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Introducing PHP Classes

Working with classes in PHP is a great way to
streamline your code, and make it awesome.
Classes or object oriented (OO) programming are
Artisanal tools, great
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they're easy. Once you understand all the various
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levels of privacy, extensions and more recently
magic methods. For the sake of simplification we'll be using PHP, and
modelling a man and a woman as classes, with a few basic attributes of
varying privacy levels.

Man + Woman = Person

Artisanal tools, great

prices. Scrivener,
DEVONthink, BBEdit, &
more. ads via Carbon

Men and women are pretty similar - a lot more similar than people think,
but there are some crucial differences. Some of the shared attributes are
things like eye colour, hair colour, height and weight. But there are a
couple of glaring differences between the two such as reproductive
organs, gender and chromosomes.
The way that inheritance works in classes is that you put as many
common items within one class and then extend that parent class for each
sub-class. Sound complicated? Let me clarify, we have a class of Person
that will be extended to create Man and Woman . There will be some specifics

that we set by default when we create a new




To run an action on initialisation of a class, we look to add a constructor,

this means that when you create a new man using new Man() the
constructor will run and we can set the gender specific attributes:
class Person {
private $alive = true
protected $gender = '';
protected $genitalOrgan = '';
class Man extends Person {
public function __construct
$this->gender = 'male';
$this->genitalOrgan = 'penis';

As you can see, we have used the word extends to show that Man is an
extension of the Person class. You can imagine this as the variables within
Person being copied to a new class called Man so they are available to use
if their privacy allows.

What you'll see in the above code is words such as protected , public and
private , these are varying levels of privacy and dictate where these
attributes can be altered, or functions called:
Public - Can be called anywhere, outside of the class, inside the
class, or even in a child.
Protected - Can be called from only within the current class or any
children of that class (eg: gender can be altered by Person or Man )
Private - Can only be called by the containing class. (eg: alive can

only be altered by


$this, parent, self, static

Above, you'll see reference to $this , this just refers to the current instance
of the object that you're in, $this can and does creep up the chain, so I
can access inherited variables using $this as above.
If I have overwritten a method within a child class, I can call the parent
method by using parent::method() , so for example if we had a constructor
within the Person class we would call that from our Man class by using

methods of classes can cause some complications. A static

method is one that you can call without having to instantiate an instance of
the object that you're using. For example if we had a class, Site , which
has a helpful static function, relativeTime , we could call that function by
using the code Site::relativeTime() . Some things are clearer with

class Site {
public static function relativeTime
return 'Yesterday';
If we had to instantiate the class we'd do
$site = new Site;

When within a static function we can't use the $this notation, as that
refers to instantiated objects only, so we will want to use the keyword
self , this works very much the same as the parent keyword that is

mentioned above. One thing to note is, if you're attempting to modify a

static variable, you will have to use a $ as well before the variable name see the differences below:
// Set static variable 'name' of 'Person':
Person::$name = 'bob';
// Set variable of instance of 'Person':
$person = new Person();
$person->name = 'bob';

Magic Methods
Sometimes referred to as Overloading, this is the instance by where you
can have a generic function that is called if you try to get or set a variable
that doesn't exist, or try to call a function that doesn't exist. There are 4
that I'll run through, and they're all very similar they are __get() , __set() ,
__call() and __callStatic() . Make sure that you declare all of these as

Set and get

If we try to set or get a variable that doesn't exist, inherently PHP will throw
an error, here we can gracefully handle that by actually using a method to
handle that. This is very useful if - as with active record methodology variabes are stored within an array called data in the class:
class Demo {
private $data = array
public function __set
__set($variable, $value){
echo 'Setting ' . $variable . ' to ' . $value;
$this->data[$variable] = $value;
public function __get
return $this->data[$variable];

die('Unknown variable.');
$d = new Demo;
// Set a non-existent variable
$d->test = 'Test Variable';
// Get what we just stored
echo $d->test;
// Get a non-existant variable
echo $d->testFail;

Overloading will not overload on a variable that already exists. So for

example if we had a variable defined called $test , our code before would
use that variable instead of storing in the $data array. Also, if you try to
use a set or get on a variable that you don't have access to, ie: accessing
a private variable outside the object, it will call the overloading methods.

Call and callStatic

These two do the same thing, except that one is for static methods, and
the other not. You can use these to call special functions that don't
actually exist in the class, for example we could use a class to set or get
instead of using the earlier methods:
class Demo {
private $data = array
public function __call
__call($name, $arguments){
switch(substr($name, 0, 3)){
case 'get':
isset($this->data[substr($name, 3)])){
return $this->data[substr($name, 3)];
die('Unknown variable.');
case 'set':
$this->data[substr($name, 3)] = $arguments[0];
return $this;

die('Unknown method.');
$d = new Demo;
// Set a non-existent variable
$d->settest('Test Variable');
// Get what we just stored
echo $d->gettest();
// Get a non-existant variable
echo $d->gettestFail();

The logic is exactly the same for __callStatic() . One thing to note is that I
have included the line return $this; within the set case, this will mean that
you can chain your sets: $d->settest('test')->settest2('test2')>settest3('test3');

A singleton class is a class that should only be instantiated once and
never instantiated again, for example if you had a class for database
interfacing you would only want that instantiated once. This is normally
achieved by having a static variable within the class sometimes named
instance , and a static method called getInstance - this will check if and
instance exists, if it doesn't, it will create one, then return the instance:
class DemoSingleton {
private static $instance = NULL
public static function getInstance
self::$instance = new self
return self

$class = DemoSingleton::getInstance();

Autoloading is very nifty, and is used in a lot of large frameworks - it allows
you to load the file that a class is written in automatically when you try to
instantiate it. The advantage of this is that only classes that you want to
instantiate & use will be included in your page and will keep memory
usage down.
The best way to autoload a class is to use a global function called
spl_autoload_register() , there are two ways to use it - my favourite is using
an anonymous function, but this is only possible in PHP 5.3.0+. The other
way is a named function, both below do the same thing:
// Using a named function
function autoload_class
include_once('includes/' . $class . '.class.php');
// Using an anonymous function
include_once('includes/' . $class . '.class.php')

These will both look in a directory called includes for a file with the same
name of the class you're trying to instantiate. So trying to instantiate a
class called Person would look to include a file called Person.class.php .

Final Thoughts
Object oriented programming is an amazing feature and is definitely
something that you should use, whether exploiting extensions and magic
methods or not. OO can go so much further than what I have explained
here, such as the use of Factories and abstract functions - which I've only

ever had the need to use once. For further reading take a browse through
the PHP Classes & Objects Manual.
Tag: PHP


Posted 14th July 2012 by Michael


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