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With time and meditation all things, are possible.

It is my opinion that the journey of self is the greatest and most important jou
rney of life a person can undertake. For without this journey, our perception of
everything around us is incomplete. To know oneself, is to know everything ar
ound us. Only when the journey of self is undertaken, can one truly start to u
nderstand ones connection with all things. To know oneself is to know the univ
Meditation is key to almost all of a mystics abilities. Even rituals are desig
ned to bring the mind into focus, and a meditative state by the mantras we say,
and the actions we perform. Yet do we need them? Perhaps in the beginning yes,
but over time one can learn to do the same thing with out the aid of words, and
ritual, or tools.
Many do not believe this. Many are limited by teachings that are liner, and in
complete. Teachings that do not show them how to explore the vastness of the u
niverse, or the vastness of the inner cosmos as well. Do this to accomplish th
at, do that to accomplish this, etc.
Magic is so much more than this and that. It is the power of creation, and destr
uction, for you can not have one without the other. For something to be create
d, something else must be destroyed.
If you do not believe me think of it this way.
Say you want to change something about yourself. A bad habit perhaps, does not t
he bad habit need to be destroyed before a better habit can take its place?
It is the same with all things in magic. To learn new things, old things must
be emptied from ourselves.
For magic to exist in our lives, the belief that magic does not exist must be de
stroyed, to perceive magic, our old perceptions must be destroyed, and replaced
with new perceptions.
I find that meditation in nature far easier, and much more pleasant then in a ho
use or apartment although it is not necessary to be in nature to meditate. Bei
ng in nature i think brings one closer to the energy's of creation, and makes it
that much easier to link to the energy's of creation.
For this exercise find a quiet place outside, preferably in the woods, but if on
e does not live near the woods a park is ok as well.
first find a place to sit or lay down. Make yourself comfortable. now take a
look around you see all there is to see, how detailed is what you see, what do
you notice the sights sounds smells tastes and feels. Write this down in a journ
Next close your eyes and take 10 deep slow breaths. Allow your mind to go quie
t. If you start to get random thoughts, gently push them away. until your mind
is blank. i find it helps to think of a black blank page.
Listen to all the sounds that are around you, allow them to fill with peace. The
birds chirping, the wind in the trees, dogs barking children playing, etc.
Then smell all that is around you, allow the sents to fill you with peace. Sme
ll the grass, the aromas of the flowers, sents on the wind, everything.
Next taste all that is around you for this breath through your mouth, slowly i k
now it sounds kinda weird but you will be amazed at what you can taste, buy doin
g this. allow this to fill you with peace
Next Feel what is around you, the grass, the brease on your skin, the warmth of
the sun, allow it to fill you with peace.
Finally open your eyes, and again see what is around you, the vivid colours, do
you notice things you did not before? allow this to fill you with peace.
Do things look brighter, do they seem more colorful or vivid?
if not do not worry about it this can take time to master.
Write down what you felt during the meditation, the ideas that came to mind, wha
t you felt. Over time you will discover that your perceptions of things will c
hange. This is your first step into the world of the shaman energy practitione
Do this meditation daily for 2 weeks, then try to do two of the senses at the sa
me time for 2 weeks, then try 3 and so on until you are able to use all five sen
ses at the same time.
The above meditation came to me after a deep inner meditation of my innerself, c
all it intuition, or the spirits talking to me, or my conecting with the energys
of the universe, i know it works because i now use it on a regular basis, and n
ow i feel and see things i never knew possible.

Perception is very important. How we precieve the world around us the mystic e
nergy we use, how it interacts with the energy around us and others.
In essance we are not but eneryg in its most basic form, we are made of all fi
ve of the energys of creation. Earth, Wind, Water,Fire and Spirit.
Fire is the warmth our body creates, water and earth comprize most of the phys
ical aspects of our earthly forms, and air is within us as we breath it. Spiri
t, our soul and our most basic conection to all creation.
Perception is important because without it we can not see, even the most basic o
f enery work. How the elements weave into a chosiesive force that we can use t
o do our bidding.
when onc can see how the universal energy around us affects us and others, we
become much more adept at using energy.
Even our spirit guides are energy, but they vibrate on a different frequency,
so we must train and learn how to alter our preceptions to be able to effectivel
y comunicate with them.
Spirit guides are higher beings, that are our friends, teachers, protectors. T
hey can be anything from a stone to a star or a spritual being, they MUST be tre
ated with respect at all times. One that does not treat his guides with respec
t will soon have none, untill he changes his ways. And may even be visited by a
shadow guide. But more on them later.
Perception of self can be altered by what i call the journey of the inner cosmos
. This is done by meditation, but instead of reaching out with your scences, d
elve within yoru self and explore. In this way you will discover exactly how w
e are all conected to the universe and everything within it.

A Simple Meditation for The Inner Cosmos.

First find a pace you can be undisterbed for at least a half an hour. Next you
need to ground and center, these techiques are discribed in my section on energ
y magics on a different section of my site.
Next enter your meditative state by what ever method you find works for you, and
listen for your heart beat.
Once you have found your heart beat, start to follow it to its sourc, let nothin
g distract you from you journey to the source and do not waver from the path tha
t leads you there. Picture the path to the source like a golden road and all a
round is blackness. During this journey you will see and hear things, but do n
ot be lead astray as these are the hidden things within yourself, some of which
you will know and some you have hidden even from yourself, and are not yet ready
to face. Just follow the road and things will be ok.
Once you have found the source slowly expand your scences, see what there is to
see, hear what their is to hear, smell what there is to smell, fell what there i
s to feel, and taste what there is to taste.
This may take several attempts, as the journey is a deep one, and can take some
time. Do this several times and each time you finish write down all you have w

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