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Academic Research

THBT governments should not place limits in the areas which scientists may research.

THBT we should prohibit corporations from sponsoring academic research.

THW ban the use of unethically obtained data in scientific research.

That genetic research that attributes negative traits to particular races should not be

Aid Groups/ Charities

THBT NGOs should hire private military contractors

This house believes that humanitarian organizations should and should be allowed to give
funding, resources or services to illegal armed groups when this is made a condition for
access to vulnerable civilians.

THBT dictatorships should not receive international aid.

THW not give development aid to non-democratic governments.

THBT development aid should be made conditional on poor countries aggressively

pursuing population control

TH regrets the use of graphic imagery of suffering to promote altruistic causes.

THW ban international aid charities from using sensational, graphic, or overly-emotional
images of suffering in fundraising and advertising campaigns



THW allow police to use entrapment.

THW allow police to use racial profiling.

THW ban the use of social networking websites in catching pedophiles.

Executive vs Judiciary

THW abolish executive pardons

Retribution vs Other Principles (Rehabilitation, Utilitarianism)

THW abolish the Juvenile Law.

THW prosecute teenagers as adults for criminal offences.

That we should abolish the imposition of custodial sentences on young offenders.

THW disallow plea-bargaining in criminal trials

Restorative Justice

That employers should not have access to job applicants criminal records

THW not release personal details of criminal suspects.

This house would allow prisoners to volunteer for drug trials in exchange for lighter

Victims Will

THW allow victims or victims families to veto the use of capital punishment when
sentencing their aggressors, on grounds of religious objection

THBT a victim's forgiveness can be used to mitigate a wrongdoer's prison sentence.

THW prosecute suspected rapists without formal complaint of victims.

Criminal Rights

THW torture terrorists in order to get critical information for national security.

That we should abolish detention without trial for suspected terrorists.

That Terrorist suspects should have the right to a Trial in Civilian courts

THW execute war criminals. (THW abolish death penalty.)

THW allow single parents in prison to raise their children behind bars.

That single parents in prison should be provided special treatment to allow them to
raise their young children from behind bars.

THW allow prisoners to choose death penalty over life imprisonment.


That trial by jury should be abolished.

That illegally gathered evidence and information should be admissible in criminal trials

THW ban the use of private lawyers in criminal trials.

This house would require all defendants in criminal cases to be represented only by
state-employed lawyers.
This house would ban private settlements in defamation suits


Labor Rights

THW allow strikes by those working in essential state services.

THW require companies to pay their interns.

That trade unions should have their power restricted during times of economic crisis.


THW make the directors of multinational companies personally liable for

environmental abuses committed by their companies in the developing world.

THBT multinational corporations have a duty to maintain a strong presence (majority

of their industry) in their home countries

THW make the directors of multinational companies personally liable for

environmental abuses committed by their companies in the developing world.

Failing Corporation

THBT governments have a duty to bail out failing financial institutions.

That Governments should Never Bail out Big Companies

Public/ Private

THBT public services are best run by private companies.

THBT essential state services should be privatized.

THBT water should not be privatized.

THW nationalize all prisons.


THW ban all advertising of consumer goods and services.

Art/ Culture

THW ban government funding of the arts.

THBT cultural treasures should be returned to their areas of origin.

In poor countries, THW sell all national relics and other sites with cultural and historical

Developing Countries

That developing nations should have the right to give priority to development ahead of the

THBT developed countries should not require developing countries to adhere to any
environmental restrictions.

THW legalize child labor in developing countries.

This house believes that slum tourism does more harm than good.

That developing nations should sell sovereignty over autonomous zones to entrepreneurs

This house would auction off the long-term right to govern bankrupt cities for profit



THW introduce grade retention in compulsory education.

THB schools should aggressively stream students according to their ability from a
young age

This House supports academic tracking in primary and secondary education

THW stream (put them in one class) students based on their academic performance

That talented students should be taught separately from their peers.

THBT teachers pay should be based on students performance.


That we should ban homeschooling

THW ban the physical punishment of children by their parents.

TH house regrets the practice of tiger parenting.

