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Written by: The Worth More Team

Tara Adams, Logan Dupree, Sarah Foster, Amanda Fowler, Adyson LeClair, Emily Norton,
Rebeccah McCully, Laura Schulte, Kayelei Wright, and Vanessa Vela


Written by: Tara Adams

Lie: I need to have control over my life.

Struggle with Lie: Since I was in the third grade, I had a plan for my life. In my young mind, there was
a very practical path for my life to follow, and I possessed the capacity to create it. Reality soon
crashed upon me like the waves colliding against the rocky shore; I am failing at writing my own
destiny. I am not equipped enough to go far in life and to accumulate pride inducing achievements. I
began to believe that I would strike out before I even dared to pick up the bat. I allowed myself to
believe that I would go nowhere in life because I am not qualified or good enough. I hated myself
because I knew that I would never achieve the dreams that I dared to dream. I wanted control over my
life, so I would plan every little detail despite not believing that I could live out those dreams.
Truth: God knows the best possible plan for my life, so I should put my trust in Him!

Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In
all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Application of Truth: As a child, I had to learn those 29 words for church, but I failed to see the
power that those words possessed. I failed to see that Gods plan is good for my life, and there is
beauty in the fact that I cannot do life on my own. God designed me to be dependent upon His
strength. God designed me to need Him with every breath that I breath. The plans that I had for my life
were not going to succeed because they were not Gods plans. Gods plans for my life are good, and
they will bring me joy that will sustain sorrow and uncertainty. My life is so much better planned out
when I trust God to have a better outline for my life than I do. He will equip me to live out the plans that
He was destined me to live.
Study Application Questions
1. What is something that you need to trust God with?
2. How can you practice trusting Jesus with the parts of your life that you want control over?
3. How do you currently handle your desire for control? How should you handle it?

Dear Jesus, I thank you because you see the grand scheme of things. You alone see how my life will
pan out, and all I need to do is trust in you. I can place my hopes and dreams in you because your will
for my life is a good one! Help me, Jesus, to trust in you alone. Help me to follow the path that you
have laid out before me.

Frozen by Fear
Written by: Laura Schulte

Lie: Its okay for fear to paralyze me and hinder me.

Struggle with Lie: I was a slave to fearyes, just like the contemporary Christian song making its
way through the top charts. Fear is an influencer. As I went about my normal thought processes, fear
would dictate my decisions and actions. I did not even realize how captive I was to fear. I would hold
back in fear of being vulnerable or being judged. I would see all of the worst potential scenarios play
over in my head. I struggled to walk in the confidence of the Lord.
Truth: Fear is from the enemy and has no place in my life.
Application of Truth: 2 Timothy 1:7 states, For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity,
but of power, love, and self-discipline. As a child of God, I have no reason to fear! The Lord does not

wish that I fear anything; rather, the Lord wishes for me to walk confidently in His Great Power.
Timothy writes something so profound: fear is not from God. Fear is a tactic that the enemy uses to
keep us from fulfilling Gods Will. Our Father grants us power over fear. Lets claim that in our lives
together, Worth More girls! Now, when I recognize fearful thoughts, I rebuke them. I no longer hold
myself captive to the fear. I no longer allow my decisions to be made based on my fears.
Study Application Questions
1. What things do you truly fear?
2. Are your decisions controlled by these fears?
3. How do your fears hold you back from speaking boldly for the Lord?

Father, Prince of Peace, I thank You for giving us tools to combat fear. Fear is not from You and I
claim defeat over fear in Your Name. Holy Spirit, please allow me to recognize fear when it occurs and
to cast it out. Please pour out Your Love, Your Power over me. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Enough with the Lies

Written by: Amanda Fowler

Lie: I am not enough

Struggle with Lie: I cannot count the amount of times that I have thought and believed this. This lie
has masqueraded around my mind in many different forms: I am not pretty enough; not smart enough;
not funny enough; not thin enough; not Christian enough; not good enough; not giving enough; the list
goes on and on.
For years, I made these unspecific and unattainable ideals of what enough is for myself based on
what I thought I saw in other people or what I thought was the mark. I measured myself by my
accomplishments and the way I looked. I was never able to feel like enough based on my own works,
and it left me feeling broken and hopeless. Why couldnt I get this right? Why am I always behind? Why
am I not like her?
Truth: I am enough because God thinks I am.

Application of Truth: As simple as that sounds, let that truth sink in. Think about it: God created
YOU for a purpose. He knitted you together in your mothers womb and laced in the intricate parts of
your personality, your dreams, and your talents (Psalm 139:14). Have you ever knitted? Its hard
work, and you definitely do not knit on accident. (My friend likes to say that God doesnt make
mistakes; He makes sweaters). Moreover, before you were born, He knew you (Jerimiah 1:5). Truly
knowing someone requires on a personal investment in that person and intimate knowledge of them.
God intimately knows you! God chose to send His only perfect Son to die for us and take the burden
of all of our sin and mistakes forever so God could spend eternity with us if we want (John 3:16).
Based on these verses, God designed and knows you, and sacrificed His son for you. God is the
Creator of the universe! He sees all things and knows all things. He has all the power in the universe.
Thats a ton of power. He does not need us at all, yet He still chose to do this all for us. If God didnt
think you were worthy of Him, if you didnt have any value, or if you werent enough, he wouldnt have
done all He did. But He did. He knows you are enough for Him. He calls you His child. If you are
enough for Him, you can rest in the peace that you are enough for you. You are enough because God
makes you enough. Live in that freedom.
Study Application Questions
1. What areas of your life do you feel like youre not enough in?
2. What caused you to think that way about yourself? Why do you choose to believe that?
3. How can this knowledge specifically impact your way of thinking? How can it impact your daily
life? (Be sure to name specific things).

Father, Thank you for these verses of reassurance. I praise You for designing me the way You did, for
the worth You see in me and in all of your children, and for sending Your son, Jesus, to die for us so
we can live with you. Thank You for seeing value in me even when no one else does. Help me to
remember and rest in the fact that I am enough. Help me to use this truth to impact my life and allow
me to conquer things that fear and doubt held me back from. Remind me to not measure my worth or
identity by people or things in this world, but to find it in You. Amen.

