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Public Planning and

Political Strategy
Dennis A. Rondinelli”

Technology and Development Institute, The East-West Center

calculate costs and benefits of each alternative,

Planning theory and practice derived from
estimate the probabilities of future events and
corporate experience, management science
and rational decision theory have had little projected trends occurring,
influence on decision-making in the public determine the potential non-economic gains,
sector. The political environment and organ- losses and consequences of each alternative,
izational complexity of public decision
making render conventional approaches to choose the optimal alternative or set of
objective, rational, comprehensive planning actions,
of limited value in government agencies
integrate chosen courses of action into a
and in private corporations involved in
public policy making. A more effective comprehensive long-range plan.
approach to strategic planning and manage- Plans are then transformed into operational
ment must be based on an understanding programs, budgets and schedules for implementa-
of the political dynamics through which tion.
policies are made. It must adopt a variety
This ideal model of long range planning has
of styles directly related to major functions
in the policy making process and use a generally failed, however, to produce desired
variety of political intervention and in- results in the public sector. Indeed the ideal model
fluence techniques that facilitate the im- has rarely been operationalized in public policy-
plementation of plans and policies. making. Intensive evaluations of public decision-
making-at national as well as local levels, in both
advanced and developing nations-document the
difficulties of doing comprehensive planning.


ment and plays a significant role in national
and local budgeting, programming and manage-
GOVERN- Reviewing the process in a number of countries,
Wildavsky found few truly successful efforts. The
paucity of effective planning systems, he concluded,
ment. Theories and practices of public planning ‘suggests that the record of planning has hardly been
were derived primarily from principles of manage- brilliant. For all we know, the few apparent suc-
ment science and from the strategic planning cesses (if there are any) constitute no more than
experience of large corporations.’ Planning, in its random occurrences.” Examining the American
broadest sense, borrowed its prescriptions from experience with master planning in local govem-
rational decision theory, and consists of a set of ment led one expert to conclude that ‘where it was
procedures whereby decision makers attempt to : tried and judged by its own claims, comprehensive
planning turned out to be a colossal failure.‘3
identify and define major problems and goals,
Analysts note that individuals and organizations
analyze relevant environmental and strategic do not, and indeed cannot, make decisions in the
conditions, highly rational and comprehensive manner pre-
project trends, needs, opportunities and scribed by conventional planning theory. They cite
constraints, ‘cognitive limits on rationality’, inability of indi-
viduals to take into account complex sets of
transform goals into operational targets, values, goals and consequences, and the high costs
identify alternative courses of action for of searching widely for optimal solutions as
achieving goals and targets, parameters that keep decision-making inevitably
a ‘satisficing’, and incremental process.4
*Dennis A. Rondinelli is Senior Fellow at the The East- Problems of operationalizing comprehensive
West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. planning in government are attributable, to a large

