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Emily Stouder

***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Employability Skills
Enduring Understandings
Students understanding of proper employability etiquette will enhance their skills and knowledge needed
when searching and attaining a job. The skills obtained will be useful for part time jobs and occupations
following secondary education. Students will be able to practice their communication skills, work as team,
develop their leadership technique, research employment agencies, fill out job applications, etc. At the end
of the unit, students will be able to exemplify their previous and learned knowledge to their assigned
prospected employer during their interview assessment.

The knowledge students will gain while attending schools or while working can help students become
oriented to their new roles an employees or coworkers. In these roles, they will have opportunities to
develop many of the characteristics that employers seek. This unit focuses on the basic skills students will
need to become successful in the workplace. They will be required to practice their communication skills,
work as team, develop their leadership technique, research employment agencies, fill out job applications,
etc. The unit will conclude with an interview assessment with a local employment agency. Students will be
evaluates on their ability to take the skills learned in an effort to obtain a job offer.

ECC 5.0
Students will demonstrate personal skills needed for success in school, life, and career.
Students will be able to
o Utilize verbal communication
o Develop their nonverbal communication
o Practice active listening
o Practice leadership and teamwork techniques
ECC 6.0
Students will demonstrate basic employability skills
Students will be able to
o Utilize technology to find prospected places of employment
o Fill out job applications
o Practice their interviewing skills
o Recognize workplace issues

Essential Questions

Why is communication an important part of the job search?

How are active listening and communication interrelated?
How can you tell when your nonverbal communication is offending someone?
What does a person gain from being part of an effective team?
What are the behaviors that harm teamwork?
Why might employers want us to be able to work together in a team?
Why is time-management so important?
How can you decide which job factors are critical for your satisfaction at work?
What information should you include in a resume?
What is the purpose of a cover letter?
Why is a first impression so important in a job interview?
How can you make certain that you do not lose an opportunity for a job simply by taking the
wrong way?

Additional questions can be found throughout the unit within each individual lesson

Interdisciplinary Connections

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Students will frequently practice their reading, writing, and speaking skills throughout the duration of the
unit. This is interdisciplinary with an English course where students must read (books, poems, etc.), write
(essays), and speak (oral presentations).

Additional/Ancillary Standards
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending
to the precise details of explanation or descriptions
Plan and develop; draft; revise using appropriate reference materials; rewrite; try new
approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience; and edit to
produce and strengthen writing that is clear and coherent.

Integration of Technology
By teaching from a PowerPoint, students are visually stimulated. Instead of students spacing out during a
lecture without any form of representation, students are required to engage, follow along, and take notes
from their iPads. This also allows students to take the content home and review it on their own time to
ensure understanding outside the classroom.


Exit / Entrance Slips
Community Agencies
Guest Speakers
Video Examples
Case Studies
Additional Readings

Instructional Strategies
Throughout the lesson, students will be asked to read, write, and orally present. They will read material from their
textbook in addition to several case studies. They must write and revise their resumes and cover letters. Students will
also orally practice their interviewing skills, and communication through class discussions, group work, and roleplaying.
Teacher-Centered / Teacher Dominated Approach
o The teacher is perceived as the only reliable source of information.
Learned-Centered Approach
o The learner is also an importance resource because he/she knows something and is therefore
capable sharing something.
Interactive Approach
o Student talk is encouraged and teacher talk is diminished. Students are given the opportunity to
interact with the teacher and other students.
Integrated Approach
o The teacher makes connections to what he/she is teaching with other subjects of the same lesson.
Collaborative Approach
o Group work, teamwork, partnerships, and group discussions are welcomed.
Individualistic Approach
o Students work individually by themselves.
Indirected/Guided Approach

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

The teacher guides the learner to discover things for him/herself. The teacher facilitates the
learning process by allowing the learning to be engaged in the learning process with his/her


Brain busters (participation points)

Exit slips (participation points and understanding)
Group Work
In class worksheets (graded for participation, completion, accuracy)
Kahoot Surveys
Case Studies
Class Discussions
End of unit interview assessment

A further breakdown of assessments and evaluations can be found and described below.

Calendar Overview
This will be a 3-week unit (15 days). A further breakdown of the unit can be found below.

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Verbal Communication Day 1

Topic / Subtopics
Fundamental Workplace Skills (Verbal Communication) pg. 120-128
Talking on the phone / voice mail messages
Reading / writing
Improving your communication skills
First, students will be introduced to the importance of verbal communication and how it
pertains to their professional lives. Next, we will cover the three main outlets of verbal
communication (speaking, reading, and writing) where students will be given instruction
on how they can improve their communication etiquette. At the end of the lesson,
students will have the opportunity to practice what they have learned.
ECC 5.1
Demonstrate habits of mind (for example, taking responsible risks,
thinking and communicating with clarity and precision, questioning and posing problems,
thinking independently, applying past knowledge to new situations, remaining open to
continuous learning).
(Comprehension) Students will be able to express their thoughts on the importance of
verbal communication in relation to their professional careers during the group discussion
at the beginning of class.
(Knowledge) Students will be able to list the three forms of verbal communication in
their notes during the PowerPoint.
(Comprehension) Students will be able to summarize the steps associated with
appropriate verbal communication in relation to talking on the phone and leaving
voicemails in their notes during the PowerPoint.
(Characterization) Students will be able to practice their verbal communication skills
with a partner during the in class activity upon the conclusion of the lecture.
Youtube Video Examples
Exit Slip Handout (in class activity)
iPads (student use)
Formative Assessment
At the beginning of class, the teacher will facilitate class discussion to assess prior
Students will be asked essential questions throughout the duration of the lesson.
The teacher will assess students learning through an exit slip in cooperation with
the peer interview activity.

