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The Son of God is the source of wisdom. He

says, ‘I was with God from the very beginning,
before He did His first works so very long ago.
23. I have ALWAYS existed. Even before the
world was made, I was there.
24. I existed long before the oceans were
formed or there were any springs of water.
25. I existed before the mountains were made
or the hills were shaped.
26. I was there when the earth with its fields
and forests was first created. I was there
when the first handful of soil was made.
27. I was there when the heavens were created
and when the sky was stretched out as a
covering over the earth.
28. I was there when the clouds were put in
place and the springs of water feeding the
oceans were let loose.
29. I was by God’s side as He gave the sea its
boundary and told the waters where to stay. I
was by His side when He first laid the
foundations of the earth.
30. I was His craftsman. I never left His side
and delighted in being with Him.
31. I rejoiced over making this world and
delighted in creating mankind.
Clear Word Bible.

Genesis 1:26,27. The sixth day of creation.

26. But that was not the end of His work for
that day. Next He (the Father) said to His Son
(Jesus), ‘Now let us make beings who look like
us (man was made in the image of God) and
can reflect our thinking and our personality.
(Man was to reflect the character of God).
Let’s give them the responsibility of ruling
over and caring for the fish, the birds, and the
animals which we created. (These were also
created on the sixth day, before man was
created. This puts to none effect the theory
that man came from ape).

John 1:1-4,14.
1.In the beginning, going farther back in
time than can be imagined, the Word of
God was there. The Word stood by the
side of God, and the Word was FULLY God.
2. There NEVER was a time when the Word of
God was not with God.
3.ALL things were made by Him, and nothing
that was made was made without Him.
4. He is the SOURCE of life, and His life here
on earth was the Light that brought
spiritual hope to all mankind.
14. So the Word of God BECAME a man and
lived among us. ….

1 Col.14,17.
14. It was God’s OWN Son who died to redeem
us and to forgive us our sins.
17. He EXISTED before anything was created,
and by Him everything that exists continues to
hold together.

John 3:16.
For God loved the world so much that He
FREELY GAVE His only Son to come here and
die (on Calvary), that whoever believes in Him
will not perish but will be given eternal life.

“Just think, one day He will come back riding

on clouds of angels from heaven, and
EVERYONE will be able to see Him, even those
who crucified Him, just as He told them. It will
be a terrifying experience for those who have
rejected Him, no matter where they lived or
what their race or nationality. So it will be.


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