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Functional Written Response

Grade 9 English


Miss. Denyer

November 28th December 16th

Unit Overview
Topic: Functional Written Response
Grade 9: English Language Arts
Timeline: 11 lessons 59 min. classes (approx. 3 weeks).
Central Emphasis: Using a variety of different texts students will build upon their current
functional written response abilities and will expand into new ones. First students will explore
what a functional written response is and when we use them, this will be done in groups of two
and will be presented to the class. Finally, the students will practice writing different responses
based on a variety of scenarios.

Daily Instruction: Typically the lessons will start with the selected readings for the day if
applicable. There will be many different kinds of reading strategies introduced throughout the
unit. Strategies that will be utilized include: individual reading, teacher led reading (students will
follow along if possible), partner reading (1 page each back and forth), chunk reading (each
student will be given a different chunk), student led reading (students take on different roles and
read aloud), and small group reading. Following the daily reading there will either be a
discussion or an activity in which the functional written response will be explored more in depth.
Both the discussions and the activities will take on different forms depending on the writing style
and/or the chosen text.

Texts and Materials: There will be no primary text for this unit as the text will change daily.
Other materials include: PowerPoints and selected paragraphs chosen to edit. The texts are
chosen to highlight a certain writing style and will fit with the different levels that the students
are currently at and relate to the students interests. Once the students reading levels have been
assessed the materials will most likely change in order to fit with what they know.

Presentation: Each student will be given a unit outline or overview which they will keep their
binder. Within the overview there will be: a list of the assignments, the texts we will be using,
and the objectives for the unit. This overview will help to keep the students organized, to show
the students the expectations, and will ensure the students are accountable for their own learning.

Assignments: There are a multitude of assignments that will be used during this unit in order to
give students many different opportunities to demonstrate their understanding.

KWL Chart: This chart will be started on the first day and the students will continually

add to it as they progress through the unit. The know section in particular will be
completed based only on the previous engagement with a functional written response.
Placemat: The placemat will be on the reverse side of the KWL Chart. This placemat
will be divided into the five different sections and will be used as a study tool for the
exam. Students will be given this at the beginning of the unit and they will continually
and to it throughout the unit.
Entrance/Exit Slips: These slips will be used as formative assessment to see where the
students are at. These should be considered as a check in. Although not for marks these
slips will help both the student and the teacher see what needs to be worked on more and
what has been learned. The slips will take on many forms, some examples include: ask
me anything questions, short answer questions, matching and multiple choice questions.
Thesis Assignment: After spending the day working on how to write a thesis and what
they are to look like students will practice writing them. Students will be given a
worksheet with a variety of different topics. They will have to choose ten of the topics to
create theses for if they were going to write the essay for that topic.
Partner Presentation: Students will choose their own partner for this assignment.
They will need to present to the class a quick 5-minute presentation about functional
written letters. Conducting their own research they will give an overview of what it looks
like and what they should be used for.
Envelopes Galore: Having just done envelope day the students will be given two
difference scenarios. They will be given all the required information and will be asked to
complete an envelope. The envelope is to be treated as if it will be sent to the stated
recipient and must contain all the necessary information.
Practice Response: Students will be given an outline of the scenario with certain
pieces of information. They will construct a functional written response using the
information they have. On the reverse side is the information necessary for addressing an
envelope. This response will then be graded by the student and one peer before the
teacher grades it. This will be done as a learning exercise to show the process from start
to finish.
Final Response: Students will be given an outline of the scenario with certain pieces of
information. They will construct a functional written response using the information they
have. On the reverse side is the information necessary for addressing an envelope.
Functional Letter Exam: This exam will occur before the English Language Arts
Midterm. This exam will have a short written component as well as multiple choice
questions. Much of these questions will come from released PATs to show the students
what they should expect at the end of the year.

Instructional Strategies
& Learning Activities
The three week timeline of this unit requires many different instructional strategies in order
to keep the students engaged. Additionally multiple different learning activities have been
created which will ensure the students can demonstrate their understanding.

Instructional Strategies: small-group discussion, whole-group discussion, individual

conferencing, partner activities, think-pair-share, and written guided questions
Learning Activities: KWL chart, placemat, entrance/exit slips, compare/contrast, Thesis
Assignment, Envelopes Galore and Final Functional Response

Materials & Resources


Smartboard and projection equipment

Computers and internet

Resource Texts

Variety of short stories

Sample paragraphs for the students to respond to

Resource Materials

KWL chart
Various rubrics

Differentiation Strategies
In-class readings will take on many different forms in order to include all students. The
reading strategies will range from teacher led to student led to small group. The different
strategies are put into place to ensure all students of all different reading levels can and will be
included in the reading process.
The differentiation strategies that will be used throughout the unit plan will be done as the
students request additional support or if the teacher knows specific students that need help. If the
students need an electronic device they can ask for one or the teacher can offer on. If the students
need extra time on the assignment they can ask for an extension or the teacher can offer it. The
amount of writing for an assignment can also be decreased if the student requires it. This can be
done again through the student asking or the teacher discussing it with the student.

Cross Curricular Connections

This functional written response unit will be connected to the entire Social Studies
curriculum. It will be connected to the entire unit because the students will learn how to properly
respond to a situation. Within the Social Studies curriculum students must be able to answer
various questions with extensive amounts of detail in order to support their opinion. Two specific
Social Studies general learning outcomes this writing unit will connect to are as follows:

Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how Canada's

political processes impact citizenship and identity in an attempt to meet the needs of
all Canadians
Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how economic
decision making in Canada and the United States impacts quality of life, citizenship
and identity.

Additionally the ability to write a functional response will connect to all areas of the
curriculum. Writing in general is cross-curricular.

