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Legalities and such

Overlaying Effects
The Totally Useless Items
Acquiring These Priceless Catalysts
The Easiest Ones
The Hardest ones
Short-cut: Hidden Island
Finding the Behemoths
Contact Info


I do not own any of the rights to any of the names of the characters,
items, and such that are included in this guide except for the names of the
staff-inherent spells which I came up with entirely by myself. The rest of
the names are trademarked by Natsume and Nintendo. This FAQ is the property
Ben Showler ("Suffurix" on Gamefaqs, but either "Lethe Albion" or "Leithe
Albion" on most other sites) and may not be reproduced without my
If you would like to post this FAQ on another website, please contact me
and let me know. Please feel free to quote from it, but don't take credit
it. And I don't expect you to fully remember my name and all my usernames

use them whenever you quote an official quote and yadda yadda yadda, but I
expect you to clarify that you DID find the information from someone else's
FAQ, and you did not come up with it on your own. As for the aforementioned
staff-inherent spells, those are just nicknames for ease of speaking. They
aren't copy-righted or anything so whatever.

NOTE: Becoming an Arcane Smith should not be a decision you make until you
are at or have beaten the fifth and final dungeon of the game, since you
need to do quite a bit of running around looking for items from dangerous
enemies and bosses.
Staves are perhaps the most powerful and versatile weapons in Rune Factory
While not providing much physical power, they phenomenally boost your
Prowess when using spells and tomes. But what most people don't realize is
that the true power of magical staves lies within the staves themselves. Or
more realistically, the true power of magic lies within the inner energies
the world's comuponents. Namely, materials you can use to upgrade weapons.
Staves are incredibly different than other weapons in several ways. Number
They give high magic attack rather than normal attack. Number 2: Starting
level 3, they have three charge levels. And number 3: The attacks released
charging them are different depending on what items you use to upgrade
This third point is the crux of the true power behind the magic in Rune
Factory 3. For instance: take someone who just picked up this game, and has
played the two previous games. He knows that axes and hammers deal the most
damage out of any weapons, so at the end of the game, when his forging
is incredibly high and he has access to a wide range of items and
he crafts the Saint Axe and upgrades it with 9 Red Dragon fangs, giving an
extra hundred or two attack. Now he feels prepared to fight his way to the
bottom of the Sharance Tree's dungeons. But when he gets there, he finds
himself quite hard pressed at the lower levels due to the incredibly slow
attacks of his axe. Now take YOU, who are reading this FAQ right now: at
end of the game when your forging level is ALSO very high and you have
to a wide range of items and materials, you craft the Magic Broom. Then you
upgrade it with 7 Fire Dragon Scales, giving it an extra 144 magic attack,
and a Water Crystal and Dragon Fin. Now what you have is a staff with
incredibly high magic attack and the ability to fire a short ranged,
water laser, a wider ranged and larger sweeping water laser, or summon two
little water elementals that follow you around and fire powerful lasers at
enemies. Now that you face the Sharance Tree's dungeons, you are infinitely

more prepared than the person who tried to go it alone using a Saint Axe.
possibilitis with what you could do with the magic of staves in this game
nearly limitless. But just so you don't get a headache, here's how things

The cardinal rule of staff magic is that effects do not stack. They replace
each other. So if you have a fire elemental staff that at all three charge
levels shoots differing amounts of fireballs and you upgrade it using a
Wing, you will now have a fire elemental staff that shoots fireballs at the
first two charge levels, and a gust of wind at the third level (and it
these levels about twice as fast as normal). But if you took the same staff
and used a Bird Wing and THEN a Fire Crystal, the Fire Crystal would wipe
the Air Gust spell and the speed boost enchantment and leave it just like
was with only a few extra stat boosts from the two upgrades. So, with this
knowledge, it is incredibly important what order you upgrade in. It would
a shame to use a Dragon Fin, think you're all finished, and then find a
Crystal and decide to just give it some extra magic attack, thus replacing
your Summon: Guardian Fins spell with a dinky Sealing Cloud spell. Now,
a practical application:

