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Afr ikan s, Us





Ab r o a d

The Black Voice


Our untold Story

Vol. 1. # 1.

Sept. 2008

Organ of the Royal Black House



We are at


Leopold II, King of the Belgians
Killed 10 Million Afrikans
In Congo


Murderer and Criminal

Read his Speech to white Christian Missionaries he sent to Congo Inside



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On Spirituality
The Temple of the Most High begins with the human body which
houses our life, the essence of our existence. Afrikans are in bondage
today because they approach Spirituality through religion provided by
foreign invaders and conquerors. We must stop confusing religion and
Spirituality. Religion is a set of rules, regulations and rituals created by
humans, which were supposed to help people to grow Spiritually. Due to
human imperfection religion has become corrupt, political, divisive and a
tool for power struggle. Spirituality is not theology or ideology. It is
simply a way of life, pure and original as was given by the Most High of
Creation. Spirituality is a network linking us to the Most High, the
universe and each other. As the essence of our existence, it embodies our
Culture, true Identity, Nationhood and Destiny. A people without a
nation that they can really call their own is a people without a soul. Afrika
is our nation and is in Spiritual and physical bondage because Her leaders
are turning to outside forces for solutions to Afrikan problems when
everything Afrika needs is within her. When Afrikan righteous people
come together, the world will come together. This is our Divine destiny.
Kedamawi Haile Selassie I



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Ab r o a d

Where fall the footsteps of the Master, the ears of those ready for his teaching open wide For over 6000 years now, the truth has been
deliberately hidden from the eyes of humanity,
especially black humanity. Many have been deceived
over the past centuries into believing that Europeans
are the gods of this world, that they should be
praised and worked for, because they are of the same
race as god (white jesus).
Through the awakening of the white man from the
caves and hills of Europe, came the utter destruction
of Black life, Black culture, Black spirituality and
Black governance. The white man arose from his
barbaric condition to devour the civilized Afrikans
who had informed him in the first place that there is
life outside of the caves, hills and ice-lands that he
had inhibited. Today, the billions of Black Afrikan
people here at home and those scattered abroad, are
sinking in a white mans ocean of confusion,
troubled with religions that do not liberate us or give
us any form of true spiritual salvation, and white
mans politricks. We are totally lost amidst the mass
of European religious superstition, cults, creeds and
gods. We are victims of over 6000 years of slavery,
brutality, brainwash, colonization, invasion and
destruction at the hands of white man1 from Europe.
All careful observers and Black revolutionaries in
this 21st Century can see that the Black Family is still
struggling to get back its sovereignty, get back its
spirituality, and get back its ancient cultures,
traditions and knowledge systems. Infact, the Black
Family is struggling to get its soul back, to get its life
back, to get its very own Being back. It is so difficult
because the white man has built artificial mountains
before our way, so that it becomes difficult for us to
reach our desired destiny. He has built systems and
created theories that hold and govern our deepest
being. He has created religions, political systems and
ideologies so diverse and in conflict with each other,
just so as to confuse humanity, especially Black
Afrikan humanity. Some say dont blame the white
man for all the Black mans miseries and
frustrations because its not all white people that
killed, raped and robbed Afrikan people and stole
their land, wealth and knowledge. These people say
we must blame the system, as though the system

By man We also refer to the wo-man, since we are all human. So there is no partiality in us using that word.
It includes both European oppressive species.

Tau Tau Haramanuba

itself is colourless or without specific originators. But

We say all white people are part of the system.
Infact white people are the system. When there
were no white people here, there was no system for
us to fight. The system came when white people
came here, it is theirs and it serves their interests,
feeds their hunger for oppressing others and satisfies
their thirst for blood, especially Black Blood. They
have killed the flesh all the Black Afrikan
Revolutionary Warriors who have fiercely revealed
these Truths, but they have not managed and never
will manage, to kill the spirit of Resistance and
Revolution that lives within oppressed humanity.
But there are those few Black faithful Soldiers who
have kept the Flame of revolution burning, tending it
carefully, not allowing its light to become
extinguished. Thanks to these staunch hearts and
fearless minds, we still have the Truth with us. But it
is not found in books most times. It has been passed
along from corner to corner, street to street, from
generation to generation. This is a compilation of
thoughts, views, visions, ideals, missions and ideas of
Black Afrikan youth. This is not a mikey-mouse, bitaround-the-bush, politically correct publication. This
is a publication of Truth in relation to the Black
Family. This is a collection of the most sincere and
legitimate views and cries of Black people.
We hope that this publication becomes like a weapon
in your hands, a weapon to kill the lies and deception
of Afrikas enemies. History is a weapon, and this
publication is an instrument of history. The words
recorded here shall outlive the generations of corrupt
and ignorant man because Truth cannot be bound by
time and space. Every generation has a battle to fight,
and this is a Sword for the Black Family, to destroy
the lies that form the stronghold of the enemy.
Let those who have ears hear, and those who have
eyes behold

T H E B L A C K S TO R Y...



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Ab r o a d

the Blackmans story:

by son of the soil

We Are At War: Ras honourebel

AIDS is a weapon: Imhotep

Black Must
Be Free

Propaganda: Marcus Moziah Garvey

Kwaanza Black Family Holiday: By black house
Self knowledge is medicine for Afrophobia: by ras. honourebel
Speech by Leopold, King of Belgium to Missionaries: by revealer

Health Consciousness: by monomatapa

One God! One Aim! One Destiny!



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By: Son of the Soil
Our Story has never been told. Our suffering has
never been acknowledged. Our oppression has never
been accounted for. The truth has been deliberately
hidden from us. Afrika is deprived by Her enemies
of the Justice She rightfully deserves. This, is our
Black Story
The white man has
It is about time that we
sucked the Black
Black people realize who we
mans blood like a
true vampire, eaten
are in this world. We must
up our raw flesh,
know our place in this world.
burnt our Black
How could we forget so
bodies for their
quickly, so easily, the story
entertainment, raped
of our planned genocide, the
Black Mothers and
story of our suffering, the
Black Sisters in
story of our oppression? How
barbaric sexual lust,
could we forget so ignorantly
robbed, stolen and
who our enemies are?
looted everything out
of the Black Family,
The white race has waged a
destroyed Black
homes, destroyed
war of genocide against the
Black indigenous
Black man, woman and child
from the very moment they
set foot on Afrikan soil. The
practises, beliefs,
white man has killed and
values and norms;
butchered Black People
replacing everything
mercilessly, without any
Black and Afrikan
regret, without no apology
with all that is white
and without any repentance.
and European. The
The white man has sought to
white man has
wipe off Black People from
slaughtered Billions
the face of the earth, to
of innocent Afrikan
exterminate the Black Race,
lives. History
just as they did with the Red
Indians (Arawak Indians) of
America and with the Black
Aboriginals of Australia. Until this day, the white man has not
repented from his evil plan against Afrika and Black People of
the world. He continues exploiting and oppressing Afrikan people

today, robbing Afrikan people of our Land, Resources, Cultures,

Traditions, Morals, Folkways and our very own Being. The white
man still sees the Black Man as an inferior sub-human being,
an unevolved savage, a third-class citizen, a third-world
citizen, an underdeveloped kaffir. To the white people of this
world the Black Man is nothing but cattle, a horse, a donkey, an
animal to be used, misused and abused in building and
expanding the European BLOODY empires and economies. To them
the Black Man is a tool, an inanimate instrument or object to be
thoroughly exploited, humiliated then rejected.
The white man is a cold-hearted being, a heartless being; one
who has systematically killed, raped, murdered, slaughtered,
butchered and sucked the life out of the Black Family for the
last eight hundred (800) to two thousands (2000) of years. The
white man has sucked the Black mans blood like a true
vampire, eaten up our raw flesh, burnt our Black bodies for their
entertainment, raped Black Mothers and Black Sisters in barbaric
sexual lust, robbed, stolen and looted everything out of the Black
Family, destroyed Black homes, destroyed Black indigenous
traditional cultures, religions, morals, practises, beliefs, values
and norms; replacing everything Black and Afrikan with all that
is white and European. The white man has mercilessly
slaughtered Billions of innocent Afrikan lives. History provides
enough evidence for this. All the facts about the white mans
barbarism are recorded for all generations to read and know.
This white beast has imprisoned and locked our foreparents in
chains like dogs for centuries, selling Black bodies in white
wicked markets, believing that Blacks were nothing but animals
or entities to be bought and sold as they please. He has robbed
the Black Family of our human dignity, using us as equipment
and machinery to build their bloody European industries and
economies. This is the real truth about the white man. This is
the real identity of the white man. He has totally stripped us
naked off the knowledge of ourselves, robbed and stolen our
land, robbed us of our cultures, robbed us of our traditions and
social systems. The white wicked man has robbed us of our very
own Being.
Today, Black people are like programmed machines, looking up to
the same evil and oppressive white enemy for solutions and

