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Fundao Cecierj



Sonia Zyngier
Edione Azevedo



Mdulo 1

Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Srgio Cabral
Secretrio de Estado de Cincia e Tecnologia
Alexandre Cardoso

Fundao Cecierj
Carlos Eduardo Bielschowsky
Vice-Presidente de Educao Superior a Distncia
Masako Oya Masuda
Vice-Presidente Cientca
Mnica Damouche

Pr-Vestibular Social
Rua da Ajuda 5 - 16 andar - Centro - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 20040-000
Maria D. F. Bastos
Coordenadoras de Ingls
Sonia Zyngier
Edione Azevedo

Material Didtico
Elaborao de Contedo
Sonia Zyngier
Edione Azevedo
Patrcia Sotello Soares
Capa, Projeto Grco,
Manipulao de Imagens
e Editorao Eletrnica
Renata Vidal
Jefferson Caador
Foto de Capa
Mr. Gluszczenko

Copyright 2012, Fundao Cecierj

Nenhuma parte deste material poder ser reproduzida, transmitida e gravada, por
qualquer meio eletrnico, mecnico, por fotocpia e outros, sem a prvia autorizao,
por escrito, da Fundao.
Zyngier, Sonia.
Pr-vestibular social : ingls. v. 1 / Sonia Zyngier; Edione Azevedo. 2. ed.
rev. ampl. Rio de Janeiro : Fundao CECIERJ, 2012.
120p.; 20,5 x 27,5 cm
ISBN: 978 85 7648 819-4
1. Lngua Inglesa estudo e ensino. I. Azevedo, Edione. II. Ttulo.
CDD 420.7



Captulo 1
Introduo leitura

Captulo 2
Por que ler textos autnticos em ingls?


Captulo 3
Fortalecimento de habilidades para compreenso


Captulo 4
Observar e inferir


Captulo 5
Formas e funes lexicais


Captulo 6
Interpretar e resumir


Captulo 7
Refletir e deduzir


Captulo 8
Lendo em lngua estrangeira


Captulo 9
Estratgias de leitura


Captulo 10
Tipo e funo de texto


Captulo 11
Uso de dicionrio


Captulo 12
Formao de palavras: sufixos e prefixos


Exerccios de Vestibular





O Ingls Instrumental
Read, read, read.
William Faulkner

Como aprender ingls? Esta pergunta j vem sendo feita por muitos antes de voc, como ilustram as
diversas abordagens desenvolvidas ao longo dos anos. No sculo XX, at os anos 1940, com o interesse na
divulgao da cultura e na crena de um modelo a ser imitado, o aluno aprendia gramtica e traduzia textos de
autores clssicos, como Shakespeare. Depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial, com a necessidade de os soldados
americanos aprenderem a falar rapidamente lnguas estrangeiras, desenvolveu-se o mtodo audiolingual, em
que o aluno repetia oralmente at decorar certas estruturas. Com a mudana dos conceitos de educao e
uma viso mais pluralista de cultura, chegou-se abordagem comunicativa, buscando-se recriar contextos
de situao real. Essa variedade de metodologias se reete na diversidade de cursos oferecidos, cada um
com objetivos e focos diferentes. Da a importncia de se saber o que cada um prioriza e qual seu mtodo.
Na verdade, dominar uma lngua estrangeira implica a capacidade de falar, ouvir, ler e escrever. Isso no se
consegue de um dia para outro. Leva muitos anos. Como, ento, fazer com que o vestibulando, em um s ano,
se torne capacitado a ler textos acadmicos em ingls?

Este interesse cou muito claro no nal dos anos 1970, quando foi concebido o que se chamou de
Ingls para Fins Especcos (ESP English for Special Purposes). O objetivo era fornecer aos alunos em suas
diferentes reas de atuao habilidade de leitura de textos tcnicos. Mdicos leriam textos mdicos; pilotos de
aviao aprenderiam linguagem especca para sua prosso. O foco da abordagem tornou-se o de capacitar
o aluno o mais rapidamente possvel para a leitura, a interpretao, a compreenso de textos e no para a
gramtica como um m em si, ou a traduo do texto, e nem mesmo para a conversao. Nada de comear
com o verbo TO BE em suas vrias formas. Comeou-se a trabalhar a relao entre tcnicas de leitura e os
diferentes nveis de compreenso de texto.

Com o passar dos anos e a experincia adquirida pelos professores e pesquisadores, o Ingls para Fins
Especcos foi se transformando em um ingls mais geral, que se chamou Ingls Instrumental, voltado
somente para a leitura e interpretao de textos. justamente essa abordagem que voc encontrar aqui. Claro
que estruturas gramaticais e outros aspectos da linguagem sero trabalhados, mas oferecidos a partir de textos

que poderiam ter sido utilizados em provas de vestibular. Buscamos aqui, tambm, estudar as palavras de uso
mais frequente na Lngua Inglesa. Alm disso, vocs iro perceber que aprender a ler um idioma estrangeiro
requer estratgias que vocs j conhecem e usam quando leem textos em lngua portuguesa. Por exemplo,
para entender algo, vocs buscam relacionar o novo com o que j sabem. Geralmente no decoram. Procuram
ver onde e como aplicar o que aprenderam. A abordagem aqui utilizada visa, portanto, oferecer estratgias e
recursos que possibilitem o desenvolvimento da habilidade de leitura na Lngua Inglesa. importante ressaltar
que o aluno est socialmente integrado em um determinado contexto e que o conhecimento de mundo que ele
tem o auxilia a adquirir a habilidade de ler em uma lngua estrangeira.

Caso tenham tentado aprender sem sucesso a Lngua Inglesa, esqueam as diculdades anteriores e
ingressem com entusiasmo e convico nesta nova experincia que facilitar sua admisso aos cursos de
graduao e ajudar o seu crescimento acadmico, inuenciando sua atuao como prossional.

Estamos juntos nesse caminho que buscamos preparar para que o processo seja prazeroso. Aproveitamos
para lembr-los de que quanto mais lerem, mais aprendero.

Bom curso!

Introduo leitura

:: Foco ::
Treinar a leitura geral do texto atravs da observao de marcas textuais.
Inferir o signicado das palavras pelo contexto em que esto inseridas.

8 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Voc entende o que l?

Depois que aprendemos a ler, parece algo fcil, praticamente automtico,
no mesmo? Mas ser que toda vez que lemos algo, seja um texto, um anncio,
uma reportagem de jornal, conseguimos compreender o que est subentendido?
Para interpretar um texto, preciso que sejamos capazes de entender vrias
coisas, entre elas, as palavras. Um texto no feito de letras soltas no espao.

Texto 1
O mancebo abriu a camisa e mostrou ao boi o emblema que ele havia picado
na pele, sobre o seio esquerdo, por meio do processo bem conhecido da inoculao
de uma matria colorante na epiderme. O debuxo de Arnaldo fora estresido com
o suco do coipuna, que d uma bela tinta escarlate, com que os ndios outrora
e atualmente os sertanejos tingem suas redes de algodo. Depois de ter assim
falado ao animal, como a um homem que o entendesse, o sertanejo tomou o
cabo de ferro, que j estava em brasa, e marcou o Dourado sobre a pata esquerda.
Agora, camarada, pertence a D. Flor e, portanto, quem o ofender tem
de haver-se comigo, Arnaldo Louredo. Tem entendido?... Pode voltar aos seus
pastos; quando eu quiser, sei onde ach-lo. J lhe conheo o rasto.
Jos de Alencar. O sertanejo. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Garnier, [s.d.]. tomo II, p. 79-80. (Adaptado)

1) Quantos personagens fazem parte do texto?

(A) 1.
(B) 2.
(C) 3.
(D) 4.
(E) 5.

Foto: Stephen Tainton. Disponvel em:

preciso saber o signicado das palavras e como elas se relacionam. Mas

para isso preciso consultar sempre o dicionrio? Imagine se voc tivesse de
fazer isso o tempo todo. Provavelmente, levaria dias para ler um simples texto!

2) O ponto central do texto :

(A) a camisa manchada do boiadeiro.
(B) a marca deixada por um boi no peito do boiadeiro.
(C) um mancebo falando com um boiadeiro.
(D) a relao entre um sertanejo e um boi.
(E) a histria dos sertanejos e dos animais.
3) Identique as relaes estabelecidas no texto como Falsa ou Verdadeira:
(A) ( ) amizade: Arnaldo Louredo e o mancebo.
(B) ( ) empregado e lha de fazendeiro: Arnaldo e D. Flor.
(C) ( ) mdico e doente: o mancebo e o boi.
(D) ( ) inimizade: ndios e sertanejos.
(E) ( ) dona e posse: D. Flor e Dourado.

Foto: Dora Pete. Disponvel em:

O que acontece que, na maioria das vezes, somos capazes de entender o

signicado de determinada palavra apenas por meio de seu contexto, ou seja,
a partir do conjunto de informaes que se encontram onde ela est inserida.
Nas nossas aulas, vamos trabalhar para que voc chegue a compreender
textos em ingls, sejam eles literrios, artigos de jornal, resenhas cientcas
etc. Para isso, necessrio que voc consiga perceber, alm do vocabulrio,
marcas textuais que contribuem para a compreenso, por exemplo, desenhos,
pontuao, numerao, grcos etc.
Leia o trecho a seguir, retirado do exame de seleo de lngua portuguesa da
Unesp, de junho de 2011, e responda s perguntas que formulamos para voc:

4) Atualmente, o processo bem conhecido da inoculao de uma matria

colorante na epiderme conhecido como:
(A) injeo.
(B) aquarela.
(C) tatuagem.
(D) maquiagem.
(E) inseminao articial.
5) Associe os signicados das palavras, baseado em sua leitura do texto:
( ) mancebo
(a) espcie de planta
( ) inoculao
(b) introduo de agente no corpo
( ) debuxo
(c) copiado
( ) estresido
(d) moo, rapaz, jovem
( ) coipuna
(e) desenho
(f) esparzido
(g) parte do corpo
Voc pode estar pensando: Esse texto foi difcil mas deu para entender.
Realmente a leitura em portugus no parece impossvel, pois essa a lngua que

CAPTULO 1 :: 9

falamos! Muitas vezes, quando voc no entende algo, voc busca estratgias
para compreender o texto, mesmo sem perceber que est fazendo isso. O mesmo
acontece com a leitura em ingls. Voc no precisa ser especialista (ou seja, um
expert). Muita gente l em ingls sem saber falar a lngua. Portanto, comece por
lanar mo das mesmas estratgias que utiliza quando l em portugus.
Voc um bom estrategista?
A BBC uma emissora de televiso inglesa. Ela disponibiliza em
seu site uma variedade de notcias, das mais variadas categorias:
esportes, entretenimento, economia etc. Por que voc no faz uma
visita e navega na pgina, buscando reconhecer as informaes dos
textos por meio das marcas textuais ou da percepo do signicado de
palavras pelo contexto? Acesse:

Agora voc j est preparado para praticar um pouco. A seguir voc encontra
diferentes tipos de textos. Lembre-se de car atento ao contexto e a todos
os tipos de linguagens que o texto oferece (imagem, desenhos, numeraes,
grcos etc.).
Observe a gura abaixo:

b) o endereo do cinema?

c) o signicado das palavras click, tickets e shows?

d) o que ocorre, quando voc obedece ao comando Click on SHOWTIMES to

Buy Tickets ?

e) o horrio do lme de manh e tarde? Como isso ca claro para voc?

O que achou? Vamos trabalhar mais um exemplo? Observe o anncio

Texto 3

Foto: Debbie Schiel

Texto 2


% Select Skechers
Off Shape ups
women | men

Prices marked as low as $79.99

Prices as marked. Offer expires 11:59 p.m CST August 4, 2010

Adaptado de

Disponvel em:

Starting July 9

Regal Union Square Stadium 14

850 Broadway, New York, NY 10003
Click on SHOWTIMES to Buy Tickets
Get a FREE Ticket! See how
Showtimes 11:40 am 12:30 pm

1) O produto anunciado :
(A) somente para homem.
(C) ambos.

2) As palavras abaixo lembram palavras na lngua portuguesa? Quais?

a) select:
b) prices:
c) marked:
d) offer:

1) Que informaes voc consegue saber sobre:

a) a data da estreia do lme?

(B) exclusivo para mulher.

e) expires:

10 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

3) A partir de que preo o produto pode ser comprado?

1) Qual a oferta do Anncio 1?

4) Quando se encerra a oferta?

2) A oferta vale para todos os dias da semana?

( ) Sim.
( ) No.
3) Que tipos de carros so alugados? Indique os correspondentes em lngua
a) compact:
b) midsize:
c) fullsize:

5) Indique a opo que deixa claro que haver um desconto:

(A) select skechers.
(B) shape-ups.
(C) as low as.
(D) prices.
(E) 20% off.
6) A que horas se encerrar a oferta?
( ) Manh?
( ) Noite?

4) Logo, voc entende que size signica:

Agora vamos observar anncios de carros. Voc vai ver que, independentemente
da sua familiaridade com a informao, a compreenso do texto possvel!

5) No nal do Anncio 1, h uma data. Qual essa data e a que ela se refere?

Foto: Michal Zacharzewski

Texto 4
Anncio 1
6) Essas palavras retiradas de anncios lembram palavras da lngua portuguesa?
Quais so?
a) selection:
b) exotic:
c) economy:
d) reserve:
e) vehicle:
7) Qual a oferta do Anncio 2?
(A) Um bolo no seu aniversrio.
(B) Um bolo um dia antes ou depois de alugar um carro.
(C) 5% de desconto no preo de um bolo.
(D) 5% de desconto no valor do aluguel do carro a qualquer hora.
(E) 5% de desconto no dia anterior ou no dia seguinte ao seu aniversrio.

Anncio 2

Pick up your rental car on
your birthday, the day
before or after your birthday and receive an extra
5% discount off your rental

Foto: Zsuzsanna Kilian

Coupon Savings!

Adaptado de

Agora que voc j adquiriu alguma experincia na identicao de

informaes atravs de marcas textuais e algum vocabulrio inicial, leia o anncio
a seguir. Vamos dicultar um pouco mais:

CAPTULO 1 :: 11

Texto 5

2) A partir da fotograa, voc pode detalhar a funo de um coach?

Study at home for

a new career.
Get the job
you want!

3) Qual o sujeito dos verbos organize e teach?

4) A quem a palavra them (eles) se refere?

Home Learning
College for a brighter future
Adaptado de

1) Da lista abaixo, que palavras ou expresses voc j conhece?

(A) Study.
(B) At home.
(C) New career.
(D) Get the job.
(E) You want.
2) O que Home Learning College oferece?

Texto 6
Agora, observe a fotograa abaixo e a legenda:

Coaches organize amateur and professional athletes and teach them the
fundamental skills of individual and team sports.
Adaptado de

1) O que a fotograa mostra?

Para compreender textos em ingls, lembre-se de que voc deve

procurar palavras parecidas com as da lngua portuguesa;
tentar memorizar as palavras que se repetem nos textos;
car atento s informaes, como: desenhos, layout etc.

Texto 1
1) C (o sertanejo, o boi e D. Flor, que somente citada).
2) D
3) (A) F; (B) V; (C) F; (D) F; (E) V
4) C
5) d; b; e; c; a
Texto 2
1) a) 09 de julho
b) 850 Broadway, New York, NY 10003
c) click: clicar
tickets: bilhetes
shows: apresentaes
d) Voc compra os bilhetes para o lme.
e) De manh, s 11:40; e tarde, s 12:30.
A determinao do turno da apresentao marcada pelo uso de am e
pm, aps as horas indicadas. Elas signicam, em Latim, ante meridiem e post
meridiem (antes de meio-dia e depois de meio-dia).
Texto 3
1) ambos
2) a) select: selecionar
b) prices: preos
c) marked: marcados
d) offer: oferta
e) expires: expira

12 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

3) $79.99
4) No dia 04 de agosto.
5) E
6) s 11:59 da noite.

c) economy: economia
d) reserve: reserve
e) vehicle: veculo
7) E

Texto 4
1) Preo mais baixo no aluguel de um carro durante a semana.
2) No, somente de segunda a quinta.
3) a) compact: compacto
b) midsize: tamanho mdio
c) fullsize: tamanho grande
4) Size signica tamanho.
5) August 1, 2011, data em que expira a oferta para o aluguel de carros.
6) a) selection: seleo
b) exotic: extico

Texto 5
1) As respostas variam.
2) Oferece ao aluno a oportunidade de estudar em casa e aprender uma
Texto 6
1) Um treinador de futebol, dando instrues aos jogadores.
2) Treinar jogadores.
3) Coaches.
4) Aos atletas amadores e prossionais.

Por que ler textos autnticos em ingls?

:: Foco ::
Sensibilizar para leitura em Lngua Inglesa.

14 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

2) Dentre os seus motivos, voc enumerou os seguintes:

O ingls a lngua do intercmbio internacional?
O ingls pode aumentar sua rede de relacionamentos e contatos prossionais?
O ingls a lngua mais exigida no mundo acadmico?

Todos os motivos apresentados so vlidos e verdadeiros. O uso

do ingls aumenta a sua network e pode fazer de voc um cidado
globalizado, capaz de se comunicar com o mundo inteiro, participando
de redes sociais, lendo todos os tipos de textos (manuais, textos acadmicos etc.), aumentando a sua possibilidade de escolhas pessoais e

Foto: annimo. Disponvel em:

Foto: annimo. Disponvel em:

Na aula anterior, voc experimentou algumas estratgias de leitura. Fez a

leitura de anncios e propagandas onde apareciam algumas palavras em ingls.
Vamos pensar, agora, sobre a importncia de saber ler textos em ingls?
Quantas vezes voc j prometeu para si que iria comear a estudar ingls de
verdade? Muita gente acredita que com pouco ou quase nenhum conhecimento
da lngua impossvel ler um texto. Voc concorda? Isso no verdade e vamos
provar para voc que possvel, sim. Voc mesmo, independentemente do grau
de conhecimento da Lngua Inglesa, poder experimentar a leitura de textos neste curso. Mas para isso, voc precisa concordar que o esforo vlido.
Ento, vamos reetir:

Voc vai car reetindo ou vai comear agora mesmo? No podemos mais
perder tempo. Leia os textos e responda s perguntas feitas, logo a seguir:

1) Por que ler em ingls pode vir a ser importante para voc? Preencha o espao
abaixo com trs motivos.

Texto 1
Is English important?
The English language is not the most widely spoken language in the world
in terms of the number of native speakers. There are many more native Chinese
speakers than native English speakers but Chinese is spoken very little outside
the Chinese community and the English language has spread all over the world.
English is also by international treaty the ofcial language for aircraft/airport
and maritime communication as well as one of the ofcial languages of the European Union (E.U.), in the United Nations (U.N.) and many international athletic
bodies including the Olympic committee.
Adaptado de

1) O que diz a pergunta que inicia o texto?

2) Observe as palavras sublinhadas no texto e responda:

a) Qual a lngua mais falada no mundo? Por qu?

CAPTULO 2 :: 15

b) Na opinio do autor, que lngua mais importante? Chins ou ingls?

Por qu?

c) O que querem dizer as siglas E.U. e U.N.?

d) Qual a lngua ocial de comunicao nos aeroportos?

e) Indique outros dois locais onde essa lngua ocial:

Foto: Paul Pasieczny. Disponvel em:

Aqui voc estar lendo trechos de textos autnticos retirados da internet.

Eles podero parecer difceis primeira vista, mas no desista! O importante
conhecer estratgias para saber ler e no para aprender a Lngua Inglesa em
poucas aulas. No se pode fazer mgica. Ningum aprende uma lngua em to
pouco tempo. Mas saber o que o texto aborda no to difcil quanto possa
parecer. Mude de atitude: ao invs de ver o que voc no sabe, procure agir como
um detetive, procurando pistas no texto. Procure palavras que voc conhece, ou
que paream mais simples de saber o signicado. Por exemplo, o Texto 2 oferece
aspectos positivos para se ler textos autnticos em sala de aula. Veja se voc
capaz de descobrir algumas dessas razes:
Texto 2
Why does my teacher make us read difcult authentic texts?
While most students want to be able to read an authentic text such as a real
newspaper article, even very advanced level learners can nd reading it in the
limited time given in class a challenge. Some students therefore wonder why the
teacher doesnt give difcult texts for homework when students have more time
to read it slowly or just give easier texts. If you think your teacher should give you
easier texts, you could be right! Most teaching experts agree that carefully graded
texts are usually better for language learning. If you are in a special position such
as needing to read articles for your work or studies, however, you might need lots

of help reading properly. Reading slowly with a dictionary at home is not the best
way of learning good reading skills. Even if you dont have a special reason to
read in English, there are good reasons for using difcult authentic texts in class
occasionally. Some of the good reasons are listed below:
Reading skills: Using a difcult real life English text in class can be a good
way of the teacher training you to use special reading skills such as ignoring the
parts that are not important, guessing the meaning of words from context, skimming and scanning quickly for the important parts, reading for general understanding, and increasing reading speed. If you read the usual textbook texts for your
level it is probably possible to understand it within the time limit without using
any of these useful skills, so a more difcult text is useful as training in the same
way as a marathon runner sometimes doing sprints.
Motivation: Finishing a difcult text for the rst time can be a great way of
showing you that your English has progressed and so giving you the condence to
you move up to the next level.
A goal: Reading an authentic text can also show you how much you still have
to learn in order to understand it more fully, and so push you to study harder to
reach that level.
Topical texts: Some readings with difcult vocabulary can be much easier
than you would think because they are about a story in the news that you know
well already. These kinds of texts can also lead onto interesting classroom discussion, and make it easier for you to understand radio news on the same or similar
Self-study: If your teacher can show you some sources of good English texts
that interest you and he or she also teaches you how to read them in a way which
makes reading easier and quicker, this should help motivate you to read English
more frequently outside class.
Real life reading survival skills: If you will ever need to read real English texts
for your studies, a visa application, your work, to communicate with a pen friend
or to read something on the internet that is not available in your own language,
you will need preparation for this by using the reading skills your teacher can
show you in class.
Adaptado de htp://

1) D quatro razes para o uso de material autntico em sala de aula:

2) Copie do texto a frase que compara o treinamento da leitura de um texto

difcil ao de um maratonista de corrida:

16 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Texto 3
1) Vamos pensar sobre uma situao muito comum na mdia de hoje. Observe
a ilustrao a seguir e escreva no espao qual seria o assunto de um texto que
se referisse a ela:

Texto 4
Facts for Families
Children and TV Violence
American children watch an average of three to four hours of television daily.
Television can be a powerful inuence in developing value systems and shaping
behavior. Unfortunately, much of todays television programming is violent. Hundreds of studies of the effects of TV violence on children and teenagers have found
that children may:
become immune or numb to the horror of violence;
gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems;
imitate the violence they observe on television;
identify with certain characters, victims and/or victimizers .
Adaptado de

1) De que forma esse texto aborda a situao retratada nas ilustraes?

Foto: annimo. Disponvel em:

Veja como voc j consegue ler em ingls. Faa uma leitura rpida do Texto
4 e responda s perguntas a seguir:

2) Quantas horas por dia uma criana americana assiste TV, em mdia?

3) Qual o poder da TV, de acordo com o texto?

4) Qual a opinio do autor sobre o tema?

5) A palavra unfortunately tem um sentido positivo ou negativo?

6) Indique duas inuncias que esse assunto pode ter sobre as crianas.

7) Qual a classe gramatical da palavra powerful?

8) Voc sabe de que palavra powerful deriva?

Foto: Wynand Delport. Disponvel em:

9) Escolha a opo correta: gradually em gradually accept violence pode ser

substitutdo por:
(A) sometimes.
(B) always.
(C) little by little.
(D) never.
(E) occasionally.

CAPTULO 2 :: 17

Nas prximas aulas, continuaremos com essa mesma forma de ler e fazer
exerccios. Vamos dar sequncia ao nosso trabalho de detetive sem nos preocuparmos com o nvel de diculdade dos textos.

motiv-lo a estudar sozinho fora do contexto da sala de aula;

conseguir resolver situaes que se colocam na vida real, como ler algo
na internet, entre outras.
2) ... so a more difcult text is useful as training in the same way as a
marathon runner sometimes doing sprints.
Texto 3
1) Violncia na televiso.

Foto: Zsuzsanna Kilian. Disponvel em:

Sempre que possvel usaremos textos autnticos retirados da
internet ou de publicaes com linguagem de uso do dia a dia para que
voc possa ter contato com o ingls que de fato usado.

1) e 2) As respostas iro variar, dependendo do interesse de cada aluno.
Texto 1
1) Ingls importante?
2) a) Chins. Porque a lngua com o maior nmero de falantes nativos
no mundo.
b) Ingls. Porque a lngua falada por maior nmero de falantes no mundo,
alm de ser a lngua ocial de diversos rgos internacionais.
c) E.U. (European Union) Unio Europeia; U.N. (United Nations) Naes
d) Ingls
e) Comunicao Martima e Comit Olmpico
Texto 2
1) Voc pode escolher quatro das razes abaixo, encontradas no texto:
treinar habilidades especcas de leitura;
indicar ao leitor o quanto seu conhecimento de Lngua Inglesa progrediu e
motiv-lo a ler textos mais difceis;
mostrar o quanto ainda se precisa aprender e assim estabelecer um objetivo;
mostrar como a leitura pode tornar-se mais fcil se o assunto for previamente conhecido;

Texto 4
1) O texto trata de violncia na televiso, mas se restringe sua inuncia
sobre crianas e adolescentes.
2) De trs a quatro horas.
3) A televiso pode ser um veculo de inuncia no desenvolvimento de
valores e na formao do comportamento.
4) De que programas violentos na TV tm inuncia negativa nas crianas.
5) Negativo.
6) Voc pode escolher duas das respostas abaixo, encontradas no texto:
tornar-se insensvel ao horror da violncia;
gradualmente, aceitar a violncia como um meio de solucionar problemas;
imitar a violncia a que assistem na televiso;
identicar-se com alguns personagens, vtimas ou algozes.
7) Adjetivo.
8) Powerful formado a partir da palavra Power (poder).
9) C

Fortalecimento de habilidades
para compreenso

:: Foco ::
Adquirir vocabulrio.
Reconhecer a ideia central do texto.
Utilizar estratgias de leitura.
Identicar classe gramatical e ordem das palavras em ingls.

20 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Foto: Sasan Saidi. Disponvel em:

August 2010: The Future of Robots

We go in-depth with Americas rst (and only) humanoid. Check out the ten
most advanced human helper robots, and look at a robotic x for future oil spills.

Foto: Jason Smith. Disponvel em:

Voc j parou para pensar o quanto nossa vida corrida? Cada vez mais
utilizamos mquinas que otimizam o nosso tempo. O que voc acha disso? Ser
que em um futuro bem prximo o mundo ser dominado por robs?
Qual a opinio sobre esse assunto na seguinte manchete?
Robots Replacing Humans as Employees This Threat is REAL!

The Loneliest Humanoid in America

Walking, self-contained, adult-size robots are commonplace in robotics labs
in Japan and South Korea, but theres only one made here. Why are we falling
Rise of the Helpful Machines
The worlds most sophisticated robots dont assemble trucks or cruise around
Mars. Theyre designed to support our surging population of elderly and disabled
citizens. Meet 10 of the most promising senior-friendly robots.
Adaptado de


Como voc pode ver, a charge apresentada um pouco exagerada, no entanto o papel dos robs no mundo de hoje vem preocupando muitas pessoas que
consideram as mquinas uma ameaa, ao invs de uma ajuda.
Qual ser o futuro dos robs? Leia o ttulo e os subttulos a seguir e responda ao que se pede.
Texto 1

AUGUST 2010: The Future of Robots

The Loneliest Humanoid in America
Rise of the Helpful Machines

1) Preste ateno s palavras future, robots, humanoid, America, machines e

assinale com um (X) a(s) resposta(s) que considera indicar o tema central do
a) s existe um rob parecido com um humano na Amrica. ( )
b) os robs sero destrudos em agosto de 2010. ( )
c) os humanos sero parecidos com robs em 2010. ( )
d) a partir de agosto 2010, os robs caro solitrios. ( )
e) em agosto de 2010, os robs sofrero modicaes. ( )
Faa uma leitura rpida dos textos a seguir, e conra a resposta da atividade

Agora vamos trabalhar este mesmo texto que voc acabou de ler de outra maneira. Ele foi reescrito com destaque para algumas palavras que esto
sublinhadas. Observe essas palavras sublinhadas e verique se somente elas
bastariam para ajudar na compreenso do texto.
We go in-depth with Americas rst (and only) humanoid. Check out the ten
most advanced human helper robots, and look at a robotic x for future oil spills.
Walking, self-contained, adult-size robots are commonplace in robotics labs
in Japan and South Korea, but theres only one made here. Why are we falling
The worlds most sophisticated robots dont assemble trucks or cruise
around Mars. Theyre designed to support our surging population of elderly and
disabled citizens. Meet 10 of the most promising senior-friendly robots.
2) Passe para o portugus as frases a seguir:
a) Americas rst (and only) humanoid.

b) ten most advanced human helper robots.

c) adult-size robots.

d) only one made here.

CAPTULO 3 :: 21

e) population of elderly and disabled citizens.

3) Utilizamos as expresses do exerccio anterior e destacamos algumas palavras

que esto listadas a seguir para que voc responda qual a sua classe gramatical
(substantivo, adjetivo, verbo, advrbio):
a) humanoid:
b) human:

7) O texto associa a palavra robots a oil spills. O mesmo pode ser vericado na
notcia a seguir. Veja:
Deep beneath the gulf, robots are the key to stopping the
oil spill.
Rise of the Machines: Life-saving robotic helpers

Como voc explica a relao robots stopping spill? algo positivo ou


c) helper:
d) robots:
e) adult size:
f) made:
g) here:
h) elderly and disabled:
i) citizens:
4) Na frase Why are we falling behind?, o pronome we refere-se a quem?
Foto: Cre-Art Cubato. Disponvel em:

5) Explique a funo dos robs que est expressa no ltimo pargrafo do texto:

6) Voc percebeu que no texto aparece a palavra made? Lembra de algum lugar
onde j tenha visto esta palavra? Que frase com a palavra made voc pode
encontrar em etiquetas?

Como voc est acompanhando na aula de hoje, comeamos falando sobre

os robs e j no primeiro texto eles so relacionados a outro assunto muito atual,
a preocupao com a preservao do meio ambiente. muito comum encontrar
notcias sobre isso. Voc j leu o jornal hoje? Encontrou alguma notcia a respeito
do tema? H vrias formas de se preservar a natureza, como a soluo dada ao
lixo na manchete abaixo.

Texto 2
One Mans Giant Pacic Garbage Patch Is Anothers Beautiful
Island Nation
Voc j est familiarizado com imagens como essa.

1) Que palavra do ttulo refere-se a um acidente geogrco?

Made in USA
2) Pacic refere-se:
( ) ao oceano.
( ) ao temperamento do homem, mencionado no ttulo.
Foto: Billy Alexander. Disponvel em:

22 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

3) O ttulo refere-se a algo:

( ) natural.
( ) feito de lixo.
Agora, leia o texto que acompanha essa manchete e responda s perguntas:
Its an ambitious recycling project to be sure, but Dutch visionaries want to
turn the Pacic Garbage Patch into a self-sufcient, green island paradise that
draws its resources from the ocean and the garbage oating therein. Recycled
Island would be a nearly 4,000-square-mile oasis with three primary goals: to
recycle all the plastic oating in the water there, to use that material to establish
a seaworthy island, and to ensure the island is self-sustaining. Roughly the size of
Hawaiis big island, it would be its own nation with its own laws. Residents of the
island would harvest seaweed to create fertilizer for crops and food for sh farms,
as well as to make biofuels and medicines.

