythmic pattern.

n descending from the top tone of the triad, one must define the two

succeeding tones as deliberately as when the triad was ascended.

The "


for the upper tone must be determined by a perfectly

rhythmic, even, narrowed or broadened beat. The singer must never

slur, or "


give down,"

into the last two tones. W hile the tension

uired for the lower tones is less than that req

tone, it must be borne in mind that the instrument

at all times be k

ept "







Many pupils are apt to relax

when descending from the top tone. I

lose their "

uired for the top

too much

f they do this, the vocal cords

and, at the same time, the tongue muscles

s a result of this, the voice goes into constriction for these

last two tones of the triad and they finish it with a throaty technic,

thereby practising throatiness.

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Moving from Tone to Tone

O ne of the most difficult problems of all lies in teaching the pupil

how to move the voice, up and down, without "


ing (which is relax



ing) as he changes the pitch. A

ing, or

nything in

the nature of a new impulse between the tones is destructive. I

moving from tone to tone the tension must be held throughout the

entire system of muscles used in phonation;

it is the degree of ten-

sion which varies and must be gauged with accuracy, precision and

carefully controlled "




This q

uestion of "


is most important. Much of the sk

the use of the voice lies in the ability of the singer to "


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ill in



muscular tensions accurately.

n all games of sk

tion of "


golf player ex


ill, as well as in instrumental technics, this q


is of fundamental importance. W hen the tennis or

ecutes his drive properly, the muscular tensions must

" $

<- -
#    . # .  F& - &#; #

JI  .   ;     6    4 7 Z 1 
"  . <o !.       -M f
,  "
  6  $! 

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o" o+ ;  - 1#   <  V   $

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J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

be applied at the moment at which the rack

)    / $
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et or club meets the

ball. Thus, in tennis the weight of the body transfers from one foot

to the other at the moment at which the rack

et connects with the

ball. O f course, a condition of tension on the muscles of the wrist,

elbow and shoulder (which should be dropped as in singing) must

occur at the moment of impact or the connection between the body

and the rack

et is lost. I

f the body weight is transferred a fraction

of a second too soon, or too late, the player will either miss the ball,

or else hit it very softly, and he will inevitably lose control. The

energy (work

done) must be applied at ex

actly the right moment.

This moment depends upon the position of the ball. Therefore the

player must k

he look

eep his eye on the ball. I

f his concentration wanes and

s away from it, especially at the moment of impact, he will

probably miss it altogether, and he will certainly mak


e. The strok

e a very bad

e is made because he intends to hit the ball, and

his eye must focus on it. I

f he has a bad eye, he can never learn to

play the game well.

The tension in singing occurs because the singer intends to sing

a tone, and j

the singer k

ust as the athlete must k

eep his eye on the ball, so must

eep his ear (his inner or mental ear) on the tone, or

tune, to be sung, because the tensions are unavailing if disassociated

s ear is, therefore, similar to

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from the sound concepts. The singer'

the athlete'

s eye. Unless the ear is trained properly he cannot sing,

ust as the athlete cannot play the game if his eye is faulty.



This q

and Maj

uestion of "

or Triad


has already been discussed. I

in reference to the attack

of the tone

n the singing of the triad the problem

is somewhat more complex

, because the tensions change in degree

as the pitch rises and falls. I

nstantaneous changes of tension can

be made only when the pitches and loudnesses of the tones are

defined clearly in a seq

uence memory picture. I

the triad the tension increases at the ex

n order to ascend

act moment at which the

pitch changes, and this change in the degree of tension must be

gauged and "

must be attack


properly to meet the nex

ed properly and held for its ex

t tone. The first tone

8VfViQ @iE +@[lt8tV@E

act time spot, which

has been predetermined by the rhythmic pattern of the triad. The

tension must then be augmented, at ex

order to sing the nex

actly the right moment, in

t tone in the center of pitch and at ex

/KW d(

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 $(   ! (  * +
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/ W($K

+ Xj<{C8B

actly the

right loudness. The tension must again be augmented in precisely

the necessary degree and "


properly to sing the top tone.

This augmentation of the tension must actually be only an increase


< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

in tension and must not be associated with a "

occurs when relax

or j


, which

ation precedes the augmentation in tension. W hen

a slur occurs, without "

badly "




   | + *  =+X       

 X          6

the increase in tension has been

and has been applied sluggishly instead of rapidly.

uilibrium must be maintained at all times and tension changes

made with absolute definition at the ex

]            | :u

actly correct moment, which

is predetermined by the melodic and rhythmic pattern in the singer'




and J


W hen the pupil "



in a relax


is actually manifested


centers around one par-

ticular group of muscles. The teacher must work

eliminate such "


or relax

o      =X *   ` +   

very hard to

ations, which mak

e the proper sing-

ing of the triad, or of any melodic line, impossible to accomplish.

ometimes the "


centers upon the breathing muscles. Under

these circumstances the pupil may move his chest, shoulders, or

both, up or down, he may "

lean over back


on the back

muscles and, therefore,

wards (this is very prevalent), or he may "

the diaphragm, letting it go in, or turn up or down. A

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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ment in either direction is translated into a "

muscles, or diaphragm


usually the former. A




ny chest move-

of the back


at the dia-

phragm is generally translated into a movement of the chest. W hen-

ever a "


occurs, the chest, head, or both move, the neck

become tense and the tongue muscles relax



ly, and in order to go on

is lost, the glottis opens reflex


and go into reverse ten-

sion. This is because the moment the "

on the muscles of the

singing, the pupil is forced to close it with the neck

muscles. I

fundamental phase of our problem lies, then, in the main-


occurs between the tones, the tongue relax

irrespective of whether this "

a new impulse. I


, a slur or

and either shoot out or drop down as the

pupil pushes up into the nex

ed, all subseq

be the result of a j

t tone. A

s soon as the tongue has re-

uent tones are throaty, the pupil is merely pushing

on his voice and forcing, irrespective of the intensity, and the pres-



f the teacher is using the tongue instrument he can

feel this member relax



            P   P 

 +  *P =X   A   P  +

=X +  P +   +    A  

especially at the moment at which

the pitch change occurs.

W henever a "

  =+X  ;P *  $ A   | v

  Y +    +     6
p   =X          6 

    |     6 o 

uilibrium of the breathing muscles at all times

during the phonation of the triad

  +          =X     

       6 2     *A   

         =X |    A

  +   g   $ 6 x =X   

of the head, chest or both.

tainance of the eq

cA+        +   =X     

  ; |          6 *P 

   A*      + |   =X 

   + +     *6 x 

t is

the throwing into action of these muscles that induces a movement

d ,N0d 2UGXd

ation of all the muscles used in phonation. H owever, in

practice, it is often found that the "

 *   {   ;  |  + * 

 \        Y 

between tones and re-impulses, slurs or

s, in order to change the pitch, this "

        | : * : X | AP * 

  *  ;        6 o 

6 2           X         
|;  |P   |  ;+ :  |   |
+           *    A D 6 z 
   *              : 
   +    6
x         +  P    
     ]         O    
    g    * 

o   =X   *   P     ;+

  *     =X   O    cA+    
 *  m6 j             
    ;        *   
       ; 6 x        
;P   ]     +        $
      +      +    `


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

sure of the tongue instrument must be instantly released. I

teacher goes on pressing, after the tongue has relax

ceed only in pushing it down the pupil'

(  B B ) B2GB `C2u f" 

 @ 2"B` / B
 2 `C@  0 (

`)( / G 
" B 2` 2 2@ ) ,2B
`20U B BG0
B (   (C B )2I@ 2  B(
UU`0  2 0 `
2B u

f the

ed, he will suc-

s throat, or in bunching it up

against the posterior wall of the laryngeal pharynx

, thereby vastly

increasing the tension on the muscles which pull it back

, and thus

engendering a high degree of throatiness.

alue of Tongue I

nstrument for Maj

or Triad

O ne reason why the use of the tongue instrument in the singing

of a triad, especially in the falsetto register, is so valuable, is because

the teacher can feel the pupil'

s tongue "


s soon as this "

occurs, he must tell him to stop singing. H e may have to mak



e the


"B B
U 0 B B 0U   0&
"00 UB"2B
,2(2)C@ W )*2(

2 0 F ,E

3  B B 0 B

 0 0Uu i  2, 
0 B  @ 2 ) B
2 @
" B0 )"
`  2

 u ,`B@  (B

I 2  
I  0   2
0 B0  u f"  "2 @ 
00: ,`` 2

pupil repeat hundreds, maybe thousands, of times before he learns

how to connect the tones together properly. Nevertheless, he must


and work

until he has accomplished this end. I

f he fails, the

pupil will never really learn to sing.

O pening V

oice S


W hen a pupil starts with a small, "

suddenly, this problem of "



voice and "

opens up"

between the tones becomes very

pronounced. Therefore, the opening-up process must be slowed

down, as much as possible, until he has learned to connect the tones

without "


f the opening-up process proceeds too rapidly,

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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the pupil may never catch up with his voice.

W hile it is true that the teacher can speed up or slow down the

opening-up process, it is not possible for him to stop it altogether.

.mIgVgQ<jVDI 5_j_

The voice is, at all times, either in the process of opening up or

shutting off. This is so because the muscles used in phonation must

tend to develop, merely as a result of the ex

to, when they are brought into tension. I

ercise they are subj

f the opening muscles are

in tension, these muscles develop and the voice is being "




rapidly or slowly, according to the degree of strenuousness with

which they are employed. I

f the constrictor muscles are in action,

they will develop, and this development, also, depends upon how

vigorously the singer employs them. Thus, the voice can be "



rapidly or slowly, but if any attempt is made to completely stop

the process of "


it goes into reverse, and the end result

will be that the constrictor system comes into action and the voice

starts to "


shut off,"

i.e., the constrictor muscles begin to develop.

X  2 0 2B   2 2@ FBm

0 2  F
U: @0
" F0,0 E ! BG )

Uu 8"
 0Uh `
 $ ) C

0)@ (UB02C2


B F0,0Uu f" B

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X0 0B  B` B2BB B` 2  (

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 ) "
 0 B
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" 1 4 /&. E ?4E
RVjM 1E 8 0  
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  2` 2B0
B 0: ,@ 2  B0 ,
 @ 2


: 0 `
B u 8 @B  ,
0  )F
 @ !B0"2 2BB 0  

: B

" F
U0U@ 0  0 
`,@ U    `
0:: !  B 
` B 
U U   ,
B  F 
s@E VC B 
  )0 B


< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

VVgQ >gE 5_rrWgQ


and S

The pupil who "



between tones always slurs. A

slur up is bad, because the upper tone is not in proper adj

since the laryngeal and pharyngeal adj



ustments for the lower

tone are maintained. This means that the improperly adj

apparatus has to be forced, and that the effort req


uired to produce

the upper tone is far greater than the effort normally req

uired would

be, if the intonation were accurate. H owever, if he does not "


during this slur, he may not actually go throaty, under which cir-

cumstances he will not hurt his voice, despite the ex


uired. O f course, the tone lack

tra effort

s ring and q

uality because of the

inaccurate laryngeal and pharyngeal adj



t is much worse when the pupil who "


between tones

es and slurs down before he slurs up into the succeeding tone.

n bad cases this may occur with each pitch transition. The slur

down can be anything from about a semitone to almost the lowest

sound he can produce. Under these circumstances the results are

most distressing. The singer is always pushing up into a tone which

is absolutely out of adj

ustment and, where the condition is very

pronounced, this effort is built up to such a point that he is unable

to sing through a song. W hen this occurs any further "

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

the voice is most undesirable, until this "

nated. A

about j


nything in the nature of a violent j



and slur are elimi-


between tones brings

ust such a state of affairs.

ccuracy of I


W hen the pupil arrives at the point where he does not "


and fine "

ability so that, as he moves to the nex


, he may still lack


slur completely or j

accuracy of intonation

t tone in

ascending, he may land a little below it and then have to slide up

the rest of the way. The resulting tone may be of relatively good

uality and power, but the effort necessary to produce it is con-

siderably augmented.

W hen absolute accuracy and precision of intonation and perfect



have been attained, the effort req

T     F& -E !     M  & 

  !# !         J ?
    &     & J  "   
     M 8         J
   ! '#       sj  
   "&   s  j 
!# "       M i-# "    F& -
 &   #    : &   #      
    ::    - #     ; 
j M " #     L  &   j  ! "
 : &     & J M
            F& -E !  
:;     !"       &  
!               M T  
.  !   & " !      :   
6   M         : 
<   &M T   & :  &    
 !:  ' J   ?         ,
  #   s !             !
  &  &   &M X      " F &E
  -      !#      F& -E       p
MZ     "-  JI!   ! &
!J    "s M

uired to produce magnifi-

cent, full, ringing tones is relatively slight and the pupil, whose

CCr>C jL $gxjg>xVjg

voice has progressed to this point, can go on singing for many hours

without tiring.

f the reader would lik

e to hear what accurate intonation and

proper movement from tone to tone actually are, he should get a

number of C


aruso records

especially his later recordings


X       -           & -#E

: :  JL#     L  "   
  t  F  &E !     ?   -   ; G N
G ?        !     -    
   '    M 8   &    ! "  - &
d    ? !  s       p
 !: & 5
X  !       "      "
Fb &E-!  ? s j( 

 # "?  &      -  &       #  
-  &    #  &   " 
\"      L    (     
 -  "       #    &
l* C+ / C *

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

observe, with great care, the manner in which C

the center of one tone to the center of the nex

rK~TxT b_ ]xTI OIxT _T nIppTx bp _bO_ 4Ix~r nrTR Xxrn

_T OTpTx rYrpT rpT r _T OTpTx rX _T pT b_ Iknr~pOIpp
uxTOb~brp! B_b~ uxTOb~brp rY bprpIbrp IpR nTkrRbO lbpT b~ byIkl

aruso moved from

t with almost uncanny

I lr~ Ix rRI

precision. This precision of intonation and melodic line is virtually

a lost art today.

Lower-register Triads for W omen'

W ith a woman'



")$#%&$- #%,- "#- "!%- "%-

s voice, most lessons start with a few single, lower-

register tones, to establish the purest, freest possible tones, over the

Fb_ IrnIp~ rbOT nr~lT~~rp~~Ixb_ IXT~bp]kTlrTx

xT]b~Tx rpT~ r T~IKlb~_ _T uxT~ YxTT~ ur~~bKkT rpT~ rTx _T

range which she can cover at the given stage. Then most of the tech-

nical work

is done with the triad.

The vowel used is generally a rather "

in father), "


(as in hot), or "




not thick

be advantageous when they happen to fit the pupil'

nical peculiarities. Thus, the dark


Most often, however, the dark


or "

the starting triad will be about middle C





xIp]T_bO_~_TOIpOrTxI_T]bTp ~I]T! B_Tp nr~rY`TTO_

pbOIl rxj b~ RrpT b_ _T xbIR!
B_T rTl ~TR b~ ]TpTxIll I xI_Tx &&RIxjpr _bOjI_ I~
bp    "s_ I~ bp    "rx &'rx I~ bp     ">_TxrTk~ nI

(as in four). O ther vowels may


s personal tech-

and "



are sometimes used.

is best. F

or most voices

G. The triads are car-

KT JRIpI]Tr~ _Tp_T _IuuTp r [ _T uubk~ uTx~rpIl TO_

ried up as far as the lower register will go, without closure or


cessive "


carried up, without "

the treble clef, C

W hen, however, the pure register can be


through C

f and D (i.e., the triads F



G-B-D), the tones higher than these may be slightly "

provided that this "



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is maintained. The degree of "

is not ex

the particular phase of "


pbOIl uTOkbIxbbT~" B_~ _T RIxj '&T IpR &'rr IxT ~rnTbnT~ ~TR#
=r~ rYTp _rTTx _T RIxj (&I_ rx '(t_ b~ KT~! 7rx nr~ rbOT~

(on the third space of




# and

_T ~Ixbp] xbIR bll KT IKr nbRRkT 468! B_T ybIR~ IxT OIx


cessive and that "


xbTR u I~ YIx I~ _T lrTx xT]b~Tx blk ]r b_r Olr~xT rx

TOT~~bT &&_bTpbp]" F_Tp _rTTx _T uxT xT]b~Tx OIp KT

allowable depends upon

which has been established at the

OIxxbTR u b_r '&_bTpbp] _xr]_ 4 rp _T _bxR ~uIOT rY

_T xTKkT OkTY 4 IpR ,  
 " _T xbIR~ 724 724 IpR

given stage.

The teacher'


s ear must be able to gauge the optimum degree of


or "



to be used, as well as the best vowel

for the particular pupil at any given stage. This degree of "


or "



and of "



for the higher, lower-register

tones, varies all the time and changes with each slight opening.



or deaf


directions to the pupil to sing either "

are, at best, worthless. E

cessively "





or "

always engenders throatiness.

eal Teaching H ard W ork

The teacher'

his work

pupil. S

s ear must be sensitive and delicately trained for

. There is no set process which applies to each and every

o-called pedagogical methods, which can be universally

applied in steps to each and every voice, are nonsensical and very

harmful indeed. The training of the voice is not lik

of a scholastic subj


ect, which can pursue a fix

e the teaching

ed course, and which




835  _T rpT~ _b]_Tx _Ip _T~T nI KT ~lb]_l &&_bTpTR

uxrbRTR _I _b~ '&_bTpbp] b~ pr TOT~~bT IpR _I &&ruTpbp]

b~ $nIbpIbpTR! B_T RT]xTT rY &&_bTpbp] IklrIKkT RTuTpR~urp
T uIybOkIx u_I~T rX '&ruTpbp] _bO_ _I~ KTTp T~IKkb~_TR I _T

]bTp ~I]T!
B_T TIO_Tx~ TIx n~ KT IKkT r ]I]T _T rubnn RT]xTT rY
_bTpT~~ rx &&RIxjpT~~ r KT ~TR I~ Tkl I~ `T KT~ rTl

Yrx `T uIxbOkIx uubl I Ip ]bTp ~I]T! B_b~ RT]xTT rY _bT

pT~~ rx &'RIxjpT~~ IpR rY_bTpbp] Xrx _T _b]_Tx lrTxxT]b~Tx
rpT~ IxbT~ Ikk _T bnT IpR O_Ip]T~ b_ TIO_ ~kb]_ ruTpbp^!
3lbpRrx RTIYRbxTObrp~ r _T uubk r ~bp] Tb_Tx RIxj rx
_bTIxT I KT~ rx_lT~~! 6OT~~bTl _bT rx RIxj ~bp]bp]
IkI~ Tp]TpRTx~ _xrIbpT~~!

- !- #- "#B_T TIO_Tx~ TIx n~ KT ~Tp~bbT IpR RTlbOITl xIbpTR Xrx

_b~ rxj! B_TxT b~ pr " uxrOT~~ _bO_ IuulbT~ r TIO_ IpR TTx
uubl) @rOIllTR " " _bO_ OIp KT pbTx~Ikl

IuukbTR bp ~Tu~ r TIO_ IpR TTx rbOT IxT prp~Tp~bOIl IpR T}

_IxnYk bpRTTR! B_T xIbpbp] rY _T rbOT b~ pr lbjT _T TIO_bp]

rY I ~O_rkIcP% AHLgTO _bO_ OIp ux~T I [TR Orx~T IpR _bO_

 '   #  ! ,&",


es the form of a series of carefully work

n this work

effect may be still tak

for q


1 [!K

ed out progressive lessons.

j  1 *
    ,   [  [   [[f 1
k    A {
$    1

of training the voice, the untalented pupil actually in

ing his first lesson after he has been studying

]   [ K 1     [ 
 1 $
[[f !

uite a long time. Until the technical direction has really been

followed, nothing has been accomplished.

or ex

ample, the pupil must be told that the j

*,  1    .

;[ ,            c*    
[K 2 1 

aw must be com-

pletely opened and released. This direction might be followed at

the first lesson, with the help of the manipulation. Three or four

lessons may be enough to establish the ability to release the j

completely, when the pupil is ex

tremely talented. The ex


 , *        K b 

O         1 
[   c*


high-strung, tense, slow reacting, or stupid pupil may never be

able to establish this release. H e will then never really learn how to

, *     1 1 ;

 K 2  ; 

sing. This applies to every phase of the training.

  , , *

   [  u

[K  *   

[[ [ * 
. 2   
 * Y  
    &* [ O $

O nly when the direction has been followed completely has the

improvement, dependent upon this direction, been established. The

pupil, therefore, must be forced to follow each and every direction,

or virtually nothing is accomplished. A

teacher might be absolutely

correct in each direction he gives, and at the same time accomplish

nothing, if he fails to force the pupil to follow these directions.

uch teachers are j

ust insincere. Unfortunately only too

  &  1  1. x  
   &[ [
   ,        [$

e to be praised and complimented, do actually

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many pupils, who lik

,  &  
 &,  [1 K 2 


ome teachers are afraid of losing their pupils if they drive them

too hard. S

uit the teacher who tries to do his j

ob sincerely, honestly and

efficiently. Nevertheless, such a teacher will always win out in the

&Y,     6X`'1w    [  *   


end. H e may lose the foolish and the conceited, but he will hold

all the pupils who are worth holding

who are worth work

. p  
 c  1 

ing with

and who may accomplish something.

alsetto Triads for F

emale V


fter singing the lower-register triads, the falsetto triads must

be sung. The first falsetto triad to be sung is either middle A

or sometimes, G-B-D. A

ny triad lower than this starts at so low an

intensity, that the pupil is liable to thick

en, push and mix


falsetto. The falsetto triads must be carried up until the falsetto

tone, one octave above the highest, lower-register tone, sung in

the lower-register triads, has been reached. This octave reflection

must be meticulously adhered to.





  , * A &  

  &  c  
, &f 
 K ",    / 
* * *     
K     &&     ,    * [
A *


,HX2Rd 'UD,0Xd 5RUd 2L,J2d )RD.2d


 K 2 {"        
1xtt ,

, ``6 xf 1 &*
F,       1 1   A,    ;  
K 2  

1  [   

,      , &*
,   1



) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

;jGau 9uGE

owels Used

8  < - < !   >9   >9  >9   :9

 5 i9,D   L ^E 9 ^99E  9> 7  9D
"   <   !   =5{a Z ^ E >9 9 D
    "    D  ,    < ;  D
 >9D <>  &  ^ 6 6&w >9  & 9   9<
 < -697 89 !9- & Z  4] 6 ^ p
67w 8  & 9> ^  E   9   4 4
496  96D 6 < ! && !   4  7  -
& D ^96 96 4 ! 4 D       & 
o - ^ E 9    j  5 8    961 9 96
!9-!9 & 4 ]

The same vowels may be used for the falsetto as for the lower

register. H owever, the dark



or "

falsetto tones must always be sung dark




are often used. The lower,


in the lower part of the range, is virtually always mix

therefore, harmful. S

light "


times advantageous. Tones above high A


The degree of "


for the higher tones is some-

or Bb are generally "


relatively "


depends upon the technical

conditions, and must be gauged by the teacher'

high, "

falsetto tone,

ed and,

s ear. W hen very

tones can be reached, they are always sung with a


(not shrill) q

uality. This applies only to tones

above about high Bfc> .


or Triad and O pening the Mouth

The opening of the mouth during the singing of the triad is of

fundamental importance. Unless the tongue instrument is being

used, the triad is generally started with the j

aw nearly closed. The

lips should never be shaped for the vowel. They should be slightly

opened and neither spread nor over-pouted. No part of the lips

should be held, or pressed, against the teeth

)?Zkr6rV?E ?hE .nIhVhQ xSI )k~xS

upper or lower. The

corners of the lips should be slightly raised, but the nostrils should

T  96 6& 9>   <9      & 6& 9>      9>

>6<6 <9 47 6   9 & <6  ! &
|D      &6       497 8 
  9| - !   >9   -97 T   9 !   1
9  6 6     9-h97 9  9>    
9 ! D 9 D  6    l 9 97 8
49  9>     9 !  &   D !  9  a9
69 ! -9-   7
T t9 9>   9!4L   <
6  49 6 ;7 \ 9    !  !4L 
4L 97 Z 99       9 <9- >9<   t 9 
9>    D a  9 ! 97 8    ( $(
! <   6& <9-< 7 \  9 - ! < 9
&D !4   t & 9> 9 6 - ! 9  
< 9 94L9  96D     94L  D  >9D 4 4
  A   96 ;4 9  4 4LD 9 9D
 9  9 78  D =q 9>   94
! 44       a9&   <  9  9 7 8 
96 6& & < ! < ,  ! D t   
a9 6  9<9 <  4 L &7 Z L D 
 <9-<  9>      - !      < 
9  9 7 Z 99    <  9  9  !49< !  D
> 9 64 4 -44 64 47
8 D 9> 49D  9  9>    6& 9 4 4  9
-64     6- 94L7 6 4 4 4< 4 
9 69 <    < 9  D !4    *p
9 6       Z>    9&   <  
 9  49<9 9> <!!    < 6m

not be involved in this gesture.

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The first tone of the triad should be attack

entirely closed and relax


out. A

ed. I

ed with the j

aw almost

t should neither be pulled back


s soon as the pupil starts to move from the first tone

of the triad, the j

aw should be opened. The opening gesture must

be made as a single movement. I

t should never be made in two

stages, because the first stage of opening inevitably stops in the


or lock

position, and the lock

always set, when its downward ex

will, therefore, practically

cursion is check

at this position. The swing, or pull down, of the j

ed, or stopped,

aw should actually

be accelerated while it is passing through the middle position. The

opening gesture must be made very deliberately, definitely and

without any hurry or

most emphatically

den movement of the j

position. A


ing. A

ny j


y, sud-

aw will inevitably land it in the middle

s soon as this middle position has become established,

further opening practically never occurs in practice.

This, of course, is not true of the singer whose technic is so

advanced that his j

aw never lock

s. Under such circumstances it

does not matter what he may do with it, because it is not co-

ordinated with phonation. A

fter passing through the middle posi-

tion the complete opening of the j


aw must be established and main-

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

!  U U   !   ! *    U 

tained throughout the entire period during which the upper tone

is held. W hen, as sometimes happens, a crack

position, the j

occurs at the middle

aw must be made to pass through this crack



 !  !         *   !

in a single gesture.

Under no circumstances should the head be allowed to move in

any direction during the singing of the triad. This is especially

important when the mouth is being opened. I

middle position, or crack


, when the crack

n going through the

occurs, the pupil must

ert great determination and at the same time relax

muscles of his j

aw as much as possible. I

through the lock

the closing

f he sets it, he cannot go

position and, therefore, he cannot open it fully.

Because, in the early stages before the ligaments have become

sufficiently flex

the lock

ible, it may hurt him when he pulls his j

position, he is apt to hold back

ust the vital moment. A

pull, or force, his j

to move his head. I

aw through the lock


the moment when he must


he is very apt

f he does so, in even the slightest degree, he

will fail to go through the lock

will "

aw through

and become inhibited at

t this moment

the neck

position and, at the same time, he

muscles will come into tension, and the tone

will become throaty.

Thus, the j

aw must swing down in a single

not double


Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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lished as the pupil goes from the lowest to the highest tone of the

triad. There should be no association between the opening gesture

aw and the individual tones of the triad. The j

open, and it must be wide open for the top tone. I

aw must

t must not stop

it has already been fully opened. This sometimes occurs for the

t is not absolutely essential for the full opening to

be established at the moment at which the top tone starts. The ges-

ture may sometimes be completed a moment later, provided that

the full opening, which finishes with the pulling back

of the j


is attained.

n descending, the j

aw must be closed in a single gesture. I

must be held open for the entire duration of the upper tone, and

then, as soon as the pupil starts to descend, it must be closed, with

a single gesture, as in ascent. O f course the closure is not com-

plete. The lower tone is sung at both the beginning and the end of

the triad with the j

aw opened slightly, but this opening must be

considerably less than the opening necessary to establish the middle

position. Practically all singing should be done with the j

aw either

nearly closed or wide open. The middle position should not be



 ,   A+ *     A  +      

e  !! !      e   !
     c*    . z  f1kfw +   
      A  +  ,  !    .
  e+     *      c*   
   A !+   /  ?XM*w %!'Jw !     
c    / !. x   !g   *    
 +   ,  c*       A g    

*    .

+   c*   * *! !  g!  g 
 U    !, !  !    

moving for the middle tone, or while this tone is being sung, unless

higher triads. I

/!           . 2    

! *        . z! !     

   . z   + ! !     + 

*          A  ,     + 
* ,X   ! A U  *   !,    

through the middle position, and complete opening must be estab-

of the j

 . o !,   !+   A      

+   c*      /       A /+

     U     *        

. 2      !   *!   !  
   c* !   !U     . 2  c* U
, !     *      !. z   ! 
!     !,  *    !    + 
    U . 2       
  . z  !  f        
      !  *      . 2  
 f     ! +   
    !+ *  { ' *     A    c*+
z  !+   c*     !    . z
 !+           !+     + *
 !  ,  !  !.     U  ! v
. 2  * !             
   *   c*   ,     !  O 
'  /  !   /   
.     !     ! *   c/*  
!   * !. 2      ! 


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

/mGgWgQ yTG +j~yT >gE 7jgQ~GEY~uydGgz

O pening the Mouth and Tongue A



t is important to remember that the resonance adj

the tone

vowel and pitch

being moved. The resonance adj

f  $
 J "

.   l$ ) $ G G .   . 
) &
,5 8 
 J G 


"  )

 &  ;5 f"  
, '

 J .   J.  

?  G   $



? G
G $(*

(  GN

( ) $   .      ) & (G&? (

&( " $?  e   ? ) 
, :5<a C/+ 
 J.     J. 
, ? 
$ GNG 

J "
5 8 
$ G )+  

" J + G
C $+ )  
 .      ) G& (G&? 
"e J$
 )  G+
8  J$
&? .  J  ) &
"   $& (5 ,?   &
;     [  $
,5 8 J

( ? "
    &?   J. $
,5 f$

, &
. $

"  J.  ) & ? )   &  


G& "
  q    J.5
 J g  )
" .   J   ? 

"  , 

" ,
  5 f"   J$
(  G

$   J.  
,?     .  , )+ 

.    J    XpC5= i .  G 
I  J G 

$ 5 i . ? '
 .   $
f"   ,
.    & 
  G  )

      & &
"   ?  *

&?    J.  $


ustment for

must be maintained while the j

aw is

ustment depends upon the relative

position of the base of the tongue and the posterior wall of the

laryngeal pharynx

nance adj


f the tongue is allowed to move from its reso-

ustment when the j

aw is dropped, the entire system of

muscles used in phonation is thrown out of adj

ustment and the tone

becomes more or less throaty. Therefore, the tension on the muscles

of the tongue and the hyoid bone (genio-glossus and genio-hyoid

muscles) must be maintained while the triad is being sung, but the

tongue itself must, at the same time, be moved back

slightly with

regard to the j

aw as it (the j

aw) moves, in order to maintain the

resonance adj

ustment for the tone. This movement of the tongue is

determined by the amount of readj

ustment necessary in order that

the vowel may be held constant while the triad is being sung, in

spite of the j

aw movement. The movement of the j

aw must be com-

pensated for by the necessary movement of the tongue.

This readj

ustment of the tongue, when the j

aw is being opened,

is actually of rather small magnitude. Nevertheless, the singer


periences a q

uite definite movement. The readj


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tongue occurs, for the pitch changes, as the j

e the form of moving the tongue back

of the j

ustment of the

aw moves. I

t seems to

when the down movement

aw is being made, because this gesture tends to move the

tongue forward and out with the j


This sense of holding the resonance adj

the tongue, instead of with the j

phases of vocal technic. I

made as the j

with his j

ustment with the base of

aw and lips, is one of the vital

f the readj

ustment of the tongue is not

aw is moved, the pupil will inevitably try to "

aw and lips instead. H e will then lock

the j


aw and fail

to open it completely. H e will, therefore, tend to sing the succeed-

ing tones with a mouth resonance adj


a throaty technic.

f the vowel is pharyngeally resonated and then held absolutely

constant throughout the entire singing of the triad, the necessary


ustment of the position of the tongue, as the j

aw is moved,

becomes more or less automatic.


or Triad and J

aw Manipulation

t is nearly always very helpful for the teacher to manipulate

the pupil'


aw when he is first learning to sing the triad. This

manipulation has been described. H e should place his hands as


+>Yjq7qV>E >gE &> +>gWm~_>yVjg

f   .  , ' "
   J. .   [  & 
 G&   5 8 
  )G  )5 i 

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

indicated in F

and back

ig. 32 and then pull the pupil'


aw all the way down

, with a firm, determined gesture, as soon as he starts to

move the pitch. The j

aw must be pulled through the middle position

firmly and rapidly. The effort may be q

uite great, and nothing is

accomplished if the teacher fails to pull the pupil'

the middle position, or the crack


, if there is one. I

aw through

f die pupil becomes

tense and resists the manipulation, it may be impossible to accom-

plish. Under such circumstances the teacher must not try to force

it or he may hurt the pupil. Thus, if the initial attempt fails to open

the j

aw, the teacher must stop the pupil and try again. H e must

eep on trying until he succeeds in performing the manipulation


n bad cases a process of relax

aw without singing, or for single tones, may have to be undergone

ing, freeing and opening the pupil'

before the teacher is able to open it completely for the triad. H e

can often open it when the pupil is silent before he can do so during

the singing of the triad. I

to completely work

t is, indeed, imperative for the teacher

out this process of absolute j

aw opening. I

fails to do so, the pupil will never really learn to sing. S

this j

aw opening is easy to accomplish. S

fter the j

f he


ometimes it is very difficult.

aw manipulation has been made satisfactorily a certain

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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number of times, the pupil must be forced to open his own mouth

completely without manipulation. I

so, he will nearly always mak

instead of mak

ing the final

f he is inhibited and fails to do

e a gesture with his head, lips or both,

down and back

phase of the j

ing. These gestures must be observed and stopped. A

aw open-

ll movements

of the head and lips, which should neither spread nor over-pout,

must be stopped. This is particularly important if the gesture is

made when the pupil is supposed to be opening his mouth, because

it occurs instead of the opening movement, and because the pupil

is only too often q

uite unconscious of having made either pne of

these gestures.


ll the manipulations may be used while the pupil is singing the


or triad. They must, however, be utilized properly and not indis-

criminately. The thyroid manipulation is only employed for the

lower register. The tongue instrument is used a great deal for the

falsetto, although it may often be profitably employed for the lower

register also, especially with men. The holding up of the hyoid bone

and the pulling down of the thyroid cartilage, are generally both

necessary. The hyoid bone manipulation must often precede the

pulling in of the thyroid tension for the lower register, because, in


  v 7         J   + 

  !I?  g  [D    ?      
-   58 J!      
[+    +5 8  s + ! j  ? 2   N
   '     '        J  
     D ID '   7 \'e !
           D  + ! V !  
  7            +  
 +   5 8 D '  b ' 
  J?             +  5 i 
I  +       '      
\ ! '; D'     
.. %    D '    D + -  ! & 
!'          %+ ' %   7 i
>%  .       !'   
e    '    5 \ D b D  - ' e  
 o%+ L     ' !% J  b5 \' 
'    D       - +    7 { 
 J   +  5{b  ,+ 7
Z'   J    ! 'b+ 2 2
! '  D      ! '     
+  e  5 \'  b  !   '   
? ++VL   ?   ! D
ZjC5= 'L   [ l  !Il '  J
b5  (  !!-   5 Z - 
'       ?          -?
 ! 5 8    +  u e  ~
.     b !     ?!
 XjC5= '     - ?   !    
  +  '% d     ' -b       '

Z     +!   bC N N
J  7 8 +D -?!(b+  
  %o+5 8   +      + + '  
  7 8    b     2   '  
'D %  +' ![!++ '  
 D +   5 8  Pqc=VjMv '  + ! 
    vccVjM =rj '    +  b?   + !
V+7 8  +  !  (   >%   
vccVjM Vj ' %   +     '     ? !?

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

 #    3 6 A       

  6 #    6     !67 X 6 A  3
  '     !6  ; -#        6 
6 !  6   A ! 3H7 X A A !&q663# A
'  6;'- (-7
      vccVkM Vj '     3# ! 
'        #  ! 6L  (_ 7 T 
  ! ; -# !    F__ 6
  6   6 - 6H -6 3'7 6 4 #  
'6 !'  t 33   q6 ' A  
! ! 6  6  _    _  6    H7  A
 3qH q_ < !  H    7 TA Fc|__E
 !   '      !  6H# A3'3#
'9   6  !  6H # !  <  ! ; -7
T  '=qj<!'! ;3 6
 ! 7  . 6       ! 
 #      7
X 6   c  F -E !6 A 6#   6 ;
6# H A  6# !% 6 c 6 3  
! 6 -7    F -E #  6 hA  H H
 6 h_;7T #A  ! 6H 6&
 -   H3__ H.67 i6#   6  
'     !6@ '    _  Fq-#E  - 6_ 
    A 6   H  _ -_ F #E  3
67      6# ' A A  H <    !  (
.    F -E (3#   3_;  '   _  6
  _ 6  '   3 6; 6H 6 '#   A _
     !  L 6 A 7
T #     F - # . q_   6 _ 6 
! 6 H# A    ! cH <<Hq 6H <H 
%   7      F -E A 33 H A A3  j 
._  a_ A q ! <6qc_ 6# ! 6 %A 6& A
  __6 <LA 636H% 96
T     '3  6     H 3 _& 6 A
A  H !#   '  ;H q3 6#  6 H  A6
    F -#E 6 j  A  H3# _A& A 6
6 >3 A F& -E  433H . __ _.  !   
A 7
T   '     3 H 6H   6 _ 6 6H 
L A 6 .A F 7E TA   (6- H!_# 6 A 
&#  |   FA 6E A_H ! 6 HH  6 6'
 !    '   !  ' 

many cases, the down pressure on the thyroid cartilage may pull

the tongue down, thus depressing the hyoid bone. W hen this drop-

ping of the hyoid bone is ex

cessive, the thyroid manipulation can-

not be used until it has been corrected. W ith the beginner, the

muscles of the tongue and larynx

are often very undeveloped. Under

these circumstances the pulling in of the lower register, by means

of the thyroid manipulation, must be undertak

pressure must not be ex

en cautiously. The

cessive, because too strong a "

the manipulation inoperative and even harmful. I



n such cases, it is

often best for the teacher first to correct the dropping of the hyoid

bone by manipulation while the pupil sings the triad. Later the

thyroid cartilage may be pressed down rather gently. The "


must be sufficient for the register to become purer and, therefore,

for the tone to be louder and clearer, but it must not be ex

The optimum degree of pull down must be found by ex


periment and

udged by ear. The two manipulations should sometimes be made

alternately, and sometimes simultaneously.