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answers to our problems. Yet white people are responsible for all
the problems facing Black People. In fact, white people are the
actual problem facing Black People; they are the main problem,
the primary problem of Black people wherever we are in this
world. White people are the greatest problem in the whole face
of the world. History has got a clear record of this fact. It
cannot be disputed nor questioned. It must be clear to all that
white people are all an integral part of the oppressive and
barbaric system of white supremacy, consciously or
unconsciously. All white
people are beneficiaries
Whether you are a
from the Black Maafa
Christian or Muslim,
(slavery), colonialism and
communist or
neo-colonialism. They all
socialist, capitalist or
have gained from the Black
democrat, Marxist or
Mans suffering. They have
Leninist, rich or
all been enriched by the
poor; just as long as
stolen wealth and resources
you are a Black Man
of Black People. These are
or a Black Woman,
facts of history, facts that
the white man is your
cannot be challenged or
deadly enemy.
disputed in any way by
any so-called European
Sadly, many Black People (mentally colonized) tend to think that
we (Black People) cannot survive without the enemy, without the
white man, without the oppressor, without the evil settler
colonists. Many of our own Black Brothers and Sisters look up to
the white devil as the god of this world. I say white devil
because that is exactly what the white man has proved himself
to be over the last thousand years we have been under his
wicked rule and oppression; a true devil in flesh. Only a devil
can put Black Man and Women in chain like dogs and cattle.
Only a devil can mercilessly slaughter millions of Black People
without repentance, shame or any feelings of remorse or guilt.
Only a devil can create all kinds of sophisticated weapons to
destroy innocent lives of Black People. Only a devil can do these
things. These Black Brothers and Sisters forget too quickly that
this white god they worship so much has mercilessly
slaughtered, lynched, imprisoned, poisoned, tortured, enslaved,
murdered, raped, colonized, robbed and killed Millions of innocent
Black People all over the world, in their quest for power,
superiority and world dominion. Many of our own have been
turned into willing slaves in their own oppression, without
consciousness of who they are, without knowledge of who their
friends or enemies are, without a vision for themselves nor the
ability to think as liberated or independent Beings. These
Brothers and Sisters only know how to obey and to serve the
oppressor, how to give services to white people, labouring for
them in their white bloody companies. No self-determination at
all! No self-reliance at all! No independence at all! You cannot be
independent and yet remain dependant, dependant upon the same





Ab r o a d

wicked oppressor, the same wicked enemy, the same wicked

robber, the same wicked killer, the same wicked colonist. Is that
liberation? Is it independence? Is it freedom? Is it what our
Foreparents sacrificed their lives for? How pathetic! How
shameful! Where is the Spirit and Mind of the Black Man? Where
is our Intelligence and Wisdom in all this? Truly, a people
without knowledge of themselves are like a tree without roots, a
tree without fruits, a body without a Soul or Life, an empty
Black Man and Black Woman, wake up from your dead sleep!
Realize your enemies and know yourself. The white man has
proved himself historically and presently to be your one and
only deadly enemy. Capitalism is not your main enemy.
Unemployment is not your main enemy. Poverty is not your main
enemy. Crime is not your main enemy. Illiteracy is not your
main enemy. Your one, true and main problem and enemy is the
white man, the white man that has created all these hellish
conditions which we are now experiencing as Black People.
Whether you are a Christian or Muslim, communist or socialist,
capitalist or democrat, Marxist or Leninist, rich or poor; just as
long as you are a Black Man or a Black Woman, the white man
is your deadly enemy. Whether you like this or not does not
matter. Whether you agree with me or not does not matter.
Whether you believe me or not will not change the recorded
truths of history. What
really matters here is that
all that I am saying and
revealing about the white
man in relation to the
Black Man is absolutely
true, without a shadow of
doubt or falsehood. Check
the facts of history and
you will see that I am not
lying to you, nor am I
spreading hatred towards
white people. History will
provide you with a
crystal clear record of
what I say. I am simply an instrument in the hands of Black
Almighty to reveal that which has been hidden from you by the
deceitful and sneaky oppressor. All that which was hidden is
now revealed. White people have killed Millions of Black People
without pity or shame. They have beaten us down, torn our flesh
apart, drank our blood, cut off our heads, used our skulls as
trophies and symbols of white victory. The skulls and bones of
our Black Ancestors are still used today in Europe and America
by white people in satanic rituals. This is the Black story. The
education system will never teach you about this Story. The
religious system (church or mosque) will never teach you about
this Story. The political system (government) will never teach
you about this Story. The judicial system (justice) will never

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investigate this Story. The

propaganda system (media) will
never publish this Story. This is
because all these systems work
for the white man to keep you
(Black People) foolish and ignorant
of the truth and reality. These
systems serve the white man,
are his systems, designed for his
own convenience and benefit.
These are systems of white
supremacy, systems of white
power. They were designed for
the white man, not the Black
Man. The white man wants you
to be the cattle, zombie or robot
he has designed (taught) you to
be. So he uses his systems of
deceit to hide the truth from you, so

This is not a gospel

of dead hatred
towards white
people. I am not
preaching a gospel
of hate here. This is
a gospel of love,
love for Black
People, love for the
Black Story, absolute
love for the Black
Family. This is not
hate. This is love for
Self, since charity
begins at home.
White people are
what they are and
cannot be changed.
that his white lies may

I am simply exposing the evils of white supremacy, the evils of

white power, and the evil crimes of the wicked white man;
raising the mentally and spiritually dead People of the Black
Race who have been fed white lies for over a thousand years
now. This is not a gospel of dead hatred towards white people. I
am not preaching a gospel of hate here. This is a gospel of love,
love for Black People, love for the Black Story, absolute love for
the Black Family. This is not hate. This is love for Self, since
charity begins at home. White people are what they are and
cannot be changed. We just need to overstand them for what
they are in relation to us, an enemy. History will defend me
here. White supremacy must be exposed. It is everywhere and
its primary aim is to exterminate the Black Man, exterminate the
Black Woman and exterminate the Black Child. I am speaking
here of physical extermination, psychological extermination,
cultural extermination, spiritual extermination, moral
extermination, economic
extermination, genetic extermination
and various other forms of
extermination. The white man has
mastered the art of killing, the art
of extermination. He is busy day
and night in laboratories, in army
bases, in corporal offices, in
academic offices and in restaurants
devising more strategies, tactics
and tricks he will use to deceive you, enslave you, misuse you,





