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par 3-4 67 a4 weeK a EVENT Fertilization usually occurs within 24 hours of ovulation. The single-celled zygote begins to divide 24-36 hours after fertilization. The mass has 16 cells and is called a morula; it is trav- cling down the fallopian tube to the uterus. {An inner cell mass forms; the entire mass is called a blastocyst and is the size of a pinhead. The blastocyst attaches to the wall of the uterus. ‘The blastocyst becomes fully embedded in the wall of. the uterus. It now has about 250 cells. EVENT Now an embryo, the person-to-be is just 1/10 of an inch (2mm) long, It has become elongated, and three layers ‘emerge—the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. ‘The embiyo is so curved that the two ends almost touch, The outer layer (ectoderm) folds into the neural tube, From the mesoderm, a tiny heart forms and be- gins to beat. The endaderm differentiates into a gas- trointestinal tract and lungs. Between days 21 and 28, eyes develop. Ears, mouth, and throat take shape. Arm and leg buds appear. The handplate from which fingers will emerge appears. The heart divides into two regions, and the brain differentiates into forebrain, midbrain, and hind- brain The embryo is almost 1 inch long, The heart divides into four chambers. Fingers emerge from the hand. plate, and primitive facial features are evident. The im: portant process of sexual differentiation begins. Most structures and organs are present, Ovaries and lestes are evident, The embryo begins to straighten and assumes a more human appearance.

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