W hen the pupil "


between the tones, the tongue relax


and, under these circumstances, both manipulations are apt to

become inoperative. A

s soon as a "

the genio-glossus muscles relax

occurs, the genio-hyoid and

generally down. H ence, the manipulation

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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may move up or down


. Thus, the hyoid bone and the tongue

of the hyoid bone, after the pupil has "


raise it too much and thus produce a relatively "

may serve only to



tone. O n the other hand, if the thyroid manipulation is being used

when the "


occurs, the relax

the pulling down of the larynx

that the tone becomes thick

Thus, each time a "

ation of these muscles results in

and tongue itself, with the result

and throaty.


occurs, while the manipulations are

being used, the pupil must be stopped immediately and made to

try again. A

s soon as the "


has occurred the teacher is q


powerless to help the pupil by manipulation, because anything he

may do will tend only to mak

e things worse

to render the tone more


The manipulation for separating the thyroid cartilage and the

hyoid bone, in cases of mix

the pupil "


sung after the "

in q


ed registration, is not destroyed when

uite the same degree, although the tones

has occurred will always be more or less


The use of both the thyroid and hyoid manipulations tends to


e the tone somewhat "

stages, although this "



This is unavoidable, in the early

should be considered as an unfor-

tunate, but necessary, concomitant of the establishment of pure


< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

0 %6    3   30C8 r5   K

registration. The tone should be as slightly "


 7  0 5  77 7  3
,  G

as possible.

r H 35        0

3 %K _
  ;  9 #

    #  %   # G

The entire triad must be sung with a minimum of closure, and the



it is ex

allowed must not be such as to engender closure. I

cessive, progressive constriction as the pitch rises is apt to

occur. This is very harmful, because it leads to mix

and ex

6 b  
 9     C  7;

ed registration

treme throatiness. The teacher must be content to go rather

slowly, in some cases, if he is to avoid engendering mix

ed registra-

tion and throatiness. W hen the pupil has an initial, mix


 6 b  
35-9     ,      
0 7; %
 6 o  #4#3   9 ;`

condition, the lower register must not be carried up too far, and

the teacher'

s goal must be purity of registration

not range.

The hyoid bone control for the falsetto triads is often risk

cause of the "


the falsetto is always mix

9  (

4  u  

 #  %, 

3    #
g %0 6

y, be-

tendency of this manipulation, and because

ed, in the early stages, when it is "

b -  

  r5n     # C9   
   5- ;,   
-  9 (   r5 6n
 0 ,      


O n the other hand, in the early stages, the use of the tongue

instrument for the falsetto triads is nearly always indicated and

is very valuable. The pupil must be stopped when he "

soon as the "


on the tongue instrument. H e must, therefore, stop ex

sure the instant he feels the pupil'

most often occurs j


occurs the teacher should release the pressure

s tongue relax

erting pres-

. This relax

  %Cf (-   
- 3 6 b # #3    ## 5  r 6H C


ust before the top tone of the triad is sung. W hen

it is more or less habitual, the teacher must anticipate it and be


3   #

6 y  9 

, # ;

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ready to stop the pupil, and release the pressure on the tongue

instrument, as soon as it tak

aw, Tongue I

es place.

nstrument and Maj

     3  # #O 0 
;6 b
  06 o 

or Triad

W hen the tongue instrument is being used, the pupil should

open his mouth all the way, and the j

aw should not be moved during

3  C,   
7   #   

the entire singing of the triad. The vowel is so much determined

by the instrument that it is somewhat indefinite. I

pupil to aim at a dark



sing a "



or "




t is best for the

-  #  # #, 


  G G0 

(as in hot) or, for the falsetto, at a

H e must aim to sing a "

one or tries, unconsciously, to go "

ascending the triad, he will inevitably mak




tone. I

f he aims to

,  O  M #C 6


e a sudden gesture with

,`d 'RN<^2d NXZU^ L2NZd ,N0d  ,ERUd 'UC,0d

his tongue, which will then go out of control, with the result that

the instrument will become inoperative and the tone will become

o Y    
  0 9  # #C  C


aw and Manipulations for Maj

or Triad

W hen using the thyroid control, the j

aw should generally be

dropped all the way, although the nearly closed position is occa-

sionally used. F


or the hyoid control the j

aw must almost always

#     5-9  c5  3 7

 0   6 2 5    

    5 V6 w    

# #     
M rH  

>Xj w 
 3 ,  

M rH 
r6H y       r
MH 6 w   
0  r(H  

 9    3-,   r59n 5
9  ( - M   0  % 5
  , (  5      C, 5 
4 5   #

,ad ,N0d ,NC S^H,ZCRNXd 7RUd  ,FRUd 'UC,0d

o    8
,  5  C %CC8 

## C  5l    
8 C      
C3 U a %    
C  5 7  7O 5


) 525=5A0B ,>B

* <524 9+ 7B /;6C

  ) ) 

be wide open. F

or all three controls the j

M v
 CC  *

C  J $(  ) $
"        C   CC )

$( "    
)*$ N -5 8
 "    C ) I
C+ (     

"   z ?  

$ (C
 N )  $5

aw must not be moved

during the entire singing of the triad or the manipulation will be

so much interfered with as to become inoperative. The opening

gesture of the j

aw should be undertak

en only during the singing

of the triad, when no manipulation is being made.


or Triads and R

egister C

hange (F


W hen the stage has been reached at which the female pupil is

)>Ykq 7qV>Eu >gE 3GQVuxGq S>gQG Gd>_G

able to sing the triads in both registers, with pure registration, up

to about the C

the high C

(above the middle C

) in the lower register, and

, in the falsetto, she should start work

X      )       "C  C 

  e    )g  V#       # (
 )  )
-      C.  #  
   #  "C
?   (C  L 
  )    (M
T  [     )     C+ vm )
 C M 8  [  
  V    C.   
M T     CC  ) j(   
VjAkV cVjA )   )C >^ i.-#      
 ()" +  & [ M 8   .#      
  )C >^ "     ) C" #  ) J
  7 \>     #   "C   V )   
 ;M \"   ; -#   "      #   )L
!   &   &-#     h  - s
"  ;   CM 8 # .-#    h   ; 7
     C#  # &q    )
a  C       L~>CC+  g  ;   &q 
a+M \ L 6&       &      )I s#
    & C )        3   
$           & ).        
a       &     7 T    
+ $-  "   J.  (  !# ) -    & V
  (    ) [ C s "  ; M \"  
C &# >C  o - )C )g+
  " )$$M
8    $(  )  (  C      
   CC+ j      C - C+   & 

 $  V
5 8    .     ;  $(
e  * )G   qj= "  $ m  

"( N
Z I E  N Pq  N CC+ ( "   ; M 8 
/ 58   C
 G  C
      F E d(C     

 e "2C
8   h ) $*/  

ing on triads in

which both registers are used.

The first such triad to be sung is generally F

middle C



f (above

). The first two tones are sung in the lower register and

the top tone in the falsetto. This tone will not be q

intensity line, because it is below E

uite in the

b. H owever, the intensity drop

should be fairly insignificant. The drop in power, when the register

changes below E

right. I


b (fourth space on the treble clef), must be j


f it is insufficient, the falsetto tone has been pushed and

ed. I

f it is ex

cessive, the falsetto tone is constricted, the break

between the registers is aggravated, and the co-ordinative effect

of the ex

ercise is lost. This, however, is not a co-ordinating ex

the pupil to change register sk

throaty. I


ts purpose is rather to relate, or match, the registers and to enable

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n mak

illfully without mix

ing or going

ing the register change she should not break


or slur.

The mouth should generally be wide open and stationary at the

moment at which the register change between the second and the

third tone occurs in ascending and descending. This is important!

ny movement of the j

aw is undesirable, but even the slightest

closing gesture destroys the beneficial effect of the ex

ercise. I

f this

closing gesture does occur, the falsetto tone will inevitably be throaty

and will often become mix

This ex

registers are really q

worse mix


ercise must not be attempted until such time as the

uite pure or it will serve merely to engender

ed registration. The teacher who uses this ex

now the difference between the sound of a mix

ercise must

ed-register tone

and of pure registration.



vowel should be k


(as in hot) is generally used for this ex

tends to sing the lower register with a "


does the falsetto. The registers must be matched in q


ercise. The

ept constant for both registers. The pupil generally

uality than she




< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

in intensity. A

 -6     5  

0  9
 '    a 2 

t the moment at which the register change is made,

the tongue must remain tense and in constant position. The attain-

ment of the ability to hold the resonance cavities constant during

the register change is one of the main purposes of the ex

soon as the vowel can be k

ercise. A

ept constant through the register change

the transition can be made satisfactorily, and the break

will be

t seems to be much more pronounced to the

pupil herself than it is to the listener. R

emember, she must not,

 5  06 w      7


under any conditions, attempt to eliminate the slight mis-match

of the intensity line or the ex

This ex


t tends to

of the lower register up into the falsetto.

n fact this is an important means of "

tones. This ex

a 7
9  4 9

- 9   C  0 7` 

ercise will become harmful.

ercise serves another very useful purpose. I

reflect the "

opening up"

the lower falsetto

ercise is not suited to male pupils. The reason for

this is that the technical faults in the female voice are generally

associated with the falsetto register, which most women use ex


sively, while the inverse is true of male voices. The procedure is,

then, to reflect the "


of the more "


register into the

relatively throaty one. The highest triad in which the lower register

can be used, at this stage of development, is C


-G. The lower

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Thus, there will be two lower-register tones up to and including



b and only one above this triad. The change point

must be set, however, according to the stage of development reached

and it should also be employed in songs for all normal, full voice


Use of Lower R

W hen an "

egister in Performance


pure lower register has been carried up through

the D, on the fourth line of the treble clef, it may be used in per-

formance up to this tone. I

t is never carried further than this ex


for fortissimo effects, when it may be employed throughout the

entire singing range, provided that the voice is "

opened up"


developed fully. The very high, lower-register tones need hardly

ever be practised during the technical work

out. W hen this stage

has been reached, there is no intensity drop when the singer changes

into the falsetto, because the E


  - C 

1 5C   
b e

-  C #
6 w  

'   0   C5

#    h
w      "  #0 H  (" 
'h 2 'e"         h 2 " "

 / (   "0"9 5   (  e 4

register is always carried to the same point at normal intensity.

the triad A

   (  M  

B_'" 0
C-l   "'M 5 
C  6 2 0 
#  - " ' 

almost undetectable. The slight drop in intensity matters less than

one would imagine. I



0     7 #
_h _

-9 (  

     6 2 #
 #H "0

- 6 b 0 
 1! 5   C5

  l   0  9  `t6 2 5


1    #  

C -a
2 l 
 5C  5 C5"`
 #   1  0
 x``  -    "a 2 0 #
9 "0 0
      -  0 

b is in the intensity line.

(X2d R5d R`2Ud #2<CXZ2Ud CNd !2U5RUL+ N.2d

o  =9H


 C    C9  -    #'

"     6 w  '

 ""   'e 

 k' l 5  78  - 

09 #
#  -a 2 
8 Bl C5

0    C 5
M a o  0
 !! 18 
# 5  0
  9     B)C    - C6


) 525=5?.B-B

  ) ) 
* <424 6 B1;8B

T@iQViQ3GQVuxGq @x bjGq 1VxDT


hanging R

egister at Lower Pitch

The pupil must learn also to change register sk

/ CC22C

/2QKI"C 2/C

K/ 8# /  U U
" QK2  / /  2  2 2
y# y
 - 2 
" "n     2 V $
2 / 
Q  /# / 
    # 2 / /2G 

n 8/     /G 
2;E '%+;7E /  
 2Q# /
,  /2 /
(2CK+ C U K 2 U2Kn  /2 /
C S Q2 2 XY
/    / 2 /K/ 2 Q2
S Ch2S / #

,  /2 / "C

/   I 2}
"/QKQ 2G
2 / C
Q  /  )[K 2 2 # S2  /C

U/   SKC 

"C/n S
 ,Q ,
 2 Q   +# 2 2U+ K, K/#
,Q/KKS( C(#;
58/#22  -U2"

U 2 U

U Z 2 C  
"# S 2 /  2 / C
Q  Q  C
"Q# Q- 
/ / /   )K 
 5 8 #    ,
 K U + "
 =\ 2  $
2 2 2C 2#  Q#
# S2C2 QK2
G /2
SG SC /5

illfully at the lower

pitches. Thus, the singing of triads in which the change is made at

B, Bb or even at A

is often helpful. W hen the change is made

at these lower pitches, the drop in intensity, at the change point,

becomes more pronounced. The intensity line is then considerably

out of k

ilter. This does not matter, however, provided that the

uality line is maintained. The change should be practised at all

the different pitches at which a reasonably well-established, pure,

falsetto tone can be produced. Provided that the falsetto is not

pushed and is k

ept pure and "


practice of the register change

at these lower pitches is beneficial and necessary, because it helps

to "


this register and build it up to its full strength. R


it never develops beyond a certain intensity, at any given pitch,

however much it is built up, ex

voice is "

opened up."

cept to the ex

tent to which the entire

Thus, at any given stage of "

falsetto tone can be so strong and no stronger. A


a middle

t a later stage it is

fuller, but at this stage the lower register is also fuller, provided

that the technic is being work

ed out properly. Thus, the relative

drop in intensity for all tones below E

same at all stages, when pure, "

b remains more or less the


balanced registration has

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been established.

onstant Throat A

W hen this ex


ustment and R

egister C


ercise is first used there is nearly always a pro-

nounced tendency on the part of the pupil to break

changes register. Because the throat adj

off as she

ustment should remain

more or less constant, i.e., the position of, and tension on, the tongue

and hyoid bone should not alter materially between the tones

this "



which need not occur, can and must be eliminated.

This is not so difficult to accomplish as one might imagine. I

pupil has not been subj

f the

ected to harmful, one-register training, the

register change usually presents relatively little difficulty. O f course,

the victim of incorrect training may have q

jguz@ix7Sqj@x EY~uxdGgx @gE 3GQVuxGq S@gQG

uite a bad time when

she first attempts to change register.

Use of Brok



en Tonic C

hord in R

en tonic chord, in the maj

egister C

or mode, is often useful for this

because, in some cases, the wider j

the octave facilitates the register change. I


X/ /  ;   [   Q  2QC   2 Q

" / KC 
S2I  2  
/ Q Q y /   J<   Q U

U2# % E 

"# 2 
 SU /  2 2  )   
/  ^S2I
#/ / 

# 2 2U) $ U2n
8/  K 
 $   2  \" e
 C / 
 S SJ 
Q  2 b#  
Q Q/+Q QC ,    5 "
/ , 
QQ Q2 K 2+ /2,   S2   /
/ [Q 2 
/2 QKQ5


ump between the fifth and

n certain cases, this

9uGjL qj^Gg7jgWD SjqE Vg 3GQVuxGq S@gQG

Q# / $2J
" "C "
Q /K

$ 2# /  Q JS / ["/ 2G
2, "KCK2 / Q  */2 C *2G *2

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

chord is also useful for carrying up each register separately. W hen

used for this purpose the pupil should sing it in a strict rhythmic

form, sometimes at a very fast tempo, without holding the top tone.

he must not spread her lips for the upper tone, since, if she does so,

this tone will become very throaty and shrill and the ex

prove harmful. S

ercise will

he may then often be able to sing tones somewhat

higher than those which she can produce when she has to sustain

the top tone of the chord at slow tempo. F

urthermore, when she has

sung these higher tones, even for a moment, she has paved the way

for holding them. The psychological value of k


nowing that one can

e a given tone, if only for a very short time, is often beneficial.

ntensity of Middle and H igh F

alsetto tones above the D, on the fourth line of the treble clef,

alsetto Tones

can be more or less in the intensity line long before the pupil can

    ' '  &   &   n X 
 '  ~         &     k %  
' # %   - ' # .  |  &    
2QBijqv{B5=QA{dVvFq{RAvvA{qkAV # '    #
      ! -  9%     o    ;  . 
- 'n {     ' ! !   &   . 
&      .     k .       U
  '  k%.7 v% k # .    
 &  & % V# - '  9 # A  -%  .
' o &  7 T    & - 'L . &%A%   U
i5aB  & -  # '  ' -k   #  ' ! [ n

actually sing an even scale with the register change at the proper

point. Therefore, she must be made to sing the higher falsetto

tones loudly, provided that they are k

ept pure and "

the lower register has first been established and "

sudden rise in intensity is very startling. F

is apt to "


hold back




or this reason the beginner

and sing tones which are constricted and

ed. This is especially true of the more powerful voices. I

t is

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absolutely vital for the teacher to insist upon the pupil singing these

new, lower-register tones at full voice and as "


as possible.

he must do so at once, or she will inevitably start to even up the

registers by shutting off and mix

tones. I


ing these loud, pure lower-register

f she does this, the falsetto tones derived from the throaty,

ed, lower-register tones will be ex

tremely throaty and the entire

process of training the voice will be destroyed. I




register tones are definitely established in the early stages, no real

difficulty in using the two registers should ever be ex

perienced. I

she fails to do so she will never learn to sing. The early stages of

the training process are, then, ex

tremely crucial. I

f pure, "


lower-register tones are not immediately established, and employed

in songs as well as in technic, the entire training process is nullified.

alsetto tones, derived from the "


lower register, are imme-

diately augmented in intensity to an enormous degree. I

f these

intensified falsetto tones are not put into the voice at once, the

training process is destroyed. This applies in particular to the higher

falsetto tones

W ork

those above the D on the fourth fine of the treble clef.

on the triads, in which the register change is made, is essen-

tial from this standpoint. O nly full, "




W hen

opened up,"

lower-register tones

v%   !-  #   'k   '  ! #

 !  k    %      & !'     
  &  -  .    & %   &    c
 n T '#    !    &   &  '
   # -       I (k  } 5 G
  . & k  [V ! !     F  #  
 k     -  n v  k  !& 
   F  !IE    &   .  k  k  
 ;7 T      '   $k k ,
*5 C ~
!V -  'k  %    (  & & 
.# m& %    ' -     Fc   !n
{     %  #    .  - !  BAj v  
k&  ! QVjM qK   ; &   (# ( mk 
 7 \'     #   'o   k - '     #
 ;# .h& %  .  ! ;  k       
 ' k &   -  .  ! k 5 f" } # k
&  % V k [ % %!      &#  
%  & %   & %k  | - ! ;  7 \'
A '       .  -    &n T  o & '
   &  #   # ;  on \' k# F #E
.hk& %      !  #    
 & .  #      &    [7
v%  #   ' %A E . & # 
 % |& % %       &7 \'  
% [ '%%     v Vjq QB qV;A   # A
k &  %k 7T     |k%%  & 
' l% !-%   A'  ' !'n
XL % k #   %A&   & #  V
  '   %  n  '# F # kh&   

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

may be sung, and the falsetto tones, derived from these "

lower-register tones, must be established

 )  #    '

#  , '

   #  ) )  
< !  
 ' ,
 8    ,   
.# '
'  # 


, =]


$ 0V,
 Y 8 F
)  ,

#   # F{VMQBjVjM X  ',
# ,#
 < )


 Y 8  <# 
# ! ,     l  0  + 
 Y i $ '
)  '# F
 E   !a
,  !   < )#   
, q4 
<+) '

     Y f" '  

#  . 


they too must be sung

at full voice. This is true even when the lower, falsetto tones are


. Q uite often the pure, lower falsetto tones are far too weak

at a stage at which the falsetto tones above E

b, on the top space

of the treble clef, are powerful enough to be in the intensity scale.

W omen with small voices are not so lik

culty. The "


ely to ex

perience this diffi-

tones produced by such voices are not apt to be

so, shall we say, frightening. W ith really powerful voices, however,

the sudden increase in loudness may be so pronounced that the pupil

may tend to "

hold back


and constrict. The teacher must, there-

fore, be severe with the pupil

especially in the early stages of the

training. H e must force her to establish full, "


tones in both

registers, however inhibited she may be, and however difficult it

may be for him to accomplish this end. I

never mak

f he fails to do so, he will

e her really sing.

mportance of "

O pening"

at R

egister Transition Point

The lower-register tone, which is sung immediately before a fal-

setto tone, is crucial. The tendency on the part of the pupil to soften

and constrict, j

ust before she changes register, is very pronounced.

The ensuing falsetto tone will then be sung in ex

treme constriction.

ward and forward between

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This constrictor action, reflecting back

#dojqx>gDGjLmGgVgQ>x3GQVuxGq7q>guVxVji 0jVgy

the two registers, leads to ever-increasing throatiness. The change


an "

falsetto tone


lower-register tone followed by an "

is the crux

of the problem. I



nhibition and fear must

?   0   <$  )'

? n8  +


 4# J )'
     ? 0 ,+ 

( Y
8  '

  )   ; 
#   )I   '
 # 2 
 Y 8  


 )  F
 #E '#

)<Y f  ) 
  ' <
< v     , 
    < Y 8
'         e <
'  )   $       
V 0  #   
  <      )  

   ' # ' 
 n X     ,
 # e   ) 
Y  ,    #
 $ !    $ ) ,+     
$ ) V ) )J4
) Y
  < ;

 < , 

 #0 ;<#   Y   < #
 # F w .   < ! ! '  ' .

Y 8'
 #  , '<  F

# <  ! Fqj= X Fql=  < ! ^  E
   )     & a
)    ,+ '?    )   H ! a<  ' !


be overcome if the pupil is ever to learn to sing legitimately. The

early stages of the training are the hardest and the most crucial.

f a bad start is made the entire training process is held up, until

such time as the pupil can be taught to establish pure registration

and utilize full, free tones in both registers. W hen the pupil is very

talented, this can be done at once. I

it may be difficult. I

has made a bad start

n relatively untalented cases,

t may be very difficult indeed when the pupil

when she has been subj

ected to bad training.

n badly handled cases the constriction and mix

ture of the lower

register may even go so far as to eliminate the lower, falsetto tones

and, in ex

a pure, "

treme cases, the entire register. Under such circumstances,


lower register must be established for a few low

tones. The falsetto tones, derived from these "


tones, must then be found. W hen found, they must be "


opened up"

and sung in balance with the lower register. Neither register should

be carried up very far, until balance and establishment of both


< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

   6 2 -   3   31
      6  tk 3  -  

registers have been attained. This may be difficult to accomplish

but it must be done. A

very high


shut-off falsetto tone may be derived from

shut off,"

or "



falsetto must be established from the "

from the pure, "


are absolutely crucial. I



falsetto tones, but the pure

which is derived

, H 35

6 2 ,  V

  3 3-
36 w- 
 u   "

lower register. Thus, the first dozen lessons

f they are not conducted properly, the harm

done may not be overcome for a long time. I

f the harm done is


 3 6 z  

sufficiently great, the time lost may be serious.

allacy of S

pecial Q uality C

 3- 0
l Y  3 f  


W e hear a great deal about the tenor, baritone, soprano and con-

tralto q

ualities. H ere is a startling fact!

tenor q

uality, as understood today, occurs because the voice is

throaty and mix

ed, with a lack

uality characteristic is "

baritone q


There is no such thing. The

,HH,.cd R5d $S2.D,Jd "^,HDZcd ?, U,.Z2UCXZC.Xd

of lower-register balance, and the


thin, throaty and often nasal. The

uality is generally the result of "



and often of a

of falsetto co-ordination. The same sort of thing is true of the

bass voice. W ith women'

of mere "



s voices the contralto q

uality is the result

and, nearly always, of mix

ed registration. I

register tones are employed for a few low tones, the contralto voices




the ex

and throaty. The soprano q



cessively dropped larynx

bone, tongue and larynx

uality is characterized by

and, very often, "

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have dropped, the voice is "

for the high tones. I


The q

n cases where






n all such voices the pitch is raised,

above a certain point, by increasing the degree of "


has been insisted upon, i.e., the hyoid

throaty in the middle of the range but it is inevitably "





and constriction.

uality of the tone is actually determined by the vowel

sound, when the technic is good. Thus, any group of singers, irre-

spective of what their voices might be, producing ex

actly the same

vowel, at the same pitch, with the same vibrato characteristics,

would each produce a tone of very nearly the same q

uality, ex

for the differences in power, provided that their technics were vir-

tually perfect. The characteristic which really determines the type

of voice is one of the distribution of intensity through the range of

the voice. The type of voice is determined by the characteristics of

the "



pitch intensity"

ee The S

curve, not by "

cience of V


oice, third edition, page 353.


3 _o!MCjC1fw 
30   2"     6 2

j1UXbw _o!jt
 -,  "O       

-  ;l 5  3 M  35

3 ,  

virtually every case today, including the cases in which some lower-

are "

- r  ,n 
rO]   n3 ,    

3     3 
  rH 5   


] 3f 
  5,H  , 
-  u u3h 2

%!bCjXU1w_o!MCjtw 1 
 3  r M,H    
3 M  3 `
6 2  
  6 o (    'XUja!PjXw _o!LCjtw 
 r M n , 
3- 35-,  ;

6 w
%3Cf   -,  3  O  5   35

 5 35 ,  

-6 2 fX[a!VXw _o!LCjtw  
r5 1 l rO
33n , 
f , 3-Kn z  5

 ; 13-
-;   , C1
w -
l 0   
,      MH u
%- 1  3  
0     3- "33H 
   6 w 3      #  
 #, - 1
33,H "
ft5 ,n  
2 ] 3-       33- 
u -  53
 , 5     6 2 , u- 
, "

#   5 
   l #
  ; m-  O
53,    # , 5   

5 3   #
3- Y  ] 3-, ; #

, "  
 u  5" %
 33- #
 6 2 
 " ( 
  6 2 -#     
l  - ] 3f6H 


.A:L +8C:F8:L H?L1HC8:L ]`I NI_`uq |AWN %,% B


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

6r~G0X|CUU>r>C|GrXu|XCkO=G__ mrkF~CGF<kXCG
True Pitch C

haracteristic of W ell-produced V


,65   ?  h6   6

  l;    _P  _7P   
_ 7(    ; ,    !    n
  G_7PW66   ??6 
 _P  ;_aP _7P   6 5
 G ?  g ; ,G 6   R
 I6 G; , Gu6 ((  (
  6 l  (

The outstanding characteristic of a well-produced tone is absolute

pitch definition. I



tically "



nor "



and is neither

shrill nor nasal. The statement that a voice is characteris-


that it is "

t is neither "


is j


ust as much a criticism of a fault as is the statement

or shrill. "

W hite"

and "



colors are used legiti-

mately for emotional effects. They constitute deliberate variations

from the normal q

uality. The properly-produced tone is, then, clear,

has an absolutely defined pitch, is mellow and is neither "




Personal Q uality"




and Technic

W hile there is some slight foundation for the idea that there is

a personal q

uality in a given voice, this characteristic is rather the

outcome of the psychological and emotional mak

e-up of the indi-

 0 Grukg>_ 2~>_X| >gF 6GCUgVC

vidual than of the structure of his or her vocal apparatus, although

this structure must, of course, have some effect. A

understood, however, the personal q

s it is generally

a      5 ?6 ?    
 vA{qj5d z5dW   5! ! (      
6  ?  G  5    76   OO
!6  ? 6 6 ? !  (  
 6 6 6( ? 6( !  g + v   5 G
6E( !(  vA{qoc z5cW (   6 ? (   G
 6  ?    6 (   ( ?6     ; ,  n
  I6   5 G    6  O
 I6 G    ?  !     ?  9
 5l  +
? 6(     6 g  6 
    ? ?6  _ I6 GPk  G
 + ! G(  !6  6 #
 ?7  ! ? E  lR +

uality is, in actual fact, merely

the result of the particular, or personal, faults in technic. The tech-

nical eq

the q

uipment is so predominatingly the controlling influence in

uality characteristics of a voice that the other factors sink

into insignificance.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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O f course, personal charm has an enormous effect upon an audi-

ence and is often confused with "

erroneous idea. I

ality may fail to mak

Q uality C

personal q


an entirely

nversely, an individual with an unpleasant person-

e a hit even if he or she possesses a fine voice.

annot Be Divorced from A

ccurate I


n nearly all the teaching methods current today the stress is

laid rather upon*



than upon pitch (intonation). Pupils

who are trained by some teachers never think

in terms of pitch;

they never really define pitch. Not only do they slur habitually, but

they also attempt to "

of "


or "


indicate, to the pupil, a certain q

taught to "



or "


or "


the voice. W hile this idea

is without any factual basis, it does

uality characteristic. H e is generally


the tone "

head resonance."

definite form of throatiness

or "


in the masq


or to use

This endeavor is associated with a

an unpleasant q

uality characteristic.

or this reason the pupil, trained under such methods, is always

aiming at a certain q

uality characteristic, and pitch (accuracy of

2~>_X|>ggk|GXkrCGFOrkd CC~r>|G#g|kg>|Xkg

intonation) becomes secondary to him.


  G     5  6 G   

  6 _I6 GP  6   y  z +  
   G    ! 7   ?  
G ! G l# ;  G  G  6  G( 6
G     _  P  _? 6P  ! ; a   
? _  5  _? 65P  6 G ? 6 (  
 (6 ( I6 G   ; 5 
65  _    _? 6P   _  I6P   
_ P   E ;P , !     
l ? ? k 6  I6 G   ;
`    6 (  6 6  (   G
5    I6 G   (  #  y  6 G 
 z    G  ;

< slssi b

J slt  m~

Q D >W 7 I L >P H 9 B > 5 < > :3 D

This is factually absurd, in view of the fact that the "

actually merely "



b   4-  4
9  (       ]4-n
- =(9n   ( I 


and the vowel is determined by the over-

tones of the fundamental, i.e., of a definite pitch. I

is not established and absolutely defined, the q

  49 C4 w  V #  h w 4

    4- V9  ]4-g

f the fundamental


or vowel

is also ill-defined. Thus, the unfortunate pupils of present-day

   `V. b49  4"4 #4#  #

 (-  k 9 
- 0  

methods are always, in effect, merely aiming at throatiness and

utterly disregarding pitch definition.

stablishment of Pitch C


O ne of the first goals for the teacher is to mak



 #  V.

e the pupil pitch

to force him to define the pitch absolutely and accurately

for each tone he sings. H e must never be allowed to change the

pitch after he has once started to sing a tone. A


badly-trained pupil,

however good his natural ear may be, has blurred these defined,

  M  #4# [Cj'>w
'XVe'CXoe mYw 
   V  #   4-   4

    0 .  4  
 (  0 

mental (memory), pitch pictures. H e must be trained to establish

them singly and, for singing melodies, as seq

uence, memory pic-

tures. Thus, the pupil must learn the notes. H e must be taught to

establish defined, mental, pitch pictures. This is a vital concomitant

of proper training. W ithout it there can be no real singing

  0  h -`


sounds which emanate from the pupil who has not established

0  4
- 9  4

- 9 #  # T
 .  4  
 0- 9 
00  9  ]4 9 
- #

definite pitch consciousness are mere noises.

hythm and Pitch Definition

n order that the pitch may be changed with precision and accu-

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racy, when moving from one tone to another in the singing of a

triad or of any other musical figure, this transition must be accom-

plished at an absolutely defined, pre-determined instant. The defini-

tion of the ex

act moment at which the pitch changes is primarily

a rhythmic problem. C

ueing is ex

tremely important. Unless the

ptipil has been taught to obey the teacher'

s cues, he is q

hand. The teacher is unable to control him and to mak

uite out of

4 (   

V #   T  #g0 W0g2 ]_Cp2q

e him start,

move at the proper instant, or stop. This contact between the teacher

and the pupil is most important. I

 h b4 9  #4# 4  M2!cw j>2w UXj1ew  4  4 
  V9 9 #  # 4 h b     

0h o4  

t must be engendered at the incep-

tion of the training process. The teacher must be severe in this

phase of his work

#?cZ?Kd ,N0d !DZ.@d 2;ODZDROd

W hen teaching the pupil to sing the triad, he should be given


 #  -  0 ( #

certain necessary, physical directions, which are indicated by his

technical faults. S

uch directions may be: "

your mouth;







show your teeth slightly;



over-pout the lips;


drop your chest;


aise your head;



 -9 ( 0 


get your body into the proper



t spread the lips;

etc. O r maybe he should be told to hold his




4   V4
#    4- V9 #
 h b V
   ;    (   #    #


-E "'E 4'  
E'- E"h  
##   4  -   
4 9   ]4' Xojw X6w
>!V*w b  
#h b 'XVj!'jw(   

 #4#   E#

h w4  
0 #
  h b  
#   (
o  0  #4#    
9  4  0

-9 #-   
  9 (  
   4 h p4  
  -  =  -4
n =#
4n ="# -4
  = -4
-   #

# 4
 n = ( -4
 - n = #
  # n =

`#4  # n  .
-  4     


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

3- 3 , 5 Y 3# C3-
    G,  %v

aw nearly closed, with the lips slightly raised off the teeth, in readi-

ness to open as he ascends the triad. There are so many such direc-

tions, and they are so entirely dependent upon the pupil'

s personal

faults, that it is difficult to do more than suggest a few of them here.

W henever necessary, the triad should be played in its ex

rhythmic form and tempo several times. A


fter a few triads have

been sung, the rhythmic pattern should be set. W ith a change in

tempo, or rhythmic pattern, of the triad, it should be played several

times in the new tempo, or pattern

although once should be enough.

mportance of C


s soon as the triad he is to sing has been struck

  #      %K % 

  7-  %
 ,  - 
3- #G #  # #3 #
 3 ,  G  3  %     57 
  3  #3-   ; 

7  # %C 7 K %  5 G
 0,  %-7 #  3  f1jw o   1
7#, % %-7 #,   % ,   3  #3- 

 !!5#, %#G%!3     C UK

on the piano,

the pupil must obey the physical directions given him. W hen he

has completely obeyed them, the cue tone is struck

of the triad. A

he must attack

on the inspiratory gesture. H e must not anticipate

the cue tone.

ven after he has started to sing, he must be conscious of the

piano and, if the playing stops, he must stop singing. V

the pupil should hold the top tone of the triad;

ery often

sometimes, if he is

singing it too softly, the teacher should indicate a crescendo by


ing the chord several times loudly. S


ometimes he should leave the

ly, either because he has sung it badly, or be-

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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held, top tone q

cause he has started to do something wrong. A

should sing in strict rhythm. I

t other times he

n any event, he must hold up the top

tone, swelling it if a swell is-indicated, and k

eeping it at constant

intensity, if no swell is called for, until he hears the first descending

tone played. H e must then immediately move down the last two

tones of the triad in the rhythmic pattern. H e must come off the top

tone the moment the nex

t tone is played. This is very important be-

cause, if he has done something wrong, by coming down promptly,

he stops sustaining a tone which is hurting his voice.

Nevertheless, he must have the rhythmic flow of the triad in his

mind and he must not stop until so told. O f course, the playing is

always in an established rhythm and the pupil must move with it.

H e must at all times be listening to the piano and not to his own

voice. I

f he listens to his own voice, the process is destroyed. The

self-listener is unable to follow the cue, or the piano. H e is always

singing against the teacher'

has been more or less brok

s guidance. I

nversely, "


en down when the pupil has learned to

follow the cue. The pupil must be completely alert and his muscular

system "


 L SRUZ, O.2d R5d ^2Xd

the first tone

s soon as he hears this tone he must breathe, and


to breathe and start singing as soon as he hears the

M  G #,
 # 7  -  #-  3 
   7K o 
/ 3- - , G    
   7  %, 
    M    #

h y     #
 %   O
  9  7      
# ,   #3-0 # ,    # K 
 # #3 U3 3  G# G   
 7 ,  

0   3-,  G 


C7 3 3-hp   C
C, # G ]  M3-, 
    /   3-, 

 G  7 5
K  %  
 3   %  %- h w - ,  7  3 # G G#
, 533   533   ,  M#  G  
 -,   533 33 %, 3  
 #3-h y 7   73-  5  3  5
   %- #
K y 7  7 k #
    ;   #3-h b  
- #
 P     70 5
, - 7 5 #%#3,
 # 0   5    %0   K

 ,  7   
- 5  G 
!   7   # 3 O 3K  
,  #3- 
35-    3 
-7  G # #C 7   5 K
y    33   3 0 G  #     5
 h  3   O 5!  ,  #%    
-h b
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 #K y  35-
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35 h  # #3 7   #33- 3
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* <424 6 B1;8B




  %  09    7    #
U #7 7  

;6 b 9 Y 
7  7    #
`  9 5  7 0   
Y  #%
- 7  7  
5   #
# 7    %  

cue tone. Before he starts to sing, all the muscles used in phonation

must be in optimum tonus or relatively relax

ed. Thus, the breathing

muscles must not be pre-tensed and, while some slight tension of

the inspiratory muscles must occur when he inspires his breath, the

tension on these muscles for phonation must not occur until the

moment at which he attack

s the first tone of the triad. I

f he tak


a breath and holds it, while waiting for the cue, he will always sing

on a forced ex

piration, sluf up into the tone and push. The tension

on the breathing muscles must be of the right degree and occur

at the ex

act moment of attack

not too soon and not too late. F

thermore, he must establish a seq


0 7  7      %0 0

  ;  77   Mg      6

9  7     ]  l 77
- # 
V 79 0

uence, memory picture of the

five timed, graded tensions for the five tones of the triad, before

he starts to sing. Most important is the fact that the muscles at the

seat of action, i.e., the muscles of the vibrator and the resonator

(tongue and larynx

), must be relax

the first tone is attack

ed until the moment at which

must relax

his tongue. A

breathe and then attack

  06   7#
   9 C1w  7    


ed and the triad started. Thus, in preparation

for the singing of a triad, after the chord has been struck

, the pupil

s soon as he hears the cue tone, he must

it, bringing the tongue and larynx

tension and, a split fraction of a second later, tak

-; 9 7  
;   EE  5 
. b 9  #

M9  # #


ing hold of, or

tensing, the breathing muscles. H e must then move over the triad

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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in unison with the piano. The sense of the rhythmic pattern enables

;  0 h    
  9  7 

    M 9 
0     "-; 

him to do this.

W hen the alert pupil follows the cue promptly, an ex

act interval

of time elapses before he is able to start singing. This interval of

  9  # 

9 M  9 "

time is determined by the length of time necessary to receive the

0 7  . y 7   7 

   5  #. b    
-7 # 
7    6

sound impression, breathe and bring the vocal apparatus into action.

f he sings with the cue tone, or too soon, he is not listening to it,

and is not, therefore, obeying it. I

cue tone and the attack

cue. A

f he waits too long between the

, he is not responding and really obeying the

s soon as he attack

s the first tone, the rhythm should be pick

77  5    M  V

6 z  M
    l 550
 9  5 5- 0
9  #     # 6 b  


 # # 5   #
7#-9  ;  


up by the pianist and the pupil should move with this rhythm

and with the piano.

The importance of the teacher'

s insistence upon the pupil'

ection to the cue cannot be emphasized too strongly. I

means of controlling the pupil'

s voice

s sub-

t is his chief

his main contact with the

pupil. W ithout it much of his ability to teach the pupil how to sing

is lost.