Texto 3
Going Green
Going Green explores new trends and technologies in environmental science
and services. Green roofs can save water and energy Going Green isnt just about
recycling. Its about saving energy and water.
Wind Power
The European Union and wind energy groups around the world recently celebrated Global Wind Day to show just how far those giant turbines have come in
the past ten years. In this latest Going Green report, VOAs Rebecca Ward looksat
what some say is the most promising alternative energy to oil.
Solar Decathlon
Teams of students build houses that generate their own electricity using only
the sun! c-garbage-patchgreen-island-paradise

4) Assinale (X) na opo que indica a ideia principal, aps identicar algumas
palavras que colaboram para a compreenso geral do texto.
(A) Escolha de uma ilha no Oceano Pacco para depsito de lixo.
(B) Projeto de transformar lixo, reciclado do Pacco, em uma ilha autossustentvel.
(C) Fabricao de fertilizantes, biocombustveis e remdios com o lixo reciclado.
5) Copie do texto as palavras que apontam quais os responsveis por essa ideia:

6) Copie do texto a frase que informa que essa ilha seria uma nao independente com leis prprias:

7) Observe a palavra own. Qual a sua classe e signicado em its own nation?

8) Observe a expresso as well as. Qual a sua funo?

Ainda a respeito do mesmo tema, ou seja, a preservao do meio ambiente,

foram publicados 5 resumos de reportagens muito interessantes. Leia a seguir:

A Look at Alternative Vehicles

Going Green looks at the future of alternative fuel vehicles - highlighting two
of the biggest winners, electric and natural gas.
Wastewater Solutions
Filthy water cannot be washed - according to a West African proverb. But what
if it could? Or, at least, be made clean again. Thats the goal of a wastewater
treatment plant like the one that serves the Washington area.
Adaptado de

1) Lendo somente os ttulos dos 5 resumos de reportagens, pode-se concluir que:

(A) todos tratam exatamente do mesmo assunto.
(B) cada um aborda um tpico diferente do mesmo assunto.
(C) o assunto tratado ultrapassado para os dias de hoje.
(D) os ttulos no esclarecem o contedo dos resumos.
2) Relacione os ttulos com o contedo dos resumos abaixo:
(a) Green Roofs
(b) Wind Power
(c) Solar Decathlon
(d) Alternative Vehicles
(e) Wastewater Solutions
( ) Veculos movimentados a gs natural ou eletricidade.
( ) Fbrica para tratamento da gua suja, resultante da utilizao para
ns diversos.
( ) Turbinas gigantes que podem substituir leo por energia.
( ) O sol como gerador de energia.
( ) Telhados com vegetao que economizam energia e gua.

CAPTULO 3 :: 23

3) Como voc j deve ter notado, o ttulo Going Green expressa uma noo de
tempo. Qual alternativa voc escolhe como aquela que est indicando o tempo
(A) est acontecendo.
(B) ir acontecer.
(C) j aconteceu.
(D) no acontecer.
4) No resumo sobre fora elica, copie trs indicadores de tempo:
5) No resumo sobre reutilizao de gua, copie o trecho que marca uma dvida:

No nal desta aula, vamos fazer algo diferente. Uma pausa para relaxar um
pouco. Que tal ler uma piada?
Texto 4

E agora que tal tentarmos responder a algumas perguntas em ingls? Veja

a seguir.
2) The word that does not belong to the semantic eld of dinner is:
(A) lunch.
(B) meal.
(C) breakfast.
(D) snack.
(E) snake.
3) The noun choice comes from the verb:
(A) change.
(B) chain.
(C) choose.
(D) check.
(E) choke.
4) A synonym of sure in this context is:
(A) perhaps.
(B) certainly.
(C) no.
(D) so so.
(E) maybe.
5) This text is a:
(A) joke.
(B) description.
(C) comment.
(D) tale.
(E) recipe.

Ilustrao: Jefferson Caador

Wife: Do you want dinner?
Husband: Sure! What are my choices?
Wife: Yes and no. (acessado em 12/07/2011)

1) A pergunta What are my choices? indica que o marido pensa que:

(A) a mulher no preparou uma refeio.
(B) a esposa preparou muitas coisas para ele.
(C) o jantar ter de ser bem mais tarde.
(D) no h muitas opes para o jantar.
(E) ter algumas escolhas para o jantar.

6) According to the dialogue:

(A) the husband has a wide choice for dinner.
(B) the wife did not prepare dinner.
(C) the husband will have to eat out.
(D) the wife has prepared the dish the husband loves most.
(E) the husband can only choose between having or not having dinner.
Nada como enfrentar um desao de forma divertida. Agora vamos para a
prxima aula.

24 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Texto 1
1) A
2) a) O primeiro (e nico) humanoide americano.
b) os dez mais avanados robs ajudantes dos humanos
c) robs do tamanho de um adulto
d) somente um feito aqui
e) populao de cidados idosos e portadores de necessidades especiais
(incapacitados, decientes).
3) a) humanoid: substantivo
b) human: adjetivo
c) helper: adjetivo
d) robots: substantivo
e) adult-size: adjetivo
f) made: verbo
g) here: advrbio
h) elderly and disabled: adjetivos
i) citizens: substantivo
4) Aos americanos.
5)Theyre designed to support our surging population of elderly and disabled citizens Eles so desenhados (projetados) para ajudar o nmero crescente
de nossos idosos e portadores de necessidades especiais.
6) Made in China; made in USA; made in Brazil.
7) Essa uma relao positiva, uma vez que os robs podem consertar
vazamentos de leo, substituindo os homens com as mesmas habilidades e oferecendo nenhum risco.

Texto 2
1) island
2) (A)
3) (B)
4) (B)
5) Dutch visionaries (visionrios holandeses)
6) and to ensure the island is self-sustaining it would be its own nation
with its own laws
7) Own um adjetivo e signica prpria (its own nation: sua prpria nao)
8) As well as bem como/assim como tem a funo de adio. Pode
ser substituda por and.
Texto 3
1) B
2) d, e, b, c, a
3) A
4) a) recently b) past ten years
5) But what if it could?
Texto 4
1) E
2) C
3) B
4) A
5) E
6) D

c) latest

Observar e inferir

:: Foco ::
Identicar informaes atravs da observao.
Adquirir vocabulrio.
Reetir sobre a diversidade sociocultural.

26 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Que tal viajarmos atravs de fotos de lugares diferentes?

3) As pessoas esto alegres ou tristes? Por qu?

Viajar um grande prazer. Na Europa, muito comum as pessoas viajarem

de trem, e como a distncia entre alguns pases pequena, pode-se descobrir
novos lugares e conhecer diferentes culturas em pouco espao de tempo. As
imagens apresentadas so de monumentos localizados no continente europeu.
Leia o texto a seguir como se voc fosse um dos passageiros e responda s
Texto 1

What is InterRail?
InterRail is the exible European train ticket for all ages.
Discover 30 countries by rail with the classic Global Pass.
Unlimited train travel with one Pass!
Adaptado de

1) Marque com um (X) as palavras na Lngua Inglesa que se parecem com

palavras na lngua portuguesa e escreva ao lado o signicado de cada:
a) ( ) interrail
b) ( ) exible
c) ( ) train
d) ( ) ticket
e) ( ) ages
f) ( ) countries
g) ( ) discover
h) ( ) classic
i) ( ) global
j) ( ) pass
k) ( ) unlimited
l) ( ) one
m) ( ) travel

Fotos: Softeis ( );

Bernard Gagnon (;
DBZ2313 (;
D. Sharon Pruitt (

1) Voc reconhece algum dos monumentos que aparecem nas fotos? Quais?

2) Por que foi colocado um trem junto a esses monumentos?

2) Que tipo de texto este?

(A) Anncio em jornal.
(B) Propaganda de passe de trem.
(C) Informao sobre horrios.
(D) Denio em dicionrio.
(E) Explicao de enciclopdia.
3) Com base no texto, responda se as frases a seguir so (F) falsas ou (V)
a) As viagens podem ser feitas de trem ou de nibus. ( )
b) Podem ser visitados 30 pases com vrios passes ou bilhetes. ( )
c) O bilhete de trem anunciado exvel, porque permite visitar vrios
pases. ( )
d) O bilhete pode ser usado por at 30 pessoas diferentes. ( )

CAPTULO 4 :: 27

4) Considerando que is uma forma verbal, qual a funo da palavra InterRail

na primeira frase do texto?
( ) Sujeito
( ) Objeto
5) Marque quantas palavras aparecem no plural no texto.
( ) uma
( ) duas
6) Escreva abaixo a(s) sua(s) forma(s) no singular:

6) Dos quatro verbos da Questo 5, dois no so parecidos com o seu signicado

em portugus. Reescreva os verbos e d os seus signicados:
Voc j fez alguma viagem? Que meio de transporte utilizou? Haveria outra
maneira de chegar ao seu destino? No Texto 1, voc se informou sobre viagens
de trem. A seguir, vamos ver outro meio de transporte muito utilizado que est
sendo anunciado.

Texto 3




Compare as informaes do Texto 1 com as do Texto 2.

Texto 2
The InterRail One Country Pass
Visit your favourite European country.
Choose from 27 Rail Passes!

Foto: Agata Urbaniak

e) A viagem ilimitada, porque o passageiro pode visitar inmeros

pases. ( )
f) O InterRail um tipo de trem que s tem na Europa. ( )

Introducing the brand-new, redesigned

GoFast Bus. Travel fast and get there in the time
Available New York to Montreal
Routes: New York to Toronto

New York to Boston

Washington, DC to Boston
Washington, DC to New York
Washington, DC to Montreal

Adaptado de

1) Qual o meio de transporte indicado no Texto 3?

Buy now from 33/29
Adaptada de

1) O Texto 2 tambm se refere a um passe de trem. Esse passe igual ao que

aparece no Texto 1?
( ) Sim
( ) No

2) Quantos destinos so cobertos por essa companhia?

(A) Um
(B) Trs
(C) Quatro
(D) Seis

2) Que parte do Texto 2 fornece essa informao? Reproduza.

3) Marque quantas palavras aparecem no plural no Texto 2.

( ) Uma
( ) Duas
4) Fornea a(s) sua(s) forma(s) no singular:

5) Relendo os dois textos, em que modo verbal esto os verbos Discover,

Visit, Choose, Buy?
(A) Indicativo
(B) Subjuntivo
(C) Imperativo

Voc sabe o que um itinerrio? Quem anda muito de nibus j

deve ter ouvido bastante. Itinerrio o mesmo que rota. Qual itinerrio
voc percorre para ir de sua casa para o seu trabalho ou escola?

3) Quantos itinerrios esto escalados?

(A) Um
(B) Trs
(C) Quatro
(D) Seis
4) Dos itinerrios escalados, um de:
(A) Toronto para Nova Iorque.
(B) Nova Iorque para Toronto.

28 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

5) Logo no incio do texto, entende-se que esta uma companhia:

(A) Moderna.
(B) Ultrapassada.
6) Qual o nome da companhia de viagem?

Foto: Useddenim. Disponvel em:

7) No texto, que palavra signica viagem?

8) Routes lembra que palavra em portugus?

Foto: DF08. Disponvel em:

9) As frases a seguir foram retiradas do texto:

Introducing the brand-new, redesigned GoFast Bus.
Travel fast and get there in time.
Elas so iniciadas com verbos:
(A) somente no imperativo.
(B) somente no gerndio.
(C) no gerndio e no imperativo.
(D) no imperativo e no gerndio.

E agora, voc sabe o que quer dizer esse cartaz? Tem alguma relao com
a placa anterior?

10) Ligue cada um dos cones abaixo aos seus respectivos textos:






Adaptado de:

(A) GoFast Bus has Gone Green.

(B) Now if your legs are asleep, its because the rest of you is too.
(C) Plug in, zone out.
(D) Cruise the Internet at 55 MPH.
(E) We just wont get you there; well get you there safely.

Agora vamos ler a tabela de informaes do Texto 5.

Deals and Discounts

Alm de palavras, a leitura tambm envolve o reconhecimento de cones

que oferecem informaes relevantes. Vrios desses cones so universais e,
mesmo que eventualmente apresentem uma palavra em idioma estrangeiro,
fcil descobrir o seu signicado. Veja, por exemplo, o mesmo sinal nos Estados
Unidos, na Rssia e na China:


Save even more by booking online!
Travel to and from NYC for as little as $12.


Secure a seat on select routes in the Northeast for only $5.

Foto: Billy Alexander. Disponvel em:

CAPTULO 4 :: 29

Save big by booking early.


Get up to a 50% discount on up to three companion fares

with the purchase of a full-price fare.

For just an extra $5 you can skip the line and board rst.


Buy, print and proceed straight to the gate. Print at Home Ticket
is a fast and easy way to start your trip.
Adaptado de

1) Deals quer dizer negcios. Qual o signicado de Discount?

2) As passagens anunciadas de ida e volta de NYC por $12 podem ser compradas:
(A) por telefone.
(B) pela internet.
(C) pelo agente de viagem.
(D) por correio.
(E) por catlogo.
3) Por $5 possvel:
(A) pagar uma viagem.
(B) fazer um seguro.
(C) ter prioridade no embarque.
(D) selecionar uma rota.
(E) viajar para o norte.
4) Purchase e Reserve signicam, respectivamente:
(A) programar e reservar.
(B) viajar e reservar.
(C) reservar e embarcar.
(D) comprar e reservar.
(E) reservar e comprar.

5) Em ingls, os sinnimos para purchase e reserve so:

(A) buy and book.
(B) book and travel.
(C) book and board.
(D) save and book.
(E) plan and travel.
6) Identique a informao como falsa (F) ou verdadeira (V).
(A) Voc ganhar 50% de desconto se viajar sozinho. ( )
(B) Se uma passagem for paga integralmente, s a famlia recebe o
desconto. ( )
(C) Os amigos podero ganhar at 50% de desconto em passagens
adicionais. ( )
(D) S 3 acompanhantes podero ganhar o desconto de at 50% nas
passagens. ( )
7) Em Priority Boarding, traduz-se boarding por:
(A) bordado.
(B) reserva.
(C) subida.
(D) embarque.
(E) viagem.
8) A vantagem de Print at Home Tickets a de que o passageiro pode:
(A) comprar a passagem em casa e peg-la na passagem na estao.
(B) imprimir uma passagem colorida em casa.
(C) receber a passagem com o motorista do nibus.
(D) imprimir em casa e ir direto ao porto de embarque.
9) Encontre, no Texto 4 um sinnimo para a palavra travel, quando usada como

Leia as informaes nos 4 anncios de viagem e responda s perguntas a


Foto: Yarik Mishin


30 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

12) Associe as duas colunas de acordo com as informaes dos anncios:

a) aquisio de passagem area + hotel ( ) grande economia
b) compra de passagem de ltima hora
( ) 50% off
c) passagem s de ida ou s de volta
( ) $39
d) compra de passagem + aluguel de carro ( ) $500 off
13) Off e On Sale so palavras utilizadas na lngua portuguesa como emprstimos
da Lngua Inglesa, com um nico signicado:

Foto: nvision88

Agora, leia o Texto 6 e transforme a histria em uma tira, acompanhando os

quadrinhos que j montamos para voc:
Texto 6
A couple had been married for 25 years and also celebrated their 60th
birthdays. During the celebration a fairy appeared and said that because they had
been such a loving couple all those years, she would give them one wish each.
The wife wanted to travel around the world. The fairy waved her wand and boom!
She had the tickets in her hand. Next, it was the husbands turn. He paused for
a moment, then said shyly, Well, Id like to have a woman 30 years younger
than me.
The fairy picked up her wand and boom! He was 90. (acessado em 27/06/2011)


Adaptado de

10) Que informao comum aos quatro anncios?

(A) Preo de hotis e passagens.
(B) Viagens de frias.
(C) Descontos em passagens.
(D) Preos de hotis.
(E) Preos de aluguel de carros.
11) Que signicados podem ser atribudos s palavras a seguir, observando suas
ocorrncias nos anncios:
a) save (verbo)
b) savings (substantivo)

The fairy at work


Como o tema do Texto 6 a mudana de vida, leia a forma como esse autor
resolveu mudar a dele:
Texto 7
Changes in life

Foto: Siewlian. Disponvel em:

CAPTULO 4 :: 31

I dialed a number and got the following recording: I am not available right
now, but thank you for caring enough to call. I am making some changes in my
life. Please leave a message after the beep. If I do not return your call, you are
one of the changes. (acessado em 27/06/2011)

1) O que quer dizer o substantivo changes?

2) O autor desse texto demonstra:

(A) irritao.
(B) ironia.
(C) tristeza.
(D) esperana.
(E) alegria.

1) Torre de Pisa (Itlia), Torre Eiffel, em Paris (Frana) e Sagrada Famlia,
em Barcelona (Espanha)
2) Para estimular viagens tursticas de trem.
3) Alegres. Elas tentam mostrar como fazer esse tipo de turismo algo
agradvel e animado.
Texto 1
1) exible exvel; train trem; ticket bilhete; discover descobrir;
classic clssico; global global; pass passe / passagem; unlimited
2) propaganda de passe de trem
3) a) (F); b) (F); c) (V); d) (F); e) (F); f) (V)
4) Sujeito
5) Duas
6) Age e country
Texto 2
1) No
2) O ttulo: The InterRail One Country Pass que explica ser este um passe
que d direito a viajar para um s pas, enquanto que o primeiro permite viajar
para 30 pases.
3) Uma
4) pass
5) C
6) Choose signica escolher. Buy signica comprar.
Texto 3
1) nibus
2) (C) Quatro (Montreal, Toronto, Boston e Nova Iorque)

3) (D) Seis itinerrios

4) (B) Nova Iorque para Toronto
5) (A) Moderna
6) GoFast
7) Travel
8) Rota (itinerrio)
9) (C) No Gerndio e no Imperativo.
10) B, E, A, D, C
Texto 4
A placa refere-se necessidade de se parar com a violncia domstica. Ela se
apoia no conhecimento que o leitor j tem de como um sinal de PARE.
Texto 5
1) Desconto
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) A
6) a) (F); b) (F); c) (V); d) (V).
7) D
8) D
9) Trip
10) C
11) a) save (verbo): economize
b) savings (substantivo): economias
12) a) $500 off
b) 50% off
c) $39
d) Grande economia
13) Desconto/ Liquidao
Texto 6 Respostas livres
Texto 7
1) changes signica mudanas
2) B

Formas e funes lexicais

:: Foco ::
Identicar o grau de alguns adjetivos.
Reconhecer numerais ordinais.
Adquirir vocabulrio relacionado s Olimpadas.

34 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Texto 1
As Olimpadas sero realizadas no Brasil, em 2016, mais precisamente na
cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Voc sabia que as Olimpadas tm uma longa histria?
Vamos testar seu conhecimento no assunto.
1) Qual a periodicidade dessa competio?
(A) Todos os anos.
(B) De dois em dois anos.
(C) De trs em trs anos.
(D) De quatro em quatro anos.
(E) De cinco em cinco anos.

Modern Olympic Games

Foto: Victor Salgado. Disponvel em:

2) Em que pas foram realizados os primeiros jogos organizados para uma Olimpada e em que ano?

The best amateur athletes in the world match skill and endurance in a series
of contests called the Olympic Games. Almost every nation sends teams of selected
athletes to take part. The purposes of the Olympic Games are to foster the ideal
of a sound mind in a sound body and to promote friendship among nations. Olympic Games

4) O que difere o texto Ancient Olympic Games do outro (Modern Olympic Games)?
3) Qual um dos objetivos atuais da realizao dos Jogos Olmpicos?
(A) Priorizar algumas modalidades de esporte antigo.
(B) Divulgar esportes desconhecidos para outros pases.
(C) Promover os laos de amizade entre as naes.
(D) Competir para ver qual o melhor pas do mundo.
(E) Camuar as desavenas entre as naes desenvolvidas.

Vamos trazer o assunto para a nossa realidade? Como esto os investimentos em esporte no Brasil? A nossa vez de sediar os Jogos Olmpicos est
A partir de agora, voc tambm vai encontrar algumas perguntas em ingls.
Queremos que voc se acostume com os enunciados nesse idioma:

Que tal ler os textos a seguir e vericar se suas respostas so adequadas?

Ancient Olympic Games
The Olympic Games began at
Olympia in Greece in 776 BC. The Greek
calendar was based on the Olympiad,
the four-year period between games.
The games were staged in the wooded
valley of Olympia in Elis. Here the
Greeks erected statues and built
temples in a grove dedicated to Zeus,
supreme among the gods. The greatest
shrine was an ivory and gold statue of
Zeus. Created by the sculptor Phidias,
it was considered one of the Seven
Wonders of the World.

Texto 2

Foto: Felipe Menegaz. Disponvel em

Maracan%C3%A3_Stadium_in_Rio_de_Janeiro.jpg (acessado em 18/11/2010)

olympics/#Ancient Olympic Games

Imagem: The Discobolus, after Myron. In the Palazzo Massimi, at Rome. DAnvers, 1895.
N. DAnvers An Elementary History of Art. New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1895, p.169.
Disponvel em:
(acessado em 29/11/2011)

Soccer Games at Maracan Stadium Rio de Janeiro

Brazil is famous for having the best soccer players in the world. In this tour,
we will take you to the Maracan Stadium, considered the biggest soccer arena
on the planet.
You will be able to watch a soccer game from the Brazilian league, and cheer
among thousands of fans.

CAPTULO 5 :: 35

The stadium originally had a capacity of 200,000 people. However, its

capacity was greatly reduced when it was converted to an all-seater in the 1990s.
It can currently hold around 70,000 seated and 120,000 with standing room.
Football Tour includes:
Transfer to/from hotel (by bus). Only hotels in Ipanema or Copacabana
Bilingual Guide (English or Spanish).
Entrance Ticket to the game.
Duration: 5 hours
Price: 8 or more people: US$ 54.90 per person 1 to 5 people: US$ 59.90
per person.
We require a 50% deposit in advance to reserve this tour.

1) Choose the correct alternative. The text is a(n):

(A) historical description of Rio de Janeiro.
(B) tourist campaign about the Olympics.
(C) advertisement from a tour company.
(D) invitation to watch a game at Maracan.

Nvel lexical
1) Duas palavras diferentes so usadas para a mesma modalidade de esporte.
Quais so?

2) Explique essas duas formas:

3) Retire do texto as palavras que se referem s seguintes aes:

a) torcer:

b) assistir ao jogo:

4) Se voc fosse comprar uma entrada para assistir ao jogo, qual seria a mais
barata: seated ou standing?

2) Choose the alternative that completes the sentence correctly.

The text offers tours together with
(A) any choice of hotel in Rio.
(B) variable duration timing.
(C) tickets to a football game.
(D) xed prices for any number of people.
(E) taxis that drop tourists at their hotels.
3) The text opens with an evaluation about Brazilian football. What is this

4) Copy the passage which qualies the Maracan Stadium:

Foto: Rodrigo Silveira Camargo. Disponvel em:

5) To which do the following numbers refer?

a) 200,000:
b) 70,000:
c) 120,000:

5) Faa uma lista com 10 palavras, retiradas do Texto 2, que remetem lngua

Muito bem! Viu como foi fcil entender perguntas em ingls? Agora, vamos
voltar ao uso da lngua portuguesa.

6) Identique uma palavra da Lngua Inglesa que correntemente utilizada na

lngua portuguesa:

36 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Nvel sinttico-gramatical

b) bad:

1) No primeiro pargrafo do Texto 2, voc encontrou o adjetivo the biggest.

Esta uma das formas do grau superlativo: ao adjetivo big junta-se o suxo
est, dobrando-se a consoante g e acrescentando o artigo denido the.
Verique se voc entendeu essa formao de superlativo, preenchendo as
lacunas a seguir: (Nos adjetivos do exerccio, no h a necessidade de dobrar as
consoantes nais.)
a) O superlativo de great
; de large
e de

c) original:
d) excited:
e) poor:
f) rapid:
g) famous:

E como se forma o comparativo de superioridade?

Em portugus, usa-se mais do que, ou maior do que etc. Por exemplo,
Pedro mais estudioso do que Joo.
J em ingls, uma das formas do comparativo de superioridade atravs do
acrscimo do suxo er seguido de than. Por exemplo: bigger than.
b) A partir dessa explicao, o comparativo de great
; de
e de small

h) late:

6) No Texto 2, voc pode se situar no tempo atravs dos verbos. Observando as

frases listadas no quadro a seguir, marque a coluna que corresponde ao tempo
verbal usado.

2) Toda regra tem excees. No Texto 2, aparece uma dessas formas. Indique o
adjetivo para o qual the best a forma superlativa:
(A) happy
(B) bad
(C) good
(D) short
(E) great
(F) bright
3) Baseado no seu conhecimento das formas do superlativo e da formao do
grau comparativo dos adjetivos em ingls, complete as frases a seguir com as
formas corretas:
a) Tour 2 is
Tour 1.
( ) the longest ( ) longer than
b) Tour 1 is
( ) the shortest

Tour 2.
( ) shorter than

c) Tour 2 is
( ) the longest

( ) longer than




Brazil is famous for

We will take you
You will be able to
The stadium originally had
Its capacity was greatly reduced
It can currently hold
It was converted
Vamos parar para reetir um pouco. Do seu ponto de vista, por que os pases
disputam para sediar as Olimpadas? O que isso implica? Quais os benefcios e
quais problemas podem surgir?

Texto 3
Leia o texto sobre os Jogos Olmpicos de 2016, no Rio de Janeiro, e responda
s perguntas a seguir.

4) Sublinhe os advrbios que voc encontrar nas frases a seguir. O que eles tm
em comum?
its capacity was greatly reduced
It can currently hold around 70,000 seated
5) Baseado em sua resposta anterior, quais seriam as formas adverbiais dos
seguintes adjetivos:
a) recent:

Foto: Heitor C. Jorge. Disponvel em

Montagem_Rio_de_Janeiro.jpg (acessado em 18/11/2010)

CAPTULO 5 :: 37

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rio 2016 increases business opportunities in Rio de Janeiro
2016 Olympic Games host city goes seven positions up on the Best Cities
to Do Business in Latin America ranking, made by Amrica Economa magazine.
Rio de Janeiro is among the ve best cities to do business in Latin America,
according to a survey made by Amrica Economa magazine. The nomination of
the city as the 2016 Olympic Games host city was appointed as one of the main
factors for Rio to go up seven positions in relation to the 2009 ranking, in which
it was on the 12th rank.
The infrastructure works and the development of professionals for the Rio
2016 Games are the Rio de Janeiro advantages and, according to the survey,
attract companies in search of good investment projects. The rst on the 2010
ranking is Miami (USA).
Founded in 1986, Amrica Economa magazine analyzes Latin America
nances and business, and prepares a ranking on the main issues of interest to
business people in the region.

1) Segundo o texto, em que classicao encontram-se as cidades do Rio de

Janeiro e Miami em relao a negcios?
(A) 7o e 2o
(B) 5o e 1o
(C) 16o e 7o
(D) 12o e 5o
(E) 17o e 12o
2) A boa colocao da cidade do Rio de Janeiro deve-se:
(A) aos projetos elaborados pela revista Amrica Economa.
(B) melhoria de sua infraestrutura.
(C) sua subida 7 posies acima daquela em 2009.
(D) indicao da cidade para as Olimpadas de 2016.
(E) diminuio do problema da violncia na cidade.
3) O Rio oferece duas vantagens que esto atraindo as companhias que querem
investir na cidade. Quais so? (Responda em portugus.)
4) O ano de 1986 marca:
(A) a primeira anlise da revista Amrica Economa.
(B) uma das realizaes dos Jogos Olmpicos.
(C) a fundao da revista a que o texto se refere.
(D) os primeiros investimentos no Rio de Janeiro.
(E) a primeira listagem das cidades mais bem-sucedidas.

Nvel lexical
Veja o numeral ordinal em The rst on the 2010 ranking is Miami (USA).
a) Pesquise os numerais ordinais em ingls e complete a tabela:


b) Complete com a palavra que indica o ltimo de uma lista e que se ope
palavra rst:
of the list.

Nvel sinttico-gramatical
1) Veja essas trs palavras do ttulo increases business opportunities. Qual
est no plural?

2) Qual a classe das outras duas?

3) Na frase: 2016 Olympic Games host city goes seven positions up, o verbo goes est na 3a pessoa do singular, do tempo presente. Assinale a(s)
opo(es) em que o verbo tambm se encontra na 3a pessoa:
(A) Rio 2016 increases business opportunities.
(B) The infrastructure works and the development of professionals attract
(C) Amrica Economa magazine analyzes Latin America nances and business.
(D) The tours also include lunch at a traditional Brazilian Rodizio restaurant.
(E) You will be able to watch the game and cheer for your team.
4) O oposto de go up :
(A) go over.
(B) go into.
(C) go out.
(D) go down.
(E) go in.

38 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

5) Identique os tempos verbais dos exemplos retirados do Texto 3 e indique se

eles se referem ao plural ou ao singular:
a) Rio de Janeiro is among the ve best cities to do business.
( ) Presente
( ) Passado
( ) Singular
( ) Plural
b) The nomination was appointed as one of the main factors
( ) Presente
( ) Passado
( ) Singular
( ) Plural
c) The rst on the 2010 ranking is Miami (USA).
( ) Presente
( ) Passado
( ) Singular
( ) Plural
d) Development of professionals for the Rio 2016 Games are the Rio de Janeiro
( ) Presente
( ) Passado
( ) Singular
( ) Plural

Leia o Texto 4 e responda s questes a seguir:

Texto 4
Tuesday, February 9, 2010.
Rio de Janeiro is the main tourist destination in the South
International consulting rm survey reveals the number of international
visitors increased by 7.8% in 2008.
Host City of the Olympic Games 2016, Rio de Janeiro is the leading tourist
destination of the South Hemisphere, a survey published on January 20, by
Euromonitor International, revealed. The opinion poll was conducted in 2008,
one year after the Pan American Games Rio 2007, and shows that Rio was the
destination of 2.82 million international tourists, representing a 7.8% increase
against the previous year.
The survey covers only tourists who stayed at least 24 hours in town. Rio
appears in the 40th place of the general ranking. London leads the ranking with
15.03 million visitors.
Because of the 2016 Olympic Games, Rio should receive a growing number
of international visitors. The Ministry of Tourism is forecasting that the number
tourists from abroad in Brazil by 2016 should have increased from 10% to 15%
percent against 2015.
Adaptado de

1) Encontre duas diferenas nessas frases e as aponte:

The main tourist destination in the South Hemisphere.
The leading tourist destination of the South Hemisphere.
a) Diferena 1

b) Diferena 2

2) No terceiro pargrafo, o texto faz uma relao entre o Rio de Janeiro e

Londres em termos de turismo. Qual essa relao?

3) Que palavra usada no texto para pesquisa?

4) Escolha a opo correta: A pesquisa foi realizada por...

(A) Olympic Games 2016.
(B) Euromonitor International.
(C) Pan American Games Rio 2007.
(D) 2.82 million international tourists.
(E) The Ministry of Tourism.
5) Em que momento foi realizada essa pesquisa?
(A) Durante os Jogos Pan Americanos em 2007.
(B) No dia 20 de janeiro de 2008.
(C) Em 2008, antes dos jogos de 2007.
(D) Quando havia 15,03 visitantes no Rio de Janeiro.
(E) Em 2008, um ano aps os Jogos Pan Americanos.
6) Motivado pelos jogos de 2016, a estimativa de que o turismo no Rio de
Janeiro cresa:
(A) 7,8% de 2007 at 2015.
(B) gradualmente, a cada ano at os jogos.
(C) em 15,03 milhes de visitantes.
(D) em 2016, 10% a 15% mais do que em 2015.
(E) com a mesma porcentagem que ocorreu em Londres.

Nvel lexical
Encontre no Texto 4 as palavras em ingls que correspondem s palavras
a seguir:
a) principal destino:
b) revela:

CAPTULO 5 :: 39

c) publicada:


d) opinio:

Texto 1
1) D
2) Greece in 776 BC (Before Christ) ou seja, na Grcia, no ano 776 antes
de Cristo. Hoje em dia, prefere-se o uso de BCE (Before Common Era) em vez de
BC (Before Christ).
3) C
4) O primeiro ttulo refere-se aos jogos da Antiguidade (ancient), enquanto o outro refere-se aos jogos da Modernidade (modern).

e) conduzida:
f) crescimento:
g) prvio:
h) cobre:
i) aparece:
j) lidera:
k) receber:
l) nmero crescente:

Nvel sinttico-gramatical
Observe as frases a seguir retiradas dos textos lidos anteriormente.
Texto 2 its capacity was greatly reduced when it was converted to
an all-seater in the 1990s.
Texto 3 The nomination of the city as the 2016 Olympic Games host
city was appointed as one of the main factors
Texto 4 The opinion poll was conducted in 2008,
Assinale com (X) a opo correta. Estas frases, retiradas dos Textos 2, 3 e
4, esto na:
( ) voz ativa
( ) voz passiva

Lembre-se de que voc aprendeu, entre outros itens:

grau dos adjetivos (good better than the best), (big bigger
than the biggest) e (long longer than the longest);
formao de advrbio de modo com suxo -ly;
reconhecimento de voz passiva.