Sins Mask
Written by: Emily Norton

Lie: The benefits of some sins outweigh the consequences

Struggle with Lie: A guy that I really like, but know isnt a believer asks me out and I want so badly to
say yes. A friend invites me to a party with a cool group of people I really want to fit in with, but I
know there will be some bad activities at the party. If I say yes, it will be so fun, and I will do my best
to withstand temptation. Who knows, maybe the guy will come to know Christ, or some of the cool
people will stay out of the bad activities at the party with me. Having the best guy as my boyfriend and
fitting into the cool group will take some sacrifice, but getting them will feel so good.
Sometimes sin is presented in a very appealing, tempting way. It can seem like sinning will result in
benefits that are greater than the consequences. For example, lying may get you into a friend group

you really want to be a part of, or compromising your physical boundaries may get you a really cute
boyfriend. In the moment, we see what we view as benefits of these sins, not the long term effects
and consequences. Its as if sin presents itself to us in a mask. We see the alluring outside, but the
consequences are hidden in our moments of temptation.
Truth: What then, shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace? By no means!
Romans 6:15
Application of Truth: The benefits of denying sin and living holy lives may not be seen right away,
but last eternally and have far greater value. Though its really hard to say no to the cute but ungodly
guy now, the benefits of waiting for the handsome godly guy who will come later are far greater than
feeling wanted now for just a little while. You may not see the godly guy now, but you can trust that
God already has every detail planned. Thats whats tough about sins mask: its not transparent. We
dont see its consequences or Gods best at first; we have to trust what is underneath.
There is no temptation to sin that you face which is unique to you. That means that when you face a
situation where you are tempted to sin because it appears to have real benefits, you probably know
someone facing that same thing! Girls, a great way to combat your temptation to sin is to be
vulnerable about it. When you tell someone, youll probably be surprised to find out that they can relate.
And even if not, they can speak Christs truth into your life! The very most effective way to fight
against sin, however, is prayer. Ive found in my own life that just praying to God over and over for
strength to withstand temptation, and eyes to see that He is far greater, makes a huge difference in
my stance toward the situation. God will come in and transform your heart and perspective on what
youre facing. Suddenly the sin wont be so appealing anymore when its compared to the beauty of
Study Application Questions
1. Which sins in your life cause you to consider giving in for the temporary benefit?
2. How activities could help you resist that temptation and choose holiness instead? (For example,
texting a trusted friend when the thought comes into your head, going to the gym to blow off some
steam, journaling a prayer, etc.)

3. Can you think of a time that you withstood sin, choosing Gods eternal reward instead? How did
that make you feel?

God, On my own I am weak. I cannot withstand the temptation to sin through my own strength. I feel it
coming at me from every side, especially when Im feeling the most weak and vulnerable. You promise in
Your Word that You will strengthen me to follow Your ways. I pray that you will fill me with Your
strength so that I can choose holiness over sinfulness. Please open my eyes to see the beauty in
obeying you and receiving eternal joy over choosing sin and momentary happiness. Amen.

The Greatest Unconditional Love

Written by: Sarah Foster

Lie: Im not loved

Struggle with Lie: Sometimes, you just feel alone, theres nobody there to comfort you or to help you.
Those moments can make you feel like the lowest of the low; isolated.
Truth: You are loved so much more than you can imagine!

Ephesians 2:4-5 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with
Christ even when we were dead in transgressionsit is by grace you have been saved

Application of Truth: We are loved so much than we will ever know, so much so that God sacrificed
His own son for all His own people - many of whom, dont even know Him! God surrounds us with love
every day. Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever.

Study Application Questions:

1. What are some examples of the ways God shows love towards us everyday
2. How can we show love in return?
3. How can show Gods love towards other people?

Dear Lord, I thank you so much for loving me, even though Ive done nothing to deserve it. I pray that I

would never take your love for granted and will always try to show others the same love you show me.

Three Truths and THE CRIPPLING LIE

Written by: Logan Dupree

Lie: Anxiety made me believe that I was never and would never be enough.
Struggle with the Lie: It crippled me, this lie It crippled me as far back as I can remember. I was
told, I love you more than any kid I knew. Anxiety made me believe that my parents would one day
stop loving me, based on my actions and choices. I was an athlete, a cheerleader, and performed on
stage multiple times during high school, but every time I had a game day, a football game, a choir
performance, or a play, I was in the bathroom sick to my stomach. Anxiety made me believe that I
wasnt capable of completing the task before me. My Senior year, I had the best friends a girl could
imagine having, girls who I still call best friends today, but every time I was meeting them at a ball
game, a school event, or a restaurant, I would strategically enter the building in a way where I would
could hide from the other eyes watching me. Anxiety made me believe those eyes were judging my
clothes, analyzing my movements, and talking in hushed whispers about all the things that were wrong
with me. I have a husband who loves me so deeply, a man who accepts all my flaws, my fears, and my
failures, but the night before our wedding, I cried myself to sleep wondering if he would figure out, one
day, that he should have made a different decision. Anxiety made me believe that I would fail at being
his wife.

For a long time, I allowed anxiety to rule my world. It left me in pain. It drove me mad as I replayed
conversations over and over in my head. It made me question all those who loved me. It left me in grief,
as struggled to carry on every day issues and problems. It left me angry. It left me so angry, because I
felt I couldnt function some days. It left me exhausted, falling asleep the moment I got home from
being around people. It made me lonely, like I was the only person living in this world of fear. It made me
doubt myself, doubt my capabilities, and even worse It made me doubt the Lord. It left me feeling
dead inside; it made me lifeless.
Breaking Free: I started pouring my heart out to a friend one day about these feelings inside me. I
continued to use the words, Its just my anxiety. Many people accepted that phrase from me, but she
didnt. She looked at me, and said, Log, call it what it is. Its sin; its believing the fear of the evil one
over the promises of the Lord. That day I started calling my anxiety what it is; I called it sin. I started
believing in the truths of the Lord; God is who He says He is, and He will do what He promises hes
going to do.
Truth: 1 Peter 5: 7 Cast all your cares upon Him, because He cares for you.
I believed in a God, but I had forgotten that He was my Father. Not only did He want me to come to
Him, but He also wanted to carry me through my problems. He wanted to show me that His ways were
higher, and He wanted to heal me from living in fear.

2 Corinthians 12:9 For He said, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in
weaknesses. Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that Christs power may
rest on me.
I didnt need to be good enough, because Christ was created to be sufficient for me. I didnt have to
be the perfect daughter, I didnt have to win every game, I didnt have to sing the perfect pitch every
time, I didnt have to look perfect when walking into a room, and I didnt have to be the perfect wife
BECAUSE JESUS PAID IT ALL. Through my weaknesses, people could see Christs power if I was
humble enough to share, if I chose Christ over pride.

2 Corinthians 4:8 For we fix our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen. What is seen is
temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

I had forgotten that this world was not my home. I was fixing my eyes on Earthly success, I was fixing
my eyes on the desires of others, I was fixing my eyes on the ideas of other people, and I was fixing
my eyes on reaching a standard of worldly perfection And in the midst of all those things, I had lost
sight of the Father; I had lost sight of what is unseen, the eternal.
Study Application Questions:
1. What do you fear, and where does that fear stem from?
2. What does Gods truth say about that fear?
3. How will you conquer fear today?

Beauty of Gods Masterpiece

Written by: Rebeccah McCully

Lie: I am so ugly.
Struggle with Lie: I glared into the mirror and I stared at myself. Disgust filled my veins, I could not
believe I looked this way. I did not like my hair, the way I looked in clothes and ugly is what I felt. Every
time I would see a glimmer of myself I would cringe and wished I wasnt this ugly. Thoughts constantly
filled my head with ugliness and wishing I could change the features God has given me. Why would God
make me this way?
Truth: I am Gods Masterpiece!

