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Re St el ees eC ee el ete ele ero aol LLU tele ol THE BLACK VAULT Lee See Re steel laa oad ae Pao eoameto sgh RECORD CLEARING HOUSE IN THE WORLD. THE RESEARCH EFFORTS HERE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DECLASSIFICATION OF THOUSANDS OF DOCUMENTS THROUGHOUT THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, AND ALL CAN BE DOWNLOADED BY VISITING: RIALS ate eh a7 Ueto) YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO FORWARD THIS DOCUMENT TO YOUR FRIENDS, BUT PLEASE KEEP THIS IDENTIFYING IMAGE AT THE TOP OF THE PDF SO OTHERS CAN DOWNLOAD MORE! GERALD R. FORD LIBRARY Request for Manuscript Reproductions Card No. Date: Yes /or Box Folder Title or Document Identification Tota Collection Title No. Central File Code To/From or Title. Date Page CL bid lngecspal PA UFO. (lle | 4 | fepers | “ DIZ| UFO+s | [47 | a B48 | FyB-al Z 3 CC T _ el a —|- | | | 4 _ GERALD R. FORD LIBRARY Collection Title: oral” Cag ross one Papers Foldertitle: L1.F.0. (Jeb Document Title: UFO Erclosures Library of Congresa book (UFO materiod) Blue Hook, Air Porce Statement about UFO at Dexter, Michigan March 25, 1966, Nevs Release (UFO statements) arch 28, 196%, News Release April 3, 1966, News Release vows Pelease April 21, 1965, April 16, 1967, Editorial fron (UFO information) ‘The New York! Timee Avril 17, 1967, Edttorial from . betroit Tree Press October 7, 1966, News Release July 31, 1966, UFO Sighting Nay 9, 1966, evs Release April 17, 1966, Ravenna, Ohic September 3, 1965, Exeter, Yev Hampshire March 2, 1965, Rrooksville, Florida April 24, 1964, Socorro, New Mexico February 24, 1959, UPO over Pennsylvania Novenber 23, 1953, Kinross Taeident July 19/20 and 26/27, 1952, Washington, m. C. January 7, 4948, The Nantel Case June 24, 1957, Mt, Ranier, Weshington Air Force Regulations ©0-17 and 80-174 (Only 4 tal 2 AXVUSIT MIO ATVI WOWd AdODOLOH CONGRESSMAN ST ieee ces R. FORD | MOUSE REPUBLICAN LEADER SE FROM THE OFFICE OF HOUSE MINORITY LEADER GERALD R, FORD, R-MICH. FOR RELEASE ON RECEIPT MARCH 25, 1966 WASHINGTON--House Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford, R-Mich., today —r——— reported sightfags of unidentified flying objects in aan i and other parts of the 7 yg country. fA Ford gid he believes) a songeeenoal inquiry would be worthvhile as because thé American ‘a¢opte are beeping alarmed by the UFO stories. He ngted that Air Force tavputtbatore have been checking on such sup! hav} come up with nothing conducive, gfetoes and incidents, "sort ¥ity the Congress to reports fgr y "in the Light / de thete new 4 fery wholedome thing for a eonastece’ °: { "£e would be conduct a number of hearings,and to call/responsiple witnesses from the executive branch (of the goverament)/ and witnesses jay they have een oy 8) % ¥ "I think the American people would feel better if there was a full-blown investigation of these incidents, which some persons allege have taken place.” fae & 3 8 3 2 2 8 z a 8 3 z = 5 3 & 6 g & 2 CONGRESSMAN | GERALD R. FORD ICAN LEADER «| RELEASE) . FOR RELEASE TUESDAY, P.M. MARCH 28, 1966 4 Lk (Le NOTE TO ALL wows NEGA: Mouse Mfforsty Leader Gerald R. Ford, R-Michigan, today sent the attached letter to the chairmen and the sppieing i Republican members j ree ves and Astronautics, u| S Ford is not satisfied oS the Air Force explanation fee recent " yersion given by jommittees on Armed Services and. Science i wy ciglpomiteee o: ¥ otter investigate the sightings in Michigan and descrives the "swamp gos! astrophysicist J. Allen Hynek as “flippant.” Ford has received a number of telegrams and letters from individuals anxious to see a congressional investigation of UFO's, one aca NEWS AWWA G8OA GSD WOA AdOIOLOHE CONGRESSMAN axes FOR RELEASE TUESDAY, P.M. MARCH 28, 1966 Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford, NOTE TO ALL NEWS MEDIA: Hou R-Michigan, today sent the attached letter to the chairmen and the ranking Republican members of the House Committees on Araed Services and Science and Astronautics, urging that one committee or the other investigate the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's). Ford {8 not satisfied with the Air Force explanation of the recent the "swamp gas" version given by aightings in Michigan and describs astrophysicist J, Allen Hynek as "flippant. Ford has received a number of telegrams and letters from individuals anxious to see a congressional investigation of UFO's. ood STR (NEWS, SERALD_E. COR? | RELEASE § 3 g 8 2 z 2 e & g 6 E g g z a March 28, 1966 Rep. L, Mendel Rivers, Chairaan Armed Services Coumittes U, 8, House of Representatives Washington, D.C. Rep. George P, Miller, Chairman Science and Astronautics Comittee U, 8, House of Representatives Washington, D.C, Dear Chairsen Miller and Rivers: No doubt you have noted the recent flurry of newspaper stories about unidentified flying objects (UFO's), I have taken special interest in these accounts because many of the latest reported sightings have been in my home state of Michtgan, ‘The Air Force sent a consultant, astrophysicist Dr. J. Allen Hynek of Northwestern University, to Michigan to investigate the various reports; and he dismissed all of then as the product of college student pranks or ‘swamp gas or an impression created by the rising crescent moon and the planet Venus. I do not agree that all of these reports can be or should be so easily explained away. I think there may pe substance to some of these reports and I believe the Aseyican people are entitled to a ore thorough explanation than has been/given then by the Air Force to date, Iam ‘proposing that either the! Science and Astronautics Comittee or the Arned Services Committee pf the House schédile hearings on the subject of UFO's and invite testimony from both the executive branch of the sovernnent afd song of the persons vho claim to have seen UFO! 1 enclose adterial uhich I think will be helpful co you in ‘psseasing the advisability of an investigation of UFO's, } May I firot call to your attention a coluan by Rostoe Drummsad, published last Sunday in which Mr. Druamond says, "Maybe alllof these Feported sightings are vhinsical, isaginary or unreal; but ¥e need a’aore credible and detached appraisal of the evidence than we were Mr, Drucmond goes on to state, "We need to get ail ‘the data draum together to one place and examined far more objectively than anyone has done so far. A stable public opinion will cone from a trustworthy look at the evidence, not from belittling 4t." “The time has cone for the President or Congress to nane an objective and respected panel to investigate, appraise, and report on all present and future evidence about what is going on,” I agree fully with Mr. Drummond's statenents, I also suggest you scan the enclosed series of six articles by Bulkley Griffin of the Grittin- Larrabee News Bureau here, In the Last of his articles, published last January, Me, Grigfin says, "A main conclusion can be briefly stated, 4a that the Air Force is misleading the public by its continuing campaign to produce and maintain belief chat all sightings can be explained away misidentification of familiar objects, such as balloons, stars, and aircraft.” te L have just today received a nusber of telegrams urging a congressional investigation of UFO's, Ardnore, Tennes who says, "f have seen UFO, testify." WILL be avatlable to Another, from Mrs. Ethyle M, Davis, Eugene, Oregon, reads, "Nine out of 8 Presa your investigation to the fullest. tea people want truth of UF One ie from retired Air Force Col, Harold R. Brown, nd AdODOLOE AWRUELT MIO CVAD Wo Rep. George P, Miller, Chairman Rep. L, Mendel Rivers, Chairman Page Two March 28, 1966 Ronald Colier of Los Angeles, who identifies hinself as "a scientist from N,I,T.," urges that you "do everything in your power to make Air Force Project Blue Book (the AF name for ite study and verdicts on UFO reports) known to the people." Are we to assume that everyone who says he has seen UFO's is an unreliable witness? A UPI story out of Ann Arbor, Michigan, dated March 21, 1966, states that "at least 40 persons, including 12 policemen, said today that they saw a strange flying object guarded by four sister ships land in a svamp near here Sunday night," Matt Surrell of Station WR, Detroit, cites an eye witness account of a recent UFO sighting by Enile Grenier of Ann Arbor, an aeronautical engineer euployed by Ford Motor Company. He points cut that an engineer can hardly be considered an untrustworthy witn. In the firm belief that the Anerican public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by che Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFO's and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment on this subject. Kindest personal regards. Sincerely, Is! Gerald R, Ford, ORF:plr Enclosures vee AWWA COS GWAD WON AdODOLONA March 28, 1966 Rep. George P, Miller, Chatraan Rep. L, Mendel Rivers, Chairman Science and Astronautics Committee Araed Services Committee U, S, House of Representatives U. S, House of Representatives Washington, D.C, Washington, D. Cy Dear Chairmen Miller and Rivers: No doubt you have noted the recent flurry of newspaper stories about unidentified flying objects (UFO's), I have taken special interest in these accounts because many of the latest reported sightings have been in my home state of Michigan. The Air Force sent @ consultant, astrophysicist Dr. J. Allen Hynek of Northwestern University, to Michigan to investigate the various reports; and he dismissed all of ‘then as the product of college student pranks or ‘Swamp gas or an inpression created by the rising crescent moon and the planet Venus, 1 do not agree that all of these reporte can be ot should be so easily explained avay. Because I think there may be substance to some of these reports and because I believe the American people are entitled to a more thorough explanation than has been given thea by the Air Force to date, I an proposing that either the Science and Astronautics Committee or the Armed Services Comittee of the Wouse schedule hearings on the subject of UFO's and invite testimony from both the executive branch of the government and some of the persons who claim to have ecen UFO" I enclose material which I think will be helpful to you in assessing the advisability of an investigation of UFO's. Way I first call to your attention a column by Roscoe Drummond, published Last Sunday in vhich Mr, Drummond says, "Maybe all of these reported Sightings are whimsical, imaginary or unreal; but we need a more credible and detached appraisal of the evidence than ve are getting." Mr, Drummond goes on to state, “We need to get all the data draw together to one place and examined far more objectively than anyone has done so far. A stable public opinion will cone from a trustworthy look at the evidene: not from belittling it." "The time has come for the President or Congress to name an objective and respected panel to investigate, appraise, and report on all present and future evidence about what is going on." I agree fully with Mr, Drumond's statements, I also suggest you scan the enclosed series of six articles by Bulkley Griffin of the Griffin Larrabee News Bureau here, In the last of his articles, published last January, Mr. Grigfin says, A main conclusion can be briefly stated. 