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Summative Assessment
Attendance Check-In
o Go through roster and ask brain buster (written prompt on board)
What is your favorite communication outlet (i.e. Facebook, SnapChat,
Instagram, written letters, text messaging, etc.?)
Essential Questions (in class discussion)
o What is communication? What are different types of communication styles we use
every day? When do we use communication? Why is communication important to
our personal and professional lives?
Transitioning prompt:
o Open your iPads, go to my webpages, and open todays PowerPoint. Once you
have this open, give me a thumbs up so I know youre ready to go!
Verbal Communication Lecture
o Verbal Communication
Verbal Communication Definition
Essential Questions: What are some forms of verbal communication we
use on a daily basis?
o Speaking / Voice Inflection
Voice Inflection Definition
Words may have a different message depending on how it is spoken
I did not eat those cookies
Video Examples
Essential Questions: Why is voice inflection important when interviewing
for a job?
o How to Talk on the Phone
Making a business phone call (6 steps)
Receiving a business phone call (2 steps)
Briefly discuss text messaging
o How to Leave a Voicemail
Leaving a voice mail message (3 steps)
o Reading / Writing
Tips for effective writing (3 steps)
Scanning vs. Skimming
In Class Activity (exit slip)
o Student will partner up with a person close to them and follow the instructions on
the handout provided. This will be turned in as an exit slip for participation points
at the end of class.

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Active Listening Day 2

Topic / Subtopics
Fundamental Workplace Skills (Active Listening) pg. 125
What is active listening?
How are active listening and communication related?
What can I do to become a better active listener?
Students will be introduced to active listening. We will discuss how this is an important
communication skill, and we will bring attention to what we can do to improve our
active listening technique. At the end of the short lecture, students will be allotted time
to practice their verbal communication and active listening skills during an in class
ECC 5.1 Demonstrate habits of mind (for example, taking responsible risks,
thinking and communicating with clarity and precision, questioning and posing
problems, thinking independently, applying past knowledge to new situations, remaining
open to continuous learning).
(Comprehension) Students will be able to explain in their own words the importance of
active listening in a prompted class discussion upon the conclusion of watching a TED
Talks video.
(Knowledge) Students will be able to state what active listening looks like in their notes
during the short lecture.
(Characterization) Students will be able to practice their active listening skills with a
partner during the in class activity upon the conclusion of the lecture.
TED Talk Video Example
Exit slip Handout (in class activity)
Formative Assessment
At the beginning of class, the teacher will facilitate class discussion to assess prior
The teacher will assess students learning through an exit slip in cooperation with
the peer interview activity that is interdisciplinary with the verbal communication
Summative Assessment
Attendance Check-In
o Go through roster and ask brain buster (written prompt on board)
What does active listening look like?

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Essential Questions (in class discussion)

o How are active listening and communication interrelated? Why is active listening
important in school and in our jobs? Can we improve our active listening?
Transitioning prompt:
o We are going to look at some Ted Talk videos, and these will answer some of our
questions. Lets make sure our iPads are put away and that were paying close
attention! Youll need to know these things for the in class activity today. Not only
is active listening a skill that is important in our professional lives, but it is also
important in our personal lives! How many of us have had to repeat a funny story
several times because our friend wasnt listening? Good! Now lets begin!
Ted Talks Videos
Active Listening Lecture (short)
o Definition
o 6 steps of being an active listener
o Essential Question: Howa re the skills for active listening and reading similar?
How are they different?
In Class Activity (exit slip)
o Activity
Partner up and discuss with your partner what you did this past weekend.
When one partner is finished, switch roles. At the conclusion of the
discussion, are you able to recite what your partner did this weekend? Did
you need to ask questions? Did you leave out any details? Did you have to
think about it? Were you using appropriate active listening technique?
When finished, move to the next set of questions
o Exit slip questions provided on a slip of paper (students must turn this in to
receive credit)
How can you improve your active listening skills / what could you
have done differently? Why was this activity meaningful? If you
had to do this activity again, taking what you have learned from
the active listening lecture, what would you do differently?

