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Adam Moomaw

November 17 2016
English 4
Narrative Summary of Real World Experience
When I was given this assignment for my senior year and to choose a topic, I knew
immediately what I wanted to write about, as I have a personal connection to my friend, my
moms best friend, Melissa Dellinger. Melissa has Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer at this time,
because of this, I personally wanted to learn more about breast cancer.
I wanted to learn what is really is, what happens to the body, what treatment options are
out there and what can people do to prevent this.
In February 2013, Melissa found a lump in her left breast through self-examination. She
had just been to her OBGYN 3 months prior and there was no indication of any lump. Below are
the facts that Melissa shared with me during a recent interview.
1. When and how did you first find out you had breast cancer?

I noticed a lump on the left side of my breast, in February of 2013. I had just been to my
OBGYN 3-month prior. Nothing was detected at that time. I had my order for a
mammogram, I called and made an appointment. (March 1, 2013) (age 48)
I then was scheduled to meet with my OBGYN, he confirmed my results on March 8,

2. What type of breast cancer do you have? Triple negative breast cancer stage 2B:
Estrogen Receptor (-) Progesterone receptor (-)
HER2 (-)
3. What size was your tumor? Anti-radial 2.7 cm, on the transverse diameter was
about 1.8cm
4. What stage / grade was the tumor? Stage 2B
5. What is your HER2 status and what does that mean? HER2 (-) is hormone
receptors positive
6. What were you immediate and main concerns after being diagnosed?
Scared, overwhelmed, and thinking of my family especially my children.
7. How did your family and friends react to the news? Shocked, overwhelmed but
very supportive
8. What tests or procedures were and are still needed? Where to begin, I have a heck
of a journey. Once I was diagnostic, I was rushed through several tests:
Ultrasound on Mar 8: Dr. with Breast Cancer Center (Dr. Minghini) Mar 25
Biopsy on Mar 28: Dr. visit Minghini: MRI April 4: Dr. visit Oncology (Dr.
Gemma) April 5: Chest x-ray April 9: Mediport placed (Dr. Fox) April 9
Ultrasound April 11: Dr. visit with Dr. Gemma and 1st Chemo treatment April 11
Chemo treatment May 3: MRI biopsy May 1: Chemo May 24
Chemo June 14, July 5, July 12, July 18, July 25, Aug 1, Aug 8, Aug 15 Aug 22
Dr. visit Minghini discuss surgery Aug 23: Dr. Lambert (plastic surgery) discuss
surgery Aug 26: Surgery Left Mastectomy Sept 11
9. Did you obtain a second opinion? No
10. Did you do anything to get ready for treatment? Prayed
11. How soon after diagnosis did treatment begin? 3 months
12. Can you share your original treatment plan?
a. Treatment time of Chemotherapy stated above
b. Treatment time of Radiation -started on Oct 15 Nov 25 (25
13. What side effects were felt in these treatments?

a. Chemotherapy: I was lucky, I didnt have any side effects other

than losing my hair
b. Radiation: Skin under my left arm became raw and sore.
14. Can you describe the experience of Chemotherapy and Radiation?
(does it hurt or discomfort during the treatments)
No discomfort, very tired after treatments, slept a lot, energy was drained.
15. What are the long- term effects of each of these types of treatments?
Ive lost a lot of strength in my body. Weight gain, due to not
having energy.
16. Did you have a lumpectomy or mastectomy? Yes, both
17. Did you choose to have reconstructive surgery? Yes, Left side (cancerous) Right
side 1 year later for preventive
18. What are the chances of the breast cancer returning? I had a 1% chance of
19. Did you have genetic testing? Yes, I had the test with Ambry Genetic July 2014
20. Is there any breast cancer history in your family? No
21. Since you were diagnosed with breast cancer do other family members require
additional testing? Yes, recommended for all my immediate family to be tested
22. How do you cope emotionally? On day at a time. I have great supporters from,
home, work, and friends. Try to stay as positive as possible.
23. How do you manage the costs of treatments? If I didnt have insurance, I wouldnt
have been able to pay. And I was lucky enough to have co-worker and community
(church), raise money to help out with some of the expenses.
24. How has the breast cancer affected you out-look on life? I try not to let this illness
effect my life
a. What advice would you like to give women about breast cancer?
Stay positive, keep smiling no matter how you feel. If you feel sorry for yourself
than others will also.

