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Classroom Management Plan

(Standard 5)
Philosophy of behavior management in French class
To create a structured and organized classroom environment while overseeing classrooms of
middle school age students of up to 28 students I decided to adopt the assertive method discipline
designed by Lee and Marlene Canter.
This method based on investigation and founded on assertiveness training as well as applied
behavior analysis seems to fit the needs of my students since it influences positively my students
behavior, while it offers me the tools to manage my students behavior using cooperative and
egalitarian techniques.
Using this method, I as the teacher of the classroom regulate what is optimal for my students and
expect from my students to comply to my decisions since misbehaving during class time disrupts
the learning environment which is the key in the learning process.

Classroom Rules and Expectations

At the beginning of each school years, students receive the syllabus, where the classroom rules
and expectations are clearly stated. The syllabus needs to be signed by the student as well as one
of their parents, therefore the students are aware from the beginning of the year of rules of
conduct and consequences of their actions.
All rules and expectations are explained to the students and posted on the walls of the classroom
to be revised when needed. Usually the classroom rules are read each week at the beginning of
class: students take turns reading the classroom rules and refresh the expectations in place during
French class.
A classroom matrix is also posted on the wall for the teacher to use as resource if needed and for
the students to review whenever needed. My directions are always clear and firm, directed
towards students to reinforce positive behavior while students that need guidance are redirected
towards the activity or behavior sought.
RGLES DE LA CLASSE (classroom rules)
Rgle n1 : You enter a DEVICE FREE ZONE! Please TURN OFF your device and STORE IT
out of the sight. !

Rgle n2 : Make sure you have your materials with you BEFORE you enter the classroom (ton
cahier, stylo, gomme).
Rgle n3 : Enter the class room quietly.
Rgle n4 : Be respectul with your peers, teacher and towards the learning environment.
Rgle n5: Raise your hand BEFORE you speak.
Rgle n6 : Make sure you do not interupt especially when directions and given.
Rgle n7 : Try using FRENCH ONLY to speak! Use the prompts on the walls to refresh your
memory of how to proper ask a question/permission/etc.
Rgle n 8: Be kind, understanding, responsible and make sure you follow the safely rules at all
times !

French Classroom Matrix



Entering the

Whole Class

Small Group


Attention signal : Quand je dis Silencevous dites Bien sr


Be Safe

Be quiet


Greet, say
Please and
Thank you
when needed

Use materials

Use materials

Stay in your
designed area

Stay in your
designed area

Raise your
hand before
you speak

Wait your turn

to speak

Please DO
NOT interrupt

Greet, say
Please and
Thank you
when needed

Help your
partner if you
can and

Follow all
safely rules
when moving
Listen for
Raise your
hand before
you speak



Enter/Exit the

Begin On
demarre after
bell rings


Complete your
Be responsible work
of your own
Be responsible
of your own

Bring all the

prior to the
beginning of
Have your
before the
class starts

Use time


The students who follow the classroom rules and meet the behavior expectations in place receive
verbal reinforcement, thank you notes (notes with French design and wording that states my
gratitude towards their good behavior in class) or other small tokens of appreciation (a pencil
with Le Tour Eiffel, etc) whereas the students who do not comply with the rules in place receive
negative consequences for their actions such as the first warning note, where students need to
report after class and discuss with the teacher the reason for their disobeying the rules and
During the conversation with the student who received the first warning note, the teacher goes
over the classroom rules and expectations, discuss each rules and explain why it is so important
for the entire classroom that the rules and expectations are followed by everyone at all times and
how misbehavior has a negative impact for the classroom learning environment.
After that the classroom rules and expectations are signed again by the student who is informed
that if misbehavior is reoccurring, the parents are going to be informed about the situation, there
will be detention involved and an official behavior referral is going to be completed.

Prevention of misbehavior
In order to prevent misbehavior, students are familiar with the following classroom routines that
we follow strictly everyday:
1. How to enter classroom quietly and begin working on their bell work as soon as the bell
2. How to reply to my greeting in French;
3. How to predict the schedule for the day which is written on the board, aside of the I
can/ Je peux statement of the day;

4. Where to find extra pencils with erasers and paper to take notes if they do not have their
own materials, where to find their manual and dictionary (attached to their seat in an iron
5. What to do if they need help (raise their hand and wait for my assistance)
6. What to do if they need to use the restroom (ask for permission in French while I hand
them the bathroom pass).
Classroom routines had been consistently taught from first day of class same as the attention
signal which is Quand je dis Silence vous dites Bien sur and the greeting that we start
our day with (I say: Bonjour mes eleves and hey reply Bonjour madame professeur).