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Nonverbal Communication Day 3

Topic / Subtopics
Fundamental Workplace Skills (Nonverbal Communication) pg. 128-129
What is nonverbal communication?
What does nonverbal communication look like?
Communication assignment
We will briefly cover nonverbal communication and what this looks like. We will also
examine how nonverbal communication is equally as important to the job search. After
the short lesson, students will be assigned a mannerism and will do a role-playing
activity with a partner to demonstrate appropriate and inappropriate nonverbal
ECC 5.1 Demonstrate habits of mind (for example, taking responsible risks,
thinking and communicating with clarity and precision, questioning and posing
problems, thinking independently, applying past knowledge to new situations, remaining
open to continuous learning).
(Knowledge) Students will be able to define nonverbal communication in their notes at
the end of the lecture.
(Application) Students will be able to role-play different mannerism associated with
nonverbal communication with a partner during the in class activity.
(Comprehension) Students will be able to discuss with their classmates what appropriate
nonverbal communication should look like at the end of each role-playing group.
Sticky Notes (for brain buster)
Communication Homework Assignment
iPads (student use)
Formative Assessment
At the beginning of class, the teacher will assess for prior knowledge by reading
out loud the student responses to the brain buster.
The teacher will assess students learning through the in class role-playing
The teacher will assign a homework activity where students will compare /
contrast what they have learned over the communication unit.
Summative Assessment
Attendance Check-In (Discussion)

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

o Go through roster and have students write their answer on a sticky note and place
it on the board.
In your own words what do you think this phrase means?
People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude
Transitioning Prompt
o Good! We have many thoughtful responses to the brain buster here. Lets get our
iPads and begin the lecture on nonverbal communication! This is perhaps more
important than spoken communication because we can easily put off the wrong
first impression without even opening our mouths!
Nonverbal Communication Lecture
o Nonverbal Communication
What does this look like
Essential Questions: How can you tell when your nonverbal
communication is offending someone? Why is being aware of nonverbal
communication important?
In Class Activity (role-play and class discussion):
o Students will be partnered up. Each set of partners will be assigned a nonverbal
communication mannerism. The students will act out what not to do, and as a
class we will discuss how this should have been handled.
Pass out Homework Assignment

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Teamwork / Leadership Day 4

Topic / Subtopics
Fundamental Workplace Skills (Developing Teamwork and Becoming a Leader) pg. 130135
What is teamwork?
Character traits and skills that build teams
Behaviors that harm teams
Controlled and shared leadership
What is your role on your team?
In a PowerPoint we will discuss teamwork, character traits and skills that build teams,
harm teams, and we will also dive into leadership. At the end of the PowerPoint,
students will be asked to think about their role on a team. Once they have thought about
this, their assigned groups will complete a teamwork activity and worksheet that will be
turned in at the beginning of class the following day.
ECC 5.2
Demonstrate personal skills (for example, attendance, punctuality,
responsibility, integrity, getting along with others) that are needed to succeed in school,
life, and career.
ECC 5.4
Demonstrate personal leadership skills to lead and inspire others,
accomplish common goals, and function effectively in school, life, and career settings.
(Synthesis) Students will be able to categorize the character traits that build teams in their
notes during the PowerPoint.
(Evaluate) Students will be able to assess themselves and their classmates on how well
they worked together as a team on a worksheet provided which will be turned in at the
beginning of class the following day.
(Evaluation) Students will be able to justify which role suited them best at the conclusion
of the in class activity on a worksheet provided which will be turned in at the beginning
of class the following day.
Group Activity Handout (homework assignment if not finished)
Formative Assessment
At the beginning of class, the teacher will facilitate class discussion to prepare
students for the lecture.
The teacher will assess for learning by circling the room, asking questions, and
probing conversation during the group work in class activity.
The teacher will assess student learning on the homework hand out that aligns
with the group work activity.

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Summative Assessment
Attendance Check-In
o Go through roster and read aloud student responses (written prompt on board)
What makes YOU a good leader?
Transitioning prompt:
o Were on the right track! Lets open our iPads and follow along to the PowerPoint
with me. Today we are discussing teamwork and leadership, and how we can
improve our teamwork skills by becoming better leaders. This is an important trait
to have in the working world because many employers are looking for good
Team Work / Leadership Lecture
o Teamwork
Developing teamwork
Character traits that build teams
Empathy, fairness, respect, honesty, integrity, selflessness
Essential Questions: What does a person gain from being part of an
effective team?
Skills that build teams
Flexibility, delegating, brainstorming, negotiating, compromising
Essential Questions: How can effective teamwork strengthen a
Behaviors that harm teams
Not accepting responsibility, distracting others, troublemaking,
attention seeking, too competitive
Different Roles on Teams
What is your role?
Essential Questions: What are the character traits that strengthen teams?
What are the skills that strengthen teams? What are the behaviors that
harm teamwork?
o Leadership
Becoming a leader
List qualities that companies look for in good leaders
Essential Questions: Why is being able to delegate tasks so
important to a leader?
Controlled leadership
Essential Questions: What are some examples of controlled
leadership? When might this be useful to use? Give an example of
when controlled leadership is the best way to manage a group?
Shared leadership

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Essential Questions: What is shared leadership? In what situation

would shared leadership be the best way to manage a group?
Essential Questions: How can we use this as we start to gear up for the job
search? Why might employers want us to be able to work together in a
team? Why would an employer want a good leader working for their
business? Do you think shared or controlled leadership is the most
Group Activity
o Tables will pair up together. As a group, they will each designate themselves to a
role (taken from the PowerPoint). Once this has been decided, together, they must
complete the instructions on the handout, which encourages teamwork and
leadership skills.
o At the end of the activity students will evaluate themselves on their group. They
will rate themselves on how well they fulfilled their designated role, how their
teammates fulfilled their roles, how well they completed the activity, who did
what, how well they worked together, and what kind of leadership they used.
o This assignment will be due at the beginning of the following class.

