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Realistic conflict theory (initialized RCT), also known as realistic group conflict theory

(initialized RGCT), is a social psychological model of intergroup conflict. The theory explains
how intergroup hostility can arise as a result of conflicting goals and competition over limited
resources, and it also offers an explanation for the feelings of prejudice and discrimination
toward the outgroup that accompany the intergroup hostility.Groups may be in competition for a
real or perceived scarcity of resources such as money, political power, military protection, or
social status. Feelings of resentment can arise in the situation that the groups see the competition
over resources as having a zero-sums fate, in which only one group is the winner (obtained the
needed or wanted resources) and the other loses (unable to obtain the limited resource due to the
"winning" group achieving the limited resource first). The length and severity of the conflict is
based upon the perceived value and shortage of the given resource. According to RCT, positive
relations can only be restored if superordinate goals are in place.
Muzafer Sherif is a famous social psychologist important to the psychological understanding of
groups and its members. His main contribution is known as Realistic Conflict Theory, and
accounts for group conflict, negative prejudices, and stereotypes as being the result of
competition between groups for desired resources. Sherif validated his theory in one his most
famous experiments, "The Robber's Cave". Sherif argued that intergroup conflict (i.e. conflict
between groups) occurs when two groups are in competition for limited resources. This theory is
supported by evidence from a famous study investigating group conflict: The Robbers Cave
Poate competitia in sine sa produca ostilitatea intre grupuri competitoare?
Muzafer Sherif experiment de teren in cadru natural

3 saptamani tabara de vara din Robbers Cave State Park, Oklahoma

baieti de 12 ani, neagresivi
2 grupuri randomizat impartite vulturii si galagiosii

Trei faze:
1. intarirea sentimentului de cooperare si coeziune (grupurile erau separate)
2. Lansarea grupurilor in competitive

jocuri sportive cu un singur castigator

petrecerea la care un grup a ajuns mai devreme si a mancat tot cee ra mai bun

polarizare, stereotipizari ale celuilalt grup, judecati de personalitate, dar si de performanta si

competenta (fiecare grup a supraapreciat performanta proprie)
3. Eliminarea ostilitatii

colaborarea pt indeplinirea unui scop comun, interactiunea direct apt un scop aflat in
exteriorul grupurilor/ scop supraordonat (conducta de apa rupta, camion intepenit in

Masurarea variabilelor: Observatii, interviuri din partea administratorului Sherif

John Duckitt (1994) argues there are two types of realistic conflict, depending on whether or not
the two groups have equal power. Standard Realistic Conflict is between two peer groups who
are equal but competing. Sometimes an ingroup will be in conflict with an outgroup that has low
status and isnt a real threat. This is domination of the outgroup by the ingroup. The dominated
group might accept their inferior status or might resent it. The powerful ingroup decides whether
the rebellion is unjustified (leading to prejudice) or justified (leading to social change).
Gordon Allport (1954) proposed the Contact Hypothesis, which says that the more contact
people have with outgroups, the more their prejudices will be reduced. This is called the
reconceptualization of group categories. Allport agrees with Sherif that the groups must work
together towards superordinate goals, but also with Duckitt that the groups need to have equal
status when they meet. He adds that there needs to be personal contact between the groups they
have to mingle and get to know each other to challenge stereotypes. Another factor is the support
of the authorities for the meeting you cant have authority figures opposing the contact.

So what???
Sherif demonstrated the power of superordinate goals to reduce conflict in the Robbers Cave
study (1954). When the Eagles and the Rattlers had to work together to fix a water pipe and
choose movies to watch, the hostility between the groups lessened.
There are real world projects to do the same thing. The European Union was formed to make a
future war in Europe impossible by getting European countries to work towards superordinate
goals through trade and moving labour forces. The Olympic Movement also tries to promote
peace by getting countries to share superordinate goals of sporting achievement that will make
them less likely to compete over resources. + multicultural education

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