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2008-2009 John Petrov

Dear friend,
Thank you for downloading this report. My job is to make sure that it is of value to you. Not just any value,
but tremendous, life-altering value. Im not going to fill you with fluffy promises and lofty dreams. I will
show you, in no uncertain terms, how to finally get the Law Of Attraction to work for you consistently
every single day - for the rest of your life.

In this report, you will learn:

Why movies like The Secret have made no real difference in your life and how to turn that
around, once and for all.

Why self-improvement programs havent worked for you yet.

Why the Law Of Attraction is working against you right now, and how to get it back on your
side permanently.

The REAL reason for the current Economic Recession, and how to be unaffected by it today.

How to reprogram your belief-system to your specifications automatically permanently,

manifesting more abundance, joy, success, happiness and freedom than you can ever imagine

Those are some pretty big promises, but dont worry, you are in good hands
I will come through on every promise.

Lets get started by talking about


Worldwide interest for the Law Of Attraction exploded after the release of the international hit movie The
Secret in 2006. After the film's release, the book The Law Of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks (on
which The Secret was partially based), made the New York Times Best Sellers list, drawing even more
attention and interest to the Law Of Attraction.
Larry King and Ellen DeGeneres both featured the Law Of Attraction on their respective shows and Oprah
Winfrey began a series of interviews on her show on the Law Of Attraction, chronicling the astoundingly
positive changes this law can make when understood and used correctly.
As you may know by now, the Law Of Attraction is a universal law that works on this simple principle: Like

attracts like - what you focus on expands. If you put a lot of focus on something you want, youll attract it. If
you put a lot of focus on something you do NOT want (like being broke), you will attract it.
Another way of saying it is this:

If deep down you feel good about something you want, you will get it.
If deep down you feel bad about something you do not want, you will get it.
Like the Law Of Gravity, the Law Of Attraction is a non-discriminating law.
Like attracts like where focus goes, energy flows.
Let me make an important distinction here the Law Of Attraction does not actually respond to your
thoughts per se it responds to how you feel about your thoughts.

Pay attention - its crucial that you get this!

In other words, you can think about it, wish for it, pray for it and visualize receiving a million dollars till
youre blue in the face, but if deep inside (even at a subconscious level), your true feelings are that you dont
really believe that itll happen it wont happen.
Because, again, the Law Of Attraction always delivers the perfect match to how you truly feel not your
thoughts. More on this in a bit.
Millions of people around the world started practicing the principles of this law. Youd hear about the most
successful ones in the media; about how they created riches, love, peace, freedom and the life of their dreams
simply by taking advantage of the principles of this universal law.
But somehow, this just doesnt happen for most people.
which brings me to my next topic


Lets get real for a moment unless youre living the life of your dreams right now unless youre living in
your dream home, driving your dream car, have your dream mate and enjoy outrageous levels of personal
freedom, peace and self-expression (in which case you wouldnt be reading this in the first place), guess
The Law Of Attraction is working against you right now.
Youve watched the movies, youve read the books, youve visualized, focused on things you want, written
your gratitude lists countless times, maybe even tried a secret behind The Secret program or two, but still
Oh sure, you may have had a temporary boost in consciousness which made a few good things happen, but it
wasnt permanent.
Because again, The Law Of Attraction does not discriminate it simply responds to how you really feel.
It does this by delivering a perfect vibrational match to your feelings. This means that if you do not feel
wonderful most of the time, the Law Of Attraction will deliver things/people/experiences that makes you feel
not wonderful - most of the time.


One of my favorite quotes is an old Chinese proverb you may be familiar with. It goes something like this:

"Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day.

Teach a man to fish and he'll have food for the rest of his life."
My point is that I could give you "free fish" in the form of the most powerful, life-changing LOA techniques I

know right now, but it wouldn't make a difference.

because if it did, you'd already have the Law Of Attraction working for you right now, by using
techniques from movies like The Secret.
I'm sure you've already tried it - feeling grateful, visualizing, focusing on good things and so on. I don't think
I'm going out on a limb by saying that, at best, it made a difference in your life for about a week or two maybe even a month.
Then, somehow, everything returned to normal, and you asked yourself

Why isn't this working?"