APRIL, 1976 75
extent, to the fact that public policy-making is of intervention and interaction techniques into
substantially different from and more complex than strategies for influencing not only the choice of
decision-making in a single corporation. Manage- alternatives but also the implementation of selected
ment science versions of planning theory generally policies.
assume a high level of central control over organ-
izational activities through a hierarchical structure
that vests authority and responsibility for decision-
making in a single chief executive or a set of
top management officials. Administrative units are Public policy-making is an inter-organizational,
departmentalized by major purpose, process, rather than an intra-organizational, process. Public
product or clientele, with authority delegated to decisions evolve from the interaction of individuals
various levels, each supervised by and responsible to and groups each seeking a legitimate allocation of
the next higher level. Span of control is limited and resources or authority from the governmental
unity of command is preserved to prevent overlap, system. Policy-making, as political scientists point
duplication and waste and to promote efficiency. out, involves a variety of functions: perception and
In public policy-making, however, these con- definition of needs, problems and goals, formula-
ditions rarely prevail. Indeed, major decisions are tion of proposals and plans; mobilization of
rarely within the purview or authority of a single support; social analysis and political ‘deliberation’;
agency. Planning is usually done by a number of policy enactment and legitimization. Once policies
decision-makers in an organizationally complex are enacted, plans are implemented through organ-
environment under politically dynamic conditions. ization and administration of programs and
The characteristics of this complex decision projects; program results are evaluated and
environment-emerging more frequently not only policies reformulated.6
in the public sector but in large private organiza- In reality, policymaking is itinitely more com-
tions as well-severely complicate conventional plicated than implied by this simple descriptive
processes of comprehensive, long range planning. model. Yet policies do evolve through a cycle of
Harlan Cleveland most concisely summarizes the identifiable stages. The process described earlier is
situation when he observes that: not necessarily sequential; nor are the stages
always clearly distinguishable in practice or
“The organizations that get things done will no longer be mutually exclusive, since some activities may occur
hierarchical pyramids with most of the real control at the
top. They will be systems-interlaced webs of tension in
simultaneously and other functions are inextricably
which control is loose, power diffused, and centers of linked. Plans may be stalled or die before complet-
decision plural. ‘Decision-making’ will become an in- ing the process, or are resurrected later in different
creasingly intricate process of multilateral brokerage both form. Because of the procedural and organizational
inside and outside the organization that thinks it has the complexity, effective planning in the public sector
responsibility for making, or at least announcing, the
decision. Because organizations will be more horizontal, must be based on a thorough understanding of the
the way they are governed is likely to be more collegial, characteristics of the policy-making process :7
consensual and consultative. The bigger the problems to
be tackled, the more real power is diffused and the larger
the number of persons who can exercise it-if they work (1) Policymaking is Essentially a Political
at it. The trend is visible in totalitarian as well as demo- Activity
cratic societies.“s
Public decision-making is a political process
In such an environment planning and decision- rather than an intellectual or deliberative one.
making inevitably become political activities. Policies evolve through social interaction, conflict
Planning cannot assume an objective, rational, resolution and mutual adjustment among groups
technical, value-free role and be effective. Planning with diverse goals. Priorities are determined and
becomes a process not only of analyzing problems, final choices made through compromises among
goals and alternative courses of action, but also of groups with a diversity of values, decision criteria,
advocating positions, influencing behavior and interests, and perceptions of benefits and costs.
intervening in the policy-making process to affect
the outcome of decisions. It becomes a method not
(2) Policy Goals are Adjusted to the
only for choosing alternative courses of action but
Availability of Means to Achieve Them
for designing strategies for executing them. The
characteristics of political decision-making have Rarely are public policies the result of optimal
profound implications for the nature, process, decisions. Goal formulation is situational. Each
techniques and methods of planning. If strategic organization participating in public decision-
planning and management are to become more making pursues its own interests; goals may be
effective in the public sector, theory and practice terminal or instrumental, changing over time in
must : (1) be based on a thorough understanding of relation to changes in social, economic and
the political environment in which policies are political conditions. The level of expectations of
made; (2) adopt a variety of forms and styles that decision-makers are adjusted to the probability,
are directly related to major functions in the subjectively determined, of achieving their objec-
policy-making process; and, (3) fashion a variety tives, to estimates of uncertainties and risks of