4s that the Air Force 42 misleading the public by its continuing campaign to produce and maintain belief that all sightings can be explained away a9 nisidentification of faniliar objects, such as balloons, stars, and aircraft. it T have just today received « uusber of telegrams urging a congressional Investigation of UFO's, One is from retired Air Force Col. Harold Rs Brown, arduore, Tennessee, who says, "I have seen UFO, Will be available to testify.” Another, fron Mrs. Ethyle M. Davis, Eugene, Oregon, reads, "Nine out of ten people want truth of UFO's Press your investigation to the fullest." AWAIT Mio’ GTVYAD Wous AdODOLOHE Rep. George P. Miller, Chairman Rep. L, Mendel Rivers, Chairman Page Two March 28, 1966 Ronald Colier of Los Angelés, who identifies himself as “a scientist from M.I.T.," urges that you "do everything in your power to make Air Force Project Blue Book (the AF name for its study and verdicts on UFO reports) known to the people." Are we to assume that everyone who says he has seen UFO's is an unreliable witness? A UPI story out of Ann Arbor, Michigan, dated March 21, 1966, states that "at least 40 persons, including 12 policemen, said today that they saw @ strange flying object guarded by four sister ships land in a swamp near here Sunday night.” : Matt Surrell of Station WIR, Detroit, cites an eye witness account of a recent UFO sighting by Enile Grenier of ‘Ann Arbor, an aeronautical engineer enployed by Ford Motor Company. He points out that an aeronautical engineer can hardly be considered an untrustworthy witness. In the firm belief that ‘the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena, I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFO's and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment on this subject. Kindest personal regards, Sincerely, ds/ Gerald R, Ford, H.C, GRF:ple Enclosures toe ANVAIT MIO aTVAID WOU AdodOLOHE APRIL 3, 1966 Fon SUNDAY A.M, RELEASE STATEMENT BY HOUSE MINORITY LEADER GERALD R. FORD, R-MICHIGAN ons have ridiculed ay call for a congressional Aa I had expected, some pei investigation of unidentified flying objects (UFO's), These people are a fraction of those who have given ae their reaction to ay proposal. The overuhelming majority of those expressing @ view in letters to ae b le a congressional dnvestigation wdulé be useful and is needed. Those who feof at, the idea of @ congressional investigation of UFO! apparently are bnaware that the House Armed Services Committee has scheduled 4 closed-door hharingion the matter Tuesday with the Air Force and that Sj s $ § & g s 7 g s g eh, Betton Rep. Joseph E. ‘two days of hush-hush ndeetnas siyp Years ago on behalf of the House Science / we, ba confirted in conversation with ¢ and Astronautics member of my staff that“he conducted these secret’ hearings iittee chairman, Rep, George P. ‘The present Science and Astronauticd Com Miller, D-Celif., has shied avay from a UFO probe at this time, saying” his committee does not have jurisdiction ever the Alr Force. Byevthe late Rep. Overton Brooks, D-La,, obviously hed dif: ofa idea vecavse he tapped y Karth to sumon Air Fore witnesses and gestion chad after a flurry of UFO Va YA Leased ailything t@ che public, According to teteeth atate Uibector, no record was made of subcommittee menbers and Air Force witnesses. Toll committee but never the © Charles F. Ducand conversation between Karth The hearings, he sald, took place in Karth's congressional office. I have never caid that I believe any of the reported UFO sightings indicate visits to earth from another planet, Apart from prenks and natural Phenomena, some of these objects may well be products of experimentation by If this {s 90, why doesn't the Air Force concede it and our om military, There would be no need to go into in thie way reassure the Anerican people? detail on the nature of the experiments. eee FOR SUNDAY A.M, RELEASE APRIL 3, 1966 STATEMENT BY HOUSE MINORITY LEADER GERALD R, FORD, R-MICHIGAN As I had expected, sone persons have ridiculed by call for acongresstonal These people are a investigation of unidentified flying objects (UFO's). The who have given me their reaction to my proposal. fraction of tho: ing a view in letters to me believe overwhelming majority of those expr ional investigation would be useful and 1s needed. tonal investigation of UFO! Those who scoff at the 1d scheduled apparently are unavare that the House Armed Services Comittee a closed-door hearing on the matter Tuesday with the Air Force and that @ three-man subcommittee which held Rep. Joseph £, Karth, D-Minn,, heade Setence two days of hueh-hush hearings five years ago on behalf of the Hou: and Astronautics Coumittee. Karth has confirmed in conversation with a VEIT CO aTHHAO Wows AgoooLONE secret hearings, menber of my staff that he conducted the ‘The present Science and Astronautics Committee chairman, Rep. George P.~ has shied avay from a UFO probe at this time, saying his Miller, D-Calif. But the late committee does not have Jurisdiction over the Air Force, obviously had different ideas because he tapped Rep, Overton Brooks, D-La, and question them after a flurry of UFO Karth to summon Air Force vitni sightings in 1961, informed me that his subcommittee made an oral report to the Karth hi According to full committee but never released anything to che public. Charles F, Ducander, the committee's staff director, no record was made of conversation between Karth subcommittee meubers and Air Force witnes: The hearings, he said, took place in Karth's congressional office, T have never said that I believe any of the reposted UFO sightings: indicate visits to earth from another planet, Apart from pranks and natural phenomena, some of these objects may well be products of experimentation by 10, why doesn't the Air Force concede it and our om military, If this te in this way reassure the American people? There vould be no need to go into detail on the nature of the experiments. eee CONGRESSMAN GERALD R. FORD | 4 HOUSE REPUBLICAN LEADER "POR RELEASE ON THURSDAY, P. APRIL 21, 1966 STATEMENT BY HOUSE MINORITY LEADER GERALD R. FORD, R-MICHIGAN, The Air Force has informed me it is arranging for a study by high-caliber scientists of some of the UFO sightings which have never been explained, This study will be placed under contract soon after July 1, start of the n fiscal year. It will be carried out by a university which has no close ties wi the Air Force so that the findings will be coupletety objective, Air Force offic tell me. | i Those people engaged in the study will be high-caliber scientists who have & the Air Force said, It will be made clear to hea \ 5 i never taken a position on UFO! that they are not being hired to come up with findings in support of previous Air Force statements regatding UFO's, I am informed, The Air Force said there is too much effort involved to ask these scientists to make this study without pay. The report will definitely be made public, the Air Force assured me, The whole purpose of the study is to clear the air as far as the public is concerned This, of course, vas my purpose in recently requesting that public hearings on the subject of UFO's be conducted by either the House Armed Services Committee or the House Science and Astronautics Committee, It was as a result of my call for a congressional investigation that the Air Force now ts arranging for a study of UFO's by topflight scientists not connected in any way with the Air Force. I would have preferred a congressional investigation with witnesses to include reliable persons from among those who say they have seen UFO's, I still think this would be beneficial, But the UFO study by @ panel of scientists, with the report to be made public, is a step in the right direction. eee WASHINGTON, D.C. '- 20301 PLEASE NOTE DATE ae AIR FORCE § ‘TO INVESTIGATS UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT A has been selected by the fl; 5 dc, Boulder, Color te gations int ty of Col ¢ to conduct indepe > unidentified f approximately $300,000, is being negotiat: th the university by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research to analyze potiena associated with UFO sightings and to make recommendations on the Air Force's methods of investigating and evaluating UFO reports -- a program known & Project Blue Book. “A report ie expected to be made to the Air Force in early g earch agreement, velued Od CHWIO WOT AYooOLON: & 1968 B Dr, Baward U, Condon will direct the scientific phases of the work, while Robert J. Low will serve as project coordinator. Principal investigators working Franklin £, Roach end Dr. Stuart W. Cook, Condon, former directer of the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), is ; Colorado and a fellow of the Joint Laboratory for hysics which is co-sponsored by the university and NBS. Mr. Low is an assistant dean of the university's graduate school. Dr. chairman of ity's psychology department, and Dr. Roach is with Environmental Science Services Administration ( with Dr, Condon will be a professor of physics expected to select ce These and other consultant, earch. involved to over 100 indicated its willingness to assist io report becomes avatlable to the will not be independent check The National Academy of Sciences has at the time the Col: by appointing a panel Mir Force--to review the investigating team’s work. of the investigating team, but will provide a further fle validity of the methed of investigation "We wold Brown sala reapected In announcing the selection, Air Force Seevetary e more than pleased to be sble to place this gran’ 2a university of such high standing the location of the university should since the National Center for Atmospheric Resear! of the Environmental Science Services Admini: ganizations conduct research cn the pi ent, spec ng in the physical characteristics near-space medium.” — Air Force Project Blue Zook files, as well as any other UFO informetion in the possession of the Air Force, will be made available to the team. Additionally, all Air Force installations within the U.S. will assist the team ‘The investigators will, however, conduct their research if requested. independently of and without direction fron the Air Force. ‘The decision to enter into a research agreement for this work was based on a recommendation of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Poard which completed & review of the resources, nettiods and findings of Project Blue Book earlier While complimenting the Air Force on the organization of Project this year. Blue Zook, the Board recoumended that the program be expanded to include investigation of selected sightings by independent scientists, such reports Within the Department of Defense, the Air Force has the responsibility ‘The Air Force has been investigating of investigating UFO reports. since 1948 under its role of air defense of the United Stetes, and the university's research does not alter Project Blue Book responsibilities of receiving, investigating and evaluating UFO reports. END (Dop Release No, 383-66, May 9, 1966, refers.) id AdOD0LOHE AUVUEIT AOI aTVAID Woy, DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE WASHINGTON id AdOD0LOHE AQVMENT MIO aTVUZO Wo: GERALD P, FORD LIBRARY Collection Tites/Sre/ Org essen] sox EYP Pages FolderTitle: S48 -2/ Qocument Title: pate 2/29 Lib b Letter te Bop. 6. Mendel kivers, henemean vavea 23, 1966 Rep. L, Mendel Rivers, Chairaan Arned Servicea Comittee U, 3, House of Representatives Washington, D. Cc, Dear Chairman Rivers No doubt you have noted the recent flurry of newspaper stories about unidentifled flying objects (UFO's), L have taken apectal interest in these accounts because many of the latest reported stuhtings have been in wy hone state of sichigan. ‘The Air Force sent a consultant, astrophysicist De. J. Alien dynes of Worthwestern University, to Michizan te investigate the various Feports; and he dismissed ail of them as the product of collese student pranks ot awanp gas or an inpression created by the rising crescent moon and the planet Veous. 1 do not agree that all of these reports can be ot should be 0 easily explained away. Becavse I think there may be substance to sone of these reperte and because I believe the American people are entitled to a more thorouyh explanation thaa haa been given thon by the Air Force to date, 1 am proposing that either the Science and Astronautics Committee or the Aracd Services Committee of the House schedule bearinge oa the sub- ject of UFO's and invite testimoay frou both the executive braach of the geverament and some of the persons who claim to have seen UFO's, 1 enclose material which 1 think will de helpful to you in assessing the advisability of an investigation of UFO's, Hay I first call to your attention a coluvm by Roscoe Bruamond, published test Sunday in witica str, Beummond says, ““laybe all of these Foported a4 jhtings are whinstcal, imaginary of uoreal; but ve need a tore seedible and detached appratea! of the evidence than we are gattiag.” 1 Pies9H wo Kdodoyoug 1e39¢7 pu, Ne need to get ail the data oraw i, Orumond joes on to state, kogether in one place and examined far more objectively than apyone has done sofar. A stable public opiaion will come from a trust- worthy look at the evidence, not from belittling tc. ‘The time has come for the President of Congress to name an objective and respected panel to Lavastigate, appraise, and report oa ail Present and future evidence about shat ts ysing on.” 1 agree fully with sir. Drummond's statements, 1 alas sugyest you ean the encloved series of aix articios ty Bulkley Criffin of the Grigfin-Lercabee News Gureau here, in the Last of his articles, published last January, Sx. Griffin says, "A waia conclusion can be veiefly stated, It 4s that the Air Force 19 misleading the public by ita continuing campaim to produce and aaintata belief that all sightings can be explained avay as mfaidentification of familiar objects, such 43 balloons, stars and aircraft." I have just today received a numer of telegrans urging a consresstonat investigation of UFO's, One is from retired Air Force Col. Harold 2. Brown, Ardaora, Tennessee, wo says, "I have wean UFO, Will ve available to testify." Bthyle 4. Davis, Eugene, Oregon, roads, “tine out Another, fron tira. Press your investization to the 0 ten people want truth of UFO's. fullest.” Ronald Colder of Loa Angeles, who identifies himself as ‘a scientist from 4.1.T.," urges that you “do everything in your power to aase Aix Force Project Slue Sook (the AF name for its atudy and verdicts on SFO reports) known to cha people,” Are we to assume that everyone who aays he haa seua UFO's ta an unreliable witness? A UPI atoxy out of Aan Arbor, iicaigan, dated March 21, 1968, states chat “at least 4) persona, includiag 12 poltcenen, said today that they saw a strange flying object uarded by four sister ohips Land in a svoup avar here Sunday aac.” Habe Sureil of Station 4J&, Detroit, cites an wye witness accout of a recent UP) sighting by Gaile Gronicr of san Arbor, an aeronautical enginnes aaployed by FomiMotor Coupany. le polats out that aa aeronautical qigineer can hardly bo considered an untruscwortly witnesa. Ar02997 prog *Y pres9p woy sdosoroyg op. L, Handel Aivers, Cagirasa Page Three vareh 28, 1466 Ja the fins vellof thut tho Avericun public deserves 2 better @xplanation than that thus fur given by the Air forse, I strongly Focoumend that there be « comittee iavestljution of the UPy pitenomana. I think we owe 4 to the people to establish credibility reyarding UFO's and to produce the ,restest possible enlightenment oa tats subject. Kindest personal reyarus, Sincerely, Gerald 2. Ford, 4.0. caPiple Encloaures. op. Willigm H. Bates, R-ilass bee: Arad Services Coamirtee Rep. Joseph W. Martia, Jx., B-Ha Science and Astronautics Comite op, Jamas G. Fulton, &-Pennsylvania Science and Astronautics Comittee Aseiqry] prog “y presog woxy kdoooiouyg GERALD R. FORD LIBRARY Collection Tite: fore! Cgessoral Box, D3 OT" Boer Folder Title: LPO <5 Document Title: Date: 00. 