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Avery Fansler

Dr. Jizi
UWRT 1104
08 November 2016

Double Entry Journal


Adams, Heidi L., and Lela Rankin Williams. "Advice from Teens to Teens about Dating:
Implications for Healthy Relationships." CYSR Children and Youth Services Review 33.2
(2011): 254-64. Print.

Source: Quote (Page# or Paragraph #)


Seventy-five Mexican American and White

male and female adolescents were asked in
focus groups to offer advice to offer
adolescents pertaining to dating

Its good that the authors used a variety of

people of different ethnicities.

Across ethnicities and sexes, Stay on your Those are both encouraging, but the last one
feet was the most prominent advice given,
was kind of edging people to be a little more
followed by advice to Know when it's right. independent and know when they have
something good, versus when they have
something bad.
Mexican American females focused more
on pressure associated with sexual activity
while White females embedded their advice
more often within futuristic and long-term
relationship goals.

I wonder what generates the Mexican

American girls to focus more on sexual
activity, rather than thinking of the future you
have possess with someone.

Females offered roughly three times more

relationship advice than did males and
dialogued collaboratively at greater length,
enriching their advice with personal and
emotional experiences.

I feel like women in general know the struggle

that other women go through on a daily life,
and given that females are more nurturing in
general, it makes sense that they are the
ones who give more advice.

Females of both ethnicities talked more

extensively than males about the
significance of sex in relationships and were
more likely to discuss the associated

I feel like sex can mean so much more to a

young teenage female, rather than a young
teenage male. There are more emotional ties
to sex, which is one of the reasons why if the
person a woman loses her virginity to is not
the right guy for her, it can be hard to leave

due to the emotional attachment.

Females of both ethnicities also advised to
be friends with someone before deciding to
date them.

This is so important when deciding on who to


White females were more futuristic in their

thinking and advised other females to think
about the quality of the potential
relationship, and the characteristics they
would want in a long-term partner before
getting involved romantically. Their advice
seemed to stem from witnessing unhealthy
relationships among their peers.

I agree that one needs to think about what

kind of future would one see themselves
having with the type of person that they are
dating. I feel like if you cant see yourself
dating him when you are 25, then why date?
Relationships arent all about sex, and I feel
like relationships that are formed without
thinking about if the guy will be one who is a
good husband, pay end up being toxic.

White females advised to avoid

relationships when it could result in potential
embarrassment from rejection (Don't keep
calling the guy when he's not calling you
back) and to avoid romantic involvement
when it just doesn't feel good to you or
when a potential partner could bring you

Girls give advice on to just avoid those who

bring you down, but it happens time and time
again that one doesnt know that their partner
could bring them down until theyve already
started dating.

Like, be faithful and committed and stuff.

But don't be like, Oh, yeah. He is the love of
my life. Because if he is done, then it is
going to hurt you a lot. (Latina female)
Statements such as this and others (Don't
use the word love too loosely, Be careful,
Be strong, Keeping distance, especially
girls) mirrored a female vulnerability to
emotionality and a struggle to maintain a
sense of balance.

I agree that women have to be careful when it

comes to how vulnerable their emotions truly
are when it comes to relationships.

Females recommended that adolescents

gauge the risk of being in a romantic
relationship and keep their friends close by
as a more stable source of support.

Girls know that when they start dating a new

guy, they can begin to push away their old
friends, and if the relationship starts to go
bad, it is so important to still be able to count
on those friends.

Example statements include the above and

others such as, Like, is a guy worth, like,
you know, giving yourself up? and Don't
lose yourself in a guy. Faced with the
possible loss of self-dignity and
simultaneous pressure from friends and
boyfriends to engage in sexual activity,
many females across focus groups warned
other females to think carefully about

Trying to prevent that emotional hardships of

losing someone who you are so deeply
emotionally attached to.

engaging in sexual activity and others

suggested waiting until marriage or at least
until they were older to make a decision they
would not regret.
On the whole, gender differences were
One can notice this difference from even a
consistent with literature finding that females middle school age.
are more likely to emphasize intimacy earlier
than boys and to think about the other sex
more frequently (Richards et al., 1998).

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