Ab r o a d

abuse you and then kill you on your retirement bed. When I
speak like this some will label me a racist, caught up in the
past, that these things Im saying have expired and that I
need to move on . They will accuse me of being a slave to the
past and will boast of how much things have changed and that
I must must move on and reconcile with them. These people
will go on to speak the lie that now we have gained
independence and we are all free. They will deceive many
Black People saying that we must integrate with the enemy,
that we must love the enemy more that we love ourselves, that
we need them more than they need us and that we cannot
survive without them. These people are the willing slaves of the
white man. They are what I know as Black-whites. Not knowing
themselves or the Black Story, they sell their own souls, they
betray their own struggle, and they become traitors to
themselves and their own people. How can you reconcile with
your enemy? How can you integrate with your enemy? How
does one begin to love his enemy more than he loves himself?
If this is not mental slavery, if it is not spiritual bondage, if it
is not the result of the
white mans colonization
and the white mans miseducation, then it must
definitely be pure madness,
pure insanity. Black People
must be suffering from
I say to you, Black People,
let us not be too quick to
forgive and forget. Let us
not be too easily
manipulated and fooled. Let
us not be deceived by the
devil in the name of Truth
Crucifixion of Black Men
and Reconciliation (TRC).
Let us not be too ignorantly assimilated and integrated with the
posterity of the enemy of our Foreparents. Let us remember who
we are as a People, remember what we have gone through, how
much we have suffered and how much we continue to suffer till
this very same day because of white people. Let us rise up from
our dead sleep, rise up from our beds and walk. Let us wake up
from the tomb in which the white man has buried us alive. Let
us resurrect into the Land of the living, the Land of the
thinking, the Land of the knowing. Realise that the white man is
the real cause behind all the damage, behind all the problems,
behind all the obstacles that stand in the way of our progress
and prosperity as a Nation. Black Man and Woman you are on
your own in this jungle; white supremacy is hunting you


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Ab r o a d

We Are At War


By: Ras. HonouRebel

This is an urgent call to the conscience of all Black people that you must
remember that we are at War. Our enemies are hard at work, devising more
tactics, more strategies and more tricks of destruction & deceit to keep us
apart, in bondage, in misery and in eternal servitude. This is a call urging
you all to realize and acknowledge that the crisis in Zimbabwe is a crisis for
all Afrika and it affects us all equally because we are all connected
spiritually to Zimbabwe, as with all Afrikan States, by virtue of our
indigenous Afrikan Identity. At this moment in history, I urge all of you
Black people to stand in remembrance of who the true enemy of Afrika is.
Lest we forget what our Black Ancestors died for
From the very moment the Europeans
They want puppet
(whites) landed in Afrika they have
leaders who will
committed biological, chemical, physical,
bow and nod to
spiritual and psychological warfare against
every command and
Afrikans (Blacks) with the intention to
order they set for
exterminate us. They have always strived
Afrika. Mugabe is
and toiled to reduce us to nothingness, to
true leader of
inferiority, to subhuman beings. The
Afrikan people in the
Europeans have always strived to be our
21st Century, who has
masters, our lords, our gods. They have
always believed in the inferiority of Black
represented the
people and the superiority of the Aryan
legitimate and
(white) race. They have committed
unprovoked wars against us, and they
continue waging war against us till this
wishes of a majority
day. Yet, like slaves, Black people continue
of Afrikan people
looking up to the enemy to provide us with
worldwide, not only
water, food, clothing, medical care,
in Zimbabwe.
shelter, transportation, communication,
salvation and direction. It seems as though the blood that was shed just
yesterday was not enough for a sacrifice for the liberation of Afrikan bodies,
minds and souls.
Let me remind you all that we have come a very long way. We have been to
hell and back. We have faced the devil face-to-face. We have faced brutality,
torture and humiliation. We have faced torment, pain and death. We have
been mercilessly slaughtered at the alter of white supremacy, and nailed to
the cross of European interests in Afrika. We have been indoctrinated,

brainwashed and systematically deculturalized. We have been wickedly

robbed, raped and dispossessed of our Ancestral homes. We have been
enslaved, bought, sold and resold like commodities and utilities in white
markets. We have been butchered and subjected to poverty and
wretchedness by an unjust, jealous, merciless, cruel, beastly, evil and
foreign set of beings always seeking after power, dominion and authority.
We have been through everything, and we still continue to go through the
destructive fire of white supremacy (Babilon).
Zimbabwe stands as a victim of this destructive fire. It is not Mugabe that
Europeans are demonising. It is not Mugabe that they are fighting. They are
fighting against Black Independence, Self-Reliance, Self-Determination, SelfActualization, Black Consciousness, Pan-Afrikanism, Black Afrikan
Nationalism and Afrikan Total Liberation. The root of the so-called crisis in
Zimbabwe is the land that was stolen and robbed by Europeans from
Afrikans. That was and remains the only cause for the demonization and
inferioration of Mugabe and his government. Even if Mugabe would step
down from government, the Europeans (called investors) would continue to
demonize any leader who would continue with the Land Program started by
Elder Mugabe. This is the actual crisis. It is only a crisis created by
Europeans to protect their economic interests and standards in Zimbabwe
and all Afrika. They want puppet leaders
who will bow and nod to every command
and order they set for Afrika. Mugabe is
one true leader of Afrikan people in the
21st Century, who has fearlessly
represented the most legitimate and
authentic aspirations and wishes of a
majority of Afrikan people worldwide,
not only in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe is not
an island in Afrika. An attack on
Zimbabwe is an attack on Afrika.
Hon. Elder Mugabe
Sanctions on Zimbabwe are sanctions on
Afrika. War on Zimbabwe is War on Afrika. That must be clearly overstood.
Black Afrika is for all Black Afrikans. Us at home, and those scattered
abroad. Four Hundred Million Black Warriors and Soldiers; ready to face the
enemy head on! This is Afrika, the Black Mans Land. We shall defend it.
Sons and Daughters of the Soil, our deepest hurt is beyond memory. As
Afrikans we should always remember that we are dealing with world rulers

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(the enemy) who would sell their own mothers and children for economic
profits and benefits. We must never forget that the Black Holocaust
one hundred million Black lives have been lost) continues today in a very
subtle manner. Those that govern the world are
supposed to be Christian or Men of God, wearing
Let us not
white suites and white ties they are worshipped and
forget, never
praised all over the world, while justice for Afrika is
ever forget,
swept under white carpets in white houses. It is so
we are at
heartbreaking and saddening to see Afrikan people
slandering, spitting, humiliating, scoffing, disowning,
supremacy runs
stoning and nailing to the cross their own leader, their
own reformer, their own liberator. It reminds me of the
every phase of
man Christ, who came to suffer for the liberation of his
the world we
people (Israelites), but his own people turned against
live in. It is our
him and stoned him, calling him a thief, liar, a
prime enemy,
menace to society, and they crucified him upon a cross
our enemy
number one.
for that which he stood for, truth, justice and
righteousness. Oh that we witness a Black Man
(Mugabe) once again standing before the judgement of
the world,




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being stoned, spat upon, humiliated, and the world calling crucify him,
kill him, hang him, save us from this vampire, just because he stands
for Afrika for Afrikans. Nevertheless, we would rather suffer as free men
and women, reliant upon ourselves, owning our own Land and resources,
than live in luxury as dependants, without Land, serving foreigners in our
Ancestral home.
The enemy of Afrika is one. It is global white supremacy, and it remains
clothed in white garments, feeding our minds with white lies. I pray to the
Black Afrikan Jah that Zimbabwe and Afrika overcome the negativity, the
propaganda, the deceit, the subjugation, the humiliation, the demonization,
the destabilization, the infiltration, the extermination, the exploitation, the
condemnation, the assimilation, the mis-education, the misconceptions,
Neo-Colonialism, Neo-Imperialism, Neo-Liberalism, White Western
Democratism, Capitalism, Euro-Communism, White Socialism, Nazism,
Fascism, Vampirism and Anglo Saxon American political Dragonism. Let us
guide our own destiny as Afrikans, knowing that Afrika is for all Afrikans,
us at home, and our People abroad. Let us not forget, never ever forget, that
we are at war. White supremacy runs throughout every phase of the world
we live in. It is our prime enemy, our enemy number one.