557 UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS HEARING COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES EIGHTY-NINTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION APRIL 5, 1966 Ww [Pages of all doeuments printed in behalf of the activities of the Meuse ‘Committee on Armed Services are numbered cumulatively to ‘permit a comprehensive index at the end of the Cor. ‘etess, Page numbers lower than those in this document refer to other ‘subjeet.] US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE AQUI QUOd TTVUIO WOU AdOdO.LOHA PHOTOCOPY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY INSE COMMIFTER ON ARMED SERVICES 1, MENDEL RIVERS, stb Caring, CAirnn 1 nineaho ater oan Testine taesne hte [N0. 551 UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBFECTS House oF Reneesexrsvies Conran ox Ansera Sr, Washington Dil, Presa. sill 1908, “The committee met, pursuant tovall, at 10:35 ag the Honorable L Mandel Rivers (cata of te somite), pret ‘The Crnsvaras. Let the ommitee comme too Members ofthe conten, Seoreacy Brn sid General MeCon nel are bare thie vnoring for the pmspose of residing to ses io “At iw end of our ast hearing [sed hat Screary Brow give soit information wits respect 0 unidentifed yg objeto Yom Sand Gh propane dha storming asta USL ne sw ie Dr len Hts consan fo Braet ie Book, whi i the gooup changed wi-respansbility with reper to THRO Alo preset thie moring + May. Hevtor Quintana, UO project oes Thin i would bo wel to get the CFO basins on of the way Bet Sa Trill ack Dr. Brown to give ws his porta thie tn. ‘Mi Seeretary see you ean shed smi ight 0 ew ight Si nated objects. "We can just write them off. Thereare too many nsponsible people who ara coer ‘Mr Bor has nine ont he has a prety good sas state inthe Co sce so ell hd Yo ko: Sern 8 8 Go ahead, Mr. Secretary. Secretary Brows. Mr. Chairman, 1 have « Wetter hese whic i at. daresed to Fou and zed it Lat ie rn trois it icy, hecase SC'summarzes preity well what ont Niews aie on unilentbed Reg objects 8 Dhore are sone questions, Team try Co ausscer tlemg or the Chief, or De, Hiynek, or Major Quintanilla ‘The Caamtax. Why don't me have Hie dovtor one up te the table nov, beeause when we start asking westions we will bate hins there, fand we sill just go a over the bord. at thy end of the table, Doetor. Go ahead, sir, STATEMENT OF HOW, HAROLD BROWN, SECRETARY OF ATR FORCE Scorelary Brown. This is in response of vour ewent request for information concerning’ Air Force activities i Uhe area of reported Unidentified Aging objets ‘Within the Department of Defetse the Air Force has the respon- sibility of investigating reports on unidentified flying objeeta and of PHOTREBPY FR. (OM GERALD Fo . possible threat to our national security tint RaEABARY Jessi po” In exryng ot tis hoje ints. me ass so ta th! Air Fone to bill objetive thorough nis ten song of al reports of ine aera abjets over Cisted Sates ‘nar the ane “Projet Bloe Book the ‘iy Kore caries ot 8 tren phan progr. Wo (1) tae a inal ineigation of etch report recited (2) make more detailed analyse 98 ports hot plaids aml (5) dicanitate formation an Stings eg sin si Ihave to evsinsie sis sbioetns thoroughly 98 posible the capable of the Air Faye Seeatiae Alter Paar ae sat iad) focused upon te sujet of CEO. ThE Bom Ins fst ca Petod detail vole of this subject and eoetvtel tha he GEO Mesaimenn preenty np feat to the pecity of he Cate State fnifin te peamn Aie efor teing wth PPO Salts ina ten ‘well pgsnized.ecanngedaiins Ee the Boasd te pe, fenely under study and a expected to lend fo eee stomgerenptaeis Sith ee sop Mvetzting ae seg fn aera HES por Wt er sightings from 145 chonh 18 2 snmaty of whieh wee elev sgnibeant at he Ait Fee Baa auechtot in enttying 0 of thee vijecs, inenallyaf oE oo sghtngs wore decid from sueetive nomen oborvatons id pat" cm of thew eve msl i aa Tint ined ech shige ay beh a ed planets coms ‘eteors a fireballs il auforal streainers ‘rhe major sone: of reported sightings include such object a8 satellites, mirage an epnegns radar keaton The. aig it reported siting at tise fn whieh the tnformation able Sosy tana be aps oo whch the oration sggests hs phects bak Toe et pean, Hsing feat be proven to hav been here ox taken pace a mk ii evslmting these sightings, the Air Force nas used carefully selected! and highly qualified scientists, eugineers, technician antl Sneultonte THkee pesonnel have nite se Bnet ip Force labor Tatore, text centers see Instrnestaiony Aleck eq nen fortis purpose ints nt es et tocol ctor thar the: wader sits represent darlopnente 3 peepee beyond present-day scientific knowledze, or any evidence of extre ine te teenth Torieng wl open ound ond with the fine fecha ee tna matching 9 special eport of the USAR Scintifi dvisory ‘A's Contteee TolReviow Project Ble Bolte ate cation of Project Blue Book, tat Februssy yoga ai it Boron satement roganing the UFO. sightings a Dexter ick on March ai tity and a Hiatt, Meron Mirch 27 1968 Tens hatte aoe intrusion wil of assure to yom. TET cat Ip yo further in ay ag, plese dot estate tobe KOO terrestrial vehicles, the Air Barve will co vi 5993 (The information referred to is as fullows:) jhtings of wnldeate Hing viet susefeun Aum Ponce Stasearsy Reusnoist ue TPO ss Sakern 3, Hoth aso Hictsaatn, ica ‘Te vestigation of thee te stn seleulde insula to Project lve Bek” ps Bay ch us pes! fea the Projet ser Aly Force ha Oho, Tu edition te those to pete ene, there ts ed feet from ‘ul ates tot Retire sud afer Starch an 2th intestine Ihave not baa ee nage savestigute alt thre” ¥¢ les brn serie vers tha ta Hilt aver fauaave the sere had Douek eet ye eles Sealer erence ve a eh iromgn the prose ma take Set utter Mian Me fn eve thigh doth the casee at oct, “Tite peer ele show tail uae au 4 osu of 8 Hiae vague of te Hui epeat o a “che tine of ubwervers fa etl the Dexter an fate ses eet daly silent stowage bee he Seed cra sen. tad bien be fave ota ni lees he amie tw sierra igi ai thle ave seated at thee Suser dm on sunhe- tester ‘Shaster of matle eas a dit “howe atin al ob er Wituener “have desrnd Tights tat atewr to. nore "hms ac an sos a Dixren Mion. as ‘oe Mae 21 rt hy De 3 Allen Hy mel frou Stiegl acter far fat tebe pace at it anne ia’ He een et ‘oma of pele and at Heat te fetes fe dns ree Ie a he Say te ies : fers. Yet, the Famous utr wstrononter, Minnaert in the Once i py ere been fines vert Ir tent her ema “uae nh i Eaters and sont hwesteven Ser ene fot at the Tce sth wie Ter ean een For hors a8 sete at set es Oe ara re fy mel! au mut exten for te ent wees asthe fe tray ee the How. “Wun the spring tat wots heen ay be ele : : a tet form ee lemon conf ol he the subject of forte vest "Phe emt Hts avert nese en Fest foe on Ahoy 240 they mere Tos gave, tl sell ‘Saewars ato Hse sume! state wore observe yer ayer bene ane autanee So anu as heard oot a NE 5994 Pio) 1 swore vty Okay tt 2 SRR Rp ah ye yapy saree gases CIty TES, and Bl tesutting 1 ere TEER ii Tepe fh a wt OR 4 sieuteeonis oxtiation of th upure Poly Tye wilLafikewine estate ieee tur uy he a toon eae dees Be SIP eal es optus cor ea # thal swam te fetuntom oF HLS and CHL form nvce Neeeaion au hist aay Te senate aa ‘lteitene, "Si gee of Wiens singreet ar real roa oe ae GS iartatate an thee ei i Bie Fe tem, Be fate ia he ig hte die wt este oe san ‘hu ison ab sana “nh have te Me tae le ae ‘Poe dhaararanre othe ight whe people gt soe with eis a ear ain th the otek tn ree ee Se EY rat eo tn Ta Bede Se ye as ir awa vet ele tht the hinison o he sentithns of ee yen atienSt mnt all me at ee) a tae wae eee ea Haft ightie a lean there wan't Sie ace fea Stocrtohe yoiel te tase pea Re Srosat Retort oF rue TSAR Senmemrte A0vIsoRY Rosey Ao Hoe Consieriee "ro twiew Paver But Boon Soot! fa oapornnaus fw ah ea, ER tebe, Senta Ie ATF ae Ctieer of Mormation. dated Sebietaher Se 1058 Meee, e {Scetine Adeisnre Huard AW'Htoe Comintiee met Peheuack 2 aaah te vos Projet ite eu, "The ihjetives the sunita are cle te Soe 2 pete inet open Pr Hie ov oa Ae Pon's aus yrvremetts teat a te te hte Weotea Yo eens ihe NiePoeer pane in aresing oa is et Te yr tia tetateen pt deste eae of the comnltce oale aye ies ae ae aro ie yemnetWehic seas ih Just 1863. The evunutes est Heed hedge Ema ty. APS rel au hfe te the cnssanat Aye Fees : rage = scene That evitaes information eu VPC ghia momo tare a ns ‘giana cases. Boalt, the eoumittoe torte selected case Meg of Fo sisines vith paraatir exaphots no ehuse the sve an kee dee ae Sutenah shut ereut 6H) of all wehtius (40147), fn the sware 1947 "hea Tis aw tated hehe abe Fare ge “Caveat: 8 eee iat that nat the cae Histol de sin Fes tn week he ae aha rae dey oma el Mn pe oto yc ie notre oa ing rout aetroncat Staton ts rvs hon which ave hen deed te as" Ne wnaurhnsnt hae the Baivane tMarrasoey Bus ae came Fae Sm nlatoc me win hare lat eunete Rit ie fel a ce ae Hacruet wvtvor yrdoe 1-28 rach sole Bg hou acetate te Sintintun ‘hata rete aetwark povided 20 eerie heey al sna mbit soa ne ebro abweeting ak the "Te omits romchet iat In ee peas eae hort Tn a exit te anti ste iivioval seoutta’” Heating ayeieel a tie i BP CFO was elahted ‘ee er nyt ae este come fe ene fon the Air ons ban the sete ape 5905 of the UFO protem. Carnaby (howe ant thar rated Ww Ale Fone Deane whch fol ae mae sini oa he ie pan Erruadans Ile aater eat fallve sting mth Netibedtaesory” ate thi ie ome San tS ent a ieee eee cents a Ink certaia of very chew conmanieaton ao welt te wit ke Oe Se ea 1h ut that periigyy AIM) sSehtluns # Year lm wajertea te the SRE aic rare sale seat (i Bea tet le et Yee elug wletield ttc) ms the Wording’ ott psnge 3 nt tM ae site Pete reports: Pre Ine Bowl shad be given wide unsaiaiet Daranesavte mit Son Four Meivoruatun or wir arto lente aio BuljeceTodentied fgg nijets FO) Tiskreing ith sea Atco he Ate Bon hae the papell fo sueigvoigation of uahleuiled ping ts reposted ner ae Cat a PROMMMDEY FROM GERALD FORD. LIBRARY je name of tha prose it Blue Rook (attachient 1). Prosednres for coe tcp ve see yale Porc coats BOE (tac "Fie “le Furve bus cumucted Project Dhue Book since 3048. As of Jue 80 ‘ag tna of nF cops nd hoa avesighfod Hythe Ae over” OF chews 1 i cua ta nay ence : i Ate be dferiued Wf ie sss, Deputy Chie of Staq/Plans aud ‘neato tt Erijet Blow Bok fea wortnwite broerhn wie tose toe ‘Shr falta aetna a Yt te Me Fore SNe SUD hice ey eset ate te sue unfbysecnsee, ue Ala Seguih ed of igh Mowe sua tycrations base fetrined so toate Fekete bi 77D) At Wei ran hr Pc Soak "Fordnee ie fe War ine fovnd to ever at as of ee CFO reports tefecs iti te ote tational scent Hineeter, afte eters Cae Extn fe expinie have rome front onlzeur and echt wel ented ites ene esti smote ded tu eau te eet fee citer by healt ore ita cya teacion af the specaeelar Ter “ic dre pleted Us aay prvte CPU oats oe "Kecoatasi i's eeqneted tot. working scewtide panel composed of bath pact an cri sveatpas we engi te coco Pret ibe Bookie re ‘ih i eget thn i ie Roe na poe mite east i (ar'ipnek who te the chairman of the Deartorn Oiserratory at Univers ts tho stent eoettan to Penert Mve Bask” Be Thon tauented. willingness tosh Wt euch panel fonder fo aes hs eon te poe yess Dr firuek avvatewme ths yeetlew with De. Winston R. Marker, tbe ror Ate Fore Chet Selene. EB Laman, Major Generat, OSAP, Diver of tnfrmation, Ae Hoc Castirien os Ustuesrine Fusrse Osrecra (UFOS) 3 February 1068 ‘Welcoming remark: Commaader or vice commander, PB, Intraduction Dr O'Brian SAB, ding, SAPOL ‘PT S10 The Air Force peoblens Lieutenant Colonel med on Pag Ma Book lar ha IS Revie otsclictedcove bettie: FED San 313 Bxecaitee and writing session, Diatribation Meeting statisti baring oo this report ining al tines, dates, places using ef persons eudance aid proses eerefr, tog with thet a 5907 Hons ana material reviewed and discussed ore arilable in the 8A serretariot gee. or eerie by autuorced persis ors "Sonne tucttomnt tntyeh CAE Amistat Seertary, USSF etunipe uteivey Boar Paster BE Bows ‘Toe 1, ale Pores ase response he Dearne of Defuse orth et of toideu ed grow opts UEC. Th te he oo ee a eapetiog ee Bie Ee Nt Whe Ge be WE noe ae eer cea Pe ne