When I say elements, I don't actually mean elemental affinities in the same
way the game does, where using Fire abilities on a Water type enemy will
deal more damage than usual. I use the term element simply as a
tool. Because obviously there are no weapons in the game that deal Pirate
elemental damage. Please note as well that Arrow and Leaf elements have the
"fast" trait, which means they charge twice as fast as usual.
Fire >>>>>>> 1: |Fireball| = Shoots two splitter fireballs
2: |Improved Fireball| = shoots three splitter fireballs
3: |Greater Fireball| = Shoots four splitter fireballs
Water >>>>>> 1: |Aqua Beam| = Shoots water laser in small arc close in
of you

2: |Improved Aqua Beam| = Shoots water laser in medium arc

further away from you
3: |Greater Aqua Beam| = Shoots water laser in giant arc far
away from you
Wind >>>>>>> 1: |Air Cutter| = Throws two curving wind blades
2: |Improved Air Cutter| = Throws four curving wind blades
3: |Greater Air Cutter| = Throws six curving wind blades
Earth >>>>>> 1: |Rockwave| = Makes earth spikes rise up in straight line a
short distance away from you
2: |Improved Rockwave| = Makes earth spikes rise up in wider
range a medium distance away from you
3: |Greater Rock Wave| = Makes earth spikes rise up in very
range a long distance away from you
Dark >>>>>>> 1: |Death Leech| = Produces a darkness ball a short distance
front of you that floats slowly counterclockwise for a few seconds
2: |Improved Death Leech| = Produces a darkness ball a medium
distance in front of you that
slowly counter-clockwise for a few
3: |Greater Death Leech| = Produces a darkness ball a large
distance in front of you that
slowly counter-clockwise for
Light >>>>>> 1: |Radiant Shell| = Makes two light balls appear around you
quickly spiral outwards
2: |Improved Radiant Shell| = Makes four light balls appear
around you and quickly spiral
3: |Greater Radiant Shell| = makes six light balls appear
you and quickly spiral outwards
Pirate >>>>> 1: |Summon: Explosive| = rolls exploding barrel
2: |Summon: Improved Explosives| = rolls three exploding

3: |Summon: Steel Urchin| = tosses a spikeball that sits on

field for several seconds
Energy >>>>> 1: |Blast Wave| = Fires energy wave
2: |Improved Blast Wave| = Fires three energy waves
3: |Greater Blast Wave| = Fires eight energy waves all around

Tree >>>>>>> 1: |Strangling Root| = Cracks the ground beneath an enemy and
shoots a root out of the ground
2: |Crimson Circle| = Makes a ring of several apples that
quickly around you and hit any enemies
collide with before dissapearing
3: |Crimson Volley| = Calls down large apples that fall in a
across the screen and then back the
Arrow >>>>>> 1: |Summon: Projectile| = launches one arrow

2: |Summon: Improved Projectiles| = Launches two splitter

3: |Summon: Greater Projectiles| = Launches three splitter

Ice >>>>>>>> 1: |Spiral Shards| = Summons four ice shards that slowly spin
counter-clockwise inwards around you,
spiral outwards quickly

2: |Homing Shards| = Summons eight ice shards that slowly spin

around the closest enemy before rushing
inwards on them
3: |Massive Shard| = Summons a giant ice shard in front of

and after one second, flies off in the
direction you were facing
Castle >>>>> 1: |Golem Finger| = Launches a spinning rock structure from
above your current position that homes in
enemies and drills into them