pursuing a particular course of action, to percep- Policy-making is an amoral process, governed by an
tions of past success in influencing the outcome ethics of responsibility; each participant determines
of political conflict, and to their access to resources the correctness of a course of action in terms of his
for influencing the behavior of other decision- ability to satisfy a constituency or to represent a
makers. position considered by him to be morally correct.
Policy-making is governed by situational ethics
rather than by absolute principles of right and
(3) Policy Planning Requires Trading-Off
wrong. Conflict often erupts over disagreements
Complex Variables to Reach a Politically
concerning decision criteria as well as over disagree-
Feasible Alternative
ments on substantive content of policy proposals.
Policy-making involves tradeoffs among econ-
omic, political, social and other criteria, weighing
tangible facts, information, and data against (6) Public Decisions Evolve Through
intangible and incalculable potential opportunities Conflict Resolution
and constraints. Quantitative variables must be
Policies emerge most often through a process of
balanced with qualitative factors. Decisions affect-
conflict resolution in which individuals and groups
ing immediate problems and issues must be
attempt to influence each others’ behavior through
balanced against long range impacts and conse-
psychological field manipulation, adaptive adjust-
quences. A wide variety of goals, criteria and
ments, bargaining, negotiation, coalition-building,
interests considered important by different groups
conflict displacement, inducements, threats, authori-
and individuals must be reconciled in a plan
tative control and force.
capable of attracting sufficient support to be
enacted and implemented.
(7) Policies are Not Chosen Through
(4) Policy is Formulated and Implemented Objective Optimization
Through a ‘Horizontal’ Decision Structure Public policy-making is not a process of optimiz-
Policy is initiated, enacted, executed and eval- ing, that is, of discovering one, rational, optimum
uated through a complicated set of ‘horizontal’ alternative for the solution of a social problem.
interactions within an organizationally complex Public problems may not have distinctive solutions.
decision environment. Government structure is Social problems are complex, amorphous and
fragmented and open to the influence of a wide difficult to define concisely; each participant in
variety of public agencies, private organizations policy-making may define the problem differently,
and specialized interest groups. Powers and in terms of a single component of a larger issue, or
responsibilities are dispersed and unevenly distri- within the context of another problem. Facts,
buted among specialized organizations within and information and statistics used to analyze policy
outside of the government structure. Policy is alternatives are subjectively interpreted through
implemented through a complex system of formal preconceived interests from which groups and
and informal delegation of responsibility and individuals reach different conclusions concerning
control. The policy-making structure has a multi- the ‘best’ course of action. Indeed, optimization
tude of leverage points at which individuals and does not characterize public planning because often
groups attempt to exercise influence. Participants the number of possible alternatives for ameliorating
possess a diversity of potential resources for in- a social problem is indeterminate at the outset-
fluencing the outcome of political contlicts- politically feasible alternatives evolve from pro-
money, credit, control over jobs, votes, information, cesses of political interaction and intervention.
expertise, popularity and others-and varying
skills at utilizing them.
(8) Policy-Making is Synergistic
Political interaction produces policy proposals
(5) Participants in Policy-Making Act
and decisions different from those espoused by any
Within Narrowly Defined Conceptions of
single participant in a policy-making conflict. As
the ‘Public Interest’
the scope of disagreements over policy proposals
Unlike private corporations, public agencies expand and contract, as new groups enter and leave
rarely have easily defined criteria by which to judge a conflict, as issues, goals and perceptions are
the ‘correctness’ of alternative courses of action. adjusted to changing political conditions, and as
Plans in the private sector may be aimed at increas- support is mobilized around compromise positions,
ing profits, expanding market share, or diversifying initial proposals are redefined producing outcomes
product lines. In public policy-making there is that were unpredictable at the outset. Past decisions
often no over-riding, clearly defined set of goals by often produce unanticipated consequences that
which to choose one alternative over another. influence the scope, content and feasibility of
Policy is initiated, formulated, enacted and im- current alternatives. As disagreements arise from
plemented by groups pursuing their own interests the interaction of disparate participants the process
and their own conceptions of ‘the public interest’. of policy formulation takes on a life of its own;

APRIL, 1976 77
central control and comprehensive planning of the designed to achieve social acceptance’ and for ‘the
outcome is made more difficult. preparation of operational plans and programmes,
and the measurement of effectiveness of these
programmes in gaining social acceptance’.* Plan-
(9) Public Policy Formulation and
ning must become not only an analytical instrument
Implementation are Characterized by
for defining and selecting goals, but also a means
Long Lag and Lead Times
for designing strategies of intervention in the
Few policy innovations or plans receive im- policy-making process to influence the acceptance
mediate acceptance in the public decision-making and execution of planned objectives. Planning
arena. Social problems must be widely recognized, theory has given little attention, however, to the
support for their solution mobilized, proposals need for, development and utilization of alternative
formulated and enacted and programs implemented intervention techniques. A variety of tactics, other
-a process that, for major social issues, may than those of central co-ordination and control
require a decade to complete. The long lag times most frequently used in hierarchical organizations,
between initiation of plans and their implementa- are available to influence the outcome of policy
tion occur because of the nature of the policy- conflicts in the political arena (see Figure 1).
making process, because of the dispersion of in- Central co-ordination and control are often the
fluence, the multiple channels for exercising in- least useful techniques in organizationally complex
fluence, and the ability of a wide variety of groups decision situations because policy-making, by its
to delay or veto action. Policy execution requires very nature, provides access for a diversity of
the formulation of strategic plans for exploiting the semi-autonomous participants. Groups can em-
proper timing and atmosphere for action. ploy tactics of social influence to create unantici-
pated demands, to delay, obstruct and veto plans,
build and mobilize support for a variety of alterna-
(10) Policy Enactment and Implementation
tive policies, and subvert central control in plan
Require a Strong Coalition of Support
implementation. In order to influence the outcome
Public plans are formulated, enacted and im- of public decisions intervention strategies must be
plemented through concerted efforts and pooled formulated that incorporate both direct and in-
resources of groups and individuals organized into direct techniques of influence.
coalitions. Coalition building is essential to policy
formulation and execution because of the fragmen-
(1) Indirect Influence Tactics
tation of authority, organizational complexity and
unequal distribution of power that characterizes Techniques such as information dissemination,
decision-making. Coalitions may vary in size from education and training, persuasion and consulta-
small elites %th substantial resources to potentially tion, as opposed to central control and co-ordina-
large constellations of groups with mutual interests tion, are indirect, voluntary, and require a low
in the outcome of a decision. Coalitions shift over degree of direct intervention by planners in specific
time, expanding, contracting, dispersing and re- policy conflicts. They often provide a strong base
forming in response to changes in the political of influence in early stages of policymaking by
environment and changes in perceptions of issues, attempting to shape the environment or atmos-
costs and benefits. Every coalition attempts to phere for problem recognition and the need for
carve out a ‘policy space’ or ‘sphere of influence’ action. Psychological manipulation, modeling, and
over a set of issues from which it can dominate techniques that psychologists, refer to as ‘shaping
decision-making. Innovation and change often and reinforcement seek to influence behavior while
require destruction or reformulation of existing allowing a large degree of choice in compliance.g
spheres of influence and the creation of new Non-coercive adaptation can influence behavior in
coalitions based on different perceptions of prob- support of planned objectives through tacit
lems, new goals, redefinition of needs, or dis- co-ordination, by obtaining the mutual consent of
satisfaction with existing programs and policies. those potentially affected by proposed plans, and
through provisions of incentives and rewards.
Adaptive adjustments are often made in the
content of plans to avoid adverse effects for groups
that are likely to oppose the plan because of
Conventional approaches to planning are not perceived losses.
effective under the politically dynamic conditions
of public policy-making. Even within private cor-
(2) Direct Intervention Tactics
porations, Taylor argues, ‘it is clear that the
theory and practice of strategic management is Other techniques of political intervention require
inadequate to handle social and political problems’. more direct exercise of control and more intensive
As public and private organizations become more interaction in policy conflicts. Reciprocal exchange
intertwined in policy-making, new and improved and compromise, promises and threats, formal and
approaches to government and corporate planning informal bargaining and negotiation, and media-
are needed for ‘developing strategies and policies tion, together with subsidies or regulation may be