agin ym ace As sors eter nets to hs Ale Ergin ieee hee sinh speci i Iara Wester ah fe een Ca II fh letiexs Pregct Ble Hew saves ts ety Sindexptn ait CFO sigicuge oborted cote ale Fone ot eS eer ata ages athe ree Ale Pa Dik bie ae Weight Pattersoa Air Foner Hits, Obi Boo: tag ce ae eee coi Me oer a he a be Gs a cat min se sli aha na ct i at Aer tao a ene, lv. rato, atone ERS ate holt ot ata bw 008 00-80 62 ie Hof ey reo Yatoate toms ve EEO slings, Mow emmon are reptte of 1 etaibies whic tute altars biauetes aaees Reta ‘sts tlhe vofetial ble Wien steers tgs Tn ena or oc aeatous ve taal een ee {ng Ai uae Se uted aoe "pte aoe cme of EP te atte onto aes Ue aco ete eran wat Wen Fi ue the cle ok a at fe" nentiat th of satelite sighitge, ening Wage sets fit awa hr ete ithe Reel ihe Sees ering ‘Air Dense aan sae ietertine wad tees wea, ea sari at aie re gee eas ea ej inet ie aia i ae moa cee at oe aadurzie gvstth Ncioas. | Whois slservrad at bhigh Sétitindes and at sptie i ‘eta Soca eg gate eT la Tien itn nen ba Migs ape net nae he Pag to tof C4, vera asia ball are Sear siatritien tig ate aver tse ot talleeee nate age Jefe ster. "Roiletinu vt temo iene aah Oa ae 2 alien, teeter the sate Lace hallaane eee nea Unite pre hr ath nae eich alttat fer wtaeenee ht ae haces ie un rane Hit eed de Ye tae ad a TR te rei insight! wf than, Tie aoe dg eee sivannn Mp Poet Far Mon se et a miley apne ae Monies of UV wealnatigs ltete “Othee” uelestlsites, be Gone ts Seah, Mins Ate, sproas dae inlets base te evra lites, athens, aa the lke sould wit to reprted wince ther anon ft wi tet atu uated dog ebjee at se Sra soni of Proket Mine Book ages 41) ao wuldentaed Hsing abbor repre, hnethgoged nad evabitel Wy toe et Poe eee 5909 fey faa oat Go a atonal i: 2 rie os a sl oadeattiedrepneacnc torlaplodicd fsetsqauite ne ytecnhes esol e eat nt precast ht "ir hee soe ‘aeattat aga nee zorae hud ne ovr sermet ckn ‘The Ale Trere ell eongte heute uate tt eqs noah aah summa #2 the Une tow he ito Of sie eset ete lcaste il cotta be heed vein aud ateioes ees Rea irae ee bee sn ever stor emmy Mr Cue report it to the uenrest Air Forcy bave. Persons submittine BE SE Ee Sue Pa owing Hens aF6 for Sutera i ols and are woe aval foe a Soe forwanting (PO repent te the apron sees eke ure Megutiou 22 Perea Fae Air Bone. tne nls, i or eraie of etinhnnetar ity UFO repr he we eeu 18 tery an {cE aatten nents! torts Per ers Laven atte legate iy Bac pes rc le Hot Pave Boe Henk ete fees Seaey PY he sarees meteoric, the wlense, sre emsetatons a alate by hy Rin Cog Hart ihe Hip Ria pabiiched Prattice Hall, Wax a eve sicideutfod eather Yuet wigatre stars mal Saas” ty hana fens Mal Node, Dekulutente heriialeapsnatv of te wide yavete ttre, dy Uhiveree "Prey Ih" emperstinn with the. Aimee Awa Nar satmise Senco Rsk of StaRs we Peay, P A seg enn, sets ‘torr of what sclmtits Kime abn he’ stuns whites Tie 3 ike Wa aloe ef the Vaverne” be Tse 4. Allen asd Andere, Sonwsan, ie ‘ees the atte tue wulserer ik ase Tait ming sets, gr saleg. tad utr aie gy ilerestine Heras fuses le alld ener of obs aul itn Tas ules eter tot ‘an'ktew raflatom ttc oth vert tn PHOTOCOPY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY The, old of Eiing SoucerR” by Menseland Roy. A sctentie examtzation of “TM Moon. Afcteoritn, aud Comets” Dated 1669, by Mlddisbart abd Kul enttanene ants a? svi soon pli Chapter we eters eT ius rennet computation af Fons cone wena pote mre of Light aid cor tn the Open Ain hy Mianaert Dever Publi inns, This san exellent yeeeback Wetten ia uaderaesdaile ny hee Hl ‘Metwors! I cite. Senudatd fext by treet authori sete | ~Phoograytie Mstore of Mare 1000-4, HF Miers Bs goulebed he Leet i BRAIN WT Pheaosenon,” by Valle Sacanes “Pest Saath Aton," by Von Bas eae, Total CFO wobjcet sibtingn aantes ene Statist data for yore 4959-85 [= [= | [om | oe PHOTOCOPY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY SiN 03 fe ate, Mor, au mt Wn he rt apps ans oer me Etat ine Adit appear oor bn wt ‘This i ner cine th wal een Ue Sn Sr rat isetion did aeatat Soe Ines Alri wa tt pony? poe oeciane oy an x a et nee Tle roe teat rion Hf eas bw nor sage Ws ae Wt feet Ite Hoe age eos iy i apne Sait akt i Aepywae® ier vere he Seat ue the ene a ior Mla Wyeast seh Fe 12} Witt ae at (te oll af the ewe ae ith see bee od vei aetna Bh th di Mh eye age tamte te sete Ho pty af the tase Teierst tn Being thie wil eeaaet ty Vir ite Wa te ean CGY goth any naa Bes i eee i tn i os Bl yn mr am yet sep ae Hi bang tltotantng tee elon wot bere yo Use ora lor eae deme ‘ ium he cto or mete? hapa Zt WE Ca a pom ve ster {She tues dren sr the (at Monee bul erp cee Ch igen, Ateriny eyo Sm Sa Niet Wemerant Avene, Naver U1 Tit Leaman Mr, Sevrtary, tne a So this ould Ui neat wewett ive session ‘ecrvtary Brows, No, none Lave sais oe far has boon ehosifed, and nothing Lill say. “The Citsinorys. Ty there any re to kop thisexeurices 1 Hin se have a lot uf peuple autside of te dow. ost ily ysae Mir. race. Tn!yiewe ab the swnsonn sun ne haviiae it, Tw in ol ection The Crramsss, Udon'eeidher, Why sot ope Mire Brave T woubl ike ty nsske this shore ids the rest PHOZQCOPY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY Pinson of the record) hw Creamers, We are going to devide what the future is goin tw he. Tam alkige about this fextmony mow. Tf theres ue aoe oye ibe een Secretary Brown. This letter is unclassified, Some of the ques: tions yon ask Jencl to classified material. ee ir. ScnWeinen, Areal hele ele ve Cinna fa i come nd steno che toi wn we itahequestons we will dete Mie Storey, te will let you stant, Youueationien who have one iy the Secret ie pointe rie an gout lemen gf the pes TY, an rio, whatever you represen ‘oan iat the best nne tabi out SY SHMEPeR 206 repre ‘So ahent, (Senretry Brown repeats his nuliee) ‘The Cuaamacss, Mr isexplaining a letter cement previously read to the con wea, T ave before ie sone pages from Mer iin: Tyr weely nae Fro Canim eye Tnentioned iii eins ofthese wssteions objects vote it hasa picture. ee ee Have vn fen Nis? Twillpasit 1 toon, Secnvfary: Brows, Yes T hnve seen the pieiure, in Clitmryw Hore at two pleures Ons saken in Oregon in Uk nut te other abn ears Bea ee ee Ph ali, AetnitWoks sein ie a bat ep g an ee feething on ahother page ee ie lege to have bean et Michigan ad is ved eed ee eee ae Tianitvintyoet ‘few i quetion? Rewyonsewell-enne peopl, hike pllets— praple, Mr: Kelleher? ra oe Mt recall thts To renner sightings by of things, - ' aes that theve responsible people allege having seen, a ~ nied for, ae ‘| ae his over fo niy experts in a moment, ‘body, in suthority or of stature, W usy be, have come from other onyesTiere outside of this imiverse? 8005 Secretary Brows, To the best of my knowledge, no ou in the Air FForee and yo ane in the exeutive beac ins expressed sth a he ut. know of no one of scientikr sanding ive standing, ‘or witha detailed knowledge of this, in out organization ssho believes that thay come from extraterrestrial sourees ‘narmras. But yor have found parts of met ofthis hnmaeter that have heen containing to hit the ent foreve Secrelary Brows. Meteors, of course, arv of extratereestzial origin. Tam talking about extraterrestrial lying eraft The Chamcax, Objects that nre biade far ihe purpose of coming toearth? Secretary Brows. ‘That ig right ‘Te Cusmsx. Phat i shal 1 hive in wind Secretary Buows, That is right. ‘The Ctaraiax. So then your testimony, or your answer in_ re: io omy letter in effect is tat there ave things eansed hy varionts ns and things coma, refetion uF radar waves, the uote Tights, somebody a said tnarsh gases. Secretary now’. Ves: that is another explanation of some of the phenomens iiie Casmcax. As well ss meteors? Secreiary Brows, Yes, i The Cresmaran. Waa vse! Secretary Brows. Sone of them tun out te balloons. Sonte of them fonnoue to be aircraft seen ude pecaliae clciitances. ane Abd we cn expan 25 pect of hen this wa. This dos nt imply dhat'a lange part of'the romiining h perceaty tke xnespain ones, are tot also of this character, but we etmply have tote {o-contir this Herause we don't have evant i Formation abe sightings. “Tt mig also be that there one phenomena. he details of which we dein, which ate mata pees nd we seo for some of the sightings we have nol Ment iied. "En seeitin instauce. Thinks furor stentc explanation se posits. Pherfore. we ‘wll confine to develop thisapproneh, ‘The Cusmacax. Now, we hare hew Dr. Hynek, and Major Quintanila. We have these two gentlemen who are asenti rhe er the PO "Nov, we have ashe that you gentle angtiiig vo would Hewto aay tao? 3 Hswek. Mr. Chairman the press has recenrly treated me rather unkind. "The Cinumatax. You ought to be chairman of tis committee. Dr. Hywre. The prest fas deseribed me as “@ poppe of the Nir Fores," ant has stated that Lay only what the Ait Kane tells 6 (0 say. T would like to-do something which may be a litle daring. aud ead to the committee « statement T have prepared which has cet 1y uot been dictated by the Air Force. The Cnarrarss. “Ae thvs point, wane you to cus dhe oa speaker wp. thorities on the Bine Book. ject aver, mnoute. Dr, Hrynels, is there PHOBROOPY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY Now, Dortor, before you give ve this, would you sive your back: send for the record? Deven. Yee This infomation is inte ix mg ste STATEMENT OF DR J. ALLEN HYNEK, SCIENTIFIC CONSULTANT To THE ATR FORCE De. Tenn. My ye iF. en Hele and Lavi f 2028 Ride Avene, Brayaten, hy Kain dietor of the Denton Obeereatoty init ofve Listener Astronomical Reseneh Center, and Chelan af tue Peyactaunt af Stroman xt Noietern Ceri Sines TDA Then ated aes frequent eletfc consi Io the Ait Force ii than “oF Ha RO. Waiteahat Fh Ooh ‘we UFO phenomenon night be defined ac (1) tue portant porting by nti mes section Of the pbc. this oer ountrinco alleged aepal shjects whith, to the sbmerwer, en fo defy Peplanation oct nf thei appenrance and Kehavion and (9) he Tilesprene id growing itera nese nate segment of the Tie wai m come casey he Te to fhe formation of cviin org Manton decnge to che avec of he =u rept often se companied by sieation of the Air ores for their Manaling of te publem.s mister ne heeft he tin Rone mage "Shs people Enieally rary elt (a) that CEO ate in ea wee dees OF the i Power hone estence kept fran the public, OF () that tha Air Ponce knoses all bout vinkars fen spaes and de Uherstee wile infogtion to present pane. Ati ere of he CEO penn hte bac the seat of te tem RO of sie saucer with the He of vision of Euellgeres from onter spare a sayotation which i hek warranted Cher rte dat hank i gia ference Te mel ceive thar there might he wibdeniedevigh pheomenn ut high have no enero with extmnernettal Celt "Ti: the plengmenon shania evsntaliy be viewed ts early ‘iat thks secon sagen Michie ener 9 Teton far hut proportion tthe onal sightings, te fart tnt me presse freenee in Dette hr sos bette lat as the anges he hekory ‘of he Detwit Proce Cli the fat tha Treeite any Rees from “Showieliinen who ny tine else reporte on CEO gel inked te Jeeta) Lo pve eve feo tones all pts Se TPO hie ruifest the kin of atiity thatthe pres has tepoyted in Mich Shenae happened hn the Dester nd Hi Ate incident sithoweh of ile reese siefcane, have attracted Sore inthis ave bien reusing for nang seam ethan sch Trertinent on fie part of me news neta, Whe sr home at lettin quik ft ones he unde ronturn abynt CEO. fe be ‘opine (eke of reports er growing nthe nid ad sph oF tue ie Ding this entire peiod of vonety 20 yonts I Inve attempted (0 retnain penned on thc ea dramecnee pane Tenpte the fost hat the hole ste seried mess Aeon se oa7 usu of us Graly believe tnt, tke some fad or eenze it sd subside in a matter: cer Its. ine in tie oi ore reports: SMe snared tote Ale Fone hn inthe st aye zy Foe ag nani of rhe subjete Uf that woul be deed ‘hy Sseute nerponeibitity tothe Air Force if Tid not TOS ‘aal eine tte whole TO. phenomenon: might ave epee t,t vem od ceenefe atention. What we have fee fr iat -tosise ratio problem: There is indeed a fantastic tuamint of unise. represented) TeEioany ktdenctcrions of fant jr sen er nal MF nya eneunettanes. bane, hese meer 3 aa ane pt a eet epee ed ack wheter ere might not indeed bea signal somerhere in the susice, “Ee eta, Kaori mao th eo of (le pt: ol otis lat tamu that uutiegso€ eat aie to seg ee over We hence the nee phenaenon simple did te ft the ave se erlcok ofthe tigi insti ertdenct offsite for iol abel. Xing were metloakend meteorites were ia sient Toh to neveph stoves 0 Signen whet fell frov te sky. “hurt fare st ste for omer tus ame 20 patel aeepeaten CHO cnsee which, despite the amarter, reer) Heer Cae of the weinessee have ot ine able to exp SHEN Atel to Uhate thay her Vo the Ae Boney ae die et Ghre are negptasned reports wad fo sitettate abo tht he 1 Bobetnae want fosre nir ng e wits oF UPOS ave ining m ftelligeney 2 ae jets HC oals For Ln : For of these reports 10 are front sien Fie ne Fbttimenbers of the Armed Forces ald meters theole oe nt Samn aorta rie Ain ony ante he ehabity ofthe observe was abore average # By ase Treen eames n Michigan have nov Ye ihe i ie 2uRlae cellection since 1 feel tat they are sje to simple