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UJME 5 (2) (2015)

Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education


H P Nugroho, Kartono, Ary Woro Kurniasih
Jurusan Matematika, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Gedung D7 Lt.1, Kampus Sekaran Gunungpati, Semarang 50229

Info Artikel
Article story:
Received May 2015
Accept May 2015
Publication May 2015

Key Word:
Mathematical disposition
Problem solving
Problem Based Learning
Problem Posing.


The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Problem Based

Learning by Problem Posing strategy, whether there is a difference of problem
posing competence and mathematical disposition between experiment classes and
control class. And whether there is effect of mathematical disposition toward
problem solving. This experiment applies true exsperiment design with the
population is the X grade of VHS state 1 Mojosongo. The sample is selected by
random. They are two experiment classes and a control class. The 1st experiment
class applies learning models Problem Based Learning by Problem Posing
strategy, and the 2nd experiment class applies learning models Problem Based
Learning.The problem solving data is analyzed by proportion test and anova. The
disposition matematical data is analyzed by anova. Based on the proportion test,
the result of the both the students of experiment classes and a control class
achieve more than 80% of mastery learning with the passing grade 75. According
to the anova, is showed that there is a difference of average similirity of
problem solving and matematical disposition on the 1st experiment class, 2nd
experiment class and control class. The result of Regression test show that
mathematical disposition influence problem solving.

Alamat korespondensi:

2015 Universitas Negeri Semarang

ISSN 2252-6927

H P Nugroho et al / UNNES Journal of Mathematics Education 5 (2) (2015)

Mathematics is universal science
underlying the development of modern
technology, has an important role in various
human resources and improve discipline (BSNP,
2006). Based on 2006 permendikbud number 22
between the purpose of teaching math another
solve problems which includes the ability to
mathematical model, finish the model and
interpret a solution obtained and appreciate the
usefulness of mathematics in having the attitude
of life, namely having curiosity, attention, and
interest in studying math, as well as tenacious
attitude and confidence in problem solving.
Based on the purpose of learning was
mentioned the purpose of learning mathematics
and solving problems are having an attitude
appreciate the usefulness of mathematics in life,
namely having curiosity, attention, and interest
in studying math, as well as tenacious attitude
and confidence in solving a problem that is an
indicator of the disposition of mathematics.
On the PISA survey measuring the
ability to think more, problem solving,
measuring the technical ability in problems
relating to the memory and the standard
calculation only (Wardhani & Rumiati, 2011).
On international PISA survey in 2000 of
indonesia is on the rank of 39 of 41 countries
the average score of 403. While in 2003 of
indonesia is on the rank of 35 from 46 countries
with the average score 411. And in 2007 of
indonesia is on the rank of 36 from 49 countries
with 397 the average score. The average score
international is 500, this shows that the average
score of indonesia is still below the average
score international research (Litbang, 2011).
Based on interviews with a class of
mathematical teacher VHS 1 Mojosongo on the
1st November 2014 obtained the result that tests
the ability of solving a problem less than 60
percent of students learning ability work
completed aspects of problem solving .In
addition to the ability of solving a problem
students still low information was obtained that
the level of mathematical disposition students
still low. Based on research conducted by
Mandur (2013) shows that high low results
achieved learning math students are affected by
the capabilities of the connection and the
disposition of mathematics. So if students build
mathematical disposition with good results of

their learning will also be high.

A model of a problem based learning is
a model of learning involving students in
solving a real problem. This model cause
curiosity and motivation to rise it. A model of
PBL also be a place for students to develop
critical thinking skills and higher (Gunantara ,
2014). This is supported research conducted by
aliyah (2013) that problem based learning to
improve the ability of solving a problem
student. Is expected to familiarize students
learning based on the issue of confidence,
persistent, think flexible in exploring the
mathematical ideas, so that joy of learning
mathematics and increase their mathematical
disposition (Choridah, 2013 ).
recommended sharing means or strategy
increased capacity problem solving. One way or
the strategy that can be used to improve the
ability of solving problems is the problem
posing. Problem Posing refer to making about
by students based on certain criteria (Mahmudi,
2008). This is supported by research conducted
by Sayed (2000) that Problem Posing effective to
improve the ability of problem solving .
Based on the description above, need to
be efforts to be taken to train the ability to
problem solving and the development of the
disposition of a mathematics student is to
choose models that can help students learning
increase the ability to problem solving and math
improve students is a model of learning the
disposition of the problem of the problem
posing with a strategy based learning.
According based on the background, writer
interested to do research with the title
Effectiveness of PBL With Problem Posing
Strategy on The Achievement of The Ability to
Problem Solving and Student's Mathematical
Major problems in the formulation of
this research is whether a model of learning
PBL, the problem posing is effective strategy on
the ability to solve problem and math students
disposition? The problems related to the
formulation in the following indicators as 7 (1)
the whether the ability to problem solving
students use the model of learning a problem
based learning to learn strategy reached
completeness posing a problem? (2) the whether
the ability to problem solving the problem
students use the model of learning at learning

