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Setup an account
1. Setup Account at

2. As a teacher you need to create an account by entering a username,

password, and email address.

Create a Kahoot
1. Once you sign in or create your account, you can decide if you want to
make a quiz, make discussion questions, or create a survey.

2. Then give your quiz/survey a title.

3. Now, create your question. Type the answers for the students to choose from
at the bottom of the page.

4. Once you have selected the answers, click on the red button under each
question that says incorrect. Click on the answer that is correct, and it will go
from an incorrect red button to a correct green button. Therefore, Kahoot
knows which answer is correct.

5. Set the Time Limit at drop down box in the upper right hand corner. You are
able to pick how long students have time to answer the question.
6. Go to the bottom right hand corner, and click +add question. You will
repeat the same steps explained above for the next questions added. Also,
you can insert an image or video in the middle of the page.

7. Once you are done creating your questions, go to the bottom right of the
page, and click Save & continue. You can re-order questions by drag and
drop the question.
8. If you are pleased with the order of your quiz questions, then go to the bottom
right hand corner and click Save & continue.

9. Now, decide what language you would like to use, privacy settings, and
primary audience. Also, you can decide the difficulty level in the middle of
the page. Then, and click Save & continue.

10. It is optional to insert a cover image. Once you have decided to use a cover
image or not, go to the bottom right hand corner and click Done. Now, the
quiz has been created and its time to launch your kahoot!.

Lets Kahoot!
1. Project the quiz on a big screen. Click Play and then Launch, youll be given
a numeric code.
2. Student has to go to and enter the code in order to participate
using any device. On the big screen youll see the numeric code and also the
name of the participants who successfully joined the session.

3. In student-view screenshots after they go to, they need to enter the

numeric code, and their screen will look like this:

4. After the student enter the pin associated with the quiz or survey, they have
to enter a nickname, preferably their first name so you know who is who.
Then, click Join game.

5. Once all of your student entered the game, click Start Now, then,
countdown starts (if you chose to have a timed quiz).
Note that the students will not see the question on their screens, but only the
answer choices (and those answer choices can be color coded, which
means the students need to look at the big screen to read the actual answer
choices and then they can just pick the color associated with each
6. Below a screenshot of sample question, the participants will see it on the big

Results and winners

1. When the quiz is over, a scoreboard will be displayed. You can see how many
students chose each answer (great data that teachers can use on the spot).
For instance, if all of the students picked the same wrong answer, the teacher
identified a common misunderstanding on the spot and can proceed to
remediate it accordingly.

2. The screen that announces the winner look like this:

3. The final score board lists the top 5 scores.

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