AIDS is a Weapon
By: ImHotep, Black Father of Medicine

In all history, there has never been deadlier a weapon than AIDS,
there has never been a people so committed to killing, and there have
never been targets (Black People) so ignorant of the demonic fate their
enemies have planned for them- Del Jones

The lies and deceit must end. We must

stop hiding the truth behind bushes or
swiping it under white carpets. AIDS is
a biological weapon of mass population
reduction, created deliberately by the
enemies of Afrika to depopulate the
Black Race for economic interests of
white people. AIDS is a weapon, a
genocide weapon. It was created at Fort
Detrick, a Bio-weapon laboratory in a
military base in America. The World
Health Organization (WHO) and the
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
created AIDS after it was requested by

Henry Kissinger
Many lies
in 1970 in a tophave been
secret document
called National
Many people
have been
(NSM200) as a
misled and
tool for
depopulation of
so-called Third
World countries.
This killer disPeople
ease, HIV/AIDS,
is man-made and was created by white
so-called scientists to kill millions of
innocent Black People for the
economic interests and benefits of the
few top white mafias who control the

governments of the world. There is

absolutely no mystery behind the
origins of this deadly dis-ease. In the
National Security Memorandum
(NSM 200) Henry Kissinger states that:
depopulation should be the highest

priority of U.S. Foreign Policy towards

the Third World. He goes on to say
the U.S. economy will require large
and increasing amounts of minerals
from abroad, especially from less
developed countries. Wherever a
lessening of population can increase
the prospects for such stability,
population policy becomes relevant to
resources, supplies and to the
economic interests of the United

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So, HIV/AIDS was created to lessen the

Black Afrikan
population for the POTENTIALLY
sake of the
interests of the
white people of
Europe and
In an article entitled W.H.O.
Murdered Africa, Dr. William
Campbell Douglas, M.D., reveals that:
HIV was produced (genetically
engineered) in 1974 by the World
Health Organization in a cold-blooded
successful attempt to create a killer
virus which was then used in a
successful experiment in Africa

In his research about HIV/AIDS, Dr.

Theodore Strecker explains how the
National Cancer Institute and
World Health Organization
combined two deadly retroviruses,

Bovine Leukaemia Virus and

Sheep Visna Virus, and injected

them into human tissue cultures.

According to Dr. Strecker the result of
this experiment was the AIDS Virus,
a 100% deadly human retrovirus. In
his research Dr. Strecker makes it very
specific that the creation of HIV/AIDS
was a deliberate act of biological
Warfare on Black Afrika. There is
no doubt that white supremacy has
created a weapon of mass silent
genocide to wipe out the population of
Black People. Del Jones, in his book
Black Holocaust, states that:
most of the Black Race is in
dastardly-deadly-denial in the face of
overwhelming evidence that AIDS is
the final solution to white supremacys
Black Problem, world population
problem and their psychotic fear of
genetic annihilation.

The evil oppressor has not changed his

wicked ways. The enemy has not
repented. Nothing has changed. In an
interview with FinalCall News, Dr. Boyd




Graves gives a detailed and scientific

explanation of how HIV/AIDS has
been designed to target specifically
people of colour (Black, Brown, Red &
Yellow). He states in
the interview that

HIV is synthetic, it
was developed over
a number of years
and it has affinity
for people of colour.

When asked to
Dr. Boyd Graves
explain what he
means by affinity for people of colour
Dr. Graves gives this reply:
The HIV enzyme seeks out a receptor
in the Black genome. The receptor site
is the CCR5 Delta 32+ (positive) Gene
that all Black people have. In the
same sense, on the other end of the
spectrum, is the 15% Caucasian (white)
population of the world, which is CCR5
Delta 32- (negative) Gene. That means
that under no circumstances, whether
HIV came through air, intravenous
drug usage or any form of the sexual
activity, would the virus be
transferable in this sector of the
worlds population, which is basically
of Northern European descent. It is
speculated by some experts that 85% of
the worlds population could
potentially perish under these designer
viruses and designer synthetic
biological agents. We are potentially
looking at the eradication of all Black

The evidence provides enough evidence

and proof that white people want to kill
us. Their racism, hatred and war
against us have not ended, and it seems
to me that it will never end. Their
tricks, lies and political vampirism still
continue today. In silence, with a smile
on their faces, they are mercilessly
killing us. They are killing Millions of
us day and night, second by second,
minute by minute. They created
HIV/AIDS as a weapon to depopulate
us because they want to maintain
power and control over the mass
population of our people and want to
increase their blood-dripping economies.
They say the lower the population of


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any country, the higher the economy of

that country will be, the lesser the
population, the greater the economy,
the fewer we are, the more we have to
share. So they deliberately kill Millions

of innocent people for the sake of profit.

The same people who created HIV/AIDS
are making enormous profits from the
pharmaceutical industry by selling drugs
(pills like AZT & Nevirapine) to the
victims of their evil scientific designs.
But the media will never reveal this
information to you. This is because the
media is also owned by the same white
supremacists that created HIV/AIDS.
They own and control all propaganda
tools. So they own your minds and
control the way you think. Everything
you know about HIV/AIDS comes from
them, the same people who created it to
destroy you. The same scientists who
created HIV/AIDS already have a cure.
That is why they can make a HIVpositive pregnant woman give birth to a
HIV-negative baby. When one is born,
one must die. Child is born, mother dies.
This is how they make sure that the
Black population does not rise, but is
kept as minimal as possible.
Many lies have been published about
HIV/AIDS. Many people have been
misled and misinformed about
HIV/AIDS. Especially Black People. Let
us remember the words of the devil,
P.W. Botha when in 1985 he said that
he and his scientists (like Woutter
Basson) were working on creating
chemical weapons to poison food and
drinks that are distributed in the Black
community. Botha made it clear that his
scientists were working on Biological
weapons, viruses and dis-eases that
could be used
against what
he called the
the Black Race.
Devils like
Bassoon and
Dr. Death,
Robert Gallo
Woutter Basson

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are examples of whites that are being

used by white supremacy to develop
deadly sophisticated weapons of the
latest and highest technology to kill and
exterminate the undesirables. Such is
the true nature of white power, the
nature of white racism, the nature of
white barbarism. European science and
the western medical system are out to
kill Black People. When they say to
you go get tested or know your
status, it is a psychological trick to
force you to go to their medical centres,
go to their hospitals or go to their
clinics to get HIV/AIDS injected into
your body. They inject the virus into
your body when you get tested. Most of
the needles used by the nurses and
doctors in these
medical centres,
hospitals or clinics
are infected with
nurses and doctors
may not know this
because they
believe that the needles are safe and
sterile since they are in new packages.
But the needles and test-kits they use
for testing HIV/AIDS are infected with
the virus. The same applies for the
condoms. Condoms also assist the white
supremacists in population control
because use of the condom reduces
chances of pregnancy. This is helpful
for the oppressor whose only interest is
the economy and profit. Remember that
the lower the population, the
higher the economy and the
greater the profits. So by
spreading the propaganda on television,
on radio, on news papers and on
magazines that condoms prevent
HIV/AIDS they psychologically force
you to use their deadly condoms.
Yet 5 out of 10 condoms are infected
with HIV/AIDS; especially the free
condoms distributed in hospitals, clinics,
schools, public toilets and other public
places. As much as 5 out of 10 Black
People that go for HIV/AIDS test comes
positive, also out of every 10 Black



people that use condoms, 5 are

definitely infected with HIV/AIDS. In
this regard Del Jones states that:
condoms will not prevent AIDS,
there are at least six different AIDS
viruses loose in the
worldgovernments all over the world
are spending millions of pounds
(dollars), advising their citizens to
prevent AIDS by using condoms on the
misrepresentation of scientific

Many other doctors have also revealed

that, contrary to what we have been
told by media and health publication,
HIV/AIDS can be carried by
mosquitoes and be transmitted
with the saliva. Craig Hulet, former
advisor to the National Security Council,
comments about HIV/AIDS that:
it is a man-made, mutated disease. It
had to have been man-made. A man
had to graft this bovine virus into
human cell. They know that its
transmitted through saliva because
they know the most effective
devicethe best test to discover if you
have AIDSis not a blood test, its a
saliva test. Now
why havent
Nothing in this
they told us
world happens
by chance.

