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1. Read the question very carefully a few times if you have to, to make
sure you completely understand the question.
2. Underline key words that you will use and paraphrase in your introduction.
3. Highlight the specific question(s) you must answer.
4. Think of your answer (personal opinion) to the question.
5. Now write your introduction:
1st sentence: Write about the general topic paraphrase the sentence
that introduces the question of the Task. You should write 1 2
sentences only.
Next sentence: Answer the question(s) asked in the Task. Try to write
it in 1 sentence. This is your opinion and heart of your essay. A
great way to write this is to follow this format:

Although [insert claim made in task question], I think

While [insert claim made in task question] , I believe/ agree/

disagree/ feel
Here are some examples:
Some people feel that competitive sports, both team and individual, have no place
in the school curriculum. How far do you agree or disagree?
My introduction:
Competitive sports, such as basketball, soccer and track have become a
regular part of daily life for school children. While some people feel that it
should not be included in the school curriculum, I strongly feel that
competitive team and individual sports should definitely be a part of the
school curriculum.

1. First sentence introduced competitive sports in school I referred to team
(basketball, soccer) & individual (track) sports
2. I used the While, I think construction. I clearly state my position and
answer the question How far do you agree or disagree?

The number of elderly people in the world is increasing. What do you think are the
positive and negative effects of this trend?
My introduction: (Note, I actually read a news article about our population a few
weeks before writing this! So, bonus lesson learned here keep reading!)
This year we are going to reach a total global population of 7 billion people. In
about 14 years the population will increase to 8 billion. This growth, especially
of elderly people, is becoming more of a concern as there will undoubtedly not
only be positive effects but negative effects as well.
1. I wrote 2 sentences to introduce the topic of growing population.
2. I specified elderly people and referred to both positive and negative effects,
which is answering the question. It is only a discussion question of
examining both sides.
Now you try:
In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to
move to regional areas outside the big cities.
Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

Write your 1st sentence about the topic.

Your second sentence answering the question.

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