Considerando o grau dos adjetivos, divirta-se com essa piada:

What is the longest word in the English language?
SMILES: there is a mile between the rst and last letters!

Texto 2
1) C
2) C
3) A avaliao refere-se qualidade dos jogadores de futebol: os melhores
do mundo.
4) the biggest soccer arena on the planet. (o maior estdio de futebol
do planeta)
5) a) 200,000 nmero mximo de pessoas que o estdio comportava
b) 70,000 nmero de pessoas sentadas
c) 120,000 nmero de pessoas que podem car em p.
Nvel lexical
1) soccer e football
2) Em todos os pases, futebol chamado de football. Na Amrica do Norte,
ele chamado de soccer.
3) a) cheer
b) to watch a soccer game
4) standing (assistir ao jogo em p).
5) famous, tour, planet, fans, capacity, reduced, converted, transfer,
bilingual, reserve, area, transfer.
6) Ticket a palavra emprestada da Lngua Inglesa.
Nvel sinttico-gramatical
1) a) great: the greatest; large: the largest; small: the smallest
b) great: greater than; large: larger than; small: smaller than
2) C
3) a) longer than
b) shorter than
c) the longest
4) its capacity was greatly reduced
It can currently hold around 70,000 seated
Aos dois adjetivos foi acrescentado o suxo -ly, usado na formao de advrbios.
5) a) recent: recently
b) bad: badly
c) original: originally
d) excited: excitedly

40 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

e) poor: poorly
f) rapid: rapidly
g) famous: famously
h) late: lately
6) a) Presente
b) Futuro
c) Futuro
d) Passado
e) Passado
f) Presente
g) Passado
Texto 3
1) B
2) D
3) a) Os trabalhos de infraestrutura (the infrastructure works)
b) A capacitao de prossionais (the development of professionals)
4) C
Nvel lexical
a) primeiro - rst
segundo - second
terceiro - third
quarto - fourth
quinto - fth
sexto - sixth
stimo - seventh
oitavo - eighth
nono - ninth
dcimo - tenth
b) The last of the list.
Nvel sinttico-gramatical
1) opportunities. Para responder a essa questo, voc precisa primeiro identicar o que verbo e o que substantivo. Para isso, importante observar o
contexto e localizar o sujeito e o verbo da frase. Uma vez identicado increases
como verbo, ca fcil ver que no ele que est no plural. Business tambm tem
a letra s, mas alm de ser uma palavra no singular, est na posio de adjetivo.
2) Increases o verbo increase na terceira pessoa do singular. Seu sujeito no
texto Rio 2016. Business um adjetivo e qualica o substantivo opportunities.
3) A e C
4) D
5) a) Presente / Singular
b) Passado / Singular
c) Presente / Singular
d) Presente / Plural

Texto 4
1) a) Diferena 1: main leading, que so sinnimos nesse contexto.
b) Diferena 2: in the South Hemisphere of the South Hemisphere, ou seja,
as preposies in (no Hemisfrio Sul) e of (do Hemisfrio Sul)
2) A relao refere-se ao resultado de uma pesquisa que s considerou o
nmero de turistas que permaneceram na cidade por 24 horas e que colocou o
Rio em 40o lugar (com 2,82 milhes de turistas) e Londres, na liderana com
15,03 milhes de visitantes.
3) Survey 4) B 5) E 6) D
Nvel lexical
a) principal destino: main destination
b) revela: reveals
c) publicada: published
d) opinio: opinion
e) conduzida: conducted
f) crescimento: increase
g) prvio: previous
h) cobre: covers
i) aparece: appears
j) lidera: leads
k) receber: receive
l) nmero crescente: growing number
Nvel sinttico-gramatical
Voz passiva

Interpretar e resumir

:: Foco ::
Exercitar a capacidade de resumir.
Inferir signicado lexical pelo contexto.
Reconhecer o uso de some/any.

42 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Na aula anterior, voc aprendeu um pouco mais sobre a histria das

Olimpadas, como tambm sobre a edio de 2016, que acontecer no Rio de
Janeiro. Naquela aula, zemos uma pergunta que vamos repetir agora: Por que
os pases disputam o privilgio de sedi-las? No texto a seguir, voc encontrar
algumas razes para essa disputa.

Texto 1
Overview of Generic Impacts
Short-term economic impacts fall into four broad categories: direct, indirect,
induced and total (sum of direct, indirect and induced) impacts.
Direct impacts arise from the Olympic committees spending to purchase
goods and services in preparation for and during the games.
Indirect economic impacts are the share of visitors spending that purchases
goods and services.
Induced economic impacts are the multiplier effects of the direct and
indirect impacts, created by re-spending the amounts involved in the direct and
indirect impacts.
1) Na introduo ao assunto, so mencionadas quatro categorias de impacto de
curto prazo que surgem quando da realizao das Olimpadas. Explique o que
cada uma delas envolve:
a) impacto direto:

national and international recognition of the host city and state through
extensive media exposure
community benets including local volunteerism, job creation and training,
youth and education programmes, funding for community economic development
projects and cultural programmes
infrastructure and communication benets
regeneration impacts
housing impacts
new company investment in the city and region
increased trade.

2) As expresses adverbiais de tempo During the run-up to and during the actual
event signicam durante:
(A) o evento em si.
(B) o perodo que antecede o evento.
(C) a corrida de preparao para o evento.
(D) o perodo que antecede o evento e o da realizao em si.
(E) o perodo de competio para seleo do local do evento.
3) Copie do texto a frase que arma que os benefcios de uma Olimpada
aparecem principalmente no dinheiro que se ganha e nos empregos que so

b) impacto indireto:

c) impactos econmicos induzidos:

d) impacto total:

Voltemos ao texto:
During the run-up to and during the actual event, short-term economic
impacts result from revenue brought into the city and region by related sporting
and cultural events, the media, pre-Olympic training, marketing activities, athletes,
ofcials, spectators and other visitors. Benets are largely manifested in earnings
and employment created. Although the initial revenue occurs primarily in and
around the host city and immediate region, re-spending of revenue has wider
The Olympic Games have enhanced benets for sport in the host nation, as
a result of the increased investment in sports infrastructure and sponsorship. The
investment in the Olympic facilities themselves and the additional infrastructure
(particularly accommodation and transport) bring economic benets in the lead
up to the Games. The publicity brought by bidding for, winning and holding the
Games also attracts investment.
Longer-term economic impacts include:

4) A frase Although the initial revenue occurs primarily in and around the host
city and immediate region, re-spending of revenue has wider benets explica
que a renda inicial:
(A) beneciar somente a cidade que hospedar os Jogos e no atingir
outras regies.
(B) ter efeitos mais amplos, incluindo outros pases que no participaro
dos Jogos.
(C) no ir beneciar muito regies mais prximas da cidade hospedeira.
(D) beneciar a cidade hospedeira, mas ter de ser gasta novamente em
outro evento.
(E) beneciar inicialmente a cidade hospedeira e regies mais prximas.
5) A publicidade gerada por trs aes atrair investimentos. Quais so essas
a) bidding for:

b) winning:

c) holding the Games:

CAPTULO 6 :: 43

6) Indique os sete impactos de longo prazo que o texto aponta:


Texto 2

Carbon emissions are a big concern and every possible effort is being made
to make this the rst truly green Olympics including water conservation, efcient
public transport, recycling and even the extensive use of bicycles. There will be
a new fast Javelin rail link with a journey time of 7 minutes from St Pancras to
Stratford International station. Green transport is a part of the theme with no less
than 7 million tickets being offered that incorporate free transportation through
the city during the games. The aim is for all spectators to reach the Games by
sustainable forms of transport.
Theres a diverse range of London hotels with a total capacity of over
100,000 rooms in every possible price and quality range, from basic to the very
best of high end accommodations and everything in-between. Another 30,000
rooms will be provided at halls of residence and other student accommodation. I
suppose its inevitable that accommodation prices will increase during the Games
but there may be some early booking offers so its probably wise to start checking
out some deals at hotels in London well in advance of the event.
When not attending the games, there is probably no other city in the world
that can offer the variety of attractions that London boasts, from the entertainment
of the West End with some good deals on London theatre tickets, to the multitude
of historic sites, to some of the worlds greatest shopping areas. The UK capital
has lovely open spaces such as Hyde Park, plenty of family activities, lots of fun
budget things to do and remember that great state museums such as the British
Museum are free to enter.
Are you planning to come to London to attend the 2012 Olympics?

Foto: Nanonic. Disponvel em

construction_-_May_2009.jpg (acessado em 18/11/2010)

Como voc j deve saber, as prximas Olimpadas, que acontecero em

2012, sero realizadas em Londres. Leia o Texto 2 e responda s perguntas:
5 Reasons to attend the 2012 London Olympics
London is to host the 2012 Olympics. Its not the rst time England has hosted
the games. In both 1908 and 1948 the Olympics were held in this European city.
London has endless attractions of all kinds to entice visitors in huge numbers from
every corner of the globe, but there are several reasons why the 2012 London
Olympics will be a massive draw to sports fans wanting a new level of Olympic
experience. Here are just a few of them.
Olympics will be held in a totally new and purpose built site of over
500 acres known as the Olympic Park and will have a capacity of in excess of
180,000 spectators. The Olympic park will make use of brand new and state of
the art facilities and stadiums. Six very different and separate venues including
a Velodrome and Aquatics Centre are currently under construction. The Olympic
park itself will offer a range of ways to move between the venues such as cleverly
designed walkways and footbridges for ease of access.
London has a very rich and diverse sports culture, which has been
established over generations.

1) O ttulo informa que o texto oferece 5 razes para se assistir s Olimpadas,

em Londres. Faa um breve resumo de cada uma das razes mencionadas:

2) Aps ler as trs primeiras frases do texto, voc conclui que a

vez que Londres vai sediar Jogos Olmpicos.
(A) primeira
(B) segunda
(C) terceira
3) Com base na sua leitura do texto, que signicado voc atribui ao verbo entice
na frase: to entice visitors in huge numbers from every corner of the globe?
(A) Inteirar
(B) Atrair
(C) Extrair
(D) Cobrar
(E) Viajar

44 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

4) Marque F (Falso) ou V (Verdadeiro) para as armaes a seguir.

a) O Parque Olmpico s servir para o Veldromo e o Centro Aqutico. ( )
b) No Parque Olmpico, acontecero as mais diversas competies
esportivas. ( )
c) A capacidade total do Parque Olmpico de 500 espectadores. ( )
d) Sero construdas pontes e vias de acesso a p entre os estdios. ( )
e) A rea total do Parque Olmpico de 180.000 metros quadrados. ( )
5) Complete a frase de acordo com as informaes obtidas no texto:
locais esto em construo, no momento. Dentre eles:
e um
no Parque Olmpico.
6) As palavras walkways e footbridges levam-nos a concluir que:
(A) os espectadores podero circular entre os estdios em veculos.
(B) ser possvel a movimentao atravs de pontes movedias.
(C) os espectadores circularo entre os estdios por passagens e pontes
para pedestres.
(D) s ser permitida nos estdios a movimentao de pessoas em bicicletas.
(E) elas se referem aos visitantes de todo o mundo que viro aos estdios.

f) formas sustentveis:

g) ligao ferroviria:

9) Coloque F (Falso) ou V (Verdadeiro) nas frases, de acordo com o que o texto

a) Os organizadores das Olimpadas esto voltados preservao do Meio
Ambiente. ( )
b) Durante os Jogos, s podero circular pessoas a p entre os estdios. ( )
c) O preo das passagens no incluir deslocamentos entre estdios. ( )
d) Os meios de transportes sero todos pintados de verde. ( )
e) O objetivo oferecer deslocamentos sustentveis para todos. ( )
f) Os hotis sero mais baratos, durante a realizao do evento. ( )
10) Retire do Texto 2 quatro estratgias que garantiro a preservao do Meio

7) Qual das opes abaixo melhor reete o original: London has a very rich and
diverse sports culture, which has been established over generations.?
(A) Londres tem uma cultura esportiva muito rica e diversicada, formada
atravs de vrias geraes.
(B) Londres uma cidade rica e muito cultural por causa das geraes que
se estabeleceram l.
(C) Londres rica e possui esportes diversos que variam de gerao para
(D) Londres e sua riqueza reetem-se na sua cultura desportiva, cultivada
atravs de geraes.
(E) Londres tem muita riqueza, obtida atravs da cultura do esporte,
estabelecida pelas antigas geraes.

11) De acordo com o Texto 2, as acomodaes durante os Jogos Olmpicos:

(A) sero hotis que atendero somente as pessoas ricas.
(B) podero ser hotis, penses e quartos de todos os tipos de preos.
(C) no podero ser reservados com antecedncia.
(D) tero seus preos congelados para atender todos.
(E) podero ser gratuitas, se forem residncias estudantis.

8) Identique, no Texto 2, os correspondentes em ingls para as expresses:

a) emisses de carbono:

12) Como voc entende as expresses:

a) accommodation prices:


b) todo esforo possvel:

b) early booking offers:

c) Olimpada verdadeiramente verde:

c) its probably wise:

d) preservao da gua:

d) start checking out some deals:

e) transporte pblico eciente:

e) well in advance of the event:

CAPTULO 6 :: 45

Nvel sinttico-gramatical
Nos 5o e 6o pargrafos, o autor usa some em algumas frases. Nas frases
a seguir, indique se some e any esto sendo usados em uma armao (A),
negao (N) ou interrogao (I). Em seguida escreva o signicado das frases.
a) Watch for new speed limits on some streets. ( )
b) Why are some professions more liberal? ( )

and a Big Ben with arms and legs. They settled on the design because it is exible
the characters can be customised into recognisable costumes and even celebrity
identities and because of its digital potential.
According to London organising committee chairman...: Weve created our
mascots for children, he said. They will connect young people with sport and tell
the story of our proud Olympic and Paralympic history...
They are perfect for us because they are perfect for the digital age, and were
really hopeful that they will chime with children.
Adaptado de
Debate-Will-the-new-London-2012-Olympic-mascots-be-a-success-or-a-op.html e http://www.

c) Some baby names create trouble. ( )


1) Which day of the week the names of the mascots were revealed?
d) Is there any discount for working with multiple sites? ( )
e) The lady did not see any colors. ( )
f) Any citizen can vote. ( )

2) How are the mascots called?

3) Explain the source of inspiration for these names:


Para as Olimpadas em Londres, foram criadas duas mascotes. Procure

na internet as fotos das mascotes Wenlock e Mandeville para ver como foram
concebidas. Saiba mais sobre o assunto, lendo o texto que se segue:

4) Where were the names announced?

Texto 3
London 2012: Olympic mascots Wenlock and Mandeville
After 18 months, 40 focus groups and a secret operation worthy of MI5,
London 2012 on Wednesday nally revealed the mascots that will help dene the
capitals Olympic experience, and just as importantly help pay for it.

5) According to the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, the creation of the

mascots aimed at which public?

By Paul Kelso :: Published: 7:59PM BST 19 May 2010

The one-eyed gures, called Wenlock and Mandeville, were unveiled at an

east London school on Wednesday with organisers hoping they will inspire a
generation of children and persuade their parents to contribute the 15 million the
mascots are slated to raise in merchandising revenue.
Any concern at the appropriateness of the design, which shares a certain
abstraction with Londons much criticised logo, should be off-set by the smart
choice of names, which resonate with Britains Olympic and Paralympic history.
The alien-like characters were created with input from children and they will
feature in an animated series written by author Michael Morpurgo.
They are named after Much Wenlock, a village in Shropshire that was the site
of an early forerunner of the modern Olympic Games, and Stoke Mandeville in
Buckinghamshire, the birthplace of the Paralympics.
Olympic organisers rejected numerous more literal designs from an original
competition entry of more than 100, including animated tea-pots, pigeons, lions

6) In the sentence hoping they will inspire a generation of children and persuade
their parents to contribute the 15 million the mascots are slated to raise in
merchandising revenue, the text informs that the mascots are expected to fulll
two types of actions:
7) Which expression is used to indicate that the mascots do not look like human

46 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Voltemos agora aos enunciados em lngua portuguesa.

8) A frase After 18 months, 40 focus groups and a secret operation worthy of
MI5 implica que a escolha das mascotes foi:
(A) discutida em pblico durante 18 meses.
(B) estudada e mantida em sigilo por 18 meses.
(C) feita por um grupo de 40 especialistas.
(D) revelada antes de ter sido muito bem discutida.
(E) tratada de forma muito pouco prossional.

15) Quando o autor usa a expresso the smart choice of names, qual a
opinio dele em relao escolha dos nomes?

16) Liste no quadro a seguir alguns termos que voc aprendeu nesta aula e que
esto especicamente ligados s Olimpadas.


9) Que trabalho Michael Morpurgo ir realizar?

10) Junto com as mascotes, foram tambm submetidos outros logos. Indique
11) Indique duas razes para a escolha das mascotes ganhadoras:

Just for fun:

I was not talented enough to run and smile at the same time Emil
Zatopek, champion Czechoslovakian distance runner, when asked about unusual
facial expression when running.


12) A expresso que pode substituir nally :
(A) at last.
(B) at least.
(C) at all.
(D) at best.
(E) at most.
13) Em Londons much criticised logo ca claro que o logo de Londres:
(A) foi bem aceito por muitos.
(B) foi logo muito avaliado.
(C) no precisou de crticas.
(D) foi logo bem recebido.
(E) recebeu muitas crticas.
14) A expresso sublinhada em They settled on the design pode ser substituda
(A) looked
(B) played
(C) worked
(D) decided
(E) thought

Texto 1
1) a) Impactos diretos advm dos gastos realizados pelo Comit Olmpico
na preparao e durante os jogos.
b) Impactos indiretos resultam dos gastos dos visitantes durante os jogos.
c) Impactos econmicos induzidos resultam dos efeitos multiplicadores dos
gastos posteriores que resultam tanto do impacto direto quanto do indireto.
d) Impacto total advm da soma dos efeitos dos trs tipos de impacto
(direto, indireto e induzido).
2) D
3) Benets are largely manifested in earnings and employment created.
4) E
5) a) bidding for concorrer
b) winning vencer
c) holding the Games sediar os jogos
6) a) reconhecimento nacional e internacional devido projeo na mdia.
b) benefcios voltados para os interesses da comunidade, tais como novos
empregos, programas educacionais e culturais, fundos para o desenvolvimento de
projetos econmicos para a comunidade.
c) benefcios para a infraestrutura e as comunicaes.
d) impactos de regenerao.

CAPTULO 6 :: 47

e) impactos na habitao.
f) novos investimentos de companhias na cidade e na regio.
g) aumento na comercializao.
Texto 2
1) Razes para se assistir s Olimpadas, em Londres.
a) Haver um parque olmpico, construdo especicamente para as
Olimpadas, comportando seis diferentes tipos de construes para seis
modalidades diferentes de esporte, com acesso fcil entre os estdios.
b) Londres tem uma cultura de esporte antiga, rica e diversicada.
c) Haver grande preocupao com a ecologia e com a preservao do
Meio Ambiente.
d) Facilidade de acomodao, devido ao grande nmero de hotis e
alojamentos diversos, do mais bsico ao mais sosticado, com preos variveis.
e) A grande variedade de atraes que Londres oferece, dentre elas os stios
histricos, os teatros e as lojas.
2) C
3) B
4) a) (F); b) (V); c) (F); d) (V); e) (F).
5) Seis Veldromo Polo Aqutico
6) C
7) A
8) a) carbon emissions
b) every possible effort
c) truly green Olympics
d) water conservation
e) efcient public transport
f) formas sustentveis: sustainable forms
g) rail link
9) a) (V); b) (F); c) (F); d) (F); e) (V); f) (F).
10) a) walkways and footbridges: passagens e pontes para pedestres
b) extensive use of bicycles: grande uso de bicicletas
c) water conservation: preservao da gua
d) Green transport: transporte ecolgico
11) B
12) a) accommodation prices: preos das acomodaes
b) early booking offers: ofertas de reservas com antecedncia
c) its probably wise: provavelmente prudente
d) start checking out some deals: comece a vericar algumas ofertas
e) well in advance of the event: bem antes do evento
Nvel sinttico-gramatical
a) algumas Armao
b) algumas Pergunta
c) alguns Armao
d) algum (no se tem certeza) Pergunta
e) nenhuma Negao
f) qualquer Armao

Uso de some e any

Some geralmente usado em oraes armativas. Any geralmente usado
em oraes negativas, em interrogativas e em armativas, quando o sentido
qualquer. Mas some usado nos seguintes casos:
a) quando se oferece algo:
Would you like some cream in your tea?
Some sugar with your coffee?
b) quando se pede algo:
Could I have some chocolate milk?
c) quando se sugere algo:
Why dont you do some volunteer work?
Texto 3
1) Wednesday quarta-feira
2) Wenlock e Mandeville
3) a) O primeiro homenageia uma cidadezinha em Shropshire que sediou
um evento que precedeu os jogos olmpicos modernos.
b) O segundo refere-se a Stoke Mandeville, onde nasceram os Jogos
4) Em uma escola em Londres.
5) Ao pblico infantil.
6) a) inspire a generation of children inspirar uma gerao de crianas.
b) persuade their parents to contribute the 15 million persuadir os pais a
contribuir com 15 milhes de libras
7) The alien-like characters
8) B
9) Michael Morpurgo autor e criar desenhos animados com as duas
mascotes como personagens.
10) a) potes de ch animados
b) pombos
c) o Big Ben com braos e pernas
11) a) So adaptveis a todas as modalidades de jogos.
b) Tm potencial digital.
12) A
13) E
14) D
15) Sua opinio que esta foi uma escolha esperta/inteligente.
16) Termos ligados s Olimpadas:
Olympic park
Parque Olmpico
Aquatic Center
Polo Aqutico

Refletir e deduzir

:: Foco ::
Ler e interpretar textos.
Montar quadros explicativos.
Exercitar inferncia.
Reconhecer o uso de many/much.

50 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

3) Nas frases a seguir, marque F (Falso) ou V (Verdadeiro).

a) J h mais oferta de voluntrios do que se precisa. ( )
b) A procura por empregos maior do que a oferta. ( )
c) A demanda maior do que a procura. ( )
d) No sero necessrios muitos voluntrios. ( )
e) Haver mais empregos pagos do que o de voluntrios. ( )
f) Haver bastante trabalho para voluntrios. ( )

Foto: Patrick Nijhuis. Disponvel em:

Durante as Olimpadas do Rio de Janeiro, em 2016, muitos turistas viro

ao Brasil, mas no s do turismo que o pas vai se beneciar. Dentre as
vantagens de um pas sediar as Olimpadas tambm est a ampliao de ofertas
de empregos. Saiba mais sobre o assunto, lendo o Texto 1 e respondendo s
perguntas que o seguem.

Texto 1
There are a wide variety of 2012 jobs available from paid positions to
volunteer jobs. With regards to volunteer jobs these vary from basic crowd control,
directing people, giving out basic information through to translators for the many
foreign visitors to the 2012 Games. Even these positions will vary from giving help
to a general tourist from abroad through to acting as a translator to one of the
many VIPs visiting London 2012.
Details on volunteering can be found on the ofcial London 2012 website. It
should be noted though that whilst around 8-11,000 volunteers are required over
100,000 people have already registered an interest! That said, be aware that
not all the jobs will be glamorous and allow you to see all of the action. As an
example many volunteers at the main Olympic stadiums will be carrying out duties
outside the stadiums and may never see a Javelin thrown in anger! With regards
to getting a paid job for the 2012 Games, just remember that come the end of the
games in 2012 many of the paid jobs will cease to exist.
Adaptado de

1) Na primeira frase, o autor arma que a grande variedade de trabalhos durante

os Jogos Olmpicos pode ser dividida em dois tipos. Quais so?

4) Marque a opo em que o conhecimento de lngua no precisa ser to grande

para poder ajudar:
(A) giving help to a general tourist from abroad.
(B) acting as a translator.
5) O que quer dizer a sigla VIP em many VIPs visiting London 2012?

6) Ao nal do texto, o autor faz um lembrete sobre os trabalhos remunerados.

Qual esse lembrete?

Nvel lexical
1) A expresso That said, conforme colocada no texto, implica que o que ser
dito adiante algo para:
(A) reforar o que foi explicado.
(B) oferecer um alerta.
(C) recusar o que ser oferecido.
(D) elogiar o que foi feito.
2) A expresso be aware geralmente usada para que a pessoa:
(A) entre em ao imediatamente.
(B) deixe de fazer o que estava fazendo.
(C) seja cuidadosa e preste ateno.
(D) no se importe com o que possa acontecer.
(E) que contente com o que j realizou.
3) Se o voluntrio estiver carrying out duties outside the stadiums, o que isso

2) No primeiro pargrafo do texto, so apontadas algumas funes que podem
ser exercidas durante os Jogos. Indique duas:

Nvel sinttico-gramatical
1) A palavra sublinhada em It should be noted though uma conjuno:
(A) aditiva.
(B) conclusiva.
(C) comparativa.
(D) adversativa.
(E) temporal.

CAPTULO 7 :: 51

2) Observe no Texto 1 o uso de many e compare com as frases a seguir.

a) How much work do you need?
b) But do we really need to drink that much water on a daily basis?
c) ...there is still much work to do.
Em quais situaes many e much so empregados?

temporary work, seasonal employment or as volunteers () There are, of course,

many perks in working for a venue that puts on events. You gain access to sold out
concerts, comedy acts and sporting events throughout the year while improving
your rsum with work in an industry. Working for a venue can be an excellent
learning experience and a great way to make money doing something you love.
Types of Event Employment Opportunities
There is an extremely large variety in the types of events jobs that are
available. In the following sections you will learn about the most popular types
of event jobs and what they each entail. You will also have access to the different
job requirements for each and some information on how to go about applying
for them.
Keep in mind that it is nearly impossible to outline every single job that takes
place at any one event, so the jobs listed should be used as a general outline
when thinking about the types of event jobs you might be interested in pursuing.
Event Planning and Organization Jobs
The organizational event planning jobs are the brains behind how events are
planned. Every large event is likely to have someone at the helm making sure
the venue, entertainment, food vendors and sponsors are getting booked. Event
planners make sure the event goes off without any problems.

Foto: Sachin Ghodke. Disponvel em:

Voc j parou para pensar em quanta gente est envolvida na organizao

de uma Olimpada? Com certeza, so muitas pessoas e o sucesso do evento
depende do trabalho conjunto.
No texto a seguir, voc vai conhecer alguns empregos que so oferecidos
durante a realizao de grandes eventos:

Public Relations and Marketing

Public relations and marketing jobs are the face behind the worlds many
events. By putting together promotional materials, setting up press releases,
arranging commercials, advertisements and getting the public excited about the
event are all a part of the work that goes into PR and marketing as it relates to
Field Jobs

Texto 2

Foto: Elvis Santana. Disponvel em:

Foto: Patrik Millikin. Disponvel em:

People enjoy working events jobs in a number of different capacities.

Some people work events jobs as a career while others enjoy working events as

Field jobs take place at any event and are considered the general event staff
positions. Taking tickets, selling tickets, assisting vendors, selling merchandise,

52 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

stafng information booths, working in event day care centers, aiding in set up and
break down and even clean up are just a few of the eld staff positions needed at
any large event, concert or game.

Food Vendors

Event Security Jobs

Foto: Sue Anna Joe. Disponvel em:

Foto: Ivan Vicencio. Disponvel em:

Security is always an issue when large groups of people come together.

Security ofcers patrol the grounds, are assigned certain areas to keep safe and
law enforcement security ofcers make arrests when necessary.
Entertainment Jobs

Food vendors are an integral part of nearly every event. Food sales, beer and
beverage sales, food tents, cooks, cashiers and set up and break down are all a
part of food vending at an event.
Adaptado de and http://www.jobmonkey.

1) Na segunda frase do Texto 2, os empregos so agrupados em quatro tipos.

Cite dois deles:
2) Cite uma vantagem de quem trabalha para eventos:

3) Que problema ocorre quando um concerto est sold out?

4) Em while improving your rsum, a palavra sublinhada indica:

(A) simultaneidade.
(B) negao.
(C) concluso.
(D) concordncia.
(E) semelhana.

Foto: Joe Zlomek. Disponvel em:

Entertainment is a big part of a lot of events. Announcers, national anthem

singers, event entertainment, singers and dancers can all be a part of large and
popular events.

5) A palavra rsum signica:

(A) resumo.
(B) atestado.
(C) trabalho.
(D) currculo.
(E) carta de recomendao.

CAPTULO 7 :: 53

6) O texto refere-se a 6 tipos de trabalho que podem ser realizados durante

eventos. Em portugus, preencha o quadro abaixo com esses trabalhos e explique
a tarefa de cada um:
O que envolve

Effectively, its an industry crying out for new talent and offering really
exciting opportunities as a reward. Just imagine pointing at the Olympic Park or
Village and being able to say, I built that
Whatever your qualications, skill level or expertise, its clear there are plenty
of construction jobs and civil engineering jobs out there for everyone. Plus, with
9.3 billion of the Olympic budget allocated purely to construction jobs, transport
and regeneration, the wages can be pretty attractive, too.

Leia o Texto 3 que aborda o assunto empregos para construo e responda

s perguntas a seguir:

1) De acordo com o texto, 10% da fora de trabalho que esto sendo usados na
preparao das prximas Olimpadas:
(A) j tinham emprego antes.
(B) no tm qualquer experincia.
(C) so de prossionais qualicados.
(D) estavam desempregados.
(E) no podero trabalhar mais.

Texto 3
2) A emoo implcita na frase I built that :
(A) raiva.
(B) orgulho.
(C) tristeza.
(D) decepo.
(E) indiferena.
3) A expresso an industry crying out for new talent implica:
(A) lentido.
(B) ateno.
(C) descaso.
(D) urgncia.
(E) tristeza.

Foto: Lotus Head. Disponvel em:

2012 Olympic construction jobs

Construction for the 2012 Olympic Games has created many jobs for people
looking to be part of this great project. Its not just the showcase stadiums
and sporting arenas that need building either. Major construction jobs and civil
engineering jobs in areas like infrastructure and regeneration all need to be
completed in time for the opening ceremony, too.
The Games have already opened doors for many jobseekers an amazing
10% of the current Olympic workforce was previously unemployed. With so many
exciting construction jobs and civil engineering jobs to be lled, they are now
playing a key role in creating what will be one of the biggest spectacles on earth.
Estimates suggest 180,000 more workers are needed by the time the
Olympic build reaches the nish line. So, as the industry looks to ll the skills
gap, more and more construction jobs and civil engineering jobs are being created.

4) A palavra too no trecho for the opening ceremony, too tem o sentido de:
(A) tambm.
(B) alm.
(C) exceto.
(D) no entanto.
(E) portanto.

Nvel sinttico-gramatical
1) A palavra like em Major construction jobs and civil engineering jobs in areas
like infrastructure and regeneration tm a mesma classe e funo de like em:
(A) someone like me can work as a civil engineer.
(B) she doesnt like the idea of working for the Games.
(C) I would like to build an Olympic stadium.
(D) no one likes Superman anymore.
(E) I feel like Im under water, struggling to get air.