Nothing in this

world is a
I am urging you
all to be very
careful. Do not
trust everything
Everything is
the Eurocentric
crafted and
white doctors
and scientists of
Everything is
political. There
the western
is a white
world tell you.
Do not trust
attached to
everything the
everything that
white mans
happens in this
media tells you,
he will deceive
you to your grave. Be very careful.
Black children are poisoned with deadly
vaccines from birth and as they grow
up, the white wicked medical system
injects slow-killing drugs into their



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blood systems, to kill them slowly but

surely as they grow. Using these deadly
killer dis-eases the white man
successfully limits and regulates the
birth and death rate of Black People
and they also limit, control and regulate
the life expectancy of Black People.
HIV/AIDS did not come out of the sky.
It is also not a curse from God. It is
not a mystery. HIV/AIDS is a weapon,
a deadly weapon created by white
people to kill Black People. Nothing in
this world happens by chance. Nothing
in this world is a mistake. Everything is
planned. Everything is crafted and
designed. Everything is political. There
is a white political agenda attached to
everything that happens in this world.
HIV/AIDS is a political weapon, the
white mans political bio-weapon. It has
everything to do with Black population
control and the control of the economies
and profits of the so-called Third World
governments. The World Health
Organization (W.H.O.), the World
Food Organization (W.F.O.), the
World Trade Organization
(W.T.O.), the International
Monetary Fund (I.M.F.), the World
Bank (W.B.), the Red Cross, the
United Nations (U.N.), the
European Union (E.U.), the G8 and
other international white owned and
controlled institutions and organization
are beneficiaries of great profits from
the business of killing innocent lives of
Black People. They are all benefiting
from the political use of HIV/AIDS to
depopulate Black Afrika for white
peoples economic and genetic
interests. It is not coincidental that
prior to the end of the apartheid regime
cases of HIV/AIDS in Azania (South
Africa) were one of the lowest on the
continent, yet now it is the highest. In
1990 HIV infection was at 0.76 percent,
and mainly restricted to gay, white
men. Within a year of the 1994 endof-apartheid elections, the rate was up
to 30 percent, predominantly amongst
black men. The dis-ease is an ethnic
weapon. Be careful Black Nation

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By: The Most Honourable Dr. Marcus Moziah Garvey


Propaganda means to propagate or to

make known extensively some particular
phase of human intelligence. The desire
is to convert or influence the people to
the acceptance of the truth of that
particular intelligence that is sought
to be spread among them.
Propaganda can be true or false in its
origin or intent; but it is always directed
at the public for the purpose of winning
the support of that public to the
sentiment expressed in the propaganda.
If you hate a man, giving him a bad
name well may explain one of the
purposes of propaganda without truth
behind it. Nearly all organized efforts
have a system of propaganda to convert
people to their principles and get them
to support them even though there may
be no merit behind it all.

The white man

is a great
He fully and
realizes the
value of
Therefore, you
must organize
your propaganda
to undo the
propaganda of
other people; if
affects your

Propaganda is all around you; to make you buy a special

brand of cigarettes, although no good, but advertised to be the
best; to make you drink or use a certain brand of tea; telling
you of its wonderful qualities and its everlasting benefits when
there is absolutely nothing to it, and so on. Before the war of
1914-1918, the Germans were known to be the most cultured
and scientific people in Europe. When the war started, the
other nations in order to discredit the Germans and to hold them
up to world ridicule and the contempt of civilization,
released the propaganda that classified the Germans as Huns
and barbarians. This also reveals how organized intention can
be carried to the public for public acceptance without thought.

The press, cinema, pulpit, schoolroom are all propaganda

agencies for one thing or the other. The pulpit carries religious
propaganda, the schoolroom carries educational propaganda, the
press carries out written propaganda, the platform carries on
oral propaganda, and the cinema carries out demonstrative
propaganda. These methods have been devised by the white
man to spread his ideas universally among them. That is why
he is able, in a major sense, to control the minds of the people
of the world.
The white man is a great propagandist. He fully and
completely realizes the value of propaganda. Therefore, you
must organize your propaganda to undo the propaganda of
other people; if their propaganda affects your interest. The
bible is religious propaganda, the school is literary propaganda.
The novels and books you read are also literary propaganda, all
calculated to bring about certain results beneficial to the
Never forget then that you are surrounded by a world of
propaganda, all dressed up or cooped up to suit a doubtful
public that is not careful about what it digests from without.
The artist is also a propagandist. He paints pictures to convey
the idea he wants to impress upon the non-thinking and
doubtful public. The sculptor is also a propagandist. He chisels
figures and portrays them to suit the aim or purpose he wants
to achieve. The pictures of the Madonna and Christ and
of the angels are painted portraying a white race, so as to
inflict upon the rest of the world the belief that God, the angels
and the Holy Family are all white, as well as Adam and
Eve. Adam and Eve were black. They also paint the devil
and the imps of hell black to impress upon the world the belief
that all that is black is evil and all that is white is good and



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Tear from your walls, all pictures that glorify other races.
Tear up and burn every bit of propaganda that does not carry
your idea of things. Treat them as trash. When you go to
the cinema and you see the glorification of others in the
pictures don't accept it; don't believe it to be true. Instead,
visualize yourself achieving whatever is presented, and if
possible, organize your propaganda to that effect. You should
always match propaganda with propaganda.
Have your own newspapers, your own artists, your own
sculptors, your own pulpits, your own platforms, print your own
books and show your own motion pictures and sculpture your
own subjects. Never accept as yours subjects of another race;
but glorify all the good in yourselves.
Keep your home free and clear of alien objects of glorification
of other races, otherwise your children will grow up to adore
and glorify other people. Put in the place of others the sheroes
and heroes and noble characters of your own race. Never allow
your children to play with or to have white dolls. It will give
them the idea of having white children themselves. Give them
the dolls of their own race to play with and they will grow up
with the idea of race love and race purity.
Watch the newspapers, magazines and journals daily for
propaganda against your race or your institutions. Rush into
print immediately a defense of your race institutions and
organizations from any attack. Never allow an insult propagated
to go unanswered by you. Be ever vigilant to down anything
by way of propaganda that dishonours or discredits you. Don't
help the other fellow to carry on propaganda against yourself or
your race. All propaganda comes from the arranged desire of
individuals and not from a race as a whole. It is the thinkers
and leaders who originate propaganda. By insisting on its wide
distribution they get other people to think as they like.
Don't accept the thoughts of others through
propaganda, unless it coincides with
yours. Don't follow the band down the street
because it plays sweet music to the
propaganda of the circus manager. He may
lead you into the circus tent and take away
your pocketbook; that is to say, don't get on
anybody's band wagon, because he may
drive you to hell with his sweet music. Like
the Pied Piper of Hamlin, who played his
sweet pipe and led the rats out of the city
and into the sea and drowned them.
Propaganda organized by somebody else is
always calculated to take advantage of

