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J. P.

Costs of Growing Paperwhites!

Cost of Raw Materials
You will be looking up the prices of different materials we need to grow our
paperwhites. The websites and information you should be searching are listed below.
1.) Cost of paper white bulb: $6.98 / 8 = $0.87
a.) Go to and search for paperwhite bulbs.
2.) Cost of rocks per pound: $5.48 / 5 = $1.10
a.) On search for polished rocks.
3.) Cost of glass pint jars: $9.26 / 12 = $0.77
a.) On search for wide mouth pint jars.
Total Pounds of Rocks
1.) Pounds of rocks needed: .25 lb x 200 = 50 lbs

Cost per Paperwhite Jar

Now that you know the costs of your raw materials, you need to determine how
much it will cost to grow a single paper white. Each jar will contain: one paperwhite bulb,
.25lbs of polished rocks, and one jar.
1.) Cost of one paperwhite: $0.87
2.) Cost of .25 lb of rock: $1.10 / 4 = $0.28
3.) Cost of one jar: $0.77
4.) Cost of growing one paperwhite: $0.87 + $0.28 + $0.77 = $1.82

Total Pounds of Rocks

2.) Pounds of rocks needed: .25 lb x 200 = 50 lbs

Total Costs of Paperwhite Project

We are planting a total of 200 paperwhites. Now that you know the cost to grow a
single paperwhite. Determine the total cost for the entire 7th grade to grow paperwhites.
1.) Cost of growing paperwhites: $1.82 x 200 = $364

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