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Mariela Chang

Ethnography Project Reflective Essay

I found the concepts introduced by Wardle regarding the definition of ones authority and
identity in new workplaces when being integrated into a new discourse community to be a bit
challenging. In her article she states, if the neophyte is granted some measure of authority by
an institution but does not quickly learn the appropriate speech conventions of her new
community of practice, she may soon lose the authority with which she began. Which I found
perplexing since authority would imply that they would be well-aware of the practices shared by
the discourse community. When discussing both Mirabellis and Kahns articles, I found them
extremely helpful and insightful when completing my Ethnography. Kahn analyzes the steps that
take place when writing an ethnography and Mirabelli analyzes the multiliteracies that take place
in the service industry which closely relates to my topic.
In my endeavors, I was able to gain a better understanding and study the necessary
discourse that take place when successfully communicating in a new business, specifically in a
restaurant setting. I conducted a series of interviews in order to get perspectives on the different
views from different participants. I first interviewed an expert in the field in order to find out the
communication and writing skills one must have when considering to become a business owner.
Dr. Ibarrache, an Entrepreneurship professor here at the University, introduced a vital tool: the
business model canvas. This canvas can be tweaked and modified however many times needed
as an idea transforms into a business. He stated that as a new entrepreneur, it is imperative that
one knows and understands all the components of the canvas, so that it can be properly utilized.
Another required skill will include business plans, which an entrepreneur can use to organize
his/her thoughts into a detailed list of procedures. A business owner will need to master both of

these skill sets in order to have sustainable business. Next I interviewed a restaurant owner, who
stressed the importance of non-verbal messages when reacting and communicating with
employees, vendors and customers and stated that a successful restaurant can be credited to a
well-practiced chain of communication between employees. Lastly I conducted an interview with
a waitress, who mentioned that reading body language is one of the most important skills needed
in order to success. Recognizing the type of customer or audience one is serving is extremely
important and can make a worlds difference in how the service is perceived.
Through this project, I presented my research as a guide to the dos and dontss one must
be aware when planning to open a restaurant. I also strived to write an accessible, visually
appealing and efficient guide, while avoiding technical terms that the reader might not
understand. Before completing the guide, we wrote memos which included updates regarding our
primary field work. This process helped with accountability and served as an aid to achieve my
set goals, and meeting deadlines. It also served as way to assure I was on the right track,
fulfilling all the required objectives. Some changes I made between drafts included breaking up
sections which seemed too dense into subsections and adding more white space in order to
accomplish a more visually approachable document. A way I couldve made my revision process
more effective would have been to visit the writing center for more suggestions and revising, as
well as asking my peers to look over my work. Overall through this project, I attained a better
understanding on how the social context surrounding entrepreneurs shape their communication
conventions. Through the primary research conducted, I was able to observe the different genres
presented in this specific discourse community.

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