tet mera un), expigestion Pe eda due that this is the case nt (hese ano some ems gerne he sto se ie Paey. te wee. tl se eS Ang Togeal explanations forte zreat majority of Fe enacts Feline wed as working hyporhess when first confiniel with a Mon Thats conventfoutl ex anation existed een +a nie Bee et Sehoniege well own objest oe phenomenal fai aa nto ea Sty tpt eee Hypatieice.” One must be nie, hoseres. Mat complete adherence aac egpotkecs mag tira oat Go be a rvadbhick mn the pursit of Tecentlenlesvors. ae ea or, “Tf one digs to intently for coal he is apt £0 nity amends Sree Sofi never gan of pony Meroe. ide deting with the tl vei Eusey ver Have Ree ee ce tonsa hats 4€ am nvestigntion int been pparened Yong ‘auth the misidentified objeet monte have been rem zed 0° thal Geeetidng bet up suligy to begin wih ' THEEAG ate on tn oer hand. % eavally prone ro poverty hyper: Binles CEOS mean ter bile and nonsense, 08 hey ists ag Dhghly. trained inl PRORQCOPY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY. 6009 june tothe See St Sorety of | ‘ou! conclusion that the earth is host o space visitors, ite fairness, we mst examine other {iy ete 2, in a paper written for the jouraal of the Optical 1 called for scientific attention to the predleus, potting ont that ‘tidicule is not a part of the scientife metho sed {he publieshould net be tasight that itise An 1953, 1 had further recommendations to make, when I wrote in a report tothe Air Foree sca ta et 9g cr as drat inPntioml gels ears J easy chan of the opti cnet iach fiat cote ore ad, een ta a tine program, and ou hi wie auret ina he Tie suthactors ‘sation reyeheds 12) an nuasamecey Se ea Se ean ae ee iE tines ubieete waked le er ace aay hte, a ae ee tt Bjeterel thee asteonones would have Seen wove than hey ti ain TSS SSSR i a SESE STE RE ee Teh ee ‘bis. T repeat, was my recommendation in 1953, In 1965, in cari ree ace ue hares an eee ee ee eae ati 8s Scentfie consultant, T again ndvived thatthe teponrs ‘The Cuan. And then they see then! and they disappe ness be studied hy chili selenite group, sn Teter to the Office ofthe ey dnt now ay Brdiewes. Twoeld ay so, 7e0 Futatite comeltane it's claris my duty to point tte meen Mate dete Ae eee er ae aac Th Midna Ene Nive be tibet tat ene MESH what pozlos me, Tam not going to ask frther questions. Leta ce aaa an th a ba bocaase I ain not imovsledgenble with feapect to the wating reports Sheauene, tt the present time. + *"* Te the preliminary surver ot ie Problem eee faa het er le wae a that ine fren made oe, Inet eC aT Pe ecto ei Molt wilt over to some of the experts and will stat wi of Siences, hr some ntber ivan etoey oe Me Buee ‘cuelaedsatmr, andra a lougr ste ian resich ee BA ats. Chainnan, ¥ dou’ know [ have to gualtty on Jam happy that sy appearane before this committee affords me a at basis 6 clique tae asin ieee tea cits Seeretary Brown, you indent no on of scientific know nde vedas Sgnsgnie thet Tid of a aonnulae since in your organization hs concluded these phenomena cone Crome 48 (livough the Air Force invest zations deserves close scrutiny hy a terrestrial sources? na or Rael pees L j=? tha the, 5 sugreie wee Sear eee dere worl | rete | 6029 PRGZQGOPY FROM GERALD FORD LiraRY PHORQG PY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY “RMR? Via Ugur, REP == Be | ieee 6038 PRQBOCOPY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY PHOTOOBPY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY. Soe ea ee 22 te ee re lee Sh BO pace Sear ee ea etn ct ita domi leet waren 8 seman 6037 PHOBREIDPY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY reece ancare | PHOBOWROPY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY { ine ayes, IR oma oe a [__te re emir RES RES ae Se ee oe | 2g you a peed nt tr sy woud you ogy Ae sr EEE rt ‘aus wtat speed would you eetimtter____ pt Ff )hr,rr— er ye Sis te tome tater vr tans? ema Klas jf toate jou won g ke nese a appt elenke Od Yas 3 [ieee tee es bea copy Latcott g emetary fet Dram. sg belo to ort ‘re mee so Shs apace tg cig a " soouse UChastes St _ Exes stems snare 222 = 2465 vos te voor preoe.t jopt Palio Qrcices Mana apa a ieee 6039 ‘rsan, Mass, Dotaher 20 1965 Mastow M, Jaoxs, ajar. Ar Pore, Chief, Pictortat Branch, ‘Pubi indormadion Dice, Otero favormation Sar-o1pa Drareteer oe raw Am Funct, Dior of tv Secretary. US. Ait Force, Washieaton, D.C ‘Dean Mason Jace: This is a formal ingatrs concern the ola U.S, Ale pores eration of the detailed UFO teport sbotied to AFSC-FTD/Eroiect BRS pont Met cera faestgntion sid subequeat report tovk pice tir shy aia ex air ote tovorgating tam form rove AP ade hte "Toe LPO aighting took piace tetwen the Cirde Base and Cant Dining prop certve along Toute 400 in Kensington, Non Sepleuber Tis, (nthe early Sate Ute moran “Che witness ere Norman Masearlio an Oticers Ber ‘Mi Abd nt fb Eeee NA yea m id ahh tabmtted co the U.S. Al Fore for eeaitation, This Was ooze: Stared. bave sobqitied nam copoets since hut have uot received ny respon ‘Tuts ls andersangatier due fo the many reports received DY the V8. Ni Force Tear goo! capeet seta sorrow ob Fue part formals. ot Ii ae a great eh eLiue fe towel nthe Weasiugea, NI, report ad would aporeeiate et arms the tial bast Powe ection Gti sague av soon as pail FT gnderstaed the eyucton bas bed mde. era for four eonperation i his hatter, {look forward to bearing fron arnoxs B. Pow Lenser ore an Ponce, Vashon jtom Sonya 23,29, Dean fx Fowsin: hla Is in eeply to Four request for Inforzation on the seater, 2k UFO eles "ah nti meet gaon from Pease Ale ForweSase-wos eatin to oa ober on September 15 160s, a conetneatetesen from the petal wiehe=se ‘This date inicaed that a retueitag opetstion ight hnye been she cause of the Tutting, Reece awe “Fue Trappee tnd refueling area “Dvn Date” are CARE Through Loving Ale Ror Base aud {pte aver the aren athe sib Soe anemia te the console of tas Fetuling ea, an we Were Sb. {Ohad it they were slowed from Gs/C02 co 08/0007 for af Sth Air Fore fpevatton “Die hash) “Areal was placed to de Won Bor Wing at Werorer [ME Foeee ase for information on this nperstion. Le taiaat impression war thet leer feo 8h Ar Pore operat iou, Bi iouant'nan the nge gf the ligt oometred dating ths incident TofOrma to tind rome ih bir Fores Soaienem thal 10-B. st altratt fama Pease Ale FORT Boe faegie he Operation Big Blast =Coeo” were in tbe Yate pater eeraterer, Wile betwen 0/2812 ud K/S852. caps oF ths eer Is eve: eee Tsamnatton concede tte tase ot the seiting anu eliminate Rea ae ae pttante cxasusthn of tae ent Tleer as foewarded 0 Sheree tetas uh Ate, Tee nt of sue Easier Police eparctiem e Actin hatsen on of the fine ofthe sighting A cons of OOF letter 10 these ‘Plenea nt «cour of thei reply Letttache, Fee ey es etnaeh enue an Ae, Muscarelo ae attribute to nieean faea operation ig Blast Cc” The subseuent obec by Oh realseRrant and Hao! ocr ring fier? asa, are regarded as usident®ed ‘Sree. Sons B.Seamuntva Lieutovant Colonel U.S, Air Foret, Chles. Coit Branch, Comaantty Hele ‘ona Dieuion ee of Information eceanes 2 16 serer Qeinramms, Jey Hans 0 aie Fores thier Projet Blue ok, Streit Patterson APB, Dosim, Ohio ‘Deus Stns We were very clad to set sou Teter during he dui wwe, Rabe Nance at yo leit haagine we have hea the sujet of concer SEGRE Since she Pentagon selesoed es “al evaluation” of 00 sighting PHOT EEIPY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY stScyeber gt, 2 ten ee i ee Mr ee Sacra tare Cunt toke ham a een eed Cet an wen. ROSE Srn ta i ea a i shew Rat eS Se FQ Iie ete it gt Deter "Cindated) "asco onaldernbis afer the Me Ehrlich eC eta at tne he Lea na sec Mebithabateh Nt pr -tnnel the perition we're in. eee eee Sigil cae ation ea Howes Moweaxo, Patrntcen Darn ter. Potroinan Deranrtsnr oF rte A Ponce, Hirangcanena Set Ain Fone (EAC), Wertorarlir Forpe base, ant, Scene’ Menoeondam: DOOTO, Shiieel UFO denen Tekese rEDEW/URO) Te eee eee nr oon symone eee apr pe eae wasn A MoGuers, Jp Licutanont Coigneh C8 i Fore. ‘Disiora af Operations pa a wenn achat lS soe eto eio onaea se sp tral ee lst AC nt ne trae ode rina enh igs ee edi dhartera econ Quenraamita. Je. apr usi br ebith Prajert Biot Beak: sige: tet Uae tig hoard arr So ie New’ Mame ae Big Blast Tue Lorne Peter, se af the eeporeed UEO Nae Che agit 0 Rah ete Cac, acta ac hte agi nabieieting af thee aircraft at the tne the 0 MLSE beutuae one Pe tr Tee er eraser eee, fume 2 dea Se ore er aaa ee PHOTOBPY FROM GERALD FORDUBRARY ‘The UFO sighted wy Norman Muscardlo was idential tg the UO sighted {acer hy Musctreo Bertrand. and ito Norns otvesred the UP ates tee daring bis initia seit. There i ho question typ led at Se ioe ar iniiarcaget as involved i tath of tee particles Senge ae fuer of pubatigg ighs, the owing motion, the aime eatin ie wake ths ent aurea Soe | di i iaterrow the *isnaget wows ah ‘ot coven of the ders ofthe sighting Hot acordlng to iBer Beneeed, at hist ther deserted as vers statins tote EO they Sunes ie aE fad that another witness, w mate into alee sighted a eintieg ehjeee ae {ied 19 phowe the police frou pay station at hens Hasnpton, Retake Uae, State le toporiee the tnlaent to WA. aie Puree eathora ics ag Poses ASE. "rhe shautos are axtromomiea taut six people ently Tdegenent of ‘eda other shoud report tee Sieber ue tte ati a fetes ei ateci tesa SCERSRRES ASAE tte a re o cum many were tte OS Sifu = ness renin waiter ioc. treet CRD ere gry ERIE Se Set gah Vibe ac SME gf lereore to eee ola per tinal scan an aes would express mmr frelings on the mane tra hing a te Washtonae County skies ‘And Toraiag th Hilaiole Conny eel defense dirertor aud culloge conte sal they watched au ete. hovering plug objet setter swans bow hear echont dormitory Semeny th Willa Funtorn, tts tbe rouity esi defense dinectoe for 19 sear, sid he watched the uuidentied lect touch hanoeules fr 4 bn "Ter Force annie i was cele ia De Beale Hrbek. chair of| tne Dearbor Obserraty at Northnetern Calves. aueton, i- at ete tieleocaaot tote Ale Honce™ GO stony poet tnetgaie the seh Hignek eit work from Selfrdze Air Force Base none Meant Cleats the Ate Foren ea Tn Flladate, Vantfory said ue jlwed the ST Mtedate College vs a thie ‘stemthee fo wate he abt He oul it ented easerie ugnge ol Poors an Maomase Sav 4 Mrsrenmoes Cnaer Hovenea i SieaMr Forges lichtsss nowaguireers tm Battle Crock wenka ont coronene Pn PUIOTQCOPY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY 050 pera wiv) reportedly wee cect fo he oblect. Pale “is tat Rov, aida aprar se age TS zraind int sat ona hase of fag. ees " Preteciey i Thvi State tire caatstouer nbn te aleo bead of eit fear tir Michigan orone sn ecient ‘aie bet oe ycigstamter gn i =e ‘al test tt a pas ou, fs eae wlib a arasich reine hve ant pate suet aac eae eT ila beh nee tan whe ight eben Hea onda wore geting a each af thea tke ies Cha Ae a fo tae cae any the We bad ted seri rele tr onl ee Si StF Wiseaow co Pritt Fismish sted ie bj Mie ware fh Taken ‘ene Html til fon eer woidextted yn ieeverti jet i he am tne howe of nis seri donuts, eid be and Depry iv over ele var abit the sane tase te ohjets a ene i 8 9am) fs ave spied right alide the topsytaa Prone th Micisnu ave retmrtnt teams dag se ee ae a foroiee Aer i gy he saw wena erie Rees hee aie Heke fone tie i into the Stele Dish ot Hsdale College, shoes count ett efere atest oan MF roe on ees eet Ine run anion fat hag vine! site mer A Abe, where atau 3 perms — il far =Ister chine ucone onesie, Tn SSE se wi" tat, Wek o€ S118. Newnnt ud ft thee perwone tay several shorts ide hs noe et ‘Wer vere iegnitels at hn weinatn, am ne tes arate ee Buterrarory Meets Gogo son tates Stone 4 BBsemee Mie Dawe ition it a nan fa none Theis drei Wf the joc sey hese ist gh tate close wit that shunts stem ts imate 30 pera meting £2 nem we Ts ela "The Ite tap setetite aieer on mnitentfied. Asin oferta tar ira at inven fea eine ia a ty aa cr hen seuliary winder stepping watieatse ns Nt OMe Rew eight a a SireRetl Hsin. tor T Somme aise rennet bf hee sta i vt ics aut ptecotnd Ra a ons haa Me ce te tsthes wanted Seri sl Winn an Here ft ene Come tao ert nied Is Hatt whee Hes wet ane a det ast on a ‘Pesriatl wore the fit to cow we aoe They desetiben Red Mvstemocs Onset HPD .