 E #  

 . b " 
7 -  0  7   "- 
  ##"   .
  0 5   9 
 9     0  19

 l -0 .   5   5 
- - 
6    M V
-E   # M
# 8   #    # #   7 5  %-7
 5   #6
b 7#
    #  #  
c       E#    
0  # #  g 7   5 

# #6 o   7    -    # # 5  0



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* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

! 4N;o /YG7;_o ;__YV_o ;V<]5NOko )a4]ao hGaDo 4O_;bbYo

Male V

oices, Lessons Generally S

W ith men'

tart with F


\ $q 

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 $   M 
Ac  a   &  4      <
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$ AnaQ

s voices the lesson generally starts with the falsetto.

n the early stages, the tongue instrument is usually needed for the

falsetto tones, which are always sung with a vowel which approx

mates the dark



mined by the tongue instrument. The tone F


although the vowel sound is primarily deter-

is usually a good starting note. A

or F

# above middle

n octave higher should be played

on the piano for the men. Despite the fact that they are really

singing an octave lower, it is best for them to associate this octave-

lower tone with the tone an octave higher on the treble clef. The

triads for the men are played in the same position as those played

for the women (an octave higher than they are actually sung). W hen

there is no falsetto, or when it is mix

ed, the lesson must be started

with lower-register tones, generally using the laryngeal controls

and, sometimes, the tongue instrument. I

f the voice is balanced to

the falsetto, the lesson can well be started with lower-register tones

sung very loudly and helped by means of the lower-register manipu-

lations. I

n most cases, however, starting with the falsetto is ad-

visable. W hen the falsetto is sufficiently pure, the "

the falsetto"


for the attack

go through"

Going Through the F

W hen the pupil is singing this "





hapter 9, the falsetto must be

completely established and pure, because a mix

ed falsetto leads to

ed lower register and, as with the women, the mix

throatiness are reflected back



going through the falsetto"

cise, which has been discussed in C

a mix


to the lower register. W hen using the tongue instru-

ment, or the laryngeal controls, cue him by saying: "

W hen to Use "

going through

ercise use two cues;

of the falsetto and, the second time, for the pupil to

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /


ercise begins. W ith this ex

ture and

ward and forward between the two

registers with disastrous results. The pupil should seldom sing the

falsetto at a pitch higher than that of the highest tone he can pro-

duce with the lower register added. The only ex

ception to this is

where the voice is balanced to the lower register, under which

circumstances he may sometimes sing two or three tones higher in

2E;Vo aYo ._;o ZGVBo+E]Ye BEo aE;o 4P_;aaYo

the falsetto.

alsetto triads are never used with the male pupil, because they

are at too low tension, in his singing range, for this ex

\   &  3  A    a 7 <

 6  u
  TM <R  6  $ 

$M&& 36     

  $"7 6&   
 $"7 & "      $   $7  
     &4 % M&  &   
&  6 

 "  & "   4    7
M  u 0

  6 $$        
]6&   "   9    $  M  
 6   " "   6   7

"6&4    6&   6  &  &   

 6"  $7  U   "  9  " & )

ercise to be

beneficial. The use of falsetto triads would tend only to induce

throatiness and mix

ture, j

ust as the singing of very high, single,

falsetto tones would.



tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

';BG_a;]o E4WB;o 4W9o $Ga7Eo +]4W_HaGYWo *GTGP4]o


egister C


hange and Pitch Transition S



going through the falsetto"

to the j



V 2"@3
V '+L"V <AV B5J@V "DN""9V D)"V $5B"ED<V 9V E)"V 5<N"@V A"',BD"A V

or slur between the falsetto and the lower register,

in the "

to "




-:V H"V'<+9'VD*A<I'*VD)"V $5B"DD<V #P"@+B"

V +BV V B+7,6@V >*"9<8"9<9V

ercise, is a similar phenomenon

or slur between the tones in the triad. Learning

go through the falsetto"

without "


or j


ing helps to

D<V D)"V 2"@4 V '+L"V <AV B6IAV "EN""9V D)"V D<9"BV ,9V D)"V D@+V "A9.9'V
D=V '<V D*A<I')V H"V $5B"DD<V O,E)<IDV '+L+9'V <AV 2"@3,9'V )"6>BV D<V

teach the pupil how to move the pitch, and vice versa.

D")V D)"V >I>+6V *=OV D<V 7<L"V D)"V >,D)


The ability to hold the tension throughout the entire process of

singing a musical phrase, or tune, is of first importance. The singer

)"V /6/EQV D<V )<5V D)"V D"9B/<9V D)@<J')<JDV D)"V "9D+A"V >@<"BBV <$V

who has not been trained to do this all the time must inevitably

become throaty

B+9'+9'V V 7IB.5V >)@B"

V <AV DJ9"
V ,BV <$V &@BEV ,7><@D9"V )"V B,9'"AV

he is utterly unable to produce his voice properly.

There are three phases of the technic in which the pupil can, and

must, be taught to "


O)<V )BV 9<FV "#9V DA,9#V D<V =V G)/BV

ll three are similar, and when one has

)"@"V @"V m=c44| >)B"BV <$V D)"V D")9+V +9VO*+)V D)"V >I>,6V 9
V 9V

of the technic are:

1. The attack

V "V DJ')DV D<V )<6V 55V E)A""V @"V B/7+5A
V 9V N)"9V <9"V )BV

2. The change of register

3. C

"NN| m=4| mCQ4| 8IBDV +9"L0D5QV

"<7"V D)@<DQ )"V IFE"A5QV I95"V D<V >@<I"V ).BV M<+"V >@<>"A5QV

been mastered the other two soon fall into line. These three phases

""9V 7BE"A"V D)"V <D)"@V DO<V B<<9V $55V ,9D<V 6.9"V )"B"V D)@""V >)B"BV

hanging pitch

n all three cases the muscles of the thorax

(diaphragm and lower

<$V D)"VD")9+V @" V

rib muscles) and the muscles of the tongue (genio-hyo-glossus

muscles) must maintain their tension. The tension on these muscles

must be established at the moment of attack

)"V DD3V

and must not be


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Public Domain, Google-digitized /

released, as it will be if the pupil slurs or j

s. I

t must be "


98 )"V )9'"V <$V A"',BE"AV


the transition from one register to the other, whether the change is

made on one tone or over an interval. I

pitch is changed

up or down

intervenes or not. A


t must be "


: )9'/9'V >+D*V

when the

irrespective of whether a consonant

9V56VD*@""VB"BV D)"V 7IB6"BV <$V E)"V D)<APV  +>*A'7V 9V 6<N"AV

or phase of teaching technic lies in instruct-

@/V 7IB6"B V 9 V D)"V 7IB6"CV <$V D)"V D<9'I"V V'"9+< )R<'5<BBIBV

ing the pupil how to hold tension in these three phases of the technic.

Triads sung with a "

and, as long as the "



between the tones are of little or no value

7JB5"B V 7JBEV 7+9D,9V D)",@V D"9B+<9V )"V D"9B,<9V <9V D)"B"V 8IB6"BV

persists, the tongue will drop every time

it occurs and the tone will become throaty. A


7IBDV "V "BE5,B)"V FV D)"V 7<7"9FV <$V EE3V 9V 8JBDV 9<DV "V

ation of the

inspiratory muscles at any time during phonation always co-ordinates

with a relax

V BV ,DV O+56V "V ,$V D)"V >I>/6V B6IACV <AV 2"A3B V DV 7IBDV "V )"6V ,9V

ation of the genio-hyo-glossus muscles. H olding tension

F)"V DA9B,E,<9V $@<7V <9"V A"'+BD"AV D<V D)"V <D)"A

V N)"D*"AV D*"V )9'"V ,BV

is of paramount importance.

Triads for the male voices generally start at middle C

7"V <9V <9"V D<9#V <AV <L"AV 9V +9E"@M6V DV 8IBDV "V )"5V O)"9V D*"V

, D or E

(actually an octave lower) and go up as far as the pupil can sing,

without shutting off, at the given stage. The degree of "






to be employed is so dependent upon the stage of

development that it is difficult to give the reader any rules. Before

the falsetto has been brought into the voice, the lower register is

generally q

uite "


This "

mized as much as possible, but an ex



cessively "

however, should be mini-



tone will also

>+D)V ,BV )9'"I>V <@V <N9 +A@"B>"D+L"V <$V N)"D)"@V V <9B<99DV

,9E"@L"9"BV <AV 9<DV V 72<AV >)B"V <$V D"),9'V D")9,V 6+"BV ,9V ,9BE@JDU
,9'VD)"V>J>+5V)<NVF<V =YN/|m4TgHYT|+9VD)"B"VD*A""V>)B"BV <$VD)"VD")9, V

@,CV BI9'V O+D)V Gd ',L"V "DN""9V D)"V D<9"BV A"V <$V 5.DE6"V <@V 9<V M6J"V

V BV 5<9'V BV D)"V '+L"V >"@B+BDB
V D)"V D<9'J"V O/65V A<>V "L"@QV D+7"V
,DV <JABV 9V D)"V D<9"V N.66V "<7"V D)@<EQV V A"6PD+<9V <$V D)"V
09B>+@D<@QV7IB5"BVEV9QVD+7"V J@+9'V >)<9D.<9V %Nu"xg|<<@+9D"BV
N.D)V V @"6PD+<9V =$V D)"V '"9+<)R<'5<BBIBV 7IB5#BV <509'V D"9B.<9V
0BV <$V>A8<J9EV /7><AD9"V
@+BV $<AV D)"V 85"V L<+"CV '"9"@66QV BD@EV DV 7/5"V 
V * <@V d
 DI56QV 9V <EL"V 6<N"A V 9 V '<V I>V BV $@V BV D)"V >K>+6V 9V B+9'
N/D)<JDV gAqmmHT;|Y:| EV D)"V'+L";V BD'"V )"V !"'@""V <$V @49"BBV <@V
O)+D"9"BBV E<V "V "8>5<R"V +BV B<V ">"9"9EV I><9V D)"V BE'"V <$V
"L"5<>7"9DV D)DV +DV +BV +%J6DV D<V '+L"V D)"V A""@V 9QV AJ6"B V "$<@"V
D)"V $5B"DE<V )BV ""9V A<J')EV +9E<V D)"V L<."
V D)"V 6<N"@V @"'.BD"@V 0BV
(":"A55SV ?I,E"V N),D"V )+BV N)+E"9"BB
V )<N"L"@
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thcu[nqcr j\ fcX_c^Wh

lead to throatiness in the early stages. A

s soon as some "

  Wd - P o I  J
( Fo  & R
    B  5"J  
 B  5&J "   M   : 5J g - z

 n       - _ 

!#  ] & 
CTT4*C!j4Mtw K

 B  5J  B


and the establishment of pure registration have been attained, the

voice can be "

on with a "





and the "

and often an ex


process is then carried

tremely "

ascending tone must be augmented in loudness. I



uality. E


f the intensity

drops in ascent, the pupil has gone throaty and must be stopped

immediately. This is true whether he is using the "



or "



alsetto-derived and Lower-register-derived Tones

n the early stages of training, the tones derived from the falsetto,

by means of the "

ferent q

going through the falsetto"


ercise, are of a dif-

,HX2ZZR/2UD_2/d ,N0d R`2UW2<DXZ2W/2WD_2/d 'RN2Xd

uality and have a different muscular co-ordination from

those derived from below, by means of the lower-register triads.

r+8!04 @&
 "    9

  J M &     "Z
%!+ 2 0 
  L     w   
8   %!  &    
 W 4   -
 0 B !5 

  %      - P 



& 0 B
6J f R 

8 %8       


+2  M  B  5&J  9
 5 -
?       B# J  8
!j4 &  #   6 K
 R 5    `  
   A  B#&J 
 5  B  5-J K
!`    ("  
   A  B  5J
+     .     
.j 4 % 
  & B&J  
! 4  
  w  g. - ( Z
  & BJ  
  4 &  !  y _ 
 (  = 
  !5 2   
 W4    &  W
%  2  
y _     
  !& 4 

    2& k #   

& M  & 
4 .j  4!2
.  !      
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 % & !5  
 !U*w      ] -  ` 4    
!8 j    0  4  u   
j+n j 4[+} jn j4 j[24 %[2 } 4 +  ! u % 8

The tones that are derived from the falsetto are generally consid-

erably "



than those which are brought up from below

derived from the lower register. A

t this stage the lower tones have

a more or less throaty characteristic, which is distinguished, in most

cases, by "


O n the other hand, the tones derived from

the falsetto have a more or less throaty characteristic which is dis-

tinguished by ex

cessive "


These two types of tones must be "


somewhat less thick

and "





and matched, or

ness of the falsetto-derived

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

related, in progressive stages. The thick

tones should be modified by "

or thick

opened up"

when they will become

The throatiness of the "

lower-register derived tones should be modified by "




and by the introduction of certain phases of the falsetto characteris-

tic, when they will become far less "


Note that the ultimate

uality of the voice is derived from the pure, "


characteristic rather than from the lower-register q

theless, the power, "


and the virile characteristics are

derived from the lower register, or from below. I

to be work

f it were to be

ed out from below, without the falsetto characteristic, the high

tones would never be sung, ex

the q

f the voice were

ed out from the falsetto-derived tones alone, it would

fade out for the lower tones and become throaty. I



uality. Never-

cept in a throaty, mix

ed register, and

uality throughout the entire range would always be throaty

and generally "


and nasal or thick

. Therefore, work


above and from below is essential. Lower-register triads should be

started at about middle C

(really an octave below) for the basses

and baritones, and at about E



(four semitones higher) for the


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

n work

ing on the triads for the men'

s voices, the reader must

remember that everything said about women'


s voices holds good,

cept for the fact that men should seldom sing triads in which the

register change occurs.


W hite"

Low Tones S

hould Be A

? 1  2 !   2 + 

) 2   +
++  2   + 

+  + !2!




The very low tones are sung at low tension and do not need to

be work

ustment and accurate intona-

tion. They must be sung at full voice, but they must not be pushed

or forced. The loud, "


low tones which men with heavy

voices are apt to produce are not resonated properly. Their loudness

characteristic is principally noise, which must be eliminated. The

problem of resonance adj

ustment, in work

ing out the low tones,

depends upon the use of the cavities below the larynx

, i.e., the

trachea and bronchi.

The employment of these cavities depends primarily upon pitch

definition. They come into action, more or less automatically, when

the pitch is defined properly. The tension for these tones must

always be sufficient to "


the vocal apparatus and absolutely

define the pitch, but it is not high, and there is often a tendency for

the pupil to push or force these low tones. The real bass is some-

ception to this statement, because his low tones should

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

what of an ex

boom out with considerable power and, therefore, they demand a

great deal more tension than the the low tones of the tenor or even

the baritone. The ability to produce these tones more or less prop-

erly, however, is very often q

uite natural with a talented bass. The

mere isolation and purification of the falsetto has an immediate,

beneficial influence on these pure, low, lower-register tones. I

every case the development of power at the bottom of the range,

within the power limits of the given voice, is an immediate con-

comitant of the isolation and purification of the registers.

limination of "


Middle Tones

W hen the pupil is in the stage at which the lower-register derived

tones are not related properly to the falsetto derived tones, he is

able to produce very loud tones in the neighborhood of the tone D,

on the fourth line of the treble clef (actually an octave lower).

These tones, when they can be produced, have a shouty, or noisy,

characteristic. W hen the voice has been lined up, and the lower-

register derived tones have been matched in q


2FGa;o Yho ,YV=_o *FYeP:o =o


ed on very much. Their production depends primarily upon

purity of registration, resonance adj

uality with the falsetto


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derived tones, there is very often a drop in loudness in this middle

part of the range. The reader must remember that we are aiming to

obtain an even scale of purely registered, "

intoned tones

to mak

not noise. I


free, perfectly

t is very often possible for the pupil

e much more noise with a badly produced than a well-

produced tone. The increase in loudness, which occurs as the voice


opens up,"


is enormous and, one of the most difficult phases of the

s work

lies in forcing the pupil to sing at the intensity level

demanded by the stage of "


which he has attained. Never-

theless, at any given stage, the pupil, male or female, may be able

to mak

e a far louder noise by shouting, screaming or forcing than

he or she can produce legitimately. S

O ne great singer, speak

has such a glorious voice;

ing of C

uch noises must be eliminated.


s voice, said: "

H e (C

it is so wonderful, so beautiful, so soft!

n this statement was a very significant observation: O f course,

aruso had an enormously powerful voice, but this voice

perfectly-produced the world has ever heard



the most

was never noisy;


never gave one the impression he was singing loudly. H is tone was

characterized by an absolute definition of pitch, vowel q

a remark

ably correct vibrato action. V

uality and

irtually all noise elements

were absent.

oice Never Noisy

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

W ell-produced V

W hen a voice is really well-produced, it is full, resonant and

beautiful, wherever it may be heard. I

t may overload the ear drums

in a room, but it is never offensive and never sounds noisy. E


a fairly powerful, loud, forced, badly-produced voice may sound

far noisier in a room than a voice which was produced properly and

which, when heard in an auditorium, completely drowned the noisy

*2HHSUR0 ^.20d )RC.2d 2_2Ud RCXcd

voice. The drop in intensity of a great voice, when heard in an

auditorium, as against its power when heard in a room, is remark

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ably little as compared with that of a badly-produced, noisy voice,

which fades out to an incredible degree as soon as it is heard in an

auditorium. The carrying power of a well-produced voice is pri-

marily dependent upon pitch definition and the vibrato characteris-

tics. Tone and intonation are the goals at which the teacher is

aiming and not mere noise. F

urthermore, there is sometimes a reduc-

tion of loudness, because of the elimination of the noise elements,

as the voice improves and develops. O f course, this reduction of

loudness is not the result of closure. I

of the noise elements

t is merely an elimination

elements dependent upon ill-defined in-

tonation, uneven vibrato movement, or tremolo, and probably, a



) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 


usted and fluctuating resonance adj

ustment which gives

rise to a fluctuating spectrum.

arrying Q uality and S

GE"  E E   Eo = 

   E E  y

ustaining Tone

The ability to sing a musical phrase in which each tone is held

at constant pitch and vowel, or q

,UUcDO=d "^,HCZcd ,O0d %^YZ,DODO=d 'RO4d

uality, for its entire duration, and

with the consonants articulated as rapidly as possible, determines

to a large degree the apparent power of the voice. W hen a tone is

sung in an auditorium, a sound pattern is built up. The establish-

ment of this sound pattern tak

es a definite length of time, depending

upon the reverberation characteristics of the auditorium. This time

can be a matter of one to several seconds. I

f the tone stops before

the sound pattern has been built up completely and received by

the listener'

s ear, the apparent loudness of the tone is curtailed.

Most of the tones in a musical phrase stop before they have actually

been received at their full loudness, but it mak

es a tremendous

difference if the length of time they are held is of max

imum dura-

tion or if it is curtailed by slurring, changing spectra (vowel varia-

tions), wavering pitch, gaps or over-sustained consonants. Thus the

singer, whose technic allows him to hold each tone as long as pos-

sible with constant pitch and q

uality characteristics, is able to fill

an auditorium far better than one whose technic and musicianship

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

are faulty. The cut off of the voice of the singer whose technic is

really poor and who habitually slurs, wavers the pitch, j


s and

over-articulates the consonants, and who is thus continually break


the musical line, is so pronounced that he can hardly be heard, even

when he j

s singing loudly

he conveys no sense of power whatever.

ven a small voice, which is really well-produced, and which is

sustained properly, is always audible, even in the largest auditorium,

and actually gives the listener an impression of power. Pronounced

slurring and a musical line brok

en by slow, sustained consonants

and gaps engendered by badly-articulated consonants, j


may actually cut down the time during which each short tone is

held by from half to nearly all of its duration. The cut off in the

carrying power and apparent intensity is similarly curtailed.


s, etc.,

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hapter 13


W hat the S



inger S



hould K

now *

inging is glorified (or magnified) speech combined with the language

of music. Music, which is itself a language, may be analyzed j

ust as a


grammatical construction may be parsed. There is no reason for employing

the medium of song unless the interpreter is able to paint his picture

upon a larger canvas than the one which is called for in speech or recita-


tion. The singer who drops into or below the intensity range and dramatic

fervor of speech is merely stultifying his art. H is medium, if he has any,

is in the field of recitation.

n absolute music, even when there is no suggestion of a title and no

program ex

2F5aoaF<o *JVC<^o *FYfR:o VYiod

planation, a complete emotional picture may be conveyed

to the audience. H ow great, then, is the effect which may be wrought

  Y  4Y h   

K  " 

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   ! A *
 P4 W!

 4  4 B


A *
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P4 4H4
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1 Y P

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 4 > 
2 4     4!   !>
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! 4 4 4

z S 

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;4 !A
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   TW_W< S  

A *   4 P > 
   ! !  G 

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        "  S 
  P t

 A * 
   W P> P 
   P t 
2 P 
 4 4 

S2 t

 W4 A 4P! SB

  /    Y     P
  N      >  PPP

 ; !    h2  B . P S  t4   

by a real artist who interprets, with true musicianship, the compositions

of the great masters, and who can give to the poem its full dramatic value!

singer must never alter the musical facts which have been set down

by the composer. H ence, any translation of the words which demands

added notes or changes in the metrical figures should mever be tolerated.

W hen the publisher has allowed such ill-wrought translations to appear

in print, the singer must so alter them that they fit the music ex


Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

The artist must understand the idiom of the language of music as

thoroughly as he comprehends that of his mother tongue. Until the

musical facts are learned with mechanical precision, he is not free to


press sincere emotion. The rendition of a song or aria may be paralleled

to an actor'


s reading of a long speech. The talented actor does not "

the words in his speech

the singer must not "

feel for"


the notes or

the metrical figures in the music. The competent actor does not enunciate

each and every syllable with eq

ual stress. S

imilarly, the singer should

encompass the musical phrase with absolute freedom and ease and, at

the same time, give to each beat its proper proportion of stress. J

ust as

the actor must not stumble over his lines, so the singer must cover the

musical phrase with definition. The wider the group of words or notes

the actor or the singer, respectively, can conceive as a single unit, the

more intelligible and poignant will be his performance. C

comparison still further: J

arrying the

ust as the finished actor contrasts one phrase

with another (if a phrase has to be repeated he never interprets it twice

with ex


actly the same color), so the singer must contrast one musical

W riten in collaboration with A

lma S

tanley, B.A

W   6 xt )+ P?x?



tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

phrase with another, from the standpoints of color and dynamics, if he

is to round out his periods artistically. F


inally, we may compare the

s rendition of a paragraph in a speech to the singer'

s rendition of a

section in a song. The entire song or aria must have all the diverse emo-

tions clearly-defined against a back

ground of perfectly conceived and

balanced phrases and periods.

n actor who has only played S


espearean roles is apt to become

unfitted for the portrayal of roles in the modern drama. S

singer who has devoted himself ex

imilarly, the

clusively to one school of music is apt

to fail interpretively and vocallyi if he endeavors to sing the music of other

schools. The true artist should be familiar with all the various schools of


the C

lassical, R

omantic, Modern and Ultra-modern S

must study the songs of the C

lassical Period, Lieder, F

ussian songs, etc., the O pera of the Bel C

chools. H e

rench, S


anto Period as well as Modern

O pera and the W agnerian Music-Drama, etc. Nor should he omit the

study of Modern A

rt S

ongs, Ballads, and even the O pera C


ue and

O peretta.

W hen tak

ing up the study of a new song or aria, the pupil should

always note the school to which this composition belongs. I

f it is charac-

terized by any national idiom, he must become imbued with these national

peculiarities. I

t is important to note that the nationality of the composer

ey to the national idiom of the composition.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

is not necessarily a k

ll peoples have in their music a definite idiom which is an outgrowth

of their folk

tunes. The national characteristics, or bases, of the composi-

tion which he is singing must be understood by the performer before he

attempts to interpret the song.

n obvious fact that strik

es the eye, when one look

s at a song or at the

score of an opera, is that it consists of two parts: O ne, the vocal, and the

other, the instrumental. A

perfect ensemble should always be maintained

between the singer and the accompanist. The accompanist should never

be ahead of the singer (pulling him on), nor trail behind (following) him.

Thus, a perfect balance must ex

ist between the singer and accompanist,

who are actually rendering a duet.

The singer must always be conscious of the principal melody, irre-

spective of whether it is in the vocal part, or in the accompaniment.

ometimes the principal melody starts in an interlude and is continued in

the vocal part. Under these circumstances the singer must enter at pre-

cisely the correct moment. H e must enter at ex

so that there is no break

the singer'

actly the right "

in the continuity of the melody. S


imilarly, when

s part acts as a counter-melody, he must hear and feel the

principal melody which appears in the accompaniment, thus mak

ing a

perfect, conscious ensemble between the melody and the counter-melody.

The q


uestion of intensity is also very important. S

ometimes, for the

e of emotional effect, the accompaniment changes the intensity dur-

ing the course of an interlude. Under these circumstances, it is usually

essential for the singer to derive the appropriate intensity from the accom-

paniment. H e should pick

O f course, there are ex

up his cue at precisely the correct new intensity.

ceptions to this rule: There are cases where the

accompaniment plays suddenly fortissimo in an interlude, and the singer

has to tak


e up his cue softly. The inverse is also found. These intensity

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C BXS6#j 7Sj S(%j XKIFj V5O((j K4(S j

effects must be accomplished with absolute definition. They are paralleled

by the performance of two competent actors who tak

each other, or, if they mak

e their tone from

e a sudden variation of intensity, do so with a

very definite purpose.


uendy a change in tempo or rhythm, which is announced in the

accompaniment, must be ex

the singer is able to pick

actly carried on by the singer. O nly when

up the new rhythm or tempo instantaneously

and with perfect precision can a proper ensemble be maintained.

t is interesting to note that, when an artist hums a song to himself,

he always sings through the entire composition including the interludes.

The unmusical singer, or the amateur, never really follows the interludes

and is even apt to become impatient and restiess when the accompanist

is playing his solo part. The singer who does not hold the emotion and

feel all the varying moods during the rendition of the entire composition,

including the prelude, interludes and posdude, is not a true artist.

To sum up, the performance of a song constitutes a duet between the

singer and the accompanist, involving melody, counter-melody, intensity,

tempo, rhythm and emotional concept.

ll music is based upon three phases:

1. Melodic progression

2. R

hythmic form


 C (>I$6#j KNI1O(SS6IGIYV>6G(j

time, meter, accent and rhythm

3bU5B6#j ,INBU6C(j B(V(Nj ##(GUj G$j N4cV4Bj

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3. H armonic structure

These three phases are interdependent, because the melodic progres-


sion is regulated by a rhythmic pattern which is, in turn, dependent

3(S(j U3P((j K3S(Sj N(j 6FU(N$(K(F$(FVj (#XS(j V4(j B(>I$6#j KNI1N(Se

S7JFj 7Sj N(1XAU($j bj j N3bU3B6#j KVV(Qj ]46#4j 6Sj 6Gj  $(L(F$(FUj
XKIFj #(NU<j #3IN$j KOI1N(SS6IGSj 6Fj V4(j 3OBIG6#j SVOX#VZN(
 C (>I$7#j IXU>;F( j 3(j SC>>(SUjXF6Uj ]46#4j #Gj" ( j#IG#(6[($j 6Fj BXS6#j
 BJU7[(02XN( j 36Sj S(($j I,j Fj 7$(j 1OI^Sj 6GVIj V4)j BIU6[(j V4(j ](@>f
NIXF$($j BIV6[(j (#IB(Sj U4(j U4(B(j F$j U4(j U4(C(j 6Sj 6H#INKINU($j 6Fj U4(j
B(>I$bj F$j U4(j #IXGU(OB(@I$b j 4(N(j N(j &6\(OS)j D)HSj I-j (> IOV6G1j
U3(j BIV6[(
j j 1N(Vj #ICKIS(Nj 1(F(O>>bj (BL>IbSj 6G1(H6IXS>bj #IFVNSV('j
(> INU7IFSj I,j j ,(]j U3(B(S
j (j [I6%Sj U3(j 7FVNI$X#V6IFj I,j j 1N(Uj $(>j
I,j F(]j BU(N7> j
BIF1j U3(j [7IXSj B(FSj I,j (>INV6F1j U3(j BIU6[(j N( j NGSKIS6U6IHj
S(MX(F#(j 7FU(R>j (aKFS6IFj 7FV(N[>j #IFUN#V6IFj N3bV4B6#j X1C(GVg
U6IFj N4bU3B6#j $6B6GXU6IFj [N6U6IGj G$j (a#Uj N(K(U6V6IG
3(j B(>I$bj INj B(>I$6#j KNI1N(SS6IGj >6(Sj >IG1j #*NU6Gj IXV>6G(S
j Vj
Bbj ( j

upon certain chord progressions in the harmonic structure.

1. Melodic outline: The smallest unit which can be conceived in music

is a motive-figure. This seed of an idea grows into the motive, the well-

rounded motive becomes the theme, and the theme is incorporated in the

melody and the counter-melody. There are diverse means of elaborating

the motive. A

great composer generally employs ingeniously contrasted

elaborations of a few themes. H e avoids the introduction of a great deal

of new material.

mong the various means of elaborating the motive are: Transposition,


uence, interval ex

pansion, interval contraction, rhythmic augmenta-

tion, rhythmic diminution, variation and ex

act repetition.

The melody, or melodic progression, lies along certain outlines. I

may be:


B. A



chromatic or diatonic

rpeggio or harp-lik

where it consists of brok

en triads or

en chords

. H orizontal

where it lies on a monotone

The counter-melody occurs in either the vocal part or the accompani-

ment. S

j #>(]6S+3NICV6#j INj $6UIF6#j

 C NK(116Ij INj 3NK>6=(]3(N(j 6Uj #IGS6SUSj I,j
NI=(Fj #3IO$Sj

C IN6dIFU>]3(N(j 6Vj >6(Sj IFj j BIFIUIF(j

ometimes the melody and the counter-melody are heard simul-


2. R

hythmic form: A

ll forms of time may be considered as either

duple or triple. These forms, in turn, may be simple or compound. Thus,

each time sign calls for its own characteristic accents. There is always

3(j #IXFU(NB(>I$bj I##XNSj 7Fj (6V3(Nj U3(j [I#>j KOUj INj U3(j ##ICKF7h
j IB(U6B(Sj U4(j B(>I$bj G$j U3(j #IXGU(NB(>I%bj N(j 3(N$j S6CX>i
UF(IXS>b j
3bU3C6#j ,INB j >>j ,INBSj I,j U7C(j Bbj (j #IFS6$(N($j Sj (6V3(Nj
$XK>(j INj VP6K>(
j 3(S(j ,INBSj 7Fj UXEj Bbj (j S6BK>(j INj #IBKIXG$
j 4XSj
(#3j U6B(j S61Fj #>>Sj ,INj 6VSj I`j #4N#V(N6SU6#j ##(FVS
j 3(O(j 6Sj >]bSj

 KN6F#6K>j ##(GUj G$j SIB(V6B(Sj IG(j INj U]Ij S(#IF%Nbj ##(FVS

j 4(j
KO:F#6K>j ##(FUj  U3(j 0NSUj (Uj I,j U3(j B(TXN( j 8Tj >CISUj >]bSj U3(j

a principal accent and, sometimes, one or two secondary accents. The

principal accent (the first beat of the measure) is almost always the



NI=(Fj VN7$Sj INj


) 525=5?.B


* <424 6 B1;8B

$!  )

strongest, unless an oratorical accent, which shifts the stress, is used.

ertain other ex

ceptions to this rule occur in operatic compositions (this

will be discussed later). I

n the final analysis, rhythm must be thought

of in its broader sense, i.e., the duration (length) of the phrase. The

singer must be conscious of whether the music is written in monometer,

dimeter, trimeter, tetrameter, pentameter, hex

ameter, heptameter, octa-

meter, etc.

3. H armonic structure: The following table indicates, step by step,

( ,    ((    , &

0 ? 0??, y?  /
(  (  ( %   
7 ! ++ ( / . 
0 c   , (

% % ! 

#B C ! I+(  , G9 
 (I  '
(0/ D

 '( % !    $ 7

0 % ? &   % %(,
+W, (%(, (%(,  %(,
%(, J
W(,  /
( sI(W  (( D
 $  &  ^0  +y 0, ? ^> ?,
u +(# $

(%  (( $ 
 % ?

the derivation of the harmonic structure of the composition:

1. S


E d \
._ iz (
.h_ i
( %

a. Diatonic

. Maj


. Minor

b. C


2. I


a. Maj



;" hD`[
Ed iz (
. iK (
Q  d E% 
1 \% 

b. Minor

c. A


d. Diminished

3. TR

a. Maj



c. A

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

b. Minor


Ed iz (
. i (
Qd E% 
1 \y% 

d. Diminished

4. C


a. S




. Diminished


. Dominant

b. Ninths, etc.

5. C

a. S




b. F

ull close

c. A



d. Plagal

e. Deceptive

. PH R




Ed A 

._ A  >
.._ \% ?
h.._ \ %  
,  _

a. Monometer

b. Dimeter

c. Trimeter

d. Tetrameter

e. Pentameter

/. H ex


g. H eptameter

h. O ctameter, etc.


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d i W(
. W(


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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh


7. PE




a. Thesis

b. A


8. S

a. C

ombination of periods

9. S



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a. Binary

h. Ternary

n teaching the principles of musicianship the most effective plan is

to start with the scales. S

tudents should have acq

uired a thorough k


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edge of all the scales before proceeding to the further stages indicated.

(This q

uestion of scales, and all other steps necessary for the under-

standing of a composition, may be found discussed in detail in "

cience of V


rom the scales are derived the intervals;


from the intervals, by tak


pairs of thirds, are derived the triads and chords in fundamental position;

from the chord progressions, the cadences may be ascertained;

cadences, the phrase lengths are found;

periods are derived;

from the

from the phrase lengths, the

from the periods, the sections are determined;


ultimately, from the sections, the form of the composition as a whole

may be conceived.

tudy and I

nterpret a S

ong *

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

H ow to S

The first step to be tak

en in studying a song is to learn the words,

which should, when memorized, be recited with the appropriate color

and dramatic significance. The declamatory, interrogative and ex

tory passages, etc., should be carefully noted. I

composers these effects are sk

n the work


s of the great

illfully portrayed by the music. The im-

Yio bYo *bf:ko 5V:o Vb;]\];bo 5o *YVCod

portant words or syllables are emphasized in the music by means of


grammatical or oratorical.

t is important to note, in this connection, that the accent or stress

must be made at ex

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actly the correct moment, and this can only be brought

about through the medium of the vibrato. Thus, the note to be stressed

or accented is initiated by means of an especially vigorous vibrato. W here

the vibrato is absent, the singer cannot accent properly, because if there

is no movement at all in the voice he can only swell gradually, and if a

tremolo is present, its amplitude, which does not vary with intensity, is

virtually constant.

very beat in the music should be brought out, or indicated, at pre-

cisely the moment at which it falls. The primary and, where they occur,

the secondary accents, are deliberately stressed.

n reading the words, the student should, as stated in C

hapter 14,

generally raise the pitch as the emotion rises, and vice versa. Practically

always, this rise in pitch must be accompanied by an augmentation of the


W ritten in collaboration with A

lma S

tanley, B.A


 8 6 x

 )d Px


tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

intensity. The composer generally indicates an increasing intensity, or an

accentuation of the dramatic import, by means of a rising melodic line.

This point is of deep technical as well as interpretive significance, because

the singer who uses his voice improperly does not possess a properly

graded scale. W here the intensity mount and the other attributes of real

singing are absent, every emotional climax

is ruined, and the melodic

line is destroyed.

The phrase is the unit in music. Unless a special indication over one

note is made by the composer, the intensity of every note in the phrase

is predetermined by the intensity of the first tone the singer produces. The

intensity rises as the melodic line of the musical figure rises, and falls as

it-falls. I

f any one tone fails to lie in the proper intensity balance of the

phrase, the melodic and rhythmic flow of the music is brok

en and the

musical and poetical import of the song is impaired.

n studying a composition the pupil should observe the time sign, and

note any changes which may appear in it during the progress of the

song. H e should also note the emotional import of such changes. H e

should mark

the beats and the grammatical accents throughout the entire

composition. (S

ee The S

cience of V

oice.) The grammatical accent can

be brought out only by means of an especially vigorous vibrato. This

accenting by means of the vibrato allows the singer to indicate the ex

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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spot on a tied note at which the accent falls. F

or ex

ample: I


f an ac-

cented beat in the measure is tied to an unaccented beat in the previous

measure, the singer must mak

to indicate the ex

e an especially vigorous vibrato in order

act time-spot on the tie at which the accent falls. A

case of this occurs where, in 4/4 time, a q


uarter note is sung on the

first beat, a half note is sung on the second beat, which note is prolonged

through the duration of the third beat, and a q

uarter note is sung on

the fourth beat. H ere the third beat, which is a secondary accent and

therefore req

uires a certain amount of stress, is entirely lost, unless

the singer imposes an especially vigorous vibrato at the ex

act moment

at which the third beat falls. This is a form of syncopation, which

rhythmic device can only be interpreted properly through a correct con-

trol of the vibrato.

Tempo, or the pace at which a song should be sung, is of very great

importance from both the musical and interpretive standpoints. The

tempo is indicated by a direction over the opening measure, and some-

times by a metronome mark

the rendition of a song. S


hanges of tempo very often occur during

uch changes should be carefully noted by the

singer, who must be able to mak

e any sudden change of tempo or rhythm

with absolute precision. Many singers fail to mak


e changes in tempo at

actly the correct moment. They are wont, for ex

ample, to slowly increase

the speed in going from a slow to a fast passage, or vice versa. Unless

the new tempo is tak

en up with absolute definition at the moment the

phrase starts, its musical import is impaired.

The same sort of thing applies to the time sign. The singer must be

able to initiate a new rhythmic pattern instantly and with precision. H e

must do this spontaneously, with the entire metric outline of the composi-

tion clearly defined in his mind. The singer who is "

dragged along"

accompanist or the conductor is without merit artistically.

The amateurish performer is ineffective when singing both fast and


by the

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slow songs. I

n slow tempo his lack

of breath destroys the legato effect,

and furthermore, he is apt to sing the composition too q

tempo the ex

tra breaths which he is forced to tak

and, moreover, he inevitably break


ly. I

n rapid

e destroy the rhythm

s the phrases.

W here a phrase is so long that only a singer with a phenomenally well-

used voice can encompass it in one breath, an ex

tra breath may be per-

mitted, provided that it is tak

en at a caesura. The metrical figure, lik

the word, must never be brok


The singing of rapid songs and arias demands a good music mind,

because the mentality which cannot conceive the phrase with great

velocity is unable to supply the mental patterns which send the q



changing nerve impulses to the muscles actuating the vocal apparatus.

No one can sing faster than he can hear the melody mentally.

or high speed work

tion is essential. F

, where words are used, clean-cut, rapid articula-

or this reason, only the one who uses the pharyngeal

cavities as the vocal resonators, and thereby leaves the mouth free for

consonant articulation, is able to sing rapid, and at the same time, intel-

ligible phrases at a proper intensity level.

n studying a song it is essential for the singer to determine its pace

and all changes of tempo indicated on the music. These changes must be

memorized and practised until they are made with absolute precision.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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W hen practising a song for the purpose of learning the music, the singer

should transpose it down an octave. By so doing he will avoid over-tax


his voice.

