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the new

NO Cconcentrating mill of the

silver king coalition
coalie on mines company
by arthur 0 gates aaning me-
ale- light to where it can be best utilized
chlorides and so far no commercial
anical engineer in the salt lake
chanical one who has been in the older wood- ing these carbonate ores
mining review of 0 december
Be cember 15 1 i en mills of ot the
tha district including the method has been found torfor float
1921 millI which burned down on this prop-
in 1

erty will appreciate the wide diffu- sobie OF THE FLOW SHEET
the silver king coalition sion of0 unobstructed daylight through gli PEl
co mcany at park city is now rapid- out the
company lie plant as compared with the
ly completing the new concentrating old mills
th the flow sheet accompanying this
obstructed light diffusion article shows the tha various machines
mill to replace the old mill which was caused chiefly by large wooden posts
totally destroyed by flie and their part in the beno fatio 11
file on january sandd the rather inefficient dormer
0of the ore and as this Is fairly self
27 1921 windows built into the sloping loot explanatory detailed explanation of
this new mill presents no striking by utilizing simpler heavier and the various steps in the process Is
or novel feature but is nore hardly necessary some points how-
more modern machinery the new
lather tile
the embodiment 0of the best ever in connection with the flow
mill will contain a plant capacity
practice of 0 the park city district as sheet may be of interest
tons per 24 hours in about
gradually developed during twenty of under the fine ore bins are steel
six years experience in treating these one half the floor space of the older chutes leading to thel the 18IS in belt
ores however advantage was taken mm mill wh whichch had a capacity of about
ee ders the chutes open the bottom
of the opportunity to incorporate me tons per 24 hours launder dis-
of the bin almost the full length of
ch anical and constructive features tances
chanilal lees are shorter and there la is more
room tor for the repairs the fei eder in order that the full
which we were
re u nknown or unproved weight of the ore over the long slot
when the original mill was built and
to make such changes in tile
oars AND
OF OR it may be taken from the belt of the
the if 0w feeder there Is a slot in the side sida of
sheet as experimental work carried car ried of
to completion just pervious to the
the chute through which may be in-
the ores of this propertyprop eity serted of in timber con-
fire had indicated as mn rovIng op- from limestone beds park citycome tinuously or in part so that the belt
erat for-
ions mation the gangue material being is relieved from weight and wear
the new plant Is thoroughly mod- sl al licious limestone of various per- but the feed may be taken from any
ern designed tor cen
for low operating anil centages of silica during 1920 portion of the bin along the feeder
low maintenance costs tor for economical about tons of first class ore slot it is probable some sav-
abla that borne
extraction of lor the com- was produced which went direct to
ot values and for ing in power Is affected along with
fort and efficiency of the the smelter and was sold tor for approxi- the saving in wear by this arrange-
no questions of mill site were seri- mately in the same period ment
ously considered in connection with about tons of second class ore
his new plant the old site was was milled to produce about
the large number of feeder open-
ings lain both coarse and fine ore bins
utilized it was close to the mine in- tons of concentrates which sold for and the arrangement of the go open-
volving a very short haul for the approximately the ratio
tho ings is such that the bins can be
mine carf which are loaded under- of concentration has been about 65
I1 55 emptied with very little hand labor
ground and hoisted it was close to to one
the companas
comp anys aerial tramway which of the second class or milling ores the decision to use a gyratory
carried tile companys sm
the com smelling
elting ores about two thirds are sulphide and crusher instead of a blake was made
and concentrates over the mountain one third carbonate upon the basis of certain desired
to tile
the railroad yards of iari city sorted underground the ores are conditions which were laid down to
and again in begin with and it was found that
and which carries back coal and sup- tile the coarse crushing section of
plies there is a plentiful supply of mill where the large pieces of the the gyratory gave the greater ca
fbirst of a given product than the
blake which could crush down to the
small size to which it was desired desire
to go in this first crushing ope operation
A merrick conveyor is at-
tached to the belt which conveys the tha
ore from the fine ore bins to the
X ig
first sizing screen the weight is
recorded upon a dial similar to a
gas meter from which it Is entered
tl upon the records at stated intervals
lea aa
1 0 oil
I1 A merrick conveyor Is at-
I tached to the belt which conveys the
in 12
ore from the fine ore bins to the
first sizing screen the weight is
recorded upon a dial similar to a
gas meter from which it Is entered
upon the records at stated intervals
part of the belt conveyor two ot or
general view of the three rolls ig 1I
cal ried h mhd p
siler king
kin Cmil idon mines new
form of the cal
ing plant lee 2a pulley in con
fact with ibe belt gives the necessary
ah the