Or, perhaps you've been doing this longer, and you're now at the point where you recognize that the one
obstacle always standing between you and your dreams
Regardless of which category you fall into, aren't you sick and tired of this struggle? Haven't you had enough
of seeing others manifest their dreams while you're still spinning your wheels?
Regardless how much you've struggled, you must have done something right, because the Law Of Attraction
brought you this book.

Why is this important?

Because if you act on the information in this book, your number one stumbling-block - your "unknown
factor" - the one reason you aren't living the life of your dreams; YOU - will have an ally on your side that
will change everything.
This ally will be your own personal genie much like the genie in the story of Aladdin. You will have direct
access to it in the same way Aladdin did.
On days when you're feeling down, it will help you reprogram your belief-system - literally
reprogramming your mind - to your specifications!
On days when you feel like a million bucks (and with this ally, those days will start occurring more and more
frequently), it will increase your positive energy in ways you can't even imagine.
It will literally teach you how to fish, so you'll have food for the rest of your life - the rest of an

extraordinary life.
No, this is not a science fiction fantasy - this is real!
This technology exists today (unbeknownst to most people) and due to the power of the Law Of Attraction,
you have been put in the extraordinary position of being able to tap into it.
This technology - this ally, with the power to consistently override the negative programming in your
subconscious mind (and thats just from one of its many applications) is called Attractor Genie.

But before I tell you more about it, its important that you
understand a few other principles.
One thing that makes it hard for a lot of people to take advantage of the Law Of Attraction these days, is the
current economic recession, so Im going to let you in on a little secret by explaining

The REAL reason for the current Economic

And how to be completely unaffected by it
Every day when I get up, along with my coffee and toast, I like to watch the morning news. Or I should say I
used to like watching the morning news. These days, I cant seem to watch it for more than 20 minutes or so
before they go into recession mode.
Every day several times per day, they are obsessing about this. They have daily experts who give advice
on how the average Joe can take measures to "stay afloat in these trying and difficult times".
They feature interviews with affected citizens who complain about the current price of food, gas and just
about everything else, followed by the two news anchors looking at each other with sad faces, heads shaking,
asking us to hang in there even though things are tough right now.


Do you want to know why were having a recession? I mean, why were really having an economic


You see, the Law Of Attraction doesnt just work on a personal level. It works on every level: personal,
communal, societal, national, global and cosmic. What you focus on expands on all levels.
Whenever groups of people go into agreement about something, it creates a very powerful sometimes even
devastating effect courtesy of the Law Of Attraction.
The economic recession is a perfect example. It starts with something like one person (or a group of people)
doing something that causes another person to think thats not good. This person shares this with another
person who does the same with yet another person and if what theyre thinking matches the current general
state of consciousness, more and more people latch on to it.

and the Law Of Attraction responds by manifesting more of the

The cycle continues to gain momentum like this until the Law Of Attraction starts manifesting this collection
of thoughts into physical things and occurrences (chains of events leading to high prices, etc). When that
happens, we call it proof. Once we have this proof we watch the news, we complain about it and we
discuss it.
and the Law Of Attraction responds by manifesting more of the same
This goes on until you have a complete breakdown of the economy.
That continues until someone says, its got to get better soon to someone else. That makes this someone
else feel good, so he/she shares this opinion with others, who share it with others again. What theyre
thinking matches the current general state of consciousness really well, because people are tired of hard
times, so more and more people latch on to this thought.
This conversation is now starting to make a lot of people feel really hopeful. As a matter of fact, the local
news stations are picking up on it now - people are starting to expect good changes to come.
and the Law Of Attraction responds by manifesting more of the same
Because of the collective momentum, physical manifestation (proof) is now happening left and right,
causing everyone to talk about how good times are coming.

and the Law Of Attraction responds by manifesting more of the same

until we no longer have an economic recession. Of course, at that point, we have plenty of proof that
shows us that we got out of the recession because X and Y happened. You know proof.