when he
is in
he should
and when
he is
happy to





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you. Don't help them do so. Always ask, what is this about?
What is the object of this? Who has sent this out? What is he
aiming at? Will it hurt me and my race? Is he trying to get an
advantage over me? Is it honest? Is it true? If you ask these
questions of all propaganda that comes up, before you swallow
it, you will be able to take care of yourself.
Don't sing the songs and repeat the praises that glorify other
races. Sing your own songs and recite your own praises that
glorify your own race. Be careful
how you sing religious hymns that
Write your own have been written, dished up and
poetry and recite made popular by white writers to
it. Compose your glorify the white race in the name
of God; taking advantage of the
own songs and
sing them. Write silence of God to impress inferiority
upon your race such as "the great
your own
interpretation of white wings of angels," "the great
the scriptures and white throne of God," "Wash me in
history and teach the blood and I shall be whiter than
snow." All these things reflect the
them as far as
the interpretation propaganda designed by the white
man to glorify his skin and his race
of others affect
as against the black imps of hell
your race.
and the Black devil and the Black
pale of doom.
The idea of the white man making Black a symbol of
mourning and sadness is just to show the extreme of the purity
of whiteness and it's joy and happiness. Reverse this. If
possible teach the African that when he is in mourning he
should wear white, and when he is happy to wear black. This
is meeting propaganda with propaganda, the hatchet with the
hatchet, the stick with the stick and the stone with the
stone. Everything on earth is man's creation. So out of man's
propaganda and mind he has created his special systems of
opinion to meet his designs.
Therefore, customs are based upon acceptance of propaganda
skilfully engineered. Have your own propaganda and hand it
down through the ages. Write your own poetry and recite
it. Compose your own songs and sing them. Write your own
interpretation of the scriptures and history and teach them as
far as the interpretations of others affect your race. Challenge
the thought of any book of other literature that dishonours or
discredits you in any particular way; and give it the widest
publicity so as to undo the harm intended. Remember always,
that an error not corrected ultimately becomes a fact. Never
allow false statements or allegations against your race to
become current and pass into history as if they were facts.

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The Black Family Holiday
By: Black House

What is Kwanzaa?
Kwaanza is an Afrikan
Holiday founded by Professor
Maulana Karenga in 1965.
The name Kwaanza is a
Swahili word meaning First.
It is taken from the saying
Mantunda yo Kwanza, which
means First Fruits. It is a Holiday based on the Afrikan
celebration of the First Fruits Harvest which comes at the end
of the year. The celebration of Kwanzaa lasts for Seven Days to
promote the Seven Basic Principles honoured during this Holiday.
The celebrations start from the 26th of December to the 1st of
January, with each Day dedicated to one of the Principles.
Kwanzaa is a Holiday where Black People acknowledge their
Afrikan Roots while at the same time remind themselves of
their goals as a people. Black People gather together to celebrate
the harvest season and rejoice in their communities' collective
efforts. Kwanzaa is a time of rejoicing, reflection and
commitment - shared by family and community. It's a time to
lift each other up and give thanks for being of a unique culture
with a value all its own. KWANZAA also has symbols which
are: Mazao (crops), Mkeka (mat), Kinara (candle holder), Vibunzi
(ears of corn), Zawadi (gifts), Kikombe cha Umola (unity cup)
and Mishumaa Saba (seven candles). Seven candles are placed in
the candleholder, representing the Seven Principles. This is
usually placed on the mat with the corn, gifts and unity cup
around it.
At KWANZAA gatherings people usually bring fruit or food and
share a meal and some knowledge. The unity cup is passed and
people say positive things about Blacks and our future. Then the
candles are lit, and something is said about each Principle. After
that people dance or talk, and just have a good time in
celebration of their achievements as a people.

Nguzo Saba (Seven Principles of Kwanzaa)

While the Nguzo Saba are commonly linked to the yearly
Kwanzaa celebration, they have year-round applicability and

should be reviewed from time to time. In addition to the Nguzo

Saba, other Kwanzaa components (such as libations) also come
into use during the year.

The first Principle is a commitment to the idea of togetherness.
This Principle is a foundation; for without unity, neither the
Black Family nor the community can survive. Black Afrikan
unity begins with the Black Family. Open discussions of Family
problems and their probable solutions are very important.

The second principle is a commitment to building our lives in
our own images and interests. If we, as a people, are to achieve
our goals we must take the responsibility for that achievement
upon ourselves, for self-determination is the essence of freedom.
This day calls for a reaffirmation of our commitment to Black
Afrikas struggle to build a more meaningful and fulfilling life.


The third principle encourages self-criticism
and personal evaluation, as it relates to the
common good of the Black
Family/community. Without collective work
and struggle, progress is impossible. The
Black Family and the community must
accept the reality that we are collectively
responsible for our failures, as well as our
victories and achievements. Discussions
concerning each Family member's responsibility prove helpful in
defining and achieving Black Family goals.


Out of the fundamental concepts of "Afrikan Communal Living"
comes the fourth principle of Kwanzaa. In a community or
Family, wealth and resources should be shared. On the national
level, cooperative economics can help Black Afrikans take
physical control of their own destinies. On this day, ideas should
be shared and discussed for cooperative economic efforts to

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provide for needs as related to housing, education, food, day

care, health, transportation and other goods and services.

The fifth day of Kwanzaa is a day for reviewing our purpose for
living. Each Black Family member should examine his/her ability
to put his/her skill or talent to use in the service of the Family
and community at large. Take time to reflect on your
expectations from life: discuss your desires and hopes with
Family and friends. On this day you should try to determine if
this purpose will eventually result in positive achievements for
the Black Family and community.



The sixth principle of the Nguzo Saba relates to building and
developing our creative potential. It involves both aesthetic and
material creations. It is essential that creativity be encouraged
in all aspects of Black Afrikan culture. It is through new ideas
that we achieve higher levels of living and a greater
appreciation for life. Each Black Family member should find
creative things to do throughout the year that will enhance the
Family as a whole. On this day, poetry reading, songfests, dance
exhibitions and the like, aid in promoting the Importance of

The seventh principle is belief in ourselves as individuals and as
a people. Further, it is a commitment to the development of the
Black Family and the international Afrikan community. Black
Peoples goal of freedom rests significantly on our belief in our
own ability and right to control our own destiny. Without Imani
(faith), there is no possibility of victory.




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Self knowledge is
the Medicine for
By: Ras. HonouRebel

Sons and Daughters of the Soil! Brothers and Sisters!

Mothers and Fathers! It is important for us (Black
Afrikans) all to know where we come from, so that we
may know exactly where we are going. As Moziah
Garvey rightfully said:
A people without knowledge of their own history are like
a tree without roots.

If we forget where we come from

and what weve been through as a
People, as a Nation, as a Race,
then we can never overstand our
troubles today and we shall never
really know the true identity of
our enemy. I really am troubled.
My sprit is disturbed. I am
troubled by the news reports I
see in television and in
newspapers, showing Black
Brothers and Sisters fighting and
killing their own People in
Alexandra and other parts of
Azania. To me, this is proof and
evidence of just how much we
Black people have been robbed
of the knowledge of our Selves as
a People.

We have been
robbed of
Ubuntu, made
to see each
other as
inferiors, as
dogs and as
foreigners, while
we are
tricked to see
the sons and
daughters of the
white devil, the
sons and
daughters of
those that
oppressed our
and those that
oppress us
today, as
tourists, as
investors, angels

We all know that the main

reasons why Black People are
killing and burning each other
down all over Afrika is because
of the dehumanizing, oppressive,
frustrating, miserable, povertystricken conditions in which our
People are forced to live. We all know that the main
reason why we Black Afrikans see other Black
Afrikans from other Black Afrikan countries as
foreigners here in Black Azania is because of the
borders that were created by the white Supremacist
nations of Europe. White people used, and are still
using, a formular called Divide- Rule- Conquer to





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keep us (Black People) apart, therefore weak and

vulnerable to their tricks, deceit and lies. This was
done in conferences like the Berlin conference of
1884/5 called by Ottovon Bischmack in Germany.
When Blacks call Blacks foreigners or
amakwerekwere in the Land of Black People (which
is all of Afrika) that can only be proof of how much
we are still slaves and colonized, mentally and
spiritually. Let us remember the speech of the devil
P.W. Botha before Parliament in 1985 when he
declared that:
Ours is not a war that we can use the atomic bomb to
destroy the Blacks, so we must use our intelligence to effect
this. The old trick of divide and rule is still very valid today.
Our experts should work day and night to set the Black
man against his fellowman. I have a committee working on
finding better methods of inciting Blacks against each other
and encouraging murders among themselves. Murder cases
among Blacks should bear very little punishment, in order
to encourage them to kill each other.