W hile most compositions have a certain k

an ex

ey indicated in the signature,

amination of the musical literature reveals the fact that composers

modulate freely. S

uch modulation may occur at any time during the

progress of a composition

even at the very beginning. F

the ability to sing at sight demands a thorough k

or this reason

nowledge of the scales.

n the same way, it is important for the singer to k

now all the enhar-

monic scales, because the composer often modulates to k

eys which have

eight, nine or more flats or sharps, merely by the introduction of acci-

dentals. I

n other words, the singer'

thorough that he can recognize these k

s musical training should be so

ey changes instantly. The inter-

pretation of a musical phrase depends, in a large measure, upon the

harmony which lies under the vocal part. The artistry of a singer who

fully comprehends the harmonic structure of a composition, is far more

profound than that of the one who merely k

nows the intervals indicated

in the vocal part.

Thus, the singer must observe the signature and note whether the

mode indicated be maj

or or minor;

he must also note all changes of k

which may occur during the progress of the composition, and determine

the emotional reasons for the maj

or or minor mode and for all such modu-


The fact that the musical phrase is the unit in singing has been empha-

sized many times. The singer must, then, k

now where the phrase ends

he must be able to determine the length of every phrase throughout a

composition. The end of a phrase is determined by a cadence, and it is,

therefore, important for the singer to k

now all the different forms of

cadences and their formulae.

Different types of cadences indicate various emotional effects. F




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ome cadences hold the emotion suspended or in abeyance

(i.e., the semiclose and the deceptive cadence);

others give a sense

of emotional finality (i.e., the perfect authentic cadence);

still others

give a sense of awe or religious emotion (i.e., the plagal cadence), and

so forth. (S

ee The S

very strik

cience of V


ing dramatic effect often found in operatic music is brought

about by a strong accent or break

(an attack

produced with the throat)

in a closing cadence, at the point where the voice tak

es the third degree

of the scale (the middle tone of the tonic triad in fundamental position)

and at the moment when the accompanist plays the dominant seventh

chord. H ere the tempo is always drawn out, and it is vital that the singer

should mak

e the stress (a vigorous vibrato, a break

or a sob) at ex


the correct moment and round out the tempo with perfect symmetry.

The singer should, when studying a song, mark

all the cadences. H e

should determine the number of measures comprising each phrase, be-

cause the length of the phrase has an important bearing upon its emotional

import. O ne of the characteristics of a great composition lies in the use

of appropriate phrase lengths, and of contrasting phrase lengths, in order

to convey varying emotions.

The singer should note all the musical motives in both the vocal part

and the accompaniment. H e should also follow the devices employed by

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the composer for the elaboration of these motives, and note the effect of

this elaboration upon the melodic outline.

The nex

t step is to observe the thematic outline and form of the com-

position as a whole. This subj

ect is a complex

wishes to pursue it further is referred to The S

Most songs rise to a climax

pretation of this climax

one, and the reader who

cience of V


at some point in their rendition. The inter-

, with its full emotional value, is probably the

greatest test of the singer'

H e should find the climax

s mettle.

and note how it is brought about musically

and dramatically. H e should also observe the material which precedes

and follows it. The singer who cannot climax

effectively has no right to

call himself an artist.

The first req

uirement for the rendition of an effective climax

is a

proper intensity mount over the range of the voice as the scale is ascended.

The second req

uirement is a properly-controlled vibrato. The third re-

uirement is the ability to hold a high tone for a very considerable period

without losing the q

uality or fading the intensity. I

n fact, a most strik


effect is often made when the highest tone in the climactic phrase is

ultimately swelled, which crescendo must be made on the final pulse,

after it has been held for a long time, and the phrase is then rounded

out firmly and with proper command. A

fourth req

uirement is the ability

to broaden and narrow the beat in perfect rhythmic form.

W hen the intensity range over the entire pitch range of a singer'

voice is balanced incorrectly he is unable to climax

for ex

properly. C

ample, a woman who uses the falsetto register only: S


he may be

able to sing relatively loud, high tones, but her voice fades in the middle

of her range, with the result that the approach to the climax

fore the climax

good q

itself, is spoiled. E

, and there-

ven if the high tone is of reasonably

uality, the impression conveyed to the audience will probably be

that she has suddenly emitted a loud scream.


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

n most cases, the climactic note of a song has to be held. I

f this note

is isolated and held without due consideration being given to the rhythmic

flow or pattern, the effect is inartistic, cheap and unmusical. W hen the


is rendered properly, the rhythm of the phrase is drawn out, so

that the tempo is gradually broadened

until the climactic note is reached

and is then narrowed again. Because the drawing-out of the climactic

phrase must be according to a definite, predetermined pattern, the ex


length of time during which the climactic note should be held is pre-

determined, because it is dependent upon this "

uch "


rhythm, and is a mark



of the phrase.

es high demands upon the singer'

s sense of

of true artistry.

n determining the proper emotional interpretation of a song, the first

factor to be considered is the school of music to which the composition

belongs. The C

lassical Period should be approached impersonally, be-

cause an abstract, obj

of compositions of the R

a much more subj


ective emotion should be invok

ed. F

or the Modern

chool of music the emotions to be conveyed are more atmospheric and


or the interpretation

omantic Period of music, and the O peratic S

ective and personal feeling is demanded. H ence a defi-

nite, concrete, subj

ective emotion is called for. F


ertain effects may indeed be conveyed simply by means of dynamic

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modifications. W hile it is essential, however, for the singer to be able

to encompass all the dynamic effects called for by the composer, the

deeper and more subtle rendition of a song rests rather with the control

of color. C

olor, in singing, is the chief means at the disposal of the artist

for conveying emotions, moods and atmosphere. S

of the q

uch color modifications

uality of the tone have nothing to do with intensity. A

ny tone-

color which the singer is able to produce can, if his technic is sufficiently

far advanced, be made at any intensity, within his intensity range. The

second-rate performer will generally sing merely softly when such a

direction as "



appears on the music. This is not an intensity indica-

it is rather one of mood which must be conveyed through the color

of the tone. A

soft tone, when produced properly, may be so colored as

to convey any desired atmosphere or emotion. The mere act of singing

softly does not necessarily convey tenderness. The same sort of fallacy

sometimes occurs when the mood indicated by the music demands a

martial, emphatic virile effect, etc. These effects can be rendered either

loudly or softly. H owever, in view of the fact that so vast a maj

ority of

the singers of today yearn to whisper and seldom attempt any broad

effects, we generally hear moods which should be conveyed by a tender

or sweet color sung merely pianissimo.

n studying a composition, the singer should determine the general

emotion to be conveyed

whether it be subj

ective or obj



also the emotions and colors appropriate to each phrase. H e must pre-

determine, with definition, every transition of color or emotion throughout

the entire composition. These transitions must be made with absolute

precision, and start with the first note of the phrase. W here the color

changes are blurred into one another, the emotional import of the song

is marred or even ruined. These changes parallel the rhythmic changes

mentioned above. Their poignancy rests with the precision and definition

with which they are encompassed.


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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

The directions which indicate the articulation (in the musical sense)

are the terms: Legato, staccato, portamento, leggiero and portar la voce,

and the slur-mark

s. The contrasting of legato singing with staccato or

leggiero is of great importance musically as well interpretively.

slur mark

on the music indicates that the composer desires a rela-

tively prolonged time interval between two successive notes. I

the singer must ex

ecute a vibrato run (down or up)

n this case

on the diatonic

scale, if the interval is wide, and on the chromatic scale if it is narrow

a fifth or less

over the interval. Under no circumstances should he

actually slur. I

n going from tone to tone the singer must either move

in the space of one vibrato, or by means of a series of vibratos, until the

second tone

the tone to which the slur is indicated in the music

reached. This vibrato run is a vital part of the singer'


s technical eq


ment and produces a very beautiful pearly effect as contrasted with the

wailing of the singer who slurs with a uniform rate of pitch change.

n singing staccato, each tone is attack

ed separately and stopped, so

that definite intervals of silence occur between the tones. The ex

of the staccato depends upon the singer'

s ability to attack


the tone


Leggiero calls for a bright, light, crisp effect, and lies between the

staccato and the legato. I

t is more similar to the legato than is the porta-

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mento, which also lies between legato and staccato.

n order to sing a melodic passage with the proper "


the singer

must have reached an advanced technical stage. There are three phases

of melody, and the artistic rendition of each depends, in a large measure,

for its effect, upon the proper intensity mount of the voice as the scale

is ascended. Melodic line is either scalewise, horizontal or arpeggio. No

ascending scalewise passage can be sung effectively unless the voice

mounts in intensity in the proper balance as the passage ascends.

The horizontal outline is often employed as a lull before a storm

before a dramatic climax


t is also freq


uently used in recitatives. The

singer whose voice fades in the middle of his range becomes practically

inaudible during the rendition of these important passages. This applies

in particular to the woman singer whose lower register has never been

developed and carried up.

The harp-lik

e or arpeggio outline mak

es great demands on the singer'

technic. This outline often calls for a very wide range, because, since

the intervals between the notes are wide, relatively few notes cover an


tended pitch range. The singer whose range is less than three octaves

is apt to prove ineffective in the rendition of such passages.

To give a really artistic rendition of a song, the singer must k

now and

understand the musical content of both the vocal and instrumental parts.

motive may be announced in the accompaniment and tak

en up by

the voice, or the voice may announce the motive, which is answered by

the accompaniment and then both may proceed together. A

gain, the voice

may act as an accompaniment to the principal motive which appears

in the piano or orchestral part. S

ometimes the voice may be used as an

obbligato, and under these circumstances, the melody which appears in

the accompaniment must stand out above the voice. S

is started by the voice and tak

ment and vice versa. S


ometimes a theme

en up and completed by the accompani-

ometimes the voice is singing one melody while


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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

the accompaniment is playing a counter-melody. There may be one

principal melody and several counter-melodies occurring at one and the

same time. A

t all times the principal melody must predominate.

t will, then, be seen that, when the singer is performing with an

accompaniment, the performance should be considered as a sort of duet

or concerto. True, the singer generally carries the principal melody, when

he should definitely predominate over the accompaniment. H owever,

the accompaniment should predominate over the singer when it carries

the principal melody.

The singer should not only be able to hum through a song, including

the interludes, but he should also thoroughly understand the thematic

pattern of the entire composition, and follow every melody and counter-

melody appearing in the accompaniment. F

or further information regard-

ing melody and counter-melody, the reader is referred to The S

of V



large book

could be written on the subj

ect of musical inter-

P   5    Q  

        6  ' 

5 A   T Q  
 Q Q Z

'    5 
        :      6

pretation as applied to vocal literature. H owever, the scope of this


confines us to discussion of the salient points and the indica-

tion of the difference between the musical and artistic interpretation

of a properly-trained artist and the cheap, unmusical trick

s of

interpretation almost universally employed by present-day singers.

s of F

irst I


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The Music I

 ]]  ,Dw  #]MOD+w:

M w  ]
,] 'D + ]+ MD OD&     & 

 ; m DD  
 , ,D &  '&;
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]1  ] 
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D && 

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& '  
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 &w & O&1 
 M&M  M&  1
#1 #1

n starting, it is necessary to understand that it is the artistic

interpretation of the music that is of first importance. The singer

should interpret the music from the same standpoints as does the

violinist or the pianist, if he is to be considered seriously as an artist.

'@2d  ^XD.d Xd R5d DUXZd  L SRUZ,N.2d

Performers in fields of music other than singing use no words

to convey their meaning, yet they are able to impress the import

V  '  Q        

   A    6 Y


        .     6

 .  6 ?
Q  6 V  4' .
 B  .6J
  '       '

'     '

.  B. 
 6J P  ' 

  6 ?


 .   4


  4  '  4
/  L      
  6 Y

of the music upon the audience. They treat the music as a language

in itself. I

n fact, music has been called the "

universal language."

The singer may have been schooled in, and learned to understand,

the idiom of his own and, even perhaps, several foreign languages,

but if he has failed to study and understand the idiom of the lan-

guage of music he cannot be called a real singer.

This does not mean that the singer should not "


put the words

ctually, when a competent composer writes for the voice,

the words and music are in such intimate harmony that a really

proper interpretation of the music helps the singer immeasurably

in conveying the inner meaning of the words. The words and music

should be wedded so perfectly that the rhythmic and melodic stress

points of the music correspond with the words or syllables which

should be stressed, and the emotional import of the music conveys

the emotional effects indicated by the words. Thus, an artistic ren-



) 535=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

  (  F 9


 F  S Y



 W %      

dition of the musical import of the composition serves to bring out

the inner meaning of the words in the highest possible degree. The

broadened musical line and the sustained tone increase and mag-

nify the performer'

s potency in the interpretation of the emotional

meaning of the words in a manner which can only be wrought when

the language of music is wedded to speech.

omplete Understanding of Musical S

tructure V


The musical content of each composition, which the singer per-

forms, must be work

the musician'

ed out meticulously. I

t must be clear from

s standpoint. The singer should not only mark

RL SJ2Z2d (N02UXZ,N0DN=d R5d  ^XD.,Jd $ZU^.Z^U2d )DZ,Hd


follow the rhythmic structure and phrasing of the composition, but


 &   5     S V   W  

    S Y

 %  & 

.      I

 S { 
  A & & 
  &  S&  
   m   L & 

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      S V  g     

   %   W AS 9



   A  F 5S P 



W F 
 S b
   (    I W 

      A & 

W   F 


   S P 
 I 9       S

he should also understand its harmonic structure and thematic

outline. H e should be aware of each musical figure, motive, phrase,

cadence, etc., and mold his interpretation

and dynamics

color effects, emphasis,

upon this understanding.

The musical figure is the indivisible unit in music, j

word is the indivisible unit in speech. I

or breathe, in the middle of a word. I

singer to break

ust as the

t is always wrong to break

t is eq

ually wrong for the

, or breathe, in the middle of a musical figure. I

f this

is done, all sense of the musical import of the composition is lost, and

he is merely singing nonsense. There are no circumstances under

en. A

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

which a musical figure may be brok

such break

nyone who suggests any

, whatever his apparent standing may be, is merely a bad

musician who does not understand the fundamental principles of

musicianship. The places at which the singer should breathe are

generally clearly indicated by the composer. W hen it is impossible

for the singer to cover an entire musical phrase in one breath, he

may breathe at the end of a musical figure, but he must not breathe

anywhere else.

Melodies are based on chords, and those notes of the tune which

indicate the chordal structure should be stressed. A

ll other notes

constitute either passing tones or ornaments of melody.

ecitatives R

ll music must be sung accurately and according to the harmonic


uire A


and rhythmic scheme. This applies no less to the recitatives than

to the arias in an opera. Many singers are only too apt to disregard

what is written on the printed page when they are singing the

recitatives. This is especially true when they have to do any stage

business which is at all complicated. I


t is a fact that many recita-

#2.DZ,ZC_2Xd #2T^DU2d ..^U,.cd

P          9 


S ?

      S   I         


 IS ?


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) 525=5?.B-B

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   2      2


   U  2
2 2  I

I2 -

tives are unaccompanied or have only a very thin accompaniment.

Nevertheless, they should be sung accurately, j

ust as the composer

has written them, despite the fact that they are often used to carry on

the action of the opera.

ree Passages

O f course, this does not apply to "

so indicated by the composer. F

free passages"

or ex

ample, in V

which are always



ct 2, the messenger gives Manrico a letter. H e sings the tex

this letter and the composer has written notes of different values

which correspond with the words. R

ests also are introduced. H ow-

ever, there is no time sign and the measures do not scan. This pas-

sage should, therefore, be sung "


under which circumstances

the stress points depend only upon the words. I

n this, as in all other

instances, the composer indicates clearly when he intends the

recitative to be sung in form and when he wants it to be sung ad lib.

The recitative preceding this passage is in form and should be

sung with absolute accuracy.

tress and Melodic Line

W here a note in the chord is repeated, the singer must understand

the musical structure and k

now which of these repeated notes should

be brought out. The thematic, or melodic, outline is generally indi-

cated by the rhythmic structure of the composition so that the

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^<<o %5``5C<`o


t of

notes, which should be stressed according to the harmonic struc-

ture, are found at the rhythmically stressed points. Nevertheless,

these two phases are not always in complete consonance, and the

2   AI   
 4 ] 7   'b N| bYs(Yb4|
  2       Z 
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  2      I  D 
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- z<
4 %  <
      I   AI    2


 3     4?    

    2    Y

         x NI)|


singer must understand the thematic and melodic, as well as the

rhythmic, outline of the composition if he is to interpret it intelli-

*a^<``o 5V:o "<RY:J7o JV<o

gently. This theme cannot be more fully developed here because

it is highly complicated and would demand a great many illustra-

tions that would be out of place in a work

dealing primarily with

vocal technic.

Melodic Line I

s Basic

Many dynamic effects are essential for the proper interpretation

of the music. Nevertheless, the back


bone of singing lies in the

s ability to encompass a properly-defined melodic line. S

much of singing rests upon this ability that the other phases are of

relatively secondary importance. F

urthermore, they are not diffi-

cult to accomplish when the voice is under proper control.


 4 %  




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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

W hen the singer sings a melody the tones must be connected

without any break



or slur between them. E

ach tone must be

absolutely centered in pitch and loudness and must also be held

for its ex

act and entire time spot. W hen he starts the first tone of a

musical phrase, at the loudness indicated by the composer, the

intensity of every tone in the phrase has been predetermined, be-

cause it must be sung at the relative loudness determined by his

evenly-rising, intensity scale.


n practice, relatively few variations from the normal intensity


2   '    !  
 U z
 2    #

%!  k     #U

 A   %
2  #

 % !   

  #    ' Z

 ` '    

are demanded. The intensity rises considerably as the pitch rises.

Thus, a mount of an octave should increase the intensity about


thirty times and a mount of two octaves about a thousand times.

The competent composer is fully aware of this, even if he does

not understand it in terms of decibels. Therefore, when a soft

phrase is desired, he generally writes it in the lower part of the


s range, where the voice is relatively soft at normal intensity.

W hen he wants a rise in intensity, for dramatic effects, etc., he

writes a rising melodic line which lies at higher pitch and is, there-

fore, louder at normal intensity. E

composers of the modern F

cept for the writings of certain

rench school (as ex

emplified by De-

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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bussy) the really high tones are nearly always used for loud, dra-

matic effects, although an occasional high, pianissimo tone is

sometimes indicated for a very special, pianissimo effect. A


dramatic, loud effects are sometimes made at the cadence in the

lower part of the range. These effects are most often found in I

and F

rench operas. C

omposers of the modern F


rench school very

often employ an inverted (or rather perverted) intensity scale, and

for this reason this school of music should seldom be used with

pupils because it is apt to lead to throaty singing.

oft E


W here a soft effect is indicated on the music the singer should

generally reduce the amplitude of the vibrato. This gives a sense

of q

uietness, or repose, and of softness, without departing radically

from the line of the intensity scale. S

for a q

oft passages are usually used

uiet mood which is best interpreted by tones in which the

amplitude of the vibrato is less than normal. F

or loud, ex

cited, low

passages the amplitude of the vibrato may be augmented. This gives

the effect of dramatic feeling and emotional ex


citement. S

uch varia-

r #   ' 4 0 %   %  

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A]  !!0&   % 0 ! k! &  ^  p
 # + !

tions of the amplitude of the vibrato, from the normal vibrato, are

a potent weapon in interpretation. They must be used with sk

finesse and artistry, because if they are ex


aggerated, the effect be-

comes cheap and inartistic.

olor and the Tex

RHRWd ,N0d Z?2d '2bZd

O f course, to interpret the words effectively, it is vital for the

singer to be able to pronounce them properly in any language in

which he sings. F

f% !&  !#!  !  ^ 80l 8  8 % 

+     #!+.   #!#! 0  +0 +2 +
   + a 2!8!!l 0    2 + ! 0
.+ ! a ? +T+ % 8 !  + T 8 4 [!  
2  #0 %! 8 2 ! { .8 +[8 . 8
+ T . !  8  8 T  %! #!+a r% 
8# 8 5    ^  +  + [! ! 0  
+0  #8 8 !5    T+ + 82 8![0 a ?T 
 % 8  #!+ % 8 % T+! %  0 ?0 +8!#!8
 !  !8!   2 + !0   ] % 
  +  .   %  #8T+

urthermore, they must be clean cut and clearly

understood. The meaning of the words indicates the color which

should be employed for the musical phrase. H e must not use the

individual words themselves as the vehicle for ex

attempts to mak

pression. I

f he

e a special effect on a single word or syllable he is

only too apt to break

the musical line and thus destroy it. This is

one of the most prevalent faults of singers of today. They interpret

the words rather than the music and thereby lose all sense of the

melodic line and musical content of the composition.

owels and Pharyngeal R

esonance A



W hen the pupil has established complete pharyngeal resonance


ustment, it is relatively easy for him to form every vowel sound

in every language correctly. A

s a matter of fact, most of the vowel

sounds are common to all languages. H owever, it tak

es a certain

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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length of time for him to attain such complete control over the

pharyngeal cavities that he is able to form all the vowels without

mouthing. During the period in which he is learning to attain this

control, the coach should not insist upon ex

act vowel sounds, or the

)R`2HXd ,N0d !?,UcN <2,Hd #2XRN,N.2d 0E^XZL2NZd

student will perforce start to mouth them, thereby closing his

throat and producing throaty tones. W hen the pupil has reached

+  #.#    #8 #!0+ + 

 .+&   ! 0 0 %!  4 %   0  .+
 !0 +. !! 0a P  8! % % l  %  
+     4   .]a {!&  5  !8+
8 %  %      # 8    v0
#!0+  8     %   8  88
+a .!+  #!     !+ 8 + 
 & 8   2  + .#+  8  .+ l ! 
. +  #!%!  8!  28 & !0 + T
! + #!  T+ !0 ] a   #2T  ! 
 !8T+ 8 %  +  # A + 0l    ! [+8
!0 0 8 # %  !& !.  #[T8+ [% 
 %+.P+0    ++#!0+ 0 %!
  .0  8!8 q!T .8 [ ! !0
# +  !& + !!  # a ? [  ! + !! 
+ 0 .8  TT+ a r  +!  ]!0 %!  T+!
8 8e  ! !  %! 0  + 0 +.a

a certain stage of technical proficiency, all the vowels are resonated

entirely by the shaping of the throat, through the position of the

base of the tongue. A

ny vowel which cannot be pharyngeally formed

is actually somewhat distorted. C

ertain mouth vowels are very

prominent in average, incorrect speech. These vowels are incorrect

and they must be eliminated. I

to "



t is never necessary for the singer

in order to form any vowel in any language.


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

Mouth V

The "


&0-6 &3!+6



vowels of the diction singer are very clearly under-

more clearly, in fact, than those of many real singers whose

vowels are pharyngeally resonated. Nevertheless, scientific investi-

gation shows that "


vowels are not really better defined

acoustically than those which are produced properly.

Defining Pitch and V


The vowel is determined by the resonation of certain overtones

of the fundamental. W hen the pitch is perfectly defined, the proper

K BJ (=    /'jEXWwfEU<1`w   (  <    

 m  <  &  <&     H   =
(        - (  & <A< (
 =I  BJ (=        A
<<    =<     <   -

resonation of the vowel is easy. The singing of the melodic line

2:NDN<d !DZ.@d ,N0d )R`2HXd

depends primarily upon the definition of the pitch with its asso-

ciated, defined spectrum.

Proper articulation of consonants is of vital importance in the

maintenance of the melodic line. C

onsonants are articulated with

the lips, the front of the tongue and, for gutturals, the back

the tongue. A


ll consonants must be articulated very rapidly. The

more rapidly they are articulated, the more clearly intelligible do

they become and the more definitely can the words be understood.

W here a consonant comes at the end of a syllable, it must be con-

nected, rapidly and neatly, with the succeeding syllable. I

f this

succeeding syllable starts with a consonant, the two consonants

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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must be rapidly articulated together and associated with the second

syllable. This procedure eliminates the break

off which would other-

wise occur between the two consonant sounds. E

cept for the gut-

tural consonants, rapid movements of the lips and front of the

tongue need not radically change the position of the base of the

tongue, which does not, therefore, have to be appreciably relax


between the tones. The gutturals must be articulated so rapidly

and neatly that the sense of continuity of the tone is not lost. The

singer should have the sensation of attack

ing the first tone of the

musical phrase and of going on singing, without stopping the tone,

until he tak


es the nex

t breath. W hile the consonants do actually

the line, this break

should be virtually imperceptible to the

singer and to the listener. Unless this sense of continuity is main-

tained the melodic line is destroyed and the singer is not inter-

preting the music. A

s he sings a musical phrase he must move on

the rhythmic pulse and he must sense the movement from stressed

point to stressed point. These stressed points are indicated by the

rhythmic accents and the melodic outline. I

n other words, he should

move on a rhythmic flow and group the tones together, according

to the thematic conformation of the composition.


 (H     9   <  ( 

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 <        (    
    - K          9
<         - _ = & ~ :
(   < =       & << 
 <<   <-


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

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77;Xc`o 5X:o ;5c`o

ccents and Beats

very accent and beat must be indicated, with precision, finesse



            4 %  +  

    1      +  
   +   u 
   4 % 

   K +             



O $      8 
8   4 ?      //    
 u4 % u
 9 +    4     U     
 9  +4

and artistry, at its proper degree of stress. The primary accent is

stronger than the secondary, but every beat must be indicated with

absolute precision, not by break

ing the line, but by means of a

slight stress which is primarily vibrato controlled. The listener

should hear when the singer enters each bar and where every beat

and accent falls. H e must also be able to hear the grouping of the



they are grouped in ones, twos, threes, fours, etc.

The phrasing of the composition must be neatly and definitely

defined by the singer. I

f a tone is held through an accent, a stressed

vibrato will indicate its presence at this accent point. The singer

should never miss a stress point. To do so is j

ust as bad as to sing

a wrong note, if not worse, because it destroys the contour of the

music and leaves it without meaning.


No consonant should ever be sustained deliberately. F


s point of view (or the speak


sung or sustained

consonant sound is a fix


rom the

s), the vowel sound can be

at a defined, variable pitch, while the

ed noise. The "






and T conso-


Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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nants are associated with a hum vowel. This hum vowel must always

be as short as possible. Under no circumstances should it be sus-

tained. I

        4 ] + 
 q    e   1 q f    
 Q   Q  8  9  u

    87 4 % A+d Ad Ad 

 + 4%+9 + 
 Nd     4 m  

 4 ?  +        +  
 +  +  
 A qd 9  / 
  /Q  Q   
4 %+d Q
      $   Q    + 

f the singer hums part of a tone, with his mouth shut, the

intensity line is brok

en and he cannot maintain the melodic line, at

the proper intensity level, unless he reduces it to so low a point that

his singing is as soft as humming. This would obviously be absurd for

anyone who can really sing.

The "


and Ts,"


actor loves to roll his voice, hum his "

over-articulate, change the pitch


by the word and not by the sentence. The "

unfortunately he is almost universal today









on one vowel and




does the same things to

an even more pronounced degree.

olor, V

ibrato and E


This in a few words, gives a general picture of musical interpre-

tation in singing. There is also the q

uestion of the many legitimate,

interpretive devices which may be used. The most important of

these is color. C

of dark

olor in singing depends primarily upon the degree

ness or whiteness which is employed to convey mood, and

upon vibrato regulation. Thus, a white, brilliant tone may convey


YPY]o 0G6]4aYo 4V:o TYcGYVo

%         /   +
  4      P  + +
 +   4 % + +  
   /  4 T       + @    
 2bMT4gg|  v=Co4T4gg| 
    4   v=Co4|    +


tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

anger, whether it is sung loudly or softly. A


tone with very

little vibrato may convey sorrow, or despair, irrespective of intensity.

mere change of loudness does not convey a change of mood. O f

course, certain moods are associated with q

uietness and other moods

with loudness, but the color is always far more important inter-

pretively than the mere intensity. The composer indicates the in-

tensity relationships of the different phrases, etc., by means of the

dynamic mark

s on the music, and by the tessitura at which the

singer is performing, and, despite what has j

ust been said, the singer

should not fail to observe the dynamic indications.


The singer should attempt to interpret only those compositions

which lie properly within the dynamic contour of his voice. A

@ D    2@ 2   6 P .bKw 9\  R ( 

       D  #; D ; #  (  ;;6
C S4b4w 'AU<4w X6w MXo*U4eew *X4ew UXjw 'XUq4tw #w 'AU<1w X6w SXX*w f
2 D  9        ;
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;  5   2 D  F R 9;  9 ; 9
 @  #   @D nD #  9 2  ; D 9  
2            6

attempt to sing a song which is at the wrong tessitura, for any given

voice, distorts the dynamic outline. A

soprano who tries to sing

'2XXCZ^ U,d

compositions written for a contralto becomes merely insipid, and

a contralto trying to sing a soprano aria

all the tones

even if she can produce

will be ineffective at the climax

es, because the intensity

mount is not as steep, at the top of her range, as that of a soprano,

and her performance will, therefore, lack

dramatic fervor and

properly graded, climactic effects.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

The most obvious, and probably the most important, interpretive

effect in singing is the full, sustained, climactic high tone. W hen the

musical line is more or less horizontal

a narrow range

when the melody covers

the singer should nearly always sing in strict

tempo. W hen the range of the melody starts to spread into an


ue line, he should generally tend to broaden the beat. W here

a wide mount occurs, the beat may be very much broadened.

n the approach to a sustained high tone, the beat is generally

spread progressively, until it becomes very wide, or slow, for the



tone itself. The "


should, however, always be regulated

by a beat and the broadened rhythmic flow must, at all times, be felt,

or the musical phrase will be destroyed. E


ven for a so-called "

the singer to swell on the final pulse of this tone before he comes


n grand opera, particularly, the cadence, which follows a held,

panding C


high tone, is usually broadened and a dramatic effect made at low

pitch. This effect, which gives a sense of symmetry, or balance,



tone the beat must be felt, and it is very often effective for

?   2 # 9  # 9   9

;    # #       * 2  ; ( 6 P
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 i   9  2 6 P # \ 
\ 9 ; 9 ;
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   2  2 i     (  2    
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        *2i 9   D D
  2  #     6 z(   ` n  
    2  D  9 ; (   L ;( 
9  @     A #2  9; 9    

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; 6 ?
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with the high tone, is important. A


& , ;# 6 P%


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fter holding the high tone, the

singer generally moves in strict time, or with a stringendo effect,

to the held tone in the cadence. Despite these two ex

pansions, the

beat must always be felt. This effect of holding up and mak

ing a

dramatic effect on the cadence, especially after holding a high tone,

was almost universally employed by the great singers of the past.

Unfortunately, many of the singers of today are unable to achieve

this effect. The men are so throaty that their low tones are too weak

to be effective. Those women, who have no lower register, are q

unable to mak

e any real effect whatever at low pitch

effect notes generally lie in the neighborhood of F


these low,

(on the bottom

space of the treble clef) where the falsetto, even when it is thick

and forced, is very soft and "

Musical F

igures and C

oming back

be j

olor C

to the q




uestion of color: E

ach musical figure must

udiciously and artistically colored and contrasted with the other

musical figures, despite the fact that the general color over the

phrase is, more or less, uniform. No two similar musical figures

should be sung with ex

 ]XC.+Hd C<] U2Xd +N/d RHRUd RNZU+XZXd

actly the same color, any more than two dis-

similar ones should. The detailed work

ing out of the color effects,

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from an understanding of the musical structure of the composition,

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

is of first importance in the artistic interpretation of the music. I

entails a great deal of work

color effect, every ex

should be work

and study on the part of the artist. E


pansion or contraction of the rhythm, etc.,

ed out, practised and "

an enormous amount of work


The great artist does

along these lines, and when he

actually performs he has every detail of interpretation completely



with the result that he repeats himself, with remark

able pre-

cision, every time he sings a song.

Many S

ingers Lack


The great singers of the past were seldom good musicians. H ow-

ever, they did have fine ears for music and, even if they did not

understand music, from the musician'

s standpoint, they heard it

and unconsciously sensed a great deal about the musical structure

of the composition. W e, therefore, have this ex

traordinary state of

affairs. The great singers of the past did, from many points of view,

sing artistically and musically. The prominent singers of today,

who probably k

now a great deal more about music, from a theoreti-

cal standpoint, than the great singers of the past, completely fail


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to apply their musical k

music. F

nowledge to the interpretation of vocal

urthermore, they have voices which are so throaty and so

badly produced that they are technically unable to do so. The result

of this is that most performers of today sing without any real sense

of musical values at all. This apparent paradox

is due primarily

not only to the throaty technic, which eliminates all legitimate

control over the voice, but also to the fact that these singers think

in terms of vowel and q

uality (the throaty q

mined by the technical trick



s of "

head voice,"

uality which is deter-

singing in the masq


covered tones,"




etc.) instead of pitch

definition. This viewpoint has virtually eliminated their natural

ear, so that they do not hear, in their minds, either clearly-defined

pitch pictures or, still more emphatically, the melodic line of the


Throaty S

inger C

annot C


The badly-trained singer cannot color. I

only use loud and soft effects. E

n place of color he can

ven then he does not possess any

real, legitimate control over intensity. H e generally has a loud

 1    *    

4 ]      

&&&  J %  
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 &  && & 


     &  P& e    P6& 

1  A   6P a A6&
a A
4 f  6  M

      && &6    &
&  &g 

&&  +  
,E]Y4ako *GVB;]o 4VVYao YPY]o

voice and a mezza voce and nothing in between.

This mezza voce is sung in absolute constriction, generally in a


ed register. This has gone so far that, when one listens to this

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

mezza-voce interpretation of a song, it may be hard to tell whether

the singer is a man or a woman

or soprano. I

a bass,'

baritone, tenor, contralto

t is always the same throaty, colorless, mix


sound, irrespective of pitch.



oice S

hould Not S

ound Lik

e a W oman'

ll voices, singing at the same pitch, with the same vowel and the

same vibrato, would sound the same if the technic were perfect.

H owever, a man sings an octave lower than a woman and, most

emphatically, he should not sound lik

e a woman. There is nothing

more revolting than to hear a performance at the Metropolitan at

which a mix

in "

Tremolo C

ed-falsetto tenor sings a C


) and sounds j

annot Be Used for I

throaty singer has a tremolo

ust lik

aruso role (such as Des Grieux

e the soprano (Manon).


not a vibrato. The tremolo, which

% 6 &  

& 4 ? &


&  &   S
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R4yy"sY+4|     Cd  *    ;  && 
    6   6Q 6     
  J ?  &3  6  
& &  7 

is automatic, is not under conscious control as is the vibrato. There-

o !4Vm_o 0YG7;o *EYeR9o #Yao *YeV:o GL;o 4o 2YT4Vn_o

fore, it can neither be used for interpretive effects, nor to indicate

accents, stress points, etc.


   &    ; 

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re I

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9 "  "" (


W e have, then, a group of singers who cannot color, have no

vibrato, cannot sing a good, free, loud tone, who fade out at the

bottom of the voice and are unable to center the pitch or connect

two tones together without slurring or j


ing. S

uch singers are

utterly unable, really, to interpret the musical content of a com-

position. Therefore, they must use a series of silly, inartistic trick


or devices, to give the impression of interpreting the compositions

they are singing. These devices are many, but they fall under certain

general headings. The slur is used deliberately to ex

press emotion

and the more emotion they desire to indicate the more horribly

they slur. This is similar to the "


actor who rolls his voice. W hen

they want to become very dramatic suddenly on one tone, they


off, slur up into this tone and then slur down;

to give a very dramatic effect indeed. R

noise. W hen they want to ex

ather, it is j

press a tender, or q

this is supposed

ust a nasty

uiet, mood, they

reduce the intensity to a mere murmur, which can hardly be heard

across the footlights and which is completely drowned when the

orchestra plays. Many men mak

e such effects, with a mix

technic, so that they then sound more lik


e women than men. This

conveys nothing but ineptitude.

ubstitution of S

peech for S


Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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W hen some of these singers want to become very dramatic indeed

they actually break

this repeatedly. I

their speak

into speech. Most of the baritones or basses do

n many of the cases their technic is so throaty that

ing voices are actually louder than their singing voices,

so that this device does give a rather grotesq

dramatic effect. I

ue semblance of a

t is obvious that the singing voice, when it is pro-

duced properly, is very much louder and more dramatic than the


*e 6_aGaeaGYo Y?o *\;;7Eo ?Y]o *GVBGVBo

ing voice, because it is at much higher pitch and is, therefore,

at a far higher intensity level in the intensity scale. W hen the


9  "

 @  V " 
( Z    "   
"   ?
" V" 9"
 @    " "" 9"

  " b9"
  "9    P @
( ?" 9"   "" 9"
  " "  

    " 9  
" "
   " "" 9 "  "" 
 ( \ 
V" 9"
 " @    "" "

ing voice is louder than the singing voice, the technic is

throaty and the higher tones are completely shut off.

Mere Decrescendo of H eld Tones C

onveys No E

nother very favorite, and constantly used, trick


is to decrescendo

nearly every held tone. W hat this is supposed to convey is a mys-

tery. Technically, the constriction increases and the voice shuts

off. Perhaps it is supposed to convey tenderness or sweetness. Nearly

all the tenors and sopranos employ this trick



!;];o ;7];_7;V9Yo Y?o ;P9o ,YV;_o YVg;k_o #Yo TYaGYVo

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9 "  <
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9    ( { 
      M@ "  "
V  (


tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

hifting of C

limactic Point Destroys E

%BD5ZDO>d R5d HDL,.ZD.d !RDOZd 2XZWRcXd 92.Zd


supposedly dramatic effect in constant use among the singers

of today consists of shifting the climactic point in a dramatic phrase

from the held, high tone to the succeeding tone or tones in the

descending scalewise, or arpeggio, passage. Thus, the high tone

is held, but the descending tones are swelled and actually sung

louder than the high, climactic tone. This shifting of the climactic

point in the musical figure destroys its contour and is, therefore,

unmusical and inartistic. I


t is, indeed, an effect which is not to be

plained from the musical or interpretive standpoints.

W hen the voice is used properly, the highest tone in the figure

is the loudest. The climactic effect is naturally made on this tone,

which is, in such cases, actually sustained by the composer for this

reason. W hy, then, is this obviously unmusical and meaningless

effect in such constant use today?

The reason is not far to seek

. The

singers of today shut off their high tones, and, therefore, it is pos-

sible for them to mak

e only a relatively fortissimo effect on a middle

tone. They are, then, forced to shift the climactic tone down to a

pitch at which they can become more or less "


This device

of shifting the climactic tone is more often employed by men than

by women. The reason for this is apparent when we remember that


Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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they are generally taught to sing "


or "

(shouty) tones up to

about E

b and then to "

use head tones."


are deliberately throaty ones and a drop in intensity, because

uch "

of the increase in throatiness, is unavoidable.