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Time Management Day 5

Topic / Subtopics
Fundamental Workplace Skills (Using Time Management) pg. 136-137
Case Study
Time-Management Assignment
The class will discuss efficiency and time management strategies as it pertains to success
in school and careers after the students have read the assigned chapter. We will then look
at a case study and as a class discuss the situation. Students will then be given time to
work on their time management assignment.
ECC 5.2
Demonstrate personal skills (for example, attendance, punctuality,
responsibility, integrity, getting along with others) that are needed to succeed in school,
life, and career.
ECC 6.2
Demonstrate school, life and career self-management skills related to
responsibility and work ethic (for example, attendance, punctuality, completion of work
on time, dependability, focus, initiative, perseverance, striving to do ones best).
(Knowledge) Students will be able to recite several time management strategies during
the in class discussion after they have read the assigned chapter.
(Comprehension) Students will be able to discuss with their classmates how they would
handle the different case studies presented in class at the end of the class discussion.
(Application) Students will be able to plan their own time management calendar in the
time management assignment provided in class that will be do at the beginning of the
following class.
Time-management assignment
Case studies (online Kahoot)
iPads (student use)
Formative Assessment
The teacher will assess learning in the group discussion after the students have
read the chapter to make sure they understood the content.
The teacher will assess student learning during the Kahoot activity and group
discussion where students must argue why they chose their answer.
The teacher will assess learning on the homework assignment where students will
practice and layout a time-management calendar.
Summative Assessment

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Attendance Check-In
o Go through roster and allow students to respond to question when called upon
(written prompt on board)
Would you say that you are a procrastinator?
Transitioning prompt:
o Now that we have learned about communication, teamwork, and leadership, it is
time that we focus on time-management! Many of you stated you were a
procrastinator, so we are going to read in the chapter some time-management
strategies. Being able to excel in time-management will only put less stress on
you and it is a good skill for your future! You may think its okay to procrastinate
now, but that will not fly in your careers or even college. Please get your books
out and begin reading about time-management starting on page 136. Sit quietly
when you have finished.
Sustained Silent Reading
o Time-Management
Time-Management Strategies
o Regroup / Discussion
Essential Questions: What are some time-management strategies? How
could you employee these strategies? Why is it important for employees to
work as efficiently as possible? What are some time-management
procedures students can follow to use time more effectively? Why is the
issue of time-management so important?
Transitioning Prompt
o Good work! Now lets quickly and quietly pull out our iPads and log onto Kahoot.
We will be going over some case studies to see how we will employ our timemanagement strategies.
Kahoot Activity
o Students will review several case studies. The Kahoot will visually represent each
students vote. At the end of each case study, the students will be allowed to
discuss why they picked the answer that they did. This is cross-disciplinary with
the previous lessons over teamwork, leadership, active listening, and
What would you do if you owned a business and found one of your
employees sleeping while he was supposed to be working? Why is it
important to take a break when you are working on a project that takes
time? How can you courteously handle someone who is interrupting your
work? What are they doing wrong (case study pg. 137)?
Homework Assignment Activity
o Due at the beginning of the following class period

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

o Prepare a time-management plan that the members of your family can use to
effectively complete the weekly tasks required to maintain your home. Your plan
should include strategies for managing the laundry, cleaning, and preparing meals.
Print your plan as a spreadsheet or word-processing table.
o Do the same thing but make a plan for how you are going to manage your after
school activities (homework, extracurricular, bedtime, etc.)

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Job Search Day 6

Topic / Subtopics
Searching for a Job (Preparing and Beginning a Job Search) pg. 146-163
Deciding what you want
Identifying potential employers
Contacting potential employers
Students will immediately begin their job search by first deciding what they want from
their future employer. In the second step, they will identify potential employers that are
local. In the last step, we will go over the different ways we can contact these employers
and right down their information.
ECC 2.2

Locate, understand, and use career information and resources.

ECC 3.3

Identify choices, options, and consequences of life and career decisions.

ECC 4.2
Explain the impact of selected careers on lifestyle goals.
(Synthesis) Students will be able to categorize in numerical order what their most
significant wants and needs are from a future employer on a worksheet by the conclusion
of the PowerPoint.
(Receive) Students will be able to look for potential employers on their iPads after the
(Analysis) Students will be able to begin determining how they are going to contact their
identified potential employers after reviewing the provided handout on a worksheet that
is too be turned in at the end of class.
Sticky Notes (for brain buster)
iPad (student use)
Worksheet (turned in)
Contacting Employers worksheet
Formative Assessment
The teacher will assess learning throughout the PowerPoint lecture by asking
essential questions.
The teacher will assess learning on the homework assignment where students will
list potential employers and three different ways they could contact them based
off the notes from the lecture.
Summative Assessment

