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Haleigh Merrill

20 September 2016
English 4
Essential Question: How does reckless driving affect others?
Working Thesis: Reckless driving is very dangerous to not only the person driving but other
drivers as well.
Refined Thesis: We need to start thinking about different things that can be done to prevent
reckless driving.
Annotated Bibliography

Combs, Nina. "Why Texting While Driving Will Kill You." Men's Fitness 32.7 (2016): 20.
Health Source - Consumer Edition. Web. 22 Sept. 2016.
Texting and driving is bad for many reasons. One thing it does is distract you from the road.It has
been proven that short- circuits the part of your brain that keeps you driving in a straight line on
the road is affected by driving while texting. In order to drive you need to use a hand eye
connection and when youre texting and driving it breaks the connection so you are in a really
bad situation that can cause you to crash. Not only can you crash into another car by texting and
driving but you can also run off the road. This article is relevant to the research because texting
and driving is also apart of reckless driving because it causes you to possibly get into a car
"Man fined after 'appalling' driving caused crash." Southland Times, The 07 Mar. 2014: 15.
Points of View Reference Center. Web. 22 Sept. 2016.
When someone is eager to get to wherever they are trying to go they will drive reckless and not
realize what they are doing. Valentin Cosimo Amadeus Eck was in a rush to get somewhere and
he tried to go around a car on a blind right- hand bend. What he didnt think about was if there
were any cars coming in the other land. This caused him to get into a straight head on car crash.
Eck was lucky enough to get charged with just $400 and six month suspension from driving. In
another bad driving case, 17-year-old Anchalee Khummangmuang, of Cromwell, was
disqualified for eight months and ordered to carry out 40 hours' community services after her
"appalling" driving. On November 19, the teenager had driven to McNulty Inlet, in Cromwell,
where students were conducting a sailing lesson. She lost control of the car, crossing the centre
line, only metres away from where the students were gathered. This shows that in order to have
the privilege to drive you have to take extreme precautions or it can possibly cost someone elses
life. This article is relevant to the research because it shows you some of the outcomes of
reckless driving and shows you what could happen if you are careless.

"Mock crash to deliver message on teen drinking." Lebanon Democrat, The (TN) 24 Apr. 2014:
Points of View Reference Center. Web. 22 Sept. 2016.

Driving is a really big privilege to have, we should not abuse it. When you are drinking and
driving it adds onto the responsibility of driving. You should never drink and drive because it
puts danger to other drivers around you. In 2013, there were 2,693 traffic crashes in Wilson
County, which included 808 injury, 158 alcohol-related and 19 fatal crashes. When you are
drinking and driving it makes it really hard to drive straight and focus, it makes you see things in
a different perspective and you have no control over what you are doing. This article is relevant
to the research because there is a stimulator to show the importance of not drinking and driving
and how dangerous it can be.
Rebecca, Opie. "Students at Edward John Eyre High School recently received." Whyalla News
19 Mar. 2013: 11. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 22 Sept. 2016.
Students at Edward John Eye High School had a meeting with South Australian Police
representative Sergeant Matt Lumsden about how serious it is to drive cautiously because it can
not only affect yourself and the other people in the other vehicle but it also affects the families
and friends of both people. This meeting that he presented to them also showed them that it is
very important to think twice about the actions you are going to make behind the wheel or even
in the passenger seat. Sometimes one silly mistake can cause not only your own life and your
passengers but also another life in another car who was just minding their own business. This
article is relevant to the research because it explains how important it is to watch out for others
because you could possibly end someone elses life by not paying attention.
Tara Miko, "Initiative targets safety." Chronicle (Toowoomba)
2015: 2. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 22 Sept. 2016.
A statewide road safety initiative will shock residents into seeing the fatal consequences of bad
driving behaviour as part of Road Safety Week. This event will not only show people why it is
important to drive safe but will also show people what drinking and driving does and what
happens. This event is also intended to help drivers be aware of those who are driving recklessly
or notice the drunk drivers. One thing that you learn is that it is very important to always be
paying attention to those around you and not trust that anyone is going to stop for you. It helps
you be aware of watching the roads more cautiously. This article is relevant to the research
because it will help everyone learn how to watch out for those who can not seem to learn how to
watch out for other people or drive safely.
The Associated, Press. "Man Stopped For Bad Driving; Stolen Items Recovered." AP Regional
State Report - Washington (2015): Points of View Reference Center. Web. 22 Sept. 2016.
Sometimes bad driving can cause you to get into more trouble than you were already in. In this
article a man was pulled over for reckless driving. Little did the cop know that pulled him over
that he was wanted to be arrested and he had stolen two cars, a motorcycle, and license plates. If
you are already in trouble for reckless driving one time then why would you continue to drive
recklessly knowing you will be caught for all of the crimes you have committed. If you dont
drive recklessly then you wouldnt have a problem with getting caught. This article is relevant to

the research because it shows that reckless driving can lead to even more trouble than you might
already be in.

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