— a iil dotensn dteetor, sw asssiam, slowing vilest My pact a oilege dsnaltory md il oor of a Biledste College ete atest. ela ea ava gene a et 18 ot 6051 eee ar err Snot far car Ho ‘ren unidenies tag nbgears, "MA ‘her irom seta us Reniquaters at Seittize Ale Poe Rae, Sane Say een CME SS aya v vr eer a petal te ears Ree ae ‘aweru Anoes Fortse Oxsrets Ahonen Ao Powe Attire Say (By Howard Sinn, Wasbingow Boot Stan? Weer lem tiers Ua wuldeutitied Bying ojos atw for real a fom fart subclone ee seated wt Sted nf mr sno ne ine reliebere tenewtediy hazed ihe. Ave Ponce ith dliteratety b frit eich i Were atoow “Poa xing fat ve the zee "The telovers aly “fay ached” Mey of Wletizan, he wants & emsserconal inet ion ‘Sate tae ately i hane Seay Byte fat le blevers ene sng rupetent nnesnna” ea eed Mee CO Spee ma este ge fe tony ecg tite teen ‘eesti od Be onto wer “Tuer ae nnegeting ssa comostten st met former Newson Diol esliee. Ie etre tn NTMeE. here pote acer sae toe stall ste eras a ‘The ere vat gnd eater” ae A ener Hn “ye ave a etason to tadivee (bop Were ueven” wep ly fos ne ord Royton ‘ariel ert ns oes EEO led uel teers a ‘oat aint mus be exttatervettal teats Hy fre on selon tr AUPE 1 Kestn, PFF me ge teh ac ny a {Geen is an ic Ente iawn ancae the FW as SUI Notation ihn asa sage at eee aide UFO pea sth ae has yas ses er ei ther ta tr eelone pes laerine the atl fot 200 sous, He ge Vor nase witb when PROTOCOPY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY (Pr Ya Weta leas) Beane Papen, 3a, 7,108 ‘tows “Pury Macerns”—~tue Fusce Zasatsanes-Awar op UFO's Deane Sires wink i i a Naa gan scr Et icant Alene ah o.n thorovath job of investigating sttines ees etna? of the mlitary> Sal pnesrosiets the CE extrmunn. fdtcnias Aus 4 Sew Nek Rane addon ter eer oe the Redewiek County strie’ atve at Wichita, Kost. tald the Weather Byron hai ache meter af thn at aimee vf Cy fe, "Tue Vatainnn Hiway Patel abd tant Bikey see Poree Base beee (Ola homa iy) al tracted fone ut te autenrised fu ehfetsna he ae Ley A one, estas ete atetde at an aE Tee A Ewer aac Tofu t conn or den the rete of radar siservatfs” caren thm ler ac ned he Aner Pees Home: and tin Rana : fede, 5 in ORL “Tae Une es ernational. tna digated ithe erenlug af August 2 ae istt'stee “tteporic af siee freee foned fe our Ranga hee Okt foun," tetera sath Dakota, Nebel, su Wooing” Ob ‘ht dispaich in Mginhonig Cibe ded Angus 4 ee Caited Pees Intern Hoan delat ni “thoteaats of errons meray ie Nats hala rathret sete Met nisin rwoorted seeing wafers BI, Wiking, as lig plienomena thet spe ait soapet ines Zigeagge ners ie See The! Aut Hoe tend et of the nin mere robe taro at sete ihe foust wonaceutire aad of CEO sighing A ae ot pow ak ‘sone mth tie Ale Foreesetay that ther were sais or viapets= 2 PM can bw meutioned n‘passite That tala dows ut tee stars oF plnets In ne Cited Press tnicrantiil atepate it eotated tint “Oban rake ably Sv Me me" oF ow sightings: fi Oki lehtge rae eee ae 6053 fn ttuainting example of how the Ale Forwe desis with tbe puble in sich a THs good fortune, one does not have to rete cgi eae he Po Safety of he Stang 9 ty He et fa, Daca fe On Cy aan ee Ineestgatinas Conmttte os Aeris! Phensnene TStCAL? ta Wasson 8 sane ary of the reletepe sepocts sem tnt te Oktaunon Highway Patra Conny eadne etwonk Conte day Bt-nopunt 3 ime te cus shag tac wie asble dates whieh wey not obwerved inthe Ais af Projeet Ble ows wll belle nse oy ee flying neice: dee wi he Pace Ietacion af the Abr Fone oneiing the UFO" sl he ple nro nose rors cen vom te Penna (Sale) Brenig Bape, 38.1, 1960) our Fevisa Savones—tiewar Part. Reronr Fiona Covicany Ovte 7 UFO's (ators wove: the isthe sec0ud 4 wee ont CFO (unidentified ae cues GE Balk © ei eceeuec sds of te Rrening Latte asi fot iren le oie tie sores tee etng the CH ble i the ES fee) (Botley Grit eaten, Doras ati he eel rg Bee saith Soaseeiaa Temes ecient RE ea a THE eine ee ue tnd ey ‘pte oat aud ene wets a hiker Poy Tinker and fete tie" that ay tr Avenied Pits dias tena ORL Cg ISN Sera neh imine Sco ar ak ree atte nar fom ‘oe to fear of fe obfoets a Yarions times etartng fre Blow Bonk fue statement mame 19 ahi she Sotbarest be peau PHOTOCOPY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY ‘8058 ‘ote fom ithe indiduaia” Naples of ¢M0 efit ave sien: hind was @ tole er fron Tat named ee EEN SM y be Be eh om ae tt ren genes ETHAN yh itn ie reegt tae Dita Lets lt at et ho te Rede a tle tatty ae Be th cover elght States is ine}nted. sens Mu AbBISt | And = doe toaperatume @ietribuion and Tarvin Sic anradar sishibe ie adele, hie fs despite the bigbwa ute Wf Tink td Parse! Ale Prec Tce Davtng ny oa eal et Taker hia sy'n up to fo see Ye igi of Aare ea am de $ritenatiomal ies eeeloes tps nt these ead Sighings Aad & Wiha ‘eather station ria clsiting of weer CO Ttiar oes wet Tok Up Store atl ANE os hae been stated, Parther ormtneation ot, Siowat sightings. Wa radian gh la: Icon Titgeae Pate tatientat eh obe veer the a ‘rena stteetien tir argent that some UBWs href ‘Wat rv Ate 2 statement fn Prefect Bie Bork was eed tly a froin titerwat nice he iwior Rote Risser of te Oat AMY Woven Plaeeayiny falta ye To quote t CPL Mena "thet Projet hue Munk satemeut) ie far fromthe th est ca qt liner ademas hme le take, Bhece stare ah ets Ste Tin te opps side ee ett Erm Oniivonan Cty ae Tait hme ot Peas Sith Wnt, oeeoy sto hot the commeat of Bier ser Kthgnct 2 auneninect reer 0 Wrong ene the stare ato ere ‘ete, Helden stateaene pie te Capa etre 1 hud tithe “rues “Verne Sarenne”—Newr Hasso: Stem tse O58 OF Most PwOMTESHSe enn Stes “Pn he Hato sera att CFO's (ankdentited ying vajets) by Bley Ulli execute wor ve Th Evenlug Esper Whchng WwasttereN. 1.—One of the mone inate: seth fyina’nhget TCP) awenree sone Beers Te Inet ee ot an unidentied jaervation of 4 tighted nhieot tak was tolceles And 6055 ‘ove tothe gram, Several yersons apyatealiywnerved three of the. in ‘dig te ere a abe ae “tcp of Fj ie Backes uf the Ait Foere MEO probe tat ies the hat forest haiee sh fe ee Hace a fw lowering mingles f'n pase with eiany other Aly Rarve ete Phe New Hite sieht ulteaice not ier grompcl. 1 savoles tnerepeted ee ate Cav inline amd exis nat ‘gh reuenre ef eveute arty Boeter tnznn at tthe shar af ae eons 3 when Eseive Lice Ser gene 1 Berry fn i esa Aitylevan eae arnt ams trae mute ideo ral and an itstotea ests aocordg Fr feof epee fo ts vost ce ‘fon Dense aig. Puree Biter. SH te ata td be fi Sse tt 1 “arte epee tao "Phew end Novae 4 Mcrae 1, of Exeter wart yg Pearce ies fe me Fase Etectayes it ol ced ther chal toned then He hind ‘ten fr anfeey Te he hug bad weave ‘ier Breirand tek Auern tle wii bh hs pat tote eld here Mssartin hadi bieslantng experience Bee bent Shanta aon waked fuerte ele errand sete asbiee Nt in Point Ofer” Berti repr ra eastinihe wthcer at Tee APB et be ‘fh ce Ad goes GH feet a ern uf Hive brie el gts range from sl eo fru na sno any as we “Aone tane ther cone a close Fel to te grid nd lao Up Asn ae sume gia Neve co gh Ensen nen for ares ant nking «thot Alen the Hehe raed vias vee i et Mnsoareteett vay for tuscan. ** ° ane Pacrlusay Davi Tigi who arrived a fee mSuates. te alee morte the Mabe we wee st er the felts etna had 96 £90 fecal falls disnpared fa the titan st the name atte. “The tae ‘Sere 'anaye i Line aon a gett When the sect user te lowe ee ‘wore aivate forennd r ne Sh the raze te Kir Curve mje generals ayers t ae Tac from neh lagestigting of CE ror a ome ianestaating He Stead. the alters ued neato “the Beare APM eer, win wetted he local wiitary wre ad whe, by the ‘wa eh eomantod pie te is de Rei tnne tve tee mabe to EWE at produ Cie of this sight ‘etree cathe tae lie et mc th Iecthe potable eames, ase APO lund hve Hei anced in foe asad this prion be on jens Ne hl ate melon wi ble sigh Hidenver, Proje Ee Hook fs hein sires peda esowee tortie Bae guna” Sue Yloeot Guta te rhe! Me Boe state Bar the A Aistoree SAC cetratewse Air Comnowy atop at Nectaser le Force Bese. ilses, rae rundurting 9 ton-tetel eration tated Ble ast at {he tune, He sald he belleres the Exener “jmople were lokiog at Weel Mreeuf "The eect of a UFO on animals had been reporied i Now York Slate ene vont 2 weeks before the Eseler erent. i tavestgtting oder from tit SingneaFuilsair Bynre Race couotenting on he nghting nf & lovecdown CED ‘pene Chere Cre Nn Age Hd “pecliniary mare revents object net explafuahe la conventional tem ‘onjet cane etn tn Fars coe? nef a one bet ed Pulls ‘beil Conse fee" Tale slag. be way he omen the Nery few that Project Ihe Tek ae ua seta” ‘Fhe Bxeier CFO produce © faiely thaline carer: aamels rh the ale Fores songht io suchress nee oF the sighing, iy this imetanee the tharae Ein tous Hagroont Fowiet wt Weal Mars, end. eal anon SPCAE “atthe oe tet ree She Terai re rae Me te PHOTOCOPY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY 6056 rou, eho Went to the sone to investigate tor XICAR. ‘The latter stands f Satta ectantons Cie oi S2¥at Pea, the wane siete action ne eq charges age tn the Ales uf Blo Fowler yelked Wi wityeses aud others and said be was tot@ that Pew APB Vr bl wed the pate td cl Bev aber, creepiest ot {oT mention te sizrinzs "Tie request aw pat to the pice on The Fyple woud he quanned kt fete oataeed ‘fajor elena, Sar of he change said that sappresicn of ens" However. ie an tapes tn Wal ‘go ie Miher thas Mlajor Quanta outa bot exert rhegcates 9 yee tee suppression of UFO sights "The Haver! (Mane Gauete wrote an iitrial om this UEO tn the wea Dortced, in whieh it said ay hace soported seine it (the Pscter UTD) Ani tivie desciptions tie so covey date mee thes haem sided retin InfGue lar tone: thee stores mist be gin eredonr.” vom the Potoné (taoe) resin Exe, tes 20, 10969 ‘Taose “Fixe Saveme—Am Foner Bacatice Oe Plone oF SIOMAGR 1 ‘Bavtors moe: The isthe fourth ofa veies about UFO's nnentined fying gubettis Bane Sti ieee oor te Bvetag Bape, Was ‘Wasstisowos. TA wand 2 wooke afer the Mod of unideutted Hysng ject ACPO! slautinge int Aen over Oana tnd other Soutweatern Sates, ‘Tinker Ae Fuare Drve Ouiakomn Cle, produred es fora) Aarcre atl Fa tment. it ent this wevetalpoge explanation of sigutngy iy is wide area to Fs Hoe Wank At Hose os in charge of the GO aves aa “Tate renort ts a gow! exon of Air Foie ant-CFO proptganda. Except for nant of tne wee richtie”-whicy was Decent beg meter bale the ort Is geueraltent lye nal este ws the pone of tara TROking mance at ling ‘eafement fro te oft nf tenet in {Gnas ee ge ger ear erage perso need a to hat ‘Ses nena hk Tk terete wien mithes exper oye elven which mento uansualy wish scene Un get ate fat oes Togs fm the Ero: te "Ai umsciee ht sperdin! ace fe mate for eather Uloons a foo ese lato tnking her are sting OO. "The uur reed dai jatar fe eure “aut he eet Leta the eran heeabnets bare Hse wih these balooas da after dae sul Soar after en Au he mone he tae wel elated wth feat the toad tke mil how they sete ey awe ate pretty Wel ania {ith naze obich gt the tooseat wag be nating batons ts Yee Sees te ‘Sapa pnt forth Iw Bnvject Blue Book ‘The Finger Arh reget dat sot eed tn avoid sheuton of nat “rue Otten Hine ta Investizion ud tneee feletspe TO reports were raged tall hsior ne Itaene tre yorvices atl TY aa etn ations aes Te Stace of Okt ‘Hn the weather wire teletsye system" "Tuey Were avallable fo snieee Al Pore avestgators "Fine alfa tr terse witness eval termed nesntite Air Fore pet faginide: “Tue highnere patrol memages nauied lose toe deta celina Ise neilgwthaesnes nt rye haeer & her” patel Meer hat bak ‘bites nse hgve tts ev fase ned one. er eb formal ewe re ft te Tink some Intrsies nt at effing ante eet Ma." Hertne ‘Qulstanila. In comaned of Project tive. Bene, Snes the Ait aroo saeie jutercem= with frame nell and wee aes thes are nt interested in parsons wo odo the hemspapers orto rade ol TV ations: ese Wels f tie excision ir of courae we open tC ‘wsventtag that the Air Force ss sacking tna 6057 Dut Tinker APB ieif must bave recived ens of aie doing the Hears giving peviod ot July them uate Phe it ie odieted by Ssstence faut ou rer the bleh patent nate he iret be court (Grey ne onker Fue repos he hak seen ramped ih cals te pase four from people reporig UEWa" hi report eters ov suet hour ot the Sereraaay ight peri ‘Shae are, Ie id that the Air Ponce Mtadling of the PRO peviien. ay be allowed fo drag along be tn apatite publi. Yet owe may Specnlate howe at enetetie nveriznio Eught dos For vate th Investigate seme of the sigttiues reported DI the Okla gle per. ‘Por tostange, take this Fepoet that sured ith mn others ewer Te tect Angus i STwenty. gee pepe at a chatoh ib Cusbiog Obits A wabeted fare Se” te ho Seay ati th wold te ae gu rate of Sheed, “Were yong sont for awe: then oppad ‘dot SEH fn ne ine, he nr J hy yl ine i te wea a Hah Speeds, then turned ad traveled nact for @ while Sew stop tenets ad Moodle erat eas nnd deny capeenel foe set, "Ee tnt one tere ortige Ueits the ones that Joined them had ed aud seen sis Ie Aieplanes “PD (psice department). Coshing alco nicerved. the sane things! ‘Gre *apprastinyely 30 ale” to the Slawice Price Deveremeat ern 44 oF lignteaonjecs tavediog-noeteest whch “ake ny cotcentional nae ‘heh ean sire cst rather mage e bimmaine naive” Or whae ad the [Gre ciaens of Sorin Qe, cre hoklng atm sete globe 3-W0 feet ta aaueree rough a snip mated airy "The relence e rovecing that the Al Force—for remeons & dges't am ounces not cele tying tn discover ‘that the Chis see.” Or. the Air owe alvady kaw spustasaaly Keeping t= Inforwattn feos (be patie. nfs fee othe to etn tro te over fat aautier culprit tw neentife commits, cue wa mie scvording ¢0 gy Augiae aticie br Roger! C2 Cneen. athe veeacr ear of the Chrissy Seuaace Monitor, He ere rare “SThe min react ee tae Vee seutige study af the (CHO) pant sala anette sna, hs Hele tk Mlbuy scien ices ton he le beet be “kooks.” "Ther dialse i. ait ridiente) Han be persousily sugrrassig ever delstcal tora sclet ‘nsor io try to take the wer prea rest Ita tinue ¢o Investigates seme Ruowtedge of some sort rede jn the {UO phenomenon sid the rier (From the Pylon (sae) Reva Expres, 3. 