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Attendance Check-In
o Go through roster, read aloud student responses that are written on the board
(written prompt on board)
What is your dream job?
Transitioning prompt:
o Whether youre looking for your dream job, or a part time job, were going to
need to know where to begin! Today we will be determining what we want from a
future employer, how we seek them out, and how we are going to contact them!
Please quietly pull out your iPads and pull up the PowerPoint while I pass out
these handouts. You will utilize these during the lecture.
Job Search Lecture
o Preparing for the Job Search
Deciding What You Want or Dont Want
Working hours, job location, workplace responsibilities, coworkers, company policies, wages, fringe benefits
Essential Questions: How can you decide which job factors are critical for
your satisfaction at work?
Transitioning Prompt
Please refer to the worksheet provided. I want you to rank these in
numerical order on which are the most important to you. This will
help you to determine what kind of job you should be looking for.
For example, it is very important to me that I am not driving over
an hour to work every day. I would rank this number one, and
when I begin my job search I will know not to look any further
than an hour away from where I live.
o Beginning Your Job Search
Identifying Potential Employers
o Referrals
o Warm Contact
o Essential Questions: What is networking and how can you
use it in a job search? What is a warm contact?
Self-Directed Job Searching
o Telephone Book
o Classified Ads
o Internet
o Community
o Essential Questions: What methods can you use to conduct
self-directed search for a job? Why do some companies hire
employment agencies to find applicants for positions? Why
do some people find looking for a job so difficult, whereas
others seem to enjoy the search?
Contacting Potential Employers
Using the telephone (5 steps)

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Visit in person
Write to the company
o Letter of inquiry
Follow Through
Essential Questions: What are three ways to contact a company
about a job and what are the advantages and disadvantages? Why
is following through after making initial contact so important?

Independent Work
o Transitioning Prompt
On your handout provided, I want you to research three potential
employers in the community. Write them down. Once you have that done,
please write three ways you plan to contact these employers and list the
pros and cons of each method. When you are finished, turn in your
assignment for participation points today.
Students will be allotted time to work independently on their handout

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Creating a Resume and Cover Letter Day 7

Topic / Subtopics
Applying for a Job (Superior Resume and Interesting Cover Letter) pg. 168-171
What is a resume / cover letter?
Create a superior resume
Prepare an interesting cover letter
We will be introduced to resumes and cover letters and how they play an important role
in getting an employers attention. After this, we will go over the basic components of a
resume and cover letter. If there is time remaining in the class, the students will be able
to begin creating a resume and cover letter that is to be turned in and used at the end of
unit interview assessment.
ECC 6.1
Create the basic components of a personal portfolio.
(Comprehension) Students will be able to summarize the importance of a resume / cover
letter in their notes at the end of the lecture.
(Analysis) Students will be able to outline a rough draft of their personal resume / cover
letter that will be turned in online by 11:59pm Friday.
Online Resource Tools
Resume / Cover Letter examples
iPads (student use)
Formative Assessment
The teacher will assess learning throughout the PowerPoint lecture by asking
essential questions.
Summative Assessment
Attendance Check-In
o Go through roster and allow students to respond to question when called upon
(written prompt on board)
Have you ever create a resume or cover letter?
Transitioning prompt:
o Resumes and cover letters are a good way to get an employers attention! When
you are looking for a job, there will likely be competition with the other
applicants. Before we start filling out applications, we need to wow our audience
so we stand out and have an edge! To do so, we must first perfect our resumes and
cover letters. Please pull out your iPads and follow along to the lecture!
Resume / Cover Letter Lecture
o Resume

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Creating a Superior Resume
Where to begin
What to include: contact information, career profile, main sections,
highlights, references, skills
o Cover Letter
Where to begin
What to include
o Essential Questions: What are the goals of a resume and cover letter? What
information should you include in a resume? What is the purpose of a cover
letter? When should you begin working on your resume and cover letter? Why are
these important to have when applying for jobs? What additional steps must be
taken after submitting a resume or application?
Independent Work Time
o Transitioning Prompt
Please take this time now to start working on your resumes and cover
letters! We will be using these for our end of unit interviews! Remember,
these need to be perfect, so take your time and pay attention to the details!
These will be due at the end of the day tomorrow! I will be available if
you need help or have any questions.
o Students will be given the remainder of the class period to work on their resumes
and cover letters

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Working Day Day 8

Topic / Subtopics
Resume and cover letter workday
Students will be given a whole day to work on their resumes and cover letters. Students
should begin to finalize their work in class. The assignment will be due online by
11:59pm on Friday.
ECC 6.1
Create the basic components of a personal portfolio.
(Evaluation) Students will be able to critique a partners resume / cover letter at the
beginning of class to ensure professionalism.
(Analysis) Students will be able to outline a rough draft of their personal resume / cover
letter that will be turned in at the end of class tomorrow.
Computer (attendance)
iPads (student use)
Formative Assessment
Students will assess each others work at the beginning of class to ensure their
partners resume / cover letter includes everything that was discussed from the
lecture the day prior. They will also be checking for errors and quality.
Summative Assessment
N/A student workday
Attendance Check-In
o Go through roster and allow students to respond to question when called upon
(written prompt on board)
When is the assignment due?
Transitioning prompt:
o Today is a workday! Before I cut you loose, please get with a partner and critique
each others resumes and cover letters. We are checking to see if it makes sense,
we are looking for errors, and we want to make sure we are following the
instructions given to you yesterday in the lecture! Once you have gone over both
sets of work, you are free to independently and quietly work on your resumes and
cover letters. One more time class, when is this due?
Independent Work Time
o Partner critique
o Individual corrections / work time