Look, I know this tangent was long, but it was for a very good reason. I wanted you to once and for all stop
being affected by this giant illusion called the recession. Or anything else negative you hear about from
anyone anywhere. Anytime.
These are the fundamentals of the Law Of Attraction. You always and only get what you expect deep down.
The more you dwell upon the things you do not want, the more you bring those things into your life.
If at some point you find yourself sucked in by negative outside influences again, remember this: unless
you have a deep-rooted belief somewhere that is vibrating perfectly with society's current obsession with
recession (or anything else) you cannot be affected.
The problem is that, often, you do have these subconscious beliefs and you do get sucked in.
But dont worry were going to handle all of that by the end of this e-book courtesy of Attractor Genie.
But before that, we have more important ground to cover.

Why other self help PROGRAMS HAVE failed

Lets get back to what I was saying earlier. I mentioned that the reason most LOA methods, and techniques
arent working is because The Law Of Attraction does not discriminate it simply responds to how you
really feel not how you think. It delivers a perfect vibrational match to your emotions.

So again, unless you consistently feel good, you will not consistently create good things in your life no
matter how many self-help books or programs you try.
Lets go even deeper
Do you want to know the core reason why these self help books do not work? Its the same reason why you
dont consistently feel wonderful why your life isnt as successful as you want it to be. Its why you keep
bumping up against that wall, no matter how hard you try to break through to the other side. Heres why:
Because you are not consistent

The missing ingredient to having the life of your dreams is taking consistent and
inspired action. Its that simple.

How much money have you spent on self-improvement books/programs? $50? $500? $5000? Regardless
how much, notice how youre still not where you want to be in life.
This is because your success is never dependent on the actual self-improvement materials themselves - they
have no power in and of themselves. Sure, they may have brilliant information that would alter your life
forever if you applied it to your life consistently as in every single day, week after week, month after
month. But therein lies the problem.
I cant tell you specifically why you have difficulties staying consistent, but as a general statement, I can tell
you with 100% certainty that your core issue is subconscious counter-intentions. Intentions that you are
completely unaware of.
This is why you are floating adrift in a sea of self-help programs, books, movies, techniques and methods
without land in sight.
So you see, you can continue this journey if you like buying the next life-changing program, and the
next, and the one after that. But nothing will change, because books or methods wont change your
subconscious programming. It is, again, changed by one thing and one thing alone:

Taking inspired and consistent action

One of my favorite movies is the documentary What the bleep do we know? In this film, quantum
physicists illustrate the fact that every time you change a thought pattern, your brains neurons start rearranging themselves. They further explain that if you keep this change consistent, your brain neurons will
completely rebuild their net to support that change until the changed behavior becomes second nature.
You may have heard that it takes something like 30 days to establish a new habit. Now you know why. Its
not just a mind thing, its actually physical.
Do you get the significance of this?
This means that if you can stay consistent consistent no matter what your brain will do the dirty work for
you! Your brain neurons will literally cause your counter-intentive subconscious programming to shut down,
in submission to your new, chosen programming.
The only catch is

You cannot do this on your own!

I say that confidently, because if you could, youd already done it. If you think reading this book will inspire
you to give it another go, Im sorry to tell you that it doesnt work that way.
Because that is your conscious mind talking.
Your counter-intentive subconscious is a hundred (if not a thousand) times more powerful than your
conscious mind and it doesnt want you to succeed - period. If it did, youd be successful a long time ago. But
thats not the case. Its a vicious cycle and very few people in this world ever break out of it.
Look, Im not saying this to bum you out. Im saying it because I have been there. For decades, I struggled
with the same thing taking consistent and inspired action. I tried just about every self-help method you can
imagine I even hired a coach. But since I only spoke with my coach a few times per week that failed too.
Because in the end, Id always run into myself. That is, until Attractor Genie.

