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Method for Consolidated-Drained (CD) Triaxial Compression

Test on Rocks

Yoshinaka, caJxied out a three-year preliminary investigation

This offircial draft standard presented by the Japanese

since 1995 to collect and classify necessary nformation for

Geotechnical Society is for the Consolidated-Drained (CD)

standardization of the test methods2). There were five main

triaxial compression test methods on rocks. The original draft

activities involved: ( l) questionnaire survey; (2) nationwide

was prepared by the Standardizing Committee of the

round robin tests; (3) literature research; (4) sorting out of

Consolidated-Drained (CD) Triaxial Compression Test on

major points for standardization of test methods; and (5)

Rocks (refer to Table I for the comnrittee member

organizing symposiums focusing on the uuiaxial and triaxial

composition). Brief history and significance of this standar(

compression test methods. Taklng the results of the study by

and notes are described in the following sections.

the aforementioned Study Committee into consideratiol

standardization of the triaxial compression test has bcen carried

2. Brief history of the draft standard

forward ever since.

To select laboratory and in-situ test methods to be

The Consolidated-Drained (CD) triaxial compression test

standardized, the Study Committee for the Rock Testing

method on rocks presented here is based on the original plan by

Methods of the Japanese Geotechnical Society (cbaired by

the Standardiziug Committee of the Consolidated-Drained

Professor Ryunoshin Yoshinaka of Saitama University, founded

(CD) Triaxial Compression Test on Rocks (founded in 2000).

in 1993), conducted surveys on specifrcations and guidelines

This draft standard was then fmalized, incorporatug the

offilcially used by both domestic and foreign academic sccieties

decisions reached through in-depth discussions by the Study

and organizations. The Committee studied practicability and

Committee for Standards Test and Survey Methods on Rocks,

necessity of the new standards. Tw year study showed that

and the Standardizing Department.

although the uniaxial and tri;axial compression tcsts are widely

used and considered important, there are no standards covering

3. Significance of the specification

rock characteristics varying widely from soft to bard rocks. It

This draft standard for Consolidated, Drained (CD) triaxial

was therefore concluded that the establishment of a new

compression test method is mainly for saturated rocks from soft

standard would be extremely importantl)

to hard rocks, and rock like geomaterials. Namely, the draft

Under these circumstances, the Study Committee for the

standard is for test methods where a rock specimen is subjected

Uniaxial and Triaxial Compression Test Methods on Rocks

to a constant cell pressure in a triaxial cell, subsequent to

(hereafter called the Study Committee), chaired by Professor

completion of consolidation under applied cell pressure,

Table I : Members of the Standardizing Committee of the Consolidated-Drained (CD) Triaxial Compression Test Method on


- 309 -

opening the drainage path for pore water, whle the axial stress

dynamics characteristic under consolidated-drained conditions.

In addition, for the Consolidated-Undrained (cu, CU )

is monotonically increased until the specimen fails.

The aforementioned Study Committee conducted a

nationwide questionnaire to learn what sort of uniaxial and

triaxial compression test methods on rock; standardization is

carried forward separately.

triaxial compression tests on rocks have been conducted for

wbat purposes, and how the test results have been used.

4. Outline of the draft standard

Seventy-nine domestic organizations responded (response rate:

This draft standard comprises seven sections: I . General

659 o) and multiple analyses on the survey results were

rules to 7. Reporting. Fundamentally this has the same

conducted. Main results obtained so far are, as follows:2)

structure and standard text contents as the UU test method and

( 1) Next to the uniaxial compression test, the triaxial

the cu and CU test method, however, on 5. Test MethotL as

compression test is the second most important and

test environment, detemination of consolidation time, and

frequently used test method on soft and hard rocks.

loading rate, that is especially important, in case of conducting

(2) Some of the commonly used triaxial compression test

the test, the draft standard was prepared after analyzing the

methods for rocks are UU. CU , and CD methods. For soft

examples and repeating deliberations careftilly- It is difficult

rocks UU, CU , and CD tests are used with a simihr

to state these in detail in the standard texts or notes, and

frequency, whereas UU tests are much more frequently used

judgment is also needed, it is made to give facilities when

for hard rocks than CU and CD tests.