2: |Improved Golem Finger|= Launches a spinning rock structure

straight out that homes in on

and drills into them
3: |Inferno| = Fires a spray of powerful but small fireballs
a wide arc
Bane >>>>>>> 1: |Spark Mine| = Creates a lightning sphere that slowly
enemies around electrocuting them
(very slow) 2: |Acrid Vapor| = Shoots a ball of poison that splashes apart
after a certain distance and sits on the
battle field for a short while
3: |Summon: Storm Spirit| = Summons a ball of lightning that
expands to a massive size and
back and forth across the screen
Tempest >>>> 1: |Lightning Strike| = Calls down multiple strikes of
on one enemy

2: |Wrath of the Earth| = Summons Rock spikes around you in a

circle, getting bigger each time,

traveling in a bigger circle each
3: |Armageddon| = Calls down several giant meteors in a
radius around you
Blaze >>>>>> 1: |Massive Flame| = launches a large fireball that expands to
massive size

2: |Blaze Vacuum| = Draws enemies inwards toward you while

incinerating them with fireballs
3: |Vulcan's Rage| = Summons a column of flames, then four

surrounding you, then more and more in a
further expanding square
Dragon >>>>> 1: |Summon: Water Fins| = Fires four water fins behind you
fly around, colliding with enemies
before disappearing

2: |Summon: Seeker Fins| = Fires four water fins behind you

^^^ but fire a laser at enemies


3: |Summon: Guardian Fins|= Fires two water fins behind you
follow behind you, occasionally
firing lasers at enemies and
any colliding enemies

::BASIC STAFF:: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Charge 1: Base element
Charge 2: Base element ^2
Charge 3: Base element ^3
-----------------------------------Poison Powder >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Charge 1: Base element
charge 2: Base element ^2
Charge 3: |Poison Cloud| = Green surrounding gas clouds (Add: Poison)
Melee attacks Add: Poison
-----------------------------------Dragon Tooth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Charge 1: Base element
Charge 2: Base element ^2
Charge 3: |Fiery Breath| = emits a close-ranged fire blast that lasts for a
few seconds
-----------------------------------Strong Vine >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Charge 1: Base element
Charge 2: Base element ^2
Charge 3: |Ice PetalS| = Shoots off five bluish flower petals in an arc
-----------------------------------Plant Stem >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Charge 1: Base element
Charge 2: Base element ^2
Charge 3: |Forest Petals| = Two green petals shoot out and weave back and
forth as they move away

Panther Claw >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Charge 1: Base element
Charge 2: Base element ^2
Charge 3: |Panther Flash| = Three clawed flash rushes forward for multiple
attacks (Add: Paralyze) [Acts as a physical
-----------------------------------Fairy Dust >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Charge 1: Base element
Charge 2: Base element ^2
Charge 3: |Sleeping Cloud| = White surrounding smoke clouds (Add: Sleep)
-----------------------------------Bird Wing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Charge 1: Base element
Charge 2: Base element ^2
Charge 3: |Air Gust| = Pushing gust of wind
FAST charge rate
-----------------------------------Spore >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Charge 1: Base element
Charge 2: Base element ^2
Charge 3: |Spore Cloud| = Green-blue surrounding gas clouds (Add: Paralyze)
-----------------------------------Gunpowder >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Charge 1: Base element
Charge 2: |Ignite| = Creates a column of fire directly in front of you that
sits for a few seconds
Charge 3: |Burning Pillar| = Creates a gigantic column of fire that rushes
-----------------------------------Proof of Warrior >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Charge 1: Base element
Charge 2: Base element ^2
Charge 3: |Summon: Flying Axe| = Throws an axe forward
-----------------------------------Small Crystal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Charge 1: Base element
Charge 2: Base element ^2
Charge 3: |Sealing Cloud| = Black surrounding smoke clouds (Add: Seal)