Ephesians 2:10 For we are Gods masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do
the good things he planned for us long ago.
Application of Truth: These feelings of feeling ugly all of the time and thoughts to make me feel
inferior come from the enemy. God made me beautiful. In Ephesians 2:10 it says that WE are Gods
masterpiece! He created us all uniquely and with every detail to fulfill a plan that only we can do. So

when you feel ugly and you are putting yourself down because of your physical appearance you are
saying Gods work is ugly. Think about it, there is only one you! He made you uniquely and you are
beautiful to Christ!

Study Application Questions

1. What makes you feel ugly?
2. How does hearing you are Gods masterpiece make you feel?
3. How are you going to conquer this lie?

Dear Lord, Thank you for this day. Thank you for all you are doing in my life. Please help me with my
thoughts of feeling ugly. Lord this lie feels my heart often. Please help me know that I am your
Masterpiece! Please help me to rest the lies at your feet. I love you Lord. In your name I pray, Amen.

Broken into Beautiful

Written by: Vanessa Vela

Lie: Your heart is too broken to be fixed.

Struggle with Lie: Like many people, hurt is a part of my life. Hurt from a broken childhood, abuse,
neglect, negative event's that shouldn't have happened in life. Rather, I liked the hurt or not, it did
happen. After years of built up emotions from these events, I found myself numb to my emotions. To
hurt, broken hearted and lost, to even think that my heart could be fixed. I was no body. I was ugly, my
scars from my past even uglier. I hide. No one could see those deep, bloody, open scars. They would
see too much. They would see the real me. They would judge me. No one would be my friend. They
would expose all the secrets I held in for years. I was worthless to everyone around me and myself. I
hated me.
I turned to drugs, alcohol and other bad choices to try and mask my pain. I knew God was there if I
called out. Yet, I let my anger and trust issues with him get in the way. Trusting God with my heart was
definitely something I wouldn't do. He had let me down in the past. So, why trust him at all?

Truth: God takes your brokenness and turns it into beautiful things. Youre never too far gone to
come back.
Application of Truth: The truth is friend, life is hard. Let's be real. Every one of us gets hurt at some
point in life. We feel unfit, unworthy and much more to God's calling on our life. I found that when I
stopped thinking about the what if's, what if I hadn't gone to that party, what if I spoke up as child
about abuse, what if...stop it. Stop, the what if's and why me cries.
When I trained myself to go from a victim, to a victor mindset, my life began to shift in a positive
direction. The heartbreak was still there. But, it no longer had control of my joy. God finally was able to
restore me after I began to trust him and say," God I can't do this without you. I need you. Heal me." I
spoke Revelation 21:4, over myself every day, "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and
death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former
things have passed away.
God's working in areas of life where you cannot see. He is there mending, healing and restoring what
was once taken from you. God is on the way of fixing that broken heart, friend. Trust him. Lean not on
your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5-6,

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways
acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." God's not finished with you yet.
Study Application Questions
1. Find 3 bible verse's that speak into your life and pray about them. Then, write them out and tape
them on your wall to see every day. (Matthew 11:28-30, Psalm 147:3, Psalm 34:18)
2. Get into a select group of people who you know will encourage you as you begin to walk out into
your journey of healing. Youre going to need all the love and encouragement you can get.
3. Pray daily over yourself and ask god not only to help heal you, but ask him to reveal to you your
purpose in the pain. The purpose that will allow you to one-day help others.

Hey Jesus, Jesus, I invite you into this broken place in me. Mend every bad memory, every broken
piece in me like you promised. You promised to make my broken heart whole again. Take all my sin, and

give me life. I give you full control of my heart. Shine your light on me. Reveal to me all that is going on
in me. What is this about, Jesus? What's the purpose? Come and show me, meet me here, in this place
where I am. Thank you, Jesus. I trust you, Jesus. In Jesus name, Amen.

Masquerading Lies Lead to a Masquerading Life

Written by: Kayelei Wright

Lie: The thing that defines your success at life is your relationships.
Struggle with lie: I often find myself comparing my friends to others. I wonder if I have as many
friends as the next person. I believe that my friends and I dont do as many exciting things as the
group I see on social media. I dissect every aspect of my relationships: how much do they like me? Do
they do as much for me as I do for them? Would they choose me over other friends? This leads to
nothing but discontentment, dissatisfaction, and impossibly high expectations. I bring these struggles
upon myself through my wandering thoughts, and I let them affect how I love the friends in my life.
Truth: Our most important relationship is our one with Christ. He gives us our worth, not humans.
Application of truth: Its so easy to place our value in our relationships. Of course its a necessity to
have relationships, but we should not place our worth in them. Our success in life is not determined by

how many friends we have or who we know. Joshua 1:7-8 tells us that the way to success is knowing
the Law and obeying it. This means placing our relationship with the Lord above all else. He alone should
be the person we seek to please with our lives. When we are pursuing our relationship with the Lord
more than our relationships with people, our relationships with others naturally become healthier. This is
because our perspectives have shifted from earthly perceptions to heavenly ones.
Study application questions:
1. Have you seen how placing your worth in earthly relationships causes dissatisfaction/
2. How can you make the Lord a priority in your life?

Father, I pray today that you would help me seek your favor and Yours alone. You are the most
important Person in my life, and my purpose is to bring You and Your name glory. Help me not get
distracted by personal expectations. I pray that you would help me love You above all else, and that as
a result I would better love the people You have seen fit to place in my life.

Finding Community in the Darkness

Written by: Adyson LeClair

Pembrooke Thompson Photography

Lie: No one struggles the same way you do.
Struggle with Lie: I sat on the bathroom with my head in my hands wondering how I had gotten so
low. I have never felt so alone in my life. If anyone knew the darkness and filth that filled my head, they
would never speak to me again. How could I sit here and dwell on such disgusting and horrible things? I
was so embarrassed. No one else on the planet could possibly know what I am going through; there is
no way anyone has ever experienced any of this before. I was convinced that surely no one else thinks
about these horrible things. My whole body was trembling and tears were streaming down my face. I
wanted the floor to swallow me up. I was so ashamed of my sin, my struggles, myself- how could God
allow me to suffer like this alone?

Truth: I am not alone. I am surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ who understand and are
willing to help me.

