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Attention Getter: A city of 1 million people on Mars, holograms, self-driving cars,

and a world free of cancer and sicknessall of these predictions were made by
billionaires or scientists or presidents todayvery prestigious peoplewho think
our world is going to change a lot, but why do they sound so crazy to everybody
Purpose: To inform the audience about very advanced developing technologies
that could drastically change living on Earth
Preview: Look at some of todays developing technologies in computing, 3D
printing, and genetic coding and why they will most likely end up changing the
way we live more than all of human history.

Transition: First Ill show you why technology will change so much

Main Point: Why technology will change the world so much

A. Law of accelerating returns (graph)

1.-accurate for hundreds of years (source: Ray Kurzweil)

2.-never ever broken down (source: TED X)

3.-most scientists and physicists have certainty that it will continue

4.-ray kurzweils predictions accuracy 86% (source: Forbes)

B.exponential vs linear thinking

1.- we evolved thinking linearly -Peter H. Diamandis

2.-example of linear vs exponential steps (source: bold, peter

Transition: One exponential informational technology is genetic coding


Genetic Coding will change the future.

1.-genetic cut and paste
2.-is natural bacterium technology against viruses -Andrew Hessel
3.-curing cancer and disease
a. giving cancer a cold
b. old cells commit suicide
c. programming immune system to identify attack cancer
4.-Veterinary Programs
a. extending pets life (source: andrew hessel)
b. curing cancer in dogs by end this year - andrew hessel
B. Creating Organisms (source: Michio Kaku)
1. microbial and viral nanotechnology

2. kids on typewriters (source: physics of the future)

3. intelligent creation with A.I.
4. modified embryos
a. china
b. kurzegsagt
c. IVF
Transition: The second area of rapid change is in the form of Additive

Main Point 3: (3d printing) makes everything accessible and cheap

A. 3D printers
1. can print from thousands of material
2. have come very far (so far weve printed)
a. body parts (printed lungs, bone, tissue, skin)
b. moving parts
c. buildings
d. cars
e. planes
f. food
B. Will impact your life drastically
1. by 2025 you will download items like you download music
a. houses
b. clothing
c. cheap (paying for designs on a marketplace)

Transition: The most startling area of rapid change is perhaps artificial


Main Point 4: Artificial Intelligence

A. Artificial Narrow Intelligence
1. what we have now (source: wait but why)
2. good at one task (source: wired)
B. Artificial General Intelligence
0. brain computer interfaces convince neurologists and physicists
its close between 2045 and 2090 (source: wait but why)
1. can learn like humans (resembles JARVIS)
2. neural networks (computer/deep learning)
3. AlphaGo
4. Watson (Source: IBM)
a. beat two best jeopardy champions

b. doctoral board consulted Watson to diagnose woman and

save her life (source: Huffington Post)
5. Quantum Computers
a. brain simulation
b. powerful enough for A.I.
c. (Google, Regetti, both within 12-18 months of working
Quantum computer) (Source: Peter H. Diamandis)
C. Artificial Super-Intelligence
1. smarter than average human exponentially
2. can solve any problem
Summary: In conclusion, Regardless of what predictions come
true, it is evident that we are living in the most exciting time of
human history
The accelerating pace at which all different sources of informational
technology are growingincluding artificial intelligence, genetic coding,
and additive manufacturingwill forever change the way we live, feel,
and maybe even think.

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