Methods of Indirect Influence

High Degree of Choice In Compliance Low.

LOW Degree of Intervention In Policy Conflict High


Methods of Direct Influence

Figure 1. Tactical Approaches to influencing Policy Conflicts.

used in combination with other indirect influence initiation of change can evolve only from a creative
tactics to reinforce desired political behavior or to planning approach. Problem perception, identifi-
discourage undesired actions. Techniques requiring cation of threats and opportunities, and change-
the most direct control, the least freedom of com- initiation do not generally emerge from ‘routine’
pliance, and the most intense intervention in bureaucratic forms of programming. The innovative
political conflict are authoritative prescription, planning style anticipates and seeks change, explores
pre-emption, command and coercion and force. and exploits opportunities for new policy direc-
The most effective technique or combination of tions, crystallizes dissatisfaction with current
tactics must be determined by strategists through conditions and searches, through what Etzioni has
analysis of the problem or issues under considera- called ‘mixed scanning’ processes, for marginally
tion, the power and resources of potential con- better alternatives. Innovative planning is con-
tenders in political conflict, and the organizational cerned not so much with operational issues as with
environment in which plans and policies must be the contextual or strategic aspects of policy. It is
formulated and implemented. futuristic, often concerned with forecasting and
predicting trends as well as with searching for
TAILORING PLANNING STYLES TO potential solutions to problems that are still in
POLICY-MAKING FUNCTIONS the experimental or pilot stages. In other situations,
The concept of planning as strategic intervention in
innovative planning is less concerned with the
and management of public policy-making recog- future, but directed more toward re-orienting
nizes not only that a multitude of decision-makers perspectives of decision-makers on current prob-
plan, but that a variety of planning functions and lems, redefining social values, changing decision
roles must be performed in order to influence agendas, altering priorities and immediate goals of
public decisions. One style of planning, essential resource-allocating organizations comprising the
and appropriate for a particular decision-maker at major spheres of influence over strategic policy
one stage of the policy-making process, may be issues.
inappropriate for others. If planning is to become
more effective in influencing the outcome and (2) Advocacy Planning
quality of public decisions, a number of distinctive
planning styles that are directly related to policy While the innovative approach is useful for
formulation and implementation functions, must defining the directions and parameters of desired
be used. Seven approaches are suggested here (see change and assisting decision-makers to delineate
Figure 2). problems and needs, ultimately, objectives must
be translated into specific proposals. Only demands
(1) Innovative Planning that are clearly and persistently expressed receive
Perception of needs, goals and problems and the serious public attention. Individuals and groups