The psychological or mental liberation that Bantu

Biko, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Mangaliso Sobukwe,
Moziah Garvey and other Black Prophets spoke
about has not been realized by the great majority of
Afrikan People because the system of white
Democracy, white Supremacy and the New World
Order of the Illuminati do not promote the
development of Afrika and Black People, but the
development of Europe and white people in Afrika. I
speak of a white people knowing very well that today
we have Blackwhites (Black skinswhite souls) just as
Prophet Franz
Fanon and Biko had
prophesied; and
those are the very
people (Blackwhites) that
contribute to our
Police try to extinguish flames from a
division and
Brother who was burnt by His own
downpression as
Black people in Ramaphosa Squater
Camp, East Rand. This is one of the
Afrikan people
horrific images that show Black
today. Our People
Mental Slavery and Self Ignorance
inflicted by Apartheid and White
are killing one
Supremacy against Black people.
another in this country because
they see their own
Brothers & Sisters as their enemies, as foreigners,
outcasts, aliens, and outlanders. This is proof that
Black people have been robbed of the knowledge of
ourselves. Our people have been forced through
poverty and suffering, to turn their miseries onto each
other, to fight each other and to kill each other, like

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chained dogs that have become too vicious because of

internal frustration and misery. Instead of facing the
true enemy, which is white Supremacy; they take their
frustrations and miseries on each other, because the
true enemy seems too great, too big, and too strong to
destroy. So we destroy each other.
The downpressors us know exactly why we Afrikans
are always fighting and killing each other. They know
why Blacks killed Blacks in Rwanda. The C.I.A.
designed the genocidal mental demon that possessed
our people in Rwanda. Those that sit in high-places
(parliaments & synagogues) know exactly why our
people killed each other in the Congo wars. They
know exactly why our Black people are killing each
other in Somalia, in Darfur and in Itiopia today. They
know exactly why the ANC and Inkatha Supporters
killed each other here in Azania in 1993 and 1994. All
these Black-on-Black-Killings were designed and
planned by the intelligence of the downpressors,
sitting around a round table in a white house
somewhere in Europe or America. Our people have
been systematically robbed of the Knowledge of self.
Our people have been robbed of their sense of Being.
We have been robbed of Ubuntu, made to see each
other as inferiors, as dogs and as foreigners, while we
are systematically tricked to see the sons and
daughters of the white devil, the sons and daughters of
those that oppressed our Foreparents, and those that
oppress us today, as tourists, as investors, angels and
developers. Elder Carter Woodson once said that:
if you can control how people think you do not have to
worry about their actions.

The way the Black Mind is being controlled by white

lies today is proof of this. Blacks are fighting each
other because we do not see ourselves as one people,
as one nation. We still see ourselves as the colonially
tribal and divided people, as Xhosas, Tswanas,
Zulus, South Africans, Zimbabweans, Tanzanians,
Ghanaians, Congolese, Kenyans and so on. Let us not
forget that it was white oppressors at the Berlin
Conference in Germany after the second European
war (which they falsely claim was a World war) that
sliced and divided Afrika apart, creating artificial
borders around us, to keep us apart from each other
and keep us easily controllable. In expressing just how
deep white deceit goes, the German devil, Hitler once
said that:
if you tell a lie long enough people will start to believe it as





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That is exactly how white Propaganda operates and

exactly how it has been maintained. We have been
told that we are not one people, that we are foreigners
to each other, and that we can never come together as
one people because of ethnic differences. We have
been taught that we are South Africans, Zimbabweans,
Congolese and Tanzanians. We have never been told
that we are one people, that we are not divided, that
we are Brothers and Sisters. But the European world
has managed to come together as brothers and sisters
regardless of their differences. They were tribal like
us. They were also divided amongst themselves and
used to fight just like us today. Thats where the
European wars (so-called World wars) come from.
From Napoleon, Stalin, Churchill, Mussolini, Lenin,
Marx, Roosevelt, Nixon and right up to Hitler they
were tribal savages, fighting and killing each other like
wild animals. But today they stand as one solid force,
one united people with institutions reinforcing their
solidarity as one people. After they fought each other
in the first European war (Napoleons war) they
created a union amongst themselves and they
established the League of Nations. After the second
European war (Hitlers war) they strengthened their
union by developing the League of Nations into the
United Nations. The United Nations of white Europe,
uniting against the divided tribes of Black Afrika. As
their profits increased through colonizing our Land,
they established more organizations to strengthen their
unity as a people, regardless of their petty tribal and
religious differences. Today they have institutions like
the G8, the European Union, the World Bank,
World Trade Organization, Trilateral Commission,
Council on Foreign Relations and the International
Monetary Fund as symbols of their (European)
achievements as a united people. What have we
achieved in our division as a people? Nothing but
death, hunger, suffering and despair.
My beloved Brothers and Sisters, knowledge of our
Black Story is very important. Especially today, when
all nations and People are supposed to be free. We
Black people unfortunately are still fighting each other
for the downpressor mans job. We are all
complaining about unemployment and lack of jobs,
while we have not even started to do our own work as
Afrikan people. For all these years we have been busy
working for other people, helping them to build their
industries, factories, businesses and empires; but we
still have built nothing for ourselves, we have done
absolutely nothing for our own Black selves. This
means that we have not yet reached the state of SelfRealization. We have not yet become Self-Reliant.
We have not won our independence as a people

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because we are still dependant on the same wicked

downpressors. The downpressor is still playing the
role of parent and boss over us. We are no longer
motivated and inspired to work for ourselves and to
build for our selves because we have been
systematically made to accept that in life we are
nothing but the slaves of others. How can you be free
and independent and yet remain in servitude and in
bondage? Truth is that we are fighting amongst
ourselves, to be servants of some puppet boss or socalled manager of a corporate business that is owned
by the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the
Oppenhiemers or any other European slave master. .

Rhodes, Botha, Verwoed, Leopold, Malan, Smuts,

Terblanche, Du Toit, Van Der Merwe, Smith, Van
Riebeek, De Beers, Victoria, Oppenheimer, Zille,
Strydom, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Russell,
McDonalds, Bush, DUrban, Elizabeth, Shepstone,
Blair, Clinton, Hitler, Mussolini, Smith, Alexander,
Roosevelt, Lenin, Bason and all other evil whitewicked devils that dehumanized and robbed my Black
people of the knowledge of Self, Spirit, their identity
and sense of Being. These are the people I condemn.
These are the people we all should hold responsible
and condemn for the lack of Self Knowledge amongst
Afrikan people.

I think that we should now start

to stand together, side-by-side,
The liberation
against our common enemy, to
of our peoples
be our own bosses and our own
minds from the
managers, owners of our own
of white
industries, our own factories,
is a
our own institutions. This is
must, and we
what our forefathers called Selfmust
never ever
Determination and Selfcompromise our
Reliance, what it means to stand
up on your own and do
something on your own for the
development of your own. We can do nothing today
but look out for our own, because other people are
comfortable eating breakfast, lunch and dinner
around round tables in restaurants where we prepare
them their tables, serve them their food, wash them
their plates and eat their left-overs. We are victims of a
systematically planned genocide, a Black Holocaust
that has not ended. We are victims of white
Supremacy and we must remember that this evil is
beyond skin deep. This evil has gone to the
psychological and spiritual aspects of our lives. And it
is not an easy process to heal a wound that is still fresh
and unattended to. Our suffering and misery is now
manifesting itself in different ways. It will take time for
our deep seated wound and pains to heal because the
one who caused us pain and wounded us is still
around us, inciting war and violence amongst us,
giving us guns to kill each other, and giving us alcohol
to remain foolish and ignorant of our hellish and
miserable condition.