OK John, spill the beans what is this Attractor


Imagine having a full-time, personal genie that every day, every second, whispers life-changing affirmations
in your ear so silently that you cannot hear it, but loud enough that it slowly, but surely starts triggering your
brain neurons to alter, eventually completely rebuilding your belief-system from one of lack to one that you
get to specify.
Whatever you want, the Genie dutifully goes to work for you.
Your wish is my command.
Now lets switch to real life - imagine that this Genie does exactly the same thing, as a software program on
your computer. Add to this every Law Of Attraction tool you can think of, as clever, seamless applications.
Program it easily and quickly, set it to run on automatic and go about your work day as you normally do
while the Genie goes to work for you rebuilding your belief-system little by little, until your life in the
not-quite-there lane is but a distant memory.

That is Attractor Genie in a nutshell.

Attractor Genie is the worlds first Law Of Attraction Software.
It is a complete personal development solution that turns one of the most important, but drab, repetitive
techniques required to make the LOA work for you, into an automated task.
It is the one tool on the market that is capable of doing what no other self-help program, seminar or coaching
can even dream of doing - namely altering your subconscious belief system to your specifications, until
taking inspired and consistent action becomes second nature to you. All this while youre working on your
computer or even surfing the Internet!
Remember, if you can only do that one little thing take consistent and inspired action, the world becomes
your playground the kind of world you always knew existed, but never dared dream would come true.
Thats the power of Attractor Genie.
and you know what else?
You never have to worry about the one thing that makes most people hesitant about buying other self-help
programs you never have to worry that you wont end up using it.
Lets say youre a chronic procrastinator. You have enough never-used, dusted down self-help books on your
shelf to start your own desert. Great!

So you get Attractor Genie. Just from the sheer excitement of receiving the software, youll spend at least a
few minutes on it. Thats all the time it takes to do the basic setup. You set it to autopilot and let it do its
thing. You dont worry about all the other applications for now first you need to reprogram your beliefsystem, so youll actually have the discipline to do this work in the first place.
You let it run non-stop on your computer, and within less than a week, you start noticing subtle, positive
changes. Youre starting to feel encouraged.
This is not an unrealistic scenario at all with Attractor Genie. As a matter of fact, its commonplace. The type
of intention you set the software for will determine what kind of changes youll get in your life.
When I started my own personal development journey, my issue was lack of money, so I set the program for
abundance. I cant recall exactly, but I know it didnt take more than 5-6 days before I started noticing
weird coincidences. New opportunities started coming in. My online business, which I had been
struggling with for years, somehow started making money. And I found myself feeling good more and more
of the time!
That was quite some time ago, with a rudimentary version of the more powerful Attractor Genie thats
available today. Today, I am happier with myself and my life than I have ever been before Im thrilled with
my financial situation and I love my life!
Thanks to Attractor Genie and the deep, profound changes it has triggered, Ive become someone people
look up to for the way I live my life someone who lives life like its supposed to be lived - like a big, fun

I completely removed all my limiting beliefs beliefs that had held me back for over 20 years!

Attractor Genie has helped me remove most of the negative conditioning Ive collected since I was8 years
old, so that I now enjoy life almost as vividly and vivaciously as I did back then!

From the bottom of my heart I want you to experience this for

I want you to experience maybe for the first time in your life - the exhilarating feeling and satisfaction you
will get from consistently manifesting what you want in your life.

I want you to feel what its like to wake up in the morning with a big smile on your face, because youre living
life on your terms youre doing what you want, when you want to do it every day.
But more than anything, I want you to feel the tremendous relief of not having to struggle anymore. Life
should not be about struggle. And now, thanks to Attractor Genie, it doesnt have to anymore not for you.
The world needs to experience the unstoppable, powerful, abundant, free and peaceful you. Dont cheat
the world out of that contribution any longer. Let that wonderful light of yours out at last.
That being said, I warmly invite you to get the process started - get acquainted with Attractor Genie right

Dont wait another second because a second is all that your counter-intentive
subconscious needs to talk you out of this.

My friend, the struggle is about to end heres to your new life!

Click Here to Take Advantage of the Law of Attraction Genie Special Offer
With warm regards,
John Petrov creator of the Attractor Genie Software

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