conducting the tests by bcing substantial in description and

Upon this investigation the standardizing Committee was

showing the examples.

founded in the 1998- 1999 year, of UU test, the most frequently

used and essential method for both soft and hard rocks, and

4. I General

Method for Unconsolidated-Undrained (UU) Triaxial

This draft standard is "as a principle" applied to saturated

Compression Test on Rocks (JGS 2531-2000) was finalized.

rocks and rock like geomaterials. When the tests are

Standardizations have bcen canied forward confinuously, of the

conducted for bard rocks, it is assumed when the saturation of

methods for consohdated-undrained triaxial compression test

the specimen is difncult for the initiai water state of the

and the test methods under consolidated-drained condition.

specimen, the hardness of a frame, the fom of pores, the

In plaming of social-capital of our country, the importance of

underground space use is appealed. There are many

hydraulic conductivity, and the stress state at the time of the

test. This is why the phrase "as a prlnciple" is used.

construction enterprises for soft rocks in various areas, and it is

Here, consolidation is defined as the phenomenon in which

important to understand that stability over a long period of time

pore waters is drained by isotropic stress in the exterior of the

beforehand as t.he important dynamics cbaracteristic peculiar to

specimen. Consolidated-drained comprcssive strength is

soft rocks. Moreover, it is important to get to know the

defined as the maximum principal stress difference applicable

dynamics characteristic in comection with the long..term

to the specimen under consolidated-drained condition.

behavior of hard rocks in large depth underground use.

The number of the specimens which are needed in order to

However, there are no specific standards in the triaxial

evaluate strength and defonnation characteristics is deiined as "

compression test methods on rock in connection with such

use of more than four specimens is recommended" according to

long-term stability evaluation also including movement of pore

the unconsolidated-undrained (UU) triaxial compression test

water, and the treatElent by each organizatiol

method on rocks (JGS 253 1-2000)

such as applying

correspondingly the test method on the soil, is not necessarily

unified in the present. situation.

4.2 Test Apparatus

Under these circumstances, the standardizing committee

The CD triaxial compression test requires back pressure

decided to arrange the factors which give influence to an test

supply device and volume change measurement device. Here,

result, such as preparation of specinens, test apparatus, test

especially, capacity and accuracy of cell pressure and back

procedure and method and measurement of displacement, on

pressure are referred. Accuracy required in the measurement

the Consolidated-Drained (CD) triaxial compression test

of longitudinal displacements is set to be

methods on rocks, and establish the standard to understand the

specimen height. Volume change of the specimen is set to bs

- 310 -

: 0.01% of the

measured with an accuracy of :t0.03 % of the initial volume of

consideration although the test at slow speed is desired.

the specimen. Aithough various methods are applied for

volume change measurement, here, representative frve methods

4.6 Evaluation of Test Results

Equations for calculating values at the consolidation stage

are referred to in the notes.

and the axial compression stage are similar to those defined by

the Consolidated-Drained (CD) triaxial compression test

4.3 Preparation of specimens and measurement

The standard diameter of a specimen is set at 5.0cm and the

methods on soils (JCJS 0524-2000). In addition to these

height is double the diameter. This is based on the results of

equations, an equation for calculating the Poisson's ratio is

the aforementioned questionnaire, in which most organizations

given in the notes and in the commentary section.

responded with these dimensions. The notes with respect to

specimen dunensions state that "for coarse-grained or

brecciated rocks, or conglomerate, it is desirable that the

4.7 Reporting
Considering the fact that tests are often conducted to obtain

specimen be greater than 5 times tbe largest compositional

deformation characteristiGs of rocks along with strength


characteristics2), the notes refer to the evaluation of

Concerning preparation of specimens, for this standard is

applied to rocks on the whole, usuauy used recoring method

defonnation characteristics. This is similar to those of the

UU test method and the CU and CU test method on rocks.

and trimming method are referred.

Ref erences
4.4 Setting of speciDlens and saturation

As increasing the degree of saturation of the specimen is

1) Study Committee for Test Methods for Rocks:

important process, four methods are presented as ones that

Comprehensive Report on Test Methodsfor Rocks. Jap

should be adopted according to kind and state of rock

of Soil Mech. and Foundation Eng., 1995.