We must deal with the root of our problems if we are

to get healing. We must shift our focus from the
symptoms to the roots. We must go to the roots of the
tree, where everything begins. We must uproot this
deadly tree from the roots, not juts cut down the
branches and leaves of the tree. If we do this careless
mistake, history will judge us. The liberation of our
peoples minds from the shackles of white supremacy
is a must, and we must never ever compromise our

I condemn, not Afrophobia, but the colonial mind,

the slave mentality, the white supremacist mind that
gave birth to Afrophobia. I condemn the white
downpressors who have enslaved the bodies, minds
and spirits of our people, that today they may act and
react as they do towards one another. I condemn
beasts like Willie Lynch, Charles Darwin, Cecil

Let there be Justice in Afrika, so that Peace and

righteousness may take root within the hearts and
minds of our people. As Peter Tosh put it clearly:
there will be no Peace, until we get Equal Rights and
Black Liberation Day. Oh, What a Great Day that will be,
when Afrika is Free. Black Liberation Day.


Our great Afrikan parents who are among us we humbly offer our thanks
for the many blessings you have given.
We extend our love to its ultimate state of being For the suffering that you have endured so that we may not suffer so.
Mothers of our great Afrikan nation Fathers of our Afrikan selves We invoke you to further lead and guide us to a higher understanding
Of our true greatness And a more encompassing dedication of love for our Afrikan people.
Parents of all Afrikan children;
Guide us toward a greater unity Guide us in a stronger Afrikan Value System and lead us into the zenith of respect and
love for our people, through education and the
"Family Communal Structure"
We swear upon the heritage and legacy that you have left us to uphold and sustain our
rightful status on this earth, and to continue the struggle for the total mental and physical
liberation of all Afrikan People.

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Speech by
King of
By: Revealer

Thief & Murderer

"Reverends, Father, and Dear Compatriots:

The task that is given to us to fulfil is very delicate and
requires much tact. You will go certainly to evangelize, but
your evangelization must inspire
You must
above all Belgium interests. Your
insist on their principal objective in our mission in
the Congo is never to teach the
niggers to know God. Thus they
and obedience, know already. They speak and
submit to a Mungu, one Nzambi, one
developing the Nzakomba, and what else I don't
spirits in the know. They know that to kill, to
schools, teach sleep with someone else's wife, to
students to
lie and to insult is bad.

read and not to


Have courage to admit it; you are

not going to teach them what they know already. Your
essential role is to facilitate the task of administrators
and industrials, which means you will go to interpret the
gospel in the way it will be the best to protect your
interests in that part of the world. For these things, you
have to keep watch on disinteresting our savages from
the richness that is plenty in their underground. To avoid
that they get interested in it, and make you a murderous
competition and dream one day to overthrow you; your
knowledge of the gospel will allow you to find texts
ordering, and encouraging your followers to love
poverty. Use scriptures like happier are the poor
because they will inherit the heaven and it's very
difficult for the rich to enter the kingdom of God.





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You have to detach from them and make them disrespect

everything which gives courage to affront us. I make
reference to their Mystic System and their war fetish warfare protection - which they pretend not to want to
abandon, and you must do everything in your power to
make it disappear. Your action will be directed
essentially to the younger ones, for they will not revolt
when the recommendation of the priest is contradictory
to their parent's teachings. The children have to learn to
obey what the missionary recommends, who is the
father of their soul. You must singularly insist on their
total submission and obedience, avoid developing the
spirits in the schools, teach students to read and not to
There, dear compatriots, are some of the principles that
you must apply. You will find many other books, which
will be given to you at the end of this conference.
Evangelize the niggers so that they stay forever in
submission to the white colonialists, so they never
revolt against the restraints they are undergoing. Recite
every day happy are those who are weeping
because the kingdom of God is for them. Convert,
always, the blacks by using the whip. Keep their women in
nine months of submission to work freely for us. Force
them to pay you in sign of recognition - goats, chickens
or eggs - every time you visit their villages. And make
sure that niggers never become rich. Sing every day
that it's impossible for the rich to enter heaven.
Make them pay tax each week at Sunday mass. Use the
money supposed for the poor, to build flourishing
business centres. Institute a confessional system,
which allows you to be good detectives denouncing any
black that has a different consciousness contrary to that
of the decision-maker.
Teach the niggers to forget their heroes and to adore
only ours. Never present a chair to a black that comes to
visit you. Don't give him more than one cigarette. Never
invite him for dinner even if he gives you a chicken every
time you arrive at his house."
(This text was transmitted by Mr. Moukouani Mukwani Bukoko, born in
1915. He obtained it in 1935 inside a Bible he had bought from a white
priest while working as a nurse at Kwamuth (Congo) Bolobo. The white
priest had forgotten the text inside the Bible.)

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Cow Milk is Deadly for Babies
By: Monomatapa

It is child-abuse to feed cows' milk to our

It is abuse to feed pasteurized milk to any creature.
Cows' milk raises babies' death rate. In a study of
over 20,000 babies, the rate of illness was
compared between completely breast-fed babies
and bottle-fed babies. Pasteurized milk-fed babies
had a mortality rate 56 times greater than breast
milk-fed babies. The general rate of sickness was
nearly double for the pasteurized milk-fed babies.
Cows' milk makes babies /children diabetic. At a
Finland university, Dr. S. Virtanen discovered that
feeding cows' milk to babies 3 months old and
younger, often results in complete insulin
deficiency. Bovine milk-protein destroys the
insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas and
causes diabetes.
In children, milk is responsible for allergies, colic,
colitis, earaches, colds, sore throats, congestion,
respiratory illness and is linked to asthma. Children
who are fed cows' milk formulas grow up into
adults with a higher susceptibility to multiple
sclerosis than breast-fed children. The BGH
hormone in milk is linked to rapid, unnatural
growth in children.
The human baby develops its brain first while the
calf develops its bone structure first. Thus, human
milk is high in phosphorus and the amino acid
taurine, both important to brain development;
while cows' milk is high in calcium for bone
structure, and deficient in phosphorus and taurine.
Cows' milk has 300% more casein than human





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milk. Casein furnishes a number of amino acids for

supplying the protein molecules to build bone
structure that will carry the calf's body weight. A
baby human develops twice its weight in 7 months
whereas a baby cow develops twice its weight in 7

4000 Blacks Babies die from cows' milk every 24

A more effective program of apparent GenocideDisguised-As-Benevolence-from-whites is rampant
in Afrika and the "Third-world," causing the
eventual death of 4000 Black Babies each day.
These mentally colonized people have been well
conditioned by their colonizers to highly regard
anything from whites. Black Mothers are the
victims of vast campaigns selling wicked western
infant formulas. Shortly after birth in a maternity
hospital, their babies are fed free milk formula
from wicked western corporations.
As mothers leave the hospital they are given more
free samples of infant formulas. They assume it's
the best food for their babies since it's from the
hospital. Worse, they believe their own breast-milk
is inferior. They think that in using the formulas
they are feeding their children the modern way.
They think bottle feeding is 'glamorous,
convenient, highly scientific and nutritionally
superior. That's what the advertisements have told
them. The formulas lack the their own milk
would provide.
So be careful Black Mothers, you are manipulated
into systematically killing your Babies with the
poisonous foods you feed them. Enemies of the
Black race use their advertising tricks to deceive
you into thinking that the formulas they sell to
you are more nutritious and healthier for your
Black Babies than your own breast-milk. This is
deceit. Your breast-milk is healthier and more
nutritious for your Babies more than the artificial
foods sold at pharmacies and other wicked western
Black family,
Know what

y o u e a t

Afr ika


Afr ikan s, Us





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Ancient Elder Congo Wato

RasTafari Warrior &

Black Voice Publication.

Contact: 078 215 2529 or
021 959 3483 or send
email to
for any comments

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