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Employment Application Day 9

Topic / Subtopics
Applying for a Job (Filling Out and Employment Application) pg. 174-181
12 steps to filling out a job application
Additional steps and documentation
In a PowerPoint, we will go over the 12 steps to filling out a job application. We will
also briefly go over any additional documentation that employers may require for
submission. Students will then be given the opportunity to fill out job applications from
the community that the teacher has provided.
ECC 6.0
Students will demonstrate basic employability skills.
(Comprehension) In their notes, students will be able to paraphrase the 12 steps of filling
out an employability application during the PowerPoint Lecture.
(Value) Students will be able to complete a job application provided by the instructor at
the end of the lecture that is to be turned in as an exit slip by the end of class.
Kahoot Survey (attendance)
Job Applications
Formative Assessment
The teacher will assess prior knowledge at the beginning of class with the Kahoot
Survey to determine how in depth the in class lecture needs to be.
The teacher will assess student learning throughout the lecture by asking essential
The teacher will assess learning on the in class assignment where students will fill
out an employment application.
The teacher will assess students time-management strategies at the end of class
by determining which students successfully and accurately completed an
employment application in the allotted amount of time (interdisciplinary).
Summative Assessment
Attendance Check-In (Kahoot Survey)
o Allow students to respond to question (use responses for attendance)
Have you ever filled out a job application?
Transitioning prompt:
o It looks like most of us had never had experience filling out a job application.
Most companies will require you to fill out an application form. Not all of them
will look the same, however. We will go over the 12 basic steps to filling out a job

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Employment Application Lecture

o Filling out an employment application
Ask for a second application
Ask for permission to take the application form
Read the entire application before you start
Follow the instructions
Write neatly
Answer all questions completely
Answering with N/A
Provide accurate information
Background checks
Know your rights
State the specific position you want
Finishing touches
Follow up
Essential Questions: How do we avoid submitting messy applications?
Why should we carefully follow the instructions on an application? Why
should we write in print on an application? What could be the
consequences of providing incorrect information on an application? How
do employers use the way the applicants complete the blanks for the
specific position and salary requirements?
o Taking Additional Steps to Employment
Comply with drug testing and other possible conditions
Submit additional documentation
Social security card, birth certificate, work permit
Essential question: What is the purpose of a work permit and who needs
Independent Work Time
o Transitioning Prompt
I will be handing each of you a local job application. With the information
provided today in class, please practice filling this out! I expect this to be
completed and turned in by the end of the class period!
o Students will be given the remainder of the class period to work on completing
their employment application provided by the instructor

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Excelling at the Interview Process Day 10

Topic / Subtopics
Excelling at the Interview Process pg. 190-205
Preparing for an Interview
Investigate the company
Dress appropriately
Know where youre going (interdisciplinary with time-management)
Creating an A+ Interview (interdisciplinary with communication)
Nonverbal / Body Language
How you talk
Ending strong
After the Interview
Thank you note
Follow up
Accepting the job
Reasons for not hiring
We will begin by discussing how to prepare for an interview. Next we will cover how to
appropriately conduct ourselves while in the actual interview. Finally, we will talk about
what is expected at the conclusion of the interview and the following few days
ECC 5.2
Demonstrate personal skills (for example, attendance, punctuality,
responsibility, integrity, getting along with others) that are needed to succeed in school,
life, and career.
ECC 6.4
Demonstrate standards for personal appearance, attire, grooming, and
etiquette appropriate for specific school and life settings.
(Knowledge) Students will be able to outline the steps they need to take when preparing
for an interview in their notes during the PowerPoint lecture.
(Analysis) Students will be able to summarize appropriate dress for an interview in their
notes by the end of the PowerPoint lecture.
(Evaluate) Students will be able to explain how inappropriate nonverbal communication
may negatively impact their interview during the in class discussion.
Case Studies
iPads (for student use)

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Formative Assessment
The teacher will assess student learning throughout the lecture by asking essential
The teacher will assess student learning through the students responses to the
presented case studies.
Summative Assessment
Attendance Check-In
o For time purposes, the teacher will take roll call without any prompting questions.
Transitioning prompt:
o We have a lot to cover today so we are going to jump right in! The interview
process is perhaps the most critical step in the employability process. This is our
final chance to show our employer that we have all the qualities that are looking
for in an employee! Please take out your iPads, pull up the PowerPoint, follow
along, and take thorough notes!
The Interview Process Lecture
o Excelling in the Interview Process
Investigating the company
Research the company
o Size, how many employees, what do they produce, who are
their competitors, what is the companys reputation
Essential Questions: How can you investigate a company?
Planning to Dress Appropriately
Being well groomed
First impressions
Picture examples
Essential Questions: Why is a first impression so important in a job
Know where youre going and planning extra time
Cross disciplinary with time-management
Essential Questions: How can you make certain that you do not
lose an opportunity for a job simply by taking the wrong way?
What does it say to the employer when you arrive early?
o Creating an A+ Interview
Nonverbal Behavior / Body Language
Essential Questions: How can a person change nonverbal behavior
that might be sending negative messages to others? What is
nonverbal behavior and how can it make a difference in an

