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a plant such as wheat, rice, or fruit that is grown by farmers and used as food

crop production


something that is crucial is extremely important, because everything else depends on it

This aid money is crucial to the governments economic policies.


a line that gradually bends like part of a circle

the curve of her hips


a short phrase that expresses a general rule or truth

Descartes famous dictum: I think; therefore, I am


state officially , state what you think [to say publicly what you think or feel].

A state of emergency has been declared.


o give all your attention and effort to one particular thing.

The actress now dedicates herself to childrens charity work.


to think of something in a particular way or as having a particular quality .

They deemed that he was no longer capable of managing the business


to describe something correctly and thoroughly, and to say whatstandards, limits,

qualities etc it has that make it different from other things.

The duties of the post are difficult to define.

deliberately a way that is meant, intended, or planned

2.slowly and carefully in a way that is not hurried

He deliberately tricked them


1.a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting organization or situation in which everyone is treated equally and has equal rights

The nation has chosen democracy over monarchy.


1.based on a form of government in which the people choose leaders by voting:of or relating to democracy
2.of or relating to one of the two major political parties in the U.S.
3. relating to the idea that all people should be treated equally
4.formal:designed for or liked by most people
The dictatorship gave way to a democratic (form of) government.

demonstrate prove (something) by showing examples of it:to show evidence of (something) show (a quality, feeling, etc.) clearly to other people show or explain how something is used or done to show or explain the function or use of (something)
4 to take part in an event in which people gather together in order to show that they support or oppose something or someone
Each student must demonstrate mastery of the subject matter in order to pass the class.


an act of showing someone how something is used or done

supports stsged a demonstration outside the US embassy


to have (something) as a meaning : to mean (something)

cross on the map denote the village


the quality or state of being dense

water have high density


to say that something is not true, or that you do not believe something

Ive never denied that there is a housing problem.


to describe something or someone in writing or speech, or to show them in a painting, picture etc

a book depicting life in pre-revolutionary Russia


the distance from the top surface of something such as a river or hole to the bottom of it

a sea with an average depth of 35 metres


to get something, especially an advantage or a pleasant feeling, from something

Medically, we will derive great benefit from this technique.


to have earned something by good or bad actions or behaviour

We didnt deserve to win.

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