Education and Development

THBT in areas of socio-economic deprivation, schools should train students in

vocational skills to the exclusion of the Liberal Arts
Narrative in education

TH regrets the dominant narrative in childrens education that good always wins.
Sex Education

That all schools should have comprehensive sex education classes.

THBT sex education in schools should move from teaching safe sex to teaching good

That sexual education classes at school should include, but not be limited to: sexual
orientation, anal sex, mutual gratification and masturbation.

Civil Relationship

TH prefers a world without marriage.

That the state should stop subsidizing monogamous relationships.

THW legalize polygamy.

THW legalize sadomasochism.



THW never negotiate with terrorists.

THBT the West should abandon its non-negotiation policy with terrorists.

THBT the War on Terror has been counter-productive.

THW torture terrorists in order to get critical information for national security.

THBT western media should actively portray terrorists as criminals with justified
Oppressive Regime

THW sanction oppressive regimes rather than engage them

THW assassinate (name of dictator).

THW invade (name of oppressive regime).

THW offer dictators immunity in return for leaving power.

That we should only grant amnesty to dictators at the conclusion of conflicts.

TH would never offer amnesty to heads of state in the midst of possible regime
International Body

THBT the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council should not have
veto power.

This House Believes That The ICC Should Prosecute Crimes Against Democracy. (I.e.
Massive electoral fraud and vote rigging, vote buying, suppression of the opposition,

That it should be legitimate to use aid to buy votes in international organizations.

THBT the UN should establish a minimum quota for global refugee acceptance,
allocated to and tradable among signatory countries of The Convention relating to the
Status of Refugees (CRSR)
Post-Conflict Society

In post-conflict societies, THBT historical narratives should be owned by the


THBT post-conflict states should suppress discourse surrounding the period of conflict
in order to promote peace.

In a post-genocide society, the state should aggressively pursue housing policies

which promote racial integration

West and China

That the US should close down all of its military basis in Asia.


THBT media facilities are legitimate targets in war.

THW torture terrorists in order to get critical information for national security.


THW ban drones.

That we should ban the use and development of all unmanned offensive military

That nations should use bounty hunters to capture or kill enemies.

Assuming feasibility, THW create soldiers without the sense of pain.


THW invade (name of oppressive regime).

THW assassinate (name of dictator).

THW partition (name of conflict zone).

This house believes that Western liberal democracies have a duty to militarily
intervene in conflicts where large scale human rights abuses are occurring.


TH supports the international trading of pollution quotas.

THW stop preventing the worsening of climate change and focus on adapting to its
consequences instead.



THBT that western liberal democracies should ban online anonymity

Potentially harmful expression

THW ban websites that encourage suicide.

That media outlets should be allowed to report on the details of suicides.

THW prohibit the media from disclosing the political motivation of terrorist groups

THW prevent journalists from covering mass shootings in detail

THW ban websites which glorify eating disorder.

THS the establishment of weight requirements for models in the fashion industry.

Pop Culture

THW ban all pornography.

THBT black entertainers should not use the N word.

THW ban violent video games.

THW ban violent sports.

Media Mogul and Equality

THW not allow a single media company to own multiple TV channels or newspapers
(whether in print or online)

THW enforce strict rules on the ownership of media.

That the Government should subsidize print journalism.



THW ban negative campaign.

That we should vote for Barack Obama on the basis of his race.

TH, as a woman, would vote for Hillary Clinton

THBT politicians should not resign over private affairs. (Such as sex scandals and
family problems).

That developing nations should prohibit families of current or former politicians from

running for office.

This house would not allow family members of politicians from participating in politics.

THW abolish parties based on ethnicity

THW ban extreme political parties.


THW give extra votes to citizens based on their performance on a current affairs test.

THW make voting mandatory.

THBT voting in national elections should be compulsory.

That parents should receive extra vote per child in elections.

THW ban political lobbying.

THW ban campaign finance contributions from corporate lobby groups.

THBT believes that corporations should not be allowed to contribute to campaigns

That corporations should be allowed to vote.

THW allow individuals convicted of any crime to run for parliament

THW give votes to prisoners.