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be
tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you
may be able to endure it. 1 Corinthians 10:13
Application of Truth: Did you read the first part of that verse? There is no struggle, no temptation,
that you have had that is not common to humankind. That means that no matter the struggle, there is
someone else on the planet who had experienced the same struggle, the same hurt, and understands
what youre going through. These feelings on isolation, shame, and guilt are not from God-- they come
directly from the mouth of the enemy. Satan wants us to feel alone. He wants to keep us on that
bathroom floor for as long as he can. I am a child of the King, I will not be silenced and put on a
bathroom floor. I will link arms with my other brothers and sisters in Christ and keep pressing on. No
matter what the struggle is, you have others who love you unconditionally and who will walk alongside
you. Even when it feels like youre alone, you have a constant companion in the Lord. Keep pressing on.
Study Application Questions:
1.What are some struggles that you have? Do you feel alone in them?
2. Have you given those struggles to the Lord? Have you told Him how you feel?
3. Who are some people that you can confide in? Who can you link arms with?

Lord, thank you for sending your Son in my place. Thank you for being my healer and my comforter.
Please help me in my struggles and my loneliness. Reveal to me friends and family that can help me
during this very difficult time. Shield me from Satans lies. Help me to always approach your throne
first in my time of need. I love you, Lord. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

The Jesus Addition Problem

Written by: Emily Norton

Lie: I need Jesus and best friends, good grades, etc. to be happy.
Struggle with Lie: God has filled our world with so many wonderful things that bring us happiness. He
does this because He loves us dearly and wants to bless us. I find in my own life that I often elevate
these blessings to a place far above that which is meant, many times without even realizing Im doing
so at first. I begin to believe that Jesus is not enough, and that I need something else. My heart battles
with a big Jesus addition problem: Jesus and friends, Jesus and boys, Jesus and grades, and so on. In
time, I begin to place by identity in them, which places those blessings in a position where I cannot be

myself without them. When you put things in a position far higher than they are meant, and they
disappear (the guy leaves, your friend gets mad, you fail a class, etc.), you are left feeling hopeless and
your identity is attacked to the core. Im sure weve all felt this before. This is not the goal God had in
mind when he showered us with blessings!
Truth: Jesus said to her, Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks
of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in
him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. John 4:13-14)
Application of Truth: Friends, boys, good grades, and cute clothes are all positive things. However,
they are not eternal and they cannot complete you. So often our hearts long for these things to fulfill a
sense of completion. But the problem is that earthly things will always fail you. People are sinful just
like you, so they will let you down, and clothes will go out of style. God created your heart to be truly
fulfilled only by Him. Your hunger for clothes and friends will never be satisfied, leaving you always
discontent. Your hunger for God should be constantly growing as well, but the difference is that He is
always ready to give you more and more of Himself.
You can never get enough earthly blessings to fully satisfy you. Its simply impossible, because you
were created with a deep, innate need for God. Your soul will always be incomplete without Him.
However, once you receive Him and believe that He will complete you, you will quickly realize that with
Him you have everything! Only then can you begin to look at His blessings in a healthy way. When you
are not expecting boys, friends, and clothes to fulfill you, you can enjoy them without being broken
when they fail you or go out of style. In those times, instead, youll cling even closer to God. Jesus
says in John that you will not thirst again if you drink of His water. He does not mean that youll
never desire things of the world, but He means that you will not define yourself by them. You will have
everything you need in Him, and will not have to grasp at anything you can reach to satisfy.
Study Application Questions:
1. If you are completely honest with yourself, do you ever find yourself believing that God alone is not
going to fully satisfy you?
2. In what do you look for fulfillment apart from God?

3. How can you change your mindset toward that thing so that it does not take your focus away
from God?

God, Thank you for blessing me far beyond anything I deserve with the good things of this world.
Please guard my heart and mind, making me see them in the way You meant. I want to enjoy Your
blessings, but I do not want to place my identity in them. I pray that I will find my fulfillment in You
alone. When I get tempted to look elsewhere, please redirect me. Amen

Written by: Tara Adams

Lie: I need lots of people in my life to feel validated.

Struggle with Lie: Almost every person has a desire to wanted and accepted by others; God designed
us to want to have relationships. But for me, I wanted people to love me more than I wanted Gods
love. I felt like I had no value if I was not surrounded by people 24/7. I would tell myself that I was
unloved and unwanted if I was not invited to the Friday night activity. If I did not have people
constantly in my life I felt void and purposeless. I needed a myriad of friends in order to move forward
in my life. I felt easily disposable and unimportant.
Truth: God designed me to want friends, but my identity is not found in them.

Matthew 7:24-27, Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise
man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and
beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who

hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the
sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it
fell, and great was the fall of it.
Application of Truth: There is beauty in having friends and family to share ones life with. God placed
a longing in us to have intimacy with others. But, people are not designed to sustain us. When we
depend upon them instead of Jesus, we are going to hurt ourselves. People will fail us because they are
human and imperfect, but God will never fail us. When we place our identity and worth in Him, we are
sustained and fulfilled. It is God alone who knows us to our core and can show us our worth. When we
make God the center of our lives, we will be safe and secure in hard times.
Study Application Questions
1. What do you depend upon to feel validated?
2. Who would you be if you lost that particular thing?
3. How can you make sure that you are not placing your worth in things other than God?

Dear Jesus, Thank you for being all that I could ever need. Thank you for loving me relentlessly. I pray
that you would be my rock. Help me to place my value in you and not in other people. I love you, Jesus.

Learning How to Adult

Written by: Adyson LeClair

Pembrooke Thompson Photography

Lie: You need to be able to handle this.
Struggle with Lie: You need to be able to handle all of this. You need to be able to juggle
everything. Dont you dare ask for help because that means you are weak. These are all things that
I told myself. I believed that if I asked for help or couldnt figure everything out right away, then I had
failed. I thought I had to have my whole life planned out right now, at the incredibly young age of 20. If
I dont have a game plan, how can people possibly treat me like an adult? Adults know what they are
doing, where they are going, and they can handle everything that comes their way. If I want to be an
adult, I need to be able to handle everything that comes my way.
Truth: You dont have to have it all figured out. You dont have to know how to handle everything.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways
acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
Application of Truth: Breathe, just breathe. You dont have to have it all figured out right now. You
dont have to be able to handle everything that comes your way. Life is busy, its absolutely crazy at

times. We are thrown curveballs every day, and it can be so overwhelming sometimes. As a young
college kid, sometimes it can feel like failing if you dont have your whole life planned out. Proverbs
3:5-6 is an incredible reminder to Let go, and let God. Take a breath, sit down, and pray. God will
direct you and provide for you. In the midst of the chaos dont forget to trust, seek, serve, and pray.
Be obedient. God has this and will reveal His plan to you when He knows that you are ready.
Study Application Questions:
1. Are you trusting Gods plan for your life?
2. What is something you can take off your plate when life gets to be too much?
3. What are some practical things you can do to achieve your goals?


Lord, help me to find more quiet time in my life. Please give me peace when my life is feeling nothing but
chaotic. Reveal to me your plan when you feel that I am ready. In the meantime, please give me patience
and strength to wait for what it is that you have for me. Help me to rely on you first and foremost.
Thank you, Lord, for everything that you are. I love you, it is in Jesus name that I pray, Amen.