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Positive characteristics employers look for

Case study pg. 199
o Who would you hire based on their attitude
Watch How you Talk
Essential Questions: What can you do to end an interview
positively? What kind of talking should you avoid during an
interview and why?
Ending Strong
Ask Questions
Thank you card
Follow up
Essential Questions: What can you do to end an interview
positively? How can sending a thank-you note to an interviewer
help you get a job? After the interview is over, what can you do to
make a good impression and remind the interviewer or you? What
should you do before you leave an interview?
Accepting the job
Reasons employers give for not hiring
Evaluate your performance
Case study pg. 204
o Would you hire Cody?
Essential Questions: What are some factors to consider when
deciding whether or not to accept a job offer? What would you say
to a friend who is angry because an employer chose another
applicant? What can people do to change if they find that
employers are afraid or unwilling to hire them?

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Interview Practice Day 11

Topic / Subtopics
Excelling at the Interview Process
Student workday
Students will be partnered up with a person in class an they will each be given a set of
different interview questions. They will take turns interviewing each other. At the
conclusion of the interview, they will fill out an evaluation form.
ECC 5.1
Demonstrate habits of mind (for example, taking responsible risks,
thinking and communicating with clarity and precision, questioning and posing problems,
thinking independently, applying past knowledge to new situations, remaining open to
continuous learning).
(Application) Students will be able to practice their interviewing skills with a partner
during the in class activity.
(Evaluation) Students will be able to constructively critique their partners interview
based upon the resources provided the day prior upon the conclusion of each mock
(Evaluation) Students will be able to self-assess their interview performance on a
worksheet at the end of their mock interviews.
Computer (attendance)
Interviewer Questions
Self-Assessment Handout
Formative Assessment
The teacher will assess student learning by walking around the classroom,
listening in on interviews and asking questions.
Students will assess each other by constructively critiquing their partners
interview performance based upon the lecture from the day prior.
Students will self-assess their interview performance on a handout that is to be
turned into the teacher.
Summative Assessment
Attendance Check-In
o Go through roster and allow students to respond to question when called upon
(written prompt on board)
Do you feel prepared for your mock interview?
Transitioning prompt:
o It sounds like most of us feel prepared or somewhat prepared for our mock
interviews today! Thats encouraging to hear! Before we begin I will partner you

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

up with someone in the class. I will provide each of you with a different set of
interview questions to ask the other. Upon the conclusion of each interview,
constructively critique your partner. Keep in mind the things we went over
yesterday. Once you have done that, you may continue on with the next person.
When you have both finished, please fill out your self-assessment form and turn
that in. This is due at the end of the class period. Please take this seriously! This is
a preparation activity for our end of unit interview assessment. I will be circling
the classroom to make sure everyone is staying on task and using their time
Mock Interviews
o Students will partner up and complete their mock interviews

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Being an Employee Day 12

Topic / Subtopics
Understanding Workplace Issues (Being an Employee) pg. 217-230
Evaluating Work Performance
Taking on Responsibility
Accepting Criticism
Resolving Conflicts
Once students have gone through the interview process and perhaps accepted a job offer,
it is good to know some workplace issues that may come up. We will talk about both
internal and external workplace issues. We will then discuss matters of resolve in these
ECC 5.2
Demonstrate personal skills (for example, attendance, punctuality,
responsibility, integrity, getting along with others) that are needed to succeed in school,
life, and career.
ECC 5.4
Demonstrate personal leadership skills to lead and inspire others,
accomplish common goals, and function effectively in school, life, and career settings.
ECC 6.2
Demonstrate school, life and career self-management skills related to
responsibility and work ethic (for example, attendance, punctuality, completion of work
on time, dependability, focus, initiative, perseverance, striving to do ones best)
(Knowledge) Upon the conclusion of the PowerPoint, students will be able to recognize
workplace issues in their professional jobs.
(Comprehension) Students will be able to discuss with their classmates how they would
handle the different case studies presented in class at the end of the class discussion.
Case Studies
iPads (for student use)
Formative Assessment
The teacher will assess student learning throughout the lecture by asking essential
The teacher will assess student learning through the students responses to the
presented case studies.
Summative Assessment

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Attendance Check-In
o For time purposes, the teacher will take roll call without any prompting questions.
Transitioning prompt:
o After you have offered and accepted a job, it is good to know of some work place
issues that may occur within your place of work. It is good to be aware of these so
if situations present themselves you will know how to handle them professionally
and appropriately! We again have a lot to cover, so lets get out our iPads and get
to work!
Workplace Issues Lecture
o The Role of the Employee
Your role
Taking initiative
Taking on Responsibility
Accepting Criticism
Evaluating your performance
Essential Questions: What three choices do you have if your
supervisor criticizes your workplace performance? What is your
role in your entry-level job? What are three choices you can make
if you are given negative feedback on your work performance?
Practicing Ethics
Standards of conduct, organization values, conflicts of interest,
monopolizing, price fixing, whistle blowing
Dealing with Diversity
Sex-role stereotyping
o Small in class activity
Essential Questions: What types of diversity are seen in the
workplace today?
External Workplace Issues
Wage discrimination
Sexual Harassment
o Reporting sexual harassment
Resolving Work Place Conflicts
Interpersonal relationships
Essential Questions: How can you resolve problems on the job?
What is conflict resolution and how is it similar or different from
problem solving? Why is conflict resolution so important?