THBT figureheads of national liberation movements (Aung Sang Suu Kyi, Dalai Lama)
should not become politicians after their movements succeed

THW Extend Voting Rights to all Jewish People in Israeli Elections.


THBT countries that are approaching economic disaster should suspend elections and
appoint a government of experts.

THW prefer a technocratic autocracy over a populist democracy.

THB corrupt, benevolent and capable dictatorship is preferable to corrupt and inept

TH prefers a secular autocracy to a fundamentalist democracy


THBT democratic states should hold a referendum before engaging in a military


THW subject the conviction or acquittal of environmental terrorists to a referendum.

THBT it should be possible to pardon individuals convicted of treason by national

Role of Politician

This House would pay all elected politicians the median wage in their country

THW make the salary of politicians equal to the per capita income of the country.

That the media should not report on the private lives of politicians.

THBT politicians should only be allowed to serve in office for a limited period of time.
Political Parties

That we would abolish political parties.

Prohibition/Legalization on Civil Activity

Dangerous Activity

THW legalize duel to death.

THBT we should criminalize prostitution.

THW legalize euthanasia.

THBT terminally ill patients have a right to die.

THW legalize all recreational drugs.

That law enforcement should turn a blind eye to drug use and sale in designated

THW legalize organ transplant for profit.

THW ban all unessential forms of cosmetic surgery.

That governments should not fund reconstruction in areas that are prone to natural

This House would ban the use of zero-hour contracts.

THW allow workers to sell their rights.

That individuals should be allowed to sell their right to sue to one/more 3rd parties.

THW allow individuals to contract out of all basic employment provisions in their
contracts (such as health & safety, unfair dismissal etc.) in return for increased wages

Public Place

THW ban smoking in public places.


Obesity Crisis

THW introduce fat tax.

Media and Health

THW ban skinny model.

THS the establishment of weight requirements for models in the fashion industry.

Medical Ethics

THW ban corrective treatment for the mentally ill.

THBT we should stop the attempt to find a cure for autism.

THW Ban treatments that claim to cure homosexuality

Role of Doctor

That doctors should be required to report suspected cases of domestic violence.

THW require doctors to report suspected case of domestic violence.

THBT in the event of life-threatening illnesses, medical decisions about children should
be made by doctors not parents.

That doctors should be required to perform medical procedures even when it conflicts
with their beliefs.

THW allow doctors to refuse to perform treatments that are against their own ethical

Resource allocation

THW limit the right to receive organ donations strictly to those who sign up as donors

THW deprioritize the elderly in allocating scarce medical resources.

THW deny citizens who took part in organ trade privileges from its national healthcare


That all restrictions on the advertising of prescription drugs should be removed.

Moral and Rights

Reproductive Rights vs Fetal Rights

THW ban abortion at all stages of pregnancy.

THW ban abortion except in cases where the mothers health is at risk.

That women should be criminally liable for harm to fetuses in utero as a result of their
lifestyle choices.

Right to bear arms

That gun ownership should be restricted to law enforcement agencies.

THW ban gun.

Freedom of Expression

THBT Holocaust denial should be a crime.

THW ban hate speech.

THW ban depictions of the Prophet Mohammed

THW ban sacrilegious arts.

THW ban religious proselytization in public.

THW remove all religious symbols from public offices.

THW remove all markers of race and religion from national symbols and anthems

THBT Free Speech should include the right to offend religions

That it is legitimate to oppose religion by seeking out and exposing private immoral
behavior of religious leaders

That we should force pornography websites to move to an .xxx internet domain.

Animal Rights

THW ban production of meats.

THBT there is no such thing as animal cruelty.

Emergency Evacuation vs Harm Principle

That we should prohibit price gouging after natural disasters

THBT looting should not be criminalized in times of calamity.

Freedom of Movement vs Reciprocity

That medical workers from developing countries should not be allowed to migrate to
the developed world.

That the Members-States should grant free movement of labour in (name of regional

THW compel children to care for their parents

THW pay people with hereditary diseases to not have children.

THW abolish military conscription.