-----------------------------------Chimera Tail >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Charge 1: Base element
Charge 2: Base element ^2
Charge 3: |Avalanche| = Spews a dozen or so giant bubbles
SLOW charge speed
Melee attacks randomly inflict Poison or Paralyze
-----------------------------------Blue Lion Fur >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Charge 1: Base element
Charge 2: |Hurricane Shield| = Creates four tornadoes around you that
spread out
Charge 3: |Hurricane Barrage| = Creates three tornadoes in front of you
rapidly fly outwards
-----------------------------------Red Lion Fur >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Charge 1: Base element
Charge 2: Base element ^2
Charge 3: |Sonic Wave| = Fires a sonic blast outwards
-----------------------------------Grimoire Scale >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Charge 1: Base element
Charge 2: |Maelstrom| = Issues a wide blast of pushing wind and random
boulders fly by
Charge 3: |Great Tornado| = Creates a giant green tornado that slowly moves
forward and stops moving for a few seconds
it has traveled a certain amount
SLOW charge rate
-----------------------------------Dragon Bones >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Charge 1: Base element
Charge 2: Base element ^2
Charge 3: |Thunder Chain| = Creates a ball of lightning attached to a
lighning chain that seeks out nearest enemies.
Lasts for several seconds
SLOW charge rate
-----------------------------------Ice Nose >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Charge 1: Base element
Charge 2: Base element ^2
Charge 3: |Deadly Tundra| = Summons a field of ice spikes all around you in
huge area.
SLOW charge rate
-----------------------------------Song Bottle >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Charge 1: Base element
Charge 2: |Quadra Beam| = fires four water lasers out in front of you
Charge 3: |Siren's Song| = Emits multiple various musical notes that damage
enemies and inflict random status effects
(sometimes will steal health, too. I have not
determined the pattern to this effect. It may
be from having a Legendary Scale on the item)
SLOW charge rate
Melee attacks randomly inflict Cold
-----------------------------------Fire Crystal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Add: =Fire= element
-----------------------------------Water Crystal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Add: =Water= element
-----------------------------------Earth Crystal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Add: =Earth= element
-----------------------------------Wind Crystal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Add: =Wind= element
-----------------------------------Light Crystal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Add: =light= element
-----------------------------------Dark Crystal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Add: =Dark= element

-----------------------------------Raccoon Leaf >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Add: =Leaf= element
-----------------------------------Moving Branch >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Add: =Tree= element
-----------------------------------Dragon Fin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Add: =Dragon= element
SLOW charge rate
-----------------------------------Ice Shard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Add: =Ice= element
SLOW charge rate
-----------------------------------Ammonite >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Add: =Pirate= element
-----------------------------------Chest Hair >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Add: =Energy= element
-----------------------------------Golem Slate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Add: =Castle= element
SLOW charge rate
-----------------------------------Electric Crystal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Add: =Bane= element
SLOW charge rate
-----------------------------------Earth Dragon Scale >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Add: =Tempest= element
SLOW charge rate
-----------------------------------Fire Dragon Scale >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Add: =Blaze= element
-----------------------------------Arrowhead >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Add: =Arrow= element
FAST charge rate


Though a great variety of components can be used to imbue your staves with
wondrous powers, there are some that will only ever give them some extra
boosts, status effects, status resistances, or are just plain crap. So
the list of stuff that you will never have to worry about when becoming an
Arcane Smith:
Silk Cloth
Strong String
Quality Fur
Hard Horn
Tortoise Shell
Hammer Piece
Devil Horn
Love Crystal
Broken Hilt
Scorpion Tail
Insect Skin
Magic Crystal
Magic Powder
Broken Box
Speckled Skin
Devil Blood
Insect Jaw
Giant Fingernail
Legendary Scale
Quality Cloth
Wolf Fang

Shoulder Piece
Cheap Bandage
Cheap Cloth
Sparkle String
Giant's Glove
Scorpion Pincer
Wooly Furball
Bull Horn
Scrap Iron

Although, certain items like the Magic Crystal and Magic Powder DO boost
weapon's Magic Attack, so you may want to keep an eye out for them