Conflict resolution
The conflict resolution system in place in French class is the Win-Win Conflict resolution
And even if I have not used in once in two years I believe to be a useful tool to be used to reduce
the amount and intensity of a potential conflict during class time as well as to promote a deeper
sense of responsibility, community and success psychology among the student body of a school
or classroom.
The Win-Win conflict resolution plan is adopted from Naomi Drew, author of the book Hope
and Healing which unfolds in a six steps process for successful conflict resolution and it can be
employed by students for self-mediation, or used by a peer mediator using a framework for
examining how to make a conflict an opportunity for growth rather than disharmony.
First step in this resolution, Cool off refers to the importance of taking some distance from
the event in order to gain perspective about the situation. Students need to acknowledge that
what Eckhart Tolle calls the pain-body is a mechanism in each of us that feeds on the emotion
of pain and understand how awareness alone could spare a great deal of regrets.
Once the students involved in a conflict feel they are ready to approach the problem
constructively, they are ready to proceed on to the next step and engage with others to problem
Second step enables the students to launch into the process of communication, aside of the
defensive pain-reaction by telling whats bothering you using I message without blaming or
attacking their conflict partner but rather in an informational communication act that offers
clarification and a better insight into the conflict.
These I statement need to simply report information and ones experience which will
contributes to solutions. The facilitator of the conflict will be required to provide a great deal of
encouragement to the students so they trust the process and their classmates.
The third stage of the process requires that each person restates what they heard the other
person say which it will bring both clarity and empathy into the process while the success of

restating anothers words will prove that one is trying to come out of his or her own point of
view into a place of shared understanding.

The fourth step invite the partners in the conflict to take responsibility without adopting an
attitude of blame and assigning fault which are surely counterproductive. Responsibility is
internal and present-to-future oriented. An effective conflict resolution process is an effective tool
to promote internal locus of control.
The fifth step revolves around brainstorm solutions and come up with one that satisfies
both people without getting anyone in trouble or deciding who is at fault.
Sometimes finding solution is a matter of compromise or of finding a new and better way or
even about person realizing that they need to change a behavior pattern.
The conflict resolution process should be part of the social contract, but does not imply that
consequences for contract violations are ignored therefore in a situation where one student hits
another, in response to a hurtful comment, a conflict resolution process should be employed, but
the consequence for hitting still needs to be implemented. The conflict resolution process will
help aid in supporting better decisions in the future and mend the relationship between the
students. But
the class needs to understand that when they violate the social contract, there
are consequence in place.
The final step: affirm, forgive, or thank unfolds after a solution is agreed upon help
participants develop the habit of shaking hands, thanking one another, and forgiving one another.
Forgiveness, and gratitude are powerful mindsets for participants to close the process with. Every
time the students successfully execute this conflict resolution process their skills for dealing with
conflict within and without grow. If they can learn at an early point in life to recognize their
defensive pain-driven mental reaction, become responsible for their actions, and to forgive and
move on, they will have acquired skills that are as valuable as anything they will learn in their
time in school.
As the students become more skilled at this process observe both the social and communal bonds
grow. The social bonds will grow, because the students will develop more respectful and
effective ways to interact. The communal bonds will grow as they learn to work through difficult
situations collaboratively. To have community, we have to need each other. This process brings
students out of their emotional isolation into a trusting and needs satisfying place.

Win-Win conflict resolution

Step 1: Cool Off

Partner 1: Name

Partner 2: Name

Step 2: Tell whats bothering

you using I message:
- I was waiting my turn and it
seemed to be that you
stepped in front of me
-What I heard you say was I
am a fool and I did not think it
was funny, and I did not
appreciate it.

Step 3: Each person restates

what they heard the other
person say
- I heard you say that you did
not think it was funny when I
called you are a fool, is that
Step 4: Take responsibility

Step 5: Brainstorm
solutions and come up with
one that satisfies both
What is it that each of you
-What did you do today to try
to get what you wanted?
--What happened?
- What could you do
tomorrow to get what you
want without one person
feeling hurt?
Step 6: Affirm, forgive, or
1) what was most important
about this conflict resolution
process was that we all grew
a little bit,
2) the relationship was worth
the effort it took to overcome
the natural tendency to fight,
or withdraw.

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