Therefore, when a badly trained baritone has to mak


e a dramatic

on, say, a high G, he is technically unable to mak

H ence, he dodges the issue by shifting the climax

e the grade.

and mak

fortissimo effect on the way down. This device is most inj

ing the

urious if

the voice has been trained properly and is, for this reason, graded

correctly in the intensity scale. The highest tone in the phrase is

naturally the loudest and the intensity drops with the pitch in the

descending passage. I

f a singer endeavors to invert the intensity line

of his voice, he will inevitably push and force it. This will hurt his

voice and may even cause him to tie up altogether. O f course, the

really throaty singer does not actually tie up;

more throaty.


he merely becomes


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H umming C

onsonants and S

lurring I


H amming"

t is essential for any professional singer to give the impression

of a musical line. H e cannot break

off between the tones, because

this would eliminate all pretense of singing. The throaty singer

who cannot center pitch and move from tone to tone legitimately

accomplishes this end (the impression of a musical line) by de-

liberately slurring the tones together and by sustaining and hum-

ming his consonants. H e connects the tones either with slurs or

hums. No tune is really sung and most of the time he is mak

noises between the tones. W hen he has been taught to "




place his voice in the head"

or "


sing in the

use nasal resonance,"

ust loves to hum his consonants, because this gives him the feeling

of the technical device

aw lock

and throatiness

striving. Therefore, he always hums the "

sonants, mak



for which he is


and "



ing the hum associated with them as long as he possibly


This has two effects: I

words and ex

early V

n the first place, he is mis-pronouncing the

aggerating the worst faults of the "

ictorian era. I


actor of the

n the second place, he is reducing the loudness

of his voice to the level of humming even when he does open his

mouth. I

f he did not do this, the intensity would k

eep fading in

t is true that the slurring effects which he employs do

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

and out. I

fade his voice in and out all the time, but this effect occurs gradually

and not suddenly. I

f he were to hum and then open his mouth and

sing a full tone, the sudden change in intensity would obviously be

ridiculous. F

or this reason, he hums and holds back

, again and again,

so that the entire singing line is reduced to the level of intensity

established by the loudness of the hum. O f course, this can be done

only in constriction and he is, therefore, practising throatiness!

lurring Destroys Music

rom the musical standpoint slurring is altogether destructive.

singer who slurs habitually never starts, or meets, a tone at any

given instant. Therefore, he is q

uite unable to indicate the time spot

of the tones, the beats or even the accent points. H e eliminates the

rhythmic structure of the composition he is singing. This destroys

all sense of phrasing;

the structural framework

of the music is lost.

The rhythmic structure of the music is of first importance and the

singer who disregards it is not singing music at all. The vital factors

in the proper interpretation of a song are the rhythmic structure

of the composition, the time spot of the notes, the notes themselves

and the words. A



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ll these factors are of prime importance.

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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

f the singer is unmusical, or if he lack

s the dramatic ability

necessary to put over the words effectively, his performance is of

little artistic or entertainment value. H e is, under such circum-

stances, a second-rate artist at best. A

great opera singer is not only

a fine musician but also a really good actor. Unfortunately, most of

the singers of today think

only of the words and the notes. E

when the time is correct, in the sense that they don'


t turn a q


note into a half-note or an eighth-note, the constant slurring into,

and out of, the tones actually cuts down the time spot for which

they are held and, therefore, they never really sing in time. Many

singers virtually lose all sense of rhythmic structure and musical


There is one more point to remember: I

f the first, accented tone

of a phrase is slurred, the rhythmic framework

is destroyed. Thus,

if the phrase starts on the first beat, and this tone is slurred, the

secondary accent on the third beat (in 4/4 time) cannot be made

either. The rhythmic framework

must be intact, or inevitably it falls

apart altogether. The singer either indicates ex

actly what is written

on the printed page, including the rhythmic structure of the music,

the grouping of the notes, where the bar lines fall, etc., or he does

not do so;

if he does not he is not singing the music.

t the start of his career, C

aruso did mak

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

e certain cheap effects.

The most obvious of these was abuse of the sob as a dramatic device.

Later, as he matured and became the great artist that he ultimately

turned out to be, he naturally eliminated this artistic weak


Today, operatic singers have re-introduced it. Their voices are so

pushed and throaty that they are very often forced to tak

breaths and to break

e ex


their phrases. To cover up this inability to

sustain, they introduce a sob nearly every time they tak

breath. They may think

e an ex


that this is dramatic, emotional and effective.

Many an audience will disagree. I

t is on almost the same artistic

level as the performance of the so-called torch singer who wails

popular music. S

ingers who blubber are hardly artists.

ecital S


n the recital field, many singers go through practically an entire

program in a throaty murmur. There is no phrasing, no musical

understanding, no legitimate coloring and every tone sung is

throaty. I

f such performers do try to sing loudly, after singing entire

groups of songs in a throaty soft "

mezza voce,"

the sounds they

emit are definitely so unpleasant that they can only be classed as

shouts or screams. F


ew, if any, of such singers really "

cover the

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and they think

nothing of break

ing the musical phrases.

Nevertheless, they are often encouraged by the critics who praise

the q

uality of their "

of pV

aise for their diction.

The work

mezza voce"

s of such composers as S

H ugo W olf, S

and, in particular, have high words

chubert, S

chumann, Brahms,

trauss, should be sung with as perfect a melodic line,

and the musical import of the composition should be as meticulously

defined, as it would be if it were a composition for the piano or the

violin, which was being played by a great pianist or violinist. F


thermore, most of the singing should be performed at the normal

intensity level, in the normal intensity scale for the given voice, and

very soft and very loud effects should be made as special interpretive

devices, each of these effects being in itself a tour de force of a

climactic nature. Great music was not written to be sung intimately.

These composers wrote for concert artists and not for parlor singers.

Tradition and Musical Distortion

Many of the silly devices used today have been employed by

singers of standing for several years, with the result that they have

been handed down and taught by coaches as "



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which impairs or destroys the musical content of the composition

is incorrect, inartistic and cannot be ex

cused on the basis of tradi-

-]49 GaGYVo 4V:o !f_G74Ro G_aY]aIYVo


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tion. O ne particular phase of this use of the idea of tradition, as an

cuse for distorting the music, lies in the break

often with the introduction of a sob

ing of phrases

because the singers'

so throaty and pushed that they are forced to tak

e ex

voices are

tra breaths.

The breathing should be determined by the phrasing and musical

figures and not by tradition.

oaches who teach by ear merely play the tune over and over

again to show their pupils how it goes. This method of procedure

is elementary, childish, inartistic, unintelligent and insecure. They

claim that the interpretive effects which they indicate are secrets

of tradition

secrets which they, and they alone, possess.

W hen teaching consists merely of playing a tune over and over

to show how it goes the pupil is forced to study every new composi-

tion with his coach and never develops the ability to work

out the

interpretation of a song for himself. H e must always learn the "



in order to perform it.

This sort of thing is j

ust nonsense. A

ctually, the composer has

indicated on the printed page virtually everything he wants the

singer to do. I

f everything the composer has written is understood

completely and if, at the same time, the singer has a sincere feeling



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for the dramatic import of the words, and of the role he is charac-


if he is singing in opera

he should be able to work


a really fine interpretation for himself, provided that he has been

properly trained musically. The coach should teach musicianship

and ultimately enable the pupil to work

out the interpretation of

the compositions he is studying for himself. R

eal tradition rests

primarily upon a proper understanding of the music. The pupil

of the tradition coach is dependent upon him for life.

O nly too often these tradition coaches don'

t really understand

the music themselves, and when the interpretation has been handed

down to them by ear, they generally mak

uch errors include the break

incorrect tempi and mistak

e flagrant musical errors.

ing of musical phrases and even figures,

es in time.

ertainly there are honest, competent coaches who really work

out all the musical and interpretive problems involved with their

pupils. S

uch coaches teach their pupils to apply all the musical

nowledge they possess to the interpretation of their songs and

give a basic musical training to those who are lack

nowledge. They carefully work

ing in musical

out and analyze every detail of

musical structure of each composition which they teach. Unfor-

tunately, such coaches are few and far between.

spects of S


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Traditional A

There are two phases of interpretation in which tradition plays

an important part. The first is in k

nowing the "


which are used

at the Metropolitan and at other leading opera houses. The second

is in the use of cadenzas in the old school of I

rtistic I

nterpretation R

The foregoing should mak


talian O pera.

uires Proper Technic

e it clear that it is possible for the

singer to interpret a melody only when his voice is produced

'W,0DZDRN ,Hd XS2.ZXd R5d $CN<CN<d

properly. O nly the well-produced voice is able to sustain a melodic

line in which the pitch of every tone is centered and definitely

>     3   7  
  7  - Y
 A   757@ 
 B e     :
   7   >  @   ]- ?  
   *:7 7 
C  VC7 f  -

defined, and the duration of which is never curtailed by slurs, or

changes of intensity accompanied by slurs. The singer can really

interpret only when the entire melodic and rhythmic pattern, and

all the legitimate interpretive devices, have been completely "


W hen the singer whose voice has been trained properly starts to

sing a musical phrase, it is imperative for him to establish a pre-

conceived, seq

uence memory picture, not only of the melodic and

WZDXZD.d  OZ2WSW2Z,ZDRNd #2T]DU2Xd !URS2Wd '2.? ND.d

color line, etc., but also of the tensions and changes of tension

demanded for the singing of the phrase.


 : 5  * 
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  . j 

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The entire operation of singing a musical phrase must be mentally

planned ahead, or pre-conceived. I


f there is any uncertainty in the

   I      E = H
 -. 2  #  
    =( #.H 2 % %    q    G!

s mind, he will almost inevitably start to slur and constrict.

Under such circumstances he is only too apt to become "

tied up"

vocally. This is especially true when his technic is very advanced

and his voice "

wide open."

The reason for this is because each tone

<  (    `

&^   &`&
   +  O  &
 . 2

;  $ 
-    N 

demands its own muscular co-ordination and this co-ordination

depends upon pitch, loudness and color (spectrum). True, these

co-ordinations are reflex

and they occur only because of clearly

defined, memory pictures in the singer'

s mind. Nevertheless, if these

 . _+  

memory pictures are even slightly blurred, the proper co-ordinations

cannot occur and the singer will inevitably start to force his voice

and "


Throaty S

with the result that he will ultimately "

inging R


tie up"

  - 4

< & 4
( - 


uires No Talent

 =# JH ( 

4   ( 4- = H  .

These changes in the co-ordinations of the muscles of the larynx

and tongue for changes of pitch, loudness, and color, do not occur

with the throaty singer as he moves over the melodic line. H e is,

therefore, able to slur as much as he lik

es without "

tying up."

'? UR+Zcd $CN<CN<d #2T] CU2Xd Rd '+I2PZd

t will be clear, then, that the throaty singer is physically able to go

through a composition without any serious work

tion, and with virtually no real technical sk

2 <BO ^  

 &     &N  
 B4 N
O   $+ & + < &&
+  ^&  4

&- <B
  & &  E&@ . y FJ

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J J 
  - & B&

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& (&

&<J  ( 
 - ^     sJ (  (`

&  E4   ( ^ EE s  


J +   
 e  N
$ (

E  N&
f +     &

ill, while the well-trained

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

voice must be handled with consummate sk

another angle, too, it is more ex

on its interpreta-

ill and artistry. F


acting for the well-trained singer

to perform than for the throaty one, because the former must at

all times maintain the "

tial, if he is to k

latter can go "


and emotional urge which are essen-

eep his throat open and his voice free, while the


and still continue to sing. This energy must be

applied at the beginning of a phrase, maintained at all times, and

graded according to the demands of the phrase. E

starts a phrase he must relax

ach time the singer

, create the emotion req

himself into a state of optimum tonus, breathe, attack

uired and bring

the first tone

properly (on the inspiratory gesture) and encompass the phrase on

a predetermined pattern for the changes of tension demanded by

the ex

 E_ E  =

  E&&< 4
B ( 
+   & s  
& #   &  N
J ( 

igencies of the phrase.

ustaining of H igh Tones S

hould Be No S

W hen the well-trained singer has to mak


e a dramatic effect on a

  = ^  ^4 & O. 2 
B- 4 
   < N  
J E<<   E J <

high tone, it is true that the energy must be increased, but this

increase does not constitute a struggle;

on the other hand, it conveys

a feeling of freedom and dramatic intensity. H e, therefore, always


.   E B

  4 a4P!s
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J  s  V
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&( &9   "&4  ($ " . j &$
(&" 9 $
& &  & "   &"
& s  B$ &9 4 

sings with comfort and freedom and the high tones, as well as the

low ones, can be produced with apparent ease. I

does not have to struggle in order to mak

n other words, he

 "9   + &

e his high tones, but he

n this connection it is important for the reader to remember that

the singer must attain a high degree of sk

cular system used in phonation

he must relax

ill in controlling the mus-

thus, every time he tak

4"  4 ^ &&g$49 "   s  "

  "; !LMw  & &  $ 4  4  &^

es a breath

all the tension on all the muscles used in phonation

and re-establish the proper tensions at the moment when he attack

the first tone of the nex

  "&" &   &^ ($^   s

t phrase or figure. H e must be able to main-

 V" & &N  ; " " V4". y 4    
"&"&NSoe'L1wjXV1w 9 & 4 4"
"&  ( "   . y   N 9 " 
;"      . 
k"   (&

tain the proper state of muscle tone at all times, so that the muscular

response is always rapid and efficient. H e must feel alive, alert and


pressive all the time he is singing. F

ar different is the viewpoint

of the throaty singer, who actually goes dead for the entire body

of the composition, and then mak

es a terrible effort to sq

ueeze, or

force, out his high tones, especially if they are loud ones.

&N  $"& "9 (&  4 B& *1!*w &" $ " &
&N  &&&9  $^ s  "" k&" & ]49

N&" 9 &4  $ &9   N  " &4 &.
y 9  (" 
 9   9  *`Cq1w

H ence, the well-trained singer maintains, at all times, the drive

and the dramatic intensity which is essential for effective interpreta-

tion and performance. The throaty singer is, most of the time, dead

and inane, ex

cept when he sings his high tones. H e is then forced

to struggle most distressingly. Thus, in both phases of his singing,

 "  ( $  N&

k  ""
&^  "N&" . 2 "& " 9 & &  9 *1!,w
 9 ;  (      . y   N&" 
& "  & ". 249  &$  &N  9

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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he destroys, or eliminates, the dramatic and emotional feeling of

the music and words.

hanges of A


ustment and Throatiness

O ne further point: W hen the voice is produced properly there is

no sudden change of adj

no "



ustment over the entire range. There are

shouty white"

) tones and "


or "



$ "&-9 &"   "  && N N

liberately throaty) tones. The singer who has been trained with the

idea of changing into the "

head voice,"

or "

certain pitch, is forced to continually break

this change of adj

ustment, back

this, each time he mak

covered tones,"

the melodic line to mak

ward and forward. I

$ E   (&".

at a

n addition to

es the change he is forced to relax

?+M <1Xd Q5d /E]XZK1M[d +M/d &?UQ+\CM1XXd

his tongue,

and this renders the ensuing tone very throaty. Thus, every time

he changes from the "

open tone"

into the "

versa, he becomes progressively throatier. A

head voice,"

and vice

 N4" & o  &   "&  "&"- " 

s a result of this, abso-

 4  &N c4 &

$ " ". 2" "
& =&H =&4 (H &^  =+H &" = &"H 

 $"& . 2 "(   " ( 

lute throatiness is always very rapidly established. H ence, not only

does his voice become increasingly throaty while he is singing, but

he is also unable to maintain any semblance of a musical line. This

is especially true of the intensity line, because each time he changes

into the "



head voice,"

or "

covered tone,"


j $ & &  &



4   $ " &N s ^ &
&  4

can never, at any time, go dead.

 &N  &  =$ & 9H &" = &" &9H  
"  9  N&"  & &  "s  &  & s

the intensity drops sud-

 /  c4+  s(

  &"(". j & &
$9     s    J N&"  
;  & 9
  "" $ 4 & " "&. 2 9 " 
  N"&  =& &^H &   & 9H /  
"9   & "&" "&
4 &N  9 &
4 "&  ( " " . y 9 & &
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   "4 &N  9  /      
  = & 9H &" = &" &9H   "& 4


) 525=5?.B-B

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  ) ) 

Lower R

egister (F

W hen a woman'

emale) and the Musical Line

s voice has arrived at the stage of development

at which she can carry up her lower register legitimately to the

proper point

D on the fourth line of the treble clef

change does not break

the register

the melodic line, because the intensity rises

evenly and the common resonance adj

ustment for both registers

eliminates any sudden change in the position of the tongue (throat).

t is the woman who does not use the lower register who is forced

to break

and destroy the melodic line. E

ven when she can employ

the lower register properly up to middle B\

), the intensity line is not

seriously impaired at intensities below F



Unfortunately there is no really great singer living today. There-

fore the reader'

%&#- +-  - &- (%-  -

F_Tp I rnIp rbOT _I IxxbTR I _T I]T rX RTTlrunTp

I _bO_ _T OIp OIzz u _Tx lrTx xT]bTx lT]bbnITl r _T
uxruTx urbp5 rp _T Xrx_ lbpT rX _T xTKlT OlTXT xT]bTx

O_Ip]T RrT pr KxTIj _T nTlrRbO lbpT KTOIT _T dpTpb xbT

TTpl IpR _T Ornnrp xTrpIpOT IRhnTp Xrx Kr_ xT]bTx

TlbndpIT Ip RRTp O_Ip]T bp_T urbbrp rX_T rp]T zrI  *

; b _T rnIp _r RrT pr T _T lrTx xT]bTx _r d XrxOTR

r KxTIj IpR RTr _T nTlrRbO lbpT+ 6Tp _Tp _T OIp Tnulr

_TlrTx xT]bTx uxruTzl u r nbRRlT 3M _T bpTpb ldpT b pr
Txbrl bnuIbxTR I bpTpbbT KTlr 7+7*

s only recourse, if he wants to get some faint idea

of what artistic singing actually sounds lik

e, is to listen to the

"# %-

records of the great singers of the past. The great operatic com-

posers such as V

erdi, Puccini, Mascagni, Leoncavallo, Bizet, Mas-

senet, etc., wrote with the great voices in mind. The proper

interpretation of their music demands the technical eq


possessed by these singers. They were able to fulfill the demands

made upon their voices by such composers. The singers of today

uite unable to do so.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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are q

W hen we hear these operas sung at the Metropolitan by present

day singers, the impression received is pitifully different from the

one which the composers intended to convey. F

or this reason

the student should pay far more attention to the orchestra than to the

singers, when he is studying an opera from recent recordings. The

orchestras of today are probably j

ust as good as those of yore. Thus,

much may be gained from the modern recordings of the operas, if

the student will observe the sweep, color and emotional effects,

and the structural and rhythmic outline of the music as wrought

by the orchestra. The orchestra does not break

melodic line. I

or hum consonants, etc. I

the phrases or the

t does not slur into and out of tones, or wail, sob, talk

t gives an artistic and musical performance.

urthermore, the student should k

now what the orchestra is play-

ing and follow it at all times. H e should k

now the entire opera,

including the orchestral part, as well as his own. Therefore, he can

learn a great deal from recent recordings by listening to the

orchestra, even if he cannot learn anything of value from the per-

formances of the present day singers, to which he should pay but

scant attention.

DpYrxpITl _TxT b pr xTIll ]xTI bp]Tx lbbp] rRI, C_TxT

XrxT _T xTIRTx rpl xTOrxT , _T Ip r ]T rnT XIbp bRTI
rY _I I{bbO bp]bp] IOIll rpR
lbjT b r lbTp r _T
xTOrxR rX _T ]xTI bp]Tx rX _T uI* C_T ]xTI ruTxIbO Orn
urTx O_ I ETxRb ?OObpb =IOI]pb <TrpOIIllr 3bT =I

TpT TO+ xrT b_ _T ]xTI rbOT bp nbpR* C_T uxruTx

bpTzuxTIbrp rX _Tbx nbO RTnIpR _T TO_pbOIl TvbunTp
urTTR K _TT bp]Tx+ C_T TxT IKlT r Xl[ll _T RTnIpR
nIRT urp _Tbx rbOT K O_ OrnurTx* C_T bp]Tx rX rRI
IxT vbT pIKlT r Rr r*

G_Tp T _TIx _TT ruTxI p] I _T =TzrurlbIp K uxTTp

RI bp]Tx _T dnuxTbrp xTOTbTR b ubbXll RbZTxTp Xxrn _T
rpT _bO_ _T OrnurTx bpTpRTR r OrpU* 7rx _b xTIrp

_TRTp_rlRuIXIxnrxTITpbrpr _T rxO_TxI _Ipr _T

bp]Tx _Tp _T b Rbp] Ip ruTxI Xxrn zTOTp xTOrxRbp]* C_T

rxO_TI rY rRI IxT uxrKIKli I ]rrR I _rT rX rxT* C_

nO_ -nI KT ]IbpTR Yxrn _T nrRT| xTOrxRdp] rX _T ruTxI. 
_T RTp bll rKTxT _T TTu Orlrx IpR TnrbrpIl TZTO
IpR _T xOxIl IpR x_nbO rlbpT rX T nbO I xr]_

K _T rxO_TzI* C_T rxO_TxI RrT pr KxTIj _T u_xIT rx _T

nTlrRbO lbpT* : RrT pr lx bpr IpR r rX rpT rx Ibl rK Ilj
rx_n OrprpIp TO+ ; ]bT IpIxbbO IpR nbOIl uTxYrznIpOT/

7x_TxnrxT _T RTp _rlR jpr _I _T rxO_TxI b ulI

bp] IpR Yrllr b I Ill bnT* 9T _rlR jpr T TpbxT ruTxI
bpOlRbp] _T rxO_TxIl uIx I Tll I _b rp* C_TxTYrxT _T OIp

lTIxp I ]xVI RTIl Xxrn xTOTp xTOrxRbp] K lbTpbp] r _T

rxO_TxI TTp bX _T OIppr lTIxp Ip_bp] rX IlT Xxrn _T uTx

YrxnIpOT rX _T uxTTp RI bp]Tx r _bO_ _T _rlR uI K
OIp ITpbrp0

 '   #  ! ,%(,
+, ,  ,

 Y % %    
    ?(   %

 <. 2   % 

W ith the recordings of the great singers of the past we have a far

more difficult problem to surmount. The method of recording was


very bad indeed!

-   2 %?

   "- B  E?"< & < 


 <     (   J 

The reproduction of the orchestra was so

distorted that it hardly gives the impression of an orchestra at all.

emember: The reproduction of the voices was j

that, when listening to these records, it is q

ust as bad, so

uite futile for the student

even to attempt to guess at what they really sounded lik


ample, when listening to C


e. F

J (< 

J  ]    % 


s records (these records are the

best of the old acoustical recordings) one receives the impression

;?J (   

        % "<B 

that he is singing as loudly as possible all the time. This, of course,

is because of the curtailment of the intensity range and the cur-

tailment and distortion of the freq

discussed in The V


uency range (this q

ts Production and R

ctually, one left the opera house, after a C

   <B<   -  ?   . 2J  


uestion is


<   <<- %<B <  

< < "<   "] < -

<B  ] 

aruso performance,

wondering what the full power of his voice really would be, if he

   ?1w XC'1jfw `X*o'jCXUw !U*w 1Z`X+o'jDXU   w

 -J    ?
 $ J 


were to sing absolutely fortissimo. Perhaps, once or twice during

an opera, he would sing a more or less fortissimo tone, but most of

the time he was singing with almost incredible ease and freedom,

at the normal intensity of his voice. H e never, at any time, pushed,

or forced, his voice. H is normal intensity was always loud enough to

top the orchestra and fill the opera house. F


urthermore, he sang every

energy and dramatic poignancy and, especially

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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phrase with "


 <<-    .  %J  - J ?4J

J  . 
<-( (-  < 

t will be seen, then, that while he was actually singing at normal

intensity (not fortissimo) most of the time, the records give an

entirely erroneous impression. I

n addition to this, the lack

uency range in the recording gives the impression of "

or "


always mellow and "


of fre-


in his voice, despite the fact that the actual q

uality was

aruso records are misleading, but

recordings of the women singers are far worse, because they are

singing an octave higher, with the result that the lack


t actually changes the q



with C

uality completely and mak

and rather unpleasant. Destinn'


s voice was comparable


in the middle of the range, but this effect

is largely the result of bad q

of Melba'

uality recording. The cruel distortion

s voice on the records is even more unfortunate. E

tone she sang was of ex

uisite q


uality and her voice rang out as

clear as a bell. Despite all this distortion there is much to be learned

from listening to these records of the great singers.



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. j    J    M  

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beautiful. The use of a great deal of lower register gives the im-

pression of "


es it sound thin,

s. H er high tones, in particular, were unbelievably

"<V" &. "
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- < 
E ?< - J  -
<   <   4 <  e.

of the high

uency components distorts their voices far more than the men'

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at the end of his career, his dramatic fervor was beautifully gauged

and controlled, according to the demands of the music and the tex

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hapter 14





inging is merely a glorification or magnification of speech, which is

wedded to the language of music. The laws which govern the proper

functioning of the voice for both singing and speak

ing are, in most

>#^o6e| X

respects, the same. There are, however, certain differences, because sing-

ing is magnified speech. These differences can be stated under five


1. I

n view of the fact that the tone is much less sustained in speak

the vibrato should not occur in the speak

# " #


ing voice.

2. Because of its lower intensity, the normal pitch of the speak


voice should be far lower than that of the singing voice.

3. F

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or the same reason the consonants in speech are correspondingly

less vigorous. The less intense vowel

phonated sound

does not demand

such vigorous articulation. This does not mean that the articulation should

be slovenly

4. I

it must be very vigorous in the speech range of intensity.

n singing, several tones may be phonated on one vowel. This

should practically never be done in speech. A

n ex

ception to this rule

occurs when one calls from a distance with a rising inflection on one vowel.

The same process of training applies to both the singing and the speak

ing voice.


uirements for a properly used speak

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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a. Good q


ing voice are as follows:

This implies proper resonance adj

ustment and pure


b. R


n ex

tensive range (three octaves or more) depends upon

the same factors as in singing, i.e., resonance adj

c. C

arrying Power

ustment and registration.

This, of course, depends upon pitch definition,

properly sustained vowels and the sound spectrum which in turn de-

pend upon resonance adj

d. C

ontrol of intensity

ustment and registration.

This also depends upon resonance adj

ment and registration. The speak

the "

stage whisper"


ing voice, however, which may drop to

and even to an absolute whisper, can be used at far

lower intensities than the singing voice. The actor does not have to top

an orchestra.

e. Proper intensity balance over the range

singing. A

ever, very low pitches

those lying toward the very bottom of the singing

range or even several tones lower

/. I

This is the same as in

s the intensity rises the pitch should rise, and vice versa. H ow-


are employed in speech most effectively.

This implies rapid, vigorous, clean-cut, clear articula-

tion and a proper adj

ustment of the pharyngeal resonance cavities for

the resonating of the vowel.




tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

)   )+

g. Legato

h. S

This is most pronounced in E

peed, with clear enunciation

nglish speech.

This presupposes pharyngeal vowel

resonation and agility of the articulating members.

t. W ide range of color

True color is only possible when the technical

training is well advanced, because it is controlled by minute changes

in the adj

ustments of the pharyngeal resonance cavities. S

uch color

modifications are, of course, actuated primarily through psychological,

or ex

pressive, faculties.

/. The ability to use the voice vigorously and audibly in a large audi-

torium for a long time without fatiguing it and becoming hoarse


demands a good vocal technic.

. The establishment of the natural voice

Normal pitch, q

uality and

power, from which all modifications of pitch, color and intensity are

made, for the portrayal of the emotional and ex

pressive import of the


. The ability to ex

press, while speak

the eyes and facial ex


ing, the passing emotion with

This ability demands the elimination

of all muscular interference which, in turn, is largely dependent upon

pharyngeal resonance adj

ustment (the elimination of the mouth as a

resonator). O f course, no one who is untalented dramatically is able to

force the proper facial ex


ing voice is more easily trained than the singing voice, be-

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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The speak

cause the "


very fine "



uirements are less stringent. Unless a singer has a

he cannot become a great artist. H e must be able to con-

ceive, as single units, complex

musical phrases in their proper time,

rhythm, intensity and color with absolute definition and clarity. This

somewhat rare talent is not demanded of actors.

The speak

ing voice cannot be trained when the subj

ect is really tone

deaf, because under these circumstances, there is no medium of contact

between the teacher and the pupil.

ince the normal pitch in speech is lower than in singing, because the

intensity is lower, the purification of the lower register becomes outstand-

ingly important in the training of the speak

both sex

falsetto or the mix


ing voice. This applies to

es, but particularly to women, who are wont to speak

ed registration is the most deadly of all faults in speech. I

an unpleasant q

in the

ed-falsetto register.

t induces

uality, low intensity and poor carrying power. The per-

petrator of this bad form of technic is impairing his vocal apparatus

with every word he speak

s, even in normal conversation.

woman who uses the falsetto register only is bound to force it and,

at times, employ mix

ed falsetto. This applies, in particular, to actresses.

The ingenue may use more or less pure falsetto, and if she k

eeps the

pitch very high and the intensity rather low, her voice may survive for

a few years. Later in life, however, at j

ust about the age when she should

be portraying more dramatic characters (because she is too old to play

ingenue roles any longer), her voice is apt to go back

on her, thus putting

an abrupt termination to her stage career.

The use of the unco-ordinated lower register, especially with women,

produces a hard, coarse q

of "



uality, which may be effective in the portrayal

roles, but is entirely unsuited to any other type of characteri-

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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

W ith men'

the ex

s voices we very often find mix

tremely effeminate man uses mix

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ed lower registration. O nly

ed falsetto. I

normal pitch may be raised over an octave. The q

n both cases the

uality is throaty, nasal,

or both, and there is little or no possibility of coloring the voice. This

technic subj

ects the vocal apparatus to serious strain.

The use of ex

tremely low pitches in speech has already been men-

tioned. There is an ex

traordinary effectiveness in these pitches, and they

carry very well in an auditorium. This carrying effect is surprising, even

to the performer himself. V

ery deep emotions should often be ex

by means of the lowest pitches in the voice. F

or ex

about an octave below low D should be used to ex

ample: A

press ex

tremely deep,

heartfelt emotions, despite the fact that the singing range may ex

above high C

. The use of high pitches, spok

en q


pitch of

tend to D

uietly, in order to convey

deep emotions such as love, despair, etc., produces an unnatural effect

which does not ring true.

Generally speak

ing, however, as the emotion grows the pitch should

rise. Under the stress of ex

treme ex

citement the pitch may rise two

octaves or more above its lowest point. W hen these high pitches are used

the intensity also must rise to fortissimo.

Despite the fact that the speak

sustained as to sound lik

ing voice should not be so over-

e singing, it should carry over the sentence in a


i.e., pitch, time and rhythm. This "

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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definitely predetermined "


in speech is one of the most vital phases in the proper reading of lines.

The "


effect in speech, which is most heartily to be con-

demned, is the result of:

1. C

hanging pitch on one vowel.

2. S

ustaining the added vowel for the consonants m, n, 1 and ng.

3. The over-accentuation of unimportant words.

+ ,   ?(
A  ,   ? /q ,  2 2 1(
( *,   pq& q (
K *,  :   , &p q 1 1 ??'_(

4. The accentuation of each and every word and syllable.

n this connection it should be pointed out that the radio announcer

who articulates and pronounces each and every syllable eq

pedantically, corresponds to the "

tion is inex


ually and

actor of old. This form of affecta-

cusable, even from the viewpoint of diction.

The aim of the speak

er or actor must be to mak

e the meaning of what

V     ,?      1   

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he is saying poignant and at the same time clearly understandable. The

deliberate pronunciation of every syllable entirely defeats this end. V

and musical ex


pression rests upon contrast. W here there is no contrast,

there is neither ex

pression nor meaning. F

urthermore, naturalness is,

above all, the aim of the true artist. Misunderstanding of what constitutes

proper diction results in unnatural, affected and inartistic speech.

n interesting point with regard to the "

fact that the E

nglish and A

merican "



in speech lies in the

are widely different. These

national characteristics are of far greater import than the mere differences

in the pronunciation of certain words.

undamental faults in pronunciation are primarily technical. Thus, the

use of the guttural "


which is a prevalent fault with inhabitants of

the middle-west of the United S

as is the nasal "






tates, is the result of a throaty technic,

or the mouthing "

etc. The word "




for "

for ex

technically correctly, irrespective of whether the broad E



in such words as

ample, may be pronounced

nglish "





tgbu[nobr j\ dbX_b^Wg

the short A

merican "


is used. I

t is only when the short "

nasally that an absolute fault in diction arises. A

the ultra-E

nglish (so-called "


white, mouth vowel formation, and are j

gain, the C



is produced

ney and

) accents are the results of a

ust as much technical faults

as the guttural and nasal sounds used by A

mericans whose voices are

produced badly. The point emphasized is that it is technic rather than

diction that is vital.

W hen the voice is correctly used technically, the q

uality is good. The

proper pronunciation of any given word is determined by the cultured

minority, and is apt to change as time elapses, but technical laws are

fundamental and therefore unchangeable.

There is a very curious belief, held in stage circles, to the effect that

a high-pitched speak

ing voice characterizes youth. This is absurd!

basses and contraltos have low speak


ing voices, while sopranos and tenors,

regardless of age, have relatively high-pitched voices. F

reshness and

clarity indicate youth, and these characteristics are always the concomi-

tants of good technic. The reason why we can generally tell whether a

person is old or young, when we hear his voice, is because most people use

their voices badly, and abuse of the voice progressively impairs its q

with each succeeding year. I

f the technic is good, a youthful q



(not a childish one) persists until the individual is really old, when the



Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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vocal apparatus tends to "

as do all his other functions. The

voice of an individual over 50 should not sound materially older than it

did when he was 20, provided that his technic remains good. This

statement does not, of course, tak

of added ex


perience, k

e into account the psychological effect

nowledge and command which come with ma-

throaty, high-pitched voice sounds worn and old even when its

possessor is really young.

There is another misunderstanding which has been encountered among

stage directors: W hen a voice is thick

actress is speak

, they believe that the actor or

ing at too low a pitch. W hen it is shrill, they say that the

pitch is too high. I

n work

started with thick

voices, it has been found that, even when the pitch

ing out the technical problems of pupils who

has dropped many tones, they are seldom, if ever criticized by the

director for speak

ing at too low a pitch. The shrill voice, however, is

almost always pitched too high. I

n practice most people speak

at too

high a pitch, and, in almost every case, technical improvement is accom-

panied by a drop in the normal pitch of the voice

especially in the early

stages, when the lower register is first revealed.

W ith reference to the singing voice, the best possible q

closed when the technic is good

this is the natural q

uality is dis-

uality of the voice.

t is perfectly spontaneous, and is not imposed upon the voice by any

conscious act of the singer or speak

actors and singers is an attempt to "

er. O ne of the worst failings of both




They listen to their

own voices and try to assume what they believe to be a beautiful, mellow

uality. The only result of any such endeavor is the production of a


, throaty q

generally speak

uality and distorted vowels. The emotions conveyed are,

ing, mere mawk

The chief aim and obj

ish conceit, affectation and insincerity.

ect of the actor or singer who is a true artist is

to convey emotion, color and atmosphere. Despite the fact that the act


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pressing is, in the last analysis, psychological, it rests technically

upon vowel modification, which, in its turn, depends upon delicate, reflex


ustments of the resonance cavities. The control of color implies

very definite modifications from the natural, normal q

uality of the voice,

and is the spontaneous result of the emotional urge. A



entirely destroys this ex

ny attempt to



uality characteristic has already been imposed upon the vowel by the

volitional act of the performer. Thus the "

not ex

pressive function, because a fix

voice rolling,"




actor is

pressing anything. H e is merely destroying his art with a cheap

attempt at portraying what he never feels. W hile the actors of today

are not so apt to become "


uality mak


diction singer"



and the "

or "

as those of yore, we still find the

voice roller."

diction speak

in the same category as the "



W hat might be termed the

is, psychologically and artistically,


To all intents and purposes, the process of training the speak

ing voice

should be the same as that of training the singing voice, because the

muscular system used in speech is ex

actly the same as that used in sing-

ing. Thus, the technic of speech depends upon the proper development

and co-ordination of the muscles of the thorax

igorous work

, larynx

and tongue.

must be done by these muscles if they are to be developed

and trained. Because singing is a far more vigorous form of voice pro-

ing, proper training of the muscular system can be

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duction than speak

accomplished only through the medium of singing.

Thus, the process of training the speak

ing voice rests upon the isola-

tion, separate development and finally the co-ordination of the two

groups of laryngeal muscles (registration);

of a proper resonance adj

and also upon the attainment

ustment, or acoustic coupling, between the

vocal cords and the resonance cavities.

The isolation, development and training of the weak

er group of laryn-

geal muscles, or, in other words, the unused register, is eq

training both the speak

ually vital in

ing and the singing voice. Thus, when a man'

voice, which is too high-pitched, employs mix

ed lower registration, the

isolation and development of the falsetto is often the k

ey to the finding

of the pure lower register. This register, in its pure state, will, at first,

be revealed for but a few very low pitches. The pupil must, at this stage,

be told to use only these pitches in speech. Under such circumstances

his range is limited, but, as the technical development proceeds, it will


tend further and further, until finally a full range of about three octaves

is reached.

cept for a piercing scream of agony, or for comic effects, no man

should ever use the falsetto register in speech any more than he should

in singing.