25. Are there signs & symptoms you should watch for in the cancer returning? The
doctor told me I would know if something was off. Many different areas, the cancer could
return. Just to listen to my body, if something didnt seem right to give them a call.
Diagnosis of Metastatic Breast Cancer
1. When and how did you find out your cancer returned and returned as Metastatic
Breast Cancer? I was getting very short of breath and fatigue. Went to see Dr. Minghini,
she immediately sent me to have a chest x-ray Oct 2015, confirmed.
Needed to have thoracentesis (remove fluid from lung) 11 times from Oct 26 2015-March
10-2016 (total of 9,810cc fluid removed)
2. Where else in your body has, the cancer spread? Left lung, sternum, and both ribs.
3. Where their clinical trial options available? Not at first, I was on a oral medication
to start out with, I had an allergic reaction to medication, them the trail was made
available to me
4. Where you a candidate for Clinical Trials? Yes, this trail was made for my type of
cancer study title: An open-label single-arm Multicenter Phase 1b/2 Study to Evaluate the
Efficacy and Safety of Eribulin Mesylate in Combination with Pembrolizumab in
Subjects with Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
5. What testing is needed to be a candidate for Clinical Trials? Blood work, CT
Scan, MRI scan
6. Can you share the experience in some detail of the treatment of the clinical trial
and how this process works? The trail worked great at first, my tumors reduced in
within the first couple of treatments. But about 8 month into treatment, my tumors began
to grow again

7. Are there support services available for people with Metastatic breast cancer? Yes,
the cancer center has a support group
8. How long were you in the clinical trial? 8 months
9. What were the side effects of the clinical trial? Hair loss and fatigue
10. What happens if the treatment stops working? I had to start all over again with a
new chemo regimen
a. What other options are available? Yes, my doctor has many
11. How often do you see a doctor? I have chemo treatments Fridays a month, I see
the NP and or Dr. 1 time a month
12. How often do you need tests? CT scan every 9-12 weeks; Bone scan every 6
13. How has this affected your daily life? Hasnt, I wont let it
14. How or has this process affected you at work? I am still working, have been
throughout. The only time Ive missed work was when I had surgery
15. How long will you have to have treatment for? Forever
16. Can you share at this time what your prognosis is? I have stage 4 Metastatic
Breast Cancer
In a final conclusion, can you share your journey from original diagnosis to where you
are today physically and emotionally? Its been emotional, long struggle. The worst part is
knowing that your life has been shortened, and you wont be around to see your children have
children. And also, knowing that youre leaving a great husband that has stuck by you
throughout. Thats the hardest thing, is knowing that you wont have a long life to enjoy with
your family and friends.
I have learned from Melissa, that attitude is our greatest personal tool to fight and that
family & friends are your greatest support. I have watched her go through many trials and
celebrations during the 3 years. One of her wishes was to get a team together for the Relay for
Life. My mom was the head chairperson to acquire a team and I personally assisted and was a

contributor to the team. We had about 25 team members. We held fundraisers before & during
the Relay. Our team name was Mels Angels and all team members had Mels Angels T-Shirts.
We were in the of the top teams this year and raised over $5,800.00. Melissa was able to be an
opening Survivor walker at the beginning of the Relay. My father also walked with her as he is a
Thyroid Cancer Survivor. This was a very heartwarming and surreal experience.
Recently we went on a 10-day trip to full-fill another wish of Melissas. She has always
wanted to travel west. My mom began preparing for the trip. Flight schedules, hotel rooms,
directions to all states and historical landmarks. This planning took about 4 months. My parents
offered me the opportunity to join them, Melissa and her husband and another couple that I have
known since birth.
During this valuable time spent with Melissa, I have learned to live life at your fullest and
every day is a gift. Life can change very quickly and you should never take things for granted.

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