93.3868) ‘Taose “Puriso. Saverss"—W1 ar Suniers Sur Wass's Sean, CPO Pama Leitor’s note: This is the th of a series atone VEO ‘unidentit Brine ‘okey by Unlbter © Grit, executive editor ot tae Evening Expavss, Wa gto bare Wasnmaret DE ~The case of the th Tena deputy soles whose patrat carvan slogedly fllveen br no wlevtated fetog sbeet CCFO} vn nae thes ite 300 alle an bows te eyeing eng forth meen foe Ite a8 Im nyt of tbe A Fore Och Oe ‘Bookehion ts tent ot the Air Poe's veerigacion af CEO ‘Project ive Woot rst lcied the ‘esas chet ns “Reféaction of Star antares daturted due to laveesie” "his verdet eas high improbable one fromthe stark te wil be seen frow fhe tostinonsof (ewe deque shee ‘evatty ain} Heetor Quintin: in constant of fort Mige Book stated be Jnysetha fie tain ter ik wee sae tp he Alccog. Tie star verdit sia aon mh Sige ew oy eee Hie Inga ouent every few uexptne naes oe le "Ghotaer prent cae of Feceeration af 4 ves diet secured In the stance of the tone ightea beets seen tether by tata voce Te stat ot Att 1. 3, [cording ote eis reports of the Ollabems Highrny Baten, Te late PHOBONSDPY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY. eld Tinker APH had picked ts up Bot Re Book bad this seksg ate soviantes ¢ Apetees) Red dst pu a sraree er ionsi Bote ‘eveig, hewovre: gv thie weiter eae disenetug thie Sights atte Dade ausniers i ud poled wt that tinker AED ane squats Becca referral ts eset "a ten tied the fora Projet Hine Tease punpered at the in statongry. set ene stare th Fright items ulate al he fo alec tm he ory could be aiplaurs "Pheer ctw ly kina ad i Texts, sngeest te same sere that raj Dive Toad ile vicatoseteping (o expan vag haw of te ‘eenstoniy sts tree Ute Wire ehedWity ie Ws iestantions ad occa ga PRO the sae at “Setembees}on whic a least be pen ee [Beerer, Sink ease rept ug flee hiet Devate Sheri Biy F Novoy aud Devote Sheri Rolers WT. Gomle secs ag ntine tote tear Damot. Foxit ts aruda miles wots nat af Honton hen they caved tiigit pore ight whl cat deed a turbine ion the horn about stale sways ne if he eters sed the les threngh hiwenlgr "Rey ad owed down off the edge ot the hig ‘ay when tbe lzhts starved rapide owned thet “Th tention of Chek Befuty Sheri McCoy, as give oer fron Bags ABE, Tess comtaes SP eet cna yt te fctane ees the highway aout 0 feet of she highway" Aone Wo tut ugh the bul of fe ogee wea alae eeble spe ard i i beh eet are i The Deaced tube dark gent ty olay wit wher Wsiinguiabite earnest Ap Feed te uo Se whe at 6 fet hn heme tao “the bright wurpie eht ientuated the semind aiectty wlerveath it and In‘tront of fi. actodins the hia ame the Inverter of ur tro 6 hse omer the jet ditt awa toe tuts Sehece ae Heat unas eae ca ott abet onthe 0 Inmeditely below iv tn ie aeaseDepane Sheil Goede tas in tbe deers star eth tle teary Tying itm open ate, Antgongh Ue Ww wetctag 8 fong-erat shit Sil iat We itor sald thue fe felt the hens wonares ls ‘Sanat from ojo "The nicer Pusie| nay coward Dawu “Ae fast 8 wold go" traveling at spends up to 1i0.ies ay owe eald Ace Aerive agony cee ie matter Ate wore ols seated bat A raed te Aut wat ah ass) 3 fhe tnd fae ae the PD othe Ba eg ‘nr ising fot aE again stated Sheer, " Bite Brot the veetantin eee foo" EMington Ait Ronee are ht de sie dents say se wha oe” Te INNfee take i involve pe santng there te ne do 8 syd i te hiya vet ot nt” Engen wf meh tate fo ayHite A. ae elation fete usta is Dotnaticers appeared to he ineizent nt leven etc Gate ri ewe res Chic? Des Sori MMeeny hala rants Fitton nthe dejaetanent raieing the cujorsiiey over Le berernl Bra Uticeee nr ber "slsocted consonant fre idichte Pept isi ot {euporarien au te ord oon: ft have rntned to pac te tes ‘Troms: "Pixie Saverm-—Enwexer Iymcares Aum Fone Misuesstse Peau or Chere (8p Boker Grit (inet of ss tito) Warsarsic0%, D.C—Thie ic the fun! one of ole & Moaen antics ow the sented Bring’ objects «CBO, the US ale Ponce: which ha the olla 2 6059 of lnvetiating the sightings, and the publle. The emncisions tencbed, Lave ‘on mutated by Bro aaore examinations of the gies sf Prefer Be Tek the AleToree came fore stge a ts renietaon FV get vacate nlite ee tn Hee pee medi {ng Si etna spy ae stsbetiavins fai sets ace "Te lata aaeimption. backed be ach circa evidence, by that te ‘uf Fog alias tain Me autor auborittive stare aad also atte the sata tna [atten to tale wena be Less De gel ne ‘wererte Air Berew seen elu te pute Delete ena innit so tale fespecling UEO' Is steadily nik canccunity lecsoning More a wipe sheiitn tenga ih enstapers ads cress ‘rr ent cogenioa i ties nm emerge reas efit go bat ste the takentied fue agect pee te bing ute Ue shee Bee ot rer les teen mle by Hebd the eiaege is tte aye wag other Gi Shiv Agi and respec what bas ben teri the Salon sent Retsons forthe nestevering Air Forve pevoruance age enki the publ 4 the speciation one of te following ites teas eeamimomts wicca the ‘Ale ore fears tatiousl gait If The tratt eoat the CPO wene td Ie Ale ‘Boner fete tein stuck with Ye etorys othe tr Hiese Isler i the Cena {hietgence Azo “Puetbra alleged reason, bowever unconjlimentacy ty te Lueligence of se status one that has teen trol atte Gate tal mf paced 3 eave, “Shao speeuate mae be the recon the Ase Coe hae Eiquct ihetreeongwestnaa Some commtfersiy emulsion ‘ota fougrestonal investigation of the {PO waht tbat the tray ant he E80 Tete pote that vo one o thie foi Tne ev tor ut Te lt Ronee ult uo at ther ate als a es Cental Toelligeuce Agence nat to ume ung des yee a fren al ob fhe CLA Mim RHE lilenkenttersaftied uf store sears ar that he tt Sate hee Eva's esnlnmiageniay bat esi het dete be Veet Hethongi tke eae the to “An'ineracing mune of son sterere’ Wil [hata size minority of eae sightings igtiass proenaiare mraeatne repeat Ting sew ad amuses, A inser nf. fbeerolsarvorc ny ste rutecan pos radar opens ale tre contvoler; teeters tel enwnntrss 8 over experts tat te antsnown UFO" re st erect So al tie Ae ow ofa can a snug roel CPO bate been founds Eis 2 tary sieens i enone etl emai ale sense tine he PDs ae aan elie ow Bo ery 8 Souneuive stings eget te expt ens 1 #08, Frou the Veh ceases fomurzeminn, WyUewy. Parag. Fyanee. AML ‘arcten. aul Ayetratitfeoas four centre) five re he fale We eee Ettitae wt merited dying obj rt Pevesy tie eeae re ee the iat rca hn tet a ane ow eagle wl tiuleyse # vulnsboy that the 2¥etors an be ple of te ube ed i gk evn wih ths ser. Sat a for the ie Fumes seth ts hntehave eaten to estan awa eee AM eng esa leven ene poent avi a seta stromsmie, LIM Revit iintag he Bel Platetsrin, Pranklin eione, Pua s said Uh sald te wll if one Fynjoer Mle Revk offis wee sins to tnlente that asinine ala wnenty ons amit Need te wea ees tea ff great Neal of aneunderstandiog fut rnse ot theron te tele ‘lyme and servers bu hae se ete inte ie! Eo Sideatand 9 Caited Prone Inert d PHO fgg? FROM GERALD FORD LiBRARY. TOMA Beg ie eat 4 pte tenn a a oe BREE IG RSS ae ue ime ca eset Suef) ie gue te withhold auch information, s we ome SSRs a ets Seo Matec pare ae “Ree nt AE et gg nave re lek pt trachea sess imi eee Tnvny scape phstuseapiy i elmaigel wale WN roe ‘oud defense informatie Pa once publeaton 146 deals with CFO’ only et fell Int eon catego el Med mist "The putowe nf the rabitent ios fr he peeling rf Wat ded Tings “hag erson ie Gale the prota of Fe pulisencinn ay be Hae to pee ereaude Tie pacpmee of Ee Pepisize the eerste for"hmnili of such herwata wets eal nual ns “Terre cre ‘appearing i the Deceuher 24, 1998 foie Wf TIG Brie, entitled sou Reames” ne en neterprete ‘The yore of te tet ‘i imgrove the qualigy af seers amd avrstgnee pevcedares Tt ‘Sic Thitelue deine fo eben reporting and toe mapa eee foe ju stigaion "We have io Knmedge af any cesearc eves oach ented Ws hr, Geng. nor do-we ive any WeNruAt nit the SOulngt ‘it, ile e061 AUL_UPO repgrts which ary submittal to the Air Fore are regarded. ames pores from peogie wh huce sand tu aetial objece het ir cad ‘ot tents the pte of ony progzane je to evaluate swe Peoria abd [on he tserver of tee enmee of ba gh ‘The Natal ibcestgaiions Comittee organisation wich fein wa aa with eit covert Fete pensure to ngain be uf sorter Sot ‘Siteert Dortowr W. Covet, vine, C34, vow, Offer of LaleativeLialon Congressional tugniry Bi axwame 111966 o.oo, Washington, De Mz Dean Sin: Thank you for the sory prompt reply (Jan. 6, 160) &@ my lie Uf oni rege Uo Hou Rated tut ge chet ‘phat eearions rou wit reeiee from (hese three bw er Air Fore Department of Defense or Cutgeeional Tours Disienneftah. Lsteusie nd reapwefily "eequeat yoga. sep of tein sates, Un ou contnet Mal. Donal Keshioe (USC, weed) oe Ste. Michard Hall, These emiemen, a8 our are tate aware are eveon and assotite disetae ‘Fempeticeiy. of NIGAP ‘nd ran be reached at NOnty 7 OFA "Phe cotve of action fo oe? Gesible for te utimite Dest terest of the “Ausrien people a= At peruits bth sides of ihe emitraversy to he In ‘ately wetabed ‘SrCaP ip the 8 sears suc Se teptio. ae amassed euedeat factual i oration. dostmeniatina, aan evidence ts Fete aay nr all Ale Fore cll ‘The orieaston asks aly rit it he kiven the sypmetanity to present this {estilo open earns In ondeg toca te humodiae godk Of meting to the pete the teats sont the CEO’ a-'raq he aerial ail ole outed! sd ike et hone He achoviag thls ene ogg caer ‘espectflls yours ores B, dear, untéagton Heath, bai. Drona 20,1015, Ho. avon Rens, TS" fone of Feprencncatives, {Phe Honae Ofice Busting Washington, De My Deut Sie: Ax chairman ofthe Home Armed Services Committee, sou max ‘ete Drapes person inte Hoe, £0 Whom Lehi aadeees (ne coreesponee Pera Abies. the een aspert of wh promiens fy enetine Hp ‘Patton "A couederahie nusount af senuive sientfic esearch hy teste faa hse ett eng tn gah epic ot ary oC Government throng the eaplartient of ridlenke nud the ihonding ne ‘ertoent formation. Ht et that hae bow the subject ot cunytrcion since SOWe ie partiruariy sire i Dy er ofthe Seceetare of the Air Poe "te eadject of wich f erite. at of ondentted Abin beets (CRO) say the AUF Fre crmeeshp i te Hai Tone sage hd Fepe- ‘Toe pmbiliata concisions: pare ofthe Air Force's Peet Me ook ae 11) Xo ontdeutined ping object repre suvestcared evaluated be tue Air Foren ever even uy ination of threat fo oar 12) vere tas bees i exidenee somited tortie {A stg ates A wea epoca tel et $2) Tuere las been no eridenee indicating tab alghtogs catosoeied ay uitlied are exten terial edie a than Ta slows ene ‘by aleing and mailiase pile an elesent ne wth et be comer ig ating tT Blea, the aii ae'nomnes 12) urnee be disputed. De tee scene ane wirert that eat On clone prosimity fo ound vehicles Warupe the Tube ees hewatghis and’ radon of those Sehiea? PHORQCOPY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY 2.00 low uresinity to couvetioua siterafe cans thee ETO cote recon] alert ners to namo nutaneons ular pros he woveemonnh teats oF cana shee came het neato exe by thet eae gen we fa entra hort frat seat ica matte af 910 i seeds? ita hep ne He taf neon whe fo Bit? ake iia onan a \ Sout telanion ani erarivestie Wane et tment eile persue at lortiente caiteabiettus sabe teri fa ae bee abo te oe tnioty fovea tlw ose ne epee eich Te ont en 1) nd tad pwr“ tea Sie he eee St enh sta ae ae ted eb hee sane, te iene fe Het "as Gor sane recs te degen Hse ged sant 24 Fiver what siker gecamnpdl can wae etthe tna Tinta oaies encstigh® Me nye geal a the Ait Pet ie Calor CAEN) gt ese arctan APR. Baten, Whi I i souslnka thee once ington a se iia bos wove imeryianetace. White rap ate one wile wi sete tt ht oc sic, tna ea [serie fr octal hy Tipe tents if nares Be TW thee Fin dane ups al tothe eaten of the wealth of nist catia fat hoe been tecmmtesiuce bere Te menace Me ‘eldest airman lt poomente at fence 686 Sst oe Ima Sin: Haws ne “hens ge hes Welt dene eB: MBS “diate at rea mete au “unestaables Deen een Inguitin tni the natu e¢ chee akon’ wih te elt Sat hes ‘lucie! itfoemthon «AEH uy jrmceaphie nl 8h, A sl be aoe ia ies eS Bott Habe hh its ch Bate ope ‘oe eftret that all the GF oumknona cases were solved. ‘The fetter te Sew ef wae ana yes Contec HE. Elec Feces "aie fw Alege eqoring rien of CBO have proge fallen ieny Popeiten at i al aye ont Po tle wonder ti ole sr 0 ory nts ti ae tes Ateagegen fe caine Fee ba ate i asim She elo oP tama erence ‘Migs ae ie Poovey ane cues trees SRE Ene "The die Bin mots hay tow fe me roncensuth of TPO, Anson to hgttve the want khan aot Sepeng teas ene sepecncl Eee san paaieieen il Astute fresh genre tran setae bdo eu in Senfving the" ewsorije ste toad ken Teme weee tata epanelaan ft aft are atm eas Hs le the se we tee tebe oath Tian Suttons at Robot Ato Cult Ashe en ae *Caetar Prufes Ble Feo ty Ata ig tn edi eet Ue Si wean 4ANAP CH thy I te 1, Cute sents ine 8 unceli poalios gf Fes hticonileat Ai ye Sah ao yy "le Boge be sete wea ea Fepert"Suh Maetepmanuout esta be. ote af the serfs SVE a ehe iy legate te ECF a ol ew he pare BeShneg ial cee Tyce sition wasetieefenty teveate en Pig SSN ana Bae fc acral ete pa tne ta susie With geizer enantio wreath reed feeie tian uf ztavliy cvateo) of nalderastey sien. ones sah plete ot rae tarie nsw accent biti a ee ‘Whiie he mlertaudgble st ntonsation pestautns tf Prarie at ts feet the pes apenas we filial fore ate ne Feaardiis LEO" tie hot mbettny