Good Bye to My Best Days

Written by: Kayelei Wright

Lie: The best days of your life are over and it wont get any better.
Struggle with Lie: Often when Im in a stage of life that isnt my favorite, I let my feelings take over
and I start to believe that my life will always be a struggle and its only downhill from here. I begin to
wish I could go back in time to when I wasnt as anxious, as stressed, as lonely, etc. Im left with more
worry about my future and a lack of trust in Gods Sovereignty.
Truth: Even though God does not promise us a perfect life on earth, we have the hope of heaven and
Gods Sovereignty to encourage our weary hearts.
Application of Truth: Romans 8:18 talks about how glorious it will be when we are finally in heaven.
What a great reminder that this world is not our home! Our lives here are blessings and the Lord has a

great purpose for us. But we need to remember that our time here is like a vapor (James 4:14). This is
not our eternity! If you ever feel like your life is worthless, or that it wont get better, remind yourself
that you were created for a world beyond this one. It helps to focus on eternal matters rather than
physical ones. When your thoughts are eternal, it puts your earthly life in perspective.
Study Application Questions:
1. Who do you believe has the control in your life?
2. Do you believe that God is sovereign to redeem any situation and use your life for his glory?

Fear of Family Tragedy

Written by: Rebeccah McCully

Lie: You cannot trust God to take care of your family

Struggle with Lie: The phone rings and anxiety feels my veins. What could be wrong? Are they
okay? My mind races with a million bad scenarios that could happen. These thoughts pierce my heart
and mind often. Why is it that I buy into the lie that something bad is going to happen to my family?
The reality is I have no control over what happens to them. My worrying and anxiety is not going to
help anything. The lie I buy into is that God is not trustworthy to take care of my family. When I doubt
the safety, wonder about bad situations, I am questioning the sovereignty of God. I assume I care more
about my family and their wellbeing more than he does. That could be further from the truth.
Truth: God loves my family more than I; he will take care of them.

Application of Truth: Gods love for you is endless! Gods love for your family is endless. God is
trustworthy because he is always faithful. Psalm 33:4

For the word of the Lord is righteous and true; he is faithful in all he does. Do you here that HE IS
FAITHFUL in all he does? It is true, He is always faithful and just. So if that is what Gods word says
we need to claim that over our families and know that He keeps them safe and loves them more than
you ever could.
Study Application Questions
1. What do you worry about in regard to your family?
2. What ways can you give your concerns for your family over to Christ?
3. How can you fight back when the enemy strikes you with this lie?

Dear Lord, Thank you so much for my family. Thank you for what they mean to me. Help me to trust
you with their safety and well-being. Please help me not live in fear of tomorrow, but live in total
confidence of you and who you are. Jesus Name, Amen.

Secret Sins
Written by: Emily Norton

Lie: Its okay if I do this sin because no one knows.

Struggle with Lie: Im sitting between two pretty smart people, taking an important test, and I cant
for the life of me remember the answer to this question. I know I studied it, because I can even picture
this page in my notes. I just cant remember the specifics. Theyre both staring down at their paper,
and if my eyes wander just enough in either direction I can read their writing. I could so easily see
which choice they selected, and no one would even be able to tell.

Truth: Ah, you who hide deep from the Lord your counsel, whose deeds are in the dark, and who say,
Who sees us? Who knows us? You turn things upside down! Shall the potter be regarded as the clay,
that the thing made should say of its maker, He did not make me; or the thing formed say of him who
formed it, He has no understanding? Isaiah 29:15-16
Application of Truth: While you can hide from man, you can never hide from God. God knows things
about yourself that you dont even know, like how many hairs are on your head and what decisions you
will make tomorrow. Sin is not problematic because of the people who may see and reputation it may
give you; it is a huge problem because it directly defies Gods commands for our holiness. Therefore, in
secret or in public, a sin is a sin and is punishable by death. When we intentionally sin, even in private,
we are telling God that our ways are better and His commands are not higher than our own.
Study Application Questions
1. Why can it be so tempting to sin in private?
2. Do you deceive yourself into thinking that God views sins in private differently than those in public?
3. How could you begin to combat the temptation toward private sin? (Accountability, journaling,
prayer, etc.)

God, In my own strength I am weak. I know that all sin is a direct attack on You, and no matter
whether someone else sees it or not, You do. I pray for the desire to live in obedience to You whether
in public or private. My own willpower will fail; I recognize that I am completely dependent on You.
Thank you for loving me so deeply that You want to help me follow You. Amen

Are We There Yet?

Written by: Adyson LeClair

GabbyKait Photography
Lie: Your pain is going to last forever.
Struggle with Lie: Sitting in my dorm room all alone, too sick and anxious to go to class, I remember
thinking that this was just how my life was going to be. I had convinced myself that anxiety and eating
disorders would be all I was known for in life. I had become crippled by fear and I was sadly okay with
it. I was so paralyzed by the thought of this pain never ending. My heart was completely broken. I
thought God had abandoned me. My head was filled with so many lies from the enemy. How could life
ever get better? There was no end in sight.
Truth: Nothing lasts forever. There is a light at the end of this tunnel.

So we do not focus on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what
is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18
Application of Truth: Nothing lasts forever. This too shall pass. I can speak from personal
experience and say that better days are ahead. There was a time when I saw nothing but darkness,
however, light is coming. Focus not on your current situation, but on the Lord. The pain you are

experiencing now is temporary, God is forever. He has a place perfect place prepared for you in
Heaven. Press on through the darkness, light is coming. Do not be crippled by fear and the lies that
come directly from the enemy. The Lord is beside you holding your hand. He has not and will not
abandon you. Hold onto His promises. Though the sorrow may last for the night, His joy comes with
the morning.
Study Application Questions:
1. What hurts are you experiencing right now?
2. Think of some lights in your life, even the smallest of things (sunshine, your favorite song, a pretty
leaf on the sidewalk, etc.) Write them down and dwell on them when things get hard.
3. Who can you reach out to for help when youre struggling? If youre not struggling, who can you
lend a helping hand to?

Lord, this is such a dark time for me and I am having trouble seeing your face. Help me to know that
you have never left me. Show me to some lights in my life. Shield me from the enemy and deliver me
from this evil and darkness that surrounds me. Help me to seek Your face no matter what my
circumstances. Thank you for being a God who provides. I love you, Lord. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Written by: Tara Adams

Lie: I can do life on my own.

Struggle with Lie: I always had a myriad of different friend groups. I preferred to have lots of people
in my life, but I only wanted them to keep them at an arms length. I wanted to be known by people, but
I did not want them to know who I really was. After all, if people truly saw me for who I was, they
would not want to associate with me. They would abandon me, and they would hurt me. I told myself
that I could do life without letting people in. I could handle my issues on my own. I do not need people or
Jesus to walk with me through life. I cannot trust God to truly love if I let Him see who I really am.
Truth: I should not do life on my own, and thats a good thing.