Well so far, it seems as if crafting a god-like wizarding weapon is as easy
beating a blind-man at throwing darts. But this is not so, my good friend.
You see, some of these rare artifacts are not so easy to come by. And even
with the proper ingredients, you will also have to have a high enough
skill to be able to properly imbue the materials.
First of all, as for forging: It really doesn't matter that you know the
formula of how much skill you have divided by the forging level of the item
plus the square root of pi times the forging level of the weapon and blahdee
blah-dee blah. It's simple: you go to the forge, put the weapon in the
put the component in the other slot. It'll then show you your chance of
completing the enchantment. If it's anywhere below 20%, then make a cheap
weapon and keep upgrading it with silver or gold, or at least some item
it has below a 60% chance of completeing, until you level up you forging
enough to imbue your staff. The moment the chance gets to 20 or above, just
for it and keep hammering away 'til ya get it. But make sure to watch your
and HP, since it's pretty easy to get distracted from pressing that A

so often. And if you're anywhere near the same point in your medical
as I am, then you should be greatly afraid of accidentally feinting. If you
went through the game constantly forging better weapons for yourself along
way, then your forging skill should easily be high enough at this point.
onto the meat of the process:
The easiest transformers to obtain are as follows:
-------------------------------------------------Poison Powder
Dragon Tooth
Strong Vine
Plant Stem
Panther Claw
Bird Wing
Fairy Dust
Proof of Warrior
Small Crystal
Fire Crystal
Water Crystal
Wind Crystal
Earth Crystal
Dark Crystal
Light Crystal

*[The Easiest

The reason for this list is due to the fact that all of these items can be
found primarily by slaying a certain type of enemy. Or doing it the easier
by using a Beanling Magic Seed that turns enemies into items that they
drop. The Dragon Tooth can be a little tricky, though, because the big
dragons that drop them are pretty tough cookies. But don't worry about
You're already at the end of the game, remember? You ARE at the end of the
game, aren't you.......???
As for the specifics of where to find such dainty trinkets, I have made yet
another list:

Poison Powder ))))))))))))))))

Dropped from Big Mushroom (Privera Forest) and Tricky Mushroom (Sol Terrano
-----------------------------Dragon Tooth )))))))))))))))))

Droppedfrom Claw Dragon (Dragon Cave)

Strong Vine ))))))))))))))))))
Dropped from Leafball (Privera Forest), Flower Lion (Sol Terrano Desert),
Planchoa (Oddward Valley), and Flower Crystal (Vale River)
-----------------------------Plant Stem )))))))))))))))))))
Dropped from Flower Blossom and Leafball (Privera Forest), Flower Lion and
Tricky Mushroom (Sol Terrano Desert), Planchoa (Oddward Valley), and Flower
Crystal (Vale River)
-----------------------------Panther Claw )))))))))))))))))
Dropped from Shadow Panther (Sol Terrano Desert), and Blood Panther (Dragon
-----------------------------Bird Wing ))))))))))))))))))))
Dropped from Duck, Weegull, and Big Duck (Sol Terrano Desert), Cluckadoodle
and Blackbird (Oddward Valley), and Penguin (Vale River)
-----------------------------Fairy Dust )))))))))))))))))))
Dropped from Faerie (Oddward Valley) and Death Faerie (Dragon Cave)
-----------------------------Spore ))))))))))))))))))))))))
Dropped from Big Mushroom (Privera Forest), Tricky Mushroom (Sol Terrano
Desert), and Death Fungus (Oddward Valley)
-----------------------------Gunpowder ))))))))))))))))))))
Dropped from Orc Hunter and Orc Archer (Privera Forest), Goblin Sniper and
Goblin Archer (Sol Terrano Desert)
-----------------------------Proof of Warrior )))))))))))))
Dropped from Orc Rider (Privera Forest), Goblin and Hobgoblin (Sol Terrano
-----------------------------Small Crystal ))))))))))))))))