water available alii

and tile sloppill
the alo rotation to the mechanism a small email
iii class ore ana and oior waste are picked flat belt driven from the above Is in
eide gave the fall considered neces-
side from the conveying bbelt
sary for mills of this type and elt it will be contact with rollers placed inthy
disposal of tailings Is adequately pro-
noted la in the flow sheet that the sul-
periphery of a disc when there la
phide and carbonate ores are kept is
vided for separate in both the course and fi do load to accle
BO deflectt dit mcw b eam the
t e belt on thesetheae rollers does not move
STEEL AND CONCRETE OON CON bins it la Is necessary to treat mbeni
separately to obtain best results it
I1 the disc but as soon as aa load comes
throughout Is the practice to run as long as pos- to deflect the scale beam the disc
the new building is of steel and sible on one of these classes of
tire Is deflected and the movement 0of
0 ore the belt on the rollers rotates the
concrete construct
iou throughout until the supply in the mill Is ex-
with galvanized corrugated rooting hausted then clean up and start in disc and the amount of rotation
and sides the wallswalla and floorsfloor of on oil the other class it la Is because of
translated into tons is what the disc
reinforced concrete and presents a this condition that the bin capacity records on the dial
very attractive appearance the ore knust be so BO large the combined ca- CRUSHING AND JIGGING

bins are of heavy reinforced con pacity of the coarse and fine ore
crulo construction if very large cai PEA TURKS
ca bins being in the neighbor
i neighborhood
hood of
lacity as required tor for their condl
condi 1

tons nearly ten days supply the aills chambers rolls are
eions the general type of this con in tua the changes from one class of ore very massive in appearance with long
st ruction is shown in the illustra- to the other the jigs are practically bearing surfaces and large lubricat-
tions all concrete walls have been unaffected whereas it is necessary ing pockets
brush coated
the full mill capacity
with cement which to make various adjustments on the demands of these rolls between fif-
out form irregularities and tables teen and thirty tons per hour de-
greatly improves the appearance
appe araCe ot of in a portion of the comp anys an- pending upon how much of tile
companas the
thia work
this the rock and sand for nual report given later in the article crushed product passes the 7 16 lu ln
concrete came from the mine the it will be noted
that the extraction screen and how much Is circulated
sand being nearly pure com- from the
carbonate ores la is consider- as oversize from the same screen
ing from a fractured boue zone and screen- ably lower than that from the suli sul the theoretical capacity of these

ed before using aphides from the flow sheet it will rolls crushing to 1 2 in is about
the lighting of the plant laIs par- be noted tile the carbonates do not go tons per hour at 67 r in at which
ticul arly good numerous windows be-
ticularly bo- to flotation much of the silver in it runs it was decided to use larger
ing well placed tor for getting tle day these ores being in the form of rolls folla than might be considered feces
sary to keep down the cost of
steel and the tha delays incident to
changes of 0 steel and other repairs rB
this Is in keeping with the general
practice of tha larger milling plants
ot the
following the rolls with their 7 18
I inch screen and just before jigging

4 1 the ore Is sampled for the head bead

tal sample this Is the logical place tor for
sampling when the material is at its
smallest size before any separations
yom ot mineral from gangue are made
or the smallest reliable sample can
take at this point
be taken
I1 1I
the screen
tile which had
been standard at park city tor for years
have been discarded in favor of ot the
inclined vibratory screens which
eel ore
8 ca to
toufic 0 iid
ii d jig Ta illing bins
is Ti also have become popular in the last few lew
skeleton 0of baill building
Bull tUng continued on page throe
new concentrating mill of the these tests it la
Is not desirable to its
cuss the machines their similarities
and differences etc at tills time
this ta
silver king coalition mines go
but 11
to 11
leave that tor
far future publica-
the writer ot
of this article who Is
somewhat known in connection with
a method 0of crushing analysis which
continued from page one angle of about 16 15 degrees3 the ef
feet 0of the swirl Is delree
was has been used
aed by a number of
years ilie hummer type
re the adopt very evident on 0 op-
aich the screen cloth is vi- or erators
era tors rather hesitates to pass the
I1 d
in which the surface of
0 the water above it subject otof these tests without com-
beck and forth by means of
grated hack
brated 0 is through this rising swirl
current magnet coarser particles tall that the ment these teststeats are to determine
analyses of products fromthe to
screen which of
the jigs are orof the hartz type
will be built along the lines 0
atz I1