54 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

2) Retire do texto quatro exemplos de uso da voz passiva:

3) Em previously unemployed, o advrbio aponta para um tempo:
(A) posterior.
(B) exato.
(C) anterior.
(D) inexistente.
(E) futuro.
4) A palavra sublinhada em the wages can be pretty attractive um(a):
(A) preposio.
(B) advrbio.
(C) verbo.
(D) adjetivo.
(E) substantivo.
No h somente empregos no setor de construo. Veja outras possibilidades
a seguir:
Texto 4
Working at the Olympics
Whether its for formal interpreting during ofcial ceremonies, or just to say a
few words of welcome to visitors as volunteer, languages are going to be crucial to
the success of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
As thousands of overseas visitors and the worlds media descend upon
London, languages will help with everything from giving directions to solving a
medical crisis. Tourist attractions and businesses have been urged to brush up on
their language skills so that they can provide a better customer service at a time
when the global spotlight will be turned on the UK.
Quick facts and gures
An estimated 70,000 volunteers, including language experts are needed
during the Games;
Languages are identied as one of the top 10 skills areas requiring
People with language skills are needed in all Games roles not just
interpreting and translating.
Where do languages t in?
Professional linguists
Professional interpreters and translators are needed to ensure that the
competition is staged efciently, with respect for all the nations coming together.

There is a need for multilingual signs, visitor information, public announcements,

and interpretation facilities for teams, coaches, the media and the whole Olympic
family, not only at the Olympics venues in London and elsewhere in the UK, but
also around team training venues.
Other professionals
Many professionals working to support the Games will also need language
skills, to overcome practical communication barriers they face in their day to day
work. This will range from ticket sales to risk assessment, from caterers to lawyers.
In London the police and security services, emergency and health services use
languages skills already to help communication with the public.
The Games are expected to deliver a 2 billion boost to Britains international
visitor economy. Games-related and Games-motivated tourism will mean over half
a million extra visitors in London alone in 2012, but most of the growth will be
achieved in the 4 years following the Games if we can use the opportunity to
upgrade the quality of service tourists receive. If we want the Games to leave the
lasting legacy of a thriving, innovative tourism industry, one key change to make
is to be able to communicate with people in their own language.
Adaptado de
the_ olympics.aspx

1) Escolha a opo para a qual no necessrio ter um conhecimento profundo

de lngua para conseguir um emprego:
(A) formal interpreting during ofcial ceremonies.
(B) just to say a few words of welcome to visitors as volunteer.
2) No texto todo, h uma srie de aes que necessitaro de conhecimento
de lngua. Complete o quadro a seguir, retirando do texto o correspondente
em ingls e indicando o nvel de conhecimento de lngua que voc considera
necessrio para desenvolver cada uma dessas atividades:
Em ingls
Nvel de
conhecimento de
Venda de bilhetes
Servios de segurana
Servios de alimentao
Oferecer informaes
sobre como chegar aos

CAPTULO 7 :: 55

3) Explique o que signica thousands of overseas visitors:

4) Retire do texto a frase que informa que a rea de conhecimento de lnguas

ser uma das que mais necessitaro de voluntrios.

The Olympics require a lot of work, but they can also be fun. To end this
lesson, here are some jokes for you. Do you nd them funny?
Q: What beverage do football players drink?
A: Penal-tea!

Nvel lexical
1) A expresso verbal em to brush up on their language skills pode ser
substituda por:
(A) learn.
(B) acquire.
(C) change.
(D) improve.
(E) select.
2) O signicado de descend upon London o mesmo que:
(A) arrive in London.
(B) leave London.
(C) remain in London.
(D) live in London.
(E) depart from London.

Are you sure this guy from Alaska is in a speed suit?

Hope you enjoy the 2016 Olympics!

Nvel sinttico-gramatical


1) A conjuno whether na primeira frase :

(A) aditiva.
(B) explicativa.
(C) adversativa.
(D) alternativa.
(E) conclusiva.

Texto 1
1) a) funes remuneradas
b) trabalhos voluntrios
2) Dentre as funes citadas, escolha duas:
basic crowd control controlar a multido
directing people indicar caminhos (informar sobre trajetos)
giving out basic information through to translators fornecer informao
bsica para tradutores
3) a) (V); b) (V); c) (F); d) (F); e) (F); f) (V).
4) (A)
5) VIP Very Important People Pessoas Muito Importantes
6) come the end of the games in 2012 many of the paid jobs will cease
to exist. quando os jogos acabarem em 2012, muitos trabalhos remunerados
deixaro de existir.

2) so that em so that they can provide a better customer service indica uma:
(A) nalidade.
(B) concluso.
(C) concordncia.
(D) explicao.
(E) introduo.
3) Based on the texts in this chapter, prepare a list of jobs that an event like the
Olympic Games can offer:

Nvel lexical
1) B. A expresso sinaliza que algo diferente ser armado. No caso, veja
que o texto alerta que nem todos os empregos sero glamorosos (That said, be
aware that not all the jobs will be glamorous)
2) C

56 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

3) A pessoa que estiver trabalhando fora dos estdios poder deixar de

ver vrios jogos. Isto est implcito quando o texto arma que a pessoa may
never see a Javelin thrown in anger!, ou seja, poder jamais ver uma lana ser
arremessada com raiva.
Nvel sinttico-gramatical
1) D
2) many utilizado antes de palavras contveis, como: people, cars,
books, houses
much utilizado antes de palavras incontveis, como: milk, water, money,
Texto 2
1) Dos quatro citados, escolha dois para a sua resposta:
events jobs as a career empregos de eventos como carreira; events as
temporary work empregos de eventos como trabalho temporrio; seasonal
employment emprego sazonal;
volunteers trabalho voluntrio
2) Escolha uma das alternativas fornecidas no texto:
Voc tem acesso a eventos com entradas esgotadas o ano inteiro.
uma experincia excelente de aprendizagem.
um modo de ganhar dinheiro fazendo algo de que voc gosta.
3) Voc no consegue comprar ingressos. Eles esto esgotados.
4) A
5) D
O que envolve
Planejamento do evento e dos
Responsabilidade pela organizao e
bom funcionamento do evento.
Relaes pblicas e propaganda.
Motivar o pblico, a partir dos contatos e propagandas elaboradas por
esse prossional.
Trabalhos em atividades gerais.
Preocupar-se com o andamento das
atividades de suporte ao evento.
Trabalhos com a segurana do evento. Patrulhar a rea do evento, garantindo a sua segurana.
Trabalhos de entretenimento.
Entreter o pblico com danas,
canes, anunciando os eventos em
Comrcio de alimentos e bebidas.
Responsabilizar-se pelo fornecimento
de alimentao, durante os eventos.
Texto 3
1) D
2) B
3) D
4) A

Nvel sinttico-gramatical
1) A
Obs.: like pode ter algumas funes na Lngua Inglesa alm do verbo to like.
No caso deste exerccio, like um advrbio com o sentido de: similar a, como,
por exemplo.
2) a) infrastructure and regeneration all need to be completed in time;
b) an amazing 10% of the current Olympic workforce was previously
c) exciting construction jobs and civil engineering jobs to be lled;
d) Estimates suggest 180,000 more workers are needed.
3) C
4) B
Texto 4
1) B

Em ingls

Venda de bilhetes

ticket sales

Servios de segurana

security services

Nvel de
conhecimento de

Servios de alimentao caterers


public announcements

Oferecer informaes
sobre como chegar aos

giving directions


3) thousands of overseas visitors: milhes de visitantes estrangeiros

4) ...languages are going to be crucial to the success of the London 2012
Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Nvel lexical
1) D
2) A
Nvel sinttico-gramatical
1) D
2) A
3) As respostas podem variar.

Lendo em lngua estrangeira

:: Foco ::
Reetir sobre o que ler.
Obter informao sem conhecer a lngua.
Perceber o quanto j se sabe de ingls.

58 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Voc no mundo da leitura

f) na internet?

Voc j notou que est constantemente lendo, mesmo quando no se d

conta disso?

g) em outro local? Qual?

Foto: Sanja Gjenero. Disponvel em:

A leitura est presente em diferentes locais e em todos os momentos da

sua vida.

2) Nas frases a seguir, coloque a letra (A) nas lacunas quando voc considerar
a armao ADEQUADA e a letra (I), quando voc considerar a armao
a) ( ) O ato de ler um exerccio que depende do que voc j conhece.
b) ( ) Para ler um texto, preciso ler palavra por palavra, uma depois
da outra.
c) ( ) Para entender o texto todo, basta ler uma s vez.
d) ( ) A leitura uma construo que o leitor faz do texto.
e) ( ) Saber ler saber selecionar o que e como ler.
f) ( ) A leitura como a Arqueologia, se sai em busca de algo que est
oculto: o signicado do texto.
g) ( ) Sem o dicionrio no se consegue entender nada de um texto em
h) ( ) A leitura mais eciente quando o leitor dedica mais tempo para
organizar suas ideias e pensar sobre o texto.
i) ( ) preciso traduzir cada uma das palavras de um texto em ingls,
para entender o assunto.
3) Voc tambm tem muito contato com palavras em ingls no seu dia a dia. Por
exemplo, o que signicam os dois avisos a seguir?

Foto: 3veritas. Disponvel em:

Foto: Guenter M. Kirchweger. Disponvel em:

1) No dia de hoje, antes de comear a ler esta aula, o que voc leu:
a) em algum meio de transporte?
b) em alguma embalagem?

c) em algum anncio?

d) em algum jornal ou revista?

e) na TV?

Foto: Steph P. Disponvel em:

CAPTULO 8 :: 59

4) Voc j sabe muito mais ingls do que imagina! Os dizeres que selecionamos
a seguir foram retirados de cartazes ou locais comerciais do Rio de Janeiro.
Explique o que cada um informa:
a) Total Fitness Club:

5) Pense em outras palavras em ingls que voc j conhece:

na msica
na informtica no esporte na alimentao

b) Hit Parade:
c) EasyWash:
d) Hair Beauty:
e) Car Rental:
f) Entrance/Exit:
g) World Championship:
h) Financial Center:
i) Body Work:
j) Panoramic views:

6) Agora informe onde voc pode encontrar as etiquetas a seguir e o que elas

k) Shopping Mall:
l) Gym Center:
m) Delivery:
Foto: Micah Burke. Disponvel em:

n) Supermarket:
o) Business World:


p) Fitness Club:
q) iPhone:
r) Fastfood:
Foto: Jitheshvv. Disponvel em:

s) Lanhouse:
t) Home banking:


Foto: Daniel Tan. Disponvel em:

60 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1



Foto: Ayhan YILDIZ. Disponvel em:

Foto: Jeremy Mizell. Disponvel em:

7) Vamos agora a placas presentes em estacionamentos. Indique a informao

especca de cada uma:

8) Leia os bales abaixo e crie um ttulo para o texto que poderia acompanhar
essa imagem:

Foto: Mattox. Disponvel em:

Foto: Alexandre Kuyumjian. Disponvel em:

Um mundo desconhecido?
Foto: Dani Simmonds. Disponvel em:


Eis um texto em alemo. Se voc no conhece a lngua, como um detetive,

procure algumas pistas no texto:
Texto 1
Pianist Friedrich Gulda :: Ein Strauss fr Virtuosen

Foto: Malin Arnell. Disponvel em:


Foto: Tim Van de Velde. Disponvel em:

Foto: Mark Brannan. Disponvel em:

Der Pianist Friedrich Gulda wird stndig neu entdeckt. Nun sind gut 50 Jahre
alte Aufnahmen aufgetaucht: Der junge Wilde Gulda spielt Klavierwerke des
jungen Wilden Richard Strauss. Ein Wunder aus dem Archiv.

CAPTULO 8 :: 61

Richard Strauss auf dem Klavier? Da muss man schon Glenn Gould heien.
Der unkonventionelle Kanadier nahm sich seinerzeit das Melodram Enoch
Arden vor und auch die frhe Klaviersonate op. 5. Er hatte ein Herz fr den
unbekmmerten Strauss, der mit Klavierkompositionen experimentierte.
Adaptado de,1518,692968,00.html

1) Observe o grco. Qual o assunto?

2) O que as duas barras representam?

1) Aps a leitura:
a) Indique o tipo de texto e o assunto de que trata.
3) Como o Brasil encontra-se em relao a esse problema?
b) Faa uma lista das pistas que voc encontrou aqui.

2) Descubra, pelo contexto e pela semelhana com o portugus, o signicado

dessas palavras:
a) Virtuosen:

Agora observe os ttulos e os subttulos do Texto 3 e responda s perguntas

que se seguem:
Texto 3
Learning Styles & Gender Differences
Linguistic & logical
Visual-spatial & creative
Emotionally intelligent
Relate to people
Relate to things
Emphasis on communication
Emphasis on action

b) unkonventionelle:
c) Melodram:
d) Klaviercompositionem:
3) A expresso Ein Wunder aus dem Archiv revela a opinio do autor. Ela :
( ) positiva
( ) negativa

Agora leia o texto a seguir em ingls:

Thinks rst then does

Romantic ction

Does rst then thinks

Action books
Practical information

Will plan, edit and re-work

Will solicit help

Will do whats necessary


Texto 2
Children aged 5-14 engaged in child labour (%), by gender (1999-2008)
Least developed countries


Developing countries***



Audio-visual aids

Adaptado de

a) Qual o assunto do texto?




b) A que se refere a coluna da direita? E a da esquerda?

Source: UNICEF SOWC 2010

* Excludes Nigeria

** Excludes China

*** Excludes Nigeria and China

Child labour
Around 1 in 3 children aged 514 in Africa labours, compared to only 1 in 20
in the Central and Eastern European/Commonwealth of Independent States (CEE/
CIS) region. Children living in the poorest households and in rural areas are most
likely to be involved in child labour. Boys are more likely to be engaged in child
labour than girls because the former are more likely to be engaged in economic
activity. Those burdened with household chores are overwhelmingly girls. Boys are
more likely to engage in child labour.
Adaptado de

c) Pela forma com que o tema foi tratado, qual seria a inteno do texto?

d) Leia o contedo das colunas. Voc concorda com essas diferenas? H

alguma da qual voc discorda?

A seguir, temos outro texto em ingls. Leia o ttulo e escreva uma frase sobre
o que o texto ir tratar:

62 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Texto 4
Alcohol and the Human Body :: Alcohols Properties
Alcohol is a general term denoting a family of organic chemicals with common
properties. Members of this family include ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, and
others. This introduction discusses the physical, chemical, and physiological aspects
of the most commonly ingested of these --- ethanol.
Alcohol (ethanol) is a clear, volatile liquid that burns (oxidizes) easily. It has a
slight, characteristic odor and is very soluble in water. Alcohol is an organic compound
composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen; its chemical formula is C2H5OH.
Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant and it is the central nervous
system which is the bodily system that is most severely affected by alcohol (see
chart below). The degree to which the central nervous system function is impaired
is directly proportional to the concentration of alcohol in the blood.
When ingested, alcohol passes from the stomach into the small intestine,
where it is rapidly absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body.
Because it is distributed so quickly and thoroughly the alcohol can affect the central
nervous system even in small concentrations. In low concentrations, alcohol reduces
inhibitions. As blood alcohol concentration increases, a persons response to stimuli
decreases markedly, speech becomes slurred, and he or she becomes unsteady and
has trouble walking. With very high concentrations greater than 0.35 grams/100
milliliters of blood (equivalent to 0.35 grams/210 liters of breath) a person can
become comatose and die. The American Medical Association has dened the blood
alcohol concentration level of impairment for all people to be 0.04 grams/100
milliliters of blood (equivalent to .04 grams/210 liters of breath). The following is
a generally accepted guide to the effects of alcohol.
Stages of alcohol intoxication
Clinical symptoms
(g/100 mAA
of blood or
g/210 A of
0.01 0.05 Subclinical Behavior nearly normal by ordinary observation
0.03 0.12 Euphoria
Mild euphoria,sociability, talkativeness;
Increased self-condence; decreased inhibitions;
Diminution of attention, judgment and control;
Beginning of sensorymotor impairment; Loss of
efciency in ner performance tests
0.09 0.25 Excitement Emotional instability; loss of critical judgment;
Impairment of perception, memory and
comprehension; Decreased sensitory
response; increased reaction time; Reduced
visual acuity; peripheral vision and glare
recovery; Sensory-motor incoordination;
impaired balance; Drowsiness
0.18 0.30 Confusion Disorientation, mental confusion; dizziness;
Exaggerated emotional states; Disturbances of
vision and of perception of color, form, motion
and dimensions; Increased pain threshold;
Increased muscular incoordination; staggering
gait; slurred speech; Apathy, lethargy

0.25 0.40


0.35 0.50


0.45 +


General inertia; approaching loss of motor

functions; Markedly decreased response to
stimuli; Marked muscular incoordination;
inability to stand or walk; Vomiting;
incontinence; Impaired consciousness; sleep
or stupor
Complete unconsciousness; Depressed
or abolished reexes; Subnormal body
temperature; Incontinence; Impairment of
circulation and respiration; Possible death
Death from respiratory arrest

Alcohol is absorbed from all parts of the gastrointestinal tract largely by simple
diffusion into the blood. However the small intestine is by far the most efcient
region of the gastrointestinal tract for alcohol absorption because of its very large
surface area. In a fasting individual, it is generally agreed that 20% to 25% of
a dose of alcohol is absorbed from the stomach and 75% to 80% is absorbed
from the small intestine. Because of this peak blood alcohol concentrations are
achieved in fasting people within 0.5 to 2.0 hours, (average 0.75 1.35 hours
depending upon dose and time of last meal) while non-fasting people exhibit
peak alcohol concentrations within 1.0, and in extreme cases up to as much as
6.0 hours (average 1.06 2.12 hours).
Alcohol has a high afnity for water and is therefore found in body tissues
and uids inasmuch as they contain water. Absorbed alcohol is rapidly carried
throughout the body in the blood and once absorption of alcohol is complete
an equilibrium occurs such that blood at all points in the system contains
approximately the same concentration of alcohol.
The liver is responsible for the elimination through metabolism of 95% of
ingested alcohol from the body. The remainder of the alcohol is eliminated through
excretion of alcohol in breath, urine, sweat, feces, milk and saliva. The body uses
several different metabolic pathways in its oxidation of alcohol to acetaldehyde to
acetic acid to carbon dioxide and water.
Healthy people metabolize alcohol at a fairly consistent rate. As a rule of
thumb, a person will eliminate one average drink or .5 oz (15 ml) of alcohol
per hour. Several factors in uence this rate. The rate of elimination tends to be
higher when the blood alcohol concentration in the body is very high or very low.
Also chronic alcoholics may (depending on liver health) metabolize alcohol at a
signicantly higher rate than average. Finally, the bodys ability to metabolize
alcohol quickly tends to diminish with age.
Adaptado de

CAPTULO 8 :: 63

1) A que pblico dirige-se esse texto?

2) Faa uma lista com pelo menos 20 palavras do texto que so iguais ou muito
parecidas com aquelas em portugus. Por exemplo: stupor = estupor; alcohol =
lcool; methanol = metanol.

2) Qual sua funo?

3) O que cada coluna da tabela informa?

4) Que tipo de gradao a tabela indica?

5) Coloque (V) para verdadeiro ou (F) para falso nas armaes abaixo.
a) Em pequenas concentraes, o lcool no afeta o sistema nervoso
central. ( )
b) O lcool ingerido permanece no estmago. ( )
c) O lcool queima facilmente. ( )
d) O intestino delgado a parte do corpo que menos absorve lcool. ( )
e) O corpo usa vrias formas para a excreo do lcool. ( )
f) A capacidade de metabolizao do lcool pelo corpo diminui com a
idade. ( )
6) Transcreva a frase que se refere morte por parada respiratria.

Nvel lexical
Para aumentar seu conhecimento de vocabulrio e de estrutura em Lngua
Inglesa muito importante que voc consiga deduzir o signicado das palavras
desconhecidas atravs do contexto onde se encontram. Vamos comear com as
que voc conhece.
1) Liste, em portugus, os 7 estgios de intoxicao por lcool que o texto

Nvel sinttico-gramatical
1) Sublinhe os adjetivos nas frases a seguir:
a) Alcohol is a general term denoting a family of organic chemicals with
common properties.
b) This introduction discusses the physical, chemical, and physiological
c) Alcohol (ethanol) is a clear, volatile liquid...
d) It has a slight, characteristic odor and is very soluble in water.
2) O que voc pode concluir sobre a colocao do adjetivo?

3) Sublinhe o pronome na seguinte frase e escreva a palavra a que ele se refere:

It has a slight, characteristic odor. (Referncia:
4) Sublinhe o suxo de duas palavras na frase it is distributed so quickly and
thoroughly que indica que so advrbios de modo:

64 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

5) Busque no texto cinco advrbios que tenham a mesma terminao.

6) Observe as formas a seguir, anote o que elas tm em comum e explique sua

a) Alcohols Properties

b) a persons response

c) the bodys ability

Palavras mais frequentes

Certas palavras ocorrem com mais frequncia do que outras. Vamos estudar
as palavras mais frequentes na Lngua Inglesa. Volte ao Texto 4 e veja quantas
vezes as palavras que esto no quadro a seguir aparecem, anote a frequncia e
indique a classe das palavras:

Do you nd this joke funny?

Teacher: Maria, please point to America on the map.
Maria: This is it.
Teacher: Well done. Now class, who found America?
Class: Maria did.
Submitted by: Kmankoolman. Source:

Lembre-se: seu sucesso depende em parte do quanto voc

consegue ler e entender o mundo. Se voc quer saber por que a leitura
importante, muitas razes esto expostas no texto a seguir, que
acrescentamos para que voc possa compartilhar essas ideias com
outras pessoas.

Why Is Reading Important?

1. Reading is fundamental to function in todays society. There are many
adults who cannot read well enough to understand the instructions on a medicine
bottle. That is a scary thought especially for their children. Filling out applications
becomes impossible without help. Reading road or warning signs is difcult. Even
following a map becomes a chore. Day-to-day activities that many people take for
granted become a source of frustration, anger and fear.
2. Reading is a vital skill in nding a good job. Many well-paying jobs require
reading as a part of job performance. There are reports and memos which must be
read and responded to. Poor reading skills increases the amount of time it takes to
absorb and react in the workplace. A person is limited in what they can accomplish
without good reading and comprehension skills.
3. Reading is important because it develops the mind. The mind is a muscle.
It needs exercise. Understanding the written word is one way the mind grows in
its ability. Teaching young children to read helps them develop their language
skills. It also helps them learn to listen. Everybody wants to talk, but few can really
listen. Lack of listening skills can result in major misunderstandings which can lead
to job loss, marriage breakup, and other disasters - small and great. Reading helps
children [and adults] focus on what someone else is communicating.
4. Why is reading important? It is how we discover new things. Books,
magazines and even the Internet are great learning tools which require the ability
to read and understand what is read. A person who knows how to read can educate
themselves in any area of life they are interested in. We live in an age where we
overow with information, but reading is the main way to take advantage of it.
5. Reading develops the imagination. TV and computer games have their
place, but they are more like amusement. Amusement comes from two words a
[non] and muse [think]. Amusement is non-thinking activities. With reading,
a person can go anywhere in the world...or even out of it! They can be a king, or
an adventurer, or a princess, or... The possibilities are endless. Non-readers never
experience these joys to the same extent.
6. In line with the above, reading develops the creative side of people. When
reading to children, stop every once in awhile and ask them what they think is
going to happen next. Get them thinking about the story. When it is nished, ask
if they could think of a better ending or anything that would have improved it. If
they really liked the story, encourage them to illustrate it with their own drawings
or to make up a different story with the same characters. Get the creative juices
7. Reading is fundamental in developing a good self image. Nonreaders or
poor readers often have low opinions of themselves and their abilities. Many
times they feel as if the world is against them. They feel isolated [everybody else
can read - which isnt true] and behavior problems can surface. They can perform
poorly in other subjects because they cannot read and understand the material
and so tend to give up.
8. Why is reading important? Lets keep going... Good reading skills,
especially in a phonics reading program, improve spelling. As students learn to
sound out letters and words, spelling comes easier. Also, reading helps to expand
the vocabulary. Reading new words puts them in their mind for later use. Seeing
how words are used in different contexts can give a better understanding of the
word usage and denitions than the cold facts of a dictionary.

CAPTULO 8 :: 65

9. There is an old saying, The pen is mightier than the sword. Ideas written
down have changed the destiny of men and nations for better or worse. The ow
of ideas cannot be stopped. We need to read and research to build on the good
ideas and expose the bad ideas before they bring destruction. Only by reading can
we be armed in this never-ending, life-and-death struggle.
10. The fact of the power of written ideas communicated through reading
is a foundational reason why some governments oppose free and honest
communication. Illiterate people are easier to control and manipulate. They
cannot do their own research and thinking. They must rely on what they are
told and how their emotions are swayed. There is a good possibility that this
is one of the main reasons phonics was removed from the schools about 100
years ago.
11. Finally, why is reading important? Reading is important because words spoken and written - are the building blocks of life. You are, right now, the result of
words that you have heard or read AND believed about yourself. What you become
in the future will depend on the words you believe about yourself now. People,
families, relationships, and even nations are built from words. Think about it.

1) As respostas so especcas de cada aluno.
2) a) (A); b) (I); c) (I); d) (A); e) (A); f) (I); g) (I); h) (A); i) (I).
3) a) aviso de sada
b) aviso de que proibido fumar
4) a) nome de academia de ginstica; b) msicas mais tocadas; c) nome de
lavanderia, ou lavagem de qualquer coisa; d) salo de beleza; e) aviso de aluguel
de automveis; f) cartaz de entrada/sada; g) campeonato mundial; h) centro
nanceiro; i) nome de academia de ginstica; j) vista panormica (turismo);
k) centro comercial (local de compras); l) academia de ginstica; m) entrega
em domiclio; n) supermercado; o) rma de negcios; p) nome de academia
de ginstica; q) celular; r) comida servida rapidamente; s) lojas onde a internet
pode ser acessada; t) acessar o banco de casa.
5) Respostas especcas de cada aluno
6) a) etiqueta colada em produtos que esto em liquidao; b) etiqueta
em roupas informando o preo do item, o tamanho e o desconto oferecido; c)
aviso de embarque em aeroporto; d) aviso de No Perturbe, usado em porta
de quarto de hotel.
7) a) indica local livre para estacionamento de qualquer veculo.
b) indica proibio de estacionamento permisso somente para carga e
c) estacionamento permitido por uma hora, de 2a a 6a, das 8h s 17h.
d) estacionamento especco para portadores de necessidades especiais.
Somente para veculos autorizados multa de at US$ 200.00 em caso de infrao.
e) limite de velocidade permitida: 30 milhas. Estacionamento proibido a
qualquer hora.
8) As respostas so especcas de cada aluno. Exemplo: o multilinguismo
nos dias de hoje.

Texto 1
1) a) Reportagem sobre o pianista canadense Friedrich Gulda, um virtuoso
da obra de Richard Strauss.
b) Pianist Friedrich Gulda Richard Strauss Klaviersonate op. 5
Virtuosen Kanadier Klavier- Klavierkompositionen experimentierte.
2) a) virtuoso; b) no convencional; c) melodrama; d) composio para
3) Positiva
Texto 2
1) Trabalho infantil
2) A barra mais escura (a de cima) representa o gnero feminino. A barra
cinza mais clara representa o gnero masculino.
3) No ndice dos pases em desenvolvimento (developing countries)
Texto 3
a) Estilo de aprendizado, de acordo com o gnero.
b) A coluna da esquerda refere-se a como o gnero feminino pensa e age. O
mesmo se aplica coluna da direita com relao ao gnero masculino.
c) Mostrar as diferenas entre os gneros.
d) As respostas so especcas de cada aluno.
Texto 4
A inuncia do lcool no corpo humano.
1) Ao pblico adulto, em geral.
2) Esclarecer sobre o efeito do lcool no corpo humano.
3) Os ndices de lcool no corpo, os estgios e os sintomas clnicos.
4) Quanto maior a quantidade de lcool no sangue, maior a intoxicao e
os riscos.
5) a) (F); b) (F); c) V; d) F; e) V; f) V.
6) Death from respiratory arrest
Nvel lexical
1) Subclnico, euforia, excitao, confuso, estupor, coma, morte
2) Lista de 20 palavras do texto que so iguais ou muito parecidas com
aquelas em portugus. H vrias palavras. Aqui listamos algumas, mas o aluno
poder listar mais.

66 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Volatile liquid
Central nervous system

Lquido voltil
Sistema nervoso central

Nvel sinttico-gramatical
1) a) Alcohol is a general term denoting a family of organic chemicals with
common properties.
b) This introduction discusses the physical, chemical, and physiological
c) Alcohol (ethanol) is a clear, volatile liquid...
d) It has a slight, characteristic odor and is very soluble in water.
2) O adjetivo usado antes do substantivo: organic chemicals physical
aspects volatile liquid...
3) It has a slight, characteristic odor (referncia: Alcohol )
4) quickly and thoroughly
5) severely, directly, rapidly, thoroughly e markedly
6) Todos apresentam o uso de s que indica posse, que pertence a:

Alcohols Properties
a persons response
the bodys ability
Most frequent words
the 41
of 42
to 21
and 25
in 14
that 04


artigo denido
artigo indenido
pronome pessoal
nesse texto ele aparece somente como pronome
relativo(ex. that burns)

As respostas so especcas de cada aluno.

Estratgias de leitura

:: Foco ::
Leitura rpida para reconhecimento do assunto geral (skimming).
Leitura rpida para busca de informao especca (scanning).
Inferncia e previso.
Cognatos e falsos cognatos.
Preposies (amid/among/between).

68 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Dentre as formas que podemos utilizar para ler um texto, h duas que so
muito usadas. Podemos identicar rapidamente as ideias principais de um texto
(skimming), por exemplo, quando lemos um jornal rapidamente. Isso tambm
acontece quando temos pouco tempo para ler muito texto. As estratgias de
skimming podem incluir a leitura do primeiro e ltimo pargrafos, as manchetes, sumrios, grcos, tabelas e ilustraes, que revelam o tema abordado pelo
texto. Voc tambm pode ler somente a primeira frase de cada pargrafo para
chegar ideia geral. Por exemplo, veja o texto em que a prova de vestibular da
UFRJ de 2003 se baseou:

Sports medicine
The curse of kicking Its bowlegs from balls

Outra tcnica de leitura scanning, usada, por exemplo, quando se busca

uma informao especca. Voc procura por palavras-chave ou ideias localizadas
que vo levar a uma resposta pontual. Essa tcnica leva o leitor a mover os
olhos rapidamente pelo texto procura de palavras ou frases determinadas. Por
exemplo, as perguntas feitas pelos examinadores da prova em questo esperam
que o candidato utilize essa estratgia. Eis as peguntas:
2) A que riscos de sade os praticantes de futebol esto expostos, a curto e longo
prazos, segundo os resultados da pesquisa de Erik Witvrouw?

3) Qual a recomendao feita pelo Dr. Witvrouw para os jovens que no querem
parar de jogar futebol?

Vamos ver como esta tcnica funciona de outra forma? Observe a gura a
seguir e d um ttulo para o texto que voc ir ler:

Foto: Andrzej Skwarczynski. Disponvel em:

Penalty kick: A European study shows that soccer causes preventable leg
deformities in teenagers.
Soccer may be our most popular European import since the Beatles. The sport
is now played by some 4 million American youths, most of whose parents view
it as a safe alternative to football. Soccer is relatively safe, but it is not without
health risks, and Belgian researchers have discovered a new one: bowlegs.
Ghent Universitys Erik Witvrouw led a study that examined 550 soccer
players ages 13 to 18. The teenagers stood with their feet together while
researchers measured the distance between their knees. The longer the kids had
played the game, the wider the gap grew. In young people, bowlegs are chiey
a cosmetic nuisance, though the condition can sometimes increase the risk of
ligament damage. In later life, however, bowlegs can lead to arthritis.[]
Witvrouw says the condition stops worsening after the age of 18. And he
hastens to add that he is not recommending that kids give up playing soccer.
Instead, he suggests regularly stretching the inner muscles of the knee and
strengthening the outer muscles in order to keep them balanced.
Popular Science, September 2002: 34.
Disponvel em:

1) Atravs da ilustrao, da legenda, do ttulo e das primeiras frases de cada

pargrafo, voc pode dizer qual o assunto do texto?