Dropped from Slimes (Sol Terrano), Dark Slimes (Vale River), Little Wizards
(Vale River), Little Mages and Little Emperors (Dragon Cave) [The Little
Emperors are pretty deep down in the cave, so it'll take some time to get
the way there]
-----------------------------Fire Crystal )))))))))))))))))
Dropped from defeating a Fire enemy portal (It's pretty deep red. It's NOT
the slightly pinkish one, though. Those drop Love Crystals)
Can be mined from rocks in Sol Terrano Desert (use a Silver Hammer or above
for maximum efficiency)
-----------------------------Water Crystal ))))))))))))))))
Dropped from defeating a Water enemy portal (I THINK it's the one that's
of bluish-green)
Can be mined from rocks in Vale River (use a Silver Hammer or above for
maximum efficiency)
-----------------------------Wind Crystal )))))))))))))))))
Dropped from defeating a Wind enemy portal (It'll look very green)
Can be mined from rocks in Oddward Valley (use a Silver Hammer or above for
maximum efficiency)
-----------------------------Earth Crystal ))))))))))))))))
Dropped from defeating a Dark enemy portal (It'll look kind of brownish and
yellow, and darker than the Light portal)
Can be mined from rocks in Privera Forest (use a Silver Hammer or above for
maximum efficiency)
-----------------------------Dark Crystal )))))))))))))))))
Dropped from defeating a Dark enemy portal (It'll look dark and murky
and kinda purple)
-----------------------------Light Crystal ))))))))))))))))
Dropped from defeating a Light enemy portal (It'll look bright white with a
yellowish tint to it)

-----------------------------Arrowhead ))))))))))))))))))))
Dropped from Orc Archer & Orc Hunter in Privera Forest [Stoneway/The Eye]
-----------------------------NOTE: These monsters will also randomly appear in the Sharance Tree's

Now you know how to find some of the easier transformers. But per usual,
easier ones are never as good as the harder ones. Now we get into the
tricky part. All of the other transformers I haven't mentioned so far come
from defeating bosses. And there is one for every single boss in this game.
Which means you're going to have beat them. All of them. So get ready:
The hardest transformers to obtain are as follows:
-------------------------------------------------Chimera Tail
Blue Lion Fur
Red Lion Fur
Grimoire Scale
Dragon Bones
Ice Nose
Crystal Mammoth
Raccoon Leaf
Moving Branch
Terror Tree
Dragon Fin
Ice Shard
Death Wall
Chest Hair
Greater Demon
Song Bottle
Golem Slate
Electric Crystal
Bane Dragon
Fire Dragon Scale
Earth Dragon Scale

*[The Hardest

Each one of those items is dropped by defeating it's cooridinating boss. Be

warned, though. They do not always drop it. So you may end wasting quite a
of your time if you don't save before fighting them. But rest assured,
they drop them about 75% of the time, so you should be fine.
Now please realize, that this list is actually sort of a rule of thumb.
in GENERAL, farming items from a boss of all things is going to be harder
farming it from a normal enemy. But if you heeded my admonition to be very
the end of the game before starting a hobby like this, then you already

that beating the Raccoon from Privera Forest at this point is probably
than beating some of the normal enemies from Vale River or the Dragon Cave.
With that being said, you may want to scratch these two from the list:
Greater Demon
And depending on what level you're at, and if you did any power-leveling,
could even scratch these as well:
Death Wall
These bosses are much easier to beat than most other bosses, IF you are at
about level 70 or higher, and as such, you shouldn't worry too much about
getting your hands on their items. The Death Wall might take a bit higher
level though, and perhaps the Octopirate as well, if you have the proper
equipment that is. The REST of the bosses are going to take some serious
investment though. For now, let's review how to find the many lairs in
these lumbering behemoths reside...
Actually, hold off for a minute. Detour Time

