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Reflection for English lesson (letter L)

At the Tuesday, I sit with my MST to discuss with her what letter I can teach the student in
English in Sunday. She advises me to teach them letter (L). So, at Sunday, I start my lesson
before the first break at 8:45 to 9:10. I let the student to sit in the carpet and I use flash card to
review with student the last letters they take it before
such as: M, F, S. So, when I ask questions I let them to
raise their hand so I make rules in my classroom. My
rules the students said when they want to ask answer they
should have said (teacher, teacher let me try). So, the
student respect the teacher and respect others. Also I
bring my own board and explain to the student how they
can write letter(L) lowest case and upper case. So, I write
the letter in the board 4 times. After that, I chose one
student to write in the board and show me where is the
letter in classroom. So, they develop their thinking and
their gross motor skills. I think these I do well because
the students learn when they move and search about the
letter or something start with letter (L). According to
Froebel said that Play is the highest expression of
human development in childhood, for it alone is the free
expression of what is in a child's soul (LeBlanc, 2016).
Also, I give them positive reinforcement by giving them
star in their hand when they participate with me or do
well in their task. According to Montessori said that
The only results young children are interested in are the ones that end up making them feel
good about themselves and their abilities (Nicholas, 2016).In addition, I need more
improvement when I chose the song because my MST let me to change my song about the letter
(L). she gives me song that let the student to learn the lower and upper case. Also, it shows the
word that starts with letter (L). I like when she advises me because I want to learn what the
student needs. I divided my time by letting the student to sit in the carpet 10 minutes and make
transition to move to the chair (group time) approximately 20 minutes and closing time 5 minute.
So, let the student motivated by let them moving 3 times during 35 minutes. I organizer because
I write what I will do it in small paper and I use it to follow my plan. I think I do all the activity I
prepare it from the first to end. For example: review, show them new letter, teach them how they
can write it, song of the letter to teach them sound, write it in the board, give them envelop and
inside it two letter and let them to pick letter (L), let each student to say the letter and sound to
his partner, group activity, assess their understanding by asking them question. In addition, I use
simple language and I show them picture if they dont understand what I mean, or I act and the
student understand. Because I teach KG1 and some of them dont know the English. According
to Piaget said that he language used may be too advanced for the children and they are unable
to understand the question as opposed to understand the task at hand. In regards to teaching,
teachers can take extra caution in the vocabulary used to explain a certain topic (Application to
Your classroom, 2015). I control the class and make the student disciplined by giving them star if

they be quiet. Also, I let each group clean up when they finish from their activity. Also, I make
line up when they move from carpet to table. So, I give them rules to make my classroom
discipline. Moreover, I make 4 activities 3 in group time and one in circle time. My activity is
very creative because in circle time I give each student envelop and inside it two letter and you
should for them to open it and discover which is the letter
(L). This activity develop their thinking and the feel happy
when they open the envelop so its fun part. Actually. I give
my MST my phone to take photo and she forget to take
photo for me when I give them the envelop in circle time.
And this photo for student in low level they are very happy
to collage letter (L), So I bring two color of cotton, the girl
prefer pink color and boy take blue. This activity develop
their emotional domains and their physical by use glue to
stick the cotton in the paper. So, the last picture is activity for
high students. So, I let them to make letter (L) using paper (I
cut it like rectangle shape) they form letter (L) and put the
face of lion up and make hair for lion using cotton. Also,
they trace ward (lion). I feel that achieve my goals because at
the end of these lesson the student be able to identify the letter (L) and know the upper case and
lower case. Also, the recognize letter(L) between different letters. Also, I use different activity
and different material.

This is a circle time area

I use sticker to give child positive reinforcement

Only the student takes four letter I review with them in circle time.


Bounce Patrol Kids. (2015, June 30). The letter L song [Video file]. Retrieved from
ChuChu TV Studios. (2013, August 24). ABC songs for children [Video file]. Retrieved from
ELF Kids Videos. (2014, November 27). Clean Up Song for Children [Video file]. Retrieved
Murphy, M. (n.d.). Ll for lion [Photograph]. Retrieved from
Application to your classroom. (2015). Retrieved October 25, 2016, from Piaget in the
Classroom website:
LeBlanc, M. (2016). Friedrich froebel. Retrieved October 25, 2016, from Community
PlayThings website: froebel
Nicholas (Ed.). (2016). The philosophy. Retrieved October 25, 2016, from Montessori website:

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