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Task 3. Analyzing Classroom Discourse.

Observe in a classroom, keeping a record that lets you answer the following
questions. Record/write down a list of what is said for 10 minutes during the CORE
part of the class:

What proportion of time does the teacher talk?

o Time the class for 10 min, how many of those minutes is the teacher talking?

The teacher spent almost two to three minutes to demonstrate the concept of multiplication as a
repeated addition (2 digits multiplied by 1 digit).

What types of questions does the teacher ask?

o List all the exact words you hear the teacher uses when asking questions
about the math topic (not review or procedural questions)

For example, we have this question 11


1. Which number should we start with (the numbers of the multiplication sentence)?
2. How many times we have to repeat the number?
3. Can you start with any number in multiplication?

What evidence do you see that children have learned some mathematics?
o What are children saying or doing that shows they understand a new topic?

The teacher showed an example on the board, and then she divided the students into groups of 3
students. Following that, she asked them to solve another question as she distributed the place
value blocks and they have to use them to find the answer. This strategy is called applying the
formative assessments that to make sure the students did understand the concept by implement
the skill or the steps of the math concept. I saw the majority of the students did well and find the
correct product of the multiplication. As they went and presented their answer in front of their
classmates as that enhanced students to practice on different questions. Moreover, with repeating
the steps together that gives the students chances to grasp the new idea. The understanding of the

core appeared when the students were pleasured to ask the teacher to give them another question
to do it again. That tell me they comprehended the idea and they were excited to do it again.
Another evidence that displayed their understanding was that some students say it is very easy
and fun and one of them went up and told her teacher please let me explain the question to my
I was sure the students will understand if they use manipulatives to explore the notion by
themselves, where the teacher only played as a guide for them. As I believe that the complicated
problems could be easier for the students when they try and relate that with real examples with
represent them with concrete objects.

How many of the children have an opportunity to talk?

o Are children talking only when the teacher calls on them?
o Do children talk to partners or in table groups?
o Do children raise their hands to ask questions? What are they asking?

The students have enough opportunities to talk and participate that to get rid of all their
struggles issues, to grasp the concept, to share with partners their guesses of the right way
that to find out the product, and also the teacher ask them if they have any problem or

In your opinion, is the classroom discourse about important and new mathematics?
o Why or why not?
The classroom discussed the new mathematics where the teacher asked students why we are
follow this method to solve the multiplication, why do you think it is good idea to use blocks?
On the other hand, the classroom followed the new methods of mathematics to deliver the
concept of math such as it applied the manipulatives activities, link the concept with real
examples such as the importance of multiplication in our life. All that were helpful to promote
the nowadays math classrooms that depend on educate the students by fun and new strategies
such as using concrete items, drawing, group works, students play as a teacher. Therefore, I think
it was scaffolding class that aided the new mathematics by teach the students how math is a basic
in our life that where are you going you find it. However, the educator could use more effective
examples to involve the students in math class such as showing pictures about where can we see
the multiplication and where can we use it, for instance, at the shopping to count the big
collection of something in faster way to find the sum.

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