*[Short-cut: Hidden

Instead of actually chasing down the Greater Demon, Octopirate, Chimera,

Grimoire, and Crystal Mammoth, there's an easier way to find them. Go to
Privera Forest, and bring a Lily Pad Magic Seed. Go to a place called
and there should be a little opening into the lake. Get on your Lily Pad
ride it out over the lake and to the big island on the right. This is
Hidden Island. Now, the first thing you should notice upon seeing this
is that there's some kind of giant creature on it, namely one of the five
mentioned above. Now don't be too scared, since these versions are
pathetically weaker than their original counterparts. I think the Greater
Demon has around 3000 Hp or something like that, if that's any indicator of
what I'm saying. At this point, it becomes very simple: Go in and out of
one screen 'til the boss you want to fight shows up, and then spank it hard
'til it cries. Then, reap your reward. Now if only the rest of the bosses
showed up on this nifty little island. *Sigh*......that would be the
day.......oh well. Moving on:
How to find all the bosses

*[Finding the

Now for one of hardest quests you'll ever have to go through: The Sharance

Tree. That's right folks. The secret to ultimate magical might lies right
beneath your very floor-boards. But that's besides the point. On to the
details: Inside your house there are two ladders, one to the right and one
the left. The left one leads down to the farm, and the right one to a sort
trophy room. Inside the trophy room there are two doors. The one on the
is the one you want. It will prompt you to pick either solo or multiplayer
once you press A next to it. I HIGHLY suggest choosing multiplayer, and
why: You can still choose multiplayer and play by yourself, so don't worry,
'cause you CAN do it. But you SHOULD do it because if you die in this mode,
you will NOT be brought back to the apothecary and have to pay billions of
gold for being resuscitated. You will simply be brought back to the menu
this mode. Going solo however WILL wind you up in a group home with no job.
The only annoying part about this is that you can't press start during the
whole ordeal, and the game is not paused while switching equipment, so
tend to get pretty dicey. But silly me, you're still in the dark here. Or
if you really are at the end of the game, which you SHOULD be......but
This mode allows you to choose one of several levels made up of a series of
interconnected rooms that you pass through by defeating all the enemies in
each room until you make it to either the portal to the next layer of the
level, or the boss of the level. Each one has a level suggesiton on it,
15, 30, 45, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, and 220. This is basically an indicator
how hard each level is in general. The one you're looking for here is 140,
being the 8th level (Dragon Ruins). This one contains six different bosses,
each incredibly difficult, and each yielding one of the rarest magical
components in the game. Now, the one catch here is that to access each
you must have beaten the level before it. That and the order in which you
to fight the bosses is always the same. So if you lose to just one of 'em,
then it's back to the beginning with ya. Now, I heard somewhere that it's
to be at least ten levels higher than the suggested level before attempting
level. I think this is generally a good rule, but then again, you can never
TOO safe. That being said, it is VERY important that you are as prepared as
you can possibly be before attempting each level. And the reason is not
because there's a huge penalty if you fail. It's because they're frickin'
hard and you will NOT be able to make it to the Dragon Ruins without being
almost OCD about your preparation. Unless you're like fifty levels above
suggested limit, you're gonna want to make sure you know EXACTLY what
doing before entering a level in this place.
Few key pointers:
NEVER use a long ranged lunging attack like Axel Disaster to
propel yourself into a room. Here's why: because every so often, you'll