Connections to the English Language

Arts Strands

Speaking: The students will engage with discussions daily and this strand will be a focal

point. The discussions could be whole-group or small-group. As well during individual

conferences the students will speak about their progress with the novel. There will also be
a small 5-minute presentation with a partner.
Listening: Direct instruction is the first way that students will use this language strand.
Additionally students will need to listen to each other read aloud, the teacher read aloud,
whole-group discussions, as well as small-group discussions.
Reading: This strand will occur daily through reading different writing prompts for
which the students will respond to. Reading will take on many different forms such as:
individual, following along while others are reading, small group, or practice reading
before a read aloud.
Writing: The students will do some form of writing almost every day. This will be done
through entrance/exit slips, KWL chart, placemat organizer, as well as any other daily
Viewing: Students will engage with the visual strand on occasion while looking at either
PowerPoints or while watching the partner presentations. Although this will not be used
as a primary strand, viewing will be a part of the unit when the teacher deems it fit.
Representing: One of the formative projects encompasses visual representation when
the students have to address envelopes. Throughout the unit there will be other
opportunities for visual representation.

Unit Learning Outcomes

The students will

Be able to identify what is present in a functional written response

Engage in many group discussions both small and large groups
Respond to writing prompts using a proper functional response
Expand their current writing abilities
Present to the class their research findings within a partner setting
Advocate for the grade they think they have earned
Show their knowledge through different assignments, both formative and summative

General and Specific Learning Outcomes

General Outcome #2: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.
2.1 Use Strategies and Cue
Use Prior Knowledge
2.1.1b - use previous reading experiences, personal experiences and prior
knowledge as a basis for reflecting on and interpreting ideas
in texts
Use Comprehension Strategies
2.1.2a - identify explicit and implicit ideas and information in texts; listen
and response to various interpretations of the same text

General Outcome #3: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
manage ideas and information.
3.3 Organize, Record, Evaluate
Organize Information
3.3.1b balance all sections of oral, print, and other media texts and
ensure sentences, paragraphs and key ideas are linked throughout

General Outcome #4: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
4.1 Enhance and Improve
Revise and Edit
4.1.2b - revise to enhance effective transitions between ideas and maintain
a consistent organizational pattern
4.2 Attend to Conventions
Attend to Grammar and usage
4.2.1c - use a variety of strategies to make effective transitions between
sentences and paragraphs in own writing

General Outcome #5: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
respect, support and collaborate with others
5.2 Work within a Group
Cooperate with Others
5.2.1b - discuss and choose ways to coordinate the abilities and interests of
individual group members to achieve group goals

Essential Unit Questions

1. What are the characteristics of a properly formatted functional written response?
2. How is a thesis statement created, when and why are they used?

Unit Timeline

Monday, November 28th

Day 1 of Unit 4

Tuesday, November 29th

Thesis Day

Wednesday, November 30th

Thesis Assignment

Thursday, December 1st

Envelope Day

Friday, December 2nd

PD Day
Monday, December 5th
Class Presentation Work
Tuesday, December 6th
Class Presentations

Wednesday, December 7th

In-Class Response

Thursday, December 8th

Flex Day

Activity: KWL Chart/Placemat to the students. Sample

business letter on the Smartboard to spark discussion about
what they look like.
Reading: n/a
Due: n/a
Activity: The class will start by picking partners for their
presentation. Once the partners have been chosen, we will
move to theses and start creating them.
Reading: n/a
Due: n/a
Activity: Using the information the students learned yesterday
they will write 10 different thesis statements. They do not have
to write the essay, just the statement if they were going to write
Reading: n/a
Due: Thesis Assignment due at the end of class
Activity: What does an envelope look like? Have you ever
mailed a letter to someone? What are the components of an
envelope? Mark one up on the Smartboard. Each student will
receive some scenarios for which they create an envelope for.
Reading: n/a
Due: n/a
Activity: PD Day
Reading: n/a
Due: n/a
Activity: Students will be given the entire period to work on
their presentations before presenting the next day
Reading: n/a
Due: Envelope Assignment due in class
Activity: Students will present their information to the class
with their chosen partner. The audience will give them a grade
as well, and the audience will also be graded
Reading: n/a
Due: Class presentations and all required research
Activity: Students will be given a scenario with all the required
information. They will create a response in class with a
corresponding envelope. If they finish early they will peer edit
their responses to see where they could have improved their
Reading: n/a
Due: In-class written response due at the end of class
Activity: Students will be given the class to catch up on any
work that is outstanding. If there are presentations we will

Friday, December 9th

Functional Response Work

Monday, December 12th

Flex Day

Tuesday, December 13th

Functional Letter Exam
Wednesday, December 14th
English M/C Exams
Thursday, December 15th
English M/C Exams
Friday, December 16th
Gallery Walk

finish them, they will have extra time for their responses if
needed and they can work on their final portfolio.
Reading: n/a
Due: n/a
Activity: Students will be given the day to work on their final
functional written responses. These responses will be added to
their written portfolio.
Reading: n/a
Due: KWL Chart/Placemat due in class
Activity: Students will be given extra time to work on final
touches on their portfolios. If they are done, they can study for
their upcoming exams. There will be a class Kahoot at the end
as a quick review.
Reading: n/a
Due: Final Written Response due at the end of the day
Activity: Functional Letter Exam
Reading: n/a
Due: n/a
Activity: English M/C Exams
Reading: n/a
Due: n/a
Activity: English M/C Exams
Reading: n/a
Due: n/a
Activity: Gallery Walk. Take some time to appreciate the
writing of your peers. Leave comments on the sticky note
Reading: n/a
Due: all outstanding work!!!

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