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Flow Chart Appraisal Process

Group 8: Marissa Aguilera

Sofia Caldera
Diana Camacho
Adriana De Casas
Mee Thao
MGMT 434
Prof. Suzanne Zivnuska

Executive Summary
The process we have constructed for Passages is a biannual performance appraisal system, which
includes a total of five forms. There are three performance evaluation forms for volunteers,
employees, and managers. Our volunteer form focuses on appreciation, the employee form
focuses on motivation, and the manager form focuses on feedback. The remaining two forms are
appeal forms for the employees and managers where they can appeal their performance results.
Prior Report On Hand
During each biannual performance review it is essential that the supervisor brings the previous
and most recent performance evaluation form. This is an effective method to measure
improvements regarding goal setting, productivity, and strengths and weaknesses. Supervisors
can compare the incumbents previous results to their current results and provide constructive
Management By Objective (MBO) Method
The employee and manager performance appraisal are developed through a Management By
Objective (MBO) method. The Management By Objective method focuses on improvement and
employee development for the organization. We felt that this method would be best for
Passages, since they are a Non-Profit organization and focus on motivating/engaging employees.
Our volunteer form allows us to express our appreciation to them and ensure that they want to
continue their volunteer work with us. By having this Passages can effectively communicate to
their volunteers that their effort and time has not gone unnoticed.
The employee performance evaluation form we find to be the most significant, since our focus
on this form is motivation. Motivating employees in a Non-Profit organization is very difficult.
Therefore, we incorporated innovative ways to motivate.
Included on the manager form the skill/responsibilities of managers are clearly defined and used
to asses the appropriate rating, comment on their strengths, and identify what improvements are
needed. On the following page there are several areas where the supervisors can comment on
specific feedback. By doing this we have incorporated the MBO method, since we have focused
on goal setting.

Manager Performance Appeals Form

Note: This form is to be used only in the event of a manager appealing a rating of Below
Please complete the following information and submit it to the Human Resources Division at address
listed below. Include a complete copy of your review with this form.
I, ___________________________, as a manager in _________________________________,
(Print Name)
hereby appeal my final rating score as specified below.
Final rating that I received for (month & year review): _________________________
(Indicate the final rating that you received.)
Final rating that I feel I should have received: ________________________________
(Indicate the rating you feel you deserved.)
Justification for my appeal:
(Please give reasons to support your appeal. Refer to specific Manager Objectives, and provide the
rationale for disagreeing with the ratings that you received. Also rebut any comments made by your
supervisor that you feel are not accurate. Be specific and factual. Attach additional sheets as necessary.)
Signature: _______________________________________

Date: ________________

Please attach to this form to a copy of your form and send to your to appropriate department.
Send a copy of the appeal to your agencys Director of Human Resources. A future follow up will be
scheduled to discuss your rating and appeal.

Employee Performance Appeals Form

Note: This form is to be used only in the event of an employee appealing his or her rating
Please complete the following information and submit it to the Human Resources Division. Include a
complete copy of your review with this form.
I, ___________________________, as an employee in _________________________________,
(Print Name)
hereby appeal my rating as specified below.
Final rating that I received for (month & year of review): _____________________
(Indicate the final rating that you received.)
Final rating that I feel I should have received:
(Indicate the rating you feel you deserved.)


Justification for my appeal:

(Please give reasons to support your appeal. Refer to specific employee objectives, and provide the
rationale for disagreeing with the ratings that you received. Also rebut any comments made by your
supervisor that you feel are not accurate. Be specific and factual. Attach additional sheets as necessary.)

Signature: _______________________________________

Date: ________________

Please attach to this form a copy of your form and send to your to appropriate department. Send a
copy of the appeal to your agencys Director of Human Resources. A future follow up will be
scheduled to discuss your rating and appeal.

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