APRIL, 1976 79

and Technical

Coordinative Policy Enactment


Figure 2. Alternative Planning Styles.

skilled at innovative planning often lack the attempts to preserve an image of objectivity;
interest and ability to promote demands publicly, adjunctive planners most often perform informa-
thus requiring another form of planning-advocacy. tion collection and analysis functions and make the
Advocacyplanning makes no pretense of objectivity. results available to all contenders in policy contlict
Its purpose is to represent a policy position or the without becoming absorbed in the imbroglio them-
perceptions of a particular ‘interested public’. selves. Adjunctive functions are often performed by
Advocate planners strive to translate felt needs of ‘think tanks’, foundations and research institutes
groups and organizations into policy demands, to with interests in national policy, and by regional
obtain access to decision centers and leverage points, planning agencies, municipal research bureaus and
and to satisfy those demands through authoritative city planning commissions at the local level.
allocation of tangible resources. Adjunctive planners perform ‘research and de-
Advocate planners seek to develop leadership, velopment’ functions: they organize and imple-
induce participation, develop and promote argu- ment demonstration projects, gather operational
ments and disseminate information in support of a and planning data, and evaluate positions and
policy position. If the objective is to assist groups proposals as inputs for policy conflict resoluti0n.l’
and organizations to obstruct, delay or modify
policy proposals adverse to their interests, advocacy
(4) Allocative Planning
planning takes on a lobbying function. Advocacy
includes formulation of coalition-building strate- Allocation of scarce resources among competing
gies, communication of policy demands, presenta- demands and interests is the essence of policy-
tion of policy positions to authoritative decision making. Allocativeplanning seeks to facilitate policy
makers through direct persnal contact, psycho- enactment by proposing resource distribution
logical field manipulation and intermediation. plans that result in satisfactory tradeoffs among
Through adversary functions it moves to counter competing groups. Allocative planning is often
and offset the impact of opposing plans. sequential, an incremental series of compromises
aimed at attaining mutually acceptable positions
by various participants in the policy-making process.
(3) Adjunctive Planning
It seeks, where necessary, to balance economic,
In both support mobilization and deliberation political, social, physical and other criteria, to
phases, participants in political conflict often seek allocate tangible and symbolic rewards, to mediate
assistance in analyzing issues and positions from between pressing and long-term considerations in
‘third parties’, sources considered to be more order to find alternatives acceptable to a coalition
neutral, who place policy analysis within a broader large enough to enact and implement a plan. At a
social context. Information and analysis is sought technical level allocative planning institutionalizes
from sources outside the immediate arena of resource distribution proposals through operating
political conflict. The functions required are, in a and capital budgets. But it attends to the distri-
sense, adjunctive. The adjunctive planning style bution of normnancial resources as well.


