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Final Confirmands Story ...As I grew older and got to the point when I had to go to Confirmation class eve-

ry Wednesday and Sunday I was not happy. My faith journey started that first night of Confirmation. I walked
in to Confirmation last year as an irresponsible and disrespectful child. I was in class for one year and got to
know Pastor Chris really well. Pastor Chris is someone who is really open and free to talk about whatever you
want. Ever since that day I have grown to realize that I was with an amazing group of people that help me
through my rough times. The people I thank most of all are my parents. I know that I might have been greedy
and disrespectful but Pastor Chris had told me everyone sins but there is always room for forgiveness. ...The
next step in my faith journey was getting to know who Jesus was. To me Jesus is someone I should be really
thankful for. If it werent for him I wouldnt be here today. Jesus is in us all. ...Before I wanted anything to do
with my faith I didnt know who to go to when I was struggling. There is a major difference now that I know
about Jesus. I have learned that if you did something wrong or are struggling through rough times just pray. I
see Christ through the light of the sun. ...Singing gospels or church songs also help me see the Lord. Christs
light shines through meGod is the most important thing to me. ...Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, For everything there is a
season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; this verse is important
to my life because it is stating that there is a time for everything...there is a time to worship Jesus Larisa Kerik

ParentsYour Thoughts, Please!

Sunday School Time

Over the past several years, our Sunday School
attendance has often been sparse for our PreK-6th
grade. Our volunteer staff is offering a suggestion
for which we need your input. Would it be helpful
for us to offer Sunday School during St. Pauls 10:30
worship for this age? Or do you prefer the current
9:00 am? Or could we find enough volunteers to
offer something at both times? Please e-mail your
thoughts to Pastor Chris at

Confirmation Schedule:

Sunday School!
at St Paul is up and running for PreK to fifth grade,
confirmation class, high school and the adult class. We
hope you will check out a class. A special thanks to all
the teachers that give their time each week. Soon the
elementary class will begin their advent lessons and
preparation will begin for a Christmas program.

4th Grade Bibles

November 20th,10:30 Worship at St. Paul
Bibles will be given to all 4th graders. If
you are a 4th grader, please contact the
church office and let us know if you can
come and receive your Bible this day. 419-

Nov. 2

Kings and Kingdoms, Samuel - Chronicles

Nov. 9

No Confirmation
Help w. Chicken Dinner, 4-6:30, or when you can get
Trails of Tears and Joy, 2 Kings Esther, Lamenta-
tions, Daniel

Nov. 16
Nov. 23

No Confirmation
Community Thanksgiving Eve Worship, 7:00 p.m.

Read Chapter 6,
Mark It, p. 58
Read Chapter 7,
Mark It, p. 68 for January

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