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Worship Foundations notes

Session 1: Who Am I?
> A congregation that understands worship will engage in worship
> the people who are on platform to lead worship need to BE worship, and to BE w
orship, you must understand what worship is.
>Moses' tabernacle
> Identity : People think that what they do, defines who they are. and if what t
hey do is compromised, then their identity is damaged
the bible says that our identity is:
a- Priest ~ 1 peter 2:5 ~ we are a chosen people called to declare the p
raises of the God who called us out of the darkness and into the light.
what happens if the entire congregation sees themselves as priests? It changes t
he way they function.
-->I am a priest, and have the responsibility to do what a priest does.
b. Build tabernacles (meeting places) or host tabernacles.
the priests carried the tabernacle.
a tabernacle is a tent of meeting/congregation.
a tabernacle is a place with an expectation of people coming together to meet wi
th god
-only priests are allowed to set up a tabernacle and host a meeting with god.
everywhere i go becomes a meeting place between God and man.
--intercession=intersections between God and man Deuteronomy 10 8-9
1carry ark 2 stand before Lord to minister 3 pronounce blessings in His name. th
e Levite's inheritence is the Lord
C. Carry the presence and glory of God. It is a Levite's joy and honor t
o carry the presence of God wherever I go.
Someone who must always rely on someone else for prayer, to lead their worship,
etc does not know that they are a priest.
-diplomatic immunity > wherever I go, the laws of my sovereign nation apply. As
a priest, i am a diplomat from the kingdom of God to the kingdom of this world.
the platform becomes the kingdom of God when a priest steps upon it.
apply the kingdom of God
D. Minister to God - His desires, His pleasure, His glory, His will, His
-your primary responsibility as a priest is NOT to minister to mankind, but to m
inister to the Lord.
your primary concern has to be the will of God.
We will always have ministry that falls short as long as the target is the taste
s and preferences of mankind.
most of the sins that entangle us are rooted in the word of man
when you minister to God, he shows up and ministers to man.
I will be a more powerful leader if I step away from the congregation and focus
on the needs and wants of God
E. Bless the people.
Blessing people is not about appeasing their des
ires. to bless is to catalyze a person's destiny. (may the Lord bless you and ke
ep you)
do not bless someone according to their tastes. To bless someone is to facilitat
e them taking hold of God's destiny for them.
help the priests of the congregation
1. Purpose. Why did God want Moses to build a tabernacle?
God's purpose and plan hasn't changed throughout the testaments
A. Access- He wanted to be near His people!
God has not changed. ~ Exodus 25:8 & 29:44 ~ "So i will CONSECRATE the Tent of M
eeting and the altar and will consecrate Aaron and his sons to serve Me as PRIES

TS. then I will dwell among the Isrealites and be their God."
Consecrate a place where God can meet with his people and he WILL dwell among yo
at the center of every camp is the tabernacle. and the people would be camped ar
ound it in a cross formation. God wants to dwell in the center and midst of His
if people listen and obey, the presence of God will be in the camp and the world
will see that there is only one camp with a God
b. God had to teach people how to approach Him.
Come boldly to the throne of the Lord. there is a difference between permission
and ability. all priests have permission to enter the presence of God. the taber
nacle teaches people HOW to approach god.
Moses' Tabernacle is a pathway for worship - a protocol for living in the presen
ce of God. (Protocol: a strict adherence to etiquette and procedure)
there is a protocol for approaching the King
C. the tabernacle is a pattern pointing to a heavenly reality of access
~ Hebrews 8:5 ~ the tabernacle is a shadow, and shadows do not have power. the p
ower is true in the heavenly reality of the tabernacle
Session 2: Ground Rules

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