H P Nugroho et al / UNNES Journal of Mathematics Education 5 (2) (2015)

completeness based learning? (3) the whether

the ability of solving a problem of students in
learning with a model for discovery learning
reached completeness learning? (4) whether the
average capability problem solving the problem
of students with learning the use of models
posing a problem strategy based learning with
more than the average student with the ability to
problem solving the problem of using a model
based learning more than the average capability
problem solving students using a model of
discovery learning? (5) whether the average
math students with learning the disposition of
the problem of using a model posing a problem
based learning strategy with the disposition of
more than the average math students to use the
model a problem based learning more than the
average math students use the model with the
disposition of discovery learning? (6) is the
influence of the disposition of the ability of
students with a model of learning problem
solving the problem of the problem of posing
with a strategy based learning? (7) is the
influence of the disposition of a mathematics
student on ability to problem solving the
problem of students with learning model based
In accordance with the outline of the
issue, the purpose of this research is to analyse
the effectiveness of the learning Problem Based
Learning model with a strategy Problem Posing
and problem solving capabilities with respect to
the disposition of mathematics students. The
purpose of the research is outlined as follows (1)
analyzing the ability of problem solving
learning model, students use Problem Based
Learning with a strategy Problem Posing reach
completeness learning, (2) analyze the problem
solving skills of students using a learning
Problem Based Learning models achieve
completeness learning,(3) Analyzing problem
solving ability students in learning with a model
discovery learning reached completeness
learning, (4) analyze an average ability students
with a learning problem solving using Problem
Based Learning model with a strategy Problem
Posing more than average ability students with
problem solving using Problem Based Learning
model is more than the average student's
problem solving ability by using a model of
mathematical average of the disposition of the
students with learning using Problem Based
Learning model with the strategy of Problem

Posing is more than the average student's

mathematical disposition using Problem Based
Learning model over the disposition of the
mathematical average of the student using the
model of Discovery Learning, (6) analyze the
influence mathematical disposition toward
problem solving ability of students with a
learning Problem Based Learning model with a
strategy Problem Posing, (7) Analyze the
influence of mathematical disposition toward
problem solving the student with problem based
learning classroom.
Research approach used in this research
is quantitative research because the data and the
analysis used in the form is numbers (Sugiyono,
2013). A population that used in this research is
vocational high school 1 mojosongo students.
The sample technique members of the
population done at random without regard to
strata that there is in the population. With were
chosen randomly obtained three classes that will
be two classes experimentation and one class
By means of taking the mathematical
value of the value of the semester incongruous
so obtained initial value to determine that the
study sample barasal from condition of being
equal or homogeneous , after that we can
choose randomly students who would be
included into one class as a class control and
two classes as a class experiment.
Methods used to obtain data that is
documentation method, questionnire method
and test method. Documentation method used
to obtain data on name and the number of
students who are members of the population
and to determine a member of the sample. Test
methods used to obtain data on the ability of
solving problems by a problem based kind of
classroom learning with strategy posing a
problem, a problem based on the model of
learning and discovery learning. Questionnaire
method of the used to obtain data on the level
of mathematical disposition students by the use
of a problem based kind of classroom learning
with strategy posing a problem, a problem based
on the model of learning and discovery learning
(control class).
The analysis of structural problems with
reliabilitas, each of which is first difference
distress and resources. In these studies, validitas
the use of instruments is content validation and

H P Nugroho et al / UNNES Journal of Mathematics Education 5 (2) (2015)

the validator is teachers are professor of

mathematics. The analysis of mathematical
reliabilitas chief the disposition and chief
validitas validitas used to fill.
The language test results problem
solving on both class experimentation and
control class analyzed with proportion and the
average (anova). While the test mathematical
disposition analyzed with anova. To test the
influence mathematical dispotition toward
problem solvingof used regression.
Based on the analysis the average
problem solving for the class of his experiments
with a problem based learning with problem
posing strategy is 89,93. Based on the value the
proportion of obtained Zhitung = 2,63 > Ztabel
= 1,64 then H0 were rejected and H1 received
which means that the percentage of students
who reached kkm more than 80 %.
In experiment class with Problem Based
Learning with Problem Posing strategy
constructed own knowledge. In learning
teachers as a facilitator facilitate students in
learning and help students if the difficulties.
Students in learning problems given the level of
testing problem-solving ability of students.
Besides given about the ability of solving a
problem in this class of students given the task
to make about then finish it. About made by
students using the teacher has been given.
Having made about the students complete about
that has been made with use of measures polya
problem solving. This is supported with an
opinion Gunantara (2014) that the increase in
problem solving ability students because the
model of learning a problem based learning
allows students to increase the independence of
thinking in analyzing the problem. Ability to
analyze problems causing students to solve the
In addition to use the learning Problem
Based Learning models in this class also applied
the strategy Problem Posing. Poblem with the
strategy gives the task for students problems
posing. With the conditions given by the teacher
and then solve that has been created. By making
the problem the student will understand the
elements in question. In addition students will
better understand the problem so that the
students will be easier in solving problems. This
is supported by research conducted by
Mahmudi (2008) that when students create a