Concerning method of adding back pressure, procedure is

2) Study Co!moittee for Uniaxial and Triaxial compression Test

referred to in tbe notes, in consideration that "when applying

Method for Rocks: Repon on Urdaxial and Triaxial

pressure to specimen, the cell pressure and the back pressure

compression Test Method for Rocks, Jap. Geotech. Soc.,

shall be applied as gradually in order not to cause fiuctuations


in the effective stress of the specimen."

4,5 Test Method

For it bccomes a comparatively long-term test by the relation
with strain rate, it is referred to in the notes that temperature's


condition in the laboratory shall be paid attention to.

Measurement of the volume change of the specimen during

consolidation, which is one of the essential processes of the CD

test, is referred. Also, ,judgment of the period to stop

consolidation is referred in the notes as method for CU test.

The aforementioned questionnaire revealed that most

organizations are using either stroke-controlled or

strain-controlled test method. This is why this draft standard

requires a compression process where the specimen shall be

continuously compressed in the axial direction at a constant
displacement rate or a constant axial strain rate. Axial strain

rate, which is referred in the notes and in the conunentary

section, ranging between 0.001 and O.O1% per minute is set to
be standard, taking affairs as the results of questionnaire into

- 311 -



Designation: JGS 2534-200*

the issues not defined in this standard:

JGS 2521: Method for Uhconfined Compression Test on

Method for Consolidated-Drained Triaxial Compression Test


on Rocks

JGS 0542: Method for Undrained C.yclic Triaxial Test to

Determine Deformation Properties of



c. This test can bc written as 'the CD triaxial test on

1 . I Purpose of Test

rocks ."

The purpose of this test method is intended to obtain

1_1 a. Tests sball be perfonned at different isotropic stresses

strength and deformation properties of rocks, when

in the required stress range, on as many specimens

subjected to consolidated and drained triaxial

obtained from the same material as requiredj usually not

com pression.

fewer than four, to evaluate strength characteristics.

1 .2 Range of Application

1.2 a. Rock-like geomaterials mean the geomaterials to be

improved or man-made, such as concretes and artificial

This standard is mainly applicable to saturated rocks

and rock-like geomaterials.
1 .3 Defmition of Terms

soft rocks.

1.3 a. Consolidation described in this standard means a

(1) CD means shearing rock specimens under drained

phenomenon that pore water or pore air discbarges out of

condition, with consolidating them (isotropically)

the specimen irrespective of the degree of saturatiol

prior to shear_

when the specimen is subjected to an isotropic stress.

(2) Axial stress is applied in the longitudinal direction,

while lateral stress is applied in the radial direction of

the specimen. They are defined at mid-height of the


specimen. The difference between the two stresses is

termed principal stress difference. Cell pressure is the

2.1 Triaxial Compression Apparatus

pressure applied in a triaxial cell. Lateral stress is

Triaxial compression test apparatus consists of a triaxial

pressure chamber, cell supply systeu

equal to cell pressure.

loading systern,

together with load; displacement and volume change

(3) Isotropic stress state is defmed as a stress state in

measurement devices. ls shau satisfy the following

which axial stress is identical to lateral stress.

(4) Drained condition is a state in which pore water


( 1) Triaxial apparatus should bc able to sufficiently

moves freely in and out of the specimen.

sustain both the maximum axial compression load of

(5) Back Pressure is the pore water pressure applied in

the specimen and the maximum ceu pressures.

the specimen under the condition that the effective

(2) The apparatus should bc able to continuously apply

stress is held constant.

(6) Consolidation stress is the pressure obtainiug by

pressures to a specimen tm the end of a test, with an

subtracting the back pressure from the cell pressure in

accuracy of

: 4 kN/m2 for pressures less than 200

an isotropic consolidation.

ldN:/m2 , and of

: 2 % for pressures greater than 200


(7) Consolidated-drained compressive strength of rock is

(3) Axial displacement or axial load should bc

the maximum principal stress difilerence applicable to

the specimen under consolidated-drained condition.

continuously applied at a constant rate of feed.

(4) Cell pressures should be measured with an accuracy


t 2 kN/m2 for pressures less than 200 kN/m2 , and

of d : I % for pressures greater than 200 kN/m2.