(5) Coordinative Planning and project pkuming are prerequisites to effective
plan implementation. Administrative planning
Planning for policy enactment and implementa-
results in operational programs and schedules
tion requires co-ordination and integration of the
‘related to production, budgeting and accounting,
decisions of the multitude of participants involved
personnel, distribution of output, general internal
in policy-making. The co-ordinative planning ap-
services and research’.”
proach develops strategies for mobilizing disparate
resources and focusing them on remediable aspects
of problems. Co-ordinative planning seeks to (7) Evaluative Planning
reconcile differences among decision-makers with
Finally, because policy-making is a continuous
diverse interests and to search for compromises,
process, programs and policies must be continually
bases for exchange, incentives and instruments of
monitored and evaluated. Evaluative planning aims
manipulation and persuasion. It explores grounds
to reduce the opportunity costs of failing to adjust
for joint action by explicating shared interests,
resource mobilization, allocation and utilization
potential linkages, and requirements for mutual decisions to changing socioeconomic and political
consent. It seeks to reduce the lag and lead times conditions. Evaluative planners analyze previous
between plan enactment and implementation. public and private decisions to determine their
This style of planning recognizes that semi- results. Evaluation includes performance auditing
autonomous decision units can be integrated that leads to recommendations for program re-
effectively only along lines of shared interest, formulation, termination or continuation. Evalua-
specialization and interdependence. The great
tive planners attempt to determine the effectiveness
potential for policy co-ordination lies within of policies using the wide variety of criteria im-
spheres of influence among groups seeking mutual posed by the nature of public decision-making.
gains. Co-ordination, to be successful, must have an In organizationally complex decision environments,
explicit objective. Response is based primarily on evaluation-as Gross notes-must account for and
self interest; co-ordination cannot be imposed satisfy diverse interests, measuring multiple outputs
through hierarchical integration, centralized con- -both tangible and intangible, immediate and
trol, regulation or structural consolidation. Mutu- long-range-of different kinds, quality and quan-
ally beneficial rewards must accrue to parties in a tity. Not only efficiency, but organizational, pro-
co-operative act. This form of planning focuses on grammatic and political viability must be assessed.
creation of inducements, compensation, reciprocity, At the same time evaluation must assure that the
and encourages and facilitates bargaining and operation of programs conforms to generally
negotiation among individuals and organizations. observed codes: internal due process and applica-
It attempts to create informal co-ordination mech- tion of external regulations.
anisms where formal institutional arrangements for In brief, conventional processes of comprehen-
integration are weak. Co-ordinative planners may sive planning based on rational decision theory and
also act as intermediaries-explicating and explain- hierarchical concepts have proven of little use in
ing policy innovations, mediating conflicting public policy-making, and are becoming less useful
demands, communicating information, bargaining in complex private organizations that deal in-
positions and compromise solutions to conflicting timately with governmental agencies. Concepts
parties. They may, through co-ordinating adminis- offered by theorists such as Emery, that view
trative units, act as catalysts for resource mobiliz- planning as a system of hierarchical control, are
ation in plan implementation and program at best irrelevant. At worst they are perverse in the
evaluation. organizationally complex policy environments
where decisions are made primarily through
horizontal interaction among semi-autonomous
(6) Administrative and Technical Planning
participants. r2 The emerging character of public
If plans and policies, once enacted, are to and private decision-making calls for new concepts
ameliorate problems and attain stated objectives, and approaches to planning. The seven approaches
they must be effectively applied, institutionalized described here attempt to relate planning to policy-
and managed. This phase of policy-making re- making functions. The styles are not mutually
quires administrative planning, which, according to exclusive, either in function or performance. A
Gross, ‘is the complex process through which planner may perform a number of roles, operating
administrators try to guide the activities of people within a single organization, at different stages of
in an organization toward formulating or achieving the policy-making process. In other cases he may
some accepted pattern of purposes’. Administrative choose to specialize in a particular style of planning
planning subsumes the interpretation of statutes, in order to influence policy at a specific stage in its
liaison with co-operating and competing organiza- formulation or implementation. The point is that
tions, interaction with resource suppliers and output planning theory must begin to recognize the
users, and design of basic management systems. validity, need for and effectiveness of a diversity of
Functionalplanning-the organization and manage- planning styles, roles and functions. Effective
ment of distinct program components-snd control planning must be grounded in the characteristics
and direction of program outputs through technical of the policy-making process, and must be a tool

APRIL, 1976 81
not only for the analysis of alternative courses of (5) Harlan Cleveland, The Future Executive: A Guide for
Tomorrow’s Managers, Harper 8 Row, New York
action, but also for fashioning strategies to in-
fluence behavior in policy implementation. n
(6) Charles 0. Jones, An introduction to the Study of
Public Policy, Wadsworth, Belmont,California (1970).

(7) Dennis A. Rondinelli, Urban Planning as Policy

Analysis: Management of Urban Change, Journal
of the American Institute of Planners, 39, 13-22,
(1) Dennis A. Rondinelli, Urban and Regional Devefop- January (1973).
ment Planning: Policy and Administration, Cornell
(8) Bernard Taylor, Introducing Strategic Management,
University Press, Ithaca (1975).
Long Range Planning, 6, 34-38, September (1973).
(2) Aaron Wildavsky, Does Planning Work?, The Public
(9) Albert Mehrabian, Tactics of Social Influence,
Interest, 24, 95-l 04, Summer (1971).
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs (1970).
(3) John Friedmann, The Future of Comprehensive
(IO) Dennis A. Rondinelli, Adjunctive Planning and
Planning : A Critique, Public Administration Review,
Urban Development Policy, Urban Affairs Quarter/y,
31,316-326, May-June (1971).
7,13-39, September (1971).
(4) J. March and H. Simon, Organizations, Wiley, New Bertram M. Gross, Organizations and Their Managing,
York (1958); C. E. Lindblom, The Science of Free Press, New York (1968).
Muddling Through, Public Administration Review,
19, 79-88, Spring (1959) ; and D. Braybrooke and (12) James C. Emery, Organizational Planning and
C. Lindblom, A Strategy of Decision, Free Press, ControlSystems: Theory and Technology, Macmillan,
New York (1963). New York (1969).


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