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55 Minute Lesson Plan

Andrea De Mondo
Moriah White
Seung-Jun Kim
September 19, 2016
Mathematics/Grade 7
Using properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.
Objective: The students will apply properties of operations by writing expanded linear
expressions and determining equivalent expressions.
Common core standard: 7.EE.A.1
Expressions and Equations: 7.EE
Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear
expressions with rational coefficients.
1. Empowered Learner
c. Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to
demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Anticipatory Set: Think back to when you learned about orders of operations and equations
with variables, such as x or y. Complete the following equations on a piece of paper.


Go over the correct answers using ask-pause-call method. Use popsicle sticks to randomly call
on students.
Today we are going to learn how to expand linear equations with leading coefficients and how to
identify equivalent expressions.
Information: We will discuss order of operations and go through them, discussing and writing
down the rules. We will begin the lesson by discussing the rules of order of operation and how to
use those rules to solve linear expressions. We will then show some examples of expanding

linear equations with leading coefficients, and how to identify equivalent expressions by
applying those rules that we learned
Rules for expanding linear expressions.
1. Distribute leading coefficient to the linear expression.
2. Re-write the new equation.
3. Add like terms together.
a. Example: 3(x+4)-6
b. 3x+12-6
c. 3x+6
Rules for identifying equivalent expressions.
1. Distribute leading coefficient to linear expression.
2. Re-write the new equation
3. Add like terms together.
4. See if the result of new equation is the same as the other equation being
a. Example: Are 8x+12 and 4(2x+3) equivalent?
b. Expand 4(2x+3)
c. 8x+12
d. 8x+12 = 4(2x+3)
Check for understanding: After doing these examples ask: does everyone understand how to
expand linear expressions and identify equivalent expressions? Call on students to repeat back
rules for doing both to make sure the class does understand the process for doing so.

Think, Pair, Share

For this activity the students will be paired with their elbow partner. The students will have
everything put away, except for a piece of paper and pencils. The students will write down the
rules when expanding linear expressions with a leading coefficient or the rules of how to identify
equivalent expressions. They will be allowed 30 seconds to write down the rules. Person with
shortest hair will write down rules for expanding linear expressions and the other person will
write down rules for identifying equivalent expressions. The signal of eyes up front will let
students know the 30 seconds are over. Once finished, the student with the shortest hair will go
first and quiz their elbow on their rules and vice versa. After 15 seconds, the signal of eyes up
front will be given and the other student will go next.

Check For Understanding:

Get with your elbow partner
What are the students writing on the paper? (the rules when expanding linear
expressions with a leading coefficient and how to identify equivalent expressions)
How long does each student have to write the rules on the paper? (30 seconds)

What are the students quizzing each other on? (rules we learned)
Who is going to quiz first? (student in group with the shortest hair)
How long will the students have before they switch? (15 seconds)
How will the students know it is time to switch? (eyes up front)
Someone tell the class what is being asked of everyone to do?

Teacher will walk around the room to make sure everyone is on task, participating and giving
correct answers and understanding of the material.
Information: Once the students are done quizzing each other on the rules, we will go around the
room and randomly call on students and go over the rules one more time together to make sure
they understand the concept.
Question: what are the steps when dealing with expanding linear expressions?
We will randomly call on students having them repeat steps 1, 2, 3 etc. Make sure the students
understand what it means to distribute and how to properly distribute in a math equation,
rewriting the equation and then adding like terms and simplifying. We will refer back to the
example we did together and show again
Question: How do we identify if two expressions are equivalent?
Using popsicle sticks, to call on a student. Again have them tell us the rules and how expanding
the linear expression will be easier to see if two expressions are equivalent. We will refer to the
second example we did early as a class together and go over it again to check for understanding
of the rules.
8x+12 and 4(2x+3) equivalent?
Expand 4(2x+3) = 8x+12
Compare: 8x+12 = 4(2x+3)

Guided practice:
With their elbow partner, the students will need a whiteboard and marker. There will be problems
up on the board asking students to expand the expression, find an equivalent expression, or
identify if two expressions are equivalent. The student with the longest hair will go first and
solve the first equation and as a class show the teacher the answer they got for that problem.
They will decide together what the answer is, but the student whose turn it is will be the one
writing it down on the whiteboard and showing it to the teacher. Then it will be the other
students turn to solve the next problem and so on.

Before starting the activity, using popsicle sticks to call on students to check for understanding.
What items do you need?
Who is going first?
What will be written on the boards?
When do students switch?
Call on students to summarize what we are about to do.

Expand the linear expression: 5(x-2)+3x

Find an equivalent expression for: 2(x-2+4)+2x
Are these two expressions equivalent: 4x+13 and 2(2x+6)
Expand the linear expression: 6(2-3x)+2
Are these two expressions equivalent: 7x+49 and 7(x+7)
Find an equivalent expression for: 9x-81

Extended(independent) practice:
The following problems will be assigned to the students at the end of the lesson to be completed
at home and turned in the following day.

Expand the linear expression: 4(x-2+3x)-4

Find an equivalent expression: 12x+60
Are these expressions equivalent: 5x-15 and 6(2x-3)+4
Find an equivalent expression: 5(x-3)+2x-4
Expand the linear expression: 6(x-3)+4x-9
Are these expressions equivalent: 4(x+2)-2x+5 and 6(x-2)-4x+25
Expand the linear expression: 2(x-3+4x)-3x+2
Find an equivalent expression: 3(2x-3)+4-10x

Using whiteboards, students will identify if it is an equivalent expression or find an
equivalent expression for the linear expression.
1. Write an equivalent expression for
a. 5(x+4)
b. 3(x+5)-2
2. Are the following equivalent expressions?
a. 3x+6 and 3(x+2)
b. 2(3x-2)-1 and 10x-2
Materials and Resources:
Whiteboards and markers

1. Write an equivalent expression for:
a. 2x+4.
b. 4(x-9)+2
c. 4(2x-4)+6
2. Are the following equivalent expressions?
a. 12x+4 and 3x+1
b. 2-5x and 3(x-2)
c. 12x+72 and x+6
d. 4x+28 and 2(6x+14)-8x
3. An equilateral triangle has a perimeter of 6x+15. What is the length of the sides of
the triangle?

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