Foto: Cezar Perelles. Disponvel em:

Ao dar o ttulo ao artigo, voc, de certa forma, est fazendo um brevssimo

resumo, indicando ao leitor que tema que vai ser tratado. Lembre-se das estratgias para ler um texto: skimming (para informao geral) e scanning (para busca
de informao especca).
Agora, leia rapidamente o texto a seguir sem se deter nos detalhes para
vericar se o ttulo que voc deu est adequado. Se no estiver, mude o ttulo
que voc havia sugerido.

CAPTULO 9 :: 69

Texto 1
Amid growing evidence that
secondhand smoke is causing cancers and possibly a range of other
health problems in pets, many
groups are intensifying efforts to
encourage people to stop smoking
if not for their own sake, then for
their animals.
Veterinarians are redoubling
efforts to warn smokers of the
dangers to their pets, and smokingcessation programs, including Utah
Foto: Pat Herman.
Tobacco Prevention and Control,
Disponvel em:
Breathe New Hampshire and, have posted fact sheets or printable iers on their websites.
Some groups are sharing information where animal acionados gather, including
at last months Dachshund Dash in Oklahoma City, where the Oklahoma County
Tobacco Use Prevention Coalition warned of secondhand smokes dangers to dogs.
Although studies showing strong links between smoking and pets are limited
to a few cancers, veterinary oncologist Aarti Sabhlok, who treats 40 or more cancer
patients a week at San Francisco Veterinary Specialists, believes an animal in an
environment with constant exposure to a toxin, and that would include cigarette
smoke, could be at greater risk of developing tumors.
It may seem odd to believe that people who continue to smoke despite the
risks to themselves and others might pay heed when pets health is jeopardized,
but we know people sometimes pay more attention to their pets well-being,
Hansen says.

pets: animais de estimao
health: sade
secondhand: indireto (de segunda mo)
despite: apesar de. O mesmo que in spite of

1) Faa uma leitura mais pontual (scanning), prestando ateno a algumas

palavras, como as que destacamos a seguir e que aparecem no Texto 1. D o
signicado de cada:
a) evidence:
b) causing cancers:
c) possibly:
d) problems:
e) groups:

f) intensifying:
g) encourage:
h) stop:
i) veterinarians:
j) smoking cessation programs:
k) animal acionados:
l) including:
m) studies:
n) cancers:
o) veterinary oncologist:
p) tumors:
q) continue:
r) attention:
2) Busque a informao especca (scanning) para escolher a frase que melhor expressa a ideia principal do texto.
(A) Os veterinrios esto fumando muito e causando problemas aos animais.
(B) H estudos que mostram que fumar causa cncer nos animais de estimao.
(C) A preocupao com a sade do fumante muito mais importante do
que a de seus animais.
(D) H pessoas que ensinam seus animais de estimao a fumar.
(E) O fumo no necessariamente causa cncer nos bichos de estimao.
3) Escolha a opo correta com relao ao ltimo pargrafo em que o autor
expressa sua estranheza sobre o fato de que as pessoas:
(A) no param de fumar quando se do conta de que esto correndo risco
de morte.
(B) prestam mais ateno sua sade do que a de seus animais de estimao.
(C) podem parar de fumar se souberem que seus animais de estimao
esto em perigo.
(D) no assumem a responsabilidade pela proteo de seus animais.
(E) no levam em conta as leis que tm por objetivo proteger os animais.

70 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

4) Leia o ttulo que voc deu ao Texto 1 e verique se ele tem relao com o
ttulo original: Another reason to stop smoking: Your pets health.

Nvel lexical
As palavras introduzidas no incio do captulo so parecidas com as da lngua
portuguesa e tm signicado semelhante. Observe:
causing cancers

causando cnceres

Essas palavras so chamadas cognatas. Elas apresentam a mesma raiz e o

mesmo sentido nas duas lnguas. Liste no quadro a seguir mais 8 ocorrncias de
palavras cognatas que voc pode encontrar no Texto 1:

1) Observe os exemplos a seguir, retirados do Texto 1, e sublinhe o substantivo

a que o pronome their se refere em:
a) encourage people to stop smoking if not for their own sake, then for
their animals.
b) to warn smokers of the dangers to their pets.
c) and smoking-cessation programs, including Utah Tobacco Prevention and
Control, Breathe New Hampshire and, have posted fact
sheets or printable iers on their websites.
d) but we know people sometimes pay more attention to their pets wellbeing.
2) Outra palavra que voc precisa ter em mente ao ler um texto em ingls e
que foi usada tambm no Texto 1 despite. Veja se voc consegue entender a
manchete a seguir, que depende do uso dessa preposio:
Despite the rain, Lotus Festival enjoys magical weekend
By Mike Leonard. September 26, 2011

Agora leia o Texto 2, relacionado rea mdica. Nosso objetivo mostrar

que termos tcnicos tendem a ser cognatos e podem tornar a leitura mais fcil.

Texto 2

Voc j percebeu que a leitura de um texto tcnico nem sempre to difcil?

Muitas vezes, o vocabulrio utilizado no texto em ingls tem a mesma origem
daquele utilizado em portugus. Veja a expresso daily aspirin therapy. Aqui voc
encontra as palavras cognatas aspirin, que corresponde a aspirina e therapy,
a terapia. E daily? Isso mesmo: retirando o suxo formador de advrbio -ly
(-mente), chegaremos a day (dia). Daily, ento, quer dizer diariamente.

Nvel sinttico-gramatical
Ainda do Texto 1, vamos tratar de pronomes e suas referncias. Para no repetir palavras, o autor usa, muitas vezes, pronomes que as substituem. O pronome possessivo their em Veterinarians are redoubling efforts to warn smokers of
the dangers to their pets faz referncia ao substantivo smokers que o antecede.

Foto: Adam Ciesielski. Disponvel em

Should you take a daily aspirin?

Whether you need daily aspirin therapy depends on your risk of heart disease
and stroke. Risk factors for a heart attack or stroke include:
Smoking tobacco
High blood pressure a systolic pressure of 140 millimeters of mercury
(mm Hg) or higher or a diastolic pressure of 90 mm Hg or higher

CAPTULO 9 :: 71

Total cholesterol level of 240 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) 6.22

millimoles per liter (mmol/L) or higher
Low-density lipoprotein (bad) cholesterol level of 130 mg/dL (3.37
mmol/L) or higher
Lack of exercise
Having more than two alcoholic drinks a day for men, one drink a day for
Family history of a stroke or heart attack
If youve had a heart attack or stroke, chances are your doctor has talked to
you about taking aspirin to prevent a second occurrence.
If you have strong risk factors, but have not had a heart attack or stroke, you
may also benet from taking an aspirin every day. First, youll want to discuss with
your doctor whether you have any conditions that make taking aspirin dangerous
for you.

Identique as informaes que voc pode encontrar facilmente no texto:

1) O uso dirio de aspirina...
(A) representa um risco para o corao.
(B) no pode ser adotado, se voc fumante.
(C) depende do risco de voc vir a ter um infarto ou um derrame.
(D) pode causar todos ou alguns dos problemas citados no texto.
2) Os fatores de risco que podem causar um infarto ou derrame incluem:
(A) fumo, presso baixa e diabetes.
(B) falta de exerccio, estresse e beber duas garrafas de bebida alcolica
por dia.
(C) presso alta, falta de exerccio e histrico familiar.
(D) uso dirio de aspirina.
3) Marque (F) falsa ou (V) verdadeira em cada uma das armaes a seguir.
a) Se voc tiver tido um derrame, seu mdico pode ter receitado aspirina
para prevenir outro derrame. ( )
b) O mdico falou com voc sobre a aspirina porque ele teve uma segunda
ocorrncia de um infarto. ( )
c) Se voc tem fatores de risco, mas nunca teve um infarto, voc no deve
tomar aspirina. ( )
d) Converse com o seu mdico se voc tem condies de tomar aspirina para
evitar riscos sua sade. ( )
4) Assinale as concluses verdadeiras a que voc chega, aps ler o texto.
(A) Medicamentos so necessrios e devem ser tomados de qualquer maneira.
(B) Os fatores causadores de infarto ou derrame esto ligados aos hbitos
alimentares e rotina de vida.
(C) Tomar aspirina diariamente depende do parecer mdico sobre sua sade
e dos riscos possveis.
(D) Bebidas alcolicas so as principais causadoras de problemas no corao.

Nvel lexical
1) Liste os termos tcnicos encontrados no Texto 2 que so muito parecidos nas
duas lnguas:

2) Observe o uso das palavras if e whether no Texto 2 e marque a opo correta.

Essas palavras indicam:
(A) concluso.
(B) condio.
(C) comparao.
(D) concesso.
(E) contraste.

Voc deve ter se dado conta de que if e whether signicam, em

portugus, se. Vamos nos deter um pouco nessa explicao, j que essas
duas palavras so muito usadas na Lngua Inglesa:
If usado em frases que indicam uma condio, como em:
If you like Facebook, youll love this

If e whether so usados em situaes de dvida, como ocorre em:

Find out how to identify if (or whether) you have lead paint in your
house, and how to remove it safely.

somente whether usado quando houver or not na frase. Veja

nesse exemplo:
Whether or not Canadians agree, tax revenues must increase.

Se voc quiser exercitar seu conhecimento de if e whether, acesse

3) Observe as frases a seguir e complete a resposta com o que elas tm em

a) secondhand smokes dangers
b) when pets health is jeopardized
c) their pets well-being
Resposta: as trs frases tm em comum

72 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Voc h de concordar conosco que a compreenso do Texto 2 foi facilitada

pelo uso de cognatos, certo? Mas a leitura nem sempre to fcil. H um perigo
rondando em cada esquina. Nem sempre as semelhanas ajudam. Pelo contrrio:
cuidado com os false friends.

Agora, leia o Texto 3 e responda ao que se pede:

Texto 3

Foto: Elvis Santana. Disponvel em:

Gustave Dore. Little Red Riding Hood.
Disponvel em:

Nosso foco, agora, so os falsos cognatos (false friends): lembram palavras

do portugus, porm tm signicados bem diferentes.
4) Veja os ttulos retirados da internet e preencha o quadro a seguir com o
signicado do falso cognato:
How to Become an Expert on Nearly Any Subject
Retired & Senior Volunteer Programme
Did CNN Compromise Coverage?
What does this odd behaviour actually mean?
The Business of Software: Odd Discount Policy
The Z. Smith Reynolds Librarys Faculty Lecture Series features talks and
discussions by WFU faculty and others

Appointment delays: Every month, record the date of each clinicians 3rd
(chronologically) available appointment for a preventive care visit (e.g., well-child
visit, physical). To get the 3rd available appointment, pretend a patient calls and
the rst 2 chronological appointments with a clinician do not work for the patient.

Coloque no quadro a seguir trs falsos cognatos, retirados do Texto 3, e

explique o signicado de cada um:
Falso Cognato

CAPTULO 9 :: 73

Nvel sinttico-gramatical
Vamos procurar os sujeitos das frases? Para ajudar na leitura, sempre
interessante primeiro localizar-se o verbo, examin-lo quanto ao tempo e modo,
e depois localizar o termo ao qual ele se refere.

Foto: Marlia Florncio Santos. Disponvel em:

1) Baseando-se no seu conhecimento anterior da Lngua Inglesa, assinale as

palavras que voc classicaria como o ncleo do sujeito nas frases a seguir retiradas do Texto 1:
a) secondhand smoke is causing cancers.
b) some groups are sharing information.
c) studies showing strong links between smoking and pets are limited to a
few cancers.

between: entre duas coisas, pessoas, lugares

among: tambm signica entre no contexto (entre mais de duas coisas,
pessoas, lugares)
Verique seus usos nos exemplos:
Amid animals I feel very happy.
Between you and me, I prefer dogs.
Veterinarians generally work among animals.
4) Para consolidar seu aprendizado, preencha as lacunas nos ttulos a seguir
retirados da internet com amid, between ou among.
a) Confronting zoonoses through closed collaboration
medicine and veterinary medicine.
b) Cooperation
Animals: An Evolutionary Perspective.
c) Animal charity saves 60 elephants
d) Differences
humans and animals.
e) Abandoned whale calf put down
angry protests.
5) Look at the pictures and complete the dialogues with among or between:
At Bird Park

2) Considerando as frases do exerccio anterior, voc diria que essas questes:

a) ( ) so coisas do passado.
b) ( ) esto ocorrendo atualmente.
c) ( ) pertencem a um futuro prximo.
3) Sublinhe os verbos nas frases a seguir e explique a diferena do uso do tempo
presente nesses dois casos:
a) Veterinarians are redoubling efforts to warn smokers of the dangers to
their pets.

Foto: Ashok H.D. Disponvel em:

a) One amingo to the group: Where is my wife ? My wife is the source of

my inspiration my angel of love!
The group: Just look for her. Shes
Adapted from

b) People sometimes pay more attention to their pets well-being.

Voc deve ter percebido que no texto tambm so encontradas formas verbais terminadas com -ing em:
amid growing evidence...
links between smoking and pets.
Nesses casos, o uso de -ing ocorre devido sua colocao junto a duas preposies amid e between. Ambas signicam entre, mas so usadas em contextos
diferentes. Veja:
amid (ou amidst): circundado por, em geral em situaes de confuso,
barulho ou excitao.

Foto: Mike Munchel. Disponvel em:

b) Bird on the left: Boy, just

us! I needed this food
Bird on the right: Yeah, me too. I have a much higher metabolism than you
Worms: Have you both gone mad?
Adapted from

74 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Para relembrar o que voc aprendeu sobre a conjuno if, observe o texto
a seguir:
What if tigers did become extinct?

Foto: Sias van Schalkwyk. Disponvel em:

WWF devotes considerable resources to its campaign to save the tiger from
extinction. But does it really matter? After all, doesnt evolution mean that some
species disappear over time? What would happen if we just let tigers die out?

Como voc deve ter notado, trata-se de uma campanha de preservao da

natureza. Reita: o que signicaria o desaparecimento de mais uma espcie?

1) O texto arma que a prtica de futebol pode causar uma deformao nas
pernas de adolescentes.
2) Segundo os resultados da pesquisa de Erik Witvrouw, os praticantes de
futebol esto expostos, a curto prazo, a leses nos ligamentos e, a longo prazo,
3) Dr. Witvrouw recomenda, para os jovens que no querem parar de jogar
futebol, o alongamento regular dos msculos internos do joelho e o fortalecimento dos msculos externos, para mant-los em equilbrio.
Ttulo para a leitura: As respostas podem variar.
Texto 1
1) a) evidncia; b) causando cnceres; c) possivelmente; d) problemas;
e) grupos; f) intensicando; g) encorajar; h) parar; i) veterinrios; j) programas
para parar o fumo; k) amantes (accionados) de animais; l) incluindo;
m) estudos; n) cnceres; o) oncologista veterinrio; p) tumores; q) continuam;
r) ateno
2) B
3) C
4) As respostas podem variar.

Nvel lexical
E, ainda, outras palavras, como: specialists (especialistas), constant (constante), toxin (toxina), including (incluindo), risk (risco), tumors (tumores), continue (continue), attention (ateno).
Nvel sinttico-gramatical
1) a) people; b) smokers; c) and smoking-cessation programs; d) people
2) Apesar da chuva
Texto 2
1) C
2) C
3) a) (V); b) (F); c) (F); d) (V)
4) B; C
Nvel lexical


2) B
3) As trs frases apresentam o uso do caso genitivo (s), que d a ideia
de posse.
na verdade

CAPTULO 9 :: 75

Texto 3
Falso Cognato
Nvel sinttico-gramatical
1) a) smoke
b) groups
c) Studies
2) B

hora ou data marcada

3) a) Veterinarians are redoubling efforts to warn smokers of the dangers to

their pets. Verbo no presente contnuo.
b) People sometimes pay more attention to their pets well-being. Verbo no
presente simples.
O presente contnuo expressa a ideia de uma ao que est ocorrendo no
momento em que se est falando. O presente simples expressa a ideia de uma
ao rotineira, repetitiva. No exemplo, a palavra sometimes indica que a ao se
repete algumas vezes.
4) a) between; b) among ; c) amid; d) between; e) amid
5) a) among; b) between

Tipo e funo de texto

:: Foco ::
Reconhecer tipos e funes diferentes de textos.
Classicar palavras.
Reconhecer campo semntico.

78 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Voc j deve ter percebido como o ingls muito usado em anncios

brasileiros. Veja essa notcia:


1) Aps ler os Textos 1 e 2, qual voc identica como:

a) uma denio:
b) um anncio:

O comrcio adora um estrangeirismo. Depois de sale e Valentines Day,

agora chegou a vez de ... red friday, nome novo para as velhas liquidaes.
O Globo, 26 de novembro de 2011, RIO, p. 39.

Os dias de semana em ingls so grafados com letra maiscula (Monday,

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday). No entanto, no cartaz
houve uma adaptao para letra minscula.
Alm de serem usadas no comrcio, palavras em ingls tambm fazem parte
do nosso cotidiano em msicas e lmes. A seguir, est o cartaz de um lme
recente. Leia os Textos 1 e 2 a seguir:
Texto 1
Robin Hood. A legendary English outlaw of the 12th century, famous for his
courage, chivalry, and practice of robbing the rich to aid the poor.

2) Com base no seu conhecimento prvio sobre redao, aponte as caractersticas

principais dos dois textos, no que se refere ao tipo de linguagem e ao objetivo
de cada um:
a) Texto 1:

b) Texto 2:

3) Retire do Texto 2:
a) um falso cognato:

b) uma palavra cognata:

Texto 2
Robin Hood: The Legend

c) uma palavra muito usada da mesma forma em portugus:

Faa uma leitura rpida dos Textos 3 e 4 a seguir e responda ao que

se pede:
Texto 3
Classic Hollywood: 100 years of Robin Hood movies Russell
Crowes Robin Hood
By Susan King

The legend of Robin Hood is rmly entrenched in British folklore an archer

and swordsman who, with his band of merry men, robbed from the rich and gave
to the poor during the early 12th century in Nottinghamshires Sherwood Forest.
Originally portrayed as a commoner, Robins image changed so that he was later
thought of as a nobleman who lost his lands and was cast out as an outlaw.
The earliest surviving ballads telling his story are dated to the 15th century or
early 16th century. And, of course, Robin Hood has long been a cinematic favorite,
dating back to 1909s silent Robin Hood and His Merry Men. With Russell Crowe
playing the hero in Ridley Scotts new version of the adventure, Robin Hood,
opening Friday, we take a look at a few of the actors who would be Robin.,0,4922472.photogallery

Foto: Olaf1541. Disponvel em

(acessado em 10/01/2011)

Texto 4
Solid is the keyword. From the screenplay, to the cinematography and the
performance, the lm is based on solid grounding. Indeed, we couldnt imagine
less from the people assembled on the project. And the rst signs are indeed good,
starting as an origin story that traces Robins steps returning from the Crusades and

CAPTULO 10 :: 79

arriving in Nottingham. The plot is immediately both compelling and fresh with
regards to the well known tale.

1) Qual o tema dos dois textos?

2) Qual a funo de cada um?

a) Texto 3:

7) Escolha a opo que melhor expressa o signicado do primeiro pargrafo do

Texto 3.
(A) Primeiro, Robin Hood foi descrito como um arqueiro rico que cou pobre
e passou a roubar dos ricos para acumular fortuna.
(B) O legendrio Robin Hood tem duas imagens: uma de morador da
oresta de Sherwood e outra em que ele pensava ser um nobre.
(C) Robin Hood roubava dos ricos para dar aos pobres e foi retratado
primeiro como um homem comum e, depois, como um nobre que perdeu suas
terras e acabou se tornando um fora da lei.
(D) Robin Hood tinha uma banda de homens ricos que tocava na oresta.
8) Retire os trechos de onde essas informaes podem ser inferidas.
a) Filmagens de Robin Hood tm uma longa tradio.

b) Texto 4:
b) Este lme uma nova verso desta aventura.
3) Comente as caractersticas desse(s) tipo(s) de texto(s):
a) Texto 3:

b) Texto 4:

4) No Texto 4, qual a opinio do autor sobre a lmagem? Como voc sabe?

Escreva sua resposta a seguir:

9) Com relao ao Texto 4, marque (V) verdadeiro ou (F) falso.

a) Slida a senha para se assistir ao lme. ( )
b) O lme slido, mas deveria ter menos pessoas no projeto. ( )
c) No lme, Robin Hood pisa em solo rme. ( )
d) A palavra-chave para se descrever o lme solidez. ( )
e) O lme slido porque a equipe excelente. ( )
Eis agora um texto bem diferente do que os que voc leu at aqui:

Agora, leia outro trecho do Texto 4:

For both these reasons, the epic sense of greatness that saturates Mr. Scotts
similar works never works in this one. Indeed, in the anticipated climax of the
battle, slow motion shots fall at, and emotion never reaches an expected high,
in spite of the lms competence in the action scenes.

5) Verique se a opinio do autor continua a mesma.

( ) Sim
( ) No
6) Com relao ao Texto 3, responda s perguntas a seguir:
a) A lenda de Robin Hood antiga? Como isso est dito no texto?

b) O texto refere-se a duas lmagens: de quando so?

Texto 5
Good Old Fashioned Pancakes
1 1/2 cups all-purpose our
3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon white sugar
1 1/4 cups milk
1 egg
3 tablespoons butter, melted

Foto: Wong Mei Teng. Disponvel em:

In a large bowl, sift together the our, baking powder, salt and sugar.
Make a well in the center and pour in the milk, egg and melted butter;
Mix until smooth.
Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat.
Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for
each pancake.
Brown on both sides and serve hot.

80 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

1) As caractersticas desse texto so as mesmas dos Textos 3 e 4?

( ) Sim
( ) No
2) Qual a funo desse texto?

3) Que forma verbal caracterstica nesse tipo de texto?

a) Exemplique:
b) Justique:

Nvel lexical
Preencha a tabela a seguir com palavras retiradas do Texto 5:

Helmsville Apts. - Price: Start from $550.00

Great location on Mount Pleasant Blvd. within 200 steps from Pleasant Mall.
Good neighborhood. Metro access on property gate. Limited no. apts.
Ad # :
Square ft.:

Paul Baker
832 748 432
Jan: 9, 2011
August 4, 2011
36 times
Adaptado de

1) Os textos dos dois quadros so do mesmo tipo?

( ) Sim
( ) No

Nvel sinttico-gramatical
D a classe das palavras destacadas:
a) baking powder:
b) Make a well:

2) Os dois textos tratam do mesmo assunto?

( ) Sim
( ) No
3) Faa um sumrio do que cada texto oferece no quadro abaixo:
Coluna 1
Coluna 2

c) lightly oiled griddle:

d) Brown on both sides:

Leia e compare as duas colunas do Texto 6:

Texto 6
Sales for health care company
We are looking for an individual who enjoys sales process. A candidate should
have good telephone manners.
Aug 12, 2011
November 20, 2011
11 times
Adaptado de

4) Quantas vezes cada anncio foi visitado na internet?



5) Em A candidate should have good telephone manners, entende-se que essa

habilidade :
(A) desejvel.
(B) necessria.
(C) irrelevante.
(D) obrigatria.

CAPTULO 10 :: 81

6) Copie do texto a frase que informa haver meio de transporte fcil para se
chegar ao imvel.

Agora, leia a carta a seguir:

Texto 8

7) O que foi criado e o que expira nas datas informadas?

Observe as fotos e a legenda a seguir:

Texto 7

Ilustrao: Jefferson Caador

Foto: Zsuzsanna Kilian. Disponvel em:

Although they drink only one glass at lunch, they are never very productive
in the afternoon. Guess why?
1) As fotos so importantes para voc perceber a inteno do texto?
( ) Sim
( ) No
2) Como voc avalia a produtividade dessas pessoas aps o almoo?
(A) Alta
(B) Mdia
(C) Baixa
3) Justique sua avaliao:

68 Pine Zaggat Lane

Hampervile, NE 25385
January 5, 2005
Dear Jolene,
I am sorry about forgetting our lunch date. It was completely my fault; I was
so busy at work that it must have slipped my mind. How about I treat you to lunch
next Wednesday, at the new Italian restaurant Julies at 12:30PM? I have marked
this date in my planner so I will not forget about it. Id just like to apologize again
for missing the lunch date.

1) Aps uma rpida leitura, marque (F) falso ou (V) verdadeiro.

a) Eric vai sair para lanchar com Jolene. ( )
b) Eles vo a um restaurante italiano. ( )
c) Eles vo se encontrar no restaurante s 12:30 p.m. ( )
d) Julie tambm vai ao encontro com eles. ( )
2) Encontre o correspondente em ingls:
a) esquecer:
b) encontro:
c) ocupado:
d) prxima 4a feira:
e) novo restaurante italiano:

82 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Leia os Textos 9 e 10
Texto 9
As I Lay Dying Synopsis
As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner is the story of the Bundren family fullling
their mothers last wish to take her body to the town where she wanted to be
buried. Faulkner presents the story in 59 separate monologues, each spoken or
thought by one of 15 characters.

3) Observe os Textos 4 a 10 e faa uma relao entre as colunas, levando

em considerao os tipos desses textos. Preste ateno ao layout, a guras, a
smbolos diversos etc.
Texto 4
( ) mensagem eletrnica
Texto 5
( ) piada
Texto 6
( ) receita
Texto 7
( ) artigo de revista
Texto 8
( ) sinopse de livro
Texto 9
( ) classicado
Texto 10
( ) carta

Texto 10
Estamos quase chegando ao nal do Mdulo 1. importante que voc
aplique as estratgias de leitura aprendidas at aqui para ler esse texto que
consideramos muito interessante. Esperamos que voc tambm goste.

Why Great People Never Stop Learning

Written by Hunter Nuttall

Foto: Dan Mulligan. Disponvel em:

From: Theresa M Regan <tregan@MIT.EDU>

Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 09:28:37 -0400
Subject: Spam Screening @ MIT - auto purging extended to 21 days...
Good Morning,
Your email account is set to auto-purge email messages older than 14 days
from your Spamscreen folder on the MIT mail system. IS&T wishes to alert you
to an upcoming change in this service effective Monday, October 4th, 2004. More
information about our service is available at: </services/email/nospam/>
Adaptado de

1) O livro de Faulkner segue uma narrativa tradicional?

( ) Sim
( ) No
2) O que signicam as palavras:
a) spoken:
b) thought:

Image courtesy of Hapal. Disponvel em:

As infants, were presented with a strange new world to discover. And with
nothing else to do, we dive in headrst, devoting all our time to learning how to
use our ve senses. At rst we appear completely hopeless, not even realizing that
our arms and legs are parts of our body. But soon enough, we start guring some
things out. Within a few months, we learn how to recognize faces better than a
computer can. Our rate of learning in those early days is truly extraordinary if you
think about it.
As kids, the world is our classroom. First we learn some basics like how to
sit Indian style, how to hold a crayon, how to cross the street, and how to share.
Not to mention learning thousands and thousands of words. We get older and
learn about Romeo and Juliet, World War II, and photosynthesis. Every year, we
can look back on ourselves the year before and be amazed at how much weve
learned. In college, things get a lot more specialized, but were still continuing to
learn all that we can.
And then, we just stop.
42% of all college graduates never read another book again. Ever. But
continuous learning is vital to making the most of what the world has to offer.

CAPTULO 10 :: 83

You could say that its what separates us from the animals. And there is evidence
to suggest that it plays a role in staving off mental diseases such as Alzheimers.
Here are some ways to make sure you dont break the habit of learning that
most people abandon after graduation.
Surveys show that a fth of Americans cant nd the U.S. on a world map.
And Ive heard some Americans say they dont know where Canada is (hint: up).
If people have such a horrible knowledge of geography, I have to think that they
probably havent traveled much.
Go visit a foreign country, where youll be forced to learn a new culture. Its
bound to be a shock to nd that not everyone does things the way youre used
to, and a culture shock means a learning experience. Even domestic travel can
provide new opportunities, as you get used to a new way of life in a different
part of the country.
Take up a new hobby
Simply beginning a new hobby can open you up to a brand new world
waiting to be discovered. Wine tasting, skiing, golf, paintingthe possibilities
are endless. Youll learn the intricacies of a new craft and meet new people. And
these people might be very different from you, giving you more opportunities to
learn new things.
Read books
You probably have a library very close to home thats paid for with your tax
dollars. If you just go there and read one book, youll be ahead of 42% of all
college graduates. If you prefer to read the latest books and have a little money,
theres no shortage of bookstores, not to mention Amazon. Reading is a cheap
form of entertainment with practically no risk of injury, and it boosts your brain
power a lot more than watching TV.
Read the newspaper
While Im not a fan of being inundated with the excessively negative news
that everyone seems to think is so important, you might consider some other parts
of the newspaper (in print or online). Beyond the stories about who was murdered
last night or how the economy is destroying your standard of living, theres this
often overlooked part called the Arts section. Here you can read insightful articles
on a wide variety of topics that you might not know much about. Best of all, you
can read it without feeling depressed.
Read blogs
Obviously, you already do this. There are countless people out there sharing
their knowledge on a huge range of niches, and anyone can nd plenty of blogs
that interest them. Because you can leave comments, blogging offers a level of
interaction that cant be matched by books.
Final thoughts
After you nish school, youll never again have someone giving you
homework. And while you probably spent many years looking forward to that,

its important to realize that learning is a big part of what makes life interesting.
When your learning is self-directed, it can be a lot more fun than school was. You
were given a large brain for a reason. Use it.

Texto 1 e Texto 2
1) a) uma denio Texto 1
b) um anncio Texto 2
2) Texto 1: descreve o signicado e a importncia de Robin Hood em um
texto explicativo
Texto 2: demonstra as ideias mais importantes do lme que est anunciando,
utilizando-se de frases curtas e diretas
3) a) legend (lenda e no legenda. Legenda em ingls subtitle); b)
classic; c) show
Texto 3 e Texto 4
1) Os dois textos tratam do mesmo lme, Robin Hood.
2) a) Texto 3 uma apresentao do lme.
b) Texto 4 uma crtica ao lme.
3) a) Texto 3 introduz o lme, explica o tema, apresenta seu protagonista
e situa Robin Hood na histria da Inglaterra.
b) Texto 4 oferece uma viso crtica do lme, utiliza adjetivos para
qualicar essa nova apresentao do heri Robin Hood, o que desperta no leitor
a curiosidade de assistir ao lme.
4) O autor faz crticas positivas ao lme que so observadas pelas seguintes
escolhas de linguagem:
Solid is the keyword
We couldnt imagine less from the people assembled on the project
The plot is immediately both compelling and fresh
5) No
6) a) muito antiga e data do sculo XII (during the early 12th century)
b) Uma em 1909 e a verso atual, que est sendo lanada agora.
7) (C)
8) a) Filmagens de Robin Hood tm uma longa tradio. Robin Hood has
long been a cinematic favorite
b) Este lme uma nova verso desta aventura. Ridley Scotts new version
of the adventure
9) a) (F); b) (F); c) (F); d) (V); e)(V)
Texto 5
1) No
2) Destina-se a ensinar a fazer panquecas.
3) Verbos no imperativo.
a) sift make pour mix heat brown serve
b) O imperativo indica as aes que devem ser tomadas a cada passo da
receita, em linguagem direta e objetiva.

84 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Nvel lexical
baking powder

frying pan


Texto 6
1) Sim. Ambos so anncios.
2) No. Um anuncia emprego e o outro imvel.
Coluna 1
Oferta de emprego para vendedor,
com boas maneiras

Coluna 2
Oferta de apartamento em boa vizinhana para alugar, com 1 quarto e
1 banheiro

4) a) 11 vezes
b) 36 vezes
5) (B)
6) Metro access on property gate
7) As datas referem-se ao incio e trmino dos anncios

Texto 7
1) Sim
2) Baixa
3) Embora seja um s copo, a quantidade de cerveja muito grande e eles
perdem a condio de trabalhar com ateno.
Texto 8
1) a)(F); b)(V); c)(V); d)(F)
2) a)esquecer forget
b) encontro date
c) ocupado busy
d) prxima 4a feira next Wednesday
e) novo restaurante italiano new Italian restaurant
Texto 9 e Texto 10
1) No. Porque Faulkner no escreve linearmente. Apresenta a histria
atravs de 59 monlogos separados, cada um, falado ou pensado por um dos
15 personagens.
2) a) spoken a forma do particpio passado do verbo speak falado
b) thought a forma do particpio passado do verbo think pensado
3) Texto 4 artigo de revista; Texto 5 receita; Texto 6 classicado; Texto
7 piada; Texto 8 carta; Texto 9 sinopse de livro; Texto 10 mensagem

Uso de dicionrio

:: Foco ::
Fazer busca informada.
Reconhecer tipos diferentes de dicionrios.
Identicar sinalizao de classe de palavras.