a six com
ment classifier used in the test
plicable to
machines Is most ap-
10 the conditions which will
j hill
gild prevail in the silver king mill and
ga formerly used which were
abe jigs
work in the old mill indicate
the which may or may not be
all jigs are to havo
have good character ot ba applicable
ti factory of its work to other milling conditions
the first pair will there
UKfo compartments
side discharge
tate aid
1310 the balance will ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTS
ill charge through they
discharge the hutch spigot no
groups 1 2 3 4
fill be in of two handling plus 20 mesh 5 6
except that there
45 10 01
b eanie product
same 60 mesh
66 08 vi
e group offour treating the
tour I1
plus mesh 97
cill be a
fill 0
plus 64
tees from the tho cone shown mesh 33
fleese jigS feed alinus mesh
the speeds 15 40 90
on flow sheet
na jig screen sizes as used in the
id plant will
old be closely followed
roll owed
aich are as follows
R P al stroke screen
1 141 4 in 3 mesh
i 3344 in
ia 4 mesh
5 8 in 5 mesh
1 2 in 6 mesh
1 14
1 4 in 6 mesh lai

one feature of0 park city practice
commentt and that is the
aserves comme
be ot
se tiling bins which provide
of jig tailing
borage and control 01 of feed to the
grinding machines it might be
died here that this mill Is section
lazed horizontally that is there
a coarse crushing unit with bins
reinforcing in concrete ore bins before ing concrete
ili lowing a roll and jig section wi th
ins is following and a rearing and
callow tra traveling
I1 velling belt screens is the matter of ot capacity of oc water
which were found satisfactory in the of the screen analysis ot of teed
feed and
ible section with auxiliary floa tion
flo atlon
old mill will be used nith the closed discharge ol the undersize fin the
irr part of 0 the ores in a mill ot of
circuit in connection with the re oversize ot of the circulating teedfeed otof
iteis size there would be little ad
grinding mills they give sufficient the toughness or hardness ot of the ore
altage ot
antage of two or more sections
separation of the oversize from the and the capacity at maximum attl
vertically sectionalized the ad undersize in the sizes and capac ties clency ot
capacities of the combined mill and
intake ot of being able to shut down required in these operations auxiliaries upon those particular
half capacity would be offset by
halt ores
a9 greater number of concentrating TABLE WORK AND FINK FINE
in connection with the tine fine grind-
bles and other units required to GRINDING ing machines space has haa been pio

re the treatment oa on closely sized

about the only feature in con- divided

aided torfor additional machines as

inducts with the bin arrangement nection with the table work which wen well as additional sizing or
Is possible to operate any horl hori might call tor for comment is the elim- apparatus in the event of 0 future de-
lital section during temporary ination of classifiers between groups velopments either in the mine or in
at down ot
ill of other sections at full of tables for division of the first table the art ot or flotation
lacity and at maximum efficiency into sizes fortor retreat mert particularly making it advantageous
Is expected that the tha roll aud
and div now the from talles to completely or partially slime the
action will be augmented by an which have the same feed go to a ore
set of rolls in parallel it seems hardly possible that
third table which retreats these any scheme ot of fine grinding with
ita the other set only one to be
ith plato
plat o and difley tables are flotation is going to do better work mer screens W S tyler company
withth a small grinding mill to reduce tons of coarse material which is add-
sed at a time used the flow sheet shows a small pon stimon equip-
upon the coarse grains ol
U of mineral the plus 60 mesh table feed of the re grinding mills
ed to the teed diester plato
plat o tables stimson
the drag classifier or group of tables the use tor for which is which are now saved in jigs in any
the 9 tons of minus ISO called ment co callow screens gallgher
inot to flotation sizes these constitute
places the old paddle wheel de not exactly determined but which event the increased use ot fine grind-
of tine Is augmented by 58 tons machinery company callow flota-
the contemplated flotation unit it slime
cater which were satisfactory tn
ill will be used either with those group- ing machines all through the min-
will not be installed until the bal- ot slime from the fine grinding mills
of tion cells general engineering com-
he older and smaller
ia mill this ed from a given spigot or tor for other ing industry may show a way where- Is in operation
ance 0of the mill la racking a total of
making 0 tons of slime pany steel building J J burke
rag is of the familiar type with purposes as the operator finds ad- by better results may be obtained the distribution of the recoveries to be treated the table concen- co engineers and the kansas city
lel vant ageous the pilot table shown through additional grinding
igle iron bolted at intervals to belt vantageous
vant in the mill Is interesting the follow- trates amount to 50 tons and the structural steel company concrete
it will have larger
11 capacity both cin in has no function as a gravity conce- FLOTATION
I1 raO TATION PLANT ing being based upon the test results conce nitrates to 35 tons the
slime concentrates bins designed by J J burke
ore dins burka
ie watering jig tailings and overfloww ntrator other than to indicate or obtained in the old mill out of total concentrates tons per co and erected by company
rough assay the character of the distribution OF recoveries
ban the older machine ot mill feed of sulphide ores
tons of BULLING operations ANALYZED
the flotation plant will be com- the of the silver king