John 15:5, I am the vine, you are the branches. The one who abides in me while I abide in him
produces much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.
Application of Truth: I cannot do life on my own. While I like to tell myself that I can handle
everything, I cannot. I need to cling to Christ. I need to make Him my rock and my fortress. Jesus
longs to take care of me, but He will not until I give Him the power to do so. When I abide in Him, my
life falls into place because I am fruitless without Him. This verse reminds me that while I want to do
life on my own, I am utterly dependent upon Christ. I need Jesus in my life if I want to be successful.
God wont abandon me after I open up to Him; He will love me all the more.
Study Application Questions
1. What are you trying to hide from God?
2. Why are you afraid to talk to God and to let Him intimately know you?
3. How will your life improve if you let God love you to the fullest?

Witnessing with Our Efforts

Written by: Sarah Foster

Lie: Why bother to put the effort in if it isnt noticed?

Struggle with Lie: I always try my best in school, so, when the end of term draws near and I get a
low effort grade, I am annoyed - dont they see how hard I try? Which made me think, no matter how
hard I try, no one will notice anyway
Truth: God sees all of our efforts.

Colossians 3: 23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for
human masters,

Application of Truth: Even when it seems like no one is around, God is with you and sees all that you
do. Why bother? Because our efforts will be rewarded in heaven! We should want to witness in our
efforts, to let our light shine in all that we do.
Study Application Questions
1. In the world we live in, how will putting a lot of effort in be perceived?
2. Is it different to what other people do?
3. Following this, how can we demonstrate our love for God each day?


Dear Lord, I thank you for blessing me with so many gifts Lord, and I pray that I will be able to use

them to proclaim your word to others. I pray that I would be encouraged to make every effort in all
that I do to be able to glorify your name. Amen.

The Possibilities Are Endless!

Written by: Sarah Foster

Lie: I will never be able to do this!

Struggle with Lie: Throughout life, we are all given challenges that just seem quite frankly impossible.
we just feel like giving up before weve even started. Why bother if Im going to fail anyway?
Truth: With God, we can do anything!

Matthew 19: 26 Jesus looked at them and said, With man this is impossible, but with God all things
are possible.

Application of Truth: We may feel alone but God is always with us, we can accomplish everything we
do because of His never-ending power and NOT because of our own doing.
Study Application Questions
1. When faced with hardships, how can we demonstrate our devotion to God?
2. What can we do when we feel like we cant go on?
3. What will God do as a result?


Dear Lord, I thank you that you are always with me to guide me. I ask, Lord, that I wouldnt take this
for granted and I pray, I would honour you in all that I do. For your glory, Amen.

Tick Tock
Written by: Laura Schulte

Lie: I have more time

Struggle with Lie: The I-Can-Do-It-Tomorrow mentality can sometime ring over in my head. It can
start with small things, pushing off school assignment or chores. It can even affect the bigger things,
like not feeling the need to share the Gospel. Instead of living with the intention of spreading the
Gospel and the awareness of the Gospels needs, awkward or uncomfortable situations can get in the
way. To make myself feel better for pushing off the Gospel, I would believe the lie that I would have
time later on. I would even tell myself that there would be a better time in the future.
Truth: Tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Application of Truth: It is pertinent for believers to build intentional relationships with the ones
around us, especially non-Christians. In our lives, we should try to be an ambassador for the Lord that
is sensitive to His Spirit. Yet, sometimes I find myself not going the extra mile to show someone Gods

love or putting off the word the Spirit has prompted me to say because I think Ill have time later on.
The Gospel is a pertinent message that we should boast in and wear on our sleeves. Some days, it will
feel like any other time but the present is a better time. Yet, I encourage you to not believe that lie.
Time is a gift from God, and it is not ours to waste. Surrender your time to God and allow him to be
Lord over it. James 4:13-14 reminds us of Gods power over our time, Look here, you who say,
Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do business
there and make a profit. 14 How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like
the morning fogits here a little while, then its gone.
Study Application Questions
1. What things of priority fall lower on the rank because of procrastination?
2.How are you sharing your faithwith urgency or complacency?

Father, I thank You for today. I thank You for each moment, as it is a direct gift from You. Forgive me
for taking the time I have been given for granted. Please give me wisdom and guidance in


Written by: Tara Adams

Cara Ashtyn Photography

Lie: Anxiety is a normal part of life.
Struggle with Lie: I would tell myself that it was normal to live in a life of fear. I w would tell myself
that it was normal to live with a pit in my stomach. My heart would beat at a mile a minute, and it would
take everything in me to remain calm. I was so afraid of failure. I was afraid of not functioning on a
high enough level. I was afraid to admit that I actually had an issue that I needed to deal with. I told
myself daily that it was normal to have the negative thoughts that I had.
Truth: Isaiah 43:1-2, But now thus says the Lord, He who created you, oh Jacob, He who formed

you, oh Israel: Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you
pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when
you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.

Application of Truth: I crave peace. I crave it to my very being. But, I cannot help but believe that I
am comfortable in my anxiety; it is almost as if I do not know who I am without it. Yet, these words
are so beautiful; they remind me that I am the Lords. I am safe in His protecting arms. No matter what
trials I will have to endure, my God will not abandon me. My God will provide for me, and He will protect
me. My peace comes from the Lord, and He is so quick to graciously give that gift. Anxiety is not a
normal part of life, but finding rest and security in Christ is.
Study Application Questions
1.What are you anxious about?
2.What is a normal part of your life that needs to be surrendered to Christ?
3.How will your life improve if you transfer anxiety for peace?

Dear Jesus, I praise you because you pour out peace like water flows in a rushing river. I praise your
name because I can give you my anxiety and receive peace that surpasses all understanding. God, will
you please take my fear and anxiety? Will you give me the rest that my soul craves?

Playing Perfect
Written by: Tara Adams

Cara Ashtyn Photography

Lie: I need to be perfect.
Struggle with Lie: Faade. Fake. Utter perfection. I needed to hide my flaws. I needed to bind and box
up all of my issues because people needed to see that I was a good, Christian girl. Surely if God was
working in my life then I would have no issues. This inability to admit to my problems only made them
worse. I fell into a pit of performance, bound by my need for perfection.
Truth: Its okay to not be perfect!

2 Corinthians 12:9, But he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect
in weakness. Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ
may rest upon me.
Application of Truth:
Allowing a person to see the dark and ugly parts about you is such an important part of a relationship.
That allows you to be challenged to be better. It allows people to walk alongside you and to remind you
that you are not alone in your struggles. Having other people in your life allows truth to be spoken over
you, and they can encourage you in your walk with Christ. More importantly, we are able to find healing
from God when we are real with our imperfection.
Study Application Questions
1.What is something that you are struggling to be honest about?
2.Who is someone who can help you with that?
3. How has pretending to be perfect made you feel?

