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[Resources in the South East region]

[Dan Longnecker]

Background Information:


Integration of Learning Outcomes:


Students should know the weather of the region

Students should know the climate of the region
Cultural background of the region
Types of bodies of water in the region
Hands on activity for resources in the SE region
60 minute lesson
Describe resources


define resource
produce a brochure of information collected
interpret information
reason from information collected


Time, continuity, and change
People, places, and environment
Production, distribution, and consumption


Anticipatory Set:

To begin the lesson, the teacher will talk to the students about
the previous topics covered throughout the unit plan. The teacher
will put emphasis on the areas of culture, types of land/bodies of
water, and the weather and climate of the SE region. The teacher
will ask the students to take what they learned and collaborate in
their groups about what these areas could have in common. The
teacher will ask the students to share some of their thoughts
from the discussion. After listening to the students, the teacher
should prompt the students to aim their thoughts to what they
believe a resource is. The teacher will give 2 minutes for the
students to discuss this thought. The teacher will have the
students share their thoughts through a class discussion. After
both of these mini sessions of collaboration, the teacher will
explain to the class of the different kinds of resources.
The teacher will describe the differences between a natural
resource and a regular resource.
After activating the prior knowledge and informing the students
of some of the content in the lesson for the day, the teacher will
have the students stand up and take a look at the images in the
corners of the room. The rooms corners will have a picture and a
label on them. The corners will be indicated as, From the Sea,
Farmers Crops, All Natural, and lastly The Never Ending
Mississippi. Students will be placed in a section from randomly
selecting their names from a Popsicle stick.



Now that the students have a broad range of knowledge regarding

the areas of which will be covered in the days lesson and an idea of
resources vs. natural resources, the teacher can focus on the lesson
of the day. The first goal of the lesson is for the students to be able
to analyze websites in which they will use to find information
regarding the resources or natural resources in their area of the SE
region. After the analysis, the students will be using the gathered
information in math class to calculate certain information the
teacher has asked for.
The students will be assigned a laptop per person. The teacher
explains that the activity will be an exploration the regions
resources. How? The teacher has assigned the groups sections to
explore. There are 4 groups in the class; each group will have one of
the following (From the Sea, Farmers Crops, All Natural, and
lastly The Never Ending Mississippi). The teacher will get each
group started by prompting students to think about what kind of
resources could be relevant in their assigned areas. When the
teacher feels all groups are on task and have the right idea of what
they are looking for, he/she will allow the students time to research.
As students are doing research, the teacher will go around the room
and handout a pamphlet for each student.
When sufficient research has been done for their designated areas,
the students will be asked to complete a pamphlet on the
information they have collected. The pamphlet should include a title
page, the name of the student, pictures of the resources found, and
brief descriptions of why these resources are important to the
As the students are creating the pamphlet, the teacher will be
circulating the room to make the students are on task and will be
answering and asking students questions.
After the research and pamphlet building, the groups will present
what they have found. Each group will have a turn to share what
they found.
The teacher will take the pamphlets of the students and save them
for future assignments to come
The goal of the lesson is to have the students understand what
resources are available and what resources are prominent in the SE
region. From here they can use the culture, weather and climate,
and types of land/bodies of water lessons to interpret and reason
why these resources are so prominent in the region.



Kinesthetic learners; the students will be engaging in

presentations. This is a forms of active engagement.
Visual learners; Presentations of the pamphlet will allow these
students to visually take in information in a way they process
best. Also, the laminated photos of Resources in the corners of
the room help these students. Lastly, the research of resources
on the computers is a good strategy for these students.
Audio Learners; students who learn best though listening or from
a lecture will benefit from the teacher explaining information, as
well as from the presentations where students explain all
information found.


Students will be using their notes from the other lessons to
interpret and reason why these resources are so abundant and
prominent in this region. The students will write 1-2 paragraphs
explaining their reasoning behind what they found and concluded
in their journals.


Assessment (Formative and Summative):

The pamphlet is a form of assessment. The completion of the
pamphlet allows the teacher to assess the students learning. By
collecting the information, this pamphlet is acting as a formative
assessment. The teacher is collecting them to assess their work,
but is not grading them.
The presentations are also a formative assessment
The journal entry is a type of summative assessment



Colored pencils, markers
Pamphlet organizer (created pamphlet, students need to
decorate, and provide information inside)




Notes from other lessons

Reflection on Planning:
This lesson is neat because it incorporates a variety of things. Students
are able to be active, collect information, and the students are creating
an authentic piece of information in which they will use to reason. I
incorporated other lessons in which the students have been taught.
This is a great way for students to transfer information already learned
and apply it to other areas of the SE region. When I was writing the
lesson I did not even process the fact that the other lessons could be
incorporated. After reading more into what I was creating, the idea
came to me to have the students use a lot of previous lessons to draw
I also like this lesson because it involves a lot of differentiation
opportunities and technology use is present. I covered audio,
kinesthetic, and visual learning options for students.


Content Outline:

Teachers need to know

Weather of the region

Climate of the region
Cultural background of the region
Types of bodies of water in the region
The resources in the area
How this lesson ties into the other taught lessons
How to create a pamphlet

Students need to know

Weather of the region

Climate of the region
Cultural background of the region
Types of bodies of water in the region

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