work on the flotation machines organization ot

the hydraulic classifiers are aro of 0 56 tons plus 20 minus 7 16 in goes I1 I1

kasten type with Is not expected to make a saving ively simple as it is expected
paratively 1I
to the jigs from which tons of ina connection with the 1920 an- coalition
1 1
mines company responsi-
the familiar
tte spitz
boxes two types of fine
tine grinding ma- that not over 10 per cent of the ex- concentrates are produced leaving nual report of the silver king coali- for this undertaking consists of
ble tor
special hydraulic discharge mine manager al J dailey general
for pre traction will be made in this depart- tion mines company the following

leve lopea by the silver king operat-

developed opera- chines have been installed tor tons to go into the jig tall
tail bins
ment in only treating those slimes superintendent forrest Ala mathez mill

tailings treatment ground tons of minus

minue pratlie n teresting figures on mill-
ratherr interesting
A short length 0of pipe from paring the jig
ors for to be reground
Te 35 tous
box carries upon the tables and notation ap- from sulphide ore which cannot easi- 20 plus 15 0 go to the sand jigs 0st are taken from the report
ing costs foreman J A tallon together with
the bottom of
tie 0 the wood ot erection
the company upon expects to ly be caught upon the tables A
of which goes to the classifiers cf forrest mathez superintendent
if ill G heltzman engineer of
it its lower end the usual wood spi paratus pa ratus
para tua most oi ito
and H K webb designing engineer
comparative tests these calloy rougher cell a callow clean- after removing concentrates and 93 to the general manager
sol surrounding it Is a cast iron make
ot ore er cell with the auxiliary apparatus recently added to the staff
box into which the hydraulic water two machines cost per ton of gulij OPERATING COSTS W mont ferry vice president and
of tha
the for thickening and circulating filter
pro- lor
Is introduced
this water goes into ground and character being most ing and loading the concentrate and total cost managing director and F J west
the9 pipe or neck of the classifier duct slime etc
01 ac- pilot table to indicate the chara-
oi tonr
tons curc
produced cost per iton
alerton coil secretary naturally have been
placed tang- important milled
through a small nozzle 0 cter of the work being done together
in close touch with all otof these oper-
mtlally and pointed upwards at an count ot
entially of the competitive nature 23 5
i tons
ions mined
milled oz
0 agg lbs ph conets oz ag
AS lb
lbs ab

0 s ORE sulphide 4 1 6 1 1 57
Z is co NATO
10 2020 carbonates 1

ratio ag
As ph
construction saving saving
I1 A sulphide 51 to 1 1 per centt per cent
carbonate to 1 per cent per cent
average to 1 per cent per cent

the above figures aie based upon power per dally

daily ton this Is adall
actual concentrates shipped to the compared with some mills but it
smelter in 1920 in addition to the should be noted that those h igh
g h pow-
concentrates shipped to the smell er mills do very tine
fine grinding where-
a middling product was made as in this plant there is little fine
CHIP scat which was afterward marketed this grinding necessary
had the effect of increasing the ex- equipment tor
for this plant has been
traction upon the sulphide ore to furnished as foll
olys crusher and
about 81 per cent rolls allis chalmers arg co ball
3 an
it should be faither in con- mill the harding company marcy
nection with the above figures that
holler mill and wilfley tables mine
roller aline
the dallydaily run of the old mill was wa smelter supply company hum
about 70 tons per day which in a
capable of handling
day has the eeffect effect of increasing the
tons ter

cost per ton by putting overheads overhead3

0 upon a rmuch uch smaller tonnage tn in ad-
dition there was the additional ex-
pense involved in starting up clean-
ing up etc all of which kept costs
up shortage of mine and h n lll la-
rsm 0 bor was the reason lor for the small
tonnage milled
this new mill will have about
oar it p of motors connected ot of which
the tourfour arger
1 rolls
motors on the roald
u sher and tine
cr fine grinding mills are
of the wound motor type tor for ease
in starting without the use ot of fric
ob 0 uon hitches
ion clutches on the basis that a
sinla ilp ane grinding mill will br
sin alp bd inn
at a time and allowing tor for
mar Rl
margan of safety on some ot of the
motors the power requirement ap-
4S CO pears to be about one halt half horse

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