Dear Jesus, I thank you because you do not expect perfection out of us. I thank you because you love
us despite our flaws, and you long to heal our hurts. I want to be vulnerable before you. I want you to
see every messed up and broken part of my life.

Applause, Anyone?
Written by: Emily Norton

Lie: I need attention and praise for what Im doing to be important.

Struggle with Lie: I look out at a sea of running, screaming, energetic children with my phone in hand.
Im not trying to ignore them by texting or scrolling through social media; Im taking pictures. When I
scroll through social media, I always see such perfect pictures of other peoples lives, and I want so
desperately for my feed to measure up. During summer everyone is always posting picturesque mission
trip locations, and I need the perfectly staged photo to blend in. It almost feels like the morning would
be wasted if the perfect picture doesnt come out of it.

Truth: But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.
Matthew 6:3
Application of Truth: It only takes one glimpse into Jesus life on earth to realize that applause is not
what service is all about. Jesus lived a service-centered life, but never once broadcasted his ministry
looking for applause. He even healed a girl in the privacy of her home and instructed the family not to
tell anyone what had happened (Mark 5:41-43). In Matthew, Jesus instructs us not to broadcast our
giving to the needy, and the same principle applies to the giving of our time in service.
When you serve, look at your motivation. If you believe that you need applause, the issue lies in your
view of who God is. When you truly understand who God is, you understand that no one elses approval
or attention adds up to anything significant. Only then can you serve out of true obedience.
Study Application Question
1. Whose applause do you seek most (your parents, guys, best friend, coaches, etc.)?
2. Why do you seek their applausehas your heart been deceived into believing they can offer you
something God cannot?
3. What do you think would happen if you stopped posting your accomplishments to social media,
whether or not you consciously seek applause? (Up for a challenge? Test it out by going a couple
weeks without posting anything on social media that elevates yourself or makes your life appear more
picturesque and perfect than it is!)

God, I want to serve You out of genuine obedience. I know that you gave all for me, so I owe all of
myself to You. I want to serve you, but sometimes I get so caught up in attention from people that it
overshadows my desire to be obedient to You. I pray that You will help me understand who You are, so
that my motivation is pure. Your attention is all that truly matters. Amen

Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes

Written by: Emily Norton

Lie: Her calling is superior to mine.

Struggle with Lie: As I sat across from my friend at a far-too-small table in a coffee shop doing
homework, I couldnt help but fight a feeling of inadequacy. Her homework didnt look as fun as mine,
but it looked so much more important. It made her look so intelligent. Suddenly all the passions and
strengths God has blessed me with, which add up perfectly to my major, were called into question. I

knew God had called me into a certain field, but I didnt see how it was as impressive or important as
my friends.
Truth: If the whole body were an eye, how could it hear? If the whole body were an ear, how could it

smell? God has placed each part in the body just as he wanted it to be. If all the parts were the same,
how could there be a body? As it is, there are many parts. But there is only one body. I Corinthians
Application of Truth: The idea that we need different people with different strengths and interests
is pretty basic and widely accepted. Im very glad that there are doctors, firefighters, teachers, and
policemen. I wouldnt want to live in a world with only doctors, in spite of their importance! Accepting
the application of the existence of different callings, and where we fit into that, is where the challenge
enters in. I dont think many of us look at what God has called us to with dismay and disgust until we
compare it to what we see someone else doing.
God has blessed us all with different gifts for different purposes. Even those of us with similar gifts all
have unique callings. Do you understand that? God has not created any other person, nor will he ever,
that is going to do exactly what you will. Your experiences, strengths, and weaknesses all add up to
exactly what he has planned for you. Just like a body cannot be made of all eyes, the world cannot
contain only pastors. Jeremiah 29:11 promises that God has a plan for each one of us. When we doubt
his plans, we are essentially telling him that our own plans are superior to his. How crazy is that? I
have no right to tell the creator of the entire universe that my own ideas, which are not even fully
thought out, are higher than his!
Study Application Questions
1. What about your call do you consider to be less important than someone elses?
2. What gifts did God bless you with that set you up for what He has called you to?
3. How can you use your calling to glorify God and bless others? (Sometimes it takes recognizing the
good of our callings, and their impacts, to believe that they are not inferior.)


God, I know that you love me and want the very best for me. You have blessed me with many gifts for
a specific purpose. Before I was even born You knew exactly what I would end up doing each and
every day of my life! Your attention to every detail of my life is astounding; I cannot comprehend the
depth of Your love. I pray that as I battle with comparison to other peoples callings, that you will give
me a deeper trust in You and Your plans. Thank you for loving me enough to be faithful to answer my
prayers when I call out to You. Amen

Some Say Im A Dreamer

Written by: Adyson LeClair

Capturing Paradise Photography

Lie: Your dreams are just dreams.
Struggle with Lie: I have always been a dreamer; I often sit staring into space dreaming of what my
future could look like. But, what if my dreams are just dreams? What if I dream too big? What if my
dreams will never be reality? My dream guy cant possibly be real; he is too perfect for me. My dream
job doesnt exist, Im not smart enough or good enough to get it. I sometimes feel like I need to quit
wishing my life was a fairytale, because that never happens in real life. I wonder why I aim so high,
there is no way I can change the whole world. Sometimes I feel like I might as well just give up now.
Truth: Dreams are completely achievable things that God gives us to fulfill our purpose in this world.

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

Application of Truth: Your dreams are not just dreams. They are achievable and sometimes very
tangible things that we can look forward to in the future. Perhaps your dream is even God-given, and
He is going to use your dream to further his kingdom. Think of Joseph; his dream was immediately
shot down and he was persecuted, but we see in the end that his dream was just a glimpse of the life
God had planned for him (Genesis 37). Our dreams can be achieved if we believe in them and work to
pursue them. God also used what Joseph viewed as failure or set-backs (being sold into slavery,
thrown into jail, etc.) as part of His plan. We can't see the future and we don't know what God's end
goal is, so sometimes things we view as failings or set-backs are actually putting us in place for God's
masterplan. Just like Psalm 37:4, if we put all of our hope and delight in the Lord, He will give us the
things we desire.
Study Application Questions:
1.What are some of your dreams? What do you aspire to do in this life?
2.What are three things you can do to start pursuing your dreams today?
3.Have you brought your dreams before the Lord?