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Interview Assessment Preparation Day 13

Topic / Subtopics
Interview Assessment Preparation
Student workday
Students will be assigned an employment agency. It is their responsibility to prepare
themselves for their interview assessment. They may chose to practice their interview
skills, update their cover letters / resumes, research their assigned business, etc.
ECC 5.2
Demonstrate personal skills (for example, attendance, punctuality,
responsibility, integrity, getting along with others) that are needed to succeed in school,
life, and career.
ECC 6.2
Demonstrate school, life and career self-management skills related to
responsibility and work ethic (for example, attendance, punctuality, completion of work
on time, dependability, focus, initiative, perseverance, striving to do ones best)
(Application) Students will be able to prepare themselves however they deem necessary
for their mock interview assessment.
(Organization) Students will be able to organize their portfolios in preparation for their
mock interview assessment.
Student Employment Agency Assignments
Formative Assessment
N/A student workday
Summative Assessment
N/A student workday
Attendance Check-In
o Go through roster and allow students to respond to question when called upon
(written prompt on board)
What do you need to work on today to prepare yourself for your
Assign Employment Agencies
o Individually call each student and tell him or her the employment agency that will
be interviewing them for their end of unit assessment.
Transitioning prompt:
o I think we can all agree that we have a lot to work on! I want to give this day to
you to utilize as you wish. Get yourselves ready for your interview assessment in
two days! You may practice your interviewing skills, research your corporation, or
touch up your resume / cover letter. I will be available if you have any questions.
Please remain on task! This is worth 100 points!

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

o Students will organize and prepare themselves for their interview assessment.

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Interview Assessment Preparation Day 14

Topic / Subtopics
Interview Assessment Preparation
Student workday
Students will be assigned an employment agency. It is their responsibility to prepare
themselves for their interview assessment. They may chose to practice their interview
skills, update their cover letters / resumes, research their assigned business, etc.
ECC 5.2
Demonstrate personal skills (for example, attendance, punctuality,
responsibility, integrity, getting along with others) that are needed to succeed in school,
life, and career.
ECC 6.2
Demonstrate school, life and career self-management skills related to
responsibility and work ethic (for example, attendance, punctuality, completion of work
on time, dependability, focus, initiative, perseverance, striving to do ones best)
(Application) Students will be able to prepare themselves however they deem necessary
for their mock interview assessment.
(Organization) Students will be able to organize their portfolios in preparation for their
mock interview assessment.
Student Employment Agency Assignments
Formative Assessment
N/A student workday
Summative Assessment
N/A student workday
Attendance Check-In
o Go through roster and allow students to respond to question when called upon
(written prompt on board)
What skill in this unit do you think is going to be of the most use to you in
your interview tomorrow?
Transitioning prompt:
o Tomorrow is your interview assessment! Today will be another workday to get us
ready for it! You did a great job yesterday so keep it up! Again, I will be here if
you have questions.
o Students will organize and prepare themselves for their interview assessment.

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

Interview Assessment Day 15

Topic / Subtopics
Interview Assessment
At the beginning of class, students will immediately go to their designated interview
location and wait for their interview. Students are expected to have a resume and cover
letter on hand, as well as be appropriately and professionally dressed. The interviewer
will assess their performance, which will be turned into the teacher, and the teacher will
then give a finalized grade.
ECC 5.1
Demonstrate habits of mind (for example, taking responsible risks,
thinking and communicating with clarity and precision, questioning and posing problems,
thinking independently, applying past knowledge to new situations, remaining open to
continuous learning).
ECC 5.2
Demonstrate personal skills (for example, attendance, punctuality,
responsibility, integrity, getting along with others) that are needed to succeed in school,
life, and career.
ECC 6.4
Demonstrate standards for personal appearance, attire, grooming, and
etiquette appropriate for specific school and life settings.
(Characterization) Students will be able to exemplify their previous learned knowledge
from the unit to their assigned prospected employer during their interview assessment.
Rubric (for interviewer)
Rubric (for teacher)
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment
The interviewer will assess the students performance based on their dress and
interviewing skills.
The teacher will assess the interviewers rubric and establish a final grade based
on the students performance and how much they learned for their end of unit
assessment grade.
Attendance Check-In
Due to time restraints, there will be no question to start off class.
Transitioning prompt:
o Please take all of your belongings and head to your designated area. When you are
finished with you interview please come back to the classroom and work on
something quietly! Good luck everyone!
Student Interviews
o Students will be participating in their end of unit interview assessment

Emily Stouder
***All lessons were designed for a 60-90 minute class period

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