problem, students are required to understand

the problem well. This is the first phase in
solving the problem. Considering the question
of who created the student should also be
resolved, certainly students try to be able to
make planning the completion of creation of
mathematical models to solve them.
Based on the data analysis on the ability
of problem solving for class experiments with
models of learning Poblem Based Learning
obtained an average student problem solving
ability is 8,36. Using the proportion of trials
retrieved Zhitung = 2.16 > Ztabel = 1.64, H0 is
rejected then it means the percentage of
students who reach the minimum standart (
KKM ) is more than 80%.
Learning using a model of control in a
class of learning which is usually done in school
learning model discovery learning. With a
model of discovery learning students also
construc own knowledge. Using this model of
learning the students will be more active in
learning (Supriyanto, 2014). But in a class of
students learning liveliness is good but control is
weak compared with a class experiment. With a
model of discovery learning can help students
reach the passing grade. Because students will
be better understanding of how to solve
problems by finding material. This is supported
by research done by Effendi (2012) that
mathematical students obtain lessons learned
with a method of discovery learning terbimbing
better than in conventional. Based on test
obtained the conclusion that the proportion of
the control class of problem solving ability
reached completed learning.
Based on anova found out if there was
a gap in the average level of the ability of the
solution of a problem a student of his
experiments with kind of classroom based
leaning the problem with posing strategy, the
problem his experiments with class kind of
classroom learning the problem based, and
grade control obtained value fhitung = 17,122 >
ftabel = 3,11 so h0 were rejected and h1
accepted, it means that all the three groups had
different of average. And it needs to undergone
continued to LSD.
Based on the LSD test obtained that
there are differences in the three classes.
Because there are significant differences in the
three classes and show the average capability in

H P Nugroho et al / UNNES Journal of Mathematics Education 5 (2) (2015)

three classes of problem solving. A class of

problem solving ability that has the highest
average is the class experiment with a learning
model of problem based learning with the
problem posing strategy, then a class experiment
with a model of learning of the problem based
learning, and the lowest is a control class.
The cases which affect the ability to
solve the problem on Problem Based Learning
with Problem Posing strategy, Problem Based
Learning, and the controls with the discovery
learning is as follow.
The discovery
learning is
practiced at school, because no learning
whatsoever with the new students lack of
enthusiasm. This makes the problem solving
graders controls less than the problem solving
graders experiment. This was backed up by
Zahroh, et al ( 2014 ) that the teacher was
teaching and learning activities in the use of a
less diversified and monotonous, so they had to
surfeit. Saturation and their motivation students
in joining the process of teaching and learning
to make the subject of a very low.
In experiment class with
problem based learning with problem posing
strategy given the task of students to submit
about with the provisions given by teachers. To
make about his own students to understand
more about raising the capability of problem
solving. This is supported the opinion of
Mahmudi (2008) that when students make
problem , students are required to understand
about well. This is the first step in solving
Problem Based Lerning be a
place for students to develop ways of thinking
critical thinking skills and higher (Gunantara ,
2014). This support the ability of problem
solving that is one of the variables measured in
this research .
With the the task of problem
posing will cause the establishment of
understanding the concept of a more assertive
on the self students to material that has given
(Herawati, 2010). With the understanding the
concept of steady , the ability to problem
solving students will also increas.
Based on the analysis of data the end of
student mathematical disposition, obtained the
average value of the student mathematical
disposition of a a class experiment with a model