(5) Axial compression load should bc measured with an

1 . a. In case the method employed is partially different from

accuracy of

this standard, details shau be clearly stated in the report.

l I % of the maximum axial

compression load of the specimen.

b. Refer to the following spccifications and standards for

- 312 -

(6) Axial displacement should be measured with an

maximum axial force is expected to become large, a

accuracy of i: O.OI % of the height of the specimen.

loading frame with high rigidity should be used, so that

(7) Volume change of the specimen should bc measured

the frame deformation will not affect the axial

with an accurac,y of

displacement measurement,

O.03 % of the initial volume of

the specimen up to the maximum change of the

(5) When a load cell is mounted outside the triaxial ceu, the

measured axial force should be corrected for fiictional


force bctween loading piston and bushing. In case that a

2.2 Miscellaneous Accessories

( l) Specimen covering material

load cell is installed inside the triaxial cell, the effect of

(2) Specimen size measurement tools, which should bc

cell pressure on the load cell reading should be calibrated,

able to measure the specimen height and diameter

and correction should be made for measured axial force.

(6) When the main objective of the test is to obtain the

with an accuracy of O. I mm and better.

defonnation properties of rocks, the axial displacement

(3) Balance, which should be able to weigh the specimen

should be measured at the lateral suface of the specimen

with an accuracy of 0.01 g and better.

by a proper technique. (Figure 2 and Figure 3 references)

(4) Sample trimming devices

(7) Intended for a rock not saturated. OWhether the

specimen of the volume change should bc measured at the
lateral suface of the specimen


2.1a. When back pressure is loaded, the back pressure supply

device and the back pressure gauge are prepared. At this


Rubber membrane, heat shrinkage tubing, or silicone

time, bc the same of the condition of which the device

rubber may be used as specimen covering material.

should be full as 2.1(2) and (4).

When the specimen covering material is tightened against

the loading cap and pedestal, with O-ring, elastic, and a

b. A typical triaxial test apparatus is illustrated in Figure I .

However, when back pressure is used, the back pressure

steel-made ring, etc.

regulator, the back pressure gauge, and the double-waned

When the rubbcr membrane is use(L Membrane

burette for back pressure shown in Figure I with dashed

stretcher should be cylindrical, and its length and imer

lines are necessary. Schematic views of two different

diameter should be 5 to 10 % laJ:ger than the height and

triaxial pressure chambers are shown in Figure 2 and 3:

the diameter of the specimen. The stretcher should have

loading piston and cap are rigidly comected (Figure 2);

a stretcher such that the rubbcr membrane can be stretched

and are separated (Figure 3). In each type of the triaxial

snugly against the imer side of the stretcher when vacuum

cells, the specimen can bc mounted between cap and

is applied. If the cap is rigidly connected to the loading

pedestal with the same diameter as that of the specimen.

piston, it is desirable to use a membrane stretcher that can

They are covered with a rubber membrane, and sealed

be split longitudinauy into two pieces. In such cases, the

with O-rings.

two pieces of the stretcher should be airtight when

c. As a method of measuring the volume change, 1)


Method of using burette. 2) Method of diff;erential

Filter should be suffirciently permeable in comparison

with the penneability of the specimen

pressure transducer (Figure 1(a), 3). 3) Method of strain

In case that

gage (Figure 3(a)). 4) Method of measuring axle and

filters are installed in the cap and pedestal for the sake of

circunferential direction displacement. 5) Method of

the longitudinal drainage along the specimen side, it is

using double cell (Figure l(b)). Being enumerated.

desirable that the filters be sufficiently incompressible and

Apply correspondingly to 2.1(7) about the condition of

sufficiently little frictional. It is preferable that the filter

which the device should be fuil though it is necessary to

rolled on the specimen side by the purpose of shortening

select the measurement method according to the expected

the consolidation time is shape that the shearing


defonnation is not restrained as much as possible as the

( 1) Capacity of the cell pressure should bc selected

according to the purpose of the test. In case that the

- 313 -

slit is put and is.

( 2)

Specimen diameter is measured by sliding calipers or by

from the trimmed-off portions, and water content shau

Pi tape.

be measured. Measured water content shan bc

(4) Miter box, sample trimmer, straight edge, surf:ace grinder,

diamond slab saw, and recoring devices are used for

assigned as initial water content wo(9: o).

sample trimming.