That we should legalize performance enhancing drugs

That sporting bodies should allow the use of all performance enhancing drugs


THW not allow children to compete in professional sports

That we should ban the international trade in sportspeople under the age of 18

International Sporting Event

This House believes that Western nations should not attend sporting events in
countries with bad human rights records

TH supports athletes making political and religious expressions at international

sporting events

Discrimination in sports

THW penalize sporting teams for the behavior of their fans

That we should eject sporting teams from international competitions if their fans are
found to have committed racist/sexist/queerphobic etc. acts during matches


Organized religion

This House Prefers a World Without Organized Religion.

Children and Medication

THBT in the event of life-threatening illnesses, medical decisions about children should
be made by doctors not parents.

THW forcibly give medical treatment to children who are suffering from life-threatening
illness/injury even if it is against their parent's will (such as, but not limited to,
religious or political reasons)

THBT parents should not have the right to deny medical treatment to their children on
religious grounds.

Children and Education

THW prevent parents from religiously indoctrinating their children.

THW require all religious schools to provide sex education regardless of parental

That religious schools should be forced to teach comprehensive sex education.

Religion and Social Justice

THW make tax exemptions to religious organizations contingent upon them not
discriminating (e.g. refusing to perform religious services, not allowing participation by

This house would lift tax exemptions from religious institutions that refuse to recognize
marriage equality.

THW remove all tax exemptions granted to religious institutions

THW remove all legal and economic privileges granted to religious organizations.

THW compel religious adoption agencies to accept capable LGBT parents

Indigenous People

That indigenous communities who have historically lived in the Amazon should not be
punished for acts of vigilantism against poaches and illegal loggers

That the state should refuse to tolerate sexist indigenous cultural practices

That we support granting land rights to indigenous peoples as a means of redressing

historical injustice

THBT indigenous groups (e.g. Native Americans, Australian aborigines, etc.) who live in
geographically separate areas should be given their own completely autonomous

THW exempt indigenous communities from laws relating to environmental protection.

Social Movement


This House believes that sexually assertive female pop stars identifying as feminists is
harmful for feminism.

THBT the feminist movement should seek a ban on pornography

As feminists, TH celebrate sugar babies

LGBTQ Movement

THBT homosexual movement should out homosexuals they know to be in the closet.

THBT homosexuals in western liberal democracies should not commit themselves in

civil unions before marriage equality is reached.

THBT the T should leave the LGB and form their own movement.

Environmental Activists

This house believes that it is legitimate for environmental campaign groups to use
ecoterrorism to achieve their goals

THBT environmentalists should exaggerate the effects of global warming

THBT The environmental movement should publish outright lies about the extent of
environment harm to promote their cause.

THW subject the conviction or acquittal of environmental terrorists to a referendum


THBT social movements in democratic countries should drive social change through
the courts rather than the legislature.

That historically oppressed indigenous minorities should embrace and promote

inaccurate but positive myths or beliefs about their culture

Social Justice

Affirmative Action

That compensation should be paid for the injustices committed by past generations

THBT affirmative action in universities should be based on economic class rather than

That we should support quotas for women in high government positions

THW force organizations to place more women in senior positions.

THW introduce female quota in national parliament.

THW introduce female quota in executive board of corporations.


THW ban all procedures to alter one's racial appearance.

TH regrets scientific studies that investigate the genetic bases of criminal behavior.

That we would create separate units for gays in the military.

THW establish exclusive schools for the LGBT.

That segregating universities on the basis of ethnicity should be abolished

THW aggressively sexualize men in the fight against gender inequality

Retributive Justice


THW introduce 100% inheritance tax.


As a form of welfare for the poor, TH prefers providing services (such as, but not

limited to food stamp, job training) to cash.

That problem gamblers should have their welfare payments suspended.

Thought Experiments

Assuming the technology exists, THW forcibly implant memories of discrimination

experienced by minorities into the minds of the majority

THW Destroy Incontrovertible Proof that God does not Exist

THBT humanity is better off without sexual desires

TH prefers a world without any conception of gender over a world with a conception of
gender identities

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