The training of a woman'

s speak

ing voice is generally a problem of

first isolating the lower register for very low tones, applying these few

tones to the speak

ing voice and then proceeding along the general lines

of technical development employed in training the singing voice.

t is most important to note here that any technical improvement in

the singing voice should be immediately applied to the speak

f this is not done, the singing and speak

ing voice.

ing technics will not associate

mentally. This point is only too clearly demonstrated by many singers

who use their voices well when they sing and badly when they speak




tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

and the inverse

actors with fine speak

ing voices and good "



cannot sing. (This latter case is generally the result of incorrect vocal


t is by no means easy for the speak

ing voice pupil to adopt this pro-

cedure because the enormous change in his speak

ing voice will probably

be commented upon by his friends and relations, who are apt to think

that he is talk

ing affectedly. They have grown used to his faulty method

of voice production and associate this type of speech with his personality,

so that any radical change may sound unnatural to them. A

further diffi-

culty lies in the fact that the range is, at first, very limited, and the

normal pitch may suddenly be lowered by an octave or more. This effect

will also seem strange to his own ear, until he has been practising it for

some time, when the relief from vocal strain will bring with it a sense

of true naturalness which he has never before ex


W hen the pure lower register is first disclosed, the pitch at which the

pupil must speak

will usually be very much lower than the one which

he has been wont to use. A

s the technic develops this pitch will usually

rise somewhat and the range will ex

tend to an enormous degree.

n singing, the artist must conceive the musical phrase as a single

unit. E

cept in rare cases, the intensity and color of every tone in the

phrase is determined by the first tone. A

s the pitch rises, the intensity

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rises, and vice versa. W here the song is written properly, a rise in pitch

coincides with a rise in emotion. Q uiet phrases are written low in the

range of the voice

for ex

ample: I

n the first act of W agner'


W alk

the tenor never sings higher than G until the final climactic phrase is

reached, where high A

acts depicts a q

is found. E

ven high G occurs but rarely. This

uiet, tender love scene between S

W hen the phrase is ex

iegmund and S


citing and dramatic it should lie in the upper part

of the voice.

n speech the same rule*

apply. The unit of speech is the sentence,

not the single word. The actor, when reading lines, must conceive each

sentence as a single unit. The pitch must rise and fall, as the emotion

rises and falls, in a definite, predetermined "


The color should

practically always remain constant over the sentence. A


ny attempt to

out the particular word and give to it a special emotion or feeling

is, generally, cheap and inartistic. Thus, if a phrase is being read in which

the speak

have a dark

er is trying to soothe someone to sleep, the entire sentence should

, soothing q

uality. The single word "


should not be

isolated from the sentence and given a special color.

n singing we have also the factors of accent and rhythm to consider.

o in speech

the tempo is a vital factor in the proper interpretation of

lines, as is the stressing of the accented syllables of the k

ey words. The

singer must never push his tones beyond a certain point of intensity.

lthough the speak

er or singer can vary the intensity at any given pitch,

within certain limits, each tone in his voice has a definite limit of loud-

ness which must not be ex

ceeded. A

accomplished by a rise in pitch. A

ny further rise in intensity should be

s a general rule, however, it is far more

effective for him to raise the pitch for increased emphasis than to increase

the intensity on the same tone. The. ex

ception to this rule of rising pitch

for increased emotion is the use of very low tones for ex



tremely deep


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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

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The concept of the sentence as a single unit presupposes a virtually


en flow of tone over the sentence.*

possible in the Latin languages. F

uch a flow of tone is not

or this reason E

nglish, German, etc.,

are more effective dramatically than the Latin languages. I

difficult for the pupil, who has never conceived this unbrok

tone over the sentence, to learn how to encompass it. I

t is rather

en flow of

t is probable that

he will not learn to do so until he is able to sing passably well. This


flow of tone"

demands a proper technic, because the one who uses a

mouth vowel formation must inevitably break

the flow as he goes from

consonant to vowel and vice versa.

The vibrato does not occur in normal speech, because the duration

of the vowel sound is generally only from l/20th to l/5th of a second.

Thus, in most cases, the time interval is less than the duration of one

vibrato. I

f the vibrato were to occur, it would be interpreted as part

of the transition from one syllable to another. Nevertheless, because the

training of the speak

ing voice can only be carried out through the develop-

ment of the singing voice, and because no tone in the singing voice which

is without vibrato can be produced properly, the vibrato factor does

enter, indirectly, into the problem of training the speak

ing voice.

There is a notion current among actors, actresses and public speak

to the effect that they should "




their voices to the back

of the

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theater or hall in which they are appearing. This concept is without any

basis in fact. To fill an auditorium, the intensity must be increased, and

this implies a definite augmentation in the amount of physical work

The speak

er who tries to "


ect his voice"

scream, and thereby destroy the resonance adj


is only too apt to shout or


that is to say the

uality of his voice.

The vowel sounds must be as sustained as possible, and the consonant

or consonants at the end of one word must be connected onto the con-

sonant or consonants at the beginning of the nex

the nex

t word starts with a vowel sound. I

of sound is brok

t word, or the vowel if

f this is not done, the continuity

en. W here two vowels follow one another, as, for instance,

with the words "

to art"

or "

for evil"

there must be no break

between the

vowels, but merely a gradual modification in the shape of the resonance

cavities, so that the "

elided. I


n the word "


or, in the latter ex

the letter "


ample, the "

and should not be articulated. W hile there is no break




and "



between the

there is a drop in intensity as the two vowel sounds are

whereas, with the diphthong "

maintained. Break


merely indicates the vowel sound

of the intensity is continuously

s between vowels, or between words which end or

start with consonants, are destructive to the flow of tone. W ith the com-

pound vowels only one part may be prolonged. Thus, in the word "

which is pronounced "

the "



it is the "

should be as short as possible. S

which consists of "


it is the "




which must be prolonged and

imilarly, with the word "


which is prolonged and the "


which is short.

The various faults in pronunciation which are common on both sides

ee "

ome Physical C

letcher. Published: R

ystem Technical"



haracteristics of S

eviews of Modern Physics. V

ournal. V

ol. 10, J

peech and Music,"

ol. 3, A

by H arvey

pril 1931. Bell

uly 1931. (pages 104, 110)

M 8]`GAj #]AAGM_`G uO <zMMG] AqI 2`H F *AL

 <MM <u
'jMG]M 8Ej`]MI  :M_M uQ 2uIMq 8]`G >uj %B z`j =%B !Lii
<Ml =MH]q`GAj 0uqAj >uj B 0j  >%   B  zAWM )B     B


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

of the A

tlantic O cean will not be entered into discussion because the

process of correcting these faults lies so largely in mere imitation, and

also because A

merican faults are different from those heard in E

t is absolutely impossible for the singer or speak


er to correct many

of his more prevalent mispronunciations until his voice has been trained

properly and is under control. W hen this end has been accomplished,

the process of teaching him diction is a relatively easy one, because he

is then able to copy the pronunciation given to him by the teacher.

The prevalent practice of endeavoring to teach diction to persons

whose technic is faulty should be condemned. This practice merely leads

from one poor pronunciation to another. W hile anyone, who has the

patience, can do much to help himself in correcting his more flagrant

errors, the use of a dictionary is, generally speak

harmful. A

ing, misleading and even

phonetic dictionary may be interesting as a reference book

but as an aid to self-study it is practically worthless. A

phonetic symbol

may indicate the pronunciation of a given vowel, but it does not give a

mental picture of the q

uality which determines this vowel. I

t is this

mental picture, and not the mere symbol, which enables the speak

singer, whose technic is good, to enunciate properly. F

er or

urthermore, pho-

netic indications do not cover the very large number of vowel sounds

over eighty

in the E

nglish language, and can give no indication what-

ually important phase of resonance adj

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ever of color, which is an eq


for the production of any particular vowel sound.

s a general rule, it has been found that the use of a phonetic dic-

tionary in teaching oneself how to speak

leads to affectation, stilted speech

and general confusion.

t the present time almost all teachers of phonetics show their pupils

mouth positions for the vowels. This practice is destructive technically.

t is, however, probably the only means which can be adopted by the

class teacher who wishes to train groups of individuals who enunciate

incorrectly. W hile this is the only method he can adopt to force a change

in the vowel sounds they are mak

ing, it is technically harmful and should

be avoided.

The same difficulty also applies to the teaching of foreign languages.

H ow is the teacher of F

rench, for instance, to instruct his pupils in the

proper pronunciation of the F

in E

rench vowel sounds, which are not found

nglish, other than by giving them mouth and lip positions?


vowel sound in every language can be properly resonated pharyngeally;

but what is to be done with the pupil who uses a mouth vowel formation

in E


O f course, if his voice is trained properly and he has learned

how to shape his pharyngeal resonance cavities for all vowel phonation,

he will be able to reproduce any sound his F

rench teacher may indicate.

Before this condition has been attained, any attempt to form the F


vowels with his mouth must inevitably harm his voice.

n singing, the consonants "






and "


should be articulated

by hitting the hard palate with the under side of the tongue. This elimi-

nates the "



thus break


gesture which occurs when the tip is employed. A

gesture of the tongue reflex

ly relax

s the melodic line. W hen the under side of the tongue is used

a down movement occurs. The tip may be used in normal speech.



es the genio-glossus muscle and

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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

hapter 15







n entire generation of singers has been annihilated. The purpose

of this chapter is to show why this has occurred.

There is no singer in the world today who could possibly be

classed as better than second-rate in comparison with the great

>"^n4e| X

artists of the last generation. The best soprano of the day has seven

tones, middle D to A

ing q

flat (above the treble clef), of definitely pleas-

uality. Below this D her voice is weak

and rather thick

. This

!   #

area of her voice is generally almost inaudible when the orchestra

is playing. A

bove the A

tones (high B and C

) are little better than screams. They are sung

with the lips spread and are not only "

are q

uite often somewhat off-k



and shrill but they

ey. H er soft singing is definitely con-

throaty. H er five best tones are really good only when she

is singing full voice. A

t her best she can be clearly heard in the

Metropolitan O pera H ouse, but she never, at any time, really fills

the auditorium, as the great singers of the past generation did when

they "

opened up"

on a high tone. F

urthermore, she often slurs

badly. H er intonation is better than that of any other contemporary

singer, and serious deviations from the pitch are relatively rare. S


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breathes correctly and does not involve her chest in phonation. H er

musicianship, acting ability and artistry are of a high order.

The best tenor of the day has a voice which, though true to pitch

most of the time, is q

uite thick

movement, is definitely pushed

, has a distinct vibrato-tremolo

especially for the upper tones

does not mount properly in intensity above high A


. H is high tones

are not resonated properly. H is registration is unco-ordinated but

uite pure

the q

far purer than that of any other male singer. H ence,

uality of his voice is the best of all men singers of today. W hen

singing fortissimo, in a very dramatic passage, his performance is

often most effective. H e never really fills the opera house, however,

as did such singers as C

aruso. Despite the fact that the q

uality of

his voice is better than that of any other contemporary male singer,

it cannot be compared with that of C


#   #

flat she starts to go shrill and her highest

aruso, or of many of the other

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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

great singers of the past generation. W hen he sings softly he is apt

to employ an unco-ordinated falsetto register, which device is

illegitimate and sounds silly. W hile his voice is not throaty, it is not

held open;


i.e., absolute "


of Power Present-day C

W ith the ex

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has not been established.


57Mo [?o %[h;]o %];_;Vc:5ko E5]57c;]G_cG8o

ception of these two artists, who are audible much

of the time they are singing, there seems to be no one else who can

really be heard, ex

cept for the upper tones, when the orchestra is

playing, or whose q

uality is definitely pleasing. F

is almost universal. A

liberately throaty. A

ll the soft singing ("

aulty intonation

mezza voce"

) heard is de-

ll the high tones are forced thin, shrill, screamy

or nasal. The movement in all these other voices is primarily tremolo

or tremolo vibrato. Most of these singers are hardly as good vocally

as the operetta singers of the past generation.

Teachers of the Past

Teachers of the past were not scientists. They k

new nothing of

acoustics, physiology or psychology and the more serious ones did

not pretend to do so, although, even in that generation, there were


s who talk

ed a lot of nonsense and did a lot of harm.

The best teachers of that era, however, did k

obvious, fundamental facts about singing. I

now certain rather

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n the first place, they

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Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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realized that the singer who was not audible above the orchestra,

in an opera house, could not be classed as an opera singer. They

designated him a "

parlor singer"

and did not claim to be able to

do anything about it. H owever, when they heard a full, free, ringing

tone they lik

ed it, and they encouraged their pupils, whenever pos-

sible, to produce j

merely one of "

ust such tones. Their method of procedure was

trial and error."

This sort of training can slightly improve a great voice, and k

it great, if the teacher has an ear which is adj

between a good and a bad tone. I


usted to the difference

t cannot radically improve any

voice, and it cannot change the class of any singer. Nevertheless,

the pupil with a naturally great voice survived and, in many in-

stances, became a great artist.

Pseudo-scientific Methods

Then came the scientific era. S

who could flavor his remark

cience became popular. The teacher

s with pseudo-scientific phrases made

a definite appeal to the vocal student. The teacher who merely


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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

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plugged away at trying to teach his pupils to produce the best

possible sounds, by dint of hard work

and "

trial and error"


was defeated by the smart salesman, who used wild and imaginative

phrases, q

%:  P } @@  !!+  

_  # 1 .
:!8W  0%   X9wj@1wjb!'Jw !@ @%1
:@+ ( 
W 1% #  % *
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uite devoid of meaning, to impress prospective pupils.

Many of the great voices got off the track

and deteriorated, while

their possessors were still relatively young. S

ome of these ex


whose names carried a tremendous weight with the public, became

*   !: %%@ : W
!@ (  * Y   +  

teachers. Because of their very high standing as artists, they were

G: % K  :   W % %  O!@1! : 

  +  8 (%

able to demand enormous fees and pupils crowded to them from

every corner of the globe. They k

science of voice. They k

new nothing whatever of the

: W L:!@ !%  :!@ # 

(@@ W   

~%8 %!%  W  0. 2 8 M( !} !0 * :%   
1!   1 K 2 8 M!( !$!     
$ 8

new nothing of acoustics or physiology

and the principles of psychology were a closed book

to them. They

had to say something startling. Therefore, they developed a sales talk

to be up-to-date, interesting and scientific. W hat were they to do?

nowing nothing of physics they could not even think

:!L W  #%! #  # 8 8 *%  _@ M   . 2 

:LW :8Y1!0 W:%C!0. b %
+W 8 @#@  f!P1fwj!PJw
G  tX  j1 1!% !0 :!@ f'C1UjC:'w W (% $ } 

in terms of

the phenomena with which they were dealing. They had only one

source of information to fall back


their own physical sensa-


!*1!0 !W 1!0  # 8   8  @ !W !  !M ! % 

Therefore, they set out to describe these sensations. They clothed

these ex

Y # !!: (} (    (% @!. b 8 @ 8 !

 %  1!%:!    M !g$% (!  _  !_

planations in the most preposterous language that has ever

been promulgated in any branch of learning. The only science which

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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they were able to pursue was anatomy, because this study demanded

W1! K
b %%P  8 W  W W L_
    _!_! . 2$  @

merely a good memory for names and no scientific understanding

was necessary. I

n other words, many of them did learn the anatomi-

cal names of the muscles, cartilages, etc. used

agined to be used

or which they im-

Y  ;#:!W! 1! W  _W %O% ! B   %

!#% C:WL1!:!8%:! 
!!. 2  ! 1!  ($

in phonation. Because singing is primarily a

problem of physiology, psychology and acoustics, a superficial

nowledge of anatomy alone was q

uite futile. I

*%:CW #D% U*: :!:W8+  _  } @8 @!@@

t did, however,

provide them with some long, scientific terms which they could

use to impress their pupils with their supposed scientific k

%8 : 0L %8 % !: !@ ! !V !@%_!@!

*: !  :%8K z!Y%(
@ + !8    @@ 
! $ !
:C !:7     _ O+ 
}_+ } . _@g
($ $ }$8 1
:0!L W  @! # !!.   _ _!! _ 

%  # 8 08+ # 8  !@   _ +  


Their basic method, then, really depended upon the sensations

which they ex


perienced when they sang. But

they had lost their

That is why they were teaching, instead of singing. These

sensations were merely those which are ex

perienced by the singer

who has lost his voice, or by the individual who has no "



They were actually, in effect, the physical manifestations

M!*L0  :!W8 ! (   }. j @@+ $(

%1L Y *1  !+ !V 
 ($ } 8  @

of the technical faults which had eliminated their voices.

W hen the voice is produced perfectly it is so free that practically

 W 1%  %# #1 (Y Y

_ _@ _ !V M!(@.
b 1% : 1 R5>X)w } !+
 @#@@ ! }$ !_}!

no definite muscular sensations can be located. The more faulty the

technic, the more definite the muscular sensations which the singer


periences become. S

uch sensations are merely the manifestations

* 1 Y8 ;#%1! @ * ! $8 !. } 8 @ _  

of the interfering, and wrong, muscular tensions which occur be-

1  b W 1 * 8  8 (
 : $+ !_@  !!. 2$_
! :1! *% %8 } _ ( 1 
 @ f Y !%

cause of technical faults,


*  : C W  1 + 
8 W  !@1@  ($  ! =!:} %:
~1K b 8 *% :  :8+ ! k +   #    !_W_
 W  W !1 : :  (  :@ !@ $% ~ _ .
! W  ~  #%@  #% 8 1 1  %   #
: 1 8
! L{!  % !O! !   @. 2$ 
  8 W$
 !1P W  7% @{!    % !_! (    !

;#%1!   . ! ! % 

8 $ !_:W!
 Y 1!W%!0+ :!L (%!0+  _ % !! (  6;KL
:U   G U


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

 $I, $,  >T#   $>P 5$ T !, 5  Lv

>8 T$ $> #T?  %#>IT  $  5 
(>  T8 $ #$8  !  $  ! C :UCG
( $ %T!I $% 5 > ~ 

W e had, then, a group of teachers, with famous names, who de-

liberately taught their pupils to reproduce the sensations which

were actually the physical manifestations of the technical faults

which ruined their own great voices.

amous Names

Let us be specific: The three leading teachers of the time were

Marchesi, Lilli Lehmann and J

ean De R


e. There were many

#&0+6 #+6

others, but these three were the most prominent.

Marchesi mark

and error"

and the "

because of lack



ed the period of transition between the "

he did k



teacher. S

of lower register co-ordination and ex

 T q ? V 2$ $> CI  $>  G$  5%

he lost her voice

cessive "

> $P  $^ I ^  Aa b$> 5% !8
&$>P qT $ $> 5> $ #>!a


now a really good tone when she heard one. H er

sang beautifully, in spite of her teaching, because

she did not interfere with this great singer'

ever, she tried to mak

s clarity of tone with "

and her co-ordination of registration with lack

actly lik


of lower register.

s registers were co-ordinated and she had no break

chesi did not shut Melba'

> $ >AI $ ?>I   q(! $ G>C

 >>>X I $ #TI` V X  $>a p$ C $% ~ 
 T  A C(>>% t>I  I ;  5$v

s natural technic. H ow-

e all her other pupils sound ex

Melba, and she confused Melba'



aH p$ II A5  %8 I  5$! $ $>I a %
 ?gqg qTT8,  #  $%  $0, q T

.) Mar-

s voice off. W ith her other pupils, however,

she was not so successful, because she "


eliminated the lower register, when a break

their voices and

$ I  >> 5 $ >G % T>  $ a y5v

was present. Therefore,

>, $ >I  A  $> % #T? TI ; 8 [A

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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she did radical harm to virtually every other pupil who studied

with her and she developed an absolutely destructive school of



, I $ ^TI : >  & 5 ($

 $> t&>I^ & %% 5$  A & &(% >>a
 >% 5> t>II I $ $I  q>M. %v

throaty, falsetto-only singing. Despite this fact she allowed

her pupils to sing more or less out loud and she wanted them to be

able to fill an auditorium.

Lilli Lehmann was for many years the world'


financially. S

he k

s most successful

$ II ! $T : ~  a  > $>?T#P $(~%P

new nothing of science and had almost

entirely lost her voice when she started to teach. I

n a book

$ 5 &   OT,  T $ ($IX $> ~&  :!I

on singing

she propounded theories which can only be designated as pre-

I $ (> >>, ($  q>A 5 #>^a 2$>%,

$  >  $>  ~TC >8 $> #T?C ($ TII
($ $> I $ I#I ! T8 IT   $& 
=($,H >&, &t8 ^a # $   $ 5I

posterous nonsense: statements to the effect that the tone was some-

thing which whirled around and shot out in different directions

. according to the pitch. H er writings give the impression of some-

one who had pipe dreams. They are similar to the writings of an

individual who, k

write a tex


nowing nothing of electricity or radio, tried to

$> ? #   % > C T CTI :I $ 5I $  q
  V  TI%T

about radio, using his imagination, and his imagi-

nation alone, to propound his theories. Unfortunately, the nonsense

written about voice by this ex

-great singer has had a profound

effect on vocal teaching all over the world. S

read book

s about singing

erious scientists don'

so this teacher was never tak

 $ 5 % 8 8> $ (>I  T T
 $>gV 8a p$ A( !$     I $I :

en to task

antastic theories, coming from so impressive a source, deeply


>&$> 5$$ >I $a j^A^^

$ #>&#& II $> 5$ $

 C8  II  #>v

?&>&  & !$  $ $  5 &v

 ($ $ ($>I >TI I $ TG  I> I> 
 &>0  $ # $a y% 5>  $ #>  &v
& (& $ #? >a 2$8 > %  $ 5>  ^
I  ($, A( $^   > 8 % %IP >I G
(> : ;&A T >I&, T $ &,  I $ v
& &, & #>#TI $ $>a >T!8P $ !
(>^ &T ~  q8 $ ;> % $ $I : #>T!I

k   ~   $  ~% $ (>Ia p%T  ! I&!
>I qA T g $O  $% 5 !~% GA! G Aa
 $> ! %  #%~ : U> P I#C8


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

affected the vocal teachers and students who came under her sway

or who read her book

s, because these individuals k

new nothing of

science themselves and had no means of gauging the actual merit

of her theories. H er success was overwhelming. H undreds of voice

students flock

ed to her studio from all over the world. E

who studied with her was more or less inj


ured vocally by her work

very voice which she trained deteriorated. E

very great artist

who fell into her hands was forced to retire from the stage while

he or she was still relatively young. Many victims of this teaching

are today living in retirement, and these artists would still be sing-

ing if they had been trained properly. Despite all this, Lilli Leh-

mann lik

ed a big tone and she wanted her pupils to be heard

when they sang in an auditorium. F

artist pupils did succeed;

or this reason several of her

despite the fact that their careers were so

pitifully curtailed.

inging in the Masq

The two teachers j

mained for J


ust discussed did a great deal of harm, but it re-

ean De R


the great F

rench tenor

to strik

e the final

blow which has been the main cause of the virtual elimination of all

great voices from the world today.

W hen J

ean De R


e lost his voice it became

renchmen who lose their voices

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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tically all F

nasal. H e, therefore, ex


H#k # H #H k k.  H  'k  j ,

 ; * *    #* 0
H*'H #$      0 * ; 
; *#
0 #*- z 

    - K   0 *H

#k# H .  ;  0    ;  - G,'
j# * *;      U  H >j-
G, *H 
  ;  ;  ; - G ,  # ;*.
j 0 *.     0
 . ;*  # . * 
    #*  ;  ( Z H.* 0 .* #H*
 .  * * ;" ;)  ;  ;*;  ;* > *
* ;,   ; "  ,- h;  .*F i * 
 1   ;   ;  *  # >  k
' ;,  *   ; - ] .    
;*#  " 

*;* , H. * k-

as do those of prac-


throaty and very

perienced a definite sensation of nasality

) ) $)  ')


something happening in the front of his face. H e based his technical

theories upon this sensation, which was solely a manifestation of the tech-

nical faults (throatiness, j


and neck

tension) which had de-

stroyed his voice. H e did not call this sensation nasality;

fancy phrase for it: "

singing in the masq

this silly phrase took

an overwhelming hold upon the popular imagination.


he coined a

or some obscure reason

t became a standard idea for voice training everywhere. To this day

the maj

ority of teachers either definitely profess to teach the De R


method, or employ a method which is similar to it and, therefore, the

outcome of his ideas.

Let us consider ex

f the j

actly what "

aw is relax

singing in the masq


really means.

ed, dropped into the middle position and then stuck

out a little and tensed, this state of tension may be reflected to the front

of the face, so that a definite sensation is ex

pupil establishes this condition of j

actually: "

perienced at the nose. I

f the

aw tension and then sings, he will

eel something happening in the front of his face."

This is not

a phenomenon of resonance. There are no resonance cavities above, or

in front of, the pharynx

laryngeal, oral and nasal. A

resonance cavity

must be an air cavity, with relatively hard walls, which can be shaped,

or "


for the resonation of the tone

pitch and vowel. S

must, then, be capable of assuming a wide variety of changes in size

and shape, if it is to act as a resonator of the voice. The pharyngeal


uch a cavity

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 %   ,%7= ' f d
  %   \, % % ,   %
l ] f   '  7

 %  ] %  (
   \  ,

  7   +

J55!   7    ,
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 ; = %
 , 7

  ,  @ (
  f   = ,   
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    (    Ff!
7= ,= '   7
!  , f 


 f      % %    ( * +


tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

cavities, which are employed when the technic is correct, are j

ust such

cavities. The mouth cavity also can be shaped, and is employed when

the technic is throaty and the pharynx

is constricted and, therefore,

eliminated as a resonance cavity. The nasal cavity cannot be tuned or


usted. F

urthermore, it is heavily lined with soft folds of mucous

membrane, folds of soft flesh which have so great a damping effect

that, even if this cavity could be shaped, it could never act as an efficient

resonator. The frontal sinus is a small, fix

tor is so completely out of the q

ed cavity, and its use as a resona-

uestion that one need hardly consider it

seriously. R

eference to F

of the line A

-B, which could possibly be used as a resonator. The cavity

of the sk

ig. 37 will show that there is no cavity in front

ull is filled with brains and is not, therefore, an air cavity. No!

There is definitely no resonance cavity in the front of the face, or "

the masq

ig. 37


;"7"6A <!"!A 5A *2'0>A <!,A 7!A 7!,"A "6A 0557A 5A %:67A 6:!A
;"7"6 A !A *0:7!A ;"7>A '60A ,A , 6!@2A ,A "6A *2'0>A <!,A
7!A 7!,"A "6A 7!509A ,A 7!A 2!5>,=A "6A 0,68"7A ,A 7!505A
'"*",7A 6A A 560,,A ;"7> A ,       

 :57!5*05A "7A "6A !;"'>A '",A <"7!A 607A 0'6A 0A +:0:6A
*+5,A 0'6A 0A 607A 6!A <!"!A !;A 60A 57A A *2", A 7A
7!7A ;,A , 7!"6A ;"7>A 
 A 6!2A "7A 0:'A ,;5A 7A 6A ,A ",7A
A !A 50,7'A 6",:6A "6A A 6*''A =A ;"7>A ,A "76A :6A  A 561,?
705A "6A 60A 0*2'7'>A 0:7A 0A 7!A 3:67"0,A 7!7A 0-A ,A !5'>A 0,6"5A #7A
65"0:6'> A 5,A 70A " A  , )*, 6!0<A 7!7A 7!5A "6A ,0A ;"7>A #,A 50,7A
0A 7!A '",A A <!"!A 0:'A 2066"'>A A :6A 6A A 560.705 A !A ;"7>A
0A 7!A 6&:()A "6A ''A <"7!A 5"/6A ,A "6A ,07A 7!505A ,A "5A ;#7> A $,
!5A "6A ,"7'>A ,0A 560,,A ;"9A ",A 7!A 50,7A 0A 7!A A 05A  ,
7!A +63: A


esonance C


This illustration clearly indicates the utter absurdity of the idea that the

voice should be resonated, "

face, the nose or the "






or "


i.e., in front of the line A

t will be seen that the nasal cavity is lined with thick

in the front of the


folds of soft mucous


membrane which would act as a highly efficient damping material. The frontal

sinus is a small cavity

too small to act as an important resonator

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of the head is filled with brains, a soft, highly absorbent material. F

and the top



more, neither the nasal cavity, the sinus nor the head can change their size or

shape or, in other words, they cannot be "


Thus, there is no cavity in

the front of the face which could possibly act as a resonator of the tone.

The bony structure of the nose or forehead might act as an efficient sound-

ing board if the vocal cords were attached there. H owever, the larynx


actually suspended from the hyoid bone and is in the throat.

The front of the face could be used as a sounding board, if the vocal

cords were rigidly attached to it. But to accomplish this the larynx

would have to be amputated and grafted on somewhere behind the nose



in the masq


, " !"
%'8W '++D8A<'/.W +6+INW '.'<8OW ?%W D<<6W 8D6'<W /W =%W 'W =%=W @W
F/'W 8%/D+W W 68/.<W 0E98PWQ3+)W /6W +=W (.W <%W 6/.<W /W =%W
W =%W ./8W /6W <%W -85DW   6/.<W 1RW<%W +'.W  ,
<W G'++W W 8.W <%<W <%W .8+W F'<IW '8WS +'.W G'<%W <%'*W /+8 TW/W 8/<W -D/D8W
--6.W G%'%W G/D+W <W :W W %'$%+IW !'.<W -3'.$W -<6'+
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8'.D8W '8W W 8-++W F'<I<//W 8-++W </W <W 8W .W 'K43/6<.<W 68/.<26 .W <%W =/3W
/W <%W %W '8W #++W G'<%W 6'.8W W 8/<W %'$&+IW 8/6.<W -<6'+W D6<%6M
-/6W .'<%6W <%W .8+W F'<IW <%W 8'.D8W ./7W <%W %W .W %.$W <%'6W 8(JW /6W
8%3W /6W '.W /<%6W G/68W <%IW ../<W W <D. W %D8W <%6W ';W ./W F'CW '.W
<%W 6/.<W /W <%W W G%'%W /D+W 3/88',IW >W 8W W 68/.</6W /W <%W </. W
%W /.IW 8BD<D6W /W <%W ./8W /6W /6%W -'$%<W <W 8W .W "'.<W 8/D.L
'.$W /6W 'W <%W F/+W /68W G6W <<%W <%6
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<D++IW 8D83.W 6/-W <%W %I/'UW/.W .W '8WV'.W <%W <%6/< W

!A 50,7A 0A 7!A A 0:'A A :6A 6A A 60:,", A 05A , 7!A ;0'A
056A <5A 5" "'>A 77!A 70A "7 A :7A 70A 0*2'"6!A 7!$6A 7!A '5>,=A
<0:'A !;A 70A A *2:77A ,A 57A 0,A 60*<!5A ! A 7!A ,06A

The sensation of the voice being "

in the masq

transmission effect brought about by an ex

by the neck

This neck


treme j

is then merely a


tension which controls the technic of the "

and helped




tension is deliberately engendered, by the teachers of this

school, both from above and from below. A

s a rule the pupils of this

school of teaching deliberately drop their heads to guide the voice "

and over"

into the "




They often accompany this forward and

down movement of the head with a circular gesture of the hand which

goes in and out in a semi-circle. A

matically throw the neck

s they mak

e these gestures, they auto-

muscles into tension from above.

ingers of this school are often taught "

breath control,"

which gen-

erally centers upon the raising of the chest. They may be told to breathe

with the diaphragm and then draw the breath up into the chest, which

must be raised and distended as much as possible. This raising of the

chest brings the neck

muscles into tension from below. The depressing

of the chest, which ensues as they start to phonate, blows the breath out

through the constriction, which has been completely established by

means of the lock

ing of the j

aw and the tensing of the neck


before phonation. These singers will, then, very easily and completely,


perience the sensation of something happening in the front of the

face, and the sensation thus engendered is what "

singing in the masq


Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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really means.

There is one further point which renders this procedure particularly

pernicious: The pronounced tension which occurs on the sterno-mastoid

muscles transmits the sound, with great efficiency, directly into the singer'

own inner ear. (S

ee F

and tension on the neck

igs. 26


and j

27.) W ith each increase in throatiness

aw muscles, he hears what seems to him

to be an increase in the richness and mellowness of the tone. This, de-

spite the fact that what he is really hearing is merely augmented


W e find, then, this most unfortunate state of affairs: A

school of vocal

training which aims at a definite easily attained sensation which merely

determines the establishment of absolute throatiness plus an apparent

improvement in q

uality to the pupil'

s own ear. The victims of this school

of teaching can definitely feel and hear themselves reaching the goal.

They can, apparently, definitely hear their own voices improving in

uality. I


singing in the masq

t is, indeed, difficult for anyone to convince the pupil of a


teacher that his voice is deteriorating and that

the theory upon which his teacher work

s is merely inj

urious nonsense.

These students often become so conceited, as they hear the apparently

increased richness in the tones they are producing, that they are utterly

unmoved by any statement of the scientific facts of the case. This conceit

is encouraged by the teacher, whose chief method of holding his pupils

is often through this very emotion.

t is difficult to tell "



singers that what they are convinced is

a glorious, mellow voice, is merely a nasal, throaty noise, and that a

great deal of hard work

must be done to eliminate the very condition

which they have spent so much time and money to attain

that they

must start all over again and tear down the throatiness which has been

built up



that their voices are not great.

either science is wrong, their voices are glorious and their

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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

teachers are right;

or science is right and they have to tear down their

entire technic and build it up again by patient hard work

blow to their sense of vanity!


. Think

of the

of the world of hope which was

built up and which must inevitably come crashing to pieces under their

feetl No!

s a rule the victim of a "

singing in the masq


teacher never

realizes what is happening to his voice until he is actually unable to

go on singing. This may occur very soon, or he may be able to mak

some sort of sound for several years, before he realizes the trap into

which he has fallen. Then it may be too late!

This school of teaching is rendered even more virulent today than it

was a few years ago, before the radio and movies became so prominent.

n those days a singer had to be audible in a theater. I

too weak

f his voice was

to carry in an auditorium, he could not be a professional singer.

Today an individual with a voice so constricted and "

shut off"

that it can

hardly be heard across a room, may be a big success over the radio and

in H ollywood, if he can put his words across nicely and has a pleasing

personality. S

ome of the highest paid singers of today are mere crooners.

The three outstanding baritones in A

merica today speak

at an

i  )9  if i 1 )  X ! 9  P X 9

 ) i
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actually higher intensity level than the one they attain when they

sing. Before the era of reproduction they could not have been even

passably successful professional singers, with their voices as shut off

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

as they are today, although all three of them originally had q


fine voices. The fact that certain, very throaty singers have been

engaged to sing leading roles at the Metropolitan does not help


They are, of course, completely ineffective and almost

entirely inaudible, but they are actually appearing at the greatest

opera house in the world!

Thirty years ago these singers would not

have been considered good enough to sing leads in operettas!

Thus, the struggle to eliminate this type of physically harmful

and decadent teaching is becoming increasingly difficult to win.

Nevertheless, the moment the public hears the singer with an even

half-way free voice, they love it. I

f one of the great singers of the

past were to appear at the Metropolitan today he would create an

overwhelming sensation. The public does k

it hears one. A

today are the two most successful. F


now a good voice when

ctually the two biggest and best voices in the world

urthermore, throaty singers

t last very long, either physically or in the public fancy. Their

careers are, as a rule, ex

tremely limited even when they are able

to go on singing.

There are many variations of this "

singing in the masq

or instance, there is the notion of "


focussing the voice"


in the

front of the face, the nose or the forehead. This is much the same

thing couched in different terms. Then there is the idea of the


covered tones,"

or "

head tones."

The sensations which these figura-

tive phrases engender also occur as a result of tension on the


%      r =o 


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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

muscles of the neck

and j

so deliberately directed into the "



or the nose.

Then there is the idea of the "


pupil is told to sing "

tones up to about D (fourth line


of the treble clef) or E

H ere the term "

      M  (,   1   , 1 1 1 

 " "  1  =] n %   .
2 "      =#H  = H . 2

aw, but in some cases, this tension is not

and "


tones. The

# #    <B =#H &< #      

  " N  L 9 < d    1B% .

flat, and then to cover the higher tones.

open tone"

does not mean a tone sung with the

   =# n        (1 

throat open and with the muscles of the tongue in proper tension

but rather it indicates a "




carried up and which is actually definitely throaty. The "


must then be employed at the pitch (about E

space of the treble clef) at which the so-called "

shouty to be singable. The "

covered tone"


b on the top

open tone"

and, at the same time, by relax

% #  (  1    V1 . 2 = 

H     #   #     5 L   #
/ &N  " N  (   & / =# H  

is too

sensation is brought about

by deliberately increasing the tension on the muscles of the j

and neck

% #  (1       0  1 ## 1

  % 1 1   =(,n = n  (   

tone which cannot be


ing the tongue muscles.

  B/. 2 = " H1 1  B  

 "/ 1 "          (

This permits the tongue to drop and then come into constrictor

tension in the dropped position. This type of technic engenders ever-

increasing throatiness while the pupil is singing and, at the same

time, continually break

  M ,    ,  /;  B   .

21 #1     #    1  1 
G1  ## #11. 21 #   %v

s the melodic line.

There is another similar school of thought which tells the pupil

to "

feel the tone ascend higher in the head"

as he ascends the

scale. The teachers of this school sometimes endeavor to engender

even scale"

in which all the tones have eq

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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what they call an "

loudness. Many pupils of this, and of the "

  1  (  # #1 1 1 ,   

1, 1  M  1 1.


singing in the masq


schools, are told deliberately to soften the higher tones as they

2% 1 % 1     (1  G  # #1C
 =     1% 1  n     

ascend the scale. This direction results in a very pronounced

augmentation in the degree of constriction as they ascend the

scale, i.e., of j

aw lock

and neck

tension. Most teachers tell then-

pupils that their throats must be relax

upon a relax

ed j

aw. I

. 2    1      

(    = H 1 (1      ] 

ed. Nearly all of them insist

f this were to mean a relax

ed neck

not throat

 .  # #1  ,    =1B1 1   ] H

 , %      1%   

the underlying idea would be correct. Unfortunately, however,

they do actually mean the throat (or tongue), because these teachers

generally tell their pupils to shape their mouths for the vowels.

ome of them even go so far as to instruct them to mak

of their heads to "



the throat."

the muscles of the tongue which should be tensed, and, at

the same time, they bring the neck

of a relax

ed j

muscles into tension. The idea

aw might be a good one if it meant putting the j

out of action. Unfortunately, it generally means hanging it lik

idiot in the middle position. (S

of the j

   . 21 % 1 %  1   #%  

 1 1  %  1      
O , C1w  (  M   M 1.     1%

e movements

uch movements do indeed

ee F

ig. 29.) This type of relax

aw always manifests itself as an ex

t is easy to learn how to "

treme j

sing in the masq


aw lock

# #   "    %;.      

#  ; (. j  (    %;  M %


e an


 " 1 (    .  , (%,

    % %  ,       %

f the reader wants

to sing in complete constriction, with a small, shut off, throaty voice

B"  1% # #  # 1     ( .
p % 1  M
    =;  .n p    1

which might be used over the radio or in the movies, and which


;       B  (1     , , 

 / ,  B   M    1 1.  1
  "/; ( B   B  1 1  #   *
    .  ,  B  AU<CU<w Cjw MCJ1w #Uw

C*CXjw 1   #1. p 1. % B 2 #  ;1!

  ( ( / 1   ; (  M.
j 1 O "( =B 1/] .Hj (/
 B 1 # <" 1, (  ,   k,  1
( 10G   %  1 % 1!  1 ,  (1


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

sounds perfectly lovely to his own ear, it is q

uite unnecessary for

him to pay a teacher to learn this technic. H e can teach himself,

without spending a penny, by following a few simple directions.

nyone who pays to learn this technic is very foolish.

emember, this technic is ex

should be used. I

actly the reverse from the one which

t is a form of whistling rather than of legitimate singing.

The problem is one of co-ordinating the constrictor muscles with pho-

nation and of developing them to the proper degree

rom this point of view the process is q

not too much.

uite different from that of

legitimate vocal development because, when these muscles become

too strong, the voice disappears. H ence, all singing must be done at low

intensity. A

nyhow, it is far better for the singer who employs this technic

never to attempt to sing loudly, because all tones sung above a certain

intensity become unpleasant to listen to and are nearly always off pitch.