of learning a problem based learning strategy is

the problem of posing 75,57, to a class
experiment with a model of learning a problem
based learning is 71.81, as well as to control
class is 64,43. The data the level of the
disposition of a mathematics student analyzed
using anava test and obtained the value of
Fhitung = 26,971 > Ftabel = 3.11 so H0
rejected and H1, that means that three groups
have the average different. And needs to be LSD
further test.
Based on LSD test obtained that there
are significant differences in tree class. The class
has mathematical disposition of the most high
was a class experiment with problem based
learning with the Problem Posing strategy. Then
experiment class with problem based learning
model. A class of having the disposition of the
lowest math is control class.
For the experiments class with a
problem based learning with problem posing
strategy students build their knowledge by
grouping. Familiarize students with their
opinions and confidence students will increase.
This is supported research by Choridah ( 2013 )
that with accustom problem based learning is
hoped that students confident persistent; think
flexible in exploring the mathematical ideas,
and the joy of learning mathematics that will
increase their mathematical disposition.
Besides given problem based learning
model on 1st class experiment also applied
Problem Posing strategy. With Problem Posing
strategy of the students given the task to make
about then solve it. Because of questions made
by students own and will increase confidence in
students were doing it has been made. In
addition to make about needed reference to the
many varied .This is supported with the
opinions of Silver in Lewis (1998) that problem
posing can improve the ability to problem
solving and mathematical disposition. The
mathematical disposition also commonly called
attitude toward mathemtics. In research
conducted by Akay & Boz (2010) problem
posing can improve the attitude of students to
mathematics. While research conducted by
Guvercin & Verbovskdy (2014) also show the
same results , that students with learning
problems in posing having positive attitude
towards the math that high.
Because the 1st experiment got lesson
with problem based learning with problems

H P Nugroho et al / UNNES Journal of Mathematics Education 5 (2) (2015)

posing strategy the mathematics disposition

higher than second experiment using based
learning problems model. Problem Based
disposition but was less then with the first
On control class using learning lessons
with a model commonly applied by teachers
namely discovery learning model. Learning in
class control not much different from learning
on class experiment. In this class of students
also own build prescience. With discovery
learning more students will be more confident,
assiduous in working on duty, conduct means
reflection over thinking so disposition matemati
students increased .
Based on the regression to a class
experiment i obtained the results of the
coefficients determined r2 = 0,898 .This means
that value 89,8 % the ability to problem solving
math students determined by the disposition of
students, through the regression equation Y =
-84,9175 + 2,314X. The remaining 10.2 %
determined by other factors. This shows that
there is a positive influence disposition of the
ability of problem solving math students against
students with a model of learning Problem
Based Learning strategy.
In this class, the students believe to
themselves in to solve the task of mathematics,
persistent in working on duty, do the reflection
of the manner of thinking, flexible working in
math, appreciate the role of having the ability
of mathematics and that high quality in
problems solving. With persistence and always
thought would make the results reflect the
results of problem solving ability students
increased. With flexible in Mathematics and
appreciate of mathematics application will
increase students experience in resolving the
problems which will improve the ability of
student to solve problem. This shows that the
higher the level of the disposition will be higher
the ability of students to solve problems.
Based on the regression of class
experiment II obtained the coefficient of r2 =
0,748 determination. This means that the value
of the ability of students 74,8 % problem
solving of mathematical determined by the
disposition of students, through the regression
equation is Y = -75,57 + 2,227X. The rest 25,2
% determined by other factors. This shows that
there is a positive influence the students

mathematical disposition to the ability of the

students problem solving in the Problem Based
Class experiment I is the same in which
this class shows that the students who have the
high mathematical disposition level i will
improve the ability of their problem solving.
Students who have high mathematical
disposition will be more active in trying to finish
the solution of a problem so that the ability of
problem solving will increase their ability.
According to the explanation that higher of
mathematical disposition level of students
ability will be higher level in problem solving.
This is supported research conducted by
mandur (2013) that the connection, the ability
of representation , and disposition a useful or
valuable positive achievement and contribute
significantly to learning about mathematics. In
addition to the research conducted by mahmudi
( 2010 ) found that students who have a
mathematical higher disposition ability of
mathematical problems tend to have higher than
the student in mathematical lower disposition
Based on the results of the test which
has been carried out, then it was concluded that
the Problem Based Learning, Problem Posing
on the capacity of the effective
breakdown and disposition a useful or valuable
students based on the following indicators (1)
The ability of the students problem solving
which use the Problem Based Learning with
problems posing strategy is able to reach the
passing grade learning, (2) the ability of the
students problem solving which use Problem
Based Learning is able reach the passing grade,
(3) the ability of the students problem solving
solution in their experiences on the model of
Discovery learning is able to reach the passing
grade in the learning proces, (4) the capability
average of the students problem solving in
learning use the model of Problem Based
Learning with posing problem strategy is more
than the capability average in problem solving
with the problem solving use Problem Based
Learning model and more than the capability
average the problem solving use the discovery
learning model (5) the average of mathematical
the disposition the students who learning using
Problem Based Learning model with the
strategy of Problem Posing is more than the
average student's mathematical disposition

H P Nugroho et al / UNNES Journal of Mathematics Education 5 (2) (2015)

using Problem Based Learning model and

higher than the mathematical disposition
average of the student using the model of
disposition influence the ability in problem
solving to the students who learning use
Problem Based Learning model with the
Problem Posing strategy,(7) mathematical
disposition will influence the ability of the
students problem solving using Problem Based

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