86 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Um dos mitos no aprendizado de uma lngua estrangeira o de que o

dicionrio imprescindvel. Isso nem sempre verdade. Como voc mesmo deve
ter percebido nas aulas anteriores, pode-se entender muito de um texto antes de
precisar usar um dicionrio. E, ao faz-lo, preciso pensar um pouco antes para
que a busca seja ecaz. Por exemplo, leia o texto a seguir:
Texto 1:
What to wear on a rst date
Deciding what to wear on a rst date is always difcult but very important.
Everyone makes instant judgments, even if its done subconsciously, we all do it
and what you are wearing will have massive impact on any judgment your date
makes about you. Get what you wear on a rst date right and look your best then
the rest will hopefully follow.

Foto: Felix Atsoram. Disponvel em:

What to wear on a rst date Having style

Having style is simply wearing the clothes that suit you and make you feel
comfortable. All you need to do is learn how to dress for success and get your style
right. Style is not about wearing designer labels, having that must-have accessory
that all the celebrities have or following the latest trends. All you need to have
is a little condence and be self aware and you will be able to make the most of
what you have. Simply concentrate on your good aspects and you will look good
and have genuine appeal.

... Voc no ca satisfeito e busca na internet outros dicionrios de livre

acesso e encontra o seguinte:

1) Voc conseguiu resolver adequadamente a traduo de What to wear on a

rst date?
( ) Sim
( ) No

Vamos supor que voc no conhea a palavra date e gostaria de

encontrar seu signicado no dicionrio. Hoje em dia, a internet oferece muitas
date [deyt] noun, verb, dated, dating.

1. a particular month, day, and year at which some event happened or

will happen: July 4, 1776 was the date of the signing of the declaration
of independence.
2. the day of the month: Is todays date the 7th or the 8th?
3. an inscription on a writing, coin, etc., that shows the time, or time
and place, of writing, casting, delivery, etc.: a letter bearing the date
January 16.
4. the time or period to which any event or thing belongs; period in
general: at a late date.

Results for date

tmara, data

2) Agora, veja a palavra em negrito no ttulo Health Benets of Dates.

A traduo datas adequada?
( ) Sim
( ) No
Veja que a palavra data no adequada para nenhum dos dois contextos,
mas, para Health Benets of Dates, voc j encontrou a palavra tmara, que
pertinente aqui. Para resolver o ttulo do primeiro texto, nalmente, voc faz
outra busca e encontra em
v. datar; namorar; sair com
s. data; encontro; compromisso; entrevista; tmara

Se voc recorrer ao tradutor eletrnico Translator, receber

a seguinte traduo: data. Estaria correta? Ser que existem outros signicados
para essa palavra, dependendo do contexto em que est inserida?

3) Alm das palavras, voc encontra algumas abreviaes. Explique o que so

as abreviaes:
a) v.

b) s.

CAPTULO 11 :: 87

4) Com base na sua pesquisa, qual a traduo adequada, ento, para a palavra
date em What to wear on a rst date?

Leia as denies retiradas do BBC English Dictionary:

date/deit/dates, dating, dated
1 NC A date is a particular day, for example 7th June 1990, or year, for
example 1066. No date was announced for the talks To date means
up until the present time. Their effects to date have been limited.
2 VO When you date something, you give the date when it began or was
made. How can we date these fossils?
3 VO When you date a letter or a cheque, you write the days date on it.
The letter was dated September 18, 1952.
4 N SING At a particular date means at a particular time or stage. The
matter may be worth pursuing at a later date.
5 V If something dates, it goes out of fashion. Her performance is in
danger of becoming dated.
6 NC A date is also an appointment to meet someone or go out with
them, especially someone of the opposite sex. Sorry I cant come
I have a date with Jill.
7 NC Your date is someone of the opposite sex that you have a date
with; used in American English. Her date says that he doesnt know
8 V-RECIP or V If you are dating someone of the opposite sex, you go
out regularly with them; used in American English. They didnt like the
idea of me dating?
9 NC A date is also a small, sticky dark brown fruit. Dates grow on palm
trees. Dates have been planted in this area for 20 years.
10 See also out-of-date, up-to-date.

Os dicionrios variam muito na forma de apresentar essas informaes. Por

exemplo, alguns organizam as denies de acordo com a frequncia de uso das
palavras; outros listam alfabeticamente. Se voc est utilizando um dicionrio
impresso, muito importante ler o prefcio. L voc encontrar uma explicao
sobre os cdigos e smbolos, e a forma como o dicionrio foi organizado.
Leia o texto a seguir:
Texto 2

Foto: Matteo Pescarin. Disponvel em:

Adaptado de BBC; English Dictionary. London: HaperCollins Publishers, 1992.

5) Indique o nmero da entrada que se refere traduo de date em:

a)What to wear on a rst date:

b)Health Benets of Dates:

O que esse breve exerccio nos mostra que devemos conhecer o contexto
das palavras antes de tentarmos buscar sua denio em dicionrios. As
informaes que os dicionrios geralmente trazem so sobre:
classe (se a palavra verbo, substantivo, adjetivo, advrbio, preposio etc.)
graa (como se escreve a palavra)
possveis denies
sinnimos e antnimos
formao da palavra (prexos, suxos etc.)
etimologia (a origem da palavra se deriva do latim, do grego etc.)

Foto: Mikha S. Disponvel em:

Determining the date of creation of a document is rarely possible. There is

certainly no general method for dating ink or typescript. It may be possible to nd
indirect evidence of age, such as:
The document may bear impressions of handwriting from some other
document of known age.
The letterheads and watermarks of business or personal stationery will be
modied from time to time by the manufacturer. Specimens of such paper from
the appropriate time may assist in determining whether a document could have
been in existence at that time.
Comparison of typewritten documents produced by an organisation over a
period of time may show whether a particular typewriter was in use at the relevant

88 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

time or only more recently. This technique can also be extended to documents
produced on a computer printer.

1) Veja se a palavra date que aparece no incio do texto tem o mesmo signicado
que no Texto 1?
( ) Sim
( ) No
2) Como voc sabe?

3) De acordo com o Texto 2, indique se as armaes abaixo so verdadeiras

(V) ou falsas (F).
a) muito fcil determinar, quando um documento foi criado. ( )
b) Os mtodos que indicam a idade do documento oferecem evidncias
indiretas. ( )
c) O tipo da mquina de escrever pode revelar a idade do documento. ( )
d) As marcas dgua jamais so modicadas pelo fabricante do papel. ( )
4) Escolha a opo correta. O uso da expresso such as em um texto indica
que, a seguir, o autor apresentar:
(A) nmeros.
(B) exemplos.
(C) marcadores.
(D) listas.

Nvel lexical
muito comum as palavras terem mais de um signicado. Eis algumas
denies para a palavra paper:

a) a substance made from wood pulp, rags, straw, or other brous material,
usually in thin sheets, used to bear writing or printing, for wrapping thing, etc.
b) a piece, sheet, or leaf of this.
c) a newspaper or journal.
d) an essay, article, or dissertation on a particular topic: a paper on early
Mayan artifacts.
e) often, papers. A document establishing or verifying identity, status, or the
like: citizenship papers.
f) negotiable notes, bills etc.
g) a set of questions for an examination, an individual set of written answers
to them, or any written piece of schoolwork.
h) (verb) to apply wallpaper to walls.
i) (idiom) on paper, in written or printed form.

Agora, correlacionando as colunas, veja qual das denies se aplica a cada

uma dessas frases ou ttulos e insira o nmero da denio correspondente aos
exemplos a seguir.
( ) In this paper, we present Google, a prototype of a large-scale search
engine which makes heavy use of the structure present in hypertext.
( ) How was paper made? This article discusses the processes involved and
a short history of the process.
( ) Basketball on Paper: Rules and Tools for Performance Analysis.
( ) International Legal English Certicate Sample Exam Papers.
( ) Find out about legal size paper here.
( ) Daily Trust is a National daily based in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria. The
paper reports current general interest news and commentary.
( ) Collectible Brazil Paper Money Marketplace.
( ) The Electronic Privacy Papers: Documents on the Battle for Privacy in the
Age of Surveillance.
( ) Do you have to paper a wall with lining paper before you paint it?

Nvel sinttico-gramatical
Vamos voltar a algumas abreviaes que apareceram nas entradas de
dicionrio nesta aula:

Classe de palavras
adj. adjective (adjetivo)
n. noun (substantivo)
NC ou N COUNT (countable noun) (substantivo contvel)
A. (adverb)
adv. adverb (advrbio)
prep. preposition (preposio)
v. verb (verbo)
v.t. (transitive verb) (verbo transitivo) ou V+O (verb + direct object)
v.i. (intransitive verb) (verbo intransitivo) ou v +o.i. (verb + indirect
conj. conjunction (conjuno)
pron. pronoun (pronome)
interj. interjection (interjeio)
PHR. phrase (locuo)

Agora, leia as denies a seguir e responda ao que se pede:

CAPTULO 11 :: 89

From Collins Cobuild Dictionary

date /deit/, dates, dating, dated.
1 A date is a specic time that can be named, for
example a particular day or a particular year. EG
Whats the date today?... No date was announced for
the talks... What dates in April would you be free?
2 When you date something, you give the date when
it began or when it was made. EG The specialist can
date many rocks... The statue was found near a sandal
dated at 6000BC... From that moment we may date
Britains start back on the road to recovery.
See also carbon dating.
3 When you date something such as a letter or a
cheque, you write that days date on it. EG The letter
was dated September 18 1952.
4 At a later date or at some future date means at
some time in the future, although you do not know
exactly when it will be.
5 If something has happened or been true to date,
it has happened or been true until the present time.
EG We need a simple record of what has happened
to date.
6 If something dates, it goes out of fashion and becomes
unacceptable to modern tastes. EG Hes a great fashion
designer, his stuff doesnt date See also dated.
7 If your ideas or the things that you like or can remember
date you, they show that you are quite old or older than
the people you are with.
8 A date is also 8.1 an appointment to do something,
for example go to a social event. EG She couldnt go
because of a theatre date. 8.2 an appointment you
have to go out with someone of the opposite sex, for
example your girlfriend or boyfriend; an informal use.
EG Sorry I cant come I have a date with Jill.
9 Your date is a person of the opposite sex that you
have a date with; used mainly in American English. EG
Whos your date tonight?
10 If you are dating someone of the opposite sex, you
go out regularly with them; used especially in American
English. EG Jenny told them she was dating me.
11 A date is also a small, dark-brown, sticky fruit
with a stone inside. Dates grow on palm trees in hot
countries. A date or a date palm is a tree on which
dates grow.
12 See also out-of-date, up-to-date

1) Qual a classe da palavra date em:

a) Denio 1:
b) Denio 2:
c) Denio 4:
d) Denio 10:
e) Denio 11:


2) Nas Denies 5, 6 e 7, observe o uso da conjuno if e escreva abaixo qual

a sua funo:

A yet so far



POSS + N =
V+O =go out

3) Observe a ocorrncia da palavra when na Denio 2. Escolha a opo

correta: Ela indica...
(A) valor.
(B) peso.
(C) extenso.
(D) tempo.
(E) quantidade.
4) Agora observe a ocorrncia da palavra although na Denio 4. Escolha a
opo que oferece a melhor traduo para ela:
(A) alm de.
(B) consequncia.
(C) ainda que.
(D) j que.
(E) embora.

Veja although em uma situao real:

Laughing Hard Although She Has to Work Hard on Sunday


Adaptado de Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary, Edited by John Sinclair.

London: Collins ELT, 1987.
Foto: A. Feldmann. Disponvel em:

90 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

She is one of many waitresses and waiters who spend their Sundays working
hard at area restaurants while customers eat and relax before their own work
weeks begin Monday.

Leia o texto a seguir e responda ao que se pede:

Texto 3

5) Observe as denies para a palavra date no Standard College Dictionary.

date1 (dt) n. 1. A particular point of time; especially, the time of the
occurrence of an event. 2. The part of a writing, inscription, coin, statue,
etc., that tells when or where and when, it was written or made. 3. The
age of period to which a thing belongs: a town of ancient date. 4. The
term or duration of a thing. 5. The day of the month. 6. Informal A social
appointment or engagement for a specied time. 7. Informal A person of
the opposite sex with whom such an appointment is made. Abbr. d., D.
to date Up to and including the present day; till now. v. dat ed,
dat ing v.t. 1. To furnish or mark with a date. 2. To ascertain the time
or era of; assign a date to. 3. U.S.Informal To make an appointment
with (a member of the opposite sex). v.i. 4. To have origin in an era
or time: usually with from: This coin dates from the Renaissance. 5. To
reckon time. 6. Informal To have appointments with members of the
opposite sex [< F < L data, fem. pp. of dare to give; from rst word of
Latin formula giving a letters date and place of writing] dat a
ble adj. dater n.
date2 (dt) n. 1. The sweet fruit of the date palm, enclosing a single
hard seed. 2. A palm (Phoenix dactylifera) bearing this fruit: also date

Foto: Benjamin Earwicker. Disponvel em:

A husband read an article to his wife about how many words women use a
day: 30,000 to a mans 15,000. The wife replied, The reason has to be because
we have to repeat everything to men.
The husband then turned to his wife and asked, What?

1) Como se chama esse tipo de texto?

2) Qual a inteno do autor?

Adaptado de Standard College Dictionary, NY: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. 1963.

De acordo com esse dicionrio, o uso da palavra date como encontro

amoroso :
( ) formal
( ) informal
6) De que forma essa denio difere daquelas oferecidas nas Denies 8 e 9
do Collins Cobuild English?

3) De acordo com o texto, quem usa mais palavras?

4) Que palavra provoca no leitor a reao que o autor pretende?

Na prova de vestibular, voc no ter acesso ao dicionrio. Vamos ver o
quanto voc j sabe e pode inferir da pergunta:
1) (UERJ/2010) They want their ction to answer the question what if, not
just the question what is.
The expressions in quotation marks refer respectively to the concepts of:
(A) denial and assertion
(B) unreality and realism
(C) commonality and rarity
(D) possibility and impossibility

CAPTULO 11 :: 91

Read the text below and answer the questions:

Most people know what an iPod is, but (60) According to one theory, its an
acronym for Interface Protocol Option Devices. (61), i stands for internet,
while Pod stands for portable device. A pod also refers to a container provided
by nature: peas grow in a pod, and na iPod contains music. Podcasting, on the
other hand, is a variation of broadcasting. Now you can download programs from
the internet onto your iPod, (62) on the radio.
Speak Up, n 231.

2) De acordo com o Texto 3,

(A) o iPod, segundo mais de uma teoria, um invlucro natural.
(B) o iPod, de acordo com mais de uma teoria, um anacronismo.
(C) o iPod algo conhecido pela maioria das pessoas.
(D) a Internet permitiu a criao, ainda que terica, de uma variante de
gravador de msicas.
(E) o iPod, um aparelho porttil, pode ser usado como internet.
3) (CEFET/2007) No Texto 3, a analogia entre o iPod e a vagem justica-se
(A) ambos so invlucros naturais.
(B) ambos abrigam algo em seu interior.
(C) os dois so portteis.
(D) nenhum dos dois de grande porte.
(E) os dois desempenham funes orgnicas.

Texto 1
1) No
2) No
3) a) verbo b) substantivo
4) date s. encontro; compromisso
5) a) 6 b) 9
Texto 2
1) No
2) Pelo contexto em que a palavra encontra-se e j sabendo das
possibilidades de signicao da palavra date, conclui-se pelo signicado data.
Outras palavras, como creation, age tambm ajudam na sua compreenso.
3) a) (F); b) (V); c) (V); d) (F).
4) (B)
Nvel lexical
(d) In this paper, we present Google, a prototype of a large-scale search
engine which makes heavy use of the structure present in hypertext.
(a) How was paper made? This article discusses the processes involved and
a short history of the process.
(i) Basketball on Paper: Rules and Tools for Performance Analysis.

(g) International Legal English Certicate Sample Exam Papers.

(b) Find out about legal size paper here.
(c) Daily Trust is a National daily based in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria. The
paper reports current general interest news and commentary.
(f) Collectible Brazil Paper Money Marketplace.
(e) The Electronic Privacy Papers: Documents on the Battle for Privacy in the
Age of Surveillance.
(h) Do you have to paper a wall with lining paper before you paint it?
Nvel sinttico-gramatical
1) a) Denio 1: n count substantivo contvel
b) Denio 2: v + o verbo transitivo (verbo + objeto)
c) Denio 4: phr. used as an A uma locuo nominal usada como
d) Denio 10: v + o verbo transitivo (verbo + objeto)
e) Denio 11: n count substantivo contvel
2) Indicar uma condio
3) (D)
4) (E)
5) Informal
6) O Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary oferece mais informao
sobre o contexto em que a palavra aparece: ele menciona girlfriend e boyfriend,
explica que date geralmente usada com pronome possessivo, informa que uso
de ingls americano e no arma que informal.
Texto 3
1) Uma piada.
2) O autor quer fazer o leitor rir.
3) As mulheres.
4) What?
1) (B)
2) (C) A resposta encontra-se logo no incio do pargrafo: Most people
know what an iPod is.
3) (B) Justica-se a resposta no quarto perodo do texto: A pod also refers
to a container provided by nature: peas grow in a pod, and na iPod contains
music. A referncia analgica de abrigar algo em seu interior reside no fato de
que as ervilhas crescem (esto) em seu invlucro (casca) e um iPod contm

Formao de palavras:
sufixos e prefixos

:: Foco ::
Reconhecer a formao das palavras: suxos e prexos.
Inferir signicado.

94 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Quando lemos um texto em uma lngua estrangeira, uma estratgia muito ecaz para descobrir o signicado das palavras saber dividi-las em blocos

g) legal
h) visible
i) connect
j) healthy
k) appear
l) able
m) obey

Foto: Christian Ferrari. Disponvel em:

n) cover
Vamos comear com um exemplo em portugus:
o) honest
p) fair
Essa palavra formada por quatro signos ou morfemas: in-, -constitu-, -cion-, -al.
in (prexo que indica negao)
constitu (raiz, do latim constituere: pr em p, ser a base de, formar,
organizar etc.)
cion (o) (suxo formador de substantivo)
al (suxo formador de adjetivo)
A palavra um adjetivo que signica contrrio constituio, que discorda da constituio.
Se voc no conhece uma palavra, mesmo em portugus, dividi-la pode
ajudar a compreenso. Ento vamos reforar suas estratgias de leitura atravs
da percepo de axos (prexos e suxos), que ajudar na procura da palavra
no dicionrio e na deduo de seu signicado, caso este no se tenha tornado
claro pelo contexto.

2) Coloque suxos nas palavras a seguir e veja que novas palavras sero formadas, fazendo sua traduo em seguida. Note que, em alguns casos, uma mesma
palavra pode ter suxos diferentes. Escolha dentre esses:
a) music
b) friend
c) battle
d) wonder

1) Coloque prexos nas palavras abaixo e veja que novas palavras sero formadas, dando sua traduo. Escolha dentre esses:

e) comfort
f) help

a) adequate
g) sleep
b) bacterial
h) hand
c) possible
i) arrive
d) happy
e) understand
f) lucky

Observe que o ttulo e o subttulo do Texto 1 trazem o verbo agree composto

de prexo (dis-) e de suxo (-ment). importante perceber que o acrscimo de
axos pode alterar a classe gramatical da palavra e seu signicado. Leia o texto
e preste ateno aos axos utilizados pelo autor.

CAPTULO 12 :: 95

Texto 1
Causes for Disagreement
You dont have to be disagreeable when you disagree

d) resumir-se uma ideia pode causar mal-entendido. ( )

e) a perda de uma amizade no relevante. ( )
f) compreender o outro leva a uma amizade mais profunda. ( )
2) No 2o pargrafo, o texto oferece duas informaes. Aponte quais so:
a) positiva:

b) negativa:

Foto: Colin Adamson. Disponvel em:

Friendships are too important to break up over silly squabbles. Whats the
point of winning an argument if it results in losing a friend? To prevent needless
breakups, arm yourself with a basic understanding of human nature and how we
communicate. You may nd one or more of the following points helpful on your
journey to these goals.
Most disagreements are caused by misunderstandings. That is, you disagree
with someone not because you have a different opinion, but because you misunderstand the opinion of your friend. The rst thing to keep in mind is that misunderstandings are unavoidable. The bad news is misunderstandings can become
quarrels. The good news is that with awareness, you can change misunderstandings to understanding and acceptance, which will deepen your friendships.
Why is misunderstanding inevitable? Well, its got to do with the nature of
casual communication. Lets say Im among a circle of friends and wish to share
an idea, and its my turn to speak. The idea is completely clear in my mind, but to
explain it in great detail is somewhat laborious. what do I do? I abbreviate,
shorten, and clip my ideas to get them out faster and easier. However, by reducing
the details of my point, I unwittingly introduce vagueness and ambiguity. This lack
of clarity leads to confusion and misunderstanding.
If it is your turn to speak, you can reduce the chances of being misunderstood
by introducing just one point at a time. You will usually have enough time to present your case clearly if you stick to one point at a time. If it is your friend who is
doing the speaking, remember that most likely you are just hearing a small part
of what he wishes to say and can easily misinterpret his point. So, before disagreeing, ask for conrmation of what you think he is trying to say.
Adapted from:

1) Atribua (V) verdadeiro ou (F) falso s armaes abaixo. De acordo com o

a) possvel haver discordncia sem briga. ( )
b) toda discordncia resulta em briga. ( )
c) o importante ganhar o argumento. ( )

3) Indique a opo correta: silly quabbles signica um desentendimento...

(A) srio
(B) irrelevante
(C) engraado
(D) inevitvel
(E) irreversvel
4) A expresso break up em Friendships are too important to break up pode
ser usada com o mesmo sentido com a seguinte palavra:
(A) car
(B) love
(C) clock
(D) dish
(E) marriage
5) Que soluo o texto oferece para evitar mal-entendidos...
a) quando voc est falando?

b) quando seu amigo est falando?

6) O prexo dis- em agree atribui ao verbo um signicado:

( ) positivo
( ) negativo
No texto, observa-se o acrscimo de axos no verbo agree que alteram a sua
classe gramatical e o seu signicado.
agree verbo (concordar)
agreement substantivo (acordo concordncia)
agreeable adjetivo (agradvel)
disagreeable adjetivo (desagradvel)
7) Encontre no 1o pargrafo palavras derivadas de:
a) friend:
b) argue:

96 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

c) need:

Leia o Texto 2 a seguir:

d) understand:

Texto 2
Vast Undisturbed Forest Found in Amazon

e) follow:
f) help:

8) Houve mudana da classe gramatical de todas as palavras acima?

( ) Sim
( ) No
9) Em caso negativo, em qual opo no houve alterao de classe?

10) Leia o 2o e o 3o pargrafos e complete o quadro a seguir, inserindo as

palavras e separando as razes dos axos, identicando a classe gramatical.

11) Que dois prexos ocorrem no 2o pargrafo e signicam negao?

12) Que palavra, no 2o pargrafo, um sinnimo de inevitable (3o pargrafo)?

13) No 3o pargrafo, o que completely e unwittingly tm em comum?

Foto: Bruno Camelier. Disponvel em:

Threats loom over the worlds forest, but theres some good news, too.
Around the globe, illegal logging has dropped -- in some cases dramatically.
Compared to 2002 levels, the practice is down 75 percent in Indonesia, 50 percent
in Cameroon, and more than 50 percent in the Brazilian Amazon, found a new
On a recent expedition to the remote western Amazon in Brazil, Michigan
State University geographer Bob Walker saw some surprisingly positive signs of
the trend.
I dont want to come across as saying everything is ne and we dont have
to worry anymore about the Amazon, Walker said. But yeah, we saw a number
of examples of good stories.[...]
Efforts to quell illegal logging may be succeeding not just in the Brazilian
Amazon, but around the world.
In a report released today by Chatham House, an independent policy think
tank in London, researchers found that a decade of improvements have spared
more than 65 million square miles of forest in Cameroon, Indonesia, and the
Amazon. Thats an area bigger than England.
The ndings, said lead author Sam Lawson, do not mean that the battle to
save forests is over.
The fact that we measured signicant declines in logging should not be
taken as a reason for complacency, but quite the opposite, he said. Things have
improved, but things are still very bad. (adaptado)

14) Em You will usually have enough time, subentende-se que o tempo ser:
(A) limitado
(B) escasso
(C) suciente
(D) indeterminado
(E) necessrio

1) A frase Threats loom over the worlds forest aponta para algo positivo ou

CAPTULO 12 :: 97

2) O que o estudo descrito descobriu?

a) Se associarmos a imagem s linhas citadas, por que ele no consegue

tirar os olhos do livro?

3) Quem fez a expedio ao Amazonas?

b) E se considerarmos o signicado de too no contexto da msica, por que

ele no consegue parar de olhar a mulher?

4) A que concluso o cientista chega ao nal do texto?


Nvel lexical

Vamos estudar a prova da UFF de 2008 e ver como o conhecimento de

axos pode ajudar aqui:
Read the texts below and answer the questions accordingly:

Copie pelo menos 7 palavras do Texto 2 para completar o quadro. Deixe em

branco a clula para a qual voc no encontrar prexo ou suxo:




Text 1
Alice in Wonderland


Nvel sinttico-gramatical
1) Observe too nas frases a seguir. Qual a diferena entre:
a) friendships are too important.
b) friendships are important, too.
c) theres some good news, too.
d) the news are too good.

Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and
of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was
reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it. Suddenly, a White Rabbit with
pink eyes ran close by her. Alice started to her feet for it ashed across her mind
that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch
to take out of it. Burning with curiosity, she ran across the eld after it, and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge.
Extract from CARROLL, Lewis. Alices Adventures in Wonderland.

To ash across ones mind: passar rapidamente pela cabea
2) Observe o uso de too no pequeno trecho da letra de uma msica muito
conhecida (
Youre just too good to be true
Cant take my eyes off of you

Foto: Chris Johnson. Disponvel em:

1) What made Alice curious was

(A) a rabbit with a waistcoat-pocket and a watch;
(B) her sisters book;
(C) the rabbits pink eyes;
(D) a large rabbit getting out of the hole;
(E) her sister reading on the bank.

98 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Text 2
Curiosity: a path toward knowledge?



Foto: Joanna Kopik. Disponvel em:

Foto: Aleksandar Milosevic. Disponvel em:


Foto: Daino_16. Disponvel em:


Foto: Ramzi Hashisho. Disponvel em:

Curiositys virtue is its greed. It wonders, often indiscriminately, about everything it focuses on. Curiosity carries you, limited by time and space, beyond the
immediate. It knows no boundaries, and it pushes you to learn about everything
thats still unknown or unfamiliar to you. It can as easily direct itself to the ancient
Egyptians as to the wriggling pond-life under your microscope. But thats also its
vice, for its usually directed to very particular interests say, to ballet or to bugs.
You therefore have to make strenuous efforts to extend its range, so that your
wonder about ballet becomes knowledge about dance, or so that your fascination
with bugs turns into a lifelong love affair with the entire natural world.
When you were a child, your eagerness to learn dened your behavior. You
were full of wonder about everything touching, holding, maybe wrecking anything that came into your reach. And as soon as you could talk you were full of
questions: why is the sky blue? why is up up? why cant tomorrow be yesterday?
You found everything curiouser and curiouser, as Alice found it in Wonderland.
Adults tried to answer your endless questions (even if you sometimes drove them
crazy with them), for they knew that by rewarding your natural inquisitiveness
and by satisfying your excitement to know, theyd help you to learn and, equally
important, to acquire a taste for learning throughout your life.
Yet you must keep this in mind about knowledge: it isnt the same thing as
information. Knowledge is information that has been given organization, meaning, and use. Facts exist by themselves. Knowledge is a human creation.
Hydrogen and chlorine are elements of nature. Thats a fact. Your understanding that, when combined, these two elements create new substances, such
as hydrochloric acid, which has certain characteristics that hydrogen and chlorine
independently dont have, constitutes knowledge.
Knowledge differs from information as music differs from sound. An orchestra
warming up doesnt make music; it makes only noise. It makes music when the
conductor takes over and each performer follows the score in cooperation with one
another. Music is sound given form and signicance. Similarly, knowledge is information given structure and meaning. The facts in your head become knowledge when
you put them together so that theyre related to one another and, put together, take
on meaning that is large than the mere facts alone. Nothing has meaning by itself.
Information has to gain meaning from the application of human thought. To attain
knowledge, you must struggle endlessly to derive meaning from information.

CAPTULO 12 :: 99

Curiosity can be every students best friend. Its the inner signal of what your
mind and spirit want to know at any particular time. You ask questions and pursue
your curiosity for a single reason: to create knowledge.
Adapted from BANNER, Jr., M.J. and CANNON, H.C. The elements of learning.
New Haven: Yale Press, 1999.

greed = ganncia, avidez
to reward = recompensar
wriggling = remexendo-se
to pursue = buscar, perseguir
to wreck = destruir
to struggle = esforar-se
2) Mark the option that best summarizes the rst paragraph.
(A) Curiosity is one of the seven deadly sins.
(B) Curiosity is a vice but not a virtue.
(C) Not much vigorous effort is needed in order to stretch ones knowledge.
(D) Curiosity is what pushes man beyond the boundaries of the immediate.
(E) Knowledge about dance reveals ones talent for ballet.
3) The statement It can as easily direct itself to the ancient Egyptians as to the
wriggling pond-life under your microscope (lines 3-5) implies that
(A) students eagerness to learn declines with time;
(B) formal knowledge is acquired by traditional methods;
(C) children are more curious than adults;
(D) Egyptians curiosity led to the invention of the microscope;
(E) human curiosity is a vast territory.
4) According to the text, mens path toward knowledge follows one of the sequences presented below.
(A) understanding / wondering / creating knowledge / experimenting
(B) wondering / questioning / understanding / creating knowledge
(C) understanding / questioning / creating knowledge/ touching
(D) acquiring / questioning / understanding / wondering
(E) creating knowledge / understanding / tasting / wondering
5) The following questions: why is the sky blue?, why is up up?, why cant
tomorrow be yesterday? are
(A) Alice in Wonderlands responses;
(B) questions people never ask themselves;
(C) questions children normally ask;
(D) answers that drive adults crazy;
(E) answers that satisfy peoples doubts.
6) The statement Facts exist by themselves means that
(A) curiosity guarantees the veracity of a fact;
(B) facts and knowledge are interdependent;
(C) information is what brings truth to a fact;

(D) facts exist independently of human knowledge;

(E) the pursuit of knowledge is a human characteristic.
7) The music analogy used by the author in his argumentation means that
(A) sound is information; music is knowledge;
(B) sound is form; music is noise;
(C) music is nothing but form;
(D) sound is form and signicance;
(E) conductor and performers must work together.
8) Mark the option in which the apostrophe s is used as in curiositys virtue:
(A) its the inner signal;
(B) thats still unknown;
(C) its usually directed;
(D) thats a fact;
(E) students best friend.
9) (UFF/2008 1a Etapa) According to the discussion in the text, the statement
Hydrogen and chlorine are elements of nature
(A) is a sign of human greed;
(B) does not constitute knowledge;
(C) creates knowledge by itself;
(D) cannot be accepted as truth;
(E) constitutes both information and knowledge.