There are two methods of establishing this technic: W ith the first,

which is generally employed by teachers of today, the registration action

is disregarded, with the result that the voice is of limited range. W ith

the second method, which employs the registration action, a far more

interesting result can be obtained, because an ex

tremely wide range

can be developed.

The first method is very simple indeed. The chief goal is the attain-

-muscle control. This may be accomplished with

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

ment of complete neck

or without the inj

ection of deliberate nasality in the tone.

The first step is the attainment of an absolute j



ue singing"

) is desired, the j

the middle position (see F

aw lock


aw is first relax

ig. 29) and then stuck

f nasality

ed and dropped into

out a little and tensed.

This tension is then directed to the front of the face, or the nose. The

nostrils may be dilated to convey the idea of something happening in

the nose. I

f the "

head voice"

deliberately nasal) is desired, the j


) position and tensed. I

uality) is desired, the j

in (or back


ee F

type of singing (which is throaty, but not

aw is merely dropped into the middle

f a thick

(so-called contralto or baritone

aw is dropped into the "



position, pulled

) a little and tensed, and the tongue is swallowed (dropped).

ig. 12 B.)

The second step engenders the development and co-ordination of the



muscles with phonation. This is accomplished only too easily. The

must be shortened. The tension of the neck

muscles can be induced

from above by dropping the head, and it is augmented when the head

is stuck

out or pulled back


cessively. I

t can be induced from below

by means of the chest and shoulders, which must be raised and tensed.

This raising of, and tension on, the chest serves a double purpose, because

it is also important in "

breath control."

chest muscles into action is first to tak

as far down as possible and ex

The best method of bringing the

e a deep breath, filling the lungs

panding the lower ribs and the diaphragm,

and then, after the breath has been tak

en in this manner, to pull in

the diaphragm and raise the chest, thus forcing the breath up into it.


ee F

ig. 24 C

.) This completely releases the inspiratory tension and in-

sures the production of a tone sung on a forced ex



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). H aving inspired the breath and raised his chest and shoulders,

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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

U MxZ M  +  6xU U MUl5M9 U  J

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x &Z x# #P #xMM # +6 #9 
 Z #9Z#! M 

the singer should pause a moment to establish tension on the muscles

of these members. H e should then start to sing by blowing out the air

with the chest, which is slowly forced in and down as he sustains the


The tone should be started sofdy and swelled a little as it is held, by

deliberately blowing out more air with the chest No attempt should be

made to sing a really loud tone

it should only be swelled a little. H ow-

ever, the swelling action is important, because it establishes the feeling

of the voice being driven by (or "


) the breath, and also of the control

of intensity by means of constriction of the throat and of the rate of


pulsion of the breath. This is k


ercises, without singing, may help somewhat in the attainment of


breath control."

t is undesirable for the "


nown as "


breath control."


singer to attempt to center pitch,

because slurring into the tone helps to engender the sensation of neck

control and breath control. Most of the so-called emotional and interpre-

tive effects employed in this school of singing depend primarily upon

deliberate slurring.

ingle tones, produced in this fashion, which are swelled into and

decrescendoed, may be practised with beneficial (?

) results. The tones

should all be connected on a slide. No attempt need ever be made to move

is q

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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from the center of one tone to the center of another;

The vowels used may also be varied. I



act musical form

uite unimportant.




vowel. F

t is probably best to start with a

or this vowel the j

aw must be completely lock

in the middle position, and the lips deliberately spread. The "



may also be used, with the mouth carefully set in the "

position. A








considerable amount of practice should be done with the

vowel, which must be sung with the lips pursed up and completely

covering the teeth

in the "


be practised to establish the j

mouth position. H umming may also

aw lock

with the j

aw closed. A

ll the mouth

positions for the different vowels can be carefully set and practised.

The intensity should not rise more than is absolutely unavoidable, with

the pitch. The higher tones should be sung sofdy

not loudly.

n the case of a baritone or a bass, and even a tenor, the so-called



(shouty) tone may be sung occasionally up to about D (on the

fourth line of the treble clef), but this relatively loud effect should not

be employed too often or the neck

muscles will tend to overdevelop, with

the result that the voice will shut off altogether. This is true of all loud

singing. A

t all times the singer must have the feeling of being able to

hold his voice with his neck

and sq

ueeze the intensity in and out.

This entire process is so easily learned that complete '

control can soon

be developed if the pupil is willing to practise every day for a short time.

Prolonged periods of practice should not be indulged in, because the

entire procedure is inj

urious to the vocal apparatus. Periods of complete

silence, sometimes for several days or week

s, when the voice is beginning

to shut off altogether, are beneficial. Nevertheless, ex

ercises for establish-

ing this unnatural, constricted condition must always be practised before

the singer attempts to perform.

The long scale of Lilli Lehmann is a good ex

ercise for establishing the

necessary constrictor tensions to prepare the voice for throaty singing.




tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh



 Z][\ jk$ % &  

Ts U b

c qr
hi= > ?


* +x ,yz-.
{ / '

This ex

ercise is sung without any particular attention to accurate intona-

tion. The tones may be slid together.


ation of the genio-glossus muscle


the muscle at the base of the

and of the genio-hyoid muscle (see F

ig. 4) which accompanies

constriction of the throat, is essential, not only to establish the constriction,

but also because a tremolo is necessary if the tone is to sound pretty.

This tremolo action is actuated by means of a flutter of the base of the

tongue. R

uns and other ex

ercises may be practised on this flutter, or

tremolo, action. This type of movement is the stock

-in-trade of the so-

called coloratura soprano of the day.

This throaty, tremolo tone must never be sung loudly, because when

it is swelled the narrow, rapid tremolo becomes a disagreeable wobble

and the registration becomes mix

is very much off k


ed. The mix

ed register, wobbling tone

ey, while the little, fluttering tremolo tone sounds on

it is seldom really true to pitch. Many coloraturas pull their heads in

and sideways, as well as down, to establish the constriction



sion. The sideways pull is undesirable because the constrictor action on

the larynx

is thereby rendered uneven and it is apt to bring about the

early development of nodules on the vocal cords. The staccato is accom-

plished by means of the establishment of a very complete constriction,

which must be set beforehand. W hen the necessary pre-tension has been

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

established, the tone must be deliberately "




in the falsetto

register, with the head pulled in and down.

Most of the salient points have been covered for the attainment of a

technic which is almost universally taught today;

unmusical and ex

the intensity is k

tremely inj

it is entirely inartistic,

urious physically. I

t is least harmful when

ept very low and when an amplifier is used to build

up the intensity artificially. The so-called "

radio technic"

rests upon this

type of singing, when the intensity is reduced to the lowest possible

level. I

t is the automatic, rapid flutter of the tongue, which is employed

to engender the tremolo, that mak

es this type of singing acceptable to

the listener.

The second method is, in many ways, far more efficient, although it is

more harmful physically. W ith this method the voice is registered and

the registers are then completely blended and mix

ed. I

f this technic is

mastered completely, the singer can virtually never learn to sing legiti-


The lower register is isolated and carried up by "


letting it become increasingly throaty, pinched and "


it and

as the pitch

rises. The intensity must not rise, but rather diminish, if possible, as

the pitch rises. I

t is often helpful for the singer to press his tongue against

his lower teeth, because this aids in the attainment of a "



throaty tone and helps to establish intense constriction. The lips are

spread in a grin, with most of the upper teeth showing (see F

ig. 30 A

in order to set the mouth position for the necessary degree of throaty



This thin, "


throaty, lower-register tone is established .

and then carried up as far as possible with both sex

able to reach high C

with this type of throaty, "

es. W omen are often



ed lower-

register technic. The falsetto register is then derived from this lower

register and made to match it in intensity. Because a falsetto tone may be

sung an octave higher than the highest lower-register tone, ex






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  ) ) 

high (absolutely mix

ed) falsetto sq


is carried down and pushed (swelled) a little in descent, to j

the already established, "


oin it in with

thin, throaty lower register. The two

registers may then be blended by sq

register and by chok

   ^ r h  E5   #
H a
 #! ` .l  z  l #k R

    8 ./@ 8  7 l. H 2
c $ 
c   #
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{ r   
 q U.

 k3. #5  
 ! !3H 2  $  c h 
  N5Hq Nc 

u3lF _ X#  Ql  #  
H 2 h  
Q   Qi   N.
@ N8q N@  N@ U.  E 

 .    3$ / 3  .  Q  
? H Z 3 ! !#RcRi
 ?  .
 . @ U.    `   !  
 l # ? r 8 
3!  3 Q 78 

 ## / * 
  !# R 

.    $ !#
/   3$ U. 8   
m  3U 7 
 ! ? !3## p    
#$!   Xi H Y/  

    #U   ?   U h8 #U 

8 XOi NEQ5 U#Hq Y   
!3$  $Q   3 ?   $7    H a
    h   #
2 $ kQ    
  !#  ! 1C   
3    U#3 H $$8 
#$  /  #  Q  

$ T  #

s may be reached. The falsetto

ueezing the falsetto into the lower

ing off the lower register into the falsetto. O f course,

all the constrictor actions must be completely established. Men should

practise very high falsetto tones (above high C

with the j

aw lock

loudly, but they must not be pushed or "



) on a white "



ed and the lips spread. These tones may be sung fairly




ercises should be practised by both sex

should be sung on a "






Going through the

es. The falsetto tone

or "


vowel and sq

ueezed into

the lower register on the same tone, and the lower register should be



to mix

it with the falsetto. I

the falsetto with a white "

the treble clef), F


t is a good plan to practise singing

vowel on the tones F

(on the top line of

sharp and G rather loudly, with the'

limitations of

loudness determined by the constriction, and then to practise singing the

lower register at the same pitch, on the same vowels, at about the same


relatively short period of practice will soon enable the singer to

completely blend or mix

the registers. H e, or she, will then have attained

the ability to cover a range of three, or even four, octaves with a little

ed-register "




Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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throaty, mix

H e has now learned how to sing

pianissimo as much and as often as he may desire to do so. This seems

to be the goal of so many teachers today.

The method j

ust indicated is the best procedure to adopt if this is the

goal desired by the vocal student. R

emember, the throatier the voice

becomes the better, or richer, it sounds to the singer himself, and the

more definitely can he feel it "


please don'

t do it!

interpretive or musical value!

to the vocal apparatus!

in the masq


t is not singing!

t ex

t is not art!

presses nothing!

t has no

t is harmful

very singer who indulges in this type of

technic, deteriorates vocally, and even a slight element of this sort

of thing in a singer'

s technic inevitably eliminates the voice by the

oj ZP1$1w *XVjw *C Cjw w R & RBRB w R & 

 w  u

time he or she has attained middle age. Thus, a really talented


R &
 R Q Q  w e
 RB w  %D
&  & Q 
  % RB
( @ QB R   

individual, whose voice has been only partially shut off by bad

training, loses it at j

a matured artist. I

ust about the age when he should have become

t tak

es many years to attain this goal. No one

under forty could possibly have done the necessary work

classed as a "


 R J @
 & QQJ @   QRB Q & R 

& R R  RB
  R RRQ QRR  &R   
R  &
  R@ R@Q B. 2 J  %Q Q@

to be

great artist."

s pitiful lack

of great singers is due to the fact that, as a

result of wrong training methods, practically every singer starts to

lose his voice at j

of his career

@R QJ (& &R    &Q %RQQ     @

RRBJ Q& R   &   B (  Q@  
 w A  
 & R R B&Q6  

ust about the age when he should be at the peak

if he has not lost it before he has reached this age.

The younger voices are the best voices, because the constrictor

action has not yet developed far enough to destroy them. These,

u@% %  Q@ #Q Z @   % (&


however, are relatively immature artists. There are many great


QO@   B
2&@ #RR Q Q A & B
  @  W    ,  

 Q & (
RB &@J 
 RB% % 
Q& R &R    &   B (   Q@   Y #A
& R 

R   & Q& R %16Xb1w   % @ R 6
2 & B
   &R  J    Y &u
R %
 R&  &  @Q& 
& B  @% 6 2 ,

 %))6 2% 


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 


-singers still living who have passed right out of the picture and

who would still be singing if they had been trained properly. O f

the older singers, who are still reasonably good vocally, there are

only three and their voices are deteriorating.

egarding the technic of the best living soprano: I

t would have

been easy for a competent teacher to have made this artiste into

a supremely great singer vocally. I

teacher to mak

t is far easier for a competent

e a fine voice into a great one than it is for him to

turn a mediocre voice into a good one. A

naturally talented beginner

is very easy to teach, if the proper procedure is adopted. This

soprano could have been made as good as Destinn vocally

better. The main fault in her technic lies in a lack

if not

of lower-register

development and co-ordination, with the accompanying lack


pure, properly resonated, high falsetto and pianissimo tones. I

f her

voice were to be registered, it would be found that she could, in

her present vocal condition, only sing the lower register, really open,

up to A

flat (second space on the treble clef) and that above this

tone this register would start to shut off. This shut-off lower reg-

ister could not be carried above about C

laryngeal condition. I

or D in her present

f the indicated procedure were to be adopted

with this singer, open lower-register tones could easily be carried

. Under these circumstances

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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up through D and possibly up to F

pure, wide-open, falsetto tones could be carried up to high D,

or even F

above high C

, and the falsetto tones thus derived,

instead of being screamy and thin, would blossom out with a clear,

mellow, beautiful q

uality. They would really fill the Metropolitan

O pera H ouse. F

urthermore, the establishment of the pure, "

falsetto register would soon mak

legitimate, "



e it possible for her to produce

pianissimo tones. O f course, the proper balancing

of the registers and the attainment of complete pharyngeal reso-

nance adj

ustment are essential concomitants of this development.

H er breathing is good. J

ust one other point would have to be

stressed, however, in order that her technic might be work

properly. S

ed but

he would have to stop slurring altogether and learn

how to attack

in the center of the pitch and how to connect her

tones properly.

The tenor'

s voice would be somewhat harder to work

that of the soprano, because he pushes q

out than

uite badly. The action of

the breathing muscles and the pushing action would have to be dealt

with very carefully. H is registers are relatively pure but not co-

ordinated. A

bsolute pharyngeal resonance adj

ustment would have

to be attained. Nevertheless, it should be a relatively easy matter

to improve this voice very radically. W hether or not he could now


 ~E E        

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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

  !)   ! 

O    )!a  D 
be made into a second C

aruso may be q

+     )

 ?"?"  ) {" ) ?Q a
j   Q) ) )M   )" " ( ( Q ) 
) 0 $
D  ?" D
  " ! "" )) 
  )  a " ) Q 
  ( !( 

uestioned. H e could have

been, if he had been trained properly in the first place.

t is difficult to think

of any other singer who would not have

to go through a prolonged course of training in order that they

might reach the heights. Practically every living woman now uses

the falsetto only, or the mix

) Q )) l 

) ; Q )) !l (! ) (

 + ) !) "" ?$  $ )
Q!   )  
 ) )
 " )" 
 ( (   O 

ed falsetto and, when the lower register

is used, it is not carried up high enough to really influence the voice.

O f the other male singers there are few whose voices are not

already in a distressingly high degree of constriction. S

ome of them,

"    )" !  "   )

 )! p  )+
( "
Q)  l   ?Q) ?  
 ) ") 
)  a QQ  )     "8 v

who are relatively young, might be completely opened up and

made into great artists. A

ll of them could be immeasurably im-

proved. Nevertheless, the persistent use of the mix

pianissimo effects ("

mezza voce"

ed falsetto for

) has, in many cases, interfered so

seriously with the registration action that many of them would have

?" ") l ) ?"  ))   ) ;   "

?  k =    l     + )"" 
"D  () ) " )
)!  )    ) ( Q 

to go through a relatively prolonged process of isolation and purifi-

cation of the registers before very much could be done. The train-

ing they have undergone has served only to destroy the proper

registration action and engender constriction


)  )"  
) ?"! ?"    )! ! b~G
)!  )
 D $  Q  a 2 )"


The greatest voices in this country (and the same is probably

true in E

urope) have been sought out and tak

0 Y  !

0 $O "  )  )
 ) ?
" "  ) ! 
 )" )g)")

en over by the big

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

conservatories. These talented youngsters often start with really

fine, natural material. These are the very voices which are most


ured by bad training. Thus, it has come about that practically

all of the most talented youngsters, who receive scholarships from


the big conservatories, are, in nearly every case, entirely eliminated,

because of the inj

urious vocal training which they receive. None

2 ") )  O ! )  )

 !  Y   ?

  "?    ) D) ! )M! 
 ")" a 2  ))  ! )
 )! ) 5)$ %:[8
{l ) " )"a 2  "  
   (  "  )

of these institutions have ever turned out even a passably well-

produced voice. The singers who do survive the sort of training

which these institutions provide are apt to be those who start with

rather mediocre natural voices, because the voice which is already

somewhat constricted is not so apt to be entirely eliminated by

the "

singing in the masq



cientifically Unsound C


type of training, as is the naturally free,

c "   )

0a 2 + )    ) )) ?" ) 
  )  ) )!) D! )" l ( "  " ? "
)   ")" l "l ! " "  l !" )+



The fact remains that the fundamental reason why singing is so

badly taught is because the vocal teachers have no k

nowledge of

    ) c "   )"0 (   % a 

the nature of the phenomena with which they are dealing. Many

of them conceive the voice as a "


stream of something"

which "

    )) )!  

  )   ? Q (QQ
?"   a 2 " ( 
 ) O")  )"


(  )   ) ) " " ?) )  )  ( )

 " ) "   +    )   (   Q"
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) 525=5?.B-B


* <424 6 B1;8B

% )

DH : D  = PH = H  =?C: . p  Y7
A    Z /m / . p   Z / 

and must be "


of it as "




vocalized breath."

or "


ome of them

ome of them believe that the

P   * +  / (D /Z  /Z /  /
?  D      ? D . 2
( m   :  / j  Z4 &(   
. Dm    / N =Z  #m/   ?/

air is blown from the lungs through the glottis, and that this air

or breath

after passing through the larynx

, becomes the tone. O f

course, if this were so, the breath would have to travel at the same

speed as sound

1100 feet a second (750 miles per hour). This

would indeed be a strong blast!

is. A

voice placement"

ctually the entire idea of "

t is obvious how idiotic this notion

rests primarily

on this sort of concept.

ome imaginative individuals think

that is "


or "


of the sound as something


e a sort of "

tion of the voice based on this type of premise mak



es amusing

reading, but it is hardly in accordance with the laws of acoustics.

Lilli Lehmann, Dr. F


O ther teachers, who have no idea whatever of what resonance is,

of "

using a resonance cavity"

or "

placing the voice"

ome of these individuals substitute a part of the body,

such as the "

front of the face,"



of the head,"



the "

hard palate,"

the voice anywhere would, if tak

en literally, imply

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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and grafting it there. Because they cannot

really mean this, they must actually believe that this imaginary

stream of something is directed into a certain place and then stick

there. There are no sounding boards for the voice. I

cult to ex


plain what an individual, who doesn'

t is indeed diffi-


now what he is

ing about, believes.

egarding S

Y : P ( /Z  : (Z N (/

/  +

etc., as the place where the voice should be


amputating the larynx

the head,"

acts R

ound is transmitted from its source in all directions. I


/A  =D : :  ZH  =?C/   Z H : 

:! :Z8K p7  O ^Z / D  / ?/   P
D  :  =   : + = /+  /
 #/+H =
 A  Y :PH  . P   ?C/  (  Z  &  
=#D.H =DH  Z  (
 ( +  /A 
mP #C
/# /  C:; :^ /  .     /
8 :^ Y +  D :   Z /  //


of alternate compressions and ex

b       ( D DN /.

in a cer-

tain cavity. S


p /:Z Z4/ M N    / B

/  =( 
# CM  
  =  m. 
   Z  / ^  #  ? /s /B
+     /  / /  *  C:(  :   .
 /P . A mP  .+   m  .

Miller, etc., thought along these lines.

The results of their teachings were uniformly unfortunate.


/  (^ |  D D  mP  /  /

 /g: ?/ 
;+    . 

t consists

pansions of the air particles and

it is absorbed and reflected according to the surfaces which it

meets. Thus, a soft surface will absorb far more sound than a hard

one, but alternate layers of hard and soft material constitute a highly

  u : 
/ ?m/  /   M
. 2 /  4 /
   Z . j   
  ;#: */ / Z /+ ( O A( (/  
A : P Z.

efficient medium for damping, or absorption, because the sound is

reflected back

ward and forward by the hard surfaces through the

soft ones. Thus, little sound could be transmitted through the head

because the pressure pulse would have to pass through the brain

cavity, and the brain is composed of soft, absorbent material. The

folds of mucous membrane lining the nose are also soft and

highly absorbent. The sensation of "




singing forward,"

or "

in the

is brought about only by tension which connects through

+.ZYd #2=+U/CM=d $Q]M/d

p      4
 &. j 
N :
/ ? / ;#/ N  / #/
  / /   / &
N/  (  
. 2 P /  D  ( : /
   / / /
//  /N//C  / Bm
  D  #+  /#+  /     
  / A(  
  /   B 
 . 2 P m      / 
 /   #D #4 (  /Z  ?/ 4B  /
/ZP :  
  ?  NP / /
/m. 2
  D D     / /m N /
 :^. 2  N =O^ N(/+H  = 
DPH       & (  ^ D

& B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

the j

G  * Gi Y q! i G  L !L  K ! 7 i!

 i c(  i!, F 
 U #L q ! ! i! Y !
7  , * F , (  F  ! L, q 7 %G  !G
% % i  6 pU  G
  F! , %%77#!0

aw to the bones of the head and face. This transmission, by

means of j

aw tension, is very much helped by tension on the neck

muscles, which, when highly tensed, become relatively efficient

transmitters of sound. S

uch a transmission effect, far from amplifying

the sound, tends to dampen it and cut down the loudness. I

  U, G!L  L#! F L UG Li* G  CiUL! K %?C :

 F * 
Gi L *F % i!! K

t has

nothing whatever to do with resonance.

Loud S


ome teachers who use current methods of voice training mak

their pupils sing loudly. This type of loud singing is brought about

&06 $$6

by pushing, or forcing, the voice with a blast of breath. The resultant

tone q

uality is always unpleasant, and the results are even more

i7 G % *  U 

!G 7 L i F  %F! 7

harmful physically than those engendered by the mezza-voce

  # #F F U6 2 #   L FF q%U G i 

#U F,i%i
F0+  *  
 6 2  % !G

teacher, because these teachers inevitably create a condition of


ed registration and intense active constriction. I

to train a pupil who has j

a loud, throaty, mix

t is far easier

ust a little piping voice, than one who has

 U F * # ,  L   %  %  %

   R1vv# qX'1w
 %, q U     
  LFi i

ed-register voice, because the latter must learn

to eliminate the constrictor action and establish pure registration.

The former may often present merely a straightforward develop-

ment problem, which can generally be work

ed out simply. The

F;L %F 
F! L F  F 
F F6 j 
Gi G
F!  #U#F ( i  c   F #F#F F ,   i! *  

best material of all is the unharmed voice which has pure registra-

tion and can produce full tones in the lower register and falsetto

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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even if these tones are somewhat crude.

Dropped Larynx

 iUL, G
, 7F;`
F %  , q U    
G FF!     i%  F! L  qF #U

7% 7 i #% G 7%8  
L Li#v

W rong

There is another very inj

urious school of teaching which has

been fairly prevalent in recent years. Teachers of this school do

not hold the belief that the voice should be "

but they state that it should be "

bine this idea of "


placed in the head,"

in the throat."

singing in the throat"

H owever, they com-

with the notion that the

should be dropped as far as possible. W hen the larynx

is so

dropped, the hyoid bone and the tongue also must descend. This

engenders a condition of ex


treme throatiness

generally "


The pupils of these teachers believe that they ex

perience the sensation of "

feel is throatiness and neck

singing in their throats"

 #%q7 , * F ! % q *

AL UG #6 b 
q  7
F      U 
L   * O #
 %F %v
GFi! L ! #%  U  !   *% %F 
L  i
! F     % i7* G

all they really

tension. This school of teaching has

)5$46 )&$6

eliminated many fine voices.

% FcU
F   G  (  
! F
 F %  
6 2 
  F  L
qU      FO  L  =F   Y
6X *
,   v
F   F  = FF0 F   
X (F G  G!  G G 

;  L  %##  %  # 6 o !  
##,   L           L 6 b 
L%  F  ;
 =  A
 %FO 6X 2        
F     ;v
F      =  F % 
X   %
   A  6 2       
F  V F 6


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  ) ) 

[57F;`o 3F[o ;7[U;o -;57F;]`o


oaches W ho Become Teachers

The vocal teacher who is properly eq

uipped to carry on his pro-

fession must not only understand singing and music but must also

be trained in the sciences. The principles of vocal technic cannot

be dreamed or imagined

they must be understood.

O f course, those accompanists who teach vocal technic, when

they k

now nothing about it, do so purely for the sak

they can mak

the vocal teacher'

e of the money

s fee is two to four times that of

the coach. Thus, they teach something they do not understand

instead of teaching something they do understand


of great singers, who k

and mak


now nothing of science;

e an honest living

t mind inj


uring their pupils'

ation F

they too could coach

but they want the money and they

voices to get it.


Many teachers believe that the singer should ex


coaching and

merely for lucrative reasons. This is also true

perience complete

ation during phonation. They fail to realize the fact that the

muscles used in phonation must be tensed, and that it is the muscles

which should not be used in this action which should be as relax


  !  , P! 
,  ! <
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!  0 

>  !! Q, >  x

!  #

F '
,1 L! > !)   ,0  1 0 ,
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' 1  >YU4gn| !!Q> ,   ,  #,
# ! !U!! !  !

as possible. These individuals are unaware of the truth of this very

obvious fact. A

s a result of such attempts at relax

ation all drive and

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

energy are eliminated and their pupils sing in absolute con-

striction. This procedure does not actually engender relax

';P4j4aGYVo 4PP47lo

ation, be-

cause the interfering muscles come into a high state of tension and

they, therefore, defeat their own end

the attainment of relax

W henever any act is performed, muscles come into tension. I


is the proper development and co-ordination of these muscles which

determine a proper technic. F

ailure to realize this obvious fact is

most unfortunate.

gesture does not relax


it tenses them. Thus, the pupil

who tenses his shoulders and chest should be told to let them drop

and relax

. H e should not be allowed to mak

in order to relax

e gestures with them,

them, because such gestures would have ex


the opposite effect. The teacher who tells his pupils to move the

head up, down and sideways to relax

them to tense their neck

the throat is only teaching


baseball player will swing his arm to limber up. This swinging


ercise brings the muscles which he is going to use into tension and

does Umber them up. I

f he desired to relax

these muscles he would

not limber them up. Thus, swinging the shoulders or arms to relax


> !! 7!
e7Pw$nBYV| ! !x %, 0!   !v L 0

 !!>  )  !!

  > !! 
  >   7
 !@( | ! !9!          0 ! ,
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 !    ) 

 ! !( 
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= >  ,  ! !   NBR)4b| r^ | %! !'!
 R)4e|n=4R|r^ | ?0 *  7L

' !>  x %F ** L  `     7



thcu[nqcr j\ fcX_c^Wh

them would only serve to limber them up and prepare them for

co-ordination in phonation. This is, of course, entirely undesirable.

The pupil who tenses unduly before and during phonation must

be told to relax


emember: V


and stand still before he starts to sing. H e must not

e active gestures to bring about this state of relax

isible, ex


ternal signs of effort actually indicate re-

ation of the muscles which should be in tension. Thus, tension

on the muscles of the j

aw, neck

the muscles of the larynx


ed. Lack

, chest, shoulders, etc., occurs because

, tongue, lower ribs, diaphragm, etc., have

of the necessary drive manifests itself in tension on

the interfering muscles. I

f the singer relax

es the tongue muscles,

which should be in tension for the resonation of the tone, he must

perforce tense other muscles

the muscles of the j

in order to resonate the vowel with the mouth. I



aw and neck

f he loses the

on the breathing muscles, he is forced to tense the chest and

shoulders to force, or blow out, a blast of air. This is j

ust what the

teacher who has lost his voice does himself. H e teaches his pupils

to do it, by instructing them to "




the throat"

and "

raise the

These directions automatically tend to force the pupil to

the muscles which should be in tension and to tense the inter-

fering muscles and the muscles which should not function in phona-


uch a teacher does not engender relax

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tion. S

ation, which is impos-

he merely brings the wrong muscles into tension.

Directions regarding relax

ation and breath control tend to relax

the muscles of the tongue and larynx

(so that pitch definition is

impossible) and, at the same time, force the pupil to blow out

the air. The voice is not something which is forced, blown out or

driven from below

it is an instrument in the throat, which must

be brought into action'


because of tension on the muscles of the

and tongue, and which is actuated by the breath pressure

which occurs when the breathing muscles hold in eq

aulty Methods R

esult in E

arly Loss of V



O ne of the saddest phases of this whole situation lies in the fact

that singers of today actually ex

pect to lose their voices between

the ages of forty and fifty. They do not blame their teachers when

this loss of voice occurs. I

nstead, they seek

physical ex

There is still another rather horrifying aspect to this picture. I

competent teachers adopt a certain "

all their pupils. A




method or procedure with

ny such method does not eliminate any of the

s technical faults. The result of this is that they never really

improve the voice of any pupil who may study with them. A




 ' 3  '       X
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f 3 

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w | J K defg


u t S 

Q E ^ lmn L


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they ruin every fine natural voice which they endeavor to train.

The survivors all sound very much the same. S

o common is this

teaching that there is probably not one soprano at the Metropolitan

today who does not deliberately spread her lips and more or less

scream her high tones, and no living singer who can produce a

legitimate soft, high tone. A


ctually, all soft singing (or "

0)7) )P 0 ). x )U8P  ) 0 

qX'2 w  %8 #
 . *+


) is deliberately performed on absolute constriction. Now,

when teachers have been shutting off voices, after this fashion, for

a number of years, they actually come to lik


Little W illie'




more lik


and q

teacher *

uoted a mix

+ ) 8   8 7 ) s )      )

one. They

come to utterly disregard power, freedom and intonation. F

ample, "

*  ) 
O    0 k Z  + %  &+ %

e the sound of a throaty

tone better than that of a well-produced, free, "

designated C

or ex


 )% )$ ) )   *t#% P %+ ?H . 2 -

s voice as a

7  )%8 %% ?*%P 

7  . % ;

ed-falsetto tenor, who sounds much

e a woman than a man, as the possessor of the ideal technic.

rom his erroneous point of view a free, "

only a "




7#P ) H ) %   

%A Z H    7t) 
P *$   E4 $
E% s  *E   7+  )  #%  )   ) $ .
%E $ %% #)  Z*  
P ?+H qD`DM1w Z   

virile voice is not

but a forced one. H e fails to observe the fact

that his pupils lose their voices, while the singers who have '


free voices, which have not been tampered with, survive. Thus, it is

that the maj

to lik

ority of the vocal teachers of today have actually come

8  %A Z X  )  %  . y  ) 


e, and intentionally aim at, throaty singing. They eliminate

power and freedom, and intonation deliberately. A

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

defines pitch absolutely. The instrument is "

great singer

firmly strung."

$)  # ?  )$% Z P *  )  % *$   +


% Z P *  $ Z )  )E?% *+ 

. 2$ +  
)  )  7c%)8  )    ) $
  - $  4 E

tically every singer today not only slurs but actually flutters the tone

when he is supposed to be sustaining it



the instrument is not

the pitch is never really defined. I


e this fluttering noise and actually dislik


emplified by the singing of C

There is a very sad paradox

ncompetent teachers

) sP  ))- 7 )P )$%- . 2$- 'E

e a defined pitch as

#*%  %7+  ) 

'8. x 

V #) O 8. 2  DVek`oR1Vjw  V

.H %

aruso and Destinn.

which springs from this state of

affairs. The great conservatories give scholarships to all the best

) 8 %8 0% )8 )8  %  )   8 ;ojj1`ewj>1wjXV1w

*  $   #? )   )0 )g)  % E  )

natural voices they can find. They award these scholarships fairly.

fter these voices have undergone a four-year period of training

% 0Hg  #  % %8 V. j E#) ) $%

they are, in nearly every case, shut-off and throaty. Many of these

graduate students would then be ineligible for the scholarships to

which their unspoiled voices entitled them;

LDJ1w $ 

     - s  V #) 

they would not have

;E?V-  00%T .

been chosen had they originally sung with the technic they used

after they had undergone the course of training. Thus, as an outcome

2$%   Z%8  #

 *  ?
 %E  ) 
k% . 2  0
) %
 0  $%$# )  )  )

of the training methods employed, the talented beginners lose

their natural voices. Nevertheless, their teachers lik

e the sound of

) %   $8  V. 2$8 *

 )$  $%$? 
x% )$   $Z 
0   %t8%  
+  %- 
- + $ )tk  $%8. 8  $

the throaty tones that they produce, after they have been trained,

despite the fact that they originally chose them because their voices

were relatively free

The S

New Y



not throaty.

cience of V

oice (third edition), Douglas S

tanley, C

arl F

isher, I


  ) ) *  )   0 % $  % ? )
*  ) % ?   ) )$E )$ *  ) $Z
 $ $ )$8 %08  0 *$ )$ ) $ )$ 

(p. 339).

)$ U%)%0. 2 +   ) E
 E)$ 7#8P   )) 
 % V"jo`!Mw qXD'1ew 
 + ) % ) $
O s    
  ) % ) )$)  8 ?
 + % $ $Z  )
#) )   ))$) 8 %08 $ )$7    $%Z 
 %)Z8 %g) ) %)8K

.A:L +8E:F8:L H@L 2HD8:L  ]_I NI__uq  %uWjA ;AqjN

L %%=   B

#Aj '`]N .qH 

4L @uh

) 535=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

.0)!6 &6 2+6 %6

Natural V

f six

oice vs. Technic

singers of different caliber were placed behind a screen

and made to sing a series of tones, and if their voices were to be

udged by a group of persons who were not vocal teachers or under

the influence of vocal teachers, they would undoubtedly be graded

correctly, according to their actual technical proficiency. A


with a reasonably good ear, can j

udge singing without having any

special k

f, however, these same singers were

to be j

nowledge of technic. I

udged by a group of vocal teachers, they might be classed

the same way on the basis of their natural voices, but on the basis of

their "




the order would probably be reversed, because

has actually come to mean the control of the voice on

constriction. I

ncompetent vocal teachers choose, but don'

t approve

of, big, crude, free, natural voices which they would deliberately

proceed to shut off. S

uch voices generally present very fine material

for the competent teacher. I

t is easy for such a teacher to mak

crude, free tone beautiful, and to bring it under control. I

easy, for even the most sk

illful teacher, to "


t is not

open up"

and "


a pretty, throaty voice.

ocal Teaching I

s a Process Not a Method

The procedures which have been outlined do not constitute a

ather, they should show how the particular vocal prob-

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
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method. R

lems of each individual pupil may be diagnosed and handled. The

training process is hard work

. The pupil must work

and concentrate,


e the teacher, who must perforce really understand his subj

teacher with a superficial k

dangerous than the one who k

nowledge of the subj

ect is even more

nows nothing about it. The work

out of the problems of registration, for ex

weapon for developing the voice. I


_ M    "L  * F    *" 

" "       1 " 
"" F       

 *  (*H
 1 R  " ""  F  ""
* *H1 **" 9 
*  A *- P1

 H "  1 * "  

*H c "  
*- _1
( 1 R     
 F "" F     ( H 
 1 R 
  * I"

 U#jo`#MwqXD'2f w  

   " #   ! 1  
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* *- _* (* *
1  "  
1 F1 *"1   1 9 H (  

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(*      (  A  

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* "1    F 1 "     " * - _  
1  ( 
  c HH 
 1   J " B J
 ]1jjt w 


&"6 $6 +6 6 )&++6 &.6 6 /&6

ample, is a most potent

f, however, these problems are


( F  " "  * 

incorrectly handled, the destructive effect is terrible. Pharyngeal

resonance adj


en for it, ex

with the max


ustment must be engendered, but if throatiness is mis-

opens up,"

treme throatiness results. A

ll singing must be done

imum possible amount of freedom and, as the voice

the power increases to an enormous degree. Neverthe-

less, if the teacher aims at mere loudness, or noise, he is apt to mak

the pupil force his voice and produce ugly, loud, throaty tones

which have no bearing whatever upon proper technic. The vibrato

is, of course, of vital importance, but if the teacher mistak

es a

tremolo for a vibrato or, for that matter, a tremolo vibrato or a

vibrato tremolo, he will deliberately engender an unpleasant wobble,

which is utterly deleterious.


 1 9

  *  (*  FZ

H  *
"("H H  F "I" "
" "- K

 "  c K
 H   c "**1
    * H  " "
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  A*H cH"  
 * Q (  
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 c R  - K
      1  M 1 I   
 (*- _1
( 1 
* * 
" "1 
 " * L     -
*    F " "1   
c  1 M 
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) 425=5@/B,>B


* <524 9+ 7B /;7C

  ) ) 

gain, a teacher who embraces some of these fundamentals and

not others, or, in other words, who combines these techniq

for ex

ample, those of the "



voice placement"

ues with,

or the "

singing in the

schools, will arrive only at a state of utmost confusion.

The results will be deplorable.