(5) Initial conditions of the specimen shall be observed

and recorded.






(2) a_ This standard shan be suitable to specimens of the

specimen diameter range being 2-10cm.

b. For coarse-grained or brecciated rocks, or

3.1 Sample Shape and Sample Size

conglomerate, it is desirable that the specimen bc greater

( l) Test specixnens shall be right circular cylinders.

(2) Standard specimen diameter shall bc set as 5cm.

(3) Standard specimen height shall be set as t.wice the

than 5 times the largest compositional grain.

(3) It is desirable size that specimen height be two times that

of diameter, but rate of specimen height and diameter


3.2 Sample Preparation

( l) Without finishing lateral suface of the specimen

sball be adjusted in a range of 1.8-2.5.


In case the borehole core diameter is the same as the

a. It is desirable that the test specimen of soft rocks be made

diameter of the test specimen, the borehole core shall

and tested immediately after sampling. In case there is

be cut to a desired length by a cutting machine. A

duration hetween samphng and testing, care shau be taken

sw:face grinder if requtred shan finish the specimen

so as not to damage samples, to change water content, or

ends .

to change sample condition in-situ.

(2) Trimming method

b. When preparing test specimens, portions of material.

) Test specimen shall he trimmed to a desired diameter

which are obviously disturbed during sampling, shall be


using reamer, straight edge etc.

R Ends shall bc finished using miter box, straight edge

c. Specimen shall be prepared witbin a reasonable duratiorn

etc .

of time so as not change water content of material_ Cae

(3) Recoring method

shau bc taken so as not to disturb material.

) Test specimen shall be recored from block samples

d. When preparing specimens, material orientation shall be

into a desired diameter.

recorded for clarity.

C Ends of test specimen shall be trimmed by a cutting

e. In principle, material longer than the finished specimen

macbine, and finished by a grinder if necessary.

height shall be used.

3.3 Specimen Size Measurement

f. Lateral side of the specimen shall be smooth and free of

( 1) Specimen diameter shall be measured in the vicinity

irregularities. It shall be straight over the full length of the


of both ends and at mid-height to less than O. Imm,

and the average value of the 3 measurements shall be

(1) If material is affected by wetting, it shall be wrapped with

plastic fihn and trixwned by a cutting machine using a

assigned as initial diameter Do(cm).

(2) Specimen height shall be measured at more than 3

locations to less than O. Imm, and the average value of

sman amount of water or oil.

(2) a. If samples are sensitive to wetting, trimming method

borehole cores and sample

the 3 measurements shall bc assigned as initial height

should bc applied to


blocks larger than the specimen diameter.

(3) Mass of the specimen , ,no(g) shall be measured to

b. If using lower end of sample as standard plane, the

maximum deviation of the specirneu height shall be

less than O.O Ig.

(4) If necessary a representative piece shall be selected

within O.1%, and the angle of the specimen t:op surface

- 314 -

(1) The side of the specirnen shall be sealed with a

relative to the c.ontact suface top cap shall be less than

covering materiai

0.5 degree.

(3) a

(2) Specimen shau be placed on the pedestal, onto which

In case samples are not insensitive to wetting, recoring

method should be applied to borehole cores and sample

a loading cap is placed.

(3) After triaxial pressure chamber is assembled,

blocks larger than the specimen diameter.

b. Specimen ends shall be finished ffat to an accuracy of

O.02nm, and square to the specimen axis. The squareness

conflning fluid shall be introduced into the chamber.

4.2 Saturation of Specimen

shall not deviate from its perpendicularity by more than

( I ) When necessary, attempts shall be made to increase

the degree of saturation of the specimen by an

O.OOI radians or O.05mm for 50mm diameter specimen.

appropriate combination of available saturation


(3) If necessary initial wet density, p

)(g/cm3), initiai dry


density, p do(g/cm3), initial iroid ratio eo, iuitial effective

(2) In case of adding back pressure to specirnen, the back

porosity neo(%), and degree of saturation Sro(%), may be

pressure ub(MN/m2) and isotropic pressure to

calculated using the following equations. But, for

specimen shall be applied on condition of keeping the

calculating the neo, the specimen shan bc submerged into

back pressure and isotropic in constant at the same

water longer than 72 hours.

time .

mo ms eo = Vops _l

Plo = oV VoPd ms


neo mow ms xIOO

mb,v mv

4_ Aiter placing a loading cap on top of the spocimen, excessive

seating load shall not be applied in the axial direction of

S = mo ms xps XICO
ro VoPs ms Pw

the specitnen, until cell pressure is applied to the

specimen. Especially when the compressive strength of


the specimen is expected small, the seating pressure shall

=Vo(cm3): initial specimen [

o'cV2D )H

not exceed 10kN/m2.