Lord, thank you for listening to my hopes and dreams. Help guide my heart to desire things that glorify
you. Help me to have courage in pursuing my dreams. I have so many things that I desire, help me to
have discernment in which to chase after. Thank you Lord for all that you are. In Jesus name I pray,

Queen What If
Kayelei Wright

Lie: If you missed a chance at something or made the wrong decision, youve messed up the rest of
your life.
Struggle with lie: I am the queen of what ifs. What if I had chosen a different college? What if I had
this talent? What if I was more outgoing? The list goes on. I am filled with an internal war of anxiety
and what ifs whenever I have to make a life-changing decision. The result is a cycle of procrastinating
my choice, making a decision out of desperation, and instantly wondering if I have made the right one. I

end up going into a new adventure filled with worry and reservation instead of excitement and
Truth: Not every decision is irredeemable. God is bigger than my choices.
Application of truth: We are faced with so many big decisions in life. It can be overwhelming trying
to make the right one. Sometimes decisions have a clear right and wrong choice. But other decisions
have two good options we must choose between. In moments like these we may ask ourselves, What
if I regret this choice later? or What if this option is okay, but not the best? Sometimes when we
feel like weve messed up or made the wrong decisions we get caught up in feelings of hopelessness
and despair. Lamentations 3:22-23 says that the Lord is full of mercy that never runs out. If we
have made wrong decisions, we are offered mercy. Sometimes we may need to face consequences for
these decisions, but the Lords love and grace towards us remains unchanged. I also believe that the
Lord is able to redeem any situation. Romans 8:28 says that the Lord is able to work everything for
good for those who love him. No choice is so wrong, nor sin so bad that the Lord is unable to forgive,
redeem, and use for His glory!
Application study questions:
1. How have you seen the Lord work in your life after you have been in the midst of a bad decision?
2. Do you believe the Lord is powerful enough to use your life for good no matter what decisions
youve made in the past?

God, You are all powerful. You have given me choices in this life, and I pray that You would give me
wisdom and discernment to make the best ones. When I do, I pray that You would fill me with peace
and excitement to follow You. And when I dont, I pray that You would remind me of Your forgiveness
and mercy. Thank you that You have given me free will and that You are ready and willing to help me
make the decisions in my life that would bring You the most glory.

Finding Beauty within Myself

Written by: Adyson LeClair

Pembrooke Thompson Photography

Lie: If that guy doesnt tell you that Im pretty, then youre not.
Struggle with Lie: I constantly sought validation from everyone else. I still do. I am constantly relying
on other people to give me my self-worth. If that cute boy doesnt like me, tell me Im pretty, thinks
that I am smart, the list could go on-- then I must not be good enough. I used to think that everyone
was better than me. I never really thought I was good at anything. If I didnt get a certain number of
likes on my Instagram post, then I must not be that pretty. I still wander the world sometimes with so
much uncertainty and insecurity. Why doesnt everyone like me? There must be something wrong with
Truth: You are beautiful, intelligent, worthy, and enough, regardless of what anyone else does or does
not say.

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am
fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:1314

Application of Truth: Why place all of your value in man, when there is a holy God who loved you so
much that He sent His Son to die in your place? Psalm 139:13-14 reminds us that we are fearfully
and wonderfully made. Do not let anyones words diminish who you are in the sight of God. In His
eyes, we are beautiful. We were each given unique talents and gifts that He will use for a specific
purpose. There is no one like you, and thats a beautiful thing. You dont have to be perfect, God
doesnt ask us to be perfect. He knows everything about us and loves us just the same. Next time you
feel inferior, turn to the scripture before turning to another flawed human. No man can give you the
same worth and validation that our Heavenly Father can.
Study Application Questions:
1. Where do you find your worth?
2. Brainstorm some ways that you can stop finding validation in others.
3. Do you know just how valuable you are to God?

Lord, thank you for being such a personal God. Please help me to see myself the way that You do. Help
me to understand that my value comes from no one except you. Point me to people who are going to
point me to Yourself rather than to earthly things. Reveal to me the lies that I keep telling myself and
help point me to truth. Thank you, Lord. I love you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Love Unreciprocated
Written by: Rebeccah McCully

Lie: You care to deeply for people, they dont care about you.
Struggle with Lie: My friends dont return my text messages, so they must not care about me. I
ask people to do things and they decline my offer. I initiate every communication with my family, their
love for me is not as deep as my love for them. These are the struggles I constantly face. I am a
person who cares deeply but when I am rejected, it hurts. Its normal for rejection to hurt, but its the
thoughts that I allow to follow the rejection that turn into the lies I start believing.
Truth: People do care about me and God cares about me more than anyone.

Application of Truth: The enemy does not want us to feel like we have community. He wants us to
feel like people dont care. The truth is people do care. God makes each and every one of us different,
he makes some people initiators and some people expressive. Some care but do not express or initiate
interaction because that is how they are. Now I am not saying that is an excuse, but what I am saying
is that everyone has a different way showing they care. Take that into consideration when the lies fill
your mind. Also know that God cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he
cares for you. This is the truth to always remember and take to heart.
Study Application Questions
1. Who do you feel rejection from?
2. What are ways that you can change the way you respond when you are rejected?
3. Do you ever feel rejected by God? If so, what contributes to that?

Dear Jesus, Thank you so much for loving me and for giving me a loving heart. Thank you for caring
about me deeply. Thank you for the people in my life. Please help me see people the way that you do.
Help me to not feel rejected. Help me to realize just because I am a person who takes initiative that
doesnt mean that people dont care. Help me to give people chances and help me to protect my heart.
Thank you for always having my back. Amen.

Worth Dying For

Written by: Laura Schulte

Lie: I am a burden to those around me.

Struggle with Lie: Afraid to ask others for help, feeling like a stress to all me, seeing myself as a
burden. There are times I can get too analytical and wrapped up in myself, honestly. I feel that every
move I make bothers those around me. Even with loved ones willing to cheerfully help and offering
assistance, I felt I couldnt accept.
Truth: I am worth dying for.
Application of Truth: I am not a burden but rather someone worth dying for. I was worth the cross
to God. You were worth the cross to God. We all were held do highly by Our Father that He chose to
give us the greatest gift, the perfect sacrifice through his Son. Romans 5:8 states, But God showed
his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. The Lord knows all of
the mistakes I have made and will make. He knows how much I will feel incompetent and needy. Yet,

HE STILL SENT CHRIST FOR ME. God knows me better than I know myself and still loves me. That
is an amazing promise and truth to bask in Worth Dying For.
Study Application Questions
1. Do you every feel like a waste of space or like everything you do causes an issue for someone else?
2. Do you ever feel like you have done something too wrong to be forgiven?
3. Do you think your mistakes are too much for God to handle?

THANK YOU, Jesus! Thank you, Jesus, for dying on the cross for my sins. Thank You for
conquering death. Thank You for knowing me and pursuing my heart. Thank You for loving me. I love
You, Lord. Help me to walk in the freedom and joys of my salvation.

End of Study
Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for reading and participating in our study. We pray that this study blessed your
heart as much as it did those who wrote it. We have prayed for you and we pray that you will always
believe the truths and use the truth to fight against the lies. We pray that God has done and will
continue to do a work in your heart and life. Thank you for being a part of our second study. We pray
that you will always remember your value comes from Christ and HIM alone.
Many Blessings,
The Worth More Team
Rebeccah, Adyson, Lily, Alexa, Heather, Tara, Emily, Sarah, Amanda, Vanessa, Brittany, Laura,
Kayelei, Logan and Emma

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