te tec® whe signed ie he Ade ince ls supertan uti dane rote when iia fesearey ie Be preted Tice ee 6063 ‘tise; and ic maseorswtien te Asericas ype rs od be eit to ate Schum tut yocone her aun be wy aainst Perceue fi dee ste Tue ions rot fs Qcnieate tlre fo te be etek ie Ade Foe lu ett ppt tte esltemce secrets tanec "Te help te offi ~biackont snl I sarin eh reba tsar he br doses fro! fie gracias ak eidleatn ster witsesaee wating sightings that defy extlarns and lena eaten tie nek iesentf soineeredeucr ie etience fat tle. Tne ole of ‘ai neste or gene ich te people lh opts the way to ala econo free pani ei The rere she fata fe He rete nyse seceal uf oat smomett wf feed” Messe exci re yas) Comer thheeontenct of ee disney sot Aes thesia teed Te ‘ilaens of Abeta ad Chie For eaame me Age vie nl and ‘TY inion. a Saatlag ily teri tne mgood te eter Ino ‘Wis me hate tay peewee totes a Hae silltons foetal ewe oe sneer fe orks nf as a fhienaahicsnatom net ke ramon eee ne he pen ee ‘tte ange route ca ote sa Nag the CHW eet ror ste torn its ese Ail Unter sister ean te sista the National faves eat Canaria Aevia] heprggena HCA torte ae Soe Site Wacionaten, Dt Docugente etm nk ab Site's sport te sscetha ah rahi see dae ‘Mediswsat of your eoitine be NCAT tye eget Resiwetflie sours ores BGs, antinaton Beek Ont From tte martian Ane 1 198) A Wein Wresecen MseatOs" a SoanemNe at these wt Fry Hl: sine sateen, unkleties ASue obits EOF Tiger oe thet ssiygtome she ily vee Pare hack Seat amt sont by wore jee Tan eer before, Sou sve grunt Aer ie uretoce tet seo toner nnee Perth tee en tees anthers tee fonthal sted fot clo wth patina Hake et ‘Pocket cel aint hae neue it fener of Tres, "Neat ais Arts, es 72 etre fli ze vet Sraner oleste tneecing acer a samp The neat day ena Bnmted vor sna colle tn He: Sr esate to sets Ausecitany deat ant he fnal fel ater ices APamerey dae olga Feet Henn senn 304 deceit case 0 tnt ap Weas' No Hevaanieeceios”” Sarnine PADI a exer” ty Poul Ne Degren Tossa, eit —Feanl Mar hs Hote el rsa an eed hn, tees be ware serie. rare ee Ho tate fing Pg woe Sue he aes ee ce the epee SiG ews hap miata wa et husky celeien fen nF wh has 3 blew 9 well af wate with rts nm ‘ry ii al tone Avene trestore fasutynice nthe sp ean Arure ‘er peaide yuets fer eared a, Wowie sens for hit empetiuns He alas has a she ~via a Whe ee Tran Shara au belle at crichton ai Fea am omde {ren ilsagh be wa weniger Tete terra and from the rset Evan ue whet ie once cnt. saw igh ast fait ‘ea glow “ibe eignrets bebe nok sie is whe PHOTOCOPY FROM Gi TOG ;ERALD FORD LIBRARY Prank clled hie Mereur-o sn Romie, Sit pants or ok. ther started down romana satorer vetenes cL toughe a wlteor ed hie eat mage We cook Mek np eces of ie" Frank eal if never tor uinae sernrved to hoa thet chs United States ad’ ea a sno ner dng“oer alto frm on age the as eae ‘ath fey nd dete to due sant Bitebean th general ahi may I articuer cor ae daatest epg of Rast Highte and waineng halle hte Pt re ed rife nt" Sew Yond rowan 8 ok shoo at ht he ad es were anu sng At ‘td nontt sv fhe one abel we pinion ike Tog tees” ro sald go Romo "br alk we'll yeni op om rues creek cle ses here sea fee hades yen fie mara Ey thing seemed n= lone a= an nome, and wore (son oge end thier Hata om tee ote. he hare a oped ‘ged erat. oe higich brown amas eqn rons "ibe crea Ein" iCssened to fe sine perp feat off the ground ihn patel of ie afta neat ae nthe org on ra pte man “Kiniende IC arted, lon rer “Ladle at ehat horrible thing, Do ured Rovner lights imtantiy went at Beth bean manaing tow Peat pa alt Seamer” “tit when we gor there ene oe T hunted Won Dut ere wa to sgn oe aml of i 1'm glad T aida have 2 0m el ihe elses meautiie Acmors ite Levia—a.w shutout Huet ith fe Tl vee Beate valage pon Wehr et ot Kesgs ‘inte te 3 great as ther sther pent teow tevme a Asn She Cane an ‘ant thrseniae ‘in Sogg the tae ad heron bag ct sii eth fie Nave ue wvtkees” nee nf Hor were eewandnl for ihr tre. Dexter Flo Cue Rover Kastor ged Pate sa Ute fe a a hes the ees Was Phe Padtem ad Pest Hite Alt reporet the Moor. ta the gh Sonics ais thei fort sa Teter me I ae therroye fe ihn vipged weeny acer Manors ote akg Hae in seen ester Bagel over Ube patrol car he waited Sent it na edt se tg Je coulinuing soreepe over the nampa el Feng Joined bg fuvee oder? ome the wet Ann Arn, hich sash dda between setters ad believers the yest da sti steve i feck ght eae prude The fae that The Air Boe Fnen crane of ie tid tseuomenon 9 Wepateine. Astron alle Hur director of Ssstneestery Toermstes earmaenDivervatur bn et {ie tates of fhe clad agin dee sm eens rae sd Set Prntazan’ ture were even tone sated to er slat Huei uot insta snore dt Atguaee ad he Eee hebenrens had sale seen the ay Sere ne Mlegin's diechaped Posen Slountaly Tuan telesepe, wel ands ania tie nie eo thease Whlen they saw the plowing hie Hine 9 Seortea gun wh has vestented handed ther “sightings for the it ore Inte tact rev" neenben, sae ure SUminoe was too neconened fot rnc isle fe fr mgt le "Then the people tae ueade thee sightings ae entree bones an Yu recent Bat‘ aay toe mille te tess we they rte He tne she ‘eho I felony the funy teh rmocetenbie have Woon wee ses ree Ne some wie "Ethie Tiger titel more of Seba ez ou tan © 3 be ‘began bat he oleh ds "eo Tent Tk Lebel sath * * = Tae ree seabe gut expaation for al of Pie said MleFatden, 1 ati dont atieve i. Tighted cet” anya ge of Live fret ao theo inet rte Bee mene Chiet Taglore Ie-rmed son ig at Tocin "Tr Haste Yoda wie and tele 0 6085 Back by Frank Banners Wouse the ceil mt ed Seve ne a sp coe hi he hertanetars derstanding’ Me cue tone Maunne ever iat eet how. “people are trying fo make a fanatie ont me he complied. "Tes wat sit Ce road pte af eek ae mvs an he these soe ‘Biey\tag’ Ho mach smes"aee sou ang o make of is seco ont wut nomeneys ant want na pity inte feet Maer tae xt ‘oe sone im Jat tpt flow. "RUC T seen whet scen tal obs Zt Tovtll fe dierent, hat wan" ao vit fount or wnaiienm, ts a ‘ject. “Mane eit cute tack a tbe poole wl seas 8 oh get picare au bave eviction nt fe ansony wan» ca Site ew hellortne Feith ae Tessie mote succes “Ve ait Mapes at ke owe sot han or uiething Deca eu Seen i Can sea ge 8 an re Soe of hese cart alent try dont sey to bel aay ce Hh he ears of te ip wtat he 10.47 Perino Satoen Sicuttses (Qeer sla the Old Testamear yroset Bauklel necoted ap encomter with & fry Arie Wheel pete bare bees melon stunner these the Elomi ep fe responenr Bil Wise elif Hee Pe eo Dawn, Ouro.—There have ten 10.47 reported UFO sietugs sfuer 9 yc rate illo aed Keune "Aewoid citned be saw. a tf rapid mine “iMlgel theair test Mowat Ratnen, Wash, ow se 28 It. ‘vad widest peblllved repur set off the test nf the mei epienies of saucer sisi, ar fe Ae orce hae bee fu the saneee busines ee siete Peaject Mines ‘ecuplest slog wor ou the ateont oor of 4 dose me cnerete tale ere at WrigtPatterson Ade'Fore Agee its fanrioms (0) Sy re te dt ‘explanation forall epetedaiings nf ughdeatibed ta vajorts: oi iter whether he UFO's pose ay recur teat. ad (2 To dterine if CEU's ih ane advanced technology which tue Cuited State Coal pnt to Bee. "To act Project Blvebuok, there ivan UFO oltre watinted at evere Ae Ronee bate inthe counars: te oer atthe hase earest rere sgh be fee sible for Inlatng the vestigation.” Arcos fo May. rector Quatanela 3 tpestee eo rate Breet Bluehonty move CEO sektines have toa laity vege stole explanation. ‘Pe swat como reports fa tegt ‘thr planets and teres sticlors whew srw ms bred ao “vers turn out to Ye vateites—few yeone realize thatthe ave wine oe tan of three ia onbit that aye viable te she naked ere “Thane of ha Ii eo a fa fo dames nne rains ra Nake Feiease cats at airport, eather status qa esearch trates a ese el O's prete any "aucee™ repereCapvent oon alteragt are auotber aime Seve "reaeetng sont day’ oF providing the glow uf ryaning lights or therm thea af pico rece strobe Liste nh “Sit aatelites nd mort weather balloene ai aaerat one being easly tracked and Togged ty iter or ein agencies nil Prat Bie. re {Snel eberksighitusy azatod thes records Curepote ort His Us iene {esate pote te mt feenpent problen Inthe etesive work ‘Steune hips om radar Scrat hare oecectoiy uneettied persone at rack lug Wtlone egy too "obese that appeared on rhe scopes At Patagent Naval ‘Ae Station cid) nat ecener secu appari the base ata tine {eon ile am hone before nektog st torn and Msnpeating ae ee om peverally be traced fo pulang “ings wth a noes pf 9 hiterforaace From other weghbortue eleetruje gear Wright Patterson exper’ tae bee be toacnut fr avery evant rain isp separ ie to ate “Fae fe bu esto at our Air Fonte ud tive of oer counties empor gaorind sich baeeare tactical aid (run deve. May of thee ae SPemurses ster ge Selng xacors sie he che tat a west renee ‘ir Boece esloceam tal ea “Sane Tooke atthe Tears of ene ervey EN eee kick to IT" sus aor unfaen efeing’ tat fe vas amore Hae ele Ste misuteresteton of weer pietomes. PHOTOCOPY FROM GERALD FORD LIBRARY 008, (ft slebtings se far ceed oi, tvs elgg potent of ee tn ane eed san Banivt Bn wae fie he nauiedttied. Ths vay eff. ooncgget that eo rsa syn te essa tye Fema sae 1 te ours Coy ny cso ‘sv evenness Siuuing rete enti ‘Ret awetanrnn fs Phe Als Fors ea) Sng rig sauces for Blue Bev Dy. inex ete ht aes th jes eke hllete iy wuterepnr ing conan ho dae tenga itv euich wor TPO motors tke Pre Manner Tetiote ter have se ese deve neta te, the ke.” wage De, Hk fo gt eh evi topo sone jes ne Taens eae a ch everday a evidrace came 6 te Ye ‘oaths eka. arses Mat tbe tent aces teat” ya een ee Rome Is ok abot lide ute per deme The Cetgnsseax, Wha Toeant task von is why do they always eee tle in the wiht imie ‘Dr. Hsseic, There are a number of reports from the daytime al ge he sane wae more Phe sh ne HF anghody wanted to spy on this mounts wiye woul they go to this expense, sehen rot em ato awe weet aul get all dle ingorwation von waa and it eke Hlowsn’t helps rom got a roaneips anil if that dowsat help vou, hire 1 Hetty ee Dr. Hy si, Mayhe dey on’t oye this, The Crtaurirss. Hf the Magtinus don't knew Tes by Als Tine they seid nse kane i fon this ont iso simple. 1 cant andertand why the ate Yo put so ing wp the aE AO This couteres when they have got xo many seekers We dent pois Dir Hives No conntout on ft, be Conan, The Creatas Wall go ght Yo cout ni Dir Chtsleniaine we Sill heat fry sone De Citamgrse Shank sone 31 Chatraa, 1 really have no awediong, bur T wil say the ghtnigy int Sieigan ere ene wf tre ut not within, fam pleased to hear gone recmngengstion a To have she Secretuny' statewent tat he ite to imple an futon sonore to fon bef giving further ogi wa dye ie omg to. st such fie as your recomueuAtion ts inptenented, ‘eave going to have «panel at wif comer these thine tn epee wo je (ney form days wit cuter lok, ant dicgast OF trees € fel se ave cs sie ekieenens as afances ead Chat there goto be # ring fnportance of survey Of i rw ‘ois Corthe. he people in ot area 248 com Tiere line be Fderable respmarable editorial sewepapers. Te soni nt be "pooped as yon sae snd about this, ment inte 6087 Lan pleased 19 lave goue statement i Mes (tira Pilko fo vie hs ee people isto pnt some tention on this martes. Tht “The Ciestssess. haa yo Governiee Stafford, Goreme Staffed, yo ave fren Vermont how chase is this to ome iste! Mevstarean. Thanks you, Me. Chainmuait 1 was going t cont ke theese pated ot lene use heey CFO slahtings it) New Hamushires Veraimr nt be outdone yet week, fs fa heres abs, cunge tithes of mi. tenet “The Crrarnaaase, Tht setting wef clo Mt. Staryub. Tes se . Sing onr Sates of Vernon anid New Hampstine are jznonen as the ates, SUE Chairinany this may he simply a ease of Teel navi civ the pat of tafe ink tg tre extiaeertestrial they Ulntn New Heap} fyeople th Vernon ae x, nl these MT ig toy ayer ate tage onrprned ver tine sealing ttt Kase cveryed ou States aad reputable people hve see pheno A iy Pogue aa th ry ‘linge thatthe Sevtetary of the Ae Forew ane) the ine ie that GF flies sghins Bee not already” De zation and sel berate thes ax. Lhpeif yon come’ etary wh any of thems $0 owt have toctell therm where Settle ated i Me, Jlébeet nest Ate Heme, lank sa, Me Chaieman, White these objects lure not Den sees iy uy distret, 2 jet, wnt prepare myself, berguse after Regt elietion day mig hye see sone of lien. Doctor, have sou confertwd vei Mr Ray Waleeon an this suet ananter? Dr, Hrs. No.siv YW Fri, Dear hat ving a bell vib yon, Mr. Bay Watson, Dr. Hysex. Novi Mi, Heprin Ut dors not ring a ell He is the mt authoritative rau fn the somory sv sppuces Ube ayn ia every hone every Sumy night, he is “My Favorite Martial De Hye. Oh. [Laualiter-] Mi Hiner, Helyasan antenna out of his end, too. Dr, Hiss, L thinks T have heen Calling (ie rena people Mr. Haart. He can shed «lot of Tight on elie subject, T just ated to digeet your attention 16 that “That Isat afr. Charu, The Cinanatas. Di. Hill you ate tes Mr Puree. Doctor, 1 iu, ee thes exist st are from outer spare dour t sre have lore 4 conch eyatete that Mow dows 9 teal courpeted job teacking every satellite hy unter sce sa We Kone every ou Fat = Tawniched

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