40 o

p s(g/cm3): grain density of rock composition


a. The sequence of 4.1(1) and (2) may be changed

(g/cm3): density of water

according to the covering method of specimen.

ms(g): dry mass of specimen

mow(g): mass after submerging specimen into water longer than

( 1) In case strain gage and other measuring equipments are

set up or drain filter is used to the specimen, the following

72 hours, and

mw(g): apparent mass in water after submerging specimen into

step shall be done.

(2) a. If the condition specified in Notes 3.2(2),(3) caunot be

water longer than 72 hours

(4) When water content is detennined on the tested specimen

subsequent to the test, water content measurement on a

met, the specimen ends shall be capped with material like

gypsum. Capping thickness shan be in the order of I to

3mm. The capping material should be stronger and more

cutoff piece may be omitted.

(5) Lithology of the trimmed specimen shall be observed,

together with properties of bedding planes, lamina, and

fissures, and the degree of weatheriug and alteration.

Offset angles of the bcdding planes, lamina, and fissures

rigid than the specimen.

b. If necessary, the drainage filter paper shall be set up

to upper or lower ends of specimen and side of the

(3) a. Water or oil is generally used as conflning fluid. For

from the specimen axis shall also be measured.

some case, e.g., at low cell pressure, gas may be used as a



b. Testing apparatus shall be assembled together


fouowing prccedure to the structure of the testing

machine .

4. I Specimen set up

- 315 -

chart on a semi-10garithmic scale.


( 1) In case of increasing saturation degree of specimen,

(5) Consolidation sball be continued until the appropriate

following 4 methods may be combined to use according to

time is elapsed, and the volume change AV* (cm3) and if

kind and state of rock

possible axial displacement AH* (cm) of the specimen

diring consolidation are to be measured.

a. Method of passing deaerated water through specimen

in which applied cell pressure.

b. Method of applyimg back pressure to specimen

5.2 Axial Compression Stage

(1) Check the original point of the measuring devices and if
necessary read the initial values.


c. Method of using above method a or method b afier

(2) Keeping the cell pressure constant, the specimen shau be

substituting carbonic acid gas for pore air specinen in

contuuously compressed in the axial direction, at a

which applied cell pressure.

constant displacement rate or a constant axial strain rate.

d. Method of sucking out the ak from specimen on the

(3) Axiai force, P (kN), and axial displacement, l (cm) and

condition of applying partial vacuum to triaxial chamber,

volumetJic change AV (cm3) shall be measured dudng

and keeping isotropic effective pressure in constant. If


necessary, passing deaorated water through the specimen

(4) The specimen shall be compressed even after the

maximum load cell reading is reached. Compression

when applying the partial vacuum.

(2) When applying pressure to specimen, following

may however be terminated in principle when a residual

procedure is recolmnended that the cell pressure and the

stress state (no futther principal stress difference) is

back pressure shall bc applied as gradually in order not to


cause fluctuations in the effective stress of the specimen.

(5) The specimen tested shall be taken out of the triaxial cell,

and conditions of deformation and failure shall be

Closing the drajnage valve of volume change meter, and

observed and recorded.

applying isotopic pressure increments corresponding to a

quart to a half of the value of final back pressure to the

specimen. Finany, opening the valve while applying back


pressure of the same magnitude. This operation shall be

5a. Temperature's condition in the laboratory where the test

repeated until the back pressure reaches the specified

shall be conducte( may affect the test result. Therefore

values, whist ensuring that the difference between the

note the temperature's condition shall be kept constant at a

isotropic stress and back pressure being applied to the

normal condition during the process of testing.

specimen shall always remains at the preset value.


