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Sp 1 CH 4 PROYECTO Nombre Jason Shibata Clase Period 4 Fecha 11/17/16

You are completing your schedule for next week, and want to make plans with your
friends. For each day of the week, write an invitation question in Spanish, including
the time and the activity. You may not repeat activities!! Record the names of the
students, friends or family who accept the invitation in each box. Be sure to write
AT LEAST 8 activities in your schedule!
EJEMPLO: lunes

- el colegio 7:30 llego

con Lupe en coche

- voy la tienda de ropa - 3:00 - con Sarita.

Lunes: voy la cafe - 5:30 - Tambien voy al parque - 6:00 - llego con Ethan.
Ethan: S yo voy con t a la cafe y parque.
Martes:voy la sala de clase - 7:30 - llego con Luke.
Luke:Si yo voy con tu a la sala de clase.
Mircoles:Voy el practica ftbol - 6:00 - llego con Luca.
Luca:S yo voy con t al practica ftbol.
Jueves:Voy la papelaria - 7:30 - con Hayden.
Hayden:S yo voy con t a la papeleria.
Viernes:Voy al pelculas - 6:00 - con Jack.
Jack:S yo voy con t al pelculas.
Sbado:voy a la biblioteca - 11:00 - con Patience.
Patience:S yo voy con t a la biblioteca.
Domingo:Voy la tienda de ftbol - 3:00 - con Bryan.
Bryan:S yo voy con t a la tienda de ftbol.

Sp 1 CH 4 PROYECTO Nombre Jason Shibata Clase Period 4 Fecha 11/17/16

En lunes yo voy al cafe con Ethan a las cinco y media. Tambin

nosotros vamos al parque a las seis de la tarde. En el parque nosotros
jugamos baloncesto. En martes yo voy a la sala de clase con Luke a las
siete y media de la maana. En la sala de clase nosotras escuchamos a
la profesora. En mircoles yo voy a la prctica de ftbol con Luca a las
seis de la tarde. Jugamos para una hora.En jueves voy a la papelaria
con Hayden a las siete y media de la noche. Nosotros compramos una
tarjeta de cumpleanos para una fiesta.Yo voy a las pelculas con Jack en
viernes. En la cine nosotros miramos Dr. Strange. La pelcula es a las
seis en punto.En sabado voy a la biblioteca con Patience a las once de
la manana. Nosotros estudiamos historia. En domingo voy a la tienda
de ftbol con Bryan a las tres de la tarde. En la tienda de ftbol
compramos un baln de ftbol y camiseta de ftbol.






Sp 1 CH 4 PROYECTO Nombre Jason Shibata Clase Period 4 Fecha 11/17/16


Now, summarize your plans for the week in Spanish. Use the expression Yo voy a
to say what you are going to do. Be sure to include the day of the week, the time,
and the activity you are going to do in Spanish. Be sure to write a paragraph of at
least 12 sentences in Spanish. Illustrate your summary with pictures to
represent activities and places.
Add your CH 4 project to your website as a DOCUMENT under QUARTER
2, and submit your Weebly site as a link in Google Classroom, by 4 pm
on MONDAY 11/9 for full credit!

Rubric for Extended Presentational Written Communication

18- 20 Excellent - demonstrates superior competence in written communication
Excellent completion of task at level of instruction
Extensive and mostly accurate use of structures appropriate to the task and level
Rich variety of vocabulary and/or idioms, as appropriate to the task and level
Few or no grammar and/or spelling errors
16 17 Good to very good - d
emonstrates competence in written expression
Good to very good completion of task at level of instruction
Frequent and mostly accurate use of structures appropriate to the task and level
Good to very good variety of vocabulary/idioms, as appropriate to the task and level
Some grammar and/or spelling errors
14 15 Satisfactory - demonstrates some competence in written expression
Partial completion of task at level of instruction
Somewhat accurate use of structures appropriate to the task and level
Basic to limited variety of vocabulary and/or idioms, as appropriate to the task and
Grammar and/or spelling errors that occasionally interfere with communication
12 13 Weak - demonstrates little competence in written expression
Minimal completion of task at level of instruction
Minimal use of structures appropriate to task and level
Limited vocabulary and/or idioms, as appropriate to task and level ; reliance on
Many grammar and/or spelling errors that interfere with communication

Sp 1 CH 4 PROYECTO Nombre Jason Shibata Clase Period 4 Fecha 11/17/16

11 or less Unacceptable - demonstrates lack of competence in written expression

Little to no completion of task
Little to no evidence of appropriate use of structures appropriate to task and level
Little to no evidence of vocabulary and/or idioms appropriate to task and level
Extensive grammar and/or spelling errors that interfere with communication

No credit shall be given for any response that is off topic.

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