1) a) inadequate
b) antibacterial
c) impossible
d) unhappy
e) misunderstand
f) unlucky
g) illegal
h) previsible (ou invisible)
i) disconnect
j) unhealthy
k) disappear
l) unable ( ou disable)
m) disobey
n) uncover (ou discover)
o) dishonest
p) unfair
2) a) musical (ou musician)
b) friendly ( ou friendship )
c) battleship
d) wonderful
e) comfortable

100 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

f) helpful (ou helpless)

g) sleepy (ou sleepless)
h) handy (ou handful)
i) arrival
Se voc quiser aprender mais, visite os seguintes sites, que oferecem uma
lista de prexos ( xes) e de suxos
Texto 1
1) a)( V); b) (F); c) (F); d) (V); e) (F); f) (V).
2) a) Positiva: Ao dar-se conta do problema, voc poder transformar um
mal-entendido em algo que voc pode entender e aceitar. (with awareness, you
can change misunderstandings to understanding and acceptance)
b) Negativa: Mal-entendidos podem tornar-se brigas (Misunderstandings
can become quarrels)
3) (B)
4) (E)
5) a) quando voc est falando: introduza uma questo de cada vez (introducing just one point at a time).
b) quando seu amigo est falando: pea para seu amigo conrmar o que
voc acha que ele est tentando dizer (ask for conrmation of what you think
he is trying to say)
6) Negativo
7) a) frienships
b) argument
c) needless
d) understanding
e) following
f) helpful
8) No
9) S no houve mudana na opo a:
a) friend frienships (no houve mudana ambos os termos so substantivos)
b) argue argument (houve mudana argue verbo e argument substantivo)
c) need needless (houve mudana need verbo ou substantivo e needless adjetivo)
d) understand understanding (houve mudana understand verbo e
understanding substantivo)
e) follow following (houve mudana follow verbo e following adjetivo)
f) help helpful (houve mudana help verbo ou substantivo e helpful






11) dis e mis
12) unavoidable
13) o suxo -ly, formador de advrbio.
14) (C)



Texto 2
1) negativo
2) Foi descoberto que o abate ilegal de rvores est diminuindo no mundo todo.
3) O gegrafo Bob Walker da Michigan State University.
4) Ele arma que a situao melhorou mas ainda bastante grave (Things
have improved, but things are still very bad.)
Nvel lexical
H vrias palavras, entre elas as seguintes:









advrbio surpeendentemente

CAPTULO 12 :: 101

Nvel sinttico-gramatical
1) a) Friendships are too important o intensicador too aqui signica
demais: as amizades so por demais importantes.
b) Friendships are important, too too aqui signica tambm: as amizades
so importantes, tambm.
O mesmo ocorre em:
c) Theres some good news, too. (tambm) H algumas notcias boas, tambm.
d) The news are too good. (demais) As notcias so boas demais (infere-se:
boas demais para ser verdade)
2 a) Respostas livres.
b) Porque ela boa demais para ser real.

1) A
2) D
3) E
4) B
5) C
6) A
7) D
8) E
9) B


104 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Simulado Ingls :: 2011

Texto 2

Texto 1
Exercise & mental health: more than just exercise!

Up to one in ve females and one in 8 males will experience depression in their

life time (ABS, 2008). This is an alarming statistic and it is no wonder we as a society
are looking for ways to help manage this condition.
Numerous studies have shown that regular exercise is just as effective as
some prescription medication in previously sedentary adults. Research conducted
by Duke University of people suffering from depression found that 60% of the
participants, who exercised, for 30 minutes three times a week, overcame their
depression without using antidepressant medication. This rate of success was
equal to those who used only medication in their treatment.

Fishermen in Amazon see a Rival in Dolphins

IGARAP DO COSTA, Brazil The illegal slaughtering of dolphins is on the rise
here, threatening one of the storied symbols of the Amazon and illustrating the
challenge of policing environmental law in such a vast territory, researchers and
government ofcials say. Hundreds, if not thousands, of the estimated 30,000
river dolphins plying the Amazon region are dying every year, they say.
Miguel Miguis, 41, a Portuguese researcher from the Federal University of
Western Par who studies river dolphin populations around the city of Santarm,
said the high rate of killings could lead to their extinction. They are killing their
culture, their folklore, Dr. Miguis said. They are killing the Amazon.
Brazils environmental laws strictly prohibit the killing of dolphins and many
other wild animals. Violators could face up to four years in prison. But enforcement
in the vast Amazon is a huge challenge for Ibama, the Brazilian environmental
protection agency, which has 1,300 agents covering the entire country. The
Brazilian Amazon alone is larger than India.

JEFCOATE, Zac. The Geraldton Guardian. Disponvel em:

ALEXEI BARRIONUEVO. Fishermen in Amazon See a Rival in Dolphins. In: The New York Times.

php?note_id=122483277764164 (acessado em 01/06/2011)

Disponvel em: http://www.nytimes.com2011/04/17/world/americas/17dolphins.html

(acessado em 01/06/2011)

1) A sade fsica e mental tem sido preocupao de vrios estudos de reas

diferentes. De acordo com esse texto, a depresso:
(A) mais frequente em mulheres;
(B) s ocorre em quem sedentrio;
(C) no diminui com exerccios;
(D) ocorre mais nos homens adultos;
(E) s pode ser tratada com medicamentos.
2) Na opinio do autor, a estatstica que se coloca :
(A) complexa;
(B) fraca;
(C) controversa;
(D) preocupante;
(E) denitiva.
3) A expresso is just as effective as indica:
(A) comparao;
(B) contradio;
(C) alternativa;
(D) justicativa;
(E) causa.

4) O boto-cor-de-rosa uma das espcies tpicas da Amaznia. De acordo com

o texto, ele:
(A) vem se reproduzindo muito;
(B) est se escondendo nos igaraps;
(C) vem sendo dizimado pelos pescadores;
(D) muito confundido com os golnhos;
(E) no corre o risco de extino.
5) According to the text, the killing of dolphins is on the rise because it is:
(A) in decline;
(B) increasing;
(C) adequate;
(D) controlled;
(E) acceptable.
6) Controlling the environment in the Amazon is a challenge because:
(A) killing of dolphins is prohibited;
(B) environmental laws are too strict;
(C) there are enough environmental agents;
(D) nothing threatens the Amazon;
(E) the Amazon is an enormously vast area.

Exerccios de vestibular :: 105

Texto 3
Letters to the editor
After reading about the shameful way the school librarians are being
treated, does anyone wonder why teachers and their union distrust the districts
If we want literate students, we need books for them to read, we need to give
them guidance for research, and we need that all-important individual attention that
only librarians can give them.
As a former teacher, I can attest to the invaluable knowledge of school librarians.
They have all the up-to-date information on our complex and ever-changing Internet
sources, and they teach the students how to be lifelong learners. To deny students
these important tools is doing them and our society a lasting disservice.
MAXWELL, Alexa Smith. Letters to the editor. In: Los Angeles Times.
Disponvel em:

Simulado on-line PVS :: 2011

1) Amigo coisa para se guardar debaixo de sete chaves, diz a cano. Mas, para
preserv-lo, sugere o ditado:
Friendship increases by visiting friends but visiting seldom.
Ben Franklin (1706-1790).
Disponvel em:
Search&crid=7c83e4cd58a3caa1 (acessado em 19/07/2011)

(A) Os amigos aumentam em proporo s visitas que voc faz.

(B) Visitas muito frequentes a amigos fortalecem as relaes.
(C) A amizade cresce quando voc visita os amigos raramente.
(D) Amigos devem sempre ser visitados para se manter o vnculo.
(E) Deve-se dar as chaves aos amigos quando eles fazem visita.

tuesday-20110517,0,1418747.story?page=2 (acessado em 01/06/2011)

2) Eis o incio de um poema de John Keats (1795-1821), expoente do romantismo

ingls. Qual a ideia principal desse trecho?
7) The writer of this letter:
(A) wants to sell books;
(B) argues in favour of librarians;
(C) complains about salaries;
(D) supports the districts administration;
(E) describes the educational system.
8) According to the writer, librarians:
(A) are not familiar with new technology;
(B) just keep books clean and tidy;
(C) help students study continuously;
(D) go against school administration;
(E) are not really relevant in todays schools.
9) The authors opinion in relation to the consequences of the decisions is
expressed in the following fragment:
(A) I can attest to the invaluable knowledge;
(B) They have all the up-to-date information;
(C) we need books for them to read;
(D) doing them and our society a lasting disservice;
(E) we need that all-important individual attention.
10) The main aim of the authors letter is to promote a(n):
(A) change in political decisions;
(B) update of information;
(C) controversy over beliefs;
(D) comparison between schools;
(E) review of new technology.

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:

Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.
Disponvel em: donne/463/ (acessado em 20/07/2011)
Glossrio: Bower: a shady, leafy shelter in a garden (local protegido por vegetao em um jardim)

(A) Beautiful things disappear very fast;

(B) Beauty will tend to diminish in time;
(C) We can sleep and dream in a green garden;
(D) What is beautiful will always bring happiness;
(E) Health and sweet dreams are really necessary.
3) The words loveliness and lovely stand in the same relation as:
(A) childhood/childishly;
(B) harder/hardly;
(C) enclose/closely;
(D) rapid/rapidly;
(E) friendship/friendly.

106 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

4) In this poem, Keats refers to a place that is quiet. The opposite would be:
(A) a curious site;
(B) a dark setting;
(C) an exciting area;
(D) a wide spot;
(E) a noisy location;

7) According to this picture, you can help by:

(A) planting more trees;
(B) avoiding polluting the air;
(C) creating new green devices;
(D) using electricity wisely;
(E) pointing out the problem.

Hoje em dia, desde cedo, as crianas aprendem a lidar com o computador. Veja o
que esse menino poderia ter dito para o pai:

The following text is also about climate change. After reading it, please
answer the question:
Science and knowledge are critically important to enable society to
understand and respond to threats posed by climate change. Decision makers
need sound information on vulnerabilities to climate change grounded in the best
science available. Equally important is sound information on the potential social
and economic impacts of climate change, particularly on more vulnerable groups
like the extreme poor.

If you increase my
allowance, I can offer
you free unlimited inhome computer tech

Disponvel em:

tabid/29573/Default.aspx (acessado em 21/07/2011)

Image: photostock /

Disponvel em:
Caucasian_Kid_With_Laptop_p33405.html (acessado em 21 de julho de 2011)

5) The boy considers his allowance:

(A) very high;
(C) quite adequate;
(E) without limit.

(B) too low;

(D) rather unnecessary;

6) What the boy actually does is to:

(A) offer a condition;
(B) place a complaint;
(C) earn some praise;
(D) give some advice;
(E) show some contempt.
Climate change is one of the most pressing issues nowadays. See
how to contribute by looking at the picture below.

Image: photostock /

Disponvel em:
Turn_Off_Button_p43222.html (acessado em 21/07/2011)

8) According to the text, in order to control climate change, decision makers need
information that is:
(A) detailed;
(B) practical;
(C) reliable;
(D) pleasant;
(E) agreeable.
Rio will soon host the Olympic Games. Discussions have
begun. Read the text below and answer the questions:
Rio 2016 Olympics logo: a closer look
The Rio logo comes in the wake of London 2012 and so comparisons are
inevitable. At a recent talk I asked the audience if they had disliked the London
logo when it rst appeared: the majority stuck their hands up. Then I asked them
if they had changed their minds since: just a few hands remained aloft. London
tore up the Great Sporting Event Logo Handbook. It almost willfully disregards the
accepted way of these things: no overt geographical reference to the home city, no
welcoming, joyful attitude, no rounded, friendly organic shapes. It almost dares
us to like it. And for many it remains an unmitigated design disaster.
Rio, on the other hand, seems to have gone too far in the other direction.
If London is all bared teeth, Rio rolls over and wants us to tickle its tummy.
Each organising committee requirement is present and correct: happy amorphous
dancing people of the type seen in so many logos before (and, yes, as also seen
in Matisse), soft edges where London is jagged and city landmark front and centre
(though, I admit, I wouldnt have recognised the Sugarloaf unprompted). But the
Games dont just belong to the organising committee, they belong to the citizens
of the host city and, by extension, to the world.
9) The host cities mentioned:
(A) differ in the way they are dealing with the Olympics;
(B) do not hold diplomatic relations between them;
(C) are very much behind in their schedules for the Games;
(D) do not have the economic support to host the Olympics;
(E) decided to work together to prepare for the Games.

Exerccios de vestibular :: 107

10) The sentence just a few hands remained aloft reveals that the majority
of the people:
(A) changed their opinions about the logo;
(B) supported the organizers decision;
(C) still disliked the logo;
(D) did not care about the event;
(E) said they would attend the games.

Simulado Uerj :: 2011

Com base no texto abaixo, responda s questes 1 a 6:
On Technology and the Future of Humanity
Observing the dramatic advances in our technological products over the past
decade, and noticing the under-30 crowd virtually tethered to their devices, begs
the question of where we are headed as a species. For a while technology may
serve us in valuable and important ways. If we lose our connection to Nature and
our ability to relate to each other as a result of living in a virtual world, we will
have lost the best part of being human and an opportunity to develop into a
more evolved species.
We have passed Kubricks 2001 and yes, our computers are now smarter
than we are: Watson has not only competed in and won a Jeopardy challenge,
but has been awarded the 2011 Webby for Person of the Year. Could devices
become intelligent enough to take over? Perhaps. But whether or not they take
over la Hal, or simply co-opt our time, energy and attention la Wii, the fact that
the lives of more and more are being lived in virtual reality must be considered
alarming. How can it be more enjoyable to engage in activity in front of a screen
than to engage in real life?
We are on the brink an undesirable time to be myopic. Before us is the
most important crossroads in the history of civilization: one way leading to a world
where humans are little more than servants of the machines they have created
to serve them, engaged in front of screens where lives are lived virtually (FarmVille!); the other leading toward a civilization that has recognized its Spiritual
Nature and the Oneness of all Life: where the environment depended on for existence is respected and cherished, and brotherhood is not a clich but a way of life.
And while the media are bombarding us from every direction with enticements toward the former, fortunately, there is a growing segment of the global
population that has been steadily evolving toward the latter.
Wake up! Look dispassionately at the rapidly disintegrating world around you
and see if its to your liking. Entertaining gadgetry is not a good enough reason to
relinquish human contact or human kindness. If we allow our devices to dictate our
behavior and co-opt our lives, we are in danger of becoming the adjuncts of our
machines, losing our hearts and souls to circuitry and disassociated from Life itself.
A conscious and concerted effort must be made to steer the ship of civilization
toward the desired destination, and its not the impossible task it seems: each one
has the power to make the necessary change within.
Awareness is the key.

Embrace the Evolution Revolution, become self-aware, and help create a

world where humanity owers and real life is much more interesting than any
machine could ever be.
(acessado em 23/07/2011)

1) According to the text, total involvement in virtual games is not:

(A) complicated;
(B) desirable;
(C) time-consuming;
(D) conscious.
2) The sentence that corresponds to the meaning expressed in the under-thirty
crowd virtually tethered to their devices is:
(A) Virtual devices are easily mastered by those who are 30;
(B) People who are young know how to use digital equipment;
(C) The young are totally involved in the new technology;
(D) Computer technology is not intended for people older than 30.
3) In Before us is the most important crossroads in the history of civilization
indicates that the reader will have to:
(A) study more about the history of mankind;
(B) learn how to deal with new technology;
(C) choose between two alternatives;
(D) predict the future of younger generations.
4) When the author states that there is a growing segment of the global
population that has been steadily evolving towards the latter, he means that:
(A) some people are resisting the appeal of new technology;
(B) global population is growing as part of the evolutionary process;
(C) human beings will be ruled by computers in the near future;
(D) people do not know how to live like brothers and sisters.
5) In the 5th paragraph, the writers objective is to:
(A) complain about computer technology;
(B) warn readers of the threats of virtual worlds;
(C) ask readers to turn on the computer early in the morning;
(D) argue that readers should learn how to use computers.
6) In to steer the ship of civilization towards the desired destination the writer
resorts to a(n):
(A) ellipsis;
(B) paradox;
(C) allegory;
(D) metaphor.

108 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

UERJ :: 2007
Texto 1
The in group
My eighth grade consisted of 28 students most of whom knew each other
from the age of ve or six. The class was close-knit and we knew each other so well
that most of us could distinguish each others handwriting at a glance. Although we
grew up together, we still had class outcasts. From second grade on, a small elite
group spent a large portion of their time harassing two or three of the others. I was
one of those two or three, though I dont know why. In most cases when children
get picked on, they arent good at sports or they read too much or they wear the
wrong clothes or they are of a different race. But in my class, we all read too much
and didnt know how to play sports. We had also been brought up to carefully
respect each others races. This is what was so strange about my situation. Usually,
people are made outcasts because they are in some way different from the larger
group. But in my class, large differences did not exist. It was as if the outcasts
were invented by the group out of a need for them. Differences between us did not
cause hatred; hatred caused differences between us. The harassment was subtle.
It came in the form of mufed giggles when I talked, and rolled eyes when I turned
around. If I was out in the playground and approached a group of people, they
often fell silent. Sometimes someone would not see me coming and I would catch
the tail end of a joke at my expense. I also have a memory of a different kind.
There was a girl in our class who was perhaps even more rejected than I. She also
tried harder than I did for acceptance, providing the group with ample material for
jokes. One day during lunch I was sitting outside watching a basketball game. One
of the popular girls in the class came up to me to show me something she said I
wouldnt want to miss. We walked to a corner of the playground where a group of
three or four sat. One of them read aloud from a small book, which I was told was
the girls diary. I sat down and, laughing till my sides hurt, heard my voice nally
blend with the others. Looking back, I wonder how I could have participated in
mocking this girl when I knew perfectly well what it felt like to be mocked myself.
I would like to say that if I were in that situation today I would react differently,
but I cant honestly be sure. Often being accepted by others is more satisfying than
being accepted by oneself, even though the satisfaction does not last. Too often
our actions are determined by the moment.

3) ...laughing till my sides hurt, heard my voice nally blend with the others. The
attitude of the author as a child is justied by the following fragment:
(A) Although we grew up together, we still had class outcasts.
(B) providing the group with ample material for jokes.
(C) I knew perfectly well what it felt like to be mocked myself.
(D) Often being accepted by others is more satisfying than being accepted
by oneself,
4) Too often our actions are determined by the moment. The concluding sentence
describes a pattern of behavior characterized by lack of:
(A) civility
(B) exibility
(C) variability
(D) predictability
Com base na imagem e no texto a seguir, responda s
questes de nmeros 5 e 6

1) The text refers to the authors childhood experience in school.During that

period, the relationship between the author and his schoolmates was marked by:
(A) defense
(B) avoidance
(C) animosity
(D) precaution

5) The campaign poster makes use of different graphic resources to pass on its
message. The images inside the two triangles convey, respectively, the idea of:
(A) serenity and joyfulness
(B) diversity and uniformity
(C) acceptance and rejection
(D) blending and purication

2) The text is a personal account of perceived differences within a group of

schoolmates. The authors opinion with respect to students behavior in his school
days is:
(A) tolerance is the remedy for discord
(B) anger is the reason for discrimination
(C) harassment is the trigger for group conict
(D) indifference is the result of peer disagreement

6) The main aim of the authors words is to promote the following result:
(A) change in behavior
(B) update of information
(C) controversy over beliefs
(D) comparison between cultures

Exerccios de vestibular :: 109

PUC :: 2008 :: 1 etapa

Young keep it simple in high-tech world
London (Reuters)
While young people embrace the Web with real or virtual friends and their cell
phone is never far away, relatively few like technology and those that do tend to
be in Brazil, India and China, according to a survey.
Only a handful think of technology as a concept, and just 16 percent use terms
like social networking, said two combined surveys covering 8- to 24-year-olds
published on July 24 by Microsoft and Viacom units MTV Networks and Nickelodeon.
Young people dont see tech as a separate entity its an organic part
of their lives, said Andrew Davidson, vice president of MTVs VBS International
Insight unit. Talking to them about the role of technology in their lifestyle would
be like talking to kids in the 1980s about the role the park swing or the telephone
played in their social lives its invisible.
The surveys involved 18,000 young people in 16 countries including the UK,
U.S., China, Japan, Canada and Mexico.
Terms most frequently used by the young when talking about technology
related to accessing content for free, notably download and burn.
The surveyors found the average Chinese computer user has 37 online friends
they have never met, Indian youth are most likely to see cell phones as a status
symbol, while one-in-three UK and U.S. teenagers say they cannot live without
games consoles. The way each technology is adopted and adapted throughout
the world depends as much on local cultural and social factors as on the technology
itself, said Davidson. For example, the key digital device for Japans young is the
cell phone because of the privacy and portability it offers those who live in small
homes with limited privacy. According to the survey, Japanese children aged eight
to 14 have only one online friend they have not met, compared to a global average
of ve. Some 93 percent of Chinese computer users aged 8-14 have more than
one friend online they have never met. In Davidsons view this was encouraging
those aged 8-14 in China to select online over television a trend not seen in any
other market in that age group.
The changes in how the youth market engages with technology are keenly
followed by advertisers and content rms. Traditional youth marketing considered
opinion formers and inuencers to be a small elite, but these days the elite has
become much larger, said the VBSs vice president.
For parents worried about what their children are getting up to amid the
wave of gadgets, little has changed in a generation. The surveyors found the most
popular activities the under-14s enjoy were watching TV, listening to music and
being with friends. The rankings for those older was similar although listening to
music was top. idUSL236796320070724 July 24, 2007

1) The purpose of this article is to:

(A) criticize the excessive use of technology by modern teenagers worldwide.
(B) report on the results of recent studies on the use of technology by the youth.
(C) analyze the role of technology in promoting practices of social networking.

(D) advertise the launching of a new generation of gadgets designed to

attract the young.
(E) justify why so few adolescents enjoy using technological devices in their
daily routines.
2) The sentence Young people dont see tech as a separate entity its an
organic part of their lives, means that:
(A) teens are so used to technology that they refuse to discuss it.
(B) youngsters seem to ignore the role of technology in their lives.
(C) technological advances appear to be something alien to teens.
(D) technology is so natural for teenagers that they dont even notice it.
(E) modern youths social life depends on high-tech gadgets such as cell phones.
3) Check the only option in which the underlined pronoun does not refer to the
words young people.
(A) relatively few like technology and those that do tend to be in Brazil,
India and China,
(B) its an organic part of their lives,
(C) Talking to them about...
(D) ...the role of technology in their lifestyle...
(E) ...the role the park swing or the telephone played in their social lives
4) ...accessing content for free means to:
(A) create it freely.
(C) obtain it without charge.
(E) require permission to copy it.

(B) retrieve it illegally.

(D) make it available for a fee.

5) Mark the only correct statement about the surveys mentioned in the sixth
(A) Chinese kids aged 8-14 seem to enjoy communicating with online friends
better than watching TV shows.
(B) One third of British and American adolescents are unhappy because they
dont have consoles to play games.
(C) In Japan, 8- to 14-year-olds have as many unknown online friends as kids
their age in other parts of the world.
(D) Cell phones are considered a key symbol of status by Indian and Japanese
teenagers, who generally live in small homes.
(E) A few Chinese pre-teens and teens who are fond of computers have at
least one friend online they have never seen face to face.
6) Check the sentence in which while has the same meaning as in While young
people embrace the Web... according to a survey.
(A) Where have you been all this while?
(B) I knew all the while I had nothing to fear.
(C) While I understand what you say, I cant agree with you.
(D) Most of the good students got a job while still at the university.
(E) Roses grow in profusion in her garden, while carnations are less common.

110 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

7) Mark the correct statement concerning vocabulary.

(A) A handful means a lot.
(B) Surveyors and researchers are antonyms.
(C) Trend does not mean the same as tendency.
(D) Keenly and anxiously are synonymous.
(E) Worried about and concerned with have opposite meanings.

1) O texto oferece:
(A) alertas;
(B) solues;
(C) respostas;
(D) recomendaes;
(E) relatrios.

8) Check the item in which the boldfaced word or phrase introduces a reason.
(A) Talking to them about the role of technology in their lifestyle would be
like talking to kids in the 1980s...
(B) For example, the key digital device for Japans young is the cell phone...
(C) because of the privacy and portability it offers those who live in small
homes with limited privacy.
(D) For parents worried about what their children are getting up to...
(E) The rankings for those older was similar although listening to music was top.

2) Sound in a sound life pode ser traduzido por:

(A) satisfatria;
(B) saudvel;
(C) produtiva;
(D) meticulosa;
(E) equilibrada.

9) According to the last paragraph, the most popular activity for teens from 14 up is:
(A) watching TV.
(B) being with friends.
(C) listening to music.
(D) playing with gadgets.
(E) chatting with online mates.
10) The text as a whole is:
(A) objective and informative.
(B) hopeful and enthusiastic.
(C) descriptive and pessimistic.
(D) persuasive and alarming.
(E) argumentative and critical.

Cecierj :: 2009 :: prova 1

Leia o texto I e responda s questes 1 e 2:
Texto I
By Azadeh Ensha
Published: October 1, 2008
In a bid to secure your green bragging rights, you have the usual suspects
covered, but what about your PC? After all, the machine that can provide you with
information on how to lead an ecologically sound life can also be contributing to
the environmental problem you are trying to solve.
Power Corrupts
The rst piece of advice is the simplest: Dont leave your computer on all
the time. Shutting it down after an 8-hour workday provides 16 hours of savings
each day. In addition, your computer should be set to go to sleep after periods
of inactivity. Different parts of your system can be set to sleep at different times:
Setting your energy-saving preferences to put your hard drive to sleep after 15
minutes of inactivity is a good benchmark; your entire computer (which takes more
time to wake up) should be set to go to sleep after 30 minutes.
Adaptado de

Texto 2
Read Text 2 and answer questions 3, 4 and 5:
Brazil :: The Brazilian Way
Despite regional and social class variations, the Brazilian way of life has common
traits that distinguish it from the customary ways of dealing with people and situations
in North America and Europe and even in other Latin American countries. Its uniqueness
seems to result from the peculiar blend of Portuguese, African, and Amerindian cultural
inuences in a setting in which central authority attempted, without great success,
to exploit the people and resources and to enforce religious norms. Under these
circumstances, it was preferable to appear to obey than actually to obey.

3) In what concerns the Brazilian population, the text emphasizes its:

(A) sharpness;
(B) sympathy;
(C) solidarity;
(D) strangeness;
(E) specicity.
4) When you enforce something, as in to enforce religious norms... you:
(A) endure it;
(B) admit it;
(C) make it happen;
(D) repeat it;
(E) agree with it.
5) Actually in to appear to obey than actually to obey. means:
(A) nowadays;
(B) presently;
(C) at times;
(D) really;
(E) at present.

Exerccios de vestibular :: 111

Fatec :: 2009 :: prova 1

Leia o texto para responder s questes de nmeros 1, 2 e 3.
Texto 1
Updata: Bad Blood
It doesnt look like something youd want dripping into your veins, wrote
Wil McCarthy in the August 2002 issue of Wired. At the time, he had no way
of knowing just how right he was about Hemopure, the articial blood that
seemed so promising. It was universally compatible and had a three-year shelf
life (unrefrigerated). But a recent meta-analysis of trials on several substitutes
including Hemopure contains some gory results. Turns out, the fake bloods
scavenge nitric oxide, causing vasoconstriction; patients who get them are 2.7
times more likely to have a heart attack and 30 percent more likely to die. A
Journal of the American Medical Association editorial has called for a halt to trials.
Katharine Gammon. Wired, Aug/08

1) Hemopure um tipo de sangue articial que

(A) tem vida til de trs anos, quando devidamente refrigerado.
(B) pode ser utilizado em qualquer pessoa, sem restries de idade.
(C) tem vida til indenida, quando devidamente refrigerado.
(D) est sendo utilizado por hospitais, com algumas reservas.
(E) tem vida til de trs anos e atende a todos os tipos sanguneos.
2) Os pacientes que utilizam Hemopure podem apresentar
(A) ausncia de problemas cardacos.
(B) uma recuperao demorada.
(C) sintomas de vasoconstrio.
(D) baixos ndices da substncia xido ntrico.
(E) uma recuperao mais rpida.
3) Na linha 06 do texto, a palavra gory pode ser substituda por:
(A) Scary.
(B) Efcient.
(C) Terric.
(D) Promising.
(E) Interesting.

Leia o texto a seguir para responder s questes de nmeros

4, 5 e 6.
Texto 2
Theres no need ever to get up
A chair should ultimately be functional, inviting and comfortable. But it can
also be a beautiful work of art. At the latest Salone Internazionale del Mobile in
Milan, Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka unveiled for Moroso his simple yet
stunning Bouquet Chair, which blooms on a slim chrome stem with petals

made of individually sewn fabric squares (price unavailable; To take a

seat in the Fantasy Fantasy Chair by New Zealand designer Phil Cuttance is to be
transported into a world of mythical creatures and fantastical human forms.
The large, boxy piece is covered with fabric illustrated by artistJared Kahi, who
created the images using an inkjet textile printer ($1,590; philcuttance. com). The
Lathe Chair V by Sebastian Brajkovie features a handembroidered, rainbow-shaped
baekrest, whieh gives the impression of a chair in motion, on the verge of tipping
over ($29,160; Its best to take it sitting down.
Sonia Kolesnikov-Jessop. (Newsweek, june/08)

Take a load off:

Bouquet chair (left), Lathe chair
4) Qual a melhor traduo para ...on the verge of tipping over.:
(A) Por trazer estampas com desenhos circulares.
(B) Para ser utilizada apenas como pea decorativa.
(C) Causando tontura ao sentar.
(D) Prestes a virar.
(E) Pois possui ps giratrios.
5) O texto arma que:
(A) Os designers Tokujin Yoshioka e Phill Cuttance so os atuais responsveis
pelo Salo Internacional de Mveis de Milo.
(B) Existem vrias tcnicas para decorar cadeiras atualmente, mas nenhuma
novidade foi apresentada no Salo Internacional de Mveis de Milo.
(C) O artista Jared Kahi optou por no utilizar cadeiras dentro do espao que
decorou no Salo Internacional de Mveis de Milo.
(D) Sebastian Brajkovic dedica-se exclusivamente ao trabalho de decorar cadeiras.
(E) As cadeiras tambm podem ser obras de arte.
6) Qual das alternativas abaixo contempla a voz ativa da frase: The large, boxy
piece is covered with fabric ...:
(A) An artist covered the large, boxy piece
(B) An artist covers the large, boxy piece
(C) An artist has covered the large, boxy piece
(D) An artist had covered the large, boxy piece
(E) An artist was covered the large, boxy piece

FATEC :: 2009 :: PROVA 2

Leia o texto abaixo para responder s questes 1, 2, 3, e 4
The Green Fairy Returns
In the 20,000 years or so that humans have been getting pissdrunk, no spirit
has earned a worse rap than absinthe. Said to turn mild- mannered imbibers into
raving maniacs, it was banned in the US and much of Europe in the early 1900s.
(Remember Van Goghs ear incident? Some scholars blame the green fairy.) The
chemical culprit was thujone, a toxic compound found in the crushed ftowers and
leaves of absinthes key ingredient, wormwood. Or so we thought.