(2)a_ When the cap is rigidiy connected to the loading piston,

the axial force is applied to the specimen through the

loadiug piston, simultaneously with cell pressu!e


application to obtain an isotropic stress state for the

specimen. Since the relationship bctween axial force alld

5.1 Isotropic Stress Application

ceu pressure may vary, depending upon the diameter ai!d

(1) Check the set-up of measwing devices. Make the initial

self-weight of the loading piston, it is necessary t.o know

their relationship in advance.

readings if necessary.

(2) Close the drainage valve connected to the burette. Raise

b. If the loading piston and the cap are separated from eacb

only the isotropic stress up to a desired initial isotropic

other, Ioad cell, Ioading pist.on and the cap shall be


connected to each other before these processes.

(3) Open the valve to start consolidation.

(4)a. The recording time intervals shall be frequent enough to

(4) During consolidation, the volume change of the specimen

allow a smooth drawing of a AV- Iogt curve (Refer t.o JIS

AVt (cm3) and if possible axial displacement AH:t (cm)

A 1217 "Test Method for One-diuensional

Consolidation Properties of Soils").

shall be measured at appropriate intervals of elapsed time

t. Additionally, these shall be illustrat.ed in appropriate

b_ The value of strain gages mounted on the lateral surface of

- 316 -

the specimen e*t (%) can bc used in spite of the axial

reached when a peak stress state is not observed. In case

displacement AHt (cm).

of hard rocks, if necessary continue the test until the

c. If no axial displacement can be measured bccause the

stroke of the piston is reached the maximum range. For

piston is not connected to the cap rigidly, measure the

load control tests, compression shall bc terminated when

displacement of the pisto:

the axial displacement begins to increase abruptly.

which is in contact with the cap,

taking care not to apply any additional load to the specilnen,

(S) After eompression test, the conditions of deformation and

by checking the reading of load cell. This displacement is

failure shall be observed and sketched from the direction

regarded as the axial displacement, AH. (cm), caused by

where the state of the specimen can be seen most clearly.


When a distinct shear plane is formed, the observation is

d. When the volume change measuring device is used on

made from an angle at which the shear plane becomes

unsaturated rock, measured volume change dudng

steepest. The shear plane shall be sketched such that its

consolidation shall be corrected for the expansion of the

inclination can be directly read in the drawing.

triaxial chamber and the displacement of the loading piston.

Observations are made to evaluate whether the specirnen

Corrected volume change shall be regarded as the volume

tested is homogeneous, and what condition impurities are in.

change during consolidation AV* (cm3).

The observation results are then recorded.

(5) A period to stop consolidation has close relationships with

the specimen's permeability characteristic and the stiffness

of skeleton structure and so on. On the AV - Iogt curve,

with drawing a time-domain curve followed by a

consolidation theory, judge the period to stop consolidation


by the 3t method (Refer to JGS 2532-200* '1 fethed for

Consolidated-Undrained Teiaxiai Compression Test on

6.1 Consolidation State

Soft Rocks". If no primary consolidation can be identified

(1) Specimen volume afier consolidation, V* (cm3), is

clearly, judge the period with checking whether the prcsent

calculated from the following equation:

V.=Vo AV.

change of measured values closely comected with the

change of void ratio is small, represented by the volume
change, the excessive pore water pressure, the strain at the

A V* (cm3) : volume change during consolidation

(2) Specimen height after consolidation, H* (cm), is

suface of the specimen etc

calculated from the following equation:

5 .2

H. = Ho

a. Oven-dried mass of the specimen, m* (g), may be

measured if required. This procedure may be omitted,
provided the water content has bcen determined using a
piece of trimmed-off portions of the specimen prior to the

A H.

AH. (cm) : axial displacement during consolidation
(3) Cross-sectional area of the specimen after consolidatiol
A. (cm2), is calculated from the following equation:


A = V./H.

(2)a. If it is difficult to keep the axial displacement rate or

axial strain rate constant, the specimen may be

compressed at an axial stress rate equivalent to the

6.2 Axial Compression Stage

( 1) Axial strain of the specimen, e* (%), is calculated using

the following equation:

above-mentioned strain rate.

A H x 100

b. A nominal axial strain rate ranging between 0_OOI and

e. - H,

O O1% per minute shall be standard.