The procedures which have been indicated must be followed

meticulously and understood. The entire structure collapses if any

one fundamental phase of the subj

Manipulations and the S


These newest procedures are eq

technic of the speak

ect is misunderstood or neglected.

ing V

ing voice. I


ually effective in work

ing out the

=X'F  #
 3N 0 # 0 N#  
'## _ _ X  F
NY #
P _
0 7N _ #   X
Na  # X X #
 _ @E    , #  # 0 #N#
%   E>   > 
  3 X
  >' X X
# #  0 
  , '    ( %   t
'0' N' 0#U
#X NX'    'E
# (

n such development the pure lower

register should be employed almost ex

clusively by both sex

es for

!4VG\eP4aGYV_o 4V:o aE;o *\;4LGVBo 1YG7;o

speech. The use of the laryngeal controls speeds up the establish-

ment of this register to a remark

able degree. The use of the tongue

instrument speeds up the engendering of pharyngeal vowel forma-


resonance adj


for the speak

ing voice, j

ust as much as

it does for the singing voice.

aw, Breathing Muscles and S

The j


ing V


aw should never set in the middle, or lock

it should be "


and be k

, position in speech

ept in a more or less closed pos-

ture. The proper hold on the breathing muscles is of vital im-

or acting and public speak

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

portance in speech. F

ing this is so, not

only because of its technical importance, but also because it allows


ation of the chest, shoulders and arms. Thus, the actor or

public speak

er who has attained a proper hold on his breathing

muscles can mak

% # c
   P , S

( ? 
  cO$ Y   
 3c  $O  @$ 7
 , , c 7 0
( %  0 Y  ,
   l443| #  <
N c0  c  $ 1   ( %  0# #'
X#N#        0  ,E E 0 N<
  U$ # 31' 
_ #  N
# 0 # X X

e all of his gestures with absolute freedom and

gracefulness. The proper, localized tensions, which are the con-

4ho ];4aEGVBo !e_7P;_o 4V:o *\;4LJVBo 1YJ8;o

comitants of a good technic, allow complete physical freedom in


The speak

ing voice can be trained only through the proper

development of the singing technic. The advances made in im-

proving the procedures which can be employed for the develop-

ment of the singing voice apply, therefore, eq

voice. E

ually to the speak


verything said with regard to the centering of the pitch, to

the musical line, to the "


between tones, to the elimination of

slurring, etc., applies to speech. The sentence should be spok

en as

a single unit in a continuous line with each vowel sound centered

on a defined pitch. H ums and prolonged, slow consonants are most

offensive and must be eliminated. These phases of the training


%U@  Y$ _ 


X#3 >  a  > 1# '  Nc   
# ( %  O =YN/|    Y N
  0  N
( ] 
X #X X F '
 , >

 # E 
 7#' 0 
F      $( %_  
   X    >YN/|  X  

 N1  0  3       cN '
 ( %   F 
 v #_ 

N 0   


% 1 

 >  ' ,   #  

( %  
 N   N

  N , 0c #  
N   " 
 OO@_  c _ P@  #c  O1
( y      
_ #
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  8 O
( K$   c c _  
c   Nc
S' ' N > '# %`   # # '


tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh

of the speak

ing voice are ex

actly the same as with the singing voice.

verything which pertains to the singing voice applies to the



ing voice also, ex

cept the use of the vibrato, because the

en vowel is not sustained long enough for the vibrato to come

into play sufficiently in order that it may be detected.

very actor or public speak

er should, indeed, have his voice

trained properly because a good technic provides him with the in-

strument which is the medium through which he ex

mplification H as H armed V

presses himself.

ocal Technic

The scientific findings which made it possible to deduce the

Y \A   ;  $   (d$ $  .
Y ($ $ \  $    \\  $
\A    , ; \ $ D   d$ d,  D $
\A (  d     $  $ d  
 \ 4 d   $     d.
    \D \A $D, , $ $  
  D    $  $E ($ $ 
Dd ($ $  d$   $D$ ($ $ $ ;\
 $ .

fundamental principles of vocal technic, have also been applied

to the reproduction of sound. This might have been a tremendous

K SHC:.+[CQMd +Xd +UK1/d )Q.+Hd &1.A MC.d

boon to the human race if, as an offshoot, it had not become possible

for singers who had virtually no voices to mak

e large sums of money

by singing over the radio and for the movies and records. I

n view

of the fact that the power factor is eliminated in reproduced

music, as a necessary concomitant of singing, performers with silly,

little, throaty voices have been able to build up big reputations

and have become popular favorites. S

o great have their reputations

become that some of these so-called artists are actually appearing

at the Metropolitan today.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

This sort of thing has made it possible for the teacher to thrive

when all he succeeds in doing is to shut off voices. Today many

such teachers are able to boast of having produced highly success-

ful stars.

Before the advent of the microphone and the amplifier, every

singer had perforce to mak

e himself audible in the auditorium in

which he sang. This made it incumbent upon him to produce his

voice with at least some degree of freedom, for which reason a

certain standard of vocal efficiency had, of necessity, to be main-

tained. Today no standard of vocal freedom is demanded. I

true that "

shut off,"

t is

throaty voices usually last only for a few years.

t is also true that this type of technic is physically inj

urious and

absolutely contrary to nature. Nevertheless, performers who, in the

past, would not have had enough voice to sing in operetta, are

today able to appear in leading operatic roles.

ll this is very sad indeed and nothing can be done about it until

such time as a full realization of the fact that the voice is a normal,

natural, human function, subj

ect to certain definite, scientific laws,

if it is to be produced efficiently and healthfully, has become uni-

versally recognized.


2  V V ($ $   \  D  $

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W ell-produced V

oice R

""()& 16 &6 ')&0+6 +-6

eproduces Best

really well-produced voice sounds better in reproduction than

one produced with a crooning or throaty technic. Not only is this

so, but it can convey a real musical message and it can ex

press the

emotions and atmosphere of the composition legitimately and sin-

cerely. There is no comparison between the artistic virtue of the

performance of the outstanding throaty singers of today and that

x g0#SQ 0SS bg^+{)0+ ^A)0 m^{Z+m '0ru0g AZ g0bg^+|)rA^Z r<#Z

^Z0 bg^+{)0, Br< # )g^^ZAZ9 ^g r<g^#r r0)<ZA) ^r ^[S Cm vAm
m^ '{r Ar )#Z )^Z0 # g0#Q W{mA)#Q W0mm#90 #Z+ Ar )#[ 0bg0mm v0
0W^rB^Zm #Z+ #x^nb<0g0 ^3 r<0 )^Wb^mArB^[ R09ArBW#r0Q &[, mH
)0h0S <0g0 Am Z^ )^Wb#gAm^[ '0r00Z r<0 #guAmrB) Bgs{0 ^3 r>1

of the great singers of the past.

W e have on the one hand, then, the performer with a little,

throaty voice and cheap, fak

e trick

s of interpretation, who, because

of his personality, may be able to mak

e a considerable amount of

b0g3^j#Z)0 ^3 v0 ^|rmr#[+DZ9 r<g^#r mA[90gm ^3 r^+# #Z+ r<#s

^3 v0 9g0#r mAZ90gm ^4 t<0 b#mr
!0 <#0 ^Z r<0 ^Z0 <#[+ r<0[ u<0 b0g4_gW0h Br< # QCrrQ0

money for a few years. O n the other hand, we should have the artist

with a free, full, ex

pressive voice and a legitimate musical and

artistic interpretation, whose voice can last until he is an old man,

and who is able, therefore, after many years of singing, to arrive

at a pinnacle of artistry and musicianship as well as vocal efficiency.

t is infinitely harder to sing really well than to merely croon

must choose one of the two paths: The easy road, which may enable

e money for a few years, or, enable a teacher to

concentration and intensive work

the teacher;


at all, either on the vocal

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-13 23:59 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /

train voices without doing any real work


or the hard road, which demands

on the part of both the pupil and

the road which demands many years of concentrated

#Z+ <^ Bm #'S0 r<0g03^g0 %3r0g W#Z 0#gm ^3 mAZ9DZ9 r^ #ggB1

#r # bAZZ#)Q0 ^3#grDmy #Z+ W{oA)A#Zm<Bb #m 0QQ #n ^)$Q 06*A1Z*
r AZ7ZEr0Q <#g+0g r^ mAZ9 h0#QQ 0SQ r<#[ t_ W0h0Q )i^`Z
r<g^{9< # W{mA)#Q )^Wb^mArA^[
<0 h0#+0g <0v0h =0 '0 # t0#)<0g ^h #[ #mbCgC[9 mCZ90g

and study, but the road which can lead ultimately to the pro-

X{mr)<^^m0^Z0 ^3r<1 r^b#vm  <0 0#m g^#+<A)<W#0Z#(S1

duction of great artists.

Great A

W^Z03^g# 30 0#gm Z r<0 ^r<0g<#Z+0 gBpO)w<$0r<0 #grAos

#grAmrA) BZr0gbg0r#rA^Z <^m0 ^A)0 )#[ R#mr |ZrCQ <0 Cm #[ ^Q, W#Z

The reader, whether he be a teacher or an aspiring singer,

or musical side of his subj

`3 <Am b0gm^Z#SBr W# '0 #'Q0 r^ W#N0 # )^ZoB+0g#'S0 #W^{Zr ^5

Br< # 3g00 3|SQ 0bg0mmB0 ^A)0 #Z+ # Q09ArAW#r0 W{mD*$Q #Z-

through a musical composition.

a singer to mak

r?g^#r ^B)0 #Z+ )<0#b 3#M0 rgA)Nm ^3 AZr1gbg0r#rD^Z <^ '0)#|o1

rtists A

re R


veryone cannot be a great singer. Probably, at any one time,

under proper training, become supremely great artists. There are

a few thousand who could become very fine artists. There are

several thousand more who could become competent artists. O f the

rest, proper training improves the voice in every case, and many

can be made into relatively competent singers. O f course, some will

inevitably fall by the roadside, whichever path they may pursue.

Before studying singing, the reader must mak

goal he wishes to aim at. I

# mAZ90h r^ W#N0 W^Z0 4^h # 30 0#gm ^g 0Z#'Q0 # u0#)<0h ra

rg#B[ ^A)0m Ar>^{r ,^BZ9 #[ h0#Q ^gM #r #QQ 0Ar<0h ^[ r<0 ^)#S

there are about a hundred individuals in the world who could,

e up his mind which

^h W{mA)#Q mC+0 ^3 =Am p{'K0)r

^h v0 <#g+ h^$+ <A)< +0W#Z-o
)^Z)0[rg#rB^Z #Z+ C[r0[mB0 ^gN ^[ v0 b#gt ^3 '^v r<0 b|bDQ #Z+
r<0 r0#)<0g v0 g^#, <A)= +0W#Z+m W#Z 0#gm ^4 )^Z)0Zrg#r0+
^gN #[+ mr|+ &plw v0 h^#, <A)= )#Z S0#+ |QrAW#r0Q r^ r<0 bg^
+{)rB^[ _4 ;0#r #lz

f he decides that he really wants to

learn how to sing legitimately and aim at the goal of true artistry,

he must mak


e sure that his teacher understands his work

, and that

*-6 *-+-+6 )6 )6

0g^[0 )#ZZ^r '0 # 9g0#r mAZ90g g^'#'Q #r #Z ^Z0 tAY1
s<0g0 #g0 #'^{r # <{Z+g0+ BZ+AA+{#Sm AZ r<0 ^gQ+ <^ )^{Q-
{Z+0g bg^b0g rg#AZAZ9 '0)^W0 m|bg0W0S 9g0#r #grAmsm

0g0 #g1

$ 30 r<^{m$Z+ <^ )^|S+ '0)^W0 0g 7Z0 #grAmrm <0g0 #g1

n10g#Q r<^{m#Z+ W^g0 <^ )^{Q+ '0)^W0 )^Wb0r0Zr #gsDmro 3 r<1
g1mr bg^b0g rg#AZDZ9 BWbh^0m r<0 ^D)0 BZ 00g )$m1 #Z+ W$Z
*$Z '1 W#+0 AZr` g0S$rB0S )^Wb0s0Zr oAZ90gm 3 )^{go0 m^W0 BUT
D\0As$'S 3$SS ( r<0 g^$+oD+0 >D*>11g b#r< r<1 W$ b{gm{0
03^g0 mr{+DZ9 mBZ9DZ9 r>0 g1$+0g W{or W#M0 {b <Dm WBZ+ <A*>
:`#Q <0 Am<0m r` #DW #r 3 <1 +1*D+0o r<#r <1 g1$SS #Zrm s`
T1$gZ >` s` oD\: S1:DsDY$s1S $\- $DY $s s>1 :`$T `5 si}1 $isDosg
<0 W|mr W#O0 m{g0 r<#r <Am r0$)<0g {Z+0gmr#Z+m <Bm ^gM #Z+ s>$r


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

<0 Am '0AZ9 cg^b1gS rg#AZ0+ m)A0Zw)#SS #Z+ W|mA)#SS <0 #mbAh

he is being properly trained, scientifically and musically. The aspir-

AZ9 b|bAS m>^}S+ AZ1mrA9#r0 <Am bg^mb1)rA0 r1#)<0g #Z+ 7Z+ ^|u

ing pupil should investigate his prospective teacher and find out

the basis of his teachings. F

in his teacher, he should base this confidence upon the teacher'

nowledge of his subj

ect and he must check

himself, because there is no official check

this k

A[ <Cm u0#)<0g >0 m<^}S+ '#m0 r>Am )^Z8+1Z)0 |b^Z r>0 u0#)>0gm

nowledge for

NZ^S1+90 ^3 <Am m}(L0)r #Z+ <0 W}mr )>1)N vAm NZ^S0+90 3^g


hoosing a Teacher

uspect the teacher who tries to impress you with the names of


v0'#mAm ^3>Amr1#)>AZ9n ^g <DS0r>1 b|bASW}mr<#0 )^Z7+0Z)0

or, while the pupil must have confidence

<AWm1S3 '1)#}m0 r<1g0 Am Z^ ^6)A#S )<0)N r^+#

nown singers who are studying with him, or who have studied

with him in the past. R


most of the well-k

nown singers

&&, $6 6 )6

have gone the rounds and are claimed by several teachers. The

fact that a successful singer has studied, or is studying, with any

|mb1)r r>1 r1#)>1g >^ rgA1m r^ AWdg1mn ^| As> r>0 Z#W0m ^3

particular teacher, means nothing, unless this singer obviously has

improved vocally under the teacher'

s tuition. I

1SS NZ`Z mAZ91gm >^ #i1mr|+AZ9Ar> >AW^g>^<#0 mr|+A0.

f he has not improved,

but has remained much the same as before, the teacher will not

be able to improve your voice

it. I

in fact, he is more lik

As> >DW AZ r>1 b#mr 1W0W'1g W^mr ^3 r>1 1SS NZ^Z mAZ:1gm

ely to impair

<XV3w k>2w aXoV0w #\+ #g1 'N!DS1)w ( m11g#S r1#)>0gm >0

3#)r r>#r # m}))1mm3}S mAZ91g >#n mr}-A1- ^g Am mr|+DZ: Av #Z
b#grA)|S#g r1#)>1g W1#Zm Z^r<AZ9 |ZS1mm r>Am mAZ:0g ^(A^}mS <#m

f he has deteriorated, even a little, the inference is obvious.

This teacher will undoubtedly hurt your voice

deteriorate under his tuition. I

it will inevitably

f he has not helped, but has hurt, a

singer who is so talented that he has made a name for himself, what

will he do to the average student?


AWbg^1-^)#SS|Z+1gr>1r1#)>1gm r}DrA^Z 3<0>#m Z^r AWbg^1+

remember that the

'}r >#m g1W#AZ1+ W|)> r>1 m#W0 #m '13^g1 r>0 u0#)>1g ASS Z^r

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-14 00:00 GMT /
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talented performer is only too apt to be governed by emotion rather

than by reason. I

n proof of this assertion there are innumerable

'0 #'S0 r^ AWbg^0 ^|g ^A)0 AZ 3#)r >1 Am W^g0 SBN1S u^ CWb#Ag

singers whose voices have started to deteriorate radically who stay

with the teachers who are ruining them. E

ven if they do mak

Ar 3 <0 <#m +1r1gA^g#r1+ 01Z # SArrS0 r>0 AZ30g0Z)0 ^'A^|m


change, they are only too apt to go to another teacher of the same

school and k

eep on "




putting it in the nose"

or "

<Am r1#)>0g ASS |Z+^}'r1-S <}gr ^|g `A)0 Ar ASS AZ0Ar#'S

+0u0gA^g#r0 |Z+1g >Am r}ArA^Z 3 >1 >#m Z`r <0Sb1+ '|r <#m <|gr #

singing in the

mAZ90g<^ Am m^r#S1Zr1+ r>#r <1 >#m W#+1 # Z#W0 3^g <AWm1S3 >#r

The aspiring vocal student must demand the properly trained

vocal teacher. H e must not study vocal technic with the untrained


whether he may be an ex

panist or j

ASS <0 +^ r^ u<0 #1g#:1 mr}+0Zr |gr>1gY^g1 g1W1W'1g u<#u v0

-singer, a composer, an accom-

r#S0Zr1- b1g3^gW1g Am `\S r^^ #dr r^ '1 :^1k1- ' 1Y`rA^Z g#r>1g
r<#Z ' g1#m^Z Z bg^^3 ^3 r>Am #mm1grA^Z r<0g0 #g0 AZZ|W0g#'S0

ust an impressive or charming person. H e must not study

voice with any one of these individuals, unless he has been educated

properly in the essential sciences and has had proper technical

mAZ90gm >^n1 ^A)1m <#1 mr#gr1/ r^ +1r1gA^g#r0 g#+A)#SS <^ mu#

training himself. W hen the demand for properly trained teachers

Ar< u>1 r1#)>1gm >^ #g0 g}AZA\: v1W 1Z r>1 +^ W#N0 #

has become sufficiently insistent, he will be able to find such teach-

)>#Z:1 r>1 #g1 `\S r`^ #dr r^ :` r` #\^r>1i r1#)>1g ^3 r<0 m#W0
e'>XXMw #\- P11e `\ d}ssD\: Ar D\ r@1 \`m1 `g mA\:A\9 A\ r>1

ers, and not before.

n the final analysis, it is up to the vocal student to bring about

the necessary revolution in vocal teaching, if legitimate singing

W#mf|0 0r)

is not to become a lost art. O nly when the vocal student refuses to



with any teacher who has not been trained properly, will

<0 #mbAgAZ9 ^)#S mr|+1Zr W}mr +1W#Z+ r>0 bg^b1gS ug#AZ1+

^)#S r1#)>1g 0 W}mr Z^r mr|+ ^)#S r1)>ZA) Dr> r>1 |Zrg#AZ1+
r1#)>1g >1r>1g >1 W# '1 #Z 1 mAZ91g # )^Wb^m1g #Z #))^W
b#ZAmr ^g L}mr #Z BWbg1mnD1 ^g )>#gWAZ9 b0gm^Z 0 W}mu Z`r mr|+
^A)0 Ar> #Z ^Z1 ^3r>1m1 AZ-DA-}#Sm |ZS1mm <1 >#m '11Z 1+})#r1-
bg^b1gS AZ r@1 1mm1ZrA#S m)A1Z)1m #Z+ >#m >#+ bi^d1g r1)>ZA)#S
rg#DZA\9 >AYm1S3 ">1Z r>0 +1W#Z + 3^g bg^b1gS rg#AZ0+ r1#)>1gm
<#m '1)^W0 m|6)A1ZrS AZmAmr1Zr >1 DSS (1 #(S1 r^ 8\- m|)> r1#)>
0gn #Z+ Z^r '13^g0
Z r>1 8Z#S #Z#SmDm Ar Am |b r^ r<1 ^)#S mr|+1Zr r^ 'gAZ9 #(^}r

a1qXLokCXUw AZ `)#S r1#)>AZ9 D3 S1:ArAW#r0 mFZ:AZ9

Am Z^r r^ '1)^Y1 # S^mr #gr ZS >1Z r>1 ^)#S mr}-1Zr g13}m1m r^

r>1 Z1)1mm#g

^gN Br< #[ u0#)<0g <^ <#m [^u '00Z y#AZ0+ bg^b0gS BSV


) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B B

  ) ) 

vocal teaching become a serious profession. This change will not

come from the vocal teachers themselves. I

t must come from the

vocal student. The demand can finally force the supply. The scien-

tifically uneducated and untrained vocal teacher can become a

thing of the past.

W ork

s the "

oyal R


to Good S

E #
!' >
$   !  03!'( %!
' !EE '#

o 0 $  
  $ ( ? $#
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E # '( % $'
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The student who finds himself deterred by the difficulty of learn-

3Y]Lo _o aF;o  'Yk4Po 'Y49o  oaYo YY9o *GVCGVCo

ing how to sing correctly, and who is unwilling to do the necessary


to become an artist, should face this fact honestly and sin-

cerely. Then, if he decides that he merely wants to sing nicely to

please his friends, and maybe get a j

ob over the radio or in the

movies, he does not need to study vocal technic at all. H e should

put himself in the hands of a competent coach, who is a good musi-

cian. S

uch a coach will not try to train his voice, but will endeavor

to teach him how to perfom as artistically and musically as possible

with his natural technical and vocal limitations. True, he will not

learn how to sing, but he will learn something which may have

commercial and some aesthetic value. Under no circumstances,

should he fall victim to an uninformed vocal teacher, because this

will only inj

ure his voice and gain him absolutely nothing.

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-14 00:00 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /


%  '# 8'  !$@0 #  > !

E0E '<
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tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh



acoustic coupling, 40

amplitude of sound vibrations, 33

atmospheric pressure, 1

conductor of sound, 38


consonants, 36

damping material, 37, 291

definition of sound, 33

AGu`H Hv|j`q[ *B
Cl|jdIN uO uqI dFB`uq &%B
Alu|^N`H |NN B
GuqIHu yO uqI &9B
GuquqAq &/B
IAl|dq[ lANdBj &2B =B
INTqdduq uO uqI &&B
NqN[ IddFdvq `q ]N vqL &/B
ON~NqH &*B
OqIAlNqBj &-B /9B
`qNqd uO uqI &-B
lNANlNq vO `qNqd  INHdFNi 

energy distribution in the tone, 36


uency, 34

fundamental, 35, 6

intensity of sound, 35

measurement of intensity (decibel),


musical intervals, 37

musical tone, 34

noise, 14, 34, 235-236

overtones (harmonics), 35, 6

periodic vibration, 34

pitch, 34

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-14 00:00 GMT /
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pressure pulse, 34

pure tone, 34

uality of tone, 35-36



9, 227

ldHBj `qNAj &2B

ldHAj uqN &*B
qudN *B &*B %- %/B
uNuqN  ^BluqdH  &-B /=B
zNduI`H dFAduq &*B
z_H^ &*B
zNN |jN &*B
zN uqN &*B
Aj` uO uqN &-
&/B /?B
NUNHduq vO uqI &9B
NuqAqHN &=
*B /9B
NuqAqGN HAddN 9B &=B / /B

reflection of sound, 38

resonance, 39-40, 6

resonance cavities, 28, 39, 6



8, 70, 280-281

reverberation of sound, 38, 237

segmentation of strings, 35, 6


sound absorbtion, 37

sound spectrum, 36


9, 74

sound wave, 34, 37

sounding board, 40, 281, 291

sympathetic vibration, 39, 6

transmission of sound, 33, 6

8, 282,


velocity of breath and "


3, 6

/9B2B 9
9 B

NNFNA_uq uO uqI &9B %2B

NYlNqA_uq uO _qY &-B /9
uqI AFuF_uq &2B
uqI zNGl &/B /=B 2*B
uqI AN %*B &2B
uqI_qW FuAI *B !:B =B
lzA]NdH dEA_uq %=B /=B
Aqldduq uO uqI &%B /9B !9 B


8, 291

vibration, 34

vowels, 36


-37, 6




, 2, 6

, 117, 119, 122, 124, 197

vocal (see C




breath control"



9-70, 72, 74, 274-


and "

NjuGd vO FNA] AqI uHBj`LI

FNA] &B /9B =B
dFA_uq &*B
uNk &/
%2B /=
2B 2 B 3*B 4*


3, 4, 32, 282-283, 286

breath ex


breath, 5, 97

pulsion and, 4, 95-97, 104-

105, 130

breath intensity curves, 96





AGg B /B  2B  =B !!B  *B ?3B

_GjA_uquHAi    $uqvqBq

the, 3, 5, 122

phrasing and, 244, 249

Breathing, 5, 122

Eju_qY FNA] -B =2B
FNA^ Huquj AqI uGAjdNI

Breathing muscles (see Muscles-



vowel modification, 37, 74,

233-234, 246

9%B 9/B


FNB^ N|jduq BqI *B =- =2B *

-B %B

FNA] `qNq` HN =/

^vjIdq[ ^N &B -B  B
|^Adq[ BqI **B *=B
"NA^`q[ -B ! B
"NB^dq\ oHjL    2HiN
lvIdVHB`vq &2B 6*B
%*B */B -* --B 2 2 B
#uquqBq %2B 2!B 2&B **B
BdHjBduq uO 9L 5C  BqI  -&B
^lldq[ B    B&2B -*B /B 2B

`q[`q[ uq *B /B = B =/B
[NA qAAj udHN BqI 9B 99B

=- =/B
$uvI`qBduqq` 92B ?  B
#u| I L [juN 2B
#uNNI uqN ^NAI vqN NH 

2B B 9%
= !% B


%_Gduq dqWN %B *B -%B 2 B

&A ,%B 5%B B
&A  ldGdAq^dz !,/B -2B
&djdFdl %B -B 9B ,%B 29B 2=B ! B

 =B  = B "B !   B
'jN_Fdj_ 9  B 0:B 2%B 5*B /B **B
'uG_q[ ^N vdGN *B =B !:%B
(dN  lGkA  =B  -B


%B #B !%%B

)ju_ -B ,,B ,=B *B %*B
*All_qW B !- B -*B

/B 2B

5   B =2B
*NAI zudduq  %0B %9B 2B
^NBI uqN ^NDI udGN   
#uNNI uqN


, 254-255, 271-272

onsonants, 37, 72, 73, 244

articulation of d, I


, n and t, 253,

humming, 10, 11, 37, 254, 26

FNB^ &B *B & B

0, 270


singing on, 4, 6

, 9-10, 296

) 525=5?.B-B

great natural voices and, 180, 288,



unit, 87, 91


oup de glotte,"


overed tones,"


head tones,"


* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 


H old"

(muscular), 10, 124, 233

H yoid bone, 59, 6

*tjI  lGjA  B  )B %'B

+u_J EupM ,=B / B 7% 7)B 99'B

2, 73-74, 81-83,

A A   B =


110, 111, 219-221


control of (see V

sity V


ibrato and I



ed registration and, 95, 203,


registration and, 86

Hvqvi vO  =++C >`FBv 4F9L -qNr
` >B`A`vq

l`MI NW`Aavq BqK =-B %B


, 88-91, 95,

MW_A`uq BqI 9/B 99 =B =-B

179-181, 184, 203

color vs., 246

7= 9B 9)B %B

, 254, 255

melodic line and, 243, 247, 259

scale, 28, 90, 103, 16

2, 208-209,

251, 284

ntonation, 11, 195-196


, 213, 229, 295

ed registration and, 204


badly articulated, 147, 216

(middle position), 24-25, 140,

142, 216

, 285

and tongue, 142, 285


or triad and, 216

Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-14 00:00 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /


ustment and,

24, 25, 140

muscles and, (see Muscles-


) B  /B 9,B

juGg ApI upWM ) B 9-B

lAeu `AI ApI / =B
lu]NupApGN AIeNq BqK

)B ,B )B

opening the, 140-141, 145, 216

tongue position and, 218

Laryngeal muscles (see Muscles


registration and, 15, 6



0, 86

, 55, 59, 83, 186


ed registration and, 110-111,



position of the, 6

3, 81, 84, 111,

-137, 292

Lips, 24, 26

, 143-144, 216

mouth-resonance adj

qMGg mGjN BqK  =++C 2GiM

vzNp`pW ]M ) )B )-B /B
vpWN |v``up AsK 9B

, 183-



EAIj A`GjAMI )7B / 7B
j_z ApI )%B /B
iuGg  l_IIjM {u``uq  ) -B )B


mouth-resonance adj


,B 9)B
,puqA`vq    B =, =/B %B =B =-B
l_MI MW`A`uq BqI )B


lips and, 143, 216


Gvju  )/B -)B --B

lMjuI_G i`pN ApI )%B )7B -=B
GAjM 9B =B %B / B 9 =B

ustment and,

24, 143

1ApWMAi mGkN  =+,C 2HiN

NW`A`vq BqK -B /B 9/B 9%

1Ap --B -=B 9%B 9/ 9=B
l`NI MW`A`vr BqK       B

 :/ 9=B
|v``vq vO ]N /%B 9B 9)B    B

%/ %2B = B


head, 136

hyoid bone, 82-84, 98, 16


0, 219-

)B )%B

aw, 147, 218-219

limit to use of, 153



or triad and, 219-222

ed-registration, 110-113

octave j

ump and, 16

thyroid, 97-100, 159, 219-221

tongue instrument, 75-79, 85, 101,

118, 152, 157, 211-212, 221


1a| )B /B )% +)B /B

mu]MupAqGN BIeNq BqI



singing in the, 4, 10, 12-

13, 280-288, 292

Melodic line (connecting tones), 127,


-209, 213-214, 237, 242-243,

253, 273

]NAI %/B
^v`I FvqN 9 9)B =:B /B

eB )7B 9 =B
i`l` v N vO ,%B
mAev `AI ApI =
m`NINW`A`vq    'B
vGBN fl| BqI /B
^v`I =7 B -=B = B
vrWN aqlNq 7- 7=B 9-B B
 9B - B -7B    B B

consonants and, 275



%B 9 :9B = B

2NjuI`H i`qN  HvqqMG`qW vqN


/ =B % )B %7B ) )'B

,%B 2%B
GuqupAp BqI 7-B
`pMp` GAjN BqK )%B
j`pW AqI  9B 9B %/ %7B
`l`pW ApI  9B =B /-B
3MA uGN  =+,C 7`Bqa`mv

BqAWup``G BqI crMONbqW Nr`vp
vp B %B    B )B ,%B /%B  7  9B

 ,B  2B )B 9B 9 B =)B

EAjApGMI IMNjvzmNq vO %B -B 79B

EMA]`pW  =++C &~`k`E`m
 -B %

% B ,% ,)B   =B  B  =B 7

2%B 77B
GuvI_pA`vq vO ,B =%B
W`M =B  ,B     B
]u`I EupM 9%B
iApWMAi -- 1B -B 9% :=B
lGjM upN  uq  &B   -   2B
%B /) /-B
pMGg /B ,B % B %9B )B 9,B
: B 9-B
MUM ApI GvqG`ui HvqviiNI ,B
,B   - B
upWN / / B 7%B
2`G`Aq]`z =9B )=B /% /+B
AGGNp )B ) )%B ,)B
AGGulzAp_lMp  %= )B )-B )2B
A`GjA`up  l`G
EMA ),B ,) ,,B
GAIMpGM )B )) ),B ,-B
G]uI #)=B
Gj_lA ), )/B ,,B ,=B
GusMlMjuI %= )B )7 );B
IpAl`G MRMG %= )B
MpMlEjM %: )B
Pul ) B
]Alup`G GN ) ) B ))B
]u`upAi vj`pM )7B ,-B
`pMjIN %= )B
`pMzMA`uq =9B %9B ) ,#B
,9B :/B
`pMAj  l`GBi  %7B
iNWAv )7B
lNjuI`G vj`qN
)B )7B ,
lMjuI JNSs``vq vO 7B )B
mvIjA`vq ))B
lu`M MjAFuA`vq vO )B
lu`N SXM 7%B )B )=B ,/B
|NbvK %9 %=B


intensity scale and, 243

slurring and, 128, 208, 236

3 B~M `pW_pW `p ]M )B B 


and, 128, 209, 26

Mezza voce (see Pianissimo)


antagonistic and interfering tension

on, 1, 3, 11, 14, 53, 6

3, 117-118,

125, 127, 140, 180, 282, 294

balanced development of, 3, 5, 78

breathing (see E

uilibrium), 5, 31-

32, 53-54, 119, 122, 129, 171-

) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

|]BN  maGBj  2%B %9B *-B

|uAmNpu BpI aFBw % B 2B*B

phrase (musical), 173, 238, 245

portamento and vibrato, 32, 174,

:B )2B

208, 247

principal melody, 239, 247-248

recitatives, 247, 249-250

rhythmic pattern, 174, 209, 229-

231, 240-241, 243, 253, 26


section, 238-239, 242

stress (music), 238, 245, 250

syncopation, 243

tempo, 240, 243

theme, 240, 245

time, 174, 239-240, 243, 251


Natural voice,"

13, 52, 16

4, 16



ump, 16


O pening"

(see R

esonance adj

breath ex

pulsion and, 4, 96

6GBN fl| // B

6|Mp`pY  =++C :MupApGN BIf
mMp    B :,B )B %B 

, 104-


FMA] Mzjdup ApI *B =/B )

in stages, 201, 212

sudden "



104-105, 201

power increases, and 106

Pianissimo, 16

-107, 201

7, 179-181, 189, 251,

1, 288

vibrato and, 32, 16

7, 181

Pitch and laryngeal muscles, 59, 186


8`Ap`dlu 02B 2=

:B :=B



Placing the voice,"

4, 9

Psychology, problems of, 106


Q uality (see A

105, 176

 *B , B ,*B 2*B



intonation and, 12, 193, 228

length of vocal cords and, 192


9Aj`  =++C


types of),


pure registration and, 87, 195

vibrato and, 31, 51, 16

adio technic, 9, 25, 101, 176

, 199-

200, 202, 283, 287

ecordings of great artists, 178, 213-

214, 26



juN NYdN 9B 9/

92B 99B
ldJIjM MY`M =B /,B
ldMI =B 0B =%
=,B  B /)B


,B !=B %B

!,B !:2B


mGjA maNI


 0)B =0B
|dG] BpYN BpI =   B %B //B

!/B !%!B


`pY ]M NZdN #)B
pFAjApGMI !   B  )B B
M uP juM NY`N `p |NPwm
ApGN !%B
N uP upN MYdN upj = B =,

Gu`G  %,
%2B -B
,B 20B =,B !:
! =B
GA`pY zuM ApI %:B %/
`pupA`up ApI !B =%B #:B
jMpY] uP uGAj GuI ApI = B
l`MI MY`A`up BpI =*B ==

=0B !)B
!B #!B
:MjAA`up    B =%B
|NupAj  =++C ?u`GM|N G>   L :M|uIGdup  NGuI`pY  2/

ed registration and, 94, 199-

200, 202

personal (see V

dpIGMI l`NI B /)B

dujBMI  |N  ,B :B92B=%B /-B

uGAN MjAdup]`z EMMNp NYd

M !B 
!B 0,B :,B ==B


, 195, 228-229

carrying power and, 38, 236

,2B /*B 92

99B !)B % B %-B

YudpY ]uY] OBjNu ,2B % B

upM %*B
dpGuMG N uP juM MYdN /%

;,B :=
!,B !:2B

8jAG`pY ]M u`GM )B =B

8uM !=B #B !B %:B
8MMp`up !B )B 2/B !. B !2B %B
8G]ujuY zxEjMl uP /

coustics), 35-37, 51,

IMSpddup uP ,B :/B :)

MjdndpAdup uO juN NYdN =B
OBjNu NYdN 8B :/B = B =9B B

8`G] ApYM BpI PAj MY`Adup


124, 152, 154, 174, 225, 229, 231,

l`MI PAjMu =B =%

=,B =:B
l`MI juM MY`M =B =(


, 125, 127, 231

= B %B =)B
GuMG N uP Fu] NYaM

`EAu ApI %!B /2B :B

8dG] ApI jApYMAj mGjM ,=B  :/

Posture, 29, 120, 121, 138

Pre-tension, 2, 14, 76


!/B !::B

Pitch range and faulty registration,

GuuI`pAMI  m`MI =*B

GuuIdpAdup FMNNp NYaN 2B


dp AYM !B  B
IIMp u}Mp`pY )
,B B
dFAu ApI %!B 2 B
|uN apGMAN BpI /
2B B

vibrato and, 32, 172




ment), 21, 85, 104, 130, 200-


%B !!

5MGg mGjM  =++C 3GjN

5MGg ]`j`pY )B %!B /*B ,B
5uIjM %B =B %*B

4, 151

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O ctave j


G]BpWN |uap FNMNr


14, 32, 6

:BIdw NG]pdG =B

)B ,=
/B /!
/%B =/B B
! B
=,B ,B

5BBj uaGN %B , B /)B //B



EAjApGdpY uP NYdN ,B 9B !B

muscles (see Muscles)

Nodules, 13, 109, 134


GBjN )   B !))B
G]uuj uP ldG %=B */B
NGdup %:
!%=B ) B
N  l`G  %:B ),B ,B
Gu|Adwp *%B
Mm|u )B *%B
]NlN )B ),B
dmN 2B) B %=
)B )%B !,B
AI`dup /



,B B 2/B ==

B  B :%B 92B
:NGuIdpY uO WNB Bd 2:B %
! )B 0/

% B )
)   B *%B !,%B / /B

schools of music, 239, 246

tradition, 26

|`pGd|Bj mMjuI %=B *2 )9B

NGdAdN )2B *=
]]mdG |BNp 2B) B =B

scales, 241, 244


|M NYdBaur BrK 92B =-B

aFBu BpI %   B -B /=B



balancing of registers, 15, 18, 102





0, 16


3, 196

between registers, 16

, 200,

, 92,

193-195, 205

change point between registers,

103, 222-224

co-ordinated vs. mix

ed, 194

co-ordination between registers, 17,

87-91, 131, 194

) 525=5?.B-B

* <424 6 B1;8B

  ) ) 

esonance adj



open, 21-23, 6

0, 70, 80-

81, 104, 280-281

egistration and (see R


slurring and, 29, 175, 197

tongue and, 6

0, 6

throaty, 23, 26

aw lock

2, 82

-27, 101, 203, 284

and, 24

lips and, 24, 26

tongue and (see Tongue)

mouth, 24, 6

0, 72, 252-253, 275,

281, 286

esonance cavities (see A

cale intensity (see I

cales and vibrato, 16

elf-listening, 124, 154-155, 230, 282

ingers, present day, 276

lurring, 29, 128, 173, 286




ntensity scale)

-277, 289

and, 2, 117, 197


and, 213

intonation and, 11, 173

ed registration and, 29, 117,



Generated for Nathan Daniel Lee (Brown University) on 2014-09-14 00:00 GMT /
Public Domain, Google-digitized /


pure registration and, 197

resonance adj


ustment and, 29, 175,

time spot and, 29, 174-175, 207-

208, 26

vibrato and, 173-174

ob, 245, 26

ound (see A



ing voice, 26

8-275, 297

faults of diction, 271


ed registration and, 20, 26

natural q

pitch and intensity of, 26


registration and, 26


uality of, 271-272

8, 270-

9, 272, 297

uirements for good, 26

singing vs., 26


9, 297

training the, 272, 297



tempo, accent and rhythm,

and the, 270, 273-274, 297

vibrato and, 26



8, 274, 298



and registration, 20,

, 101, 198-199

Technical practice alone, 155

Tessitura, 16

, 255

Thoatiness (see Tongue, R



ustment, etc.), 23, 27, 74-75

dropped tongue and, 24, 81-82


ed registration and, 94-95, 198-



and, 6

, chest and shoulder muscles

, 132, 136

-137, 140

tremolo and, 171

Throaty voices and interpretation,

258, 26


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Thrpaty singing and muscular devel-


opment, 109, 137



2, 29, 127-128, 209-211

Tone vs. noise, 108, 296

Tone, work


done in production of,


correct position of, 73, 79-80

dropped (see Throatiness)

tongue instrument and (see Manip-


tongue instrument)

muscles of the (see Muscles)



tgcu[npcr l] ecX_c^Wh


ualifications of, 6

278, 293, 296

oice V

7, 85, 214-215, tvpe of, 13, 28, 42, 16

, 300 "

owels I

see A

oice placement,"

0, 97, 130, 201 forced modification of, 72

forcing the, 9, 106

, 135, 292

loss of, 189-191, 288, 294-295 W hisper, absolute, 90-91, 16



, 227


$  $ $
!$ $  $ $


development of, 6


4, 7, 32, 291



J $


 $ $ $

0m d   $

v "$ #  $   $



`a $

the, 135 W hite tone and throatiness, 74-75,

technic vs. age, 271 221, 235

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