112 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Three years ago, WIRED sent me to meet Ted Breaux, a chemist and
microbiologist who had reverse engineered the liquors recipe and discovered
that there was barely any thujone present (November 2005). During harvest
and distillation, he explained, its concentration was reduced to a minuscule ve
parts per million. Breauxs research-naIIy published this spring in the Journal
of Agricultural and Food Chemistry - and that WIRED story have helped change
absinthes image from drug to drink. The US has been slowly peeling away its ban,
and in March, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau approved the sale
of absinthes that were thujone free (containing less than 10 parts per million).
To date, there are four brands on US shelves: Lucid (Breauxs formula),
Kbler, Green Moon, and, St. George Absinthe Verte. The US is lucky in that its
rst absinthes are high-quality products, distilled from whole herbs, Breaux says.
In the European market, 80 to 90 percent is industrial junk.
Under the Jade label, Breaux is making his own absinthes in France and
trying to get them green-lighted for saIe in the US. Even at this point, gaining
that approval seems to involve more luck than anything, he says. Luck, and a
littIe chemistry.
Brian Ashcraft - Wired / Aug08

1) O absinto foi praticamente banido no incio dos anos 1990, pois

(A) levava as pessoas a um estado de inconscincia.
(B) era considerado de baixa qualidade.
(C) acreditava-se que ele possua um componente txico.
(D) era difcil de ser encontrado.
(E) era caro e de baixa qualidade.
2) Pesquisas realizadas mostraram que o absinto
(A) possui alguns ingredientes suspeitos.
(B) uma bebida e no se trata de uma droga.
(C) possui corantes com altos teores txicos.
(D) possui alto teor alcolico.
(E) colorido articialmente.
3) Atualmente a bebida tem uma qualidade melhor
(A) no mercado europeu.
(B) na Frana.
(C) nos Estados Unidos e na Frana.
(D) nos pases asiticos.
(E) nos Estados Unidos.
4) Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o antnimo da palavra culprit, localizada
no 1o pargrafo do texto.
(A) Outrageous
(B) Wired
(C) Blameless
(D) Lucky
(E) Banned

Leia o texto abaixo para responder s questes 5 e 6

The Climber
John Slattery actor in just about everything nally rises through the
ranks in Mad MenVeteran TV actor John Slattery spent last year dividing his time
between two very different shows about the American d: Mad Men and Desperate
Housewives. One pays well, but the other is the revelation. In AMCs Mad Men,
set in a 1960s Madison Avenue ad agency, vodka-and-milk passes for breakfast,
secretaries take alt the wrong kinds of dictation, and the happiness-for-sale modern
era is forged. Slattery is Roger Sterling, an alooy condent boss (My names on
the building, he says) with a taste for everything under the sun except family.
As Slattery plays him, youd love to have a drink (or seven) with the guy. Slattery
explains how he pulls it all off .
On simultaneous roles in Mad Men and Desperate Housewives: I had just
bought a house. The Housewives producers said, Do you want to do a year on the
show? The men dont get as much interesting material as the women, but its
watched by, what, 20 million people a week? I had a good year.
On the fate of his Mad Men character, Roger Sterling: The last time you
see Roger in season one, he has his second heart attack. I said to [creator] Matt
Weiner, What the hell? He said, Dont worry. My uncle had six heart attacks. I
was like, Okay, right. Fantastic.
On the Mad Men set: Its a lot of props: Youre doing dialogue while
lighting cigarettes, dealing with the clothes, pouring drinks ... But my sister could
roll a joint while driving a Volkswagen Bug, so I thought, Hell, I can do this.
On playing a politician with a urine fetish on (yes) Sex and the City: Sex
and the City probably has a lot of alumni with erectile dysfunction or latex fetishes
or whatever. We should all compare notes.
WILL WELCH - GQConnects Aug08

5) Um sinnimo da palavra alooy, na frase: Slaterry is Roger Sleting, an

allooy condent boss....
(A) Attractively
(B) Closely
(C) Angrily
(D) Distantly
(E) Arrogantly
6) No texto, John Slaterry conta sobre como foi seu ltimo ano,
(A) atuando em dois papis diferentes.
(B) dirigindo e atuando na srie Desperate Housewives.
(C) num trabalho que pagou pouco, mas que lhe proporcionou o prmio revelao.
(D) trabalhando como roteirista na srie Desperate Housewives e no
filme Mad Men.
(E) dirigindo e atuando em Mad Men.

Exerccios de vestibular :: 113

PUC :: 2009
Texto 1
Electric bicycles: green your bike commute
By Keith Shockley
Despite the huge recent push to signicantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
if you take a look around, youll note that cars still rule the road. The common
mentality is that a bicycle (or walking, for that matter) is for those who live right
around the corner from work, or dont have any extras to tote along during the
day. Enter the electric bicycle.
Electric bikes (also referred to as e-bikes or power assist bicycles) havent yet
proven to be a viable alternative for most people because of the cost, weight, and
added complexities, such as rechargeable battery packs, that can arise from their
use. However, there are some strong cost and environmental justications for using
these virtually silent motorized wonders as part of your daily commute. The newest
technology for electric bikes also effectively answers many past e-bike concerns.
Whats not to love about e-bikes? Theyre light, they recharge quickly, travel
far without a trace of pollution, and store all of your stuff . . . But wait, you
naturally ask next, Whats this gonna cost me? A little research reveals a wide
range of prices, simply dependent upon maker and added features. Average prices
span from $450 to $1,500, while add-ons like customized front suspension and
battery upgrades will tack on a bit more. However, thats not too unfair considering
what youll be saving in fuel costs, and the harmful pollutants youll be sparing
Mother Nature in the process. Very eco-cool!
Commute (noun): a regular journey of some distance to and from your place
of work; the act of traveling from one place to another.
slight adaptations)

1) The main purpose of Text 1 is to:

(A) claim that e-bikes are an eco-friendly substitute for cars.
(B) advertise the newest models of electric bikes in the market.
(C) complain against the high prices e-bikes can reach nowadays.
(D) criticize citizens who cannot get rid of their cars when commuting.
(E) suggest that only those who live close to their jobs should use a bike.
2) About greenhouse gas emissions, Text 1 reveals that:
(A) they have decreased slightly in recent times.
(B) most cars on the road now have lower gas emissions.
(C) a great campaign to decrease them quickly will be made.
(D) great efforts have been made lately to cut them back considerably.
(E) the number of cars that produce them has been dropping sharply.
3) These virtually silent motorized wonders refers to:
(A) ordinary bikes.
(B) power-assist bicycles.
(C) rechargeable battery packs for bikes.
(D) bicycles that do not run on batteries.
(E) bicycles that travel much faster than cars.

4) Although the newest technology for electric bikes may have managed to
answer many past e-bike concerns ,some still remain, such as:
(A) higher prices than those of conventional bikes.
(B) non-polluting rechargeable batteries.
(C) ineffective suspension technology.
(D) extremely limited storage capacity.
(E) extended recharge time.
5) Check the option in which the word in Text 1 could be replaced by the word or
expression in italics.
(A) Despite Because.
(B) If In case.
(C) Such as As well as.
(D) But Even though.
(E) However In spite of.
6) In order to spare Mother Nature you have to:
(A) use it carelessly.
(B) cause damage to it.
(C) succeed in changing it.
(D) avoid any attempts to improve it.
(E) prevent it from being harmed.
7) According to Text 1, electric bicycles are considered very eco-cool because they:
(A) come in different models and sizes.
(B) are not heavy and can carry peoples belongings.
(C) are an alternative to reduce gas emissions and fuel costs.
(D) may be customized to fulll the persons needs.
(E) have already replaced cars in some big centers.

The posts below were written in response to Text 1.

Read them and answer the following questions.
Texto 2
Post A
Guest, Unregistered
Try buying a used bike! It will come fully equipped with pedals and a chain,
saving you all the unnecessary waste.
Worried about the energy it will take to make it move? Well, easy solution,
eat daily to provide your body with enough energy to ride it. If you arent t
enough, now is a good a time as ever to start working out.
For extra storage space you could try purchasing a basket or larger backpack
to hold all your things. And were not done yet! A decent and comfortable used
bike usually runs between $20 $100 (depending on how good you are at
negotiation) and it comes with the added satisfaction of re-using... therefore
limiting the waste going into our landlls.
Talk about a deal.
Posted 2008-08-08 13:51:20

114 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Post B
Kelly, Unregistered
I live in the Eastbay, teach in San Francisco, and usually have lots of stuff
to carry to and from work. I have decided against driving across the congested
bay bridge everyday, the drive causes mild frustration and stress, and the toll is
probably going to increase from $4 to $5. [] All this before actually beginning
to do the work I am commited and enjoy doing.
So then, I have decided to invest in an inexpensive bicycle, one that allows
me to carry all my stuff; and I will use public transportation, this will cost about
$8 per day. What do you think, will I get too frustrated by having to get up earlier
in order to take my bicycle on train during bicycle hours, and what about the wet
Posted 2008-07-10 09:54:31
Post C
Mr. Alex, Unregistered
If only anyone used these bikes...
But people are too lazy to switch their cars to bikes.
Posted 2008-06-06 08:01:36
Post D
Dr. Voltenstein
Guest Visitor, Unregistered
see the lightest most powerful at
Posted 2007-10-08 06:52:41
8) Check the correct information about the purpose of some of the Posts.
(A) Post A gives suggestions and Post B asks for opinion.
(B) Post B gives an opinion and Post C provides information.
(C) Posts A and C ask for clarication.
(D) Posts B and D encourage suggestions.
(E) Posts C and D express criticism.
9) In Post A, it is used to refer to bike in all the options below, except in
(A) It will come fully equipped .
(B) the energy it will take .
(C) to make it move.
(D) enough energy to ride it.
(E) and it comes with
10) Post Bs writer, Kelly, reveals that she:
(A) prefers to drive across the bay bridge when she has stuff to carry.
(B) decided against buying a bike to avoid getting wet in rainy days.
(C) gets terribly stressed when the bay bridge is full of trafc.
(D) is not very happy with what she is doing professionally.
(E) has made up her mind to purchase a low-priced bicycle.

UERJ :: 2007
1) C

2) B

3) D

4) D

5) B

6) A

UFF :: 2008 :: 1 etapa

1) A

2) D

3) E

4) B

5) C

6) D

7) A

8) E

9) B

PUC :: 2008
Texto 1
1) Resposta (B) report on the results of recent studies on the use of
technology by the youth.
O gabarito desta questo de compreenso a opo (B), porque o propsito
do artigo relatar o resultado de estudos recentes que investigaram o uso da
tecnologia pelos jovens (cf. pargrafos 1 e 2, onde as pesquisas so mencionadas
e alguns resultados so introduzidos). As demais opes devem ser descartadas,
pois no sintetizam o propsito do artigo em questo.
A opo (A) est errada porque o propsito do artigo no criticar o uso
excessivo da tecnologia por adolescentes modernos no mundo todo. Na verdade,
o texto relata o uso que os jovens fazem da tecnologia, mas no emite crticas com
relao ao resultado obtido atravs da pesquisa.
A opo (C) deve ser descartada, pois o propsito do texto no analisar o
papel da tecnologia na promoo de prticas de interao social.
A opo (D) est incorreta porque inteno do artigo no anunciar o
lanamento de uma nova gerao de produtos eletrnicos projetados para atrair
os jovens. Finalmente, a opo (E) deve ser descartada porque o propsito do
artigo no justicar o porqu de to poucos adolescentes gostarem de utilizar
equipamentos tecnolgicos no dia a dia. Na verdade, o resultado das pesquisas
relatadas aponta justamente para o comportamento contrrio.
2) Resposta (D) technology is so natural for teenagers that they dont even notice it.
Para acertar esta questo de compreenso localizada, o candidato dever ser
capaz de encontrar, dentre as opes apresentadas, aquela que explica o sentido
do fragmento em destaque.
O gabarito (D), que signica que a tecnologia to natural para os
jovens que eles nem mesmo a notam. Tal armativa encontra respaldo na frase
original, segundo a qual Os jovens no veem/consideram a tecnologia como
algo separado/independente deles ela uma parte orgnica/integrante de
suas prprias vidas, entendendo-se orgnico como relativo ou pertencente
constituio ou estrutura (de qualquer conjunto, totalidade etc.) (cf. Dicionrio
Eletrnico Houaiss da Lngua Portuguesa). A tecnologia, portanto, ao ser parte
constitutiva dos jovens, absolutamente natural para eles. As demais opes
devem ser rejeitadas, pois no podem ser consideradas parfrases do signicado
original da frase destacada no enunciado da questo.

Exerccios de vestibular :: 115

A opo (A) arma que os jovens esto to acostumados com a tecnologia

que se recusam a discuti-la.
A opo (B) diz que os jovens parecem ignorar o papel da tecnologia em
suas vidas.
A opo (C) arma que os avanos tecnolgicos parecem algo estranho aos
Finalmente, a opo (E) diz que a vida social dos jovens modernos depende
de equipamentos high-tech (de alta tecnologia), tais como telefones celulares.
3) Resposta (E) ...the role the park swing or the telephone played in their
social lives.
Para acertar esta questo de referncia pronominal, o candidato dever ser
capaz de identicar a nica opo em que o pronome sublinhado no se refere s
palavras young people (i.e. jovens) no texto.
O gabarito (E), onde o pronome em destaque (their) se refere a kids.
4) Resposta (C) obtain it without charge.
Para acertar, o candidato dever compreender a expresso accessing content
for free, que diz respeito ideia de se acessar contedo (na internet) gratuitamente.
A opo que apresenta uma parfrase correta da expresso : (C) obtain it
without charge (obt-lo sem nus ou despesas).
As demais opes so incorretas por no reproduzirem o sentido da expresso.
A frase da opo (A) signica cri-lo livremente; a da opo (B), recuper-lo
ilegalmente; a de (D), disponibiliz-lo mediante uma taxa, e a da alternativa
(E), solicitar permisso para copi-lo.
5) Resposta (A) Chinese kids aged 8-14 seem to enjoy communicating with
online friends better than watching TV shows.
O gabarito desta questo de compreenso a opo (A), porque o texto diz:
In Davisons view this was encouraging those aged 8-14 in China to select online
over television a trend not seen in any other market in that age group. Essa
ideia est expressa na redao da opo, segundo a qual os chineses entre 8 a 14
anos parecem (a modalizao recupera a ideia expressa na palavra trend, que
signica tendncia, na parte nal da frase) gostar mais de se comunicar com
amigos virtuais do que de assistir a programas de televiso.
As demais opes devem ser descartadas pelos seguintes motivos:
A armativa correspondente opo (B) que um tero dos adolescentes
americanos e britnicos so infelizes porque no tm consoles para jogar
diferente do que diz o texto, a saber, que nos EUA e na Gr-Bretanha um em cada
trs adolescentes diz que no pode viver sem consoles de jogos, no se tratando
portanto, de ter ou no o equipamento.
A opo (C) arma que, no Japo, as crianas de 8 a 14 anos tm tantos
amigos virtuais desconhecidos quanto crianas da mesma idade (que vivem) em
outras partes do mundo, enquanto o texto arma que as crianas japonesas nessa
faixa etria tm apenas um amigo virtual que no conhecem pessoalmente, em
comparao mdia global, que cinco. Logo, as crianas japonesas tm menos
amigos virtuais do que a mdia global.
A opo (D) arma que os celulares so considerados um importante smbolo de
status por adolescentes indianos e japoneses, os quais vivem em casas pequenas. O
texto, no entanto, informa que: (i) the key digital device for Japans young is the cell
phone because of the privacy and portability it offers those who live in small homes
with limited privacy., ou seja, que os celulares so importantes no como smbolo de

status, e sim por garantirem a privacidade e serem portteis, qualidades importantes

em uma cultura onde as casas so pequenas e no do privacidade; e (2) que, de
fato, os jovens indianos tendem a ver o celular como um smbolo de status .
A opo (E) arma que alguns pr-adolescentes e adolescentes chineses
que apreciam computadores tm pelo menos um amigo on-line que eles jamais
encontraram pessoalmente, o que no corresponde s informaes encontradas
no trecho: Cerca de 93% dos usurios de computador chineses entre 8 e 14
anos tm mais de um amigo on-line que eles no conhecem pessoalmente. As
diferenas, portanto, so que enquanto o texto fala em cerca de 93%, ou seja,
a maioria, e tambm em mais de um amigo, a opo menciona alguns, ou
seja, muito menos do que a maioria, e no mnimo um amigo.
6) Resposta (E) Roses grow in profusion in her garden, while carnations are
less common.
Para acertar esta questo de conhecimento de vocabulrio e elementos
coesivos o candidato dever ser capaz de identicar, entre as opes, a frase em
que while est sendo usado no sentido de at the same time that, in a similar
manner (Merriam Websters Unabridged Dictionary), o mesmo que no fragmento
reproduzido no enunciado.
A resposta certa : (E) Roses grow in profusion in her garden, while carnations
are less common.
As demais opes esto incorretas, j que as ocorrncias de while esto
empregadas com sentidos diferentes, a saber:
em (A), o sentido de a period of time (cf. The Free Online Dictionary
ex.: sang all the while);
em (B), de throughout the time when something else is happening
(cf. Collins Cobuild);
em (C), o sentido de even though (cf. The Free Online Dictionary ex.:
At the same time that; although: While the grandparents love the children, they
are strict with them.)
em (D), de as long as / a period of time (cf. The Free Online
Dictionary ex.: As long as; during the time that: It was lovely while it lasted).
7) Resposta (D) keenly and anxiously are synonymous.
Para acertar esta questo de vocabulrio que trabalha relaes de sinonmia e
antonmia o candidato dever analisar cada armao proposta e ser capaz de identicar
a nica certa, que a sinonmia entre keenly e anxiously, expressa na opo (D) e
avalizada em dicionrios como o Merriam Websters Unabridged Dictionary, Websters
Collegiate Thesaurus (acepo 2) e Longman Synonym Dictionary (acepo 6).
As demais opes devem ser descartadas, j que em (A) A handful signica
a small quantity or number (Merriam Websters Unabridged Dictionary), no
sendo, portanto, sinnimo de a lot, que tem o sentido de many; e nas
demais opes (B), (C) e (E) as palavras apresentadas so sinnimas, e no
antnimas, ao contrrio do que proposto.
8) Resposta (C) ...because of the privacy and portability it offers to those
who live in small homes with limited privacy.
Para acertar esta questo, o candidato dever conhecer os conectivos e
marcadores discursivos na Lngua Inglesa e ser capaz de identicar a nica opo
em a palavra em negrito introduz uma razo.
O gabarito (C), que contm o marcador discursivo because of.
As demais opes devem ser descartadas pelos seguintes motivos:

116 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

Na opo (A), would be like sinaliza uma hiptese.

Na opo (B), o marcador for example introduz uma exemplicao.
Na opo(D), for uma preposio.
Na opo (E), o marcador although introduz ideia de contraste.
9) Resposta (C) listening to music.
Para acertar esta questo de compreenso localizada de texto, o candidato
dever identicar qual a atividade mais popular entre os jovens com mais de 14
anos, segundo o ltimo pargrafo do texto.
O gabarito (C) listening to music (ouvir msica). Tal resposta encontra
respaldo na ltima frase do texto The rankings for those older [than 14 years
old] was similar although listening to music was on top . Isto , a hierarquia das
atividades preferidas dos jovens a partir de 14 anos (j que a frase anterior fala
em crianas under 14, ou seja, com menos de 14 anos) era semelhante, com
a diferena que ouvir msica que ocupava o segundo lugar na preferncia do
outro grupo etrio vinha em primeiro lugar.
10) Resposta (A) objective and informative.
Para acertar esta questo, o candidato dever ser capaz de avaliar o tom e a
funo do texto como um todo.
A resposta certa (A), visto que o texto limita-se a trazer informaes sem
emitir juzos, sendo, portanto, objetivo e informativo.
As demais opes devem ser descartadas, j que no se observa um tom de
esperana e entusiasmo, como prope (B), nem de pessimismo, como em (C).
Da mesma forma, o texto no persuasivo e alarmante, como em (D), nem
argumentativo e crtico, como em (E).

CECIERJ :: 2009 - Prova 1

1) D

2) B

3) E

4) C

5) D

FATEC :: 2009 - Prova 1

1) E

2) C

3) A

4) D

5) E

6) B

FATEC :: 2009 - Prova 2

1) C

2) B

3) E

4) C

5) D

6) A

PUC :: 2009
Texto 1
1) Resposta: (A) claim that e-bikes are an eco-friendly substitute for cars.
O acerto desta questo de compreenso depende da capacidade do candidato
de identicar o propsito central do texto. O gabarito (A), que signica alegar
que as bicicletas eltricas so uma alternativa ecolgica ao uso dos carros.

Tal opo encontra respaldo no ttulo (Electric bicycles: Green your bike
commute) que significa, Bicicletas eltricas: torne o (seu) deslocamento
de bicicleta menos nocivo ao meio-ambiente, e ao longo de todo o texto,
principalmente em (However, thats not too unfair youll be saving in fuel
costs, and the harmful pollutants youll be sparing Mother Nature in the
process. Very eco-cool!).
As demais opes devem ser descartadas.
A opo (B) est incorreta porque o propsito central do artigo no
anunciar os novos modelos de bicicletas eltricas no mercado. A inteno
do autor divulgar o novo conceito de bicicleta que pode ser usada nos
deslocamentos entre a casa e o trabalho, sem poluir o meio-ambiente. Ao fazlo, o autor menciona as vantagens e desvantagens associadas a este novo meio
de transporte e a grande variedade de preos que tais equipamentos alcanam
no mercado, dependendo da sosticao do modelo.
A opo (C) est errada porque o propsito central do artigo no criticar os
altos preos alcanados pelas bicicletas eltricas hoje em dia. O autor menciona os
valores elevados como sendo uma desvantagem das novas bicicletas. Entretanto,
este no propsito central do artigo.
A opo (D) tambm deve ser descartada porque a ideia central deste artigo
no criticar os cidados que no conseguem se desvencilhar do uso do carro no
deslocamento para o trabalho. O autor do texto menciona, no primeiro pargrafo, que
os carros ainda dominam as estradas e apresenta as bicicletas como uma alternativa
ecolgica para este hbito, sem emitir um julgamento de valor sobre as pessoas
que se utilizam dos carros.
A opo (E) tambm est errada, pois o tema central deste artigo no sugerir
que somente aqueles que vivem perto de seus empregos deveriam usar bicicletas
como meio de transporte. O autor critica este tipo de mentalidade e apresenta a
bicicleta eltrica como uma alternativa possvel para tais deslocamentos.
2) Resposta: (D) great efforts have been made lately to cut them back
Para acertar esta questo que testa compreenso localizada, o candidato
dever ser capaz de identicar o que o autor revela sobre as emisses de gases
estufa no pargrafo 1 do texto. O gabarito (D), que signica que grandes esforos
tm sido feitos para reduzi-los signicativamente. Tal opo encontra respaldo na
primeira frase do texto Despite the huge recent push to signicantly reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, if you take a look around, youll note that cars still rule
the road. que signica Apesar dos enormes esforos recentes para reduzir as
emisses de gases estufa, se voc olhar ao seu redor perceber que os carros ainda
dominam as estradas.
As demais opes devem ser descartadas, pois no encontram respaldo no
fragmento em destaque no enunciado.
A armativa (A) quer dizer que as emisses de gases estufa tm diminudo
ligeiramente nos ltimos tempos.
A armativa (B) signica que a maioria dos carros nas estradas est emitindo
menos gases estufa atualmente.
A armativa (C) informa que uma grande campanha para reduzir a emisso
de gases estufa ser feita em breve.
A armativa (E) signica que o nmero de carros que produzem os gases
estufa tem cado drasticamente.

Exerccios de vestibular :: 117

3) Resposta: (B) Power-assist bicycles.

Para acertar esta questo de referncia, o candidato dever identicar a que
se refere o sintagma em destaque no enunciado, que signica estas maravilhas
motorizadas praticamente silenciosas. O gabarito (B), power-assist bicycles, ou
seja, as bicicletas motorizadas ou eltricas.
As demais opes esto erradas, pois no apresentam um referente adequado
para o sintagma em questo.
A armativa (A) signica bicicletas comuns, ou seja, no motorizadas.
A armativa (C) signica conjuntos de baterias recarregveis para bicicletas.
A armativa (D) quer dizer bicicletas que no rodam com baterias.
A armativa (E) pode ser traduzida por bicicletas que se locomovem mais
rapidamente do que carros.
4) Resposta: (A) higher prices than those of conventional bikes.
Para acertar esta questo que testa compreenso localizada, o candidato dever
ser capaz de identicar a nica opo que apresenta um motivo de preocupao com
as bicicletas eltricas e que ainda no foi superado. O gabarito (A), que signica que
o preo dessas bicicletas mais alto do que o das bicicletas convencionais.
As demais opes devem ser descartadas, pois no apresentam motivos reais
de preocupao com as bicicletas motorizadas.
A armativa (B), que pode ser traduzida por baterias recarregveis no
poluentes, se refere a uma grande vantagem das bicicletas eltricas.
A armativa (C), que signica tecnologia de suspenso inecaz, tambm
no mais um motivo de preocupao j que o autor arma que a tecnologia mais
recente para as bicicletas eltricas consegue dar conta de muitas das preocupaes
antigas com as bicicletas motorizadas, e o autor arma que, por uma quantia a
mais, possvel customizar a suspenso dianteira.
A armativa (D), que signica capacidade extremamente limitada de
armazenamento, tambm no mais um motivo de preocupao com as
bicicletas eltricas com base no texto ... and store all your stuff, ou seja, e
armazenam todos os seus pertences.
A armativa (E), que signica tempo de recarga (de bateria) estendido,
no um motivo de preocupao com as bicicletas, e sim uma grande vantagem
dos novos modelos (cf. - What is not to love about e-bikes? Theyre light, they
recharge quickly,...)
5) Resposta: (B) If In case.
Para acertar esta questo que testa o conhecimento dos marcadores discursivos
da Lngua Inglesa, o candidato dever identicar a nica opo em que a relao entre
os marcadores discursivos de sinonmia. O gabarito (B), j que if (se) e in
case (no caso de) podem ser usados intercambiavelmente, como atesta o Merriam
Websters Unabridged Dictionary, na acepo 1a de if: in the event that, in case.
Exemplo: if the train is on time, well meet him.
As demais opes devem ser descartadas, pois os marcadores nos respectivos pares
no podem ser usados intercambiavelmente no texto.
A opo (A) est errada, pois despite (apesar de) expressa um contraste, ao
passo que because (porque) introduz uma causa ou explicao.
A opo (C) est incorreta, pois such as (tais como) introduz uma
exemplicao e as well as sinaliza uma adio (assim como) ou uma comparao
(to bem quanto).

A opo (D) deve ser descartada porque but (todavia, porm) introduz um
contraste e even though (embora) expressa uma concesso.
A opo (E) tambm est errada, pois however (entretanto) expressa um
contraste, enquanto que in spite of (apesar de) sinaliza uma ideia de concesso.
6) Resposta: (E) prevent it from being harmed.
Para acertar esta questo de compreenso de texto o candidato dever ser capaz
de entender a ideia expressa em [to] spare Mother Nature, no ltimo pargrafo
do Texto 1, que signica, em traduo livre, poupar a natureza, evitar a sua
destruio. A resposta certa prevent it from being harmed, na opo (E). Segundo
o Merriam Websters Unabridged Dictionary, na acepo 1 do verbo, spare tem o
sentido de: to forbear to destroy, punish, or harm; preserve from punishment, injury,
or evil. O dicionrio eletrnico conrma, atribuindo ao verbo o sentido
de To refrain from harming or destroying (acepo 2).
As demais opes devem ser descartadas por estarem incorretas.
As armativas (A), usar [a natureza] de modo descuidado, negligente, e
(B), causar-lhe danos, expressam uma ideia oposta, j que poupar a natureza
pressupe cuidado e no envolve destruio.
As armativas (C), conseguir mud-la, e (D), evitar qualquer tentativa de
melhor-la, no reproduzem o sentido da expresso enfocada.
7) Resposta: (C) are an alternative to reduce gas emissions and fuel costs.
Para acertar a questo o candidato dever ser capaz de identicar, nas opes
propostas, uma caracterstica das bicicletas eltricas que as torna very eco-cool,
ou seja, muito especiais no que diz respeito preservao do meio-ambiente. A
resposta correta are an alternative to reduce gas emissions and fuel costs, na
alternativa (C), que signica so uma alternativa para reduzir as emisses de
gases e custos com combustvel.
As demais opes esto incorretas e devem ser descartadas, por no
mencionarem caractersticas que ajudem a preservar o meio-ambiente.
Texto 2
8) Resposta: (A) Post A gives suggestions and Post B asks for opinion.
Para acertar a questo o candidato dever ser capaz de compreender a
inteno comunicativa de cada comentrio postado (os chamados Posts) no site a
respeito do texto Electric Bicycles: Green Your Bike Commute. A resposta certa
est na opo (A): Post A gives suggestions and Post B asks for opinion, ou seja,
o Post A d sugestes e o Post B pede opinies.
As demais opes devem ser descartadas, por estarem incorretas.
A opo (B) arma que o Post B d uma opinio e o Post C fornece uma
informao, s que o Post B pede opinies (ser que vai ser muito frustrante ter
de levantar cedo para levar a bicicleta no transporte pblico, e o que vou fazer em
dias de chuva?).
A opo (C) arma que tanto o Post A como o C pedem um esclarecimento,
quando na verdade o A d sugestes e o C faz uma crtica (as pessoas so
preguiosas demais para trocar o carro pela bicicleta).
A opo (D) diz que os Posts B e D incentivam (ou pedem) sugestes, avaliao
que se aplica apenas ao primeiro, enquanto o Post D d uma informao (as
[bicicletas eltricas] mais leves e mais potentes podem ser vistas em
Por m, segundo a opo (E) os Posts C e D fazem uma crtica, mas j foi
visto que apenas o Post C tem essa funo, o Post D meramente informativo.

118 :: INGLS :: MDULO 1

9) Resposta: (B) ...the energy it will take...

O acerto desta questo de referncia depende da identicao correta dos
antecedentes de cada ocorrncia, no Post A, de it, pronome que se refere a
bike em quatro das cinco alternativas da questo. A resposta correta (B), visto
que nesse fragmento diferentemente do que ocorre nos demais aqui destacados
it no tem antecedente, tendo o papel de sujeito expletivo de um verbo
impessoal ... the energy it will take to....
Em todas as demais opes it tem a palavra bike como antecedente: em
(A), (C) e (D), (E).
10) Resposta: (E) has made up her mind to buy a low-priced bicycle.
O acerto desta pergunta de compreenso de texto depende da capacidade do
candidato para identicar, dentre as opes apresentadas, aquela que corresponde
a uma armao da autora do comentrio (Post) B. A resposta correta est na
alternativa (E): has made up her mind to buy a low-priced bicycle, ou seja, [ela]
resolveu comprar uma bicicleta barata, armao que corresponde ao trecho I
have decided to invest in an inexpensive bicycle.
As demais opes devem ser descartadas.
A opo (A), segundo a qual Kelly prefere atravessar a ponte de carro
quando est levando material ou bagagem stuff , no est correta porque
a armao da autora do comentrio que I have decided against driving across

the congested bay bridge everyday, the drive causes mild frustration and stress,
and the toll is probably going to increase from $4 to $5. , ou seja, ela resolveu
no atravessar a congestionada ponte da baa de carro [porque] a viagem causa
um pouco de frustrao e stress, e o pedgio provavelmente vai aumentar de
quatro para cinco dlares.
Tambm no est certa a opo (B), segundo a qual Kelly resolveu no
andar de bicicleta para no se molhar em dias chuvosos. Em seu comentrio, a
autora diz ter resolvido investir em uma bicicleta, mas pede opinies What do
you think... a respeito de duas questes, uma delas what about the wet
weather???? , ou seja, pergunta o que fazer em dias de chuva no momento em
que seu meio de transporte for a bicicleta e no mais o carro;
A opo (C), segundo a qual a autora do comentrio ca extremamente
estressada quando o trfego est pesado na ponte, no procede porque Kelly diz
que a viagem pela ponte congestionada causa apenas um leve estresse mild
frustration and stress ;
Por m, a opo (D), segundo a qual Kelly no est muito feliz com sua
atividade prossional, contradiz o que a autora arma na seguinte frase: All this
before actually beginning to do the work I am committed and enjoy doing , ou
seja, ela diz gostar do seu trabalho.




Cronograma Ingls 1o e 2o Semestres de 2012 Extensivo

Livro 1
Livro 2


27 3-agosto
7- setembro




Observaes: o cronograma acima uma orientao para o estudo dos captulos que voc encontra nos Livros 1 e 2 de Lngua Inglesa. Estude as aulas, tire suas dvidas com o tutor orientador e prepare-se
para os simulados on-line ( alm dos simulados presenciais ) que serviro de avaliao do seu desempenho no curso.




Cronograma Ingls 2o Semestre de 2012 Intensivo

Livro 1
1, 2 e 3
4, 5 e 6
9 e 10
11 e 12
Livro 2






Observaes: o cronograma acima uma orientao para o estudo dos captulos que voc encontra nos Livros 1 e 2 de Lngua Inglesa. Estude as aulas, tire suas dvidas com o tutor orientador e
prepare-se para os simulados on-line ( alm dos simulados presenciais ) que serviro de avaliao do seu desempenho no curso.

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