T.O.S.C.A.: Modulo Di Iscrizione / Application Form

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The Opera Students Contest Award 3d edition

Palazzo Tagliaferro, Andora (SV) Italy, 22-24/09/2016

Modulo di iscrizione / Application form

inviare entro il 16 settembre / send within september the 16th

Cognome e Nome _________________________________________________

Surname and name
Indirizzo postale _________________________________________________
Postal address
CAP/Postal code (_______) Citt/Town ________________________________


E-mail _________________________Tel/Fax _________________________


Musical College or Conservatory of Music of the candidate
Indirizzo postale _________________________________________________
Postal address
CAP/Postal code (_______) Citt/Town ________________________________


E-mail _________________________Tel/Fax _________________________

WEB SITE http:// __________________________________________________
Docente del candidato/Teacher of the candidate ______________________________

Confermo che frequento lultimo anno del Corso di canto lirico

I confirm Im currently attending the final year of the Opera singers course
Confermo che mi sono diplomato/a in canto lirico nellanno ___________
I confirm I got a diploma as Opera singer in the year

Provveder personalmente al pianista accompagnatore/

Ill provide a pianist of my own choice and at my own expense

Registro vocale/Vocal category ____________________________________________

Breve CV del candidato/Short curriculum vitae of the candidate

Arie del repertorio operistico italiano e straniero composte tra il 1750 e il 1950/
Arias from the Italian/foreign opera repertoire composed between 1750 and 1950
1) _____________________________________________________________
2) _____________________________________________________________
3) _____________________________________________________________
4) _____________________________________________________________
IBAN per il rimborso della somma versata per liscrizione in caso di
annullamento del Concorso/IBAN-BIC code for reimbursement of the full inscription
fee in the event that a minimum of inscriptions is not reached and the Competition is

Data/Date _______________, ___________________________/Andora (SV)

(domicilio/your place)

Firma/Signature ___________________________________________________

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