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Power of faith

One of the biggest misconceptions about faith is that it is blind. We often

hear the expression blind faith. The truth however is that in reality, faith is
not blind. In fact without sight, faith is nonexistent. If you do not see your
future, you will be trapped in your present. If you cannot describe where you
are going then you will be defined by where you are. I was with a group of
people recently and they were talking about moving to the next level. I then
asked them to define their next level and there were as many descriptions as
there were people. In fact most of them had difficulty explaining the next
level to me. If you cannot accurately describe your next level your present
level will be your only reality.

Why is the ability to see so important? If I came to talk to you about a red
BMW what happens in your mind? You will not see the letters R-E-D-B-M-W.
You will actually see a picture of a red BMW. The words we hear turn to
pictures in our mind. If you cannot see it, you cannot execute it. If someone
were to give you an instruction in a language that you do not understand,
you will not be able to execute it. Your problem is not that you were not
listening. Neither was it that you did not hear. The problem was that you did
not see. The words could not be translated into pictures. The human mind
processes pictures and not letters and as such any letters or words that
cannot be translated into pictures by the mind cannot be executed. Faith
needs an accurate picture of the destination in order to proceed with the
journey. If you are not able to describe where you are going if you cannot
see it in your mind (as a picture) you will never get there.

Faith is not hope. You cannot hope yourself into success. Hope is not a
strategy. Hope carries with it a suggestion of uncertainty. Faith on the other
hand is certain. So many people die hoping. So many people fail hoping that
they will succeed. The difference between hope and faith is knowledge. Just
imagine you are a kite. Hope is a kite with no rope and no one controlling it.
It is at the mercy of the wind that is beyond anyones control. Faith on the
other hand is being a kite and knowing that there is a rope that connects you
to a strong person who can control you and keep you in order. It becomes
very foolish for the person without the rope to try to do what the person with
the rope is doing. However, this is what a lot of people do. They have based
their lives on hope. When hopes are dashed, it makes the heart sick. Faith is

not going for an exam without reading. It is going for the exam fully prepared
and then expecting the questions to be in your favour. Faith is not going for
an interview without researching and preparing. In fact it is the very
opposite. It is going fully prepared and expecting that all the people on the
interview panel will just prefer you to everyone else. Faith is not the
replacement for preparation. It is the expectation that circumstances will
favour preparation.

Faith is not silent. The spirit of faith speaks what it believes. What you say
you believe that you cannot say, you have not yet believed. Every level has
its language. You cannot enter into the next level of your life speaking the
language of the last level. To become president, you must speak like a
president. To become CEO, you must begin to think and speak like a CEO. You
must speak solutions. A lot of people speak alright but they are always
speaking what is not working. They are always complaining. Your life will
progressively move in the direction of your words. If you cannot speak
something that builds, then keep quiet. Even the fool is considered wise until
he opens his mouth. Many people are condemned to mediocrity, poverty and
stagnation because they cannot speak the language of where they are
going. They are trapped in the language of where they are and where they
are coming from. Language is a barrier. If you are in a place where they are
speaking a language that you do not understand, even if they are calling
people to come and get free money you cannot benefit from it. You will never
get out of lack by always complaining about lack. The key out of lack is to
begin to talk abundance. As you talk remember that there is a preparation
that matches the talking. You dont just sit down and talk. You invest in
yourself. You ensure that you are circumstance ready. This means that when
the opportunity shows up, you are ready to grab it.

Faith is not emotional. Faith is not something you feel. It is something you
know. Faith does not respect how faithful you are. It respects how much you
know. A lot of people are very faithful and have served faithfully in their
workplace or in their church or wherever it is they are serving and yet
nothing changes in their lives. Someone new shows up and applies the
principles of faith and dramatic changes happen. This is when the old faithful
now begin to complain. Remember that last week we established that if the
rate of external change is greater than the rate of internal growth, victims

are born. It is possible to have been very faithful but without internal growth,
there will be no faith and conditions will not change. Life does not reward you
by how faithful you have been. Heaven rewards faithfulness but Earth
rewards faith. The goal is to be rewarded on both levels. Faith is the victory
to overcome. There is nothing to overcome in Heaven so faith is for the

Faith is not passive. Faith does not sit down and wait for conditions to get
better. Faith creates the right conditions with its decisions. For instance, you
may be out of a job at the moment. Faith will cause you to develop yourself
further and get up in the morning like you already have the job. Faith actively
presses towards the mark. I remember the story of David and Goliath.
Everyone saw Goliath and got scared and said, hes too big to kill. David saw
the same thing and got excited and ran towards the giant saying, hes too
big, I cant miss him. What are you seeing today? A giant or an opportunity?
The bigger the obstacle in front of you, the greater the glory ahead of you.
Faith is what separates those with manifestations from those with
explanations for mediocrity. Faith is a universal currency that is available for
all. By faith the sons of nobodies have become somebodies. By faith cripples
have won Olympic medals. By faith sons of paupers have become
billionaires. By faith descendants of herdsmen have become presidents. By
faith people have overcome the greatest obstacles imaginable and have
gone on to achieve great feats. Do not feed your doubts at the expense of
your faith by always talking about your fears and doubts.

Feed your faith by surrounding yourself with things that remind you of where

Someone reading this piece is going to be the

next big thing in Africa. Someone reading will be the next
great inventor, the next great entrepreneur, the next
great statesman or woman, the next great CEO, the next
great author, the next great actor or actress, the next
great singer. If you can see it, if you can say it, if you can get up and run
you are going.

towards it, then you are it. Notice I did not say that you will be it. I said you
already are. Faith says I am therefore I do. Tradition says I do that I may
become. Inside every fool is a genius waiting to come out. Inside every

peasant is a king waiting to be crowned. Speak the language of your

destination, see yourself there and very soon the whole world will be forced
to see about you what you already saw concerning yourself. I am a living
witness to this fact and I will talk more about this next week as I share on the
force of vision.
No matter how bad yesterday was, every morning when you wake up, you
have an opportunity to speak the language of a new day. When you say,
good morning, you are declaring the day good even before you experience it.
On that note, have a great weekend!

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