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-Reported speech is often introduced by say and tell

-Tell is always followed by a name or an object pronoun: He told me he was a police officer.
-When the reporting verb is in the present tense, there is no change in the tense: I dont want to come;
He says he doesnt want to come
-That is always optional after verbs of speaking.
-In reported questions the word order of the original question is changed: Whats your name?; She asked what my
name was.
Am / is__________was
are_____________ were
am /is going to___ was going to
have/ has________ had
went____________had gone
have gone________had gone
must____________had to

today__________ that day
tonight__________that night
tomorrow_______ the next day
yesterday________the day before
last week________
next week________
this morning______

1. Rewrite the following statements in reported speech:

I am going to watch television, he said to his mother
He told
We moved to Bristol three years ago, said the woman
She said..............
Ill come at eight tomorrow, she said.
She told me..............
Ive bought a new car, she said.
She said................
I cant think of anything to write, said the boy to the teacher.
The boy told....................
Were driving the car to France next summer, they said.
They said......................
I must get some new glasses, he said.
He said that...................
I may sell my bicycle, she said.
She said.............................

If there is no question word (What, why, when, how,......) in the direct question, if or whether are used in the
reported question. Are you English?
She asked if/ whether we were English.
Verbs of reporting
-Apart from say, tell and ask, there are many other verbs which report speech. Here are some of them with the
structures which follow them:
Subjet + verb + object + infinitive with to: advise, remind, ask, tell, persuade, warn, invite, encourage.
He advised me to leave at once.
He warned me not to stay.
- This is how you report a suggestion. She said, Lets play tennis------------She suggested playing tennis or She
suggested that they should play tennis.
1.Put the following into indirect speech:
1. Are you married?
2. Did you go to Spain last summer?
3. Do you like swimming?
4. How do you feel?
5. If I were you, Richard, Id go by train.
Sue advised__________________
6. The porter told us the train had left five minutes earlier.
Porter: Im sorry but_________________________
7. If youre late tomorrow,Im going to sack you.
The boss warned him________________
8. Its the first time Ive flown.
He said he_____________________
9. Dont make so much noise, Peter
Carold told ________________________________.
2. Choose from the verbs of reporting below to complete the sentences.
invite - refuse suggest apologise promise remind tell warn
1. Tomorrows class is cancelled.
(the teacher /us)_______________________________
2. Would you like to come to the cafe with us?
(she/ me)_____________________________________
3. I cant let you into the match without a ticket
(the man /them)________________________________
4. Im sorry I shouted at you
(he /her)______________________________________
5. Ill phone this evening. Dont worry.
6. Dont forget to double-lock the front door.
(The caretaker / them)____________________________
7. Lets buy her a bunch of white roses.
8. I wouldnt cycle on the main road if I were you.
(She /him)______________________________________

Match the adjectives with prepositions:
1.Good / bad
Complete these sentences with the most appropriate combination of adjective and preposition. In some cases, you
will have to use the superlative form of the adjective.
Belinda Grey seems to be very __________French.
Mark must be quite____________at languages.
Mary was probably _____________________her results in History and Physics.
Mark Crowley isnt __________________Science: if he liked more, he would probably do better.
Belinda is the________________Maths and Alison is the__________Physics.
However, Belinda finds languages boring,. If she were more_________________them, she would do much better.
Arnold Roberts is ___________Biology; He has been studying it too long!
1. Defining relative clauses specify or define- what is being talked about.
A woman caused the accident. She went to prison.> The woman who caused the
accident went to prison.
2. WHO and sometimes THAT are used to specify people. This is the baker who/that
gave me some fresh bread.
3. WHICH and THAT are used to specify things. >this is the dog which/ that followed
me all over the park.
4. When the person or thing is the object of the verb in the relative clause, you can omit
who, which or that:these are the fisherman (who / that) I met when I was in South
Shields; this is the weapon (which /that)the attacker used.
5. WHOSE and WHERE can not be omitted. WHOSE(cuyo/a) means of whom and
replaces his, her and their in relative clauses: Thats the man whose cauliflowers won
the first prize in the flower show; this is the man whose arm was broken in the attack.
6. WHERE can also be replaced by IN WHICH and can not be omitted.> This is the
village where I stayed in Devon; The house in which the body was found has been
sealed off.
7. Prepositions usually come at the end of the relative clause rather than before the
relative pronoun (if there is one). The boy ran off with sweets (which /that) he hadnt
paid for.
NON- DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES(subordinadas de relativo explicativas)
1. Non defining relative clauses contain additional information which is not crucial to
the meaning of the sentence. Commas are used to separate non-defining relative
clauses from the rest of the sentence. Lord Lucan, who disappeared in 1974, is said to
have killed his wife. He is also thought to have killed the nanny, who lived with the
2. Relative pronouns (but no that) must always be used in non- defining relative clauses.
They can not be omitted.
3. The relative pronoun whom can be used instead of who, and is rather formal.

4. What can be used as a pronoun, but not as a relative pronoun. Its used to mean the
thing(s) that. Witness saw what happened; What is needed is a reduction in poverty.

1.Join the sentences with who, whose, which or that:
1. A man lent me his hammer. He lives next door
2. A girl fainted. She was standing behid me in the queue.
3. Have you met the family? They have just moved in to the house next door.
4. A man telephoned this morning. His company sells computers.
5. What was the name of the car? It won the Car of the Year award.
2.Complete the paragraph by inserting relative pronouns where necessary.
Aesop was a Greek writer_______probably lived in the 6th century B.C. Little is known about his life. He wrote
fables(short stories________teach a particular lesson). Most of the fables ________he wrote are about
animals_______speak and act like people. A fable ________most people have read is called The Hare and the
robo(de una casa)=
Trafico de drogas=

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