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PathTrak 4.

x Admin Guide
Installing the PathTrak software:
Once you have received the email from the JDSU Software Center that contains your activation code,
login to the Software Center at and download the PathTrak Server
installation executable.




Download the PathTrak 4.2 software (pathtrak-4.2.0.xxxxx-win64.exe) and move it to the server for
Launch the PathTrak 4.2 installation file in administrator mode
a. PathTrak 4.2 will install completely without a new license file but in order for it to function a
new file must be obtained once the installation is complete
Once the installation is complete, a browser window will open and after a short period of time the
PathTrak Support page will launch
a. Login with a valid user account
i. Default: admin/admin for new systems
b. Click the License tab
If the PathTrak server has access to the internet
a. Enter the activation code from this email
b. Select the primary MAC address from the pull down menu (This the MAC of the NIC that will
connect to the HCUs)
c. Click the Activate License button
d. Thats it. The server is licensed
If the PathTrak server does not have access to the internet, move to a machine that can access both the
PathTrak server AND the internet
Connect to the PathTrak server license page (http://YourPTserverIP/pathtrak/support/license)
a. Enter the activation code from this email
b. Select the primary MAC address from the pull down menu (This the MAC of the NIC that will
connect to the HCUs)
c. Click the Download Capability Request File button
i. The file will be named pathtrak-lic-req-xxxx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.bin where the xs are the
date and time the file was generated
d. Follow the instructions on the page
i. Login to the JDSU Software Center
ii. Upload the Capability File Request
iii. Download the license response file
1. The license file will be named xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.bin where the xs are the
MAC address of the server
e. Once the license file is downloaded click the Choose File or Browse button and browse to
the location and select the file
f. Click the Upload License File button


Thats it. The server is licensed

Configuring the system settings:

This is an introduction into the system settings available within the PathTrak system
Intro to System Settings
The first section available is the General section.
General System Settings
The next section is the Events and Alarms section:
Events & Alarms Settings
The 3rd section is the Default Measurements section:
Default Measurement Settings
The final section of the System Settings is:
Online Help Setting

Setting users and user groups:

How to create users and user groups as well as assign permissions and visibilities:
Creating Users & Groups, Assigning Permissions & Visibility

Adding or deleting a HCU:

The process for adding or deleting an HCU is very similar to what is was in the old PathTrak system:
Adding an HCU
Deleting an HCU

Device icons and statuses:

New icons and status indicators in PathTrak 4.x:
Device Icons & Status Indicators

Editing System Elements:

Editing the properties for the PathTrak server:

Editing the Server Properties
Editing the properties for the HCU:
Editing the HCU Properties
Editing the properties for a RPM card:
Editing the RPM Properties

Managing system devices:

PathTrak 4.x provides considerable more information about the PathTrak system than in the past. You
are able to export information about nearly all devices attached to each PathTrak server.
Managing devices:
Managing the System Devices

Upgrading firmware:
In PathTrak 4.x, the server (if it has internet access) will periodically check a JDSU repository for new
firmware for any of the hardware. This repository can also be configured to be a local site from within
the System Settings. You should always make certain that all of your PathTrak hardware has been
updated with the latest firmware to ensure you have the latest fixes and patches and are able to utilize
all of the most recent features and capabilities.
Upgrading firmware, part 1:
Upgrading the HCU Firmware, Part 1
Upgrading firmware, part 2:
Upgrading the HCU Firmware, Part 2

Creating/Editing the Monitoring Plan:

Editing the monitoring plan in PathTrak 4.x is no longer done within the PathTrak application itself. It
is done external to the application and can be done on any PC with access to the PathTrak server.
Click Here to view how to copy, paste, export, and import the Monitoring Plan
Click Here to download an application note to help with creating, editing and saving your Monitoring

MACTrak Alarms:
Beginning in PathTrak 4.1, it was possible to configure the PathTrak system to generate alarms based
on the NPI (Node Performance Index) measurements.
MACTrak Alarms:
How MACTrak Alarms work and how to configure them

The Regional Performance Report:

The Regional Performance Report can be configured to show the Node Ranking pass/fail percentages
from multiple PathTrak servers in a single window within the user interface. The Regional
Performance Report configuration also serves as the configuration for the Enterprise API.
Regional Performance Report
Configuring & Understanding the Regional Performance Report

Detailed information regarding all of the PathTrak features and functions is available in the PathTrak
Users Guide

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