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|ecl=Class level +1
|type=Humanoid (Orc)
|ability_adjust=+2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, −2 Constitutio
n, −4 Charisma
|desc=Bleeding orcs are cruel, constantly-suffering mutated orcs abandoned by th
eir tribe to live alone in agony.
== Bleeding Orcs ==
=== Racial Traits ===
* +2 [[SRD:Strength|Strength]], +2 [[SRD:Dexterity|Dexterity]], +2 [[SRD:Intelli
gence|Intelligence]], −2 [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]], −4 [[SRD
:Charisma|Charisma]]: Bleeding orcs are not as powerful as the majority of thei
r kin, but they are still stronger than most humans. Lithe and smart, these spec
imens are cursed with extremely precarious health. They are hideous, angry louts
. It is nearly impossible for them to learn civilized etiquette and manners.
* ''[[SRD:Humanoid Type|Humanoid]] ([[SRD:Orc Subtype|Orc]])''.
* ''[[SRD:Medium|Medium]]:'' As medium-size creatures, bleeding orcs have no sp
ecial bonuses or penalties due to their size.
* Bleeding orc [[base land speed]] is 30 feet.
* +2 racial bonus on Will saves and +4 racial bonus against enchantment and char
m spells and effects: Bleeding orcs are strong willed and difficult to beguile.
* +4 racial bonus to all check and saves to resist pain or intimidation: Bleedi
ng orcs live with chronic pain, and are accustomed to the numbness that replaces
any remote chance of sensitivity
* Hideousness: Bleeding orcs are so grotesque most people recoil from them. No
initial reaction toward a bleeding orc can ever be better than neutral, no matte
r what the conditions.
* Distracting Banter: Bleeding orcs use their appalling appearance to their adv
antage. When engaged in combat, they can, as a free action, utter raspy moans to
whisper insults at their opponents. All foes within 30 ft. suffer a -4 penalty
to their Concentration checks.
* [[Spell-Like Ability]]: 1/day — ''[[SRD:Daze|daze]]''. A bleeding orc wi
th an Intelligence score of 12 or higher gains the following spell-like abilitie
s: 1/day — ''[[SRD:Cause_Fear|cause fear]]'', ''[[SRD:Daze_Monster|daze mo
nster]]'', ''[[SRD:Hideous_Laughter|hideous laughter]]'', and ''[[SRD:Rage|rage]
]''. Caster level is 1. The save DC is Intelligence-based.
* ''[[SRD:Darkvision|Darkvision]]:'' Orcs can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Dar
kvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and orcs
can function just fine with no light at all.
* ''Light Sensitivity:'' Orcs are [[SRD:Dazzled|dazzled]] in bright sunlight or
within the radius of a ''[[SRD:Daylight (Spell)|daylight]]'' spell.
* ''Orcblood:'' For all special abilities and effects related to race, a bleedin
g orc is considered an [[SRD:Orcs_(Race)|orc]].
* ''[[Automatic Languages]]:'' Common and Orc. [[Bonus Languages]]: Draconic, D
warven, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, and Infernal
* ''[[Favored Class]]:'' [[SRD:Wizard|Wizard]]. A [[SRD:Multiclass Characters|mu
lticlass]] bleeding orc s [[SRD:Wizard|wizard]] [[SRD:Class|class]] does not count
when determining whether he takes an XP penalty. Though they seldom have the ch
ance to learn and practice this craft, the true nature of the bleeding orc lies
within the magical arts. If your campaign includes rules for a shaman class, rep
lace wizard with shaman.
* ''[[Level Adjustment]]:'' +1

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[[Category:Humanoid Type]]
[[Category:Orc Subtype]]
[[Category:Medium Size]]
|product=Secrets (AEG)
|publisher=Alderac Entertainment Group

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