across a room with a bunch of treasure chests in it, either brown and/or
ones. If you attack them, they become animate and will attack. Or will
instantly die. THAT is a bad thing, since these treasure chests are easily
going to be what keep you alive during the boss fights. By walking up to
and pressing A, it pops open and literally spews almost completely random
stuff out. But there is a pattern to what it will give you. The Brown
usually give out either trash like cans and boots, ingredients like
Powder, crops like Cabbage, or meals, like Lampsquid Sashimi. THESE you are
going to want to hold onto. Almost all of the cooked meals you'll find in
these chests are INCREDIBLE. They heal a HUGE amount of HP and RP, and give
large stat boosts. Now the Blue Chests are not really as good, in my
even though they usually give you really rare equipment, such as the
that I got out of one once (which happens to be the best spear in the
But you're not here to get free loot. Remember that.
'Nother pointer:
Come with your POCKETS FREE. Have plenty of space for food
that you'll pick up along the way, because trust me, you are going to need
of it. And don't be frugal when you find those chests either. TAKE IT ALL.
Final Pointer:
For equipment, you should never rely only on what you can forge
by yourself, unless your skill is already maxed out. The best items in the
game can all be found in the Sharance Tree dungeons. These would be found
the blue treasure chests I mentioned earlier that are found in the same
as the brown chests. Just spend some time in whichever dungeon your level
at or just below and look around for these rooms. For instance, from using
this strategy, I first attempted the Dragon Ruins at around level 90 with a
Magic Broom, Kalivarn, Magical Shield, Fairy Boots, Witch's Earing, and a
Wind Ring. Needless to say, I was pretty well prepared, if at least at a
basic level.
Now, I could go into a great amount of detail of exactly how to beat each
and what to use on them and whatnot, but you can easily ask a friend or use
one of the general FAQs for that. I will give you a few hints, though:
General Combat Tips:
As soon as you realize you've entered the boss room, use Steel Heart
make sure you BRING it in the first place). This will make you immune to
flinching from taking damage. Essentially, you'll still take damage from
everything the boss throws at you, but you won't be interrupted while
a Staff Spell, eating some fancy-schmancy food, or using a Rune Ability.

it lasts for a WHILE. Not exactly sure how long, but you'll probably only
to use it once per battle, MAYBE a second time. But no more than that,
you die or switch your weapon. Another thing to remember is that an
useful tool is the Thunder Chain spell, imbued by the Dragon Bones.
with Steel Heart, you'll be able to charge it up, release it, and stand far
away from the Boss while still racking up the damage, and charging another
chain in the meantime. Please realize that certain bosses are very
to magic, so don't bring ONLY that one staff. The Grimoire, for example, is
nearly immune to most magic (except, perhaps, to Earth magic). In this
I find it useful to use a Longsword, and the Double Sword ability Rail
or the Spear ability Axel Disaster. They both deal tons of hits, and they
you around the field somewhat (ESPECIALLY Axel Disaster).
As long as you follow these guidelines and level like crazy, you should
have your hands on the allmighty powers of the bosses of Rune Factory 3
Well, the rest is up to you. You are now officially qualified to ATTEMPT to
become an Arcane Smith. The choice is up to you what you do with your new
magical knowledge. Should you use a Dragon Fin and then an Ice Nose so you
shoot off tons of Water Fins and also call upon a gigantic ice field? Or
use a
Dragon Fin and then a Bird Wing so you can charge up those Water Fins
ridiculously fast, quite literally filling the screen with fluttering blue
chaos machines? The combinations, again, are nearly endless. But choose
and save often, since there is no way to UN-imbue an item. Once it's done,
it's done. So have fun, and be creative, ya'll.


Well......I didn't really use too many outside sources to make this guide,
since I did it all by experimentation. But as for those who I did learn

Freyashawk >>>>>>> For their FAQ on Dungeons and a Bestiary, and the names
and locations of the enemies that you get the items from
Zoel Giradel >>>>> For their General FAQ, which is how I found out in the

first place that the super bosses could be found in the

Sharance Tree dungeons.
My Bro, Jordan >>> For assisting me with his higher-level character in
it through the Dragon Ruins at such a low level and
those pricey items.

If you have any questions, suggestions, complaints, or anything else you'd
like to say, just shoot an e-mail over to ""
Don't be confused by the spelling. Everyone does that. I WILL try to
to every e-mail that I get, including hate-mail, unless this really becomes
pretty popular, in which case I'd have to sort through the important emails
to choose which ones to answer. But that'll probably never happen anyways.

And you get bonus points if you know the reference within my email name.
(If you DO know, then don't be confused by the spelling, again. That "i" is
not used in the original spelling. Someone else took the name I WAS going
use, so I had to improvise)

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