(3) In case the axial compression force and axial displacement

are not continuously recorded, an adequate sampling

interval should be adopted, so as to draw a smooth curve of
the principal stress difference vs. axial strain relationship.

(4) Continue the test until an axial strain of 15% has been

- 317 -

AH (cm) : axial displacement of the specimen during axial

(2) Volume strain of the specimen, e. (%) (compression with
plus number), at an axial strain of e* (%) is calculated, as

(5) In case the relationship bctween principal stress difference

f ollows:

v V.

and axial strain has no peek, as maximum value of the

principal stress difference, value at maximuln defonnation


is used.

A V (em3) : volume change of the specimen during axial

com pression

(3) (a* - o*) (MN/m2), at an axiai strain of s

(%) is


calculated, as follows:

1 e*


The following items shall be reported regarding the test

P 100 xlO

4-x evIOO


7. I Items with respect to Rock Samples


( 1) Sample location: name of the place and depth

P (kN) : axiai compression force exerted to the specimen

(2) Rock type

at an axial strain of g* (%) ; P = O in the isotropic

(3) Sampling method

consolidation stage.

7.2 Items with respect to Test Specimen

c:* (MNlm2) : stress acting in the direction of specimen

( 1) Method of sample preparation

(2) Initial height, diameter and wet density of the specimen

axis, and

c, (MNlm2) : stress acting in the radial direction of the

(4) Observation results on the specimens

s pecimen.

(4) The relationship between principal stress difference and

axial strai:

(3) Initial water content of the specimen, if measured

and the relationship bctween volume strain

7.3 Items with respect to Test Results

(1) Value of cell pressure and back pressure

(2) The relationship between volume change during

and axial strain is plotted in a gnphical form.

consolidation and time

(5) Maximum value of the principal stress difference is

directly read within the limits of measured axial strain on

(3) Strain rate or stress rate during axial compression

the figure described in (3) above, and is assigned as the

(4) Compressive strength and strain at maximum phncipal

stress difference and at maximum deformation

compressive strength of the material tested.

(5) Principal stress difference vs, axial strain curve and

volume strain vs. axial strain curve


(6) Observation results of the specimen tested


( 1) In case circuuferential displacement is measured


(7) Relationship between compressive strength and

strain, e. and Poisson's ratio, v, are calculated using the

(8) Description of test method, if partiauy different

following equations:

e. =


consolidation stress

A e.

procedures from this standard are adopted.

xIOO, v= Ae.

7.4 Other Special Notes

Where Al (cm) : circunferential displacement of the

s pecimen.

(2) In case the loading cap is not rigidly connected with the


piston, when neasurement of axial displacement during


consolidation, AH., is judged to be uncertai!

(2) e.g., sandstone, granite, tuff and so on.

it is assumed

tbat it is what an isotropic strain produced in the specimen,


specimen height after consolidation, H* (cm), is calculated

(2) If requiredj initial dry mass, initial dry density, initial void

using the following equations. When H. is calculated

ratio, initial effective porosity, and initial degree

using this equation, it writes in a report matter clearly.

saturation of the specimen shall be reported.

H.=[1 3Vo
) oXH


(4) Iithology of the specimen should bc reported along with

geological features of the spccimen, such as offset angles c,f

- 318 -

bedding planes, laminae, and fissures from the longitudinal

axis of the specimen.


(5) When circunferential displacement is monitored, principal

stress difference vs. lateral stain relationship shan be

reported, if required, together with lateral strain vs. axial
strain relationship and Poisson's ratio.
(7) If necessary, angle of internal friction, c*, and the intercept

at the vertical axis, c*, obtained from the Mohr's failure

envelope shall bc reported. If the envelope is nonlinear,

the stress range at which c* and c* are detemined shall bc
clearly stated.

7.4 a. If required, residual strength of the material tested shan

be reported along with the angle of internal friction at this

state, c*, and the intercept at the vertical axis, c,, deternilned

from the Mohr's circles for the residual stress state.

b. If required, the secant modulus, E*so, and the tangent

modulus, Et.50, for each applied isotropic stress sban be

detenDined from the initial portion of the principal stress

difference vs

axial strain curve at 50% of the maximum

strength of the material. The relationship bctween

deformation moduli and isotropic stress shall then bc
re ported.

- 319 -

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